HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-04-06, Page 4�, , " , ­ , .:, . , , I , - , " . ; . . !-,f �'�". �"',i"�,�,.,., � ,� ,�,,: . '. ", �J .� ': 7 , , � - � �� �,, ,, � ;� ,., . , " � �: i �..�, I ,.. I . 11, � � " � ,� :1 �, . �, �. ��; I I � � I'll � i � P � . , , I � ; �,, " , ., ­ I .. . " ,� . $ I .. � ,. �! "i � � " � . , ;� �, , . , . .2 , , � , , � I , �, 11 ,.'� '­',�. ., � �� , . I , I � , , � " I I I" I I I ,� ,�­, I - - :". � , . 1, � ! � , I I . I I -.11,11., � I I I.i , , I 11. ". 1 .. ....... --- , - i; - -- -- 11 �: .1, I 111"..."-- � 411; , . I � 71;0 ";: =., , I- � ,", I . I al�­'­. ­­ ; ..""', I I ,I , , ��,"�, , 1,�;117P , — �i � '. 4 , ,�! ��!:',J',g ", , ii . - - ­ — -661i�, , 1�.,��, � 2 - ..Z- � , L-�!-, , , - -­ -, ,­ � I i.."A-'i i �i - � , , "' " --'V" ? . I ': �,� , ,,­,�t . �, � ,�4��, �'.,- -, ow T`V� 1; � I ,� " '1111114'r ".. - , , I , . I 11, ,� i.- �', � . ,� I XN _AJ 114' 1�71110,0,0ji i` - � I ,1 "I" " . , , .,e , �,N�ftlilip­ I I T ", , , 1. ,,,I-,,. , -,� � � .. - . 7.. �", ­ , I ­L`AJL;0 I I , -., . �.", . , !, . . . �', . .4 . I � i . ", 1,� �',� "ilf -,�, ':11 ,� -, - ,� 1�� ..,I....,.-;, "'.", , � I I I � 11.11, 'Np ... ,r�,'O' "I" �',�T""i"',�.1�4� '% `,�, ­,­," , , f"j`� � ��. '' , ,, �, , .1 ,% I " 1, 'L4 ,,',',��,fk'�',�,,I.','# ,,� . . . , ,:�� , . 2 - " 1, , , L, -,*� '' ql , ,­. ;, , ,.,�;",i�, � � � ,,, ..�� ,� � I " , . : "I I r 1 1 1 1 � ) "I I ,� -,:, . I � , , � -1 , ,, � I, ". , ��, . x, � � � , � �..: I :. L�; , , . �,.�, � .1 I 11 I 11, � I I �� . I , , , , : , I',; � , i I � I . . . . . . . -LL ":eW.. "'..... .9.4 � § I- � - � .",�, . . . . . . . 11-1-1--111-1111 -- - � I ­ I -1-11.11 - I ­ 11 - 11,47 N�l --U, 2 ,I;; .. I I ­­­ � 1. '71i I 11 tl` ­ I ­­...­=;��­. ., , 7 '. � ­.111�11­,,, -11., I'll. ,�. V, 1'r-to"t-, "�" � .11, 11 �.. ­!� - 't, ­­ : ­­ ... - . , � � , 1, 1. I., , � - ­.­ . � , 'I., �11 ,,b,;�, "' .1 , . -, " , -L , .�', . ,�­ * , �,-, .4 4 , ,; "' .. . , , . - , ", ,., r, ,� �'), ­� -71.x- �`J , , - , �, . ; ­ I � - 1. , -1 . I , I . � , 11 I " I � I il , Z:'. ".7 � , 4 I 11 I", �'A ­ , L: " 1 !". �'. r, .; ,"L�' I , - , . I .. ... :1 -. - . ... . I , 11 . L . , , , . I .. , I `0 , ,� , .! I � , 4, I ..,,� � , . " ��, 3 .- . ��V- �, ,� I *W , i , I � ., . . 1, . , , � , . , " , � . ,- - �; � . , -L-:- ­­ ­ .- .1 � ,I * . . 4R'�' I ,o"p . . ,, � " ;;;;,t;0.-, , -­ ,. '' , � . .0 � "if4owfw", 1, r I � � 11 . ., � ­-, � - ,­­­ -1 - "I I . "' , , , . � I , 10 - ,, -:r ­,, I- "1177-p.lr'.�t­ , . , � . � ,4,� ol , " , I tl�L i� ", , . ,­ . ,� I ,, I I . � . . . 071`�, �,, ,.,,',,� �. �,,t,,� ,, , , �. , , �1 � , I � ..0 �'. I ­ ­­ I . . 1. q �, . . :';�- `�"*,,�­'L:��,,��,,,�, - ,, �11�';"`i` � , � I 11, ,�11 1,�,� , , � � —11-1:11i"L.'11111111�-.� `:''. "L I I I L , 1, A -W , ­ , .. - ,� L� , f, �' 11� I �11`r'­ , 1��i­;�g , , 11 i"',-, """ , :.;­." - � �., - 1, ;��- , , , I ' !L . I 1i I ka'' , 4, ��,i 1k a . �.IV-:�%, ,,, ,,, :,­�­­ I �­ Z - , ­�. - �4 , .�%��i,�;I,l -��'� 1,1111�31`,'--.111' ; " ��� , I � . - � `.�,."', �L ,, .. �. . . : I. ., I . � L sl ," , . .. ; , , , , , , � , ,""�,:, 1: -", fl, %� I � .. �. �� .. �, .- I �� '11, � .. 1 14 0 0, '­ ... 14.11.P. -I 1y-11+1'4 .. ... .. '�.,p,fi� -4. *F` "'k " �, , , "... ­.� �I , .. ,, : :, . . ­11;,-�.L� �­:­ �� I , , . � I . , `1-",� �.�zl,',T,.,..k-,$Dii�iil��dai�,.,� 64 , L " , � I I . . I . � � . - -1 I : ;,-,, - I I � "IN! M,� �,-f.,.,"..V.fR���4,JL'�%4,ck�f,%34,tw*m.. ',my..'WA y'i­"�w .4b,ww -"% W"11RAX "R, 1", .'a QA 4,44,41-4 , . . . � . . � 274F4 , IMEALK 19 .,� $% - ' , ��LW%P­ . � _ ea?� 'I', ,�. I "' , I . NNNIIMNNIINEMIP�� 6 ­ I . I -� M he , r ­ ' - ts I ,his UAW Auvom. 110.. " K-- " ,� Ir 'a , ,�', � , 11 L ,� ,J.,-, W,�Mtjvn* .,P�.­$�.r�tf , .., , 1W , , .. oid; ��,- , 04�1��",��" , -, V . 1 7 1 " �F, !��.� - I .-N!'M .1 Ines Je 1 fflayspu, 0 watghaw- 1, $Peut�thew"k),exld, Ta � " Im - .� 460 " terear'l .'�­, . , 9 � ,. ... ..... ..... 44 ik&ll %1,% a ta 11 VW AwralAIL 41�jt-4. JL IJ UJX%Fv.�Ja , � er b�Y Be ' , "' , , . � 15 - ­,A:QQ.;1U , 14'aft , 1%, . � I .jo eirl. 91k I A , - . " � 11� , 14 . , A X ., - A , t' . T 4- w1fila � = 4 �11 R9 ", "T - W �, 1. Mo. I k : , �6, , , �1 ­ in .,. 7 to' act , � , I - . '00oniMuod, fro* F�,V X) I try W­0904�4 Toront% a" U,�, *gpd �* op "",-: Ri N&g. flift. Olt . " ' -9 ma?16-914 I),, - 4`% - .; '" I ,LOOW4 11VA. "I'L119 I . "0100,64 � ,0' , , - - * ""'"' ­ X"A -, , -%I ,-, I , , . .1 . ., . , r 7. , �J .. � I ­js�,.,pe je, o,", LIU ",W . $ . "I: . � , "Buitauf IZOAftr aftvi"s wa�* hold Wfio, . . - , � -844-1 , kA., i "I 1. I I I I I �Wfitfi, .0*M,iJ" _ I .. � ; �,, . 6. in# ' ' Qt. 0 ,­. � A., , , X,L- .0 - f : %� - �,� ,1 , . ispending ,Ith,o�.Ap4st4 hO1JA&yB hgs�, n. = - �-.h,�re,, witli�"04� , " 911 .." ,.�F I " J , rega ­ bee in -ve" - poor lut '30k Wd 4%"' I � t .p � * s. -to'a'9-*ac'e',Mdgert* (�p). ]R_.Frank iit the f%iselharst rdh on Gunday their parents . � " WT1111 Z , nj,11� � J ,��.'and Mrs. J..FinlayL ot Pq I I I . ,,, a... ,; , 04f I. X .8; " , 41,6f t�b I i" ;", ­ ftr- , . 1, . . TIS: 7 - I -W I 11 , , ih . A , hkthe bush- Ryan (H.).` ,1­-jad�ie ,Powell (H), afternoon and at the end of the . is 4mvrorApg, ni",Iy. - redt/s. I . � ;1� ft , Spent ., q past viripek I t . V SOIL . I '. . 11C." -1140 4 . �&,,.,� 1 UnWseraeftt Oomrnittep of the,',AMr. 9. HolwArd 'X ' I .1-11 Itat Se4ion, of the country Janet. %dgert .(Z). Primer -Allan vice Conl�nunlon was held,. th ­ hth� , And Sister - M". W3 1,,, 708 ­ Imack, - .. I '14ti, 44 ,� ,; .,­d�0w-..,,. - - I I , . I ". - . . ' - 'm " " - - - '414* I , ,,* 1 - - Vial - 'tend" i R 17- -r , 6 , ­. and winter., (Mr. Nicholson Ry ."E" y 'sex ed to 'Mr. Board Of OX'Iimeriee, ensall, -are a' ,.J6�wlish,were,��lwalto.d.st'�,,,00 ­ --,4ft-'­# -A,.,,,, .Ativlo Owl) of' ­ I.. I I .an (P). Highest marks. ob ined: lUrs, GeWg4i Eyre is Iting in and Xm-, 1W Brown in .the lo I l . " _ , 0 . ..taa , � I I , .1 . , , � . ., . . , [6, '. , I� I �� . , , '. 4 I 4 , ,- " , , , , �", � , , � , , . . , . . - 49 of rqAging a iIiIilrsitrel stlidw which will thlair brother, Mi.;V. Z 416,.e V11illne 04 � I -,of olie of the' W-ge lumA 'Arithmetic, Janet, Hodgert,. 98;. His- 8eO.ftrth this Week. � their 111itide " 8%II4,ghter in 'Loudiin 'O' I � .� the 46doa 'Aga4" W1110 .. W-T-. . . I , ­ , 10 '­ . .. es there and� of cOuriel, itOry, FYances ERgic.­ .97; Geography; 'Mffir.. and M=.'­Ri4t'-ri1cy­ �and -little Friday 0�erdng -Just. , ,,�l I .0 be presenfte4- in the near'future, *R from Exetej,.�L�� , I . . . . q*en � so, voq t J11 for AM- Mon I 01. I .,: `114Z 1 . . ., -ft ths - 'iffi1c, .. I ! . . 'i I . . '." . . . Hodge , � �- " - b I 0 '. .. '10 Stew- son i I '.. , to " "Seho,w 'Operobon, as Rvjl� affected by t,,,4.P friends in Cromarty late, *, And MAI. Ca*e -4have mov- cert held,at the Clinton Ro it I on �` J I .9 �­.­�- '' had Vi , tvisited ID -r- 1. 6. ST611110 us4sted at; a con- ' 0 Rarg�&!" os�,Fok,-D&' , �'5 , ,R�;,. . . r ,;. cu#ure, $if a 'Our buistillow men - �sr -= - R. - .. I . 1 ­ y Wa# ­ I , , . " , .11 1. 1.� 11 , ly. � '. I I , =V. I . ... .... I . ir ngw, 9me- -60 the, Huron - . On . I I 0. � .10 LQVO 14 - , ji, sld4g, b" ed 141141119 tbo , .... � . ,* . � I .. . , Pri I ", . coupe .. I I . . . ,a , , . ­ , � art ' , L 88; IninsPli,11 11z"Inees Elgle, ed to the" , a � &6. loewhat. :,:R,* . Monday evenini.. Ulm' Jean , 9T qamp- 'S ng - Fair. My on Isat &, ::A,'p ,#a" A.�T, this, Peace order 4a -out - 11IM" ': , 'of, Kite Con- A suvc,iss& auction sale was - hold Road. , . A.�il .., Of 150 ; iii We a�e sorry to'lose Mr. and', b.e4l g.0compatied , 1011 , t �� , . ,,,I,- � w , - 'go . . ­ I . 7.' , !,� I - " ,­. -. . ­ 1�'STSU46. ­ � men at . Bert V40nneeS. farm reoelitly. 11, I Wai on, the Piano. I I . . � 1. 11 . 1. '' - � 1 . P, I Of' W, . 1. 4 . , I . veremont - U test--&ranceIs J ,& , ,- Ok- - from the coinmutity. t , ­ , SP in, Sel! , , - �� ) , -, . � 0 gnd Jack BU Mrs. Way I , I-". I ­ . - I. 10,1110 A�i 1� . a . I ". - -guq"..-A.�, , I I , -� 't%' een Numb ' , '. � I , .1 I , " "T"", IT-, . '" l;, ;f,�,v 4!g, r­� I 1� b A, sduTee bf� bit- kay, - , , 14; average ,lar. Vennibir,'intends, moving into a ec vices. ,�­ I! lltf ,� , , , ay's has I . ... h - . � :, -, , I., "Ill - 11 I.., I . , ": � " , �:.�­ �­ p .1 11 � I ,. . � . ,� , ��. .VK,vi"1�16 ., , er oyi re . We are plftsed� to see. , - . _:,,. e , �, �V'­,., ".",., . . 4, - fteol#1 FAstb I I � A I , --r , ­­ o 4 . . � ,between the, Government attendance, 13.9.--Margar,t E, G,riev,e, house owned by 'Horton Bros. on the ,t'.90,Hees were held �, . . . . . �': �L ". 0;""�� , -V �41"';� - , -Chandler out again after her re,ee ee " ,�� I I A�4 , " .. I I . I , . . "!. I , " I 6 . I . 'It fwtho�thr A�,iiaLohurchea' . , ­*,'', � I I ,q��,,� l,"AA. . ' opposition, and at the cLqse Teacher. " I � .. � on Sun, ..'. I . � i ,, ;1 -AV .1 I I , � ii�­, . ."'. -:, 41 ,, . boundary. 11. , . � . "'. . 1 '4, . I operatiol . - , -�,i,- ,0 (Mr. Dack Kinsinlian ,has purchased -day last WMW,`s�peq I 1. . � " . . 0 . . I , 4' , ",� 11 ,, t,,V ', day's si�tng the - IAberaI6 *ere S, S. No. 4, W. StanleSr The W. X; I IS. was held at the ial discourses by , :. L I L ' I . 11�1 . - 'ter -.abd e:ilicellent - ' , W I � riou's 14�m; I I a I , i 1. , 11. � ­ I , , . Manse on' We'daesday afteraoon.� .. � --Ckkeiek­—'­* 21-11L ., . ­ ., - , , ... 1 ........ L��­o 'NOP"Nii, � I � , �, I 'I)Pposing this measure. The followling is the report of S. S. the'farml of Mr James Stark. -thei,­vla' .. " 'IOU I .1 � I YOU CAN' L� �,�!� Ai. ­ ..,-,-!,.r,;"�'�'* wrl� 1. .1 941.1-1-- - ­ --- , o 11 W King madebis position clear in No. 4, N ­Stanley, for the winter term .-Chas. 'Harris, of Xedina, New (wig .Mar&m6t 14�dea of Deofiel4,, FAL%ter�'niu�i��?4*tpp,r,.ka,t�,,,to -the oc- AL40ST - ­ I . . 1. , I I , . . , t , . . I ­A�& , , i", ., - .04, lfoll� ords: !'�We do -not Fifth Pass - ,Stuart' Watson, 691%, York IState, visit*d with �elatives and who has beeii ' 11 tion, Graae- ma'S'16-m- !i # . '1, ,I , 11 , , ­ �-OWU446Zhurch',' in ad- ., , IJ , - - , I '. � T. ,visiting with-her-sts- 'easlom, - . uArxi),untla , I - , I L, , , . , . 1 4 -, , . I �, - ' 'he ies' trio . :, e� . , � Q , rhiq , measure 'be friends� ,ditiOli t,6 -ftp., aiit I inta, a lad' SEE THEM , 214 - "I to . �Jea,n 'Dunn 6& Sr. 11111-�Bllly Arm- ., . Uro !have extra vigor and ma4e-Ta*d . 11 * I - I I 'k'� . , '�­',#Out the - inforInA- a Ong 79, X 1A ' Wreh motored to .: - . ,., I � I f �4. ,� �. *OP4 -A . ter, Mrs. Arole Plardbn�;, od' theto*n­ I ,. I I . .. shed'Iffirgum -$. smi ��O ,-'Mi!$' I I , and, 4e0orts. I I . ... �, . iu, V. I Wa � . , , ­'. � ,, 4 tr e u 6 68 E Mr. George. T. 01M.'. . , ,i� . M. Redden, Mrs. V A. Vemerabli, WoU 11111, ,,.L,,..' . * i 43" r , thel line, has reWmed, to her -h I ' - '- GROW,! � I ' it ,, , I � . ' .. '��"1'1:­4­ . . Itio'n (l;e1*-g�41gf***that vAll enable us WlatseilI 67, lGordon N�Iestlake Valb� Toronto last week and rwith Toronto X*A, PrOdale:,drid-Mrs. G. Hi�sg, at' . BRAFr- Foundation, Barred., Rock pull6ts'weligh­ I � , . . Imiss Phll� � a Penfold 'of S 'No., �1­ �i" I � . . I . : . " *2 , . . . . . I I a�.��,­, 4 . Y,4,� ,is I 0 1 - Mi - Communion I . . ing up -to 2%'pounila and cookerelsi 2%, pounds. � 'Tt'L" _ - spending " '�, , aft- *W I . at nine weeks. . I f � . ­.''. to ,%y-W&fher or not the legislation sent). Jr. ,M"4MAdge,. atouston. 62, frien(W­;kent onto Atlanta City. 14, Istallid p thW, . 'i� - I.N Should go through.. 'We have ,som,6 Ilene -Greer 6,0, V�Iirred,kj�u 51. IT- ll!i�end�" in this locality regret the vacatioll wi ;" t ." 711'Aimsteted 'and-, at -the ev- -Toundgtion Legborns, in our , . . , , her parents At,Elora. was AS - . I i , - - . -Aces we" coA en ,n,g seM ,,, s . . . I., '- I . . . .11, � ., , . Muess of Mrs., George Fair* "' `&' " gial parts in thean- - T ,,� . ve.r.y important,arnendments to M6ve Andrew Rau ft ­1,��War . , i ' . ­ - - ' , Talbot seridas I on sei - tbem*, w�eI �tl� - by "�'. W,,,. 1 " "'! , , � L" , ­ ., I , own 'brooders weigh 6 at five-we&ksi., Xhis kind : " ��,, Z, - , 2�b ' . -" I ' , -11-. ... to this ,legislation, blotb� in commfittee Anthony .Rau. - Frances 31�,s"p: bidyn in Victoria Hospital, London, daefed - in Ift. AndreWs United,01hurch _ ��h as F. Wlelsh an "' ler�n .11iij puUets, -that w. -%Il lay . L$,- ­­- of 'growth givies yo,li early Mr z ��- I . Yd-'6Xf-the-­motdo,n -far., third readiug�­Teaelje � gno sincerely hope that her condi- and'W*L 'Resdi i ­&et by, '�Miss Flor- ' , * ,and . - - - 1,41t� an, - - ­rj _ on Friday.:40erdag last .,by Rev�. Chas-. ft eggw� . ... ..... . .. � I .. I . - I . ' j -, il 1.,K.A`� -and certaiinly we are not koing to be S. S. No. 10; 7Wkersalith-, - tioz may. §00 for the- .en0e.V,6l41ivoA.d1',D % I S $huinie, and, . I I .. . 4 I . " ,n take a turn Gordon, ,,of '10,qve�n Oharch, Exeter, , ,r ' * thef Manager of your near I � , . , i� , I - -111- , I - - - I I For- cofhV . IS ­,�,. de4ied that p better. I .. ' 'A fl�Ory, . I.- 4" ­jfe�je. 10te info.i;mati e' - I � ,� , , . I " , . , 'k .6 ' .rivilege because of any The follo,y�4ug i -the report of the . -Rev- - ,GQrdqix` fine , �,A a �S616 W�W :94 =teus dire4 for 6ui FR&E booklet, , i N . a I .. . 9 ve ,!� � I .. est BRAY RaWhery, or ill!,,,� . -efrort<5he udbil4ter make to Ea**r exiindra&n.s' 'held in. -S,` 'S. . Was Pearl Harris and, Miss Deer- most 'i,nito,.,�-eaftii�"g-,-iiddi%79*i�--6:n 'ChrlsstVs- At C%rlp . Presbyterian ,Church , "Highway to poultry ISuccess in, 1934.11 . � - � I - -- -*Y ; , - .. L. �, . '7 -ftli , .1 ith Mr. and ,sacaifle . 1, ' Sp6c,41 R"� er"Oes-were ,. 1 ��4':'-` , ib No. 10, Tuckersmith. Numbers indi- e , I , I . . , Stampede the .1 =f.e'?" ing, of Exeter visited, wi I , held,.wftb A, ' 4 J , Z, . , 4 . I 11 I 11 d I 'farnisbQ,. by the e�hoir ' ­ . .. I I 1 ��4-, ", On. 'MT. Gordon vigorously, denied cate percentages. Pass 60, luonours' I I . fe. goo � ma1§1c, . . . ; (H Mrs.,Tom,'Harnis on, Sunday. I Visa Etta Bell, of the'Lo-ndon U ' -, BRAY CHICK RA :97 OkYburn Ave., St. Catharines, - - - - - - - ", 5 , . . my attempt to ,ruAh the legislation J-6. ,Sr. TV­Qyrtle Taylor 75, . . ad ith-A?*Y4. W. �A. Young in charge of , I . ­, � . I I . I . � - , ,,., 11 .. ., , .. I i�.. r stampeae thie committee and de- V.irley 57. Jr. 1111---�Keith McLean 6,3, --. with her parentsi Mr. and Mrs. -A both se&W,­�.t: "' at- �. , . I I - �­ . George ' � . � �: In 'addition to --..,' \ . � ont t . I I , . �. I , , � " . . . - them4 a. duet was midered Iby Mrs. . .. �. 111. . Brooder- vaid Office, IL -W. Charlesw . ortit, Clinton. � . 11% � elarw that he' felt all information Kenneth MoLean. 67. 11 --Donald me- KIPPEN I Beal. .� � - , . . � . . . . I I I ,� I- i WaclArim,.quirtetlte � 0 , 1, Young And wi�s . - defAred by the Opposition was eon- Kay '70, Billk� McKay 6s, , Maid-ne . Elgbt Breeda-4919hItli, Year a1lood Testim--aixth Year Government Approval . , "" , ," 1, I I Miss . I � , Bet- . . I I ,,� - I ,y . Etta J-arr*tb" of th"' teach'tff R,6v.Yotin.c,.R.-Y.-Maeiar���,i. , . . .,:, to:ined in the orders -ba -council gind Purdy %, Beatrice Wright 5,3. 1- Staff, Toronto, -is spending the Easter .. 'At- . I . I . I I I 't �. , rwb�ieh were. synopisized ,in the Canada Mary Kinsman. Priliner , Wdred Per Sale�,­Master Chick Star -ter and chieiwn vacation at her home With he'r par- gough, - wid' W. 'A. Maclaren-, Solo; . I � I . . k , 1� ! � I ­ , " ";, . . . . . I , I , . fee&; full eximly" of gram seeKL ra�StIY IOC- I . , U." GW� . Mr. Gord4i� 'tolld the"Com- -Flurdy.-41ive Workmaln, Teacher.' ' oily g-rowin and aii government graded, and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jarrott. � -Mrs J. W. Writhron; qualrt,6tite, G. ,� I i . . I IF .11 I ....." 11 that the g,chvernment guaran- ' ' - S. S. No. 4, JoWrt first class; also arched axle. tolp buggy In first iDenii1eld Irene -]Et,Dgva . � I .1, t � 1 ,"',4 , ""' . IMIss ,CAadys 'Harvey, of London, rth, Mabei - . - ' ' , . - . . I . 1. 1. . " I class repair. Apply to W. E. Butt� Kippen.' , . � ", to the banks.under this legisla, - The following is -the Easter report �W;; ind James Bougough'. 10'' �. I 1 8459-8 Visited recently, with Mr. an4 Mrs. At St. Paul,. , 1, ..., t I *,­ "'': -5"61. Loans of separate SchovJ section No. 4, of I Al,An Harvey. . ., a Ane,c j,�.Ch]arch - . , tiob amounted to $106,5 a Rev. - t_ , I ot, Wilightt B.S4., I . 1. . . . . . IX B. Par4wr cond&t6d both!services .. . pri ow . , ster at the .. I � when Holy 0omI=n1bn-*aS' admin- ' I . . I . & , I `�the'ijjP.R.,­ ted to WOW,- 65%, IjouiS7 Mcliwr 61, Genevieve At- home of his I � . - , . I , 2,the promees,including $2;,004D,000 Hibbert: &. W-Thereasa. Atkinson Guelpli3O. A. C., spent Ea - ��", .. to, IMr. JGord . HENSALL .S ng .Sh ' _.,__ ­ "'�_ I ,�, , I to a�npun ";� I " parents, . MT. and Mrs. , istered at,themo . . . 1. . I i � 20t', ,inaldn-,& a gftnd total ,of $i69,- kinson 60, Torimy Ma ; 6­41GI re jam ng ,serviep. The I . �,,� Wi in' 5 'L lies Wright. RENSAIL - , � choir jeride-red fl- - I .1 I � 480,229. Added to this would be the Jordon 54, Tom McIver (absent). Jr. e ' . -ery ne .music. . ' ' ' I � I . Th Busy Bees Xisslion-Circle held �-, , , . . ... The'lMission vBand -ok the. United, I . I $110,00,00 ally,'"ursed under IV -Edward X&ver 66, Mat Goyn For Sale ­.Used piano in excellent condi- ;.----S41turda'v'.,' Avril 7th - � I �. . I I , 0 anija , P I � 11 ., -A� � -14--0 . L' their revular month4v meetirt- at the -1L 1('11-irch held - - ;-I Pp- 11-­­ I av, r measures. . 46. Jr. Tul-vonny VIL;Orknor 83, Rita tion — W sell quickly. Apply Walkees 1- F. ­ . . . .1 � - ­­ . I . 11.1 . The 'Speaker allvo'anceid, at the op- McIver 77, 'Rita der - -gram consisting ,of an Easter story, . . - . Coyme 68,;, Carl home of Mrs. JohnHen son on Sat Fmrnil��; Stom,ssamora. , 3459-2 1 . ' . , '. uray afternoon last with the pre$i- Easter Dance, Town Hadl, Hensiqll, on FXI- ,dialogues and choruses by tho'chil- '' . CATTLE I . . �, �dent, Was -M�ry Thomson presiding. day, April Gib, from 9� o'dock p ��w 2.80 , d Cattle. . ;­ enlag of the d1ay's proceedings that Feeney. 68, Peter JordOn 57. Sr. Il- . Horses , an � I , . at 5. p.m the Commons would, be sum- � Billy M-6rris 86, Frank 0100nnOr *m' dren of the,,,iNfiss-ion Band on, Sunday . � . . ��, 11 , 70, After the call to wo . Odd and Modern Dancing to Kiirdock's af I - Angus . ; ­ moned,to the Red Chamber for.the Lorne Feeney-, 60� I-�-�Om* Mo , � rahip,- "In the a"n- ternoon in the, . I ;., .1 . I = wit�, Vm, Hayter, Floor Manilager. . — . . , . I Ist 2mf Bed'. ,� �0. su � . , Oovelrnor�Geriqral giv- 0ecelia, Gavlim , Primer rrdS QMSS ,of GhrLot I Glory" was ng rudy a Floor Show' whilb you the, pleasing featuXs, on the 'program . . Aged - Bull ...................... $4 $8 . .: , " purpose ot&e - Angeda have Your% Zench by the following a'rtL-As: --- � wa�a "'a (f4elightful , I Bull caved in"I'932 or ls�ter .... 4 3 . �� ing asse�nt to Bill* already passed by WReilly, Harry O'Connor,,Rose Me- and the *president led in prayer. The story,- told, to the HORSES � ' , G 'tar solo -by Qyroil Straugp_ CFPL Radio ' Cow ................... I ...... � 3 2 1 , Scripture re,lding was taken by -Miss '� , children by ,!Miss Dorothy Campbell, 4, Class I. --Clydesdale - 'if . I., , the CiDmimcins. - �, . I -vier, Tom Feeney, Tom Jordon. Nu;m- rtiet; iolin s6M. ,Greba Lamiltnie, A.TX44.. ist 2nd BrA . eifer, under 2, yearn � ......... 3 2 . "Mr. C Ruth Watspu while ,the devotional, 'V101, " t . . of Toronto, who has charge of the I . I . 4 , , �ordon endeivored to have his ber on roll-, 23; 4verage attendance, QlArlst; net, WIrsi. Maude Hedaen� Stallion 43harthorns, - , . M .. v � Aged , ................... $8 46 S& Aged Bull ..... 4 3 ', . "Jesus in Rural Lite" was taken by E G��, pj� me solo by 7-y6ar-', 1WISSIOn Band' in Eaton's Memorial Sftl1i,,,. f0aled.,Ja ,1981 ......... S. 8 2 . . M J � measures, assented to before thal time 19.40�-R. W. WConnor, Teacher.. June Mur , .1 _ velty ' ip . Bull.. calved ,in liii*�'r­,��*::­­ � ,­.. the president., Miss Florence -Th Old . ize given for.'Ioloky 4 8 I . . , . but the debate continued with the S. S. No. 7,juck6rsmith Oul- lunch' ticket AAmbsion'r . hureh, Toronto. , I . Class. 11-Percherm cow .......... 1,, .... .......... 3 2 1 �.� , son took the topic, ,*Faster." 35 cents (tax paid).' ' A Faster 'pag I eant was given by Aged Stallion .. I � I . re5sult being' that these iteins will re- The follOwing is the result of the I The Ladies withoubluvich, 1-5- cents. Sponsored- by�� - 11 8 6 3 ast,'MOore Broi., 53 goods; 2nd, �, I "JoIlY rour."' : . -i��i ­ * * ... * * 5 3, 2, 2-5 Packets seed donated by W. ' I 4 I � -,- . .ceive ,further consideration. . Easter exams for S,. #S. No. 7, Tuck- roll call was answered by a Bible . 3459-2 Themberrs of the United -Church Sun- 'Stailio", f4m"�' 1�' ., � I . . I verse beginnin'g with the letter 'N' Leg is Broken � day school- on, Sunday mornin , g. . .' Pass M.--St..;i.lW , " A. Jenkins; Co ­value $1, c", .! sm!ithe IS�-. IV­LUlanI , 'added, I . 1, , �er- Nicholson . Aged Stallion,'trotter or pm*r. in !.. , 1. I . 1-1 70. Jr. W-Elmler -Cameron 61. ',Sr. to which twe4ve girds responded. Miss ,On Friday This 'operetta, "SyMia," recently .. harness ............... ....... 5 8 � 1 .16 4�; -., � 1. I ., afternoon last" while ' Heifer, under two yetars ........ a 2 - ��­ I , I . Beatrice Cooper led in prayer and driwing a lb*#,, of flax a couple of' presented.to a full'bouse in Seaforth, ID , , Clais IV -Heavy Draft . , , nere,for4a . I I I . BWCPFW,LDA.' 1,11 -Jim Broadf�ot 79, Mae Rintoul . raft.blare. in foaa ............. S 4, 3 Aged Bdi . I �,- , the Second chapter of "The Viking �nliles' beyond"t-6ter, Mr. R Geiig7, will be presented in. the liensall town ..................... 4 �6 �'- -1 ­. . � 68, J+m Buckner 66, Jack McLean 60. * let, joynt, 'goods $3, cash add- . DWI, calvdd in 1932 or later .... 4 3 . ' � � �� . Mison-Munroei.-A P�y we�dding Jr. -HI­-­Mur1e1 Cameron 57. .-Sr. II Heart" was read, by Wiss Bea,trice son of Mi. . �Uger, had the ma,S- 'hall On FrldaY"IeVeainii, April 13th, ed'. 2nd, Hess,. goodil $2.00, cash . Cow .............. ............ a a 11 � . . 11. � Daymond. HynW." was sung. and fortune ,to hav,W'.a loa;d of flax, Which" under the auspices of the Hensall added- Ist, Cook Bros., $3.00. � 1.% �. , i took' Place ,-tat the,,Mails�,' Brucefield, --fRoss Nicholson 65, Bruce McLean, FL117 or Golding, foaled Ta 1931 .. 4 3 2 Heifer, under I'll il On .Slaturday B,oyes, Prhner­--4Ma1.- the meeting closed by .all repeating he iwa-'s on anA, I�nging io his father's United -Church, Y. P. L. This, oper- two Years ........ 3 2 �'­' - � :I&t, coal donated by Mr. David- . I ',�: , I . 10t the Mizpab Benediction. 'A -social mill at HeusalL upset and in spring- etba.','-comes :rPyr.highly recommend- , I . Market Cam .�, roe6­ daughter' : * I I ;I.I.I.PtIlid Mrs. Dan garet Cooper- Best speller for v son; 2�rlxl. Drummond, gobda­$2 . BuMier Steer or Heifer, ��ade,, .5 4 Ar , . " Marefi-Jim Buckner. - Eleanor E. mg� . ill3t. G. Case Bakery, $a.60 in I , 'Munroo was in marriage to half hour was enjoyed and -a dainty dng,off t4 'Joa,$ to saie ft'eover' b ented by the Wo -1 eash addell. � ! , t .� �- ,Mr- Earl ,Mason, �f London. ' Rev. W. Scot,zhmer, Teacher. ' '� lunch was served by the hostess. him be laxidea on, the'lleel a one of' men's ,Hospital Aid'of Seaf,Drth.­Xr Filly or Gellding, 1,o,sleld in 19S2 4 S 2 goods, cia3h added. , 7t- � . I . I 11&t, 25 packets seeds donated by* � I �, I � . A. Bremper performed the cerelmony. S. IS. -No. 6, Stanley the Misses Doro�by and Frances bis legs, \causing -a triple f1:A.ctuye.;, James iScott will sing several SOIL", W. R. Jenkins Co., cash added; . Baby Bed (900 lbs. and under) .5 4 3� " � , . Elgie, of T�r,'onto, viere week end Dr. Sm;ille w" called and findi��'hlls�' between - alets. . Specials , C -,�� . Thi brf& ,wore a swagger. suii of The1ollowing is the report of the . 2nd, Clark, whiffletweefi. $2, cash I I. Ch�smlvion Draft 'Stallion, 1 bag liriseed � ,"". , guests with -their cousin, Miss Mar- injuries so ��"he had -him, taken Wiss Ruth- Coles of b&towel was _added- . 1�, . . ,��'. Idue With, accessorieg to Match. Af Easter exainination� held at,S. S. No. � � meal donated iby Owen Geiger. .. I . I �,�:.. 1 - . garet Elgie, of Vickersinlith. I to Clinton HIospital for X7'Tay exam- the guest of ber friend, Draft or Agricultural, foals of , 2­40harapion Shorthorn F4male, anv age - t ; ter'a short honeymooh, Uney will re- 6, Stanley: Fifth Class - Harvey Miss Malared - a9se .................. - �,- - I -ination whet��he inju,r�d leg wag put Follick ........ 4 8 2 Silver Cup, to be won twice in smocesam -,, sid-6 in Lftdom Chutlet 74%. Sr.' IV Class�Harry Miss 'Olga Bell, who -has been, in during -the Easter holidays. . ist, cup donated by Manus & . land tibree times in all, doated by DrI. Collyer. i , � . . I ' Tor pari Farquhar; 2nd, Brook, $2,shoe- . . , : onto for 'the past few months 're- in a �laster��' a - cast. He is still -The 'many friends of Mrs. George �­ I Mrs SteftA retuTne4 to b home Reid 78, Au&rey Jones 74, Walter at ing driv,er, rash added; ar4i, don- Won in 1932 by Oestirrober Bros., won Ila I r, -� - I , , spend- Smith 7?- Jr. IV Class - Jeane Rdd. turned to -her home duting the `P�,t in the, Cli-4to;L, Ho*tal. '1' ated by Be�n Bakery. � I in Fh-� vkla&� - ast,v�eek'alt.-rer . Fairbairn will regret to' learn �h Jk4l by IL M. Peak; won in 1933 by Oes� . � I I ' week. 9&kings with"'Many as- she'is at present in very poor health, Draft Team ..................... I I a tricber Bros. . I I ", . Ing the past few months with friends 64, Bessie Chuter 62, Gordon, Horner . I ng 0 4 S­GenvUeman's Tumout­-Goods done,ted by I - 4 . in -,Stanley, . 53. Sr. HE Class­-4M-urvin Johnston �Dr- Gilbert Jarrott, of Seaforth, zistants are sorting out ,an'd prepar- ,having beep. taken to the hospital at ,Ist dolnat�d by Bank of Mon- I J. Passimore- . . ' ir -1 $1 ewb.. 2nA, $1.50 I I i fkiss Janet Watson was taken ifl 62. Jr- III Class -Floyd McAsh T5, spent -Sunday with,his parents, Mr. ing to ship a number of. car loads of London. ,fiii Cfeat�-eni,'- but. -" sat tr L Class *�-Agricililtqrai 4-Lad7 Driv—ls-t� I t � , -, . list week and had to be operate,& on Roy Elhott 67, Anna tReid 56. 11 , and- Mrs.' Isaac Jarrott, of the vil- Dutch set onici,iis. I that berF-recov*ery will be &pe6dy. % � Ware, -in foal . � clas�& RULES AND . P . EGULATIONS . I . I '­­ ­­ � -foe ap,�P]2-dleit% in Scott 'Memorial class Hel n Johnston So, Gertrude lage. Waster, Donald.-VAllert of the vil- Mt. E. Sheffer who iwas quite poor- ist, nontbxon'iCi�ryadaIe,'bIt%u- L--antry fee, sim far first entry; addi. - �11 , riends Mr. Clarence McLean,, of London, lage who lately had one Of his legs kLt K cash addcd, tional entries, 26 cents. each. .. ndspi�;f; §eafb�th. Her many f� ' ' Si-inith 71, Harvey Parsons 66. I Glass " ly the past week, is now regaining- . , Filly or GeOdink, foaled in 1981 4 a ' 2 2­-Horsea and cattle cannot compete twice willbe glad to hear sh spent the week end with his parents, ,,,broken 'between two saw logs while his usual good health and able to be, Filly or Gelding, foaled in 1932 4 8 2 in regular classe , .cpt Itu "I .. e is'recov,ertng. Donald Keys 92, Alvin Keys 81, Maud L Mr. and Mrs. J. B. 'McLean. playing in Welsh's miAl yarO, is rest- out again. 41,t� A. W. R HempbIll, $2.50 9 Agrien rad or ,.. ,Easter visitors: Miss An-rde 'Hus- Keys 80, Ruby Reid' 75, Frank Suidth Dr;%ft, 3 Years old, which pay be shown in , �, . taT4, Mr. ,Stanley'Reid- and Miss Mar- 72,'Maud Epps 66. SV. Primer---4CIar- Mrs. J. B.'.McLean visited with her ing 'COn-dortably with his leg in a Atss Hazel Coxworth is visiting in goods, cash added; 2nd, 25 teams. I ­ , - cast. . with'her mother, Mrs. Coxworth . S. --Judge's decision Iii final. 1 4 ,,, � son. 'Mr. and Mrs. Will 'McLean and . packet seeds, donated by W. A. � .. gaiet Watson,, of' London; ,Mr. Aldie ence Taylor 92. Jr. Primer - Mairy ' Jemkins Co., value $L cash ad& . - - family, of Hamd1ton, recently. . Spring Show Saturday The- Sunbeam Mission 'Band and 4.-Ontries may be siviii,arded any or no I . Mustard, of Toronto; 'Miss Annie Me- McGlymont, Good; -Clayton Key% ed, prize at the fteretion of -the judge: I . I . Dobald, of aundas, at the home of, Good. For work in map model * Kiss Dorothy Blair, of Toronto, vis- -The !South 'Huron A.gricultural So- Arnol�l Gircle 6f ,Carmel Church are Awriclulturso-I Team ........... �-- '10 6 4 6­6ingle Roadsters Wav� also compete in , I I ';hg1 ited with ,M,. R,b,e;rt Elgio and fa,mi- CiietY Will 'bolfl its spring show here presenting an .East4r pageamt, and Ist, donated by Wm. 13L Gold.- teamls. I I I , 'her sister, Mrs. ,Haagh. Floyd MrAsh won first and Walter .ily, also Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bell and. ,on,Sa,tuTday next. The prize list this 'Pday in the basement of the church ing. xp� �,, C-U entries must be the bona, fide pro. I I The Brucefleild Rovers Football Srndtlh second. For origin.al w rk in f mily o er the week end. year is especially attrketive, includ- on Fri" . , Team ... Cla . m . - . VI -General 1. Purpose wmW of The exhibitor. . I I . 1 . C, a V y evening. .. . .1 .... .... I .... ,. . team--wdl, hold: their annual meeting MOdelling, Harry 'Reid won first and - in . Walker s'Ha n- S. 'M ing as it does, apecial pri Mr. Eldred Smith, of Western U Class VII -Farmer's Driver PARADE AT 1.30 --Animals not in ! I . VF.1 - 11 0 , Thor" day, April QPrdon Horner seconA. Doroth3�- -Keys I r. and Mrs. Reid. T,grrance and zes by local Ili- parade , Rarmer'a Driver (open to farm- may be excluded from,�'compptition. ;. � fainily, Of Portlet Hill, visited re- mercha�ts. The Board Of Commerce versity, London, is Spending Easter � & I 12th, at 8 p.m.; when, all interested won the pxize jiven to first class for cently with Mr.. " . ere OTIRY) ............... � .... 6 4 a ,� ,k., . are a:sked to be out. the' -Mkhest pirolficiency during bne Henry Ivison and is co-operating with the society in hoolidaSrs at ,,his ,ft-ome-here. - - Ist'' Hen"ll Mfg.'.CV­ $2.50 DONATIONS � . .., . I Miss Jeanne.. I ad,veTtising the show, Msa Doisa Altair �wbo 'has The goods, cash ,added; 2xid, Will- . -wm. H. Golding. $fO; W. 'G. Meda, M." . I I I .. .1 . I month.--JWI>er,t J. Abi�hart, Teacher. on: diard Buaanan­,Zisrag.� .%.&o $10; Bank of Montroal, 1 $10; Cook Bros_ I , . . Xr� and 'Mrs. A. R. Funeral of F. G. Berry . fro home bere for onlie.,little st; . S.,S. No. 6,.McKillop - I 1�vn Parsoris spent 'm timae, . ' , day with the latte goodli, cash added. T- C, Joynt. gootis, $3; Scows ,Store, goods ­.. .., . . . - r's parents, Mr.' The funeral of the late Frederick ,has, returned1orlthe,present. ' (�ea selt). 43: Goo T. Mimckle & Son (Gold � . WALTON - 'The following is the rpeport'of.S. Class Vlll---Open Clase 11 . . �. and Mrs. ,Joe Linden� of Denifield, G. BeTry was held from the home Of , Miss,Mona Miller has been in Cen- Roadster Team .................. 6 4 a Medad Flour), I ; S- &O. 6, ,UcKill,OP, for February and X $2.6�; Bonthron & Drysdale, I � . . Holiday Visitors* � March I rs- J. W. Rife of Sheldon, North 'his br6theT-bi4aw, Mir, William 'Oon- Arabd and district <lurinj'thd ,past -Single Horse .................. 5 � 4 a horse blanket, SJ ; A. W. M Hemphill, goods, . . � I I I - Those Tharked with, an as- Dakota, visited recently with her sitt and was conducted by Rey, A. week or So. I , . 2nd. Roy -W&ber. $2 goods. , * $?-'60: C -MM -N-41 Hloltel, goi6ds, $2.540 ; Pass- i I terisk missed one or more exam6na- -�, h added. . more & seas, gooda, $a; Hensall, Xti. Co., I I . Hpliday visitors in the village and cousiris, Mr. and,;Mrs. Geo. E. Thom- Sinclair, of the United Church, az- 'Mr5. Jdmes Rose, of Seaforth I ; , 'Id' tions: ,Sr. W-Gekald'O'Hura 74%, , has Ficlays or Gelding, fooJed in 1982 4 a 2 work Wants, S2: I�rummand, goods, 412.00; C- , I . vicinity: as Jean 'Dmger of De- *Leslie, Pryce 73. Jr., IV­jBeatrice son and family, also Mr. and Mrs, sisted -by Rev. W. A. Yoting, pastor been visiting with her friends, Mr. Sweopstake. � Case & Sol', goods. sizo; 0. Geiger & So.s. . i :� f � troit, with' her mother, Mrs. Charles PrYce 7a 'Marie Hoegy 74, Rita Dbffy Victoz Fee. . of Carmel Presbyterian Cburc�. Mr. and Mrs, ,& 'Ed -wards and. others. N.B-All Light Horses to ,, Eihibited 9n Ifteed meal, $3-: M Eb Wren, $1;,Twitahell, . . , . be . 1, Prager- Miss Amy Love win, assisted '04'r. and: Mrs., bouglas ,iof H&d�e Gravel Streft�' ,$I ; Dayman, $I, Dr. Smillie, 62; Wm. David- I by Rev., . Mr. , sm coal. $4; Hess, alarra clock, $2.00; Moore . , Fred *Wley and Mrs. and WWlbur �Hoegy (equal) 70, Ev- and Miss Grace Cooper, of London Young and Mr. James W. Bdnthrori Park, 'and members of family spent ChamPlonship-Draft or Agricultural Blim., goods, 0; Weber. goods, $2; Sangster, and young dauglitier, , (1VEss Margaret Cooper, of Toronto, W. ,O. Good � erett Reuermiann 67, '�Mary Pryce 65, 1 � I ,'Margaret,, Ann, of Toronto, at the *Hazel Spa '*g 63 spent ibe week end rwitb their par- BOnthron sang a -hymn with Mis�' 'Faster Gun&r with Mrs. John John- Mare or Gelc�mg- qnY mge. - 6 5 4 2.60 $1; Dr. Collyer, Cup; Spencer & Sons, goods, , I � ' �, bopxe of thelT parents. Mr. and Mrs. r1i. - Sr. M - Louis ents, Mr. and Mis. W. W -Cooper. Eleanor Mah-iir, A.T.ICA., as aecoim� ItOn, X-�M %raglas' mlother and sis- lst� Scott% Stolre, -tea sat. $?L50; Alf. Clark, goods, -w.hifflertTees, $2.00; 1 !,. Joseph Love; )3fiss Viola Caeter, of ffoegy 66,,"�Irbue Connelly 63, *Hec- I . value $8, cash added; and, M-- & FaMaheir. Cup; Bowls' Bakery, V; 1. tor Lamont 6o, *-'Bob Duff 59,'Alvin WISS Isobel C�mPbell, teacher of S. Panist, Both ministers paid t6bute .ter, Mss Margaret. � . Spencer MIM, 42j5O igoo&. J. W- Flynn. $1; Thomar-on, s2; Broeles Shop, - 0 . London, with her parents, Mr. and y S. No. 14, Hay, and MI to the life of the deceased. A large Mr. and "Mrs.- -Peter Buchanan, of tw% added; Still, L. Mickle, set shoes' for diiver� $2; Me]. Love, $ 1� I ' Miss Ruby Young, Beuermann 55, Billy Little 53. � ` Sr.. iss Hilda Rich- 1; A. p , Ws. Jos. Carter-, I aTds-on, OUZ. S. No. 3, Tuckersmith, number of, relatives and friends were, 'St- ThOmasli sPt-nt"the'week end with 1"'o Gold Medal Nour. cash B- 110"v6ift�, $1; R0704 PUtWie Stock Food ,, .--- of near Bly 11--Uean Pryce 71, Rose Bur., 69, I I added; 4Q4 CommereW, Ho- 00-, ss'l Buchanam% C'exage, goo&, $1.50; ;�,,, th, with her parents in. Rita Gloan 52 S,r. III_ a�e -spending the Easter vacation with sent from a distance to their eir relatives,aild friends.in the vil- tel, g,00de. Renhie's, goods. $1.60. , -�. I i . Rita coli_ pre, I pay . .1 -1. - . .�., the village; ,Mr. Blair Shaw, of the nelly 77, -Margaret Lamlont 75, Leotta their parents near Ustowel. last tribute -of respect. The pall- lage.' , ., Township Prize (2 , or more SPRfNG allOW CIRGMT--Sesifor6h, April I A ' �`�- Stratfoli,d Normal, at ,his home a X.iAs HaJcyon Cbandle,r of Western bearers vverc� Affred Taylor, Thomas '11P. and Mrs. Lorne Zaefle, also Of' - entries to a"' chwis" tQ-- 9rd; Cilint0n, April 5th; Herwalil, April 7th- I �­ 0 Hoegy '69, 'Mervin Beuer7nann, % . ,homes from one Township) 10 5, f the 17th concession Of Grey; :Nibse, _�,p -Uniirer-!S�,ty,--Lon4oTl,��n&-M-iss Helen' W- Par4mer-,-�Manns; John gy - A 'al, the week -e�� ­ :-. ?: I I -­ DR. A. R. CAMPBELL VP ,� � a, .spent ,, . . PresidenC rd,, with her -�'r mes, Sinillie and Frank IODleum"al'ne' �­ . I 1=--Vr--G�-, -3L-P--P- - - - ----- � X: � -M.- -M­cLEAW—; t5cCreftry. -1 --- � *ftuen-'#yWrC, ­ot-Brantfo _ .oy-. I�jliett--". f==qKWy01`1-6 .$,'rc , Cbk-d,llr. thitb alchlo.1 teach.e, Of. Ja , Grace Colindly and Alvin Pryce I . ! !-,� .. parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Jose�h.. Ryan; ual). I -(eq'- Blenheim, spent ,the we�ik end, with The remains were interred in the Ex- , . . � . �.,, , � -1 .: Best spellers in, each classi- . I . . ��... IBfiss Isabel Ritchie of Stratford with Gerald OlHara, Beatrice Pryce.,j .... Louis their parents, -Rev. and mTt, E. F. e -ter cemetery. . - -- I - I I � - I her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rit- R ,g gy, - -1 Chandler and fain -Aly at the Manse. X,s: Beatrice Joynt, of Wingliam, .1 -- � I �' I 11 1, :� chie; Miss Ila Crawford, of Wiarton, . be Rose Burns, Margaret Ila- WISS Helen ,Chandler is in Toronto- is he r� Visiting her brother,.Xt. T. C I 1� I . . � � I . , -, * � `- - - r--.- at her home in -MrMnop, Misses Hel- mont, -Isabelle Purcell. Best in Arith- this week attendiing the 0. -E. A. con- JoYnt, .who I -has .been, so poorly for Beiinning Mar'. 31 1 1 .1 . I I . � I I . en .S*Tfiwvdlle and Dorothy Driscoll, nieti-iLe,she Pryce, Beatrice -Piyce, mention, which is.being -held. there. some time past , � ��­- .of Stratforil, with their parents in Bob 'Duffy, Jean ,Pryce, Rita Con- . . � I I ( �, " Bfiss Dorothy Thomson, of West- 'Mr. A. D. M --Ewan has returned . . --1 ­,-1-1P;32212Q� '4 McKill-op. Wiss Laura Manning of nelly, Grace Gonnelly.-Anona Dale, ern University, London, was a guest from London where he had been re- 01 ' � � I - . !, 111i 1, ­� I ­t��I;;i;, with her-pa,.,t,, MT.' and � Teacher. over the week end vntb her pare ceilving treatment and is feeling con- . . IS: - F. L.- s. S- No. 5, Tuckersmith . n-ts, I .. ;.i�, -, Tvirg. IL Manning; Mr. Georp Kirk- The following is the report of ths, 1&. and Mrs- Robert Thomson. and siderably irmpr*v�b,d. Giganti'C .. .- � . , by - of itwar Grand Bend., W , 'th h's Ea family- Miss Pearl Thomson, of Fun- INx. and Mrs -,L. R. Co%s and mem, L . I '1�11'1 1� - , zter examinations held in S* S. No.� art,074 = I 'If".- parevits, 51r. and Mrs. H. Manning; is also spending the holidays b&a Of famdly of Listowel, were week 0 k-�. - I .. - .. Ill- - . ,1�1�;� (, , , . . 5, Tu&ersmith: Sr. W-Etheii.o'hes- . . i0ll� ' �, � q�� MT. George Miby of� .near Grand mey 69clo, Robert Patrick 60. Jr. IV , at her home. , . end guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. .., � I -- - 0 1, , Bend, *ith -his parents, Mr. and MrsT. I -St. Andrew's United Church Goodwin, of the village- 11 .. 0 .­ �..,- . ..... L - . .. -- ::::. ?1� I -Wardat Haney 73, Arnold Amhi- ,oTj Stock Reducing , :1---; ... I I @,­ R. Kirkby- M%aes Berva at�d Nornia SU � , . L.1 .. - I . � t. ��"!i � . bald 7-1, GTace Wallace 6,0. sr. III- May morning �last was .beautiful An Easter dfvnee, sponsored by the low , NOWEN I . . --- - I . Steissi - of' Kitchener, at their home John Oldfield 77, Hazel *ith�- spring flowers. Rev. E F "Jolly Four" will Able, 'held in the . . I � I g� � . in the" ,Oillag*- Mss Olive Bolger, McNaughton Chandler bad a very suitable�iast;r Town Hall..',�n Frid . . . . I '. . . I M�. .Stratford, ;;A her -p 4f 70, Gordon Macdonald 69.- ST. 14­� I ay evenixg with ',,��i, .A�ents, X -r. and message. A quartette ,Misa6a Flor- ,musi� furnisb�d & I "I ,�, "I' -1 . U&S., Clair 111*ney 78, Shirley Oldfie,rd'77, / "by. th�e * Xurdock I ' ­ " I ., , ". ; LaelliIIo Mote, of Milverion, -with their 3& . rAQ. . I W 1. . -- —9--T-&i-ffJJpdi;6nf4k ' ., and T&s. ; Adam 61. t Llmd -'�'Aie!' and 'a duet -lund-h will 'be given -by Cytil'Strange, . � - '' Fie hi 0 1W SM , , - - � , Asse's Ethel and Pears. ChesbeY 7�, Jack Patrick 76, j. j3. . ' - Jobil. Bolger, ence and Mary Tb.j��n and Measra. Orchestra'wibh William Hayter'm McLean'and Andrerw Bell sang, floor manageT. A floor, slbow during ,at Wia 1ke r -'s Fu rA9 11 ,"J, Williams .M Murra,y­yrallmms, "Dftr �S*ri rm . ., �� '' Jr.' 11 -Jack Rice 80,, Donald ',He Died But Not ; - f N %1.11 � 4 , �­ I ,ShOldice; Mr. fla"ey Bryang, of Ot- in ;V�%" by Greta Lammiit, Mrs. TI& is the greatest opportunity ­.'�Xl� .. �,,- , te1rnI1b,,,,',%­a his parents� Mr. amd, Wallace 75, Harold McNaughton 10, Haacyon Chat miss , Redden, Mrs. . eVe-r- off ered the public to purchase high. 6 A -11f -1- �1, . _y dler and J. B. Hess, and Juve Murdock. . .1. . . . , � ".'-, . -1W 9404 Mcl,�an lest quafity Muse' ]Furnishings at Pricesiwver before quoted' I .� . . t"Slm rrt Wallace 69. Primer - Eric . . ILI . . . BryiT&;, 'Miss were much enjoye4l by a Ilarge con- The convention arid annual meet�. I ,­­ - . � . ' Jean� DO39, DoUglas Wlalla6e," Lloyd Raney, f � 2 V ". Mang ��, ', #% ,n I Ta.rn- I!A,rl -MoNaughton, Angus— m,r,qw, greiation. Sacrament was dispensed ing of the Liberal-iCanservatives of Prices have been reduced on every article in our immense siock of— � n ­­yvaj, ,and Jii . i . ball 1114, 9-61111, I 'at th,el cl � I I ­ alk" Mp with the* 1. I ,South 'Ruron will be� head. it Hensall. � . . �, .,­�, ,,�, " " " - clse of the service. I . . . . ')�.,-,., ." - � Mr. and Mrk. 51i;;*r Ta'r!n'L1r -diber on roll, 23; average attend- . . ; ?. I = N The Y. P. L. Of St. AndreWs Unit- ,on Wle,dnesday, April lith, at two � . I I P ,,, , 0 ­,� � , . , .. , . . ona. �� ­ Ance for WaTeh, ft-Aliee M. Ar4lu- I I 11 I.. � I L ­... . 0 Chesterfield SUft . `,s�. 1, , , J*&h'46 "Or..Blyth, With he, I 6d'Church held �heir weekly meetiIi o'clock. ' . . S.. I , ,,,;, ". - IC �', ,­., baW, Teacher. 9 I . - I .�� ­�,,, �. � . � �. � , ; , '. , g A., , Wt, n n y even Campbell am,&, 0 * 1- 11. -une . I . I I �,, , - , a - . , - 1i I ?.I -.�:­ , '' , . Walion'Public - Ag lastin y , . � W Tjftnis� Of Kit- a '� d .1 -1, , � '111t ­­ -I ZZ& �w ­ school j. good ' . I -Studio Couches and Day B6ds. ' . I 0_4� ;k 7' d 'Mrs, Colin the Sunda Dr. and Mis. 13. A� ' 'O ,Occaslonal,Chairs. . , F I ME . I I . I . I 1rhe following is, the rep6ft 6J -Wial. - - - . %­ um with, a very daug�rters, Misses Ae-an and Dorothy, . �- :'*­ , ' ' ,d 'airen , 0 ..... -�I - h ­ hler' P , ft, . � --- !�, i.�,' -,�, ,,, 8, Qjl� O" of ton. PuW- School: ,Vifth. Cliss- .. �� 11 n Ae;v. E. P.' Chandler And son, Keith, IcCoim�mnied by Miss, � * . �� I ­ , .T -"Tww's - W. aen- 'the scripture reading Eas- .. I . I I Dinin oom Bedroom -and Mt - "4 ,". 110- T lkd",�, , " . - ItAS, 1 Amy. Y.uill, all of Toronto, vpre - 0 00.11 . jaili Jack Murray, Latin 9% VT. 69,. Alg. WAS . ,I � " I 7 I�4,��,, 416th - , � 6( 4.11WIPW, - wlih his n from Job, chap. 14. Tb�e -ter ivisitors vnth,.. 'mxa.,. T. ,Mu k . I I �, I 1".111 I . " . . , � . I, . I I 8115, Art 79, Geo. 81, Hist. 8Z Bot, W, to ­ ,41mmortality, , . rdoe 1,1-1-11 I ; I che niturd. I - .(,q,',o� ,. XaZllej 46*00m.", 11 I and miss . ­- I . .1111X 1,641" , 06, 0to .�, - I paci, b uture Etb& . ; I � . . 11 I !! �:, toth 86%. Thfary HunVhtiesi, Latin Life, was ta,k�eln I r I 0 44 bkft6yed I ,'as Mary rhom, (Mr. and Mrs. , I . ­, "'W& -a" Cantelon, of �Iil '11'�,,:, I 1-2"L 1-4 . '. 82, Fr. 0 - Floor COVerings. �'Il,,� , F4ii I � --dii, ,rt'83 43,eo. 86, sor, y Mi - , I ��I%?",;";­ F -It 4 ;`,ih io,;V,1i " . . 86, Al.g. 100,, A @&V " The meeting closed by §ingiag SchTomberg, spent the holidays ;With � ' I 1. , .,. 4 / . . � .. I I ? I 0- - `d4tt� e 'Muftay, Latin 71, Fr. 83, ' Aft - - I -- .6 I . .. �,'�,�� ,,'r �;, � Origin tonvrile-E61y Aist. 76, Bot. So, total I . I � * Lamps and Novelties. '' I �"'1111111 ­;" I - Ras� Mr. and ,Mrs' D. A. Cantelot. I "''. I , ,��,.g Dorothy ', I , .1 - A& " �yr Mr. i I . �� , ,� 1'. I I P I * Alg, 73, 1 .. - I 0 Mattresses and S � ­ . "i � '' h"i� lbet*� thrve and fbUr 70, Geo, 70, IH6tt. ", Bs,t 78' tlo;ftl 67, -Prank Marghgn 62 �.Ari I MT. and Ws. CAande 916wes and .. - , . � I ,�, % . . ­ ,. . prings. . ,� ��4q 1 .., ", U 11 - I I . , , vart 7116. -nun - L t,h.). TL.- daughter, Qaudette, - spent the E ' - . 1, -W I .. I . . -1 I � ,"; � I , as - . I t) ".10 ! ".,%� ift, q Mary Bucha IAUft 99, lvr. � - . . �` ,��'i 7� a '��Rg "'t, �, � " Jean Par�th raon 76, Ruth Cunt- ter -holidays with, rel4tives i . I �.­ '" Q , & F, allfhou'kh 55l, Alg� 35i, A -it 1o. I , ft Ilan- 11 , ` � � I � I . 5 . . " ­ , O�th ' 'ga -76, I. I : '� " I 'i "�� S I 1 7'3, Carl don. . . - I � Tl�wfts�� " &,rV,z4-- aek M1in I 71,614 WfArks . I I I . I Thisis the. t 0 ��,� li'V;�, ,, ,,� '..," - . '06d: t6 1 "'Ve the Mutton 82, Sob -X1f,W>, 'M J, I 'COaft 72 Bgi t I ime to. buy � �4 ". . -,. 1, I -, 1111i'lu, w4x�� %Q,itiesl� L )CgThall-d6h 69, (Ar�� . 1 $ . 11, I'll Alt," 46-th0:, T-Whousie, smandwr ,6 ii . ), .. Mrs. Alice Joynt and, sonf WdRiMM& .1 . " ': .,; " I I ­ ��N'P� . ­ i - '.. 1% , tg � ,,, I . :'� W. �'. � L." .- -- ­ %aaricO h�a'Vkd 0 Le§r* Rutl, ge of Toronto wbig Pastor visitol,4 with - I I . I . . Furiiithirg's- - , - , .. lrl.,­-��..­ . .� "I. " .1; W ,� , ,ft ('spel') St. rv,L-4�1101 � -Cwthai '... 1 63 '(A!m'b&) -Doni-ld, Xf ,. 5,4 �rolativlas- I& ,V�nstill. Urq I �. ­. . I - 111 'L im.1 I - 1. I I ­ I - 1. , ­­ ; M ­ . 1".. I *11 . � . - Ath,),. . Joynt"q . 11, � I . . . I .. I . P"""g-%�-,-, , 1�;�",.,�=. I .1 .I afid A ,� I , I 11 -41 �, ,,�,T�J, S. Barry maftb 11&4d `& & OR *::-.I:- I - .. ��;3 , J *, "M V I . I . . , � - %bet- mds V&n* P ' "' ' � . " .J, ' , X. :� �' - 11 oMed to sb4 h6k bgck ` 91 ­ ' I* . I il, 4 0, , . f . , , � , 11"...M t ,,,� I Wr,=h 74, Fft 'AMerilOn. J,p, ��XAAthj:#. 21. , W.rftce- agam , I., , I . -1 I - 1.1 -11 I 0. I �. % a 1 � " ' , �Pli .1, � D .. I I ' Aj,� . I . tott'.;V147- i , r i , �,��,�, , .", 4 1* , � - t d7 �11'1�­. � e Mr. 1W -96pettoift ana Iii I'll. " . Ly =" ,-;-­..­' - I s, of 'Cochrane, -but *ho at ,009611t is' - . :,:, ,,* .. . .. I I I I , r ;;;;;;;� I I �-�, i � , "I , , ! If �� I fil1es . �e sot �, 'S �I�.�,,��,Z�.'���,.5"4�T�.:,-,,,x, ,.,, . . I e, - , " , n : , ­ � - ers Fur'niiture St , 4 1h 1, ; i 1,44,1.01�, vq�q -1-1... W I . , re, ­ � � M-- . L � � ­­- 4 wor ifig � . .. 1� ­,�­­­­­­ . fj� Lo * woe- -.iwswwr-,4� - -, I I I , i . ,�g; �!, "': ,� . . !� !,; T, , " � :?. :, , 11'�, . . , .1 . , , . , t ""', , , � � , � ,,�, , , - � - . , , , I , :, ". '. 1141�� .� � ��, ., I ,rL, ! ,� I I �'j"',. � I:* I I , .:, "' 11 , �;!,, I � �,�� ': I I . I 11 ­., . I ­ �, � ,'-,. - I , , I .. � . 11 - 1, I -1 . I � - , .. I .. . ,�,-t I .. . � . ... III .1 1� . . h I . I . I I I ., . I � - *� � L " , � I I . . I . � � . - -1 I : ;,-,, - I I � "IN! M,� �,-f.,.,"..V.fR���4,JL'�%4,ck�f,%34,tw*m.. ',my..'WA y'i­"�w .4b,ww -"% W"11RAX "R, 1", .'a QA 4,44,41-4 , . . . � . . � 274F4 , IMEALK 19 .,� $% - ' , ��LW%P­ . � _ ea?� 'I', ,�. I "' , I . NNNIIMNNIINEMIP�� 6 ­ I . I -� M he , r ­ ' - ts I ,his UAW Auvom. 110.. " K-- " ,� Ir 'a , ,�', � , 11 L ,� ,J.,-, W,�Mtjvn* .,P�.­$�.r�tf , .., , 1W , , .. oid; ��,- , 04�1��",��" , -, V . 1 7 1 " �F, !��.� - I .-N!'M .1 Ines Je 1 fflayspu, 0 watghaw- 1, $Peut�thew"k),exld, Ta � " Im - .� 460 " terear'l .'�­, . , 9 � ,. ... ..... ..... 44 ik&ll %1,% a ta 11 VW AwralAIL 41�jt-4. JL IJ UJX%Fv.�Ja , � er b�Y Be ' , "' , , . � 15 - ­,A:QQ.;1U , 14'aft , 1%, . � I .jo eirl. 91k I A , - . " � 11� , 14 . , A X ., - A , t' . T 4- w1fila � = 4 �11 R9 ", "T - W �, 1. Mo. I k : , �6, , , �1 ­ in .,. 7 to' act , � , I - . '00oniMuod, fro* F�,V X) I try W­0904�4 Toront% a" U,�, *gpd �* op "",-: Ri N&g. flift. Olt . " ' -9 ma?16-914 I),, - 4`% - .; '" I ,LOOW4 11VA. "I'L119 I . "0100,64 � ,0' , , - - * ""'"' ­ X"A -, , -%I ,-, I , , . .1 . ., . , r 7. , �J .. � I ­js�,.,pe je, o,", LIU ",W . $ . "I: . � , "Buitauf IZOAftr aftvi"s wa�* hold Wfio, . . - , � -844-1 , kA., i "I 1. I I I I I �Wfitfi, .0*M,iJ" _ I .. � ; �,, . 6. in# ' ' Qt. 0 ,­. � A., , , X,L- .0 - f : %� - �,� ,1 , . ispending ,Ith,o�.Ap4st4 hO1JA&yB hgs�, n. = - �-.h,�re,, witli�"04� , " 911 .." ,.�F I " J , rega ­ bee in -ve" - poor lut '30k Wd 4%"' I � t .p � * s. -to'a'9-*ac'e',Mdgert* (�p). ]R_.Frank iit the f%iselharst rdh on Gunday their parents . � " WT1111 Z , nj,11� � J ,��.'and Mrs. J..FinlayL ot Pq I I I . ,,, a... ,; , 04f I. X .8; " , 41,6f t�b I i" ;", ­ ftr- , . 1, . . TIS: 7 - I -W I 11 , , ih . A , hkthe bush- Ryan (H.).` ,1­-jad�ie ,Powell (H), afternoon and at the end of the . is 4mvrorApg, ni",Iy. - redt/s. I . � ;1� ft , Spent ., q past viripek I t . V SOIL . I '. . 11C." -1140 4 . �&,,.,� 1 UnWseraeftt Oomrnittep of the,',AMr. 9. HolwArd 'X ' I .1-11 Itat Se4ion, of the country Janet. %dgert .(Z). Primer -Allan vice Conl�nunlon was held,. th ­ hth� , And Sister - M". W3 1,,, 708 ­ Imack, - .. I '14ti, 44 ,� ,; .,­d�0w-..,,. - - I I , . I ". - . . ' - 'm " " - - - '414* I , ,,* 1 - - Vial - 'tend" i R 17- -r , 6 , ­. and winter., (Mr. Nicholson Ry ."E" y 'sex ed to 'Mr. Board Of OX'Iimeriee, ensall, -are a' ,.J6�wlish,were,��lwalto.d.st'�,,,00 ­ --,4ft-'­# -A,.,,,, .Ativlo Owl) of' ­ I.. I I .an (P). Highest marks. ob ined: lUrs, GeWg4i Eyre is Iting in and Xm-, 1W Brown in .the lo I l . " _ , 0 . ..taa , � I I , .1 . , , � . ., . . , [6, '. , I� I �� . , , '. 4 I 4 , ,- " , , , , �", � , , � , , . . , . . - 49 of rqAging a iIiIilrsitrel stlidw which will thlair brother, Mi.;V. Z 416,.e V11illne 04 � I -,of olie of the' W-ge lumA 'Arithmetic, Janet, Hodgert,. 98;. His- 8eO.ftrth this Week. � their 111itide " 8%II4,ghter in 'Loudiin 'O' I � .� the 46doa 'Aga4" W1110 .. W-T-. . . I , ­ , 10 '­ . .. es there and� of cOuriel, itOry, FYances ERgic.­ .97; Geography; 'Mffir.. and M=.'­Ri4t'-ri1cy­ �and -little Friday 0�erdng -Just. , ,,�l I .0 be presenfte4- in the near'future, *R from Exetej,.�L�� , I . . . . q*en � so, voq t J11 for AM- Mon I 01. I .,: `114Z 1 . . ., -ft ths - 'iffi1c, .. I ! . . 'i I . . '." . . . Hodge , � �- " - b I 0 '. .. '10 Stew- son i I '.. , to " "Seho,w 'Operobon, as Rvjl� affected by t,,,4.P friends in Cromarty late, *, And MAI. Ca*e -4have mov- cert held,at the Clinton Ro it I on �` J I .9 �­.­�- '' had Vi , tvisited ID -r- 1. 6. ST611110 us4sted at; a con- ' 0 Rarg�&!" os�,Fok,-D&' , �'5 , ,R�;,. . . r ,;. cu#ure, $if a 'Our buistillow men - �sr -= - R. - .. I . 1 ­ y Wa# ­ I , , . " , .11 1. 1.� 11 , ly. � '. I I , =V. I . ... .... I . ir ngw, 9me- -60 the, Huron - . On . I I 0. � .10 LQVO 14 - , ji, sld4g, b" ed 141141119 tbo , .... � . ,* . � I .. . , Pri I ", . coupe .. I I . . . ,a , , . ­ , � art ' , L 88; IninsPli,11 11z"Inees Elgle, ed to the" , a � &6. loewhat. :,:R,* . Monday evenini.. Ulm' Jean , 9T qamp- 'S ng - Fair. My on Isat &, ::A,'p ,#a" A.�T, this, Peace order 4a -out - 11IM" ': , 'of, Kite Con- A suvc,iss& auction sale was - hold Road. , . A.�il .., Of 150 ; iii We a�e sorry to'lose Mr. and', b.e4l g.0compatied , 1011 , t �� , . ,,,I,- � w , - 'go . . ­ I . 7.' , !,� I - " ,­. -. . ­ 1�'STSU46. ­ � men at . Bert V40nneeS. farm reoelitly. 11, I Wai on, the Piano. I I . . � 1. 11 . 1. '' - � 1 . P, I Of' W, . 1. 4 . , I . veremont - U test--&ranceIs J ,& , ,- Ok- - from the coinmutity. t , ­ , SP in, Sel! , , - �� ) , -, . � 0 gnd Jack BU Mrs. Way I , I-". I ­ . - I. 10,1110 A�i 1� . a . I ". - -guq"..-A.�, , I I , -� 't%' een Numb ' , '. � I , .1 I , " "T"", IT-, . '" l;, ;f,�,v 4!g, r­� I 1� b A, sduTee bf� bit- kay, - , , 14; average ,lar. Vennibir,'intends, moving into a ec vices. ,�­ I! lltf ,� , , , ay's has I . ... h - . � :, -, , I., "Ill - 11 I.., I . , ": � " , �:.�­ �­ p .1 11 � I ,. . � . ,� , ��. .VK,vi"1�16 ., , er oyi re . We are plftsed� to see. , - . _:,,. e , �, �V'­,., ".",., . . 4, - fteol#1 FAstb I I � A I , --r , ­­ o 4 . . � ,between the, Government attendance, 13.9.--Margar,t E, G,riev,e, house owned by 'Horton Bros. on the ,t'.90,Hees were held �, . . . . . �': �L ". 0;""�� , -V �41"';� - , -Chandler out again after her re,ee ee " ,�� I I A�4 , " .. I I . I , . . "!. I , " I 6 . I . 'It fwtho�thr A�,iiaLohurchea' . , ­*,'', � I I ,q��,,� l,"AA. . ' opposition, and at the cLqse Teacher. " I � .. � on Sun, ..'. I . � i ,, ;1 -AV .1 I I , � ii�­, . ."'. -:, 41 ,, . boundary. 11. , . � . "'. . 1 '4, . I operatiol . - , -�,i,- ,0 (Mr. Dack Kinsinlian ,has purchased -day last WMW,`s�peq I 1. . � " . . 0 . . I , 4' , ",� 11 ,, t,,V ', day's si�tng the - IAberaI6 *ere S, S. No. 4, W. StanleSr The W. X; I IS. was held at the ial discourses by , :. L I L ' I . 11�1 . - 'ter -.abd e:ilicellent - ' , W I � riou's 14�m; I I a I , i 1. , 11. � ­ I , , . Manse on' We'daesday afteraoon.� .. � --Ckkeiek­—'­* 21-11L ., . ­ ., - , , ... 1 ........ L��­o 'NOP"Nii, � I � , �, I 'I)Pposing this measure. The followling is the report of S. S. the'farml of Mr James Stark. -thei,­vla' .. " 'IOU I .1 � I YOU CAN' L� �,�!� Ai. ­ ..,-,-!,.r,;"�'�'* wrl� 1. .1 941.1-1-- - ­ --- , o 11 W King madebis position clear in No. 4, N ­Stanley, for the winter term .-Chas. 'Harris, of Xedina, New (wig .Mar&m6t 14�dea of Deofiel4,, FAL%ter�'niu�i��?4*tpp,r,.ka,t�,,,to -the oc- AL40ST - ­ I . . 1. , I I , . . , t , . . I ­A�& , , i", ., - .04, lfoll� ords: !'�We do -not Fifth Pass - ,Stuart' Watson, 691%, York IState, visit*d with �elatives and who has beeii ' 11 tion, Graae- ma'S'16-m- !i # . '1, ,I , 11 , , ­ �-OWU446Zhurch',' in ad- ., , IJ , - - , I '. � T. ,visiting with-her-sts- 'easlom, - . uArxi),untla , I - , I L, , , . , . 1 4 -, , . I �, - ' 'he ies' trio . :, e� . , � Q , rhiq , measure 'be friends� ,ditiOli t,6 -ftp., aiit I inta, a lad' SEE THEM , 214 - "I to . �Jea,n 'Dunn 6& Sr. 11111-�Bllly Arm- ., . Uro !have extra vigor and ma4e-Ta*d . 11 * I - I I 'k'� . , '�­',#Out the - inforInA- a Ong 79, X 1A ' Wreh motored to .: - . ,., I � I f �4. ,� �. *OP4 -A . ter, Mrs. Arole Plardbn�;, od' theto*n­ I ,. I I . .. shed'Iffirgum -$. smi ��O ,-'Mi!$' I I , and, 4e0orts. I I . ... �, . iu, V. I Wa � . , , ­'. � ,, 4 tr e u 6 68 E Mr. George. T. 01M.'. . , ,i� . M. Redden, Mrs. V A. Vemerabli, WoU 11111, ,,.L,,..' . * i 43" r , thel line, has reWmed, to her -h I ' - '- GROW,! � I ' it ,, , I � . ' .. '��"1'1:­4­ . . Itio'n (l;e1*-g�41gf***that vAll enable us WlatseilI 67, lGordon N�Iestlake Valb� Toronto last week and rwith Toronto X*A, PrOdale:,drid-Mrs. G. Hi�sg, at' . BRAFr- Foundation, Barred., Rock pull6ts'weligh­ I � , . . Imiss Phll� � a Penfold 'of S 'No., �1­ �i" I � . . I . : . " *2 , . . . . . I I a�.��,­, 4 . Y,4,� ,is I 0 1 - Mi - Communion I . . ing up -to 2%'pounila and cookerelsi 2%, pounds. � 'Tt'L" _ - spending " '�, , aft- *W I . at nine weeks. . I f � . ­.''. to ,%y-W&fher or not the legislation sent). Jr. ,M"4MAdge,. atouston. 62, frien(W­;kent onto Atlanta City. 14, Istallid p thW, . 'i� - I.N Should go through.. 'We have ,som,6 Ilene -Greer 6,0, V�Iirred,kj�u 51. IT- ll!i�end�" in this locality regret the vacatioll wi ;" t ." 711'Aimsteted 'and-, at -the ev- -Toundgtion Legborns, in our , . . , , her parents At,Elora. was AS - . I i , - - . -Aces we" coA en ,n,g seM ,,, s . . . I., '- I . . . .11, � ., , . Muess of Mrs., George Fair* "' `&' " gial parts in thean- - T ,,� . ve.r.y important,arnendments to M6ve Andrew Rau ft ­1,��War . , i ' . ­ - - ' , Talbot seridas I on sei - tbem*, w�eI �tl� - by "�'. W,,,. 1 " "'! , , � L" , ­ ., I , own 'brooders weigh 6 at five-we&ksi., Xhis kind : " ��,, Z, - , 2�b ' . -" I ' , -11-. ... to this ,legislation, blotb� in commfittee Anthony .Rau. - Frances 31�,s"p: bidyn in Victoria Hospital, London, daefed - in Ift. AndreWs United,01hurch _ ��h as F. Wlelsh an "' ler�n .11iij puUets, -that w. -%Il lay . L$,- ­­- of 'growth givies yo,li early Mr z ��- I . Yd-'6Xf-the-­motdo,n -far., third readiug�­Teaelje � gno sincerely hope that her condi- and'W*L 'Resdi i ­&et by, '�Miss Flor- ' , * ,and . - - - 1,41t� an, - - ­rj _ on Friday.:40erdag last .,by Rev�. Chas-. ft eggw� . ... ..... . .. � I .. I . - I . ' j -, il 1.,K.A`� -and certaiinly we are not koing to be S. S. No. 10; 7Wkersalith-, - tioz may. §00 for the- .en0e.V,6l41ivoA.d1',D % I S $huinie, and, . I I .. . 4 I . " ,n take a turn Gordon, ,,of '10,qve�n Oharch, Exeter, , ,r ' * thef Manager of your near I � , . , i� , I - -111- , I - - - I I For- cofhV . IS ­,�,. de4ied that p better. I .. ' 'A fl�Ory, . I.- 4" ­jfe�je. 10te info.i;mati e' - I � ,� , , . I " , . , 'k .6 ' .rivilege because of any The follo,y�4ug i -the report of the . -Rev- - ,GQrdqix` fine , �,A a �S616 W�W :94 =teus dire4 for 6ui FR&E booklet, , i N . a I .. . 9 ve ,!� � I .. est BRAY RaWhery, or ill!,,,� . -efrort<5he udbil4ter make to Ea**r exiindra&n.s' 'held in. -S,` 'S. . Was Pearl Harris and, Miss Deer- most 'i,nito,.,�-eaftii�"g-,-iiddi%79*i�--6:n 'ChrlsstVs- At C%rlp . Presbyterian ,Church , "Highway to poultry ISuccess in, 1934.11 . � - � I - -- -*Y ; , - .. L. �, . '7 -ftli , .1 ith Mr. and ,sacaifle . 1, ' Sp6c,41 R"� er"Oes-were ,. 1 ��4':'-` , ib No. 10, Tuckersmith. Numbers indi- e , I , I . . , Stampede the .1 =f.e'?" ing, of Exeter visited, wi I , held,.wftb A, ' 4 J , Z, . , 4 . I 11 I 11 d I 'farnisbQ,. by the e�hoir ' ­ . .. I I 1 ��4-, ", On. 'MT. Gordon vigorously, denied cate percentages. Pass 60, luonours' I I . fe. goo � ma1§1c, . . . ; (H Mrs.,Tom,'Harnis on, Sunday. I Visa Etta Bell, of the'Lo-ndon U ' -, BRAY CHICK RA :97 OkYburn Ave., St. Catharines, - - - - - - - ", 5 , . . my attempt to ,ruAh the legislation J-6. ,Sr. TV­Qyrtle Taylor 75, . . ad ith-A?*Y4. W. �A. Young in charge of , I . ­, � . I I . I . � - , ,,., 11 .. ., , .. I i�.. r stampeae thie committee and de- V.irley 57. Jr. 1111---�Keith McLean 6,3, --. with her parentsi Mr. and Mrs. -A both se&W,­�.t: "' at- �. , . I I - �­ . George ' � . � �: In 'addition to --..,' \ . � ont t . I I , . �. I , , � " . . . - them4 a. duet was midered Iby Mrs. . .. �. 111. . Brooder- vaid Office, IL -W. Charlesw . ortit, Clinton. � . 11% � elarw that he' felt all information Kenneth MoLean. 67. 11 --Donald me- KIPPEN I Beal. .� � - , . . � . . . . I I I ,� I- i WaclArim,.quirtetlte � 0 , 1, Young And wi�s . - defAred by the Opposition was eon- Kay '70, Billk� McKay 6s, , Maid-ne . Elgbt Breeda-4919hItli, Year a1lood Testim--aixth Year Government Approval . , "" , ," 1, I I Miss . I � , Bet- . . I I ,,� - I ,y . Etta J-arr*tb" of th"' teach'tff R,6v.Yotin.c,.R.-Y.-Maeiar���,i. , . . .,:, to:ined in the orders -ba -council gind Purdy %, Beatrice Wright 5,3. 1- Staff, Toronto, -is spending the Easter .. 'At- . I . I . I I I 't �. , rwb�ieh were. synopisized ,in the Canada Mary Kinsman. Priliner , Wdred Per Sale�,­Master Chick Star -ter and chieiwn vacation at her home With he'r par- gough, - wid' W. 'A. Maclaren-, Solo; . I � I . . k , 1� ! � I ­ , " ";, . . . . . I , I , . fee&; full eximly" of gram seeKL ra�StIY IOC- I . , U." GW� . Mr. Gord4i� 'tolld the"Com- -Flurdy.-41ive Workmaln, Teacher.' ' oily g-rowin and aii government graded, and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jarrott. � -Mrs J. W. Writhron; qualrt,6tite, G. ,� I i . . I IF .11 I ....." 11 that the g,chvernment guaran- ' ' - S. S. No. 4, JoWrt first class; also arched axle. tolp buggy In first iDenii1eld Irene -]Et,Dgva . � I .1, t � 1 ,"',4 , ""' . IMIss ,CAadys 'Harvey, of London, rth, Mabei - . - ' ' , . - . . I . 1. 1. . " I class repair. Apply to W. E. Butt� Kippen.' , . � ", to the banks.under this legisla, - The following is -the Easter report �W;; ind James Bougough'. 10'' �. I 1 8459-8 Visited recently, with Mr. an4 Mrs. At St. Paul,. , 1, ..., t I *,­ "'': -5"61. Loans of separate SchovJ section No. 4, of I Al,An Harvey. . ., a Ane,c j,�.Ch]arch - . , tiob amounted to $106,5 a Rev. - t_ , I ot, Wilightt B.S4., I . 1. . . . . . IX B. Par4wr cond&t6d both!services .. . pri ow . , ster at the .. I � when Holy 0omI=n1bn-*aS' admin- ' I . . I . & , I `�the'ijjP.R.,­ ted to WOW,- 65%, IjouiS7 Mcliwr 61, Genevieve At- home of his I � . - , . I , 2,the promees,including $2;,004D,000 Hibbert: &. W-Thereasa. Atkinson Guelpli3O. A. C., spent Ea - ��", .. to, IMr. JGord . HENSALL .S ng .Sh ' _.,__ ­ "'�_ I ,�, , I to a�npun ";� I " parents, . MT. and Mrs. , istered at,themo . . . 1. . I i � 20t', ,inaldn-,& a gftnd total ,of $i69,- kinson 60, Torimy Ma ; 6­41GI re jam ng ,serviep. The I . �,,� Wi in' 5 'L lies Wright. RENSAIL - , � choir jeride-red fl- - I .1 I � 480,229. Added to this would be the Jordon 54, Tom McIver (absent). Jr. e ' . -ery ne .music. . ' ' ' I � I . Th Busy Bees Xisslion-Circle held �-, , , . . ... The'lMission vBand -ok the. United, I . I $110,00,00 ally,'"ursed under IV -Edward X&ver 66, Mat Goyn For Sale ­.Used piano in excellent condi- ;.----S41turda'v'.,' Avril 7th - � I �. . I I , 0 anija , P I � 11 ., -A� � -14--0 . L' their revular month4v meetirt- at the -1L 1('11-irch held - - ;-I Pp- 11-­­ I av, r measures. . 46. Jr. Tul-vonny VIL;Orknor 83, Rita tion — W sell quickly. Apply Walkees 1- F. ­ . . . .1 � - ­­ . I . 11.1 . The 'Speaker allvo'anceid, at the op- McIver 77, 'Rita der - -gram consisting ,of an Easter story, . . - . Coyme 68,;, Carl home of Mrs. JohnHen son on Sat Fmrnil��; Stom,ssamora. , 3459-2 1 . ' . , '. uray afternoon last with the pre$i- Easter Dance, Town Hadl, Hensiqll, on FXI- ,dialogues and choruses by tho'chil- '' . CATTLE I . . �, �dent, Was -M�ry Thomson presiding. day, April Gib, from 9� o'dock p ��w 2.80 , d Cattle. . ;­ enlag of the d1ay's proceedings that Feeney. 68, Peter JordOn 57. Sr. Il- . Horses , an � I , . at 5. p.m the Commons would, be sum- � Billy M-6rris 86, Frank 0100nnOr *m' dren of the,,,iNfiss-ion Band on, Sunday . � . . ��, 11 , 70, After the call to wo . Odd and Modern Dancing to Kiirdock's af I - Angus . ; ­ moned,to the Red Chamber for.the Lorne Feeney-, 60� I-�-�Om* Mo , � rahip,- "In the a"n- ternoon in the, . I ;., .1 . I = wit�, Vm, Hayter, Floor Manilager. . — . . , . I Ist 2mf Bed'. ,� �0. su � . , Oovelrnor�Geriqral giv- 0ecelia, Gavlim , Primer rrdS QMSS ,of GhrLot I Glory" was ng rudy a Floor Show' whilb you the, pleasing featuXs, on the 'program . . Aged - Bull ...................... $4 $8 . .: , " purpose ot&e - Angeda have Your% Zench by the following a'rtL-As: --- � wa�a "'a (f4elightful , I Bull caved in"I'932 or ls�ter .... 4 3 . �� ing asse�nt to Bill* already passed by WReilly, Harry O'Connor,,Rose Me- and the *president led in prayer. The story,- told, to the HORSES � ' , G 'tar solo -by Qyroil Straugp_ CFPL Radio ' Cow ................... I ...... � 3 2 1 , Scripture re,lding was taken by -Miss '� , children by ,!Miss Dorothy Campbell, 4, Class I. --Clydesdale - 'if . I., , the CiDmimcins. - �, . I -vier, Tom Feeney, Tom Jordon. Nu;m- rtiet; iolin s6M. ,Greba Lamiltnie, A.TX44.. ist 2nd BrA . eifer, under 2, yearn � ......... 3 2 . "Mr. C Ruth Watspu while ,the devotional, 'V101, " t . . of Toronto, who has charge of the I . I . 4 , , �ordon endeivored to have his ber on roll-, 23; 4verage attendance, QlArlst; net, WIrsi. Maude Hedaen� Stallion 43harthorns, - , . M .. v � Aged , ................... $8 46 S& Aged Bull ..... 4 3 ', . "Jesus in Rural Lite" was taken by E G��, pj� me solo by 7-y6ar-', 1WISSIOn Band' in Eaton's Memorial Sftl1i,,,. f0aled.,Ja ,1981 ......... S. 8 2 . . M J � measures, assented to before thal time 19.40�-R. W. WConnor, Teacher.. June Mur , .1 _ velty ' ip . Bull.. calved ,in liii*�'r­,��*::­­ � ,­.. the president., Miss Florence -Th Old . ize given for.'Ioloky 4 8 I . . , . but the debate continued with the S. S. No. 7,juck6rsmith Oul- lunch' ticket AAmbsion'r . hureh, Toronto. , I . Class. 11-Percherm cow .......... 1,, .... .......... 3 2 1 �.� , son took the topic, ,*Faster." 35 cents (tax paid).' ' A Faster 'pag I eant was given by Aged Stallion .. I � I . re5sult being' that these iteins will re- The follOwing is the result of the I The Ladies withoubluvich, 1-5- cents. Sponsored- by�� - 11 8 6 3 ast,'MOore Broi., 53 goods; 2nd, �, I "JoIlY rour."' : . -i��i ­ * * ... * * 5 3, 2, 2-5 Packets seed donated by W. ' I 4 I � -,- . .ceive ,further consideration. . Easter exams for S,. #S. No. 7, Tuck- roll call was answered by a Bible . 3459-2 Themberrs of the United -Church Sun- 'Stailio", f4m"�' 1�' ., � I . . I verse beginnin'g with the letter 'N' Leg is Broken � day school- on, Sunday mornin , g. . .' Pass M.--St..;i.lW , " A. Jenkins; Co ­value $1, c", .! sm!ithe IS�-. IV­LUlanI , 'added, I . 1, , �er- Nicholson . Aged Stallion,'trotter or pm*r. in !.. , 1. I . 1-1 70. Jr. W-Elmler -Cameron 61. ',Sr. to which twe4ve girds responded. Miss ,On Friday This 'operetta, "SyMia," recently .. harness ............... ....... 5 8 � 1 .16 4�; -., � 1. I ., afternoon last" while ' Heifer, under two yetars ........ a 2 - ��­ I , I . Beatrice Cooper led in prayer and driwing a lb*#,, of flax a couple of' presented.to a full'bouse in Seaforth, ID , , Clais IV -Heavy Draft . , , nere,for4a . I I I . BWCPFW,LDA.' 1,11 -Jim Broadf�ot 79, Mae Rintoul . raft.blare. in foaa ............. S 4, 3 Aged Bdi . I �,- , the Second chapter of "The Viking �nliles' beyond"t-6ter, Mr. R Geiig7, will be presented in. the liensall town ..................... 4 �6 �'- -1 ­. . � 68, J+m Buckner 66, Jack McLean 60. * let, joynt, 'goods $3, cash add- . DWI, calvdd in 1932 or later .... 4 3 . ' � � �� . Mison-Munroei.-A P�y we�dding Jr. -HI­-­Mur1e1 Cameron 57. .-Sr. II Heart" was read, by Wiss Bea,trice son of Mi. . �Uger, had the ma,S- 'hall On FrldaY"IeVeainii, April 13th, ed'. 2nd, Hess,. goodil $2.00, cash . Cow .............. ............ a a 11 � . . 11. � Daymond. HynW." was sung. and fortune ,to hav,W'.a loa;d of flax, Which" under the auspices of the Hensall added- Ist, Cook Bros., $3.00. � 1.% �. , i took' Place ,-tat the,,Mails�,' Brucefield, --fRoss Nicholson 65, Bruce McLean, FL117 or Golding, foaled Ta 1931 .. 4 3 2 Heifer, under I'll il On .Slaturday B,oyes, Prhner­--4Ma1.- the meeting closed by .all repeating he iwa-'s on anA, I�nging io his father's United -Church, Y. P. L. This, oper- two Years ........ 3 2 �'­' - � :I&t, coal donated by Mr. David- . I ',�: , I . 10t the Mizpab Benediction. 'A -social mill at HeusalL upset and in spring- etba.','-comes :rPyr.highly recommend- , I . Market Cam .�, roe6­ daughter' : * I I ;I.I.I.PtIlid Mrs. Dan garet Cooper- Best speller for v son; 2�rlxl. Drummond, gobda­$2 . BuMier Steer or Heifer, ��ade,, .5 4 Ar , . " Marefi-Jim Buckner. - Eleanor E. mg� . ill3t. G. Case Bakery, $a.60 in I , 'Munroo was in marriage to half hour was enjoyed and -a dainty dng,off t4 'Joa,$ to saie ft'eover' b ented by the Wo -1 eash addell. � ! , t .� �- ,Mr- Earl ,Mason, �f London. ' Rev. W. Scot,zhmer, Teacher. ' '� lunch was served by the hostess. him be laxidea on, the'lleel a one of' men's ,Hospital Aid'of Seaf,Drth.­Xr Filly or Gellding, 1,o,sleld in 19S2 4 S 2 goods, cia3h added. , 7t- � . I . I 11&t, 25 packets seeds donated by* � I �, I � . A. Bremper performed the cerelmony. S. IS. -No. 6, Stanley the Misses Doro�by and Frances bis legs, \causing -a triple f1:A.ctuye.;, James iScott will sing several SOIL", W. R. Jenkins Co., cash added; . Baby Bed (900 lbs. and under) .5 4 3� " � , . Elgie, of T�r,'onto, viere week end Dr. Sm;ille w" called and findi��'hlls�' between - alets. . Specials , C -,�� . Thi brf& ,wore a swagger. suii of The1ollowing is the report of the . 2nd, Clark, whiffletweefi. $2, cash I I. Ch�smlvion Draft 'Stallion, 1 bag liriseed � ,"". , guests with -their cousin, Miss Mar- injuries so ��"he had -him, taken Wiss Ruth- Coles of b&towel was _added- . 1�, . . ,��'. Idue With, accessorieg to Match. Af Easter exainination� held at,S. S. No. � � meal donated iby Owen Geiger. .. I . I �,�:.. 1 - . garet Elgie, of Vickersinlith. I to Clinton HIospital for X7'Tay exam- the guest of ber friend, Draft or Agricultural, foals of , 2­40harapion Shorthorn F4male, anv age - t ; ter'a short honeymooh, Uney will re- 6, Stanley: Fifth Class - Harvey Miss Malared - a9se .................. - �,- - I -ination whet��he inju,r�d leg wag put Follick ........ 4 8 2 Silver Cup, to be won twice in smocesam -,, sid-6 in Lftdom Chutlet 74%. Sr.' IV Class�Harry Miss 'Olga Bell, who -has been, in during -the Easter holidays. . ist, cup donated by Manus & . land tibree times in all, doated by DrI. Collyer. i , � . . I ' Tor pari Farquhar; 2nd, Brook, $2,shoe- . . , : onto for 'the past few months 're- in a �laster��' a - cast. He is still -The 'many friends of Mrs. George �­ I Mrs SteftA retuTne4 to b home Reid 78, Au&rey Jones 74, Walter at ing driv,er, rash added; ar4i, don- Won in 1932 by Oestirrober Bros., won Ila I r, -� - I , , spend- Smith 7?- Jr. IV Class - Jeane Rdd. turned to -her home duting the `P�,t in the, Cli-4to;L, Ho*tal. '1' ated by Be�n Bakery. � I in Fh-� vkla&� - ast,v�eek'alt.-rer . Fairbairn will regret to' learn �h Jk4l by IL M. Peak; won in 1933 by Oes� . � I I ' week. 9&kings with"'Many as- she'is at present in very poor health, Draft Team ..................... I I a tricber Bros. . I I ", . Ing the past few months with friends 64, Bessie Chuter 62, Gordon, Horner . I ng 0 4 S­GenvUeman's Tumout­-Goods done,ted by I - 4 . in -,Stanley, . 53. Sr. HE Class­-4M-urvin Johnston �Dr- Gilbert Jarrott, of Seaforth, zistants are sorting out ,an'd prepar- ,having beep. taken to the hospital at ,Ist dolnat�d by Bank of Mon- I J. Passimore- . . ' ir -1 $1 ewb.. 2nA, $1.50 I I i fkiss Janet Watson was taken ifl 62. Jr- III Class -Floyd McAsh T5, spent -Sunday with,his parents, Mr. ing to ship a number of. car loads of London. ,fiii Cfeat�-eni,'- but. -" sat tr L Class *�-Agricililtqrai 4-Lad7 Driv—ls-t� I t � , -, . list week and had to be operate,& on Roy Elhott 67, Anna tReid 56. 11 , and- Mrs.' Isaac Jarrott, of the vil- Dutch set onici,iis. I that berF-recov*ery will be &pe6dy. % � Ware, -in foal . � clas�& RULES AND . P . EGULATIONS . I . I '­­ ­­ � -foe ap,�P]2-dleit% in Scott 'Memorial class Hel n Johnston So, Gertrude lage. Waster, Donald.-VAllert of the vil- Mt. E. Sheffer who iwas quite poor- ist, nontbxon'iCi�ryadaIe,'bIt%u- L--antry fee, sim far first entry; addi. - �11 , riends Mr. Clarence McLean,, of London, lage who lately had one Of his legs kLt K cash addcd, tional entries, 26 cents. each. .. ndspi�;f; §eafb�th. Her many f� ' ' Si-inith 71, Harvey Parsons 66. I Glass " ly the past week, is now regaining- . , Filly or GeOdink, foaled in 1981 4 a ' 2 2­-Horsea and cattle cannot compete twice willbe glad to hear sh spent the week end with his parents, ,,,broken 'between two saw logs while his usual good health and able to be, Filly or Gelding, foaled in 1932 4 8 2 in regular classe , .cpt Itu "I .. e is'recov,ertng. Donald Keys 92, Alvin Keys 81, Maud L Mr. and Mrs. J. B. 'McLean. playing in Welsh's miAl yarO, is rest- out again. 41,t� A. W. R HempbIll, $2.50 9 Agrien rad or ,.. ,Easter visitors: Miss An-rde 'Hus- Keys 80, Ruby Reid' 75, Frank Suidth Dr;%ft, 3 Years old, which pay be shown in , �, . taT4, Mr. ,Stanley'Reid- and Miss Mar- 72,'Maud Epps 66. SV. Primer---4CIar- Mrs. J. B.'.McLean visited with her ing 'COn-dortably with his leg in a Atss Hazel Coxworth is visiting in goods, cash added; 2nd, 25 teams. I ­ , - cast. . with'her mother, Mrs. Coxworth . S. --Judge's decision Iii final. 1 4 ,,, � son. 'Mr. and Mrs. Will 'McLean and . packet seeds, donated by W. A. � .. gaiet Watson,, of' London; ,Mr. Aldie ence Taylor 92. Jr. Primer - Mairy ' Jemkins Co., value $L cash ad& . - - family, of Hamd1ton, recently. . Spring Show Saturday The- Sunbeam Mission 'Band and 4.-Ontries may be siviii,arded any or no I . Mustard, of Toronto; 'Miss Annie Me- McGlymont, Good; -Clayton Key% ed, prize at the fteretion of -the judge: I . I . Dobald, of aundas, at the home of, Good. For work in map model * Kiss Dorothy Blair, of Toronto, vis- -The !South 'Huron A.gricultural So- Arnol�l Gircle 6f ,Carmel Church are Awriclulturso-I Team ........... �-- '10 6 4 6­6ingle Roadsters Wav� also compete in , I I ';hg1 ited with ,M,. R,b,e;rt Elgio and fa,mi- CiietY Will 'bolfl its spring show here presenting an .East4r pageamt, and Ist, donated by Wm. 13L Gold.- teamls. I I I , 'her sister, Mrs. ,Haagh. Floyd MrAsh won first and Walter .ily, also Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bell and. ,on,Sa,tuTday next. The prize list this 'Pday in the basement of the church ing. xp� �,, C-U entries must be the bona, fide pro. I I The Brucefleild Rovers Football Srndtlh second. For origin.al w rk in f mily o er the week end. year is especially attrketive, includ- on Fri" . , Team ... Cla . m . - . VI -General 1. Purpose wmW of The exhibitor. . I I . 1 . C, a V y evening. .. . .1 .... .... I .... ,. . team--wdl, hold: their annual meeting MOdelling, Harry 'Reid won first and - in . Walker s'Ha n- S. 'M ing as it does, apecial pri Mr. Eldred Smith, of Western U Class VII -Farmer's Driver PARADE AT 1.30 --Animals not in ! I . VF.1 - 11 0 , Thor" day, April QPrdon Horner seconA. Doroth3�- -Keys I r. and Mrs. Reid. T,grrance and zes by local Ili- parade , Rarmer'a Driver (open to farm- may be excluded from,�'compptition. ;. � fainily, Of Portlet Hill, visited re- mercha�ts. The Board Of Commerce versity, London, is Spending Easter � & I 12th, at 8 p.m.; when, all interested won the pxize jiven to first class for cently with Mr.. " . ere OTIRY) ............... � .... 6 4 a ,� ,k., . are a:sked to be out. the' -Mkhest pirolficiency during bne Henry Ivison and is co-operating with the society in hoolidaSrs at ,,his ,ft-ome-here. - - Ist'' Hen"ll Mfg.'.CV­ $2.50 DONATIONS � . .., . I Miss Jeanne.. I ad,veTtising the show, Msa Doisa Altair �wbo 'has The goods, cash ,added; 2xid, Will- . -wm. H. Golding. $fO; W. 'G. Meda, M." . I I I .. .1 . I month.--JWI>er,t J. Abi�hart, Teacher. on: diard Buaanan­,Zisrag.� .%.&o $10; Bank of Montroal, 1 $10; Cook Bros_ I , . . Xr� and 'Mrs. A. R. Funeral of F. G. Berry . fro home bere for onlie.,little st; . S.,S. No. 6,.McKillop - I 1�vn Parsoris spent 'm timae, . ' , day with the latte goodli, cash added. T- C, Joynt. gootis, $3; Scows ,Store, goods ­.. .., . . . - r's parents, Mr.' The funeral of the late Frederick ,has, returned1orlthe,present. ' (�ea selt). 43: Goo T. Mimckle & Son (Gold � . WALTON - 'The following is the rpeport'of.S. Class Vlll---Open Clase 11 . . �. and Mrs. ,Joe Linden� of Denifield, G. BeTry was held from the home Of , Miss,Mona Miller has been in Cen- Roadster Team .................. 6 4 a Medad Flour), I ; S- &O. 6, ,UcKill,OP, for February and X $2.6�; Bonthron & Drysdale, I � . . Holiday Visitors* � March I rs- J. W. Rife of Sheldon, North 'his br6theT-bi4aw, Mir, William 'Oon- Arabd and district <lurinj'thd ,past -Single Horse .................. 5 � 4 a horse blanket, SJ ; A. W. M Hemphill, goods, . . � I I I - Those Tharked with, an as- Dakota, visited recently with her sitt and was conducted by Rey, A. week or So. I , . 2nd. Roy -W&ber. $2 goods. , * $?-'60: C -MM -N-41 Hloltel, goi6ds, $2.540 ; Pass- i I terisk missed one or more exam6na- -�, h added. . more & seas, gooda, $a; Hensall, Xti. Co., I I . Hpliday visitors in the village and cousiris, Mr. and,;Mrs. Geo. E. Thom- Sinclair, of the United Church, az- 'Mr5. Jdmes Rose, of Seaforth I ; , 'Id' tions: ,Sr. W-Gekald'O'Hura 74%, , has Ficlays or Gelding, fooJed in 1982 4 a 2 work Wants, S2: I�rummand, goods, 412.00; C- , I . vicinity: as Jean 'Dmger of De- *Leslie, Pryce 73. Jr., IV­jBeatrice son and family, also Mr. and Mrs, sisted -by Rev. W. A. Yoting, pastor been visiting with her friends, Mr. Sweopstake. � Case & Sol', goods. sizo; 0. Geiger & So.s. . i :� f � troit, with' her mother, Mrs. Charles PrYce 7a 'Marie Hoegy 74, Rita Dbffy Victoz Fee. . of Carmel Presbyterian Cburc�. Mr. and Mrs, ,& 'Ed -wards and. others. N.B-All Light Horses to ,, Eihibited 9n Ifteed meal, $3-: M Eb Wren, $1;,Twitahell, . . , . be . 1, Prager- Miss Amy Love win, assisted '04'r. and: Mrs., bouglas ,iof H&d�e Gravel Streft�' ,$I ; Dayman, $I, Dr. Smillie, 62; Wm. David- I by Rev., . Mr. , sm coal. $4; Hess, alarra clock, $2.00; Moore . , Fred *Wley and Mrs. and WWlbur �Hoegy (equal) 70, Ev- and Miss Grace Cooper, of London Young and Mr. James W. Bdnthrori Park, 'and members of family spent ChamPlonship-Draft or Agricultural Blim., goods, 0; Weber. goods, $2; Sangster, and young dauglitier, , (1VEss Margaret Cooper, of Toronto, W. ,O. Good � erett Reuermiann 67, '�Mary Pryce 65, 1 � I ,'Margaret,, Ann, of Toronto, at the *Hazel Spa '*g 63 spent ibe week end rwitb their par- BOnthron sang a -hymn with Mis�' 'Faster Gun&r with Mrs. John John- Mare or Gelc�mg- qnY mge. - 6 5 4 2.60 $1; Dr. Collyer, Cup; Spencer & Sons, goods, , I � ' �, bopxe of thelT parents. Mr. and Mrs. r1i. - Sr. M - Louis ents, Mr. and Mis. W. W -Cooper. Eleanor Mah-iir, A.T.ICA., as aecoim� ItOn, X-�M %raglas' mlother and sis- lst� Scott% Stolre, -tea sat. $?L50; Alf. Clark, goods, -w.hifflertTees, $2.00; 1 !,. Joseph Love; )3fiss Viola Caeter, of ffoegy 66,,"�Irbue Connelly 63, *Hec- I . value $8, cash added; and, M-- & FaMaheir. Cup; Bowls' Bakery, V; 1. tor Lamont 6o, *-'Bob Duff 59,'Alvin WISS Isobel C�mPbell, teacher of S. Panist, Both ministers paid t6bute .ter, Mss Margaret. � . Spencer MIM, 42j5O igoo&. J. W- Flynn. $1; Thomar-on, s2; Broeles Shop, - 0 . London, with her parents, Mr. and y S. No. 14, Hay, and MI to the life of the deceased. A large Mr. and "Mrs.- -Peter Buchanan, of tw% added; Still, L. Mickle, set shoes' for diiver� $2; Me]. Love, $ 1� I ' Miss Ruby Young, Beuermann 55, Billy Little 53. � ` Sr.. iss Hilda Rich- 1; A. p , Ws. Jos. Carter-, I aTds-on, OUZ. S. No. 3, Tuckersmith, number of, relatives and friends were, 'St- ThOmasli sPt-nt"the'week end with 1"'o Gold Medal Nour. cash B- 110"v6ift�, $1; R0704 PUtWie Stock Food ,, .--- of near Bly 11--Uean Pryce 71, Rose Bur., 69, I I added; 4Q4 CommereW, Ho- 00-, ss'l Buchanam% C'exage, goo&, $1.50; ;�,,, th, with her parents in. Rita Gloan 52 S,r. III_ a�e -spending the Easter vacation with sent from a distance to their eir relatives,aild friends.in the vil- tel, g,00de. Renhie's, goods. $1.60. , -�. I i . Rita coli_ pre, I pay . .1 -1. - . .�., the village; ,Mr. Blair Shaw, of the nelly 77, -Margaret Lamlont 75, Leotta their parents near Ustowel. last tribute -of respect. The pall- lage.' , ., Township Prize (2 , or more SPRfNG allOW CIRGMT--Sesifor6h, April I A ' �`�- Stratfoli,d Normal, at ,his home a X.iAs HaJcyon Cbandle,r of Western bearers vverc� Affred Taylor, Thomas '11P. and Mrs. Lorne Zaefle, also Of' - entries to a"' chwis" tQ-- 9rd; Cilint0n, April 5th; Herwalil, April 7th- I �­ 0 Hoegy '69, 'Mervin Beuer7nann, % . ,homes from one Township) 10 5, f the 17th concession Of Grey; :Nibse, _�,p -Uniirer-!S�,ty,--Lon4oTl,��n&-M-iss Helen' W- Par4mer-,-�Manns; John gy - A 'al, the week -e�� ­ :-. ?: I I -­ DR. A. R. CAMPBELL VP ,� � a, .spent ,, . . PresidenC rd,, with her -�'r mes, Sinillie and Frank IODleum"al'ne' �­ . I 1=--Vr--G�-, -3L-P--P- - - - ----- � X: � -M.- -M­cLEAW—; t5cCreftry. -1 --- � *ftuen-'#yWrC, ­ot-Brantfo _ .oy-. I�jliett--". f==qKWy01`1-6 .$,'rc , Cbk-d,llr. thitb alchlo.1 teach.e, Of. Ja , Grace Colindly and Alvin Pryce I . ! !-,� .. parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Jose�h.. Ryan; ual). I -(eq'- Blenheim, spent ,the we�ik end, with The remains were interred in the Ex- , . . � . �.,, , � -1 .: Best spellers in, each classi- . I . . ��... IBfiss Isabel Ritchie of Stratford with Gerald OlHara, Beatrice Pryce.,j .... Louis their parents, -Rev. and mTt, E. F. e -ter cemetery. . - -- I - I I � - I her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rit- R ,g gy, - -1 Chandler and fain -Aly at the Manse. X,s: Beatrice Joynt, of Wingliam, .1 -- � I �' I 11 1, :� chie; Miss Ila Crawford, of Wiarton, . be Rose Burns, Margaret Ila- WISS Helen ,Chandler is in Toronto- is he r� Visiting her brother,.Xt. T. C I 1� I . . � � I . , -, * � `- - - r--.- at her home in -MrMnop, Misses Hel- mont, -Isabelle Purcell. Best in Arith- this week attendiing the 0. -E. A. con- JoYnt, .who I -has .been, so poorly for Beiinning Mar'. 31 1 1 .1 . I I . � I I . en .S*Tfiwvdlle and Dorothy Driscoll, nieti-iLe,she Pryce, Beatrice -Piyce, mention, which is.being -held. there. some time past , � ��­- .of Stratforil, with their parents in Bob 'Duffy, Jean ,Pryce, Rita Con- . . � I I ( �, " Bfiss Dorothy Thomson, of West- 'Mr. A. D. M --Ewan has returned . . --1 ­,-1-1P;32212Q� '4 McKill-op. Wiss Laura Manning of nelly, Grace Gonnelly.-Anona Dale, ern University, London, was a guest from London where he had been re- 01 ' � � I - . !, 111i 1, ­� I ­t��I;;i;, with her-pa,.,t,, MT.' and � Teacher. over the week end vntb her pare ceilving treatment and is feeling con- . . IS: - F. L.- s. S- No. 5, Tuckersmith . n-ts, I .. ;.i�, -, Tvirg. IL Manning; Mr. Georp Kirk- The following is the report of ths, 1&. and Mrs- Robert Thomson. and siderably irmpr*v�b,d. Giganti'C .. .- � . , by - of itwar Grand Bend., W , 'th h's Ea family- Miss Pearl Thomson, of Fun- INx. and Mrs -,L. R. Co%s and mem, L . I '1�11'1 1� - , zter examinations held in S* S. No.� art,074 = I 'If".- parevits, 51r. and Mrs. H. Manning; is also spending the holidays b&a Of famdly of Listowel, were week 0 k-�. - I .. - .. Ill- - . ,1�1�;� (, , , . . 5, Tu&ersmith: Sr. W-Etheii.o'hes- . . i0ll� ' �, � q�� MT. George Miby of� .near Grand mey 69clo, Robert Patrick 60. Jr. IV , at her home. , . end guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. .., � I -- - 0 1, , Bend, *ith -his parents, Mr. and MrsT. I -St. Andrew's United Church Goodwin, of the village- 11 .. 0 .­ �..,- . ..... L - . .. -- ::::. ?1� I -Wardat Haney 73, Arnold Amhi- ,oTj Stock Reducing , :1---; ... I I @,­ R. Kirkby- M%aes Berva at�d Nornia SU � , . L.1 .. - I . � t. ��"!i � . bald 7-1, GTace Wallace 6,0. sr. III- May morning �last was .beautiful An Easter dfvnee, sponsored by the low , NOWEN I . . --- - I . Steissi - of' Kitchener, at their home John Oldfield 77, Hazel *ith�- spring flowers. Rev. E F "Jolly Four" will Able, 'held in the . . I � I g� � . in the" ,Oillag*- Mss Olive Bolger, McNaughton Chandler bad a very suitable�iast;r Town Hall..',�n Frid . . . . I '. . . I M�. .Stratford, ;;A her -p 4f 70, Gordon Macdonald 69.- ST. 14­� I ay evenixg with ',,��i, .A�ents, X -r. and message. A quartette ,Misa6a Flor- ,musi� furnisb�d & I "I ,�, "I' -1 . U&S., Clair 111*ney 78, Shirley Oldfie,rd'77, / "by. th�e * Xurdock I ' ­ " I ., , ". ; LaelliIIo Mote, of Milverion, -with their 3& . rAQ. . I W 1. . -- —9--T-&i-ffJJpdi;6nf4k ' ., and T&s. ; Adam 61. t Llmd -'�'Aie!' and 'a duet -lund-h will 'be given -by Cytil'Strange, . � - '' Fie hi 0 1W SM , , - - � , Asse's Ethel and Pears. ChesbeY 7�, Jack Patrick 76, j. j3. . ' - Jobil. Bolger, ence and Mary Tb.j��n and Measra. Orchestra'wibh William Hayter'm McLean'and Andrerw Bell sang, floor manageT. A floor, slbow during ,at Wia 1ke r -'s Fu rA9 11 ,"J, Williams .M Murra,y­yrallmms, "Dftr �S*ri rm . ., �� '' Jr.' 11 -Jack Rice 80,, Donald ',He Died But Not ; - f N %1.11 � 4 , �­ I ,ShOldice; Mr. fla"ey Bryang, of Ot- in ;V�%" by Greta Lammiit, Mrs. TI& is the greatest opportunity ­.'�Xl� .. �,,- , te1rnI1b,,,,',%­a his parents� Mr. amd, Wallace 75, Harold McNaughton 10, Haacyon Chat miss , Redden, Mrs. . eVe-r- off ered the public to purchase high. 6 A -11f -1- �1, . _y dler and J. B. Hess, and Juve Murdock. . .1. . . . , � ".'-, . -1W 9404 Mcl,�an lest quafity Muse' ]Furnishings at Pricesiwver before quoted' I .� . . t"Slm rrt Wallace 69. Primer - Eric . . ILI . . . BryiT&;, 'Miss were much enjoye4l by a Ilarge con- The convention arid annual meet�. I ,­­ - . � . ' Jean� DO39, DoUglas Wlalla6e," Lloyd Raney, f � 2 V ". Mang ��, ', #% ,n I Ta.rn- I!A,rl -MoNaughton, Angus— m,r,qw, greiation. Sacrament was dispensed ing of the Liberal-iCanservatives of Prices have been reduced on every article in our immense siock of— � n ­­yvaj, ,and Jii . i . ball 1114, 9-61111, I 'at th,el cl � I I ­ alk" Mp with the* 1. I ,South 'Ruron will be� head. it Hensall. � . . �, .,­�, ,,�, " " " - clse of the service. I . . . . ')�.,-,., ." - � Mr. and Mrk. 51i;;*r Ta'r!n'L1r -diber on roll, 23; average attend- . . ; ?. I = N The Y. P. L. Of St. AndreWs Unit- ,on Wle,dnesday, April lith, at two � . I I P ,,, , 0 ­,� � , . , .. , . . ona. �� ­ Ance for WaTeh, ft-Aliee M. Ar4lu- I I 11 I.. � I L ­... . 0 Chesterfield SUft . `,s�. 1, , , J*&h'46 "Or..Blyth, With he, I 6d'Church held �heir weekly meetiIi o'clock. ' . . S.. I , ,,,;, ". - IC �', ,­., baW, Teacher. 9 I . - I .�� ­�,,, �. � . � �. � , ; , '. , g A., , Wt, n n y even Campbell am,&, 0 * 1- 11. -une . I . I I �,, , - , a - . , - 1i I ?.I -.�:­ , '' , . Walion'Public - Ag lastin y , . � W Tjftnis� Of Kit- a '� d .1 -1, , � '111t ­­ -I ZZ& �w ­ school j. good ' . I -Studio Couches and Day B6ds. ' . I 0_4� ;k 7' d 'Mrs, Colin the Sunda Dr. and Mis. 13. A� ' 'O ,Occaslonal,Chairs. . , F I ME . I I . I . I 1rhe following is, the rep6ft 6J -Wial. - - - . %­ um with, a very daug�rters, Misses Ae-an and Dorothy, . �- :'*­ , ' ' ,d 'airen , 0 ..... -�I - h ­ hler' P , ft, . � --- !�, i.�,' -,�, ,,, 8, Qjl� O" of ton. PuW- School: ,Vifth. Cliss- .. �� 11 n Ae;v. E. P.' Chandler And son, Keith, IcCoim�mnied by Miss, � * . �� I ­ , .T -"Tww's - W. aen- 'the scripture reading Eas- .. I . I I Dinin oom Bedroom -and Mt - "4 ,". 110- T lkd",�, , " . - ItAS, 1 Amy. Y.uill, all of Toronto, vpre - 0 00.11 . jaili Jack Murray, Latin 9% VT. 69,. Alg. WAS . ,I � " I 7 I�4,��,, 416th - , � 6( 4.11WIPW, - wlih his n from Job, chap. 14. Tb�e -ter ivisitors vnth,.. 'mxa.,. T. ,Mu k . I I �, I 1".111 I . " . . , � . I, . I I 8115, Art 79, Geo. 81, Hist. 8Z Bot, W, to ­ ,41mmortality, , . rdoe 1,1-1-11 I ; I che niturd. I - .(,q,',o� ,. XaZllej 46*00m.", 11 I and miss . ­- I . .1111X 1,641" , 06, 0to .�, - I paci, b uture Etb& . ; I � . . 11 I !! �:, toth 86%. Thfary HunVhtiesi, Latin Life, was ta,k�eln I r I 0 44 bkft6yed I ,'as Mary rhom, (Mr. and Mrs. , I . ­, "'W& -a" Cantelon, of �Iil '11'�,,:, I 1-2"L 1-4 . '. 82, Fr. 0 - Floor COVerings. �'Il,,� , F4ii I � --dii, ,rt'83 43,eo. 86, sor, y Mi - , I ��I%?",;";­ F -It 4 ;`,ih io,;V,1i " . . 86, Al.g. 100,, A @&V " The meeting closed by §ingiag SchTomberg, spent the holidays ;With � ' I 1. , .,. 4 / . . � .. I I ? I 0- - `d4tt� e 'Muftay, Latin 71, Fr. 83, ' Aft - - I -- .6 I . .. �,'�,�� ,,'r �;, � Origin tonvrile-E61y Aist. 76, Bot. So, total I . I � * Lamps and Novelties. '' I �"'1111111 ­;" I - Ras� Mr. and ,Mrs' D. A. Cantelot. I "''. I , ,��,.g Dorothy ', I , .1 - A& " �yr Mr. i I . �� , ,� 1'. I I P I * Alg, 73, 1 .. - I 0 Mattresses and S � ­ . "i � '' h"i� lbet*� thrve and fbUr 70, Geo, 70, IH6tt. ", Bs,t 78' tlo;ftl 67, -Prank Marghgn 62 �.Ari I MT. and Ws. CAande 916wes and .. - , . � I ,�, % . . ­ ,. . prings. . ,� ��4q 1 .., ", U 11 - I I . , , vart 7116. -nun - L t,h.). TL.- daughter, Qaudette, - spent the E ' - . 1, -W I .. I . . -1 I � ,"; � I , as - . I t) ".10 ! ".,%� ift, q Mary Bucha IAUft 99, lvr. � - . . �` ,��'i 7� a '��Rg "'t, �, � " Jean Par�th raon 76, Ruth Cunt- ter -holidays with, rel4tives i . I �.­ '" Q , & F, allfhou'kh 55l, Alg� 35i, A -it 1o. I , ft Ilan- 11 , ` � � I � I . 5 . . " ­ , O�th ' 'ga -76, I. I : '� " I 'i "�� S I 1 7'3, Carl don. . . - I � Tl�wfts�� " &,rV,z4-- aek M1in I 71,614 WfArks . I I I . I Thisis the. t 0 ��,� li'V;�, ,, ,,� '..," - . '06d: t6 1 "'Ve the Mutton 82, Sob -X1f,W>, 'M J, I 'COaft 72 Bgi t I ime to. buy � �4 ". . -,. 1, I -, 1111i'lu, w4x�� %Q,itiesl� L )CgThall-d6h 69, (Ar�� . 1 $ . 11, I'll Alt," 46-th0:, T-Whousie, smandwr ,6 ii . ), .. Mrs. Alice Joynt and, sonf WdRiMM& .1 . " ': .,; " I I ­ ��N'P� . ­ i - '.. 1% , tg � ,,, I . :'� W. �'. � L." .- -- ­ %aaricO h�a'Vkd 0 Le§r* Rutl, ge of Toronto wbig Pastor visitol,4 with - I I . I . . Furiiithirg's- - , - , .. lrl.,­-��..­ . .� "I. " .1; W ,� , ,ft ('spel') St. rv,L-4�1101 � -Cwthai '... 1 63 '(A!m'b&) -Doni-ld, Xf ,. 5,4 �rolativlas- I& ,V�nstill. Urq I �. ­. . I - 111 'L im.1 I - 1. I I ­ I - 1. , ­­ ; M ­ . 1".. I *11 . � . - Ath,),. . Joynt"q . 11, � I . . . I .. I . P"""g-%�-,-, , 1�;�",.,�=. I .1 .I afid A ,� I , I 11 -41 �, ,,�,T�J, S. Barry maftb 11&4d `& & OR *::-.I:- I - .. ��;3 , J *, "M V I . I . . , � - %bet- mds V&n* P ' "' ' � . " .J, ' , X. :� �' - 11 oMed to sb4 h6k bgck ` 91 ­ ' I* . I il, 4 0, , . f . , , � , 11"...M t ,,,� I Wr,=h 74, Fft 'AMerilOn. J,p, ��XAAthj:#. 21. , W.rftce- agam , I., , I . -1 I - 1.1 -11 I 0. I �. % a 1 � " ' , �Pli .1, � D .. I I ' Aj,� . I . tott'.;V147- i , r i , �,��,�, , .", 4 1* , � - t d7 �11'1�­. � e Mr. 1W -96pettoift ana Iii I'll. " . Ly =" ,-;-­..­' - I s, of 'Cochrane, -but *ho at ,009611t is' - . :,:, ,,* .. . .. I I I I , r ;;;;;;;� I I �-�, i � , "I , , ! If �� I fil1es . �e sot �, 'S �I�.�,,��,Z�.'���,.5"4�T�.:,-,,,x, ,.,, . . I e, - , " , n : , ­ � - ers Fur'niiture St , 4 1h 1, ; i 1,44,1.01�, vq�q -1-1... W I . , re, ­ � � M-- . L � � ­­- 4 wor ifig � . .. 1� ­,�­­­­­­ . fj� Lo * woe- -.iwswwr-,4� - -, , ­ ­­ ,,­­ ­ 2�­ ­­, ,. , , -, , , ` ,. , �­ I 7, � . I , , . , , . � . ­�! %.' �, . % , . . 1-11,-1111. "'.., - , J-'- ­ % , ,7, 1 1 . .'J. I 1, t 1 � I., I . . I 1.0-himm, , , , . . , . . I . . " . . . � , � 1 41-�, . I I . I . ;-�' , '' I -- 11 d- � I I I I I ."; c 1 , I . . 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