HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-01-26, Page 7- P... I- 111M 1,�­"p,�,�)-',% ip, M'.JM­g,­%-�7p,-t7' ! �,%�AVQ', it . �. I - - , "' , I � i .11'� 1'1� 111111211,11il ANN 0-1 11,01003 NWOWAM-0101 �,,-,�) ,,,I 14 moRim.mm",- , i , _"P ,n I " I I , , - e , ", Ill , ; S �,,��'.Z,�,�,,t:: -� I., , , lw,__nmt�t,1415 '", i 10, I - .1 I "i- " �C,�, - 1 .4 ,4 ,si I " - I , I , , gg . ; " 'y, , I '—, "I li" � , I �.7 1 �,�4.��­ _�?",�,q, .1 I ,� I � ., � _4. " , q . Z'� i - . 13 , 11 , "'. — " I - , � , 'I ,, - , 11 -11 "I 0Q, "" ," , . — I I., 46 " 111 a , ., I , , ',�', , ". - I.-. ", , iliq I , � '. � , ": , , QW, , _ , I4, I , . I r UP ". ,� 106�Ypj� j��,T, �` "I , OR; , .� 11 ell..!�, .." " I, " & - � 11 : , , ?", '� . , ��. �, . � . . I - In* e., ir. , , , �y 11 I "" i, Z � ,; ;'I P ,f ­ � I ,,,,, , . , I, 1, akFe',;,".'r "o– .��,,�,',,>�,-',';,;,� *' � �Sv. 1�11 ", " �"`�`�Z'R,,N." - " X . . :,$ I - .� ". _�. ", �­ ., I � ;�__,;";�' , , Im .."r ­� ,,� . ... y , -. . P, :. I 4 " o.'_ V! � . � I I .��" ,,,�' , . ,�-.,,, . ` , " '�i,'��:"` ' 1- , 'I �.� . , ",�.11,4,."., . -t ., _�� ., I I A, ", -'4'�,- ."RE, ARO 1% t W�i * �� � ,, , 4, � '' I ;� , Ab � . '' , " I I I I - I I - I , ,., . , ,� I . I , 1, , -1 �11 1� .. 0 . t� 'k , . I'S " , 'J ". ­ ,,� ,4;�,, ­ �,,%. ,;;,I. ". I , �_%. I.. , , . ,,tr.,-,j47,­; � 11 I � . . ,,, .�_ -4- .., -:,,J� , I - __� 0.4 - � � �;�,�- � , , , ., g . "n, I. .. . i . I - � '' . P, ,,, � . i ,14 , � ., .,7�, _� , .1 .1 - . " 1, 0 ,­­ 119 ! :., ,�, 1,,�,� � ,­:'. , , . I �: - it. I� . ". ..�,,,% . , - . I No ; , , � I * . . " .1 . . ��!:_, 11"­._:�', I . �, !, �� . , ,*,� , , . kZi �� 51:"k�,� "I . , ". 1­111�.­ . � ) i - , -,�`t .'' "" - i:,��.V5 . . �, R111 1". I - _�, I ..... . 11, , "; I 1-M �11'- IN994. �,Ewvll� 11115�11. W , , �' i'll, 1, '4'� , lb . I m lk , - 11�1410�.V7� ", � I �; : � .. IM -.1 .�� I i. I ,4�d ,,; _ �'M_Mg,',,'�,��,, MT I 1, ­ ­ . 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I il - 100 * �Wra "4�,"�,�', . , � 11. . - . , ,. I I OW, , . % -: � , , . . , = F,�M - - - ,.""., ,f ­.­­?-',� , , � liif,ht. 4own, &il4ta;!, .. *e: - I C� 0 -1.1 I ,. :` ,�. ��.,SO'X� ,,V� , , .fin - . . ,; �:-,-:, ,� � ; �_ , &-lbod., � 141 11 . . Z I I � I ,61 *el, �� 11 �, i;,;, - , . , . ; --iii-xi ;. , I . , ... ..;.x, , � .,� 1)�)n .1, , � P r" . , , W4 * -, ep,:,0i4* P ­ghe� th#- 04 r , .... _��, 04 MIP ,__ " , - 9A.7 . .� _ojk joom�"',. 4"._ .7j ." , - ,.e S, . , - iw , ,1 h 'r4' pl*ering liv'4� , .� .` . I -, -.,.-1.. . �,.- ­4�,� ... - ovarl" Public. '.�,'� I 1. , . , � � �; , . I . i � I I -.1 ,- " ,,.�, -� �: , I I ' * !, - , S� 1, 0 . , :, , ... , I , � 0'. ­'_�4_�_'�` . MO._ �I` I r . ,, ; ,, Za . . i .;i , . I ;Z0uAn1on,:.! i. 1. IN . fWhen%. Don CayvUno rode arounO �11 ' id Don I - - , 2.001- . , I" aim � 10 I I aw , , .1� I'll, , �� ,_1NWXq1Q11 Ba , IS �_ "I i. 1; , . the . " �.. *W -Wf, �U 1, %, . M. - Banks'S' __ .'" ',.q.nd..qf ,the &aja halt an hour later ll t P , has C01W., , �2., � I 1. , � . ___ 1) I - " . . � � , � . . . !Pilr, 0 , "I , Y. 1. .." " I .. ,,, - I 110, � , . . - , 0. ,� . , PTO "lumbla I, . , ""' � jia: . � . � iiined ken,doffed,lils � , 9' - kv .��,', . WWI .. . " up sbo;riA�, I . , li�el I., ..� , - L*14 �`0�' , , �! , I � I ". . . ­ i to Or sio,7:-' 1 � , � I V ..; . 4 - 1� . , E 1. 1�111RAA 1-1.1 -i - ... ' . , kPle"111pp"', - , . : , 1- mbrero ,�Ellery And ClArTatta were OAK* awuz,� ana, a little P , Mir, . W lu: rul . �. I ; 1. ­ . I t� 1. L'9 ..4 , ' tiiaxi 'N. '... 4 I Pol, , , "' . . . . . . 94ur , to T�Orp "..'r,41, �.'Z� . _ r - .- .- . ��� , .. 11 was 1". - " _-_., . . , , ­ I . I _ . on the bench., she wrilgi -A�'Otelior 'of of thp 0 urJeft her cheoks, , - at . low. I I of ignoraom a vdrisper -, 01, 6kw Aly 1100se. 4W,0*; . I A , �, , I . . .11, ��:.:-�� Ull�., , ,­­ I . . I . , li maiji .� . 1. . flavlw, 0- ,11 . ­ 7 . .1 , Arm, a ,;,q � -.-::.. A . � 1 , . I I , , . r sim: ., . VAN" 10 , � . - I I hie . doutopiptu� ..... th '110940'0 . I'! �� 1� , . j,QHN X,_--.'1lBW. , the' Potent, sweo mi he' with a ' "Where is he? I she asked in lknuii -',4nd ag in tier * led ' quill an ' � ' h . I I " 4 . , I I! - ­_ I . I . , I , drop his' ink,tipped , 6WIn . n,T4 vVy flo . , ,,g - 01- i ` ; - ­ . . ,,, j ., , . - ' . I . . � . . � s' I %� I,-" _T . , . , . I "b�o� ,u,A.4,4tq$*q,d - �#.: �, ��. I.. , u I � I 1; I I - t ' . Oup of , it. . ibli'. . ousily. . to ,,is feet , I , . I , , ,, . 1. ­i.lou "" . , - ONWhy 46'� rwe for 'ColuMMA? b��, ' . k, . __ I I- wl . , . � � �. �..F; ,. I I . 't. -I inh 1. ., # . . Savidster, Splicitor, Ete. -. - 'ABuenas tardes,,'senor," said the "Senor Weiy,?" - .1 , .. "Xiinoij' h i .) �"'LLWIJ` M,UY-' . �:'­�A , rim'. ,!, I . ,�. . . 1 .. . I . . , I I I I " W.M.-IIA wpopg. , Are �rqu "Asww '� .. .. 1. . "'a .1 ,d 11 �1,;�,�,,�' "' , ri. .. . 1114 11 ; . . I . . �, . - I . 1. ­ I � . hidAgo. . .. �.. � I!I"l)b;n Jeom. Is the laty.,fell still _�h ra�,e� It il'o 1 . i . 0W cawe W. *i;hachaI,Americaua -witli, ill­ggAin? God fo%Vd111 He.9kopoeaf- 'TO mariy,'�� feP , , I , , .. I . seaiv�th' . .... . � - , Ontario. "Buenas tardes�, Dan Cayetano," re- ih bed!V' . - 4 41011face -and, mo�"bmins oiall hav* stot.ckstl di t' d ­ ' . . . 1anf _p ,,1-4AqVM4* RION 43`00 11 I . . I - . #;. the Trpo'l� ��p ear,s: t 't , , � I. . 4111 ..'a. an . I . ..- , ,. _4 . , I � . . ' it tookrall,--Don Cayetano's courage, the man -JCar1btt& -F . 11,_ ., . "t , . � -111 " - . Ply 60M."W' � 11 , . I I � i I , . I . tprried Elltepry. "I am,vety.glad tp ,, -Don. ' ,rq.ancy; '. U41 h14 d1le. ` I it. - I ....... N�; ,� . . 2, ­� . I . � I . ,squerval . loff is eyes were -4W and there ___ ". ., - " " - I, ­ . _ . " y cAtdl-n,hg-a , , 16", -es; I . . . I 0 1 , . k.. � k I. -T 4: -iW§A -- .� . , . "! I � ' "' �.-z --,WP,­ I � I : . ! . $Pat VX4 A ­­ , I . 'Eler a.1 -and. 'h ",' I � meet you a h . njeet her dewanlding'e�res, btkt he Cayetanol Unnerstan', no* I hope was .,-b . W. I . , . , . , ,U , no. c6lour in heri cheeks. , 41MVP I y iv4v ,00 ' -n-, . z 1. I _ I AsAga - I . - 16ql Ot. jM I fted as if In sudd6n, ag' �,4 ,O btles, , . uld I , �s an*gy w I , " , � � - ,_4 ,q , , .o , I . X I. � hav6 -seen you, before, gprro�j, and two'hours ago. :'!She. 11-Inched'back apd- ' "'Understana I do," said her . . .1., .. 7 ,JW1W­,;W , I i,?"r 4ed. ��ld her that Eller7'had --i dden a,wa;y y 'be appreciate , . .. . .� ,. . , ,: Cayetano fro�w . ou 4or � . . L n- 1. , . = Biss were, pa . I , XNAA . 4e&k . Ib.ette,M . , . .1 � . - ... orry. He strodip to ,her. 11 I . I ��. ld, . . I".. - " r e _�' � I . ' . . . _- I . . I, 0 I I - i , � , " st the ,adobe -is head, - -What - .. ­ � .. 1 ou'a_'�a cattass, o. ...a-- ''W" '11- I 1. I . - - - braced her hands again ' _ F I 11 I - I Wa1t voice ,.But no, -, 6a. Tbo 94-4-4144! li�;71�Z_t I- ,� e " . � jbowi�4 h he was is it, Naney?r he'4onilkibil' ", 1w . I .. r t� 0. i.m. . - - , .He knew .,YOU seen 7 f " 11 n �, , I - . . , . in � -e . I 9 betif lifted by its. wool " . :. - I ' made hi turn his .*all. . . ., , "� ;, - �, - ,,. .. �, sheepAhatha; 107- , � . ... . ' ' _."'.."'. ., �Carlotta's laugh , , . ,,, as. PPW.'.q,.r1*s,.tO stop ,her frow� -xe- ed puzzled., "ft at have ' grem 4on the ,4=911 �, ,11 , I ,,`� 16RMT% V.9- epes upon her. . I . He 15 &one?", - ,Teveal-s: .,an .in. , ,.. � I � . 'I., ,� �, 11", .� . . . JOHN_ she whisper�d. 1111i� -.Futiu;.,,this1, tljj;eaf " he had beep.to I -J,6 dy`__­" I � . 0 second pla., ruo :4UH., 11 , i1i, . I . ."',­ . I I I . . . , anybo. flame01 and,- I gested, onn 4.n_ .-q,e 45�.n _'*-11, 1� . ".. I . ­_±Tadr� �11P_she_prie&_ -not mpmon'­ ffir g?t. - - "I I . -a-severel ��� I".. - � -in - -, .. , ___ , , .� -.--.. .. I ­; __!% et..'ea liaa.1eA -,-,--,- - ,,, .-.----- 4tenl,--the:-urre%,t--<)ft-,-her---anger,--azut ­ft�g �: WW.,_e_,rr_11e_&__ seem UT"fte*ef Iiiii -1011taW'Veterluii- -ban to bid. yora was deterngued to go witb her., idehly findifig 'her mWoe. 11,ltlx� he. or 'Umse at every . ' t ` ' I r - I., . I . - oow gmkawdf Don'Jeeml Don Jeem, come back to "N16 .Ili�ssage.. other .t 1. e, Dodayr," � 'erle, 4'. jam , - ver g 'coum '...41 , . , . pom 0 - m4nl prm' . . . . . . . . .11 ... . I ... ! , . College. All die6hses� of domestic - , I 11­� I ' ' . . , , I I ly its ii 1��,,Jz�r�,�, 2 - I I .. I . - and Wish- you well " � -. ." 41DO ,mean to -kill this Ameri- Iftie's come backy" ... .i Which. the Wool. wai iydlied, 474e to. I hia Ila . _ ...... � ., - "T, . � lifel�, , . � good,Jbjpe .11 . -.11 . . . . . , ,,,, " -- . . I I I . .1111 I . . . d, but -did 'not For a long moriwnf. she searched his can gIrl?,,,he .ssketl. feaa;f4ill'k, in . - �"R, . aniquals -treated. Calls promptly ati, as thoi*h. be, I bear 1. . , you' The colonel turned his -head t : ... i� r�ptuKing`d the tin -y blood, vesWls, h _ " � 04.�,ol,iio".."Mi .' "I � . tended to and charges moderate. Vet- . * r 's--,.. vin, : .is- -31ow'': I .'�', 1, . . . .. , 1 . beat, Dop Cayetano sat his, saddle, eyes for. some sign of, baart�qg, Then, S . f�Carlotta a,ce. . and,,creating a sorenese, -that I .. I I ''.." 'MI, RIE " I li! 5 Dentistrya, specialty. Offie , . 1"ah- ,,, db�, not - blunk, - � of gpigbt better. see her f !nu�t.ef . 00na 'vor - "i seary . " R, , " , , . ..... erinary oe . werio; 010011.-- , � - OR I. � puz,zled, doub�ing. Then he swung she ran.f6rward, gripped the edge of bringing this' I doIi,t neceigglty_cause a stagdati 012m % � � , amd residence on.Goderich Street, --one . adiditional.- tragedy -up- "Wiliols,come back, honey? � con in gain, all the O Provinew, Ow �;­10_ �Rp(17 if' not � I " I .1 I ef illy to the Vroun,tl and Tia -4, for- the table, leaned actoss. - The stprin f � I AA actual.. loss, of -yVeight. 1, , _11 , P,'.',. -, . . , , . ;',,W�,',pild head! . I ,�v"fg)g..,', .. ... .. . I -of Dr "' . It ha's burne en� under,%tand." - . - . . .- ­`,�,�'­;,,�,�`�,44 :" . ,. . 11 door east . Mackay's office, Sea- � '27F64, lrtgbt h"d ,extended. I ' ' - � -- her father had known would c uL -, nal .. I ___:;Zi_ - �: ,,� " , I", , 'jo,:%v , , 1, � �, � ":" 1,:��,,W, . I , otnde� � tigh -alreadyi so mue that n ver ai. , ­ � 'Alt's ,-MI-stah Tillery, ,, Daddyl The Ap4rt from. this, I if t1i.6 �anh ur: - ­ � �,:!. " i,�, ,�: I - h e I I is ipil� - I . ,� . "'' slaughtered, the car , Prevent 0oitre -* To 'Future 'M 1;1�N�'­. ,, . .. , . forth. I . "Ah, broke in fiery fprce-Mt wo ' nian who,had ,the audacity,,toi.k-kiss ruediatety I L I I zl I . 11"i 1� , e. - gain w L ' . I . � - _ 1"Senor Ell­;er�!" he, cried.. r& ' Ill it lift to look honest. men in C�ass is . �- '" , * I * . . � I I .. I injinip ' I 'Galtr� in your 60s'i L, . . . ­ . I , L senor, we had thought you were a pletives, eurm, , upon him for'll ­ n d 'in"a greater or less degree . L Vjb,e� 11 . . . I - I _... I ..- . ­ I . I . man!" Re. iInbra'oed Ellery; Ing hilery .16 lea . ve I ..... - ,Ow- ,their'eyes,121, . me 40 . �he* fraill. Don?t you. under- . ne. . P,� Q �.% '. � -,T . I I I ffp"on, Ellery, ..for - Carlotta rokii�ded`bjm 'in. the bij&L stand?" I . . according to the roggliness accorded lack .vf'io,di i ".,F .� ". '1� . dead _ Q . , N . I , 1;, I te a I me . . . the . . ­ i , U ­ . ­ I I A. JL CAMPBELL. V.S. - , kpsed -him upon the bearded cheeks, leaving. Don Cayetan6. managed to like w'iiy ,she affec, L a tti s. I , The colonel 4did riot. grapp li�i . animal. . 130neral Js deffc�erit .� . ­­,­ _____ I I ..".".. � � ­­ i _: ... . __ . . , The . oper method .of catching , � I . . , I . - -.:-.- Lpitte4". "his-- �a,�k, pushed - him- away meet her. �y,e�a...-.-.-.---.�.,-.�'--...-.---,",�-.��... . - - .. -._'!DdP,s -YoIdr- Carlotta,. ha,ve-to-keel- -numm'i,ug.1.oX.,a, ... W -nu irt�, � I P1, , .- -.a district is Tob. .� 11� : 11 " -, �4 , I ­ ____ -1 .."I I— . . - .." 11 I . "I I I , � I . -_ . *-b '--' " - tUie- 1 -in- a legs -or tif-i-7 I - �z voitn­lfiv ... I., _ � _ " . I , Graduate of Ontario NeterinarY'tlia� he might look into his eyes. El- "Some coffee; it will hel-0* you." to have ber,way.1n, loft? Tell me!','- be did the ,quizzleal expressidir s, �eep, - vs by . e ea., ,.,.&01tt?_­1mX I - . � '111 �'. . . , niversity Of Toronto.' .All lery might have been a prodigal son IIQaramba! Dornh! ,,IiM - 'W - If in a close- pen which the' sheep Experimental Fa ,- ��' , %,.' _, �,'. IX I , 00110ge, U 1. will riot sit , , lich-shedding of 4flood- there -has i a leave it .. . . . I ��, .�'. �_L. , . . I I ., Kl�e h .. . � . -.11�__ ,� ­ I . '. � %. , . h d,, the I � . ��'�,�.�_.`.. �.'L .. t returned. .. -down! To_Where did thees puercO been because _a'­�*rou and your beauty,�! Vith, ang4ig. � . � I . b ." 114 ­­ L, diseases of domestic aminau tiva ed are closely crowded, it. is, th easy oWmers s . , he ? ­­- - . t � � .. � , - . I., " . --1-1 : matter -to secure the selected animal and feed , �__M.ft ­��, " . . ., by the , most modern' prirciples. "Sit down, and I'll tell you about it," ride, (Don ,Cajeiano Esqu�eeval? Tell, he replied � sla-dly., I 'KWII,engs the dammed scoundrel?" . . tVT'sgnaut" 4'�� ,�,� . . .. . . ""L". , ,_ - . .!, <%wg*s reasonable. Day or night he requested. . � . me!". In her anger, Carlotta poured ' s4l3ut -am r t,b be held to'blaire, be- lie den-danded. . . I -by the,-head,.holding it fasi.unt,ij thL6 ewes. ­� ., ,.-,�:, 1, '�:"_,I.,,_1,, , . . . 1. , . - I -.1111. cans promptjy attended to. - Office. On �Don Cayetano shook ..,his head, forth a mixture of English and, her caus�e men have keel each other. over , others have motped' ig an .If no co�x�rcial ilodize&`$,� - . -1L, . ., i - away, clearii f�':Ja , ,.. I � Main Street-; Hensall, opposite T4,90m I . "He',sL.T­he's down in front, Daddy." 4L, "- ,1.1:1�. . , L , mes- incredu- ija,tive tongue. She was -lea i �. .:��I:A`nl - ning. so aven,tie by which itomay be t ken. In availa:ble,: prepare as f6116ws,:: sor d f!-!�Ii. .1 sometimes sadly, someti . me? Hard eet ees for a girl to know 'ven, 5i,ek up -hi's iliat as , . _'. , J. - I , He did, note .a . ., L a largeT pen or 'yard, a sheep should A — I �, -"��.. - of Stot7 -1;&dily I ,Ometlrue� with deep satidac-o � far, over" the table now -that her correc'ly the fnan she loffsi ,'Loff has. heL made for the door. 'There he I ... 01A I ;,aZ7,'­-1 � . gn a tarpaulin 100 pounds f'of * . ,_r_ ih:­_� � I , I , . . be . I ;R._;1_.. ­ L . , I tish terriers. Invernesg Kennels, tio'n, Wle Qail&ttkL interspeTsed. El.; clepehed hands wer� within -a fe 'in- jb&en tsuch - . y eet I do, not .. I _Au -Katt-', IF rom your- 6U. -gist pvlid;m�gEl �4., "L � . � , _ _,. X a how to sa .. _e, -ght.,by the,hind log- jast-ab ' . .p�L', L . -1. I.. - _ turned. ­.... . -11 ­. Vp I - L Hensall. I L ' - the hock'or gambrel joint,. A proper-fto 3 oun-cps efpoti-si�iurrrfd , 1 1", Iery' story 10 I , dg" dis - � . ,4 "'. . . � !111;, � ' i I I , � . I It, I s *ith' little se�i�n�es:' ches of her father's-lWi'" Hd-` RW"know-such a transier�t thing; "Until ­1196vr4fii in this roo-ni, Nancy," 'he ' ` .......... ' "' 'Ji. , �&'­ 4- �,� ,�.,�,�`� I . I . ly made shepheriFs crook is of .d , , 1 ,_.�,, �,,Some of th,n.n Were fiery with bste�, ed them, but she jerked away. . no*!' ;She siglied'and Pressed, her said. ,"I command it! " I great solve in'water .... an spffiay It a solution. . ; I .A;. I I , . . . - ":,­�� q . ,I ,., . 'ho ,kper, - . �'I."", " I . R - - , ... .. �ta �. . . . � 1� I sdrne t6nder with- synipathy. - . IqSit d6wTt, wayward daughter 'Of �hands to'h*eT palpitating -heart. "Ne� - "Mayn% 'I go' back io, the gallery, ,assistance in this. Tbe��'hoo,k which 0 n the 941t. Xlk 't J*ughly,- ,! ". . � . �, J ­ o::--,, I I , ' "Don, J em,"'.she cried, 'When El- inine!" Don iCayetano ordered august- er have I ,Icnown loff, p,i,,dre undo, till y I - s so warm out there," . usually has, a handle six or more feet dry An& feed to th,s. ewes,dunig--fho ... , _ I �.­ . , . , e she 1 �. �.'_ . � 1�,N 1-....1;.- I— . MEDICAL,.. I , . . Dadd ?:-At' . . 1. "' �-'aik- ".., ' pe . I -11 I . . . - . . . � . . � lery had finished, "kie'l that - puerco,­ ly, "Sit down and I shall tell," ' thees. Don Jeem do I see!" ' _'T aded. . 4 .. lorr 'can be ,extended. forward with- winter. This will preventgoAre, �. _� I . J " . I i -- . I ��- ,,, I 'm � I !. - .. i that coward, you niftist!" I ,Go to',.'ell!" ghe,cried. !��Sib down . The slanting rays 6f the late af- 'il forbid you. lea;ving t1us- room!" out aPproaching.the she6p. sufficient- y her'- for no distii t rd�n 14mbs -are ­:,�. - . , , . 'r �_ 1� __. 1. .. �-..,_, il i �. '.I � �,,,, . . �,. I -will riot! ' To where 414, thees dam ,ternoon sun,refideted a genial ' , .­�,,, ,, .. . .1111, . . - � " . -,kill him," said Ellery, "or he I . rintfi he said sternly. I'l shall return,preg- ly'..Closely to cause it. to - Atfft-ge- t�o �born weak. flabby, it, may �pr ,e . qns!.. .. _. ,.... .1, I � 1,T.U, . ", . wa . . pv� b . ,,, .. _.. I I .� I I �, DIL F. J.. R. FORSTER ""'Ift kill me.,, , from -the flyrtok..wall of, �hs Columbia ently," Iff e, closed th,6, door with a make its escape. � Wien caught, by -ficial. - I .. ��. : � � "'. I ... . - I . . . . � .wi ' gringo ride!" ­ 1. . . I . . , I o beliew, � I :V 11 _�. - ­ -, ,:.;� I ]�Iye, Far. Not!e_a4d.Throat. ' "Eiet ek all ver' hard t ,"I believe he rode, for -Columbia," House upori-Nancy Beaufort; as she bang, and she -could bear his ankr th�, hock, joint, the sheep -is drawn --- - --- �� - . � . __ � I � .,. p I ' y -k u ,til it is easily gra:�Ped, .b,j the Reduced Freight Ratk; - 7 ,-.-.--,-----.. ..".111111". I � I . I I . 'Senor Falery," nmrmure4 Don. Caye�. .said her . father With all the steadi- 'sat in a, rocking chair upon the u, er tre-f.d to th@,..;NDk# of the stairs. ' .bac . n . __ , - , I 1.11, ' ". I ... I ­ .1, � I . �.. pp . 1 1. 1 2* ' s* * ee ness he 660d dom-ma6d, for� as usual �, . .1 t finesto' . I Graduate' n Medicine, 'University of tano. "Yet, with .mY own eye I s allery.* The bloom ot"health ' was — - I 710M. Wh�ri a sheep li*:caught in Ow � Li nip Coutinued,_,. , .�. � . 1, I . . to � , . this�way the flock .&.n . In order to , enc6urage the more I � .� . Torouto. . eet ,ee6 the truth you speak." he knew he would -not be able back in her cheeks, and there was a - - ; CRA =,R­XX11 . I ot, frightened, I �, 'I '. , I I , ,.... I I .. .�­, _­ I late assistant New York. Opthal-r Ellery bad liked the hidalgo from withstand her demands. 'She was a , risceni s,r' . I as is the case when one'rusba, ' to general use 4 Agrf�ulturet.l - *11mep.; -1,..1.. mt�_. ", ' grasp. an dridividual. - , - � , . ons of, Ontarto wlier46 a ., ., b"." , . 01 I anei and Aural Institute, Moorefield's the first time he had seen him. Now, te'rm.agent now,. i�iade fiercer'l-tech sweet, read nile on her lips,, A., Colonel Beaufort tramped in- . . M . . stone in secti ' .A_ , . u��, ,Her eyes were very soft. dignantly down th.6 front,stairs an- . I I .. , " . . ' - I ' " Os- he. had a ,g 1. e � . required, the - I :. t , . �ih e al'y . I . ;.�_ M I . Eye and Golden. -Square Throat H reat respect for him. Ther she though, she had -been foiled and 'Sh� was hinkingof thegaietiies of olther person, qu I determined, as- . . . I" - . I I soil co*ectivb i� , Dems ' - - '0' . . . . ._;;� . - ' ' - London, Eng. At - bominlercial could not be much wrong in such U jilted. . 01 -1 ... ...'..". - baLtment. in co-ope�ration witli the , - .;�-, , 419 -alhent(), and ce'ided. -by the ,back to t ' � , ..:;! , Vitals, San, Fra isco, arid Sac' ounteiibal .1 ". :. Hotel, e I .. arree . . -vernment a .a, leadfirg --,`��41 "�_,. I I Seafor,th, th4d WednesdiL� in; kind, handsom' 'face as Dion Caye- tbr a few moments Carlotta was comparim,them-with The great min- his goirig. - : . I nd th � ­­. _N � , . - 'silent. ii hot oathg-'fell Hom her ir.,� camp . � .]FARM NOTES " Go � - * ­wcontinhe.,,for I .,.-... i each mouth, from 1.80 p.m. to 5 pdm. tanols. *M Was the victim of a com The , Railway C nies wil, .. � . fig Waterloo Street, South, Stratford. bination of eircifr6stances, not We �. -There had ... been chivalry, Ell6ry'b,ad come by way of Sonora "" '' .. , : �,-?, I I , _Ico­lorle��. lips. 'She flung her, ardnLs a'r�d festivity, and many caurtiers in (but'Carla,tta -and, her father, by a' � The' trial - vhiptnenrt'o�f . cattle from a'nothier.year at least the policy. ., - .. � :4'14 , , ' � I i �, � I . least of which was his lo . I � the port of Churchill landed.in Brix w - bgtantial . I . .,.:, ".. _v hereby' au �edi;�tioi�� M - .e..for his wide. .Then she clenched. her hands the ity and the capital' .. , 1.,.�,�., , I . , but, as she more direct trail and- thorough know- .1 _ . . 1. ... � ­ I 1, impetuous, wa�ward d�ui�ter, whO, at' her -bosom until the -nails bit lookeed btiok, these seemed a tain in ,excellent comuti'n which freight rates On gootnd- lihWtone, foi� , . . s,� ... ,� I I �1� I I I 'little ledge �i the countri, bad reached . 0 I ' . �kt R . . `Ii�.�, ' . . . . DR. W. C. SPROAT' -by her. infatuation for -the red -beaded through .her flim�sy di-ess- to the firm artificial-carnpared with the goner- Columbia an hour ahead of him. They axigurs well for. th-fiq service 1-ri, f uture S&icult4ral purposes- ' are madd. This . , "a 1 I . ,) outlaw leader had made Rancho Un- flesh. *�ity and deThocrazy of Colunibia. ' th seaso4s, writes the Canadian trade annollucelnent was made , by gon� . !-4, and ,bad gone to - e home of a Mexican ' -J" L. Kennedy recently. I I ., - ....I.. I , 41Eet ees thees dam- Am;!��ri:wn girl," Everybod'y. had been so -glad to see one Josd Se, veda�, Ii, the outskirt; , In , .... ii. � I I Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, da Vista a bandit rendezvous, pul _9 commissioner at Liverpool. . Tho . . I I . .1 1: � I - I , . I The ian gational, banadiaa . .., . . I . . ­ Canad-i - .. 1 I University of Western Ontario -Lolip- her father an ally and eonsoft,6f .Out-, she. cried. . "She - ees ver' beautiful. her and her father coh:Ie home. of the town. - � i -- I I don. Member of College of �hisfc- laws. I Jack,� he told me, much of her -beauty, 'What was more, she had taken her 'Prom. -the .Sepulvedas Carlotta . had . Time For Pruning. Fruit Trees Pacific, Pere Marquette, Mlchigafi' �. _!." I . .'��..� I I ­ . �. .1 ,.. . . ' :11 I 1 41 is= and Surgeons of 'Ontario. Office Ellery cautiously open6d the door, the ,harlot! And last night did.Don first. -ride on- Tennessee, down- Central and associated' 1.%ways are :�, : �'T'-, . � I into th;6 not only learned' that Colonel teav- the moderate weather now he' I. ,,I.- _ in Aberhart ' 'qg co-operating 'by quoting a special 11 ", � ' - Is. Drug Store, Maiu,Sti, of his room and listened. Despite Jeem himself tel�how he and. the old foothills where the man2anita blOs- .fprt and his'daugbter were home, but experienced in certain localities, will I , , " .!. . � ". 1. of I I � Seaforth. Phone. 90. I Carlotta's ardent and reiterated pro- bear of 'a .!M,IAU -whom he called ooms filled the warm air with their' also �he'locatlbn of the suite they give the people in those sections. an frq'�'Ight rate on, Agricultaral..UnILi. 1% - I' . � -�­` . :�� . . testations of fidelity, he had not be- Kneeight did. ride into the mountains fragrance, and the. first � gold,m. StOhO of approximately- 25 per 'vivOt. - ` ... 1. . - ... WP- occupied. at the hotel., as Porfirto opportanity to get their various fruit below the standard rate. The Fed- ! ­ I ..".. � 11 -­ . i N 10 . . � .. � lieved all she had said. Though Har- . to rescue her. Carlotta EsqdevEd, d pies peeked from the, new grass. She Sepulveda, a youth of sixteen', had trees'and bushes. priined. Pruning can ­­, . DR. F. J.: BURR4DWS per had fled there was.no.assuranep -fool you have been, a vert beeg dam had looked up to the snow-partoplied worked as a porter at the Columbia be d' eral and Prpvincial Governments .1 I . one safely any time after the through *a spbveritiori pa *411 � that be had- not re was riot fool! You were blind with loff! Bab.'! heights of the Sierras and -had gTbwn House until he had been discharged pl , licy w,i joint- I "I � �'.. I i �. turned. It " :: ­ ' like the outl . ant-§ 'become dormant and �11 work- ly ,pay .50 -per cett-."'of the reduced .; , I 1.�;, . Street, n far or I"Then this Don Jeern you do love, sad when she� had thought of , the ,..-,. -4. 7 Offie& and residence Goderieb. aw leader to 'ru . aweek 'before. Fearful, yet resigned in this -line done in early winter Will. freight up to ,a nifitmimirift combined I . I . ., to 16ng forget. 1.,� Carlotta?" Don ,Cayetaxio asked, not lonely cabi back in the white waste to something with which he knew he .: llow.niore time for the 'hundred -and- u. I ­ vast of the United church, Sea- . in . I . a �1.00 - - t-6 --- r _&�.. - �. " , I Giie`ntly Ellery crossed the big _ knowing what else to -6ay. ' where she bed been held captive... '" subventioli of per '6i7 : � forthi Phone 46. Coroner for the was unable to cope, Don Cayetano one jobs that turn iiO. simultaneously ; . I Iry room to the door, and peered out. IShe stiffened and her face went ample, if the standard freight tariff ' _.__ 1, , . I ., , "... I .7. , , , 11 0oulty of Huron. I XII wonder what ever bicv6�e of Iad remained itthe Sepulveda �dobe,. whet, the open weather arrives In is $1.00 per ton, the railway 1i .1 , " I it vfas,yei an- hour till dawn. For a ashen, then A riot of red flooded back that villain, James Ellery, or was his The only promise he had ,been able' March or April. .� . ,�: ,, I �0_ . — m,inufe 6 could mak4 *tit nothing ex_ into iti drained away. - Suddenly she-n-ame redlly_Bronro'Jim'0ato?11 she ±o extract from Carlotta was that she . . , � .1 the rate Z5 cents. Thto subvelatio. . - A. , _ � _. ,, I ''. . - I . I cept the blurs of trees against' the became so limp that shehad to,clutch rnluse�L "And of Ahat terrible. Buck wi6 notberit on mitirder. � . I policy pays &T% cents and the f9x,m_ .11 � � . � 11 . DR. C. MACKAY er pays the remaining S7% cents. If '. - . _-�,`­' stars. Then he saw a horse stand- -the table for siipport. A monient Harper and old. Hedgehog DavisV" Nancy Beau -fort still stood in. the One Million Dollar Increase . _ I I , C. Mackay, bortor graduate of Trin- Ing with reins down, not far RwaY- 'later she clapped her hapds. A,criada' Nanef Beauf6ft ,had known good- middile of the sitting room when the standard rail tariff i's $3.60 a ton, '. ,.,. _;,.,� , I On the bench against the gr4at tru�nk appeared., horses ever since, she . . For' Ontarid'Live Cattle Export th; railways reduce, the freight 90 " , n�, Ity University, and gold medalist of . had 'known there c�� a rappin orl the door. . .1 1�,�, Trinity Medical Colle . of the . � ard re- cents, the subverition policy lxy,s I 0, ... I ,� I I . _� t bad riddeii Nanc?s­ �.erves , had' , een tensed for ports that during the past calendar an4".the farmer ' $ I'll" �`. oak was the fiore *f'a map, . "Some vino, Manuela!, 'Some vino, much about anything, . E. -I - ,The Ontario Marketing Bo gel, Elleiy grasped.,'the handle of a re- and dard queeck, ,you daughter Of a them from the time she could clin,g the soultid Of a ,shot from below and- . pays i.70. . .1 iihe College of Physicial;TIM19, vol -ver and half drew"it ... from its - h'ol- lazy sow!,, . I . I year Canadian exports Of IfVe'cattle- For further ..particuldrs in -regard ' .. . I— ... - ­ I.. 1. geots of Ontario. \ I . I . - 'Without undu 'to a saddile,'with an old negro.giponi thespirnmons startled her. ' '� '. to ---Great Britain were in excess Of t6"thIe regulations govbrnin-g this sub.- . ­­ ""M. � ' . . . . I I � stei. He was about to call. softly, - e haste Wanuela set trotting, alongside to see that she 'Come in, please," she called, It - `�i. I , I -es vention policy, purchasers.shoiild got -1 - . , ,,; - -_ -I* could not take the few the' number forwarded in 19-32. ;;..Z - I . .When the ,horse champed its bit - ThO a' cup' of wine before Carlotta, Who' stayed there... I't was the tramp of seemed sh 50GOO head: more than, three t' ' -1-11- . I . ' figure. on the bench moved'. EllerY grabbed it bp and drained- it at a ,a horse that broke her reverie. i, st6Vi "to the door. - - - On- in touch with their local a0cultuml , , . 1 � . . . . . " 1, , , , 11 I . tario exported, so,ine 30,000 2nimals representative. � I I . 1, , I DR. EL HUGH ROSS .1 dropped the remolver ,back into . its &;v�allow., She flung the. cup at the ,By lifIting -a little front. -her chair INQrwy had xecog,r�ized the step out- or, considerably more than fialf the , , . '. I ..� I. A . . . . - - caught it dexterously. . � ,''i . .1 . - .11 . I .ld see the Sonora road where .side as that ,of a woman, and was total Dominion shipments. Assunn . . ,��, leather. criada, who sibe cou "'. Graduate of University of Toronto iset eed Don �Cayetano, sehOr,'7 Manuela bad seen many .such tan- it joined the street. A horseman was prepared to greet, 'Mrs. ­Gaines, the ng , Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- , -a mean average value of $50.00 per LONDON AND WINGRAM %�-- I.A. .1 said.a voice softly. Thp man got to trums as this, and w1ille she secretly turning, to-v6rd- the hotel. Nancy ut- housekeeper, and ,not, the visitbr Who head, Ontario's export cattle business . � I _ ­ I I leg4� of Physicians and ,Surgeons of his feet. There was no mistaking loath-ed'her t&rnperamental mistress, tered a little cry and drew back. It 'pulled the door open. and' stepped 1. . ' � . J . OutaxiO' Pass gralduute cout'se 'r' the voice,.but even now, EllieTy glanc- r,he aa,mi�red her for bdin-gables to do was Jim Ellery, an�d she knew it from briskly in' ,was worth,upwards o -f $1,500,000 to . South. . . , .. , I � C%icago' Clinical School of 01'jeagO; ed to right -and left as he silently Oril" as 'she liked. The wine Manuela the first igJhrn�pse af him, yet Some- liCarlottai's &Iim,' supple body was the farmers of the ProVince la.st. year P.M., - - _ .., ..", _�' . 5 . : I . I- I Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, . which is an increase Of at least, $1,- 1.5 . .,., 1: ", .. � - I . England; University Hospital, 11011- arged from the dark doorway. drank had to be poached -from the thing, tried to tell her he �was dead. clad im.a.dzess ,of 'bright crimpon , . Belgrave .................. 2Af - . , - ' (10000-0 er 1932. 1 ��� 1, .,,What are you doing up at this big cellar' under the_caea,� and ber She saw him.1ying before the cabin, Her sto.ckings were. as red as the I OV Blyth ................ i...,. 2.23 .. . . I 1, don, England. office -Back of Do- lorning, Don Cayetano?" love affairs were with Pe�rts and not face ,dow-n"rd, a crum heOks. A 'More impOrtarit.,to the aveTa"ge cat- , - , . I!, minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5 time Of = pled thing spots under the tan of her c tle raiser_ however, is the fact that Londesboro, ..­. I.: .......... " 2.30 , ,... Ellery demanded. I . relessly .. . ' d wi-th handsome `,cabal.le�6s- 'Amelli- with red s�now under it. -.: lacy black mantilla hung, ,ca Clinton ................... � - - - �&Og ­­ _ . I Night calls answered from, residence, ld be ri - the removal of large nunlbem:of cat- . , , ��. " I . . . 01 had thought You Wou canas.�, ­ In'good weather there was always over her left shoulder, its fringed end B c - ,. . Victoria Street, Seaforth. � ing early, anngi). I have your borse * tle from the home market has con- ru efield ..................... A-27 , � .".. . 11 � I I � I . .. 'iEet ees thees dam, American girl," a crowd in front of the- hotel at this just missing the floor. i iera,bly impio 1. Kippen ..................... 3.35 � I � ..., � - - ready." � . . � c,arlotta, 6-61ared. Her -ton? was time of &ay', which was just before "Good evening," said Nancy ase she si( ved domestic prices. Hensall,O, .................. .3.41 . . I 1" � DR. S. R. COLLYER �11?4uchis gracias, amigo.11 R, lery calmer now. "'Did he tell you,eet was It is not. an exaggeration to say that I supper; and as Ellery reined- up he leaned against the table for .9upport. . * - . Graduate Faculty of ,Medicine, Uni- stroked the sleek 'neck of the line ber.M was go to ColumbiA_0 se'" if this export trade bad notkd'eveloped Exeter , I .................... 3.55 - , e- looked down upon perhaps two score "You are l6oking for my father?" �' Tersity of Western Ontario. Member. horse, marvelling, yet -understanding, "Nothing did he tell me except cattle shipperswouldbe facing prices - I 11 . : . tba,t nf men some in broadclot�,. and tall "You are Senorita Beagfoft, no?" North. il lCollege of Physicians and Sargeons how the animal. had made its Way lie had' important bu-sille,qs there, hats, slo'me in red shirts and Jeans, demanded Carlotta. .. I as low as ,three cents per pound in- � 'A.M. . _ , ' Cay no. _' stead of the'prevailing quotaiions of It, . .! ". �t of Ontario. Post graduate work at through the snow and b�Lck to the queridal" replie& Don eta some -in -blue shirts and bomespun.. - "Yes, I ant Nancy Beaufort." - xeter ..................... 10.42 � , � I Now -York City Hospital and Victoria very -place in the gTeat valley. where ,She tossed .her head. � ,, - There were ajew Mexicans. on the 10arlobta laughed softly, and her around 6 cepts- per pound for, ,,top lHensall .................... 10,55 ,._ V I . I . lJospital 1,ondon. Phone: HensAll, be, bad been foaled. In ..tbe, short "Basiness importiante!" shem scoffed. ,irii of'.tbe crowd,-indblent figures blac4t: eyes grew speculative, quality beef animuls; I � Kippen .................... ILK - . I... ' I -., -, ,.-. 1 66. offl" King Street, Hensall. , - space Of time Ellery had haA'actu4l "E,t ees nruy importAnte, thets goin' leaning against the walls and puffing "You -we evet! -more-bonita than I .� Brucefteld ............ b ...... 11.09 , I ._.,-..__...;�, . . ce) I possession of- Real there had come to to see the ver' ,beautiful and symonti- at , garettes. bad, thought, Serroritii, Beaufort. I Sp&ial Dairy Course . Clinton ,.,,-............. - .4.. 11.54 ' -4: I .- �1111 i I . I .1 I bim. such a vast fondness for the da 7nubliaolih Amiericana, Tro?"'Again "'Good evening, gentlemen," sadd am Carlotta Esqueval. Pirh,aps you fMarked 'by the largest registratiolirpondes.�,oro ........... :':-.­.�.. 12.1-0 ' 1;� DIL J. A. MUNN . borse that now it was Only second to , e pour the� class -has had in some years,,, ', 1. . 41 I .. sh ed � forth a mixture of Fmg- Ellery, pushing back,his, bat with an ,have heard --of Carlotta, no?" . ' R1 th ....................... 12.19 . .. -_4 1 f �y , . Graduate.of North-western UniveTs- his I Sim KI�Ight. lisli and Spanish Profanity. instinctive gesture and drawing in a Nancy's brows contracted ever a nual p three months' da . . . '. � L?�.� so n - Is ecial 1361gira,ve , ................... _pve for old Uncle . , course at the Di. A. S., opened 11-2.36 I l t "Chicago," "I'll. Licentiate Royal O'Dice nada,"' Don Oayettifio ,Pro- ,'.Car,lottal" !Don CaYetanO COM, ,deep ,breath of .pleasure at the reali _ %- little.. There.,was something,firriga- Wingliam ......... � ......... 12.50 .." I Yfie -of Denfal. Surgeons, Toronto. te%ted.softy yet vibrantly. KI under- mwai,ded, slappini,ithe table -with the atioh that he was at the end of a loirg tic, beautiful in the"Vivid girl in the . I " Co gel J first week in January. Forty-ef t , . . . Ofte over Sills" Hardware, Main -St. you ,g(r, aftd I Would as L names were enT011ed to. commence t e C, N. R. . �, " I � . J, stand why 'k. paim of his"'hand. She met his stern jouripey. He bad, come by. way of vivia'dre,ss, but-irituition, told N14ncy ' . , :"� ., class and it is expect�-d that another I . SesfoTth. 'Phone 151. ,that of me you judge not too harsh- look .with one ,of defiance. ,�.� Sonora, wherehe ,bad - had his beard -there was sometbing dangerous --as, I .1 i 1; i - . ly for the companions I have' k4t, 19,I)o hot 8#4k to Me like I was a shaven. Hie was dete�­ W' *td . half ,dozen Oi morer--ttames will be East. , - - - - I � ' 'I am, your friend,." . � .1' enter Well I . ­ , :.; DR. V. J. BECHELY senor. I dam, mozal" she'cri6d 0 dis;g-dise. , . ,;*bn ' - A.M. P I . . "Yopr hija ,c,61jimbia unde.T n , It you sit down, Miss Esque- 'added., Of the 48 students list�d all .M. . .1; I., I . I ','And -1 kou,rs." RI-lery pressed the' I am, Don C,ayetano, db not that for- ,4Ho*dV air pleasem." but two are registered as from On- Goderich ........... 6.45 2.30 i ,,, `�, ' ' . I pard," returned a miner. tvaL"-she said. -That chi I ' . .1. - I I Graduate Royal College of bidalgo's hand. ,q understand, Don, geftl" . . I .... "Howdy, sir," added a talllk,blalck- "I iiin diolil.' the'veT' w� I tafio. The others, eye two -men from Clinton ........ 7.08 8100 11 1, ", I Surgeons Toronto. Office ove'rvlla -11 gracias6l . I r, . `11 I - - � I b;��j,�, Main Street, Sea- Ciyetano, And where 11 find a chance "You are a bad girl -,k Carlotta," he .g.wbed man. Carlotta answered, with'� sneer*durl- Prince Edward Island. I . Seafo,th ....... ::­ 7.22` 3.18 1 1 'I" , --- .e - Smith's . rd 6r you I twill. said, suddenly miserable, - ','A ver'bad "CAn any of you gentlemen be so ingher red lips. "Carlotta Usqueval 1, Dublin ........... :. ,7.35 &31 ., ­ � to, say a good wo . . . ;I, . .,�.. I forth. Phone: Office, 195 W; real- Now 'adios and hasta luegd, ami,96. girly I ,go,od as 'to tell -me whether I shall ee-s not whIat you,call the -weak' wo- I A Valuable Booklet Mitchell ........... 7.42 9.43 . I . . '.,�,�.� I deuce, 185 J. . ,,you (A very interesting. booklet entitled . I .. "', - . � ­ 11 . . ,� I have fir to ride. 'Be so good as to do� not unnerstan7l A woman find Colonel Beaufort here?" Tillery mari, sehorita." I West ' ... ... ..:,. . , �'.. -1 . . . I ---I-- � .- bid yo a byte fov -irde." -,,, 1, and, I loff I" inquired. . 11 'To Nancy that-4aint sneer was "The Yarftiick" has recently been is- . ,.�� , �� %�� I I . *9.82 11 - .DR. J. A. meTAGGART I . 'Swinging...- into the sla"'le.oEllOry "You love this Senor Ellery, then, 41The cuftnel's upstairs right now," :somehow like a batile. flag, a chal- ,sued by. the Ontario Mlar�*ing Board Dublin ............ : 11.19- � I . ., , , - .,;.�, I ,o;� I I I . � , , I . ���, z ­."...., .... . -rode a -way to- . the various sfan- 'SWorth ...... 11.84 9.45 � _."; ;.,W . reined Real about and Carlotta ? " . . declared A -miner. "Seen hint go up lenge. She had not the loast idea It gives a revi'ew Of ::: - �..'� "i'l --C - dards and grades under which Ontwio Clinton ........ - 11X6 9.59 , , �:4�� , , . . , A-Sduate ,R*yal Colleg& Of Drantal ward the foothills.. There WaA , no ,,PoT el nornbre de ]a Madre - de ,not a balf-hour ago. Know him, Why the ,Mexican girl was here, ex- , � I , : I 0 � . . 'Urgeons ._T,oronto. Office at Re'a- lack of purpose on -his face now. He at_ Gbderich ........... 12.1g."'., 1045 , . 1, . Dias, yes! , Heem,db I 110 to the end strangerV' cept tbab.she had not corne to see farm products are sold and an . ­... ­...... " , , . , "' 1. - . . __ . - . . ' .. 4 I IMIV:Oni�xio. Phone 106. would scout throUgh the hills toward ,of thees'lijfe, atid beyondl" Something , -Tolank You, sub."' said Ellery. Colonel Natifort. They surveyed ,tempt i -s made to,educate the house- . ' ­­­'�..,.. ; 1. - .. I �, _. I I . , . 11 C. P. ft. TIME TABLE `.�' . . .." 1� . . ,9-4-" 1 I -, I where lie ,thought faudic Harper might in heT father's c&es made, h)6r turn "Thank you very much." He swung. each other coolly, yet'.each ,with a wife on'how.- to buy on grade. The . I .. . . 'I., I , have sought a hiding place, but' be,� and ,ewi ,the room as. though she sud- from his vgkidle, -and dT,ew - the reins gaze that seemed to fry.to, reach in- pamphlet also mIessures, the responsi- . East.- .111", I. . I .. � 4 ' , I I I .. I - AUCTIONEERS fore -night he Wrast'b's in Columbia' dienly thought tbat all this Mightibe ovf6r Reallis -head. Ellery,'however, to the other's thOughts, I bility of b,)th producers and consum,- I . I . - � 1,�. . 1 .14 A.Miv, - I :1 � , 1. I �-'that on -IV . n expense.. "Eas he was not to be allowed, to enter the They were about ,of I ' to a continuing agricultural pros-,' !t I -f.,-., ., At gerhad leaxned , a joke at her ow. Fin am yet ers Goderich ... �,., i .............. 5.5W. �1.",�", IZ4 . . .. "'', HAROLD DALE ` 'Colonel BeVort and really gone, padie mdo?" .1.11 hotel &rid ask for Colonel Beaufort. could not have been more Idifferent,.- perity In Ontario and is intended to Men -set ... � ......... I ....... &81�` �"s - _ I 0 . � , I I ' 'I ba rn ad ,qre ees gone as I told you, Car- There were few men -in- t1fe Th�nes - - though in them one 4irgl,ity stood out be the first of a. series discussing this ,MOGa,w . I ` .... V, 5 �r' t I, (P' ys .. Licensed',Anctiorkeer ' I h s dEugh d retu e rom San ............... ,, .... ut "'. ", I . � . .". ­,�,,�,� I , lotta.fp i � 1subject-from'dilterent angles. Co . A T4 I., * 0 1 Specialist in farm and household Frall6scO. - ­ ­ I . , . who did not know good horseflesh in commoni--breeding. - ---- -pies A,ubuyn ... . I.... i.... 4AL, .11 ­ . d . I ­, . I— - � For (ktN ' ,"Then I shall -find heem," Ae said and approci4te It, and most of the 1`11he Beaufartg had come fT one of the,booklet may be obtained, ft -Ora Blyth �,41997-, "M c I .. ,,, . :�.: ' ' * " '­ "A . . on tnite or I Siouatmb &.�d ther Ontario Marketing Board I -"...........:.I. .6140 �1, , � 'F , " . phone Her- I ,slowly. IIIHe ohall ,h(yb sourn the loff mien th�WW" seen that this odLa col- of the firat families qJ the , , Parl'a- Walton ...... I ............. : I ( 1 % . ICHAP,TER = a Carlotta E§qiieval and,�&st IS In -ored animal,was a thoroughbred, ev. farUw back froni. long and proud ment ,Bldgs-., Toronto. ,.. � ; . I I oldd , Phone"149, - ,,, Or apii. I I . ,� , , Mr�%Naugqht ., . - "I ............ Cat ,*�F,x . Bor -that its rid- lines in England and ',,%Otlxn� and I ­_ , : 'L 44�!��-, ,,��­ � . I alone at the big the Alrtl" Me cla�ped bar bands. ezi before tlivy Iliad seen .. . � Toronto ,. * ...... e... d". *4,;, .LU,2 ;;' , �,� ,�"��I� , " - I ii- , . I I I . � ply, 6b Co. !I)oi� Cayelano was a . I . 5 ­ � . � oak table in the simoke-bl'AA?#fted - Wheiv Manuela appeared amin she er was France. The pater"I branch of - , , I - I � . dij. obviously a gentleniin. gay Marketing I .. " r - I � ..""L' - , -1 ' , � � ,,'.�� .. I . I ,_ ,AR KLOPP - " Ing roorri.�.Svhen he beard light foot- efied fiereelv (Had EMery glaneed up he -would Carlotta's fandly-tree reached, across Hay inkrketing in WesWrn. W,610., , . : i,�",�z.,�--f " . 019C ozitario, , " I I'll, . . . . I but'lut . . , X , 'A �. � �. Degp%6 his satis- ,'Jose Pablo? Where aite they?7� have, seen,.just, abov,6 him, the ftee California and .Mexico to the hi&- 'was very quiet in, Deeembei, . I . ., *, , �, . - . _ CARrey Jones, Na. ste159 -In It -lie PRO . -�.%!_ a ,;,-i!��, . I � . I Uoytot Graduate ft,g, Chi- faatic,m avet'reeentevelits he-was-Tiot JVfant4a, grinning, disnopeared, It 'that had b6en irt his mind, waking 11gda of, Castile and ATagon. it was 1urptovement in thvsit�xartion-. is .... i's 4. . ."$.* � , M A", , I I tional ,Qk&odl for -Afttionem . , , � cip M�Xlaught' '.... . ­ : -1, , ;, ", r, ,, ,,, '., � .. � *AS si was not long lbefolie, two bh-rei!0Ot or 81, '' f montlis, Nancy aristocrats they IneasIored each 'Pected before spring. . The pvllft , all 6 � . . *ithob.t lr�i$givings, and ther( eepirig, -or as '" I I I "Ill,,!!, 11�� � ", �ft.44 � I - . .., ,Oap. 'special courke UkOn in Para BeWort . waiis ebitabing tihe galloy Vbhel!, .0a'dotta. with smoky blaekAmo"mcght this season- has b6m, by : Walton .1'. - 94r4; IV. orl**#,", , 1� ".. 11 I - like fhat'bf a man who ybutb. stottelidd in fiont $e- kitchen I ', I 1- . . . . � . .. . I" "I,".." �V;,...`.,. I . . � � Sib -d tAvo S;Wck Real V4040 Wrii set tO'Mt'l&w a. rall, and looking down - b4, eyes filled, ,eyeso. Xa,�c.y ,with grey ones that *etid wo-tof truck to tho larger oentres dbth, Blyth .. I .......... V, _4_" � I I. ....�." 1� �* ­­ � ­.....'.... . . i . Sales, - Rit68-.. In lmqwa ,lit must endu" a storm. - , And,held...,their straw .-gonbretog p I *� .1�.. ilin , � ­­ . I *.- 'i0hUh the cov � as Toronto.. and , Tudu urn ....... V�� �� ~, I - I , __ , � �t --ho' 'Aub .0 ­ 7W"id and' 'rAM . with *Ondbr, 'Thei-4�� totfld 'not 146Q.� -& aeutratidu -of ally IFO , , '.. � , ed in, 0ie.'dbbrw&Y, gainst their breasts. . , . ,lit ... �,; 7' I R , ^ 1:� I i" 1,1131., I , wb%# with prevailh re, She wore a scarl�t dream and red ,11,h_&it1a111 cried Carlotta.. kprou� -et be uIty doubt. He ,had Ipt ,dltdl thought bel -And A�wft. - -A - u&fiuke Miojyly - withh .1 Ing 9MIK-69 -- .ff �WGA* . Ii i k W I... 4w* ��,-10 I iiir . , ., I ,It uftrk*tg., kt,, jr,grl,Otta df*i 0 , i, , I .. -.- _. .. . - VM,`hil, "' ; I , 'Vi . . Z 4hese, oenttes isbei ' , "do6d. 'ft W.- 94�Mlif � i -, - - - I, 4 4 -i, V'-'evN'T� ,�y I ,� :4 � � I . ­; I � , I W"'10;; Od Wii" lot ! I . . , , - 1 ,4�% - I 1 "4 '. . 0 ,u - W� jj,�jj., gt&,kjvg,s. A . blAdk, mantillit was 'tolsp , V&0 *ii thd`+446 ? As if they phug paived, I 41 . .- ,"I k.,4VWWJ - ' �`�" ­ . N � I . I � 011* I' �i_W' and, Joso-.1eaped I , 14 week. ly qll the second -taut alf&a ­ ­ 11 I ­­ . ­ .. . gulig across hor slint., shoulders., H& , as it mr idto wor #.am She Mollt4 in, . hot � , , ,-, (IMUt U44"neXt has, -#I'- �ilch tolio-JitwOri, ­ -Z_." .4. '' . _. . . I . - .1. 4 .. . . .�' __ . � I I V - '. -­ , ­ " TrI, . 1, I , . wt . .1 . ? , . I _ �. I . I I . - I . I . I . ,, " I � . 4� . . , -�- , - , !, I .� I --1 .. I . .. . I �,� - _". ., . . 'F'�' 1, �� .. *: � - " ­­ . 1 .. I I � . I , ,: I . I I � . .1. / , I I... . I �. . �' . I . . is ., ( ... - : � .. '. . . I '. :1", I - , - , - . il . . I .11 I .. _ � . I . I %, � . . . _'. _Vj� - . ,,� , J�,11 , , ,,, ;.g I I . . I .. . I . . I .1 . I I ,� I � I I 1� � � I . . I . .4 . ­.: .1. . 6. .. " � - . . . _' ­ " �.i� ". , , �, � , 7- . , ��,,;,��, � I � % . I : , ;,. ., . I . 1, �� .. , , ., ­ , , ,J ­ I... , , , , , -4 �� 4' - , . I . ,., F". i�,�,Lv' I . tk . I I I I I X� MIAN, 16%, W?�,i,4�,��,'.' 1:a.�):� - " � a gg'. � � I , I" I I g -, t � I �., - ­_. . , I . I . , , . I . . I "-.1 . . . ' " ' ,, � , , �., I ..1. ­r�r,: ; , . I -N- I . ': I � 'I" : . � . . .-, ��. , . , , . . I '.4 ., , , 4, '... 1. I . . ; - . I I '. . .. 11 I , �. . I I 1 1�7'_�. � .." , . I ", ��­' "- I - ­­ � '� -,,, I - q il ' ' _ . I ;, - , , . ., � , . ,� ,,� ; N -111,1W " '1� � , - . .... : , � I. 1, N , I I I , I , T .�� I I - - 1A 1, iT ­ P, I .1 , , I I .. �'!" I" . �­ Mi,��'. � I T. . � I 11 1W I , 1 'I , �. "I. 6 .. I . - - , I I I M!", � �­­, - � i I ,L: , � "IT - ,�­:. i -,.;:­Ci,!'V ,,, �1, �% �.' �V,�.W. I " , 1�6_ "! -, SE2;��,,V,f,�k,��,,.�llk,',?,�,*.".'�.'T�t:&*A.l�t�N�W��tL�r ­_ I - ­­­ - .. ­ - - "....­... � .1 I I—— ­ 00 gl�i,"",�',,,, . , L, , , " s i, -4, . . .1 .", , . , t­.',�.,�;f,l" , i, I., 'a -,if 'en " " I , � , - ,.� .. " . 1 .q , ,,��J . . -111�, ...... ­�,�& ".,? �,:.: - .. " I 'L,,"J�,,§e,Vjk; " " I Al, -1111 -121 - 1. ,� � -�, , ,. �, il,* , - .'e''.166 �14,R,,.,A,_:t�'. _,­ ,,�, I N I .. ill I , -9 T-111��l 1111 I'mi-aA mial ,5',;'00"',_.,._..._ III ,�,� ..�' �, J ,4. . " 'I " . 1�1. , I i�141.­ k �% ., , ... ... . , I!, �.�, i��- ..'.,;'t,v. � t. � . ,III ` , , 4 - � I k,;*,�:. ',,�.jl, �,. 4 !19 '�"e' ',`�kl��, i'� � g',ej,k��.� � , J, ,I , '. , " ��C'4_ilzgw; . 111 - a! alIN WNW11311101TORr , 11 11 I I �, mogd: , � . , j, ,'�.,' � ­,; �J 1; � I 1.1 , 11� 14. ,1�4 N ,., I 11: - " `�,, �, ­" , VA , ,,�,--..;��',; '111 IN. �g I I , ,�. 11 . -1 . I ; I ., I s ­ ,-­,-�­` � . . I . I . . 1,; . , I , , I �,.,�m!�%q�, . ,� ", �� ' , � . . . � ."._ I .; � -, , - I- I _: - � ., il I � I - � , ,���� �41',, , .�`� , , , , .,I. , W, ; p, ." , , . � , �'t., - - , " .,� .,� � , . . I I-. . ..." � ;­ ,jt'1.14(V..;1. _��,­ : "': �- , - . � ; 11 i I . -,'-:�, , ,I, , , . , � "' I , , , I �1 ,� . '4 '. � . "r. ,� � " _7. � " � � r.. '. J� "'n ,4 , � , ,4 , I . I . 1, I , 1;,� ,r,f , , � � , . , . I I _I. � � ,�,�;,, 1 , ii I , , , , ;� - I . 1 , 1. I 1 �V��7pl:�, ­'� .. , t � � -, * I " T, '. .. � . , I , , � , ­ I I., � , , , , '4�, �14 �, . ;, . I -1 I - . � � ,.q, ., , I�I L , . , _ " I .4 W I , " �'.� ,�, ', t � ..."�fj,6,'... _,k a N i'ANAI-1 � I .. �'. it " o. �