HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1934-01-12, Page 1)1' . , ) • ' 44.444.444444/.. A'Arrrt ' • ,....MICAISACM11.•161.51/114141 ' I. 4"1"-). • WW&O.,44.1Qg mausicumn rrigr ‘q, Atp,,,r, Fr „10 1144,4•1,..S.11C,2.....11,01MW.0•151r ° 3 ) , ..... „ ,or ^,11i .4cfv.170.„ . V.111•010.1.11•0111klife...111..R.V.C.110..C1061.1{191610.1 ottitfOilc. 40064 For the :14:e* Reeves and Councillors As- cribe to DecIaration of Office' aiid'Vet Down To Business. - 'Township Of- , ficials Reappointed i n Many Cases. , • . .EACH COUNCIL IS... ' SAME AS LAST YEAR MilcKillop and Tuckersmith councils both ;held inaugural meetings on Mone day afternoone the former , in the Csinnegie' Library and the latter in the ' council chamber, Town Hall. Reeves and ' Councillors were sworn in by the respective 'Clerks of the municipalities. Each council is the same as last year. e- —Rea-ppeint council" reappointed all township nffizials. These are as fol- lows: Clerk, John •McIsTaye Treasur- er, F. Bruce 'Mead; Aseessor, James Ontillivithr !Collector, Geo. lideKee; auditors, Alex. Dennis, R. S. McKee - cher; M. 0. H., F. J. Burrows, 'M.D.; • Sanitary Inspector, David Boyd; School Attendance Officer, John Mc- ' S Nay; Drainage Inspector; Charles Regele; Weed Inspector, A. A. Cuth- ill; Road ;Superintendent, William 3. Manley. Tuckersmith Council. - Reeve Wen. Archibald gave a short address, expressing his thanks tO each •• nuesr,ber for are co-operation and barmtony during the ;east year and his . hope for the same for 1934. Motioes adopted were as follows: • (MoKay-Clark: That the 'minutes of December meeting ibe adopted. 1 McKay -McGregor: That the Clerk o. World for use ,of coundl ad..Clerk. procure .6 copies. of the '"unicipal - ilYbKayelVieGregor: That -Ilse sal- aries of the Reeve and seditcillors, Clerk and Treasurer be the same ,as last year. InfeKay-Whitmore: That Dr. C. Mackay be M. 0. H. for 1934; W. P. Thompson member Board of Health, and J. A. Murray, Sanitary Inspec- tor for 1984. fWgritmoreelVIleGregior: That J. A. Murray be School Attendance Officer for. 1934 art a,salary .of ;12.50. Clark -McKay: That Edwin Ches- ney and Harold Crich aPPainted auditors of 1933 booksad accounte„, etc., for the township at a salary of $20 each. Wihitmore-McKay: That R. Dal - envie be reappointed Road Surperin- beasdentetor 1934 at the same salary, 30 cents per hour. Clark-MeGregor: That Roland Kennedy be reappointed Weed In- spector on farm lands only at a sal- (Continned on page 5) • ' et. 4L • it • 4- • • For The New Year .":30'prisenee shall geowith thee," So ca4rs thy donbts and fears; 'My proanise is, unchanging Throughout the 'changeful years.. .iMid scenes of gloom or gladness, S, When weary cit!slistreseed, . , •"My presence shall g� With, thee, And ,I will give thee rest." "My pees,enne shall go with. thee," Most blest assurance dear, To strengthen and suetain. thee Life's tollsofne way . to cheer, Noevil shall.diefall. thee • • Close sheltered to my 'breast, • "lVIy presence shall go with thee, And I will give thee rest." - "My presence shell go with thee," Though % in a foreign .1 ii; id Afar fnont horn,e ali "mired, This covenant 'shall s nd. ,.- • . Nar time, .nor. place, can sever, Lave knows not 'East or"West, "My presence shall go with thee, And I will give thee rest." • . • H,- ISABEL .GRAHAM. • • 0 • • • LIONS.. ENJOY TALK ON RADIO -OF TO -DAY Semi -Monthly Meeting of •Local Club is Held on ,Monday. '.'Seaforth Lions enjoyed .an excel- lent and instructive talk on, radio de- velopment in the past few. years at their. regular meeting Monday even- ing. The speaker was-Edenrind Lion J. G. Mullen acted as chair- man. Musical ninnibers ,on the pro- gram included,two excellent solos by Go'rdon Rennie, aCecnnpanied by Earl Van Egariond. Mr. Daly in his talk pointed out the 'difference between radio of to -day and that or ten years ago. Ho il- lustrated his remarks by displaying various parts showing the simplifica- tion that had taken place. ,The pres- ent trend, he said, as for smaller ,and more compact sefs, which, de- spite.their size, were.many'times as efficient as curl/berms/rue -models of a few years ago. He explained in detail television; and thought that in a short time tele- vision would be as general as radio A feature of the meeting was a quantity of nuts sent to the clubby ex -Lion F. G. Neelins, from Florida, and greatly enjoyed by the members. Mr. and Mrs. William Clarke, Constance, married Fifty Years . . • On the ..9th of January, 1884, Mr. William Clark and Miss Harriet E. Coates of Constance, wert unitedin marriage, by the Rev, John S. Fisher, in Myth; and on Tuesday of this. week they celebrated the half century of married lite. Nr, ,and ,Mrs. Clark settled on the farm where they now reside and have lived, there since that happy event took place. In discussing the events with Mr. Ciark, which have taken place during, this tifme, we find the entire district has fallen into the hands of a new generation, -only' here and there can he see signs of any of the ,beys who trod the roads, to the old gthool at Riniburn.. We also find, in our con- ''•dersation with them, that the half century .road has not been a bed of roses. They have had the thorns, to brush aside as well as those who have travelled so long together. . • They have been blessed with .two children, Mr. E. .Clark and Miss De- elyn, who is now MTS. Howard Aran- etrong. Both children reside in this vicinity. es ''''' The respect in which we find this couple are held in this community was shown by the darge gathering of neighbors and friends who assembled et their honie-to congratulate item en their .golde, re 'wedding day. The inalinediate family present were Me. and MTS. E. Clack and ehildren, the Misses Viola and Dorene and Ma. Elwood; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Arm- strong and children, the Mines tie, Edna, Stella and Blanche; 'Mrs. Ina Taylor, sister et the groom and son, Mr. Percy, and grandson, George, tef „Walton; Mrs. Elizabeth Pollard, Agadir the grooms and iManntsidsMnS; G. Pollard, son and daughter, -of fillyth; Mr. and Mrs. F. Boldest,. ot Toron.te, sister ef the bride; Mr, and Mrs. G: F. Goatees et Nen,- York. bro- ther of the bride. Other gueste pres- ent were: Mad. C. Dexter,, Mrs. A. Dexter, Mr. and "Mee. WI. Sandeson, • Mrs. N. Crartene Mr. and llinen B. Snell, Mr. and Mrs... W.,Britten „ , . and Mrs. b. Andersen; ME and Una. -Tasker and daughter, Thr, .. . R.. Lewsion, Mr. and Mrs.. IWO .Laws eon,. Mr. end ,Mts. R. iledinieSeni, Mr. and Mre.. .G, Leath 'Wire thoddeo. Whs. C. IfitiGnergor arist nen Poet, Mt. A. "Trs/Wle7, ,Mts. M. BeWea. .idingrattilatiOnt were'reiVed Mts. G. novena*. Mr& Wt,, Mete Eisktittiorn • Beavers Lose in Opei Hcme Game on. Thursday. .TO• PLAY TO-NIGHT- (Seaforth Jul -dors opened.their N. H. L schedule in Goderich on Tuesday night by debating -Goderich Mariners Heatvrjr ice-preiventerinfa-steirockn. ey,,bist the loeals gave a splendid ac- count - of theinselves every minute they were on the ice. The game was foninally opened by Mayor Lee, Goderich, with the Gociee rich Band in attendance before 250 fans. ffn the .firstsperiod Seafertli' ran in two quick goals. The second period was scoreless, al/din the third e'achstearn scored. , • ' ISeaforthoeGoal, H. •Stocie; defense; .G. IRiennie, E. • Rennie ; Wings,' W. Youngblut, A. Willard.; centre, H. Foster;, alternates, G. Bucknam,.G. 1H1ildebrand, W. Flaneery. IGoderich—Goel, H. Stoddart;•de- fense, G. Worthy, G. Fettery; • wings, H: Scrimgeem, P:.Wrirnetke centre, A. • Doak; ellernetes; W. Westbrook, B. McKay, A. Doak.. . .. Referee—G. Mines &atonal. • (Clinton Juniors. play a return game here on Thursday. • • Draw Up .Schedule At a recent meeting of N. H. L. re- rpresentatives for the district, a sche- dule was drawn up as follows: , Jan. 9—Seaforth at Goderich. ijan,11—Clinton at Seaforth. Jan. 15--Goderich at Clinton. , • Jan. 18—Goderich at iSeaforth. Jan. 30—Clinton at Goderich. 1Feb. 2—Seaforth at Clinton. A.win will 'count two points and a tie, one point,. Second and third teams will 'playoff to meet the win- ner with games' to count. Goderich 9, Seaforth 3 ' The Gocierich Sailors mist.the-Beanr- ens on the local ice on Thursday, Jan- uary 4th, and had the usual *Goderich- Seaforth dash.. The Sailors took home a 9-3 victory, the iGoderich teein completely disorganizing the locals by their interpretation of the forward pats.The defence players shot the punk the length of the rink and the forwards rushed up and with a wild iscrarrible managed to score' several goals in quick succession. Though not the best of hockey, the visitors 'were very effective and stored nine goals before the Beavers come stage - a come-fbadc. The pilay was very fest and the fans could hardly say that the locals did not try their best. From the 'start of the game every.' mien went at lightning speed. Stoddart, of -Goderich, Was by far the. outstanding player on the ice" and was instrumen- tal in Goderich -pili-ng up their ' large score. He scored five goals and gave two assists. Other goals for Gode- rich evere scored by McKay (2), Mur- ney and E. Robinson. Goals for Seas forth were scored by A. Makins o T.,Cluff's pass, G. !Hildebrand on T. pass and G. Rennie on G. 'Muir's pass. • Game Includes Fight Penalties were numerous and the boiling point of' iboth ,sextets was reached in the third frame When G. Rennie and II. 'Murney engaged in fiettuffs. Both sides figured it was their opportunity to settle differences and soon the ice was cluttered with flying 'fists, legs and hockey eticks. The spectators rushed on the ice but Constable H. Stell soon put them in their places. Rennie and Murney drew 10 -minute penalties. Soon af- ter this Joe Hart made a rush and D. McKay and ,Doke, the goalkeeper, engaged him in a second fight. A brush heap was formed of the par- ticipating players and again the fans rushed to get in the fray, but things quitened down when Constable Snell 'dispersed them the second time. 't1The ice was in perfect condition and play never lagged The Beavers put up a better game than the scqre indicates. Borden Norfolk, of Strat- ford, offilciated and both sides were satisfied with his work. -Seaforth—Gaal, C, ;Muir; defense, 1'. Cluff and J. Hart; centre, G. brand; wings, G. Muir and A. Mak- ins; alternates, IC. Reeves, G. Rennie, E. Rennie and C. iChristie. Goderich—Goal, Doake; defense', H. 'Murney and E. Robinson"; centre, Stoddart; wings, D. 'McKay and G. Allisoni; 'alternates, Sheardown, W. Robinson, McDonald, R. Snazel. wire from Mrs. W. Knox, Mrs. P. Lindsay, Mrs. S. Leach, Mrs. A. Bell, Mrs. I. McOavin, !Mee. R. Rogerson, Mrs. J. D. Hinchley, Mrs. M. Adams, Miss V. Morrison, Mrs. T. Coleman, Mr. S. -Mlearien, Mrs. Papineau. Many presents, emblematic cf the occasion, were received from all parts of the -country. The following poem was read by Miss Viola Clark at the gathering Dear Hearts, we can so very dimly. The dreams that called you fifty years ago, We who have journeyed such way Toward the signpost -you have reach- ed to -day, We are but voices at loving—how shall we ° Cness at the vision* thatt Your es , tart see. • We have our hopes and longing, ahl :but you "'• Are /rocking" back on days • We never , knerw, The' promises that we still dimly 'Sense, Your hearts have proved them by ex- • perience, . • Yes, frobt Stole! love's bright flame on thatestrantary morn Things greater deeper than we knew 'were born; „ • Arid: fet'bedanse Iork.e yon),' will Yelfoatreia eAl-libloSomss: for that Sweet days sake,- memory of our yoiing mar- riage hell Arid of theteve that ‘htis rOVOrri • do well: 1,, .•'" 1 An Address 'br -Mt, ' Butler," '• C.X., city aud014, litax. •• , • A. This is the first in: . aeries of tcp articles on munidika 4tiOitilag.1 which rfite Hureo:.f .0siter will run" from time tOftime. The articles are repriced - fie= • "The ' Canadian...Chartered Ace• ceinitant" with thein'ad Per- miseion.of the Eclito . You Will --rember thnt Sir Wal- ter Stott, the great 'Seclitish writer, usually prefaced the .cha,tifers -in his novels- with scene "verse apfirlate ADJOURN TO NIGHT IKING COMMIT scribTO,Declaraton OfrxAt Monday Meeting. to :ape •setting. , I tho.ught. it was fit- ting, inasmuch as I have piesumed...to discuss some pfhases of a civic -andit; to preface my remarks:id a similar way, and I.know of nothing as appli- cable when I look about 'Joe some-- things:so .explain• the unicinesposiben that 'auditors in .general. henitt to en- quire what .mystenisim -essence' per- mits -them to act as arbiter in high" placen;and • to seek.' an "explanation for 'the. plibileg. acceptance of •their certificates ,and reports, than Shake- speare's weeds on reputation—. , "Good earne in man and•wqman, dear,, in.y lord, Is the immediate jewel of their souls: Who steals my purse, steals trash; 'tis something, pething; 'Twee mine, 'tis his, and has been slavd to thousands; - Burt he that .filches from me ray good • name Robs me .of that which not enrieheshi. m, And -makes, me peer indeed." From time inn/memorialmunicipal` government has been the active in- strument associated with the 011110- cratic aspirations of mo ivilized peoples, exercised by thein co-opera- tively as, an evidence of their powers of self government, however limited those powers may be. The modern outgrowth of this con- trol, emerging gradually 'from. the past and ; developing insistently to- day, indicates the larger field of mun- icipal government and its ever-ex- panding services., reenliting as a rule frond forced acceptance of miscellan- emis public programmes, together with the fresh impositions of legisla- tures; until ,to -day in the extent of its ramifications, one is able to per- ceive little of a particular commun- ity's negligible, beginning. r ,CROMARTY • As compeitition is a stimulant to trade, so also is sectio al co tion usually .marked by -1,1 civic progress as between citi COIllr parative size. The ;tendency Ito ex- pand in the cultural and economic' sense continues to signalize the birth- days of cities .by some new achieve- inente and there has been developed those high-sounding and intangible thing -e, civic spirit, eivic pride and civic ,cpneeioustiess, wlhich, within the range of the patriotic sense, perforin their essential part in building the nation. ilTerc,, then, we have the citi- zens' attitude in its most glorified. aepeet. (Continued on Page 6) • I$eaforth's council for 1934 was sworn into office on. Monday neirning at the statutory meeting of coueciL In the absence of Clenk Jain A; Wilson, mem/bers Were given the de- elaration f office by Mayor A. D. Sutherland. Mayor Sutherland had previously ascribed' to the oath of office ,atnthe horne""qf Clerk Wilson. • His Worship congratulated the members on their election and upon Rev. I. B. Keine to invoke Divine aid on the. undertakings of council during ' IMr. Keine -spoke as follonnse. 4'0. Lord over allo-wenpraise Thee for Thy favour shown unto our fathers and thy faithfulness eontinn- ed unto their children, iii"establishing our community in freedom and pre- serving it in unity, for traditions of wise and virtuous men and women; for an hoiiburable place in our nation, and the promlise of increasing strength. Keep thou this people be- neath Thy care, establish among them that righteousness that exalteth a nation, and guide them according to Thy will. Bless our. community with honour- able industry, that all may have work and the opportunity to earn their own, livings sound, learning and pure mans ners. Grant unto Thy servants here assembled Thy gracious Pretence and blessing. Deliver • themfrom all er- ror, pride and prejudice; enlighten them with /wisdom tram- above. Give them vision to see.clearly the action. they ought to take in furthering the interests of this community. We ask that all may be, able to subdue the love of gain, .and that all occasion of strife -nurty cease, and that the. counsels of selfishness may he turned into concern for common good. Of Thy good pleasure regard • the welfare of all places of honourable industry and commerce. Look, 0 merciful Lord of life and health, upon our Town Clerk in his' eicknese. Speedily restore him to• health and strength, if it be Thy gra- cious will. !Grant unto these reprosentatives Of. our :community Thy Divine Guidance in all .their deliberations. Ws pray that their work might be 'made easier by a return of prosperity in our midst. the name of Thy Son Jesus Christ, who gave us His great eom- mandment that we should "Leda' one another," we pray. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy 'name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our tres- passes as we forgive them that tres- pass against us. And lead us not in- to temptation but deliver us from ev- il, for Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen. nilStayor Sutherland advised council it could appoint a Striking Committe, as had been the custom in the past. or it could act as a committee •of the whole and strike committees with- out adjournment. Council pted the latter course. . Committee appointments ere as follows, the first named ibeine chair- inanFr Fire and Water—tL. F. Bolton, T. II. To Hold Meetings Internal and External parasites of live stock are responsible for a_ tre- mendous amount of loss each year to .the farmers of Ontario. Two of the. worst offenders are the Bot flies at- tacking horses and the Warble or Heel flies which are responsible for the running or "gadding" of cattle during the summer months. As farmers are becoming more in- terested in the control of these pests, the Ontario Department of. Agricul- ture at Clinton has arranged for a series . of meetings on this subject. All farmers in the districts where these meetings are being held are cordially invited to attertd.---The- time, Place, and date of these meetings are as. follows: E1in/wine, Church Basement, Thurs- day, Jan. 11, 8 p.m.; Exeter, Town Hall, Friday, Jan. 12, 2 pan.; Varna, Township Hall, Saturday, Jan. 13th, 2 pp.; Londesbofo, -Community Hall, 'Monday, Jan. 15, 2 p.m.; Wingham, Tow -n Hall, Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2 p.m.; Brussels, Town Hall, Wednesday, Jan, 17, 2 p.m.; Ethel, Township Hall, Wednesday, Jan. 17th, 8 p.im; Gorrie, Township Hall, Thursday, Jan. 18, 2 p.m.; FordWich, Church Hall, Thurs- day, Jan. 18, 8 p.m.; Seaforth, Town Hall, iSaturdain Jan. 27, 2 p.m.; Zur- ich, Township Hall, Thursday, Feb. let, 1. p.m.. The roads in this neighborhood are in a very bald condition owing to the ice that has formed sinee.;theenrecent thaw, which makes motorieg rather dangerous. A number of mien in the vicinity have found emPloyntent ilewering the hill at sure, just east of the hotel. The W. M. S. nret at the home of Mrs. Duncan lieKellar in the linage on Thursday last.' IMrs. S. A. •Miller arrived home on Friday after spending twee. 'Weeks with her sontin .Strartiford. Mr. and Wiens iRhecie eV Christ- mas holidays with 'MTS. 1 Tel par - eats near Eketer. • !Mr. and, Mee. Stacey lerftthe vil- lage fb Vied, st • few ,Weeks with wrzit their (fang er, Mrs. en -Wier. Burn SEDA ; • caf arried 'Mayor 'Sutherland suggests Storni sewer's.' ai re measure. Advises that men on relief must 'workfJ ' amount given as provided by statute Town to recelv watering -fothitaiii for animals as reiulf of ''.6equestin — will of. late Miss 'Anna Campbell. Property Committe ii to select suitable site ... CLAIM COLLEGIATE, PUBLIC SCHOOL, -s, LIBRARY 'BOARDS ARE INDIFFERENT , - , • "Town officials" was the theme Song at the inaugural meeting of SeafOrth's• new 'Council on Monday evening and the matter occupied the atten- tion of the councillors on a .number of occasions during the long session, not being finally disposed of until shortly before midnight, when c oqn- cillor I. Hudson's motion to -adver- tise all positions was carried. For the fit time in 30 years, Clerk John A. Wilson was forced to be ab- sent from a council meeting through illness. Clerk Wilson has been ill at his home liere'for`the past two weeks. -Mayor Sutherland called attention to his remarkable record in his operfing Mayer A. D. Sutherland" remarks. • Alberta • Coal • EAT --LES. ASH Tnesday, January, 18th, at.the home ant, 1Cdebraiie, and Johnson, R. W. Eberhart. iStreets—W, W. Crosier, L. Eber- hart„ L. F. Bolton. Property—IL. Eberhart, T. John - ,son,, I. Hudton., Finance—I. Hudson; R. W. Vier - hart, J. J. Broderick. Relief --»A. D. Sutherland, J. J. Broderick W. W. Crosier," Court of Revision—Ad-D. Suther- land, W. W. Crosier, I. Hudson, L. rhart, L. P. Bolton. 'Couheil adjourned to meet the same evening at 8 p.m. on motion of Reeve Crosier and Councillor Isaac Hudson. all sat down to' a. very sumptuous dinner, beautifully served in a very nicely decorated dining room. The New Huron Officials decorations were in gold and white to • match the dinner service. Are Sworn in Thursday pi•onbeing, the toast to the bride A., H. Erskine, the new Treasurer and nroonr, the -Rev. Mee Chandler, of .of the County" of Huron, and J. M. !Roberts, the new Clerk, were sworn into office by Judge T. M. Costello, at the Court House, Goderich, on Thursday afternoon last. Warden • Ballentynn Reeve of Usboree,Town. ship; Reeve Elliott, of Clinton; Reeve Goldthorpe, of Colborne, and others were present to we/come the new of- ficials. A complete new. set of books sup- plied by F. A. 'Gibbs, of Stratford, have been installed in the treasurer's office. Following the ceremony the new officials immediately took over their respective offices.. eras .the first business meting f -the New Year and every council- 110NOUR R A WALTER r •4. d trieascoitrztnc` hiii s epliteeneralear capsztt •• by spectators. Mayo herlanni PKIOR TO DEPAg. Clerk • in pinee of his father. Following the reading of the rain- Presided. David WI n stied as • utes, Councillor Isaac Huelton, chair - Popular Member C. B. of C. man of the Finance Committee, peel 'Staff Transferred to . Brantford. rSome twenty friends' of Russel A. Walter, for the past six years teller, in the Bank of •Cornmerce here, Sur- prised him in the Bank apartment on WednesdaY evening and honoured him sented his report recommending pay-, • meet a salaries an report was adopted oe motion of , , •-• .4'7( Councillor L. F.-HOltat and ReeveW. ' •Onn W. Crosier. -Mayer Sutherland addressed cinm-, cll and outlined a number of atters, ' that might come before it. In hie remarks he stressed the nee sity of men oe relief working out e relief prior to his departure for Brantford. as Provided for by statute. He sug- Mr. Walter, always a courteepa. and pleasing official, was notified' . this wFaeellks.of. fol- lowed by Gordon Fergie, pf Niagara his transfer. He will be !Since coming"to Seaforth, Mr. Wal- ter , has been prominent in athletic, musical and Masonic circles. He is socretary-treastmer of the ;Seaforth Badminton Club, auditor of the Sea - forth Golf and Country Club, and a member of First Presbyteeian church choir. The evening was pleasantly spent in cards a.nci ample and delicious re- freshments were served-. -About midnight Mr. Walter was called before the gathering and pre- sented with a • suede leather ejatket. The address, which . was read, being as follows: •Dear Russ: The march of time in- variably brings its quota of joys and sorrows and strange it is that one event frequently brings both, for it is with mixed feelings of deep regret and great joy that we learn of your recent promotion to Brantford. (Continued on page 5) F 1 gested, that' a committee be named to interview Mr. Cardno, re starting the clock on the iCsardne block. Certain repairs were necessary, he. said, but a eatisfadtory arrangement could be made with Mr. Cardno, he thought: The need of storm sewers on cern . tain streets was vital, said the Mayer, and pointed out that a large portion of the labor cost involved would be bourne by the government iffas much as, the sewers Would be built as a re- lief measure. Need Bnilding.)3ylaw. Referring to the erection of the - Shell service statinto as a ' case in point, Mayor Sutherland pointed out the necessity of soiree change 7in the present building bylaw. ks the by- law now' stands, the Chief of Police issues the permit. ....„.......,- - 'Mr. 'Ryan coulde't tell me when he issued the permit, what the speci- fications were or to whom it was is- sued; and I.actually harl to phone to London for a copy of the permit in order to satisfy the solieitors of the purchaser of the lot, that a permit (Continued on ' page 4) Mr,. and Mrs. John •Cochrane Celebrate Golden Wedding On the Second of January some 401Filer and son, Donald, of Falcon - relatives and friends gathered at the, bildge7. Mr.' and Mrs. R. F. Dick .and home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cochrane, son, Douglas, of Toronto; Mr. Allan of Stanley to celebrate the fiftieth an- and Miss Edna, at hove; Mrs. Coch- eiversary of their' wedding. At three rane's sisters.: ,Mrs. James Love, of o'clock, to the strains of the wedding Hillsgreen; Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson, march played by Audrey Cochrane, of !Centralia; MTS. Cochrane's bro- ther, Winn Jarrott and de -tighter, An- nie, of (Illsgreen; Mrs. Dan Saun- ders, of-1,oncion. Iii the hosts of cousins only Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Jar- rott, of Kinpen, and Mrs. Mina Love of Hills -green. Many congratulations were receive , Eippen, reviewed 'briefly the material ee from friends_and relatives by post, accomplishments of the age. the tele- telephone and telegram; including the graph, the telephoie,,the radio, steam following: RdbertHoplciris, end .Will and the great liners of the ocean, the Cochrane, of Hinsdale; Mas and'' Mret wonderful advances in farm, machin- E. Craig, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Harvey, . ery,then the gasoline engine and the Mr. Tom Eiler, all of .Faleonlbridge; • • autos but more wonderful than all Mr. Joe Stacey, .Detre'it; Mrs. Sadie these material miracles :is the change Robins.oe, Dttroits .Miss Jessie Dew- itt. tile thoughts, - both in pulpit and son, Hinsdale, Ilia; Mr. W. L. Forrest, inrrtbheeii,hhoeme. referred 'briefly to how the Crtl.Thdeleichtsts received mime very beau - present hot and hostess had lived ilful presents, some heing rather their lbisu-ets ailnwatyTeaurorthpuidrleyd world safe nd Phe inception 'Cliffltatson'S "Sall, fast to the Rock of Ages. The toast Klippen, was' attended by Some .,151t to the honoured guests was drunk in guests, release/an-ft-feeds and ladies. John ajlueb,uli.,ckelee-viseectohuebrtaonaset4ap.itiheed, amndtereviertitYreobirowhaattuida 411gtirdinott on behalf of hIS father and mother. 'guests tendered *their thank•setn " ' Ainong those at dinner may. be bride and gtoona trial .fortriett • Mentioned Mr. and Mrs; Frank ring about then' ati4 led, by. the 61W. .. • qiihar and'son,John, of Bensal4 eat's' 4olly 0604 zw".7","-, •. fiat ' .• ttlim .0114 ,totrititOttA,. • aM etVerift' TUCKERSMITH, . The Tuckerernith 'Aggress,ive ,Club will hold its regular monthly meeting - - al M. anci4Irs. Sam +Whitmore, 'nit' Atighter, -Audrey, 2:nd-cen.,„ Stanley. tion." An interesting prograige son, Alex. ef Hayr It S. MORE H • Spent. t Christithas • ' r 61a ,ean Vs "New Year's IteSOItt- and Mrs. Hugh. Nfollurtrie as,a .CLUFF &SONS being prparecl »an ftiltiniclide, 111,Mts. L. S. • ' ;Att..; . • iL %season with her son, Charlie, near 21tet6r. ,Plat . ,,,•(,,, ' t. • . . . 4 ,•.,/ °- • ' • . 4-,,.,,,- .... • ' . , . • n''•"•'•) • t ' ' • •1 • *sr oittgo "viode