HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-02-23, Page 6- , I - - Ar I 1. i " I , I'll �, " , � ', 'I , . ... " , ,g , rW" :11110 .,71'1r;,�, li;4:�� , , , �A.',"­ ,�;"`,�:� , I., , , 11 �1,1:, :� "I 1h 11 7 � '. 11, , : knmfil 0 .��2,'�tl`,'. , � ;� .._� " ��;i " pm, 11" , _'? v ,',� ',,,,� , , , ��O,'W'q -,'-W`-�; " , �, '5ol, I I I -" '�', I'' � �,111 �',� � I ,- � ,� "� , : Ily W, i � I T I., � �, . �1 I, I , : J, ,ta4w, 'afy ��11_ I 10, U. -C ',�., lf.,�t " 1111, ,',� '. i ­,-�' "'i'0110 MU -J, ii��d , � "'' , ( �1' `' _ ,_, ­ � ,10 , � 11 - # . I!, '. - ,_'. !" I � R , , �. . ?, . 11-1 , . , , , , 041"t, q� ,� . , I , � I F 17i!_ "'__'__ .,,C�*­ , . 11, ,,"� i . _ _ I � 'K ,��,,% 1. ., , I, , - '� ..!, ,­� , , �, , I � I ­ _ , �, . .1 I ; �!!.1111 � I '­i,_�,'I­ A, I I '�4�11011�­ I '" 1.11 . - e , ,A,�.3`1'.� `,,N,,� . I V , ;,.� ,�, �", ..� ���, - . .1 . In �L'�;�:,, !:% .�� . . � , ­ , �. ��� I'll, I .... � ­­ -I- ,; 0 . ­ ....'dwAto Otp, "I I I ­41111�1 �_. ­­...­ 4 I ,, '�W' I I � , t . ... 7 le". � ,: I n�-',-.'­ ', ii;_:V�.;`?­, , " �, � , " lvio , ;, ,., . .. . ,�, �,iii;­!­�' . � 'W". __ I �,4,­,, �_ - ­­ --- ��_, . . I , 11.1�1`.`­r "., "" .,.,�' '! '. - � � 1 . . I 1. �,' � , ` , , , '_ I -'some .i . % I . 0� li, * .1 4 . . I �* . L, lihi�,Jlft ,. 9vLorpik' =))4am I. ,;­ . ,. I., I ., - A�'. _,", �w�,­_ I � . - ., �. 4 ,t�- -, , . " I .- . � .11111'"', � -1 "I . ',i, , ". , - '��'? � "'N' � .. , I 4 �� , - ",t'., ,�,T� �`�. , '. - i - ,:,, ,.� I I I P� ,�,� ,",� � , ", : . � ": ,,,, : , ,;, , ., -, , 'I., � ,� 11 I , - ,'�,,�w )� 1� , '' , , . , . " � � � , I ".: - vl?,e, , .'' , , �� .1� �,444�-,P%zl Ili I 114?11-- , I � .i , � : J "I . " , I ��i� � I , . .;il, �: ".0. , d i I. = -, � , I 1�,J��­­, � ". ., �, 7776' ` 7 - I , " ` � I , . . , 7 Ft "', .. ,,,,, , -:,., - , !, ! ,� �, � 1, , " � I X,AJ.09-, , � �;,�;,�� 'I; 'q-'. J � "...� -;r , ;,. .. � !11 , t 71 � -tl 11 '. -VVI. .�. I � "I 0' "I I A0. , , I , 4 �'_,',_,_4`.. I ,$ V,'_ �11 � .- , * *0 !If I � , , l�94.01_%4i, �, � � . it.'.Wl' Wd ' " '*1h;i1WW,,1. W0i.�1bftd1-­b,&w I" lt.5W��,)�`O .... ) � I , 1 , , , ":� . . . . . . " � :.4"", 0��,�,.,_,�_, (,A :. ., . , , I "I", � I �' � " � f� ", 1�`116�� � . . , 114 ", � 'I, , V, , � . , � , - I "V., ,�, , ­ -W,�­ '. , �, � � ,! , !,!. ,I j.' , J,� "',: v �4*;��, ", , ,,, , *, � ... '��6,,�,Iei�':� -��'Is "A , , I - ,;�. -1 111,'p I , \ , 11 I . "; 1'1�1 .; � .,_,; �,��, � A,.!,� ( � I I , q , , , , ,�,*. ., ­�,11_ , ,.,� I -_ I I : ��,.": , .1 � f I I . . �' ,� 111-1 , . �1, �i. � ,; � I, I - ": . 'A 11 , ". , ,,; 1�,,,,�i- .,� , ,,�,,,�", "" " .1 . ,,, I , �. ,.i . , , q . , I i " , "' " I E., .�.; , , .',',� ..... . 4 � . �, , I " .1, .'' I t .. . I . ,01',�. �,Nfl,l ,rAl;oi,�,�, � . _ -, ,. . . .. I iT- aftith t',OlUnilbla. Referr ng to ­P4,%own 74 :gj�qxuxw PjAls up.m. ,-71 ­ 4­� 7'f ­-��_ 11­=��.. I , I ­1111AP. _­ �-tT ,*,o,vvv��rRq,f, _��,",, . ,��6.,%* .'", - . 1.� � ,,, . 1. iiw �:­7'1_1­ ". �i � -Y4 ... I :W._4 � , I -, :; ,�, 1 ,�4 " " , ­ I - . . ! T, ,e - 'U&.�TZS' , M -76b , . ,�U­ikLJ)Jp4,W_ ,,, . t , ', �i AVO " I., , . _ . . . " " , 4��, 1`1 R's" , , I Iii . , oo� M1, I I , - I . 11 ­ , r ,�, , believe, that -1, - -�-,o - - - coWdi'mot Apevii;pt the the " I � We, . � . -3 , ,,� ". I ,*,i , , � _ i - , . � 'ff $,, , . Th j , , ,1�4, , � ' I , , , . , _ I A , 11 . 4,ur=" ,a,, --.-on% ., o - I 'A", I i�iw &W ,�, a . x-� #t 1. 1. � " " J! __ __ — ilpgoisitio'n lof � � mlsoow,7" 0,',T*�O: . , , - - ,,W '_-'t� ' -.1. . . NJ 6F, ,�,'tla` V Pove � , - , , , � � 17*Ars'4'#1 "��' V"�� � ��!!!! � �� � I'll , ., I . " , UP ;'9VJpA'G, �,�,Q;,�,46 �-`rmvxt w". ,'F.�w ,.doing, afteVorninion- apk b 40 (M , untry W as , -., ft -q 1. 'L I 1r, - _ '_ iet"welapong that, ��Ilbe.lv� , AdT -riquid mv p, r W ­�_ 'T�* - ,4,ent of *4 C,.,q. F. "W"; " �� "'.1i" ,, , 11"'i, A. 0 , ,I 111 a' N -0v � gait --for th6i qwis , %,�Avk ,'Iie� ,,4 ", AAW xqtb, 4 , ,, ,011b,Ak, I ' I 1111H I . 11 , ', ., ,pa ,, Von, (000A bl� 9Wdi '�W­e ha;d,for'4 few c paL re. , d . ftjo� .1 � I 1% .i I � 4 " .4 W i , . of 40041404" 'OP * �­*o, ik A"� gft_ P'P.M -e 1� I ,11;�, IN "A bop,. ._W.��,egti __ i � I - I , , _ ,g! dif I . I itr _1 ... iiiQ Irl, .- I k #*lozloue� da�% ti .wb- I , 1, 11,.- 1% I � I I I , V4 �L�A%�, I I . 11 , __ _. I . � 7" � ­ b -­­�_ I . 0. . -bew,".3%odicirto *Rati)� b", I - , " Aby thwe gkriouis gedge,ft ov, T,W anwmwit -lob A 0#0 a , , �� .� � e, 63rd ainnual smemi A I 0i00t11`tlW0u9!!�# lts� many agenview, � amelaftent feature i0f'44L in 1925., fboldt PA " W ,, = a m1inp,fty they carried'on � I at ,h,nity &a(J:,n , , �116. 'RMWAph CLabor) 400,3N , 3 - OFF t4J.'!1 7A !";Tq r, -.0- . . __ , I .1 _­ ­ , , � 0 itchell, . *, . � " - L, WeV M I , 4 in to thet, isharehokliere ;at * ,He pilat.UM4 -t �e ,Q.� fl F. aa 4gj� -: JSvo ithe-lblind, 'Wigaios , ,. 4; 1. . , , � _=a coo= , , - � LJ�L ' , g" ',�.­ a I * ,flia e""'g , fits , . a nonual ,m gi,to b9ind miwL I ,r.,� Copiservativie, I . agean �w , � 1; . _`h'61V',Orkm*WS 00IMPORSOSM and Im. , r , comet for -a vote of - -waut, . of th'611WP046 I . " ,ad x 4'. N , - . I . � I .__ " t A , * 'Wah's, I ting hieilld I T nW'--' Wedines- Ohd ,piredidbed that w.--flibve got" taipther ,a#A1.19T ed, a meAflz 011 � . . . Aer . et'. '411 #Jook!;P�art in this '4094te mid, � _ n 11 11 .1 � m , " Z00 . His Majesty's I,QYA.l 011- day, Jann ' �ai ding hand. " the prosoaft IOU00 o6f theit, .0 , 1. " ... j '� . .1 ."'.1 , Ili' "m , We . '964(ktimce in' . , . . �4py L. 'S , . 9=.z. , - I ;.:M1qAfG , ­ . I � .�. A �4 12, . T" . ., lgt� I - 11 of , . . 1-1 poery I .1 ly to bep:4 vm " �t, 1i ,po,EW6 'at _�J*Cliatd,y ' e"1.J0'gVW , I _" IS I ix"i " - � 11 . Adve were u4 , ,.—. ,­. ' �- 4� ��:.',�'. , .''. ,... ­ � 'FINI�­*'11 . ab. Obeincew was ,still sip At avIailable-soseits stand at aw 05 ,per -Goverhment' th - ' .ve � � ­ � , i�., . ft Vjg . . n- wan�, to iwme(h ,ely place .0 'r-, - A ' " ` k07, tip'. �f* ' p* 1. __ _ - `� '). % , .� I .1 i n:guranlim He thought I'D myself ,o7,i record, kc .i, 0. country will you - gave pel - b0gg , .. ". I ,; I I.. � . - KNT,1�, 1. ,, , __t.,ft. .q., , dt "I' , i4io'o"uent i � . a� ,.%aying trha'­ft O,VL of 1puUe Liabilitie I � 21 �y - - �",3,1 ,:- _­ � �, . _ . n � � , 'u, � . "La A-0ottker ,come fts,�difflwfteia. and iWme through,. so, to. speak, - , _1 "� - W"k, which. -puts tfiit reWutio , by , , , -- aa i f '. w I . - � - ­­P'��='.,, . ­ I . � .1 . I . . _. , 1 ,4 " . , a I . 4 . .� ..O, ' -qvernmen� � . . , � et'a, , ''Otim ... I � - . _�- ��, j, t ­ "�iiL . ' , i - 1, - . � � . I . . I , �, I �.. .� .,tios,9tiheQC.eb . . - i 11318 was 1011d'in hu Vx-aisei of- the -win -. '74 , -'r- I i,� 'I" 1 nin system 'Of BA- from mow on undier public bills and. W" t) that ithe C yq� ji. �W, .�: �he - most stupid thing evar done floature, of Ithe rep ... -, I � . � �'. IN, ,�, pirchao-6 . in this House of Comniions. . He .said , . Ort is thwb depipsm . you a h;6za�ir, p e. � " "' , " 'i__ - - � I ,� . y A pierson cam orders, ,, - .. , ftd'cally unchanged , P10M '1*histO�r'iiiid- ,his abilft Mid fbur- ithbusiand, M*et4' n ­ . � _ L-,-., t . , , . ' . . a 914-801 , 11 ` , "I , � . t . . , ',,O,.� 0 a ytaxl!y. inpome payable ;6t a tixed . , . Temadu prok ...1bon, .. 11 .. p . . I . . - e- Mid", 4041*6 . E , �,,; ".� I ' I that 00' yearis ago they had fo,uz So- the figures.of the ( Net felt that,thlq opountrysliValid.-be proud whi6h-m�aikesit � Vlrgilt'P.14' ,... -IS I " V-1 ,-x- dar4N ie%ad"ibe enlarged to gradually Tqes�dai,' February 19th . . clOstis in...-BrW,qh. �Oolunfta varlui_ pr,)ifits also! I vlea�aa� �R - 0, � , . . . k , I ' � I" have ,YZ'fie";=Jl -y=!a=n to haW such'a man leading �hier& at wo--and gives the pubil 11 a "Me, , t 7aw vos�*­ bf , I . J��,,�,­�' . . it , la,e car.0 of I I I 1. raen I , . 1. ic.. WM, the .46W . - in, +4o , Y, r , -it" ' ' ' . J v the whole insurance re- - , -had seven, e&, I - I . , I . 1. I. 1� fore,st 4'� I'l � I'll �� �", t4, W)iAis to-dta)y they I . *' ­'­ � Z,. � , .1 , , -0 ..t , . I I . primeral , , �J=p �, . ffi -be ,, - i, , ,, � I * * * ,:..., .... I ........ ? . ,-, .y - I I - I . . I ' � -A Is mom . ri " .. ;", ya Im. I., ' ' ' brought, im- , , Honourable .y&. Steve . - I . ' 11nderi. big day 'In plarlianlexit Or an increase of three.11% 30 �yeiaxs- Duzing'the year *e (Mr. Kennedy (Peace'llivier) follow- . '. , , , M", V31. L, qwre�nte&s '"Of -the Dom I I 'This via$ A 11 this moment of stross. ilii , 11 , L 6,,k,. ., .. Mr. Luchkovidli thought that state with fivie of -the'big gum, -Rank has - Air- �_ 41'.1 . , , : � 1, _'. . m, follo,v�ed 0 " zedil ,; W . . 1. _. .,� _... I . . -Pass �tho­ I ­ I 11, . - ther imicremed its,imteistmonts, which ed his usuEd ,line Of oiation. Us"lly Refrigerated , Reftiomimd.`. " I , � A 7 " - k J;� X (Swaine ,of Dombdon Zn- t_ . 1 .4 M"Urlaace would prove to be an en- to a0tion, three in' atitia)ck ead two in m+. i",einzie_,and_gtpive volumes ,of no,w,,w -f On vlogg-t0mo- 4%",d, -stre0j% ck I himiological -Brawl* - *111f6- " brigi "W'.- I . �"fj.,,� 4. � . , o exee�o of P3,700,000. he. votes, vAth the Gove _ or v� . I.- Jlnmama _ �'2 - cofin-agewent to thrift ,and would be deftence of the Goverrb�ent. The iii-' figures to sup, . .. 'Me net earnings matters of. poUcy. ThjW evening he thei rutted ailleys of - siqualid villages, , forest of rod � . I ,�� � , , �1 ,� jY� . port Jhds contention that ""' were -$�,la9jN2, _4 A I 11, ,j : a -security agaiwt pOverty and the $tdal. ddvisiOn rojqctiiig �Wa ,. mi thin. w e virgi h wuto pine A , , , 4 1 LRi 9�s er *fivrovine andthat trade practicailly,lb, ,game warn,etd the Gworaiment-that he was and youi twill ,� y VP_w.aV-4t`_ - .L -Arer I _Z,�:,: inas, nowi"Paeking up. Helendeavoux- wq,,e, the , as a year ago -sea throu __ ' 714ere . 1 ...... *�­_­­­ - ,! 6 1 cosequent few Of it. .t&e�. I motion of, no confidence'by 1101 to 76 v , i:Wottilng Mr. Wood�swortiiiis. m6tion. ,barred tfrout window.ithe. .tgh the, �all b;as; irtuiall dise ., _. 'Ws ill - and� generally -a dispbay of enlivened Jgure ,,as ho as - St � . _. , I . The great "gent insur �, f __ , wn $1,179, . .W od ito estibli-sh by ei ear- 931. . uWnIumentul iso, far as I 'know, only,three consid- . 4 " ,.- fiiur 3 that, 4 Aftei -Vayd sualty some good" and. resplendent elteatnic refiigefrSaftri' a le i ,%: - of . . i- � - ng quarterly divi, Xr, Kpinnodylins'mi _� 1. � th�. , but,he'ig not an inter. which 10W)4nis will to through , er b area virgin: *h1t,or'alid- riA , I 1, i" I . . ante.business, as the H,on.Mr. Rhodes ,oratory. which, quite hifted- -the addieso ,ly all Toarkets iwere''Praictically clog- deinds at _ things to say . - I - �, .. 44,istor i6it'Finance) saw itt, are ge- debate out of the, legarithy into which ed to canmd,a when this, G . ratoof 10 -per cent, per . ARY Jphiks... Taft; ,pine in the ippiper -drainage ... .i. . . : �IX I I ovemment. . I � . , I ... 44". . : . . . ity and stability, 'and ho pointed it,bhd gi*dually 'been siinking., annu=6 amounting to, $700,000,; re� ,eisbn�g ppeaker to i1istbein ew. , . :saerdfice to bu,Sr and keep., Glistening 6asin -d the Ottawa rWer'in West, " , c� m. took -e. Mr. ,Steveas,ie an.­6ble igewviyg $2114,63 The HIon. Robert: Weir, Minister of white, PuTiOng Wjth� uiecl*n� ' . I , , '' I., .. . I ", . � oft I for 'Dominion "d . Icina � =0- erift. Quebec, one in the Qu loo, s- � , . ,With pridie to the far -t ithat in eighty- 'The independent; group,divided with debater ,but for sonle reason o 1 . I W " 4 , I .. . I I.. or tbar . cial Gor Agricuatui,re, spent ais usual, a large, ie�-at intervials and !always so placed tr,tt of West rn .1 ..... ,�­_' I live ears no JiGwadian volicyholdbr two of -themi.7-4essrs. Konnedyj,�aud he was not-iat his beet tio-night. . vernmient t4ovation con- . . nip in. - ' , . ., 10, _Ontario aij(d o . I I 11�'16. , - had Poo .4 dollhr. The comipanies� he 0arrnichael, - ' tribut $50,000 to 1t&';=,P, Part Of W& timlein attacking the Hon. that it, ;can be seen by passeria-by,. ' I ' ion.of Algionva, in ". v, _ . . zliov� ' ;--wid wrltiing.off $50,000 1 on. the refrigerator is,their front to the 0 1 - I dth. the Lffb� ,�"hilpsi'fto round up nientieTis, who b,Ad fV,i,,, , 1. _nt�tm. . -IDOut �tmg ten liming up'vd I . I . . . . . . if; I'— su0POrtin`9 the GOVerzi- Vbile the' HDVSe waited for the Mr. K the, Miss!'; WIP . .. '. , � ,ing, Loader of the 'Oppositi , - Ren"the rea� ond' ­Wbe , , ,. ,; I clalmied,,weTe well imlainageil, and that . ' 'Mr.' Kin ' I � I �­, they had voauntarily taken �nly half erals. - , 11" , -1-1.1. - +I- 1v I I , . L . Flr�ises Accoitint; a sur- He weimil lextb=ts,ftomi De;r th cu a all "-, _11 I 0 ,':�;, � g1s world, their stymbol of Tirldia, su - ��i — - ey'w vi, I - I P . - .i - .Y- rom — -Tiv—wr, on- . . - I . V- 14� - .. �he ',oiAst=:din ­ plup renuined of $124,&7p which add- OPeeChes duririg hio weW�ern, trip 'and iorilbyl eWe distinction luxury, re- Tbod b�,- spruce, . " -- �� --the percentage of -their Aearninga . to '()me ,Of I . g incidents -refiditions, � Old Itinie songs broke' t ,ed -to the &rmi - Araerieinism.' balsam fir and ha -r& . . "': 7 . _&16� day wasi-the chatges against ` 'i i . I 4 1 twoods, with -,,the, result that die owem , ', ,. 11 q, 1, which they were eratled for ithbi Z .. I -, or ,balance leaves -a to- fotmd,"�17 Ineonisisitencies im,those fivenvent, -1 ' ��, ... 1, i I �. PhIst, , d . �#.part6- of the 0hanabert taa ,of $435,344 in profit and lossi,ae- addremes. 1� .1 � I * -4, * . . on- . which the yourtig,eitabils--of %ew - - . shareholders in Dirder that -the StrM- the pension bowd of arrogating to one ti&e "'My Wild Irish Rose" W. WOWs general'Jine Was; direct- A Fly in the Ifund.—The Hungar- vinies am now ,growing - axe only a I ... ��­, . I � - 1. - bire. of the polk,yboMws might be theniselvies an 'anithoift-they do'no� aod llmouette,, mingled count.. - 11 I q - i "11. .11 _ ­ - hnitted I Possess. in wild dio- Deposits reported at . tter og rge . . 1 $95 is .- . strengthened- great rainute frocition of the original pine . .. � MZ. RbodeG'a� These -char-ge-65 were forciW harmony. , �571,630 0 to show that famers are� The -!an gA301, ' u to, site4l go I . �,! . that porMipis galaxies in industr. ­ Mr. PoUlibib stieppe& i it' the - 1- year whibli W�*e to gOV ­.. h their' forest. 'The originaist6ands of, near- - � 1! - . I - are Only very alfilitly bdbiw the fig- Qff hem ItInn . -I'm the U. ig. 'A.,, due VW they evLen pracfi;�,e ,it on I v and 11 ,Mbex the Vb;tO . I 1". ,., Mies K previous ernment poleles, He clainp�a fellow-elanonien. - - 'Medr - w&ffder1W par - 1� I I . finance are in eXCeSS OTV reaSIDDabile. WU, Liberal, and by I.Mr. I -an MoKen. into the . breach a I mid gave 'riolinia, of Mans hilve a ly e�whibe,.�zprmm,h;ave-wauWet!diii�' , I M, . * I were ,, . . $961060660- This jo a sviery farvouj_ ,that if we ,had relciprocity with the bun# of minim Curious .1. t. I " . earmng powers, but this the Mims- 7,iei, Liberal, so forcibly these trade statWicp, . . i I.., , rges pries, ed that the Prime Min" I .W . able ,fea,ture. ;' U. S. A., ,%t:'4&e prAsent..time the method for ,Protecting themselves. 11 ,.� ter poin,bed out, would ortly account che s Mr, bodsworth then edged in with 11`111*1 Bank continues, to =Wm�tain its ftvalerg would be losing $76%00,0 per The gYP1sY Who passes the bowl a- , .. _� � . I . ftr a f�action, of one per eent;.'of the is�er gave hiswiiird that those whose his sub-amenam,ent. T'hi, ,an op,m very is ' 'd posibon.� 'Cash As� week alt.prelsent-pricies. 'He. got into -round, at the end_vC,&_ped�o I J1 , I I I . J 11 ' is p , -MAAW 'I,- � 'Apart from the fact that it by the spe,�, without a hearing, not I! ly. it do F,O,. 'J$16q%7 an argument with Dr.Donnelly (Wil- - Tev,ented m e g - ­,_. .. ..:t l',, "; �. � � cost of the overhead of the 6ompan- PeWAGas were cut toff as described UP the whole thing 'afresh but Wis .1setL,, t�ta 1 ies. ke O , t ;OOD, ,of W11jeh, Over fro h k3in WnLself to� Noa;o I - % I . would P over WOVId have them, � restored. The ae- . L .1 1 50 Por t. is in -gold amid Dominion low Bunch) itnid tfle doughty doctor thie clodleddon before it is &'ared by .. I � I . . .11 ost $50,000,000 to take � , - I . ' T,'Febriary ,will now be on his trail. being required, to hold a fly in the so — , ,� 1: -this business� with the interest charg- tion itaken. by �Mr. Ralston and Mir, . Wednesda u . -14th . , 0 1 ==Aa notes' while *r(medistely Mr. J., L. Poudilot , remandk,d Asffr'of the,hand,ithat does not . , I ,,, . � , , .., . I es do4ble .what tl�e copipamies, pay in MICI�Mzile­wiql IDean much to xna I " a;a I e assets tow $N,t51,0,00 and . MY. clOaqa�f I I . . I . ,,, I., dividends. Mr. Ahod,Ei� ��ould, find no Vems"Oners who hava�, according to my Me tinxe'of Vie -House to -day was are 55.82 ,Per cent. of P,W>he Liaibili7 Weir Of the MoKenzie bye -4 --lection id carry the 'bowl. VhV - fly -must be re- . I .. I ;, ova- - � . I . .. I , I -mihich he (W.r. Wieir),itook part and turned alive to the'lesider, after the � � ­ ---. rea�on .for. the sitiate venturing upon denfe submitted, ri�at ,got &.1Wr deal. takep up enUtrely in discussing. the tmes. , . I . - . fin . 6 , . F _; �­4 , . I . the field of this, highly sipeiciglizecp The House had hardly opened ,for Problem' is vf our -Temi'tentiaries. ,. lSoinie encouragement -may be found 'Pointed out that.,the electors there money haa­-been 0941100ted, Dven a . 1: . �i 1, , I 111.11 i I . ... , .,,� I buMness. I buisliness when ,Nhr. L ' ' ' ­ 1M15S Maciphail introduced a'resolu- in busimew circles frotin the figures biffi-Oved 19k. King rat&& than the ftht-finger�l g34psy ,dtmw � b , 0en 'his U0, . - I 1. � .. .11 I ucas on a ques- . . . I . � �,: .1. ­ . tioh dealing ;iiCthis, :of CurrebtLoaafs and discounts, -�vh� Member-- of,the 'Ckiivetfinient. He'o_ -hand I � . , . I . He ialso pointed, out thlait of the tion of privilem arose to ' prdblem. In- to taike n�oneor f�bjfin the bowl , , . �� . complain ' , 11,1 ,,225,000,000 worth of busi now of an amswer given to big quettion , � gi ng I 1. ,sJPea-kiug On. her resolution, she ao- ,Stand sit 04,091,417, or newly haif So r6lated iMr. SaR�e`s, p1ilgT14n1age in- without' iv,1 -the.. fly, a chance to . i I I I , ..., 1 $7 ness ._ � _ . ; �, nies, only Oil the Prev-iOm day by t4e Prime pro -ho the subject from. the broij ,a midWon greater than the figures re- th 'Rostigoulche -.."Ahadawaska, and escape. , �. . � ,� . 4 ... I - 1. carried by Canadian coinipa - . 111. V, * * 1* , . .... I ' held in Cknada, Minieteir. ' - . .* `_1'.___ _�.. .., ... T4,300,OOMOO was L ]standpoint of -what is beat to refp�ni ,parted last year. Flqr the Past three �Clailnled ithat after'his disniial failure ' - I ­ 1. . ,tt­o . I I I I . .1 iiiii ask6d 'What Would %10 IdOID6 With ?Me.- Prime, Ifinb4-et - insisted that � our coinivic-tis- and place 'them on the yeaZs the mi-ovement, -in OlTr4E9nt Loans in -that bye-eleletion. the Ooverr�memt: The 11anking, ]3uTden.__4ndia has A KEAL H: SERViCE ot, I I THE CANADIAN M EDICAL 1. 11: -ries, -rmd to a ,usieiful- - life -when rol4vqed: .hiit,s flyeen isteadily� dowuwaird. - and the- had .thipped lihn- to, ­Cairo. - -, -Hia . die- - inainitained: through, all.- -i ­ASSIOCIATIOW-AND CIPE ------- ­ . .- . .".- I ; I ­ that busi s. He said, that in New the manner in which the question ww � ­ tis-�1-1-vieigai- : ,; She suggesfted a comInAtee qf the Doininjon 413ank 19talternent furnishes nouneed tariff walls as aii-absitiacle to itudes a primitive ,banking system, of iINSURANCE COMPANigs . - I : : --- '! Zealand sitix'te imsumnice had operated asked was provo-tive and the an : House 11349h)b - deal with the Whole , one "of the first signs of a ichanige in trade. - .. M CANADA . . . .. . iside 'by side with private enterprise swer was in keeping -with �the ques . I � -1 . P11indt1w effidencY. - A D*n trans- . - ' . 1. `.,., 1 " - -11-1 for fifty years, and -to -day the istate tiori� and refused to withdMw. Mr. q"ostW6111- The lady ni,em�ber gniggest- trend. . WT. 111arreltitie- (OanservagvJ6) then form's h1s su4hm- weafthAnto, jewelry. ,,,, __. _ �. _ __ _ ' '. . . .. . _� , . I to the*Speaker, with Led- that -the ,prisoners ahould ibe giv- 71he Ranks total invesitinen,ft% are in indulged In a bri4 broidiside agiaimist and stores it on the plerson of Us I ".,AEML&- - '7 I. I .. . . � ­ . I , . 1Md'$104,N0jW0 im, force where pri- Lucas aipp�aled . 11 compan.les had $440,,000,0,jo. He the resuft that the Speaker, ruled a- en Work and shouDd receive pay, in d3dbessi of -$M.700,000 and consist Libeftlislu%'- slid present Liberals in wife, Ithus r6ricentrating his carep. iDi4 you ever wonder - I . . . V . � .. - vate dbsirabl, garnst ' Ord- that they would have, somile- chiefly of Dominion, and Provinciial ParticullaT. . . J&wel?y attached 1hrouA holes - why a person . . "'....­ . thought it, neither wise nor him Hie then appealed to the plem- who ]AS hadi a haemorrhagii ccvm- i . I "'' I ,to 1;io inito Mus mthitter un&r �preseht Jlousf� a9mimst the Sp"ker's r,41mig, thing when relei-sed to live them a Governtment:bonds. Investments were 'Me Houge then Twoceeded, to voite. ed in the ears and nose will at least plains,'of thirst? One important fune- I � �.,, unustial thhlL-, ,,and the .new .start 4n Ble. ,She xieferx-gid ,to ducreaised'4u"g the year by $3 7,N - on the �Waodswor% stb-onvendnimt -not 6e mislaid Or . . conditions. He said that during the ,a very Hbue,e , ' - . I .. .J, I lost. Bracelets Of tio,n of the . bloo�dqs ouppl.y,fluid. to '. , .. I � I . i1e, - - � 10� I I I ... One pTiSomer who is siupposed to have Ao. , I ,whi -ther -bd1s Twi_-re'Timigitg;-- calling. every kind icor� I .. . -1 . A 1. Past 58 years 'shareholders hao only sustained -the, Speaker by a pinjority, , er the arnis -and an- the ti - . � ten%, of �11,5 . spent twenty-three -n accomp . an ssues of the body. AAer a � � received f29,092,9=.00-_-*ven � to 49. 1 yeXW3 in solitary Bank Preftnises Aiccount stands at Inernbers who smight be in the lobby kles, a d ' y each movement �_ . confinerriant. She I condemned the ,0,930,000 and Is lower ,than- lAstor working,in their variouis r . with I haemorrhage, the blood is, diminish- ,� Of one per cent. of total -ea - After the Orders of th6 Day bad ooms their inuslicaa tinkle. Jewels e,d -in �vo,lume, and fluid is withdrawn I V__. .. . . I riam9sy. ' whilopolicybolders had received $413,,- bZ -111d., M�--, - Lapointe . arose b, shackling -Of Prisoners with their yftrls report by $60,000, written. off The inie1mbers tried'to wing a few old worth a king% ransom Tnay be hung from the tissuesto make up this de� 1.6.; . . continue the aebate on the address. hands high . above, their hm&. pri,-, from the yeaw's profits. ' .. Ctnesongs, -but not vOry,sufCceSSfully. -and alre"-around a *dmlan's neek. fl, jenicy. T%e tisisuds are -thus depriv- I � . 3417,725.. � , .w _: e ed for nbera of the 01,ppositilon, voitied, Mwever, the Indian 'husband is will- , . On this qijwgtiowth,�� Ho�isei divided The galleries were erowded to hear One- - repaddl -minor offenc- ICirculktion, at $6,261,000 has ex- ", lmol� ed of flulds, so the patitnit complahm : I * I for the fi-r-A time, 19 voting for the the PrOmised, verbal battle bet-veen es and she-itnisilsted thatWardems had panded ,by nearly ilii� a nlffiion dol- agWrist the Government except Mr. 1mg '00 share the %ul-king burdens of thirst. . . 4 *4, . Resolution �;�nd `91 aqaindb__t5,ae 'vote S10fale Of the most prominent men in Itoo wide discretion in this 2�egiaxd, laris duruig.the 12 mpniths, This nio Oa�'O'Kinidorsle`y)- Vote stood with RAS wdfe, -His' M", of pearls The sudden loss of comparativol *!, . 'onerad Ross (C-neervative, King- be accepted as; another indikaftion of 54- flow, `89 a * .. �- - FrOm_ e two ninjor'parties. The ,110 '�- a ng p1art of -the,costunle of lar�g . being -entarelk " h -pairtigan. use guinst_ are stirik-d I. y . . , on th . I use one 4� 1 1 . I . stom-) rePeRtod charges -he madlee in increasing business iWtivity, . I � an ,,. amounts of blood ca �!" I . this purely domestic concern the dii- was not disappointed a's � Friday, Februark 16th . Indian ,Prince, as are, hil� ,turban form 4 amae 0_ Other ana ,", . cussion wandered to the broad fiead sm`MP�Ped several times teu�pers the Blouse last session, ,that favorit- 11D every -respect the R is I jewels and. his grelat fingetAits. . I 111A ewas I I . .1 during the day ism had niarked the incarceration of very ftwurable, one am, eport a .*. * * whdeh occur we'due, n;o,t to loss� of - 1_ , of:­,6i�eirnal, relations. and (points of order flew Itbick amid d it furnishes" . �� � � 'Ouft�Lrio brokers In Kingstm d9mi- ,some indication Mhe House spent aill-of its time to- Squirrels__If 70U, See, S gray blood, '4ut to changes 'in the blood. I Mr. Luchkovich, abetted -by Mr. fawL XT. lAuPOinito is a ,very fluent . . sJquiiT- 'Millions of red, ,blood cells carry ojy- W'00dsvvorbh W�nted to have the and effeetiVe STIMker and so ,penetmt- mit"ary .1 that while re- Canadlisai Winditionis. 'ly improved day in con*Mttee & the w�hol' On rel in England -to-day, ' , -H,; claimed of is"g`ht . " � te . 1. forei ' . were the shaft he directed at fornishad been made many were still . supply. . . "s lw_about. _U'. and feel ,kind- gen to ,the tissues. Th16 average life . , � . whole . gn policy of the Govern- Ing , At the outset Jean Franc46-1 ,-pgg- ,dion'et let your- ,feeain&%--q, A_.'r6d JA60d ceRl is a month. Thb, . ,. . . I inhent exposed 'Wore the ComnAttee the GOVeraMlent that repeatedly the -needed, and comlplain�-d, that Out.dde, ' lot, -the thorn in the flesh. of -run away with (For it isn't the .body m,&,himeryis able to replace.red � A d thousands of appealsi, most of 'Fifty years ago some blood cells alb this rate.-, There is a -, , , I on .1 . influence always .had to be usod to ced've 'a' Tory- -thing lb, do. you' I _� ntlernational Relations. The con- Speaker had to call for order. On ism, was taken 'to task by Mhe Primp' � . , 'have any refoxmis ,brought about. lbbeni, suggested or sponsored ,by the , kindly person jb�ougi,ht a dozen pairs resiery , IMTdmteir for cuttifig -a sentence out � - of -red cells in the spleen and , Lw tontion in a word, was that Canada One Occasion the Speaker remarked- I _ � �:-, and if it "I k -ow the, Honouirable gentle'rMn is General Ross presented to the House -Canadian Defence League and the , Hanisard relport- of a speech ica and t, ­ -�:_ I is an autonoirnous dominion � � ni,laliy dangeiroas looking instruments Workers' Unity League, lie endeav- ,Of the ;>f that har"n"ess "inial from Amklr-: bone, marmw sufficient to'meat any I ., � I . bad' not a'foreign poilicy it should wbA able to take care of himself bilt ,Ili h d�:pp ently been niadle in, the Ored 10 point out how easy it is. for when ongy errors are supiposed to b--- placed, them in -a London zud&n or uri'llsual &,mand. lf�.b,w_ ' 1, I have, and everyone should know about I "St inksbA that ,there be Order." t a t ar corrected. :',qle effect of the admoni- park. mey ,throve. They multiplied � extra demand continues� the I I , -e. pub ever, the ll,, . it. I I M,r- LaPointe P'Dinted out that the P, a� _:� the di_sscoviery of which th 1 lie �to be foolied by their crim� I h .-I t - . tion wWs'somewhat spoiled! by Henri until theY now fill 14,000 square miles I ..�, d be eiff t of -having I and cited a, ease where Miss reserve is- so -on exhausted *and tho i I The, Prime Minister in a notable Governmient ,had, lost"the confidence What he de- 'nalis of ,Eiiglish counitrysiiile. The Eng- miafeMne,ry for mia ng n I l-. � . scribed *Lais ,,one of the if Mia;aphail heirself had sent a telegram Bourasim with a memory like Met,huis_ ki ,ew eel% is ., addrests d,escended upon 4iis idea wit,,,, Of the country and pointed to, the. Deist retum, elaih, agreeing with Ux. Bennett, but liSh COMiPlain that the gmy s(II&W] unable to -ibeeft the idemand, with the ,v 111, freat force, claiming it to be the by-eleetion,s and Provincial elections ed man I know" lose his position. He an.belialf of a coif*kbed person ,who wild attack a ful-1-grown pheasant; result that there is a deficiency :'in to prove his Point. He attaci, th produced in ,the [House the imuth talk- was 'being sent - to Kingstion. Her Islay#9 that lasfE year one of his Min, I ' 11 ..".. . WT7 110.1ation, of *responsible, govern- ed e, 6elegram read as follows: 1�1 am in- dsteris s6mlck ,out a passa�ge from one will cut standing corn,, Pull b`u1bg ai the quality oT quantity, or both. - 11,� . ­ . I -en't, buthe poiiiited out at the same 'GOfvernm�nt in. their [twiff -polq,_y, led Of padiffle. Viewing it from where in Engifigh gardew�andtake the bewt Ublorosis is a ,type, a . anaeinia-�- I * , time it - a subtle their neglect to deal with tbe,pubai(! 'I sit, 11 wou9d say that it is, a strap teriested that be be seA to Burwash, o(f his speeches ,whichmade it appear ,* oif. (Dnglish calbbaiges;v xxild, ." which occurs in- young womien, There I , . . was bult Part of Gueloh orMirnico. I have known this �ntirely Opposite to what he said. Amti-�GMY-4S'quirrel �Association is - ,. : . I I sebeime of this group ,on the left. He debt, the title q6estiou, the whoat 8:bout 3 inches wides-and, i8 incheis Since then, however, he,has, taken. his � is mo,reduction in the number of red. � ­ Pointed out that the Foreign policy question and their 60 million lotan lOMg, fastened to a,handle about i2 man faivorabiy for fDur'years. He is fnght to Eg�7ipt� It. is, of course, sus- requir�adl with Yall newt5iMper publi . ji, I �, inahes long. This,stmp has, ,miall an ex -service man �with a paod r�_ c- Jb&od cells, brurt, ,there is a change, in I il,", of the Brdtish EmpiTe,.in *hdch each 'to the C. P. R. and his fina! fling I erculasis due to� aatoy.11 My. itY campaigns, ,tro keep, it from &a - iii 1, 1, . toles in it ,anA the 4oneraj elsamed cord; tuib pected that ,the gentlemian. pictured foresting the, the ha.emiDglobin, with the rosult that 11 . ,,, � Dominibn had, a 'Voiee; is something -as. 'that while the Government re- that trwo ,strokes olf it would, r,duice 'Guthrie then read to the House his in the flight is 311r. iSauve, who, is eif- cotintry. the comlPleXion takes on a' yelliow� ..,."... I whi,6h maT cha,nge from hour to hour Presented' a majority in, the House, . , " � I I I ng -and in, the vqry nature of things must al opposition represented a a Person's flesh to jelly. � These, holes, criminal relcord', us ,fk)Uorwr,: His- joying one of those trilps afkoad wtdch , ' gvem td e, hence its popular name, .,!;:. the offici 1 am t6ld, . � urY--Th0Y celebrated re- ' 1. " ., . , aa,e not for the first e(yniviction was for- indecent as- we the perqukAVeis of -Position 'and cently in !Marni,ch a .faMou.s an,li- "green siek-Dess." TMs condition, . I � -dentit.l. He appeared to at_ n the country. %Jr. Lapointe purpose . "i,., � be co,nf majority ii sauft; second, for a'lbesbW ,crirne; which, sa fair as the recoirtd- ddscloisses, which -used to q:ye coinmo , I I 1. , , tach Sol" imotive Of the resolution . aa fodlowed, by,Hmourable Dr. Man- of injuring or. -tearing the flesh, but versaxy of the flateful -clay some 15 A is now I ,� I.,* never- 10'a., to aliow -the air to escape -to miake ,third, for indecent assault; . fourth, no one of any ptarty� given. -a chance, Omparatively rare in this country'. , . as 'being mildly couched, but- a fierYNA-Ppy and effective � was evier,known to pass, Years ago when- a nian- came into e I ;, , theless, ,"a 0ov . speaker. the ,%trap, TaorL- effeictive. ,. In forgery; fifth, Ifidecent asmult; six�h, Ildr. DutT 110._ I �he Munich Hofbrauhaus, a The cause is unknovm. It, is readily 11 e covering a mailed Outside of Mr. Bennett, Dr. s n wdth - C=Mier- a Antigonish-Guysbor- and' Roke cured by the admunstrati.on Of iron i 11 , �: 1. . "fi',W' and as-�sured the mover o -f tale -11'allion can ProbablY �-%Y more in'a atio dootor, regarding this, ithf.lft; ,seventh theft; eighth, gioss forr a glags of water. On, that , 'g- properly Presicribed. , I la . inOu'Le , or "') lie 'told me.,of Witnessing a prisoner ncy, ftw whiph he served four ou9b, gave the Mni-ster of -Public I* . TemllitiOn that aTinfple Opportunity given Itime than any ,other membex i -nal OcCa'sion, it is said three, , '' romve .%vars and ,asst October he was again Works a very intere,sting time for ilibed. Waii�01'8 (Pernicious am"imia, or Addison% .1 ... ,�. was giver� for- discuission when the in the House. He is usually Of twenty sti-aps -and- apart from fa -StepG, Of co , I , . a being c)w1Si&-r9b1T 151VOIlen, he had no seate"ced -to the peni-teWary, for five -one and onie-half hours during mlediht�ely ", were 1m- diseaso, is a type a lainaedhin in which , I . � � I . ., , , - very g I enJAl disposition, Kt when - Q*ut 'taken f "'. e8tibiates were conefdered- ' 3(e?rz for indecent assault. Mr. the &%cussion on the estimates for �bo prevent recur- thero�!s atromendous decrease in the .... I 'In both resolutions before th,e --p-.JdivJ he can Always blive the gal� ""`u'si results from the ptaddle, at alL Nkma 'Seoltih. 'PracticMIty all the TeTice iolftl­ incident. A,speciad glass n, ' I ", I 'HOTL MT.Gutbrie, in a splendid ad, Guthrie com1pRained that -both Mi§s . Tabw of red blood C�ells. The.on- _,� sitting at at- - Macph-ail and General Row � House it 'was apar�pnt, lie intimated lerlies and tMO House m OT winter ,has since that time, been ' �, ` ." I ,, M�p" members from, Nova Scotin. on the pt al ys in r I I �* I " dress that received the rapt attention ke wa eadiness, waitin set Of this disease isi'sl�w a -ad grad-. . I 1- . that p6litkal mianOuven,ng was evi tention. He answered the Ijiberaps Government side were put on the de- g for naL 'Me patient becomes a,ware of ,�. �:, ILI Of the whole House, gave a:D inter- were dealing with reports of 1914- , . dent Mr. Luabkovich the,h *ithdrew aVPe for an election by a ,%-.I,gges- e r -hall . 11" , id informative summ�,g up 1921 and ghould know - that many -f`4'1"� - 'tbe return to the avejot ibee stiDg am , and' the fdoughty Adniiral an increasihi- lack,of 1, �,,., the resolution. * tiOn Of co-Operation'in edhis national 'worted by Honourable Peter Ve-n- of,the visi-tor who once upset its calm. finds thaib , energy. He I 1,,,,�,, I I I -After t1li's .Mx. Spencer (Battle stress. CanAda was returning of ­the whole' penitentiary projbfleM (shaligels iand reforims had, taken pla" su I he ftfigues easily and be� I s "I. I . - . I I I � I . to THs address should be Published in since, that .time. lHe read the rel iot" was, itoo much for them a:11, and comes br&athlesisv; he hag no appetite - .. L --RkW-) introiduceid a resolution re� MT'Mal--Y and' "let us, as Canadians, I Ithe items, were allowed Express --40hl 'has a sereiie Wl- and is -OccasiOnally dizz3t. Numb -nets . I'll' - to stamid um- . ", � He pointed � �_. � gairding a definfte health po&y t,6,b,e -otand -shoulder to shoulder in an ef- every Paper in Canada. Poets from &169-ations from certilm, osophy ofrad X , 1�, , churches who 'were given full oppor- til Mr. Dtff received all in1lormation E ress, on ".., I out that it had beciome ,viery -diffwW. t . ed- The Shanghs' and tingling i9i ,the extremities ,aT4 I I I - carried out by the Federal and pro� fort to Put taiis country back on it.,- xsked for. ' xiP its run -to Tientsiin� Trakes co,njii�Dn. 75be &kin i's pale or T 11101 . ' to imWntai:n order there beeause the tuni%Y to examine these buildinto, 'lie Pr�mie.'W%T1qSteT en- freq ,_ vincial Gvverments. n 'T tTai0k, This is no tim-pe for . ellow "'. � PTOPL I - , �� � � dermatigogism, but for leadership and lie -nee League had and -all conditions existing, all of 1, �. Canadian Labor De ddaivowedi to supiport the MhnivbeT'ef nielft &OPS, f6r 'oh's Purpose '0?' tinged, but there is no loss Oct, fat. I ',',i� I I hich went to sh6w they were satis- Ptt-bkc `Woirks� but Mr. Duff really "Os'nig *rne- . Ha'v'mg in thei Past ex- 'A few years ago., it was discovered ' ' 'L � I . .� after th,6 leadmiship of this Govern- atterdpited to �Mvaite .s.ym1patby djor w perienced Ta,any d'elays. cs e !i �;�* ., fled with conditiont. He referred to hald the best of the awgument. k "I 411� . 'Treat carries -this country back, as it 'the eight Reds senter6d. to the King- . )-andits, +'be railroad COMIpany i ' J�f�,�� I ston penitentiary Tnore" the book of Dr. Wkthrow and � said J. A. Bradeitte (Liberal, Temiskam- has Of those suffering from (pernicious �,t, ,than a year adjusted the mbelule of,the train .go b I , ;­ gg�� wi,11 to normal times, then, we will ing) ,charged that mien to Obtain work , . - ��, la ,r e,�j.ls. We will deal ,,go, through different li, d he the time he could prove con- mula ,,,,; `�,1' ..0 co4t,ec* , Othe ehan ha, , Daenua , roughl about a startling 41, 11 , . I puq> C I � . I -on the � Rideau ,Canal, around the pub- ,that it cian TrorwallY probeed at a a , _ ... �,,� ". Ti-elig- -Time after Iti-me, we have had clus�v`l y that bhe whole thing was 11 '01gurel,y e, 6 pp, g !froquent I O70rQ9Zt aMl the blood 'became I � i � ., Q I I , with such questiovs as uneniploymept Ithreatemeld revolts fffi,erre, a,,% eMe,y made up of udsleacrimg s lie bwl,ddngp;' or ,govellink snow for . Pao to n ly to -aOrmlhl Ugaig. � Wiliat sitibstance b . �,��, I insurance and ,planned ec .. tafterneints the Governmeint, had to swear allei- ��l The OftlY time it has to, hurry Present in liver which does. this is I �F `�, . * onomy prisonerfrom Toronto has come there and gross TMSTepresentatiGn. . Is 9�`terr a hold-up. ."7. � I When your house is on fire you do 11 to the Llboral-Oongervative A 'Me company feelisi t , .. it i f i p I.", & I ,no known s Ound n e tra&Z 0, 11" . gtorp to -ad swid: "Boys, the -1aXT I s- x not argue abou newspapers are Colonel' I Y Mullins, M -P., Con� "anice bl­t, should the pa,mleingers ever grow ,from, ,the I-' _��_ � I 0 t taxes, et4Z-1 for you; the churches, &Te for you, servative, ologed the debate in giving slOciiation of Ottawa -and pay one d-61- iver tissue and the tissues �11'1�1`1,�.T,`, the first thing to do, is vut out the a vivid description of ,his ,Visit to bar gLvh to have their n accusftmed to gTeat speed-, they of dther organs. This diis I I � . " � , , , 1, i.,Pl� ', - ­ ­ � -,i __ I fire vnd,then deal with the other-nTat-' and everybody is for you. We Will ames entered and, would n1hrks one of the great a&m covery I __ ters I idisgrUntiled on occasiom8, when ,� ,. , , 0 1 , A . , ve-' Kingston adeompamied by Rev. W. A. on, the list of -workers. would always domand, it, �1,�,V-11 M,Wffa I Ater. - ha another revoiluition azid we will nees, in . �_., , . _ L 'Colonel Ral,ston, the L��41 ..finan he �liad re- Calmiorqn, Of -Toront , and was well Ron. Dr. MOX&O'D adnlitted that Te- it niedidal trealthiea* for, through the � X-,-,,7, , .. l , 6 get out." "Re Asid that 10 . I I ATT., I'M - Isatisfied r _ coirar ti turned out to be iiinqyossible. umof liver . 11109. . . I egarding ,the ,rh,le,_ admin neindlat1ion. 4 the' Consierva� " -1 I . . _ * ,* * pati,ents arfe brbugifit back � fL­ A' ., . IL, , � ,6 , * mal critic, replied to Dr. Monion's - I—— 1. I. . , . I .. � �­ , . .1 I I. I . -_ ____ i1straition of the prison. He also vis- colihmittimaire very frequently accepit- "Wi I I to normal., They are not/ cured,, I)ut . I . , . -a 'for co-OPeration by saying that . ed, but saild hie did not admilt that m Gas�Mask.-Paris they-aire,bept mormaaby the cou-tinu- , I 11 , : Ple . Your Ow I L'. . , the IMAY ti'me that the GQviernmera ited S'torry Mountain P,erifteinUL-Ty in iis surrounded ,by I 'V: .. 1. i", ,,, �, � I , , I .- ask for CO-OPOrAtion. from thei Liberal mamitoba a,va was sIWW-fied with ex- Imen bM to pay one dollar before tu�rhing out ... f9atories that tare ous use, of liver. � � � I ,�'1111 ". . Colds-.SeemM To mAterials, twenty- UP until rec�ntly, 1pericious arlaemia � 'i'llb '. . I . ioting conditions there. , .. they can &`tafn work. '. . , ' 1� i!"" . W 1 �,-. Party was, when they were in', pretty four hours of the day. . ,I-I.erg is a . 'd­�­ , � Ron. Peter Hetenan,doclared it was was usually fatal, 41.* now the dis- I R, C ,� I.. I gore ,straits. The Government . Affect -Her Kidneys- , Thursday, FebruAry 15ih typiAlwariniti displayedilith", , has be'en addied to the li�t of , - A . � ­ . ... � I - I— - . a shame and ldi%gra�co to the Govern- eWIm- e9se ;�. A,- seeking help because they were got- -.11 The House spent,to-day entirely On Went regaxidir[g pla is 4 inist's shop filled with . ' for which we have iL specifip, ;;I ., a, . ... �, dow of � " ��G , .1 t1i ........... h, -ti an way that � those. I ,,, 1, , erred, I e ga-masiks- I In these tirb ,,�, � "Y" ,, , ti�, in a, i4ad hole, he aw TORONTO LADY FOUND RELIEF the address, - MT. Woodsworth, in relief wbis being ? . 1�1� it.,, _:�: remeily. 1, I., I ".i.. . . . buixiled. He read, an ubled Vines A, � 1-Y . . . �',� - "I . _. lColonel Ralston anisw.eredDr X&nn 'I- -, . I IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS' istPealdnig'of ,his �sub-ameudmemt, -talk- order-im-counea to the effect that you a're 'at the mor,CY Of aerial at- I ��,,N-1,1,kl�, ; I 'Questions concerning, health, ad- ,, Njpq��-,�,,..-, . .1 I _. ion's charges against the Lib�ils in i tiack. 1, 5.'11'� �," �: , . ed piartikularly an unein�ployment the Were should be no diserfininsew ' ' " . German and- ft-lian bombers " the Canadian Medic,a As- � ' m In , '" dre`ggod t . � , , 1. - ttor is may swoop 4 . � �R,M4,,�_ I . ci3nnection with the railway situation Mrs. Harris Reconlibends Dodd's To Public debt and agriculture. He ��w -relief work, but this, whole'nia at any moment fro'RL th'e' sdciWtfi1Dn 184 Collego Street, To,- . � 24 . � by guot�inig froth a ,spomih mado bi All Suffering FiOnt Kidney, Tr(k0le. a', sodial i j g e a d u , godng to ,be iurther e ti g, ,,� �W,,"�­__. _om,§i&_red,*h4 we clouds and pour asphyxia ng gas On ronto, ;;�l be answered Personally by � -5 ­-­ ­­ . , . the presemit Prime rMnister in IM _. ! ­_.�_ -est, aftributing it ,* lack of pojicy, proceed to dWcu�vsi the - utep Tiewcaflul ephf�d.l lofter. . , �, R g t""'I, YouIllike I Picture of n U tic, V n q.., ; � ,,�! �. a''.'' YO11'r city. �3& , ' , _� '_t,' - - . r ekhn Pr 0 ,­ I V ._.... I this sturdy little in ,Which he was'apparmtly advoebt.L Toronto, 0n,t,--1Ft& 22.___4(Speeia1) Or thki iti-MMIciency, �of Aose now in 4`11hle Willisteir & jMic Wb,gis - Buy onoof ou,i� f�Asks,l ,W). � I . . � I ;----.-- _ is a to mes_ I I �, �._ .11.7',", Ve. t Meets pracib ninsowftenW " "s- ' 'I dm! sj.xtF-1M1ren, Yean old Od effe�,,t, elf n? eV aux . K dIff, - - 'It' ____ -, - - '- , tj ing tlrxb' We - Jill priem" ' N �Kl " . al * � a third trMsom0ftioaW -we's ', A ,progranipw of propowd v 7 fi a fellow und I beli c- is - I owr4npiej�. adisi - .. - - nkl,Ak ,, ;­,_ I � c ., mee"r I I I ,., , a, ­ �, , " ." W&Y.Wokingneed in k Y. ,He pointed odt,,that all every Yrttle cold J got seimed to -gf- worIci was eri&iged - " " W, -- ------- W 1;� "T k c0V1eT; everyone -should 1* - . I .. I �; �. , �'. itth- ,1 as ng 9 -aa 1MILsi -to- tanidnict- bdr, -Department vs, 'read WIP, _' '' ­ - I - , - , ;, .."", - - I � governimetIs badl 'been involved ih 'feet Jmy I Kidneys," writw M,rs, na,r- far as, i ni� f6ut UnMp16yn1L-nt.J-h_ e4ficie7iUy as ,he can, but, Of 6urse have 61's, Owim, 9asi­nihs1k­4601 francs. . 1. ,�� _; P. L;�, . ­­­_ . r t wea . I ;. " �iA . I I � .. "' , , .- ''eft; COU4*1 1106C laurf- our railwa"y CO , nreamipie ris, a well ,known and r&ipeeted regi- suiranice iwasi s*tSr ,-,iz � 1,'t,,, �,. ,,, - . nst�on pr6i ,.18&.L go es6oa0a]. &J,mgis jr.g�boumdto creep In.tb �ary 'Makers -to the Govierrimient.11, Here � . . '' I .111, ­�j­ � ,. dries, 6ifies, it -t fact, any , and that it was futil.--agd foolish, to dent.,of 272 Colle96 ,Street Toronto. Bondholdierw-weire -4gorously a&tack-' ont iifo,b,w1ftt they.'Ishouid tip� ,at kTO signs: 'not �tD be i-gm6,6d,,R �he I . , - I'll, �,, &V4 , , -� , - plade - ' wh&e7�CJL�F=-, qlfiC'f,- argue Otherwise. , He then- Wimh6d "I had KidneYtroubb, for ia'long time ed, as was also % I ,'There was ft Ivery-'aUTA aittemidant I e , character. as we4l as th,e(i1mhiin,o,miW . .. .. I I 0 .. "; & , �Alv 1. .. . , - 0 agreement. I 11, i � � �, f, ,6 "tig heo id requited, The hL . of the 11"t- Europeao,4mr - Uvini 0 ,,�,Fn -IPI, -1 , Ing charges regriardirig ediitaln *n- bVt have been' free froni it eVe-r siri& peech was a i denunda- ,at the oiv4b�% isebsion and the 6om- . - �_ ,.­ , � , po - I Age. I. _ ii`Z4 , -1 , I taking 50V�,In 1. � %P,�,,�', .'N . �C :and u '' "k ` " h � ...... SiOnerg Which chWrv-e,erf:%rnJy e=gft boxes, of Dod(ri Kid. Mom. of things as they im. mAttee rdsei'at 10 pan. % . �'. . I., . I I ­ 1� � � , .31,41,11.1, 1 I 1, . . sex a0yw. ere. the, ear of the Prime M-ini*W. . ney 'Pials. of sure jeconlift,eiid thern to . IHM W. D. I I- .. . - - .1 ,., I .1 " , I 1, - "'.. , - . ­ 11. . I 9 11, 1; �'�' " `% . i ' 9 ind bums its own XT., lan MCX6m%ie, ,Ub0ft%4­N16w.- AVY611le who has Kidiffey &ouble :&y , certai , , a, T,aitjy�e - . . , 11,; 0� � ­**'.::.� :, 1. ­ a I FAAVe9 Uddreisi was - , , , 1; "'.. . �P& ,�il , � I ails of the day, Mz Damage "To Aiistralia' - ,,, .I- ii , %, , 11-11, "I [110'111,1��,� , , , , , "" '� , . , 1, Ir I� ,� `1 , � I �11111. — " I'll - 'I , I - 2 ? e , 'a, �'i;,,�� f �,�, .1.1, - � . I . ed CA,onel IW91�on vq�,d cj�ep 'glit again,. EukT is always it ca 1. , , I .1� �'�­ � "'; 'I I' � , 11 'ER"iP, , Ianqdat4 Iti.bitor . . � v��` One theT 96on pol you, a�]J_,= , " .. "� � , �: " 00 . frohm �, . sTaw , , it aind moder- ' 1, . I I F , , .111� " Lights: ffistiantly . .H6 Tiinodanfiea - ­ .1 . . d - With � 01 une Onu ing `(f&e&0& ,glvm in ffinee using DA,dd`s Kidhey :'Pilis I ate spe1aker, aind is inipteiffidve. I .. I . Wheat Crop - . L_-�111 _ I � Parliaiinienit; ft-',& y,i�ar. 116, amisod the, hAv,e not been ho,th7eteaally mote.and. iguggedtied a plon, for ftlaming the . . � . ,,, . � �_, . " 11 ­_ - N " "' � k " Gov,,"-, I p ,�" '11 ,'T I e - i _.j, i I ]3UdWetLb7 d&t, ft,djr, Harvesting is carried on in -Ne* I ::� .�­1111 . ent or be",�,h ,a, f , , , &A. Sausag �;� - Rut.,, up -gas coo ing . ,iith re-' I k4o,P­aorn on, [hatod dt gg tiM ,Hom� us. 1�- We, didd% know it IF �` i 1-;;Av'- , . _ ' ­ � .t . d by, *m-. dOM0, MIL be, dbW but a. 7bn1gft, 11 ­ , 11 ­ -d -.11. 11 . AAW&U�ro6ft I k0ow-, � �4 - -Solft Wilow, Ausit ft-lia, .f.rbM th4 end . , . tW,dr-1f.ridMt61i4,-M"­i­ to, ilvo� L-Aq�� of �Okhera tog 1p -1 ­ ,_ , ­ �- I., � �9, R, na , .. 4.1 1 ". i �fa . __ 91 I ting the radwit" under gov- yoxiAg - fom ,chemist in Oermany has. of NAWehibot until Uftm�rV an,& t . , 6 0 i6d," A - 6r --P-R On 'OT tftO T _"�"""re,d, &I,' `_1 _.__ - -T#-'*, , ,hosit .,_ '% wd #eq. sto,47. !!Moy ft , Is % - 'I',, . _bgtnol, it's d. erfttiehft&�Wf � 'by ,t6 invt"t Woffflt; are illy -v '' ... I �," -, 11 I',, I li, 1.1". , ­ , eFtariff-he'laidtoally haidA0, tenttft , ry dr1i. Due, . , '' i - ;11 1� " I � , , 4e_to�jg ,A .- ­­ " , "- , I ? t�� 1�, - 11 �, I I . 1910n. t�imzniiil and, .41, , '-P "d - ftutailis P *, to h � 4�',� . 'N'S 'M661 p6t,eeel V � A=in, ; �Aw­�J 4 ,gild Nih " th 900,. For peirsomlly bad'16 - I . I �.�, 1-1k, I Affilhish ­,, - , Ortht 01SI&Oft' to ik lieW SUWJ�- 11� w ft,�y,.,rai,as,,-.�h;o*wer,,.i,,,$f yea�ps � ­ , '' , 1, .. - , Q � , .,� 1­1-�;`" _1L11_1_ ,the dondtxl�, 4 rolle.. h -1.1.1-r. 7,6f,thi ?�Vkf X44ney"Pilli �!As 'A to amithe wav it, ih (Alpeiil 'iaA6Vi,,hWW;;;.�,7k .6'd.n. 1,,�Z. -Z'.: �%. -11-, - � Q ." ) .. � � .1 .�t .1 -1 . - - == . tie, " I ­­ liov" 1 1. , � I A.Z,4illl. ., fo" I& - r Ty ,_�,.� _� W,1,1pM,;;VA ��w - , ,, gl" - - , � J%'tbMg1os%1?­­ '-�: � I &a. L �`& . , �10r' W i i 4� ..... 115M, .Ir 1, - V - �11 "'34 6WUbd#'i1611 At �' .1,4W., jl� v o: 6f I �1_ , , , , , � ,, I ; 1. -, - , . .­_I�%� - . I -1.f1-,1- , . �.,,' I � ,, I.?" � , 1. �. , , I I . ,. � , I !",��"_ . I , , '11..1i.,pJ,,"i1�_­ �-------�..,,.-�,-�"..-�..'�,"�',�:.� � I" , , 11.� I- ­ - I 1 ,4�,_�4_,a,_.­ .. " ­ -JVp, ,";. ,., , ­­."' . -4 1 A - �'IL'11� t�'­"f ;;� . , , � . I. W_�, 1, , '4` `4 -1 !, , ; 4 ...., �� ,�� �.�,,� " - "' 4" � -.1 ­�" '­� , �v : i, L� , " ; �, �A�Lg",il _1 *� 'j�"t" . , I !.� � ,R'�,,,,,,,,,,�"L���,�,��"e,!�����;,."�L� ',,�� .,�,,,,,�"",�,,,,�i.'�,.!�.,�,�,,,.�_.,,,�,�,,�:,��,i����,,�,,,,L�j4�A�-�,�:��.-,,�.!,�,,�,."", :.� �,��;"., �� ;.`�, ,��'.!:� --.,-.��,�,,,,.,,;�,�,�,�,!""�":,�,�,'�; 0, ,-, eld , d .- 1. . �, a- . __;6J`_ .� I whea Tr Crop tias: - sufferiedr �#grj6trf -4 - ........... : �� o; it,U desicAboilas 4% ,,"I'll . �11 �11 �11 �11 �11 �. owl -k otig� it, , 11 : � �' f �� L` I—- -­ ­.� . .11 . .Age, and"*,r6 I ,to doubt '. *4 , :L. 'I, . ­ , , , , , , to "', , , 10' ­ -4, - -* Aitz 614t,V711,6e. .. ,. .that I 1, .- � 1, � tie vi-4fid U � , .. . . I , . , , ,)I I I I , 10 !'Alm.M114 t . � - I ` 1.1- I � - � - � - � - � - � - y "', ri � ,. I- .. I - ­ ', � 1 � � .- � k&F6',"1Myb*Wb16 10Mne''.91s.. .1 I P �"'J , ­: � � � I t � . - - -h"htr �'. ift " il U, -- -f Nk - .. '_,_f,kh tlf.),t �, aw Z., �a , ,, � RIfto gmit . , . - .., I � _ ,V �. 00.,P06MftjA,tb0.1-6w 0.1 -ft* 61 , I t - 1� I -_ ,�, �1� I � " . ,_ � � - , - - � �ftj. 1*6`t_%(1hb51*1V.4:"'�d` - L - I I I . , , , . I . -1, ,a ii,41,4, "'._ . " _ 6dwWt-Im. "M W4. MA0, vtko# of. w6'o ��, 4��.;d .... - � 'l -I..", , - 11 I , - 'i I fklim k& EU ;Zol a . I I �� . v. 111-4� . ." "o, ­ _ .. I . ; t1te'l 11, ."I r 11 I W_ ­ ; �._ ., .. :,Mt , , __ , t,r.11,1 - . , 'eal ,_ I &O" .1, 1�; ­' 1;�� � � . .. 1�' I i , . flkft� fiadli-:1*14 460 . .,- I �, ttnaet, *ft44t *21, � be to..P"�-_.. � � _ I.,�' � "'�Wi � � 7 . .1 ta , - . , t Ii., . 14111iwotmi , , # ��. 1; : :, 4' .,'�,-i-',��, - . . , I .1 - , . , �,.,, "': , , � 11, -1_1 _." . . ,:,. , � , I ��... I . . I I � ,4: , �� , �_ . �, " '. � J, ` - .L_ . . I I ,.,, r .. I',, . - I .", . ­�, ,��,�l,,',,;�;,,'��,��,�,:�,�,,,,,�:"-.,:,�,�,���) I I � I .., I , � � � . . I 1. . . , " . ,� . 1. !,%��,Pt��_,­ I , ,,�: �,: � � �_ ­: I I _­:.-, _��.,�",-,__,�­,­ , . 1. . 11 I . .� I I '. ". , e I .., .. �. , IL ,11-1 I ­� �� , * f . I .. ,� I " - I 7-- .,. .­ --..-. ��,�—.��_.*.,..�,- ,__�._ I � - �­­ I 1. . �.. - I "', .." A', � " , ',J-i r - . �_.,A_.j,.,,:­;�_. "IL. , . . - , I , � ". , �i �; ..: , �-, ", i � ., -i-­­._h,WtP_t4_.�___. .-- - . .L. - "" 11 � - � t� 1, - 11 ­, ­_ "..", ... �Ift-,�,.�-__ ,,!� . 1. % . 1: i , 11" ­'��11 .. . ...... �!� , I , . 1��".,,,�",. ­_'L­;,�',",,, � �,� "'� _ , 4� .� . , 11-l". , I . � � 7,: , I �i,',, �, � , 1��.: I " i: .., I I � I 1. i1ii�`A`R;; .... !�� , ,� ... r 'I �� ' �� ,,, )7� ., , . � , �� " �]_44 ' '. 11 W, �, , . , . . �,� ,11 .. ", 4, �, � , ,, " I I 10.1f. 1. , ..,.:".,._ 0;,�, "'4. 1 , I I , I " . If . 1. " , ,�. ����. - , l", i ,,;i 4444�, w'�`;,��,­11;10�1f, .'�,?;�t­l 4 i"I;�"& il'A�)")M`, , 0 'i , 01 0, � . , , I - 1. 1� -, N , "� ., "'! ;�� .�, % 1�� : I AJII , "I'll N,�� i, "', , . � 11 ��� ... � .. , � . ,� 1, - ,""."O 31.."� , I A � I M