HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-02-16, Page 1VT° '41 ke,Gr auk . I irk11311.7,34.34314434a311.3`,..44{4Migr 3,33,3543343331,,,!61.....!......"- • • • 3 ' •••-; • ,11•04-0*•tk.-Ireitr• '.• Ohe• 7,44,6.L.:;•.< I, • •,-;; 6 ' ' • • • , , •„. 34F .61.6ormikerT 2.320134.131.3W(.311333331. Warr s 0, • `. 4414,4 ",•:" • , , ,• „. ••• .. • • • •.., e * ...,' .:',...:,"6 ., .. f,..- ,-; •-•••" • ' .•'‘,' '''644W''''''' ".....666.1•,'''4ik'''P'''!:f'' ').‘ '''''• ,' ,S, , ',"?.', 1 ; ' ,4 •cKILLOP • A INS ,•2, . • . ., „ RECORD„. ,-,,- .... .,„•„,, ., - „ 3,, , t i . , - '" ,: ,,,,,•. „ , : - •.'", ' 0 .,. old,s . , , 0 tL ' ' HAD - ' „,,,.„ '''',•-•:*-•'•:•`•,'•'- . EAR' ., ' .. '' :t•Thelinniiiil •B4)010-00410sii• ..4*),$.00.0wiii... of the:, .,. '...-; ,..,.. , " - i: ' DISTRICT •" - :, ,.., CUP HOCKEY_LEAGUE -',,,e0.44'.ii . , „ I , . K , .. • • t t '1' *:ire.,.",• . .. " •J1- S.!' ';.; ' „ .:, _ ,, REPORT . be held thin' Yea* •nll• Tnesday. -- Adiril fir&ditectnrs.,'WEATHER , • • . • .... . ,, .,... . - 6 .. f'' • Opelung QParliament' . ' , . .„,., r' Society -decided at it recent Meet- • I • -••••••• . ' Ai. • •••• . ing. Clinton ShoW' Will "Oe Thurs...„,„„„, , . 'Six • . . . , •: , - / 1-1 Sectetarr-Treasarer s . xte , -r, ••da3'. APrthi'andifteneall, Titeer . .. . ., day, lqth., Thirty .... Degrees.,. Belo* is Official , .-.,,--.---. . ..--.-- . -,:. .4. weeldy letter' from •the - , ondville and Tucker- 'Win Saturday's .. _ . . .. •110 • . • • ••.. .410•;• ' ••' ,, „ , Dort Shows • 22506 Pon, , 1 . Aka - „ : , .Zero Low .."' . Capital CitY • reriewing ••' the , ;. smith ,, • it. • . .: ,, • ,Passe4 . ..,..„,.......,. ,. Wth, ..• ' cies Dec: 31, 1933.2, .0 • • • . 0. .9, .,. •; • , • -'.''.' Mark. ,• ,,, . activities of Parli acs,inient, ..: , .. .„„ ter'. The ,,,.., - ' ., .. : .• -.1Games ' ..e. Are ::Sorry . - ..., AMOUNT Ta ---$8,040,191.00 , -,,' . - ' -" ' ' - --- ' 'SINCE -.... '..: MODERATE• . ' wotten' especially !Hiuthrt Enpositor,' . . ..,, , ;•''':„*"' ... .. _ . PLAY . FAST AND ' KEEN ,... . . ' ' Vol; the EnneosatH•time. withis4:;.•:, -. , . .. fi:linlie;r-:::::;117;:ay.lia.ter-t'lvtan..•60.., formation. --- '' BADMINTON PLANERS.-- - • • ' • The.ffuron:EqiCitclitor•',wilt.kezeitie'' -. ' Gift : eThiirsday, February 1St. ' . .... ' '• ..„,,. 'B d 'weather 'interfered With the 1t' 'he ' •., . . ' ••-C•L. ' ,' Thernionteteri-iiillk &Stria hit a , '. :" • ' ' , - - . ' . .. • . . . „ . • . MCKIM- n up Hockey . .,,:.• • i • • ,, . ...- ...,... • nal. The Ael'ey this •vecek., Wits. ;le .. .. .., .. attendinee at annual meeting of .- - ',. - ViSITMITCII--E new all time -Jew „level con ----E.- e. •ut reply to the Speech h :.'lren. .07E. ..rert4lalod .fi--r-Sitel3md" -ti(m- •--cniaseti-r-,-the ekeline..ileneie -F3-- • ir •WE the MeKiliktp 'Mutual' Fire Insurance COMPany in the Town. Him, ,;,,al, Fri_ ; .. • - . ,A.clidnesses • morning of fist Week when :the of- fi...0/-4324'er Throne were ' continued to- - oeCup,y led '111) e Fantners' League by' defeating - which melt the meiar.toi,01.0„iii,..-.::.,:., Cv....Ohlenimlbseeoanlict type burning- These T............,,, „ ,: 41 1: ... „ imeK.- ' -. AFTER. day.,afternocei. Some fifty Sharehold- - field- 1 iteenr.' /erature, Ntra• •s; 36 degrees -0e,,,,;,..itaIldowye„..X.04.4.,,,enli,r.tobr!.apkeors. .the.,IwiSt.• Nine Games -.- • glatmloandl.t.o.,N9,..r.ekr_wpGrliaro.rabp.-, out. Wereee- at :the ---- . --',---"iii•-e•e• ens Were , present. James Connolly, vice-president, occupied the chair. Businesii.'"included the hearing of the 7iiii-elteri-J%treasurer's report, the Each/Clu low zero,' according to George Baird, ,liew 'le ods • Re t - th of . . ,0 . WO a ' e outset. ... . ' In Inter ting Bruceifields government •'Siteteorlbg-kal• Ini.remarks objected to the military - • obigefter in this, district ,. .. ' ' ' .A.Rja.1...whielitook place at the open- 'Tournament.: - Mr.' Baird., --who: he," S.,been," keeteet-ge-• ing. of .P.arliament..._The dealt _panel- 4-1- at the rink Inet Saturday night, ePairlitlestrediosesniteeempolamomedt". . but de, . .....,St. '10o.e,lumlbatt was _strengthened spite- this man. . a L er Western Ur. .., -papers will e • Y ' ' • , Mr.' TD20119-119 form. delayed. , • , . iversity -senior player end _Ivan Hg- . . - ._ .. , : :, • ' - • iSeallortles tewneeot ' down to , business' on ' • tug at the 'February aelei election of' directors and of, auditors. . ..„:.,, ' . . . pall- with the present social condi-. ' ' ' Weather the Dominion ',citing 'get -son, ftwitier ''.9.1e-s-'fflitli O.H.A. goal- Atm - 0, ie.- These 'players -bolstered theteam'"'''' . " 0 • • O. ell dud ipaasedetweritY two byiTec...Wrs-and,.64 . . . Presents Report ' . . --7--;--,--- • records or ten, s, cases' of doctorswho' - - ., Of 'Seeiforth Badmin- Government for -were - to the hut • Id 't etem. the attack Of the n . , ' -and ,from the finance and - In reviewing the business a the, year, Mr. M. A. .Reid, the secretary- treasurer, said: • - - . . "In preeenting .t0. you any report for the first time as Searetary-Treas- urer of .your Company,'I do Sti :with consjiderallole. degree of satisfaction and EVen after a series. of „. Mekribers the nearly „thirtY Years, telt giving -their... services • ton -77'010 -were enjoyably, entertainqd _says it is the loWeet. reeeided:' team-- 1.Z111e1711PloYekl. , '. - • by, the Mitchell . Badinitinton Club on per •••• h lids i'iii'''Ins, bo Its -'' , A new type of society .he declared, e ' e -.' ....'!' • ---7' 13' ' • ! ' waS developing. to -day With less lib- Friday evening. Meri'S doubles were were . ,• From Tuesday night of laSt. week played in the club room and' -ladies. . • , erty and it teemed if economic pa- {touble and united doubles were play.' until Friday the thermometer was tionalissn was Lit:Qin deetellopeel by ed in the gymnasium. of the Mitchell .• • - never above' zero, which is, another 'practically all - countries. He cited 'Collegiate. Fallowing the genies, Thursday ethe tkie‘• debt •of Qanada otte,,b'eink Jill ex- .c°11. •Egm'ondriEe 'Orioles. The second second game was a tussle in the , , two periods, but Tuckers -mini stepped away from Winthrop in the final per- iod. . „ Eginendville 4, St. Cohiniban 1 ' The .Egmondville tearer got away tO _ „...... ' ' • • ..' , • FINANCE COMMITTEE .. e , - . - • ' ' CHECKS BACK TAXES ,.. . ,• • ., ' ,. mittees, •• -- '' • • .• ;Colititeilliers engaged .1 discussion' in comparaso • .. •, ." • low meetings,' having , business at -,the series e foninal and unofficial gat have been held recentfl plea.sure. heavy fire losses, your Directors and is able to show an apprec- iaible gain of _ approximately $7,200. in liquid Cash assets over 1932, and $3,241.'71 in surplus, Your Company is also able to 'show an increase of 55 ,a all-tinne' record. On delicious ltineh was served.' • • treme leaden the people. 'He compli- In the ladles"- doubles, Mitchell won warmest recorded lbeimperattire was Merited the'. new. . Liberal menthe'r six out of 'seven games; in the men's 16 _degrees below. , . .. front IVICK-,enzie riding *holed spoh- •' • doubles, gealfierth took four Out Of Citizens did not; however, require en during 'his election about consertp- six games, and in the mixed doubles, thermometers to keep track of the tion of wealth. rSeeforth won four out of five. Mr. ,Marell followed 'Mr, •• Winds- ree, a homie. in or _rred...eittoreeett --ehe- a good start when Leo Hicknell scor- ed !two goals in :the first three Mine utes of play. George Kruse, passed out from the corner for the first and John Flannelly across the defence line far the second. D. Dale scored the ... .. _.. ' , ., ... •D renort Ort iS. Presented to Town , Council Including Re- ' - ' commendations • .. ' •,• • 7., ' -- -- • - - •-- ' - • - cases motions were ali 0...#' i.i...ct &t.. on,13.T. ieinlaine er and seconder to affix lefletis J. A. VViigai; N serioneelY ill for soMe. 't his dutlee at the .rneettr. - Following the the reading hi •niuntber of • pOlicyhOldere and an :in- crease in insurance in force of $103,- 339.00. ' . "This,' I 'believe, is a very eatisfac- tory showing when many companies have beeri forced to show a deficit. • 'This should greatly encourage each Member, and by careful co-op- era -thin I believe that this can be materially increased each year until you will have a company second ...t° none in security and a material ri duction in insurance cost. ' "However I would Omit° point out that this can only be achieved, by a material reduction in fire losses. In looking oeer old loss stateneents, I - find that your largest losses have al- ways, been under the cause "un- The games.. were.: ..... . . . .. . .. , . ecolde. eSce. _ely .town country . missed batemg a least one - .• Ladies' Doubles . pipe frozen and, unwary Motorists* ' Mrs. rhart, Miss Hodgins, Mit- who left their cars an • the streets chell, defsated Miss an .Cluff and found them frozen to' sue h an extent ereses. A. seereareeeceo, ,e_iee that 'a toW' was needed before they .-"-"'-' 'Mrs. ,Gillrie, Mrs,. Carrol, Mitchell,my defe,at ad Miss Wood, xige. ,marieed could be started.' Peenber.' end gar- 13ell 11-4, 11A. ligenten reaped a . horcePA and due. miss Go' in Miss Clarke, 3,1itchell, ing the cold were deluged witn miss me rush orders. defeated Miss Mary. Bell, • , Gsieve 11-8, 11-7. The weather since .Friday last has iMrs. alutum, Mrs-. 'Moses, 'Mitchell, been all that could be desired .with defeated Mrs. D. H. Willem,' Miss R, the thermometer hovering, slightly Thornpson-ll 1-9, 1041. -. ' above, the zero mark. ' The ion.e tux- alisseHingst, Miss Costin, Mitehell, ception to this was Wednesday morn- ..ga , Miss . ing when it registered 12 below for defeated 'Miss P South'ate M' H L. wir,fileri_4_1L..nee. * a short thne. • . , • 'Pr MitAsh, Paulen, Mitchell, ' wereree tee_ debate. House •that this, was' his 38th session in Parliament. and his 50th in Public life and drew The attention of the House to the fact that there were only two inembers in the Hous'e with as long' a record as that, the other being Mr. Guthrie, the Minister of Justice; It was interesting to hear .lr of the days of Shr John A. him epee- . MacDonald, and he declared the sit--ltist ' in 1378 wee simillar,to that of natori to -day with unemplo - ent and &esti- , . YTn . ,s...- -nation, rampant in the land, • He re- minded. the, Prime Ministers thatlie had made. the same appeals to. the electorate as Sir Jelin A. MacDonald had and that the same results had occurred in ,Canada after his election Third goal or the. flu period after thirteen minutes With Hicknell get- ting the assist. Sit. 10elurtniban storm- ea R. •MeGeoch Several times. but he held them scoreless in this frame; Mae Robinson and "Doe," Tiernan corrbined well but didn't 'N .,; ..use omen -.70cQuaideenough. . .McQual le star of ... other games, was ..not pas ed to on s 1 et • . • ' t. al oecasions and St. Colunifban many beautiful ehrele.is oil - this aceount. D Dale1.. ' • y . ..ceived the oei eriniet for t 'pp' ---"H. '• I , • ..y et in.g ao r.,on. The 1.:4•.tied ended 3-0 fel- Egnooric'../ille. ' 'civlac" Robinson scored St. Colutn- ban's only .go'untier unassisted on a shot from outside' the. blue 'line that MeGeoch didn't eee. Penal as were numerous in the middle- period be. A feature of the town council meet- ong, Or !Monday -evening was the pros- entatiOn of the report of the Finance Comtnittee dealing with unpaid tax- as. The committee, Messrs. Hudson, • ro em and „, a , met a B d 'elc d R Elberh rt few weeks ago with Mayor Slither- land and town s,olieitor, J. J. Hug- gard, and discussed; the 'situation, :Isaac Hudson, cOnimittee chairman, inpresenting: ' , . the report said in • part: , . „ "Yeur, committee went through . the tax roll fbr the purpoee of aseerke,.. in- Mg what ',taxes were over one year in arrears and the n,airres of the • per- sots owing genie: ' We have prepar- ed a statement showing taxes more effeee,.. .44,11rtes'i,.,-,;-,,4"'"'YPr. SutherIan ""e "."1"1--'4'ess of 4114 et ing 11`.11'• 'W'l*.i.T.';:.1*.ek . 40,11..ne t must thank you, g, Your leniency. end goods illries;s " said Clerk . ' . ' worried Me consideralloh . . ... , , „ tunatety f. could do noth algere-'..,as' glad to s° re" remarked Reeve Well, I utast. thenk the 101'erk It '1; ' the, i • . • , 1 h'alve missed' since taki . • • . Pass Aceetut Councillisr !Hudson, < the 'finance committees 1 committee's report, r known." 'I if there is Vss . - '4 -eke - as after the election of .S.ir. john A. C91.1Se both teams extended them'- than one in arrears and also in- payment of Salaries a wonder a rea- ton for this? 'I believe there is. -And I °further' 'believe that if each los . clefea; • antes . 'Crich, Miss J. Clilff - • _441, 11;4. , GODERICErTP. , •Miss Smith, Miss Bias, 1Vlitclaell, •. MacDonald, namely, higher 'tariff's, less ,employinerit and greater destitu- ' FelVS. to the -limit and didn't spare 'thetrielttes in any way: Robinson year eluding the 1933 taxes and shoeing the names Of the persons ewing-r-ame. The report was adopted CO4h-Wille.r8 Roatou tkild• had been carefully analyzed and re-.' en& kept that ' some interesting ractta would bp brought to light. Can these losses be avoided? Yes, to a marked degree. Hew? By • the co- operation of every me-mber: . This Company is yours and should he your intereet. If you know of any policy- hcrlder who is Over -insured -or some other phase that makes his risk' a kaZardous 'one; advise one, Of 'iotir • - ' i • • mi Mar-- ost. tto IVIoss S. I. Wood, 1 se Mr:. Lorne Elliott went West last :on Be11-9-11, '6-11. .. week to work for his -uncle, -Mr. Am- „ •'. old., Elliott. - Men's Doubles . The many frien o . . dS f Mrs. joe il••• W. Elliott, Dr. Alberhart, kfitchell, son the sorry to hea,r-ef her faiiirng o ye a Tac tin g aG0{-ine.in lost to E. F. Taman, S.' Dorrance-f t 'n ,one ' 15-1, 1'5-6. 1,er engle. She was telt-en th 'erich 'tea on 'Sten lay, , where the '-frac IA: W, Sillery, /.. Hoggarth,defeat-• Yof-In fere Was reduced. ed Dr. Gillrie, Dr. Mutton, 'Mitchell , l‘n G T h ' . • li -15-4, 15-11. . .r. eeorge . o neten is very sic MI a 'nurse ir waiting. We hope Hruggard, D. H. Wilson, de- .1.1 -072. -e e n reminded the House that the Set tIement• frotn where ha came in Gaspe had been settled by the French in 1534: • It was very strange. he also declared that the 'present Gov . _., . - erinnent was not willing ,to with the United 'States but were will- ing to give away the St. Lawrence ' •-•a 7 - ' waterw yis to that Country. ' (Continued on Page 6) . „ . failed to m kepasseswhen his te . . sti s ern" Mates were left unguarded. Dgmond- 11711116 were .lield scoreless and were, hard .pressed • to •keep the attacking c . ...." . uni anout .. eir t Col ib forwards t of their territory. Tiernan end -Atkinson made some dangerous rushes' but were kratehed to -C, ,gos,ei ,Y. Norman • -Mc- Quaid was Ile - unguarded several times and was in a scoring position hut didn't receive 'the pass. In the third 'Morris The total of such arrears' aggregated $9,271.94. There was a large num- her in arrears for the year 1933 only, but your committee did not deal with these. - .•:. -• - "Your cominitree recommends that immediate steps Ameba lopiii*.en to collect the arrears of ' .taxa -Shown . "7 on the s'tatement plie:ceito annexed. he town solicitor was consulted with reference to what steps should be 1The Clerk read a lett( & Muir, en4e1.tora for fi of the eiltate•of the late , • • ' • hell,T dating 'what actio .tencled taking - in „.regal Inall 'faantehl- a'? °a9la Vioue ,letter town' , 4.1' j'• Binggl'4474i. -,- letters he received in a ters 'written on inetrnelti ttee ' ;finance commi . . L read- frcire C. F. 'M. a Directors, He is worthy of your can- J. J. _ . , .• ... frame shot taken and he recoil-Jr:Mended that a Mance or should not be a member of your Board. and I assure you that any be 1,or a speedy ,tcovery. featted A. Jordon, J. Brundent, Mit- , !Mr. E. oore, of ite e , •is 7 Si - .chell-15-7, 15-7. ., NI M' h ll ' 1.".'t 1 . Dr. Gillerie, Dr. Aberhart, Mitchell • ' Mr.' and 'Mrs J. A. Co g.cl ' _e_ - .. . ELIMVILLE ..-, from centre,and 'beat Higgerson fin. the fouith goal'. St Colurriban fair- ly burned up the ice in an effort to close enquiry should' be Made in con - nection with those persons, whosse taxes are Credit .. 11VIen's :AssiOciati Chests. Mr. Hug-02.rd that he was net famil recornimlendatiens received will , octefidentially and carefully consider- ed by your Board. ' Explains Policies 6`Before concluding, I would like to explain briefly some phases of your policy. In ,the first ,plaice your Com- Pany is one of the few who issues a policy without a liroitatian clause on livestock and dwelling contents. Pro- Tided your -insure for at least 80 per sent. of the total value of your live- stecle as defined by the Insurance Ant,- these I& -710 • limitation. I wool,' edit you' to inve4igete the Majority 1M -Ic 1 H ' defeated, At Y. 'McLean, J. C. Crich -e• rse Inge, ey. ;erns an young 15-6, 15-6. . . daughter returned home on Saturday Tor nto after a week's visit J. MaKenzie, J..A.- Stewart defeat- frimni Q VI friendis. ed J. Brunderb, th,.• Mutton, Mitchell Nvi -15-14, 1'5-6. Mr. tend Mrs. Elliott Harrison en- tertained their friends to a dance on ' W. Elliott, J. I. Carrol, Mitchell, . . -Friday evening. All report a good• defeated A. pownie, J. J. Haggard . -1524, 16-4. . . time. - Mr. Leo Charlesworth, of Ailsa • Mixed Doebles Craig, has been, busty buying horses in the town,ship, Dr. Aberhart, Miss Hodgins, Mit- 1Mr. Jack Ste.rling, of Kincardine chell,• defeated Miss S. I. Wood A. has been a visitor -with Mr Peter Mc: W. Sill -aryl -45-9. - • Da 11 ' .' ' 'age' . ' Dr. Gillrie, Misa Coppin, Mitchell, aVliss , . !Miss Catherine Peters, of London, spent the week end at her home here. A post -nuptial kitchen sholwer was held at thei home of NITS. Harry Minch on Wednesday evening of last week for a recent bride, Mrs. Alvin Cooper, when she was presented with a large number of 'kitchen utensils • by her many lady -friends. About --. . fifty were present. The evening was spent in intereeting contests and games, after Which lunch was served Yte 411' • • ...-•e....e, stage a rally but couldn't beat Me- Geoch.' Dr. Tiernan drew- a penalty for giving the referee some advice, Hicknell for tripping Robinson, Mc- Quaid for tripping Dale and Kruse for cross checking. All in all, it was a hard -ha game and well worth watching- St. Coluinban-Goal,' I. it' r. defence, d E.. Kerslake; 1. defence, E. Malone; centre, N. McQu,aid; r. wing, Dr. Tiernlan;, 1 i •• wing 'Mac .1. Malone, alternates, Dan 'McCarthy, J. Malone, John Moylan, N. -Miles. three years and over in arrears, for the purpose of ascertain- ing if there is any likelihood of oh- taming 'peyimeitt and if not, the pro:. peaty should be duly offered for sale, under the provision Of the Assess.- ment Act. On .the propeattiee on which taxes are not three years' in arrears, and also some three years in arrears a Seizure should be -made, ' • • • , under the distress provisions of the Assessment -Act and also in some cases suit might be 'entered against those persons from whom it was like - ly that collection could be made.' latter matter since he possession of the panel tion with it. Mr• Iluggard ,, is we dank " said Mayor , Stith ------, should have an, order so get the papers." Councillor L/euis Elle &wed a motion, second 01110i' BrY*116 as -follows Mayor --and Treasurer I e„, . - make a,e order On I r or the delivery of all and documente to John f P They :Scott, of .Stratforde•is ;visit- 'Bell, • Egmendville-LiGoal, R. 1MeGeach; T. • . tcYcval s°1kit9r• of other companies' policies. all • have a limitation clause. Then again in household contents you find lost to Miss Marion Lloyd Hog- , ing her friend, Mrs. _Elliott Harri- garth--45-7. - • son. (Dr. Mutton. ,Mrs. Carrel, 'Mitchell, . '` BRUCEFIELD . defence, D. Dale; 1. defence, 'A. Nick- olson;• centre, John Flannery; right . ../ le n connect .n.,-enth the arrears of taxes of the Wolverton Flour Mills and Avon Chests Limited, your corn- Band Gets GE Clerk Wilson read a a limitation on radio, piano, etc., not lost to Miss Pe Grieve,' J. McKenzie wing, L. Hicknell; 1. wing, G. Kruse; mit-tee recornmend that the town so- the Highlanders'Benti WI so with your policy. If you install 'a one hundred and fifty dollar radio to- -45-8. (W. Elliott Miss Paulen, Mitchell, YARN.A Elliott, . The regular meeting a the Y. P. S. was held on Monday evening, Febru- 12th, 'Miss Evelyn Grainger alternates, F. Kling, .1. Morriss • C. Flannery, W. Wright. ' i. • • • kitor should be instructed to enquire into the present status of these two bef '1 ore the. count] at meeting. With precinct day and to -morrow it is a total loss by fLre, . your poliey. calls for cash value-neit $25 or $50, ais stated in many* poliecks. .. (Continued on Page 4) lost to Mire. J. A. Stewart, E. F. Tanten-Ifi5. - - - Several ladies of iSt. John's eon- A. Sorkin, Mts. Gillrie, IVIitchell, gregation attended a quilting bee •On lost to 'Miss J, 'Cluff, S. .Dorrance-• Thursday afternobn at the home of 15-11. Mrs. dil, Deihl. - Owing to the severe . cold :the evening party was called off. . ary with in the chair. The...meeting was. olYenr• • ed by singing a hymn and the Scrip- ture reading was taken by Mr. CAW- don Elliott found in Acts, the 8th 'chapter, *verses 26 to 39.. Mr. Jesse Freeman led The topic, ,\ •Referee --,T. Hart. ,---- ' • 'ruckersmith 4, Winthrop 1 The second game was a real tussle . , . . and the score by no means indicates the play. Winthrop held Tuekersinith to, one in the first and none in companies and the •pos•sibility of .col- lectiOn. . Your committee feels „ that while the Chief of Police occupies e osi- the p tion of collector of taxes, neverthe- less, he has not been instructed to , CUSSi0/1, a motion by CO ton and Johnson anti Trent was assed b cc .- . l'he motion read: ice instructed to prepa granting the eirt 'of P. . , -in prayer. "Would Christ Draw the Color Line" goal the but Fceter broke away exercise all the duties of that office Seaffirth If hie .1 B mtellla! „ , Achie*es • Ekcellent Result.s . ST. COLUMBAN • • was taken by Evelyn Grainger and was very well given. •The president second, . twice in the -third on lone rushes that •drew Montgoinery out"of his net...Al- and it is recommended that he should be advised to enter UPOT,1' and duly the Band' dig Park Qame agreT - i s. 11 • s.e •ri Riem.embran t . . 1Bowfman-Dalton.--4earday morning ..., With • R. O. P.. BarreRocks • t d at 9.30 am. a !wedding of Anternat tobk place in St: Coluntsan•vrhen Mias . . Annie Dalton, youngest daughter of thee, took the chair. Owing to bad ' . - fw tiller the attendance' was very ea ' • • 11. The meeting closed with the silL.T./12),„„,,,,,,,,,„ ""'".th The the W. Mr•Holland though the play wasn't as fast as in the first game there were bursts of „.., •;,_ • • , .• - • ispeeu showna times. Stan Nicholls, N. Montgomery, T. Eaton and M. Sandy Doig for exercise the dillies, !of tax collector . . - and tlaat, in, accornance with the pro - vls ons 0 e smen , e ' i ' f th Asses t Act, h should be bonded. lit was pointed out by the solicitor to committee e ° 071 two other occasions if the council for the yea] • A letter from' the Sal requesting e usual gr • H. T.,Bla hard, Starting ht - SnialL, ay Five Years - • -- ' - • "• ky •'uQ?4•14; ' ' -'•••••g. If.11't - C'..- -= ..--''r.4 -"...v ,. il''' ." - . , . ''," t• 4.k,.., eiP "I'-*" V- . ....„, , .f.ii...1'; - --' ,..„ , .., fi ' ...47 • ..,* • 1' * , • , . . Mr, and Mrs. John Dalton wilt unit- •• • • ' •• ed in miarnage to Mr. 'Francis Haw- roan, of Kitchener, by Rev. Father Dantzer The bride was given in . _ . _• -1Warsnage her regular meeting of • • S. will be held on Friday next at 130 and the World's Day of Prayer Sane vice at 2 30 p.m , ..- ' - " W. A. Bremtper has gene to peppered a- bout four minutes but' he couldn't be beaten. • . Jim Doig_opened the .colizig in a lone rinsh in the first pealed bust Neil your that the provisions of the Assessment ter Ant, as to bondingthe tax collector , - - • are interaEve. ' . . and on mo ' bon of Ree•vf „ _t- - '-• •ounicieer IL W. El g -rant of $35.00 was pas Starlings Receive Ago NoNV-Has- flocii • .... c. • - •., •,-• - by father, Mr. John Toronto --. delegate to Montgomery tied the count Sh-4tv A letter from the ( 0 450. Barred Rocks., .,,. , •'•4 , ....:-;.-.).. „,. '. ,,,,. ,,,,.., ' ,....... ... . • Dal:tont of. Hilbert. Messrs. •Joseph 1)04410 and Joseph !Malone acted as this week atf a the '' ' ' Prohib-t on Union con- eOntario . . . . . , , ri Mrs. Bremnerr is visiting at Ir.fienti° ' pass from A. Dale near the end of the . period. A. Dale drew a 'Vegalty for , • MANLEY ...- • cultural College asking two in regard to starlin • , -. ' - "" ee ,e1. . .. '''' -, ••• ''• ' • 'Y..> ' -1"...-•••••'' '4". • ushers. 11Its' ..§ Eleanor Bachman and It.r- ' 'ttend "he Ile ine of Mr.' .nrei Mrs.-.1Tires"e, el 'holding Foster's stick; FOS* a ' • , after some, discussion. , „ - One of the '' young poultry indu$ tries in point •of years in -Seafortli district, but nevertheless One of the most Successful, is thet..Owned and operated by Mr. It. 'I'.' Blanehard, on his farm On the colinty• road, north of ,Seaforth, - Starting in in a small way five years , ., ,„ ,,,, . ,,i, , • ' '4M1 ll 4',, „•-s,.....,:2..::, .2 ... • . .„ ,,,•,;',t %I( . , ,,,..4. --. - ' •''' , f.,-..1„, - ,'. ,•*•- <ifit'‘„S„.,,....,;., 1 • "1-..- '-- „. :et. %-`.i1:1,', 4'" „ ,. , ,e ..,...•,: , ' „.• „; ,,-.,-,,uf, - , A.,',..,.,;•••:.„.'."' „..; • - • 0 • ,, . . -,„ , 1Mil. Dalto d the „ uriee . n a e .•, . . bride and groom. The bride Wore a -very . , bee*Tailelg. gown ef Periwie' blue silk crepe, silver trisnMed and het of same shade, metallic trim- ming, silver shoes and hose to match and carried a bouquet of yellow ros- es and babfe breath. The brides- maid's attire Was • a beautiful gown St. 'ninnies " : • Mirel All fwtho has 'een staying with 'Mass Mc' ('ally for the pus" two '.,„„,11._ months ix% n Nur• MeDonaid • e se taking a •rest, returned to het home in Hensall last wedsz. 1Vliss.McDona1d is able to resume he: duties agam , _ . • .got rest for triplping Bullard and?. Doig for holding N. Montgoirneryi, • . • Therwasno ' the . d score in • seem eriod alth h Bill Mont theft' '` ed off some great saves. Si. Holland received the only penalty for cross 'checking. Play 'became &nod be_ cause both teams were playingrather eautioulsly anl seeoned afraid to break The weather man is still continru- ,• 'nig his tactics 'SY ' reeking the roads • ! - . . rinpasesable for motoring, and if the old adage comiee true fwe will have five more weeks of solid winter. But . i''', lis better to come now and then we can look for good spring weather: The many friends of Mr. Ed. Rose are pleased to learn that he is still meeting; Clerk Wits .. What about •thfis starlii ‘,/ think we .should I leek after ith,,, r eeee • • '"'"'" ler. Howerer'; ..u: the matter the Clerk being Instruct bile questionaja.e if he .b 1Councillors Isaac Hod ego, mt. laaaniohard intw has' a flock tift-'460 Btfired Rocks from which. he • - :netts hatelting,egge th plants in gar- e, • . -* , . , -. , -''.,,, ,,, •-$..... •.•••*rr,rt;P" , ' il• - '•• - •?.. Akt.4.,,, '. , *„'IN,,, 4.: .4,,,t...,4„*•‘..1..*• ' of lighter Slid& of blue with gold inietts, Weld shoes „to niatleh la wore ,a White hat with touches ,..,e .. ' I, 1 11 - atverY. . ' Reiter drew Montgomery outt of , putting up a good fight far life in the Stratford Hospital. • , • Broderiek and Clerk W two of them, will have ...., towit's aafetty deposit lo 'Inn Orntintk• 1116114111g tl'iM4 a Mt'‘. 'I ; 1?.04h Al , „.!...,P .,, .4-pgr04.,, blue and also earned roses and maid- the net when four men were playing , . by Councillats L. Eberh• -Andrew Moore and Mr. j.. M. Seott..'' • en ll'air feint Following the marriage forward for tfhpe tie -breaking goal. fence, P. Doig; L defence, J. Doig; - • •' ,%,(12.1-•addition,7 Mr, Iflanchawrs--birds- ifeiteeOraing well ..,known! to Ontario- and Canadian. bleeders through hit differenkentries 'in *he lt, Ok. P. e -on-;•• • testa. . . . • • • • • Tii-'4800.........with ti .,..._.is._. recerd'Of 318 eggs Rev: Father Dantser sang .tlie nuptial ,,,,..,.-, „, . ••_, rrii.,•A , ' • . 0 .o. ,,, tS, 1.ndas 4 ild_eOles were rendered- by' the nk 'n0 . 1:61"" year, ';',,g1TL''' • organist, Mtn, jletin Dawney, mint Of Ounces -to. -the dareiu • -fry - , the bride„ Mist, Agnes Delaney and Miss 'Grace Moylan. Folla*Ing this • • • .. • ,••-•• nthracite , , . Winthrep lwere playing the fent-man forward lin.ohnearly all this frame and although they' pressed troht.nlods:fenoz w/ealeu- . Poster broke through uthe centre, H. Foster; r. wing, W.' Me7 Ostrtney; 'L wing, Bob Archibald; all- lerzetes,s,Fisi!eyno.lt, F. Arghbald, fReferee--G,... Muir: ,• • • son to this effect being ..it . resol„a,„. ..., „. - ...1,,_ "1"72;.- ,Ittl"n6: etneeirettes-ta:7104-;?aren •wielon ifiteited motion , 'Etteriitir Listed below we give a few of his flock records in the Canadian R.O.p. .P: contest for 1932-b3: , ' ' ' P 188704-4318 eggs.. ' P .10727e 416 eggs. • • ., ---. p -A7874-2018. eggs. . • ; '''' : -;IVI 3474 '280 .2„go tet.s. - .% - - In thia-ceontest he had 150 hirdts en.: tered and .out of this entry- 45 hens were certified, ' ' ''''''' --...-. • ' '' . ..,.,.. Ift iiiin :Canadian Egg- '44414 -Oen'fr testrrvirldeliv included eti#I-ea -, 4 . at-from-ilie.-ben cogent .14 coast, Mr fillinttard,s ":41 in " IA* Viti.o.. -•';',.. . ' -,l'i,, - .. .. - .- • ,. _ , • all repaired "to the home off the bride " 18670, 'whose . picture. ' aPPears *here a siftriptuous wedding dinfter here, Wad third ' highest OOduntion was served to a host of friends of hen in it.' 'O. P. Or OTOS ' mid' is the bride, and groom. The home was front ,a,,sire 'wh se lark aid •25,1 eggs, bealitifully; decorated in fletverct and "in tit,„ 40. P. and -cce.d*ed . Vie Mrs. taperi. .114any gt..astbs Were present FratiellYielaren, Of - Narbli•• River,,,_ frolnl Kitchener, including id,r.. and. Of the groom, Pri, nee'tdward Island, 'tslie has Minn Mrs. Bowman, his in 'It O.:- P. 'for fourteen. swears...NW% a umber of file brotliiiii ifid, sisters lien's' 4101 laid 252'''*0' in; ' 0.- •• P. and tile beidets•sieter arid brother:hi- . (Mi. Itlancliard WillAtatie 'eotkerels law, Mr. and- IVirs. ,Potpe. The Wide. and .11e#4.1ke-*I Bale and grOotn..tAter..a short 'hottelnaiion,' teittlfall. and 04 A* kind/ to :will lake -Uln ;Asideilie* bi Iitcheller 1b40/#. '-` ,' -.' ' . •-'•'..,i 7 , ' ' • tor' n tbee,„. , ..., ., .. .. . . . . . . . . ' ^ The • , • ' < . Long- Lasting Coal . , ' . . . , . For . , . . , ' ..... C' Id -W. IL r 0 ' e the ' ., , , • ...; .e.'i : •••••Q* ' :;`,,•• • • - ' • 7' • •“." - . ,....,...,,. gliNrg N.--CLUFF •....,.,,r ' ..,., second time and with only one de- fence ntant it was easy :10' agate score; Bob Archbald Scored the fourth. goal 'when he slarnmed in the 10616e *lick :rem a melee in front Of Montgomery one minute before ' the game, 'ended. Winarop---Goal, W. Montgomery; r. defence, A. Dale; I. defence, F. Bollard, 'centre, .11. Enton.-f:'-wing, . ,. . , . Monegometor; I, wing, $„,A..scholls- N, iternatels' W. Draper, , iillaii, ' ptt • ' - 'de. tact". ' ..-0tial . r. • • ... s Doig, west Saturday night's games We corriplette the' schedule: If iSt. Coltvcre- ban wins ruhelr will he tied with win, throp, for third piste am if Tooker. • • it two math defeats Eginondville, these ' teams will be bed for ten. place. Any, thing is liable to happen. -' , Standing •• . . . .. won Lbst Pt:L. Eigniondville r.,... , .1 4 1 8 . . ,. . , . . . -''4Nsitinvith . -,. ' . a • 2 ,• - • 0- Vlifitlittp., ... , - 2 ' S - 4 , . il 1 '- ---'4' 2 Magrilbs ' .. Undis , ,o,n motiori and,R. on a °Gum as Johnson. the Hoe* ix wintative ibnytino„ .,, ....... la. id ,zo .or the year -10 -- . ..aillerVe ,Orosier' aunt' Artiof • ' , ' eenntrttee,- report - ienintlidee tad 'awe ed iior .16noWitotwing 'And , ,T03,406 ..,.jr . , Store . , , • • PanksiBlAitt . n leplavot, 'lumber .. , .-.'''-.0:10tiOn#14. 0 li, ii 111 ' ' • ' .3 *r " • I , , : ..., • tx „..., Ack,"""Ai. a. ' Or for a • '.•• their • 'eetiV resumed of the Oill'e! exPOstelit• !IOU •• -on the job - letnai;•-for - to mein WHAM:, '‘It b▪ ut Vidor- Lmig alboult it." you --------buck 'Crosier. , you," replied r.st meeting - rig efrize.2' ' hairman of resented the eceminiending rid accounts. on motion of Broderick. ✓ from. Hays ; e executors-, An7.1a Clant9- council- in, - id in- litre 1•.:;,„V . Ii iter, read , lliswer to let-, ns from the ' eititers were' la' Canadian -- n, re Avon pointed out ' iar with the was not in is in' connec- king in the e'rland. 4We that he may haat intro - d, by Omni : "That the o authorized Says & Meir ltecen papers J. Iluggard, ant letter from ich had been the January lly no dis- neillors Bol - mixing the uncil4 flat, the Clerk e a by-law 00.00 to the and and that in Vietonia. for Cs.nadian ce Day and, requested by • 1934." vation Army nt was read Crosier and ilethart the ed. ttentien taria Agri, for informal, s Was tabled; Later in ithe n eittntited,, g busineSer at Mi..%Itvan • lleetri Cziva- ••• - ••• V;ta8'd1441Pjanstvet; ed to a<lontlammed J. S. s„, a 'motion rtb land Xabm= • is Liken, or Anse 'er Wilson to ,for the Recess to the • wn of Councililora us teo.;45r;A:;., 4. 4 " 't • 4111!tt r *••