HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-02-23, Page 4"'' 11 WT. . ­ . 11 I ,ja�i��,-(t,�,�'� . TAIM V"It - � .... .... qw, .", pw'.�,�%;�".,Vllfll.t,,� 1� 'Z 'n I 0 "'k "'v�,,i,�%­ 1,�� I", M ... . 1�111. I . . . 11, . 11, 'O , 0 , g, �k p " " , , ,r ,,,� �1!� ,,�,;$�,,, .,,�,�,'a , �i!3 �"-;t� ,XV..:N11, ,,� �p, '.���".;,L"�x,gf�loi4,�,��,,�iiii,�'!"'I "I'l���,��11'1'4"m",P",.��ir,�q"""�,,�',,,.'�,, l,f4 .. : � "t F Y , P 11 :: ,­­, , , 11 . I - . "I , ,, i, ��,, �,�� �, � - �, . . ., ::��%, �� I ­� ,­ , �� . "" '. .1 ;.1 ... i�l � � � ��s�'j�, � " " , I , " ) 7-,- 1: , l,�` , � . ;; ­ ,� �W,,,.,�,,,,,,,�,�"!",��f,,,,".,�",',i'I , , , ­,,��` � . , "., T , .��. , . , � I "I 1 ,;. ,,". , � ,4 1 17711 1 , .: " �� "I"i 1, ,; �� � ., il� , 145,z,?,��-��Th , "I I .1".f- �� � I., I. " "' , � 1V I � t' , �,�l �.,,,�., :,,. .. , � .. '. , ­,­ : - ',. I., v I - � "'Ili ill' I . � -�... . .11 . I ,, 11 I % ", ; " .,, I % I . V�il: -,I . , , " . , -1 .. 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" 11 . - � I—' 111. 1.1, -11- I'll .- 1. ... - - ----1. I—— .." 1.11 11 .. ­­ ­ I I ­ � I I . J I ,., ��.v,,�,�, " . 1, I -1 . . I . ­ , .11 ­­­�� .11 ��, 11 11 - �� - - �� �­ , I ":, * . . . "' J , 'O - , P*1414r. 1 1pl�oy .-4, - bb�r � 1k, -- - I -A - � ­­­ .... i i 4100,100"Op"''Im"I"I"." �.,' . I ) , %� " , , , I I . I . 11 - - - — - � "I., "I I-- - I... 1. I 111-1 - 1. 11 ­ .11. . I � �:. �., . - . � � I , "; . i". i , ,, -. . . . ." ­.;,j�'.. T ,�� . w"i 0.1�lir�� I I .. � - " i ! , -­­­-­ , ­ 1, 1. �, -, � y", - , � '� . ..�. � ,,, � -1 il i. . . I 4 . " ... . . , P VA. , , .. I 1. - . I ,,�,, � . . . I �,� " , ­� ..� ""', � . .1 j' , 4 , I I I 1� , ,".""� .- I , P 4" - 1W w .V07, good., ­ �.vl!,'� � I- .. 11Z.1" I . ;�.�. I �`­.­ , I I I . , . I I WO IrU.", , �­ . 1. !� ,�q� 1"'.1 Sol , , . . I � 3 ­­., ­ - - . I .� � � � , ,!no I �, 1�. . - .111.1!110 . ., I , - , - , ,1� I w-- -, . . � I lia . J�k . 14 hk ' .4 1 . I % � , , t, V I ,,R,� i- P1010" I . . .0 . ... ftwi er Of P'n � wwl� IV, I 10MIX-ok - I , 11 . ­r�'­, ��. I 0 - , : - 11 � eon, .by ----,. ta4mw from an abre of it.than frovi stro 1. , ... I.., -- I I .,..;. .� om A ' - , lo - , , Mit � - ,*<RW 4rop. ""." a Op , ,,4$ . .1 . 0"aw WU '--won., 40.1ow ,� 40 , - a".... 111WIN , .1 "�"f.. I . - 1; . .. ` , ',',-! � 41 , ­ .. ... .. . I ,��,I'. I � .. . 1, -.11""', � N ,1_ro,�.O � , �� 11"""- . --� -017 a I ge ., . -I 11 I . I I I , , � 'V� .... $4t rik oab�A%- OF- IX01,4 value- =by be, ob� Mg 1po*Won and 41 Vgw point; W , a The �: tN�WT4 W 15000iO F. 14 . , ,,, � , ! Wq, Andrew 4olin- I ­ % 8114001M an 0006, . - A�� I -�be,skaw area, devoted to TAAUY .other Sol' Np;�"` .' '", .the - *ftvo wpa '111 � � 10abit't's for- the *e 00,-W, W V I I I #fterp furdw loerftSe. in4he tVAde. WE - 4 1 . . 'a mp% -4 '. . I , �. aW�rnu%JA" and 1.0 - p*ts, or the­,991W- --­ , - BUM *'er '�*. " -- '�,�i�� ,, I . — to . , - op � - I .1 Me !d RIeWS11. , -.,e W. end: vwois -w" % 40, , - I ... 1, I � ­ , -'KNIX-1 � . ;,;;;�.� " *1,., � I .=6.ps6 Zee.d.sowmg shoRAd W done, 10n�=Wsb-Qnely tWi)ort for tbe Past 11 10011101.1. - � ' I -,.--. -ston? Ra . the villal f4lung XM 0 *-'1,('N'.M4; ot:,O-�b'=-�' ' ' �, - ; .- I 1 1 1 11 . ' I . 'Jj.�a$c I . — 6��j, i,p� Wvlei. ProgZaMp CC, . I � I . .....- I . .2n e in *)[aTTh runits- grqym . YO , . ' Luk�qt- W60 - A �W ' 1..� 11,��', I.. .. - Ing The �-*coawd b �*been ,,,, . , - .4b Vp, �, :"o�:� , ,; I a &T otmomn�ed to, about on"uarter :'-A 'shiAt qmds�d _­ il't, , _ . , I MI, ,;,,,&­­� �T - - � . and the q� 000th 4f D , . Wear . stS )Bella -Jbe #al fto yean and 1W. , L ­, , � a '" iu, 'm , lA toeis aw f . , - - � 11,004447M t , ", oau6tionaud har bon -By , SM'410.,Noa hjXath. &r i � 4 - 1 0"'m , , I . ,. .-: � .1 : 0 �. .fl r - 6 by IN'L I me4lo* =6 . , W -11 .�e* . 1 ,4 ,W ..'"101e, " . ­ -reb&ed in Spa&rth 4%'%i4tsld� of of a wr , 11� li I ;i�, W, . 'ogle �4in .&i.thumb plots, nd late * A ,� ,,$I put Of her total TO . J00, a year ,a . X,$� ". I'll 1. 1, . � I." � . .... I a e P her do I esb le .1, 4- I a 7 Z , , " , , , I., �,� " , , , . , ity. on ,the, the .death a Mi. ,�Wa,q. �*er, of Mi." Greft LWm�n$e t 41h 1 4 *1% b nurs4ig ily apa, il . , _0 ­$I... MI., ,,I " I 11 I , , i$Ote the i ' ", . " 1. ­eacb� :1' ­.. -.k.,- ... � . . HoAlaening off be_ is "�ftwing in populan I , enfltled�,, f -4 ,`�* U . we*- fow'Lleb ,,M --' , b0re - � I I", -­ I "N "I -­ ... f".1 . . ;; I A extpo�j'&mand - Aft. He was born near SID19 botng,, -, 'AV -90-11 tr�� 41el gradually - fb'eea 11traW * colef" '" � . I .. 'This will ln*� the plant� together ,�ith the high price * of SUOW Howell, . Township V - Rkyij in 1066. U40, X - , "og the , - 11. �.1?11'1, I. 1. . . I , I . "' -'- in the Aeld is very im. . . The I Wofter;, 1P.1 ,-V"' ' M40n - ' peace- I -­ , ' , . . , . . � il" ." . n . ii& To— % ;­­ . . � ,V, .qr until d1hi powed 4 ;�� ,as nw-IMM, ." I . , ".. big vateo on �Vpcati�n. - .,, .t- � WM7 very " U 01 - o - - . . , I.;'O . I I . Aiou on " i ThaWulnoiss,. 0 -n ­%**y TMA., isho'"s of 8: Badk­,44 -% -I' Th. . . , � I *e honle ,On Fe� 2g 1883, he " )Miss Ralth..Ooles; �07 Ion, *a. Xw� NO Ve' I , " - . , �'. ­­­ ­',­ *ost hax-0y. As. soon as - the plaulp - I '- ., ­00nge . - w.as u0ted mu& - APsed by 'theIr --friendw a", .1 . ,�,� . . I ­ , solo, - I'Trees,!' Mr. L%= Rennie. MisLs ve isposciton a,#d' ­� 1:, . of the Cana&wf Weekly show signs �e growth it the open faeld an there Isat prften1b-in- the in rarria tb, Ann -Ew" ReShem , ry Uigftl' and isu�nnr dW I . . __@c� .Tbe _ . , wly so in -c ir -,and 1464ge q � -r, I., . ,­� �- .1- t1giinor ,,Y"or, .,accoa�hmw. ­ Pols sW'Llof *0nderfu le ul . bu ­ _* � MsodiiiiMon, Class A ..apply. a Side dreesing of nitratd. of hands of pi6ducers and dealers less ait -the Kilp I � ­ I pen, , Manse. r kY."'60-0 Pattic ,. 'r : ;, I . - . I I - ". - . . .1 ly I-, ...... ­., r . . . I ... I I , - " than 'the normal amount for this' Sft pred '. so . --Ju, lavrowLlt m1eeting was, PreWdied over by ithe '.ww.ii:,�gr�.eat,faiviDrite7drUhi bung.Lpeo- ,cireles� - I .1 I . I I - ' -, C. W'Mro",, vdf6. i0nd,:4%1q0h I Of Caaud* and, the Huron soda. 11,11--l".-L., � -president, lk6s Verda W,kitson. The ple and in whose Own qmd 7- -Mr. .,* v , I , " I th-m , 4XM7 she flo . . I . I son of the vw,. With these simall batp�py..uni ''I i . a cj&,. - . . . I , Assoc . IstotbS on ITM , . ' much 'Miss -GoWe of uwiatlowamfi�� I i -1 � . I itiltion. i , . . , I . i , .enjoyed by all present. . . �etaialps as . enjoy#wVb as they, iter, � `4"'., _J- h ""wpiek M' . t , . I . Cut Hog Costs . . A. at ,is lilvely that all' dren, all of wlicku. survive: John me servibes, in the United, 'Ch emmisation- arrived in H;�; � . . .4 .ot .. z' " , ,r �. . " ............. 1, �- - - , :". � .. .... .. . I - lion," will be sol& before'the IM Luker and1essie, A.- ,I Vf Warn ... urch did. ifflie, wlas.s' IS g*od , .1 � . Vasis has, 6e� " Anoela, manager . 1� I - % I . 'Un&y las1t were -largely . a�- ,list foad of mmic ..... . I I 1A, While ho have been cl on, S and Was) organ- 1( OP - . � , ,,- i'�, �i, N � sjUAiFORTH, Friday,J16bruary 23rd. gS in'bing 'to crop co*nw on� to t1be market. Then eT, ,, and, Mrs. Thomas' E. Dye, -- R '- P Is bank beve * Su*eea. . mr., 0 V -- I 11 . ' -- best price reached since 1981, too recent repo -its, of dry weather in 'of Bowman, North Dlakota, and four � � I ther� *ndL-,& Re,. A. ffinclair was in: t� MO. 'Ai A3wHc&u,C&ufth for of the .�l M�*`t , * 1111 . . . . . ., " ,� � I charge. - At tbe eveni� . . .. ,,,-,l,i, �). , - ,=oet a es,veryl h*My $p*" 1 1 4, . I Clark ;Voung of iMbkei4 0nitario, has , a pum*er of ymws end, .was alsD a 'Coles and com r I :­ � . � i .. . I Nrw Zealand indicate that the honey great grandelAdIren, Annabelle,, low- _ . . 1. il I W ,;; 45.�, ­� I , - - JOL-­ ­ -1 . . I.. .,j� , I been b stablishing a world's r�- . pl�asing qoaAofte, thel ni�ejmfber of the choir until illness ­. -,fi��.A. - � �.. . � 1-11., ... AR " A � " A Flag For'Canada I usy., e. . crop at pr"emt being gathered by rence, Ji�-wie Warie And Batty, Ann . ,, � ,� . . reeffloly had . %�� I ", , " , ­. I . cord for c1telap production. He rf- bees. in that. country .is likely to be 'Dye, of tBow1niau, N. D, Mr. and Tdrs. Tea-4pest La. - wamne was sung, by vented her atteaidance. 'She too a .IMT. Peter I , ,�,,', " I I . , , I �m the lob and. 4 . l 11 .'�.�., -1 �.',, l, -churcil rtune to . 4 . " i eo, �f mra ere rch , Z � ,,, 1whalt is ,what. the Members of Pax- yorts a hundred pounds gain for e� short., Luker came to the homestead nine XWS\ Mil 0- DrYsdale, Uk& �G .4 He 8, V t 'nt � in Chu and, the mish "M I . 6,,,�, �: - o, lar - e� � I jp � '-1i&nielnt discussed. this week at Ot- ery 281 pounds of feed used,. wbach is ... ffles narth of SheRdon, Nor* Dako- 'MT- W- 0. GbodNAn'and Mr. Sainuel, matteis and rwill be muK!h-m4sVd­by..:(T*b=e hiSc I , v 11 11 1::: *,�,­;­ .For these and other reasons, On- n . , r Heiyita-Awdier,--.of ­ .. . . � .A,�,:,,:�,.. 1. 'eight pounds better Vian the, record RpeeW arith tbe� anthem a-hosb, Qf faieddh andmaivy relafivW ,.,The' mompbeh's ol� � 1, . .. I .... %A- 4, �" , txw ,length and with much tario beekeepers may look forward -ta, in -the �qpiing of'A��S­vhere they Rennie- i V in � . . -.1"..'. - la at some of the lhdi=­�Mte (*11ege prIlViOUS with reasomble asl=auee of good lived until 1896, when he'sold t1W were taken ,by bhs. lPfile and -Sam 2W particularly by her sh-Aer, Miss, the Mndepemdent Order, of Oldilfellows q I "I �,'. . . . I KW ' '' I - �.'' ' Rennie. . have arrang , ng, on . �:_l . ' . Emna, kvqo wq'iom she lived both bie-- 3-ved for a st event . 11 � ,. ., fervor. .11older off,the recordl. , Authorities at rricels-for the coming %easl�s Crop farm and went into -busineos in En- ­2Mh, V,hick' . . . . . . L X`,1�4, t, �­ � t1hey. even bad a division on it be- ­the,Ontario Agri6,ltu�,I'College con- ,,viding they give'close Q;tbent,on to dee - N. D. where -he niado and The Youthlil WL-Nwe Club of Ow- fore ai�d ,a&d*r Ili" parenVe death, Weidnes&y, � Febiruary . ) 11 �� �, Z�, '� , I . v, 11 in� I I � Wes, of 11i6`thU*ieK1 .. . . . . i ­ I tD her so faith- -win include the wl I '1� - gain ,or ev- Lusiness and prodt*e kt,t0- dra"y twutm Ineinbeals and best girl of the, ,bach- I I , l�. I fore, ale motkir was settled, and it sider afiepo,u4 .:q ,pork X, lRigh quality. friends.. In the mel Presbyterian, (Church hold th1eir and who ministered , � ,��,,. , , - ''. -­­ ,. I . that - the , .. would ery four and one half pounds of feed honey., � spring ut,1908 they nw�,ed- to, Warner, owedlig 3EOn&w evWAng'witha good ftilly'andjoAnglY. through -her lite I � � , decided . . Tbijp­prob see to be a very' , e .W42 ii , ,t,� , , �, 11 i�p,3 . ,�,'7­ ­- . I .,the old, Union d,egidodly above� the avl�tdge. - Mr. I ­ .d ever tatten�. Foll*wibg the devotion- illnotia. The�­funeral, - wMch was, a elors, � , . 1-111.1-1- ._�. Agher* where they have hvie foom her late, pil . eaWT* event as has been-ANMYb - , , , 1.",- ''I hame'O,get,alon Young evses, his total clost pet bun- si * ne�.�- on 'a" debate . 1,,?�, . g wiJth - - ! lr[.. 1.1-1 I . ....., . ­­ . led ,ly by ,al-expm - -q, -,tvas held, "Re- piri*xtle one, was heU .. I . I I 1.1��,­ -�.­­ , or, perhaps dreid pounds of pork for the� entire nm He w0l be miss � ars. 1.1�1 Jack for the time being .. ,solved that the Ing was of more use home on Monday afternoon last and -the case in flon� ye I - . .., ZURICH his.own family bit by the Wany old, I th his , I,- I . uutij Unies, get better. Six twouths feeding period, at $4.7& -1 , race than the. hen.." was �onduebed, by lier pastor, Rev. . - diarowHiggin's is vikitingwi % I � , . ',��,i . : i,. . , "m -- . and new, friends who bad, grown to 'to the lhl'&*n ,P�wker, of. St. 'PWas, Anglican sister, Mrs. Orville Bearvets, at Far- � �, I As for as the peopae, in the country which represents ,more than, $13 net. I respect him. �HL. was & membeIr Of The debate was in charge of Miss M, B. .1 - I 1�-,*�;­ , . . Irene Diatlmt% The affirgnative, was Church. The choar v�ras - present and quhar. .. I # , 11 I � I 1.11�;i��. i1v I I I - profit per 200 Pound hog at present ' Wlitmer-(�aslchb. - On Satur"y the Wasvd,c 11.6dge, for over thirty . - Board, of . Trade Me6bing. ' i .. I .17th, at the ,.selections, nur ly, JSplendid ::,�'. 1. � � are . concerned, we belierve the deci pritos. Not only havI& iMT.�,younes ,forewon6 Febmaxy 'Tears. He was taken in in October taken by Wise Mabel- Wbrknian and,, sang her favoritL ne � I , .. Parliament will be quite sat- Miss ,Bkmche- Mwtard,'the negatiVe "Untio tlie I -rills," 1110nithe Ressurec- -,A very large and representative .1 � �.t " . hogs�been� fled cheaply and, quickly F-vang'01i'dal Paiesonage, Zurich, Rev., ,­ I.. Sion of . vAlth hardening of the atb�,es and . ,�i, . , I E. Burn 1perfornied the ceremlony � %�,,,�... Is&actory.. '. (they'were, marketed ab six months) ;. ... ;1,,.,,� ­ iilch united �n marriage Marjorie .1 phssed away in his 71A9h year on Feb- by Mr.-JOR1619 Dengough and Mr. E. tion Morning" and "The, Lord %.-'14y- meeting was -that which filled the � . I � . . � � . ,me country People are not too but the quWity -according -to the grad- V1 . � ruary 14th. , He 'V'Ir" laid- to rest be- K. Hutton. The judgep were I&S. ghelpher&` Mr.' Pw*,er gw.�e a t��- cou=1 t= to, fo capacit�: in r , , I I I I "I �, I �.., I . I , I . critical a4d perhaps if they sugges,t- 1. Elaine. ov dhu I of, ,Mr:, and - Side his wife in the cemeitlery at En- IR. Y. waieffAren, 3fir. W, A. Madiai�- Ing dbeoursp,. taking as hig',"subid'et, the Town HWI on Tuesday evening" I . ing at Toron,Eo -=4 the bacon- reports I I � , W ;.­� . f:rom Great 'Britain, where the pork I Mrs. John" E. Gaz ,� of .town, and derlin,'North Dakota. I en, and M:r., Ross, INV,Kay. Mr. Me- "The Lord is My ShieVherdl." The last to consider matteis, &Aw- ally iu i I �. I . , 1'� l ed- 1x) .their members of Parliament . , lson of -Mr. I I - I -1 .. I .. - . I was Marketed, has been the best. Mft. Mr. A . . . . . The Joll� Four had,a. euchre and Kay gave the dhecisloif in. hilvour .of.. flora trIbubes) were beautiful, and we the interests of the village, Shortly � .. , I ... 1; 4 , - I , � that it imight be their first duty tW Young figures his, costs from voeanihg and,XTS. Sylv-amus Witmer,' of the danice in the Town, 'Hall on FTiday the aftwwAve and hia also ,gave a might be -privileged to mWw mention after eLgW lol�clook, Ur. A. W." E. t I . " . . "�, I .--- . , . . I bylon Lilnei� lHay. -Mr. and Mrs'. . en . rohi I I I . tl.� - .. use an'their 4,oquence, and bend all . IV . on . f th of St. (Hen 11 w1as called, lto the chair . and I . , 's ,� " - � to six �p�nlbhsl us *Mlows: 2,ON ,pounds Dal . , -weddirg trip atter evening. There was a, 1wge attend- .11 . oiie-ftom Mr.- Mark D"sdale to got in . 11 I ��', . their efforts towards 101welring the of imxed homegrown grmin, 4,0,0 lbs. Witmer left for a ance. Prize -winners for, euchre were: 4*01r of . the 11 Patil'i Anglican Phurch and - .­ the I ,�� . . meeting. .6 . . .b ,. become of sho!rts, 1,650!p,),,,nd,s,Df special con- the ceremony and outheir return win le - I held' a" very enjoyabl 1ban- the Bridge lClub. The Tem1ains were formal opening of �ho' ' - '- 'Th , . Flag of Distress which- ,.has n Zurich whLkv'he is employ- Ladies, Mrs., Joe Hu&on and, Mirs., - I " � , ,, t , - - I ...... I dfian centrated feed, total cost $69.57 for reAde i Chkrles Farquhar- co,soqa�ion, Mrs,. quert ,on Thursday evening of lasrb interred in Rensall Unibn cemetery. first order was -the eketion ,6& a pres- I . I I ,� . Ibcal em1blem. & Cana ' I I - 2&s. ideTnt and after -vioting -3k.- James I .1. 1- .. the nati. - one lot of eight h -Ws. ed, at lHaistl's Bakery. . I ChOA w�ek A­66�ial hour was, spent ,in ,She Is survived.by three stsbers, $ . � I ,,,,i� 1. Agriwlbuxe during tb,o,piast.few yealrs - - The box.social under the auspices - Roy Webber; men% ,. e% Farqu- gmues and rj�vsic,- which were . in E. J.;Shortt, of WhWLs*r; Mrs. Fergu- Bondiron was elected as president Of, I , � . . . -1 TV, I ­.. - . . lyefom runnaug Up a new llag,oir any . -, . . . � . of the local libraTy mw�agement will bar and James &angetelr; consfolation, charge of Rev,. W. A.,Young, after isoA, of MiTynea . - I �,��t�, ­VQ14s, T/Unn., and: Wass V�hlat was named our'.1"31mpli ' ig � -1 K . � Proper Finishing Will . be heIA in .the Town ,Hall next Tues- I Jack 0�chlael; lucky lunch ticket, . . - . I 1"., - . 1. . hich me sat do to a taible Enima, at home, and one brotheir, 'AwleLl' Mhr. Walter ,S��er was I I .11.1 , 1�1, 11 � , - C - I � kip4 the suggestion mig . ht not be . . I T&W Elva, ,Shaddloek. The Murdbek w " everyo � I 7M - then electled as -vice presid�nt; Mr. . f"- , . i _ � - . - . I Aep,pay Qntario.Shippers dav evening. � things of James, of Riley, Alberfia. Much syin . ,111 R�INL 4ken, iiiiir)�� . � - . - h the 'good ' ,__ Suftred Orchestra pr6vided excellent . musk. ,weLl la�&m w't . I . .� ed permaAm , secre- I . . .1 " . The Zutrich hockev team .. M& I . pathy .is �extendodl to thle bereav Mark Drysdale as t . ., ".. I . . . . 1"Thet mlitle feeder who ships only sea -son at MY. -William Haytx�r was floor man,- this - . ­.....­- " .., �, .!.., I I , ... I their firsrt diefeat of the � Wxs.-Alice Joynt and Mr. George-'sidbers and' brother. - . tury, and Mir. Crom, Manager of,the .1. .11 ­.- . � wp ,. propeii,y-firished, cattle" -said Garnet . I . — .,. vening 'ager. A m4squerade,�Aanlce will be . I 01�.- , � " H. I)Rrncan�' livestock ,investigator, 9th. . in St. Paulls. A .. f the Exeter rink on Xondlay�e e World7s. Day of Prayer was Bank of Montre4l,,av tTeaslUT$&r,.Near- . . Pi, , .1 when� the Gmnton-team won by the held on Fridlay 4vening, March I Joynt, of 'Toronto, motored to Hen- i Th, � nglican ly' 50 , rs' paid their fi6e 'and I � 'T,�:.­ rketimig Board, "is very L'all on 8unday last, ,spending the fobserved I . ". '. . Government Maintenance of .Ontario Ma , I Mr. FkL Taylor, von, of Mr. and 0�,,,. .. I . .1 . loco" of, 6 to 5 in an (yv,6rtdTde ga1me. I - week �nd with reiativm and friends., 0burch on Friday afternom. There were enrolled as members. Matters. . I � . . ", . qtefinitely helping himself. I . .Richaod"Ilaylor, of vear Heil - . , ,11--'.'. . - Highways . "The liquidation of unfirdshed. cat- 'Me first meeting oil the Junior. Mrs. de . a . . �� � ".. I - . I I , ­ -k aL,Poorrsale under pres 'da'y T. C. Joynt, who will remain in To- three local chumlies...w.ell retpr�sented. number of years ago, wore reviewed . I - 11. , I � . . Farmlere Ass�ocihtion re6-,ently organ- i stall, -had the misfort,une 'OV',, They wore accompttuied bome by� Mr. was a splendid attendance with, all concerning the Board -of Tm, ". , . . M t_146'W . in 'jnC I I - h�r ' I.I.- ,v�hile eutti oo with ' was opened by the A-nl- and very satisfactorily ,in& -a 11 1, .,��, . Mir. Charles A. Robertson, ized le, vms held in the T(;w� Rall afteTn00n Tomto ,X,<w a few weeks in the inter- The nweting ad . ed a � . 11�. ", - ", I—' for North Huron, rinloved in'the L0 ent conditions,. This is due largelv last Wednesday evening. Nh-. I. Me- I'Mr. Bert Riley, to 'hlai�e a tre6' flail, e9l . � I �� ,,, . I . g- to the fma that packm have sluch 11 I ts, of Ins .ihealth. - (glican Sodierty with Mrs. Lotfis Clark t* money TemaArding inthe treasurer's I I �, . Leod-,' county agricultural representa- I upoh li*7n� fracturing his! leg -in four The h1anj friends and rolati�� of presiding, A d�et, "Irb is Well WM hands in -past years ,And ,also as to . "I .� -7 islature this week, that in as'Much b - quantitile�,,, in storage. On the . to town on I'� R, . . Uge tive, of Clinton,$ was th6 ,spmk,er of plaaes. He was brought joyed by Mrs. the tum relntAii-lng'unpaidl'at that I I .... � . , . ­ I as the,Onftrio Govirnment-wds Pow other hand Ontario hasr considpmably ,a sleigh and taken to Clinton Ho.sl- �Amrs., George. Brown will regret to My Soul" was much en . - I .. . , . I I " "P, I colleadnesome $W,TM,000 in, license� les's cattle feeding than torn�al erm- the evening'. I c " be- pital for ,treatment. At date , of learn,that she is qrLnte poorly at Ereold Drummond and Mrs. W. 0. timel-,Watters of ditcuagon were . .., "I I . . . I . JMr. lGe"ge ThieL wai arrier . - , ut trust she may soon r - Cioudwiffi� with Miss Greta Lammie then entered upon f'US,,.to,.th,e.,rv.ising I I .%.2 1 . . , the , s-u7rffption dem�, ds. - . itirilt present,'b e. ' f ... -, I . gasollime and permit.taxes, that . tween Zurich -and Hensall, has been wri g he 'is progressing nicely. , gain her wontbed health. � at the piano. Prayer , �6r the grow- of funds for. khe 'successful carry- ' . - , , - . ,. . - ".1 , I The ri-se in bag pri�5es will i*fl,-,,ct I The Under the auspices of the Literary - I - �­ Dovernmenii assume the, whole cost its,elf on ,��jV� ,prices, using,the sleigh the past week. . Miss Leila We Ulb, of Toronto, is ing sphit of unity in the Christian drg on of the vow-Bowd of Trade . Mi � , I.. I .. . - aiW fini-shino *fUng snow Society of the Hensall lContinuatlon. - I I',, - � 41, . of construction and, malintenance, Of cattle properlt2 A. r intense cold' and. tho dri schooil, a banquet was -held in the visiting at the home, of Mr. and �irs. church for .t1he . M-tience of Chrisfian. and a ,large mmnber of strong. and - - . " _ _ �rill repay the. feed , , � ighways. an -d reduce this excess Storage 00 has anade the- road ntearly intassable lbasement of the 'United 'Church on George Brbw� .chulrch6 enertls. in the world for the repreL%entative committees were elect- . I Y,-, � 11 I I 1. I , 11 � ", � ; , . . I .. all prodincial .h. "en- - beef. .. for motors. � Krat I t, of Friday ... evening, February 16. Guests . Rev� ,W."'A. Young �Spent Monclay place of women in the church t,o-day; ed to take care of the miatry actdvi- I I .1k, � " . I T!he.,suggestion may not ,,be an I "The result of marketir�g tirifinish- Mr. and, Mrs. He2ibemt Lomdon. I . for -all churcli'leaders'and' all de,part- ,ties planned, amtcpg which the mat- . 11. , , �, , � , , ", . tir4y new one, ,but. it is, we beffieve, .- KitcheneT, 'are here this week at- Present were minlisteys and TAves and 'in Mr. John. C. Doic, blarrister of De- ments of wbrk, Mrs. W. 0. Gooawin. ber',of a skating,rink tomeet the re- I 1. - . Will be an in-. � I I 1, ,.�. , I, . . . � the first tinip, any definale action has led cattle at present I rbending the faueral a the former's Sch.010`1 trUatem and their wives.. Sup-. bi*it, IM61oh., spent the week end with The secOnd­,ou the program. was the- quare�mient�; th4 ",' b#,� neededL - ,. ,. � 1, 11 �� 1.,. crease in the storape supply. Fur- per was followed iby c - I - I , ­- � �1­, been taken to bring the matt- tG a the7F than this, feeders will find theni-, father, the Ilite Louis J. Kraft. om`Tdmity hie mo6her and sister, 'Miss Jariet. United Church with Mrs. A, Sinclair 06mmiltees were ailso46rm�d to, look- - , 1.,, , Z I I ' e Late I.,6uils J. Kraft. -After isingipg, af6er which there ,was. a ,Afiis�. ,C. A. Alc0onell. has 'returned in charge. A very interle-stfing paper into the n1after of securing a cream - '.1 I to Selves with Do Cattle to ship when Th, ,4', . only -a few days', illneeg from, pneu- short PrOgTam John Ailexan I 5­,� headand to force the Government . ­ I ' ... -1.1 der was to her li;Dnie following -a on "Me Heayenly Post Office" was ery, of ,a*�a for- smugemen(to . . 11 ". - adkmance. the chairman for the evening aiid very pleas- n b ' Mrs. J. W. Peck with 'a andprovidlin Vld'gl, - u*e this money- foT the purposes for. price's . mornia, Louis J. - Kraft, ,a well known I _ g at the salme time, I " . ,qn - my opinion., the 'wise shippe,T reisident of this rdnage., for many pavie a'sbort and intecrezNng addh7ess.. ant visit with,relatiwo. in Toronto. give Y Q11raye* as tto, ­ .. I . �,,��,7%�­ �r which, the taxation was levied. 'viltf6�d .to finish his stock, and dis- . . ., ­­ Ttuesl&ay af- The .program. was much enjoyed, 1by While ,there she visited'at the,,home,praY& b,:O Mrs. Dougall. I somtring herw mjr�ers; and *� , .. -..- . ' ' I i . � .. ., 4M,r. . Roberftou ght even h d of her daughter and, slon4n-I2,w,­M-r. for all legislators, that the . � I . . "r, . Un aV& tribute the,supply over the next few I I � .1 .. . ,.:", , I I gem tut-ther and moved that out of months." ) ternoion, February 20tb, aged selven- All: Z010, "Come to-the�'�Fab!," 'Mir. and Mrs. G. V. Laughbon. and familly. meii- of , understauddng and that of the village. The, M -ng w as I..-, I.. - I ty-six S;,earsi After Selling his farm. W. 0. Goodwin, at the plaixo; T&rs. Cn ,Sunday neyt, Fe;bruary 2&bll. righteousness and justice may be characterized by a fine sipirit of en- :.,:, . . I sabre auto 1 tax money - in,Stephen Township miany years ago Goodwin.� piano solos, Aud[vey Coch� special Services will be held -in the the Jcelynote'of their legislation, was terpris,e and c&bpleration and, the I ­ I . � I , �� . The Mutton Sheep ranetind SlyrtleTh.6impson; solo, M!iss ve of given by ,Mrs. E. I'� the overn,ment, ah%o assume the to- 1. be came to Zurich to reside wid ,built Unitled. Church. A, woman?s choL McQueen; for all Boardolf Tr,a&e,are'now in a five posi- . , I , i7: . ( ,- . ' . . d1m)e which Ile 'Bella Sn*le. Me first edlti�m of . -,,�, �' .. -The producton of mutton has be- a fine, comfortable Ih- g �� twa , of construction and maAnten- ' forty voices will lead the service of branches in ftdal service, for induls- tion to tarry -on, having the Support y.;, . ,-,�,�!,�,' -'roads. come largely a question 4 filrnisibing omurpi,ed with Mrs. Kraft. He, was the school paper, "The 'Hensall Con- I Zy'," - - a - nee of all C-013317t:j� . ' ­ lanibs to the imiaxkets. As in beef or a mwA, ofsterling character and high- tinuation School. Gazette," w�as read 9o,ng in addition to special num Y of un- of all our ,business Tne,n and citizens . 10�,�.. - counties of a, ladies' quartette will - ing. Z� employment, ,'Mrs.. Agnes McDonald; generall'y" as. it was, felt i wakening ,,� � - - This. rwould, relieve the; I nork, th6 demands of the market call ly ,leopecteld by in who k-nehv him: by the editor, Norman Sine'lair. This S1 up was requir I " �� � , . I . - enjoyed' by all. A choruls A�rtbujr 1.,jim(clair twill w-ndwt; both for temperance that its righteous red to ,do justice to� our I , I , . . i -ur-% S I � I'll, all direct taxation iii c0'n`ae0t`i0r, with for young me -At .. .. and ,com)paratlively Ifte is survived by -has widlow and one was m , ' Lammie. 'fine'village which h�ad Such,a wide- ,.". Ili" %: com ise rees and will givie appropria,tee cause mapy prevail, Mr . W. .111, , � I . county roads and at tbe. same time lighfweight!�-in careass. The prem- sioni, Herbert Kraft, of KitaheDeT, by posed of Helen. Glenii, Myrtle discourses well'in keeping ,with the Third on (the program was tHe Pres- spread famile fox being up to date and I V� I'll, ­ , .. I -and bacon a former marriage. The funeral will Thompsom, Audrey ,Cochrane, Jean I byterian .Church with Mrs. 713. Ed- oormposed,of �rost enterprising busi- ., �;, , � ,- would assure a ,much more uniform iun' Paid for baby beef, Y. � � ...,, "...1.111 ... ,� hogs aWieg with even greatc- -force be held om Friday aTtern(oon and in- Foster, Ruth Coles, AUldred"Foillick, da eived wardg in charge. A very 'pleasing negs ,and a fine class ,of r6tired, citi- ,. I . anA better t�pe of feeder roads lead- . ,Minnie Santgster, Eleanor Bell and jMiss Mawgaret H1&bkiTk - rec . I . I 11111.1- ., 10 "Sheep. Thick, fleshy, -but rather termemt will take place in the Luth- , wo-rd this week thather,m6blieT, Mrs. quaatette, unaccompanied, was. sung, zens, It was arranged,to hold month - I I 0, ing to, provincial highways than now � Helen �Munn; Gladys Sundercock gave . . l N" I . ,ight joints, are what the'cook calls eran cerneltery. , WglteT ffabkirk, who ,has been in emtitlea, "DaT is Dying in the Weskt." ly mleeti;ngis and -to everything thab .. ,�'. . . I ail appropTiate Valentine rea-ding- a . ,'Y�T,P, . exiA in many counties. r(r whether for the home table Sunderland, Sasik., for the past num- The quartette -was cio*posed of Mrs might look to :the Still ' increased h or ,, .,P . ".. . � � �, 'In fatt. the county road system - e,s * �521.� has i1he restaurant. The tastes of the — mouth ,organ, solo by deorge Fear'm ber of motrths', visdti Paterson, pr ,, tige of one of the. finest val . � ". I . All the numberrs on the program were ng her daughters, W., A. Young, Mrs. Jaiml esl es . 1. . about run ibs.'cofuTse. In the very �ccnsumer. KIPPEN ' Datars and . 'Mrs. W. A. ,to be forund. - " I I ". 140": � have been cultivated to well -rendered and much -had been strizken with a' severe !Miss Irene. . �g - discri-minate in favor of the,tasty, - . enjoyed. A " I . ,.4L I near futuire the Government will be tender, lamb until we find that firom I novel spelling match was hold when �lfro.ke and not much,hopes are held Mlac;Lhren. Prayers: For missionaries Mr. Frank Smfyt'h,.,o,f Nelson, B.C., . . 1, At St. Andrew's Urbted.0hunch on out for' her recovery. At pretsent everywhe�e tha; they may be kept in who bw been- visitibg with 'Mr. and I -� , P-. ­­ forced to take Some action. Some 70 .to 80 per- cent. of the slTeep that . . ,all the words liad to be spelled.back- there,is no change in her condition. heialth and safety and that. their Mrs. C. � Cook, !le* Friday for New I - �' �11... % I . Sunday ntorning, vervice of praise wards. A short time was spent in , I . I " �,­ countie I are less than one was led by a sipecial male.choir com- group games 4,nd an enjoyable even- . I �11 ; � , s. .,are, entirely, too ambibicas reach the market WT. and Mr& Roy 'Ma,cLaren weTe mlinds and bearts may be sustained York, where he will take a.course in . .� - eaT old. The age of heavy mutton . visited on Tuesday by 'Mr. and Mrs. fthmuet God's grace in these trouble- aeronautical engineering aut the Cur- , . I - �. in their construction outlay 'but . on Y pnsed of men from the eongreigation. ing was brought to a close -by sing- , , . . . . . . .;". , .1 -nd, the grea . . i's PaSsed-a condition most favorabae Several anthem% 11G,uide,Me,'O` Tholl irig the National Antbeml The., base A. Hunkin. I 1, some times, 'Mrs. R. Y. 'MaellaTen; tiss;-TWright Mr To I o the other ba t majority , .College, ng Ws- . i ' Ars. John Passnibre left by,motor -!or ourr fellow Christians in other land, I I . - .,,` - " I of thepit a�e' flar too much the, other to the Sheep raiser, who is thw en- Great Jehovair Norw I'm '' C�o'rung ment was. �akistically decoraVd, with ' . '111, ­ - abled ,to ,eap quick returns frorm -his, Home" and "Will Your Ancho-r Hold" on ��unday for Halmilton, wht-re she lands, Miss McGregoT; for the com� - Mrs. Ann Tiem I I .111 I . an, of Dashwood, is " `*�,. . way. . I flock.* -The increasing demand for ry well re I ndered. and much ' Valentine decorations. will visit with he'rAanghteT and Son- ing of GodPs K! 'hmong the na- visiting with Mr. and Mis. 'C. Cook. I . 11 1'� . I were ve .The Y. P. L. of the United Church . . ngdoim. .� �'!�; Cutting oat consitruction and pinch- 1-amb.inviittom this Season augurs well enjoyed. Those assisting -by taking beld their regt-gar wee law., Mr. and Mrs. Wdlliafni Mc- tions, Ofthe world, Mrs. Arnold. The ",New Bank Manager--iSucceeding I . kly meeting "t 6" . ing on, the maintenance of ,County for -the future of the industiry, pro- special parts were Messrs. John Hen- on, ,Monday evening. There waz a L�ian and daugibiteT, Geraldine. ,meethfg concluded with the hymn, L. R. Coles, who has been tiansfer- . . . , . , ,�,�­, roads has become a pretty vided &,re is ta,ken to kop up and . . -death occurred, in Hilbbert ofn "Jes n W1 sun,, 'red to Li torwel, W. B. X 'Cross bag K.'V� I I derson, Fern- McLean, W. Shelbi,.. T. . .The. us,Sball Reig ,hereer the , , general splendid attendlauce,. many conung � ,;,�,$. imipro(vie the grade, of the product. N. Florsyt&e and W. L. Mellis. Saturday, ,February 17th, of Miss followed with a disqD59sal prayer. (been appoanted manager of the ,Bank I I ,,, �,. , �', policy during the past few yeirs. It I from quite a number of T�tffies The 1111-7 ., I . .1 1. IThe Busy Bees Mist,ion ,Circle are I . . Janet Eileen Patrkk, in,beT trvie I George Todd Of the West end of Montreal at.,Hensall.' T&. Gr,�,m ' I " - itiorl holding their regular moTohly meet- ntai ing was a year. She was a daughter od village, has been confined to con�men his career at Chesley � ';,i--. � ­. . I is not a wise policy -nor ha's.it d-ny - Winners in Bacon Competi n, feature of the even* 17r(r. oflmt��, . I :, 1- Of the -ear -mark N-eiry hilbetrestlinig id&mt�, Mesolmed c -ed � I -­­ ­ � . § of true econanuy to [In the 1933 Bacon Litter Competi- ing at the horrie. of Mrs. E. McBride that tradle conditions in Hensall are and, �Mrs. William Patrick, he I hwis; Mon' for the past week or ,so with the former''Mweba.nts, Bank of ji� - ­ I ' , P, recommend it, but neverthellesis it -has tion there were 135 entries, and 68 on iStaturday w2xt at 2.3b .p.m., eutirely- due to world de;prvss1on,1 sad death occurred tFollo,'71re ir Jh,illness and is Still quite poorly. Ganladh, la,tler taken, over by the . I I "fl," '. . - , .- mnob favor with county coun tt, of 8ealGrth, The ain,mati,,. of the subject was lengthy illness. , The funeral took (Mr. Willialm FaiTbairn and' daugh- Bank of Montreal. in" over twenty , �C, I found _ completed and q-liffied,. The Prov- (Dr. GMert Jarro 144,- .. I . lace on.Won-day'afterno,on -from her ter, Agnes, are visiting Mr. Fair- years servi'�e in,Ontario branobes be ) . �111.�t, - inre is divided into distrieta, and the Spent ,Sunday ,with his parents, Mr. p . x � cils. . - I taken 'by Mr. Claude Blow,es and Ian n"�'. highest scoring littier o,� the 'compe­� and'!MTs. I,swaac Jarrott, of the vil- ils;hit�, the negative 1by Dr. I., S. late resid"we, Lot 27, Oonkcession 9, balitn's brother, Mlidft, of Tillson- has acquired a wide a-wi& experi- . �Zyl, � 'I F% ,i4�.�11 ,'Man;7 counties have expended �run- tition was owned by Grant Summers la,g*. -We axe sori-y .r�port that Mr. interni,4-nt b0pog place in Staffa cem- burg, for a week ,or bwo. . ence,,being m1anager at ChesIey, I . �, 'I V,,. Slm4lie "and Robert Piassmoie. This , . ��,,P', dr�ds of thousands orf &Uarg in lay- & ,Son, Ayqffner,- winner of district 1. Jarratt is not in as good heailtl� as. etlery. SheleAves to mourn berr 1,&ss Mr.DrunicanMeMartin, who recerst, Flesh' 1,t0n. very interesting ,subject was, keenly erton and Nimitowaning, where ."11"iK, , . Ing the foundation of a county numtber 2, who n-flarketed 11, pigs formerly and we wish a speed re- delbarted throughout by the speakers heir parentst,grAd one sister, 'Miss Ag- ly un& -i -went; an 6perdtion in the 'he was shatioOed inior to hisuppoint- � . ��!;. road -y - ,,-oi, , system�4 and irr too rnkm th�m the grading '' 10 selects and one bacon, cc,very, I I mt n to London 'hospital, is again quit . "o Hensa. While in X,anitow�- � ".,. n, y of on both -sides, g-nd many good points 0 Poor- menCt ��'Z,� 'i � 4 and weighed, 2,270 at. 171 days. In Mrs. (Rev.) E. F. CbandleT is 'A§- y. i,&e,d. - the b6reaved -relatives at the death ly. l, aning, . . ", l SO Wan; , M'. Gross was president of the ,2. Al". I -rs of ,J�)'�F�,. bulk of this mloney will be alm'Dstt district nuniber 1, W. E. Sonley, -iting with her mother, Mrs.. W. M6f- - wtheiamt i 'Mr. JAin Gilmour and membe Bovard of Trade, and irb Ms spare ),- , f:- , . b took'the judlges� Mi�ys MWtFZ of one so early in life. I �­ , M n S too'k gteat intere6t in sail- i7� *t� co-1pletely thrown' awsy, because Port Perry, was first with 11 pigs fatt; and other relatives. Ellis, M!se Irene Douig&w and My. ,The death occurred in Hensall at his family axe visitli�g at the home mo, e t - . � � ,,�, on Friday night of Miss,o& Massrs, William and John Craig'dng. ,,, kg`,� ecatilomy An m4lutenwice 'has beein grading, 10 Selects and i bacon. W -m- bore on Monday George Folliek coniSidemble I � 1. il?1A.- Mt. and Mii. 1. IM t�me' to her., home , 0.1-; I - � . I I . ­ .. ��v V carried far beyond the danger mark ne'r of num*Rr 3 distcitt ,was ... B. T. last afterdled the funerad of, their � I . . I - I ulf �;- I..., b 116ttft� Dublin,, who had 9 gs, all ndet-e, the late Janet Patrick, young- I I � I ",',Is" � pi �. �­*,­ ,,4U.�L, , and the foundatiom will have to . e - . I . .",, 1, I 1. selects. Mr. Bolton has beelil a vnn- est daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs. W. . . .. I . � � I . � kl I :,. 1�uflt over again. � nex in the past five coimpertitionz. The Patrick, of Cro.mArty. The late Miss - �iv� I � I . �Q'i, . � � ;,��, �'; :, . In the �mrly days of Huron the 4� litta�s in the rize',moftely gr9ded PatTick, w s of a very sweet . 1, I I I - " , , �',,;�'L,o,i,, . . P ho wa � . I . . �,�,,NW � county counei'l-boirrowed half a mil- 70.9 Oer cent. selefts, and the, aver- and lovd-ng disposition an -a I I � . . I .,,f,��',� . d w 11 . Z.4 ­ I I I lvl,� I .. . � v''o." � t 203.1 pounds and the known by I ��, ; I .�, I, - I -- lion, dollars to %uil,d a road, s ,age weigh was . the young people of this I . . � 'IT . I . ,.,�11 ystem. �;;l��,,g,­. .. The comrrnmnft�7, bad been in faillng health I I . . *�,,� . , I I . . I . 111. I � I average age per lititerr 183 days E , Al�;,!F�, 1n rbhos'a Pioneer days tbat'whs 6 tre- previous high grading percentage ,*as, for the, past few montlis. HeartfeAt . . I � 41',",., � . � �;��?`,`A,­: ,­ mendous sum of mJoney and building 64,per cent. itelects. , sympathy isi extended to the bereav- - 11 ,� . 1. ,4 1�,,,I,i; - I . , I 4 . 1z �1'4".'T��..,",� 1 J . ", I .� . I I- . I L . ,4,�i,-­,,�,- _ .. roadts, thtough the buA was a tre- Ifi award�ng the prizes carcasses ed parents and sister, Wks Ag -nes. .. � , , I 1. , - rg, . -­� .. ..... . . . ... 1­11.,�;�� ,,­ � ,,��\fl 4,IA4�,,, , 111�� .- . ' ' I ?1V ORILI` I Tnel�&Us undetliJaking. are graded' on the rail, the liength. fW. 1M..-S.---4O-n?Td&y last, ihe 16t1i, . . ,:, , I I I , . � - .... 1. .. �, `�,�,t �' back fat, charact�T of belly and firm- *" tlio dlay :for World Prayer *of 11 � �'. If YOU doubtfor a, moment that the 1;� - l .� I . . I. .. I I ' I 1,��,,`Nt,lk­ I Sat our forefath&rs were men, a ' . P - si you the' ' ­lot,'f,�,!' I ' neii� a fat all being taken into con- mislsionary women. The prorgramme, - . ;.. .. ... � � .1 - I I new Ford V-9 for 1934 give � A 1 .4�',� -as well SS 7nen Of COUriage and sidembom . I "Pray for ,he ,Peace of Jerusehami,'vp . -X most for your money, put it to the test. ,A'., vision . li,�-*.P% �, - . I 11.1'. 'I, their course has been anVly . k I . �. 1, .11'... i . 1� -174L , � ... , asti-' was ,prepared. by,Xrs,. Louis Hofffiiefy- , - I .. 11 That's the one -sure way of finding out . I . ,P� , , . . I uth, Africa. Mrs. � . . . ' I , , on�6.1 1. .-fie& ' Viif�6iftnhWy ,the viisi*b of Prospects -Bright For , . . eir, of Csipe Town, S-6 �� . I . that it does. -� . � AKA'Ii4� I too mailY wunty ebunicillors to -day Ontario Honey Trade Chen, the Chineser sleter, *fft,,i5YePx!r- " . - � . I . I I �.­�,,*,,� I . � � ,�If','�.,.,�,7- ... I -all.- It not�only gives � I I ,i� �, - ed the 1933 progratmtme, writes to the , And that's not �,At'1�1�:�11, , . " . does -not permit. them to.&ee beyond "1934 should be a prosperous sea . 1. �1�1'tljllli'�,�, , wn for Ontarrio 'haney ,producers," teditor of The Missionary Review of , I 'I . I � . .. fi�."­of their own to,wn- , �� : .. .Y,Q-u more power, more speed, easier " 1 4 . .%`,;A";�,�i, - - , 4 . . I V"... the 061ii . 'I ,pray,every day anA , `�',�If;�10;?v.,. ,­,�;=.­,��..,, ., . says Dr. E. J. Dyce, head of the Die-' the world: , � riding, greater, body comfort thin V'.,�&;,�.,V�. . M11?0, f I I � '6�,g.)�d�,: .. partment off A,piculture at 0. A�. C, gill the time that God vrM sihow Us a . 1 " � � F, 1. I - - ­IN� ever -but it is the most economical I k �,�_2 I -ne pdWxe, demiand to-A.ay is for and .Q=Ctan of the Ontario ,me. Way out of all tho chaos. ' Somer of i 'l ,W.1'11� 1 , FE � . ... � .N "I - , 17r. .. . I I .—,-. . Ford ca�r ever built. , "" 1.1"MI- M flivierbItetr - . .N ... I " 1;1'.-­�, � - k"V17. . �"r. a I -,he ,Con- us are paying the. price for the bet- I � I`* " - . � I I , Svc . I � . I � '%r#.5.�ffi As, iWon �and , - 1Z .01,11" - I . �% . � I roa& and. if. tb� 1mvers, o � I 1! "I ,-..,,. ,....::: ..... . . . . I .. r, days th come. � Oni�, cannot worry I .1,41--,� ��.,,`... - ., I—. � '.... I . . . . . . . . . .... - .., .... . .. ... , '' ��� - A�iti . I , . , ,,'4W� A: ,y; , , be 1�'111�, " ,, I ��. - Mt,pro,vide, jthgm, tf;en tlAues: what one I cannot Control.; , "O J . .. "' ZA �­' 11 ' " ' , . qq, 4%', ,-- 1� I . "Camada is Tiorw a lairge e,xporter Ove'r . - , to . " I I ;.,,­"r.,�­ .,,)'vlern�� mft,A- I . ­ I . . I I . IA �� RV , ", I tU, - -with adelsl . I , - ; " - "I", ;.� Ili, .. A2'd If t'h' of honey, standing Second- 'in ambUnt, 'W) 'c . . , �", � , &"��16W;l in only si* of the - e ,, - I . . wnly & whatb one can . ", . � " I ,��U - tax the Pe0- Supplied 'to the British mrktt. It PMW I J I , Here's what you get: A V -type engine which can be hae , . :�,: f I I I .1 I . . ii- . The mfiiado w:111 have, to be .1 � Dal "'� G � ��,� ','z­.%�,­4­ -06D I T. arag �, #Ifb� wna; w, '�d - � - '. . . . I 4 ­ , performed -b7 ;ivhich excqt the Ford co,st $4,0cro, or � . I ��,! ,, - �, &� " 1 .bf W00000 a year 48 not mally since G' ," I I finest 4*rs in the country,.'all of . t�,� -,�;,i,'­ �, " . I - years Oalmda's frbe Auxiliary MA at the home of - - . ;:�i 11 " ­­ � ,�� " ""Ou � . I ' on hilli, in, traffic, out ion the road. SEAF QkTH ,��, -1, " ,�,�:,­�, . r?& honey expott was "Peog,cally til, but I ,��";,�' " " ., , ,. pi t0oA69ri it iS, *qp to ,the - * more., A new kind of Performance .. I . '' ��,i, ,: ,� 1�,'. �; �' '911ra,. T. - N, -Fboriyibe vith Mrs. W.. W. - 'ventilation which giv s . r I . . - Vl'�t,-D'�t�;,, . 1 " 1 `1�00,, ',,�W6 -in. t1le ,in . . � 1� � � , li� , - I .1 ,tati,ft rebent y1tars it has �advsmmd, to a . Greatly increased econo�qy... Now clear -vision e I I 1, � I �. ;­ I �, 1, t " . 1. '' I I I 1-; " '01 1"rIften . g .C. r, th� pre * . .1 .", ­'�,;; I Ili - I . . 111, sid0n,t, acting as lead, . ,. A .'' " i 'I .o� � " , " " ­­qops I I ,� ;,."7 ii,,�, - I . . 111 �1`1` , 1. I ` " -� , � , l!, it , 11 ., .. ;i L. ­ ,� .;?� "' 'Olt . 11 - " ' z , - 11 " ` - IR I " �' I ­ �, I �11 " C "I 'Ill ,;� �G, I � I 'S I ;-�,� , ,,_ NP''1*41 E i'l ti' "IS 1. 'I" I , F"I I " , I I I'll lllillll i,ql';,;,M��,, .� 7',6 I I . vqv, , I - !�� tW ihe mloney . . I.. I I 'It. 1, -`46 &, all &oge, prevent taking.lpart.whm I. draft -free circulation afid individual- control. New beauty inside and ­- I . ,­ ,�g , , � �,�,-, �,�,, 7 " ' ' I . � I . - . ;,"'r��J `f,',,",.�;��j���,,­i - , I . ,6­lplur'�:, fm may 166 ,t ' , ,, , ' the -W,endid pr6qamol , a&,f6l1ow- ouiii& Mo,re comf6tti6le seat cushions. -More flexible car springs. I 11 . � ,.,�, . "'. I I I I .;­, � � , �*W4­:fw�a ses - :1, ---- -;,-., .P.. W . �,W­,j�,,�,,­ , � � --- - " "i � � � M; � ,� ,­� I .1 , I , , 4. 1 ��M .� � . - ilito,see aU th est value on the I I �, I -, 1��11.,N " ��i , I - fa: I - 0, -�18N'Aqo , "'� -the"(00. ]Don't a -51 ,� ed througboqit. 11ral6voing , W-eatc s which make this iliegreat , , Them is 2* 14*111A �ftt, Oftt W01114 I I ­ I *. - . I ".,o����n"tl,A�'j,�".�,�'(I"�",ti,�, , ',� t 11 � I , I . I for thle . . ' - ... I, " ­ ' I Oi� 0',,��,i?;� P � , 1119 I , I , , ,,,, "L i,,,f"­1 �, " L #t & ­ � "',v�r "".44 , �.. -1 -- Teguldr -,,study I , ,� , , � " "I - * , � I � n1im the. iiiatket today.,--, .. , , ------- , - - I I - I, , - be iffie-thoaper ift - 9WWJfta&,h� gTW. .1. I .... .. .11�L.-I..,;��'�..'�,�'..',.,�,�,.�., ,., 4�,-­y . �, ­.. - . . . " ,,,�,� ", - , * . . .� � ' I , , . , ". , ­ . , ,, .YJ ibutl,,dt , � . . 11"', " , t ", -,.",tl� ,�'i . . . I - I rvontl�, clbo;. � - V1'/U1Aft9 l I . ­­,­ -, . ­­­ �,­�.--r---- -,-- -­ ­-­'­­-------,-­ ­ ­­ ­­ ­� .1 THE, I�AN -,CAR , "' �N I � I . . ,- ,*�� .. . 3j; reedliac to, the sft��' - ft" 7 L49 in � , : - -------.-I- � . " f t " , Y,, �'.' t Wx'&Ow . � . I . I . . -- I i� , xmw��Iljs­ tho) d&.i%hsV,6, - t , I . T I 1. I I 1 ::­­-�7­ , - . .! � . ,, , -i�" � I .�, , lChInK , ;sAng .,h6, Ph,ysi�al. 0404n� -t I I I - -1.1 ; . . . . , ,,.i�l I - I ) �, '- ­ - - -­ I—. 11filmIr 101W,e�L 'jisf, 'Jo3J& ­ I -'-w.khesff 1W I eg, J . .... .. -1 �.. � .11r, 0, ­ �.,., L . � 1 7 . . .. � I I . .1, - I . � I d, .1 I -­ . , 2 a '*'---­,Qiio ,gov'e"i- igw, ­ ,X I . .. I " . � I ... ! , , "' - ��Wm XONII�� �� L' I � ; " �­. I ""',J: � " 4�1` It"), ��-t . , "I . -�t,' I .. .. . , ,�r W , .. , ,,, I . L, .., �,, , .. � . �� ��, " ��� "Re �,.,V,;,.'��'r, 7S; ,- " '* ' -'."- ", ""' iiifll6kfa , , I Ala, � SMAW by, X". J. W, mat"'h : '.1 � - . r 1� I . , 1�1.1� � - �W ,7 i . #�.AA - fian'4� � 4. ,ft � . . 11 � � . -1� " ,., ­'. �W­ I-, ." I., I I I . � ; ­ �. ,u i . .1 .... - � 11 �� .1 I 11 iv.M. 1-1-4 .-w-,4, X ,pbo&Y - � '. l,' - 4�'­ 1,� ­ -;.,7 1 � '. � ` "', I - �% .. , 'I, 1 '113�1, 'a 0# "h,- ,�L':'�6 -k -,T�'I� '. ' .1 !� �,,� ,;� , v� ,-. '. , I I - - �'!A - -4. RIAWA, 'ft%&ATAMgbA 1, , ,JW . J1, t Utid MfA t11A. T&g. lreft� I I � . 1, '. I . 4 e ."�]� . �,, . i �f"� , ". . '... I ` iaof,§� r6d th# ,d",otiorw 14allett .1 , 0 .if­dW'O# ­,i6"0W40)A&*­. ith &I '", . ft . - & 1W - `Th� ,� ".., I , ­ .1 , 11 �f h eo hwdft no thapW&O, .Iyll�l e1V144­,'1 * ".. I , ­ q ,.. . � - , 0 � k6"" uwtfi .1biamir, , � *eft- � AA , 6t, � A fir, I U * "I , , . . � . . �1, � - �10 11�51 I .111 . -4, . .I.." 21.�� 'Lil, N!1' "'I., , ­'; .... , I . ] L...' � . _ ­�'.., � L I - I , " ,,� ',��., I ".1.1 ,,� ,�i, , , .1. . ,.,,' .. -1 L, � � ,�, 4 "', ''o' � , , $11'' " � . , 1, J . . ", . 'I'IN" ��,, � , ­�`L�;:�, � . ,. �.,­ � . .. ... .... �­ " " �, I �. � f- ­,q": �,'Ii" , . 'r . 1 I I'Z,�, � I � - I , I , . . , � t'., , '' 't , . " � , " 1,'�(� (I 1� , ','!;, �;;. " , ,,- �, - , , , v � ­,. I � "I ­ , , .,,-� I I 11. � e 1. ,41., 1 1 " ­ - � , "I", "� , " �,4­ j - . , " ,,­­4"� ... ��: ""' , � , , , , ., . I I "i"A", ", . " ­,.gN' '�, , i��'. , t', ,, ;f��,?$�,,!��iqll,'� r '."��J "� 94"',""'I"""", " , 1", ,;, .1 I., . �,:, " - � " ,,��'k. 4�,�­ ,j.j,�,,, �-� : , V, ,,0��,�� I , � - ","A "M 1qi"AZVX) � .. .... " '�'�,'��"� ;' .� k �J "�I,�i"`��.�:�"".�1�1; 1 '1�i�"Ii ,�'��'.�";�, �"'­­­ I ;' - ,,,� , �,,, ,,, , ", , �, , " .,�.,.' . .,� '.. � L�� ' - `;t1-1&1" ' � ,�` . .-­�.�� �,,X ,!,�,� , , ,� 1� "i "�, 0� ,,� , ,,�,':�':� �� -L, '.', ' -�,� - ", ,... k -p! '&;,�j�,,., ii , " ." -L"'i"i"', ,'.,' ," "� .,�� . 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