HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-02-23, Page 7;i ,- , ",­,", I ,;1�1'1'!:,� I �.,',,%� ,,� ­ 6 1 Ar, �!'­l , ,: ,�L �� 0,'SL, - v- `.'�j�� -'7411'1�." I I ��,,, . .'� � . i ',� ,; , \., " ,,, , " .., , I '"I­ .�, )�q, k,", � . ". " 1,� ri" � , ­,�, :. 11 , , , , , . 1. I " , I . " , �. vi , I. -, � � I . . �,; I . . li,�� ; I � I �. , I , . ", � I . I I q - , � I � .. , I I , , I 4 . .1 : , ­, , � ., � - I z .. . , I . �- � k - " , i . I I I . �. � 9 r. 11 11 I I . . 11� . L- ,. . *� , I ­ ­ , � I iI .1 1. . . ��,­ -A- N -1 , � � 1� X 4 I ,.� . . . - - , � % . y . 11 � V, I k , �, I . . . 1: X .-- I V I - , , . f 1J . 4 1 . I I . . � . I I . I . .. � *,., 1 I I � . , - I 1, I �` I . . , " ,� " . , . & . i , I . � . I . I , I I - , I I , , 4 I . � # . I I I I I , 1. A i., I ( I d . . I f - . 6 I I ) . � - -3, 7- � $ 1 . . . -.--,. . � I . . - , -1�- , � . � - - . , .1 1-1111.11-- ...... ­,­­­­­, 1 "'-7�-,� . 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I - , �.,:: -I . . . . .. ......... �; '': �'. �,� .11 :. . , , ,,;. , , 1 11 .P1 � , 4, , , ,;,", . 1, 4, 'S , � 1". ` AV � ........ . . -1 - I 1% I , , ,, P "'Ap . .. .... ­ �� , . , "I . ,�� �� �, � , " ...:-:7 .�. , , 11',-�� .. .... � ,, 's � o .-, , ­ 11 ` '� Aiclltok, , . - : . �" :;-.1.S: I...., I r ..­­� �'. . ", ,, ­!� , . " I ­-,�� � ,, ,..'� I .. I . .1 � I I i . I . I 1� , '. 1?0, licil , 'Pw * , . ­:.. , , I , I , "I -1 .. , " � .. swMe. A -, -- � Sea t . , , . 7 �, , �f�lk$ N, I - � � " 4�-­ ",I .".. ., *'o. . I I . -1 .:, , ' ' I., H "' - ' . I - ---A & 1pm­ "., .. , .�,., , . � . . . one"eOng P. S. jogyn , , - , , , , . . ,-, . . " - I , , - . . ,�, . B.O."tere Solicitors, OoivtyAncoz�s - 75 Public. 11 Solicitors, for, � I 0 Bank. - �OM" $#. r"r of . Baw-4 ses�orth. Mon4* t . , 0 1 1 - . I I I I . .. t. , I ­ � - I .1 . .0 #%V -h --§-q . I I . . . AonN-n. BEST . � . . � . Isarrister, S61icitof, Etc. I I I ... . . . ­ - Beaforth � - - Ontario. , .. " � . I , � i� I I .. I - . k . . --P�� I , . I � . . �4. . I VETERINARY ', I :1 , -0 �! ' ' . " . '� 6' 11 .i.!4 p� -1.1t.�-, * ) . �. '. . JJMWOA.Ifik�.. V.S., , . ­11"or graduate. of '01FU40 ­V*AWiU- ary CWlege..'All diseases of domestic animals treated. I ,Calls, promptly at- tende& to and ,charges moderate.,Vet- . ermary Dentistry a specialty. Office and residence-,onGoderich Street, one door east of Dr. Mackay's office, Sea- ferth.�, . I I I . , �!.:­ -7 ----, - -�k- I . .� i t ' A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. . - . ­ ' Graduate of Ontario Veteffriary College, University of. Toronto ' 'All diseases of domestic animals ireated by the ' most modern prirdplei. Charges reasonable. Day 'or, ffight Le&lb promptly attended to. Office on Main Street, Hensall, opposite Town 11AIL Phone 116. Breeder of Scot-� tish terriers. Inverness *Xenriela, Reasall...­-, �­.,. . . .. I . .- . . . . . ­ . . - , � i . I 1 1 0 t 1 � � � I � - I . . , . . ­ 1. I . .. - . . - p . 1 6 . 4 � - V . . . I . D& GfLBERT C. JARROTT � I . I . I Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, .- University of Whestern Ontario. Mem- ber of College of Physicians and Surgeons of Oxitirlo.' Office, 43 God- . erich Street, West. -Phone 37. Hours: 2-4.31D pini.j 7.3Q-9 p,m. Other hours by ,appointment. . Successor to Dr. Charles Mackay. ' P � 1. I . . DR. F. J. R. FORSTER - Eye, tar, Nilse and Throat � I . Graduate inMedidne, University of Tofentlo�, I � . Late assistant New York Opthal- - mwi and Autal Institute' ­31o6tefeldls - Sq ­ � Th '; uar -- G -i� a�� n 0 -1 L don' g- At afor t 'd Wed, itoZl; Soe , th�hw each-moilth, from 1.30,p.m. to 5 p.m. fig Waterloo Street, South, Stratford. - I I . 0 . I . . ' I DR,- W. C. SPROAT Graduate of, Faculty of Medicine, University' of Western Ontario, Lon- don. Member of College of Physic - "I I Ln I S�r g e ha I ,= of Ontario. Office In g Store, Main St., Senforth. Phone 90. . I . I DR. F. J. BURROWS , , Office and residence Goderich Street, east of -the ,UnIted Church, Sea - forth. Phone 46. . Coroner, for the County. of Huron. . - .. . . - ;" . I DIL H. HUGH ROSS Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, member of C01- legi of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario- pass. graduate course in Chicajo' Clinicai School �f Cl'icago; . e I p I'll ; University Hospital, Ldn­ Englan&' Offic ack of Do- , ­.. on Bank, Seaforth. Phone, No. 5. Night calls answered from residence, Victorilt Street, Seaforth. ­ - - - ------ �­ I . DR. S. R,. COLLYER . ' Graduate Faculty of Medicine, Uni- wersity of Western Ontario. Member College of Phy9cians and Surgeons of Ontario. Post graduate work at Now York City Hospital and Victoria . HoipUl London. 'Phone: Hensall, W. 6, King Street, Hemall. I — I DIL 1. A. MUNK Graduatoof , rn vers- Ity, Chicago, 111. , Licentiate Royal College of '.Dental, Surgeons, Toronto. bffte� ove''T'Sills' Hard -ware, Main St., sw�rbli. .ftone 151. - .91, vi . V — � D% F. L -BECM&Y . Graduate'-goyal College of Dental . 'a, 0 .1. ... Vito . over W. P- I I Main Street, Sea - forth. - Phone: * , 195 W; resi- deac4, in L , I . - - D& L A.' kaAGGART . , . 'Gradua�o Royal,-Qolleger -of - DOntial Surgeons , Toronto. . Office at itgen­' Mal, Ontario. Phone 100. I . fl-il�.. ". , , I.. I --­;.-� AUCTIONEERS . � . AAROLD, DALE . A ig I Lldoftsed,-�,Aucfloneer � . _ poda �, � �n &rm and hoilsehoI4 _Ifi "W -N I reasonable. INTi daltes 4", �,, � I . ,41"alr4. vm,te,orphorie Har- em Pali& ,0'� I , OL e, 1-49 -SeahTth, Or SP - ply at';N0, 9�06sito. offift. . .. * I I "." -11, I I - ­ . P . I 11! "" - ... �. .. I , 11�". i - ­ ,---w A -7--- t7771 ­­ . ........ .. ...... . .. .... . . Ar M � Qradnaft Carey Jonee Ns - tion , , School, f&,14-6�6,fioainm, Chl� eigoy, , , a 06u, �6611 'it �R', , ". , � ta.748fook, ,A* Estate,- mor- th,� ­ ,. � , , k �O��', � �$%k -1 War, � Rates in . , �, "I' "­��.� ftt� I .�l " W�. 1. ,*%I -W. � g .., . '�Z-'��"Z-7�"-"­ P4 . �­'r ,& %" 4 " "gk,� ,1�w I.. .,,,,�Iro I . 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I it Ill 01, 4 =0 front oip yr ai . of the �more sea, 1but he pulygazed . . "..., . . . . ."... . I .. %.. I'll �. . , P, lso4ed service men. , IM, of mUd reproach� :, � diecidedly, ' 6066u�, fo,Mt was, obo �- . ,of a f L , .., - , , I , , at " � ­ - � I � I I g I . , ye'll no ken whether yepre �uli� : e4w6W p ,- � � "'A'm a bit, wrang in- ina, kead," .colMj boo, ­ 111.0, . , I ­�­ , sW,�,,� I 1. "Wve �eut rnia, iweesdom te4th,h*-*%c, - M,Dinns jud barshl re JM�G in� 'A , I -s- . , , I ,­ I I I ,..�, I..... ,". , "i, . , ­­.�'. - hnp,i, . . , ­1� "i.1-11'111' � . i�! '. � Im � 716 A hi-s"Iffilco , ".-tax. 4nklpla I ... � . �. ',�,­.i �,,��'�', " lbrard ,or badkward,'-whew the'bugle - _ ge- orwor L i y, oam,a­ murmu d- - I k�, %at A ' I ,� I , � , W�!�, .1 .1 -,� ­ blaws. A'an a matters,"' the newcomer had­tem�4-, " "' hb mmirinured, " "I hae spent p1g,,: L"&% . 1. 1""� ... I I �. ,,,��­ ".',, . . , 1 �;"' ". , , , In, . I lq,p, ,r" k ,"i�; � ,�In.l 11 "I �,� �. I ,, . . , ""­`��`% ­ I . -1-14-4(c � .. ft. , 1. ­ �0 , . , 1.114 � . . I - . tel�dqr&o'% !�-' - th6'-wsys ed r0ith a sly' twinkle in, r". I ,- ­' -'­tMubje you,� tae leav,4� -go to gay.' -Ii. -Tlie, aalt- got -'a. I ­ ' I ,A, ��, V-1 ,...T,A'r' 2'p W the Fiepreign Wa eyes. bloodln itherphlrt.,,o�, Agri .1, , pr.. . , ,L Iri - 1:1 . L Legion o', Frranci�p at . , cap '01 in�& uk, . . � 11 9WAOSF �%Iteia �" . . , � L. 4 gi,sa, ilen' ',but Alm no a Tie ken A � served' m1a sp1prentice- bdtthis is, tAle, first ol mine she .. France on a. w mbo 11, ,4 r t,-.1--..- � �,, , 'R ...... r " .-'suy, ilia fT - d ,here , PaWaob did Ilet'ge b ' I YU .1"Sa ,W4 � I In ' 014 ' e - me Mffr, , 'I -.---,, , .. -,.-. - ' " 'r " , ,k V � I "" t. I zN,4,�1,0, " `�,11 'o "� t in the -way o! aamnow o' thf�tr' ' � . `�a ' ' .-,'- g,�­7 , ten . . . - -1 I - I . . ut -Ahe nead the,same marner­aio. 1i . .4'. 1 " !.I 1. --"-' ,­ e,q,� ','I, sililpi in th' aizimiy o' t�e Anzacs, ,an". in Morocco." iinrOxit hei bad swung ,his arm a . hd ri,dto. out .,of - - on, - ­ A � .1 , , ongh." �&.U.� ' -.�.-,,.�,,�,,'�',,,,'.'�.,,,I�� .w J� �' , �,�' , - " L� " . , ,1 � codhtrie�3, -an' a 'soldiWs, a sol4her thosebuckied wad tak' .the horse krom. `iOamaradp," hissed'Pierre "You dealt Me such -a - 6u&t. on the - BI& , bond an' 1. .4 , - ,4 UW,I�W L � 111". 11 "I �5 , * , ­. �f,W I I ,� , . the wide world ,piver: eef,h&s a intin, un;ner ye wi'bot, ye khKkm1 it, eef . ye are no ogimaxiadb of mi�ue. ' 4.: o a a his the gracd of God ,and 'the umse oof - � , I ,. � ... �r,�1�111WIPW4114 1-11 . , pi,7-"�­�'�., 1�%,�q� -g , �' , , I . . , .q, 'r - . . I , ... , I, I � Pu 1i jaw that.tho big -follow sprawl- " — - � ,".0 � � , R,,,i�A,, hap an go wi ,ving sharip, wits, he found hii-w4y to' 1� I -_ .11 1 --els a 1mP0,.An,` thals'zP the' ,pened,.riotae be wtde -awake. Atin: %petticuat I and, n a li . - Par- � .. ,� L ­ , -,­.�� " ­L.,W��-e,'��R -51M 1 1 �11 --111 I we is the streebI. it is all, Yon aT6 fit on 6d On all � , � ­ � . ,�L�",,!� 1'f , � I I I I , P �.� , C ... .. . �-,,`�,,J.1.11� . , tae fouNs on the,filoor, wNim isi, ,4 1j. I ... . . . , J., it.; ea he's a bully an' . -no slow in sic matters ma�, aina�-­17' ,and in that �icity4pff sballi , I J` 11','ffl��,', - �Ij,, 'a, go, �ty, - � N­J,g�. 501A W , t .,� . Iq V.,i,!,A M . A'm thirikih' y� air yer ainsel', the gh ' I . I ' `��"'� , '' � , . a pamp --- as I . for. lie remained, too. weak and dazze4l- to whete holtel billt, are of th �,e,ft ihot Peo� *4'ae "' I I h added --- �', a good-taXpered Pol&—"name of a. motherless. mon3pey, rise,. It was the"'n, i L0 �, � I. . V, r 'A that ,Q1vs,toiWs � I ;"Wh ---....V,6- �,-T u . % .. , 1�. L�-�,�,�AMA -Alm -no ai,eanin' tae -bp, ,unfriendly, -ye . i . the se tomi to - --real 4nd ,wwmen�,s skilrts, of , t" 1 a,Vf.,4.­ �- � - ��;,M, ,�il . ' chuckle- -,"A ken ­'A.`1-1-the­1Wff. -in-a" �� is-- Mee ng V? - - -natuffi Wk'Ws�6if -.1% .11 . � . I , M I . ft1A ,',�'.. -111P , �; � � kien—theri, lie's a trouble malfpr an' =1111AMW tae watch as well as pray.11 - ' - 'Then, the .card-shurp s, , O& - He 'had , a (prerhb.p, the ,Parls I . blAP "dre th� - I , R , U.'r, , � Aill would have -ended good ed vords won . Id not I I ewe his t- for man 'down -and utterly at ,his memyjhigh� because 191151rts i 9U. i .1 ; *64 , 160", ... .... `.",� � . ,�­ a ttbuble seekew, an', ma budde he It are . '-there ' 44 d 1 411- i -1 , . .­ , ­;­ i: I I - - li Standing behind M�Glusky, he� swung its generally a cause fof'an. effect) ali iil`i�1111 fhi?� eet.f) , ly enough if, Gaston .7htl IMOGIusky ,wiled at him sadly. '. a ughr 6 1. , ­-, ­ = . leg and kicked, and kept on 'kick , the Prince. ' ."s dy .0 ,.t o, i I" t I , Q,. � ,, , The .4ppaker was a gT.and looking not butted' in at this veno&. I "'Alm, one o' the woirWs nu judg- i,g with =,r,,,er -' Rat joined the Legiob - P , not it.il -- " ?,�e' 'i", . ,s I I I .. . 11 . .� . ferocity until a I ­1�t­,. 11�4, "You'11 leatu. ' I , ­:J"ll,"�;, �,.., u-! mara,o*,&,:--1otvg. , . "A carnk I * - * 11, ., " � . I ii. '.." � ma n. in -the -'glory � � &: -lot in the'regiment. -�V! � -'h'e ... almost wh&oeried. I becaute he could not annex a gold I .. � 1". ­.1il. d Afrique - y WedY voice- rose high 'an , * . ; �, : . '...'' .- . . , ­11�'1'111­1,4 . that id,zlear.-, . i .. ., , -, ? 0 . � ,", n.,, ��,�i lean, sinewy.,. a ,mass, -of boue an4 ou never learxit in, fK6 11k,0 an olive'-tiee plante& in a desert -- �'Say,- mat6y I abart enuff 0 p Wat4h -PrAwco-but because whein. he , . �. . � ,", �;',,,� I Ar7ac arinty," lie sneered. ,VluRs, tae dae igood an' bide i . bad ij� he -did not know ­eRou- - When-1-1-1311RA-a - ! - L'� ii-ppl-ing muscle, with a face tha-. I in peace, that, aiet it?, Lor, A�we ,me,.,you've French to- lkvwn theM; for � gh � 1 ,:�4 , I t -iO ­ - oiRer. , �:�4, e-iberi:' " �, � I ­ ­.. -11 that mat- - ­ .- .- , I � ��.� �'�%��, .. I—— .. ... , ..... ... ­ , ­, 1p"g." letakeid a cross ,between that of t -the ,, "MaAe," was dip mild rej bfit all men, revile um. Logh, it,s blinkin, well-kieked w stu,ffie out 6, ifil '7��,3'�;11.'�P' I,", . . i it�,:!, -n I Axeignt' X-mtiarl­Awnese-& A'm here tee -learn, ,but Alve ser,ved gey. hard tae, be mituri'erstood, o? men, - ter, di -e COU4 ld--not -italk e 911V . S; I ' . . 91_�,g - ----- --- 6 �­,,,�!� . . th" ­bhghtWS­`inA.­4end up under ,is Ill ,a Be , , �, Red Indaa' hieftain: high -- - - -- -- . . ­ - - Men, turn.ffi�,- to the "*%gue, of IA'Belle Fksnee� U give , I ­ � �­ F�;!,� --and ­ a-, ­tk n� - 'e Y-"� .. .s ­ ftl� fthe�r -armi 18. ,- 7 -Id--', IM,Tna Idays.11 I ­ , of i�he - , ... , I a d . �, " i . , '�` I' , - ,,, ','��§ - "'; . 1. , , `*`A; ' I ­ ' , .' '�agle 11ye,lik, wit'd but-- ' bc� said ,Y eazo, You lave.11 ,,, the walbehes -away '.though the did -give `W . ?-� of .: , :,.','�";1'P,' � %' of cheek ,, ball vw i 1 � .1 �,�,r'.j��`7'. I Bah, you and your Anzaes, you feRaw who had struck hilm�, . 01 , . . . . ..:�":��4 . :1. . , ,. - ", �L '. , .',.�, ... , " - . ­ _ , ­­ . _ , ­­ . _ bone, an' Ile -protest came front a� small . ish one � . . ,. � , ,.�, - �� �thir,k y!� -%,con the great war, don't .with a mourrif-uVeadence, in his de to a -gendiarme who was foll07- . .1 . I . � : .,:��,,"', , i� � ' * * ];l1iii0l um�,trfls th t'spooke forAiiihmited sup- ' ., fmZ man who 'had risen from a table ing %im wspiej,augl � . I � �, I I �, ­ I ­111­.� -11%- (,L . . �;:��", . , ; � . - ,; 04 . I I . vlaice: "Mari Gastoii; yc've. the A and in return - W,jrttn Lackayee was on- t6 . .-..... .1.1 �, .11,�Ia,Ri� i I ! I I ? . ­:i� 1�,g-. I . . . , � 11 -1��, plies'lof fr,dsh sit to feed all 1,he vitil ` . . where he bad' been eardpliLying. Gus- for 'his generosity I . '�;'�', � . the gendarme po- gram for ,a s.oeech at a. th I ` ' ­"Iil f�Lljces; his large, mouth. wasan index -' 'No .. tba' iver I heard o'." smiled o' a baboon tg­* has seen, its- sin sins ton cast a supercilious glance,in the libely . ga eTlUg"in, � "..�."!:t�,AZI . . . . . I , ,", the neW'man. '�We j Li;st d;d OUL bit a-ri? been fric�ted;- by the,, pieux, A�m- direct0d him to the recruitin, i - ,, 1-- "," ,� ... �.,�, . . ,� ... �­, of --Avength and *eakness- he could Pe'ace=ker's direction, and, zaw , g Chicagia. R,.was late,in 'the eTepin& ,; � � "' 1.f , - - I . - . �, - n . M e of ,the Legioh,'In, fact, the � gei- and everyone- had, ,,been bored, by the�-, - I - i". �;-.f,�, i�,, Wee] as '7� wera able, na nia-r ; 'a hopin' yr mither died kn6 chdId-birth, soldier sothin timt ha.dh b ' a 0 c .. ­ �­­­ be strong ,with ,mieT e een can-, darline went with hilmi'as, far as the other lonj��.iided- qp"ers. W " , %'­'�` .. ,4 this �;an, '4 ' br'ong less. We air no a fee-litin' breed fr before she saw'whal .c . ,-h " -. '- .'- , ;,, I my the sak �' 1. � r . -'�­ ..... - unto death, but iv�ftlh wolmen--ah, E o' fechtin'; we lov, -the world. , Alm Meanin' . have passedfor a, red diogy" fittle abode of' the -,�,,*, frlend% that is q. ddfEerent story. God, . . e the saft Into I .. . erm . - the recruiting toestmaster announcedV "Wui6Tt. * �i - .'S,��,ell­. - I I . . �, I ,,, . ward ,thal na dis- h ng sun-dried and, salted'dowri, a officer and stood patiently at -the Lackaye, the faimbus aqt i "I , ­`­" . ....... ... "':,­­"� �y c4n .ge ' turngth away wrath, an' r6i4ec' tae ye or yr Tiiinnie, though flst�ehesrted- slopimg-shouldered, rwiz- , . or,,, W1 now 7. . ,,,4,��6 how tbo t under o'r'-'- ' '& buf door -1 he wassure the Rat ' id give you .: 1, Y", ��, ., ovq . . i ... �on the 9 - . . -,' rd; how.ea;dly they can fo we dinna think" every Gernian is a Alm theerildn' ye air as ug y ened-faced speciumen ,of hunianity urdi cou his, addreW M±.i:.La�qkay-e - ­,,21�'I. .. 1. . . �;, �*),; 91121 " us' bduidj murderer lye,muse we had a insider as' ye: air, on thih- out. Eef G,6d' whose umifom­hung upon him as ,, Rlat COTRA6 ,out a�ain as a civilian - if arolsle )and iaiiOL HToas*nhwbe� - and " 11 -just where and when, we think we .fe�bt wi, them.,, I ` - ",.1;C;, � I . if he had,done *thst geridarine, h6n� Gentlemen: My addrtests is 'the'Linbi �q �,,-.� , , , I , . gest - - .. .. ade so, ... ., are - LvtT, on � ., ,... � �ery M... - Yq., A'P must -hae, .404`� it in tkP� it.,had.�been4m.da.for,th,e.*ire, f -T=8 I I , . " . '��, �, old story it is, and one of e It est- Wan, -would not have dared -to -Club New York." , -1H6-ftrdo,wn.' -The': --- ' . , . Eh bue,,what, a- world me "�ai&�i ... tq� - -ra,Rger, ,dark- ApIl -put up a bit rayer fr'ye 'of a man 'and left unfinishedi .. His � balm learnt an , A . men never seemed to enrage Gaston Leverouj. 'the nicht." I , have dispoqed of the gold wat&h' th&-appl;,;�;,*Us.,-brq���-'*'---*,-----.--"'--- � -1 I.... ;1".. I I never will -learn: the small 'head., -as upheld by �a � ��; I . :�, ".11 .. .�� ", I _ _gk4wny inad Ingi. e - et-riVbleman (?) had pres- . W , I I .� ,.:t-.%*" ' , ,- I . . , 41 1, , story of the subtT�'power of the ftag-: He- was spoiling for trouble, an . d '11berr w0h easy strength he brqp47 neek; he was. bar& -ft -'64 and Wa i Legion was badly *. * I I I � . i � 11, rance 4f A wioban�s hair, the lute in ineant to have it. ed aside.all who happened to, b i . 2�i ' in S�)arse hair showed its, sadly sandy in need"of men, so no audible doub . . , `,,z.. is path,, 811A.-Madehis, way -vdth, on ,�. i''M 'What up.me are we -to Imow you hi Each day the Britivii T;Tow-e , Of , , ts Gemini Ls opens with prayer to '. 1.��i , `�,�� a woman's eyes, thb magic iii a wo- 101�9 complexion, as if apologizing for -be- were cash upon the, Rat's %tateiments whm � ". I man's 'whisper, the electrit ni; by in the 'Legion?" s1drides �utb ,of' the barrack-4V010M. , ,mg I .. 1 ,� , adness where -air 'd. - admifted — -4 J*,�', . '. 1.:-1, � , ­ * "Ey gar," gasped Pierre. Lotti, I'lio eirer a man's custorn of long standing ' On one- . , - "'. . "Whia' name? Why, ma a real h IhOul h -I've to the recruiting offi only the memberb are � in the touch of a woman's, finger-itips,," � . in. I've grown. If appearance vilest of alum E.n -0er wheR, in the , - -.'�i� ", I , the beiginningl, often the ending p#, cau&e,-tae blush ir it.. James, comle stlraigiit fr m, th-e-bug-ho-us p , I,d,e tha glish, he had, de- o0caslon WiMam E.' ai"-twi, ' -74- .": � ' ,� I V � e her& ,d the fact - t from ' his en'bed himself -as . took e, I I .;� I . . Of., Archibald, Caimeron'T&Glusky is ma that one. .W;e all go" mad- before we mother's d0g, to'early manfiood he s44 the membeT of a his granckkughter over tk> We..Hbuse ,,�., , I'll , � . . . I 1�,�,��v� !��-.` - ,a main 9 s career in ithe senisuous r'UL-jt-. 7 p .' Y, bout for a and �the little, girl askedi: 4';11 nly do' - . ,.�, ling of a wontan's ' full name, but," -blandly, "�e ma ca in Mriqu;e long, but that one he was 1W n ... r Ilm,ow, a fual slquwe meal Hinglish ducal faul gown ,amia the . bit ov I � Im , �ne J'amie, fr .short- this's wha' Lord mad 'before he ,start, yes, begos:h: heAventure." The officer � -.1,1, '.�, , , -1- ­­ 11 , ,i�', 1 -silken silences of a s1tairlit night. Eh, of -wholesclaiie. food, this, individual's who they.-harve preyew grandpa -911 ,��;� 1�� signed-hi1m op (he nisdj6 his * I . ��, , � � , the strong men rtuTe . : .,. ,!, -?�,,! . hue, what wise fbols Kitchener called r�a every ti,u* - A 'The legionuries, .were still discuss, did: gutter-ibred and, gutter -Ru d "P'- Gladtton�' .replied: "The , . be who follow these things; to th�r, dined wi'hirm durin' the -African war: ing McGlutli-k and his apparent. want .derit dlucal marl� with a cross and- a I . - . :�­I,,,� 11 , ,,j�, " .1, . .1 oaks- at the members and, '*ays -for -1 " .7.: , . . , y was 9 -raven all orver him for the world, flourish) had grinned behind his . I �� , S ,? . ,,,� , and to them only, .the wine it -used tare be Jamie an, Her-bert-wi 9f sanity, when he suddenly returned to See, but they "band, the covntry." I . . �­ � - I - of lifel . ia fts,� spunk in his but he wanted tough fighbiffg mater- . , -- the -honey in the comb, the fragrance : him an' me," he Wded with twink­ .,to the barraok-r6i=6 carrying in his pal,e blue,eyes, and a Ratty twist"tO ial for ASP . . . ..�, . .. , , . ,of the garden, ,of the gods; to them ling eyes and, a sly chuckle., . -hand a large .wooden horso-buicket his thin, ' , ic4, and he had had' soW . . . , .1 I . ,, I 1: " ,.: , "I � I ,,, almost * co4ourless lips, and. of to,nd6f1p; � I 'When Woodrow WUson I I ­,, . stIq'7n children beglete; j d. was, presi- .11, I ... . .. , I - -4ce in . � i. . 11 �", also the hyssop and the -gail, the You're a".har,"I 'Snarled Gaston.. -with a rope- handle. All pr6s'ent 'an easy self-assuTia lids man I . . ''. 4" ,� , .., , : . ­ .1. 1� � � � -"I,' i�� ".. " "'Maybe A am" ichorued McGlus.- . 'd neither ner that seemed to -say that he had "Twke this. ra�t away, and see be is started a body of alumni. by saying, I � , . Wor)m*ood and the bitter aloes,' the . I watched, hirrip, ,but Mae looke I - knew their worth. " ' dent of Princeton University, he ' i mingled joy and pain, -the miad, wild ky, "but m1a freend, Apm no e to the rigilf-t nor IeA. Wben he r e�0- prorved h1mrself'and held his own i r, � thAll, of the desire accomplished at lonely on ,tfial i f el'n' dhi5bed, he rernavedhis blue ead-nic n. well. §crttbbed, and his -hair cqit and "Some of -you write and ask us wby ­ � I,,; TZ .11'.. account While ye air e' roulgh company, e -re emyer he had seen di-sinfected, .before he gi�ts� into � uni- we 4011"t make inore of your boys: ,I ',��'. - '. I - - all costs, all hazards, and the cold, in th' vioeenity." ' and foldftW 'it �iieatly, be laid it on Africa or mrorn a uniform. Gaston -form" he had said, -to th4� oorp�ibr vrill tell you the maim reasop--be- , " ", - - ,his bed .and. tested -his peake'd 69T 6ither (held this p,rso "r : ""', grey misery of the aftermiath, punctu­ . 1�, :, � I 11 ­ � lIt Was then that Gastion, voiced th' n in contempt, ' be� cause they :�xe yorLi 11 1. � -.1, . L d1own beside it, and, then rolled his or'affected to d10 so� ,and tha,b is how the legionary W boys� . � ­ . ated, by a woman's smile of mockery, tb,realt thalt op1ens this history, and shirt Aeieves up to 'his shoulders, an& .- came possessed of his mme of, Aut. I * . * . * . . I I �11,,." I - ­.�'L � or disdainful glance of indifference McOlusky gave him. his answ r. The . ok , "It is you that sho.6ft out ,of your Later, when it was diseolve�ed th t .. I � 1,11 I I � I �, ,,,, born of satiety. . - a to , a hitch at his belt. .. . a One day long ago, Wargaret �Xn- ' " . ,.� - L I . I next moment Gaston stru,dk in fulfil- '%E�," whispered Pierre Lottil ,,if m!6utli, f. -b, Ring Rat? Keep your hecoul,d, box, the Legion itself added glin left tWs message stack in the . I � ��:,.; ... ,;,, I . � � . � . 5, 11 ;.� - , , � i - I , 'The mouth of the legionary be- ment of his boast. The ,back of his he come close enough to bite, I sin chin ,,an' your Rose closer togetheT Ring to -Rat, and the demlict was mirror in Mrs. Fiske's, dressing room.. .,-, I .: ,, �;.� Spoke him one fashioned by,fate 'to ba',id rapped sharply against Mae's 01 . when I amuse anyself, mee, Gaston qui,te c.ent,ent. . I I . -r;4 - Leveroux,­or Itweef4tthe neak of you f%%on iGaston kicked and' the Ring is the b,e,st actress in - Amerj��,' .. . -A� . ��,,� 'k dee ; has I , drin iply �f the� cup that Only teeth, and a thin trickle of bloodran, g ingto, sho6t him. ,He has the rab- 19M.-argaret Anglin. says -,Mrs. Fiske. � ,' , le -S, M-essieurs; some mad dog .. like that, me," I I , � ... I— "� ' Women hold" and therein lay WLS 4roirn the big recruit's lirps down over bitten him. I shoot ---ane." Rat side-kepped like a danciing mas- Mrs. - Fiske read it, added two con1L . . I weskness. The,chin below the mouth his chin. I , Having made his pr-epai-Atiom, Mae 'He made a motion as if wringing ter,' the blood -lusting legion i � , : I � , .. -bespoke him a lion amongst �Ren; the A silence that was porberitxpus f0l- 7 arles mas, stuick it in an envelope and, sent .. Z", ... I brow above wiis the -brow of a think- lo�wed the blow, just Aaced the big wooden ,bucket in the Ole Reek of a� fowl as he'spoke, and reared their appdause� for to a man it back tb Miss Anglim It read: .1 I �11 1, I � , such a silence r,,i,ldl,e of the room and beckoned to a peculiar look crept in -to the little they were killers, �and th,e� sound of 1"a%rgaret Anglin,says, Mirs. Fiske, . : 41-i% " 1, er, but there �Vas something Also irr as in nature prece-des the bursting Gasto,nLeveToux to advance. . pale (blue eyes of the Ring Rat, a`R that roar was music in, the Rat's ears - is the ,best actress. in, Amehca.�' ,, , ,;-Z., *,D general ,manufacture af tbe rug- of a storm. In the French Legion ,Tohat for? " demanded Gaston expression of mingle�cunhing, duel- he had '.heard that -kind of music of' 1* * * , ­ ­ � ZZ, . - ged faee,'-either natural or 'acquired, d'A&riquie a man who acceTited a blow I n , . I I `- that spok,e for reeklessness� whose nerve had, been somewhai ty ,and unutterrable, devilment. ten when be had ,dropped, a man i . � ­�, - ­ ­, na, And ,he lbvc . I ­� both w�thqut at lesst attempting to reWi' .-haiken by ;MleGlusky's cool prepaxa- "Love - me," he exclaimed, in his the, boxmig are' ,d �It , A Cabitornia authoress, sent a man- , " �, . .� ,� � rnoral and ,physical, with rn�ore than ate was henceforth a paria(h, the tilons and Pierre's whisp4ed remarks reedY vo . ice, -that solrnieb6w seemed to SITr5ling,,a sinarling sort of uscript to Aqnbiose'Bierce with the. ,,�', I a hint of truculence andi agigresaime- ,brand of the poltroon ,M n hl I -have been staryWi with,his'body ",no * smile, he; est that he give her Z19 cj-1ticism. ,�,, . . 'in ocn6erning rabi2s. e roperly t ,one-fted round Ga!4 n-, his, skinny yequ a ­ , - .. ',,,ff.,,,,, a "Wha' for?" replied'Mac. 4'Di,i ye On airet P misted. my"iiiecik right a'�m cuMe'd gkaiin's't his flat m On �,.;; fiess; a strong, stubborn face, with � ko e sentence and-, drop further , :"�� the saving, grace of sly. humour in leper. Cowardice­�vas the one unfor- -na strike ma -across ma mooth wi' yr since Dick Burge di8 it vrift- a,�upelj -ellest; his, left, working in and out. comment." , Something was ,heard to, I ,. ", i '­� .- the wrinkles at the� corners of the gi,yeable sin, and, . " I , there were hot many ,ban,?,, . . that 11ef' -me as loo-ney Gaston kicked, agaii�, this ,time .f�,, drop up and down the Pacific coast .� 1. . qs� bi' . �, that 9 I I , , bard,set eyes, a queer mitrure of hu- cc4,wards in that woY-p�n'whose ranks the floor there pra me�, 'a Q�side pf the head. Me Rat duck- ­ . I ties,, strong points had beeif recruited from 411--t e - Gaston gave a surly gru,nt,of ac- stiff on ; . . when he repled: "The ca,vers- ' of % . ... q uies cence. fr nine hours, Dick, did, but'Gaston, ed under' it,'arid laughe and then your book are too far apart," I I �­ h na . I. ..� � and weaknesses, but withal a man, tions of the. earth. It'wais ifi '. I � 10, . a e un, �"Weel, A'mm gabri tae.stant' ye on vou 'ain't no Dick BUTgQ, not by a pazs.ed a few �Jnd' re-InwIll's concern- - This brings to indrid, a deft acknow- ., , . �,� ". , but a in n Who might easily. betiome written law that a ,man who: had been ledgn�ernt of William Makepeace -,,.. a fanatic in any cau yr head in yon bucket, an' squeeze 'ell Of a 'esp. Now you 'op it, an., ing Gastonpi mother and sisters in the - � . pe he espoused. struick had the right to challenge his ye doon till yr -buttocks an' yr brains I'll get some o! the boys fo, 'elp me, powerfully -built soldfier's, telerth- if "I)hack,eray upon receiving, a book I I , �-. I 4,, The picturesque uniform of the insulter to a' duel a la ,morz witli meet. A dinna want," ,he that big stiff on, 'is little bed; I e's, any of the Rat's listenert, -had" be- from a -notorious halok. "Youir volume � ' �1. '�' , � '. ­ - him either prigtols or steel, or be could turning to the crowd, ' '%ae splash "ad I I .. French Legion d'Afrique siiited - ewplained, P'u:t orl the kl'ckin' that's good fr liewE�e what he�, said, 'none, of them has arrived. I shall lose no time I -down to blieground; it seernled to add l-eap upon his adversary and fight Gaston all ower the ioporr art' the 11n." ' ', ' . would harve gone to a nunnery to look . reading it.",., " . 1, � ,-2.1 . I to his towering height and to his hdm with fang and claw, using hand!s b,ddin'; it,s a mucky job alearlin' up Without a word, Gastom hurled a for GaEtori?s fep�ale relatives. CkLs- -- . I , . . . .. .1 . I immense breadth of shoulder, and' and feet, or butting ,With 'the skull- wfh,', 'left o' a .nwn after a fecht, so kick at We Ring Rat's stomach, a ,ton gave up kicking, and rushed in �o ... ­ It". I i, yet it emphasized the greyhound In such a melee.there 0 'LONDON AND WINGRAM , .." � lcanness of his flanks. were no "ales; A brocht ,a wee bit bixcket " kick 'that, had,. it - landled, would have. wrestle; . a left- aTm. like a section f 1 � . . �..`, He was like if a combatant w�nt dk)wtl, hit enemy ,,"Begosib," mumbiled ii�e' . I '... ­ rre _bCti y beeh a meal iiid a half, and some a 91IS-PiPe, so thin and mean was it, Routh. I I . . ".:, a lion that had bad to travel far and could make of )him a human football edging towards the further end of Over for breakfast, but the Ring Rat shot oput, a,hd Gaston's rush was step- . P.M. , . �� ' . . .� Y�, ,bunt har,l for its food, and there or juinip hi§ vitals out, if he did not the ro,oni, "it ees Gaston who is mad -had evidently considered that his in- ped in mid caireer, and ,his big, bru- Wing . � I— %vP6 sonicthing -lionlike in the steady ' . ,bsm ..... I ........... v. 1.56 .4- r ... cry pe"avi and, admit hi-inself van- topkk a fight with this man." terferenc-e might'bring f,Qrth some re-, I -al head, wo, jighed back. . Belgrave .................. 2.11 ---,;V �� lixity of the eyes he.turned upon the. quished. A .'man might be a great "Ye dinra seem. tae ma tae be bell- sponse of that nature. He was no ' "Lor' love a duck, Gaston; YO"l Blyth .................. ... 2.23 .", � g, I Tr. -an be Mid been ,addressing. This, boxer, wrestler or gavaite axfbl' It, and' in' ower wi' eagernes . I tae continue tyro in' -the gwme; of savate himself, sbouldript do that; it ain't 'eabhy t3 Londesboro, ........... ::.... - a.30 ent ye It . d, - Gaston," I ton and ,7-r into a 1(ft-'arid. Don't you knew Clinton I A :cn,on, Ga,.ton Le-irrpux, was a man yet be bealben by one who had! no th, ,rgum , �'. ---411 . 3.08 . I a ,veteran, a strongly protested Mae -W;nftively. "Alm P , I . . . -�,',� eir fl 1, i iot new to the Legion, tlik>ug� not slkdll in those gentle pissfin*s. ,in , his pretty little (ways, for the Ring, "no bett' nAst? Fink you're a Ger- Bruce eld* .*.,.*.*.*.*.*:, *� * , ''.,., 3.27 � i -,,`2 . . . :,:­"'�l � .�, -knirt, agile fel- some parts of Amewi'ca the same Is"w'th-eenkin' yT couTag,e i�­u, froth an? Rat had already served, -two of his man tank. running into barbed ,%IrO, Kippen ........... *.­.,....... 3.35 . 1, ,�'.,. 11 I . ��,,- �fv, . � . low, wbose sneering lips and sombre- applies; in the land of the Stars and 1,ul'bl,6. Feff ye',ve na stomach fT a five years in, -the Legion, and a man er ? " Hen-sall ... 3.41 , ,:;� . �. 'T ly insolent eyes bespoke him a qn1an ,q.tripe's' it is known, as a "rough fecht, A11 le -6 ye off light. Ge,t doon. who had got his livelihood froin in- The Ring Rat was enjoyink hini- Rxeter .... ­. " 1* " * *. "' -1 ' 3.55 I 1 77 to Whom a quarrel was as, the salt house." ENnT ,begionary preserilb on 1�rns u ad 'tl.e un- . I . I—- �. 6-­rqat,jM who when Gaston struck his blow paused shoon, an' then'bark like a dog an'. be trusted to� leArn, a lot in two yea'irs, catiny grace of the Well -tutored- nbh- North. I , . I,. of life, +,lie sort of ,yr ,ban's an' knees, an' lick ma fancy in the sl of London, co lid self; am his movemerke bi ,j� I . . wruld fall out with the br6ad he was in whaterver,-le was ­doing at the for a sharper, gamer, hardier lot of 1-te, a6d. his spirit scorn -ed, the othim . I A.M. I ,- 4�. - I b1ting b,-(,- . ause it -was too hard -or too moment, to -see *hat the bid recruit wag y,r4tail, sn'" A'11 kick ye ower an' ,.;% sod -t, too casily come by or too hard would do; they knew Gaston :f*' unner the tablet tae th' door; then bumans do,nott exist on this plhiiet fel-low's. advan�ta,948 of ,bulk and Exeter . ..................... 10.42 1 . ,�r I - a we'll say fiae m1air aboot it. A al- than the men of the slumis of, the old strength. 114,9 dancing, gliding feet �111ensall .................... 10r.55 - , � �, to get; A living peg who would quar- -mod- swardInian, a fine pistol ,�qhot,-a ways like bae be frien'l�." grey cityby the Thames. The Ring took him in to administer punishment, Kippen ........ . 11."� . 11 ";i "I 11L . rel with'a round hole because it was ma,ster of savat4e and a terre,r in a Rat did not seem to burry_ himself, and carried him'out in good' time to Brucefield ..... ­.­:::::*: 111109 L1,.1 not square, or a squaie hole beCsll�e TI[pugh4loudrig. Ile card,pilayers and It was then that Gaston plucked but he bad learnt the only trade he esmpe the heamy baftering, of the Clinton' .� .................. 1.1.54 1. . 1; I � . . it was not round. Just what cause domino experts, who were scatitered up courage. Saunt6ring jauntily to- knew outside 6f soldiering in the stronger man. Londesboro ........... Z .... 12 1 il ,L0 .- , 11 " he had had Up pick the present en'- all over -the long, low,ceilled -barrack- war& IMcGlusky be suddenly rhude a Bladdriars ,boxing halls, lwhZre 'he "You're- the ,hort o' pje I like, Gas- Blyth ..................... 12.19 ­ -�- ­ . � :� . .. � I - .1 ­ ... - I ,: ,:, counter, no one"but he himself knew..rooml balted In. their mcivehiletits,-Q9 imbedi and a 'spring; one of hi.q fW Wad won marry a bard, stem fight, ton," Jhe jeered, --aT her-wax,veyed Gas- Belgi%ve ............. : 12.80 . ��., . He bad seen the new recruit; come itf an electric. wiTe .h&di paralyzed, shot out like a whip -lash uncoliHng tbhmgb, as he himself put it, be did ban's bleeding face after the lotter Wirigham ............. :,..*.'. 12.50 I . . ­­ in.'to the barrack -room, and possibly them; hands that wfere'in the act of itseH, and the toe ef'the 'boot -took 'his - trainin� .pushing a cosbWs bar- had made half a dozen ineffectual - . I R. . . Q � , - because of the quietly confidentbear- shuffiing a card pack or reaching out Mae under,rbhe left ear, sendring h1in ,Pow, and his diet was digpennyworth rushes. "If," he continued, "you was L c. N. X I � I... I . . 7 - , .. ing of the now arrival, who -had ask- to draw in cards that had been deaft, spraWling backwards over the near- a fish and 'tabeirs per ddem, and he an 'ash 'ous,6, I'd, semd, up my plate I I .. -.;1% � , ed neither ,advice nor guidance OT became stationary in rrd,d-ai,r;, fingers est trucklie bed, and ,the room rocked sfleipt in a cellar,cwith nine, other bar- for two '41piMq. Gawdi, Gaston, you East I I ­­'. . .11 I . . A I I 1� . , 1,;�,Y, -`Rtl7 be- that bad been exte�i,dled claw-like to with the' laughter of the ,wolf -pack. row pushers, arid -his ffl=ptuous'bed- are a lop pierde, an' a damlg fight, amp A.M. P3L 4" anyorie, but had' knWebed sile' . . 111 i . .,8, tween the rows of "beds until he came rake in the plaltry stakes won at dioni. Gaston swaggered -about, a gTin on ding coi?siged of'the clordhing he a giA cuddle in ith' -Old Kent Road all Goderith ........... 6-.45 2.30 . ., ","I 4 . to the one over which on 'the white- inow remained still, like cNuw�- that ,his ugly .mouth, a scowl u0on Ins wore and a few gunny sacka&picked in one, you, are, matey." Clinton ............ 7." 3.00 . ti� 11. I , "r grip; Whe laughter heav� bluok brows. He w4uld -hove up in .Covent Garden market, whom .As. be, finished speaking, -.22 � - ­' ��- I" wssbed.wslI was branded the number b�sd m!iissed thei _ 1. he step- Seaforth ........ ;. ­. ,. 7 3.19 I I ... - , I.- ,��);" . Gaston's big, -81 . ,� which had been given to him- when he of winners, the oaths. -of losers re- gone to the fallen man there, aid the original omiirs, were otherwise ped close' in botween Dublin .............. � 7,43 a. , � !"'ql!", . , 'lorm, mained unfinished on the lips. Me then, and jumped the life -well out of erig �oM He had plk,ked, iip a gold hairy arms� land made a fe1w Mitchell ............ 7.4t 8.48 . , . had been outfitted with his unit �� 849 swift, I '. and bad then methodically proceeded gm,:u6 of men near the 'two cen ' him, only that he thought he +ad tak- warboh.there onembtning in tile swme magic Iyasses wM his, two hands and I I . , . n� I . West. , I . . I � , , 'to arrange the feW things provided figures in the dharia stood as if pet- �n all the fight out of hift;.,few- men, unostentatious manner, and irilght arms; then, he shot a svAft, &idly, i,�� and permitted by the service On the rifleick. each in the pose in Which, the, as� Gaston *ell knew, wantod to Te- ,bWve lived tk) be. t� saicciessful financier loft4handed trbab vilth the hand tumn- "Dublin ........ ­... ino 0.3-2-- � - "-I" . " � ' '' 1pjd,�, ,, eaf th -­ 11 i . mall ,shelf above' th,b head of the climax had found him,. but everry eye new. a combat after .a terrific kick bad, not -a gemibleman in .J blue uni. ed ,ever, so that the kn,t , g W41 S 01 .......... : 11.34 9.44 ,,�.,,�t, . - Clinton ' 11.50 9.69 . I , !� , , bed. *as fixed upon McGlusky, and Me a Is sgvate bad landed under an ear, fIx" observed his sudden accession in &dmante, and- those bony' kraickles ­­"" . �, , I � Goderich. .... %­,, ..: : . WO , 10.26 - ��', L,k igrou� of - legionlarie� had drawn sitillness - was so still that it throb- and be wunW blie, preatte of haWinig to weal% in the sh;ipe of a go -id fell hgW.t on the big apple imi Gas -' � . I ij ,,, .�i. �ILL neW�T the newcomer, possibly with an bed. . ��led this big febow out of. -hand in wateb, and the meat but un,.1awfu wqy ton'sbull throat. Only a lbemor knows 1� �,A­,' I idea of' getting something for, noth- Saowly, like.s., man awalcing Irom. fl*e seconds- lafdr he w�uld make hilm in which 'hie had gbarbe,d, , . P. R TIMP.TABLE, ; I I I �".. I Z, -� ',. � 11 0-0 the way the murderrotis eff,edt a such a blow, I 11 � .. I . I , i'l, � , �� � ' the -big fellow raisied one I I . I � ''�'; - �1,c ing out of the stranger, fbr iii the a drealm, (eab out 4 6'hand;, and incidental- ly to high finance, a start, by -the W41yt Down dtopped ,Gaston's bag square . East . ,: Legion a raw. rem -it was- considered. large lxuw snd,�laised it over his milk him *of any ,money he 'might n�ot at all uncommon, though many ch . in; big mouth was agap�, ibis low- � . 'N ""! . 1.,, �,. - ,,, . . . A.M., . I— I �,,�, I fair gamle, ft was his business to look mouth (and chirl, wi�irigi away the hove in his qvssession. , haite-the luck not to be cinght. When er J Qoderich . . i - - - - ' I ,60:,- � �. �.�'. . . � zZ t�.. � � , aw 1�avging on its,- hinges, and - - - � .' ­­ 5�:�&, ­� !�,',": �'. I.- ' " lowtdrnist knoim� ,the -back � . " , , . , W , ­ � ..? - W41- - ­ "ll . ,t fior, i1miself; iT he could ?tot & erbmn stain. Slowly he eciiinined , rlTe� my he put me hes4f first in tht the gentlernan in blue raiment I &,V � , , , " il on am a Menset ..... ".7 ­ * ­ ..."Ell, I , " , ; I , ,,, -1 , -, , ­........- , so 1Vt the outset, he would won learn, the red smear Upon his palm, then a: wooden bucket, mia foi, me, Gaston not toorgentle hand-onithe Ring 2atps li,ifij&­W a mari's jaws- mmed i�fth ,M0G&w ... :" I 6, '"', , I - 1111�� ,,,, .11, `�,,... �1',, I 4 - - - , ,�,,�61 , ,!��:,i'.,� I � just as every wokf in a wolf -pack smile thab would.hpve been hard, to Leveroux, the bully boy of the Le- cost colls'r, that aubM10" PeT90-ft- the 90711111 column, and' it j&T On *b Auburn .........".........I... .. - .*..:.:, .11 ,,;,,,.�`,,��-,;, " 11, I ­ Jearus to guard, its own bone,, One fatboom gn-ew around his ft4outh; he gioit" He slapped his broad,chest, age pronVtly hooked the ,blue uni., jaw spells, partial paralygis, of brain, Blyth .................... �,­ #�%,,, , .�"."""I'Ti"' ., .. ,,;�,�N,' �'!' , , ", .:., �R, 11 . - I ­,­,�,�J, ";;, , �­ 1 � ", , , 4" . P, 1 � 1� ,, ,,, of tthe little crowd had dylly possest- looked frrom,his,hand to,'the fate of =4 lsugmbod. . Affi-s mother mug have fbirta 'in the. temiderest ,part of his n -Ad. and body, Dick Burge had, servedup walton ...... fi,;,4,,--,,,�,,�, .1 4110 , . - I I,, I 1�1 I .,. X '. '10 �16 . " , ­ ., 4 1� X ed. himself of the srfnwll take, of soap, ,Cmasibot Who haderouebed a IAW, as been a sh,�-,­eat with no morab. To- riff, and then, u4txftut hibi, under the just such treaftert ft the Rat ,orice, ,a* , " - �� 11 7 �',� , ". , , a very pi*cious man, Whon be fap- if expecting a mad onslaught. Azilrdw I best him -up good W hard, chin, and left',00ven't Garden, and. his and bad Mlowed it with '"-�*,,, toq -t.broftto- ­ , �, � � �� I ­..., ­ , : . I 4cied tl*- big newcomer was not. 'ilft "Alm, soiTy. A did no eogpecl sile a' 'and th4ft h#'MA-H 01"u, my Oftoutre. hired barro* wit�iout cereWmy, but the jAju aud'when. tM­RA b 7 &, I I � I , -14 . ........ I -0.., .10 � ­ ��, . �,L -t I _ ad. , ,� - ,:.- 11 -,*,*-qui-tv�vez--I&,�s-the-loot�ek-*"-tum-,wakome-in'ta�-th Legion,,�t-,Agalv-le vnfUi.,­­tktC- T. h6vo - wo"�d _:!�_bat- -w;i6i much spee& - For three months wkkeriLed ntne- hotirs, lattet � � I � . . . W "t. I . �, I I 11, I Z _NMehel'IF 11 . 'ing to vbroll nontibalantly aWay, a M-9 examined the red sorthudge. on his ritian to polish iny buttons an!, Nla-iw- 11 . ")�q *jjsti& , W1W, * 4 "' I . . . I . . . I 1. I I I 1- IWL , I l , " ag wulibbd- E§ if hw-wwle� ftnist I A, -- �.� ` " " , - , " , ' , I I. I r 11 " " � il "' , " " � �1 I 11 I "I I I 1,111,11" 11 " I `1` I I I - - 11 �, 11 , L , , 12 -KIN I'M" I "' " I " , I �, I I -r 'I �, . I � I � 11,111,01. 'I sinewy hand bad Adt'omh dria fixed Cairn. "A" cmrd here hopin'.. the be A the *ush on my -trultom moll pox a6mvbo, and thrice noiVing a"- ,the Wjit Cimlo, ;., 0*WLJ*.d LL 1 11%-,--ff6- -��­ ­­ . 1 i I I I , , , On .7.­� `­ , �­ .. ­­ .. slack afid'tht&'Part 6n,ictAnaradt tse,all.,A 66�9,athered Use was�sitting, �; 'h; 6M, .. ­ 11 I .. l, ......... �1 4.11, � -- , 4 . ., ' 4 �1. �., . " I I 41 .� �,-,;4a­ , - , " - . . I 11 I .�: i.,I�� : :I", 1� .� ", I � � � � tIelt ,,Pon the & thrie, ed'Mm- from capture bitt. his utitti, gitug,tim to *0 . 244 gdd� �.M W-4 -, � ". I � i J . . I . ili,. . ., .:il-.��.i�'.'­4"L.:"A, i;%. 61, , " , , I br,eeth.e.s,, arid by this -,wip. Ye'line brokoh, 6% ftb4 an' ,4nd was running his fiftlers dirough Is&. of. bde�­ Once ',it W" a' 111g. I � , ": , , , ", v, 11. � - ft �`.�. of tb�" looter's ' -1 -d , wall ........... 4�fl,iw:.�,;i! :.". . , IL . lqb# tod thm yo,d iA40. on tho , :1 I .1 .:,:::, � � 11 - hiDM 901t� 1h,"... � ... 1. 1. -.11,�-1.�'i".�..ii,,��",i;�,-,"I " unorthodox hold the purloinew w�w bmisod ma speerit, Gastoi, .," A111 hi's hair owd 16'6king4outA� hiin wil ,106tift-dothes ,gefttIftan' $ 1 ate . " lack.ju 6"7� L,6. --L " his ' 'itiA. . .. � . :I',.. I., ,.,., 1;-,,,,0--,i7,Z,:.", - �"­,�� ji�itt,ea fr,6� the floor, his, hands and ftr'p ir,�, ........ . � � - . `S: ygw, - ,69 . land Vawd - V"* -tried. to Wft I& .= # 11 , " L, I I. 11 OT I 4*,%Afb fliw, . �"' . � , 11§ yo - , il, XXR�-ft � *,., , � . "8!1-., , . - 1!&&be& aft6sa " ,L16- , , ,,, �, i, i, j,�, , , , ,,, i�,­:t� 't t out'] g `*40& . sust(di-, I 'I . ,,,v q �;, 1ei .- , , A gA%PL a'. �uuufterag A to.j-tij,.�', llft# I L tri The, 'Rat ' the VhMA ....... S 0 W'. ��., W'�",Y4 �1, ,�, , e a=2#n*eA �, am T $1 I. � 11 . e , .. " "q,,%:�,+1 !, 1 .�,,�.4. , 4 1 ,�Zvtv� !�,i';i�+ �, - . I . - . . 1 . . . . . 0 , �k,�"�t . - i had r **'6h W "',-—.40 �IV4,0�1k.J,14� P , I- . .46, := '%7'.:i1% !� . . .. .. §�,��!"4! q , " - , '610,1 11 1 , V" �L'�,,� 1"Qlpt i e 7 spealt ftw" i : M � hoi4 Of We 009 I I .&6d1.*4" :!�'�"� , *A,m ng leffin, oot ins w%�s%in?j- -A . O'd t ,Td 410 ln�nc # W"Wo di� I Ult . , 4;' , - . , ,� 2-4 1 a t&Aily I ,V - ,jj,��Aj et haliging (10" -t&e, barrabk4m 'ft '. an X 4 1: � - - nl rud t � I .1'.1 .C. R." . i %,' �,4 . , , . I ­­� L p' '� , � �,J,9;,, , I &e tha,' mUset" ft�' *19 fellOw had '��. I keia . Such. , a 130i% At&,,4h&wW Z twowTif, or .6,6; 1 � I I er"d dih I . - I I . it., 4 . ,, - 916 " �.", 4�4'..��i 16 �+, �,�� " . ot-fiflud.114y 0041"�l an$ J I t=n �: -, ! - 104e ,I'll .(,­"% 't. ­ � ;, ,� . I I - -... - I . 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