HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-02-09, Page 7I '6___, ;_� , 4-�,,,'.,�,�,:�,,Ai�,;",�,,��.,��-;-.;���!���,��V.�',�-?;,'�'�'�7 ?"':,�-,,,11­� 1.111 �7', I R � 1. 5��,�� � . , ;��;,��;� ,�l,,.,�-"�,;�k��51,��alt"",;-,��4, AIANMMI i,F' �h y � ".. ,. ,�,,"�l�M��,,�,,��A,C�",/�i,.-,,,i�c-),,,�,�,�,�I I 1 24 t� , , "'r, 4, � , 1.1-1. - �� t,,,'� ,�:gf -'VbK�, , i"101'. N--.` W� ,IX.11 11 , , , , , 111MRAIR � . �, i - ,,, 0 Q0",P.5ffl ". '.. ", _T5,1Z .. , " " I " 4.1"I'-, ri­;, �, 1, I I" " '. P . , �,. 10 Z �� � , ,."', ! , A .. '.. . I i 1� "" 'f,,��i �, ��_. � I 1�`; . ., � V, ,i ­,�. , � ,� .��111 31, � , ,, 4, , _0 A. ,�L'. ft O." X0. A. nx,tl. 7�. ��� I'll , 1", A "'o -, "; A , X � �V, I -, �, 11 , , "" "', , r .9tZ.4i, ;�,.,f7-,�"�,.-,�r,,�nt,�,,.-Al.��,,��'�,��6�-."r ,� " , Z� �,.:I;, "� _" .11, 71 I " � Z 7 . _. 1. 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I I � - _ y .! ,,,.i , .�, - I I _i, �,, � " V "', ,:: )� .. .. i ­, � . ,,,��,' i��; . � ,�� . I . I 1��111'16;1,""., .V W3.419 , , - .M P, �� .. 1 ,:4 ,'I , FW A r , , I'l 01,�Ivh i ;;'* , , , , 14- - 14'1� '14 " , � x i�� , I � I . , , '�,.,f; V" j�. , , , .� - , ,. ... - I,�. . -Y-,., I - - '­� q, �!'�.§# 11 -, M, , , , . . � , � I - I . I .. -, �, 11 "t �, ­­ , I � I � ., .1 I ",V01:1--, Twg'g, (",7;A�%%I10yiTr,- . � V"'wt-W , q, -,F,; "� t. i.i�'.' .-,�, * . , "'' 7", 1%rl��'.WFIRIFIR ,V,�, 11 01 I _,.,,�Y,� � ''i , I __ , V �11� ��_j, i�','7,' � ..�, I _i, i�',7 ...... ,g"A, I , , :4;� I'll � ,�,�1$7,�;,�V,�,-,,"��',,,�.�'.,��""�,,, ""P I 11 � . I . . � . :, ", " I I '. 1: 11 � I "I �i.ii, F1i-1�V1?1'1'1Wfl llffi-� ,,, t ., k � R, " .. _A p - , , . ii,�,� " , . gly""I", RR ��,, 41 �' '. ., � �� 1-1114. I—- ­­ I "Wrl RMT,W�"ift.04,12311 I, I", "i, , �. ,� 4 E . � , �,,, " "" , R, gg,�"'w ,,�'�,.,,g A � �,V'111 , A 1 1 _9 � T'- 1. -�_ " � "i �,,,��:P,­,!)' I , � 1� �,,','�.� ", ;!�,­,-',�E ` .. . .... . ,2. - , , � W 1%, rr , M ­'. " ��, �41 ,s '�T , � , � �,,�i' `,.�"t,i A. Oql 10440!415�t, ,!_,Iill�il, #60. . I . 3 -o'. o",f,.;,��',� , I I _�, , . . , , , , I I , , I . 'i r , - ,� - . I'll, . A� � 1 � , .".-,L..'�__:�;, �, 11'1!1,0,� E'" 1� I, � '. — , I ", , - 1 rpi.,; ti ,� r. _.�r_ !,__ � , . _� I � I �­ , ­ I ­_ T . ,: '_,�;,i I'- -, � I , , - , -� * xii'I'F, 7­�, "I i S,' . .�R� "'go . - ".. 1W. I ­. 11 11� , " -2 I � "IT 1� � . 'f�q ,,, � 11P41X1WYP1-11`1i1M11'i�1 � � ­�-� .A yfflm " M . . �,: ,, �_ , , I I . I . I -";� - - I , �� , - 'S.0t, -- 4 '77-- -,- ',, -TS- 7�,- --I . . 4,;;,1, ILI" . 11 '� ., ­ ,�,;; "AN 'k, 4. �',�, I I . 'a .4 1 r� . , 1� , , iW 11. I ... . 11�'.)!, � np ,0410 t up, '.. �, A I�Aj,t , - I I . I I � . , �_ �v � , �,-,. � , , Ll'. __� . , v w 7 11 �I' , . 11 ­ 11 - ; , � , ��=�-�� gq g;' %'Pa*p""g,." � Af?,- 1'1%41 ,,, �0)�i,,., L _f . . 1, .1 . XEM. 111. 1. I ; 1 1� U ., . � 1. -1 11 ...."I - v� , I ,7' _: . . . . . . . , I 11 1P, - i` I ­ � 11' , ,I V,�,i��! I . , I .. I. 11 � % . " �, � '. ,�,,i , � - I o I .�:. , � , � , J 1;r�4 ,;4i,W;,i'JM�G'_r]4" .. � ,,, L�. 't . , ., �.­;,. ­, , I ''. I � 1 . � , , , �� .,� ­,�.. , -.1" � � ,. , � , I ", - ,��[ .; . � , _',!� I -.1 , ,, ,_ I .". ,L,� -�,, -, � '. � I iL 7 le ,-, 14111� 11p;1", . �,,., � � I'M . . , I N* � �� �, " . §940" PTI'�k,-, �� ,,, 11. j ,,E$1.11, " I ROMANQ -�­', '',_'. I IWI`IFIMV� . �Ij I. i ,�, .. 4,- 1�1 . I , ,:It , � 'k� � 1;i'i,"��' ", I , P.15 h , - . "', ." � , X"Im ., %� : � i . � , �N 11, , , , I , I '.�..,.,�, A. W 11T_ R19 . ',�'1110, p O� mw , .P7,7 : .. kli:"',�e"­­��, '', , '' I , � "--, .t,� , - , � , '. " , , 1K .. . ... 04%114%,Fo"44�0�s, -,��;A,. pi * ­... �, "'.111": il.111 .",�!.,�'. -� -I , �f,�e _TA "Itl!'112 , . ,,,r�. ".0, .1 I .. , . ... ... , ; I .- I ,�,c I I ��,�� - . ��, -i-, '11,,il � I I &W r OAV� - ,�? . � � � .. :., -, , ,�A$_W,d,o�,�� 11 � W � - ." ___,.,!,,­, ,­.�,,,i� � , ��, . I �.­ ,,,, 1-- , � �� IT, , ­; — 1.� '.,�,,�C",.�V'�',t -�i­ri,�,�.��, ._ _� - _ . - ,W��!�,,44 ARW59,4 III , 4 �, I I — , , 4. , '' , � ." : ,Ji . _- --,11111:1, 1�1'1111­,_`�.1.111417 -­­ , ,�. _:_ I " -­ I 49 ; - 8 '*0* -�J4701­;,� �.:'. ,_� I � 71 I'll ,,, ,_ 1. ,.i-1.1 . I 1. �-tr.0,0"llrl$l"lwlt#A.9i.x�W#Tl�'�"gQAVI%.""- �� a 'I'll, I ... ".­ , ,W,'Ik,�&�,. , I I'*�irmi;.�l., . . . . I ", I - , . I - " ,. I r . �. .11. .1"", � .. ... . t '' '. i, I � - :,� ,, �".!; 11� : ­,", eol.tA � I., p I . 1211ti?%q ­,­ I., 1.11 *0 _�`11 .� P I . t " '­-, '; ­,� �� _�­ � ­­v� , "o -n-1 - ' ­ '' J-44 ' � """ " 7 ,...� ,.,� - 1� � -�,4,L,,�'- I . I I I", id V ; m �q� I 11 .4 AIRTM 1;1, - On , , 1, (A .t�.iv�, 0 _� Z - ,.J�,,w , . . . , V 04v��, 4 - �", I .� a Ou% b. 21 � � . I SorrOTeMy � t ".­­ I . 1. 10", b .1 , � g,'y . , �� , , . .� .. - 4; i5: .. 441, . . .1k, il", 001` P" .VP 1 1 ��i � V, '� " - I I -; mfle ZZ iia,-� I . 1-j ­L� " . , . 141-14 old "T'n. t - -.T- jej�w "11,401 . "I I '11A I "'.11 � ',�� �,; , � . 1-'.' f , .- 7� I 14-10 - , lovlx,w:xo� W16 � X , W"M - "I � �1,1, - -, V;Ak. - - - he had hired an*, tv�� livery ,,14.#', - � � XV I,. � -,,;:�t " -gT', "...'r I . �_vmw , - - .If.. I . 'that J , a, I ,1 :, . I � W, L", �g, , qh"� go "" ip,e' I , Min' , `* _ 0_�wqo 1- . , I r , 'wor &11 . . ,e ,F ., . _. ­ � - " - .- , , 11-- 11�--o - .- , hor.#&� " �N � _ F .1.41�1 7 .W. - sta 1� i,a4 - .., .t - ­ 4 ON'A 11,4-4� XA0,yq!,�taAA,:--P" �,�,`#R , 1. I 1, . - I, . , �C.; .."i':i . " . �� ........ _�,., I , , I A . m tal ., � �g# * 8 ftilir 11 .1 . . .1. -ore ".. , . ;­ , � 04 . I � � $1 . a a _­ . 'Was b ,were I . 1; y b ., � I I � ,,�, ., ,,,�, I I ,T, . , , .I- 611 L ., , . . � '? . � ... . - ,I-,.-, :gfrft-L �,:"F 66-1081L I - , 1_0 - - , . , . - '- " . --­ � , I �, KA tp: - - 'k , .,"., 11, ; , - , ­ 10103.4411.InOl I .- , . -,:*I,, 6. ­ -_1 ,.#%`�I- !v _tL­ �.. '' . '. di , 1 - S 6, , or ., � at _or . ': - - - , , 1, ,�� if i. I. "... I ut' Pac:K, . t�,V,jk; ­- -1 -..' , .6silty, 1 , �, . �'. � I . I" -1. I I � . � , t . p- J.01 - t . ,W , I . - .i ��, ,r I L I . I j� L' ��, �.'_ � " in ''. - -% -, - - , 1, ffi ` V, L' . , __. _. ano- -00004r, 6k- , "I � .ft --V- -�F it � , -ii I . y"a , - ­­.� ft._# . .. - . �,, , Fi6cued gbo)q is] . vu_4 =Z %i, -_ i , - .1 - .0 0171100�19 �. xrwti, og-,oq��no'.��f:6,�,�4.140 1;� ,,, A -�. � ma p, Clee, . to'Aay to, mle? If J, P slowly - - some : I .. - , , 117� . lAce .sbar-plyt b0W 0 'We - _� A�w". ��, , - " � r M . I JOHN, H. BE - . -- , lqmf sh that pize,n"soA41'V1L-ZL-J�U11L , . *4�0,Vejr th lsub)944 t"�_ , "i'" , � -1 ... I ... I'll ... 1.1.11 1; 11 . vlao, I ST I - _ �,"I want to :,ex0la1n.,wb_y I �klissed ,breaking ln6 a omile When he saw tod sa,dd,le, ., r ".COX - - -, " . "I 9". ali , �v �'­­,;!­ �L,,:,,�,,jg�, IQ , . I . . . I �� h � 4, , amul, Ap ss. : .., 4�dor jqrkeo hi&i-is , , . , __ .�J, ,� e "I do not care mine coun ng, d . ' . . � ,�� � � I ' : 1; , , k'r ��A,,,-1 I LJ ore be a stin g! nfel' IP, '. Mu 1Z1h -., eorr6e tryman-,,putti owtj his �:.­ _ 4uf , . � ; A, i;:, - � A'. . .. I'll, I �. ­­ " "'. - 11.11��-Li` . ,t6d. - - "Ah,Doii. , ��� 1. A stop .and lifted,jgn, -in . , . �". ", t Ite. , I 4 , . . . t- - I , ". .r '. !? she . I ? - .", t%_,,�:i, ��i 01 01� " V� I I ­ ,,, � . I " Bairis�w�,, S�rieitor, ,L . 0 li , a Ai La n, . I I . I ,� .... � 1� I 1, ­ I ,�� x I to your explination, Jvtstah 11 in dust or coin.* Reina� The I----- . - I � 4Lr.. , - I , 011111 .... . . . . _ are makin` t . at that , I I ni ?11�Pm lopme fl, , 11 � - �� 11 , I .. .or a 1piau� x,aliw4, J=-��', 01.1,­ � , I W � I . I - !4 king -his brain. for, an _`�XOSIRA- E,fleryl"" . . . . lhidilgo of Linda Vista was wallong no??,.. I 4X01,1004,00,%4 " . P I .. senforth - I - ario. ti - _"­_..,P�s*pre;senee.'andt hop� . ­ &.., -, f'. ; ' F 'Pe You are go to me a -long 4 erowoed , s" I ­ I . � . 1-1 I. in Mlery If &W, - � I I I'll I - . . . . in " "I'm beffifig that the beat horse. ArAylbody see -hir - - J I . I EllerAlll 'ho � A '"'le— I . I ,�i - � , , . � * A . . 1. I L Onit . 01f., I . I "Outed. 04i, ; Moe", I il,ll . . -1 190,he waiad nat seekw,him .,out and � hig to 'listen, I -1 I f , qt when he be,� in n1pp, . I I ­ir. VE, t " , - 11 -a -old �mifi ,,yn 'ho`-t&lfid-back. UnclarSim.hpo`�wbffl,od,44-- f1li �."� " ­�' � whether you care to or. not,,'. ,: M'i* held be are b0p, '4, ig�risled VL IV# 1. Iffil I . 7- . I . .: ,�_ "... .., - , , � '' , I , - " %, - I- i Ellery, -was, uevyertbe� - , -, lad'4n frfxiiedt , ns, Carlatta,,, at. tibe soun I'll, i 5 1 011 I � L , I n no voice Was suddenly ,husky, and, vib- 0, bile and lugging -k4. ' - yed , him, of -the , Qw 'he, 11 �� I I'll .­$. .. . .. . I ". V]p Is; ', determi After . he sttaightened aud.'e n g1ioofz, X I J,TE r , he . . U #in "I - �w I IMP, .: rider. � ,-- i, � t", . RINARY ,supp4r he sauntered,about the , ratt. ' �'I Adssed yow biecau0i�- I love! a pair of av�r siLddle-bitaks. . enly for a. =oment, then bowed a- ed at tre .. �' , I -111 streets, ­ N said Do - I� . I . . . . W- 1. � -1 - ­ � . . , � you, , ancy'l' J just couldn't help it. ,�"Ah, bruenos dias,jamjigo," -.-. ., . I . - I I - "Whalft bell.r.-W -h 'i ­_ -_1 k . � i � I I 0 1 . . I loitered in iseivieral of the, saloons. Ev- Som�ehow when -1 ls�aw. You . it-- .wasL -as �CaYe no. -110M Vry y0a seem to, -"You , are ..", �. . , . . . want wit im, I -, 8. I . . . . I . I . � 1. . I - ." erywhere, there were but two' ni,ain t1oikh T -saw the shimmer of silver hame.'" .. - .i . I . I .un M6411ero nmy gallan- El ? 1. .he- mcklidid.:'. f,910 . ,. .11 pipbri, -4 ,�gq ii - . , 9,n't Y R%,.'�` . -, . I te, - Don Jeeml" Then j'she rods 011, ie., '&w.thio'h' I __ ____ mce?"- - a , "I'll "%%%% .. L. AV0"VV,FJiAi!I � � caught -, l,tae. L . - I I k. I �_­ I JOHN - GRIEVE, V.S. I I 'subjects of conversation, the race and moon -light oi�i�,blue­giats,s, and'"' 08�me?ere round twenty thousand, le�ng' Ellery ,-a . . " � � � . ­ 1- . 11 0, .... III .. � I ` "A . -74—-4 * . ."..... . 11 b1nc0mfb4- 03Y ,this time--Ellery ,,, ,. . .. , . ' the duel, the former much.the more the lierfuinile, of magnolias - in the :1 'low,"' -said. the old man. "Ye"re ,Able�,,, I ­­ _. -1 - � 11niself. had from blowing -,0A 1-1.1 - ' ' ._. 17� il, .i-�4- 4;6- +_­ 11 . , .. .� . I . . Honor graduate of Ontdrio. Veterin- importgnt. 1,� was. not often Colum-, IbTeeze.11 I I ­�, . ' ' . . . hold- of- the horse's, 1441% and- was 1- � ;a,." � � . , I . I � t., . I A I . .. 1. -.old- Don ,Cayeime. ,Peppier, ain't yet, -Panged -if Mf41inli a purify wench, - ­ c7r, IV ­_ - , ,,, 1111 - V t�'. ", ,, ,,�' , . ary Colloge� -All diseases of -domestic1b-- a .race -between, thar - .. staring at themahi's okcited ,eyes. - , �Kffiiw �' - . . , ia go . a see ly pened-wide An 9, a , t,h,%7 - ji-�UA , r , I . , _ " I . . Calls _prom NatilL -'s 'eyei ha& o. paisano? I'm Un6le:sim Knight frOln Jimi,",chuekled Uncle Sim. 114y 11 . - dyr I' �.. _., I I I � Ptly�__at-_ 'Pu0fibreidsw �-bdt ifief4-was-still hardly- . � I _Iq ,low I I'm -B 1, - may U66- L, ; whmals treatit& . , . ,I ., 41 ,, . What, is ij?s, I I --.---.,-.I- - teww(l to and 6ha-rk-es-moderate. Veit- a amazement.. Now thek narrowed and Turkey Track .Hollei!�biaekin the Blue could" rlmw; , . weel� when a man war, not shot. . n't blailite ye none for bein' sort "It's'Buck Harper!" the -rider pait, hose. 11 � � &"L.�,,', , _1�111_ 1�, , . I . . -,%.'' , 11:71 �`��I, QA S �,� he caught the flash of contempt and 'Miountings a' "C"14hy ,and, I'm liowin� ,, smitten a' her." , I ad. "Lefthim. i � .. I , 11" W., ,­ ? . I . . Dentistry a ? In the saloong� Ellery. saw thous- hum,,r. - I ...1. . I to back this hya I , n the Bald Xagle sa, I I .1 � L i� 1, I � . . I . r Tennysee ,bass to � % , I ­­,­� I ­� ...­­ I- 11 I n . idence on G6demi& Street, one arids,of doll'ars'in coin and gold -d -wt iiy My jEIlery did not reply, for another �16oii in -Sonora!*,- 'H�ls gittin, filled up - I � - , I., 11"'', -Y, ­ ­�, -;,�,',it;,, � , � ..��, �� , 4, I � . I I I � . � �",:"� � , - t�',� y I � .,:", �� .. , ouf�are very poetic, Mistah El- the limit *I - `J�ib. :What ke got to cheer was swelling up from the law- on likker, and swearip,' k ,,�,�.',j_,.'��, ­ l . east Of Dr- M40my's Office, Sea- staked on the race, ini which there he's colfiin 1,�,�..Z�,� , I 1'1�-�t-','�­,,­ il&,� - " , '-4 �I, � -i I. , ,,, , ", Blai'k "' " " �,�'�L ,�,� . . lery. , 1 haive -heard that ,handsome bet, -Don?" er end of the street, and he WA� look- over, here to ',kil . Knot Mime .1�; ... :,�, �,:'7� I ��A­,;�, . I � feAko , vpeared no adds,_ .Rayburn And his desperadoes' are sometimes romai-nitic . ',Don Cayetanio, was chagrin I -you! I got away, I I I ,,� - '­ - I . -.11 . Ar ' , . . ned and ing in that direction. suddenly he and figgered I'd, - m, 11 � , � . — , _�_ . . & i t ! el.1que of gamblers, had apparenT,17 but I do not think, that you are, suh.", �eMWrassed, but'not t zed. An,y ,grasped, Vnele Sim?s. Arm, hall, too 1 N , warn you. � Rode like - . - . . Of Pruits' 6"� ?,�, OWY reckonized Har- . . 1, �;,-,. � . 1. �_,��'."" .14) . - . I I I - - I ....., been satisfied with' -their - inspection , "No?'? be laughed "softly. Then sort of American might Nie ,pounds "Look, Uncle Simi,,the colonZills got per .ibut I�lknowed him in the North- , . iThis f�vmj 4aT fungus %­ 4. I " ` A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. , of Gqrlatta'i mare, 'La Reina, for -,they ,before ,,he Actually knew what ,was of gold, such, as this. old man. stag- 4 jockey up!tp I 0 ` _11 li�: . I '1111 . . I I - � 92 . I . I "-'-'­ �were backing h � ern . Mines. �' ,,� . .. .... ,- . � er,tb tbe.limit,, I ! Keep *your eye pealed, at times be''.se'riou''s" in C 12"o. " !"I'M " ed her 'up gere . . , �. �,,,,!�A,_ , 1111.-..: 11 ,, �' I happening he, -had-, igather d under. Ale .drew. himself up "Wal 'dang ye, ye needn't yank faller" Buck Elarper's bad!"' , . . ards. However g6dd 160 . ", ,,;,F­�,- .,�� ­;�4�71 I �. � 1,�", I " . I . . ,. Graduate of - Ontario Veterinary In the Pay Dirt saloon Ellery was, a - back to augustly, and there was a, smile - in my A - off!" growled, Uncle Sim "'Thank you, subt" snaigped Ellery, obtained through a con I �,. tt' 11 . #d kissedher and sether the . L . ,��`4 . :� 1, I' . � . " �Y, � . "I.. I . . .. i 'All recognized by a miner W410 wanted to fjaq,x�_ , his fine old eyes as he'said: . then: 1%ell and ino-lasses,-that am'i "Thank you..very h!" - � * 1=114,I�-,. - ;'. - .- �- - ,,�,� � I College, .University of Toronto. . rill . I ... ... . � -4ismses of domestic animals treated, kno� the cause of the trouble between -, F "' , . . , mile '', , I or a mom-en,t'-shL---se,em,edl�parEt4-z- `-�Sen,6r Kneeight, I have naui�h�lut � iiig and spra"y1nig prog!raminle.� . I I ,.,�­, � 111" I 11 no jockey, t4at's, ,Miss'Nancy her- Striking a runL at tho7 first stride, ing is important, because, thii ollyeira�., .1 I '. � by. the most. modern priftiples. him and Colonel 'Beaufort, -but the ad. Then hot anger !loaded her face. my raneho, Linda Vista." I self ! " - . . ' . " f '�­ ... , I ­t�:i� ' EllerY sped down, the street. He had -tion 'removes sources, of, %eW 'f44ee_`:'. . , 1".. I .1 � . . . . , ") . 7. 1 (;hargeis rossonabl�_ Day or night .took Ellery gave bim'mAde him.wish, drg,J[�.ed'away and left it ii�hite, iUnl4e Sim lowered his load'to,the Tennessee�s sirnall � iioofs or..,th ".'' ­,'�­� - I tvib prox1optly attended to. Office on that' -lie had.not asked.thequ tion. "',Damn you!" she criq'. ,'Damn clay walk. . I . . seemed planned' to, view ,the rate from the tions. ,Early in' Ithe QW-ILWEI, 07 I _0'.. . "."7 ,� I . �, T!, as ,,�,,,`,Z . '. � . . . . ly to touch the ground. -had, decided surface of .� " I I ", Street , All the tirn�e- Ellery was .trying to bare 1� I. I . main Heniall, opposit6"Town In thet back of his 'horse ,but' the blwk :knio:6 .......... *111blt . _,�� � -, - � , , ' I-. " V104) su 'My father, wall -kill you ��'Wal, I don't mind Iayin' this hYar pigs,kin saddle was a slim, boyish that would',makehim too ccins�icuous characterize this disease, thet fttg -- '., �1, � ,� -,- . h! I . I 'i 'k- . - - � - � .. Breeder of- -Seat- analyze h'is. ' lown feelings toward for this!" ' dust agin yer danged rancho, if it's f1gure . a �, , t. Hall. Phone 116. qsi� ; 1, tish terri6rs. Invernei's Xenriels, Nancy Beaufort. Why had fihhe­ . , .,a figuro clad, in 7.,., ac- . 19w black ,and ,bad left the-a-&mal,in the rear Produces .1arge-nuiribem of... -Is, , 1_1 � . , "Are -to ye. Uncle Sim Knight boot.s,,iblue . '1),ores ­­ '-�"­ - -1 � . 0'�H. . . . , you goink to tell him, Nan,� all the ,same I . . , � . ", �-v. . cepted the Mexican girl"is- challenge? lyrp 1, . . I I mso of the hatel. Again his cour�e -was which are' dispersed during - early - ­ �. i`ik . �. L . d ' 4 '� ' ' Z, cc � . I I- . �� I � Z,� . . . . . . . . - . .. front " Turkey Track Holler, mOught es, white silk ,blouse. �A small crim- clear. Blick'Harper-was coTning for spring, rains and spread, by win, ., The ' ' � . ,,- %��-,�, j... I I k � � . I He. wanted to see .bar,, ask her -the 'She did' not ' reply 'immediately, use a fine!raneho in his business. � 11 I ,� . 0 1 I t i 4 I - I Son cap with a�laug visor �was'pinned him. ,He wouldride' disper.,sal,of spares bas, bc�en_ - "i, - I "'i I .... . I - reason -for these -things that puzzled then : 4�, - 1, I th ... 1111 ,; � __ , 7 - . ­ :to meet , ei�bai-� followed__ � ____ , ,,�I' . 1� _ . I , . .1 I ­ I . .. I , . .. . ,Don Cayetano hesitafed for only'a to the g#F,s ,hair. 'There -was -no irils- -dit." ­ - - � ' . over M­�lZeriod ind i . . . �11..4.'Zl, ,,4-- " I i ­.­­ .Mown", � :' - ­- � him,4 ­ - - .. - ----,-,. ­ - . ... - "Th a _ - -11% ... . . of' four years . - ,it - `�',' n".", . I I I . ..... . 4' 1 , - , .at ig'my 'aff-ii-r'-Xisiah. 91lery, raoment. They were allhe:4ad� those t -king her now as she turned her There War& scores of men herle' has been foundr-that the initial! dis_.�, . _11�1',, I , - , , , - , : �� ,,,� I I I -;,415 " '. . _' I 41'�,�'.,; -.1 I ,�.,; . , � . i -k --asi, �' `�',`� I . . 1118'had rIdden, far that.day, wid, it or"-he'r lip curled -11 -Bronco Jinj leagues of,land in the 'San Joaquin. head and smiled first at.one line,Ahen from the Northern, Mines,, men to charge, may cohimen& as. earl " � . I , 11 . - was yet early when he 'returned to Cato! However, you 'need not worry. ,"Buena!" �,e said,' shrugging .,as at the other, The che�ers -'.�__i " � , - . . .1-11 1. I 7 , ... - I that swelled whom niot so long ago the ;very, men- March 23rd. The knots should itberez-w - '�.T,1­; , 7, 7, 11. , ' '_ -,­' I , , , , , �­. _­ _ ... � . . .. I— �.. the hotel. ' LHIe might get a chance My father has grievance enough A_ though wagering his all were nomore from- the wild throng seemed to sliake, ,tion of Buck ffax�par,s name fore he pruned out and-, destroyed -w,61,1 .s ... - , - ,,-, .11 . � ... . I I IPM GILBERT C. JARROTT to meet 'Miss Beaufort tO-MOTTOW,'he ,gainst you. I suppose your profes- than the, instinctive Movement of the'hillg. had . 7_:,ii I thought, 1hougli at was lik;ely .",he sio I I... meant, terror. Men crowdq& about in advance Of this date in order that .. �­, �,,� .; L;:'i,, I . �6`�, , i;'�',', .. . of Faculty n of love is made.1n, the hope that his .shoulders, "We shall crass to '�Wowee, wow-eee!" Uncle ;Si,in's the mes�enger, plied him. with ques-. this,sourcie,6f inflection. beelimiin' �7, ��, :, " � "'P11,- , . I . Graduate of Medicine, would not. � I . I z )�., I I shall iniiii6ede with .. �. A.,t', ! , my. father and the banco, yonder, Senor. Knepight, war -whoop pierced, high above the tions. Again and again 'he told how ItIs not sufn6ent to cut knot out of , � 111�-14' . University of Western Ontario. Mern- ,Gettdng,hi,s,key from the clerk, E-1- be-Iiiin not to shoot you isuh." As And arrange 'the niatter no'?" "I I ,�,, , . � . * . � . � ""�, ­11� I .V ,. V , , I . I . I shouting as he leaped intarthe street. 'he had recognized the outlaw, how he trees and allow, them to lie,on the - I - , "� ��!,�. ,�� . I . " �11­��._ , �­.��! . ber Of, Call"ge "Of P'hysle'ans 'and lery glanced in at the l3ar, t Don," replie'd Uncle'.Sim, In th� middle. of it he stopped and was in the Sonor.Csaloon makiing his grpund as -the fuTrgLis -will .niature, its ` . 1� 1; I Surgeonis qf'Ontario. Office, 43 'God- , Co- 0 see she met -his look squarely she saw "Suits me 11,�P­ ' lofi-el Beaufort talking with tWO anger in his eyes, and corded little� as he pickeJ6p the'burd,en. ",I reek- unig hi,g coonskin'cap iloft. The'n boast that he was d6niiing to colum� '- . . I "."I" . I I erich Street, West. Phone 37. Hours: men dressed in black- -and wearing knots of muscle at his, jaws. - ' on we kin trust old -Dave Milner, ev- 'around' the motheaten cap he did a bia to kill Jim- Ellery � fruiting bodies and discharge spores I � , . ,111 � . "I � . I ­­' I . I I even *hen'romo,ved,,froni the trees. . ,. ,. , � __'. 11 I , � 2-4.30 pmL, 7.30-9 P.M., Other'hou" tall heavers, ,He ,did, not know that "'-If you 6 tell him of -this, Nancy, en if he is a danged Yankee. Then war dance, chanting, (�Hee�yirh,- bee- .i�rV­4tiiig to , the saddle -P, E116tyg AT;- lffibt�'4�`` f be gathered and de- . . ' ,", I by. appointtiment. , . 11 �11' � they were "Judge" �Hanchett and I shall 'hat, you to the end of my we'll go up, to the Pay Dirt and have yah, bee -ho, bee -bah! Hee-ho, bee- ,shouted to the line to make way, and strayed to -make the pruning.- ol3era... .. � "... �18, . -qI—— I .11 I , ,-;ell -1 .1 " . . Successor to Dr. Charles MackaY., , ,,C,p,t,i,,, Orestus Riley or that they days," he declared. a yab, yah, yab, yab!" 11is long hair *as in the main street. He gave the tions an effectiive'means., of control. . . �..;L* . , , . � - were to be the col'onel's seconds, in ,'If you think that frighten� me, By this time Uncle Sim found El- babbed this way and that, flyinghigh, horse his head, and they were oa In -addition, it should be pointed t . ,.,;� , 1 � I ,,, �... 0 . "u ­�, 11 . I'll DR. F. J. R. FORST ER - ,Say: ' I that the fungus is perennial in the I � I - � .:��;,' � t . the '-duel,. but' he ,d -id hear Beaufort you Are mistaken..'Mistah, Ellery�'? -- lery.,near the hotel the gallery,of the then settling to shoulders and"breast, t ward- the Sonora road. � � 'q 'do not expect it�'fiighten you. Columbia Housewas bright with the and the fringes of the -buckskin rip- " Buick- Harper f 1�� ",' I I'll ", . ,, . I . . ..�,,,! , Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat - -dresses of the ladies-. The long street, pled and.danced from the erratic mo- 'bandit, the killer!", boomed from b�y6rid the mr,tirigin of the Nisible knot. . .,� s " "By gad, I shall kill that impulent Tboroughbreds are not easily fright Buck Harper, the wood, an"ay extend samf,� distance' � . ' ,�a-.` ., At. I. . , young scoundrel if it is the last act ened." . I however, - �was more picturesque. A tion. . mouth to mouth along the lines that A knot i�na:7 therefore -reappear at 4 1 . . ". . I f .- ­ � _ - . �,;'_ . Graduate in Medicine,.Unver ity 0- � of my life! -1 would do it to�,rnorrow . "'Thank you, sub," she murmured double -line of humanity stretched ,Nancy was holding the .snorting, paaed the sides of the street. prun;ing cut if such a cut was Made ,;, I . . �-,,�, , , �, ,,, � 11 I I J 'Toronto. . - Morning if it were not for this can- ironically. "I shall - treasure that from one end of it to the othat.- It prancing sorrel tw, , enty yards away "'This Buck- Harper's the worst kil- directly at the base of a knat�. ibut-, .,� l . Late ,assistant New ,York Opthal � - . .. . I ��P., � I "� "met and Aural I founded race, gentlepmen. Nancy in-' compi.iiinent from -from Bronco Jim was a colorful line, for side by sidb when Uncle Sim 'ceased the chant and ler that ,ever hit Californy!" shouted tiing wel I 'below, -at least four or -five . � I. , - IV:: � I , , I'll, � ."'. I ` , ., , . institute, M;oorefield's �ists that'it �be run, first." Cato, the desper�tdo. black -clad merchints stood with redi- stooped for the cap. He flung it a- a miner from Campo Seco. "Elleryi 11 - this. I 11 _ �',� � ,,, I By Has- . dark -' , �', . � ii -chest wi prevent Fo ,D .'' ,qd ,�p.,ir.1n.g I .:'_ , . ,p and Golden Square Throat Ellery .slawly climbed the 'To her amazement, be moved aside, sbirted and blue-shirted miners. There loft, and again ... Jiis war-whoap plere- won't have a chance!" p-ning, Apply'the ,delayed or t I �� .�,,�'­ - ... �1­ " . 11 . ,,�,'­ � pftals, Lon6n, Eng. At Commercial stairs. He was tired, and events since and bowed. 7 - ' were excited ,Frenchmen, stolid Gar- ad high. The next"iiTstant he was As the name. of the outlaw rolled and shuck ,sprays as outlined in the. .11� 1. 1. 1. - � � , I 0 Hotel,, Seafarth, third Wednesday, in -,his arrival haii.left, his ,brain in ' a "Good- night, Nancy," he said, lay- ,mians, bloused, Russians in great dancing againi, this time to the ae- to and fro� Nancy an,O"CarlotttL rein- Ontario ,Spray Calendar. ,� 1�1.,,' �, each month, from -44% p.m. to 5 piln. whirl. He rubbed his, forehead to ing a hand over Fur' fur- , 11 , 'his heart. -I wish boots and great beards, X-ezi4cans in companiment of his "Scorpeen" song. ed Up.' They stared at each. other. ther irdbirniation write � ,:: 1, I 1. ... A'' � ss Waterloo street, South, Stratford. - � .".. 1-11 , I , clear his -reached tht up- you pleasant dreAms, ' to the Doman- � " 1, . . I .. - __.,.___. --111 � I—. �� 1. .mind as be and luck ,to� tall sombreros and- bright 'sera q, Thr;ee timeg 'he chanted, -the single Then as if -by tacit agreement they ion Laboratory of Plant [Pathology, , .;�.. I I . .. . I per'hall ,which fWat _-di­"i1y-lJ-,g,h'.6d* by� inarrdw.lp . . Chile -nos gaily gailbed. Even the verse, while .the crowd cheered and whirle4. their ,horses About.-F-ar ,down St. Catharines' Ont. I . - �::J . pe- . � , ,� " . I'll -et lamp at each end, H I . i . I . ....% _.. � - -­ ... I � .. I . I - .1. 1, DR. W.'C. SPROAT sunning -the nigatest dbors, for __ I, � 11, .. . .0 . . . 11 ta lbrack e wu "Crp9d 'night, suh,P ,she an�swered, Chinaman, those. thrifty, painstaidug the kiklwait,6d, a_wHxrisi�al*s'mi'1e on 'the packed street they caught- 'a .0. . - " . I I -;� � I . , , ' , - I . tTe ,with unconscious ,politeness., caught fellows who made fortunes out of the bar face. . ,, glimpse of Ellery as he swung into � � , -_ I C,raduate of Faculty of Medicine, r44,mber of hi,s room when a door op- off ,guard by his gallantry. The, next gnbund the Americans had abandon- -"Mis's Nancy,:' he'called; "I'm jest the Sonora road. In a fla�sh . � �4 "J" university of Western. Ontario Lon- ened farther down the hall. and he instant she flushed with embarrassi- ad, were there. . an, old C'Iiny bill -billy, but I bet everi meaning of the Estimated World I ''.'i;',��,', I lege of �bysic_ saw a woman step out. the added- exciteme nit 11 � -8,4 ; . I dom Member of Col ment. 'She moVed past him, chin, up, It wks, no unusual s�ght to see a danged cen�t I got on that Tennysee strack Nancy. Buck Rarper? He, . I ' .,.� 'N I ism and Surgeons of Ontario. Office Ellery did- not move immediately,' eyes straight Ahead.' He could hear miner who had hat -his all in coin or hoss, and if he don't win Uncle Sim . �� � . Wheat Import - � "' I Id . was the man who had kidnapped her. .. . ." � �� "I . . . . . i. ". ­1� . in Aberhart's Pmg Store, Main St., for even in the, dimjj;glif��he recogniz- her violun nous taffieta skirt crackle dust, strip" off his shirt and W�ge'r Knight from Turkey Track Holler's Ve -wm the wounded man she �had '. The LoTOon Wh. t ConforencP esti- .::,.. . I Seaforth. Phone 90. ad Nancy Beaufort. ,He heara, the as she reached' the topmost step and it with another Inliner or a Mexican busted flatter'n a pancake what a two left to die back in the snow. mated world impo requirements for I .��` ... 11 I I ,q I crackle of taffeta as she approached, poised one' I ". I , small foot for the descent. who as yeadily divested himself of hundred pound Injun squaw's set "'No, no, no," cried Carlofta. "Thees 1933-34 At 560, million bushels., Firdin ., , I � ,,;;, ` .- , I .1 i I chin lip, eyes straight abead6 - She:,Then she was, gone. � I an outer garment. A hilarious Young down on! - Do yE�r dangdest, ma'am, Buck Harper be shall not keel my Augpst. 1, 19M; to January � 15, 1934, 1 :i�. 11, I wasl within +,an feet ,of him, when he ..;.�i. - ' fThere was one thing that could, Kentuckian who bad. pledged' ,every, not fey; my sake, but for the sake a, Don Jeem! Por el nombde de Ig ma- world shipments amounted to 238 mil-, ' :..�..`,. DIL F. 1. BURROWS stepped forward. Ais if seeing 111 I ,� " y , ';I. 11 1. � I 4 .Q, intake Columbia -forget its treasure thing on Colonel Beaufort's entry, old Tennysee and ,C'Iiny and Kain- "dre de Diois,' no!" ]ion bushels; or an, average 'of 9.9 � .%�, resi P . a I .;, . .; I Office and donee Goderieb. Street" a man she moved toward, th right. vaults in the flats and gulches, its waiiited to take off his pants and tuck, and some other things' I ain't Nancy Beaufort's eyes narrowed, million,bushels -per week, This leaves "lu . I eaA of the United , Church, Sea- Ellery stepped in the same direction, faro and poker, but ,which could riot wager them against the charro trous- a gain' t; mention h.var in prublick." flashe4, a balance Of 322 million IYIiS�e% .11 11 11 � . forth. Phone 46. Coroner for thd blocking her way. Still without re- v.ako it forget,its whiskey, and th eA of .11. -,PD ,,, . e w1i ing Mexican. But one 'The smile faded, from the glil's "Your Dian Jim?" she die . 7 �'0­,,�� County of Huron. . � cognizing him, she moved to the left. conviviality relevant thereto. It was of the mande,:l b� shipped during the reminining' 28 . eci&l constables appointed to lips, and for a moment'her face was softly, bu� with a new vibration in weeks of the crop year, or a weekly .. I I Z I . "I"' , I ", a In I ".0, I A— . - . He st pp �d '�before her, doffed his h,a:t. a hotse race. The duel assured the keep order interceded and though the puzzled. Then sbe,blew the lid an her voice. I average,of 11.5 inlillion bushels. _. , , . . . , -1.... _. "��, 1- . ­�­�-, ' .1 I DR. IEL HUGH ROSS �' - 'Md v ing, Miss Nancy," he'tawn of a two-day celebration. ' ' objection resulted in a fist fight, the a kiss. 'Carlotta's eyes -were hard. Her red I �. . I said, just the hint af a smile in 'his ' EarN in the forenoon the saloons law, pri5vailed. I . ... : �--�,,p . I . ., , Graduate of University of Toronto voice. . . y I "I'll do my best, suh. Please let lips curled. I '� 1. I ,� �6, I I -* , 1� . . were packed with men and, a hun- Suddenly from the line there was me pass." ,"Segura! Thees Don Jeem, he ees ;�N� Faculty of Medicine, member'of 001-� As though electrifiedi, Nincy stiff- dred thousand dollars had been­v�ag- a shrill cry and a Chinaman ran into Uncle Sim hopped out of the -way ming, Senorita Be-aufort; ,he �hall -not LONDON AND WINGHAM .- .11 � ._k ­ logo of Physicians And* ,Surgeons Of ened. Her,ebin lifted, higher. Her ered. Knots of men. stood'on the the middle of the street with queu . .. - ­­_ ,,;I , . (hAalio- pass graduate course in eyds, .flashed, . � . e just enough to allQw the sorrel to be-kital! No, nb!,3 � I�;il. I , , Y . . �11 � I chica, * streets discussing the race ,or stream- streaming and (baggy- -pantaloons. prance by. Then he stooped and be. '-"Very well!" Nancy tossed -her red- South. .� .�.�.� -- _iW. Clinical ,,School of aicago; "'You " she gasped. "You.? Please ed from saloon, to saloon,'or went to flapping about his skinny legs. Ile gan to pathis knees while he chanted: .capped he�ad, but her eyes never 1,eft . . P.M. . q,��.., I ' . - Sep_ . 41 R6yjI Ophthalmie Hospital, London, let -me pass, sub!" Arl ' the livery stable And out to the waved aloft a,filled sack. I . those of the Mexican girl. "We were W111911AM, ................. 1.55 . !t . , 1 "; , ,�.! Egla 7 Hospital, Lod- ulveda pdace for a look at the horses. 'Who wantee?" he shrilled. 1qh a "Juba dis and Juba dat, going to race for him. , Are yau� Belgrave ........ � .......... 2.11 , I .t . I . � ;d I L'o - . ' I 'Coluimbia; was per�haps'the only wantee tlerity ounceeon Welican gul. 1. 'L ".. I 1-1 I 'a I I Juba killed a yaller cat. ready? " I Blyth ....................... A� .� - __�:,_ ee-711L k '�' " . � . bhir rhone N I . mining town in all theZierras whoso Who wantee tlenty ouncee on IMeli- ­ a 1 71 I r," or : 0.5. C11APTER XXIV � Juba up, and Juba down, Carlotta's eyes widened at this Londesbaro . 3 . 0 ni: r 11�- _ n "� oi B nk � . X_ , 2�t calls a (in. �sldeue,, . . � . ............... - i i ..".-I.. ,topography admitted of its being laid can gbl's hoss?" Juba all 'round de towu!" challerige. It had been on the p of Clinton ..................... ( g� , J r . nswt rt _,� . � , � . 2:na . Ereet,a Seafo b. 'As Ellery- looked u-pon Nancy Beau- out on the checkerboard ,plan. Its "What%'the adds, Sing?" bantered . ti 108 - _:: I", ­ .I... I . . . ­: fort now he ,began to undersfand a -main street had been 'chosen as the a miner. I I I her own tongue. Brucefield ................. 3.27 . . 1_' ,:. I 'Farther along the main stre�t Car- "�i, si!" she cried. "Buend! &6-1 Kippen ..................... 3.85 I I - - - - - ql ­ .. , -, I I . . DR. S. R. COLLYER � little,of the motive that had prompted race course, the only other possible qOddee hell!" cried the Chinaman. lotta was reining up that she and we ride for the loff of Don Jeem I" Hensall .................... 3.41 1 Ii. . Graduate raculty'of Medicine, Uni-' his strange act there on the trail one being -a --stretch of the gianora, "You no betty you kle' stilll Nancy might ride side by side to the I ep dam . *1 I vm1ty'of � Western Ontario. Member the first time be had seen. her, and rota -a, which was crooked and muddy. Who wantee tlenty ouncee on Weli- starting line. "'Yes," whispered Nanicy az 1;* Exeter .................... 8.55 . 11 I f � , I I . leaned low. Her Whip flashed back - North. - . . . �. �11 I College; of Physiciane and Surgeons while' the realization gave him a lit- Until a few -days be -fore, the streets can gul?" ,;; -1 . and 9mote tl�e sorrel across the flank, A,�M:' 1- 1.1141.1- t�,, . of fttario.� Post graduate work at tle, solac6 it sef-ved to swell his s:lf- had been quagmires of mud, but the A Mexican ran from the other side "il , . New York bity Hospital and Victoria contempt a thousand fold. Tber� ,eas sunshine 'had dried th�m, fast, and of the street and covered, the bet, CHATTER XXV but no more quickly than Carlotta E,et er .................... 10.42 � ­ !!!�� _', . . .1. . had pressed the- rowels ,of her silver Hiensall ................. 10.65 '_'11�. .. H6s*W '14ii,don. Phone. Hensall, neither fear nbr embarrask-,Tn�ent in now Main ,Street was left rough ,and though not before the lines of spec- 'A'. a,gainsf'th "' ­ ,';I 0 1 � so. ofilce, King Street,. HensAll. . her eyes, ,'but plenty'of quiet dignity, rutt,&d. Here and there were long tators had laughed themselves, out It was .heyday with Uncle Sim and spurs e sides of La Reina., Kipper, ...................... 11,01 '. 1� . 4j: I '. .1 though -he could, see that she. *as wheel-tr or ow led y stand the mingled jar-' he meant to make the most of it, Down the street they flew, nee Brucefield ................. 11.09 . �,,41 9 , *, I . �.... acks shall,' hol fil tr in.g to und er k and L let to-intorrow ,bring its worst. He neck, 'while the crowd held its breath, Clint,p .................... 11.64 I. "4,. . fairly quivering with anger. He bad with muddy water. Early forenoon gon �f ,Chinese and Spanish relevant � " . D& J. A. MUNN ' . - .'� thouglit her beautiful and sweet be- saw'three hundred men levelling the to the final d " , flung down the cap and began a new o ence by Lon6sboro ..... ' 12.10 1101. ethils of the wager. _ ;,-,� � Graduate . `M'Univom- fore. Now there was something re- street, with shovels, picka, mattocks. "tWell, h-ow,are you, Uncle Sim?" -unexpected turn of events. Blyth .......... ::*::'.**.**: 12.19 , . . j"tl . ,of N*rthwo3tL , war�dance around it. He hadbarely this I , �, 11 icentiate: RoYtl made the second round when Hop Opposite the finish line on the race Belgravia- .................. 12.20 �%, .1 t ft Chicago, Ill. U i gAl about her. "' � Several freighters -had loolced for, an Ullery inquired. It was a foolish . �.,! �� �'� � . . , I conepe-of Dental SdTgeons, Toronto. 'Tlease ,allow, me to: pass, sub I " she opportunity to ,help, and -had found question, for the old man had had Sing; the Chinaman who -had wager- course that had been prepared, Col. Wingliam ... : .............. 12.50 . 1,;;�, , Main St, Again cominianded. . ad ,his last twenty ounces on. the Beaufort had had a small stand erect- I i I Offici over Sills' Hardware � - e I "I P . , it when one suggested that by drag,. enough whiskey to make him -feel lik I I I . 'l, 11 sedorth. Phone 161. .F I I ,"Not until you have listened to ging logs crosswise in the street, a giant, and, hig eyes twinkl with sorrel; emeIrged from tl�e line and ed, that he and a feFw of his friends- C. N. R. " ' , � . % . . 11 - I I ft_.".."­.� I -me," he replied evenly. "I must ex- four mules or horses hitched to each -excitement. , � with queue streaming and blouse and mdght get an UnWbetru�ted view of * � I . I..- I I , DP_ F. J. BECHELY plain, Miss BeauLfort." end, something lfkie the desivied "'All shot to hell," he � cackled. pantaloons flapping, joined in the the race. From there he saw Ellery . I EaSt. I 1, � .1 , "I do -not car,o to listen, to any ex- gmoothhess could be �Kttainieed. "Plumb bet out, bay. I'mar jesi bee- dance. - sweep into sigbt and head down the A.M. r3L. � - , �,111 i�::;. . - �, 11,� . Sut*oonq Torouto. lanatiort from you, 'Xistah Elldry Tc� and fro in the street the drags moaniii'my fate at not havin' no m6re �lt­gay, siong-say,'! the Cliina,man Sonora road. 'He glanced up the Goderich ........... 6A6' 2 4. � .1 Office'over'. W. 1�- 'P Pt . chanted. "It -gay., song-sayll, I street, saw the crowd surging abouit Clinton ............ .7.09 a �'� .. 9 ,or 'Bronco Jini 'Cato! moved,. the ti�amsters hilarious and dust to bet when 'long comes A damfi- .21- '' . onleth's 4rocery, ,Main Street, Sk '1131oe-yah, hee-yah," sang Uncle the messenger. I 1, . ',��, I W., resi- "Do you still think Pint it bandit?" profane as'they shouted, to their'an- ed: fool from .Campo Seco,a waintin' Seaforth ........... � 7 22 3.18 � . . ',-. "..", 1 form, Phone: Office, 185 Sim, , g;rinning widely, "What you .1 I Dublin � ............. 7:819, , 9.81 % ''� . . � ,Nancy tapped,,the 'floor with the imals or called or accepted bets Or to, badic that thar Mexican galls hioss. " .1, � 461", 185 L - - - to6 of a slippef, but her eyes did not paused to -drink from the heeks' of I bet him my claim, dang him, agin know %out war-dancin', John, China- (Continued nex� week.) 'Mitebell ........... 7.42 8.43 � - I !" , "', . I V1 .. ­ . � I �,� ,,, 11 . . . shift. � bottles generously sent out from the two thousand dollarsl" man, d . � . - � � 11 i'� 1� ­ " -1 West. � ".1.11 . . . . . . .., . I � D& J. A. Mcl�AGGART 11"I do not -know about that ,suh, but many saloons. It was play. -day for "'You should Imov. lt-gay, sbng-sayl . il pi't have done thak" ""Inty, .: a .. , I . I , ­ bublin ...... ......_,-11.19 9.81 .1 - . "Ti6nnesl, 'Melican man'dilunk." , - . , . � I do know that you are not A gentle- everybody except Don Cayetano, and Ell--rY protested mildly. e6- , Moving Large Trees Seaforth ..... . . ­.*.' 11.34 9.46 . . '�� 1�., �. Graduate, Royal Ctallego a � Dental ''nian!" , Jim Dllei�. . . may not win.,) �Ye"re it danged liar, John," chuck-,. ­' *' l- -1 ed vh , , $ :, "I - �Vuveeono, Toronto.. Office at ,Ron- r, ^Conceded,11 he admitted, g a 7krhile'Ellery thrill .th the ,&-&- "'Wal, s�posin' be donll�? Thar's led the old man� ',"I'm only keyed up. Trees suA as. the, oaks -and many� Clinton ............. 11M 9X9 I ­ .P11 , , J,ttl L homon . Goderich .�­....... 12-10 1619' ..:,, 4i I "I., - , Come on, dance, ye long-tailed coy- of the nut ti�ees which have large tap . . . I . 1'�l I � u0b.91 J ­ � I . ow,10nittrio,. Phone 106. e. "You are koing to listen to tive, spiXif and longed to take part in plenty -more claimis, ain't they? Uncle I ,. ;V I - 4,1. . . I � I '� I -------.,- me, thio tho, celebration ,he kne* that he h(kn- Sim Knight from Turkey Track Hol- atel" Uncle 4Sim, was jumping from roots have diftleulty in becoming est- I .'1:'1!" . II stiff leg to the other now,, keop� tablisibed if moved after reaching a , C. P. It TIME TABLE . ` - i�i� . (Sbe tried to a -lip post, but lie grasp- self wasi-the'underlying eaiuse,'wher6�1 ler ain% -had so dahged mueb fun One . j� . ..: il kr� I ing time. The lChinAman still chant- cortad n age; but. they may be sue- . .r . I , �,, F, , AUCTIONEERS ed her armsi igst above -the elbows; fore )he could, not so much as -lay '-a- since he whopped- a p-assil ol Coman- ,. East, .. I I ,-,A, . I. . . his one-tvb-tbWe-four, wag doing cessfully transplanted'in their young- I . I L . � e��4��, , - , " � . , She mode a violent effort to, get. free, bet on the outcome. Don Cayetano ches bent on ldiin' his ha n A.3t. .. ',',,),� ,,. _ , , 1-l"' ,�, . . . h s best to emulate it. -A ,. . - 66 . . . - HAROLD DALE but ft ,*as ,diff-ly momentary, for she would have wagered, much ,had -he t e iStaked Plain, a, he war , . . ", ami,iit hi le.r. stages. A ,ertadn amount or dif- Godari,ch ................... . , 1. . I . ; _ . 5,56� , ". �, � I I Th crowd was roaring with laugh- Aculty will be experienced also in M ns,et ' I I ��; �� � � . . khOw she'could pot es,da,pe from his Ilmd it, hut like all- of hia class., he out to Californyll' 't a , . - �. , Licensed Auctioneer ..................... " . I � I �"p. Rio could, feel her trem1ble. -had been prodigal in hi Clang, clang, clangl pealed the fit- ter shiiouting4 clapping'embur4gement. Moving large trees with few fibrous - - " , , ,;�J!,, 7 . S*Ialltf 1.n, :faryn end- household 9 ,,.. a hospitality MeGarw . .4 ... - w..... 4� ..... S.R. , 1 -74, I" Loose me, subl" ishe cried. "Loose and trust of -his fellow men, and had tle bell in. the plaza. It was-th, sig- Elliery's.was-the c4ily sobor face. He voots. In this class pl(a me ­.Atbiftrn __.__.r�V, ': , �i y be Wn .- �, 1 �41'. "' ' a - _ _ . _*' _i I I . . 1: . ,,,, .� I .� : Loy -6. nal for the saloons to empty them, wa V'ri Ddeiairt�i liull- Myth ..................... , 1915 � ,,,"i, . . J:,J1 . I ftlft�._ Pilees reasonable.,. - me, sub, 6r .1 shall sereamil" i little left, aside from his rancho.' 9 looldng at Nancy and. Carlotta od. the Tulip �re4 ( , , - I � """'i, . ' . *111411 1 write or phom Har ,. "rildi I I , . I . -elves. Men Poured outt ran for, up the street. They,wei i ing side Jipifera) es have a large nirm- , alton .............. 4. f; 11 160 , , ; I.." . I ap. Thoroughbreds"""iever call '.fdi 'alty to his own, flesh and b166d made is . maph _W ....'. , 4 1� . I , C� old o 6 ph . � 'by side now. As if a flash of Right- ber-of flbrous rooltia and suffer _ I ,�, "; I �ph e 14 ,: .0T III � ..�,;�,- - AA i, � .. ,; I , " , help," he reminded. ".No* if you him lionO to 'wiagOr Rancho Land& fought for places in ther,line, Others ' les's *Naught ............. I!'... - 11, . , , '16, , _1-�P ., pv�y , office. - swx when inoved than alm at &" other Torontd , . 0,,Ajt,,�, I I . were, a common *ench�—` Vista, but though he -suggested it -to shinned, up p6tt§ to pofth� ira6fs And ning had illtimitiated his mind he � I .1, 111� . ............ t .... �.)44, 1 . �J'P� - the ,meaning of this attanga, race. He tree, As large trees are mave4 most , , , � J�� F I . . I 1,,,�),��, ".. ��.`-.,��,!:",, 9 i9he 1*6ked' suddenly punled., . seivetal miners wfho -were already to the square froiAs, of the builffings. .1 I �. � . '­ I i ,�.�. __ . I . was the stake, his live. The realiza- isuiccessfully during the wint6t, i ` , �% .""', ". A'Ith,i�� 1. 'BOAR RLOPP - miliutes �iveryl roof . along 11 NVOU � I-: _J� - ­.­.'�,,1'41 �.. ., ,O "I shall not,-s6reanUl' -she declai-ed. backing Tennessee, they told him, they Within five . some '. I 0� 141,�Il � . . , g.6 . -,.,-,. �. " - �L " � � 1..,_ 11 "'I kneW.-You. woulAalt. Mow Wisa had no use, for the ranclio. If be had, -the street every s4uhre front was tion sickened him. He did, hot -love lyrepatrations must ,be "dle befy .- .. . - - I --",, "Al-ri ­' 1, 1�4,`_, .1 ones Awft­- . re,- � , , . ., , S.- inguor c6duaite Carer' , I 'Catlottaj could. not, -yet it ske- - - band. I _3 7.11 ,., �, �,t ��Sut,i� . � .., linero to wa daik with excited mem Torolito .....' ....'..­...*�.�'..'� 1, . , I,- �I_ . g, I- lleauforf� tell mo why youand Car- any4 igei,� they would take . i4i -.1 I ". '­:, . �1, , A*" ,Sdh.IxA tor Aubdo to-mov. - ' . (Suddemay he A,a* his course as , lAfter decidinq'oro thtee, location to mexiaught ...'.,.C�;-- I : ... .... "I ,,; - , �b', L ,,,, �� .... I 1( 1� -g the double line rumbled a ._.. 4. W.�*. 6 " , . )tta Esq'wal 'are. to race . it ad, lib ' Alan , I I . . 'Y'.. _­- - - a-4 MA-1--fteWaLcoutso, . b.. -.1 ,,, . I . . - -1 I _00il I �Oayetano, Ai�iwev6ri­woutd .-not 4remeiidous­ 110iseira, chbor-in-a-do2en- deaxly-as though, anotlier ifthoh, ,,tof *h1dh the tree 1��-1 -be Moved, the, rV&Ito.n .6;.-I.*4�*.e . ivIk'6""', t, , ,,, YA . I., - v_0,,..L4m.­Stftk lRftl, ); ; I - . I -T '. , ,; . . B I "IM. I lightnifig had pointitiI it'out. Hie &m,nd.sihould be cov6jf�& - *th ........ '20.�,.5`11 .1 teg 1n, OI shall do nothing of sor ; &Wa5� from the e*titement, A6 ticans wayM their hats . . vy,bh... � � . 11 ­ ftn 116 in § AJme: . - ., , 1­4446i,.­',�4,;Ia. I .�,_,�","i, , ,,��, 1 , would watdh the rate as a dot-aph d lifter'or leaves ,", , , , I., F� , I I thdo I Anal ratm 'm It. ii � W- I - . .i; -had powo, -fit oig" a � line of 'kind t6ir &hw4 " t1i,eir ..... ��Avfet th* . X—A0huft .."�,�..�44'..'�,,�,-�,i,�,*,�,,, , I - � A I . , -MA I a I *1 1, � -, "' 4 , I'll I �� MAIME �1`114 11�12`590 " "I " " "' , I I � I - I` �, I I I I'll't"11" :7111!11: �- I i va . . 1.11 - .., 4_ a , Wal M, 1*114 llluug, elb* lh� . - . , , ,� � - , � , . , '�­., -�, ., . I;, I 'I ou 6 , K . 4, *A'f6*4,6*iiv*,J1Aq,A, " I I SAIP !She erim�on*A now. in too ,I I . . . . . I � 1*1fh wotflin - I .. 11.,;� A - ­,ij,,�� .... � ­'. A'.4 M6 , ToL�nor 0,i i ftftth 41h Id a u, a f� , i4o. " __ - - � 'is a , , L � , hig , p"tatc , � , _ - I , rmo atbor ,,between .� Xk pr6u,41 hi&1g&­f&,t ,­aMifthough, hail vn 11�.,: - UA '06n)".., a I ..: � , . , , '�'. ,,, �,.,_, - #rao � I 11 ,- . ., , 't . .�. , - � 1-.'�� ,� 't ;; � :1 .t .4.., 44,i*i 11,1 � I id'Amw` � , _ bu � _ . ILI dlid T.1 I .... & imd,4,4 I 1i X i .,*,...,., lf�.U­414 A I � " I" 1,quiiftl and. ftlovi vie Ob 0 ' e-.-'bi1ieAr#d1Mt, Ids daugh&r'6 &Aou �� ros and' a sa to he'V . . wir *ieet Colonel EftViort dn tfio field- of,'vnd6 knd,il .. . , m .. 7 �: V,� � ­ . i . , -"� . . 1. � , " I �,, . WWII and I, uccepw'.0t -anA ekpiat� the, *6Q he bait *w. TMs trench , ,� , i,?. ,�',( �1,111- . I I . I , hohour, . ii � ,,, i . . "' I'- I I me Ume .iftir challien$lbg -$,,AAmiftn.isanoras JWnd a4ftbritas **ved, bum. shodid a�& duk - , iff � "A& & 6. 4.ari,kiegi.i,41 � � q ,,�" '�� I . I � I . I I ., _4, 44 � , ,,, JU ", �,`; "�"'�)� ��11 , , , - "V � , �, , L, V, -,�,,� t I I I '. � 1� ". -, , -, - , . . . .. . 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