HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-02-02, Page 4, y- ' 44 .,1.. • N.. applicatioix. votaten' weekly iodation .ClasS A ej.ada1 paid the Huron TrieSt'Association. (*XX Viday, February 2nd. , • Ot Good I3usine,ss „ liOnewouldial* that the exposures Vie0"TatInnenagenzent, 'and worse, in tue fineitaa. tick other affairs of ,Oeuntyj'cliiring the past six veretila *eve a pretty stiff -object lesson -bathe comity councillors • ettlie folly .of the manner in which ibliey have been conducting county atf- --,-.4.airs in the pa.4 number of years. Apparently, however, he county ;-learned-rits --les- ism, or is even 'aware -that the print', ary cause of all the trouble and all 7, the unfavorable advertising that Hur- ... , Mi has received, lies at their own ',....ererusiatomoratoraialeitazome.1" §S, „ ra en edge It 4' 1 it- 014* -:44114' #1 14 cOuntyear Q14 Age PeliSiolis Ooln- in-tttee i *Keit melnberWp is eel. - thy county cotarcillen% Tlds. ICarantittee can, neither give nor - Withhold a pealeiMi to aayone in the •Punt747. ThAt power -res only in the hands ef the Govierument inspee- tor who has not visited Huron Coun- ty since last 'Thanksgiving and Who will not isit t -again until the cotm- kry roads have reached their Summer state. But hat,, feet does not pre- vent the ,'Camanittee meeting in G,oderich onee a month or so to "Re- commend" The same recommenda- .tions having cost the county upwards of $3,0001 in one year. The House of Refuge is under the management of a Keeper and Ma- tron. Also there is a County Inspec- tor and a Govermiaent Inspector, plus a physician and chaplain': One would. think that sufficient Mana,gement without the service § of a Committee of five county councillors, at, session- al pey Per' de& Per-Viiii, phis mile- age, of course. Andthere are others. In private life a county coimeillor, When, he hires a man, does not consider it neces- eary,to pay from three to five_ of. his neighbors or friends to see that the _work is flone. That would not be good business. It is not good business in county affairs either, and it is about time the p.eopleik back home were getting wise to that fact....... The County Council hire, the °Mc- ' 7-ials and 'set the salaries, If they fix • , a Salary list that sets a premium on • dishenesty instead of One that would - ensure a future for -competent Men, who is to, „J?larne for the unpleasant ' _and invOlVed-situations when they arise? No man can give his best ••1 when. he is working under.: the strain ,_ and the. handicap of insufficient means te support himself and his family. At the December se,ssion. the Coun- • ty 'Connell engaged two new officials, 'a County" Clerk and a County Treas- urer. The s'alary of the fornier was set -at $12,00," and the latter at $1300. - If these men were working for. pri-. vate corporations and assuming the sarae-7,amottnt---of work and- responsi- ,• Way ": that they" are _ exPe.cted t•o7 '4shcn.iitier.. for the county, they would be paid doable those „salaries', and • • •-• still" not ibe. conside red high salaried ' officials by their. employers. " it is, if ,these new officials are Married men and men with families, • they can, noi lite in the county tolivn -and hope to: -break even at the end -•," al the year, Whit chance is, the „Comity Council: glib* them!? 1 . . the:January Session the ConittY Connell reduced the salary of the ;County En:gin.eer by three huildre'd • •• dolLars. Huron -will hereafter iay its • Calm* Engineer the munificent sal- • !r? ary of $1153 a year. And the County Engineer is not a new official. He h§ given fifteen years of service to the county and uring ,these years has Walt up a • county ;system of leads of some four hundred miles, that has lie 'Superior -,in -Ontario, and which, along with the grugineees- methods of construction ...„.., and maintenance, has been adopted as 'a Model by 'many other Ontario .eounties. ' • Under -these circumstances was 'the • county Council in any way justified • in Making such a reduction in, sal- • ary, or ,does. the County Council ex- -• -- • peat to retain' the s-erviees of an en- ."-- gineer, whose hone,sty and ability has ' " never been ..questioned, at any such salary? It is a well known fact that the comity engineer has always Spent the county's money as ' if he was sTending his own. The, county read System has never been an arm chair retreat for councillors' friends or 'his .own. Positions went by in;erit, and it has been operated and financed as carefUlly and economically as any • ,, 'private corPoration could have run it. fs' there an element, of jealousy Orin element of thwarted personal _ or tewnehip schemes underlying the- •tregineirt handed oitt to the comity '• engineer? • Ctitinty Councillors will tell you -.that their constituents demand this. "• and that an a above all demand econ- omy, but county .ceunCillors do not • ,regielate for their constituents or for the .1.0elfate of the comity is a whole. They legislate.....for votes., There are excePtions, of course, but Y7eixOugli.- to prove the rule. To, lit.erage county Councillor, 'all leg: ,41101,(01 geed, bad and indifferent, is •-Indtaiirett in tex•tris of votes. If he teS., for' this, .hoVi many votes will •-r1,;(.t,14r.n.,-t-If he votes for that, how • an•Votei, will he gain? There is eitian Of leadership'. Fear of lienter dwarfs all in, 411W41144,00 often„all emamon irrY 3,4 . 0-0 '.! 15 ...,4rmarnurrometrawar..,4;ramierumustramusti.ort Y'r .r tension of tiae .4fer. •tolketing *US, to, March 1st. ,cler101iCKar Vist theAtgevgsgn arProlicat4,94 tOr Doraialen of Canads, iniuranio, for bond Of' $5,000, for the f`reeSur- er. Whitnior,e-MoKar; That, a eallit- mittee Of the Re eVe Rend ,SUperin-, tendent and J. A. aicOreger inapiaT the townehip engine -awl repart the coet of repairs., and report at next, meeting, and pres4nt ariY Other- Schemeja regard to engine, ' the Clerk in the meantiine to write High- way Department in reference to grant on purchase of new engine.. Me. Gregor-IKeKay: That the council ad- journ to meet February 24th at 2 p.m. -AD. F. MeGregor, Clerk. • RAYFIELD • r. A. Edwards is &eking a special effort to .alear out winter goods. Just novv he has amazing prices on work sox and work shirts. good •wool sox from 20 cent pair UP; shirts worth $1.00' mid '41,25:- a • large assortment: iZe$, 14 and 144 for 49 cents each. A big variety in sizes 15 to 17 9.41 59c, 69c and 74e. See these and get &tut choice. Special prices sweaters and underwear. Ontario's $40,000,000 Loan „ (q'orontto Daily Star.) • . . !Premier Henry has been speaking in defence of Ontario's recent loan. But nothing he can say is likely. to remove th,e impression that the prov- ide sold its deAnt-uree too cheaply, ,and that taxpa s, is a remilt, will have to bear an unnecessarily heavy' burden for years -to come. -A -lean. that w -as kept a secret Up within a few days el the flo.tation,. and. was "then. snapped up in a few hours' time was obviotisly a greater bargain than the province need- have offered. • It was offered under curious cir- cumistances. On Saturday, January lath, An announcement appeared in the press that the go,vernment would float a .$40„0400,000 loan the fellow- ing week. 'Immediately there came a declaration from Queen's Park that this information had 9ealied -eutv and that the government had not in- tended to the -fact be." known so ,soon. "The loan, as ,a Matter of fact, was offered to the public a couple of' days later, on Monday, January 15,, and was -all sold by three o'clock that afternoon. • , The • goverrintent advertised. it lib- erally in the weekly papers of the province which -appeared many days after the loan was .completely taken, There can be no objection to this ad- vertising; but it should have appear- -ed before the loan was offered, and the loan should have been floated at a figure which would require some effort and. Some advertiAng to sell it. As it was, the curious spectacle was afforded4of governanent keep- ing its fl,otatzion secret, but- offering such a bargain to investors,:that it was all ta,keil in. a few hours, And -then the ,goirernm•ent- adv-ertised it after it was sold. When the government does a thing like thieLwhen itS' sells its deben- tures for less , than they would nor- mally bring ---there is no doilit great joy ameng -the brokers, who. thus have no dlifficulty in selling them', but the already Overburdened taxpayer is 'called. upon to paY the shot. The Financial Pos,t, which is not ,a politi- cal newspaper, says with respect tn. the latest lean that "financial 'circles agreed -practically unanimmisly that the prices were lower than those pre- vailing in the .open market by, as much as a full point." It was a give- away of the taxpayers' money. It ?was Henry's ;first financing as acting treasurer, and he seems tO' have made a 'Most unfortunate' .bar- gain. • 3, •• . . . — • e4nsire seine things4lie„peo- ... • Mild learn about. know that if 't54 15g1 with the :1*PYM. the cotinty 8„.of Y Won ine; 44" - • , it -the lYIr. Ames, silent the week end at her home in t_11.4:43o onr, y.ivt.he guest this week_ of •his daughter, Mrs. W. Glanworth. Miss Kirk, Principal of our school, Annual Meeting. - The annual me • g Andrew'sUnited Church was held in the basement on Wednesday afternoon, January 1 -7th. The minister, Rev. R. M. Gale, open- ed the meeting with devotional ex- ercises. - IHe was then appointed chairman, and Mrs. Wallis as Secre- tary of the -meeting. Full reports were presented from all the organiza- tions. The 'financial standing of these, with one exception, show a substantial gain over 1932. The Ses- sion report showed an encouraging gain...in membership. The various chnrch officers were re-elected with the exception of Sunday School Sup- • erintendent, A. E. Erwin, who atled. to be relieved this year. Expressions of deep regret were made and, ap- preciation shown for his faithful work. • At his request and with the unanimous vote of the me-eting, Al- bert Woods was appointed to fill the position. • There was a good attend- anee a members of the congregation and a splendid feeling prevailed. The ,meeting closed-uvith the benediction. The committee in charge will be pleased to hear front those produc- ing plays regarding putting on. one here under the auspices of the Agri- cultural Society; the latter part of Kojaruary or early in March. -Corn- Municate with the Secretary, A. E. Erwin, or Treasurer, F. A. Edwards. So few attended school Monday morning becauee of the cold weather, teachers disraiesedthem for the day. Workmen fro .....1.41mdon_were busy at Trinity Chum "last week building the beautiful chancel screen- donated by Mrs. William Elliott, Bluewater Highway. John Pease, of Bayfield, was busy installing the electric lights.. The additions add much to the heanty of the church. - 4,41,,ig.64.0„,-,,•,.4:.„„ ... ","4 ... .'" :,‘,.,:c:'..t.'.--• •.'. allY. ,ittIO.30,0•.4..4*-'0.I.1#1.4 0.'t • • • -; , .., -,. ,..,.. , - ..:. .;`";•47,4.q.: ..- . . ;. Mr. 4.-7,41,.-iitteliardbmi has 81914, AO--; ..tkor.1.1*...ViSitittg:As01041401.** . 149., acres.;,,,•heing.. the, . south: hal$ ' of - ing iterlateilineSS: he. 1."0144...her..:*. ., lot 25 andtnorttli half licit'24•,". conee- a fixed 'Ilene' for ..the..bdtos' 1*"*WIOlAti sion• 4,'Hay, to his son, M,r,..• Weslet,,,AndliOW she would he .0,assed..."as „ ii- itiohardSPA. who getsinmeefliate liCIS.r. .re•Eula,r..atteadaut in health at the _TIICKERSMITH IMr. John C. Doig, L.B.L, of De, • troit, recently attended a Lawyers' Convention held in Chicago, where he - was on,e of the speakers. Represen- tatiVea being present from all over the United ••States, John had the hon- or of heing....re-elected Associate Jus-• • tire.' air -office4te has held for the past three years. Mrs. Robert . • McDonald of the • Therfies Road, is' spending -a -plea vacation, the guest of Mr.- and Mrs. W. H. -Gre•en. • Mr. John C. Doig, • LL.B.,. and his friend, Mr. Francis. ,Edward, 'LL.B., of Detroit, were the guests of .Mrs. L„ Doig and Miss Janeteteter the week end. ; Jo,eVfeClelland :is the guest of Mr; afti Mrs. 'Hugh Ihrlicareger. ' Mrs.. Reibert DayinaM wholtes been away on a few daytt vacation, return- edhome well and happy. Minutes • of Councit---Tile- Council of, the -Township- of Tucketwinith /ne- in. the- Town Hall, Seaforth;,• on • urday, January 2,7th. • The minute's et •laat meeting Were read and adopted: 'The rePort of the KitilM'".SWamp" .Drain was read ,before a meeting of the interested.parties and the repert was finally adopted hytite!couriell and.. ...theTlerk biStiticted th• *retard; amw ht regard -thereto!, 0001th notice of .ea.ot "7" or- . .tevitiort. .That in iiiiswer to ti--ieeinbiiitin ef -ore Teleptinhe, leyanoWton...for' urr .1910* cheque•!at ennt • 5faitei,"20.,.the ."7tootiii.' 1004 •itikstc. gian5 a11 boyis. 41( 110 eirtgien 44 •0.41$ .1. .cliareh- services,'. UM.. EfOrtill1 ' WILS ", "AVIrs. Sarah A. Blaciviellhas leas-. bora i . •London an the Met daY1--Pf "ed 'Iot"lfg. concession 6; Hay,. to, Mr. ..,, . er, 1.856,, the only child. of the Bruce"Wehler • for a term a thiee late Mr.:'..and :Mira: ../relra .-Jaiiii. She was married oisk February 13th to years froni !March 1st, 19.34; ;Mr. john. Truemmer And • sister,. Mr. Henry 'Herten talio•-sUrTIVIEE hel' 'Mrs', Ayres; returned. to their home. together .witli. two tons • and. , two in Detrdit after spending a we* ..daughters, their '.1gamee-being -- jar - here. vis, ef the Township of ,,sfianiley, neo • ••.: . , - - ,. • " - ;Mr. H. K. lilber, of Crediton. . Clerk _Brueefiteld; Harry tend Mrs. Grace of .Stephen TownshiP, and secretary- Harpole,. at 'home; and Mrs. W. •II. treasurer -of the _Han,Township Farmc- -Mears, .of Hayter,,,Aliberta, and 4. ers' ,•Fire, Insurance Co:„ attended, the four grandebildreli;TSteNvart Horton,. annual •trieeting, held here on 'Mon,. ,Peari • Harpole,---Audry-and-Raymond Mears. Mrs. Horton was of a very day. •.". ' ' • • • ' •Mrs. J. ' Trevethick, --of Brinsley, bright. and sunny'dispotition and bad spent. the Week end at the home of boets-Of ,friends as well as 'relatives her mother,..Mrs., W. G. Hess. ` who. will anise 'ber more. than words M t. 4 ,ffaist has owned ; his con- can -empress: ••••-•gefilre•„;,ber 'Marriage fectionery store to the "Public: The She taught sCliettlln.:•Milddlsex "Cone - interior is nicely furnished with new ty and both ..before....and after... her fixtures 'And well lighted ' and :firee';,-.;;"si-iriage was 'ay.' 'asittinIt' 'to her ,. ents an inviting appearance... . . • husband, , Heury. Horton, in-. School •• Mrs. E. Church and brother, 114r. Section, No; "9;.::• Township, of Tucker - E. F.• Klapp, attended the. funeral of stnith.;,, 1VIre;HOrton.,to,oli a great in - the -date -14z- Church held at Water,.__tei._-_,..._,es.t.An all the •activities .,-of. the fora last:"Friday. . -• .-- . • •• • t Church" and finf011t --th47:: beautiful The annual aneeting of the "sub7.1 floraltributes• *rale •one from the W. 1 !scribers of the Hay Municipal Tele:: M. a the Unite church and ethers phone .Systeni was held in. the .town from the 'Official ..-Board.,of the Unit-. hall on Wednesday of this -week. The ed. ChOrch, and from' the teachers of system has . 736 subscribers, .4. gam e nine over -19n, „ ,Thefinanciel ,posi- tion of the system is also satisfac- • ry. -.. ' During l . le of new cable was installed- west... of netWithstanding. the Very severe state 1- Da,shwood, and a new cireuit built to of the Weather and snowbound. roads serve -Beaeh 0' Pines subscribers. , 'In niany Places, -.was , most largely The Short courses for the, boys and. attended. • A feature of the service' of !girls concluded this week with • a.' song was • a spit), "The 'Stranger of banquet held •in the hall, on Thursday Galilee" feelingly7tendered by. • Dr.". . evening. ,. ',_, -.. - • . , ' ..• • • Ivan •SMillie: -The pallbearers were' • ..... all .censins of the. deeeased, their naines. -being John McGregor, John A. 1V1/dGregor, James Rebeftson, Walter Fairbairn, Jaaties".-Mtistard. and. Basil Edwards, the remains being interred in iMcTaggart's cemetery. Mrs. Hor- ton resided in the village for some six years, coning from- the home- stead farm in Tuckersmith and will be greatly missed as she.. was Most deservedly_highly_respected for her very, many 'excellent ,..qualities,•'" and' ,the bereaved husband" •and sons and *daughters have the...sympathy of the community. We might . just. here men -tion that Mr. • ..and Mr S: "13.4irton were 'married by . the late Rev. John Ross, .02 Brucefield,• so well known "as the man with • the book" and -up to the time ef M:re. Horten -'s death 41ammommommemn% commasmemmotauswommusa soma CONSTANCE the continuation and .public schools, and there were ever so many more beautiful floral tributes from rela- tives -and friends. The church service . • •.;• .• enk,41) n r ••..r.41.• •An.:0m,l''.' *4400,0410' were :Gathering," .Misi"0,116'040e7711)1eatc-• rekv.ainVi• "Sandy- MetatighlitV§ •ConitshiP." ',ZITS, ROSS 44 Ws", Redden, rendered °Hunting. Tower".• enel„ "Ye Banta and "BratO...of *MO DO0iV!1,With..Dr...SlindlliensfeCnOintlian-; id. The mianbere"were;'all rf-Plx?"04, ed. to with encores: • ' • •• •• •• • The -.Congregational,-Meeting_of he 'United 10hurch,scheduled-for .r.TUOS;daY evening of this Week, .liagy;- ibein POst-;., polled, until. Monday evening, .Feibre- aty0th., on account of the StorMY weather and condition- of the...Leop,4„, • tittle • Dnuglas "Cook,- young son of Mr. and Mr.s. Norman E. COok,..who has""been, -seriouily ill for the -past few days with •pxyauroonia ••with registered 'nal* in attendanee, .. is improving nieely, 'Other aneMbera of -the family who, have also, been von, .fined to. their -TOOMSare showmg ;can - tinned iMprovement • Services in •the United 'Ohurcb were well attended' on Sunday last Rev. Artinir Sinclair Odenpying his *min Milpit at both services and deliver- ing s1endid-dieebTrirse.S. • •••-•Special-7 parts in the anthems were taken. by Mrs. Pfile and Mr. Samuel Rennie pleasing solo, "A Little Prayer" was sung by Mr. Bennie and at the even- ing service- Mr. W. Co. -Goodwin ren- dered delightful solo. • • • • Vise ICathryn :Arystlitle !broadeast- ed on Friday evening of last week from OF'PL, London-, •under the di- rection of Mrs. EdithHill Adams-. • (Mr. Roy, Palmer returned -,home on Tuesday evening after a very pleas- ant visit with his brother, Earl and of Windsor.' . The many relatives and friends Will 'regret to learn that Miss Alice Walker, daughter of Mr. and 3Irs. George Walker', is confined to her room through. illnesshat it is to be hoped that with good care and nur§- ing she may be restored to health through time, ' . Reeve William J. Jones, accompan- ied by -Consitt, Were in' Goderich last week attending..county • ,gfirigli'e • legrarmanmeneasmmammadm• KIPPEN VIM The bliztard orf this past Week re- minds _uary much of the tales ef the Far West. Hope we don't have many mere like them. • Miss Etta Jarrott, Of Toronto teach- ing staff, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mtg. Isaac Jar- rett. r Owing to the illness of several of the members' with very severe colds, • the !Mission Circle was postponed on Saturday last. It is to be held this coming Saturday, February 3rd, Itt"2 o'clock at the home of 'Miss Beatrice Cooper. At the morning serviee in St. An- drew's United Church on Sunday last a very pleasing deet, "Take Jesus With You," was sung by the Misses Edna Cochrane and Jean Ivison, The Misses Mary and Florence ThomPsen spent a day in London re- cently. - •Mr. Ferguson of near Ottawa, visited 'Wftli. Mr. and Mrs. W. Har- " vey and Miss Erma recently. • The atmual Meeting of St. An- drew's United Church is to be held on Wedneiday evening next, February 8th, at 8, o'clock. f 'S f rth Mrs. Alex. Lowery, `of Seaforth, ,spent. a -week with her daughter, •Mrs, Alvin Dale and returned home on 'Menday of this week.• • Mrs. James Medd is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Lawson, of Sumrmerhill, who IS On the sick list... Miss 'Mary Flynn, who is. spe-ucling two weeks with her brother, Jaines, was -quite badly scalded on the face and chest on Friday last, but is -im- proving nicely. • • 'Master Jack IMedd had the 'misfor- tune while skating_ to fill and hurt his leg and is unable to get around,. The Literary " Society of 7 Bandon sehool will bold a Valentine social on - Wednesday. evening, February. 14th. A. good programme is !being .prepar, ed. -Mr. anMr. Jack Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Leo StePhenson enter- tained the Club of the 'Huron Roa:d and their friends „of thisrwicinity to a dance in the Forresrter's on day eve,ning, when 150 were present.' All report an enjoyable evening. nimarmor. 1.1111.111■11 -ZURICH Fire Insurance IVIeeting-The an- nual'Aneeting .of. the Hav.Tewiiship 'Farm -ere -Mutual Fire Insurance COM- pany was held in the town hall, Zur-, ich, on Monday, January 29th, with ..Mr. -Oscar Klapp, the president.4,for-• 1933, 'fireSiding..., The attendance was -not' large astheweather was very cold , and stormy. • Mr. H. K. Eilber, -manager of the company, pretent.ei the annual report. The company en- joys an excellent financial standing, the tete'. cash receipts for 1933.. a- mountingto $25,352:80 and the pay- ments $11„843,29, leaving a cash bal- a•nce for the year of $8,202.01, and in addition $5,307.50 was , invested in bonds... Total assets amount to '696,16 with $196,V0240 premium note & outstanding. Theliabilities, un - •earned premiums Amount to $4,- 557.45, The Compaify; had 1,950 pol- icies in "force. at the end ef the year covering $7,699,970.00; The losses for the year amounted' to $9,18'7.34.'The eieetion of three. Directors re- 7srilted-as follows: 3V. IL,....Stweitzer, John Atrastrong and, Fred 'Hal:serer. 'Auditors selected were, k*. Rent - ledge and Jacob ilieberer. . .At the meeting of the " direCtors. after .the annual. meetilfg, Mr; R. Goetz Was 'seleeted ,as president--frer 1934 and Mr. A. Hendrick as rvice-President. ' Vital.IStatistics. -., Vital 'statistics the, Township of Hay for .1952 are as 11 -low's: „Birth registered, itg4 deaths marriages ,20. • J. Tough has sad his, fine. farm,oit.the, Bronson ,Line, Step,. to-•-ate-;.-Mattin, Possession he feral in Ore • •• • •••,,414,r; .TaYlor Weidehlifi'ltqf act0.iiratenAlie Park, tine;Aiy,,,th' SIYOR," 1t s1 AO. 44 0014. 50 *Ara, g, Maar -, - IDr. Gilbert Jarrett, o ea o , 'spent 'Sunday with his parents, Mr. and (Mrs. Isaac Jarrett. Quite a number in this locality are suffering with 'very severe colds. We wish them 'a speedynTeovery. The officers_ of the W. M. S. of St. Andrew's United Church for 1(934 are:. Honorary president, 'Mrs. E. F. 'Chandler; President, Mrs. W. W. 'Cooper; 1st vice-president, Mrs. W. Alexander; 2'nd vice-president, Mrs. W. MdMurtrie; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. James • Finlayson; Secretary, Mrs. A. Monteith; treasurer, Mrs. J. W. McLean; Missionary Monthly secretary -treasurer, Mrs. E. Sproat; ;Strangers' Secretary, Mrs. W. French; Associate Helpers, Mrs. T. N. For- • syth; Press Sedretary, Mrs. E. F. 'Chandler; Y. W. „Circle. Supt., Mrs. J. -L. Henderson; 1Viis4ion Band Supt., Miss Penfad,• Baby Band Supt., Mrs. W. Hornek; Siapply Comimittes,' Mrs. Geo. E. Thompson, Mrs. J..,C„, Bell, IMrs. Andrew Bell, Mrs. N. ienes Miss S. Sinclair; Finance Corrumittee, "'Mrs. J. W. ,McLean, Mr. W. 'Slia; clair, Mrs. I. ...Jarrett, Mrs. J... Me- Donaki; pianist, ,Mrs, J. son. Officers for Ladies' Aid: Presi- dent, Mrs.' Norman Jones; let vice- president, Mrs. J. B. MeLean,;, 2nd vice-president, IlVirs. J. 'H. Cochrane; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. • Wm. Sin- clair; 4th vfee-president, Mrs. ThoS. , Workman; 5th vice7president,___Nrst. H. Chesney; secretary -treasurer,•. Mrs. T. N. Forsyth. Inswoom HENS -ALL For 'Sale.—Eour acres of land on ' York Street, adjoining the village. On this land is erected two sanall poukry house. This pro- -patty can be purchased at a real bargain. Apply to D. A. Camtelat lilenSall. 9451-1 The !..adies' Guild a St. i'aul's Anglican Chums% will serve Tea and held a sale of home-made baking om Saturday afternocrn of this week at 4 o'clock. - 2451-1 Household Effects E,or ' .range, electric range, coal 45 stove gasoline kunps, child's cot, high and -oirron-Ode chairs. 'L. R. IlensaL Ont. 3451-1 (Mr. W. E. FOSter"Is treated him - 5 a fine new mi. „ Dr. Collyer a.fid Dris. Collyer' very pleasantly entertained on Wednesday evening ifor Mr. and. Mrs. L. rt. Coles, who are leaving for Mr. 'Coles has beert manager of the Bank of Montreal here for sit years and has been transferred .Listowel. !The Many „friend* dtf ilifunt beeorry to learn that he is seriouslyill at the hotrue of his daughter in" Bay Oity, 1Vlithigan. The funeral of the late "Vfirs.. Henry Horton; late ef the village, whose ,maiden name .was ---Eliza Jane attrvis-,, „tonic place from , the 'United.. Church here on Tuesday afternoon'and was conduCted by her .paster, Rev. A. assisted by dterv. W, A. Young, pastor of earatel-Presb*ter- ian 10hifreh, Heris'alt :and Rev.. Mr. .-Broroxter,-of-41ve-'-;IJnited.--:„:011 Bruce:field, and to whbSe congrega, `Oh OtErt611..": Inlearilbet :teitore tioVing t 1aiisali, aii4 wii eke in the. Most earned, and,lindlitiat' nuti14. net a tett linith tea • epithIctict 606ko rglii-titfint io" • ote 6tdePtiott- • , ... • ., :„, ' '444°41 ; "Rf 1'1111— '4„ „ "- • 3.4rnli Palmer who bas ibes••-•-•71 conAne4 '01** ,49;1111S.' throUghallltess• fox,: the iniot-AnklOr 44f wt3FIcs:g i'4A11.,..15-, ing rapicl, protean, tomrnr(10.-hinny,R, - which it is hope4.*,111„.„Couttue,,, -The; Scottish .cencert VtIo'svle ' Burns anniveriaryrJanuary 25th, put ou untter the AuStlices Of" the Board of Management:0 'WT01 rrOhlirte.r.' ' ian Church; -was 'one. of-AritiVith00.: cessful and enjoyableey.ents,, a, the. -A large and aPPrealetive imagoes attended this annual eivent, which is. - being eagerly antieiparbed frem year to year hy the people of the coon- raunity. • This year those in charge were 'Successful in securing Alt. Hamel 'McGee, Of Auburn, whese numbers Were thoroughly 1;enjoyed end' 'whose splendid pers,onallty and clean native ---- 'wit won the hearts of all. The pip- ers, ,Mr. Fred 1Mutch, of Clinton, and. ' his son, added unrneasurably to the programa and gave -it a real 'Scottish air by their beautiul Music and pi& .• turesque costumes. Mrs. (Re -v.) G. _M-Young„_of Nairn, a constant fav- orite in- the vie -1i*, ni5dathupoetry'---- of Scotland's plowman bard live • anew in, the hearts of her hearers. Other nurnbers by local artiste were eXceedingly good. Those' W•h-6".2 took Part were Mr. WI A. MacLaren, Mrs. •W. „A. M.,acLaren, Mrs. James Bon- thron, Mrs. James -Bengough, Mrs., John Murdock and Bev. Young. MISS Blanche Militate acted as aocems paniet. A featuret,of the evening was the splendid exhibition of Highland danc- ing -by 'Miss Margaret Bell and Mr.. , William Sangster. A -short; address, eulogising the memory of Robbie Burns, was given 'by Rev. G. M. Young, who, with Well-chosen word* and Selections • of poetry, paid eloquent tribute to the man so often misunderstood. • _council, .., Mr. Laird 'hfickle.... anti son Billy, motored to Ridgetown last week and spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mickle. • The C. G. I. T. Club met at the hori-pe of their leader, Miss Margaret Johnston on Monday evening and • held a delightful' social evening. The meeting was in charge of the presi- were the only couple living that had Passmore. Art been married by Rev. Mx. Ross. . -njoyable program was given as ar, Or. Ivan S. Smillie, Mise Mattie Ellis, Mrs. George Hese and Mrs. Maude Hedden assisted at the Scotch _concert and banquet held at Mstin Street United Church, Exeter, on TIMrsday evening of last *eek, the 'anged by 'Miss Bella" Smale and- con- • isted of piano duets by Grace Brock and Gladys Passmore; readings, Miss Margaret Johnston and -Miss- Olive Lemon; solos, Olive Brock, Bella Sruale and Mrs: Iledden, after whth In all it was one of the finest con- certs that has been, heard in the TOwn Hall, and those -responsible for it are td be heartily- congratulated.' The general opinion was that a year is -too long -to -wait- for another sneh event. The chairman Of the evening was the minister of the church, Rev. W. A. Young. The Young People off' Cannel Pres- byterian Church are planning a hard time party in the chureh next Mon- day evening, Everyone must come suitably dressed, that is, in old cloth- ing, the more disreputafble the ht - ter. In fact, anyone wearing a good article of clothing will be fined. The program,e will consist of old tiine music and a poverty lunch will be the climax of what- is expected te be. one of the Most enjoyable parties of the year. TIIE DOMINION BANK Sbcty-third, Annual Statement The Sixty-third Annual General Meeting of The Dominion Bank was held at the Head Office in Toronto, on Wednesday, January 31st, 1934, at which the following stifeinent of the affairs of the Bank as on December 30t41. 1933, was presented: LIAB I LIT' ES Capital Stock paid up._ Reserve Fund $ 7,000,000 00 $ 7,000,000 00 Balance of Profit and Loss Account carried forward 435,343 85 Dividend No. 205, payable 2nd January, 1934 • 175,000 00 Former Dividends unclaimed ..573 58 • A 7,610,917 43 Total Liabilities to the Shareholders $ 14,610,917 Notes of the Bank in Circulation $ 6,261,243 00 Deposits not bearing interest. .818,104,1*36 78 Deposits bearing interest, including interest accrued to date 77,467,474 19 ' "Advances under the Finance Act. Balances due to other Banks in Canada Balances due to Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere than in Canada ' Liabilities not included in the fo,regoing , Letters of Credit Outstanding • ASSETS ••••• Gold and Silver Coin, current.:.. - Dominion Government Notes . DEL:mat kthe Central Gold Reserves •...146tes of other Banks United. States and other Fersign Currencies Cheques on other Banks Balances due by Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere than ,,in Canada 43 95,571,630 97 1,500,000 00 510,677 78 709,725 30 286,708 42 1d4,899,985 47 1,661,643 16 $121,172,546 06 $ 629,896 90 7,623,723 72 400,000 00 _628,655-.00 69,353 30 ' 5,218,198 84 1,857,034 87 $16,426,864 63 Dominion and Provincial Government Securities, not exceeding market value Canadian Municipal Securities, and British, Foreign and Colonial Public Securities,other than Canadian, not exceeding market value Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks, not exceeding market value \ Call and Short (not exceeding thirty days) Loans in Canada on Stocks; Debentures and Bonds and other Securities of a sufficient market- able value to cover - "'" Cali arid Short (net exceeding thirty -days) Loans elsewhere' than in Canada on Stocks, Debentures and- Bonds and other Securities of a sufficient marketable value to.,cever Deposit with the Minister of Finance for the purposes -Of the Circula- tion Fund , • • Other Current Loans and Discounts in Canada (less rebate 'of interest) . ' aftermaking full provision for all bad and doubtful .debt .t • $54,091,417 46' OtherCurrent Loans and Discounts elsewhere _than in Canada (less , rebate of interest) after making full provision for all bad and doubtful debts • 290,991 63 ...... ..• •• Non -Current Loans, estimated lets provided for •391,143 64 Rank Premises, at not morethan, cost, less amounts written off "75,930;000 00 • Real Estate ether than tank Prenikes 75,641 02 - Mortgages -on Real Estate sold..., • • .44. ........ ..... 12 Other Assets not Mcluded in the foregoing-. .-452,278 67 • LiabilitieS of Customers under Letters of Credit, as per contra.-........ • 23,618,827 43 5,635,605 95 2,306,055 09 7,107,790 94 958,004 32 304,350 00 $ 33,537,693 36 66,453,204 S4' 1,661,64.1 16 $121,172,546 06 C. A. BOGERT, President. . , • DUDLEY DAWSON, General kanager. ; , •AUDITORS' REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS .. We replutort:tovittlibeZbe arettlektnolidneersd ttfellabovee li Irtilae6te Slittk as "D'eeember 30th, 1933, Ind 991uP2red It *Rh thellsoks =I aour.hers at Riad Office and with the certified returns from the Branches. ,.. We have _obtain— ed au the infetzetkek wad ' emIanations that we bare required, and in our volition the 'transactions of the Hank Which hille Oran Under oar notke 1.: -- btive b66or. epioirtlithe PewIleisrdanfeerthSlie Beetattliselosk. esilieattaii'ditiffiTA thelfaitad is assIttlinibtfffe-Wribili.f elie bask A. ii ,Ifig141111D of Peat, Matttiek, Mitchell 6 Co.1.--- ,. ,i ,.. Eoit 1). 0100/11g11411, C"` ;•goirtb SANtiAtle j.j5th •",19-A14. - _ • •'•" 'id 0teidfiuilegiOtrty Er .44 4,44 • 44 ,46 44 ' $ arcr i ,r 1.