HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-01-26, Page 1I " - I i. " 101 �.,:_" " � , ;,, R I �16�4f , ..I ,� li, � 11 �,,Wiglii,�i.l, 1��i :, , - . ."I :­ -_. . 1-f :.! ; ��� . - I ?IX 'r *`V 9-r�-IN-11-1�f�filt.111,�lil--4� � I , 7! 1. :1. , , " " I . ... � `W')i , V r X�V� 11 I I I -_ - - , ­ - I � , ,I, � I 1p" ,.-; - " 0VI I 1% , , I " --V�rr-A.,��,,-iri�,,'i'-""V', . 11),4 � ,i "-�l,-"�,"7'-,',P,,14ip"�I'l,lI -IT W, � -, ,.,-W' ��, ".'Jpj�-,ri�d,,X,�.M. - .�� im"..'­', .�f� "'!,, _',;� - yp4 �,. I;, & �!N. �' - I 1� " ml, k q F%� g., "".- g, gf'�,. g I., Var'ftl,; , &%&.,�?"&�jF 1. , - ,?%, , ��- -le I 111 � ,p� 1, ." , J�W-,. 11411" � 'Plr -t' , - - . . . . 13_`,.� m7',, 'i N , " � :11 I , e. ... , ., -:r " , , �_ ,4 pq ��5�;;"17,��%';.,�. .'55 M�i� � , _, ,IN ,&� � - ,,� ." , ""'; ,�� '. � �el . , " , --' - -,�,M.P!I�t­ ii , * ,�' , . .. I ,k - -,V ..- , , ,,a .. _,� . � � , I I , �k . i 0- , ., , 'N , . . . , .1�., , .L'T '0 ,� , -e ; :, �,:, , �40 _. _. .. 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I I , I I 1pi­ - , , ..� ,A , , _�i,'-- _ � T` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?1- , I.,., 17,�:,�; g - I I . I � - = t i, .�, ir"., `,e�0, i '.t!",i ,1,��,-,:, ,%, - - ­­ --".;(,I,, -.4". liait-p­,66�fl�i� '! � �� : -11"I", - T �..�� � .., . . ... 222 ­",. I L" J- � 9,., ,.. 1-1. I d "8)-- � ___ -1 �,, , � , .. , .. . . .,� ,� 6 1104 . I I 1: �, 1, ­_ -1 .11 . . 1. ..� I � " � � I . " 1- I � %", � . ,.- ,,, , . , � ..­ � T I ''. I . I," � ,,, -41 I . �­:,.%,�. � ­­��', . , " , � . -1 ., I I - , . I , I I I , _ - " , �­; , .. ,., ., i,,.4,1.,.,,.,.'�.'�t',Il,.-,�,, 1� X. � .1 �i� , 4� , ,� I ­ ".- , 3 . t , !,�`�,�, "' I i 1 - .4; � I � "' , � 1112' , . � � . � , 1�� I '' 7 . -, i; Ill 1 '21 I W, �,.,-, TT �, ,, I - 1. I At i- _- .. I " ; - �_ . . ., I . 11 ­.­ � .4:11 I'll, ..... I'll, _ _ 1.,.. 1, i_-_, -,"s", ", . , . ' 1. .' — i-'. . : . ";. , � 111. I i... I I . , , , -1 1�, �. , � " � , , . , , . , : ., --o", .., .. '. , , ._!�, : & r , 11 ", ! � ." . , � -. � .;.. , . "M 1 .h� �,, , , .q. ,. I . , : ..� ft , ""�,, N'�,�iy' "I" .� , I ! � , '... � � 6. , ­ I , I .. - w - . T 14 �,:��Ij ,,* - . ._t�, -�-.;��..;, � ,�,.,�, �, I I I �.,�,�:, 'I" � 4 '. � "' "" _` , I - � r"""-- . ..... � .1 v � , .. I � . ,ee 1. .1. *,�:% " ... " ..'' IN . ­ . � 11 I I , n',. , . . , . � '', � . ' - Tu- ., , �. . - t in� 4, IN 't , . I - ''. , , M 0. 11 . , , 1,103 4i �i 1; _ � ,., , r, t".Vai� . ., - I ; U.r 0 , "': " Wa, r ae n � I .00 , i'l, I I I , , 11 I 11 "; �: . - � 1. 4, ' _' , ' I`* .'ift , . _,, ,, � 1 �4 �1, , . - . :, 4�1,�� ,, , . _091 . . .. I -­ , ; � , . "' �� �! �� , " , - . , e . I , 0 I 1. ii, __ .,!�, ;,3-4 � V '14�1,�H ,,,* 3 , , , 11, ._ , 1 . - � 1. �;g ?.�,':V.',',-- ,­. Jim , '.1 ., 11�.., � , " L-., , " � - " � .... � , _', � � H ! ", J"IlkAn 11 , . R , , _ I 16 R N,", , __ E C110 � W 0 � , i. 0 , - -Q i , . ,,,,,, ',":­.; , ­ , �i.;�,' W , " 111. .., . I '' , A_- 0" V 1.1''7'' ,- 1V'.,;1'1 11 11 ib�, . _ I I .- 4 . E te I te. d . , P � U., $ � : _,�,�, I .,.'4_.1 II'..'..... ,. �,.,­,, �.� I - ­. 11 ,.:'' . ., I ­. 11N.14.1. ,, . . , , . � .. At - ,h " �" �r,4 - - M. . , ,'_ ', . 10 .. � G , '': . ow '0 . .. i - � I , I . . . ... ,,­­­­;� , . � I � ;o . . I I .. I I . . ., �,.,j�. ..., I . .11 . i'' . ,. I . . 1. :�, i!,. ...'' � . I . . . . I . I ,;,"", .1 I , ,:­ �'.,­:�_ �,Iril ­ 1, , , � ...:--11 .. ..... - .... - . .1 . . q. , li.".. 1. ...7.,. -1� ., - .1 i, --:­",­­�11­­ . — I . . . ,ii� __,_'. ;,. ,ii ......­.., I - .,­��­i - 7 -- . : - C', , - 11pax .' te I � , '. , , . 0", . -ri , , 1. . . �, .. - I � .- � 1. . . _.... . � .., . 1. � I . A a) iA .� . . , I,., ��_� � ,� . .Ili I ,'k,�,.','',.",7,7f:,�4-1,1'-�',,,,"":.,","-- - _�­, � ­ ''. . . . �''. . ., Ail" - of f & . 0", g =� . . . I -� ­Z�d"*lle , _1 � -- ., stmas,Cho 6 - 9.2 . 1. I 1Z - -1 77-17, ", _-7,___ . .... I ...."'! . . I -- ` "`­ r4g�.'� .. i , , - 4uffifln ., ... ... . ..... 111 wi'.'�206"CW i Q_ An. ELECTED N , B19 .1 an , AiPfts a 1..��, Winthrop .and r.. ,, .: s,p 4'. , .. 1�gxn 4 � , , , , , 6�*' , r _�,, d ` "'' - 004TW1k,.;,,�1A, � I, " "'VeN300 , 11 ,��RD .� �rak , . . I '; t I I - ­ 11 I I , , ­ -,, .;, I I , , '. ".:. I I I '"" " ` .,�# q cM ,� , ITJ , , , . . , . . . I .� I c14 :�� - , , � "CommilUes-. Are � ' - ' . .. ... - ­ ; . . �; -, .., ,;, . ­..­ I -1 . . I � . . .1.� I — , '' : t. .1 .01 WiffilliMi" C:Ulp , . . . " 0 I I . ­­_�'. ,-..: --- :. , I,.! � �� I I... .P I . . I , '' .. - __ � -,.--..- ­; ­. . . . :. ��,P,.;, � - � , .. . .11". � � ,� . .. 1, I.. . ­ -1 �- " , I t "? I �1' 7_11M ro � ". . , , I- c h... �. u_ Ay-,,, �` - , - - ._..­.­_. . raid�' '' . .,�,, 110640i , �Npw.. ..!: �1. I.. I �:. ;. I =, � " - t�,� - . . I . . . . 11� I . � I ., , . 1. � - '. -,Qainesw - t, r - : � 141y, ., 11A 'V. * I . Presented; �.. 1, 11 1 .­' %, � i, ` " " "I ! _"�,., M I ; Ir. � . "bffici, .It, Aic I I I I ... .� `� 1. . I I ­_,_ , ­�� - ­ . . . 1. I . .. , i , O" %nd-1.10r., 11 ,;.1 ah, .. aj*d, By . ___ '. I .,... . . . 4 - — " , - , , . I I 11 . I .1 ...... ....., .... � ...... 1. I . . . .. . , , . ', c I .!��­"", �. t..." ;",.. ,'.:;�i%_, . , ! --.,,, . c s We dou!t wish to coinplain. but . . :.,.`,-, , . , .. , "�,' ... t, ,� .1 , ., ... - t . , �, ,-, ­.4'� . 1. - is I tug' ., , �V. � , �,�'. _.'11 ... , ,� p: .1, 1.11 �, - � - - I -.1 �, , " !,Y. I .,.?� I�Vl 11 ... . I , W� . -, . �� � -13 DONAT � . " - , .. I." , 1. , I'�,� ..- 11 . ... Loss of J� . wid --.Re- : . I .'_0 A; ,,.,. .,., - "I "I 1RECRI-V . , . �'L'l . - .. I I . , " IGODE j�-,,:,"JR9 ' _08,; �' � �� .- ,'ION '� the fact . of . the niatta . , . I . I I I - " . 14C I . J . . .. . .. ,. , !.. ­ . , ` , ,!- .", I ii� ,,� �,:. I . .. F ­ I , 11"', ,��­�,. �11 1: . , I I , 11 . . - ... � �1. more thai, half our, ig .circle Of - ': Z_ �, .,.., - . t _� k.1: I . � . I . . , . � . . I �.- _ . I ... ;;i . ... ' . . . V �. , I ,_ ,, -7 - _2�,.. �, . - 4 , cords i �, i . . ­­ ­ . . I R in a, serilq!l . . I . I friends -an �. t"54_ 4.- . .� ­,@� .. 1. I . . I � . , .. I - - �� . - , - � � -_ . ...: . . .4. regder,4�'�Oai,en%,,been - Wg iz�p,,�,' :�-i�,! -, ....'... , i, I � ... . 1 1. - , . . . !-. - ­­ : The Boavers, - ---. - X, �V,HoIig�' ; ��'r a Ic ,dit- iRobert' Buir-lis, ScodaA&& fiamous,, in to *ee us this. year. And,..'.te IDAVID - 1,� i. I . ;E, I ...'�, . ,i I.. I I . . . : � TP . . . . 11 1. ..'' . r t . . itb a 44 dt re�;o i . ron Exposi- . . � I . . :11. W.. - -1 I .1 -burg � flashes . 0. Wn a:; "n.i , whi The -, Hu -mouth- . inaki i ' ­ . ­.­ .. � ��11 ' . TV Wp_— �; on I ..'.. V . :, !, P, - �� � I _ _.. , - . , . - 1. ... ".. igh� Poe�, wgo honored at the sent h fa 9 we"""',' I A y";.; t i f,�';,L. . . � 01V .- - - 40 - 1 4 . I � i ., � - I.. ­ 1 Q"1,P1dJ(601u . L L_ It,_,_WALA.:ZM=1W_ �roui time, to tilut-, -, ��'. I I 80 .ACITOR TOM i,- �-,:: .-I �= .......... 71- 1 _ kv_',__m%eeting-�.-.of_-AJia ...... Sekoirtb - Lions ,, h2ve ,missed ... beJQu_­-to--su6erib -..o _,_; ___.�_A.A .� " � I - 7 I � . � _:�_, . I for 1,0 -`nAnuties. TMO, The- are Club -6n Mon erA ri6meiwhat in iiiTeiirs. na� . , . - 1� ......... , I � - . .. AKE STEPS, ,; � - . Uy eveining.' Lion H. G. .4- 1, . �� �, ,45p.., -.Yl, ,,?:�..,.��, ��.',�..;,� I . - , .�,�-i ".�� �'_ 1. . ,:��t_ - . . . 'L .; Beavers I ' ' " ' 4 '6ie- haig � .. and- was assist, turitily -we feel pretty blue, about To" Officials' i 1-94 " �t','_, ­­, . 1, So I 1� ... I .. 4 . TO T .. :. far the from I . . . . . fiadlin Cfi,vtered ,iiZ't., , ..,� , I , . "' I , I , I I . . . I 11 .... game in. __ ., 11�, Accountaric'.. . , �6T - . .. �', ' . I .... � .� . . . 11,.., �until one rdnute befote,itl)p ifinal ... bell .1.witft.�- the kind* eid a. . . . it. Won't Yod d in at the old pointed ,by VIS cbunCi!J St IMM"W"; ,_ . 11 �k , .14 1�� _-_ .. . -pot .. 414,11 I IF .?X " - � , � . ' a motion.passed, al, fthe - , Jwben na±MS'Ldrilled a 1AA o6e'. 1' permission of - the lOt6r. . 1 I 7 nigh,f` -has been* ' stAnd and help crhoeper.0 '7111M ­. � . . . . .1 . I ed',meeting on ,"n' " , R . .CoiOrary to . � .. . �#_,up. ev, ,,,�!$r,� 1 r' '�!-,�.­-,ill`. �. . . ,December session bf., Huron Coufty ... �' 8tade to #;o . " . 1'� . -. , I � Mohdf9y � ....... MA �s - , - 7 L -, ,,,.the score...�,A bum -h* I-, the custp-m. for some years.witli the -_ . rn��Aij, applipation.a. to,ehdoso_v �, d .. .11, *1,. -H Elliott, GUnton, was I '. ,,, ,pace was -set up by O)Oth te ras that You have assigi4ed to me a 6ubject. Seaforth Lions, but the, pTogram.. this. - 0 0 _QT: in 11 11 d 71 , . . . " J, con=, . I iriqon'�whieh, iiiu,31i'lias been: *ntten.- , -1 40� " 0 ' 0 9. ,ddun,cil madg. .no dhange­-'100,�q . . , . I A " . el.i,ted, i',9�, - of . Huron for 19341 - -never slackened-gud. fZe' �e w! a year vmb,,yaried considerably from , -. . . . I . ... . � - 11 '­:­ �­�� - � .1 .... . I � .. ove e., "' n is- scdttereid'throu.&� those qf '@ib*. ast. Rather thar have I . . . . posiulons, - -C � ".. . .. �- � '. . 'A in -to ' jbita" Th,j ­ftXis Cheered -The'inTorniatio, . "he duties-', . . . . biz ,t 8 e -honored Custom, at .th , � .-,m,#ny , I , � I I . ua ' I. � . reeUng of council in Godt . : � � themselves hoar. d ,we'dt ild - � StatafeS axid t6 adequately,'dbv- 'Club, on t I I . is We" d" � .!,;N " 1.5j, ,.' I I "lich on grumbling or ith� groun&in one evening is Tm- poet, the committe�� arra i no , 16,9,1 iee'aad t eA I ... - I 'It" - * .!tl , . , - ii soi,no men��or� SdTess . - ______ ____ :44 go, ....., %W9 oon. Tb6 .. - tinies. Theite -was .mlddli " ,�ff the . - - . 11�1`1­ I V a �. I � � Tuesday aftern , ' ...... 11 I.. � 1 1A 4' " _Aq- F", _80 __ ,I . � . -U+ -,-,- IT- MayUr-SU11h de� , , .. - ­ the game at , -give , , le ­__._..--- ,-:�. 'T - fris e I . - �, I ."', , I poissib . . If hqi�W ' - LIP .X ,., 6 decision's 11, --A ._ I- . . .iqVr T ­. +­ 0 ;"_,:.._ -ihOicem cE�L of 1Q9 - during , . ­ � . I a:nu dW-f�af'Bd' . eff ' Dwn a , ,_ 1;, . . . �,,, as decided in cq,u noinihation . -3r!----------_ ma .te-­­ - . e,,. e I Reeve and every co,quc.1, D + , . � - . "4� ­ �­ . serntive -,rneff &Ef -s--TEe, P """ F r -111Ch1zk"-- Apfp-e . % - - - -ma-k-b a, smal Contributiozy-to ' Your favorite poems read ,by vartouls Lions. � -t. Attends,ince of � , '1:1 4 �ii; - , I � . .; I "', . . . 'UT * . i .. . 6, ,� The iSeaf orth team fooked the best store of knowledge of -the sinbject, � I Ea7ch, I ceded -by , 'ILITIES en '. 1.11 11�1 ; 11 -,"!,u of Mr., )DIli6tt was' moved ,by' if. � . . . . poem was pre ,a short somewhsit less T, n ar .. rt, . "I", ­i!� . descriptive talk bS, Lion Millsi. . fta � - :, . � I Gamble�_and Wm. J.'Stewa . ­.. __ �-IMRI -.i': . q - :hbef two after the , first ten mlin- shall be satisfle& ; ' OFTUBUC . . ! , "' te rg notch. iMiuniel-pal Institutions in ,Canada 4 meeting., pos-4bly -bee e 1. -?..',.-. ::!!,:..: . . . . . . L I 1, . . .-Ine :Rew Warden. was 'esco-Tted . to.--- '' , , ....................................,*******************?.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.�'..'.I . play.. New HamN, . iBusiness of the m;eeting included .. . . ' I �11�7 ,".. . I %, i . .. "I., � : 3 , . k the obtur by i6x-Warden Ballantyne -:::::;: ��'-.*. :-, -ed the- first-goaLwh . . i tntas 0 4b6y . unofficially intima , I:- , .� I �...:! � on Huibent ador- wtere mootedr, as early- as TIB 9, 'but reports from. ,the CbT a h - ' ­ - - - " t`� . . -1 .. 4.i., . . . _ ' N110, , ­!i�� ed afti�r, vei minutes. The 058 when,"'An 31......0 mmisk - in camem. � : ­. X. .. � .. . .... _­­ ." , . and was sworn- in by Judge,Cost�p I 11, . Beavers, w6e not-adolked. uifell I W. . on Holds Inaugur- ifig'�wo`lw "he -held . - committee chairman. Liori 0 1 1 . . jl� . . ." . . . . Messrs. Nell Gillespie and,,.., I . . " . , . :,.., � , � , � , , , , I . who briefly addtessed- the C4uncil. ' I L then P4 on,,an attack but E. Rennie Act'res,T�,xting the.!Ndnieipal Institu- Duncan, who was in charge of,'�dis- . i ' 00"' - ,�'. � '­ . I .­­ , - . r9m 11, .. 11 - , , - p , ana u was . - , - - �.. � .Ree'e 'bf . 1W. --.16d. . . . .., '. . . . . . --:,..,-. _,. __: . -.- �_. -.- �_. -.- . _ . I � -L%l �. 11 � ,��, was. elected War- Vaile *all, !Rennie .wis I 13rer � , 'the usual grant', for ,the so " ti. .." � ., Oft, Goid 'defiried popula e areas we# ( . , Tue4ay.4 - .-IV. . � .. , , . . u - V,hftr' thlls� A,ct','th6 -Whalbftaints, of that , �` -, I q havetried to make blie dQclars- I . . �i, Was put off for an, accidental trig. tdOns of V -C '' d' " PAssed- tribution, to needy families . , al Meeting on Govenl ,Oputaition f ,­.. , , �k.e - ..q*, a di ..., _ . .T I report�d I � . I __ t i I tion of 6ffice- --and., the ceremotr As Mliott, )r . and - Fablk: and -G.'Rennie f -6r fiA6VEp. 1, ,paf6dii had' ' b4en " 1, I `Sealloi:ith. ir�- thral �deti �1.0"1'11 - �', .1 .1, I Clinton, who ed H# . . ,'�U jinXesstve as possible, belcause .all - �4, . ti� , 0 imCOr- to 4�' faimilles An. town. Re­ealled- ''I r . On'rnotiom a CouttiCill " � 1301, - � .... - ,��,.­p _- den' bf Buren County ,at t6 in- - ,quir and G. Buckmam:ms'dl A. 'beau- rorat64 and intrusted with the priv- attention, to the'numberl of toys and : - . I $10'L " I-! 1. � I ,�, �..�:qll . - "I A , k I ipther memWrs, of the C,4unty Council I "apgaral.,me6ting of 'Huron -Coun- tiftl rush, -the kornitifti scoring on' a 5leges and dutie � , ility. C ' ton and Re,,, ' W. ciq�d'e�.�, - .. fi.,� ,� shouldl bear in mind t*t the"y,are . a of self goqernmeut, %(yka The' Seaforth Public Ut. .,Om_ ye W'. . .. I . I ' . .which bad' been left'with the, was granted the shci�eitir.­­�'...".: , . ­. I I ty Council on Tuesday. , , nest pass. First -period. endied,1-1., restporisive to.- the -needs, tbO, health, Club for distribution and also to thd mUsion held its inaugural- 'meeting I I I . . I..: . _�,� � r I ei%terifig on a seriouq,,"WoVk. Xou I I I . . I .. 1. 75 . " � i . I I .,7�,, I . � ;��,,,�, I . I "Vi, deriberated. seriously ifb- choo,s­ . . . lKalbfleiseh was put off' f6r trip- -the safety, the Comfort antthe or, gifts which the Young -people,, Sp- in the town. hall on. Tuesday. The , Table Band's Request,- �. . .�! "". I -1 . , . - I , " . .. A 'a W No doubt.there .Are 7 � ,.�. I Ong. 'Ei Rennie amd-'Gardi, "Sam'! defly government of an ftanized ciety of the United,1CbV=h had turn� C010111niSSiOn, is the same this.year as -,:! . . � . I I .. I I lw.� 1. 7" . �;, ,, . .. - ..... . � . _ ing- . _q;:4erk._ . . . . . i . FhEftand r;mftided, , . - .. I � I I . Golding, M.P., Mayor Sut - .1,0. � . �. Community. , . r , - . . ed over to -the Club. Lion, Duncan, in in 1993, that is W. H. �, �;;;,�� ,� ,� ,. many good men but -eiv-4-r-y' -,Mn can- � -- � `­... - ­___ -1. . .... ­ . Rennie made one of his farnous Ione - U tba� the i ' 0"* - � L - � � .'�. , � . , - _, ei -�est of tb�- �Seakorw - , �_�_ . .; . Wal ! , - - , I rus 0. - I CEI iately thereupon aii6se the closing his report, sponsored -h vote . Highlanders Band, for its ahnut prant � __ � -\ �7 , ..�_( -ft--t� a1*11t the Naw -Ra m burg , Ifininfed Ri. L " ' Box -and 7d,ayor_Sutherla;nd �,., I i � . I 'Sarn *61ii problems of X - L govern- of thanks to"ill ...... a'""".1stin in the work. . 1. V. - "I � 1, , , . V rl .1 ,�­� � ,..,A . . r. Elliott as a man who' 0 bu �7oajie flat f6cited slipped the. , , , I . .4nicip4 I , g E. L. Box was electe;d cbair�ftn for'bad been leftorvier.from the-lastm.00- .. . I ' "I, . ;, � .�� ", " - in el 0*1AT04aVd;'TO- i1m, the neighborhood -of 600, stock- the year on motion of Mrii Golding nd to, jknow. wimt , 1 ,�4 '.., UOt be -din.11 'His Honor paid `0 . AGRIPUTIM'Ll- w . ittibute, to M S i - would meiLsure up to -the standurdIg . - I nuck -to tho top,xight 1and c6ruer ,menb,"nam I saiii� , , . , I -, .- ens iytdging from his tob'put Seaforth in: the lead, 2-A. Fou,i!i -lice, protectior I - � " IN i�ateIk ings -were distribut by Santa Claus and- Wa or Suth&�avd. - . of,pre �Vlti j.�d* . wished' I __._:I�il 1 y 'ft. in e. "_ ' . . � Aaas ward . ed I . � acti2ite Blb'. g t,k.n,,.h,' *said .And ' - "' ' �i - 1" . L! minutes later he .�an�e, through- -with serOic3s, streeit� pad ... ��_04-,ie4'6` at the' base.of the Christmas tree on . . ;�ppe&rance ,#nd previous record. SO C IE T Y M EET L I -Dither, bulsiness. includied- the romr slaked tole 'coprn-cia to considier,i 1. . 1�,,-��,,.,-�-;-'� I . I ... I " .1 . I i - ' I , '' 11.11. ,. etc. ., - C. A.- I . . . , �-, '� - � ,, I . . . . anbbher and the orowd, went wild. eati0m, etc, . Main Street, Lion B�rb " * ppointment ,of all empj� .,. _­. , � . I . er, in a] � . " Z ,�s of. tho TwatteT. , ,,", , ,i, . . - : ,. ; " � 1 I % Tribute To Past Warden I Tihs was the� only se,dring of the see- , The Municiiawl Act was. consolidat- charge of -. : :. 1� I.% � I , , thiii. feature, reported. " ' fODUU6110'r Louis Eberhaft thought.. -- . I ", 1. I . . 1. * 2�X ut bioth,goaXes were call- ed -in 1914 and the whole structuie Of ,�,ion J. W. Beattie, 'who looked af- COmrraion. . � :., . � I . �', . ., .. . "The past warden was a good"war- . .Ct,",b . ­­., , 0 T�e motion was, as ,follows: "Mat the- grant 'was too lgh.. ,'qt.-wo?r.)p �-"' ,.,._;��,& I den," continued Judge Cost. ' , Minicipal ,governmeni and a4mi'vis'- ter - the Uom visit - to the County Mr..Mble. be'reappointed -superjntemd- out to about $35* a .SUrida7, ' j, fij,jj�. . " ­ . I ': I 09 . 1, I . Rilo. You Splendid Year Completed nunierous sbots. I .. �', � . realize the past' yeair was a - difficult I - . In the third,period G. Rennie was tration.in -Canadla.is ,controlled the're- Home� reported that a niurfi[ber, of � . . . . . . . .. �. � :1 It i I Despite � ;,iw by. It sets . ent Of the Hydro and Waterworks,at, ed it out,", he said,. . I. I 1. . . - , �f 1. I -Warden was asked, to-do Hard � penalized for croca Checking and Ne - out .the manner in which Lions, made the trip, the day before ' - ,,n I I . .1 one afid the -1 in same Wary as last year; that Mr- - ay..fbr,--th,e�-FW1-.79q -­_ . . .­ I . ,. . .. .,`%at,th,ey._.p1 - � . .r '. ji1or6 thiiii thost- 'ffam1brurk piressed a1but, c � - ," . . to_ 1. �L . . L`! 6f:biff predwess,ors."i a- . I ,1 ,-1,.,. . .-th" Beaver's Aranicipa.-Cou. C115 aNd Gfli-MAM- Christmas and distrilbuted gitltis. A -- b , y aim I I ,, �, , . Times., �Dal� Finally Bowman . scored' on be elected; thei duties- the' method short Orlogram. was ailso given . Wilspn__ e reappointed secretax j- - -ffnd- �thet thiiiij," Re eve Crosier ire,- . �, �� " judge Costello, sgid'he wilihed to pay! . - I . I I minded i4m. - � I � '. �, . � �...'.. " � , ... I � two of � fir tre asurer at - sam6 salary as last I . . I .." , to, Warden Ballantyme as a, , . .., I Harris' ipass. Hubert.wSs given ICIP&I UndettakffigS; Uon Charles Stewart repo' "They get - il 1"M i � I .11 ..... . �_ I. � kited that .paid for that," Coulliel -- ­ I.: - eifficier& 1Jurom)AgTieulWW So-, penalties ,and Bifteman one for trip- and what most concerns us as. Pros,- nearly 176 'per . '! year.; and that Mr. Little.be reap.- �%. ,; . painitak' " 'e ,The South i . . signal bl�dstmas cards � .. . . ... I , I nergetic and _t . . , .1 'fit 4 ito loOk a6q waitprivrorks and lor Hudson, r4imiaTked. ' - . 1- .. 1I. - I 1. �, . - I al m4 ing it the ping and E. Re(Ah`16 -1 -a . gain- scored- on p9ictin Municipal auditors; 'the ac- li'd'heein sent to shut-ins and others poin e. . . 1-11 �ffic4at *The past county council, he cie�y. . a I - , .t� ,,,.nu et rits to be'kept,,�nd' +he ­d1t of i ' werigh sc es in e ay me,ol'tbeni were up .- ,. 1, a .� 1� M! ' I 11 . ­ I - " -had so ' f, �and � ft, -conol I .. �!� !ga Henaall,, on Firi- G. Miiir's -pass 'tto put the Beavers CO3 81) n' We d6istrict.. .. aI i i th 4, ' firm I e at same 'T Wtsh So . .. -.� - I I . ry as* lasib year. -"Irrient, is 't 1: . I ss,id,� expressiM itsel , i ,; , . 6 . I . . . . . .. . � � , I I sula here. ,Tbere.*. is. aii �P,giiI n ': 'r" ,� - ,q . ' ' . of last week ap&- Ri- up 4-2- 'Lion - E. ,C.' Boswell, treasurer of , . �.,:- tOo, deserves ciontimend'ation for the ,day 3f . Tbwai�ids.. the,, end ,of -- t1ka them- I . . . I �. 7 - , .. , ,� .. � ­ 'Con . . � u1b, reporl I . I. . , . . ( th (2 " ' "' ted ... that­i­ . . askkd,,CMm-c ., / -ii, -1 ::: ... "I" support it gave the Warde e iiiiiied on Page 6), The' meeting was then adjourned. t'.heq e 1 " M ,1 xohqn,;-__ , 11 '. � g. and he spit 6f 11hard times and �reduced period ithere was a siara,rrble in front . � .- . , .. . � - -operetio., for the gimnW, - thei T.reasiire?s -t ,q e.- Stade held the puck unor I 11 I . .. . 1� _, . I Clerk W-ilgon,.revi,,swe&,ve,oballv;i�6; -, I ", I - I I �, I - 1. -ad -been received froni -the ­ . . I - :1" - . iasked Oe same co statemen , Stad . donation b S . t. . . . t a& a' few Years, ." I . I I � i ­ . egreemen rr 'gifo. "I � I new Warden. . . . showed.: the Soqiety had pome, through his gloves but -by persts.tent lisoking = � �.. Walton, Red, Cross o�ie y. A vote I ­ ' . . , 'The t . .. - . s. the'' ' ' " "I". I .. . 'M of thanks was tendered.- . � the socipty. EXET I with,thi Band,- -own own . . �w,irth. a sUbstan- with their stickf_; the New Hainl� , ' OP, �' Ew. :' ,, I . . ".''4 �ftrden Mott ewpressed his ,ap- a most difficillt year . CKILL I . . .., . Vinstruments- anIi, viiif-orma. - - The- -Band' �� -V,. - I . 4 1 q . Aor be . stqw- 11 � scored, IiubeA getting I `:. I . . . . 1. . I .. I. I � e - _. - .. - preciation of the,,high 'h A.&I "Iiin4e-, -�p. flie, ,bank. . ' Tylayers finall,ii � Honour Burns`� - I keep's th s arr-itrn�rierits in -re�piait� wad -�' �,,,` - . - V ' � . F, I , , . . I . . red the tying - tueeting 6� Priori'to the reading oil .this vicinity who have play fo,r Sunday evening, c6 n0a . " - ed tt him and'�Rl�o;roualy remarked nieeiAiig'was woll'atfian4ilsmd the CrOdit- Harris, scO The. tnuaTy, monthly Bltrne Residents, of � . .- 0 - ip'lay- I � .. � . : I. ,,�".. . , . Cigt it was'theAlrst time he , w Ha,rribarg Duff's Church, McKill,Qp, was held on poems, the chairman, called on Lion . III _'. had be�n there .seemed to, be more interest and goal when Ne was been. paying 29 cents for gasoline two other -pi,radeIs a, requ;6sted by , I I I brought before a judgeii enthusiasm, than is usuaU7 me , nifest- . ing five 't6irwards ins I ide Seaforth's j,n,ary,1,5th, at the . home of Mrs..W.. Johiii Beattie to recite, a poem wri,t- ,havebeen, wishing fOr a gasoline' rate COUM61. . '­�­, .� .1 I '. � I . 14� . . Clerk J. ,1VL Roberts read the min- ed. The'president, Dr. A. R Cam,p_ ddlerice z0he. I J, It 'war, with the village as -battlefield, Way*, ,Sutj�`eiland S'919. " . .� � . I I . Shannon ..with a ,good, atterdance. ten in memory of Robert Burns. � gested leav- d. �:il. I 11 i . uteg,of the last weeting from the M4, occupied the chair. The game went into overtime with �he president of the W. �X S." K-rs- is' as ,follows: I had their , 4teams 'realized thig, .weel ing the matteli ovev"arld -i.n the mean- - . .....;. , . .: I . .0rinted copy a& the minutes since The Society will hold a Seed Tair the Beavers playing. the New Haim- Chester. Henderson,. occupied tho� - )_: Scotia's shore, when one dealeir dropped the Price to time the-, agreement .would be 106kea . A . I SWeet­§Inger of wild t. , , " 4 the official minute book of the county bpirg team, off -their feet, but, to no Chair. Tlie meeting warv. -opened by 1 25 cents and, his opening,gun dr'sW 'into. . '% : ..�4 . at"Hensall On Friday., February 2.3rd, !v 'I. Luck seemed against them - - On wiftg'celestial &st thou soar fire with a drop*, t6:24 cents as the The ,rr�atter Of appointing town Of- .� .. , - . . . had not ,been returned 1by -former �vheii a government judge and speak- a " . zinging a hymn and 'M--- 40- R"eude" T& -realms. of so�g that ne"er, before reply- from 'a nearby vendor. One ficivas came next -and the kavor ask-' '­ ...... " I ... . i� 1 4 0 Clerk Holmian., . I v er will the on hand. The'societY also for they couldn't score. This was son led in prayer; 'Mrs. Win. Kerr Had reached men's ear, . . . ,!.i. ­ . �. �. , _ . dealer, at least, lockied, thi's - purrnps in . _­ i . . . undoubitedly, thebest brand of hockey read -the Scripture; the roill call and Andfrom thy lyre oft.struck. a wore , 1�f 1� . I 'A Receiv'e Communications decided to make an entry at the (Continued on page 5) ' minutes were read by 'Mrs, W- J- To Scotland dear. protest against what he regards" ds! ed Clerk Wil�q.T.i,,tci rqad fhe 1939 ' by- " .�,,�,� ' Guelph Seed .Show in the fall arid . There * �.Iaw,andl the' proposed - by-lww for I I.- f'.. -ke a ,special endeavor to se- I Shannon. Business was then, disL P r1934. , . � . .: "i" I Tenders for supplies for the gaol- - ll ma - " '' unfair discrimination. is a . . .11,11" 1 4 and for printing' were, sent to the '9n I cussed amid it was.decided to have a Thou plumbed the deeps of Natures growing feeling that Exeter dealers TOw, -S,li,it,r, John J. I-luggard, . I I . cure the beat possible sarniples of ' . , I . I, Executive Committee. , Valentine social put on by Circle No. plan, are gmying more for their, ga�oline I, I.fis I I A re,q utio7r- from Wentworth seed. .1 WINGHAM . Am& -gently scanne'd thy brother man, than some of the dealers in near by i who was presek, exp'AAimed certain . . ,:,` .. - __ 1. It was,also decided td,have Me . ' Changes which had been. ma&. . " . � �� ".. . Coutity ncil regarding ary4end_ The annual Spring Fair will be Yet sternly placed a righteous ban pay for t�eir "Tow -ft officiak may ibe discharged , , , - held in Apiri-1,,but a definite date has 'The ,bridge, tLnd euchre held in the Day of Prayer on Feb. 16th at the . On vile deceit. I places atie; cafled -upon to - !, . menft to the High School, Continua . . home of Mrs. J. qq � t notice or reason. They are �...:, I . � , *u.,and Vocational ,Sc�oiol Act of- not yet been'decided upon- council Chamber on Thursday night ,rdon supply and that in some cases ga8o-,_,ithou . - 11 .. , The devo- thy name was ever in the van. ,. ".. - ail leaflet was read by Mrs. .F. , . I appointed at the pleasure oVthe coun- . � I. I - ' under the auspices of the Laidlea" tion lime passes through Exeter -to be sold . I � I 'T V; . uxiliiary to the, General Hospital McKerleher a - -he u -,nice than is demanded., . "I � I . . eouAies, was, rejerred t6the Edruca- � he following officers - ere elected: A nd) a bym!n Was sun. T Gainst hypocrite. ,.�. a lower p ' . . ;�� . I , I . ticin, CoVimittee. � . President,- .Dr.' A. R. Campbell; 1st was 'one of the imic,st successful held . Christian - ,9i&Wardship leaflet �vas. Sacred was Freedom to thy breast, I from the yen&rs here. . It. - (Continued on Page . 4) . . --.I., - " � ., I A,resolution by Essex County to Vice, W. R. Dougall; 2nd'Vice. Owen i The torch of Liberty thy crest, � . . . . ' . liere'in some time. Thirty tableG en- P-iven by Mrs.,(Rev-.) G. E. AtOrrow. . f- � . . ..., I 1, � ' amLend- the -Municipal Act ond Local Osiker; Secretirry-Treasurehr,' K. M. joyed the play. The euchre prizeg The LadieV Aid tftvl took the r6- ,None migh,tier pen than thee possest . I �, I 1, fmpr9yement Act was referred to the McLean; Directors: W. Forrest, H. . viwere won -bv Mrs. J. IFOVIeT and inainder of the i4 atinjgc� waithiii Mrs. Tyrants to check-, ' . . . . . . �1, � . - I Truerfter, John Ri6bertson, Sam Dou- ....-I., � Legislitive Committee. . Howard !X�achan - and tlie brid1ge W. J; ShaMon in the chair. The ro.11 Nor,could authority arrest Northside and Egimondville , , ' , I I The -salvation A=y",%,request forl galL Rev. W. A. Young, Thos. Sher- izes,by Mrs. G. H. Ross and A. M: call was taken by the secretary, Miss Thy forwaid, beck. 'i.. . - - I I . - � W b 'IT . . ' ' . - .,,,' . � C. Soldan, . . Bishop . ­ . ;.1 a gmnr,t for their Rescue Home was Titt, R.'N. 'Peck, H. . -a -d dance followed. D"sle Dorfarice and also the corres- Thou pierced .with poet's glowing eye I r Sanders, VVI. 'Decker, W. Alexander, Wigs . Ler�u Barber returned, to To- Cnu ric 0 . 1. I sent to.ithe, Executive., Lunch n pondence read' . Business was discuss- What mattered, in life's swell and -sigh . hes H I& Meetings � ' 1, , I A re�olution from Middlesex re- I Alex- Buch'Annan- ,George Armstrong, .. to oil Saturday having visited the . ed and Mrs. G. R. Morrow'chysed the' A riibibdW.Afib� acr6g'i­­ffi� sky . . . - . -_ . f '' �� I., I .. A giLrding tax on. sugar -was referred Roy I.amont ZJ William Consitt.. "' ' Mrs'.' Meeting by prayer. 'A delicious lunch - To bright our �oldl. . . I -, 9 , ._ I . I . last few weeks with her mother, , . . .. . " i . �o,the Legislative 43ornmittee. I- ___ cliRrIes, Barber. I wAfs- serve�d bY the ladies. Xftw 'Thy name men never shall let die Congregations Recei�7e En- a social hour was enjoyed during' I �. . . 1 4 A -resolution favoring arnendmefit = - ' ,orrow -conducted, the Nor e'er grow old. . I . . I to, the act governing schools was sent , '�'he ladies of the Wingham Lawn lunc,h,Rev-11Mr.M I . I . I which a lunich was -'served by the .. ­ I 1. � . HILLSIGREEN Bo*lin�.Clulb held their fi�rst inistallation of officers. Lion Mills-, in introducink the poenis couraging Reports from Ladies' Aid Society. ' � . � . # I to the Zdacation Committee. I � party for the win -ter ,season �triic I .. � I I I . a I ____ ____ saw that the first of the poems entit- ' , ' ' I . I - 4. . I Count Jail Report I ..Mr. Wifflam, Jarrott attended the ho,ris o� Airs. E. R, Harrison� Monday- I. - -- ­mwmw led "Randsome Nell," was inspired boy Officers and Societies. Egmondville Annual Meeting /". . . I ly . when there were seven CHISELHURST Nelly'Kilpatrick, the daughter of a The congreization of the ETffibbd;- .1 i... I # A report fr�m J. B, Reynolds, gov- Thresibeirmle-rifs, Convention in Lon -don evPillng, . . vilie Church 'held its.amual Meeting ... 4 � ernor o& the gaol., read: There were A!ast week. tabl". Prizes were awarded to Mts. , � blacksmith and who thay bb termed The annual congregational meeting on Tuesday 'afternoon. The, minister, 'Q� . 136 prisoners during the past year- IMT. George Coleman, of Egmand- F. Sturdy'and Mrs. G. IT, The W,.,M. S. of the church met on Burns' fifst love, as he was then'un- of Northside United Church was held Rev. Oharies M61colm. conddctea-"t�e 'd . . W ­J (MT. A. K.to' land, of N -W,Gd*hesdhy at thie'home' of iMrs. Wil- der the ago of fifteen,years. Bu'rms in the school room of the,church on devotional senrice and pre I . ", . ... r ) ville, visited his son, Anson, last sided - diir- I . Liquor Control Act, 41; theft, T6; aq. a visittor in town. over the -week hum, Pybus. There was a good at- says' "il, never 'had the lesi�t thought Xonday evening. Followin . 11 vngiran% 14; traffic act, 10; insane, 9; wee -k -and also shipped'�cattle frorm w . . . ... satisfactory or inclination of turning poet till I 9 dev0- ing the business session. MC. W. J. #.�, . A ($ - . end. tendance and a very tional exercises, the vastor, Rev. W. Finnigan was appointed secretary.' , 1. : I.- L . brbaking amid entering, 8; assault, 7; Kiplien on Sisturd'ay. Mrs. J. J. MicGee and daughters,, same after- � got once hearbily in 'love, - and than . .. : , '",111 . fraud, 5�,',,conspiracy, 4; car theft, 4; 1 Vsa Lettie Love returned to her Dorothy grid Jean, of Blyth, spelit 1UO'noft the men of 'the church held a rhyme and song were, in a' m(Snner, P. Lane, was asked to preside and The year 1933 may go down. in . ..'. . .. I I 14 ding a few days with .qr. P. b. Moffatt appointed ris see- -history as IoTh6 year of the Depips­ . I , assatiltink,'2; perjury, 2; Hotel Act, home after spen week end -with the fo-riner's parents. wood, bee to Cut the church wood at the spontaneous language Of my retary sion" but the' Eigniondiville, Church ... - - 2; Inland Revenue, 2; default of ap- her cousin% at Allsa -Craig. . Mr. and Bfxs.,W. Raney. ." Mir. Earl Kinsman's bush. hearti-,It is indeed very Puerile and Th,',rq�ports given indicated all or- ',,C,D' s f�r 1439 show total,rectiots . .11"... . ,v . . rd .11 ... #MT041pe, I . . I . '' T& izabion-s are in d healthy condi- I �J-,' h1a4ing weapons danger- . I Mr. Ted Taylo,r'4ccompanied ri -- - silly, but I am always - pleased with gan . of 0,288.545 (,being -almost equal to �.­ , ' , 6116 to V ety,, ,J;..0*ging out ft -i- . I Ezra Williard on a business t P to it, as it vecalls -to my mind those t.ion. There were many evidences of t,he receipts for 1932),. The congre- . . .:1 ... � 1 11. . I ..0 , - bearing animals,, 4, Childr�n"s ;PZID ST. COLUMBAN . Toronto, on Tuesday. happy days when my heart was loyalty and, sacrifice. - . I �, . .. � . - . . , � . . ___. , , � . . - ., WINTHROP ,Mrs. John Newell visited with -her gatiou gathered $995.00 f6i, 'mission � . ... - .. ;� , bectioii A,dioh; 1. . . IT iit evening � 11 . brother, MT. . (Continued, on ,)?age 4) , The ;Serbior Women'§ Missionary ary� puxposes, the W. IM, S. ana, Neil . '111 14 The des -i of daily rationsper _ ,A vbry pleasa -`�' t' - 'Mr. -and Mri. Norman Geddes, of John Robertson beifoTe ' . . Society raised, its allocation of $160. Sb,w making slight advances over I I,., , . . . WA$ I .1!I.. i6ner, IOU' cents. . tTs. ' . . .1. with MT. and returning to her home at Foam Lake, I The Young WomeAlis ,Auxiliary ex- the Preceding year, and ,both socie- . ' . , " 'I . kN . . at the home 4 Xr. and .3 k eter 1341,grave, are via, 'rig I .:,Saek. I . 11-11; (A leder twas read from.'Dr. Jande- WCGtia,bh of, Tue ay eve ,... I Isd ning, Janu.n. Mrs. Joseph Little�. ' fMr. ArtJiur Mahaffy of London �is_ . I ceeded its allocation of $200 by Rl- ties exceeding. their allocation. . .. -, _ I � I . I - nei-4--i !_ Mr. and M _''A" ' ited with relatives in the comimuni6y . . , . T)xpressions, of appreciation 'and I . I . I , _. (6fitilbued_ on Page *4) ' I ary, 16th. when a few of their rs. Adam Do ds, Of . most $50. The Alert Wis-,ion Band . I .1, I ftmtula- a w the Presbyterial Tress- -ded for fal I. -I '' . - - .-AMMENNOMEMM ft=q . I I I � - I ibors� gathered to extend cofigr4tula- Th'stowel, spent' the week end with. 1, t, e,k and was aocornpanied back -Mr. -Osiwald Walker is at Present had sent to gratitude were.,recoi thha I 1 4� . . WON" r. and tore, UreT Over $40. The Ladies' Aid So- work "done in the-­ie`T',­V'zk ­iwaise;­­ . :�. - o It I flons and presented them with a tea M' ' ,Mrs. Ro,b,ert Campbell, Sr. ' to the city on -Saturday by his cousin, ,�,orkirjg at the interior of his a iesi-off . EILD' '.'I,servieb, the occasion being their 40th ,,,Winthrop hockey t&ani defeated Mles Maude MacLean. , . , ciety,- Sunday School and, Young Peo- in religiows di1ca:ti6;, i - 4 k � . .� ]kRUCER . � . wedding anniversary. The evening Tuckeran-6th 1-0 in, SeafGrtL,, last...... I ­­­­­ ­ - . � and is nearing completion and whel) . . e n mis�,ionary � ., I , I in,ea�rds and dancing. A Saturday might. e of the finest to I'll"', League gave encouraging re- training and hy the auditors apd , . . .. 111. # The regular 'meeting of the Bruce-. was t spent 'Winthrop and St. . be seen in any vil,lag4 in Ontario po rts. I -others, also to Min D. McLean f6i '4 .. I I 1% . I Wh fts siervdd 'and sill left, Coluniilygm play this Siaturday might ' , an- -ion reported an increase 1-.1% . . " lie -la - United ChurcA Y. P. is - --was . dalrL y u e & FarTriers' Club heild their ' . T h e S es , donation,is of wood,to,the cong"-, , ... I ` t bcqa Ou, Monday evening with Mr. I, wi$,binq M,,.:'sL,nd Mrs. MdGrath, Many in Se�afortih- Th .-Trembersbip, for the year. , gation for their year's fu,A.­­­`1' ­- I _1.1.!, _Z � pirial meeting on Ttesday evleri1�in,gq in - .'' , V yeiiis (if b Py w4dded life. [Mrs. Willis, Dundas is visiting her " Dr.. Rarburn, treasurer of the Lo- The .... officers of the congre' U) . W`bNaughton in, the chair. The meqf- I . 1!1P , - � __ ­ � Halm-11diton " last and repOTt,15 ,presented) by ithe . gation,for .. � . - I .. mother. Mxs. Peorge Little, 71io has Cal Fund, stated. that all obligations 19,34 are as Pollqws: ­­_-, � . . ­ .1 . i , , ed by, singing a hymn fol- socte,tary,, 'Mr. Thomas Laing, show- . I I 11 11 ' I , - -_ - . . . I. I been LEI. ' OF had been met and that a balance re- -The Se",iocn­ilt�i* ­Ufttli�#, lwl- 1� 'I - a gcrj�ture reading by Mr. I " 'Young 71% I I I %:A . t L The -regular 'meeting of the ,-d a very good year for 1N3. . il 0 � I CNE, h prayer by DUBLIN ' . mained -to be. earned ovei'to 1934. oolm4 M.A., B.D, Moderitt6r; 4'9 A - , . - . F ng Imi, and by , . , . . . . ;Mr. James I-Aing is at present in a . fth � Ar."AdLelod. The to,pic., "The,Uter- - —_ _ .. Ppople's -Sqiciety was held on, Janu- I . Mr. John Finlayson, treasurer of -MoLe'llani,, John ilen&fson� WtAiitg. .- .' '�'t".' I , very serious condition. MT. Laing .. ., ,";;. 0 �J, 2t History of Seotltnd," was g4ve)v Death of Joseph B. XTauskuX.- ary 23rd6p4iiing with ,b,ymtn 500 with � Dustless has been in ill ,health for some time iiho Mis-ione Maintenance Wallace, Jas, IS. Brown, Jas. Leve � ..� , " . tk Edith Milo_n,j,pr,69,d9pg. . The man- .. , ­ _ . . I" �n Friday morning, Janusr� 19 . ­...." r7qo= olis, of $1 3. (Cle-i4k), Jahn Nott Arthur'Routl,6dg% . il. . V . 11 _n pleasing manner by, Mr. George C . .. but of late his health -has becqme Fund, reported ! � LLtl . i.. " . �� ... i � 4�. �O*Jji, *fio,gave a good account a JOaeph. t. krau*4pf died at -bis 410mid ittes of the previloug meeting. were . moro serious. Ilu The retiring I�Iders;, Messrs. A. L. George H. Ciolema� Alex. Wallace, .1. . � .; � �,�. 1. i,, ,P ,one TP61e.north, d the rilluger, in, his irses:d and.-adolyted. The reinainder of . I.g, jdg6ph Scott : �,­. fvLmous 'Sicot)6 , P . . . Wte a number in the neighbo,r- Torteous. J. 10. -Lair G. 06leman-and Robert McGoniele. I j� 00 P , 7 III "" ! . -Coke I .� f. ; sieveity4fifo, year, following a ,three tbiie, meeting was in charge of Arthur . Iliam Black were re4lected. The Board, of Stewamb - Matt . ., .. rna and...'Sir Walter Scott, . . � " "!, V day Mhese With pne-urnofilf. Deceas- Alexander. After singing a hylirmi: ' I hood,are .laid as4de wrth a very had `an'd' WO . . 1k resident, - tobk the 4d that i.q'prevalent. , Thrve now members were emeted, MoXenzie, Chairmanq W. J. Finnigan, 1, ".A 'ifigii iscussion .g ed was a successful farmer and a 'Prank Caii led in prayeir. The sorii)� . tew rd$r n Elgie, Secro-tatiSr; S. . .. .. Z � ,".. . ' - I .1 . Trelgsure%Job . . - " I A � , business. Rev. W. A. er led nX C -an an Fuel ot* evening last week,.w % i� _4 . 1. for d on ,, prevailin - froyn. Romans ., Wil*ed Scott kad the misfortung �" the Cnmmittee Of S 10 , i - I +,, , X Scott. Rio,W , aiI� mes f an of excellent qualit4es, a staunch ture lesson, was, taken V , r-, '.T. Jaaksoin, . 'McLean, Ja Ails? I � 1-1 I tembgr of St, Pa:fticles Cherch, and read by Anona Dale arid was A adi' , 15e. cranking q R . '3, 0 in discussion on various things., car, to have theemnk slip strisking and E. C. Cha-mber,Uun fDr. HarbqrA ,lex adf at 1. M, .� In m . . ' A . Bro o , oo`re� klitsell , . . ­.. .:.;�v , , , eral Was held, on 'Mon- followed by­the-Interpretition which ' a _b commit Coleman, Alex. Villico, Jobb.-m6b , "' I I , � I t, ' A QM I q: ','., Ibis arm, breaking it above the wrist: was re-efected to,the sam - . . In . gas it was moved: that Aruggj­ *iher4 his fati. I - 10714 . i6 - , ltrl­ .- . 1. .&�; vy- UFafMIM -ft ttk1g., A---hvm'rr -- - - . . . - 4 next RWg,- Viffridil Ufrih7g Iffe-de-At *is- rdM .1 �, �,: , . . fieWiT.T.S. inylte, 1� �.n&4 4 Worthy of The wrim. was set by Dr. Tiernan, of t C'e: . . Peter Sihiipslom. I,1 ��i,, � " , f St ;P.6trifek's a6i;,kietiry. Surviv as erinj - I li� ,- Mono * .;. received. D , of thanks Were extended to" M, and M. Treasuret, Mrs. A", I—, 4., �,, , ,� i1i ,X for a social oveining., A' pro ublin, and he is at present doing Votes I ., I A,� I ­ - ored*r I I 1. ,��, "I 1.. _ � gra . in was , a;".'hii�ve 6, wmatphew, Joseph Kmus- The topic, 1`Lit%erary,1Fr,efRi#,e,Of Scot- � , I ' iis arid lead Mexenzie. FitawUl- Se .. � . . , ,.�. . atrangoid"and EL 'pledslint � I nicely. . rariou- orj�amzatio era for' � A , U".7�i . I opf, Oe bTotbers, James., Louls. and lIand" wag taken, ;by lmaii�lf Little. , ! , It"!....r­ "', -i ,� eveging is assured,all tffiose.pteaefit, k , Canadian Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scbtt ,AccOM- I'aimes, Miall" ain't 40-b", fm .-�M) �,Ti :, �. '.. �. Nelt`WbYlfigamiety' 9 'interest- " their deep interest and faitfifulnesi,_ 'it . - ":, � ,,� ; f . . . Lao, of . Dublin , ave, an Whi Chesney, andIg'Mes, I . -9. ..., �, . � . 11 Diomsion. wtig , 1eld, as �ftgakda ; . I panied by M". ­S. A. Miller, visited k i -Ne Viiiis,ter aind his fal-Ai4ly S)Iieto � -D. I -1 , 1 7" � J : � I 01;i"eld , I Pdblie, ifteak,, 90alttleI; 4-IsO ' hters, Mft P. ,ing talk (Fo OScotland's Peoiant Bardy' . &�xb I I '� '$ Int i 0601,14if" ­Xxf, . , i-' � - SiX ,0 I .� i", . � , " . . Lloyd Milleii of gt�tatfo,rd -n,d;ed a Of - - Npeb _eild6n� A-G �': '11�i " ", entering a ' . to hearty vote spp,reela 1, �," J-1 I 92.1 ,� 6,Ata. * -0, 0" . 'k _#,�. PresIden, . 0fte mu ­441; 1%� I'll � *4 . h* , ,,�TL! X011my Dublitil Wd. 0611M!0, of Rdbbie Burns." A, hymn WAs sung I I P trbnage. ' with MT I . - r4nde . , r I - Nntist., gigid, grraligelift. ,, a I I . last Suiidlay. t, I - ,, servi ' a .r#6 and a .1 I ''.. tion �Pf ge ,,V;,:7i�`J1i­'�L 1� 1. . I ' % tft 'ad *­,A`A"i", � " . � I 1. `_ VIEW uunt", JiW,tt. (Utg:' Jamet­-Flanagan and and the meetinig Closed with'tht Miz- I I I It"'i �. q , lid,&� xo,r L4 Tho 6tibg It 1. M Th 4 , iu,itifo 'com lyfunity hall on e6raial jUvitation to r6malift. with _ - W. A ,S. ftpb 0 C . `-AIW41 I I I I . rs. �� I pah� pt*�M%,,', , " `.,�,,i.,!i"' .. yms , - . ,itiov. , . ` All'�",...`1�111111! Q� 1. ­ � After the- � . .. , , h .11 , N Al gan , " Ber'ediA ' ­ I , , ?.'. ; � k "Mrs. 11R.,11"121189am 40 4 F 101, �,'night latt--was woll atjte�-A ed, c6lif tiot, for'amother"y ti 1, ,Mkolfft. 961 -'ft. 4* 1:, ,',.,�',-"�l , 1, , 4. ,Afa, &A"Jolned fi-vAe, xtfiv.Ah i , ."Ift-1--t ­­tid "Afirs. , .V conteaU wesre giveil- . . �4 grem �a ,- - ., , . 'I I And- a =1' I � - JL.,a., � �,�- ­# � D -4,146h - ". � �­' � ,i;� 11 _­ , .� . J N. CL UFF &-,$ a ,*Aiant -time was, 80 .,_ i, - ,afe .7 'I. , _ � I , - I ,V,,.N,b Z2 "' ,­ uv,ter ow %ugruess, *RA don,01w4w ` mokud *404.066%,` , , 114 .-,,+,; ;, ,��, ".:­`111"'li!i1l� " I I � � , X . ;1 I ; I i I , RaftoAgi* , . ., . . .4. - � Vdwrli, 6%-10S*& " - " -�, lunch was served. . w: - .;- . t . � I I � � . I. . . I .. . �_'1.1!.­1­.,�-,,*,, . . ''I . �V,,�i"Ar 2AM ��, , . , . ; I IN, ", - �,!"'% - . I ­ I .. . - .11". , 1 I , I A—— -1, *.' , , -11. .. I , . I � . 1. . 1. .1 . ­­ I . .. I . , �;:�­4:�4 - `.�.��`,', " , " ""' I I 1 . 1 ,� , �� I I I ..? 1. I . . � _ �"_ ,,%U��,��, �'�­ , - 14 '' I I .. ....'�.�'....'�.,,,.*.�",-�,�,�:, , . . .. I . � p I..., 1-11, -, ... .. .? I . - , . . I - - , . . I I . . i I -1 ... --- - . I ­ , , , 4 1 .4, 1 � .. - I .. .. I I,% 11 ., ; � .,:,I ",1 i ,. . ; .. I * . I I . _­__.:r�_.__._-4­. .. . , . - '. �,,;, ��. I .. A. I.- � '114-1 I �, I , . I., -4 .. .�, , � q1- , " - ..- ..' r� ..tr�.* . _­.. _._�.il�_­,'__.. _._­-­_.____. I — ,__-14____i.__ _ _4�_ - __ . . . . . . _11-1- ". ,R,,��.11' I i * 4 1 � I � ­.­'; � 1- , ­ " . - . ,�,,­ �!�. "!.""­ ­­iiii., �� � ..�:_ ;0_­�,I�, - .. I , . .1 ,., '. I . . . M .. , -� I . 1. I . � . ... . ,­ . I I � .,� W, �jg 1,�, 06, 7 I ,.*^' '".1�11iiiii,,"_0 - 1, ... I . , .., �.,. : iQil t � i It �,pl . "I � �� �, '. �`. , ... -11 . .. I I.. I A ' I 0'. : �%',Lt' � - .i . I 11, . . , , �_�Ii: , N. ,,