HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-04-20, Page 44�1�!YW,INXNPA'11 : ­ , , �,!�. , V " � . �i I 11 I I N11 , ­.�, , """, .. I .......... 1';"! , . � 1!r, 11,0111" .V , -, ", �, " , I`R'W,�,, �,,f � ,;0:�',,!'�X ­jg ,�g'v".i,�"! '� ­,-#P-� -& - "ll I `12 �i�;, i'� . . I 1. L -, ". , ;`I: �� � , � ,, , " ', , � �,T�,��?L-�,f��',I',�-��"_,C�-Lo �;��I­',xLlg,,,_�. V" � �,� 1; � " " �"_? i:1. il d� 'TF�,:�,,-,-)� ',�,,," ;v ,."-.", , ',"�.­i'ii�,�,, �.,;,;�,,!, �`, .", gg', , r " ­,� ; .� , i ", � � I I � - 1. I , ,. " , L,*'. " R� �,�'. , i�'3."";,�l���'i'��',",k,,-,', , g I , ­­­ kF_11 le"1111111T, If 2271 —I � g,__L_1�4;'t,.� 11."V, 1�'�11 ,, "'41, � 1�i�� � , I I ­­ I I 1- ",,,,,.,­­­ ­ -11 I 1411 � ­ .... .. ... � ­_ � . ......... �� ­-, � rMITM ,,, ".4"', .., " R,,� , ! §,� , " ,ig �,, ,��, pi , i e;�, f�� ,� � il� �,,�, .191�'11'1,1i� ZIRW17�.A�� �4�,'.!`,,, , I � !00PIZ� - "I ­­­1­11�11-,­­ , ­. --1_i----1.-11. �� !"(f i ­,L 11---,1,-l. .11"Ir llli;��:Z"-J.�i 14 . ", , , I V.tl, � I ...1.11 I ­­­ ��� — _ __, �.��, ,� � � I r, , , ,!���� ,, _ ...... ��� i � "� . � ", 1 ) � .. ...... _ "l.", ,; __ I (41'11%11�11'10- "i -,, ''I . : 4 1�� �­� : i��,,� -l9; -�. i� __ . � ___,". I -1 - � ". � ­— """I", i , � " 'g1l" ;�,�,,,'��"(,���-,,,��,F,�����7�?�- iii: �J�,,'�O�'�,'��'-,, "I . . . . . . � � "I", sl.�§'iil'r, IT 11 11 ',�, �,; ... R"11�­' f".'!.'1' I 11- , ,Afgk�,� � 1!, I 44"I"N'l? � ',� I i r Tff , ,i F11110 ��,;,�, j".I: � �,� ��4j-�;�­ 5 1 1 '. - , ," '11�1(ffl � .1 I P V,11 11 ,* . i i : �. lls,w ''I IIZV5� 11 . , ;N'& I � i , le, I 6W,�l , i , ,P ',� C,11��,", i, . , ! �,, - i , , � "., ,* , I , . F'�'l "" 11.�-, 1� t, , ,,, " -, I . 11 '' , " "I ,�,��.�!� I i .11 � I ,,., .,t 11 i ill-,, - ,1:1�4-- _� i a, i , " , �,. ; i t.'., p " ,. .11� :�, , I %" .1 11 I � ", ,,, i I I,, -, -� J ,-,O� �, I . , - . I ."'I"', . I .i ?,,' '. I I ".. A .&V# �� , , " -,,. ;. ,,,, i,;,-, � ;N::: I �. "' . � ;1114 I, V, .! I 1i I - Wlwl),�`: !MW, _W1. I . 4�-.'�, "' �­ .--,., r , - , . , _ 1; H! . ,1X- -i,-1-1. I- "". 1. ,i� I'li , . .�, :I'_ i I 1. - �� � �,�,�, i"'I'l I " , i� 1.1 . I , �. � _­ - ! �; � Y, 0 1� �q"i __ ___ .. . I I - , . 5 � g;,A � . �v4i,li.,V'�L,"iiq - � � 1 �N­l I ­ 11 ' -�.,:"7i"- �i�Q7-ri illm, I - I " * I ffl'�;%,I'i�"".� l', ", . ., - - Rpomm ­ 11, I 7 . -t �yj.', 1%1�,',�, 1� � Will, i I , 6 1,7: '. ��_:,!. 'I - _� � . - N _3 44' ,T­'gi, , " N & 111) � I 11: 11 . ,7-�` .:', ".., 9 M�11 tq,v�� '16" 1, , - V . t� �_! '1, Z1 1, �!;�.'_ - . 1, � "i - ...- , , "I I I W I I .. � 11 ". ?�I�' .", ,� �,� � " ­ , ­ ­ ,��Wffl�r%�-,w F#�,%­.A,?,W� ;Jy :,� L, 1'. �'. , , �. 1, , ,,,Am . � " �, �1 " � � k"� I � , : I I 1. '. t , 1. , �,�� I . `_ 7 :1. �� 11 I r I . ., ;= V I "t I - ;Vm, M4041 , ,. I �4ls I I 11,�,' " ­ - I ;z_ i4"V , "' � I I W I , I � . . I I ; I W , , U AiOl� ­ -,TW ,I- _ � , = i ,I' ", , � _---.,.l F 4p*. �t�­,, I I . �W_ "i i , *. .%# r ­ I � Id, � I " "," �,� , , 'O 14.. - "I IrTl � � - - - - N � 9, ,,��I',,Q�� V ... ­� � I ­ _. I . . _.. I." % � �� " , � .� nm �,,v �, t wy�,, I 1�tll , ­ , �,. :�",. . . , N Fwlf ,". ", I 10 " " 1. ." , f,�, I J�, I , - , 'PR Z'* �,, , I ,�i,, ­,mW*V,171;.V*.1.:, 14� . . I '. ft , . I., v ,p . _".W!,1'g,, 1F; � ..�F - �"., - , - . _ .. , I , , . . - , ,V�, " , , I , ft'l 4;�,ti,: 1��111.lrq)iw !t " I .11. � , , - , . I X . - I A � I I . Als,k- therp : 11 4110M. QQ*rva#"FA� ;�'�p� 1" < . �, ­ , .., la"ll" ; . � ,� kird"al"", -4 4 , I ft - 660 � , ,"''�, W 1-.1, . . I . __ , , " 1011M I aww"I v). -: � ...... 1. � i1i"r I , 1�44 -TRIM W �'f ,.wap TO- v, e s i.,:2F1 , Wy . , �, , " I ,.� w. - i* , �4 I 1 114 �. ., .. I ! .Z�� I, � R I �, I �; , � "., ."M pw- ?;T- "'. mm "o, Ar, , , . ... ;� 1 - '' 7",_q , ,, ;;il, 'r 4 _ iwas 1p " , � . , I 711� - , � l,r.,,,,t ., 0 _1_1 ­ I ­ * . _�'. . ., I V, , , V!,,�";# %, ir 11 . - I .#%,p, mw�q7,#O�,�q " ""'�" I , � , -t ""'te", - '.1. V, Jpe_s' lovw , . . , "",p ...'" & �� "q 11 . I , I 27� I ", oyxq* ft9ch, , - " .. 'V , Z , 15 . P I lthi�' Seri _,�`,Qqv ..... . m " 1� �'�0'16' , _ �,� " . - of ... iatum "! , , , , �041 w"i�* sil ing by ad6 last jkq6� _,,,� 51"lilE 1 � a 11 Aviv Md '. ,d)l, it 'We Akglomw,� ", _ A*:. .41 . I - - - I gAnyon. is, J26 ' � �, 7: A, 1, - i -ft -.40R. " Ofti, ,,,, '�' - f10 -M Web, 05:2'444 eacli'mogri wear 0 "' hi.DWO dress- j&Uj6 Sih,* iv , ,'Il. , ; ;11�-"' L'. : � - e = 44..' . ft , , " . , � .. 0,410,4111i*t . . io��,,TMXVZ:"!l P ,71= 7v.;4111. A, A. .". . W-' , q�," , IN 1.4', . , 11; t �. . . ,c q 1,1 11, �, _11- . ... .. . .1 I . , . , ftol I 11 , I 0441"M , 1� for" Jk vo.--.0,0�; i7',W _,""', " , , _tbe:. c4r� . . .1 ; *,,'A t, - 4 I � ' n# . Y ­� , Q � T'. '. � � . " I - 04 r, N= 'RaPffitM4 of G@Jt,, d&7 whpu,.J* - d,�to,,wm , "' �, , , ,, ii�0440 ve. I A., i ,'.� 7. v . ;K�i . I - . � . -1. 1.1, 111. I , ", A -, &`,, ,� %m,�e ,t ,has. Ishown the leader and __ ng tlww 0� I '00 Iftedt--liptill - � " I. ilkm -iiiiWling of -*6 ri,ght has�.m+wa,tq �m "tat '-, 'h, I * g the to two Mftt-- ;;, 4,50,75 , . , e _ '14 � -�l carried on by Xr. King', fotyl. Prop Inwost, so, " , ,A, ;;Teedl tbAt � ,410 ba4_0*4 1W, Ne �,M."�Uplicgl" fr V11, � as Ja ,- , _-W, *Iftbi di4l not 40vool,iboir, Nualt, I � I M � W1, , " R".., , , - 5 I , thlem., Stole' X.TrVi'A."i ­ . �,,'� . -VI 11-1 41"(ft , '.. , .", - 0" I , � _1P - 1=1 i � Al 'P% 1% V0010 'Aw �'. I IP , ;��, l , . . . . . . I , *01 � W .... li, 1'. �� : �V_F*. Taq§,,Gl �W,_�,�,�%14111 ,W t, C-Al"i k � , V � ;q i "'Mm 4 I A 1;� A_�i.�kl b -ft " .;�," - ­ -, . , .�� , jl#*_,�an , I , �fl ,, ' 21=02 q"� i V!�11 1""Al , "i� � T . = �Rw� 4,.W 1 I I 4 � _P%1'l1_" ., we- J= ; , Nt _0 1, I , , , . .� - " - , ,,, , , . ".., ,� _ , N P ��k�kt ,' ,,, _ w. Mi _ , . � W4 00*,447, So,,,!�-, " � St' 0 , qi� .1 i , =.. . I &II&A, Vollowul _ 9; .- $ IyAnflue#- , itba�-`Sari#turel rftding, a X AW .Q*00 but,�PuWnot-,644'* Q. "._4 ., , U, active i and' enonAqu . 10--_ , is -flueri' . � I be 4. true - ith. t.,, vor .1 . IV* Q , , ._* �,*,U-d, ES41-17 ,, th , 0,14 , '= h '. �.r I opposition, to .V dal. HO 4os�', speak vn �i io por-' ffered (by IMTS (Rev.) , alibie ­, t ve W � L'' � A . . I . .4*�a the 0Qn%T_ft%tion in t of case. ;W - mll:�� 0. .'14W .41, AM . . 101", , I , . ;-, 7W-WoA4 I � "I I . ... ,,� ., . P.01-jo- hWp,'b�� ' Ing ified , L't.he el `� �awa i, 11 14 ll� 4WWIAY was, roundz. tent. , 10. .0 0, n , � I . ibii�q iirwt ; , I Thel t*'6, `$Pondiug Oe int4tests; of the,, P",',noial Pro.; .Mr. cas '61bor'st,00no: ., = . .1 � .1 Q9 .4 - - _y of ,amm. a -the, oult. - ., . 1140e. *4 1W 11 'tnjng-ftft�- I � ib�bis,f i W11111p: i IR - r$* 'Vaml "l- 11 . I ! � I . , . in � a � '. ha��' .pg,c , W. $oe% bul -, , , � . I 1M ,OF ,q#owem wbqu. lie Rather "' - - Chp.m $bould!' was bibition Ass -on: !Rundiy in ithe su*,mer co, . ,,g � ll*yels; _W�4. .,�; , � a cheery and .4 equi,twusl � , U ck, stian, "0411 1, * W, 'Or. " ' I I I . , , , . & :Itenderlr , -, 1. Ae -to give gm � .. , . � .lGovernmelit . una, reft"hing �candpr - a : uglaa Ennis. The nun- the Ul#" Church. � His, . . 17t%ge at C I 14� learmh bas%lis 644 ,the sm - " - *_ I her, �, ..e - -r ­ �, ,i ill ou, � , , I'll X. , � � . , . . haage to a v,ery luMortalit de- tet, 4nl�L Vwm* , onveofflog , %7 1� , 3­� c, , h f I �# - inlu", , fir a � 'dixi", 4, MMWT,�,, es of the lasO meefingl 'we" road was very , � ­ . I � 0, r,r� �! , . _ a -V - 4ro .. I.. I -!-,.',_ I � , .. . ., _ 7 ' _� wordinig 6f t1lis �mealsure.,, humior., . .. LuW � .,.� n� 1 4 ., I ��, , wy ,- co � presence awma J� tth'e;, -L. J. Kraft = 'home,. awm,rp; ? ", a relieving 'sense . � � ,, 4�7 � imuch app , being V � h Rude, . .1 .- _­ " - � _w .ree1#4 k, ted - - W:,�"tapbw I . . _VA'��,_:. 'IS' , . A I � I,.- , , 1by the sociq*ry. The roll call . - 1fil.w, thei, co ", '� " i , ,__` �� , � l. I Was formerly a resident ofibli disWcs. t�e ot 1 -- ;, , r 1,�_ , mTh1el 1W . 11 . I I ,� - alm�ntiq a Rwy In ,these �14ys of idepresdon it i 11 � . Tn� 2 'Or � "I. � r, ­ �' � - r . 11 I ,.,f ! :41"S! UP 132 paril sla � respondett ,to 'by a f w,onte 1yMn. 'A * iNrp. John ,IAA)�gv , , her ifty - I - IAZA � Ono Mrs, ,,vr, U. � . t ,,11,9,,�P.,e , � ��,* ,Qff 0.1,1` . I ­ . ri ' . "1* I . I I - . '' _ ., - .. '' , " W, " 'T. ,�.i�_,, " � , �Mw.',4 tv ", 'I � F I,, tone, WhOl 1348 spector ,#, che.0 fa6torileo, of ,00114 .so � I L , 11 ... � , P . -y , , � I I 'i 6kii ., _ �,�, ,, ,, p-, %piporbamt one., and sAttirug in lmy seat rare and olu&iive gift. -Xr.,:z 'Wilson "ding entitled, "Narflee I ve P60117 11 iFFO�."DWn `q'41te J� �- . I ,. , _ � -so . -1 .- cover aterpmts: been ill; is feeling some beftet. _ ZI . , " ilFir " I 1A " ed a latof ground, told of what Walachp, was �gi%,en by. MTS. cum- . . Mantlem1entie ---"'f*r a fo " din ; � ., I . � I . % ftbeiftv to,ffie argument of Mr. King ,r vob* tini6,pa0k ir& b, T I mit to .I. I a �111 I . 0 4, At to I . , I . ba . 0 1 ,,, Ii. .. " (Miss I)Ontlda t4W, has returned 111 .. , 1.111 OX WM"g -a little, * 6W4 It is . . Im. .. . I �r � 'LL , (" , . , . ,� , 11 .1� y�y mind nuturally 'goes bk�qk,to, the the tbaulm -hood done - durbw the de- ming. The closing hy0wi, "When honi; after spe , .. . J. � .. * .-IlUtIM .-fight .-for- democracy , . 0 . adflig tbree manths village. ", IMT....__ . '110ped that . Ili ­. . . ; I ,W-Q(F­-the _premi!0114, and I I ­­ r the� improv ., 1. A � A I -gave a very gmat dtal- lb�s�.,.,P.;I*sing-,.,-i?iw-ld', Jp pqtle , J*��t at i , ftent � - . " " Ill. k. _,_......TWZnth.. Mr., and Mr% H_grry Q ay - ' - , ".411 . ., . . I � -;, -of the people and their of ivallua-ble information, but this com.' i1ollowedibly the Mizpah Benediction Moronta . . . . . . ­ ­ �­_ 11 , Q - , .'. X ,;,,, _Jr__ ises � . ,� 1� �r .Md the r*htS - � 9f " Do1mitdon, pq�*. ti" " UA t.", `El.. , _­rg entatives i in . � . I— I - -------- I , � � f"'05"'t � , . . I. ­­ ­., � i .... m . . . 11 n o ST*n , ]Mr. * Ife I.. .. 91 ­ - ____ !. -4 , by his famous grand- mittee � _&I", -, .()alVn!i 11" . I � � - - ft4utu .1 'a * - , . OrIDDI *a Gilerft. if tu Of, I ,,,!.,N 'pres is still going gtrung. I Ho . J __ ­ - . R...... & ..'; Q_ , 1. ; 11 � ,,, � "Y" , ,Mr. and Xn. Harry Leslie..'a for 'a !1.1. � - i' . , W. ­` ; ' lia, - e, ie� term a th years',and it is Broadloort recently. mbde a ,U , )eft, . aw , , ,, the'r amy: Year.% 890- Friday; April 13th, 'Mm W, I I . i I I . � in- buffts United- church Strwdwd visited at thei,houlp, 0 Mr. ( address -on � 1AChing" g1voi i ­ ' ' " ' I ,, - ... I., ip�� , - TiAs present, goveramlent undo,ubt- .", I iOn'Of the facts to wasconducted by Mr. 4 1 expected that the w _ preparing frip,t,.0 did . k1ii, I - It 1% -no distort I CQIU Fingland and Mrs.-,%, ButsoA on, ,Sunday.� T'OT*, PLq-0hP.�iV9 ,iR�Ipe_ : .1 �i ", , 1. 41 'v .. . t .�, * ; A , 1, 11 - �� " '-,c jw . . . ; the buildi ,66i. he -- r will. eqm- . �, esbyi� . . 6 - y .,s ,4'tendency t04 take power�; I ", . ,r�g ,cii the , . --.'1---W7 Gorden'-jof Caven ft, , , I 11V � " to!s *110 Wnig, , f, �.,: , 'On ISIludb* IMIM=09 owing to the ill- , . I . .. -1 dn� bl6rseb from'Bramon 'B", " %, " . eay­tha,t as this *eeii'- & I . I nleme shoiUy. Mr. Imechinger is an, . ha,ve,�, a lgr� . of Exeter. Aplea i q 90.10 WWreni.l.. " " V. I,' . if ��,_riiament� ara give it to the interesting and absorbin'g t' a 'ery; nem of the pastor. Rev. Oharle, Cuim� � 'It , 6 1 2. ,I , �11 11 1, � rom opic. ip- w experienced ,cheese mokert I . rep,uft' on"as 'horse- dexed ines-V ­Bblfflfto. , I I - . . . . . " - � - " tha� I L .1 I " . ... 11 I by Mrsl, -J& V�, . . � , � ., �,­ 'Governer -in. -Council. 'And one can- � ming. Thei- subject for.his- discourse , BRUCE F- IELD t ' residents ,. Am ',�pleased to � . I I I Doreen g bald4i " 1 1 ' I . ,:, . - , parbamoaary Wircles iLs. the South . I I .... ., � , " , ,I 1. 0',-­�'. . nck 4but regret that 'with on-- or. two oxf;&r,d by-ele6tloh., - - i was entitled,' "Almost; Persuaded'to, . 4 '... ,. '. ,,, � , . e . g was solemnized at�tbe 76 y. � 0 ! , .. - . . - 11 �'. I , , * . � . , �. mb� he has ilde6lded to locaU . I , ". 1*d - a �, " ., - exmplaonis ;i. I Tell Manse one Taos Of thel,"Um. cbmvb .. I I.". � - .4hy ': �, � . the By, gec 1'be a Qnistiiin�," the text being taken 4(31.od LIVB " a play by- Lllia4 MorbhneT� Rft I. - C. lftlmon and , ' linve Ruth Carey Richardso7j., (Wgilter &I mob on Monday evening vd& 39021, , " "' " . 0 w , 'T the, membeirs sitting in . . P. L. of I ,?!_­ -It comes ,off on Xonday. -, . A� i ,. . I 1j,"._ Southeast comer 'itre endorsing the tions are always interesting as ,h,. --i frozo Acts 26-28. AAn antheml was will he VTI� bi th& Wdkewwith Ag. moved .t, ".", - - .0hurch on ,,,.the .farm on ' . . 11`�'. -joi-V ­1L-eW0ff--­--W-wa_-__Qi "het-- . thO 5th con- 'Mr- and' Mrs. John Rkbardson. 'bar presiding with q� . ., . .. ,, - ' 'rendered by -the choir. I umftud, � .;"'�, ing.-the-drection And. " I gmrivt Club In Drucelipld Doreen FWrq,u , , i , R.I. a4v ,go - , 4 Mlilk'�' tic dW,, with pimp squabbles ' __*,� Velocity ­ 1-1 ,-.-.--.-----. 1��- evowns 'd lbi3- v9elw . . I qes6i0n'dU,HIa7-.o­wh1cb,, he,-Ikw teased Alrown, I ly -- . ­ ­ . . I '44 '6�, tar_ i� 7h, .. - %Wvirly , od attendi6e. Miss.'. MuTm of A "L, . er's- of -political currents. 'ftiq'��hlitff&- -----..--- fr4"ffla W'. -John. 31"Wati. . ! I lobliao. . ��� L,;:�,*� , , *tw individual members. I ­%'s�P-4fia-- "Chut6r of lftr�t&-a, . ddrom ' . L. I . , T � Exeter gave,a:very plle�ng 4 1 Ing een Selott--of-14ndon.-mider.- IW_v Atthiri gi,n�,: , ., - - .. I 1. . _. ��4�'! ' ency of South, Omford�' I . -Mw-trui0b� off-St-PVtees LuMepn, .. . 4 1 0 � .an operation'in V4 - d on 'The:Books of'the Biblio" wbi& went - - A=��- �nqt ��­-, . .. ' I I � ­­". ,: Ep,�,,,. -, tllk�'iKlpg made a ,very imikortant "I manouve��ng. is saIarted.to, d%ap-: CONSTANCE I .H3 aft,k*. - " " h -b ., , ­,"'lik-Ad 4, welfai�,,N��,�­,, . -=V­en� 6 4­aodii4--&p.1eud[d_ ,,, _�_­_­ * . � ictotis __:_� , 1 ��,�ffl,.ii7� . p P , .X .-Y. L' Her- ni�_ trim. 1 - - , � , � `�t Zuric J �, ra" pulre I _---.4.1_11 �",, � -t, - . #41.00 0711da I . �. I The , -, �� ... was, not acceptable to the ear she IS TeCOYering., - ,Q ,:, �p* Oman " a r L ­*­­­ eaX goverl!V- are glad to h W � I KM. C .. . u bei MIO'�4'ay-ev- IbY �Uss. Milldred Smillie, and *w , � , Zorge ,. s, will the electo _�W Sw,an 0" onto. A = _ is n, no V, . ftpm� tNe Lye Organ their, regular meeting on, Club' helft solo IbY Mr,- Sam Rennie; 'L', !ari��icieni .6 this, ,iheasur*' which .pear and blCV"4tuestion. I—() ' Emmmunno"M fir ., t, �" I - one's hp' Ts ther� te I �The Live Wire Clas� held .their '_ fiom -the f�c_. ening, this me ltnent,, 31ir. Beimett did agree to be*i mee on .April 13th with a good Dorothy,, h -ave "4 daug.ht*r' t01,Y ivs b?" on,*Mdayi. to ,make Of the ... . . , , I 11 . for those who have ,brought into I , Sng OT n erti i�, ­ chang6 -the wording to a very im- returned after a short . . . 'a change' 00106 by blift Elpanor Pishetr and .Mao A 11 I "ii Ayt - I . , I ing the legislation that brings to an I attendance'., The. -president, Miss, .Ikvy vacatibn in Toronto. tbe lnecesssrX 4Tr ftft . 'w Wdred Foll-16k, concludo"'' "' I. I'll TO f It con , not accept , angeme - for in- the davotiobal 6l . d the -V , . k - - ' �� I end the career �of this historic riding� I Sbilknom, opened the meietirog rwith a , Qtalling t1f4k ct��,.,;Vfilclf"- *11 I.. . . ng , gram., The ,imeting - on, . ,m. 0 " , �" i: the asVen, asa_�� lei " . , . The regular w2eeting of -the Bruce- I, wi . be Was' dedamr, -to Jim "Monlitay 'wP6 . 11 mou&y, it wili",give, -its Own answer '-hymn, followed by the Lord's 'Prayer field - y. p. & was hel,d on ,Mondaly - 1roli ,mustard. 7he -, � .. tht ,about 10.40 P.m the protesft In ­ .hipped ri Toronto und, h,asembled -programIlm. began with . � ening neoct wiH -be, in � charge of tbo - I , . 1. � these tilmles ;f ; �inunis,on. The Scripture lesson, tak- evening w-th,,Wj111iam I the church, It *:expeaW.-to be singing :Do ' .. ., I *ty,X-vAfc,and Drama Cplivniltbeft � _ - , f s "' Op- 11' "' , 1 a � I . . � $11', I I stranger - things ha en from Revelation, S, was ieed, by &air. Th nleeting ope d, Y . ready4cr ups- in s&4. thTe,6 weelm, dres, on the 4, , I . ad- The ugamy-friend,�.','snd�,"relai4ves of I 11 ftpper in. the 11bWed' W I . p9sitign wwted fot., the vote ,on the n is that South ' Charlie Wlak4ifield Helen'Britton. of- e ne , b smig- I � . I 1. I . Unice . ml.- � , . ,the consensus of opinio 0d9gins wffl regret . " . t "'i" , , of P'lowelf ghm Aliet 'I., iE. � 'in.g a hymn followed by a Seriptm* . . by Rer0l, W. A. Y ., amei�i - . . I Oxford will still be foicinid in tlhe'Lib- - ` h " , 1, . - . __ . . . . . . . Qung" whic ' J I Th , Labor Minister .qqjody sized I fered Prayer. iiie'minutes, of the - was learn she,was Caken serioutsty ill,-,oa e . . i relading by. W- Pepper, foll we'd b ... - merY h0mrous and instructivel to..all ,SundW w&h ;in, attack . �1 ,. 5'� Up tbA situation and eral colutnim after the smolte of battle previous meeting were adopted, as BTem t . � ., . Il I 1. . Jmr -Hazel 'Orem Of flOwersi., ­Mxis� Young- reli­ � 14 olvea- ,�� �_' '' found th'atl�nore 'has cleared aiway. . il prayer b�, Rev. 'W. A� ' ,j, T�ye � TUCKERSMITH - , l, i I Liberals NTere Present than Oo I Tea& Isabelle deson, - an4 . ­ I I I __ � dielbs. and an operationt w=�V.w_,. - . I nserl topic was taken, ,by Mr. Jesse Free- I ' appropriate solos, af- -1 __. _ Some of the front benchers of i Jan-Aeson and Peter Dunlap. gave a 'man in a mery able manner and "Climed Ups." a vlaIy'by UilliW,m,wtimer, -ter . E. Ki Ifuttoq� and -M formed - -in theo - General 11o;iipit4' ' I . .Ii - ; I '�- � . ,'� I . " tives 4n;4 immediately began talking both parties have engaged in the ,'selection on, the,,.violin and Was -will be Pmented -by the, I'ackecrsmith Aig. _­ . I . 'ss Woodstolok, ,on Monday, and, at,-&* , - , �,, , , ,the . I -gu'tar* followed by a discussdoi and a read- I'll a duet.. ,The meett- I I , wader out, th#re�y - staving. fiH a campaign. The PrimeMindster, while After -this a Aebate, ,P�kesolved that 3 ve M, n aruc,fi III uiW church on ing -closed - with the benedl ' "r - � snapAivision and, to-morrow'vve nft,y not ,nt, ­ Of writing is doing. as well as can be , ferd 6i b I e U . �"�:� I . ering the.ridinig in p6ramon, h" ing frop% the' Reader's Digest by Mr. FrVay evenift of thib week. etion, and I �­ - look &. the �vobe. . . the'world is getting,bett,Wl was, held. Bi�m games *ere then, - expected. I . . I .1. . I I - . _ nne�� Pli,evalling business, was The'Tuckersinith Aggressive Club glidulged Mi. , . . I I sent his voice into th6 constituency The affumm . 1, . I'll, � "11 , ,the . Price Spre6�s Conin-ittee, . I :., Isa,belle - taken by Ross then discussed, and the meeting came wi bold th r -1 r . Present I'S -'The 31611Y,Fourvare sponsoring'aM. I ;,,%, ; h � ission man had hi in an a:ppes� for support of his gov.�- M�Gregoir� *ve was janue;son . and H ei regu a wheeting on . ymall t* ' other dame �o'ib6 held in the Town - , . . '11 I I * ' , I to' a elbse b . � , , 0"Sylvi-W A., wi�;toral . OP- . the commi s PiTangs c--.nm,p Y -repeating the- Mizpah Tuesday eVening at the ho e b � . it - _nt. _ . 'Haroffl Longman6 the negative he�ing BenedictioM, , e I Mr. eMeft in' Hall on Friday evining, the .20t% .. , ji" � -.7ith 'Mr. H. -P, Kennedy, � Toro' 0 . This is on, of our milodern, meth-, ta,k-en by:phyliss �Medd Hattie) Ar, - , siid Xrs..W. Black The roll cs,11 will, two acts, was presented' tO a full when there will -_ . ,: , , � . . . . Coninvi sioehouse head ,and president � o4s, 'but my guess, is that the method strong, and, Ben R! 'I- ,MT. AlIvin. Filliott has, been,-spendl- be answ6red * 'a cure for th� blues" house in the Town Hall on Friday show. . be - another, -..flo . or Q . . . `., , of, this Edinonton. ,and Saskatoon� '4;�' The debate ing, a few days with his uncle in' afid''the topics I will The ,%t�rtjng eV40-11M9 under the. '%UsPices' Of' 'the Wr- OtIvElle Twdtehell, �ropriet6v Of , . I ,:": . stock,Tards. ilEe will be on. the stand its not as*pro,ductive of results as is was interestingamd, ably contested. Brucefield. .�01 li . . rl,� . Points For Happiness', 'Young P-opae-s societtv, "d nen,all one. 'of, our garages, has starled I I I 1:1 � I , sigain_td4m(arrow. . . the person rac by,one-eighth, 'Miss Dom Addison, spent an en- -the young and `gROW is U11fted .Church in conjunction with, - , mak- , - I" ; :'In the Bar0img Coni1mittee tlo� , sonal contact, b-dt, again tinie will point, The judges were Rev. Gar& maji,to get a start'on the Ing some very ffine improvements to I I ii, I I joyable week end with relatives near farnilloo-day.y$ I 'the WO-Micres -111,6spital'Aid, of Scott . k1. � . tell.. '. I - dwelling. 1� I . I 1�1, I , "411271'algind heads of thme of ,Canada's In'the House to -day attention I ner, Miss Bffiel Gawley.' and -'Alvin Londesbom . . i � I MW*W Hospital, SWorth. The bW' SIT-eadY up-to­date 1. T . (11 , was . Dodds. Miss, Helen Britton played s; . 1. I IMrs.. Nor -man Baird, of Brucefie14 I 4 I I � . � chartered ,banks,, namely Cvm,=&rc&, given the Relief Bill again. It, fin- splendid solo,on thepiino. The Livie (Mrs. Willism.Berry d Mxs. Hugh I Opera was well received by the find , his returned tO.heFr home after spend . . . - - -1 TAentrl and, Nova Scotia, were on ally received its second reading and Wire Gazette war. read by Lome an' home-. , . aud6en,4 and- many favorable C*� Ing a, week _;Wtj her mother C. , ,,,,i BOVY returned to their I in VARNA - , - � I . I - , XTS. �e � ' the. stand to repeat, what has al- now it stands for tbard reading. Some Lawson and proved very i 0 - InVents !are being heard-, the. music. be� Wolff and �ks Helen wolf, , � ,� i- - ' nteresting. the village after spending a few days, - wn� I ingL . % . ,._ who has - �, I - � I "been told over and, over again.-- suggestire things were said� They Mrs. Dorrance delighted the audience at the home ,of Dr. Ross, Seatforth. Wk- are t1i be tPert. n�; J)a&ter hoh,dmp vvfth. �, ready r-cwtionally 91&d and the �­ 4 � 1, % I � W.ednesday, April 11th w -L -re ,constructive proposala , Mr. 'V*h an instrumental, and, it . t nme, many friends ,Of MO. (Rev pleased tfsee e country times of a very fine oMer. 11,e s cos- ., en �. I (Pouring rain outside, the lahguid gave he .) rodds so gool6after so much,' tage Mir' and ,Mrs. Gqoper has ieiurned - ,,, . Him -bury (Liberal) e3tpresoed,concem clAss -mlaeh pleasure to listen, to a W. A.'Bremner mnll regret to bear isim , - snow - and decorations and lighting effect,, were ,to, 1h, , er 'home in,-Hk,ftaR,. � ; � k �,.'� . , I . atmospbere of spitag-within, I ery unique. 'Rev. Mr: .. Lane . F17 I , . . and the ,over the �v,elfare of intelligent, ablels- ,Kery instructive address, frolm Mr. that she is still. confined to her room Mrs. lChute-has, retwiledifrom Lon- Iv' intro- Miig- T), B. McLean is having I � ,,,,- � . -,i the . _ same subj�let (relierf), � - before the ,bodied younger men in the irnioral CiSeoros, SemsorN (on o,me, Sove� and under the doctor's care. don where she spent it few- day4 wi dilbed the caste and Rerv. Arthur fn- sta-ble vix ,her , �reomises tt;lilbm qc� � � � Fk il­ I Zou*. ,which has been -there for ,tr,,s of ,,f,r.,,d indig,,M Why DispeiisatiotIs." He said- that we are . NOrse, R01iner is in Hens4j, aut4 her daughter and si-ster,,t ' ' ' th clair introduced Rev. Mr.. Lane. I The and will be replaced, by .g n4t gar- � . I inany days, furnished opportunity to- ' � Mrs. Reld. a0compa,,nfi5t was Mm. , . not -equip them with atleast a super' -Aow in the fifthdispen-sation. of,grace Present "nursing Mrs. Agar ,who is Wri. J. T; Reid of London, . J. E. Keating; . !,,� , . . - . . was Tell )Production diTep,�� . F eige. . � '' ", day for those -Wh�x like to fomgather.' ficial knowledge of geology and send wh&,h he -explained is that of under- ill: . newing acquaAntances in d around ' MWXl Tumb`4' birs: 1C. W14 -Who- has; -been confima 6 ' 11-1111-.-- a6d­gossip over palitical'.,liroba-bilities them outprospecting? The Premier served cOMMIRMTOn. The Tejected,Sav, Miss Jessle Tiough is spending a 'an nm'sical, dire.ctor, James'A. �� to her homei thr�ugh illness, is 41a ' # � -1 - 11 �!, I � qvence Of cOm1hg evett--- seemed somewhat intrigued (by the iour is standing at the ,door of 'th, few weeks vdtli her sister, 'Mrs. W. _11U11 has returned ftom 'In addition to fine musleWl choruses, to be around again. 1. _ I �1�1_ 11 . . and the se I -, ", , - , , excellent S0105 were r I . . I I I , �;., . .0pinions hame fluctuated since the idea, and ,aid he had pondered it and heart waiting to -be rpeeived and fail- -'itevens, in, �bhe village. 'Clinton, Hospital where she w4Kit endered by Mxs. . . I. " I � . . I � ., . . Isesmon � befan, -they , are changing commended the work of the fTentier ing or refusing' .this' wonderful op- .. '1MISS 'Myrtle Pearson' and 'Mrs. L. treatment. . * � . I - fOr Janies A�i Stewairt 'Mis's Helen Lane � - I .,. I . I . J�, I I , V, still, but it is not difficult to cli colleges. He also made'a,statenient It Xrs. Lottie IA%k,sh, after. spen�ffing Mft- Munn,, Mab�il TurnbullL g&rg.' �, . a r�ther deepercing impressionscover i . I h9,efPx*y, we �hall surely suffer in FOrres ViEdt,ed friends in'Londonthis CHISELHURST I- !it lfl.� .: � . t in* I Arlet Crich, Janies A. lStewart� [ygilto,ii, I " 1. , ; of -which very few realize th6 accur- I jud�(pnent Spealking Of the claw WeOlc­ 'a few. days with friends, has return- I I , 4 , , , ,�, . belfor�_- the snow flies such. a h acy: that, really about as much money name, he *hoped that. each- wire might IMT. Robert Hothan. passed away ed toLondoix � L' Reid GOTdb- IRennie, Which Were - ME-NPUMMMM I 11 . - . - �� __ 4 . I _ 4�_ . a federal general election vma7 -well has -been spent in searching.for gold allow himself cyr herse,lf to be touch_at� thohiblinfe, of his.rdece, MTs, James 1 I . I . mmh Znj;W. Between - acts mr. Miss victo-na Bolton of the Torm- a � . ' I I. . I occur, the ftendemy, to exceed the amid 'boring, for oil as came out of ed .bY'th,e greatdr dynamic Jevus and. Reid of ClintOni � ihst Sunday. night . James- i&ott Tendered two'beautifrul to teaching staff and, Misses, A41a avA.� . . . "j, , , bounds of tradition and - - , "":� , ' " -That Old 111sh 'Mother estervel I IF f�l to . depart (molbber earth as's reward for such so become a greater force for gc�od. wir."4116than, , borh in Porti iK� HENSALL- 1. solos, a Maude 'Boltoak_of W t, Lmdbn6 . . . ;� . , , 'Mine" and OTreesll h X 'spent the Easter . , : I '.. from the stand pat Conservative ,,du,t,i,,, ,,te,pri,,. I . He extended an invitation, to itn ice 83 vears ag la child he moved I Virt -i�s. Kest- vacation with. Mr. . - 1� I b� status quo, is one of the signs. mi 6 FS pArOnts �nd, -has ­� And �kr _,Bollton. . I . 11 . 11 . % , Another constructive suggestion cream , social ,in the nionth of, Jjin� to ,§tanley O.A., -w""o— 'n9atth0"P;i2UO- Yollowingbhe�dT4,, sL Gordon, - .- ­ � I , , " . � . in, the three-homr sitting to -clay, was madp by Mr. Hackett (Conserva- providing class membership reached a been /a *sident ot, EnAcedeldf for, 'On We'dnesday evening a number ing Of tht' National Anthem the caste . fmse -beryl Norris of 'Orl - j* I t� . when thexelief bill was under discus- ti,e) in his renevv plea for'a plan, maxiirnum of seventy-five. - The me nearly fifty YeRTSL' Hie �� unmar- Pf 91TI friends, Of BUS-- Jeanne Stone '*-'PaiTeld -to the council ifting with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey I I � i -, - _e.t- chamber where vio . � I .. . I sion, the conspicuous thing was a of b­a,k-t,-th,-1aY ovement, Not ing closed 'with a hv I ried .�nd a quiet and unoffensi,ve man, Mide-elect ,of this (month. ,net at tb-,' a daiTirW lunc,h was servedL Jacobi . . . decl�ration � mu an d 1, 11 .1 by the ' Prime Minister away ,p in the wood, ,but back to was offer�,,dby Rev. Gardner. prayer and one, who was always Weady to apartment of afiss 'Grace Gibbings ' Funerai-of Late Mrs. Scott Mr. Ted Taylor was able to be r,o,. , I I I . . . - itution is due for Lunch and Miss Doreen Farquhar, 2ai,d very The funeral a th' . . moved to his home here on Saturday � . . , 1. that -the consta - I . 9- abandoned- farms, or'properties sai w sei y yll Me d, Lo do'a ikind deed for his. neigWROrs. 'The e late Mrs. Goo. Tn)OTMn I ­ , 4 as -ved b Ph ss d rne pleasantly enjoyed bridge. Dainty re_ Scott I f I . i, change. The -significant statement +,c, be ,plentiful in proxinmity to set- 1awsoii, Ross IMcGlrel and ,Bill funeral servd,ce was held at the liome , � ,ho passed'away on Wedneg- rom 'Clinton . Hospit4 . I �.' . was madle by the Prime Minister that " � fres,bments weme served from a long d, _ whev %0 lias, spent several weekk% . 4.1' tqed " communities. He claimed that .Jewitt. The splendid program was of Mr. wid .MTs,. Jayaes Reid, Clinton, ay mornin " in her 86th Yeitry, was T`e%Ulting'froTft iiju . . I "there -is no doubt that unless thert, im Montreal, 240,000- people were fed, in charge of Miss- Ruth-Hugill and'Is- and interin,ent i'vas made in Bayfield c held from her late Ties received While . . . table ,decorated in , tall pink � andles. �, I N. I , . , _ amd sweet pew. Was Alva residence and' was cutting wood, at 'Mr. Johii'McDouglall's I . I" I is alive-artunglmnent'df -the powers of there last w4ek out of public funds, ,abelle iaokson. cenvet&ry. He is s*uTvived by 'two Shftd­ -Private and colidneb6d by..her -pastor, bu . I I -.1. - this , Pa_-IiUlnent and of the legisla- and ked,how much longer can'this Mr. and -Mrs. Cecil Farnh e 'Watts a AxthuT Sinclair, of .the . I I !lures of the , . prob- 1, as am and half brothers, 'Mr. 'Georg I idick and Miss Farquhar.presented Rev. United I sh. ., '.� - prOvuices many 'O M$ss Stone with, a smart folding ChuTeb, 'Mr. , Mss Doreen Varley has tak6nv a on. Mr. Bennett, in 'response to bomald, of Kitchener and ,Mrs. Farn- Clinton and,, MT. John 'Mots, Of Car- Sam Rebmille. sang 'With .t. , . � lems ca�inot be dealt with. ,Mr- HacketVs requ�est to - express his bam. of Clinton were visi'tors of - Mr � 3. roll, Mancitoba, I bVidge table and doublq decks of cardsL fmuCh feeling lon wi-th Mr. ,�tn,d, ,Mxs. John, v . ., . I I "All I can, usefully say_now," he 'Opinion on this question;'Adindtted ,he � Lveryone joined in .to make the ev- "Face bo. Face' " Thz ff.'Is'ely. .. . : Charles McGregor and Rosis on Tue.s­ -_ - - I . who a�� the funeral I . .�- . . . said, 01s that I hold a very strong - I . . I -_ - from R ' ISyrup making is in progress bub so I I . i � -'Mrs orne . opinion as ,to the 'necessity of (Hensall's Popular you -no distance were 'Afr- aa d 8- L far was dulbious about land movements,. day. k, enIng a success. M.ss 'Stone is o of all At another ftage ,the Prime Minister tMn WAliam Fowler of Learning- ZURIO[I 4' � . ng' ladies.i, the'run Of sup has notbeen goq& . I expre � �. , , 0'r-POrt (If Mrs. Acur's rontoll. IATx. and @&s.'Gra,ham6 Of elst I '. ., early revision Of the B. N. A­Act,11 Fullowing th lSL'(Ytt and &Ughter Marion, of To- IMIr, 'Dick *Kinsman, left for the W . i , . Ile Prime jIffinister, however, hitcl ssed the view, that, out of all toir vi -sited �Vthe­bome of Mr. and - - ""` docident--and ,subsequent -illiness, 1 -we , - ' . Lon- on'Satunlay. � I � � the vielitor, le-conocnic equilibrium can Mrq. William, 'ClarIc on -Sunday. fRev. and ,Mrs., E. Burn and son, regret -to leam that sh I....... � I . . . . I an- adequate recognition of the diffi- �s restored dMy by expansion Of in- WZ J. Pergasonsild MT. R Adams Cairl, attended &e funiffd of e pas�d.'away ' - . I . . I I � . ,ft culties which lie in -the way. � I -*O on ThuTs�day`mO'kniing at h6r home. ­-- . I . 1". .- "dentl I * ternativnW trade, a statement for weTe, in -Stratford, o dwalng to the ser- fotmer's' bi�otherl, -Rev, i. G. Burn, ,A&. J�amev Benlgough,'.an, employee . I I .1 . , I ­ im's siatelr, MrsI, held at Hespeler on Sunclay. De- in A Bros. garaige, had. the v . -EY7 7 the govemimut is chs- which he was roundly applauded by, ioug illness Of Mr. A , . BRAY I ., A satisiled with the slow ,pro f ,. oure mls lili IN CHO O . . , I . 9r.e-'-' 0 ' 'the Liberal Opposition. 'That is the ­Charl�s Parso,ts, . ceased bad cbar& Of (the Fmangelical fo,463nle �o get his -,hind ,, ' - SING !!�H�CKS­, . , .. . . this relief measure. As the mtting doctrine that has been preached in *1ood imd sje�, ,where- he, died &_ emory w,hec, ,, ught: in am FLOCKS , LOOKAHEAD S _ ., ' Gh-urch in 'Ch? _ Id _1X MONTHS ' - - , . ended there were rectiminatiOns- back season visited the sugar bush of ter being in poor health for some �%� ha'.0'e, ft badlk hured. . ARE L i, I I � I and forth. 4 King and. his follmowers. Thlis,state- 'Mr. Wni. Britton on,Tuesday to see time. I Harman., who has been m' I I 1-n buying I . - If there were no great,eT progress lo� some tilm, wnsi taken to -Clinton, WINT �R your chials, this Spring, you I I . . i be -given, in break'your next Wintees. I I I.. 1. . . Tnent, comir,g from, one who has itcl- 1how genuine mWe sruga-r wAs made. A play will 'the town Hospital on- Wlly. I E make or egg pro- to-aborrow than took place to -day, the vocated -a -policy Of 'nathonalism� a- !Afi� Wdllitfm Carliachan is spend- 'hall -here next W ay"evening fits- Bray flocks ,pNved :their i , Prime Ministsr intimated that they ,Vn,e d . XXs- W. H. Reid of Poft Rowan LAYERS prafitable- o I PO tj "Philip ,rt ,?I mud* was,heEOO.thia week to talko'her farther" �Q. teadily through i . licy of Canada first, as 'Mr. Ben, ing a 'few days with her sister and enti ed, N - ness last winter bylaying s . — � . I would report progress and m,we-on to, -Pett has 'done, is very sii�knificant in- br6ther in Toronto., . the auspices of the local i the coldest mo And Bra . " . � something els,_­ (.Supply).' ' ' deed. The thought naturalay occur- ,Mr. and, Mrs. Leo Stephenson were Board. I.AbrMat-Ty, and mother, @,Tx. and Mir;�. �':bd. Shei., � - -hatched from Y c4licks, am I I The Anine MinLxter and his follow- The nlevibers, of the caste feT, ,home With her for a few� weeks' them big 099Z�_4110`fe than half Of , 1. .Ts entixely forget ho' used 4)o Ted . to 'the writer: Is the Budget in LOndlOn OM., Tuesday an business. are Bayfield Young people and -the visit. 11 fwOnX eggs running 25-30 ounces Per dozen. The puimft I . le , w they going to -show a reduction of tariffs Mr-­Xnd Mrs. T. Riley of Clinton play comes highly r 19rOvv' big'and lay more big 'eggs- 'Customlers report pultleU . . ec&4m�ended. , . ,MT. Joseph Hogan was in ,betroit film this season'a,early batches, Upto 2% lbi% at 9 week,$,,,4W . 4� '�,: , �., - ]Wd �uprmeasures for days 'and day' in an effort to bring back some oct visibed,frie d1s in the village on Sun- ! ­'A­1a,rg`e number 1116m,the village - ,.. , en -beral government ,111 ". d6Ting thet Past Week visiting his losses, next to *n6thiing. 11 wh the, IA was Ily .. . '..", � OuT 10k trad"Ild'again time will day. � and country attended the'cOnventiOn broth6r`n­ilawi�, and si W . 71here's. a Bi�ay 1T".r� .16, � � power and when Liberal niinisters tell. -1 st, . I �,� I Mfr�- Jas- Woore and other friends held at Hensall on, Monday. , I ICOTMAiderable I . . " Pbtce,,__you' vn u. ea_w ,driving distan 4 your I , I . . . I I osed I qes has , can ta&e Your chicks direet . I ,�_ were to -put through their esti- To -night as the House el by Of Toronto visited at the, lhome of Mr. � Thieves.�entered the gl��g furnisli- b&n marketed '" PI 'mblasL "' I I!?" � 'Aiqathe village during all express charges L �, , mate& . *45m the dooeor_save I requie,st of � the Prime Minister at and krm Adani Nichobsoft on Sunda,y. iug store of . and delaysi. �11 _-Undoutte ppqwnt. govern- . I Call or phone. et. ". . , �6*er­ih what was BRAY CHICK HATCHERY, 97 ClaYburn A . - _dly- -this W-'H-�.IlOffm�an & Son the past week or iso,jbut. ,the supply Or write head office for .1934 book] i �, . about 10.30, everyone was satisfil The�W. M. S. held their- regular early Sunday Trformng and carried ,has not meas,u,ed, u . I . ed ' I 1, � ment. is iitakiTig too to call it a daY-afid a week -in or- meeting on Thuisday afternoon, in Off clothing amd' furtiishings, worth expect,d , few week�; ' I I I .. I micia �p to their own hands, and that .11 .&w. ,der to p-rel%,e for the expected high- the -school room of the church. Mrs. over $20O."''ThO loss was not noticed -i . and Wfrs. ago. . I Out. I i ve., St.'Catharines, ��,.,. _ . i�ates of democracy must fight. ly controversial leiislation next week. Nnlliam Mt -ton �pre�ideld and after a until Monday morning, County coil-, ' Mr Xanahan, hove mOv_ I Brooder and Office, H. W4 Charlesworth, Clinton. .- - � I I ,,. � I . Thursday, April 12th , - ed . into the Reichert -'esitate dwelling EiRfit Rre�p--MFghlh Year Mood-Teatiw_4�t� ye., GaveTwneft A,Oprov,sl , I �. hyngi led in prayer, After a busi- $tables are now working on, the on Ricbzn�Dnd Street gmth, at the . I - , " Another phase of the enduring . -, I I . 1. . i�_ wrangle over the RelieC Bill - the - - nm discussion, Mrs. Leo Stephenson ', — I � I . 4W , I . I I I �.. . I , gxve� an interesting talk on Chtna . extra-ardimury-powers. it.confe'rs ra- WALTON I � - 7 . I . I � — I I ___1______.____________...: - I I , I . from the study book. Mrs. Hugill " ' / ,. ,� , ,ther than the nioney it appropriates, - _m . * . ' . - . .1 . , ., . �� -r , ' read a leadlet orb "Temperance," and . ,11�11 D-atured the House again to-cWy. . At The April meeting of the Women's ,Mrs. W%eatley gave the devotional D V , . 1. !­ ,BE '' ' ,1, the end of the afternoon, we"arylng Missionary Society and Wome,Tes As- leaflet on the Life of Christ. MTZ ,,, FORE YOU, BUY -AN ' W8 W, . . I . , Y (AR DRIVE, A, � I ,�,". . *I #* the Prime Minister carried out ouciatiOn of Duff's United Church was Roy Lawson closed the meeting vvj�i � . .. ',` '' . , ,FOR I.L. the course he. had indicated, let it held in the basement of the church prayeT, I I �, I I � . I . �.,, I . I �i� , . , . I . . : . I I 1z . R��,t,�.. "r1w . I and passed to something else Oh Wednesday afternoon, April lith. . . . . I .`,�'. I � I . F� �,� I " --lestitimtes of, ag6mXlture., There IM�rg. Leomard Le-eming presideclover I I - - - . . . � � .. . I 11 1')61'� , W" ladivened.passages, disorder at � . I . � . . . Kno* the thrill of WS performante ­-Vthe ;fi�."l� ,the W, W1. -IS. ii -meting which opened STAFFA - . . . . . . I , . I I � �11 L timesl� int,erlections, points of ,order with prayer ,n4 . by,., The',Bible - I'll ,I I... ietaway in traffic, thi power on I . ., I .. � I , , - . I.. 9 hills, the I '1&� - and t&e usual fuss attending such dis- I . ' � . R � stbry on 'Joshiiia," -was � . I I * sgeed on the. open road �,A.l I - given;by Miss d - I iI 18�',�`," ldtbed conditiom A`he VlriAwer sus- .tbe Village I I I i . I , Knowthe c(.)M.� §-'-- design er was 'M , , . . .. I I fort,of a roo asy.'riding on., ,� . I . , 111�-' - Pdna Reid, after w1hieb a pray �r d I . . . . . ." , � to " de ay" J Of -Mrs. Jim 1, I my body and 4p '.'!� , pected a, ulye* - X - - Duriia* eff 1 A 4 �,,�,`,-'.,, v� � $ - "e�, ". 14,6M, ybilo-51r. King is up in Ox- Offlered by Mr-, ReRL fii-neral vill. ' ' . � . - ...­ I .. � all 4 wheels. Get behind the wheel today. M- I the business'peliod Mim. Colin Fift- be from the United .Church hem. . � . . . . I V%*, , ,ford.'. Wbll-e it w".'qui . I , - Retnernber . 1. I 1,� I I ,. te all right land and Wass Janet 'S"Ripson w4m I The Juiaor Girw Inistitute and ­ . the Ford V-8 is the -only 'car . I I , " _ �,Ii, al�';, -ad so, appointed ".&Qates to - , I ��A',�,�­- XQW therPremier to susp6at so a � " _.'T.A., I the Pr&-- I I I . under $4,000 that gives you a V�8 engine. 1! ", . , ,'t .. . . . -_ ", ��". VV414 Junior Farmers of -Staffs entertain. i . . . I ... av, � I ­ - .1 I . I ". - - I - _Mr ul for him to make %Yterial at Clinton On MY;1st. 'AT- thle! Junior Girls d " , . . I . . I ve led an Boys, of the - I I � I I 1 1. a P. !rve vt4temelnt -to that eteet as r,ng,ments ,V, - 'he -thank- geaforW f6ranch, when .a. large crowd I . . I . . : - I . . �!�'t�',i �ri,r,, I 1''. I ere made for t ,, I ,,, ll,l� 1%�O;� 61r",., voch, &%teu�kd immediately ... ` I be held, �w. . .ko I � - ,,� , � . ;, � . I . � �1!�i��11.j . 1, kb . 1. �, &I . - . - a � ".., "" - IP ium of the chutch, ' . 4m:=- I � I .­ A. _,adtfiber 4 Lib -orals, to ww present. and is good time was en, . " . ­­­i1i 1 . . . . . .1 � _. in audi - �bY I 11 '. I..", .. I I ,� ,'.1�11� . - "Ife,016 W �firectl dontra4ic the 01' JOYeW 81). During the - evening . �1 . .. I ��� I . - . , t ... ...... ,�Z 7 . . 'J'OU'si I I I .- I - A . � . �, M .Sunday evening, '-ApT*. 29th,, - . .1 "'I".."- , .stateiment. Prom a ,,,juWte�,1 t1lel - - in,�,,K The the following prograuf was; enjoyed., 1_ � I I � � � 1-1—P r . 1. I R I, ,Wl�,,,. ; ., , , �'�, previous . - -1 I ___,_,.___,__ I it", ­,�, . , 0 IstAIA the . - .Pg wf�re Guitar . sebwtion, -Duman Imcmalan I I . . , " ,NVi, � f , " 11 . - � , I - I ­ - ­ . . 1� .. � o , NNI, , � ft. viron to-doy. ���,,�,,, � , _P6 Pr"n' Min read by MT3- 'Gordon XfOGMvin Owing 6t0ffq; %Vm A. ThoinTson,'&gf,bli�1, , �,, �,�11 �,,.,� ";, , , I N 'I, ,� 04!��,1_ . I., i� I _,g ,. ,MT& t,adjng� a piano dtiet;. -b , �`11 - , ,to the aheemd%f the secivtaWl . . . " a"t," ,,,, _;�,.' . I .. �r'Mc ,�'�v 'Ormiallee , y the Ej;W - � � "" - - T61 "John MoDpftld. The topic froW"Ithe Vera and.,,M,argaret; AllimI, 18taffa; a . I 11, v . 11,1WRIEL I ik *6 T'r- .- , � � , , , , ! I'll--,.- `�lftl�, , ! 1. f o 'A IR11VN-IAIN'1� 11 li'vin ��;Z-Zit ,&h'.St . .-. M� I 1liN .11 I , ­,,�P, " �`. study bwk ,was givejn� 63t, X" - VMW 'Solo, .1 I I 11 I I �,,' 4104e fuv,vg'-606einh��tha (W,ss- Km�se ' ­ Sevfortlii; -a "': ..'.'., I "I 11 � I ��;',�'p,'�,��;�',';�,�' ward'Eryans gft& w1dch tiho, I � .1-11.1 , .,. , . 0, � :_ uad'", . I -1 I . � � I I � * �-"' -, "10WIng duet by Miss D. dra an't . 11 ­�?� '� ZA P �;_F*4!41111 & b"bn t0l-&' __ 7 - &h.l,_"V_._ ,.- , . '� elmed with a ,hymn _%A,il prayer 'by Baud"g, Stars; tap d�&M, . by. 2 . . � I .. � .1 , ,,,�,�Q'i.'4�, vt RM1660, , itv wMe -ft. do OiTs I `7, ,x V , , . 4V Z ­'11,11�",," , 4 Mrs. (Rev.) cur&m -1 ­_ -------- - � , , '*' i',�' "O", -, thIR Pnftgeg The W. A. nwt!tffig�,wa% � H611deftoli, ,SetXorth, necowpatied, I �, �.. I � P . 4 , .., 11110;Ni:�:�6,,,ipkl __, 0,111 ii Of', � by , "" "'r R � " " � � , """, , , " , i I "' " S "' , , , , " � - I 11 "i r " "' "I", 11 "I'l-10 ` I ­ " � ` 11 �4 11 ; " �� I � I I "I 11 I ,-,,,I I � �, 11 I i 11 " .1-1-11, , , - r,�1,_11,,1`1f1'1,'11,'! _ ", � , f, �ii cb,111,90 Mu-%XrMie, glultar'iebot�on by Dun. , .-'1111 I .:* it�`!-�illl of the oesidervt� Mrg,. X*oft. Reid. I - I " , , , I., ,", pl"', I" h7lb 4�q�cmwu of -dw I 7"k,01 qli�a!r"4w­':k,' ' � ... , I— p',,­� �­ 0 + ..... 11, �,Ii,w'112 � I - . . . , , Fwlt 1 . I _ ": ­�, �;­__ *6 . T,Wlbw- � evening V%o gpftt iw _ r ... .. � I I I. I . I , ,� W" ' ' - . " ��1111_ffijqll` " '",ft"dittuft shut The, deootioftl- e" � I , " % " , In -M . "I'll 1 lil­�­­ I'll " , ��,f��il I , �,,1,116,4, �?� I eah memillan. The remwl�o�or of the ___.:�-- � I , I 1� 0 MV 14-044 extra du?& -ed.�,by ,the, -business "�Hdd'� Xltlitihj , - daml C . I ., kh the 4f,6H2O*tg '#r#g,raM1',.6 * ;Jundh W" Z;i-&td'bs� %0 eA#,_':, _`�N. . �J' I � 0 _. r " , '' , "I I I I 4 " . " _4.1g4m 'n 11 ­ " 06 _f1l.-A, _,_,�, ,, �, Nal M....mIN 01;1�.Ii� 0,11 "�. r " 1:: . 1.11�1.­., I ' , ' ' I ,� e vnn"L,-' 119' a, *0 W113. "10-1_0 A . ..., : .. I "I " !_ ,. , Wid In I . 11 ,..,A I . . " I ��,/ � ,w4,*/r - I , V ,,,, I . � I A:, I." r I --V ., , " , , r, 'X?, , _J_--.. - 'r. i ­ S9FA` ­ .101. I , �, , ". " ­ I ;1 . .. � ­ 11, I . . 1" . �,�w " ��'A ­ � .1 1. ­­­` , I , � � I 1, . ,�.­?­ , . , , , "ll . I I ­ .� 7 I , -k 1A*A'V " " ft ,wep% ")Vmtig�­*,lij 'De- ,h;gd: Jl2. the ., I 0. r ") " 1� I I � . I A """"" - * .1 -1 . � �_ "I'"ll nl� W ' - bie-d lil . _21301101 11. �:_ !, . ��� . I ll . I I I ��11'- , . . _ " w I. T ,4 1 , - . J . ,­'.&.�,; . , � ., , -, �,,��­. ..''. ..:..'�. I � I . . ,� ­­­�­_,;,,,�.. , , , , . ll 1'.��;,. � I . I . "6.." -, ­ . I..", �i.,11�l­�- � , .11 � , l,,�:,'�" , . � �Ki' I JA " -v , . .1 1p".0=-fto ., , j, I ., , �_ .... 'Partri", vigg ,ft*,o 0*Aa0.*!-i­ '160. Wl On- rwwrUtoft.y. 0, - - , , ,0, " . 1111 !:: �: ag I�AWM � lzii�l� wl'.�,, 4 tem"Oft API I 1: . . . . . . 11 � ,2$% 4t 2�gdr_­ . � , ." I r '' ) . '. ­ - . 11 I � 11� 11 . 1`11111 X ldoi!l liev, 0,�t . MENNENNI''W'. . , . I., � 11; qii i 0 11-11 _ 11-011-� I _ : I - i'. . , . _1 11 , &1AA" , ­�� , . . IR _�;:_ i'., �4�,-,, -, " i, U , *, �Zlit.`M, 7, V -1014' -p -5t -, - I I . . , I ­ I.— ­ "I.. I ;;,. ,; " - I ni, , 0 ,� � , .% !"', , I . I I ,_,",� li:'L LM A. V40,-.1 �Ah44�ii �, > ., 4 I 01. ­!�,�- I . - . � �,,� 0 94 " 'PZ7111404, 4­%�_Toa% ... r :. I !" - , � � ._�__ ., - AWN . '' i.,_ , ,77 � I I . _11 " " W. . 11,�; ; , J I , , I I "y'.1'.." , � , "7 , ., . � � " 11 ,�4, 0 a " % r . I... . . . I 1. 1. ., . . ... �10 I , i ; I l" I , ,_',:'_' 77, Ma if I il�, �_;.. , , "I �.,fio.� I I ''I'D -�� , , "' , I �i �..,,k� , �� , 1,��,?., . .1 ", ­'., - . 1 :4, !"."I 1:".�. :.: 7�: � 1 I I �111� 11 `6 �` i , " I i.. ;,..'' "�., ��, 1. "I I ­ F's ­"Mj�,,, I 1, V i .... � 7 ­ . :1,. 1. �t!i� � . ­11L.i.11 I I � � . . I ;­Af _0 * 6 MA I " DA . S G , � �q *��I I 'a"d"l�"Xi%' oi, . . ,.. ­ 1, -7 I, , #W 4 -,d0§0ft,*­,kr=,Q­ . 1� i W, . -J�� �, . ' - � _ ... ,,, ir �0- I .., ., " � '.­�,"'II"' ,,,,,,.'- ,­"" � . � '�!'' 11. - - r 1- �, � ,�,!� I �,­­ii� ,�,,:.,­" , . 1 1 I—, , � I .1 I , � , 'll , I , : ., i , "_,.,:' ,,,, , , � ' 4 ; . , . 14" I ­ . '' .,,_,,r� .,;,,Ii' , . .. . � 4' 1 , , . i 1,?��'L,6; I '� I ­ .11'..''. 11 I "� ,� _11� I I I.; , '. . 1- ,. � , ''. �: L �-, "!,�,,,­.,�,",. "', I ,� ... I " ,.:-- ": , ­,""'' , .... 1 ..... F, � I -l"', `.'�', ", 1�',­,,,­M'' ., �,:.�.���.'A,�',�,1,1,�":f,.",", , - ­� .. '..". . .... . r ,", ,� "' , " � " L. 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I I I i t :::, . w ­ , I , 7"'r ��, M W . W InV , 1� W ., �,; Irn - ,; .. ,; , ,� �� ,; w", ,�:;, �: l_ , I �' , ji , mv ,. 'L " 11 . i.,, 11 ll .. 4 1 I'll I.., . I 11,,� i ,I,;;;; , . ,� 11;4M_A_"A1'A'