HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-02-23, Page 2I ,� I " ,,, �­ I �. �': V ",'I, "I.,, ., "I-"".11.��l,,,,,��,,�,��,�,,��,1, � �� �i"I'l;,"', - �, ". . ­I� 1-1, It" 1'�w 11 -f,jiMi` ","IT."' """��.,�).����k,�'i'�,,�ll,���r,'�I'l�IllvI 171,11 . 'g '.�'�,i��l�ik�li;;,.��',,'�..,4��,.,���,���, % ),, ��;�*qi,l�',' " , , ­ . (,J�IjA�!�.,,,A�'�'i,, - I'N!,V�,1,;�I;i , ­,;YV,iN,lX,.'iN' ,,, ", NI',"i -i�,i�,�"" Ilnli ��`JiMl,`.);,K",FM ,� ., ,,+., - I �� . 4#`2 I, ,,11� . �'t'�Mfl,"Ill."I"i � . 9,0NI'a , . ­­ k� r , I ''.v" � I � I �,, o, , 1 . '' .. I �7110, ",­ 111, ;�i ,; , I .1'. li� � Y'��,�"t��',, �,'��!�.",',57�.,'­ ". " -,, ­;�,� �I.,:I�-'­��.��,,,� , � "i.; , "I `,�� . , , ,� ­�J't; - I.. 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'1"ffia . ..... ;I,;-­l'I . �,111--A.31!�,;10�1, , 4FJ�,i � mm. ............. , , ,�% I �,."­.,, - � ,,.­.­",� 71 ,,, 'I­11''�M�;,.. , .. .� Ni,-, ,""'.., '. i ­ , ZE`p 0 ,,p .W '01,0, I �Z ... '5, ,1, . , t k�,"Il 2 , I '...t91 ; "I'll", ,� , ,., ", I I ­.p�,g -, n 4 101;*140 I- ON � , "'.., , -17. ,, -1 Ili' 6A 1 '' , '.., T , I. " , k ,"K %bA.;"Qd",QJ*v .14%, I ;I '-0 , ,� ---P,NV0,`­,","- T ... . ' '' R ?'­ �, i� . -1,'�I;;� -0 ; . I . Z;-�111 ....... ', I ,�.� , ,� "A 4.�­). LIM, ,w ­,,­,­114�0�1 , , , . I �� �i�,W i,,,,,,�,,­T� �, 1? ,g , � ,. A'. , �', ,� ,RF f "� , ,.��,'� , ", ,,,,,,, - � �.��O�� � 'N I4 ,,,, , RE, ,��­­ ""�� 1. H, Y �, , ,, � 9 I , 11 [I I �f, �,,­'%,,�. 'e ", , !�,W-,�t, �� , � .0 I ll� . * W, , " ,,,�­' I , . � . � 'tr � ... ?I 1, 11 - , . 44'. qt­,O.�Api 1pc� ,A,q V , % ..... '.., M, 11 I 'M A "N ff��1111'lil�, , "p, iil' t1l* 174' � 1'�"1; I � ''I". - � I i, I �, �� I... -1 ­..� ,� L , . , ,�, .., I , � ot, - ", .4 0-0 .- ,. .-V1 .� �,"�­ . . I wor ,, , I ., I, ; � , " � � 1, � -L � "I ' � � � � . � ­ ", , ..� �I;,,�, � A.0, .16, - � It , " ". "enkee � ". " , � �?,V.,���, W I �11 I , '. " 1�,. . tz:�k I . . . I , �`111P�1'1�",-, , . , � , I effec . I, 1pv,'�,k,, 0�1 P I ;,o � -�,�,I-,,,��O�-�-�.T'64, , . ., ., Alft '10 . , I , 0 I . I , . ��'; U "I Pl �', �'..i I � IL , I 'y --# 1W Mo q t, r ,�� , , OV , , , ,- , ". - , ; "I" " � � � ­.,," I � Able -1 - - ,�­ . ..� . ., - ,,, 1. ,,4� �, , � va. m;, 1� .,* It - -, --1--1-,-. . � me$' , IV . , -)04 ". -� � 3�qdally f.90d XfX;ifkX1W,!�P,. V41 ,. , �,` �` . ,',',,�, , 1,�,,i , i, �,, I . . ' t , � ' I- , . $11,�,,�)�,,�­­T,Z,4­ � !­ - 117n � '. � .. , ,,�, .. ,I ' - �y ' th ' V am ' ; , . . . MrAt, ; i - ,, �. , �. ,", -­ , I �, " 11 4 , - ­,, , . -1 . . . . . . , I � I-, . .1 , , �1 . " � , 11 ,, - . � " I! �,, ,I , I dul ��o oi-'i�wi*work may , (0'mbused - -from, The ' w,r York 1M-- - n* ' 4r " !, � 1. �, -, �'i�, ", . � us e, b,4 xxw . . . �.m � ., V. , y I , . " -t ,"!, , . W- moie I � �, �. ��,�,',f Q 14", � 01, �`FIA1141`.' - ' ' 1, :�12­1 . ' ' - . I lik ,#y: , �,� -� ., I . . . . , , . , . , I --'I ,I- I " Lg , . k 11 , U A digestion and acid I ."..". -,--.,-,- , .13me TAnce the -war.. Tk . .. � .".. � upse . , ey . e to 0 1 . 'grg,r�JI­ l" --q, Times in'ReAdWs D*st.) .. �,:�* -\ , . . - , � , _.se " " , . . I i ", .� 1� . . - �­.­ � .... �'. N­p-r�.�,`,R", L I fl� 'As ,."! , '4 , p, ,' 'at . I ­­ � ,4 uh - , ­ , : I . I soldi0f, an, der .Hider they ly*r . . , ''. " , ,oluggh:41scom,fort, , - . A" little . I .. . ­ I i� . � .- . o , -7 ­vErNt .1 "I . . .- '' . , .,IA'.� ��,;''­'-,. - .. 1, " a .� B",mted Magn ,jA , . , 14IN, , , I �­, 'er "d :4 - ., P'e,50e ak . 2W , of --:..' , j� - ." . - it ovokimo , "t . .10W. - - , (Bismuth in ..: 0 -- �� 11.1 I 11. -X.. -----y-- - -.1 ­ - -Al , . I ..I . . �­­ ..­�%.. - - 1. I Ir, ' � . I . I - I �, I - , Ti, , " , . . I ­ winf,Qr� with its cold � and s n 1, -, ,. , ., .� , , A �� " a es, wi. . piviply y volieve - A I " �g I'll . r, , -g- l.ul -' . I I , pi 414 ., 1-1 .. ,� . - I l, ,hM� , Sincethe &iii� of ancient Ror� � � .. . �.. 11: -� 11 I I . " " ��� .. , � "I I * 'g,cohdition .... Sim, . . , erlt 1. the denlkwst0a91Qw1 go, on. rum avi- . ,,,.,- - I . V. "St � . I "'; 33 V � ,C I Ili . . �t' t vw".distieism -when viIatoilous, generalo vourte4 �ha � M-0. 11 - " �& I 11 � I * , Ao* thrill crqwlft, with. 1daredeWil I - --1-1 .. I 1.�'. . "­­.T,�, 'Ift ......... �1�111?11,��­ ;, � .. , -.1 � I'll - ,I � 4 ly�, Safely and,surely . "I'll", .......... .......... ......... 1, 1�. .�, .1. . . , .��. - ,�, , this harm- ith' �iimptu- . � � Ii.-i—I*— - . . . �. . I L . , . I : . ,.­.7�� I, -11. . .... . . 1". 1-1- favor of the populopee yd . I ..... ". 'Ili � . v - I ; , "�'L.. � ,�_ . ,, .-i, . I . � . . ffllf*� � I lop improves th _'L "I'll, i ess pr_eparat ous, $ev ' sufferer from 'head- sW,nt,a. FAwiywhere drum ani cyni�- � . I .1 .. .1 .1 . � ,'I .1!, . , ..." ......... I R� �, I . tiva�is alid lmgibAiRts there has If you aria, 4 1 . I . . � I I ,��,LLL I 11 - 11 ov.er-4old condition. of the stomach. bals crash and the martial spirat is 1. . *1 I ' � I.. � I .... . , ,been .nor6hing to'eamoare with Nazi aches, loss of appetite and- energy, - I .:.., �qJl­-­1I,lI -1 - . . .'. Your food theft -digests natur- . . the a I . three 18120, under cio644�ne�s,' �'06U. . ' '. --�­- %, ", 0,ir, I'L, I . e a 'in ir.,­­ - � 1. . . . should be cold when used.) Put � . 04 , - I , 1 , . ��R �, W-* ­ I stweeraifit-in: ,ppewnt-day Gernlany'. sleeplessness,, or any, oth r of th , Barro . J � ��,i, I I . I ., , A"'f ly unjust. u---h6d, been, cour�',,, . I 11111 I I ;,'%, . ally .... In effective powder form . And thp�orI6*d� g�o hou* elgited,ili u*rts Of raw linsqed.oi !no a fivik ": , . g, I ­­ 1. � I.. , . Is I _ on, - � ' ' , � - , A, "15.. I.., �. , �'. Or in Tablvts� at your Druggist . 1. . . Is 71lon stooe'. mr)k air pour in the *martialed after, (V we, � (4 his- * a �1 I T 'I".'i'57.�', -bs' the Germans have frequent. eff I 'WEN , , ,,-.`4,:,"�­ . : tb,een UvAng in an athwsphere of na-, read this ehthuslastie lettet from th conviction thob the Thiridl Reach' -9 . 1� 111 , 111 "' �, ,f''.. 11 I'l,", For ten Imbot , sets of constipati di -h " I T'­,� w w LL W , � , . , , "I , 'N , , , M� I" f, N - I . - .',z ,'�., i �t�1�14, , , '. �(,t%-'."y-,`,`, " I . 2119 n of a dim,`ne &- lye 7ery glowly, stirring Meau*h4e. ,ship, 'the 'Cheig , , e�"b -4�1 , .11 I . ,.. - ,, ta , '. I , L I I. . 1-4 1 -,,,' * I�s T summukdo apepk '' 1�1 I Wv�;­­. .. I I � ' .40, con . � , s�* .y _­Iri sh I Mi., I- I I I A 11 I I � - : I I � 11-c", ". . I . . . , I - . stirel - 4, Until uljo X I , i! . I .�,,-,;� -10tu jjq� ...I.,.- 'MR.1,12143"', .,�,, ­', .... ' ­ r7 �.� . I r....". � - - ,,, .1 . ' demonstrations, is the greatest prop- 'I . I 11 I 11 1. .1 . . 'i�41,I�LI�llil,�F"'�',,�ll ;,"�'Ii��` 0i . 0�'l For, as Mtler has writ- . shortly i.. , . I 0 , . He was dismissed- I A T.., "*� , �� ,- "*Apt 44 cire Behind the5e Mr. Mcinwp I I velvpmen%. �' ploop .1, . . , � "', ­ tionalistic . uses. 0 I . . -­,,�. �� I I I I . . "M . . I N , I . "For a long time my system was -biagralphy, through � . ,,,, , �, . - ,�, 11, " I "I . 6f4r , 111 ld 000 lueed6-Ahew '- I "', ... I, I aganda machine that, history bias . uAlly 11 i � . " , I ten in, his -auto� Z is =1 �� , � i I­,�,��; � ­ I not in very gipod working. order. gall6na of crude carbobe and not reinstated for , I " ." . 1� " �. I I "smarfand ,continuout'app&ation vf a -t ,r "y ,,, 41711. . � seen. . . dd we X ti -1.1 , � , �1: A , *T 1: .. I .. , I, , ,­Mv�-. 'r . ften Im,er I . - . .kI 3ng libm he cha , ged., , �­ 1.,4"., . : . � , . , Inda a people can be hilads, to acid or coihmeref creoso , gi . . 11,11". SIA " "4" ,, But sined'eating Kigloggli ALL� ,prop*a �­ .1,11 vicW"'MAGNE - fiuld . . I;f — .1 - came ­into power, pro- is , uTt . al. , t, � -, , * BISMUTR IN MAGNESIA nerial BRAN, I b4v,,e regained my app e ,e oxhaus 'e I 111. " "' I me . , , ti - pa Ipz.,.,� en is Ha and, vice constantly until -the resulting � presided o. I wq�,�Pourt , . "' believe th& Heavie . I � i , I - paganda was.eleva,ted to Muist I 11 .. . � 41,,,�":��,,, " . I . and my 16it weight. An& my sistem versa, that the most miserable exist- a. Ochr dark brown. Usetwo orltbt a cat�ur ' "" - , �t"I,, � r I INIIIN,;!��,� -.o,,�. ­;� i � . * .. I Tank. And to -day no German Walks, is in,good.workink oraer. Kellogg's ence is a paradise." - . taWmpdonfuls of the mixture to a meaw t6avert the meeting bu� Bar;— , ,­­.,­' ',j ", '.. � ". I ­ .. ....": . _ ".. �, , , ,� � �'. �, Ws a -Protective Neutra&er- talks or sle6ps without ,having been I i il � � �1­11.��,; 7' . ALL -BRAN sure does th6'trjck,.'I.-- .1 . . gallon of:. water. rMe disinfectant ron. persisted and the great4st"uaval . . *1' . pWi,�,I�%-*, �. - ced (by the eloquent little Dr. .0- —.... - y " was . , 11i `1'1�1' , influen - McIntyre (address fur- I . ­'....... -moy be applied with a d' li'� . - U. - I N OT" a. La?Eatlye Mr. J. A,. . I I � I hand -spray ofqider a tbl,,91i6,�a. aecordingl3r 1'.1,111,"....." I I . I I I I ----1 I Goebbels, firsit.,jMlipist4r for Public hished- upon request). I . ... 1. I I ­ I . .10od, -,. , , ". �i.�!,-­­ � . -1 Enlightenment ;and Propaganda. A- . , , t or, if su(,h is not avaiUbl% a mcrificed o, e. , . I I I- ... I %��..,i � Buying Health 13 f =is , cb5on and' Charles. D ' - � � . ­­­­ , y.the Year- ,will 46� but in, .either case the Andrew Jn i�k-' - I , , i �.X,?,Roi, � .'I—. , '. I Tests shovi Kellogg's Arm -BRAN " 1 -26 1 ... � ­". r,l� . � . mlong the Nazi leadom, not.excluding . . , ". provides the "bulk!' needed to re� . fluid should be used- liberally after Ison, fought a Iduel in 19 that . �� ( F��',.-., � ­ , " ... i'' I*$, 1� I p,N.00N, prea�� an& of, the -1 (D W. Buchanan in Toronto, Satur- tho - . -- drbgdqm� which'Herr Hitler, -'Dr. Goebbels is'unques- I - thebous�- and roodtsf'have 'been , r- nearly lost J)ld Hickory t�o presl- - 1�71'1�1�1 I .-� 'SUNDAYAFTE, . -- - lieve -ordinary constipation. It also , * . . � t&.�, , , . I . . . . . they were eImployed to set u96 Itionably the most lutelligelit aind.-re- , contains vitamin B and iron for the day MIA0 '. - , - - ouglily -elleamed: QuIti," flooding tveiT dency;­­ It -wa&- ratl�er -an- ignpoble, af-�� --- .I 1p��'" I . , . fair, 11w.olvinig a dispated'bet at a. �-`., -�(-13y IsaWl Hamilton, Goderich, Ont..) He told, them,they would. meetwith sourceful. Although he neve7 saw � blood. . I I I. li I . . crack and crevice. . I iio,"i ; ., .111-1.1. . I opposition and' persecution,; but - He the front or wore a uniform during I . ,For months a storm of discussion 1- .. . . .1 I I . �'J­ '�­ I . . � 4 '. . horse race, much quaTTeIiRg in ,ta1V- � 11�;�11­ The fields are all � r$pening, and far encouraged theum mightily, �aiyiiig. rthe.,war, no'nian lis, so st,entorrian as, - You'll enjoy this delicious and has cettered over ..... . the proposals of .. . 8 I � ` a I � , I I ­ . .. . pers, and a suppose ... ­­ ... I erw and newspaq I " - the Uni-ted States Com1mittee on -� - ­:­­.... . I . . � ,; ­- , `� """* ind wide . that nothing unknown to thedr Father he in convincing German audiences of healthful readyrto-eat cereal. Serve, I - insult Ito, Jackson's WiTe. Diokinsion-� , . -A ' ,a . r �, I ee. chimt T MAKING , iee lawyer dnd PoEtieal lem- �111.11 'The � world now. is ,waiting the h r- could befall them; "But the very the desirubility of the milita y Idleaf it with milk or eream-or use often - Medical Closts., The Cdnindtt a TennesIE . .. I. v#st tide; I . hairs, of Your head'are all numbered. And no one ,shouts so -loudly about ,in cooking. ­ I ed that medi1cal expenises. were high, YOUR 'LIVER' � : -e " ��,�:­- I . . I . I . . . . er, accepted'Jackson's chall nge ial-, 1 �­;­­­', -il,- - ,� 'not because doctors charige ' impim- I � " , ,I, P� � , , Bat reapers are few, and, the harvest Fear ye, ,not therefore; ye� ari , of. the "Aryan" type as this 36 year old, Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily. Ithough he - ,denied,. jns�ujting . Ra,chot . � -1 - iz great, - ' � the - more value than , n= -y parrows. c1d,b-footed, "blaick,hailredl, un,ArYSA- Chronic cases, with each meal 'If sable, fees� but Th,ther because under, YOU FEEL 06T -OF S6111TS 'Jack -son. By the -t6avns of the, duet" . . I C71 -, ­ - - bar_, fto�doev�er .e"I"l, 'I Ll * I _ t,herdo, -,confess lobikifig fanatic who has fed the Gew- the present unorganized gyst,6ni of" I- And mdeb waR be 16st shoul . , I shal � -,,,relieved4 this 'way, see -the two men 4".1 1 1 . . � not . your I I ' Wake'llip your Liverlile weretpJace ewch other", . �­' vest walt. . me Wore men, him will I confess man soul successive demonstrations dg,tor. I . , � competitive medicine one-half 'of the twenty feet apArlt, eagh tla'have OUJI-' L 1. . i . . I , * . �,� . I �.� ,. also before my Father which is iij each ,more gigantic than the last. I total costs of illness are earned. by —NoCalotnet needed . . . s hot at &-scretl8h,. � At. the - signal - , . - �; ','�' . . ,So pqmi6. with your sichles, ye sons h*,,,��-.Fy �, . " I . I Hitler and his. -stage manager Goeb, . .Kellggg!s Au,ftAN is alt bran on - e -tenth qf­ the,,V.opul2dti6xI- They � When you feel blue, depressbd% sour on the , Dickinson' fired. The ball pliercR . , - I , �f "Mein, . beils rettlize, that maritial music and , with only necessary flavoring added. 'added that dq0orsl bills can never world, our liver which ian t pouring its , , . more needed , be budgetel by,.one ily alone. 2�t 11 Y9 1, , ��, I fOhrist took these disdiples ,to be ­ - Jacksoin's shoWder but he; ieniqined . '. I - igather together the golden e, �crash of drums, that flags and it contains much . ,fand dailytw �- of liquid bile into your bowels I I . .1den His followers! and. His .amb"sadors th "bulk" than part -bran �roducts. ' . ,c I . . Digestion and elimination are being slowed inimova(bae., "Great GoIdl Wave F """"' I I.. gnwn; I 1, .g for banners aTid tinsel, may be- more ef- as illness tends to',polme unexpectedly. up, food in acclLrouliting and decaying inaid -- .,I. .. I. upon the condition of sufferin I -Is missod him?" st*in1mere� Dickinson, w � Made by Kellogg in, London, Ont. ,and in expi �. :11 Telli on till the Lord of- the harvest Him ,Re told ,them that they ,wel�s fective -than pumtffilL,ts, books and . ensive 6ses, afid they re- you and nukldnz you feel,wretched ' neral und sibood with averted,. fac& while- I I ­� , - ­ Mere bowel -movers like stilts, oiL, Vol I � . �,,, . , I if they w� spee-clies. At a typical Hitler mass I colnirniended -that rhedl�cal care �ej chewing gum, or Jackson With gr - I . 1. I emel. "not worthy" of Him� i � -- Water..1w;ative MAY or I eat coo,lne,S)S, took db- - � ; . - . I � . . I I 1. �, . -, -don't go far enough. iberate aim - and fired4 Dickinson ' :1-1.. -Then share inthe joy,of the 'harvest not WMiiig.to parlt,with all for Him.' meeting the walls are deco,rabed with placed on a group .payment- basis. roughage,. h ­­ I � I . I ' ,Tn tbe town pf Cardiston, Alberta, You need a liverstimulant. Carter'll Little � dying * that nighit in fearful I . honle." They cannott expect the gains, of a spot -lighted s.wastilms and banners over Gerniany Find been ..thoroughly ' Liver Pills is the beat. one. Safe. Ptirely "00"' dropped, I I . I . � . . I . . I E. Ft. Rexford. bargain, - who -will- not o -'h:riekfng familiar catchwords. ' On ,Iti;�Ied. Foreigners who; saw those a scheme simillap to the one they pro- table. Sure. Ask for t=name. Refuse I .. - >me. up to,:' ,� � He . -Lqft,,. a wife, and thre& - � 41 I I I the stage theband plays Nazi. march- ,endless brown leblumns marching and posed has, been ,operating. suawse- - Pubsu . 26c. 4 all, f 62 I � , the terms of it. If religion be Worth ­ fully ever'since the" win1ter of � 1931. I . tute? � . I. " I . children lh!elpless. , Thus, did our I , i , �i- - .. ,, ­ I - . - - . ftAYER" an_vthin,g,,, it is worth everylWung. The eg. Ten-sion' is in the air. Then the I mar�hing through the streets of the .� .11 — 1. I .i I I - , E Lamlaot-looking' s1borm troopers conie meldieval. town -Could[ not s,h�Like off a' Under, a. contract., -form agreed. -to, -W . . I !�� ­!.. . faithers vindicate their h-onor! - . 1-1 ' � -I.- -,.-- -,-o,- - - -h4sFt . chosen us to be terms are that -we. must prefe'r Christ. , . ... 11. .. -1.1 -­ ­­ I 1-1 . .1 ,011 Jo'hn 1&b.661; �d"Rbaiid", itia �' , , I - . . I .-.G*d,, Wfio' T 7ig do-,�7i the aisles . carrying feeling which clung to a rehoted eAnk�- the, two, local pbysicians, anyone in .. Pistols , --ther--fiery -Henry Cla of ' I Kentffe k. y- Z. ­ .1 I ­ - �. j with ,M�ee, help, Us 1,0 However this, .may expose us, to re- 'Ma chli I . C(HvvlorkerA ,,, ; only - th,F. -the ,,dis -A-t,Terr-PaCegJ " "y - � , I . their fiaga and standarl tr4oli-fo, an %dVhh6i`fb4'bf' - I., ,,, consl6crate mind, andi hftft to the proAch, And, trouble noW, we shall be . Sudden- tion ofadmir4io.. , Then, � fought a duel in 1929, to the horrot I -- ., 1. gua - " - bt�i task of making � known. - for Christ ly,the Le I recompensed jader.sitrides-.bT��l�y-4le-wl�iale following week',`l' preparations began $2.5 a �earv.. ' medical . � I I Thy lov( &1�7&4*y 1 '­ - d .o care for e Fighting'with deadly. Weapons was of off�clod , Washington. Clay fdt that . 11 -pr us, vn-11"rep-Tiese"n't ii�, .to e-D,gth of the au itoriulm to the plat- for ,�peasa.nt,s -1yay,P,,a,t.th, close I Very of the family , s . In Christ's Iname we pray.,'Affilen: v,'i f . . � I . 0 same the a,mepted method, of Wong your he 'had been,, insulted, -by Randolph � I , I � -L living under the roof,',' This' � I His Father. But Na`isi did not stop orm; Twenity thousand people , sa- which tHitler startled the world by . . 'social life on the floor of the House, A de-, :i . . .. � . -at Ii� is lute. ' .. . ' service includes mdjor'and -minor dp- honor bright in AIT)erican I - I , .S. LES96N FOR FEBRUARY 25 there-, He pointed o to I s & -' I annotiming Germany's wili-draWal eration.s. � 100 years ago. And *how m * n ,never ! , S. . i , ' ; les� Ithan ai�ded satisfaction. It' cann , 1, I .. . I ciples' what the 'outcome would be, As 111itter speaks, hia gestures be- from Ithe Lelague of Z,ti,om. that the firie:e�itlng ol Vir- , . , ,.,. ,. .. - Lesson T6pic-The Twelve Sent s&uld Ile be denied (before men. . It come more violIerit, -his magneti:s- kriong the,methods applied to in- ,By the sumimer a 1932, ?,O,o names 4,11-ert ,were those,,grandfathers of -'b 0 St d d' I .1 ". I " . 'tha, -nd Ours to --Pot �, Forth. . 1. I . . is a dangerous thing for any, to deny becomes stronger. With hi were entered. That meant a fu a slight! Lhwyers ginian WA5 apposed, to d*,Iing - he . I I I . . Is rasPIIg culeate orthod,bx Nazism in d Dani0',*ebster once -but '.-,�, . . . - Christ before' men; for voice, he, appeals to each individual, ,hearts of ',the Getman people, none of'$5,000, one-twel0th'of which was fought over'pL di�,Vuted case- judges challepo ,. , , Lesson. Passage--.L-Matthew 9:35-10:. alid, disowii 'he appeals to the-qowd� -he itppeals has been m6i* useful than exhibitions. to be paid out each month to'the .two backed their decisions with �ny wen- this. time he protested the challenge,,, ,� ��, ' ,� 81; 10 -32,� 33. 11 � * they 'who do so will be disowned by , pon . available. '*Ble,-re's my prece- saying that, -Clay had no, right to, , % Golden Text . -Matthew'9:37 ­­ 3& Him in the; great day; -when they to all -Germany. And-wben he has In Berlin, for ins"I'Mitce, at the "Front" doctors.. At the end of the first -year ssee iurigt, make, a personal matter.- of .a House ,,� . � I , � I I . have most need of Him­(Condens2l finished, when I'Deutschlanduber Al- exhibition, tbe 300 -contracts had been signed which dent,", stormed a. Tenne � ees . high point was. the re. e ... rench innatural.size, a poppilation I included. beffore him. �'Wlant to appeal?" E - onfin to his bed with a cold. Re- � Though the Pharis " ,cavilled at les" has been sung., when the. storm pro meant that som, 1,500 people out'of jabbing a huntinig,knife into th�', desk Oelysite, besides which Randolph was "., �1. ,us and opposed" Him, He went on 0 'from Henry's� Bible). duction of a t da c ed I, Jer ' I . . Itroopers have followed 'the Leader its w,ills -lined, w , of 2,000 -were . I , ' �- � � vvith His -work; He preached' the gos- ­ . . , ith comparaltive fig- Th 115 to_day each doctor ,fin&-- him� tOrs fought, and ,merchants, and doc- tract or fight, was Clay's ultimatum; �, I I . . Oat Of the hall, the civw`d, though -ures sfiowing Germany's insecurity self guaranteed a yearly ,salary Of toys, teachers amd preachers. Near whereat, clad in the dressing gowm I "I , . pel � of ldhe kingdom, and healed every I it disperses, emotionally remains un- and the huge�arniaments in the pos- d, Iles,, of the -sick room and still pr6testirig, 01 siekhees and every disiehse among the I WORLD MISSIONS ited. And on their way howe the , . more than $2,50,0, over and above Savannah two promd-nent, , he . . 41, I . . session of, the Reich's neighbors. At man'. Result: the Gentleman from Roanoke with - ;1 . people. He visited not only the great � I clang of the trumpets and the fly- the "Colonial" exposition -charts, and what he obtains from patients not on cuarr ' eled, over a 3�6ung . 1i wid wealthy lcities,' but the poor ob- 1By the time this paragraph is read ing flags accompany them to make pictures in brilliant colors compared the contract. And a large percentage dueling pistols at 1,5 yar& ,One stood. two shots from ,Clay, fired I .� 11. soure. villages- And as He went',,Id, the Melvin !Swartou-t will have r6- their patriotism, more heroic and their t, O't t-he� comimunity need no ionger gir th n oped with twice in the Air, ls1h6ok: ,hands, "11d. u . , 1. , ­, SaW the. way in which tbe spiritual 1011P111ced ber .ministry, of mer6 he- relative wealih., populations and worry About doctors' bil,ls;. . the referfee, the objecIt of their de- Placidly returned -to bed. He Coll- - y individual self-impoitance more mark- plos,ses�ions a.the great powers and Vvlo,rry . . . ;, , hnders were faiiIing to Ke�d their in the waters of the west coast of ed. . ,emphasized ,Germany's moral and over operations hasi ceased,an-d also '817'es- Sporting , young. -gentlemen itinued 'to speak his ,%v . hole mind. im, ; .: . . . . Vincourview Iskind, in which the de- knewthox -pet du0ing pi-stols as well 'ClOngre-S& ' . , flooks,'His hear.t went obt to them in . Every event in GermanyAs. squeez- su'spicion, for the question of clostly I . ': I voted missionary after whow she is economic rigM to its former colonies. IMnally a particularly senselles an - - .­ � .,Cre�t c , hsision- He gove, expres- . having ati,ents no as a go'ler knows his clubst, elamp- - a: 17 - ed dry for its propggan fees h vanisbed, p . I ISM to `211 nomed gave his sacrificial life- It di content- Thp "Schlageter" display, with its . , . , feelings in.,Eks tall, with On ,the night Of January 30, 1933, longer doubt the motives of their 1"�' the Ip,*stols. in a vise arid ­studying, irrj"deroufs duel b6tween two Con--' , * . I : was in 1904 that Rev. Melvin SwaT-t- eTnipty casket resting on flags6 ,only � . gressm-en in the, midslt of a session . .I- I . - . His disciples, sayizig- -Th,� harvest physician when he I�ecom�mends Isurg-.their effective ran1ge- , � 11, . -j is j4enteousI,, 'but the laborers I 'They lived by the die' Di .. J , iiW Presbyterian when Hi!tler was appointed "Chancel- i,dire,tl,y honored A114art Leo Schlag- e]C� prqven �06 , IvIloll aroused public opinion to giving the. . I 11 I � 4 " � ,­ �­. - church. wlale on his 1i'ay to one of lor, a torchlight' procession ushered etex, who was executed' by the French tion of illneLss is more . . 1 1-I'41'. -ta-ge dbTingtheir occupation f espread ntl . - . aTe few." jesus at this time was ip a festival ,period whichhals not yet for sabo wid in..Onr&ton tRan bdoM, -and ,Gied ,ty it freque y. -Sbotq Code its death blow. In the courset, , � L often- '61rgaged in, private prayer and the Inddin villages in a'rowboat, was I . ,all were exchanged on a referee's �Agnal. of a dds'cussioln' in the jlousel Con- - � .. I r drowned in the tempestuous waters ended. The burning of the 'Re'chs1tag of the Ruhr. Once again placards, or people no longer hesitate to "Are you ready, gentlemen?" was grcispynan 10illey ioff IMWnei �Jleged, , il ... j :. . now He makes a request or rathe ion February 21th, the eleetiop '011 pictures, ,phlotographs,, ,books and let- �, a -doctor when troale first sh6ws.. it- - ". 1. -der that. they, Ms. fol- t.hat are cha�a.cteristic of this coasi, li­ ­ 11 his formal commencem,ent. ' If both the i*prQper use of money in pubdie� %, , . . issues an, di � " vich, has indeed been call�d thE March 5th, the Day of Potsdam on ter,. recalled Polish And - French self. -". I , I msented: "Fire-one-�wo-bhree­stop," affairs by a New York editor nanib& . ,owers, do as He does. "Pray ye, I, graveyard of 'the Pacific." At March 21st, the =ti -Jewish 'boycott %trocities" in the years after ,the I , . t e h. - , " therefore, the Lord oi th aryEst,' i * ion Aipril Ist, the Day of,German La- a,,I,,ti;�6. - - pronounced slowly and evenly. The Webb. At Webb`ls request, Congress- . , , that he wall �eud fdrth laborers into Uclulet hes ,his body, which drifted to I . � I I interval between, "Fire" and "Stop" %an Graves of Kentucky deinaTide& , . , bor on May Ist, and the frequent 1� ' shore after three months. Long over- Yet Nazi pro0aganda was never Owin, t h * fondness f6r prime was-;1the Ifiring period. . From the A retraction. "611ey declined, claiffn- : , ' Usharvesf." What we Pray for, ae- gatherings of storm troop1dri'through I 0 r, Is �`� � - ' varding tw­'Christ's - direction, shall be due, -this sturdy craft, fifty feet long more siWeessful than on November lamb, !� I� 1;O Charles the Second Of Code DueRlo, "If a man fiTe before, ing freedom of d6bate, on public mat-;- - . I 'z , I and desdgne out the smnmer offered the' Nazis 10th, -two, daysbefore the "Peaceand V . I "; wen. The ,prayers of these dis,�ip- d -by Captain Olivar for Great Br�iitai.0as known as the mut, oi- after the t�mle, his life is forfeit ter -&-just as Hamilton and Randolph . I I , . "I 9 ST Honor" elleeti=, when 11itler's final ton eating- king. I .. 31 these Waters, was dedicated three lendid opportunities. to the otber's second. If be wounds ,had dbne; whereat, Graves cballl�hg- . I 16--for-wotkers to go out and gather dii-the-opinion of many foreign ob- appeal was'made to his least enthus- I 1.11 ;�, �. . in the sheep withourt shepherds was years ago, but not long after Was � ,sert0ers,,howe-ver the , ' his opponent be must submit to a 'ed him. Three shots were ;exchang- ' I ��­ party conven-. i,,stic supporters, the workers. At neas 'in the distribution of the, pro- �imilar Wound." There were many ed With rifles se thirty feet. Be-- ­�. , . answiewe wirbhdmwn. for economy's sake and , , " d foi in the firg part of t*m tion at the begi'im'ing of September in one 6"clock ,on that day, the sirens ,duet of a Canadian manufac Ir approved mathods. They might tween exchange, both seconds I ve an ordihatiqn was 'transferred to ,the East Coast, , turer othe each z . tenth chapter we hz . Nuremberg was -the m6st stupendous of the Siemens, electric plant in Ber- namely, sdl'k,gat for stringing tenni' '. 1. � I -L vernion. Those� who prayed are call- under Rerv..George Knox. She is now s advance on -the signal,, firing at will. strovv to pacify' Graves, and Oil -ley-, I - , . . back where she belongs. , li' . ed and chosen of Jdsus) to be - As, to the �Jbow .ever staged. It was heralded n shrieked into the microphones and and badminton racquets. If the, first ,exchange of shots was, repeated 'his protests. Graves' thir&, 9:; �.: his ifoll,,,e,,. Re had effects of the withdrawal an Indian for weeks beforehand in the news- movement WN over the Third, Reich - Without effect either side migiit de- billtle)t pierced Cilley's hearb and -he. I I I", , '. . Zre an some time previous to be chief put it in the lmdia,n's senten- papers and newsreels. and by radio sIto�pped. Loudspeakers' in everyfac- niamd a second -chance or a third, expired where he stood. Honor- I . . . ' 11'd Im i speakers. Even Americans in Ber- tory, store, workshop, �otel, restaur- 0. , .7 . with him to leaxn Ais, ways so that tious, fas�hion. Sp�aldng the Clunook The seconds 'had heavy resomsibili- bright once mare, brdt, -whose V ': . jargon, he said- Halo chickainin, , hn were meek wben they,read that ant .schoolroom, and on ete2�y - public ,Corn Vhrieties For Ensilage ' . . � I 'they nugh't be prepared for greater ,'-viast quanititier. of ply-robechnic =a- .1 . ties. They must � arrange cedtre, Graves'? C-illWs.? Webb,s? ,.The - I. I service. Tlwy had until 'now 'been halo Christ. IN<> money, no Ghrist.." square in !Germany brought Hitler's I I '. time ,and, pd,�ce, pro 0 ngTess�? . I , I 11 . tefials will be necesv�ry forthe mon- mevsage Ito appr*ximately fifty mil- , StWeess in the production of corn . must insist -o -A -every ,O � I I I � - --- -probationem; they hadbeen with him . The decisiDn was made after ^ It". ster, fireworks - emhibitiol lion ptiople. With work��-rs in blue for e'nsilagle de*nds. largely advantage for their . side that the Code All ov'er an. indignant' nation Ww- I great- . upon . . . ded around him, Hitler, the choice; of -a guitable variety. Ac- ,stupidity-- - . - - - - 'ias�� pupils -being privaitely. taught ' -be ' R- G. Zcotlt, of the Sk� Pilot, ha,d're- ,,st Which the world has ever seen. overalls crow afforded, and under certain circum- question was asked. Tbe " ? . sides the benefit they deh)ved from ported on a six-weel& survey be had For ten 16.ng minutes, a one�kiliomet- cording to t -he ,Dominion A�grosiwlo- istances -must take the plate of their of trying to settle anything by kill- . ��., in a grlay,iackeit, stood on a dynamo, . �1` I& public, preaching., Ile opened the made .of the coast -line stretching for er space will glow in the bengal"C in the 'Siemens plant and b,egan his est recent tests have-sho*n the fol- prrinri�pals! A level spot under the Ing a m1nn was apparent. - Then the - .. �,,,,,, 'Wriptures to them, and- opened their 150 .miles from Port Renfrew north- fl,m,,.,, . I Palisades was the favorite, duekng Givil Wlar came on, affording IDUtlet- . ,,. , I understandings to understand t he ward, to Kyuqudt Sound: be tells of iRy speech by ehiphasizing that he had lowing varieties to the most suitable, -rk all I , ,� " "' . . �.,.-serioture,&; to tlwm it was given "to . 3,W, people, doubled during the sum- I I ... ,the tinie the convettion was been poor and;hInd come up from the. for Eastern Canada generally: Dent.s field, of New Yo, gentlemen. A f,Ox' the blind recklegsness Our 4' � 11 I -.-M,gconsin No. 7- Golden Glow, ' lade near -Bladens4berg, - justl outside country could niuster, and ,the duel. . ir, .1- � the Mysteries of the kh�gdom mer season. Malcing forty-nine ports ranks of labor. Two days later ' about Leaming,and Bailey; Flints Co,mp- Cshington, becramia fooloug as the was, finally outlawed. , I I � , . of heaven," and to them they were of call Chiptain Scott listed 451 fam- er those that are left at many points 40f,600,0,00 People 'V"� fo-r Httler. I dueling groutid OT politicians� states- I I I - " . ' - .I " - I persons; along thesie 166 nidles face a winter ton's " Early, Longfellow, SaI24's men, and men. in the Service. Sav- I . Ft-.- . made plain..", ihe-% with 48.3 unattached I Dr. Goebbels had . staged his master- North Dakota. - I � ' . . ..; . .. Jesus gave. them instructions as to there were 278 white families, eighty- of almost unending loneliness. piece. . I Dent varieties Sucloor very little annah and,New Oylehns-both possess- . I .. � "'! .. where they,who Were now.his am- seven Japanese families and -eighty, iSmIall wondex that Captain.Scobt With the aid of this propaga I sucker ver� ed A*orlte dueling- plael Tih,dre ft I , 1!1�., Ill if at all, while the flint�, . �, �, r.. baslsladors�' were,, to, go. Ap yet thetr nine Ind4an famili�-s, -the last without cries oult: "Ile boat, the boat's the m0id-bine a new Gernian i h' y ,Ahers less celebrated, but ASHAMED, OF, HOER 1;1 - I - : I . my� lins freely. The. flintsi 'usually. yield were man . I. �1� W-01rk was to be -a mong 1�ie4ost sheep any .spiritual care whatever. The is- thingl There axe boats in wbund- been concocted. In the schools, the ,li,g*gly I,W,,� than the d�nts brut much used. . . � ,�. ­ � I". I . -The first; of- olation. of these people points the up- ance which are here for expj�oibinr teachers 'are doing -their duty and at , ,Lo,ve afflahl%business, politics, trifl- -1 I ,, ,,, - of the lhousi& 4 Israel." . siTice they cau be harvested seven to , I � . �:,' ' �� . for Of salvation wips ,tp -the Jew peal for 'help. Mission workers of the natural resoumes, of the, flistrid; the universities professors are FIGURE . � ,­,�. - I ...�� -A. He Pro'- (ten days earlier they should be given Ing differences Of opinion, ill led to . ,� . ' jj,�,. . du'liot send them f6r% wkli�ut a the Anglizan, Catholic and- United let the Ohurch see that there is at pounding the party- philosophy. Ew� preference -in districts, where*e sea- ,rtbe dueling field under the Inexorable � I ( 411. - ­ &ftite .. �,:,L,­ . , errand. "As ye-jeo, preach, Churches give such service as they leavt orie, �vbicb is-intgrested just, in en ,the newspq3er ciolumm devoted to son io somewhat short &T using the Code of Honor. In a Norfolk twern Husband, Persuaded,, Her to, I ,,,-�,,- ­ faymig, The Kingdom of heaven is at can, but,there axe mitny ,people en- .peopqe." -.The log4book of these six the `German �vom�n'l pay due (14- dvmt vaci,ties,. - Midshipman Francis Key -had his own - 44, � - This was what John' . the Bap- tirely or inadequately provided for. Weeks .w" preeVIU4 16 the National erence, and wom,dn are told how ,to . ideas i1bout the:rdative speed of two . han& . � ­ �,,, ­ . . I �,.. " Take Kruschen . V'p ' 'tist.and Chritsk had preached. and they One family had mot been visited, by Mission. Board� It would make in, 'be ch!N-laving and to prepare for . — steamboats. ,Midshipm�an Sherbourne I ��f, � a4 . their . k,,0 ' , myust do likewise an& Christ mission bkDntbut two or three times tereating and at tdmes thrilling. read- Proper place in the home -all -mid he w*9 wi�Ong. 113Y following her husband's adsvice, gave lmu� . Insultl -But I '�' . - tbeon, qvw4er to confirm their preach- during eighteep yedrs. - Ren- ing,for the'whole . as, I th r died Cheese don% want to idil you over a s,teaTn,­ - ,� , In this woman, mad""" trerAendous im-. I ,' t J,e name of Aldolf Hitler e,,, Canadian G a �Fll P(nit 'L"] -4 e, a ": el,x ;��,.., ing as be bad done. They were sent frew had seen no Christian ministetr been tb your corres1pondient, Zt Prl With "co-o,1dftmlte&$ �e - - I I . boat,",protested'Shetbourne. "I. want provement in her ,_A1V@4panc&---s;hw , I 1--w--- . _ -- I -k oft sTlbs, of her ex, - .. 1�1- - Wftad as - -W,bRe blevaing--4 to ing- this year tiA ours canw in Aboist (Ir 6U6 *arliy mention this) has been " ��i�dii�es overpowering luim, , RepoAs td the Department indi- 4)'04611 YOU, though," insisted Key; so actually too -ess il ��: - . fat. Telling of, her experieme' , , ' Ingoo to the .world that lo,�,a aucT and there are thirty-Wour families Able ito -give,it some publicity in an with rhdjo voices beseeching -him, with cate that alplost 1.13,0006000 poun& they went to the -dueling ground � i , she, N5"�,�­,". ' god&ess were ithe spirit and genius there, mhny single men and.a. public article that appeared in the Daily n4wi§,reels andfeature pictares arouv. of cbeese� or approximhtelyl,98 per where Sh4bourne, sfhot the son.. of writes:- I . �Iw IM ."d -i . politic . ��t�',* of tue, gosVd which they came, .to school Of fifteen, pupils. Fishing &w- Colonist of'VietoTia for O&jober lat- J ... iaiis, and pro- cezit. ef. the total pivdaction- in can- 'diie author of the "'A -year ago I WQ9'tr1DUb116d W '14g, I '' , . I I Star-SOar 1, X,,�. . . . .- I I . 11 . I . ikled Ban- I . Ith 1 Zl�-�-� - . . I I I I I.. ... ,­ I I . . ada during 1932 was grade& Of Ws ner, through -the heart. Honor Was rheumatism; neprvousne"t afxr"other d , , �1�i�­ I - q- I . - plantity 93 I c�'InVainte. "And I got ,I�;fi,-- , , . ­­ . I 1 .75 *r cent was first satlsfie& . so fat that., . ,,,,,,,% ,, , - . � q , . \ I lWag'ashamed of my figure. I waw 0 ��.­, � I I . - -.1, I - 1� I ft',��74�. � .. - "P I— , . . I .. . . � I I - . I I I grade, and wasI the higheat percent- Alt Frankfort, Kentu�ceky Frank I .,;1, " . . I .. .. � . I . . . ­... � - I , ­ , !" I' ' ; : of the first gilade during any ',Holman ateiden1tally ki,cked. Jim Wlar- - take ,,� i'll", . . = 1 �:! 1 : : age persuaded by my husband, to - L '' . 0. ! : I : . -7 IN4, I ; : �y,ear,-sinee gmdhv Krus`chen �Sallts- More I beglan, " r- � i ! : .g was inaugurated. ing's ft. Honor; efthe& Waring's 'j� ( . , : i : i � ! 1 : . lof or the dog's - Weighed 161 16s. After . : � - I It also repre�ents an increa,4 , was Andleated withpis, taking Krusuh-' 11 �11NO:�, I .. I - I 1, 15%. per cent. '&Tirg aie I-0-,yW tols at ten paces. Holmall, W - en for a short time the rbeumazism.�, I ,�j* 7­�,�, , , az,�edp. was le . ,I�I,�,, -, I I ' , , �9,f,A,��',-,;�. 0 !:: : ! , � :: !:: ::: . `r' . tach of t�s provinew in -pled f,or life and' Waring'sdbg went ss, painfu!, my' nerves. , i: 1: 1: 1: P' - got; -�, . : :: , �,,,' 7' � ­­ : : 11, ,'whig considerable . stponge. . I � I4142*;"""-�L.,�-` ....... .. I � ' Thas- .,­ that Kruischen was -doing jnel� I I I . 9%.�,O�, quantities of permhuently wiithout a ma�tsr,, --knewr, and, mly sftp lighter. Then. IM, ­.­ � . I I . cheese are m1anpf - murderously brief ,qmce n .1 ,31.. , -4 . pW . , .. I ,. �Rdl has, effect of te � I ...el-I'�--,,L,,..,:P..:,..:.-,;-;,.;5., - i % ­.. " a, ­­, P"ag I Z, ""M.-'i�.!:-.'�.�..,::.,�i:i,�i�, -- `4�1�'�' , f�":" ' : . � .­.,:",.Xi:,5*' I e , i -, good, so I pe � �i;,)v . ir, " . , , .", ..,��*.`., -, d improveim&Iit the between cop*ataift, -reevered Wit I I I . ­­. , - in My ,and was 'not unusual. h if"kno got, . . � I I . , I , .,-g"' "'-�,�,�� �,' . - , I . in�reased perl of. fita gra& Me Henry -Jones duiel ­in.�Wnnessse my Weight d1own to 129 Tbs., a rodue- , - 4,-, , , � -.".-1 I ',­, , � ZI;1ilp, , , ", � , � I :::: I ". . ,,, �,�,', "'.. . - . . I I -1 I tion of 32 R . . - I . �� . . . . . . . ...... I clheesb in 19,92, as compared with that About thistinie was fougft with hehvy As. of Unwanted fat. 1 '/��,'�` �'­'­­ . .Ism not lboastfilg- wh,6n I say that I" ' , ?��',, 0 �, '. " . � 11 I . " of 1923.� represented an additiolwal, pistols - at tour feet. Their weapons '� .1.11�, 4. .111 � 11 . . . . i _ "5 . . L ::1 Lj,#,�� ��,,,;i,�­. .............. :1, - . .: . . . . . . 1,,1,,;6('-,- , . I revenue bVapprbxkuaftelr $11,000� to' must have n1m6st t;ouW'6d 'for whale 11241 YIDUnIger and! mo.A active, h . �A­ �,V&�L"�! , .. I'� I I - . . I I ..� . P . avis , ,gul'-�, , , I'll . 11 � . , I . ntVeh baUej fiV,r ��Iq � , � . .1 the cheese hidusbrik last; year. In Joi%§ was instanitly - wilutd, Jhb bullet thter - - I I ", , & e,- an ,��J�!,,1�4p"�,",I�"' ", � .... ". 11 . - .. --: i e 11 ' I �;"�. . r", � �v than I have I Ti�i�",�,,,�,,"I,I,�.T,,'I�."."�lI I . . iWddltion to tbe.,IgAer peircentagia of wero d1TmUy* into� hi 6pponerd -- for . . - ., �".�AMM,�&!�A,`; I. , y ��; � .­ Q ry I first gra,de chee.se, % J. b. . I I � ( �S-X, . ',':�,'��?�'11",Lgft.'�"-- � 1 I - . hera is, also , a pis;U; sso ­Heliry se,ocW43W. , I , , 1 ' - I 1'11'�"" �'L ", � . L � . A ,,, , I 01 IL - . � '. t4allked $mlpm �_fit in the appehr. Xrukhen is a blaiid six Mineral .. ,,Z I . - of , I , ,ei,��gg,�� , �1' I 11 - .... 1. 'IL'I&I, mi��) �,`. .1 , Great 61olitiftl dluels- OvetWmdowed - , , �,, 6 � �,,p ­ . . , . .-­­ ­ 1 , I � ­ - ­-, I ,�,l , � .., .. , I I ... M arice. of smpftn salts which assiab the- internal, ,Or-. 1 . i,�� jj�� �;,�,.,,-,, � � . 1 ;�'­,.. 1.1, I 1- I I., " � " , ,enb% and the gemftl ,� , ."-..t pilblie HfV for 'blaff a c4rafiry., L,"A,. , ,; 0- q,"litY, is Superior to that of pre- .­ - - , , V.r � I .Xmr..i�,;, � ,Oro, w0dso ft.ves0were, too valuable to waste products th t .. . pz,��.,�,;�� , ' . , 0 i,P�,�27��,1L,Iiii`,�,p . " V7 Q.. .I- . vious yea�&, all 4f which -has ftl%ne, rask in ay.eme,W,ip,�ft affronta 4 would bw�h Of,'' . �,�v;�",��,;;,��,�R"�,�;�,,�,.� . , � ", � . ;11 - 'Il"". gans to AT,b* off ,e6ch day those.- - ", I IS, �, , ­ . ' , , ;. �, � , � .. I I . ­ I - * tbAii 6TIC-0 bbligeId" to d9rht be- -quo - I T44 .01 ft,ttk, tii­ , I .. , IXIVKT, Myl.­ , I ��i . �;,. i � p, 1, . ed the rdllgtjivi� Ofian&uji of 004 -aft , were ROM Mki,101te in the to " � . , � .. ,;.1' -K `1 0-heege fir th mark*A ,d the- w6r" . I .; AL A29to -i!"-y"q1'!.4�"i!,Z �,,..�;,;­.'­�, -.,,�', I .. .. .- .t - " . ,31,yi� ��`,,',�,, , - ­ , ause, of , Ifto , Godela. r4alignan. .in I ., , � ". �c - , , I ­, ­ ,�,� , ,, . I . 111� ,"�,�",V,.,���,,,I�','..�.�,�L,�:,�,�,"",,t.l",,"_I''� � . . - 1. . - " L I , qi,RW�. ��'­ , ­,�'� - "'� 1- " �, , ,;, I . . .1 .1 .. . .46 11 Au"te, and - these 'ddhh,xU�er:e1d g$a�es . . �., 'I 1�1,l, ��,iZN " "I"", I, I I I I io "I"'I", �, .11, 11" I . . . " ", " " P , I . . a1w g , vie . , - " " ,!�� I , - . Ira" 0 lm1s. � W,� 1�-�', , 146 . were ahnoft Elvat 'hf'4 Z'�,, �4, . �,I 'I , , ,� I., I � I �`�,,?,;,o �,4 ­06if -f - , - ­- �� , �:U!*I,I� � �gfi, atim, U91"Velp � 1�, 'L. . kldft.daw jj�6z �ij;�) t - FRE AL 01FF4R,-­ . ,i I .,I - , , � EXtefM , , de�lglri - You havai-nevet i�,y N�4 -r ... .. I. , . 'Inatihg,� ),: 1 4 . ..... � .Uv "oh" , . no hp- Uled kruso'hon-�-tjj.,l6-Ii,6Vj. - I 1XIS iv ?*i,y,(h4Wkd � ' ion' I , %J, i.,j�. ;*- . . A.I.. It � I - , 0091t 00 dueling In any fonfi, n1aill. at OUT 0114118,9- � We h� 7 "� ,7,,1- 11­�,� `�")� i ,� , vd diStribilt6d a #6atp � ou ry Autes ,taille(I diat, he Wgs, Within his' --­ I-. . !!� , , :'­ , C*`i'iV%$#1ek11, '' I . I WIA141 Packages which inatfor ) I "N I I . X,'� 11 , , � . ligift. It easy 0 . - , "' I � � � I , - , ­ I , " ­- ­ � � ;U9,A to mv I— - .. , 13 �61,0 .1.1.1 nrcelal I ;, ­­ 1. .1, ­­ . ­ , vis foo guvm I, �'114 " I . � 1,L; 10 offildial in-mititi-AilgAi Asp 70 g*6 , & be� d"t P -d' i as ftv� , I 000.11"'J§,#40 "t W, I � "'�, L , ,­# 4 . .. arRage. � I .1 L" _, , ", I 0�-*ftll ther nitni", ,1 Aeties . I , " ,,, a', L',, ,,,, � � ".' I , ,,_,* of vNir, Buki's fi*,gj§ &i '66tuin, ji�o. k qov,l ' ---t'., . ., ''.. �, .,, . - . . 0� . " , . - 11. ", . y , . � , ,,Q4hey1,' " a 11A tr'reghlaf j6c,�bottlb'wgo � cl . �, A I 6f-� his ,Oqr ­.­­.,­, - I . .. "& 0, . ,��, . . . '. I W.A­ -4 1, I . miu ,%at' - itTe t6s, !& &ea iLM hist -IMA I'd a "I'll It 0 elanLt -1 " 1� , . . ­­ ­ 0.00WON, � I ­ �, , . st AOL W, ary hh"g Vf1th �.. I 11 ,, -i" .1 I. - lb, ,j ... '' ­ .,.,- -Z,- WUM7- ,a, "I I If . " In "" 11 , " � -Ulaqr,�tvrol ,fi '... -Bob _M 4, hig -00pai tot I - _ , � -4 1Y r A ---- - --U* �s;ta'fta., - -- -Beirr i6, h�11,�,4­ ­ _ 20121. I or put It to %1,��'e;:: ".: I 1111111111-11-l".., ­�,!�. ''. . I �, I ;:�:: ;.� , , .1 , '', . r !". I . L L ,st,.Ill I ,.�,�A I " , K, I . ,fttv 1*6 4A 2�,,­% %W oti, ,, F, " W -W10, moatfts� rpe-14 , ,11 ", .11 I , 011 -stj Owl thvh �,L, , 9M ,, jkrugVer t - L�"i I — I I, � 1 " � "I I u" 44' theles' au`d� OvOy Od"11110-Y lmowa the ' ' �41 girl y-c6qi1aead that 1� �;k,,'NIO,�,�� , , -�`w - 11 . ... `,.":"�", 1 ­ , - ovw,�.L t e#-& Id I , , � � 09, 0,00ex I .. .1 . ma Z, 1'111�1� ;�,,'� � � � I P 1'(1 TV,, ksi�-J, - ­ W-L: '? � I � - . qriwt, , I I - Z�%�,e'T,a ., 1,�lv­.­­ � ... . ­ . *a 44%. ., -04, " I M I - . --m- . ow 0 16'stul; 1%1, 9664 As 0 0 'It , ' � V "' -&l �, I --- . . 4 "' . I " -� ., ,, ,. � , "" . ­ !, . . I 1, I -0 is . ­�jffi 10" �'jl!�11�' ", .�itia . " 1, .1 , , " I ,g, liew- , V, IT,N& 17'�J . . , , . , 4 JN ,.%',L"�f i ­ ",,,,, lMe 'L,.j.",:.'�', fI,,&,,',�,�*;I;,Iik,�� V JV P- : 1. V. 'I - 1*6,g f1L . W.-- ...... .. I ", ". .111'e�'tv. llr,515tm . - . ..Ua. I(O ON- q Rubliurl I - , P"Ylq...­,� 111. �Ws I " 09 , .J - F T, . I 11'�,,(Meft` '. . Q to�fdttftlp . , 14' ,,,,, I , , ",.1 � I Al"W&I600 -141,1- � I 09a �,xw%,l ,0, � IRIYTM 11: '6h itbd 9*6 l4n,�g,s� - �� I �- I Vs)urlge. r9fft- 4 i.,�', lil?)Z�l �)77 I ', " XF , W" , - bt r 4 1 . , " OUCCO . IN . V*11#00 1 06' ft -d alid hill" , 1, .1 ?" , . . . _Up . 1� � u 1 4l� W i ­ . ­ . — -11 � .471111 R ��:,I: I `4� , �.­ ' ` , "� " �!�!' 41�: � � -� �- -L I � i% ,I � , ,�!, ilT A'' 'FT a . �i"�`J � 1�1�., OIL,, "T".. I i, " 1"A", � 1,�` lit"A 0'1'�' III " IJ,7.1 - 11; 7', , I i'' �7 '�,%Iil , � I M lot thdid6f'.-"2 a �, i 11 , , &W 'A"." on T 'fi, T V., 1;�.. ff, .""a :11, I U ,,, 1'1�,.�. I d., 11 i:� 'i, 1, OAT. �I'110" of,ther 11 h ,iy ..... I. -,y � , Ji�'L� - 'I', � W V %L I ,o�, I ftTb I , � t1V,JF% � it, il",�, . , - . . am 'Waft , tP!,�,im,bur - 9;;hifs f, � i i ''. , 4d ri*d&1&4,-k liv%e i � , ----a 11%14d , 11 "t 111�4T ON"'k,10,11 , �'. . . �" , 4,44 a"'., it . " , � jm!'�, .4 - t ItA,Oft , " � � , Z �'t7w�, 0 I 141'�-! riff . 0&m- , " &F, "&, & !,I, ,Mi . . . . . .. .1 % tOl , A'A&VItUnt, d(lb'4floti. - 0, , ,,Rbl "(6, #1 ,If - - . , ��, ,,'�' "If J ,, " io " �*Vft S, 1 -,,� : �101 't ,�X,1,`-o, ,,, i "I" , �.; ­ , , ,U , ­� ,,,, 6 � I' � �, "I I.­,,;75�,9 ­' . 11 . ILI , ; I , , � � -1 - -L -, , t - , ' W2 0 , � "Mo . by . 1, 0 W- 4 ,'� I, SO , n ", FJ ,110', !, W�� ,,,'wrl ­,��­--- "Jud -"W"�,*- , , CEIIWO"or J%J40'. �*# 'ja ' . I -N, -VE =44A ­­,� ,,1.,,,-1 --'�­.�'� � � ,� ,�L � I IZ, ,!�'�; , 4�3 -the noit. �it 41,. it I nii - . .11 . � , 21 1 . A4 *4-b9d . gunc 7 , ,`�,, ,� �,� . I I I i4ifw�.101� if, * Mt. osto, , .. , . - ,"'y' I� - I ; 011I �1� LZVOII�, ��-90, ,,�,�V', I I 1; Pr�ml, 11 . ,�it`�,��,� "L� ��"I� ',ii,�:"�'� " , . � ?;"y �, , �'.,�" ,, ,',� ." �, I W04 "-to #011711. , I � I I " I ­ - `.,W�.9', , �F ; '' ' I , I �, i-. , :�,,-�.,llr�, , 6 ., , I", il ­ I . 1;4 �` W Ts I , I . 1:�­ . , , 17 I, .. .11 ... 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