HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-04-20, Page 1­­111�iffi­". ';,AtR­', I � 11. t., tW ---- .. I�W I " 111. ,e� I � � , 7 ..U," 5 1911 I �Vl,,�4 1-!�, #�,��J� � 1 �:C ". ''T l., � .., �1;; M" V T- �,7`,', %, , ' � It. 11 ""q . -tl 9 : '.'�� ,;"l,�, , g � 1.��, � 1� %, 11 " ,�, 1, M , . . '4 �, � "V ��!!,,.!, �-.".�� - - ­� - � I 111 �l. 4 ""i l; , I " I , 2 1:N-� ,, - " , . � il,r;,-V�` ", `�'��,� " .V! i . . 1.112 , , , I . l�, ��, - i � �11 I I l, - I " I � ,!�, .4.� I'—. � -WN " , , . A11111e. R � i -1 1.111, - AR11 ,�� , . �i.�­. ­­ ......'p,", , I I I ­ . � "I' ,­ . "It R. 11.", , ! "T". l. . ", .. , , . ­ ,'I , . ,� 1, " W01. N, ,� . - , . ., -vg, '6�1, 5y I , § MR, ",lb ""i � "1111, ,� � I �. I l . - . .I.. ".I 1* 11 i ��" l 11 I "�� �,�'�, , , , "I 6 " , , . ",­, 1'r , '� , � , 1111, I fl� � I f �:.,. . ­­ . �. � I , W , I " ',�,.,. � - - . ,4. . , I , �, ( �, 'I'll ­T'�', � I �i IN -, I 0 3 , - 4 4 �l . 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I ­' , �� A Wital CAI . . ...�.�,' 0, Ll . I � , 11 .1 I I ;F�i",�.��,,.,.�,"',,.����;.,�, ,�. 11 I I , , . , I , . , �., �, .; " %,` ". , � ". 111 . I . I . I � I ­ I -It" 1411, "' -­" 4 J �-, : I . .1 1, 1.11 ". 11 - .. I I .1 � .1 I " -, " . I � , -, , 'i - -i --*,------4 � ...., . I , , I.,?. � , , , , '' - � , - . �, -1. '11. .., 1 t � �, . 1". I 1. in��, . . �, I , , -, -i" ­',. - ­,�, " . '(Wi 1� I I 11 -., A ­­- . I ,,� , -Elopted-Pr . , ; , `0 T'� "�5N,"A,!","l,�. , , , -� V-1 i " - 1 , ,. � . u --C�f: ",'.�,t� ", , "'' 11� ��. � !,Tsn"��:, ­ - . . . I . .0 '. ,, , ji&,.,,��',�q . !� V " %l,l , . , � , , . � ­ t . � ­ I , -, ,A X . I , i. i., .. � 0 , ..i,oj­ , REEV� - - -- ­ --- -- - , ,�. 1-1 , . , ,. -4;4y.'�,,�i4l , , activities of' ,V am. onento; 1i ".. h ine &-. ., ,.. Ill . - .. -­ 1-i , "', ­ � 11 � . Olt I -, P !� , L�ff .1-1 W , W 0: � I '':"# �. 'm . � - A �� ,,,, �7, 1- 11 � ii, I I — 1 , �� .. - �­ . I—— " ! �­� . ,, -,f: ,O . � i . , . ­Jdot�,'it A4prqal . - 11 .i. �­­.­ �. ;.­, �._­­�i­­­J�,­ "'E-�1";.1,Tj ; 1,11 —, n,rs,'. ,F � , . , , "; 7:1 ow, t.;-olu'' 4", 4", .. .. I It" 't � , . ; Itt �. , i The, o, I I ­ � 'V.,­,� .. "t. ­ .0". , �,..,,W-. . , - " ( ,� IPAT . � , " . ",, 1.11, ` I .. rr�;q , ,,� i � , � � . , , T . ., , Wra )I,yn 'If , ,,,, : I .S 5 - , , , , , -, ,� � I I . , , ". , ­­ , , ,��, ,. , , - I . . I , � ,,, :F�"'' .", �, ­ . ' " . C P " , � . , , � " "", -.;I . � " " I I : pla, ­ - , , , I" . � ' ' ' # I �; 1 "A , '�11­� I -, �1, K; , ., C., 1'41�kt',Ai X , Iiii,ol, Q,"M 1. ,,, i ,.- �,� " .�, `41. h4l.i� IT, 14 . , �. 1, ��, ­.­. .1 I " I 1. , I I- : , $Ivor.; - � , I I - . . I ' � I I'd. '�'Jt :." ,ew h I , , .�,, !�­�� l"', -I! ,'.� I , IT I �. # ". I 1. �r,­ 11 -a , . � �� ,, , ,�;, , , "ran,p"i . ".. - - , I � .. , ,. - -, y . I I : , L.. I I , ". t ", ]w �, �, ", I iO A - V1 CC ,�� � - I I I � . " . . . " , , 1' " , "" USB 0 w ,-,, 11 oil . I I . I . . . . . ' .. , ,O I , . . �1. . , . INE1, IE I . . ­­ V "' A" A,, . ,"A ... I'�-.;'""'..�)i.�,i,�'!"�,�,� �`l ";',jA�,�! I - "' , - = � i, '' 11 91 Allay,or 8,#tbpr,j po e ­', I I , . J ', , , � � � - I- - -%4 . . � 1. - I . f., , ', I 111<. " I ly.,� V . . I m­�,; in rpq . . .1; ,,� V EFT * ,a, -ns �V . . W. G. �.Y� Moudd . 66 I—.. � . ­­ , V .'', RES .1. W, 11L ,,"­ I - Meeting. . "I id ­ , ­ E 01D`D--,­? . -,� � ,. � , , '. M. 1. " � ;­ . � .. � I . 1� I � .g. . ,- I �l ... 11 � #`.nU* ', I I ­ I 7711 I 1, & ";­ .�� , MON, L L ' '66n 04 ,I'.,''. f * ' , �L;�,� �".'� �4 i 11�t)` " , �­ -- . - '. L': �,..;,� i, 4 .', . I .";,� - . . � �r. T '.., C 1 Al, -(i '� ­= �' i 11011" ,� � g, , -11 ed'L , , . - 'urnAll , 'T—, ----. I ­- I , , : ­ ": r, S. I.' 11, I . R, " "'. "', if", ipii . .. ... ­7.�o GUIR" M to ap6ti . w I , , I , �. �� . LEA �r,lv . I , , )11 'I " U' -,D 11'�. , .1 ,�, .1 "AlameM"VOU -ii ukerchw4ts, hos',proclaim me 0* � , 11 Ak. . 1, . - - . . . ,- I . , , 7 - , , �. ,,­� j,� - ic . I . .. 1. � .. , Vnextion ' 11 y it - - --v-,,mg " ... �� ��Il . i, , , "ME, " - I , ,: 4 , -4��,';� � j,��,Z-�� I!N�i�,;:11, V . 'a S. ., - I YJ w 11-1 I I � . , � , � its Easter istart in where . - esda . afte 011ri 9 lay . , , ,v,%, . I - RV ... 1. - . 1. . � . I ." , . I L . as. j cu jSsafortih -Foo -CUb; got under ' $ 1 . Ishow , , . ,,, ' I � I . -Vyal ... , ­ . �:, --7 7 . when at t5e, jraw�..hotw "Y--�We�n- - -�'-a ' M,'--4--,`-, , � I � .. !-4- . . ' . � , 1, t. I I . � 1.11 . .k -left Off And AQ,,,,- Juhe,,,July,. = jand .71 �"' �'i, I l,,P. - I . --- - �­ I - . . 1: A . . -. , OL.=- -, � - ,..,. ". et -a. S&�Ie 6t . ,chair , WAY - OR NO � m4ght '—­ -- _QW, , , - —7 7-7`�' - � . 1--L--, ­� -I ",'� 1; --:1,1 , ­ . I . 0-1 - I V=L1!-:- �­ 1. I.. � � I i ­ 1. - . I __y_ .-,,,r,. 1546�nr-Awcfm - were -a� be. , � ---. , - !;',� . -,� ka..:��­- — I I" . , I 1. __ �,�� i. ­�11,'%,i; "er- R party . is xo�� ­ ,�' . -- ]a ­ Q0 ', #14he -subject liffi-M-U-41- sea- ' W -,��' ­­' , � ­ � P , R iI L i, S �-,,H. - I holiday,cbmes in Utemeek ' "'' , ", � i , ,""l, #­il , a -eke . � l, � � %� ­ . , . � Lg� 1. � .1 - � ... I . , - !St- �, ­ . . . I 4nd p1gLus -made for the tornink " . howev6r, th0e .will bo no Ve4. � NE .'S F IM5, 1 �,, ��M � . . I , 117 4"" . 3 I .. ;1 I ­ U,�!Pil For P. X. . twas; at all new and. . lim. . Betbeave was elected , ne,day holiday., � I—, ,,.,O ,��,l ­­­, ­ . . I . .1 . . " 7�4 t�� " Nixon D�slcu§s Qliestions, .- -ere was at ri 'bif,f#pilWfty about ,wm A . I '. - . F , .,�,�,,.,y,�;-e"4,4w",I"",!"�,;��,, . , �, , . 1, "I I - , - .1 I ; ­ I Aft -ng . � l , 4 ��p,!:.""�,L�,".,�'�..,�;,�,�.":"', 1-1& � . 1 . . .j,�.,�,, -.1 ., -',1L1�V'qlwJ I �4* .!- '111� . , � �ffitl- . . �- . . IZ,Vearsl; -bat ,*- was debated Presidellf I I . il. I - " I 1".. 1�`,7,i,,�l�'­, "', �,4i'o. �6 ,��, I =A!*W`r` - : ... .:.; � gunvent, . �V . "" " "' !" , " � - I 41 1, .." �, ,the ar . , . . . W . J — 0, , , t-.� � 4�k,,�#­ I . 11 - .� �� lilfti�� ,; � ....... �'-,,�,.';# � � i . ' '"' 'V' . ily other officers elected were ChaS. � slo' Mary AMi,�T04,4 7 t . Befo -te I . .. � *�,­ t , HL I . � . I. -1 - witli b, vigor which *a-si Made, it . 10, .0 174i 4. m, - 5,';,,4 - l: ' , � "I . . . 1. I.. ."I . 1. . I . Stewart, Ivice-president;i 4Sam Jack- 0 "" 6- . resident ',died,at' aor,b , -&,"J, 1'ri �0�,v­,I�; - �� .� . . t � I ' �', .11W - 1. -9.1,M " , " '. ,,, . I " . e. The ";e% Billwas up . . , . I I " , 11 LAR hanng - . . . L � . � 0 F';' O' '§iallf . I Is lay. 74M 1 . I . . . I . �,W DEN IN 1933 he,.f.eatui " . , " - A , - --- -, ".! '� 11 , Talle'd am, secretary -treasurer; Charles P. on 4 , i ­*% ' ; HURON , � , ,#, i0m., �, �,�;g q1 . .. ."'q- , ", , - . I I. , 1 1494MI, Z p pass, before , , ., Il" I ,I- - . ­ Z- , PLAN ` � - . I 4 . I RUWAS INDEPENDENT 1, .-I'l l , Sills­imanager, and8y1foester Allen, . Ji fall -A few days 80'. ", . . ,. � ­"., ,, , - P , , . . . . ­ � 11 , ,=,o much dfRoussed 'clkqse, 11 A ,1, �`IR5�� I ,­ ..:­­ ­ . ...... . Hea:� 0. Johnson, Robert Grieve, � 163 d, . �. ,.,; ", .--. '­� l,' �� , , , *�� vural-Ptogres-, � '- '!W I 11 . I.., . � I - , , � ;� I - . 1p , , Baum *­ , ke� 4, h r 11, I ... � I "I 1. . .. I 11 " and Vod&,V0vernmMt, 11', ". I : I — iyamaosg, I,oTqe Dale and, A. W. Dick, commit- TO' C011PILE 1) - Miss, A!gdr1­lwhql1 l, - `% I ura-ted on , - . I ­ Again th4 emstiwersial pooint. � .1 . ;. . , ­.v4i� ,,,�,,:­V '. I . u-berals and.PaogressivIes - 1: give monmee of the conrovenotion 'in was tee. .1 . 'l .,with he� moitlr-,Or� upon,, ra `,� 11��. ? � �,1�10'1 ,. tur#i* ��, I . , i1i. 11 .1-1 - " . I Mb da 4""' L ,prosperous Mr. King atbaddarg and Mr, Bennett , �omjriid,�7 evening, for W � ,:­2�1�, , 0 Hensall �oon , ,n W., is, E . M-11 - �Nw I I . . serving Ids defendmg, t1he -Liberal leader seeing . : �� ., 1. , ­,­,�M � , AeA James Baq- l I � IN ION " -`,id -4 - Nonday"at a n0rhimati0m) convention Pract6se will common" as sbon as 01rl in Hensall -and nommo . farmer of Ustborne ana is - rounds, are in shape. HISTORY OF - R; unconscious -pp,.� the ,40,or�`�'Of; t0b ,. I I , eighth teTim as Reeve -of the- -town- 'OPP gre# abouse, ft , , . I I ., . , ?be ­ I "'.,.�':' ` tautyn(34 Reeve . , . , 1 '7' � " � � "'; k� "'��" ` 4'� . of Usborne Township, ortaxVitibso for- ll i,,j�. the recreation g � .. . - '. I 6d ' , " , ­� .r ,R-uran League offlials-have-caaled . , room.. 'Me agg-4 lal Y, , "I.,' 1, � I ,��, �,,q .. . I I I � I pending elections, the'Trime Xinirstier I -1. . � . � . i ' -1.t 14;,� �r,lw ., �, yi,li'3 I . I . ,, ,. .V, � , ' I .1 I aTden of Hdrion Caulutf, '20' sup. I � , — , R1=11-:1 . and., e,x-w .. I . an annual meetinj for Monday might � 17, f allen -oga ma§t - h "I = 1 46 1, . Progrels-11 , . I ". � '.,��.­ .11 � e - mrty in - .�,'­',,. "I""'M �R � I ­ � . corrvenoou� in- , . , iq�g avc) �the lmd-Inj figure in the in- nk to "he abr�,, bFiA .�o be usei& . . � ' ". � I I . I �, Iidepem&nt candlida,te' Th .:As WIarden of Humn Con contended -the. powers, were sought ; I of ,fiext week when the league whoe- Major -S. W. Arcbibald and unable to help hoerzolViap, '-" ,��,,',�',,',, ' � . eh6 ealled. the Zee J sft� �'111 " - ,sives, -v %­ . - �,,, " """ I , INIF, I I dole ,will be wrisidered. It is ex- iWith the as4sit ,� --- . X,� I I ., ,� opposed to the , . , , , 1,,� estigigoii of Hurcri finances, he be- should an eraugedey suggest the, me- `Agw I wa, I a 1, �­�' ­:�� , , � Vfted All who 'were v Capt. N. N., McLean a meighboro, IMrs. I I �1�31' I . � . � � . I pected that l there' will be about 'the . I ii� , , ., 4, " .He#ty. Government,to of ocessity , f urge. l . I . ! attenaNllmd the, Jam" Ballarityne, Reeve: of Us-' came widely kmvhn in eVery Part 0 Telco . of team& entered this . � to hea�­ b,odl and medical aid - i , ld,t, 1 . W44MOAl- I I : �,,,�"-,.q, . �,"`t ,,, same number &Umohloft� 1-,,`i` ­ , . . Discussing the' ba'Aground of the . t 1 ;41. -­` . ­ ­�­:��. �ol �� -, liall W. a 's crowded th tbe�dobrs. . 'borne Township for . the past ,the county, A large� portion Of the in Charge,. I ed. . '' .1 1,-T�7�,­­., .., year as last year- . I I . '.',�, - , ' ' ­ , . " I - "ll, . the credit- for gatting the county fintancet' broad powers, I % - en, 4 - ,-, In nominating'. Mr. B61antYne, -�dght years and ex -Warden of � , � the G,6��rnment beeks, It was feajm6d, hei Blp'NO��. 6�*` � � I I �� ;�'*111 : , , I I l,' 'O'ea-11 turneg down' 'W- 'G- Medd� , , Huron County, who was -nomin- I � w , bas! amd buslme§s ,on. a busimesslilhe 9 f,'Tmiv, Air 'fMi ' ald- of the ' -, . - ' _ in b,e� I . �g - . , I . �� . fkrogre�sive,and Present South Huron ated as Independent candidate isl -untiring e - muLA go to ,him 0or hi T i' ado !A 1931, i§ 'the ye�tr ng pte& ., � I . lnemP>eT., j. H. SCOA Seaf6rth, was representing Progressivies, Lib- forts while V�ardOm . . .,opped ­ - after when oeconoaniiie; �.Cmdltions were I I . . . the only other person nomainated who erals, arid Inde'pendent Conserva- ., iMr. Balliantyne ,has- been active in ,worse than. *w and,..vAth no one suf- . l, , 4 aRDWed hi&namL- to'stand. Mr. Medd tives at Monday's convention. . inluticipal 'mufters for many years� fering, and revi. . ved 9&I*LL last year , . , I I I . TM eliminated in the,first ballot, Mr. " . I ­ 1. �1. ; ;, I . and -has been a meimber Of Usborne' , but not used. 11,avi this -in ntilad-, � '. . I . � ' I I " .- . , I. Wlantyme failing to 'Secure a clear Township coun cil for -twenty years. Mr. King was most- suspiel'o"U's, be- , ,, , I ­ . by y a ew -vates. Vam. , V le. 11 I (had' been announced'MT. HOCKEY -GAME �Ptc=,i "P�date 200 -acre farm he Zers in pure bred, cittlet. . lieving wide -distrust, would be ere- e result Scott -Mr. Mod -d -moved. that the ,,,(,A,,ST . . r ' The cat6didate is 62 years of age alted in a pre-eleetiom;,7earll, I 0 and I . manimabus; ' . , tholee be made u . 1. I , PLAYED ON ' FRIDAY a is married. He has ,one son, and , nd ng went On tO'v allzel, (AF+ Mr. Ki isu what miglit 'happen,, 'how the Goivi- � I I . . !.Nixon -80eaks` - I one ,daughter at home. ernment might. intervene in a dispute I I . — � 'Plans are afoot -for the� eornTila- ­' , . ' * ` , but 'because a, ber, ­adva i, .4 yea , � ­ j*p, � _ _M. r: I ; ,. l', I � ". " ,�:,,lli­,.. ,- ­1-1�1.- �"-".,"'� tion & a history �6f the HUro1*1,.Ree_ ?no I be, .24- I I ... t -effort was made to x4sy * ' jury, "Fo'f'e've', desPIt 'he M06'. �6 .t,; . 64 1, ­­ �;.­.,�' , ��" " � ".", .. . � �A..,., ­ � ­,��",.!,' .. , anent and Lt. Col. A- F. Sturdy, of . Godefloh, announces that Major 18. ��­ � . . ical at;bentloa ls�e,'Passed away.early , ��� , -�" I ­ -,"N-, . -1 � I ". '0 "',�'1­ , W1, Arclb ald and- Capt.,N. N. McLean ­ -� . -- Thursday milorning. ­ ,-, I �­�­­­- . . . -:.;,l-11. -been �. � ... .., ,�,­'.,U`.. . . . . . . . I *, '" bad been a9signed -Io -the duty. This Ws. Agur-- had - reisaLICWTIZ. 1 i - i of I... ........... .,:M� 1;4 � , I i,;4 � ,�, .,. , ,�,, - � :, �­ - .. ' is.a task of me mean proportiom Hensall for nearly twentir ye'din' ,".Te- I . ' , ...; l rf�,, . 4 ��13, .; , Ii. and everry source of information will be ta,pped in an enl to secure as mo"ang there from"'Thaaws'Road --:'. 1 . where - she'had made -her lw,via. -1ya' " ith, ' ,'�"3 . ...,�­�,,4 I . l,:�'. i "I'll ­��. 4. "I'll ��.�4 "'.1-... :,�%. I.., h',, complete a record, as possible. The.her lsou-i-law,, Dr. Cohn --FFi �7 . '4g.T I , . 1, l . .'' !�o""".., I ""), , regiment was first organized, in 1866. Despite - advanced , ,years, ,Mrs. . ...'­i,l ., . r., �,,,... � .. �� I under the provisions of a general or- Agur wag in possesgonr of 0- her-dac'; ­ . I l. . ,4"1111 " �,., ,:,&'. �, -q,� . . ,-,,;,,;� 4 1. - I . . I . I., �, � I .11 ... ­­ I ultkes and retained a keen afiteTest * . " ­.,�x " .� The spmker at the meedaig was - *�� � in an electoral distriet: before eilec-' der dated ,SepteWbeT,,14th of -that � 'A -.In '1.11�i;l I 11 I I a 14oixon, Progressive ll,oader, . � .. �, . n , . ­ I . I H. Glenn ]Etays Speaks . I the aff a�irs- of the day.. � i " lv �� , , - I . ,.. E[arry � l, . day and over-riae �cvmpleltely the , During . the waiZ it was the ,., . I lieutenant. -ti-on I YeEw. - , ' ' . ; ';' , � .. i T Hep1burn's t I -lie ; Funeral arrangements hdvo� ,, not .. .. *..."11'. I �,;; ��, . � I ,1: ""'." . =d M . Election Act. Un'questiOuc I - . � � : Duncan's Defeat Merchants ' I Aly, he On "Whither Canada" ibas4s of the 161st -Battalion and its . I `,:,�,�J, . rerviewed the "malad-inistratiOn" of I 11 I I .G -been completed. I 1. I .­.�­ i . I f �-d, the power wastheTe- "'It kn�p- .11 -n saw splendid, sezvi-ee, all of I . . ,- � � �.; 1. N govern�nent and gavoe, For S-eaforth Cham- , ODER1 CH' DEFEAT .. , I . me . ' .11'.." i . the Renry . . � ­�, P .1, . - vvwte and 4x- . . I I ..., ly means," he delclared, "that, as.,.fax . -which becomesa partof the records, - Dr- Collyer Bowler'g, President , . I 11, , "', .. . MIPAY instances of th4 . I as erislting legislation- is concerM � do The regular mIeeting'of the Y. P, I I . Me Bowling, 0104 . he14 -their - I . ".. now prevailing at Queew,s - . pionship. -' ,'� .. an- - - - ---F "' . . . . . . . . . �. I , ; , , .��',';"., , ., tiavagance SEAFORTH -', PL Ay E R S legislation enacted by Parliament, for �,,, — nual, nweting A Weidnesoday night in. ' � , '.' - r' � I . I � ,, &Alll, 1�1 was held Monday,in F5mt I �1' 1�' , , , . . . . . I - - .. _-L . - the purpose v I ; , ':�!lVL�11, Il park . - � I , r giving .condidence in ',byte�rian ­Churc Prer- Make Preseniatioa . the coum,41 elmmber.., Dr, 0 R- -041- - , . , I I h ,wqtb,, a faolr�, atten& . . . . . . , PAO ,oinviention stawtedl simloolthlY . . . .14 - 'Drov, -T,�� � : , � . 1. , & I . . ,. 4 . '. . their rights and a seThM sej -nee. Miss -Marg­,et St -E d L 1yer was elmected president,,and' thei .L' -1, , , w ,,,, ,, ,I Te1DTg �4 �Wy contested game played uchre MOJLR 42Y other officers were, Te -elected. , Inle � :� �,-�;" . V11 and harmoniongly with C ,e Lay- .In � , ,. -a at all; , ,sided. The topic, `Vk%ftither Can-a&�' . ' ' . ton, Exeter, and George,, ,Sta-mbury, im, th�'VF-.'Qaee Rink on FTifty even- Badminton.. G#mes Enjoyed ,the publie, ,is .of no', v, lue I 'o% commit r 1934 wAX ;: ��,.­Y I . N I . , I there is -M) libertY., no,jlight­ that is ;Z.verT --Al-y taken by Glenu, Haya �' , epoev& -ties fo , I �,:`,! , i I I . the convention iM. Durrcan!s ­&smi defeated . the VK1 - �r, being I - dfiscussed the polifical', social, An eii � yable evening of progres- "I lm::7��,.,k,4 1 Exeter, moving that IS. cham­ '. on Friday ,, not .inifring'ed 'by iihIS',powL c �sl 'a Dt. Cofti,er, b.,,A-.1Ae1)on. � L . 1, to Liberals, Progressives dmd 'Melithants 9-8 'for -the ,town I W-ILOIC-44S I . i'D neill, G. Bontheon.�, A. lChtrkw. 0. ]`,-�� .1 I ft OPLM - . . given to tlie administ,09n. . � ra,oral a -ad Anancial -itatus-of th& sive euchre was held- in Spadorth. Loy- F. , , ,l,.,,�,'li . I nse., Evening. . . Good -win and �Scofteh. - . I " , I '. Independent 4[��, rvativeS, and that plonship, �ane thus. bringing to am end,, I ; ­ - George Bro&, .l, . s& Z"ilvIerbal 11 "" '': . . I Alfter I , ���,4`, . . I .1 b waTffare Dominion. The'rem-41inder of the ev- &I Orange' ,all Monday under the, -,^i ...... , , I 'a ;.,thq. choice of the meeting Tun as Itu the ho,ck*y seapon. . I I � - I r . L , I .- I . ., ; up WiT ! iOnal warmth - ening was spent in ,games and con- auspk-eg.pf -the L.O.RA.1- at which -doubles tourammients will be:`heldr-o2i ... . � -��i 11, I , I I . j �, �,., , . I . � . " �.�,, , , 1, Ind, I . July Vfth, and August,22nd- I ..... ,All- . pend&nt. The motion carried The admission -to the game was a 11cept �,.,,11. -4 ' fl, ss tweIrve tAles were'in play.' .The, prize. . �(­A� !-�' - ' - eafn of soup � — yers, were villgor, - ag, thoug ,tests w.bde.b. �wer� in charge Of .Mi, . - �, - �' ,4 - !Or vegetables to be turn- 'Seaforth `B�drnimtou pla, ,and it; does 166k .;,- 1 . I ,Minstrel -S - , , tVi&One ,or two dissenting - g � The ' . - . were,; . I 4QW., 'Coming . ,.'', " , .�'( I I � 1��,8, ill,� �, . 11 I � , - kee� the ldat6 - I " � . 41 ­ , � �corrWttee -- lik., wageld ,over IMa" Md. I . winners Lady's first, -Mfss Dor- �'- - ,- , . �'� " ­�, , , 4 - , -on - I . - Lb is g'Gin ­.. --- ­ � .� L m , - _qUeatl -41h ­ ­-­�­- . . . n3ilimd� - � V 3rd . , , . ­ Tke;. &e ',,���". ­ - in . � . 11 - ... ..-,. I ,, � , ... -� the big minstrel , 1111 ..... ,-�,­ .. � 1. ., Wag - `Wlkik and the . 0 . — . I .,. - .- . t owe"F; -. ��­ � AT- - I --W - .were thts'prdblem. 66hy Va gent's. first, Geor, , � _ lw'. ­ - . I I "IThe Of QW gpUeS4,1 *-e.,Godericoh Club on real -batb . - -. �' . - I liquio- ver-tor-tbx- ri6hsf be FTidgiy: � 4 e ga ­­-­ ­ -h .� of , 6016t ,donlationis will evend. ng.' , Wes I , , � indoobed zsi t e second W, " I . i and 4th, io 1, '. - , 'o' . Parke; consolation, A . Harmson.. - A - sl;;� � '�:M . I M.g taken and fr9m then on the meet,- .distributed around towTL closely' Contested and mi�h enjoyed. Duri-ag the -day verbal. duels were I .., . . ging � na � 2.�,:0111� pleasing featuri of the occasion' was b i -ranged by th6,11ensall Cham- .1.1, . � � jUg was in variouo stages of ddsoL- The line-up was: The results were as follows: exchapgedbetween -some "If th*1 mari- Former S.C.I. Prin-. . ' to ber,lof'Qmim;rc�, in additiou, to :::I�, . I the presentation of a silver dish- !:: t", s the scrutineers were eol- Duncan"s-,Goal, Johnny ;Muir; de,- ' 1IIIIxed Double,%- -Miss. ,,P. Gras- ,-iTr,:k memb,ers and also between'Jean . the, � "l,"', * I I derr. A second ballot, William f ence Ball ,Barber � and Joe Hart ; " .and 0. K. Naftel, Goderidb, d- Francois Pouliot and Decles, Gott; cipal Die"s in Ottawa the Worth'y Mistress, Mrs. A. C,,, minstrel .show,, a one act, play -will , , , I " !: I lecting the, . sitt, in I be given- The evenim,gs , , 11( -InTon, �e', Jack Flannery; Wings� 0- feated, Miss J. Obuff and L. 11og- with ,Mx. Poulia as asual- having far ,� ��, " .~ ,, birthday. A�Tomi�kq t9l" � . i V , . . . ll, � N ,,,4 " . ,oh I cehA . . �, g I be � the veal big mights, of 111. Blwk, President a the Sout . . :�. �,-? ,"� I - We year. I .. ,� # I Progressive A�jociation and Chair- Budmam and Clordon Muir; SOW-, ,garth', Sea -forth, 15-5; Miss J.,MaT- the, Ibett;er of the exchange of, compli- ay, principal of th", . ,, " iD - (Mr. Roral d�iget who- recently had.. . I l ;;11'. � .� nun -of the nieeting, interTu� to Eugene Duncdri6 'Bazill 'Duncan and otin, Goderich, defeated Mss A Bell- ments: � . D. A. Mack . . .; ."11:1 , . � . the indsfortume 4 t* fracture his. limb I -- I � , , , I 1, I I Id -S. Dbrran-ce, Seafortb, 15-6; Miss geaforth rCullegiate Institute a . I , I k 4 . say- he had.been requegtOeA,tol have -Dutch" Ryman. ., aa Tuesday, April 10th , � lber of M num- NAME MEMORIAL , is uptting along nicely"and, abie ;; :1 � Mr. Ballantyne declare himsielf on the imerochants.�Goii, G. - - Mdebramd; 1G. Wat;gop and Q.L. Walker, Q0,11P- ' - ­. .. I- --- � . . g! ago died in Ottaw2( re- ' - - AIRPORT AFTER - - -be u- '. � I ' e t f,d'J. - cently. e Ot" -Eve - _p for a couple ,of houy,s every.,, ., . 0 �, caked, on Mr. ,defenee, Tom Sills. . and Berv.- Chrli- rich, defeAted ,Misi§ M. Griev �r ning' CW `clia!T, -*1RcK givog fiij� a W ---4-4 -, I pquOr question. He Rennie_ wingg,4 C, HaKe=ie, Seaforth, 1-5-3- Wiss E. To -day the fight was earr ' ied on,, Zen , in referring to MT. Ma��s � " day -iii -a I , , 4. I I . - 1. Bauantynoe6 t tie. centre, 'Evan- .1 1 '14 with exceptilonal ,vigor by the Liberal ,death, said: . LATE, W. D. STEWART tle change and rep ... , I (Ories of "No," -Leave, it Alone," "It Re�'es and Geo, tParkes; sufbog;., C. VAlliams snod'EL Williams, Oo&ri- Opposition against the paiging of the ,"FoT 18 years a teacher at Lisgar I I . � . �. � "F . J, D . defeated M -ass M. Bell and N. Cards- I ­ 1. � 11 � I . � dogsmm inattee" ocamia froW tevem' 0hristie, "Dutch," Dunlop and Relief Bill, or better known as the .1 .� 'A I corner of the bull, but MT. 'Ballamt- SiUs. � 1. I no, SeafoTth, '15-12- Miss AblIS and Collegiate Institute and belorved bly " . ­­ . . I . I I ­13obbie Venus. I H. . Wlatsork, GloderiA,, defeated Mrs. pe er and good government all LstudentS -Who had the priVilegfe , Air Opmanating" to the Northern C. W. L. Sponsors'Enjoy- I ,� -- I ", I tynoe diid not object. illeferee, I Z ba.9 Always of taii,g m,t,uqi,n :from him, -M,imnesota lakes region, by regular . . . - �,I -am- not exactly a temperance . . --- I & i8prorat and J. Crich, Seaf.orth, 15 , question, the �, Donsid A1,xande,,jMaekay, .M_A_v a week end lsicheduh,- is a possibility : ' �. - ��; .1� I �, 'nan,"Mr. Ballantyme said, "but I be- I — . 0 -e' -tha - able --$�c,ial. Evening . ­--'.. �;11 , . I . ito - 1 i - ,Mrs, Halys and J. ,N. If. Mills, . ­ ... ,- - .. f it I . 11W.�C..--,S� Liberal party- Wot�estingl against.. th amd,- 1�et�; t looms- for the enguiavg lak,es, sea- UeMthat this beer and wine bill -Will &d;AX­defeated-­Mrs. povylers given the Government to do pa�t - pr��!,&tt of the 'Arts , I son -as the W. Do. ,Stewart. Memorial � -11, � " ­­­., -.ii��..­� -Rebekahs Entertain'' ters - Club, of otta;;ws, Passed- away at - - ­ � -1 . � I.N , .... 'o- . .: ­ . I ­ Too— Md ­ , Local and �D., i4l lson, Sesford4 -15-7; M178 -1 ­ " � ... 11 W" a if Public . -iln-coamoil things that a re-- his ,resid"ce, 75 Jam�es Stree, - Airport, loca:ted ott, the south end The Catholic Women's League of ' . - r!�; against it. 11 will do wha&- is right. R. Nairn,, Goderieh: by order t I �" , Neighboring Lodges Graham and ,D. � of Gull Lake, near Brainerd, nears St. James' 'Church sponWx,ed) a very . �'.-F - it A1;o,M19 . T. Presentatirv` government 410ne sho'lld � The late MT. Mackay's death will _ . n ". 0 , . I can taao� a ,Mnk or leave . I lost to miss X. MaGreg- and '' have the all4dhority to do. , . �b.ok to the -Pq-U--- ., pleasant sorial in the, Vir6sb� hall.on . I -T � . I � 1. - Demands for a new, balot were ,T �esfborth; f6-4- . - I con-ilee as a distinct :, , I , . . Doubles - Miss- X Wat- I who knew him both large 1. , i s'Rebekah Lodge, XG. i 11, T= many as an as- 'The adTport, constructed' by CJWA TVes,day evening. There was a 11 , I heard froom .the hall, but, when 'the Edelweis . (Continued on PAp 4) work-eis, will honor the memory -of atten-&-nm .� . . . . e district 10490% on ,son. and Mrs. AiUs, Goderi de- l . - socitfeon, the staff of the Collegiate' the late W, D. Stewart, director of-, :priJ6 winners for ,,ad,, we,, ' ' I . . . CfiaiTmIan asked for a show of hands entertained th , A,pri-I 17th, in I.O. f etated , - - - - 9\0 -id Miss S�h*p��,_ present and former students and a MISS .1 'A . 4 � ov.lefting the ballot stand, oitly a Tuesday evbning, the Game and, Fish division, 'Who Jane Velribeem and Charles P., Sills. I I I Meant dozert were not in faimT. , :o. F. Hall. "Reb-pikabs, htusbands, and iseaforth, 15-5; Miss G. Watsloti'and wide circle of friemods hem and els- . . votbe friends were present-fi, ed MANLEY maintained,a summer home on 'Gull. A delicious lunch was se,r�ed by the , - , :. � lEve, -orn Gooderiich,. �Mrs. Graham, Goderich, defeat ,where, Only last FTidRY 'Mf- Mae- ' : - � ,n the announcement of .the lake, *hi -ch for the past several years ladies, followed b,y d,u&ng,- ­� Mitchell, Stratford, Milverf ,ML.�s Bell and SIT& N. Bell, Seftf4DAh, � . . . kay was at,his usual post at Lisgar, . WR, h I . .� . A stop Ithe disc-besion, for when Clinton, .. . 'the summer caP�- nVuslic by Dd-Dal7 and,, his orchestra. ,. I I ,&d rm . ,MY. Fred Eckairt n bet with -a pain- bas -been known as * allarityne bad thanked the meet- ton and I�russelsl. 1 15-9; Miss P'..Grassiok and, Mm.'A&A ' through the halls of Which 'hoe vVas tol I.? I I 1:�' . . . I " W B nd'gs�&l its support,, Re,�-' J. W. ,The first ,part of the everting was Goderith, defeated Miss Grieve and ful accident last week while operat- a imlost fa,miliar figure as he habitu- The� project, a� a, means ot air- I I . . � ,4. fiqg W Exeter, President of the South -spent �n ,�vrogressirvv oe,*hre� tPrSze Mr& R. SpVDat, Sea&orth, 15-6; Miss !MX 'his htter carner, when big finger 1, ally stopped to converse with &tu- comm%micadGn between the Twin CA -t- l .. t000000ll . � Down, g& caught in the -sprocket wheel and dents ,on thei.r. sooiasti� difficulties. . . CROMARTY . intgrou,Tempoeratce; Fede land I s -s E% Wi ams.,, 00 - I - I ,mtion, tj�ood w1nnerg,being: Ladies' first, 'Mrs. A1- J. Martin Mi 111i d- -n ) . .1 - . te-d Miss Bell and Mrs. it was found necessary to h.a'v Part, A naturalist in every sense of the 'es and all Northei Minnesota points I V M the audience and asked the candl- 'bert Baker; gent's- ' first, MT, Souttew, eri,cai, defea � of the -finger smpiitated- . . word, the late Mr. Mackay whs was strongly advocated by Mr. Stew- The April mleetiong of th;6 W = S. I � . . daft tol'be more sperAfic as, to his ,Clinton.; ladiels'coms,ulaltion,"M�S. Hus- W, Sproat, Seaforth, 154-' - lose who attended, the Progres- -nvv-,-r happier t�a-n w1en he was in art as a mtember of the Gull 1oake met in the basement of the church. on - ,--, - '', V wine questiom ton,. Gooderich; genVs coms6lation, Mr. Men's - Doubles -C. 1K. Naftel and' Th, I-mprovement Association. and Who,, I . I- . - oband on the -beer and E. L. ve, L Thurgday, April 5tih, with 4 good at- � -we -have been called- upon ag-dm! Bob McKereher. , , JVL. Baker, Goderi6h, lost to ibeTal and Independeht-Con-;hlis I'leic" roorrel'at'Lisgar discus as direatur of the Game and Fish di- ' - -,. � . I ll to a I . ,"ter a de the Seaforth, :Zxlive convention in Ilensall last' sing the elemebts' of PbYaics, Chem- I ion appreciated its advtantagecous ten,dance, Mrs. Reidie acting as presi� . . I f I I and again I 't - ,licious lunch re- Hoggarth and T. Taman, :, . ' ' -n in the dent for the- day. -Mrs,. Thomas, Laing . ; . I . , deval Mr. mainder of.the evendag Was spent 18-,16- C. L. Wizaker and, U Wil- ldon&y pa&,ed the hall to - ry, botany or zoology with a- 9--mlP v"s developmeh't of forest 1� . -n 4. I. 1h I > a -�-t-pupils. Always a s wadk locatio, . 1 4 41arte a 'A �g that we have in dancing to music by the Rythmi hams: Goderich, defeated& D'Orram-Ce The meeting chose James Bjha=-, ol lover o �Ire prevention service," says tbe St read the portion ,of the study book -1 11 Dowmb aamd 11 0116.9 . to qcKoenzie, 15-6. D. R, Nairn ex -warden of Mron, for the standu l nature lifle, - Mr, Mackay had on 1 ­ Z and Mrs.' Wi�llianl Hamilton read'the . ,, ­ . - on yet. si, It . '406' Press ,in part' in a rVe ' ­. not reached a definite, 'd - - Rambl,dr, The, n vel ,, dance prizoeg land J. IT - Scripture lesson. A Very fine Ea%ter ,",�, 1 --IV- - .---- its Sm 9 IX#chell and and, M Watacon, go(i�rich, defeated a -rd -.bearer at the c ing provinciafl,rn on oc -on Organized ' I Included in. the issue is .: oft . ooTe tham -e cask floor. , -- - -,i�� - -.- N. Cardno and iG. ex a large photo showing the field and message was read- by MrsL Jas. ]�Hll, .. '!) - Z1W--11­ - - - -I----.-- mleillor of U expl r ­ "Christ, OUT Substitute." - Interesting ,. .. . it,!�-dacq4 voices, from. went to MiC �ij Crirh, Senforth, elpation, Mr. Ballantyme has been I peditions of students for wood, cent issue, � F crowd" a�w&-aq- I 4i M .15=T-.-i,--N-H. Mils and C. Naitel,. reei�b and con sboorne toWn- 1 land o atiom also marking the position of the late ..�' . -T11l tell 7ou thi,4 much, I wouldn't � I items of interest were given, bry ,Mrs. I � � bow to any temperante organimtion goOdbUbe was enjoyed by al -14 &`oderj�h, defeated1i). WI�W wn&-r-' ,ship for tvv�tvoe years and comes Well, On Biological Board Air. Stewart's home. Mr. Stewart �� I 1, Taman, Seafoig� 15-9. recommended as -honest Hmd uprightl For 11 'years the la,be Mr. Maelmy ' Jag. Scott. The devotional ,part was i" . " I I . im ads province," lnterru� Mr- I ho was a brother of 'Mr. John A .,�� ' fBlaek, the chairynan', "and there L -n% —6 ,Sun*naTy­­L97dies' doubl�a, Gode- in -His dealings with the public. osi Whe Domfivion w .11 , for anony'taklen by Mrs. .5. A. Willer an&�ZEmL­ . - I . Board and during that $'te*aTt`o Seafoltb I was Reidie. Very sm..;tabiel lwmrw . , ` 4 It Sibetbei; tempemance man in the OoUmi- rich 4, -qAa&<Rth 0; nien"s do"bles, The past few -days !�pring has made Biological , 'L th years director of the ga4nae. and fish . � ' "To - , , � I 0 Dr. Rei d Udmunds of Brantford ' M 5ninig for the cocasion- and, the =Oet� Goderqch .,% iS60orth 1; rffiXed , dou� its appearance anda few am, trying'tin-DO lent valuable assistance to le . 0 - I . ty ,Uhan'j am. When the ibemPerant* wa,g a visitor ,at ,the home of lids, , . . work in division of Minnesota, . q im,g eldsed wi�hpilayei�,,amol'lthe- Lard"s , . l'. 11 . I I ''I SUP- ' bles, Goderich 7, SoNaSoTth L theplowii�g' and everyone is anxious governmiellt doing 'Wes"reh * . . md 07 o I W�soog.6 v&e as they pray f%m I! mpt&er� Mrs. W. G. Fklmunds- ' . . . a — I I . Prayer in uniton. . .111, I . . . I jort them.."' � I - - — to ,get on .the ,land. If the fine wes- various parts of the D - . " I 1 . . ... -- . too.o.oloodool0000000l000, � Tita I . 1, X . I I . Open -Nomination . - � - I . ther .continues, se.&Thg-will be of esp-6.11y iu the Ma, me Pro- 0 Miss Mary Neville of Sarnia is (Mr." Ohimleiy, of Tuckersmith, m"- �..-.., 4 L , 11 I I � - .. . In view of the fact thatthere '�er; & i. iMeMil,lan, ,Seaforth; J. G. HULLETT . short duration. By V11 appearance inces. genial disposirtion and p I oe- visiting at the bl,i6e. of Mr. and Mrs. ed to the village and now occupies � . 0 tbel -house lately r*cated by A&. Thos- . . . ".� .. 11 11 . so many Wesent; the clauase i Stanbury, Exeter- IMITisin BlIA101Q, . the all wheat has -stood- the WInter Of a Mr. J. M. McMillan. Laing. � ! r,stitudl.,-- � ,. .., wea. sesseld of an excellent , buanor, . - . - . I . I mtiou call Dr. -J. 1W. ,Shaw, Oliarton" - 'LoVeAloggaXt. - A quiet vIodding .- I . . P . t Seaforth; I �, I . � Miss Mary 'Currie,, who spent the 1.11, . wrog"soswe . mazed at the United, Chur& I �1­1 I I . we as . And W. H, I�Obiarftor4 GodeTich. All was soleim . . aoffmpsvorn . . . arsonage, ,LondesboM \- . 'Mackay was a favoTite with students winter -at Qtrlingford witli ht�ir slis. I '. 0 . baft&b -was. discardo5d - sTA '- ­ . withdrew ex�ept the first three. 1p at noom, on . . . I . .� i '� , - - � -ugbout -his many years of teach- ter, Mrs. Itussell, returned home On 1� I was decided to haw"Pe open , 1W Medd, it all*winghis name to Saturday, April 14fbh, when Berths H. I -- thro l If . with the ellectiou by balliot- - stand, �jamted out.t4hat all ]MOW -bis only da,ugbter' of ,MT.,, and- Mrs, An�-11. I I I * . ing, ii, Ottawa. Dridence of this can Tuesday last. I I . be, found in the fact that-- he was Miss, Olive Speare, who, to,evb the � . Thom 'Aaminated, Were Jas. Ballau-` stand on ,the Oquor question, and told, ,&ew Hoggarot,' -was United in MRr- Everybody is talking . - -4 ge to George & Lo onil son of elected to.,yarious honor�aTy positions winter in Toronto, returned, to her � ­ 1� , tyne, Usborne Townsbip; ,J,,.,l - Scott, of the vote on the beer and wine bill Tie vO, y . . I I _ . . -� It . '19 . , . on student bodies awl� On two Oc- home on Friday last. . . I A - &aftotho` W, G.. Medd, ,U�LA , Ems`- in the Ebouse. He claimed, the 0onserv- W. Ge1orge .R. �,00bvib0dipm6fiffM -was teacher -adviser on the' IMT9. S. A. Miller sperg the *rmi*r I ­i� . . �: V , . - atives . had ,�oted' as they weft in- ,Xr. George - & Lovlelo', Walton 'Rev- cations ' I I �. . .1 0 -, ......6— . � . I .. . . eiate2 iQ brie , I Vox Lycei, school ,publicatiom part a last week in Strhffford 'with . I � ­-=­ . abruebe& 9. X. ,Gardner AS . � .. ., I � . 1. ,�. 11 -- . . I Mr. is,00tt felt, .that w,b . fle he was a ,chorniOng In white silk n;eFt over Sslin .- ,_� . Hgairdwood. flooring gn addition to b6itg a teacher of her son. -, .. . , 1:�:: . I . - , � V . . . . . %upemnee man the real Imm' was owepe, wme �tlhw ,groonts " SV4 1 .. I I I . . evft*ordinary m4n% 'ATO. Mackay XM 001will, of the rviftage ape* , ­­­ � e:i . was also"an - essayist " 6f no nVean ,the Ewster holidays witli &leq��aollt at , t'� .� I I . -a bouquet ' l'� 1� not ,beer sud, wine, but t1he exhuva- miriled . � -�11 ) .. - � - , w-- - . I I I , V bnde5- h i " ' -and wm,6 , of -his 4rotiele . I l & Brlarcmffe rw- I - . 1, . 11 . - . - WN6,a,tho ,*esevt M�nimisbmtim- '�A. 9steo11l&,MrPhY, acting - Irte - Just before 'ousecleaning ability ,a Emelter and also ,visited, vith her b , - ;3,i'�, . � ,.�,�i I I �� ­ - ,,, . a6hie;vd tomi ther at, Mrkton. . I �� . ", I I -�4 0- �gjgged th,�, bkr, a1ftd Vito bill agI W*i<t�, Wme a, i3rootty frock of. blue 40, p mencis. I I 1 . l�, I 01 ,. I ", , : . I ".... - -1 is e time tolinotall.. ,Born in Xingston, the late 'Mr. , ,, . .. I . . ( I. .f I h r creiipb� The th' 0 i I � 1� .-"�,,, 11 .g, ca6wUflage oto hide thq,oins of the bird trohie s ,ee I efoomis, � . � . .. � I i. " ,, . I .. � C.Cou nt's ,,,,Y�,', After the � , . ' � . I IMah,kay had reloeived his, elementary . ­ ­ 11 � ,.. �. .�. I..-, . I 11 , �;4�,. I (f. I � .. . . ,Ifen" govornmevL. 1 man w" Forank.Xirklry. Vk- - . .1 I'll 1, ­,�; . � I il','� I . jamoty,n4e Also tho�ght. rblle lgi- 06reaulony the blAdal -party returned . . � . I , I . . `,!, . ll, "I . I � 11mr-Bal . I A Beautiful Polished I'll edumtion there. ,Rbs wife, who sur- I I , ., "I" l I 1`�,-., I , . ",� I I 11000� ,me was the 'fearful increase � 4 debb, ko the ,home of the bride"s Parentsi . � , . I., � � . I vives himi was, wass Gibson of Kb*�� 0 l, . ! " , l, , 1, I lk f .1 . I . I I � son Annual M' e fing,4",-" " . -% `�, . . ­� . - ti and vhere A dainlw lunicheon was, ser"d. stfon. He is also survived 'by a, 'O � � - . '. 41,,�11 . .. 1. y the Nosing eosit a adwd stra on I ' Donald, st present studying in %h- I &---ij-o.�, 't'l, I .1 -,111­� . ,is Dr. M�cka,Y h8s retired ,- kh, ' ism ' ' t of - 11 - The dining -room was prettily deeorat- k I ,.. "I . 6. lit ismingedift . uttion roof6a# ,, �',� . ��'- I "k 11 . - .,4. N�'..­. "I'liS 8 and, white. The wedding . fornia. I I � I "..".. 1 ,"4 ,:�: 61, . I I ' W, R. R�obertsoq ,Poin6eld -&-t 6 M, ed in yfirk Oak Floor ­-0s&,`;`l' .11 .. . I I.. frpM practice, would �400e reeena,­ - been Ca&8'MmJtMe& the ta.ble� which car,_ . t. . ,� . During his residence in the GAO- ­ 1 $f I ; �, .".. 1. , 1, i'P�� I I I . . . . . I , � . '.1 � 04din4dh had 00V l 7 � - I ', MOND�AY' "!* I .14'".", - !,l,Z,,�"`.,5.1 11 I . . schelinIv. The . taf the late AIT. Mackay h0A ,been a . I I'll" . I , , , 11 � I 01o, , . LL I "'. " . ,l � &,.�,�,�'Lll',i��`,I"�K . 11" llr � ll� . - , ,,,, . � , " , T I ­,­'.,, -,-Ail, . 'kindly -96WO (Ahiffted to igouth.gavon but, proWwd lried ,out the game dolor 1 RMU06, � '. ­ ., " . . � � I I � owing fiecounts .--. I lgtp��, to the can~e.' 9TOOlAr's gffot to the bridemaid was 1'� Let us quote you ' ,drevoted &M e4t@9rft%d Obendm* Of . at Dick , 11 l,L,*. 6 6 . I , 0. . . , I t.� ,,, l kP'! , I � 4 . I . f& J". ,MdMillt'n�, ­ i1b&­­th ha�* , ,. 1 . J � 4 I 1'l',!,V1,,"'FN V , A. Sfltver Cooin"'at; t M%1111 - �1. - � �l 1. ,;*, .1. I -.444, rffigs' Wth A) �, I " � � ,,,�,L,,6, ,,�'ir�",' . thel gTo6i, I Chalmers United 0hurch andito6k an - 0,61V t I " I ,promptly With 4 1UPAW - . I . I t ,-t IL I � 11� '.�, ", bsit d law"" and d6etor' Anks. For, tramelling the 00*te ir"Test in ParodhiAl alrali", V ,� ", ..� l , ". 8,5- '" Nei & ktlk . . .. I o fees nod gold cuff li ;v tftmg *1 ,, I." I 1.11"11-h 1, C, at Dr. Jarrotes of- 10, I bmutoz where bel , . IM, I , ) A , � 00'r e had lowft, 6%tter­ : . I �` ,',e�ll � �*.,i,,,-7��R"'i,T ... I .� I ­ -'ll "I", . gave oem&d .. .1 L h , apply to it"e"b", -'- * '.i . �,�Jg�".37k,�p�, ­ I . , .. wg . � iMendent of the 'undiuy. sehoa , I �11. li'll "M 1 "I'll . "". . I .. I .., 1: � .ft, ji&�V : ly 16� I �',���,;�'�l.,�',��;",�.���""� , ­­ I . lb4,to ib , ..: � I .. ,, , . � . . I * -60-04. ly . I "06 '06to VO OMMMI-17 uo" em W)n . 46it;. Ao, - W�, � ,,, ��. � , . , " , it " . Y109 I - . .1'. . 11 bride &ose- reen iubl§g ft' - &"O ' C LUF tome 7ears h, I . _ ... -SONS' I N. I I - av��� . N "' '' F & ' A' 0 1-1 " I y, 4i, 1 JF k1t.,,,,r, the ho,joyawonj , Na iki&a e . I th*b ,chufth Intenwenit wft,tnado in' . � I, �� I 'i, I ��i , J � �. I I , V 1"VP l 1, M Was, -1" 3 - . .1 I I . I , ' , W. 1. I . - �&Ivldate . I I I , I. ­ -- 4 . I , � . -11, � -�,�,,#,,�, ". '' � ,,,,, �i . I ") -W -. . ­ I -1 ­ .." 11� fl-. I ­ I — IN � � , U,��qj � I no I - .1 ­l­I,,,WW66wW10wWW I , I . I., 1, . 11 , M VgtkiYt, ` " - I wnl rm'de _ on, the Poop& . --- 1. ,,0vWmqt4 cemotery, XhVAft-,. , - - ? "'t, �4� , I t, I I , t4figlft , I also 2040,60416 , I �i 4� 0" . -J6*M,, , . ., f4ok I I .. I I ­1"IN11, "'u, 1.� � o. - � i . , � , , l, I � � . I * I '.. 11,�,` . I . . , LP W­"­l"� 03-1 I . .. I I 1�,l;��­,'Jl ",.,�,, ., .. oil - I � I " � 1. �.. * � br,V Ito � " , 0exillop. I I . � . . . I . I . I ,�,�,.� I ill I I - . �,`T;li! � v- I - :11 -.�,�.­l ,­ ...''I.I...­ 1. . :, . , . I . . I . I - I ( I � . 11 ­ �� "�t'� �'. -1 *!`­­*,�Ilt�f t�-',q� , , ,,, �� . . I . I . � ( - � . ­ . � . . . I . I I I � I I ,,, �, "PA, � . .1 I . . " � ". - . . I . - . I 11,�.,�,,,��,­�.­' -'W."- . J, . ., . . . . ..... 1'&'�' 4 1 1 1 .11 . I -1. � J � .. . . , ", Wls� - , � �) .,R� ," A �: - - , oll . .1 1, It, "I 'S -.'N 1 4.� . ­- . " - .." � I—— I I., I 4 , ,M XY �, . � " �­% I 11.1l.- " -1 .l,.A-- �­. . , . L . . ! . . . . I � ��. I � ,:--,,� ,,,, X , . I . m . � , I I ; �­. . 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