HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-02-02, Page 5r 3 e e e e e 0 EP 11, �► r 4 r, V t 4 FEBRUARY 2, 1934. REGENT THEATRE, Seafolrth 'NOW PLAYING FAY WRAY iia "THE MYSTERY OF THE WAX MUSEUM" An all Technicolor Mystery Thriller COMEDY 1 CARTOON Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday—February 5, 6, 7 THE 'PICTURE EVER, DY IHIAS .pADEN WAITING FOR "THE WTE. SISTER" with HELEN HAYES - CLARK GABLE One of the Best •Pictures of the Season COMEDY 'NEWS REEL Thursday, Friday, Saturday—February 8, 9, 10 BIG DOUBLE BILL Jack Hulbert in "JACK'S THE BOY" --+ ."TARZAN THE FEARLESS" with Buster Crabbe Nati ' Sat. and J ilida i .m. Two shows ni , tl 7.80 and 9,15 HOCKEY RULES (By rWilliarit (Slat.) Forward Pass • (Continued) If the puck passed 'forward from gone zone tri another is taken byre -- a player of the , same side who was not in the zone front which the pass was shade, play 'hall be 'stopped and the puck "faced" at the point where it .crossed said blue line. (Players from an attacking team must- not precede the puck into the -attacking zone_ 7f,and whet, a play- er so -Precedes the puck the referee shall order a face-og at the blue line. iHowever, .if an attacking player skatesinto the defending zone and the puck or the•puck-carrier does not cross the blue line, play shall continue without interruption. Defence players are net'tiermitted to .interfere with an attacking player in any manner, unles's the attacking player is in possession of the puck. Referees; however, should be careful not to penalize defending players who are only- endeavoring to •hold their legitimate positions. iW'hen the attacking team commits sit foul in defending zone •the face-off shall take place at the blue line. If the defending team commits a foul, the puck shall be faced where- the foul occurs. Important,—If a player of the at- tacking side, not in possession of the puck, takes up any position at or -near the goal of the defending side in such a way as to obscure or inter- fere with the vision or movements of •a goalkeeper while the latter is in 'Isis net, the referee shall at once stop tilt play and order a face-off at the blue line. A goal scored while the vision or the movements of a goal- keeper in his net are being interfered with by an attacking player shall not be allowed. Feinting with the puck in hand by -. the goalkeeper constitutes holding the puck and will be penalized by a face-off ten feet in front of goal. The captain. only may address an official. Charging, Tripping, Etc. No player shall raise his stick above his shoulder or throw it along the ice. Charging, tripping, collaring, kicking or kneeling on the ice or hooking or holding an opponent with the hand or stick shall not be allow- ed. The referee shall rule off the ice for any time in . his discretion, a player who in the opinion of the re- feree, has deliberately offended a- gainst the above rule. If a player makes an unfair or rough play or disputes any decision of the referee or other officials, or uses foul or abu- sive language, or enters into any altercation with a spectator„ the re- feree may rule him' off for such time as he may deem it expedient, or for the remainder of the game, and no substitute shall be allowed. If, in the •otpinion of the referee, a defending player has deliberately committed a foul to prevent a score he shall not stop the play until that play has been completed. Fair Body Check A fair body check shall be when a player bodies an opponent with the hip or side of the body when • stand- ing still or skating at a slow rate of speed. If, however, a player is skat- ing fast or uses his knee or elbow, it will be considered charging rind a foul and be penalized accordingly. There shall be no body checking within five feet of '.boards. The only players permitted to use the body in checking are players of the defending team when they are back of their own blue line, but there miust ibe no charging by these play- ers and only the player in possession of the puck may he bodied. This rifle means that there is no body checking on the forward line. eNote.-4Referees should• see that the defence pen do not shove attacking players who haven't got the puck all, around the defence zone, but should be careful not to penalize a defence player who is only endeavoring to hold his legitimate position. The at- tacking player may be doing the foul- ing by bustling the defence rian a- round. Both players have certain rights. Every defending player has the right to use his (body to check an attacker who has the puck back of the 'blue line: Body checking is not to be regarded as the sole privilege of the' regular defence players. All the players of the defending side are defence players • and share alike the bodying . checking privileges allowed defending players behind their own,' blue line. Charging is prohibited and should be penalized. . The OH.A. rule book states that if at the end of 60 mninutee playing Imimmiar EXETER 'A naccident which might have cost the life of Donald Siverne happened on Main Street Monday evening. Earl llen, driver for the Hogarth Baby Allen, Hatchery, was motoring south, feeling his way through the stormy street, when suddenly young Siverne darted directly in the ,path cf the approaching atito. The brakes were heard to grip as was the impact when the i lad was thrown over the headlight and- fender to the ground. The lad was carrying two loaves of bread and a screwdriver. Hie immedi- ately scrambled to his feet, as fright- ened pedestrians gathered around. The driver alighted to enquire of, his injuries, but line lad said he wasn't hurt and ran down the street to his home. Later examination of the boy's body revealed bruises on his chest and leg. M. -G. Dunlop, motored over to Wal- laceiburg to visit his mother, who is seriously ill with pneumonia. BLUEVALE 'Mrs. 'Susan 'Morrison in a recent accident sprained her wrist and gave herself a general shaking up. !Black Bros. shipped stock to To- ronto on Saturday. FIeming Black spent the week end in the city. Mrs. Mary Moffatt is spending the winter in Toronto with her daugh- ter, MTs. Vernon Higgins. Mrs. Jennie Thompson has returned to her home in Wingham after spend- ing two weeks with her brother, Jas. E. Nichol. (Miss iReta Srnith, Brussels, spent part of this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Smith. 'Mr. Smith is not improving in health as rapidly as his many friends would wish. (Charles (Messer, of Toronto, is 'vis- iting his father, John Messer. BRUSSELS The regular weekly meeting of the Y. P. S. of the United Church was held 42,fonday evening with Dorothy Mann in 'charge. It was missionary night. The business part was dis- cussed by the president, Dean Davi- son, and arrangements were made to hold a skating party early in Febru- ary. Alice Pope and Mayne McQuar- rie were appointed delegates to at- tend the conventi'ori which is to be held in Stratford February 5-7. Lan- tern views of the manners and cus- toms of the people of India were shown, the story being read by Mar- garet Downing. Alice Pope presided at the piano. The Y. P. S. of Melville . Pres!byter- ian Church" held a regular meeting Monday evening with Miss Viola Wil- son, the president, in charge. A de- lightful vocal number was contribut- ed by Miss ,Irmgard Fleischauer and an .instrumental trio with 'Miss Wil- ma Love, pianist, Donald McRae, gui- tarist, and Stewart Lowe, violinist, gave much pleasure. Authority was given,'the president and secretary to sign the necessary forms authoriz- ing Burton Macdonald, treasurer, to transact all financial matters for the society durin 1934. Burton Mac donall also ve a financial state- ment on the ating party held Janu- ary 26th, reporting net receipts of $9.60. A splendid paper entitled, "Youth's Adventure in His Life's Vo- cation" was contributed by Burton Macdonald the score is a draw, only 10 minutes overtimes shall be played. Last week, however, it was mentioned that 30 minutes overtime would constitute a game. The 30 -minute ruling was a- dopted by C.A.H.A. but the, O.H.A. revised it recently so the present rule concerning the overtime now reads: "The teams shall play three periods of 20 minutes each, a ten-minute rest being allowed at a rpirations of each period. The duration of champion- ship matches shall be one'hour, ex- clusive of stoppages. If at the end of that time the game is a draw, ends shall be changed and after 10 min- utes rest the match continued for 10 minutes, each side praying five min- utes from each end, and if neither side has then scored a majority of goals, the matoh must .be declared a draw, each team counting one point. No group match shall continue for -more than 10 minutes (actual play) overtime. In case either club should decline to play in any of the neces- sary periods, it shall be declared a loss for that team." "CENT A MILE" Round Trip I3ARGAIN FARES SAT., FEB. 10, from SEAFORTH To , TORONTO, GUELPH; STRATFORD, KITCHENER, PALMERSTON, OWEN SOUND, GODERICH, SARNIA, KINCARDINE, LISTOWEL, SOUTHAMPTON, ELORA, WIARTON, DURHAM, LONDON,'KING- STON, OSHAWA, PORT HOPE, COBOUit.G, TRENTON, BELLE- VILLE, NAPANEE, BROCKVILLE, CORNWALL, HAMILTON, NIAGARA FALLS Also Fri., Feb. 16 "Cent A Mile" Excursion to Ottawa Fares, transit limits, train service, information, tickets from all Agents. T-5 CANADIAN NATIONAL • THE HURON EJPOSITOIR •� arable," the Minister continued, "and there ie no reason why ous high elks dairy cows could not meet the demand once all the- facts are known. "Some dairy cows of grade type have been going over to Great Bri- tain during the last few months and have had la very favorable reception and -these shipments have given Brit- ish dairy farmers some idea of the class of cattle Ontario is ready to supply. The Government through the Ontario Marketing Board has ar- ranged with the Holstein-Grieoian Association to send over an experi- mental ehipenent to try out the Brit- ish market for high grade Holstein cows of the finest Oxford County type obtainable. All animals are thor- oughbred, from accredited herds, tub- erculin tested -and blood -tested. The shipment c nflprises - -a selee'tron from twenty Oxford he4a and is made up of cows from four to six years old, mostly all 'heavy' springers. The an- imals are in splendid condition and are !rens stocks with average records around 16.000 to 17,000 pounds of mils for 366 days. "R. M. Holtby, Fieldman of the liol- stein-Friesian Association and well - know HJolstein authority is aocom- pang >bg the sih-ipuient to fully make known the merits of Ontario's large high producing pure bred cows and to make a connection on the British market 'to provide it with the type of 'Canadian dairy cattle now so much appreciated by- American dairy ex- perts for their high production re- cords. FARM NOTES Reduced ' Freigbt Rate An important reduction in freight rates on certain export cattle from feeder points in Eastern Canada to 'Montreal, St. John and Halifax, is announced in advices to the Ontario Marketing Board. The- reduction ap- plies only to cattle in transit, that is cattle to which the railways had pre- viously carried to the feeder points. The rate will be cut in half and will mean a saving to the farmer shipping for example, from a point in Ontario to St. John . or 'Halifax, of approxi- mately $80 a carload. Choosing the Breeding Male Where pedigree breeding of poul- try is followed, the first choice made should be one that has passed through a 'breeding season and has shown by the production of his daughters that he has the ability to pass on the de- sired characters for the high -nroduc= tion of large sized eggs. The second choice should be a oockerel selected for vigour, size and breed type, from a heavy laying large egg dam and a sire similarly bred, whose daughters, the cockerel's sisters, have shown their ability for high production. ' !Where pedigree breeding is not followed, it will pay to purchase males such as these. • Agricultural Conventions Feb. 1 -2 --Ontario Vegetable Grow- ers' Association, Toronto. 'Feb. 6—Canadian Swine Breeders' Association, Toronto. Feb. 7-1Ontario Ploughmen's As- sociation, Toronto. ;Feb. 7 --Canadian, Ayrshire Breed- ers' Association, Toronto. Feb. 8 --(Canadian Sheep Breeders' Association, Toronto. • 'Feb. 8—Ontario Field Crop, and Seed •Growers' Association, Toronto. 'Feb. 8 --(Holstein Friesian Associa- tion of Canada, Toronto, Ont. Feb. 8 -9 --Ontario Fairs and Exhi- bitions, Toronto. Feb. 15 -16 --Ontario 'Horticultu'ral Association, Toronto. 'March 7-9—aQuinte District Seed. Fair, Napanee, Ont: March 21-23—Ottawa Valley Seed Fair, Perth, Ont. Reforestation Encouraged Continuing its campaign to stimu- late the reforestation of waste areas in the province and to encourage the planting of trees by farmers, the On- tario Forestry Branchannounces that owing to the fact that it has on hand a surplus of trees this year, the for - ,, alimit of 3,500 trees for reforesta- purposes to one person will not (be adhered to and that no charge will be made for additional quantities over . this number. For windbreak purposes, however, no increase in number will be made, 500 (being the limit to each •applicant. It is inter- esting in this connection to note that the Ontario Statues declare:.that 'any part of a farm used for forestry pur- poses or being woodland is exempt from taxes, provided that such ex- emptions shall not be greater than one acre in ten acres of such farm and not more than twenty acres held under a single ownership. Choosing a Fertilizer Mixture 'While it is customary to select a fertilizer mixture which has been found specially adapted to the crop to be grown, the nature and past treatment of the soil should also be taken into consideration. For example if the soil is of a very light sandy nature the fertilizer should contain a good percentage of potash but on heavy clay loams only a small amount of . this element miayr be required by the plant for early growth. On soils which have recently been well manur- ed and are well supplied with organic matter, a fertilizer relatively high in phosphoric acid may be required for maximum crop production. Fresh Lamb Season Longer As Results of Experiment The Ontario Marketing Board states that as a result of an experi- mrent conducted by the Dominion Gov- ernment, fresh -killed lamb will be easily available to consumers throughout the remainder of the win- ter. Last fall, some 3,000 lambs . were brought to Ontario from Saskatche- wan and placed for finishing with 26 farmers in the vicinity of' Toronto. After inakine unusually great gains, these animals are now going to the killing plants, and.. will be placed .on the market gradually during the next four or five weeks. Being fresh -killed and finished on grain; the quality and flavor of this variety of lamb is as different from frozen lamb as a milk -fed chicken is from' the ordinary variety. ,Formerly, all Canadian lamb was marketd • in the fall, with a limited portion held over for the Christmas trade. However, in order to spread the season for fresh •lanvb, and to in- crease the season for fresh lamb, and to increase the market for Ontario grain, the Dominion Government as- sisted in bringing these western lambs. into Ontario. Judging by the success of the ex- periment, this procedure will be made a regular practice in future. Time For Farmers to Take Stock The important work of taking stock and making a plan for farming oper- ations during the coming crop season should not be delayed any longer. The farmer who does this will be able to order his fertilizers, spraying ma- terial, insecticides, etc., in good time. It will enalble hint to cut out unpro- fitable cows and hem and other an- imals, and show him where by bet- ter farming methods more adequate fertilization, etc., he can cut the costs of production. Ship Purebred Dairy Cattle To Britain "The Ontario Government is assist- ing dairymen of , the Province to open the British market for pure bred dairy cattle," Hon. Thomas L. Ken- nedy, Minister of Agriculture, an- nounced recently. 'In view of the restrictions recent- ly placed on the importation of Irish cattle into Great_ 'Britain and the greater demand for milk 'resulting from the operations of the British Milk Marketing Scheme the possibili- ties of export from Canada of dairy cattle to England seem very consid- "This is the first -experimental "'ship- ment, and will likely be followed- by shipments of other distinctive dairy types if this one proves successful." - Household Discoveries Christmas Recipes There is usually a lot of time lost looking fpr Christmas recipes, and sometimes we are unable to locate one of our favorites. Slip them all into an envelope and seal it down with a .bright Christmas seal. when you want the recipes peat year, this bright little holly seal cannot be miss- ed even though it is put into a large bag with dozens iof other clippings. Toques For Children A pretty toque can be made from the tops of golf hose. * Split open and sew with two seams. Make a large -bright pom-,pom to match the stripes or pattern in the hose. Package Raisins If the wax paper sticks to your package of raisins, hold, it over the steam of the kettle and it will come off easily. Butter Wrappers 'Save the paper wrappers from your butter. Just turn it butter side in when you told it, and when greas- ing cake pan, it Can be opened up and placed in the oven when heating the pan. Enough will stick to each wrapper to grease a pan. Pleated Skirts I always baste the .pleats in my lit- tle girl's` skirts before washing there. It saves time when the skirts ready to press, and the pleats always straight. Underwear For Children I needed long drawers for my lit- tle girl, so I cut the sleeves from some outworn underwear of my hus- band's, and ,by attaching these to some of my little girl's old panties, I Had nice long drawers for the win- ter, with no cost and very little work. A Laundry Hint When preparing for hanging laun- dry on the line, I collect the hand- kerchiefs (before leaving the warmth of the house) and pin thein together with a spring clot or eight in each' be attached tQ the away with the are are es pin, having six unch. These On- line easily, doing Id task of picking them out one at a time. Leftover Yolks To keep left -over egg yolks from drying out, 'I plate them in a small glass or custard cup, then cover with heavy wax paper,. slip a small rubber band over the paper, and place in a cold spot until required. They will keep two or three days without crust- ing over. Pion er Gardner About thirt years ago a young Scottish stonec ter finished his work on the base o Governor 'Simcoe's monument in Queen's Park and de- cided to quit his job because it held no future. To -day he is horticultur- ist at the Uni'v'ersity of Toronto greenhouse, not very far from where he made his momentous decision. That, briefly, iS Alexander Simp- son's life brought up to date. He was born in Macduff, Scotland, in 1877, and came to Canada in a "spir- it of adventure," possibly because his brother had • already become a tea planter in Assam.. He is still an ad- venturer, an explorer and a scientist in his own little world of plants. Mr. Simpson is a fellow of the Roy- al Horticultural Society and a virtual Who's Who on plants and their pe- ,euliarities. A list of the vegetation under his care ranges from the Wolffia Arrhisa, a flowering plant whose total size is .smaller than a pinhead, to the Iso- tonia Longiflora, a plant so -poison- ous that its very dew is often fatal. Then there is the rouge plant, from whose berries rouge is made, and the sensitive plant from Brazil, with leaves so delicately organized that a slight -touch, pr the" application of heat will cause them to curt up. " The horticulturist -is, in one re- spect, s finely tuned as the Brazil plant. His nervous system rebels at excitement, and on one occasion when he went to a horse race he was sick for a week afterward. He likes hunt- ing and fishing. History of Canada's Forest Some three centuries ago, when the French and the English settlers were (building cabins along the north At- Iantis cosi-sit; the. eastern part of North America was -covered by a vast sr"d almost unbroken forest. It ex - twitted from the prairies to the .lea and from the south Atlantic, coast to ore Wo PAGE While Men's Work Sweaters Heavy knit Work Sweaters, dark grey or brown, with or without col- lars. All sizes. - 1.25 Extra Heavy Work Sox These are pure wool in brown, grey or mottled heavy ribbed wool, built for warmth and wear. Regular 29 to 35c. 25c Men's Work Shirts' Made of good weight military flal- nelette; grey only. Excellent wear full roomy cut. All sizes. Regular 95c. 79c Men's Snag -Proof Overalls Winter weight, blue (red back), or black with or without bib. All 'sizes. Fully guaranteed. 1.50 Wabaiso Broadcloth Good weight, even weave; Pink, Green, Rose, Yellow, Blue, Mauve, Red and White ; 36 inches wide. Guar- anteed fast colors. L9cyd New Spring Prints Full yard wide, good quality; diag- onals, checks, dots and fancy neat patterns. Colors are guaranteed sun 'and tub proof. 15c yd 3 Ply Wheeling Yarn Here is an excellent good clean, wool yarn for knitting or mending purposes. Mid grey only. Skein 17c7 Boy's Corduroy Breeches Dark brown corduroy with leather knees, lined throughout.- Excellent'. for school wear. All sizes. 1.59 tewart Bros., Seaforth Hudson's Bay. It comprised hard- woods of many species—with conifers on the uplands in the south and coni- fers with fewer species of hardwoods in 'the north. From the tales that have come down to us and the story revealed in the forest itself, we can guess at its composition. White and red pine, usually mixed with 'balsam fir, spruce and hardwoods extended over an enormous area in New England and North Atlantic States, in the provinces of Nova Sco- tia and New Bru w,�,ck, and in the southern portions ,. Que'bec and On- tario. White spruce, with red spruce in the far east, usually mixed with balsam fir and often with hardwoods, occupied parts of the same area, forming dense stands on the higher ground in Maine and southern Can- ada and stretching in scattered for- ests into the extreme north beyond the Arctic circle, fBalsal•n fir, occurred largely in mix- ed forests but also in pure stands on considerable areas in the higher slopes. Jack pine grew then, as at the present time, on sandy ridges and plains, but there is probably much more of it now than there was in the primeval forest. Larch or tamarac cowered swampy areas throughout the entire region, and, although it did not occur in extensive forests, its total quantity must have been enormous. 'Hemlock oecurred nnlainly in mixed. stands front southern Ontario and southern Quebec southward. (Black spruce, then as now, grew in bogs and wet places and in a(ldition covered a vast belt of territory stretching across they territory now known as Northern Ontario and Northern Quebec. Cedar grew• ;int large quantity on moist ground about the margins of lakes and streams. The hardwoods were more abundant in quantity and more numerous in species in the southern half of the territory. They occurred in consider- able quantities, nevertheless, north- ward throughot , the Maritis Prov- inces and in the southern pacts of Quebec and Ontario, but only the white birch and poplars extended' be- yond the black spruce belt into the extreme north. --Dr. J. M. Swaine, Entomological '!branch, Dominion De- partment of Agriculture, in "Scien- tifle • Agriculture.' BIRTHS Willis.—In Scout Memorial Hospital, Senfort , on January 28th. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Willis, of London, a son. Hall. Tn Blyth, at Mrs. Isabel] Johnston's Nursing Home, on January 17th. to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hall (formerly Luella Par- rott, of Morris), of Londeshoro. a daugh- ter. W'ataon.—In Scott Memorial Hoepieti, Sea - forth, on January 28th, . to ,Mr. and Mrs. David Watson. of Walton, a daughter. Sutherland. ---In Scott Memorial Hospital, on January 25411, t10 M r. an dM a. W. C. Sutherland, a son. • IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SALE.—A NUMBER OF YOUNG Shorthorn bulls. Apply to ALEX. WRIGHT. MiJl Road. Phone 31-137. Sea- tortn. 3451-2 ACCOUNTS Accounts owing to Dr. Charles Mackay May be paid to Miss Eliith Hoag, at the office of Dr. Jarrott, Goderich Street, West. 3450-3 FARM FOR SALE pARM FOR SALE OR RENT ON KI PPEN Road, 5 miles south of Seaforth, being Lot 10, Concession 8. H.R.B.. Township of Turkersmith : 100 acres cleared and well drain - c ] : 10 acres fall wheat; ,about 40 acres fall phiughrd : balance seeded. 'Tire buiidinsrs are in good repot r end • consist of briek house; hank barn, stabled throughsout; implement honse. Wenner, and• piggery. rirbl fawn ie convenient to schools, church and market'. For particulars write to MRS. HARVEY MOORE. R. R. i, Kippen, or' to W. G. STRONG, 38 Monk Street, Ottawa. 3451-4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given under the statutes in that behalf that *11 persons having any Clams Against Mary McCardie, Widow, late of the Township of McKillop, who died on the 11th day of January, 1984, are required to send to the undersigned solicitors for the Executors. full particulars in wrlly* land verified by affidavit of their chins wed the nature of the securities, iK any. held by. them, en or before the 10th day of February, 1934. after which date the said ]lzeenbers will Drooped to diatribe*. the easels be the said deceased, haling regard only, to the claims of whiibh they then sbMJ have had DATED it Settftnit , OiMt., thtr bith day et January, 1984. nAts a want, selleiillors for )(heti cuticle. #4 4 NOTICE The postponed meeting for reading of. the Engineer's report on the .Kin - burn Swamp Drain in McKillop will be held in Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth, on Monday, February 5th, at 1.30 p.m. JOHN McNAY, Clerk. 3451-1 FARMS FOR SALE rj ARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT i 28 and 29. Oomcass+iom 8. McKillop. eon - terming 192 acres and known ss the T. E. Hays' farce. Must be sold to Glees the -estate. 1f not sold will be rented. For pwrbicuteen apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea. e — $958-1t When you have a HORSE or COW you want removed Phone or write -to William Stone Sons LTD. Phone 22 - Ingersoll Phone 215W Stratford ANNUAL MEETING. NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the members of the M+eKiiioq Mutual Fire Insurance Ooemysny be bell in the Town Ra}l. Seaforth, 08st. on Friday. February 9th, 1984, et . 2 *Week pen., for the business of reoeiv .. reports, general bus- iness and the election of Directors. All members are invited to be present. M.A. . 8450-1 THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91