HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-02-02, Page 6�­, ,.,,�&�A"Pyxr­li,­Q. � I" lfti.7�1 "O . �., --11111 Z,:i�.-, �,�, , � .1�,,_�T F __ - - I ,,-.-.-"' � -,7,J.t,, �-, ��­!w W".4 W%fl I il* . , 51.117�1'1 1pl�, , '� I I" .A%,. No* , I r17 *1 _ � ,�,w A.00"W"06", , 01_iJ,1114�51` u�iiv,gjfl,4�4.11���4,,O-�;.A.w�F'" I I., , �;! . , * " " ,- � j� -�'r ;1 � " �` ,"4m ; �11��. . I ­ � 0 ,,� �,:�� � T- ,�.,, ,�,� ,�q . - - �'11 . . I quA ( . ,­-y�-; - M_ M.-ITZ"', p,,�kx�,,�,, .."i", " ,., Ak'Nii-T ^ . . ,�-. -�,l # 8� X ", Ja AIRM.-% 1, �,w, �,, . .. _3 "Id-l"T1111 . �,d� . , ­ - :� ,.- .1 � It" ,�­ et" N"'IR %� ..,-, --­­ t�� .­,�U­ - I ­_ � .I.. I., - ­ . " ; . I �ql "", W41JVW­;" � M: 1 il.?" � 0 1�' *1 . Ill— I ;`0 � . - ", 1, , �*"' �, MITI , _;r ;I�,4iA��.;��"P!�'..�,4."�lolk,�� � - .R.2 �, � §� , 474,1116 � Nlq . t,�'_J.'r,,� .4 �,, ,"4.. -,.�� � � ia,l � , I 11 . �_ .. , " W I I � " ,�� - I �,V� ll,�,;`, 'N V �,;;�.��4�� , " " _ I , A, Z ir', � �., " ", 1".. , 11A ..�, 11.,-:17 � � I .. . . , , , - . q&. . 'Xio . '. Wallmop ix . M'. �- - _01 14"� . " i xt '' .". �, - ,,,, , I . '47, � ­ _ � .. P-'ari'... � , . � 11454 0 'T.4 . _ � W , biol", ; '' % , - M.-` I .7 ! 0.1-:40 pxw QW;, 4 _6 , , ; W_"4.�-,i� '14 " --,. I 40riwar, A'-,,-'RW__'4-.­VF 'AT.00 -- I 0 A-MrA Q ,_�. - 4, -,_� _. " 51, � .1 RIRK -4421.Z. -Most �1.4w�,,4000ir .2" � ftwo - ''.14 — , " Axwc" , "' � I. ­ - � ( C ON ,_� I .1. �,�'�'. ,*!-­�!",,M,�.,. _,�,�,t .� , " �', , W�., qlft,�'�i,R,Po 0- n; . � _k U VAR i" -.- , N, � " X , 4 "I ` it". we* -k T* -.W:*N� 41* b ­­­- "'Ji 04, - 0 111 I '. " "i " - 1 .171 -_r�r­?�tlf -.t4..,. �,�­� , " , I , "" �,Pl �_ " M10104t; _;� , "', i I _�b . � - .4,0 9 , I � L k I 4 1.11'a Y,,3 ,V 14,00, - ,, _�Pen, 484, )", .R.. , ." , MIA I -; � ,4 � f"'M * . 'K M �., .1 . , � ,w � ll� 1)1?­�.'­ , ,_ , � 4.1 'Z' - . FAI ��*, ,4. �'-. � -.4, M , , � m', '' - , �4 . 101,; -r,-, �"'g ,N�w�.,.V!%",-.,..�ni"."=��.---,�9,47,k,�!0"-."�', w,� . . I . I _11144,0 I � � 'I, =v 1. . '�`� �_IIW 41�1= '. N , , I 0 . �f�� . ,,, I MW % "..4 ."i, - ;w MOME�W''Tbt,vzr; , "'M, 0#4 4 � �,,� , -0 - . 1 , 1;-ItA'1�111`..,� , , I 'i 4 . "I , -_ � i 1i � 1!f_.,;1 I ­ 'by an , XU'V4.1 'Top't. �J HL i'T , M � ., ;i 4_1:1 I - - fba to' , .,P M Z R 1�1 ., " �, ,�� . 49 - 1§ . -, , . FM Z 0 ,�, ... ,�. __ 1 .4, , , � - - urorlbom, 44%7 east 9f -* -W40 � � , f 1�.�4'.`��::.,.',,��­�_. lr, , ,�N 4wil W1.1 "' 4 l � ,". � . 04 %� :1 "' - ,X, 'a ''' �,�,,:. . � 44 a, AT . - � I . 7" . A . . PWIX ,*V, 1.,9F". 14.0�, 1. 11, I �. . " � g ', ,. e t ,!, I `,, -.'-,.I 1� , . . a � to "91 9X*.�"-,A7`;.PP_A0"_:QPW6 . . ­ - I , �.,� . I— 4___,-,,, L.. .., " �' , . . " " , JA'M -4 .., I . � , �_ e ,4(� U - *10 . �,�'. "' - '#WWA 0 4wo-Ari., 4td W.. E � IM .. Walto� I . P.4 -Ar ­�p ., - , .�`r,q- " N ",)0WWn!7-:; 7"MR1191".1, 11, fA .X ii, f. I "O�V"=",* 430-pom � , , 14 . . .. �, ,. � `_'4 the � muhtO , .%�-.wlr __ " , _ I ^ 'i 4"., ,�" _ ,*,* -�;�19?q , I , __4 . . 47, Z44 � 'g.67 -t " � r-P,;j%-,-,.t,Kkk�pio�.v,,r,i-a.� �` � i#4 . .1. , P411. - . . , . I Z 21 , .. , . , OM104 � "%­Wpre. I - I . 'N ewl, - W". *W-0;144 I , ... 1. 1141A,IRPP*�`A _@.'-X.4 � . - .: � -, , �, 6-, Turnbem am Norris eastv S40 Umj�",;,�,140 I 'Pr - . _* " , , " ` I � %Z ",:��..,.���i'-'�*'.,��,;;��..,',A� ' �'�, .-�4",. &� Ap - or. .-,, . lx Out that tbe thip I ;C19M ., '' M" 9��'#,§fflm,,'�;, � , _ Q ..A* . _ . � .0 it � _� - � C'MUAV�. haS,1*VMY , , " thp. , 40*0, 11,1W. ". � _%. ��,'��, : I ;, ,,% bfti� iu ' - ' ' ' . , gouWA, A*'y , , ., I ,� P.Rv , " . 10" I , ,�­'. . _. ,I,* 7 -Woe. ­ _ - , P"., 'rA 'X � fF.#,1',o � � , YIM' 14 .. , _­ - I . . _­­­� 1W I ­!Wy'�630*�*�*!F­an , � , ,a B � _ ,' �J W,;, %` V. , �` - ­-, 7 . . . , . L __ -M, .*,V -L'apQ I .. - 1� Of th , . ,.. _rdiAg Common , ibOt OM-"� A,Tbr.the, o , mor �q 19 I �Atlon. _­_ � 1. " ,� I . " � ,( ,4 , , � , % 1N. . - ' 'Grey and 40wi0k east of Turn- of aiV ,,�amta t4 be rei1,WrQd t1p be,* v4e,114, ," dF � I � ; " k . I". � ­­ ,. 'M-41it,,Wlitax, '006,04 -out, - m , tl 0,19 , , , "' . ,W ; Ir , . )- _T*%_ instruou .... 4b. .1 I ; , , 4400 km" b , t berry � go, at Iii, �,P, i . '=Qat". I 19NA lto­80.4 � � . ­ ", 1, :4 �e . Q-34 9 - � p0he liabilli I I ... bQuu( '�ed tq-:4mteet tlie, tx�paoditu. - � ­­ . . , � "', t., ', '16, theft, eiu., r . , ­rea,1Vr A"Pe''1511WAIM., ,.;k� A#JtKo- ..'J'i. I .1 ­ ,�,�, .. . : ".. , , I , . ,:,.. .-I: - , ,'' .. ' ' tnviAlon - line � ,� school.$ - A 0: I 1111, 1,4-4 , .1 RIWI, .!Ae,tiui�� �f ­1­111­1� " la'7.' . 'ten4ance is; the,mos" " , . X, " .. _ ia the,most _ � . ', 14kaVIRWO ,(I�Mratjng eX4 .4 0 T. .., 'Zi t, na-w t amder theRr �-W . I . � " . . 41W -Wtm. . ; , , Wi lhd� ; , , '" - , "a . I 40teTwiningg the 1proj,r, . ,: I I I . . . - 4 . � i, !V trwks, grad Other va'aclunery. ftvanoan. . . I , ge,jj� the Pupils in ftr schools, �. teach.� - � ' . . , %V*1'ANr , audi estimates shou%d­­,­ . I ,'��; l. man, BIT. Al"ve ArchJltald 4nd ,JL,?vr7 TOOMPIRks, UlDtained Ith4jam y�e ''I .1.111, , , K*t. ft . 1Z ., 4". � 1. . . '- , i , ' e P able im the W10r.1-, 8, Ashfielid pad West W*waniosb. mount of #p . , _4 ­­ ,X- era al�o constantly lbei#e ... qneo!!5v�lsed IPT'Reuret 44wc a*,pT_A4, 11 � , . __ I - - ra yemIum %my- . . - - I I -1 ,�,�; , * , . . -1 - We, recomoVien _Y'.:surplus or. 'efigit re. to av4d them7elves. a , �'. I 117ne -PprIn4cum oT anvAn-Ai I '11, � 'Pori i I . - , 1. V , - I � l.. yi . men's Compensation '203� mainib "'�%,7 U*=,# ScItool Ent,ris,ne . le "I . . . , " * 4 'to Pro., to0n Jine, north of Dun6mion. *g '31M_%, , 4 � . I , F YK TV 11 I . + � - , ..� - , * , teet. the Conn 4 the end 01, the pmeeding , I I � P �. ofte �be , - , � _ , '0� V "., .... . I ' li at their disposal .ertdgeWs-"­o4 I I I - . - . , .4 decorated,, ,,,,,t ty from '"i'iy' LfOr in, ­9.,'� .A-%,Qug k n s, ion 2, Tar yew-'1nd 8ni TOVeRueS estimated. tq 1.0 Troimpte regular. yosr?a vio,"k.with ,t the,* . .." , � , , - . . . ' . On 0C M�Jty�. " I ­.,: -, �, � -1 . . .-, I 11 11 . ­ . 11 � ; - Ile- PIm"Ut tYPIMOntor 'be kd workmen will b�. from 4000 ;0 c6 . nberr7, .11 attendance', and, to their. zeo.', in. � this �v I I .1'. , -_ , t� . I ; ­* . . - Gorris, =1 be derived Jw4be.,Board - - . M -ting ,,the essli- , I .. a � 1. . I - . J-g".a . to $0, J& I I . . ".., .11 I.?, "' , W Aso rewm�nex 00, depmden upon the affLoUn.t ,1,1. Base ,Line . . fr4m all � e t ... e evAnAlf,49"W � � I I bl*ft� 'be ' Hunett, etc. � regard, ip -due the - was Continued in force under. . :11 i : I . .,-.l 11 id that -soaroe& TWm ,this, =�hendiuen�t - Vatidif"b"Y at I M it M It I .. - �based; ' - of work done. - Pull coverage on eoun,_ i�0�0%t&ertlo W�rk is needed on the .would appear it tendance ,standar& - ac,hi�ved, tho samb- . , I I A . . , , ..... ' " . M has t that the Board M ,j.jVS_ bu,t a 1,?W,sehQol& _ _,j,y 4*11 diti I - __ Thi , , I .1. ! ...... 1. - ; .. f", , ._­ 1. ,6 ..0 ­­.. . . __ !Ori�erik- . p. year I., I �, I l. �M gx ty truOks and graders for ,publie Ila- Aw4y, but no sections iteft o_W The Godefidli b . . .11 III, ,.!,OUr-,­ vp=tn11tt4e, 4s - considerip,g - ., , "' I ''I ­ , ' th . asure'' - 5 the need -for - - 106 -pupils or 34 -per cent. - I , -] -- � . . . ". � � , , -e* in the re billity, -Property dsim9ge,-fre, theft� N the Ile achoc ,� t ; , It ,.---- . ,f I I . .-,-.,-- I I , ." ,V. _ � " " , 9 d I I b - he, can- , .: I . 141!_ . � , tre eia the We are'ment1*11M in view of the posA- moneys, which they e ,I tQ diplomas 4 biyazd are now awa I . .I t. 1. � .. � .at$ etc., will cost in 1gliborh000-of �� ask t'h' C�bunei were granted cert*Ca1tea,_jA I " � 1. . .1 ----; -- - , +­ �� - , - I .0, th6 parchas!�mg 4R a ne_ $2 0 � � I br,m , .. ,, 5. � � , W Why that the Dep4rtmei# .of High- collect. i . I . tor Perfect, attendance, an this mannOri ,F�Rxtfburlar, 6aj.b .10 tali, - - : . - _ _ s -....W.0, reeonihiend that , , - . I. exvkwq�le that might w6l.l. W, emWated I i : 1 31 . - '. . wlsbm. '. _. I ba'obtaine . 9 these matters to. ways will assume this r6ad in the The basis . en 11W, the 'Entrance Boardst,that this., -, . Mi, .. . . - W. . . d'o'n this r,,�teriwl your attention in order that you � . � . for the . .! !._ . ... . �. �, I - 11 . may neaa�, futuTe. governmat by other boa.rds.' I I I . . '... ,, privilege, is only extendW. �' i ; :.., .., I , ,, - - -several different 6 � - understand ,the risk I. year will, not Me nuniber of ' �0 vuiola .:._,�_" . . _ ­.. I I ,,,, grants for the present 11 ­­ 011111 i: - : .. . 4, X. QX r -being caivied 6 (I re6oT=en,d' ihat sopplication. for .be teachers. regulaily WAO 4P,ve dofie; especially , . . f , ,xnik I ... , - gibod ­ - - W �, 111-W -that ,one unit - ' much' different, from that of last enVloyed in the schodi of the in , year and Concern! work - 4. . � I" recounm )During the 15 years. that I have bee -A as-rAstance under -the'relief measure year- I& anything, -i ' .the . �. ­ . , end" - fil�qg , , bb: pure '-fisitalled. in,associated with the cOuntk'i6Mb,*'we be authorized a& ' I ,t is more favor- ,spectorate, 101 iin . . . � . ,'..�, .......... _­ , pr 11 ; _ hased and i . this sessi the rural , au4 25 ng whose , " I �� Shi4ff's' office. have paid out about R,W0 in, claims ON to Mr- able. - Twenty per cent. was, deducted in the urbgn saools, -is the 82 m- ei- � t to take up'high schow.work . . . . . . . .. � � - ". =it procee4fttgs to be started, and if last year; it is pay gu as' sUccfts#UY, no do ibl) "n - 63dst. ,,, it, nets*, over and under dhaim . �11­­' . .11 IV IT; - ­ 'While the premiums would' ess 'that the full 'the former year. . 'More men firi) % felt that this laniff 1� jl�p- "Y"71-W-h-avei- Oxsadned thl, ,insurance . have been' -it be decided later, to cancel Or. cur- Ouniount willbe paid. this' . -a I . '� ' I I'M"-" 1. . I muchmore, but itinay be year. coiiatantlY�belwg- -attit- y8fieni'mot only,. r6�1 &I oOms, -past g ! � lew.9 on. the e,o My buildings and 4B4 *ork, it can be dori�­T- Re' I to this 11evea any pupils of the strain * uards and guardships. � . ' . Ill, T .... I 0:�'j,�N�' , 71,"e find *6 ' .0 your *isfi %il' ­.. of -Ewh -opqr I _ ,�. " , to insure, , , . . I �� �.'� Patterso - County Eng T . m , I �, . � en teachers will have complo fes ion,:on ace6u ation required the full ab- , � _ W _ I., , aMcant 6f il]SlirailCe 011 n6 as trying exam-diiations, but also -Alakes RAY and, strength of th tw _____­­_._. ­ . .. `*w , .. . ... . . five years' exlPerieuce at MI&Sun-oner 'PortanitY Ul'other -lines,' e o opers- "'. . ineer. _.ed I nVot the . - h building is as joilows: Only.oue Utal accident occurred on " I . , , ta.of for continued a t Id. �, � I _:'.1'700 ' Co�qrt the county roads this yta� Ins , I . UIM.afned'eftrt durin . 9' use, $2-SiOOO,; Gaol property, $15, pector's Report. of East H and will ,be i,equired to return to , ' being 28 male tw6hers, in the in- 'g, tors to tag and haul their way N I , . uron � %11 ... �,V, 1,01W. I fcega-rding improvements I I . . Nomal schooi,� 11 Ot a sp.qetorate as, .-Comlipared the whf)l,& yeir. This Vrivilege-'ia beZ ithrough, After (hours of struggliug . I _' ChildTen's Shelter� $410,00; Reg- I to salt_ heft will have w#h 17 in . ' - I'll ro, .�, -1 11 have the bo d four -'years' and may pos Ing offered ag I " A' , ,� , - nour to submit to you. complete ,he number Of teachers . hold- saltip. .00134,iti , " . �. i , ­��"t ' , ler insurance ru these lyro- narrow escapes, -they'entered-tho , . V I . ,, ­ ,,, VY �Offi& I 1M. T , , ONO; boi ford Hill q�nd at Aubu - ,!ain this year under the and , .. I ) � the a'hnual rep , ,i . 1� � ... U� $1506 , if the protection on jetts Tmist be eontaldkwed'in CGUJ -ort of'fhe condition a shbly Ons #&`Iralft ,formeft harbor of Pbla and came alongside . . . .. I 1111,Ki.­� r . these une- , be dnelluded. It seemp t.o nw, inig first Class, Certificates also shows exittpd. 1. .. I .. .1". .. ...... ",", "I'll, _.doea�im_��­bw . ­��� 'Ibum I" _.___.­tjen. ,wi.th. �the_ �� . the. puhlic,SQI�18 -in- th-e. lappeetorate ho er, that�±he, .... accom . ....... ............. , . � I... I 11 01 ­ .Z),,-1 I ngw of , the, , wer ftwd 11211!1�ft . f -.1 the superdreadnought VdrIbu.8 Unitis;- t i'...". I h WO, . atiOn .alt a)! - ' I - PMft-- 105'- t!M'!%9r-G JZZ 44, �:pM ' - As in " . a' M�, 'recommend that the matter be ,,we bridges adjac of East Aurc;i� for'tbe year'1933. the Normal .schools will prove in,uf- -now holding -'this class .�j ceft, -'*----- " -_ two . ,,,;,� ,, � , alt ent, which will -have to cent. :;k � !P�T�q_ A ­ ecoho*yl one of the most,po*erful ships in the .. �., � 111-1� � '11- � ' . b6 undertaken in the'eourse Of a few 'There -were 109 teaphers in ,I- high, sclui(il entrance centrii,- "­ . I � . 1. i " Y.1, ''.. evg " -*H,�itrian,--n,4:vSr----Ju<,tt-..aZter . , itn'th in Oven council.. '­­­ ­, the ficiellf for the latter, in WhIch Case fic,tii- Atinqunciement 12m been made and _11if-t-b-mm � 1 .1. I . t , �� i, 1. also �viilied the Iregistry Office years, . V Crediton, were done wa with, ,had Mea As;cilred to ,the -hull of tfii_­­---_-­­--­_.­ ­_ __­._____ - I . . I schools of East -Huron this year --2 they will be allowed another Year as y, the 1�ephrbmL-nt Of Education that this Year. The' , done awa I � . '91 'f" -11 the SU im- -less than last year. se villages am locist- isdeeping giant and the time firing . ._ q . 'i'��'. . and f6imd everythi in fairly 0 .' Itfdrd. Mill, cutting to -Peeame in the past. Trustees would, find it th,A'. .coarser for.. second, I as c . ';��­, I Conditi 719. , good Wialton I . ca, certifi- ,-d in,olbse pro�ximity.to,'' .1 . . , will involve! excava I L ;�,, .. . I on. . __ . . prolve the turn " _ a one -room school at.midsummer and to theiri advantage, when the tetaocber cates will'be discontinued at the Nor- tranee centr I other Un- me�hardsmaet to -explode So minutesi < ... , 1. �.. I Clinton ieduced its at his [been oiVeciailly successbIl , mal ScliodIs a er, ay, ig arrived iffid they were -, I -1 . . W. -Denbson Inspettor of Legal aff from eight in their after September, 1924, little or no -hardship woui�d ' . .,�, , W -tion and com�tTuction of a retainitg, _ es. and it was, felt t&t I t d Ii lit I '""" �'i.:,., � . _�;j that, new instra- walL A. complete job would, ,,inlvolve 'ta seven. Of these, 2i are male an grant leave Of e for bi� invpos- d4cov.ered. A mo6tor boat made short A g��,;,.,: � 9-Mv-0, is i�;k , d schools, to abTftt the course for fixst elms �Certificates ed by making , the replacement of the old pos 88 are feTriale.' The�!:� the change. In addl- work of their capture. They were-. . �W,��; - m2ent boxes--be-provided for this *Mee _ t re- ate 45 with the 'Year so that they maybatv,, their Only ,being givien. . This" I ' 'i�� I!. I., - , (ilu inig I tdin' first class ,c . 11 a in%.aecor& tion 'the nfi�,nber'of­'.V-u,pJls, trying t t�.-ken, a 0 I., I , M9 wall and Widening ' ame with the policy of ard -the very ship fttL�1. - 1. ,� �;.!'-' I.' I _r] , the -year 1934. T11s, will no 1. of the ertificates, 63 with second seMces. -when tiley have secured their b I 1W38 , �- , I I - I . . 11, "' ,,, grade.fromi top to bottom, and one with a kindergarten direc'. perrmanent certificate , ment of Education I 1. ! .1 _ I &i6til cost the county a large a " , To toTn' the Depart- these centres has.,been limited fo'%r '46 soon.to be destroyed. 4� . t, " uan of . . in, demanding so ,a years. They warn- I n- - - ­ ---Mfm We reeOmrwend that this mat- fm . . � ,", - _ ey. in m7 experience as Ins I . �­' higher qualifications for teAcheis,"in . There, ' ,. I ed the -commanding 1 ofileer to abandon 1� "I I plete- 'this will Cost about $17,000, tor's Certificate. It is the first time The school in, No. 9, East. Wa __ I _ �17, ' ' , ter be laid over until the, June sea- P1"i,d1r1R_ a "I at the turn of 225 . pector that o,$h., was destroyed' by 'fire e'arIyw'aT'- linewith the ,practi Were four '&'hool Fairs held shdP !but would not ,disclose the no- 4 . . feet radius. Wwk at the curve above thete have been no chanjes. of teach- -last . oe 1-4 other co . �. �fl;`"�:-'- - 4on Of tbe�ooht-Y COUZIC11. - Robert year. tri . Im- again in the district this year, those %ure or locii,tion of 'the threat that " � ­ , I . era ' . In its place a'fine new biriek es. While th%'R may involve hard- 9A ,Grand Bend, Carlo*, . .- , . . might be limited, to $11,00. at the New . . * Turner,. cho&=4. .. , Year. I . -building has been erected -on the old ship in certain indlyidual cases, the and ,Currie's Corners St. Helens. , Imperiled them., i I � �) . � 'Factors which 'have a beari The- attii-andiance of Pupils in this in- sit that is a credit -to, the a oil ulti taldrig. place as At 'the eild ,of the half4hour the 1", :, ' I. I ng on Ae eau Mmte result should be an ine I . - and one of the finest in the inspector- In the charactdil -of tbhe,instruat�ou character of the .xhibi aroused, the deck shook, a coluqvn of water. reired � � I. ' I , � Road Commiss'lolk ,this item are: . . sp.4,Wtorate is very gratifying; it be , rease ustua . 1. The. interest . . 1. The un-cert2`71ty that, the bridge 05&aki the Interest parents -hai* . in at&., 'It was opened With ,given iii, our schools.. I ts and the. -at- itself 'high ilo-iijAde the ship. slow1jr," I . �11"' ` . . We, Y�� -County Road Con'"- ion� When. r4built will'be located lheiir' children. due formal- ,,� � - _T_ � t the the education of t -tendance were all of an eneouraginig she settled, fin -ally rolled over nd , _'. - a The salaries ' 4 ''.. In ities #t ,the-begin-ni .Plaid in the rural natu It is 'to be regretted that ,disappeared 'below the surface ' the �� . ,; , .1 beg'ta r4port as follows: . Ahe rural school pupil ' . 'schools have Z, ,_, . existing site. .1 I .. fact, - ' ng of Septemberd ... I I ' sl V-rA al- The ratepaYirti also make good use shown a slyapp,'Ourtail- I m' .. * a . uterest in this, movement ap I . . . . . waters -of inaecess I I ,.� that the ro 'Most a rtgular in their attendance of their, school, forSundAy ... scho�l pur- Year, the gen- to be at. a .low ebb in . ,�,� ' 'Re commmnimtion of T.,E. Hemp- l,,2. The fpossibiliiy ad. ,... ment ov�-.j the previous . . . 1ble Pola harbor. , I �� " , ... Two awim�n ;P, , ....:bill, regarding road blocked bv now will be assumed as a Provincial High_, as -the u,rb;tn schools in Spite of the poses and. as a Fral average for all ra many ti era had' succeeded in'd6- I I . . COMMUnity Centre, rid schools be- of �the County. I know y *h -1 , . . itear Vroxeter, Your ,Comtnissibn is way in the near future. I bandlImps of weather, distance and' The only school fair Ing $WO, a ,decrease (if &IMIDSt $1'r)0 . .11 I �� ef,the opinion that it is not advisable The ViRs . -held this year of. no nVorve- stro ing a battles ip in a war where - I � . . : ,ge of Auburn is, -eight�r the� temptations to keep the child"n wj' over -1982. mient from 'which the pupils' in the ibattleahilp§; themselves had been un4. 4 . . "11 , -at tke -present to 'keep open such feet above, the. surface O& �be river a at BelgTave. 'it embra This represents the lowest raral schools can d ' � �'.. 1. �. . . -: . home at times to assist in the w6rk. large liumber of achoo Les a ,ebb reached bT saliTiej in srive more e&ca- abl own kind. . .. I L roa , . 1% in East Waw- many'Lyeara tional benefit and believe there is no � � _k L** ds where the,snow fall,:Ja heavy and it is not ,possible to coiIstriict a' TuCkermilith, Grey. and Hufflletrt tofiivn- , anosh and. Morris,, Its management and it would `s'eein inAdAsuble ito valid reason why . -The second of these disturbing new . V I malke'any further red�ucdonis if ey r po e' high-speed torpeo, I I � . . . Is ,County ahoutid not he partki- miator boat.L They, g in, i.. ­ I ffl6r motor tral5e, but, if a smill road in acdordancewithinodern stan- ships last year with 92 per Cent, per� deserves credit for its continued sue- the in th' ,.. * Snabunt of -work will open.the roads, dards on the existing locatiozi. There feet attendance and the others little Cess; the exhibits are. e Person is to be attract I I t ; -- � ­'_ - . 7"'.. . . . 'er typ6 4 a ,A are little I . , . . . it'be done. We are fwo"Pos-4ible routes: I . below. Of the individual schools, No. the interest keen, i,tt . xCell-ent. and pro' - pant.th;ereim. It is to -be . i. we recommend that I ed to the priifeision.. - - hoped that craft, only 55 feet in length, built 'Of , . f . --- Is a Pity that Salaries- of $450 it 'Will be feasible this year to revive wood, CP.rrYing �wo torpedoes, and LL'' I I ., r, , � believe that nwre. expenditure made . 1. To build on the original road. 10, .Hullett, sttood highest With 97 per the same enk-Tiprise ,is not shown. in and $500 are fairly comimon and' in Some Of the fairs that formerly were vnth -their, rtwo Yount . ofileers and � . , � .1 in cleaning light snow falls from the ,allowance a� high bri(fge in ,a directcent. regularity. . 11jere war, not a other ,Parts df the county where th one case only. $400 is being paid,; This ,. Can tea L I � . . . roads would be a good invostment. line with the main street of the yil- a ue4 ese auccessfullY �Ield each year. I three imien, they , Re M0ti on of 'Messrs. I latter instance Would 'appear to be I . r I I I sin!gle case of truancy; who can.doubt :F ire have been discon#p., . Th For the first time in possibly 25 along- witth the speed cd an expres . . I I � . - . Matheson and lage. This scheme will cost at pres;_ that children a're �better thin they 6sts' 'need only be l'gfi'­ '" " el entirely 'unjustified and to be taking ,crew �,f it 11 .. .. .... Haar*e that the ,Provincial Goverij- ent prices,about $125,000." � , used to be an-cl,that the schools have benelfits are W th, a I t. and the or 'mor" Years, the two Inspeatorates train.. They are not .... I 'L ,.,. . assume the Blue 2. .To utilize the present bridge not been. made more attractive? i��. I . ti6iis resulting fro,W the over West Huron met Ili a mines ib�catise thoy.skiin the sueace, 1. 4 , �k - �.- - pient be requested tZ ' Or advantage of the competitive condi- of East and � ,bothered by I _ A -supply joint Teachers, Convention thi r of the water Well abov � , :. I Water Highway as -a provincial high. ..site..,,.and ...... coustrqct a roa - ' ' - TO Cope with. the pr6blem, of the Inst joint -meeting of t e Tea her I ,t� b I d directly q ,tUteS Of East h q a of eac ere. Ili , a yea e them. They - in !MacKay 'Hall Goderieh. All teach- are not stopped by nets, ,or booms be- . . I I . . . . 'W81Y,we reconmend "that this be east from the existing bridge -along .very sw(all school the Legislature en_ and 'West HurOn The. sharp decline in sa-laries can era in1the tv�o"districts were in at- cause they are desigp to right I A �'.. , dione t but that okly a -low cost auj- theback street in the village and con- A!eted wt the last session that if in, was held in Goderich in October. The be attritbuted 1 . ed I L I I nt, splendid, ad n Part to the fact that tendance and the large -number Pres- Over the top. , The first !of �hese lit- ' I .. : face be placed ,on it. , Program was excelle go T'.. . y any rural school section. there should for the years 1933 and 1934, the "town- ent 44-ded interest and stimialus to k1b aiIIqn-of-war wais devldlopfed ana I � , ". � .tinuing easteTl acriJas the corner of - L' ,Re motion of ilge' -the farm owned. by George Haanilto, be for two consecu dtresses were given -by, the ' ,.`, ..... ssrs. 114annings and tive years less than teachers nt I and there seemed to- ito rural schools has been the sessions. ,. __Tumpr thg�t p -operation of Lambbon. to cofinect with .the, present count eight ip"m between the ages oir 5 . ,�aria 11 With the ex . I i 7�7 � __ Y e a new in- tolrver , celption of officered by the Italians. The first . I L in� Bruce Counties be a terest from th� mingl firom, $6,00 to $450 and' from, two addresses ov*n by Prominent a I ecuTed , in road. The. cost of this route, includ-, and 14 Years residing therein, -Ing together of $400 to $3,.00 in ed- expedition was '­ dash into the bar- L . L L �,� asking, for the ,designation of t ing the improvenbent to the hill West Minister may direct the ithe 'teachers of the the case Of assist- UcationahsU, tlie'program, was pro- bor Where tbe'old Aus- I I I t _­ I , that the public i) whole .county. ants. As �L result of this ineasure.,# vi&d of Trieste, I . I ... ­ L. " , _L " � 1q,sic, -, 1. . 11 -21bo-ve mentioned higbway, of the village, wi school Of such -by th 'I teachers andthe papers trian ,battleship Wien Was sunk. The' I . I � -we, . � 11 be- about $$8,000 stle't4ori shall no longer c continues to 'be taught sue- has'beer, POS§ible to reduce tlW'- -L 0 . . , ­ . - - - mieiid the same be done. - I (including .a new bridg,e). Should, r%main open, and the same a ewfullY, in all the urban tor#h_ read were varied and' excellent .It Italians also used, this new weapon , I I � ":-, cen.tres but AW . - �. 1, 1. ' hall there- BlYth.. At comp.etiltio _p rate for- schouls,in all townships was, I believe, o .­ Re 'Motion 'of this route be selected, it would be IZPQA-�be 'elosedi until the Minister a . iis at Stratfor(I ne, of the -most sue-, with. deadly effect. in the open sea . �. -Messrs. Turner. and M0119 schools -in the adjolr4bg un- representing -a eqn-siderable. savi �; 6�asft-1 'C' I . .,,�. I Bowum-4, that the Road Colbimission .Possible tP lea;Xe�"th.4,7msent bridge, Otherwise directs. Three sections were i co .4 I OnVeJ#iOna , , -held I many -wben, -they -penetrated the Austrian , I me, and, the bailance of the' warned, of their predicament and were ,It is a Pity tbjt� rural s "borne in years. I e i . . . . � .. ratepa;Yer.. It is';66*6' . n . .1 be authorized toma.,ke applica i , - lor ,a y L r . Iti ties, Brussels and. EX61 ranked -high. ever . destroyer screen -and sank. the Szeht � ( I * ., I ... Ition for road would cost, a I . ... Ichools are ma, n d- . however, that at least the a- In'Q0,nelusion,' I would like to ex- Istvan, a siater ship of ib,p viribu '' . assistance u7ider the relief measlire, T. 11 ­bout $26,000. ' placed on probidio-a.' . . .Plount of the township grant must be press n�y A. ation , a I . I ' .: ' we recom=nend 1hat the, emporary relief, ' Xg 'a means of liv not wble t6 enjoy the saine privileges., � the time Unitis. ,� . I.. motion be b � could 'be provided O�f elihood; the pro- ILOwer sch I exam*jI,,%tIo - in salary, in order - that, this and energT, PiPrecil of Vt I - _._: ....,gurri fession oo -1 a W paid " ­ I .. . 0! ---- 11. j, Wright, 47hairmam .._ y improving the stitleet t oug, t teadhing is n '11 'bY itbe trustee The MO 119 ::�o Of 14 $ - . .- . I . .north side of the villa which is the th in a &moral&d _c the High authority fo ' I ' ter ti It , . . hr h he- ere give , L I . , . ge, 0 e a, like Most taken Over ,last �ear by . grant may be received. There is no boards of the -county to schoOl af , naval In ersi " , I . I . Report of C . . (3 � andition. 5ebool Entranoe),13oards, r the pa _ thes I C the oun�tY Engineer route follOwed .when the road' was" training for two Years at the � 9 graDt when this Con jyment of this fairs. No renitneration .is pos,ibl war between I at c riT n the' I � ) I I I . , through thi * , . " ot `-_e' Soviet Governmenit. on Augus,.t 17-18, . ools hag doubled this cost 0:19t was reduced to'all filled. service , , ti S' -en zeven of them-- left -the - L e 'my re- ,,owe- 70 years ago, ,. - . 1. "... and. supcessive.'re4uletions for three ooncerned;.eve-n the, High' School The Department� OVEducatio- ' W6'only rew#rd ,being the reaifz� n 19,19, w1h ., I i �: � v6rt. I I - . Enquiry has been made'regarding Years ba-ve cut the�isalaries in most Boards'. and the. colinty. .council de- it necessary du n found that they are participating in ihe British Fleet . , : � Empenditdres. made ' during I Normal Sch ditloh is, n fW- nor is ,expected for thege (these boats are earl. , . ­ I I- ibeg'. to--submit.h rewiN, originally canstracted by ... thecounty , Pecial chtmge the c r2re B d . 1933 Proposed Dominion and, Provincial as- cases in two. pos, ,rirved a small -surplus. ' ring 19S3 to ,make � great work of providing the best ed- ried on, ,cruisers and dropped within � .. correspond clOEAY with the estimates -9istance toward unemployment relief, tions wil. - 'Competition Xbr _ tiOn 'Depaitment, The Educa- fuither raultion in the amounit of ucAfl-Onal' :Mcilities"possible for the a reasonable atitat6king radius ottheir I -,-, , submitted in June las is very keen and the Norqml the Middle I further reduce the 1,69iislatfve grant . s. I . .. ,. . t, and are as and it is my belief that the regula School and Upper school fees PayAle to Young people of this i . ..,­ 1� f6illaws 1. . - a are overflowing, so that re- per paper - to schools. * - coiInty-p. C. objective) and dashed, for 20 miles .. - '. I I I . � . L $1 The reduction was 20 per BeacOm, L F. S. Huron, West. ­ towards the harbor of Kronstadt. 'tibm will be amended fro for the (present year. cent. and applied to all grants. The . . I Road Construction ,m. time to lielf is still distant. Utb� � � . Dridge construction .. � ales with slight re4uctjons h school.$ This nlight,�rell be done in'the larger total amount of the -general legisia- ---------- 1900-- . ur of them made the inner . I - , harbor, -bbt they succeeded in tor- . 1� .. ,69,05�.44 rural municipalities were paYing di- school teachers are the sr�i�rers_ , ,.,rants ,received ' ,pedoing and sinking an old cruiser, ? rural sideralble balance Over the expenses the ,school, of the irf §Y A Motor Boat For - -a battleship and a battle Cruiser. .The . I : . ....... $ 4,078,70 time. Attention Of provincial auihori- have maintained: their .salary, sehedL centres where there has been a coil- tive and co-Unty . . I Cindy fo .1.1. � .... I,W-15 ties was drawn to the fact that the . Machinery and mp'ai .. , 12,603.�W ­ - I irs, rectly their share of all payments ' For last year and the 60b Year from, theexamamations. , speetorate was . e pre t y ar, 1�e one --room rur- ]Entrance Ex " t,-___ - - -_ reprps- I ..... 1-1 ..... I .... 112.01 'be unfair if amna "on of whom 295 enting a -ftcr Of appro,ximately . is a fair exchange hi. any man's war- I I , � 'n .... _. _%T62.93 cial Goverumbnts, and that it would ,al 'schools has been redu6ed to $460. received ,certificates. For rea'§bns- Of $6;0,D,D :for tbeeayfefear. ('Condensed- 1. - -n and frov, he OW116 gra fo sen e. There.-w&e 314 candidates for the violas year being $23,872.a5, A Battleship . A TantOIF"',boat for a battle cruiser '� UTban municipalities ..... 2,46,7.60 mad by .the Dominio $17,8-93-26, the amount for the pre- _.' I . ��Po��t 4 n- t t hip mt r cost was three motor boats,. .1 . an ,t�e L . ges I -yo were prevented This 'Is a salary #a,nrt- and schOOl ec ce. tre at Be) ve was Th' frQm'.',Ne.* 'Outlook 'in I the , — I � I e; apportion- — I � nn - 6t , ncelled. At Manley Where for ment of the granti twill be on.prac- Reader's Digest), � .. I I . 1, Total ................. $93,430.23 tares.' Fartber, it Was claimied that ca Y th N.0 from pirticipatinLg .Ili the expendi- boards paying -less than this atmount caonom e n gta . I � 2,3Za.94 �vork on county roads in particular tically the samL� basis for ffie pres- Apple Prices Improve . 11, � . . *� Less deductible receip,ts.. receive the full *thwnship gn�nt many years there we're few candi- ei)t year, and -it is exp"te�d, that it The next - naval war will have lit- . I.." . . . I * I ,_­ - . . . . ic ur(y ,will . -not be necess'" ,tle resemblance to those glone by. In . I ost needed Publ H, n is -in this Position. The Gov- were this year .41. An extension, of On British Market ' . , ; ____-�_ was perhaps the in o'];Y One school, however, in East dates froin the adjoining achool-a, the .. . $91,10629 improvement to -day wherea 're . arY to Make the ex- the lasit war the German Fleet wa,g I : , on which - tb� Government I .9 in ur- ernnientf, on theother hand, will pay -the pri-iililege Of rin tensive cuTtaihnent` that applied last able to retim, to, the securi y its . . . . : , ban InuMcipalities 'it was -at times no rilore than the difference between on the prin�i Seca 9 certificates Year. No annoutnCenient .01 b po I , . siubsidy should be ... ­... - 45,508.14 necessary, to. ca?ry It of . The n-barket. for Ontario apples In I , out works Pal's reconimendation of the 'Department' of Edu he hii:�' harbors and 600, Great Britain ,has hilpToved, sin�e the' . . .- . Maintc-nancis ite�mis are:L that the township g,iant amd that of the ded, this year. Not so this-rega,rd.,has 'so in 4 I __ . . - , '. _. I se I t' 'own 'pPOr_ Ne* Year and Prices have advanc!pd W m4ght be delayed in'brderdto- take teacher as'a grant. - , will be ext6n far cation #-nity for emprging into the North Ditching .... . 11 many pupils who aceured certificates howet r. been made, Sea or the B&ltic. Tb�w -British C . _­ I 'Beds ........ ......... $ '3,0T0.22 advantage 4 the scheme. Not only All tb ve ,rand slightlY.- Andrew Fulton overseas " I . � ...... .367.08 that, but ,money expended on e to*nsbips Paid in December in 1933 are attending high schools. I Fleet spent its idle days fruit rep7resentative, repo;;s that he I . Grading .,. . . ...... . . 1,417.04 municipal'roa has longo been realized by edu- and rilineflelds in 18 L tt) I 11 4 . ":.,, -paid the full grk%nt andlevy wit ies-,to children living at a Utio . Complete ,aee,rit ,has been obitaining '22 .shillings � I . - This app) It behind nets i 1, .. � .ds would assist . h the ;Drag.ging ........ ..... L ... ID,356.30 exception a Eist �Wawan*lh -Which distance fro C nalists that the rural school'with . y. . I tions generally, as much as In high and, continuation gans Minefields, and -nets were once s"barred for joqd quality, iattractilv6- . , 'OdIverts ........ ......... 397.57 made at any other"pl- ' � Paid Only half, the balance -to be schools. -The others are either at- a 11 att�Qlance has not been func- bar to those ,venturesome souls.'a Wcoloried. Bikldwins, .andl. 15 to.. 17 . ..... ace. handed over when ,the taxes are col- tioning very successfully, but *,the" tent on entering . in- .shillings for doMeatIc . n.;�._ B4licrCes -----­­ ...... - 454.54 Widening and draining operations tending fifth elmaes. in .their h I � Resurfacing ,......._ --lected. e am enemy -harbor to gradles, of that t:' � - L, a 1, . . ­ 379 on roads requixe considerable labor their balance, ve left ts.chool definitely. seer aA Oppon�nt lying there in quality - ' I , , 4", Wst of the schools reduced schools or ha . tbe,Mi decided opposition by the destroy variety. Greeningg of No. l. . ' 7,�1­�!- _. 9M andi'many'sectiOns -of road that ra- � 11 wish to thank -thiii Secretaries for ,sa,b schools., and large sizes are realim' ' . . . g "N. . from last Year, (but tiOns invo9v0d,, to the closing of contentmeiiVand Up, to ­ - _-�,s ......... I .... 1,117.27 juire linprovemen . . .. ng �'. a e 22 shillings a .barrel. I . � . . L ­­ wa their Promptness in sending in their V'assed this year,- howeveT, to the ef- made fbt. insec et Mr F ) . I)r t exist On the coun,_ To,day new elements , h off -&;*,Wroa�.- -, - - ­- - .. slome, which �refer to do their o' ' ,Legislation ,has been guard. a140rity, ard .: tins ...... I ..... . I ... 2,§80.9,.1 1� y -oads of Hur6n. , Some of financing.for the year, Still carry high annual reports -and. cong-ratulat,them, urity of t e 11 T 'Ithn, R view ia -that . . __ I I., . I � thelblalapoes., , . on their gi�neral a . 16let that where in a rural schbol see- ,harbor. h. e in � , ibe Pr'os- ­' 1� � . I I � - 1. ,� . ,� � ecuracy. . tion - th6r peicts for qDntario apples ;�fi the 13rft� r ", . I usiOn, I wish to expreza years,, less thL' I I I am -------------- — � ,.,-In' conal 6 aie for dwo ,consecultive , `Te'following episode, lost in the ish market dkiring the temainder of , , I . , . I ' , . I . . , my APP'TeCiation for the .ability an 8 persons bdWeen wild jubilation. of the Armjg�ice th ,,O,.,- .. - - - I wo industry'of Your te .and 14 re immediately followed its ' tory for the shippers, and flat the ' . I�L_�,� . L I mr-i - . � Ry L- , may bel acherj5. siding th�m_ . FW & Whatever in, the:X'mi. occurrence, ""I I . 9% their re�ward- -you Will fi�,T,d ,jea that .t ster Of Education' may di, 'Was not Only, 46ne� of7outstand*-nng ,-p-"- Ontario Ben ,Davis . . . I— , Cm n A K , ' them, at all t ' ravery, but still remaining to bZ- sold, real' e " 11 I Nom TER and the 'aiges of 5 , at the season are likely to, be aatiSfaC_ � �� I .,p,n4d, jft,i�k_ Is_ . . Rod PAV imes, doj�g theirdtuy to pr,,,i,M, " sehool 'shall be closed. sonal b it,marked, the de. wax . l ' app s. the Very best of ,their Powers. for the tran�Vporrtwti malt . ' on of velOPment Of a Weapon of ,war Which fair prices if'they arrive, as expect- - . , . ) .. I I . ".e children from such a school to a is to influe.hee greatly b,pth, offense ed, in good, co I I ­ I I . '. West Huron 1fispector,la_ Report ne�ghbbrinj'stchcol c6ii1il'be ndition. He wtites,_ . .. .� andaGREATER 'IELD * ' I I , ,made , an a and defeinse in the next war. I "Tbi�_-beat piece Of busbiess carried I 4 � . . �� I , ,--.--.,---, I . a considerable saving effected. * It Two Z._ I I I . Per b agst I As bar, been cus -Italians one a, 71-aftJ doctor, Out by the Ontario apple expoiteig �1- "I. .1 tomary for many 8e , ems . probable that this amendmient the,other a* naval cons . r, decided this siedson was in- " -.,, . I -Extra value" is the reason why so "It rMlly saves . � . I I I . yew-i��, I beg to submit the following e Public 'School Act may aff,06b that it d Packing their . YOU money, too be- annual report for idn't ma,�:, �SZV! difference. Greeiiiiiings And,,'Starkb With'shrgdded I I . ­ Inany thousands of women an over . I , .your inforhia, . . . �. I l-,�,� . cause it is always 1. t-_ concetning the conditio fion some schools in this county in the liOw You blew up an ,einef"itnty ship just oil paPef, .11 an I d placinge them, i0ftedf, � .1, � I Canada We Five Roses' Flour for so . ". I . 11 � the same quality, 11 n of the sch,00ls. nesi Tutu-te, and the 9xisteiftee of such ai'lang as Your plan W. both bonor a ly into 1 age. - This is the 11 F ;; ..., � cOlnPfising the Inspectorate og West legisl n . as _ be, CO d stor . �:�;.I,x:'Ii` . ,.. you can be su atno should be ,realized. able and effectim They Went J,ato first seasorr�. �� ,,.,!I,;., . every home -baking pwpose.� .Xg of -good results :�i��;i!..�,!".r,�i,.,.�.,i:,.. .., I IMTckn for tile Year 19S3. . ....- As i1§ to be expb6fed at -this time sinew I have ,been 'bin - I , e . . , �,:.��,'­,4.,K.,..... jr,DW,d this -market that we have not receiv- ,' '­ ­�� � as ,,,:,.,.-%.-.:;::,:�-x :� .. . While the b' i industry of this Itheie has been, a rapid expansion. i� into ,the water their idea of ed complaints �k'.'-,'-; , long as YOU use good recipes. And ��l ­`�'. I asic M4 machine-sh6p aind finally - _ - - T.,.%.-7 ,;,�,,�. . "a to the n1in'llber of 'Fifth qasses, in the of -war. man- I . �-�_: �. . � b1m Lambert P. Wigle, Essex County it givesa bi yield per bag."" ,;:::,:::, ., -,",.' 1�uyers, about k, I- - .1 - .. L -Bread Champion in the gger . M­,.,� __11 County, farming, has. conitinue a , from i ,,, , .. -;::;3,*'-,M:1.-1 . ive . .... :.: :;;.::;:: I 'Yield. inadequate returns to the I , an explosive ' � . It was merely Greenints scalding early; izi the I i ., " � Fi " . . . aIrge ivral scho sea- , 0 . 11 'III. , .1 '1� ... ". ' O'g-'( Parents who have -not ynirej' propelled 'by compreaged - air "O& - have Watchud all s I "' , - �,;­..­ -. . t Proportion of the popqlation. enga 'le Ws�6nd their children away muth -as a torpedo but designed to Of Oirtalio Greenings received to date - �',,% � ,'' Baking Contest told us. -my bus- Mrs. FL G. Powell, Essex County Cake .. in th-15 occurat! _ ged 'been Sb I' bipments, ., - 1�`�,%� , band ".2'.. 'On, Yet the -vital fun, . . that la,e nZyer rasted, better Cba�ua , * . . . . . . ,;.. . . . . . . . . I bions I __ to a s4condary school, but Who desire Operate at slow speeds Two men T lmrQ&UIIY and' without except n I � I ,., , says pk�n said: "My baking performed by the sclicipls ,of that the 'Entrance exafmination should h-dn.g to its sidei to guide It and t;o where the- fall weight'of a poundand - - �,R,,!�,., - . . success :::: . , . ery blo �.�.,"�,­ _ , , i0l'*I_i Pies Jmd cakes than those ffiat CoMe is due to many fthis COUDty 'haWe I � v . , . . ithings, but printipal. .... . C,,,,;�. . . : Paired.. - Operati � i'.2. i, � I - n-9 expenses and 'dren's education, ,have -been turning . �&­ I . ... -, using '.., : :1 'have in most - in increasing numbers to 'the adjac- I I . . risked their Te I 1. `�`- OW - Of MY Oven - they are so',&� , ly. to ' the best s4j.�_.fresh . teadhersil ifalaries For Several Months they I has b0enused, -the apples, have re- . . I I 1-4 " Wak been im, not mark the concl,agion of their chil., rnunelr�--r it throligib mots and. booms. a half of 811-1-eddtd, oil Paper per bar- - I I * NVi:� I , I.' . . � I cas, � "'i', __ I _hsbtr . , N.- i� , , .1,`, . 1-vos %W,m;mdng with it at night a -ed a clear skin wi: out a I ,t,w ... I ' 1. _ �&Jn th ny t ' 4 and nice -tasting, aad� While I 6995� -fine sugar and b t sh I . been reduced to the minimumi ibut In ePt"TurEd school. Tliis I ,ra . . " es Oram . I , 8 especially r e, variftg Ittalian, bases. No Of sdalding. Thfs.-acihiem-emian,t bag . , no instance has -it beefir.-I-tacessary for 'true in townships like Aslifielif and _ I 'Z?,",� ­ ha�e always been successfidig tar 1 Oy_(�I,' sound con=oa sense;. Mrs. Lam&ert P. ir;gie, , Outside aid,tohe solicited -one Outside Of the supreme Command created a ivery fjLvorabI i r ssion, . 1", )�,�,i�)%, . 1.1....V=g gob( �,�� � " i6h I -1 d..'If . , .; W_ '51r�` s ,!. ,..� t gop : bod� r. have ' of Kingsville, pssrx in' Order -to, Web1t Wamanosh (that are remotd from knew of their crazy doings. on the 4uyers,11 e MI) b I . I ,11M, "'. bad my ve . aqd Five Rosbs Hour. I Carry 'On .any fthool.. In faot r4any tho high s,'whools., In all, b Cl 0 1 ,�'. L., _', � q Cannot *,over- Cojunty Bread Cb-piom . I . . I . , . , " . � A-0 results - WI& lrxve I Roses Flour. emphasize the lnVora=e of I . IsectiOns have imereased'theirbi . Aft mg- Finalky, the night � arrived for ' I . I ,1 . ,1 ,1 . * � . I'- . i - I alances, ea are boitig maintained in the , I ... ­�,'. � * the.W - . ' 34 rural big a4ventur ... -77 . � ,e. The 8,ky. W ' I ­­.- . I ... .. . I . ' as I over- 1 SIMMMM11MIJUM10XHIMMumn 1 �, . A I 7 k0009, IMend it to other for the flow is -the keystone of , tfie�­ ' I inetaiices,h ' ber att6 i" cast, ,the �ea quiet. They sailtd a- I �Eg !, 6W VA&A!, dul"W9 the"Year -And �n; a III= -of sehoOJS tbia year with. tin �, ., ,L' , "� , I 1. I I � � I I, 111.111-1- ad sufficient f.ukda on hand Of 113 Piipilsi. In. the greatt *4YAn a . , , I—' ..'..., - . Jcr_ � '� ,Who tak6l it real-riftiteresit ' ' lot, and ada Winary fiOur �cad hard- � --' at the end of fthe-'Year to maintain ifty of rvhese "hools empetent in, I destroyerAmE(ded, for the GREATEST YALUE F �, f �.. ''!,;�� ��,,.� ift, I , ­ P':,;,J .- .1, . and I 'the school for upPiesent paar.. The struction is being givenin. sqF"6d]Y inaccessible Auistriah, bar- , .. - I I .. � !. ­ , ... -Wfi6 *M W AVOid acd- - ly be' expected to , ' . determination of our people jehat, the hilgb, 'biol; Of Pola. ,'When, -the winefields I � ... k.... . .1. "1. . ' I ' 11 R . ",',I"...." _1 �.%e�, gft.,*d saine : school subje�ctq. While tfie Work,-=,. IN 9 . I 1A — 1; . _. �.'' ... ,W P � "_1 were rewhed - TO ' NTG . 0 ( - I... , :;,: ­�­­, 11 � At- 1�.... � ,:.. ; 7 , �;­­.,., : � ­­ I ,they. tilan'sT40"d to a . .M. - , 9�dd, sogV splendid reSWU id ga",U� *9nd Whatever other, sevviceis !A17 ---bo 'COMPI-isbed eintaV of C6uf§e colwpir6 .- . �. . 11 , � " . , � I � ;­ ..1-1. -1 . ­, ". 1 , '. ifectiel, the witli- that- done in, ih�' seftndary sm" motor I 11.11,11. 1, I ,�., ;. % , I . L A . Ischools s1wil continue to 604t. .-In order to couL. � ,.:�: ,�� . .__ ..­ �'. .. . . notirishmeim" L,, . . " ,.S., ` . _" 11 I I a ''I ' �',` - --i'- , L ""L.'- . I . �. .. � -� ' L _. I 11 OffOr the safte educational- adivant9ges. t(dhOolv, Yet "4 1�npils are teceMng serve the litifted supply of - in . AMACTIVE , . I Y, S, ,- -. . I , " , I craft they,went in, as close " ROOMS,.WITH 8 .. . I ., a I .. .W 'an, ad#dneed'educatioft that Would vJ to enom�o patrold its L ATH Ea I -y I ­­, , , ",ftk'',0'6,UAWeumploNs,�..#X&,Utl&�, , !o#by of ithe . � ,�, !, 'L , - - as 1,11 setter tim6s, is I power i, ­ - 6T � ­ ­. I their little, i . V, � " '� ­ . .11 ... I . . , � ,)�'., �'i ".,.,L ' ' � . � "21 .9.3_ ... ­_ - . highest co*MeniNition." " � I 'be 0"Sible othe m,'�e. They likewise 'discretio7i Would $21rSo' f L ' , .. . ;, I 9"a 1W ­ , . .!��. . ,l L $3,60 LL L . , �,L� _ I 41621M.' lk� . , . _ ,pPrinil,"t betrare they, M,tg ei&� the Wa- - 'a, ,� � . ,� ,!, ,;U � . d As indicated ' -ove, All a�_*b -,reli, . , . . .. . _ ; , . " I * , L"OTbu- I . ab leve,16pirig a- sienge, of igaff $2.00 �� . . X, . e9 "&�."'j'rft. . , _' _ L ------ '� ' ;00 -9, , I 00118,have am, Anee . ,�K'-4.,`��O` ",..! . " ... ft" ,* dit Mis. A.' ;1� � . ter, "I I , I., WJ­­�, ", , I.., F. I I �1 . ­ . , ,5- ---- -117!,,� . . , �,�, .. I... . , . 1: A , , .. , .L I lopen open throughout, the ,Year,__Tjh� 611d, ANIfty to adcomiplish .The Td6tor boi�t turned back and' . I ". y -, �) . � . � - - I ,��e; ,,,�,p , , - - , I I fti. Aaftir, VITH RUNNING WAtEg ' ;"" "., � A ; .. . I �,o , , ft . '11 " , 'I . � 11 1 4 . o&ftnt kenmiftl§ PV`"tic611`Y -Identi. 1; "ber ' L . .there they wei`­ . ...... 11'' -,-,-,. bwo, 1wen I - . ,"'_ I V, , enr , � , I � � .1 . L. - I ' b the former L Y a 1:1 M . F�� gQlVeg, that wi. bd m9t4.,V,A1uab1e, in ,egrigiii't to X,­fJ;&k' '$I -5O ­ $1.75 - $2.406. 112, 'III;, �,_ . 4._ , I ,�',� r " edl wit .eftf. "'In ke" 'yeaft. & w0uJ'dadivIa6L%at' . turedgQ14-get- L 1. t 11 1, I'll . -r I _� , W6 ­f­th- ,,, 'thip" *,s . 1. ­. . L�, il i,z �, , �, 11 I � I 1h Vnth (the tj.mea; th.6 -_ 6hft imoke ting'.4out &4 d0fY �� ­ . . . ­ W.�. .. i'll. � I fffw� '�Q""n mm't` noughts ot Knatli4. ,,, 'W6rdre*d- I 1 I I � I numbe* ef ' , ... .... . __ _ . . � �. 15, F,._ _ .1; 114 I . . I ..''':­ I 1 _!,' 1, ".. I . teansf �er# .!f!b s-4 *01* =st_ be ,6agght, if, nle*Ibere . I & .." ,� . . ', I OTA ,Sdr6ol - to, SeWol ,hag mfth 01a f NP� I I i �Qfial "I" I 11 I ,4 , in;ddeutalk 0*.Wt be f& EXCELLENT FOOD , �, -, M,4t5-1­,- , ­ I � , I. 05 . � -,,,,,, . . , . %, I ­ 11 �1 Rd"Ift I . I � - ji';d i - . . * "ot - 1,41� "t frofm -, . . .2s'd M I I � I , A , ,I A6* � , 0,, hn:dkea��d &eat1*,­­j&d6,,. being i,*471k%,d,,-4a�-attr,&Ml,,-ttdhb _ 11 , T "I ... I ­ I 91, W1 gu_i'h'6ageS in 1982 'ftL "" tok 9a _� dli * 1'*bh& though .&* th __ BftsAr , W ­i, � . . . . My,ft b9iffils- t%6iv­b1r11$V#iV a k, lbegibding-, 6 . I - , .11 .11 dd "Itli N . �'r. " , �' I" .. L , . ".. . . U= 'l,aa? I., r -.1 - I—- L-A'Aipill il ' . 50im a.d 60,. L Ill . , ,, I 1-1 I "l, ; '231 in , And ,fi d&YedgftVg, 1i �60 fth661 AhsOialL4.JIU-V�", *.tia kJot . . * � 1, I __ � , . ­ .4 1� P 1. . � . ..... �.­­:­;",�M�­ 11 - I !�r "I .... . ... 1, 1. �. 11�r. - 14 - F.j' �� 4 C40mv 46" aw*fiw , ftNe M *"ktb'A'g bhe' 290,*f 14 Or aftor " - -- 002,4arablo. AW", ft ­­4�:Jj L' -7-- .", M 161� pow, F . `93i"411 00 14,4' , � . " I.,. - 111,111. lm­�k_ 1. ijrz.L�%ft , X10 ' - 04.!"9_'A40_,rA#ran a ;eadi r' L1, - - , �'_ .1 , I 60d; 11. V. .. _ ,.� , I -, .. 1. 11tted f - -V"V*bVb igh, , . I I ­ --- L., . .., �-­.. I . I'll, . I . ,�, .- � � � ", I : to df'by *_J,M?,J,&t- iba, % ,flk,6 , 06w�*­ M , , . I— _�"" .,�L%�­. ", " , ­ - ". _ 4, .. I . "' ­ � . . I , 1! � I 1.1.1 � 11 __ - 1-7- "'...­ ll� , , a � ,�,'� . ,- ;;,wl � I in . 7 -,A � � . I I - - - -.- ­_ - , it'd �'Zo. Ni&�" !�'-AX MAS 11" , ,,�A­1�� OLM" . , ­ I 1. I . I . . ,* "4 I - , , - )Ap� yd'af _jx_ _. , 0 ,, 4, 4 .: , 1k _ , � _ =1 . ,ft _ 7� , I , z %%� Lac 'T L a - J I J _",�","� Mhd (bh.Aucf4ni � , th4 , -, 11 . - , � 11 :­­.­ 1. 1%. IfiWIb b6d. L - _____ _ucy of any.."YOWO',&.H"t;'�,M,h:#eq,h,4t.r , - , " " � I 1 ­ , ", """, '­- I— , "'; �r I , 7P .. _ i 16 I - I . - . -*- , A '. ' ' '�`4 , 9.1 . - ,11 . �1. _ � 9 p. t ,�, "'t- Q 0�*" P 11 �', .. 11. .1 Wi 7-_= _ ." - , L_ Fe' - - `r` 17L I -5, , , I , " . EW, R , U _ * .,Oai -WAS - " , �1; , I . _ Ll I �,� . T, 61 ,� __% , �. � I I s.�' .. ., . " ......1-1 "I _­ ­ . - -1 ,.Wpent..".v mqe%7am#tk- , SL0V-_0VJ.y'­6 ' oft'nt , , "' ­ ' ' .'' - . , . I . f M L, MUM "de ... a filust, .. , � I it� � be , 9 . " i, i ' '' , I I "I ,1� ", �,-;,-,� ,,i�;� R , ..:�, ,,'� , ' , - ­."'­' � , 7' - , W; I I .."I . __.� - '. - , ,,w , _',. "L ' ' ... . . , I �� .. - " - . , -r. "­. "­51"l,.��;-Z'.w.";­ . .,� I ., " 1, " � - - . " 45 , i , 110W *NQ1h . , ,". R," t.�11:1-�;,`�. .;., . . thftk - ­­ , I � ': - , . . I r I" � -,, "I - ­� ", '­ ,, ,11� ,, , T� .., ­ . � , : 10y .,Pp , I .1 - �i",' P,�, - J '­q� 1 ­ .; ". '1-40 1 � . � . ,,, , .. ,� , , ___7 , ihi liftl& 1040 . Vo!a* 0 . 11 ,_ , , L , . ­� h7 � ____ I . " 1�1 I, 1; nl&N:,,�, , L :7, �. I :'(, ­, ' ' ,�", .. - _', �,:,. ­ :,!,i ___-1 I k , U "' , ,.­. - , . : I ; 0�1 P:1T_Kl4, I.i.", ;. , .­'. . 41 , . �'A ��j I ! "', ­ �,�Wll -1 C., � . ­­­ I , I . I WRN,� I � . , I .. , , I '. .). . ... L . I I i _,�'�: i� e*r4ov, �. , �-..,i-- ", I .. ....... . I �,, �, & -P I .. I ,, I , " , "" ",;. 4 � N, 14M, 1 �_ " - "'. :, -,"j.. � �. � 1. 11 I I . , . , . I I . ,�, '.1 '� � - __ 11�,`.� -.1.1. 11 p� , . I I !� 'A . � � .,I .1 .1 I . ,,%;i ii�'. 11 ,­�� ?I g I - . -��",..'.-�' � i '�' : i ..; �1, � I'll : i.. ", , ''. � 1�11_: �,, � , ", _�_"- _ " .t. ,.'R, �, I , I ;., ., , 1. . ­,, , ­��"`� " :�, " I ­ , . . I ,: 11 1. , , !,L �11 -1 ­11�� _ , NNI , , ...'", - � Mkll ,, .., , , : 14111T.", . ­,,, , _ "I