HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-02-16, Page 7= I 0 a , 4, I A U , , , , I I? nXz';'1r1J,0 0',',.,� . .1 - V , I V 'S . , P i ---,-, q .,,4l 01 1 U11 � � �1 , . NQ , , , - . , I � . � i��, l, . � , �� M 1, � � " Z ig i, .1, . I ... � . � �, 1� I "I � I .: " . ., l , . , " R �� , - l, '�" "' 'j, I � �� ;'! - , , , ,� -1 , I -i� ,1�0 I i . , ,� I ��,� , , �, " , , � , " J'4 1), � ... �., ,�i , R41 ... ,,� �';', �t � 010 � ", - � .. _ � ­ . rw,11�11� I I " ." , , k'..7,3,�'t,'. , YQT11M4`,','� �,,I, " !'�.;,. ­.��,�I,t,,�..� �,W!�S!1�17",�; � t �,, � � �f,,_ �� ,- - ;.�� Y,w , , . I . . � F.� - ,� �1�111 . I I , .", ,,��4,,, ','-�,, , :, " ��,, , � �f� " X " �� . '1Y --,,-�',.�,'�.";"4",i���'I'�, , i , % -il %,�!'.�,� - *A,�Vr -,, . , 0 �;.0110 0 114 1. P 1111�1. , i. 4, -.,i1-_.11'.1 � � , �. , '#.(M',._ .., '' ,, - ." 'I . , � I , , f. . . �,,­ � , I � � N 24n, �._irl, .;".�, f­'.',�t,` ';, :� , , I , , " - I , . . 4 ;11,1t - I , '&��.� ,. . IN, R .1.,`:' �1', � - 11 ­ 1*4'0'­ii� ­..*,*"',xV1 %dr, 11 0--,,-�'., . ,�, 4 ., I 1;1�11.,�,, � f" � I � ­­__ � , .�. 0�,'i!�, iil 1, q7.' �1, , " , - � . .. ... 4;�`_ � , . , ,. _�i I. , d.:,_11� I, . I � . - . 4 . " '. . , � .� I I �� . ., .1 ., �i,,- " ­�,, , - _ , 11� , 11 � . ��t_ ,. . ...� .: . Ii. - I ': " 1��'_ , . , , � . I I .1 , j . , , �� � � ;� . ;X'� -, 'I. 1: � �, - �, " A , 1� i .. - I.. . 0 n. � ", ", I . '*,p,,_ -.,,r - - - � , , , 9- � ... - -1, a'.* . .:, , _', �.� - I j � , , ­ , � � �, �, . . I I'll ... I - - R f��": 1h" I , . , .". "'.. . I . I 9 . , "I .. %, , .I R, 15W '.1 � . 1. � . ", , , A ". , I i , .V � . i"�, . . - , 1 ,.?. I , 7p,�*Xfor*�Atly, , :i 7*­F�11_1." " �41�`11 - ". � . , , .0_o-'.`�, 1 '� . �- � I . , . I Y--, ,Ip, , i �, ! � 1. I , � I . I , -_ . : I - r- - �� . ; ". .­ c -1 � ,� � . �i . : . tl' 1, , � I . �..� . . I _11% . -, , � � ., .,.. .,�� % `­ ;'��:! �� I , 's, " & � .1 .. " I . I 0 '. I , , .., 4A,T,�, "­;`, ;''�­. . 11, �.:, . . . . . . , , , . .... .." ­ ,e...., . ":,�, - .... � '. . '­ ..... ­ '...... - 11 �, - �g _R. 1. I , *# . 0.01 -4 ,� . I I I ...'.." ..4'..... � 2 � ". .., , � ... I-V - ; ! , IR4,kriaterp'.A.S011t. I COATITane-a's" � . � , **il Xbtiffl6k­ .e. __SOW ".." ­ , nir Dominion, Baal; "' 011100., in'Te'ar' OX, the D4()u1iUi0V� B44nk, SeW,�A� . . , Money � 10 j"W" , 1_ � �. 1, .1 . ; . . I . 1. . . �, ; 1 4 � _._ " il � , -1 .. . X. " I . . -1 . ._,� r,-.,.,- . .- I I � . I 154 I I J.ORN H. BEOT , � . . . I . - I . . h I I Barrister, ,§olicitorp Ete. I . - .� ­ - I _. '14, t, Se2bDPth,-., - - . Ontario. . . I . 6 � . . � I - q�94 0 . I r .. . , I . . . . I I VETURINARY ', . f, . . . " . . i 0 4 _1 l, 11 jl�, � . " . - . ­ I ___A9#WP'FI0y1E�ty,--S -, I - ----'- I " . tI 1, - . Honor graduate Of Ontarlo'Veterin- r sury college. All. diseapps of domestic nuimals treat, .ed. Jdails.promptly at- tande,d to and charges mderate. Vet- - ,erinary Dentistry a Specialty. Offic6 and residence On Goderich Street, b.ne door east of Dr. Mackay's.offlee, Sea- c ' forth. ......" . , i I ....... . " . . .� . 11`-� I - . A. R. CAMPBELL, �V.S. . a � I � 0mduste of Ontario V, F e ter . . . ^- (Wlege, University of -Toronto. Xri .: diseases Of domes -tic animals treated 0 by th,6 - most modeii . ...... �trc.ifesi Charges reasonable. Day gh cab promotly atbe-nded to. Office on Main, Street, Hensall, opposite Town HIL Phone 116. Breeder,of Scot-' tish terriers. Inverness Kenllels� a Hensall. I � , ."-1-.'-- . . I 1. �1_ _.. _ - . 'i _ -1. A-." I , . i 4 . .11 . I . ., MEDICAL . p . . . . . - I - . � . . 4 DR. GILBERT C. JARROTT 6 . . I Z . Graduate of 'Faculty Of Mechicine, University of Western. Ontario. Mern- A ,bar of College of Physicians -an, I - - � vmgoona.of _Ontarw_ Office. -A3 G,Qd-- erichstreet, West. Phone 37. Hours: 2-4.30 pim.,,.7..30-9 p,m. Other hours I by appointment. � . I __.P�Pcessor to Dr. (%arles.1dackay. s I . . - I � . P . . � . Dp, F. jl� R. FORSTER . .. I... I ­ Eye, Bar, X006 and Throat I Graduate in Medicine, I)niveralt of . . 7 4.1 Toronto. - . Late assistant New York Opthal- mwLand Aural-Justitute, Moorefield's Eie and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, Eng. At Commel�eial Hotel, Seaftorth, third Wednesday in ,Nwh �MoAth"from 1.30 p.m. to 5 P,m. Z8 Waterloo Street, South, Stratford. t. I . . . - . . 1. � -_ I'- --; . ,,.,....,.,_ ' I . I DR. W.. C. SPROAT Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, OniveTsity of Western Ontario, Lon, don. 'Member of College of Physic - lass and Surgeons of Ontario. OffiCe fin AberharVa Drug Store, Main St., Seaforth. Phone 90. 1 I- 1. - .- ­ . DR. F. J. BURROWS Office and residence Goderich Street, east (it the United Church, Sea- -fortb.. Phone 46. Coroner for the C'OuRty, of Huron. . ­­.�, .... L ; I I I - ., a- . , . DR. IL HUGH ROSS . . Cmaduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine,' member of -C,W- logo of Physicians and'SurgeOns of Ontario. pass graduate course in xhicago Clinical School of ClicagO; Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, England- University Hospital, Lon- tu-,l En,�Iand. -office Back of Do- n. on Bank, Seaforth. Pbone. No. 5. Night ,calls answered from residence, Victoria Street, Seaforth- . _. , . - _-_ - � I DR. S. R. COLLYER - -.Gruduate Faculty of Medicine, Uni I versity of W�est,�rn Ontario. Member College of physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. post graduate work at 3 New York City Hospital a Victoria .1 lunt, Hensall - " , �.� ". "'i", . i -I,- A , "..,"W'. �'WL111111- ., ", "I'l � b, ­ I .. W ­-, � '' � , .w ;".,-:�,� ;" � ,�I�."'-. � W�" , .11 ! ,� ;�-� ,�� ,�.`IVIN' * � ,�;,. " -�, , .;, I ­ ­)�- , ", �,�'. 'a. 4­,­� g _ , ., 'nRoi,w ,�� #%'i �w_ ki ?I � t.g""i Ir , "� , , . � ­ , I A IITZ , , -11 ,. 11 � , � , . '.. _ , ;. !� 1. ". Z , "14w,"-, ... , - � �'-,%-- 9.1rF p W524 ,�, - ,� ` '' , I . . 1, ". ,f , ., 'g -,-,,- I - , - , ��. *g r .�," , .. , jl ��: �. . ,J..� " I � . � % ", '!I .40'?% WA 6 ,A, go; .;.� �� '. , 1� , 0 ,'�%' �F-14,_ � 4 xk��-*' ;,W_0, -to ,, 0 "" 7 � �;, V140 PI, F . . I If erg . , KT� I .1 , . I � � , k7 14 111", - "I, , 1P .1 1� � I , . , I , 1�1 �, , _A '" � If . . . . . . .. '� ... � ;, " - I .k � " 4 - ,�� . .� .. I .1. 1. . . ". I . , .,�4 " X " ", W, 4�� MAV . I _: I � , i; .1_1� . � , I -9 94* 9 -F ,,, ' *(1.,;.;,5' T-i -,-'�-�.i--,; _:"i,1','1 " ., - _ .@ , MAI;��f�`.117� r , 1, ­.VLi,0 � , "". , LW __ 11 "`� , P1111q,., . . , .. ...­ I I I � , .y,­� , N - W __ IR il' I M,z�";,-"i p �1M1*"1'1.1;,,,I;i " , - , 4�xg,g I 1 - � , ggg� ; 77, 11 � ', .�" ... 1-1 � 11 � i 17"E'77;4�;; " n ' , `i` , �` ... i ­14,­!.`,��`.­ , , 1��_C! ", ��'Im� , ? , ) -, ., - , " , "" "" "" ` ­�4 ;r 1 F ,�� I , - , , " _ �,7 if- , '_, ;I �" ,� .7,11' ;; �* .--A:i-,W0.!, $_ 1 K'N".6. 0, ? .;�: -`�_, . . W N, 1 . .,. .. ." d. �.", TO ��, . s,_ , - J ,� I - -1, , -*', �,�-*��,, .; , , - . .# 1. Mar P411_; ��,, -1 �;, �, ,_�, !,)_11111.1;�,�;Ftl . - 4, M1. 0`0 t NtOK I.FT I IT .'­_ ), if, . , I 11 I... _.. ,, %% .j i -.1-1 . '' . .. , �� .�' `­ � � i. I : I ,�, 11:��;' :,61 *1. 1 7�'j ,qg .41 " . , ; ,7 ` , " - I � _ � . . _ S, - �tbot zt_;�, , . ,,, - : ..!1* -,I -� ��, . : . ... I �tJ3 ,I _R � �.egqy ,, , , W, . .... -.00",111,4 " An, �', - , llvr�o i , ,,� 1i; 6'1� 1. V-01 'h,p, htL,g­gLL-J1r ,1V MA , , � ; ­%" " � I. � .1 ,.� .�.. I I - , , 1- '! , I ., ". '. X . I � I f�it4q�: OF fll� - -g-Aar,.A .."o ". F , " ,., . . : � � . ,,`.:�h; , , V L , ,_ " , . . l , , ." ''.."',", ___�i�. AWRN, ."�l , - ,� . 11­'� - � . I � .. _ r , - � . , _ '.7i,q1-:0� I ­ � - Tl�­.�T,�11. t. ­ . , 0 " it - . , , *0�!: 'I, ��,o".,-J,0,1, " �:j,�V4 -11 �` _­'. I � . 11.-. 4. 11 ,_­ : . . I . "" " " " .. I I -.,W% . ��, -11%. . V, , , �, "! . ".. ­7­�:.­ ., , �, I , , . ., .-n �W 0 K­� 11 . , A,40, , � . .S ., I �,r 7�. 4: .11 "' " 1 t , " . , U , - ," 1, . ,11!� ­.­ �. : , , , � . , , , . ti,710 ,Q ,Owteak "Ir % Ob,�Awt , - I r11.6g tV- � . - L �"' .. ' ' . , , - _., I­WWOH.P,"�-, ::'.� , OWKIA NSL .0 'ta 'a *Vmo, , e --- I , "; . , - � - i� I, - * �;�k' 1, 4 - - 'J. ' ,., � " " , , ,� q0 - w � 'A. � , ,;� (U.0utnilt(A,TrOT,4,Al�gl?.,.WID .) .i was IVA%T,F� il &I At -1 0". '44mow,04, - hi , ofell , . , , . PGPGI�',Y,�, ", , M . 1� 1. " , 't. *0 "",Turkey. ,Tra,*-,Iwl�� M -T�­l _k - - - - - - � i I . , nQW4 r 4VMN41;LV. Ar, . � , he - Jam. , ftr - there -c 4m�e � to, lu , , With . ; , :, : f -.4 ,.. ', ", . " , , , i p . I �. 1. " , gd � ,gh "M ,.404, to . 110 ,yt'. _ gl� _ ." I � I .- I -1 lqv �(M "W"p, ;Pr4iW, ,�,,, , - ; 1 , -�� PA 41' I. velal�Ai , - , er 4- - 'r had. a 4%,047'him fer� .'y* ­t* A? - K, fi, -, I odz-red�­vi !abss, the fight in� r ,W! - �, � -gj� , I , ,� , ,,.� ��';,� _ I i : "!iJil3mv - isail". . ye�dfeel lilke,-1 p0 .. "'41 � . . _*L � , '', � 4 is friends, ,(I must find�OUIDTA# -Meau, sli,ow, at thek -dabI74 -the flight of., . " � �y ) ,, iV- � I -fill", I.— '' . 11 't L . . , , �1 'to , : 11 ... . . T. . ! ( 1,11A . . -".1-M-40; rolum-N.KA , A�­`". II �.Ir,_,_ , � , . I I * F414 -;�, Iiin. . I . %I - . . , �f Of 41U0U.__.Sn,1fI,eth1nR,, .:nas gono girkW .,, -, - - '�' . �er, W14p. AP ��7hei , . _ I - " i I .1 .1 .4".., � _ ' ' In& ,, I :D,46n'4 � .?p , . � I ��,'� 1, �:,�'ejl rrQug, - _r - . ,.. ' - I . ' 11 - . � I ,'� 1�1,,;.F T . r�, - ' - ' � I � , ", -70u- I .. r '. L. I .. M ' ' , ' "' ' 1,11 .. Perhaps. Or WtU't ng , , 1A6,'fdr. -s was, r1dini j'�,; 6bots :fee frb 1 4. .. !., 1 ,' 4i,4 nvt seem, to be,Ow Ithp l" � . - "I'! . . � .. ­ ' ' ` " ' � .. I .. , . � Harpl0r,"h I 1�1 �. . � .. . . . . I , I ' 4 - .� ... . �OundThi running awayglFt � I �7 , I I , n T , �f ', - , , - -I ; ; ',�� ZI., I _.. ,.­, ..... "' ­ � . ­� - ' I - ­-­' _ , .11 : � MrM,M7t, �.Rffi , . I .� be ,0=109 �qr " tbe . . 'F i- , ..��ext',mioment� she 'was e , :.Re ,, upon cbluanibiwtiadl, with a , .. w whole gaz . w , , , So am on the - I �_ � . . . , , .1 ." � . 'ed,by., tenderly �sbe pressed her' . I . . .. . �4,_.�'­-Ml;.'11�111­ � , _ ,; . . " , _ "N � 1�- �., i. I 1: ", ' `.It was not often' tbit-�04 d0louel brain fl; - - tbrou!04 the, aii, t4Ward� hip a, ��Preal�, , V I." , , 4, � " j,". IN whigloy into, 4, devour . _ %,_ . _ago,r... , -cry. Tn , . I � ,V�14__�' . i _ 4 I . . , . , , . , .:,..,L. . , .:,..,L. tioil to .1 o! q a crimsio4* lit-.,' iIip� to it.. Then she lifte ­ - , I. .1 I—— - ­ . , '' .:,..,L. , I I rgot b1s, dagnity sIufficieptly to run, inig determina � , find Jim El eTy .of' ,.A*hite­f-a,ee d, h4,r eyes. ,. 7., . , � ._ik .1 .1 , , . tle � . I'll .. ..... ­�.i­�­ j�,­ . * - the sorrelwas thuiiml - __ I.. � .., . �. 7�i $,'.',� I * , ut he Yrdn'40*- Ili* the PXC4 .c2,: Then Ifff understand now, eierythirig!" .' �: . ,� , ., . *":.-. 01 and siftoot.,Vp y no matter what . �. , � . q+.111111 , , _n down I be��'��`.�', , ,'� __ I - ' , in ' � - , + ­­ -, _fg, .. - , . �. . "She - - - � -,-, " : '1177 I � wWsp�red., . ....1. . - , � , I I . . ._� ,th 'of - r . . .1 . , .u -P "I", .. made ' JP . Folul 200 - MYAR, M Mi, . V"9;. , u1mianity ,hl.- ' MP - wa�r­ `OAr' -e consequemoes, -except *mt. per- daring on, ,i!441ess' , 'by shouldering fnehasid , =1,,�Fry staggered and. almost fell Thep -.she whirled' and -flung her .. . I ,.. n _M!m 11 MY In I I Ines 11 P, tsvnie- li,ips after he bad'killed Ellery he . � . ` V �. - , , ; . . I I . ___ Mlo'� _' '4% L "' "4 ' ' : ' . - III -WI --d 44", " " . e. caught bar in his airms. 'Ile d. -neck , :,�� Only-CaMp, QuarVives lines by KtOrIll co!m�iazd%,- 'Re, !Mme might shoot hia way -to freI6dom. He asY4 h s abotA Urkde 'Si.mys, gris,16 ... , hell_:S I r' Ital-il I I � 1h I 4'�', " � - ' I , , .. I ,. I io". " �: , the mo=ted messenger and U04d; had � ne,it lbef or,., . . saw Carlotta flash past. A little wZY .g,;0�,d'k1&sed- hiaWmpon -the bep,rdiied lips. � ' I 11 O(r � . , �, ,n!-': o"'l," - o *1 4 eameim, :m � w I do - L, W4, �. - " i t By J . V. ImeAxee. in th. , "Mm I an I.* , ,q� ­_­ ... , I � .. �a. V . , ., �... . . �, ­ I , , , out on the road that wound a- .ou,. Cil y I � ,..." d1n. I I � , .'' . down t1j4 road she r6h�ed in, swerv- AIIIU�nk- God. for. y im man"' I"... t;1*1i 1�4� �h I I - I I I 11 swe i4ior , �4 . . -What's th � . , Of all this n"ng ,tl,, . eA ond--g��aspe,d T e6see by- -- the I .1 . �. . 1111110we). � 11 . 'rvo � I" I ....... ;-o -_ . e meaning tailllnV and dump% and 1� , .. sh.6'eried, . I . . . I � .11 ... 8 rum"-Om"O.A10"', 1 ' !6 , , 1A -� . . I , nde,& "'Clear ' -bridle. ' ­- I � I ,(.T .�_1111111 . . . . . . . . . olishriess?" he denja slabs .. I . iiIele sirn��.always On old hill -billy .11 P111 ....... r "...... .­­ . .1 . r � r r r r .upl4ndedl -of white marble, the - iOf four men, who laive drWen, A 4gbbn1ng.. . r I " I.. he co, a, gentlemen0- � ­­­­ - . , ICar&otta cast a in his* own esrtimation,'_yvas for a � 06!' 1 1 bedrock of '-the diggings, Elleiy let , Riding. slowlyback mokor 'tar at'a rate faster. than, 260 s&nding . wfi6* hq - , �0 �� .. , , V, 11Iq"niW bell!" snorted, Uncle Si= "keal 'run,. Through shallow. depre,g- glance at, the crumpled form in the ,moment sorely embarms6ed, 41E�e ,-AN!s,per hour On the Fqori�da,beachz sh,33��y. ' -The,"� , . . t�ffst Uzi! that.. " _. , ; I ., ", 'Me meanii' is Buck Hah*r's- COmin' 'sionv filled, -with muddy� water � aRPTDPT'- but ,one Ives. - He . 1� � . I ...... �. .g� , , glance, for strove to find, soTi ething, I -13�*e,!SeW %­ .. ;_ re . l. �, I . ;­ U, " oF -town,to--k-ill -Jim -EllarYy an4lfirnlls. horse splashed, *a&6se- rutte&' strleteh� .-Buck _H . ft s,ur.,n as all the --- ;*'Aa.' - . n .... , ... apper when he bald -fled from ate- to, say, ddenly, he turned - to "" i 'Sir Mal�olan Canpp.-p Tommy' X60 I A � � , . 0 .. . ell W_ I I mbl-d,__,,_- ...- .. __ world !):n6ws, i . 'l . .. �� .1 . III out tey'aneat him,l" . I es�, between the lines, of pine alla the rancho, that d4y, 13M fl -lid- &R'Of EV4*y aiid 'grum e 1: . I boll.' In One- Whi"Y'' _t6-1W;Li1- Vm.bH,%h0& L "IBuck .Harper?" the ,colonel , re,' 6ak the her life. � it -was not in -her to love "Button up that thar s1drt, '-J' and 4 f�.W, dbbeTs� sat .1 � I . . . I in ­11?,q. ouirey .' Arthur - '--.A., I - �12.- . ... ­�,� 11 .... n,;., � I . -, � ­� . the outlaw, I . Turre was, not a (man in I i�n "Shum�k�ay­ Tvb` f,iem&­wb%) had died lat" I I I . I eated. "Do you mean g h nary dayst the nian, who runs. ' 'Very ... Elleryl Daug y?, don't ye , know, ha:s ,witnej-god`i6ffi�i of the deaths and p,tii��Tft willt I a the , "' " , � I -.p: 64.8 ­ . 9 Fy, . dh?" I . � . housand, 10arl~8 face w -Bs' - pale a$ thar's, .'a lad�r prisent. I I ' of,t.he she bowled over the silver-4ecorated Nancy Beaufort and, ATA Ellery mau7.29.. the reeOrNbrealilng 'at- whed .drive lashed up aud�:00 � There' was the thunder of 11yoofs,,Only the Was- heard the echo . . . . I . . te,rdl)t,, ,exp,emea the Opinion that to neck; DaAlo Res,ta instar, 1.44 hen. a shrill cry. It was 'Clarlotta's thundering hoofs. pominiel, and smiled. sitgod a the; gallery rail of the h1s,- " out at the, wlieeil of a iacing car grove had ;turned, 11 t6 lz��,',;;7�@M,15? - pass over . .­ �. I .. ,- " _1 -._-g, , - '. for the crowd to inake Way., NO- - I -�'Senorita! Vet was a: dam grun" Ael, only hazily hearing the iG more ldiraTfttic than to the on the _,�11 all . 1. I . . . toric, h4 �__.A.2_1_ N , � � last n0mo-At, wben"it blew. & tir , I , 1�­ were ,. race, and you won eat b,ones'. Car-, oelebration that had started -after -horns of a I,, . 41t, " �Ddy actually knew how they I - bu .l, It is;ceTtainly,swift- )notal �....M" if K". , , 11. 1 j4, 1�-- - , , ft, !,., , . !,�N; ,.�. ough,with6itit a man .6ding tra.inp- I 7 . lotta. des not what you'leall the 'bad the xa0e. It was "such a night as� sIkiddEi� ,through. a ' _ L 'bi ", ,�, "... 41�11-IL., i . ... b� .. . I er and. petaps teach,6s. 90mebodY a ghee�rin-g-�ff-�the--t,�"�,-',h.i�� �141,ull ,',4' �� .... V. I CHJ4JPTER XXTI .. "I loser. Carambi, but eet . . 11 - �� . . 14, -;,, �1� ad, (town, ,Colonel ',Beaufort.caught� - . . wasll.- u -n colmoa occasionally.in, February, Stars llse,td less,oh. That is the theory- be- so - f Orth. The hard-Wl old pressm n - " -,- ,,,,,.,' flasllv'-of ,coilqr, and- W,4s -swept into ' gran' raza!" Her eyes shifted to E-1- -twir&led in, the purple sky. The . _e.p'­-"r!, I ,,, -, 1, -j'R_ Colonel" Beaufort' ,and. Uncle , Sim .'hind tbe-ve, record-breaking attempts, turnid grem.and 61je of QiI.wh` il ','., i;� �. .;.,. lt.iil ... . . . _ . lery's buzzled,ohes. "Dbu Jeoln?". moist wet. wind -was eatin;g its way . , "I � , . " s 1� . 1*,, �,,!�.il"y he -figitting--m-Mls of buq�anity- - . ; ,.''. RE I - - �:".ez",t. I 'he crowd ,. The drivers, belleive'tbey -kotk , , , t,5 , ���.� , . ,-. . .1 . I , MR "Nane. !11 be shouted. "Nancy" were ,delayed somewhat ,by t Yes, Carl�tta."- . are helping "MyGod, lwajor�-­bbw can _Vww , r'' - " I , _ ��W� - I into the snow not. so many muesl a- devdlo,D the automobile industry and' and race after thisil" Se ' ' q4. i4 _ft y t sun?god-down the main street -and 99Eerf you ar I e. not thf. very kind, to way., . TheY6 would alwa�% !be I I— � .g=1Ve::W !-�­!.,;',,',-.,��i - -]When ,the fi�autic colonel got out thu Bonier- I I IE��.1116h. ''I ..",�1VII., . .. �11­' � - � - . have been spoken -of a,, -s- the guin'da -B '9n ,�­­­, ,Sim straggled out along the.road. in wild thees mucha.cha, Carlotta she will -Ing - tragic and r0mantic in those pigs Of the � ... - ­ ___ -, and.M.On _Xi!Wd�_4t1d,Ahi__91_wAti. �. f the. jam -he found old Uncle th . industry. But ,we 'sus- I �,.­.�� , -� ��.,�, " _�'�117�1..Irl, -said: "It .. �,7�,Z,U- em0avour to ..discover why the race co-urp back. and keel. you, Don, Jeem! lidights fo.� ., I man -makes me da"y ea0e. ­�,,,, ,.. . .. L , I _. 1, : ", I; yesi. e 'him. - ­ .. ., these two, and they had ience anA i .�,_,,.. �,,#.i__�G,�,' . . j . .dl . bad su4den1.k--:-started .in that direc- ssed �, I)ect a devotion to sc. n,du-s- ful.11 Then the races went Pn irith. -:�%1;.q,­;4,­0n " ",What's th,� meaning of. this, tion. Mien�were,vehem4mtly. calling For Dios, she will!" She pre already planned.how -they would file try hardl�r explains, their ,pursuit of their stor%�. . ..7�.tl �, i4,,"., ,vl -, blavd to' her . 'hea,ving bOSOM - They .upon the little-, glade 2nd build th - , -P a...:,�'�'�� '.. , , ."., .,�J 1� I . . . . . . �� I . Cnight?" he deman&d'. should. ore this . 1. �', ' , L.,strange game which has brought . !1. I. - % 'IM , - bets off, oT d661iring that'theyl; . the foU "' ' ' 1-14,1-, - . 1. I " I . .1 ... 11:1 eanin' hell! It meali's tb�ar s go- heard her sigh. "Nan-cee, .she has in a new cabin to which they'616,uld f�_ . r., No;- I . ,. 4, ,,, ,.q4m .s -t . I sp.a.dpii. death 'to three , off I . , I ,.� 111".", ".,-, I , and, Questigns were hurled at �ne bare. what a very lon�g ti' . . �,O��V, I ..1. . I I I � ,.-2 n, to be a figli-t, and Un me ago un treat when the lower country 'grew All &ed.'T� fo speak, at the steering . I " Knig-A" from Turkey T�ack Holer ,colonel as hie""g- U-11ded, -the prancing . ' ' ' f, � I 1. , Vm . mal. honibre� be took from me. Eat hot and sere un&r the, sugapner sun, - - I—': I I. t....1. I . . . I 7, , , , , at bays, burt he ,paid them no heed. His _ . .-wheea, though in the case Of Sir Strip lFarming For DIM . I _.,., . " sj��­­ 'I ys, . . . . . . 1 44 . ,_ , , , . Wt a goin? to be'in-Ion itl Th eyes were upon. ,the road. I I .ees .the soul, -the good-ness. of Ah!�, "And we'll -take Uiidl "' ilwa H,.qir�y � (Y�Nleill `Dehane ,Segrav�,. it I I I . I !, . i., ' I (heart. Eet Thade me very, bad. buP. v�hisplered the girL . I Where i!g less, plenti- - ' - "..1-,, _ . bar by I_ Ji * like Y �tCy . gIt kill- , , --OUt- of. -the crowd., '.he the ba . t -,WD'ie gf As 'precipitation I ,A-11,. ­'_­'......­.� , ; -yolrtei _Wa%..� stored i - . . - . �yy .. .11!�. is , . � __ .. m. _­... ­ . - ­ I' ini, a - th4 - . :hJ. __gl _, @� .159ii- -1F __" . , � . . . . . let _.p'otor boat. � A!"' ,- , . . ys bad as I am, I- will mot have I `,rWeTl1'tiiW - Uhc e S' "' " aid had_iiii�� 9, 6 16f. '�"L_ -the' "moistnT*­ 'n' --- Tl- I I � id ' ,u ,y haivie their; heads and held, bli-im with "Uncle i§in-g Knight :6,5�n Tur- -of it ta ',,� -But f doult understand', sm., .. ­ man. g aviator he of dowls tkm valuablejbr a* . ', . � taut linBs, meanwhilb listening ai . nd. key Track Holler." He paused to ,�,, in' the'war :From a height .... ."."'; . anted the col6nel. 1, . Elliery reaaed up, his right h,a . � be m6crificed for Wroducing !a' � ,. 1, ", �%, , , I , 1%'�";,. Uncle Simi talked. I ", 4 'Th -years oif racing and two . ,*,vllr , .:, , ,­,�, I 14 000 feet. . 1, �­, Softl , the , : "I",4. ,"Wal, I ain't -got m6y ffine to 'splain The buggy care�ned when, "Carlotta, you"te all, right,'! -he �aid laugh Y. & man with ytona Beach. - He .crop, and it"% necessary to-, find,olther , - .. 0. : 01 ang yg!"* Suddenly it dawned up- I . two -huskily. "I ER6 yot, but you know heart- of gold, the spirit of an old record'trialig -at. D(a was, tosted means of driflt'contibL Of 41 niea- - -k, �� , .. tu ti � , 1 I _ , .,.,:'V_1 . , Is - ' met his deatth when ,he r swes adbipted to -meet this S1, a on, . . ! � . was I whee. dropped into , a long. , trWak I never could have loved you," t�ger, and the looks of agrizzly bear, � .�",. � n U-nc$ Sim thatperhaps there filled with muddy' -water -and sent it lottri tosseo herblue-black he�d, ­ ,. out ,of a racing morbor boat on Lake �,�j.., ,Car .dear." .. ----1 - Strip farming 4ms -been of the most .�, - ,_j..,� out. "C%innel, whar's yer bug- � Windermere. A Jib L was driven ' ' U I value. It *6uld be stated frankly-:,........ 1."�'V, * way showering. At. times it was ofily and for an instant her eyes flaslic-q. ,"'And I love him, Jim:" - ......11-- tbTobgh'Ihis lung.,and -he expired' in .. �� I ... :,", ". . ... I - � ' , I �'LL.. gry and that span o' bays " " - ' ' the colonel's skill with the lines that ,"Bab! , Eef I had win the�,s dam "No mi.tore than 1, Nancy." however,,, says MT. A.. E_ Palm&- D -lo I This was all that was needed to. . . _ ,-- . , . - ,. . I : - .- ,.-- mt ,the bewildered colonel into mo- kept the v,ebiele-on,its whi.els as it race Carlotta she would have mal�k 'Down in the dark streets men bed in -hour later, . " ' i�ln-i*AAExpe:Amental Statioit, Leth-. . .. . . I. '1.i bumped over -the rats., - . I . It Tvas Alexander Winton. a motor- � I ­ . 11. 4`7Don Jeean!" n1oved, alone, in pairs, in little groups, .g . �11�: , -1411 . . , ..i, 4ou__It happ-ened. tha�.he�bad` left , - you loff -her, . I ing ,pioneer, Who, 30 years agQ, not- bridge, Alta., that aitbough sIfripijin ' ­ i . I 'They had. covered'a, half-=ile b& is d most effective and pisictlea�l .�. I I - iis span of bays hitcheX in'order fore . 'the colonel turned hi � s b`e�ad. Hii Lgilery- shook his, head,and was a- � noisily. Up a.side.stTeet.a, -hilar.-. od D-aNto= Beach, which is--twent7 - ., , . .. - �., ",­�­,;,:� , , I , . ;hat he* might drive to ape ious miner em�tied his revollbr into . ug i�. 19, ". _ , _;.,�, � . ,bout to a�k .when Nancy freed ner- . �mieihod'of ,�6n6l6lfi sloil Taftin , . .. " - � - _ �1 , . Sonora im- . n I miles Jong - ooth ais it does noit entirely prevent it 11d .,.:-;..-. pressed, but there *as ,self from his� embrace and reached. up the air and yelled li'ke a dru k n- , d, 500 feet wide at low . I .: ,,IV nediately after the race, to, attend to lips were com . . . IT 6 I ., nearly a1s L�trn OX. - , _._:. I . I - - - SI,; . , ., I 1� '­ I a new light in his eyes. obbalt, an, so 4must 'be accompanied'by, careful .. . I �,i I her trembling arms to the M2xican dian. From another direction float ... bme law business. IIIM. �irl. CaTlotta leaned down. Th.4-jr ic from tidLe, and 16 would be a cuiltu�al pirgicticer. , Strip farn-ning, -as . -,, �:,:, , ", . v God, Knigq�t, w,by didn't you concluded .� - .. , , Within -two mini,tes he was in the I 9 ed the faint strains of ints, I great -place to open 4s' car tp the . ., ", . . . . . . . tell me this 'before?" lips met. -As they parted Nancywnh- the Bsperanza dance -hall. - th term implies, consists Of dividing . . I buggy, gripping the lines while Uncle . l,imit. He made a me,asured, mile at . s ..�)� __....:::. I Uncle Sim spat' at ,the tire of a pered: I I _­, Si mcli III in. They were -good' If Nancy Beaufort and Jim 'Ellery the field -into alterniting . strip� , Of 1. �, imbe , the, rate of 69 miles �an 'hour and �111 I �, . , sipinning front wheell. . ". - ­` ­­. ,"I love you, Carlotta! I b-hall'al- could haive seen through the walls of I I crop ,and fallow. Foy convenliene.e'. . _ 4 ,., ..., 11 ys, that' span. ,Colonel Beaufort tbe new's flashed axouild, the 'thun- 'L ,q, .1 11W I or.t ol figgerin'. on ­ -because you S, 0 th,e Esperanza they wpuld, 'have be- , 1,4nps are 'Iwd 'oiLt, either, di,rer-tb . *:. �;,;��. ., I had paid five hundred dollars ,each _. al, war, ,g_ ways love you, . are ' I . � �,111 . . . . . . tay'jn'- solmethin!, Cunnel', bult thar . 11 derstrurk world. , The record now t'�, " ��' for them, and that only after he had gainlI6 a -Ad honest. I held the cel,ebration. at its height -a north, and siouth, or east and- wegt, . " ''.1 ..,,, ­,'.,� ., I - Nan- �stwids at 272 7n.D.h. vA'ere it, was I , . I .� ­� �,., ce On my ,'"You ,narke me very hap , 1� lr.,�,,,,, - war this A,anged hoss ra cvhiehielver is the more nearly'at right ' - ,� r.,'' , seen them do a mile.in two -thirty on pyy crowded floor; miners, Mexicans, -gam- I -k't"M,- , : , t '­ ".. I , -mind. When tlar's a boyss race I jest set a year a,go by Sir Malcolm Camv- most � �­., xican . girl. blerg, girls with bright eyes and pre- gl�s to the direction of the � �1_11'. , , , . - cee," whispered the 'Me make '�n , the Sacramento track. It was a good - lyp hell wl1io intends returning to , sqve,re (winds. The idea that strips , , ,"11R, ain't fit for nothin' else." ' "And now,'adios, am1gos ifflos. maturely-. old fa.ces: a long bar lined . I . , . . buggy, ,too, for Studebaker of Hang- ,%ninimp!"', grunted the ,.colon 1,300, wlii,c,11_wps his; objective last ... ,.!:. town hadbuilt it to'the colonel's own . 401, In a moinilent ,sb,44, was�­rounding the with men and mroinen� , I year.,. Like all racing motorists ,of are. of value .only where dtifting .. :..� I... � � . : f"I I specifications. I . ap-d swumg this whole attention back timbered bend. I. At the end ot.the bar next,the wall winds come fro,m1but one'directiory , � ,� , I � . to the bays. . . Nancy looked at 'the lal"I"', , nown Campbell -is a fata3ist. Elven 4�;s not see m* to be.corri�Tt, I as I I � -Ne &I 'and neck' now. Then Car- , young stood Rayburn, thd young,',gambler. ' they 'I 1. -1 Ellery rounded a turn, -the, inner . " � airiong them, he has a reputation for ., 1). I - lattay�s mare had kained- a yard Then . - Kentnekian. ' U�r lips were parted He was looking down into the glow- I furnish direct protection. from all - ^ I I � I I'll 1, 11 ' - de of which was screened by tim- . . I recld,essrtwos, which consist of trying wi�ds ,A -r I 11 :_ I in the lead. sl nd her,eyes Were moist. n1g eyes of.1carlotta Esqueval. There . I Wng them at any' angle'_` "..", .",� the sorrel was a *head I ber and, brush, and came out on a a I for records w�iep. the ccyn�litions are . � . ."� � "We - we were racing for 'You, Wer -spots on in the . . I . ", I _q - of brilliant cri.ms, I- . - -f, . �� Nancy's whip, Ushed from flan . , - tke.besl� in.other *ards.when - .. _IXF _ .. A 'I", , , � co;�pdratively­stralght` stretch. -At - - - - -a - -- ----' , not of . . I - - I. ­� � � flank. Carlo-tta's spurs cut itudrael Jim," she falter a. I M can'giil's 'olNe cheeks.' ' .: I . I . I ­ the other end of the stretch -a horse- 1"And you won?" he. asked soberly,, "You're the very girl I've been to try isf dangerous. His- last year's , , I .. I., ... �- �: , until blood redidemed the sides, of the I . I . I L. , . mar . . man was app�r"chinyg at a fast gal- though she might have seen a smile looking for, Carlotta�,". declared -the ride was thewoi-st,im -his life, for be Enemy Of Man's Sixpremacy, I .- . . !­,.11.� 11 e . a chavee Which porbaps any , . . I . " . I , - . itc Noltwithstanding -their remarkablT . . ­� ,No jockey of Lexington or Louis- lop. twi -hin,g the ends of his mouth. . . gamIjbier. "We'll take- that mare Of took . . . � ... - One look told Ellery that the horse O th,e, r dli�lver not wishing to carn'- I �11­ Ville ever To -de with more skill. or dar- . "Are you glad?" she dared. ' yours up, to Sacramento and Marys- .1 re interesting strueWreo, transforma- 1, �� was� the bay. on which 'Mrper had For answer -hat. gathered her inlis mit. suicid­_,,,,_-""ld sensl%Ty ba-% tibns and habfts, irseetz-, as a gro All ing then Nancy Beaufort. Leaning , ville -and Oroville and clean up a I , . . ,�,, . low she kept her grip on the . fled from the rancbo, and that the arms. ....., I . stake� She cian 'ibeat anything in refused. � . . 12P. 1',Zj .. ''.. reins, -der was -the bandit chief bimself. Usually after these trials thie car's are the Most dangerous of the arillf, .?._ , ' - ,�,�;. . , � her eyet on the road and on the r4 I'Jim," slye declared, "I would have California if you -ride. Here's to our � &I kingdom. ThAy are, in fa:!t, nian .R , : ," " I mare thundering a,longside, while her ElIeTy reined down a little irb order riddefi Tennessee- to dedfli, or won!" success, Carlotta!" tires look as -good as new.., Those of chiq oom1petitiors for�,­th'e supremacy . . ­ ­.; 1 rarwbide rose and fell. As for Car- that the obber man should have time ,There was again crimson in Car- ',Bueno!_ Salul y'pesetas, querid,!" Carrmbeills were sla-vbed and gouged. 1 "', " , to recognize birm. lotta,'s cheeks and ber eyes were Carlotta tossed ber empty -glass ' to Once' bils car 1U jumped for at least of the earth. In the whole -world ov.- 1 :;11 lotta, s..be came from a people to Harper irrmst have done this almog� brare as ,he drew rein beside the . twenty feet. t. r. ShurrIlway wri4s: er 6W,000 -different kinds of insects ,­_ ' whom horses meant as'much as eat�- instantly, for he uttered a yell and blowing span of bays. colonel Beau-, the bartender, and slipped into Ray- ,When bl-�,�.Teacbe,d the end of ..'.the have been studied ` and probably as ... . ,.:a ' '­ .11 . ing or sleeping Imuch more rthan. . burn's arms. As they glided out up- many more d!istimet species aweht I :; , e ' dug in his sp, S. The bay bad not -t had sta - e coprFe be was white and e MR .. 1-5, I . walking. Sh was simiply a part of lzpsl., foi . pped his team at sight of ,on the crowded floor her eye., lift- d looked like a ,bIacHy fri-�Ohtellli ,,an classificatio'n'- n and insects want :11, - . made' thi-ee in its quickened ,her. His li'ndsl6rne old, face was grim to his. "Holl me the very tighl' .j the same thiags for flood, and they .!�, a , , quer- her horse 6dw, balanc,ed, barm-oniz- StHd& before Harper's right gun was with doubt a,n,d fear. ido, for Carlotta she can loff [very Usually he -has a grip on himself tha ..1. It was r ' , wan�.*to occupy the saine places. ' , - ed.- Jlle­�r#in' -and, prob,blv ..";`� .1'.., 1. .., , no longe ��. He ,lifted it high as if to co- "Buenos diag, inadbJmt," he *said. mucho the -beeg 'and -some man like makes other races, I I '.. t__'1111 .1W A— ordinate -Its movements with those of ,,Will you be so ,kind, as -to tell me you!" I.- I neurologistts,,, sigh and scratch their 1, . '. -WO-1 ,�tr4,tO* oLfor the love X a -man, . I , ­ .� . I , A was a 1y& 'for' his -life, for each the­myj,nI;1vg. -horse, whipped it downi ockpit' help- . I . 1, . ­ ., '.. I girl knew that she or both of thim - where I may find my,daughter?" Ellery and Nancy were recalled to b*e'ads- I'Te sat in the a . :: , 11 "; and fired. Enery heard the'hiss of '�t tell iis wbar ,e -fact that they were 'not aline, by 1,-,-,. his eyes staring. until the ,me- 11, .11 - n-dght iii some way be the,means of, the bullet. "Yeah, and ye mou,g fh chanics' swarmed about shoutine LONDON AND WINGHAM . . :., - CI 1� rper from killing ' Jim is, too, Ca�rlcytt�r," added Uncle a sof t ­$�tsp. , . . . I"' d. I - preventing Buck Ha . I I'D. 10 -ad to . S !1117' Jim Ellery. With incredible swiftness the dist- Sim.. Lnged sorry to 'sturb ke two,, rood old sikipper"! They h - lift Outh. . - . I . I.., Throurh shallow mod holes,, across ance betkveen the riders iiarrowed to "Drive but un leetle way and you said Uncle -Sim, !'IY6.t Don Caye m walk bim UP P.M. . I., -11 a hundred yards, to fifty. ' EfleTy no - and down the beach for several, rnin- Wingham, . - . ,f 'I, , , , I � I'll ,stretches orf rutted ground, uphill, Wl see, senores," Carlotta returned' p ' s waitin' to see ye -Jim." . . ... ........ 1.55 .. ,; 'outlaw was usi-nF only "A�d now, �r -i" queried utfs RS they might a dTunken man 2.11 . downhill they flashed', between stmg- ticed bl�at. the with an enigmatic smile. TDK, Cajenne Peppei . . - Belgrave ...; ­­ 1� ... g� , , his right gun, and, there 'flashed uah His left arm hunig limp Re. had Blyth ......... `­.:­­­ , 2.23 11 gling lines of -pine and, o-akp between adios." Nsncy with a'puzzled little la , - . . ­­­ . . t . heaps of tailings an,d up -ended silzbs through his mind the thought that "But wait, waity". prbtested the "Dawg-gone, I jest Icain't hand'14 ,F,prain6d the wrist earlier ,in his tests, ,Londesboro . * * ' .. ......... ' 2.30 "i'l of ra rl�le thitt in the, eak,lier_years Har -per's left arm was probably use-' colonel. `Tl&as4� explain, madam!" -these hyar Spa�njsh names,,., Nancy!,, and ,had injured it again 5hiTtine Clinton ............ '. 3108 ­','� ' - ' less from the effects of the �nde. out "Yeah, Who won that thar, race, irn. "I had , to call zears, in h1s, record run. "For � most of Briucefield ... *.'.'-'-'�­.::,.::: * I. 3.27 1 � � T! had yielded millions in raw gold. The I explained Uncle S , .�� that had 91-ashed acros's its bi - the rice he bad drfv�en with his right Kippen ..................... 335 ,; ..... spirit of -that gold and, the sipirit of )ZeW. Cawlcytter?" Uncle Sim demanded. Min somethin'. Anyway he's a rea _� * �. I -to hand ov . 3.41' - Unwilling even no* J take id- _ ,"The ,very best caballo, senores," er a course few &ivers would .; ffig� " L�_t I , Z1111, I. �� '�" I � I ,I I "' '! - "' , , , , " ""' " "' L " , I � 11 I � I � ` � , 1 I I I I ''I I 11"191 I 11 - I - " l'I'l `��I��`111, 9161.11o,1'1,114 , `�,,, 1 4__W41 .0 Sy , . I . , 1, , , "' I I 11 1�11 1111-11 -this land of igold was burnimg hot in hot old feller. He -ants to give Jim Hensall . .................... .. ",­ the'-bottl6an of each girl as she plied vantage of another man, though it she returned, still similing.. "And the a deed to his Rancho'.Soniethin'-or- have dared usIe. The car bad to%sed Exeter .................... .3.55 � �, . I ­ - , ,,;� meant life or death, Etnery diew but very best rider. Adios!" Then she other." . . .. aiid swerved like a "Oedboat in a .. I I J, Whip or spur. one gum, the riAlht. 'He felt the burn was' galloping up the road, * The "A deed to the rancificy?" del" d . . . 1 1..'i, . - I Wor -a h d ed .yards, they were . . niaii ed rob,Rli sea. Driving sudb a race North. ,.A ,, lu ( 7 of a bullet'across 'his left shoulder.- feeN.11 he said, "litke waiting an in- � A.M. . I 111. neck and n2T. Then -the ,mare forg- Then. -he , brought his gun down and, colonel cluicked to the bays. . Ellery. Then he tbg,lvght be under- . . - � terminable time for sonlethin'O to Exeter .................... 10.42- . `.: , ahead, until, with �awhide flushA I stood. "Uncle Sim ,Knight, did, you . I. - tirne 111-6nsall ............. * ...... 10.55 .�. 1. I � ,-, �d . fired. They were �'ot -more than 31, -1�6t.hin' so. danger ,bad- could. 'a' �appen'an,d- ex-niecting all that 1 ifig faster, Nancy narrowed the gap, bet mey gold?" 1, forged on till the sorrel had his slkm yards &part now, and each stride Of ha,ppened, Cunnel, or slie wouldn't be 4,y,eab,,, retorted the old man, III that it wi-1.1.11 The few slecond.s of.the Kippen� ...................... .11,01 �� ­ .­ - .. 11 I - the horsesbrought them nearer, Un- ridin' b k 11 said Uncle Sim. III so .3, .4 A �+ DiAn't rec d mile are "a hell of -an a,ge. BTucefield ..: .............. 11.0 1. �, � Hospital bolumon., - e 0 nose ahead. Next the mare had a -T,Z 1. Acyne oet, yer ange - , � L in box- Clinton .................... -1 - . I.:. t � , 56. OM6, -Xing Street, nss'll. der the speed and' momentum they 6, got a itation, like a cooD up a tree want to, but th,e don come 'long,and It's like the worst.moments 154 -, � .. � I �, I lead of a half-length. In another flashed past each''other, 'both. fli-ffig. with a houn' dawg under ,him, that. ted to stake his rancho agin it. ing. How those secondia before tbhe Londesborcy ................ 12.10 1 W -t- , shum-dred yards Tennessee was leading. vi��an , A, bullet hissed, close to Elloryps ear. Carqotter war the. coon In' yer, gal the red ,xnn-7 ean draz-" Yet the car travels Blyth ................. ll� ... 12.19 .". , .. DR. J. A. MUNN " ' "'Run, coyote, runl" hi�sed the Mex-. -1 He was turned, in his saddle. as he houn' dawgl" I jest warn't goin' to let any dang at almost 115 yards.JL second. Be.IgT&v,e ............... :.. 12.30 11 ­ ,�: 'I I ican -girl. The spurs bit and the. mare feller back me down!" ".. ;5, Graduate of Northwestern Un'veTs� -hauled the horse to its bauftches an- As the bays swung around the -% a Ti f the 200 tmilts-an-hour Wingliam ....; ............. 12.50 . I ,;1.1 . ntlate Royal lengthened -her stride, quickened it. They fotind Don Cayetan-o' iti 9 The firs"t o A�rieriean. Frank .1 . . � I .1-11. I Ity, Chicago ill. Lice swung it about. He gaw flarpc�* tiT,fdbered ben4 the colonel had to Put in the hall. He shook Ellery's bend fnen to go vms the . �A, j;e;jal Surgeons, Toronto. Never before had thp pretty face clutching �h, POMT 1. �., , 1001lege, of nye Them the Out- all, 'his strength on the lines to slow - low to Nancy. Lockhart. He bud Triade his tirne in C. N. R. . ]� �., �. Office over Sins, Hardware,1,Main St., of ,Nancy Beaufort been as grim, her law pitchede -sideways and, CrulmlPle'd theim. down. Not forty yards away� and bowled - A' . . '1� - "Th . East. I : 7 -�4 g .1 -1 eyes as, hard. She leaned a little � -ees eei ' e -nbt a small, ".ecially built Stut?s car. q Sedforth. Phone 151. I .� I in the road. His horse ran on, for a in the middle of the road,, we're his anticipate, senorita," b said as be til -e blew out ,und. the car pitched A.M. P.M. I .1 ..,41 0 a , .11 lower. , few strides, swerved from the -road, dUaghter and'Jim Ellery. ,, took. her hand. "I . . into the air omer the heads of Spec- I .��, IfTun, Tennessee, run!" Her call Goderich ............. 6.45 ,2.80 III, . il , ,.a, key and stood blowi-bg through distended "Here, Knigh�t, hold these linesl "Don Cayet-no," Ellery interrupted. t.ators,. 4pd the dead body Of the Clinton ............ 7.08 A.00 .. ..... I . I � �� � ­­­ DIL F. J. BECHELY 1IFcyt,G,o4`s a . . , J.. I Graduate, Royal Coll � ege of 'Dental runly, 1, . . � . nostfils., the colondl commanded. "I know all about it. Uncle Sim had dTiver sinacked to the ground almost Seaforth ........... . 71� 3.19 . . �j-�� , I Dismounting, Ellery turned the out- I ll�w belyl., let the 'danged, mustfi-ngs no authority to wager my gold, so at his wife's feet. That was in, 1928. ,,, � . ,A Surgeons - And Tennessee ran. perhaps it w&q law Om,er. Harper was dead. For a run If t wani tol" Uncle Sim pil- .... ;... 7.89 3.31. . -� - Ice over W. R . eec1h, renowned as Dublin ..... : "I � Voronto, off 'be the byet'%'off." � Then came Ray K , Sm-athos b;��(Wy, Main Street, Sea- a prayer be heard, 6A% it .fay have moment 191lery stood lbolcing down in- ,d out at One side asl the colonel 7.55 miles NEteblell - .: ......... 7.42 8.43 . i�,., ,,,k',1,, foith. phone: Offi,ce, 185 W; resi- been because of the flashing rawhide It seemed a long time before com- a ,dari&vil, Who inade 20 . I . . .4 I I . ,,��11 I to the once sinister, handsome face. scrambled out at the d*orJ 71e bays .� I ��"t donee, 185 J. . that was rai,sirfe welts across. his It was 'in stra � ng.a. . repose now. In wert- about spent; and made -nd ef- prehension. dispelled the perplexity perhour at Daytona. In, 1929 be won . West., ... 1-1 ... 11.�. . , �. " O� . I ., - sleek flanks, which never before had death it seem4d little more than t'he fort to move. I . . on Don Cayebano's face,. He gestur- the Indiana-liolis race, and slioruy 'f- Dublin .............. 11-19 9.32 �.' lv� � oiled ad with both hands, and shrugged, . te,I-ward at Alt&ova crashed and died Seaforth ........... . 11.84 ' ' 9.45 ' - ". I ... TAGGART been welted in a race. Like fate of a-%oy_.V__.. . "Nancyl" her fathef cried. "Nan- . t. :­ . DR. J. A. Me - 11. . 1"Por Dios,, -pol" he cried. "The in a flarning wreck. Lee Bible, dTiv- Clinton ....'_-;­ 1110 7 1, 01.01 I I . ,11 0 . . 'It . machinery -his mus,bles, wof1ked now, "Too bad," Ellery muttered,- "but cyll' ­ _ . . _.Don Jeem! Eet Ing'the car in Which Keech made his Goderich .......... : - -1 . . ",; I I I I G,raduate Royal College of Dental TeRdllling, reaching taking- Off, it . so6rier or later it ,bad to"V6 one of - 1`iDaddy, I won, I wonl" sobbed th4' be -t, evat ee-9 not Off, Rs- record, -9�ais permitted to takey the - - , J I I at , Men- seemed, before "his'sinall hoofs even ees ,the ,wa:V ,of Don Caye�an� . .. ... � � Surgeons, Torouto--­ ... Office I � US'41 girl..- II -4 won!" of earnest ' ' I 1. � "IN . o. Phone 106. strifek the rough 1, queval to pay, be eat with beet last wbeel only aft,dr boaW C. P. R. TIME TABLE .. . , � , 4 .. , trail, While over .V �, . his -her-k leaned the girl in red, white, 'He jerk�-d up his 'head. Frmn be- "Yes, �nly dear, yes, yeel? The 'ith J. R-Whitei--the owner - . I . $all, Ontati. pesol Rancho Linda Vista ees yours, pleading wi I � . .I: � 11 . I .. 0. I I � y7onLk� ffio. tinibered txiTn came -the colonel, patted -her tenderly. "I un- Jeem. " , I I . Of the ear. k% made One Tun in at ` -- East. " . � llyl- . I - . I -- and 'blue, whis'p"eniffig: ,Don "i", � 0 " �ftn, Tennessee, for God's s�ke �o;iid of 1 hoofs. He did not have derstand, and I'm �mighty glad." He ,,There was no bet, 'Don Cayetano," 183 miles, and then turned for tmore A;X . " v 11, WEERS . I Tvas looldtg over her shoulder st 1*1 made qpeed. The . announcerys vo$ce boom- Goderich .................. 5.50 . .. ,:.. 16. ,i:% 1. k , AUCTIO rumllp I I I ti-ine, to think whab they might tie" the Kentuckian declared. . , , , - � wN I ' .... Ell,qry felt'thaf hle wag sudl enly 4 when around the byend.flashed-�Teu EnerY- ' belt, therefore I 'have wolamothing led out the news that he had, ztwted Menset .................... 5.5& - _.. I ­_ .1 �. . 0 -1 I I HAUOLD DALE I .. , d - had li&,14d down the no . 6.04 , i " '' , . � � I in b, race, a race with death. fiess�e,.running low and swift, a small Uncle SITM " ..... . . but .this lilotle, lady, senor. . She is Tj5:eth and, according to Mr. Shumy� -MeGaw ...................... I'� , � ­� � " Licensed Auctioneer Principe. colorful, Ajure crouched over his neck � road. Hefiarried back. I g 6ne -man in a way. Ted Gill, who sat -next 'to him Auburn ................. ....." 6.11 , 1 .5 N I 1".. . I, He kri "Wal, Jim boy " ba, chockled, busk- winning eii-Ogh II , box,, waftod . for no miotg- p -17t dlit-, .. ,-,:! '.. . k ,� , I . ew the min who was riOng to :.*'��.q ­. ,. - r ranphe I - ­ ,. . 11 Behold I 4ns&fit Lo Reina's . heya�, . . lif6tfmo. Wide ba�ck to you in _h' ...; ......... " , � Specigli# in farm�: and hou! . meet -him, tie with death in The next the 16.40 ' .. .would cor ow thitt'vaTmint back thar's Irn%Ly Diosgertl you nothing but bu t,gy beqAit- Iris' diespatdh . Walton . . � .......... .. _... �. . . .came into -view. Carlotta was rij#ng ily, ,q 11, t ilzlxil : ":,... - . ; I .. . le," rele 'For dates _ . 1�1!�, I 1 � *sleg.. Pr each ,hand, T4is,owu gunsi were at me as.k,er and ­ ­� - .4 W vowed never'to take a,g jt1waya,,Ap4 less than a length be. Buck Harper. It seems to; the bappiness you deserve. No, I for. the AsLqociated Press: 1. ... 6,62 ­­... 11 �051 � . , 1 2i :, I ,. ,,, I I and' iu&rmatlop, Write �� phone Ear- 1hishelb. . He ­_ . jest ,'bout settled scores." . thing morel't "Ocean Speedway Daybona Reacl�, Toronto ................. � -. . 1019, I .. 4; � old.We, phone 149, SeafOrtll, Or My- them, off whitg" awMce' as 1* hind. , tly released Will listen to no �yelai-eild nmice I . I . . . . I _d ,,�A, . 7 )N itot d�ldgiLbst� " 3) n -him they bore, - the JC0140INel Vov,UfOrt 9M . , �� t Is ply $A Tihe posi - office. Buck Harper ww alive. Oe ,, QVJA, upo A-ifter the manner of his country- Fla­-4I,ee Bible, 4'2 West. . � .... .... 11, ,'41 11 I ..-w... I � _._...­.­ . A �_l un e late -the 01it1tw. ) small boyish figuale in red, .white and NuncyPs arms And put her aside. He % Of eTivotiow too great autontoblle rktOry Was killed instsnt- . I '' , , I , I 1- --w-de, to�,Vbere Follory waiftd, and Men in MIOVIeffit .y._ A. _U- N. fAlevl ,to - . .. 44441, ­., ­ , . 1. - .- rA e , , I.. J. . Irfarpor Its .� 4-- -dould liand�- Whe�n bey sihoke for words, Don cayetano emu' c a It MAIIIA vl, tr , Toronto ................. � 'It 4 �­ ­ i�. 0 1 ..! :6 Unda Ista I d -run, to blue, the; aLexiehil girl in gaud) -r. JaC - ty-mere y , 'A . 4 ." � " " � 4 I .. 1 .. 14- _.'Ak I . � . .. I - * 11 , , ;". , . ,­�­ t­'� ko.`,!:-�o '! : . OISUA-19 ILJuvrr - . Eligr:� and kissed him upon , IWM til!eak e recor 901, Oy � .. 1 48 9 . . , . e, had and cha,tro Uolasera. Nancy s face � �&XSJJAt. ... 11 'I'l,". ",_ 1*0 ... ,��"... � . , 1:,1 ...... 6nly because h th f e al _. _." ,._ �*J- "I - I I ,,a s,%; . " . ... 6 ... �.6*6 - 1 I n R4. . '.." .,,�'� -4 'm - b Pd and there, had been wW_ halk,,but her rawhid,e his voice w.ai-vibrant wi ing. " - . . Honot afth e catey Jonos, X1 :; een I . ; pa4e As c eg__ Then li� bowed low ,to Na .r. D. SegrVve - . - - ., , - , , ..: . "._It ,., . I , � t1oWg.,S&-441 foriAmb-Oneeting, chi- . fell -with vicious swiftness �' "18u1h,,I 6 your pardo.6.1br tAis- elleeks- -14 Villton- .... 4- �. -`1 , 4.. , I .. 1. 1 J VoOther &uv�e. It was'a -blood $eud rose and ow 1. O*e ,M,Sr cy, �gnd ,.tddk bor_�IhAtid and kissed So it was. no. car had swetiv , - - Ift", --11"'4." . . I I— � , I � Jul .1vtIg YO . . " '�Bl�Ah...........b64it4.*..6��.,iw 110 ,� I 41 -t. -. � - & VW. I lopmal 6outse aktin % Pure spilling a blood could Uhrl-ottills silvgr sp,xrs were 1-1 W - d - u I I kn6w n, hit a rtigo a samd,'-4�wt into 14*1 - 4. .' �,O"_ L] ' Oil e I . , . .. '1101M . I t6 �ydtl. If She k, dM dAw 7AU urn,� i-741, 0i a . ...... . Oves I 61,i,� , ` . �_So j, Mor.; � . I ing. 11, . . 'ad, '" b �.. , "I �� ,W 1� ilia BA41 . Elsta; efid- .i+, � , � I . lFrom thees ddy until *4 &Y I air. tot twO,hundr � 'fleo% ' .-' - - il....". 11.1i". I . 0* r. % .. 0 .... , . I I ­ t, I oil �b lit gven in this 4* " V111k17 coula .W--�=- , to is t&_.A W, hustfly, "I shAll. AA' ,oill aftdl drOP0 eAl . "I'- , A" kvtd, Vala 91tery 4night huye ridbed at a tr6t r -, - a . A,�, ... .", , , . , -waa le � " '" I .... ­... . 11 " - 'fillift. . , _Sgaflop, but*be-4id 110't,-410 W53ft- W - supi . -W , , ... , , ,��,.. _. I "7 fll�-'"41�41*4."t _j. . . .. . . - . � , ftr -ful mmdug, o. W '.. -� *. I 6 - 4,6v. ,.� ,;,-1 __ - -�. t - *V91 't r'Vid. [I)OA . . . . ." 1:.,.., 1. O"W . '6* TrutrAt"'A'9 WiT, as f -the two- horvis'� thtr N -.* y A itu " , � OKthllft" - , ;d X . , Vd VI& ;, I - t )f4�§4` � ZIM, 16i_,-bh4__;W ." '. !�%� �W_Abft 71m, ludop lard., nite, vtr libleg U0 bar -11 . meb--,ol%,-rtvvlg,-,slt,.,"-W,Wrf��'. k � ": .1 1w, 10 ,he' bdoo DrW16 MKS �Ou,tOrbl X, . , o * " - . - � A410's my- frithys, iflid rIembm- I ,A,�apullteyd, ..%Wad 6 A -,W3-1:,1 I . I'dfied. eg a I IOU � . to; , all ta, tio. - 6�11 , I . I . .. -1. Ill , ,��4,�,,�i�"P­ .-� .- -, -t", , � 1-- -, 41611, � 6f tb4 _1 , .. , I I . - � I - . ,." I 1. I r", ­ vt I =0 , , I , - - A desp6rato . .� 21 , '-, ,_�' . ­ , � I li.:, , . . . . I I . ", '­�,�.j,�' 1. I . . - �.q M,,- " . . ftbm tho 6viwd as,poosible. He 4a . �. . �. I . . .. .. .- , . ... V'. .1 . . I :, I NC- 1i 11��_1_11%_. - 114�`, " '�,:, ,;.Z, __.--_1---- ... , � i *WWf , , - "'�_. , � . . 1; - .. . I V, . . 1� - 11 � ­. - . ,%, ,�­, , , . .. ,_�. :-.� - - I '. I . I . ," 1.� ", "I . . . , - k ,�e - , �i26.',,;., �,.', : - ,. . ". L� . I -1 I �� � - -, " . . � �� � ,X �,:,;-,�­ .., , ''. I , , L, -4 � .. , y . , i I , . - ... . 11 L ..... I I'll;