HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-12-29, Page 8Just an expression of appreciation for your business and court- esies of the past year 1,#I. and a . sincere wish `I for a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR J. W. Beattie ';. 4 sef )01 i lr .xposrro ' JAMBE 6 e th;s unity of r'essing our redaction for .ikt favors and trust that we may took forward to the continuance of this same relationship nre 8 during the year which we are about to enter. Best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous. New Year A. C Routledge PHONE 166 WE WISH OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS A HAPPY NEW YEAR Watson & Reid Phone 214 : Seaforth Specialists In All Lines of Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 S. T. Holmes & Son O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 Main Street, Seaforth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 O 0 O O 0 0 O 0 O O S. T. Holmes' residence, 0 Goderich Street, West; phone 0 No. 119W. Charles Holmes' 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 East; phone No. 308. O Ambulance Service 0 Night calls, Phone 308. O Day calls, Phone 119 J. 0 Charges moderate. O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H. C. BOX 0 e0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Licensed Embalmer Ambulance Service O 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 O• 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000-0O WALKER'S a` O FUNERAL SERVICE O O W. J: WALKER and 0 O JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 0 Licensed Embalmers and 0 0 Funeral Directors. O O Day or Night Calls promptly 0 0 attended. O O PHONE 67 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F 0 R SALE SEVERAL DWELLINGS -in Seaforth and Egmondville Own your own home. This is the time to buy and prices are low. A. D. Sutherland THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. MAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, 'ONT. Greeting • We desire to extend to you the Compliments of the Season, and.express our sincere wishes for your prosperity t h e coming year with a con- tinuance of the cordial relations existing be- tween us. • Keating's Pharmacy The Recall Drug Store PHONE 28 SEAFORT1[ Hospital Aid Society Will Meet.— The January meeting of the Hospital Aid Society will be held on Thursday, January 4th, at 3.30 p.m. in the Car- negie Library Hall. Have Dropped Out.—Exeter having dropped out of the Intermrediate 0. H. A. group, Seaforth Beavers will net have to play there on December 29th, 'Secretary -treasurer Alvin W. Sillery announced this week. OFFICERS: Geo, R. McCartney, Seaforth - Pres. J'ititaes 'Connolly, 'Goderich - Vice -Pres. ert= A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: 'W. E. Ifinehley, 'Seaforth ; John - ,ay, R. R. a, Seaforth; E. R. a. � uuitth, I3rodhagen; 'James Watt, ; C. E. Heerwitt, Kincardine. bora iTO'RS': r thiotri KfinX , ndesboro; George • oy i I , , Trot hagen;�}y James Con- n , 'pl1 r c s lr ; Alex. 'l moadfoot, No. behest e'Trfs, Blyth ; %byf ', 8, Seaforth; tolteit Shot, ;4Ttm,'1zt,� � aji{Fi y4S� lY'' lllvEx . rj A;1 F r Y'k'A:�lll 4 Sen .r 1 . �r! ( „ a� .,n•„Ya �, !i�h •�.,,a.,!�, 13+•;�waa Young Liberals Will Meet. — The first 1934 meeting of the Th,oma.s Mc- Millan Young Liberal Club will be held in the club rooms on Wednesday evening of next week. An especially interesting program has been pre- pared which includes an address on the Ontario Hydro Situation by John R. Frost, and musical numbers by James T. Scott and Arthur Golding. As usual, the evening will close, with cards aped lunch. Win in Rexall Contest.—The an- nual "Rexall Christmas contest ended Saturday evening and the following girls and boys won prizes: Doll ear- riages--,Eatie Laudenbach, Shirley Warm; Dolls,,Leonore Habkirk, Peggy Willis, Phyllis Scott, Doris Koine, Beth 'Campbell, Elaine Holmes, Ilelen Hodgson, Ruth Wilbee, Mar- jory Knight, Margaret Hudson. Wag- ons—Billy 'Munn, Neil Beattie, Don- ald Senth. "The Light Eternal."—On Sunday evening last the choir of First Pres- by'teriari""Churoh, under the leader- ship of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie, rendered the beautiful Christmas can- tata, "The Light Eternal." A large audience listened to the excellent num'- bers given 'by the following soloists: Mrs. J. A. Munn, 'M>rs. J. E. Daley, IMr. (Gordon C. Rennie, Mr. James T. Scott, Mr. Anderson Scott and Mr. John Scott; duets, 'trios' and quart- ettes, Mrs. W. A. Wright, Miss H. Murray, Mr. M. R.• Rennie and Jas. T. Scott. Is. I4 ,lsa^e,' . PerOFYI tMrs T. ' e eZl; Convene 0g 'ebcn ;l ;0.+0m tteei Mrs; 1. J, Qua; S py Sesta r, Mrs. Jahn Beattie; pianislt, Krs, John Stewart. Barbara I(irlknean President, Mm. J. J. Sclat- er, 'Margaret Larkin C. G. I. T., Muss !Mary Reid; Mission Band Lead- er, Mrs. D .H. Wilson. The i(rrnpres- sieve installation service was conclvet- ed iby Mrs. 'MacTavish. An inspira- tional letter was read from the bn- orary President, and the meeting dos- ed with bhe reading of a hymn and repeating the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. Death of John Mi )son.--IMIre John Millson, widely 'kn n in 'Seaforth end vicinity, passed way in Clinton" on Christmas morning, following a severe stroke, suffered the previous Saturday. ;Mr. IMillson was born in Hul'lett township 65 years ago and in early life learned the trade of stone meson. For a number of years he resided in Cleveland and later in To- ronto, Orillia and Bothwell, but for some years before his death he 'h'a.d 'been a well known resident of Sea - forth. Some 40 years, ago he was united in 'marriage to Miss Margaret Hays who predeceased him in Febru- ary last, but hens survived by three brothers and two sisters, Mr. David 'Millson on the homestead farm near Constance; Messrs. Fred and' Chas. Millson, in Saskatchewan; Mrs. Peter Lirdslav of 'Hu'1'let't and Mise Annie Millson, of Buffalo. The funeral was held from Northside United Church, Seaforth, on Wednesday afternoon, and was under Masonic auspices. Mr. Meson being a member of Orillia Lodge. Rev. C. A. Malcolm, of Eg- mondville, conducted the service in the absence of Rev. W. P. Lane. In- terment eras made, in Maitlandb'anlc' c e meters'. , Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -Northside United 'Church—Morn- ing, "The Tishlbite"• evening, 'Push- ing On," by 'Rev. C. C. Kaine,—Rev. W. P. Lane, Minister. Egmondville Church — Morning, "The Wise Men's Gifts"; evening, "The Relb'irth of the Village."—Rev. Charles A. :Malcolm, Minister. First Presbyterian Church—Morn- ing, "A Confession of Faith"; even- ing, "At the Threshold." Special music by choir at both seeivices,—Rev. L B. Kaine, Minister. 'St. Thomas' Church—See-men topic, "The Arrival of the Shepherds," il- lustated by Terolle's famous' paint- ing; copies for distribution. Ere•ninge 11 p.m. Watch Night Service, sermon topic, "A New Year Message.' Holy Communion following the Watch Night "'Service, 12.T5 a.m. All wel- come.—Canon E: A•ppleyard, Rector. Hold Special Service.—A special Christrnas service was heli by pupils of First Presbyterian Church Sab- bath School on Sunday afternoon. The •pro'grarn included the following numbers: Scripture lesson, Mary Kling; 'Christmas Story, the pastor; Christmas carols, the Primary class; recitation, (Ruth 'M,cNairn; duet, Mar- i'a.n Sclater and Alma Elliott;- offer- ing for Missions; ins'trumentar.duet, Jack '.Mills and Donald M.acTavis'h; play, "I Bring You My Little Light" by Mrs. Brodie's Mission Girls; reci- tation, by Mrs. Anderson's class; solo, A, S'co'tt; the First Newell, by Mary ltling's Class; Benediction. Carnochan-Graves.—On Saturday, December 23rde a quiet wedding was solemmized at 34 Rowanwood Ave,, Toronto, be Rev, F. H. Larkin, D.D., when Miss Alva Graves, daughter of tlhe late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Graves and one of the popular young mem- bers of Seaforth society, t'e'es• united in marriage to Mr. Robert Halliday 'Garnocha.n, son of Mrs. Carnoehan, of Los Angeles, California, and the late Jame Garnochan, of Tucker- enii'bh. The bride travelled in. a 'gown of dragon red crepe and smart 'brown coat trimmed with beaver and accessories of dark brown suede. Af- ter a 'honeymoon spent in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Garnochan will reside at Miefieid Farm, the fine Carnochan homestead in Tu'ckeremdt'h. W. S. of FirstPresbyterian Church.—The annual meeting of the W. M. S. was held in the school room on December 1.9'th. After the usual open4n'g exercises the annual reports of the different societies were receiv- ed. The e'lecti'on of offi,eers for 1934 then took plaee and the following were ap'yoit te'd to the executive:--- Ho'norary president, Mrs. F. H. Lar- ,ltiri; president, Mrs. James Kerr; vice- peeeJsidents, Mrs. Neil Gillespie, Mrs. lei/Miens Ktreehtel, Mrs. K. M: 'Me - Lean, 'Mrs, Robert Gov'enloek, Mrs. IG Aiberhaxt; secretary, Mrs, William ''etatnan.; br.`,ease er,'rs, ' ..s. Smith; `• i attr a if a #ii.` ey $f e'imtt',3r, gra. ,4, i8 it* Bd'MO ire erta iso Li'r XRL 17: Celebrates Seventy -Fifth Birthday. .11.1r. J. F. Staples, Edmonton, re- ra..i•ved the best .wishes of many friends on the occasion of his 75th birthday celebratied recently,( when Me. and Mrs. W. C. Pepper enter- tained for him. Mr. Staples is a brother of Mr. Thomas Staples, of Seaforth. Court whist was arrangers for the evening when those winning prizes were Mrs. Fred Briggs, Mrs. Elsie Lange, Mr. E. Nelson and Mr. J. K. Porter. Music .was enjoeed with Mr. Cecil Pepper and Mr. Eddy Riel at the piano and old-time pieces were played by Mrs. Mary Lamb, Mr•. J. E. Staples, ,Mr. 'J. 'Satersfreld and Mr. R. W. McIntyre. Daneir.g was arranged with novelty tap dances by Mrs. C. Riel. Later refreshments were served, with 'Mrs:' Nelson, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Edwards assisting Mrs. Pepper. The guests included: Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Pepper, Mr. and Mrs. George Welsh, Mr., and Mrs. G. H. Cresswell, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Por- ter, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ed. Riel, M;. and Mrs. E. Lange, 'Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Johnson, Mr. anIrs. Fred Briggs, Mr.' and Mrs. Bert Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. E. Nelson, Mr. and 'Mrs, R. W. Mc- Intyre, 'Mrs. 'Mary Lanrlb (Wadena, Sask.), Mr. Jim' Satterfield, Miss D. )McIntyre (England), Miss •Roberta McIntyre, 'Miss -Muriel Pepper, Miss Norine Pepper, Mr. Leo Doray, Mr. Joe !Dewey, Mr. Cecil Pepper, Mr. Clarence Welsh, Mr.. Orville Nikirk, George Pepper and Donald Nelson. New Books at the Public Library. i—Flam'e of the Borders. Roe; Clear the Trail, Seltzer; Hell's Desert, Spearman; Wife For Sale, Norris; Purple Ball, Packard; Vanessee, Wal- pole; Angel in the House, Norris; 1-Iar'bourmaster, McFee; Clue of the Judas Tree, Ford; Golden Rain Wid- demer; Love's a Puzzle, Baldwin; The Album, Rinehart; Grand 'Canary, Cronin; Over the River, Galsworthy; The Way Beyond, Farno•l; The Dove, Salverson; Dona Celestis, Dell; Miss Bishop, Aldrick; Royce of the Royal Mounted, Moore; Inheritance, Bent- ley; Turnip Tops, Boileau; The Leg- end of Susan Dane;' Mitchell: The Dragon Murder Case, VanDine; En- chanted Ground, Bailey; Bugles Go- ing By, McCord; The Beloved Stran- ger, Hill; The Way of the Scarlet Pimpernel, Oreczy; Heavy" Weather, Wodehouse; The Girl From Bullet Lake, Cody; The Girl From Glen- garry, Connor; Two Black Sheep, Deeping• The Bash Knife Outfit, Grey; The Long Quest, Parm'entelr; The Stalking Horse, Sabatine; Piti- less Choice, Peeler; Protecting Mar- got, Rosman; Master of Jalna. Della Roche; Rogue Herries, Walpole; Re- turn of the Native, Hardy; Laura the Undaunted, Price-Braon. Nen- Fiction—My Vision of Canada, Dea- con; Cry Havoc, Nicholls; Down the Garden Path. Nicholls; Twenty Years Agrowing, 'O'Sullivan; Garden Note Book, Pietz; Care and Handling of Dogs, , Leonard; Count Lue'kner, 'Thoni.as; My Story, Rinehart; Six Years in .Malay Jungle, Wells; Vaga- bond Journey Around the World, Franck; Bridge Culbertson.; Hell's Angel; of the Dep, Carr; Anne Sul- livan Macey, Braddy; Jungle in Sun- light and Shadow, Champion; Once a Grand Duke, Alexander; Always a Grand Duke, Alexander; Cat Had Nine Lives, Ahdrrllah; Old Gimlet Eye, Thomas; Challenge of Russia, Eddy; The House of Exile, Waln; Plays, Baine; A Child's History of Art, Hillier; Sermons of the Year, Stead; The Book of Art, -.Walters; Canadian Cook Book; -Patterson; For Sinners Only, Russell; Collected Poems, Broo c; Juvenile—Jim of the Press, Dean; uck of Trail, Darling; Java Jungle Tales, De Leenuv; For- gotten Daughter, Snedeker; Mystery of the Empty Room, Seaman; Tales of a Russian Grandmother, Carpen- ter; Triple Threat, (Haines; Clue of the Riddle, Cleland; Crew of. the Casco, Barbour. LOCAL BRIEFS • 'Mr. Charles Appleyarrd, Princi- pal of Galt Technical School and Mrs, Appleyard, Rev. Reg. Appleyard of 'Huron College, London; Rev. Har- old Appleyard, Kerivood, an Mies Eva McLean, of London, were the Christmas guests of Canon Apple yard and Mrs. Appleyard at the Rec- tory. • Mies S. J. Moran, R.N., of ei- naw, is v'isititig a1 her home 1.e.tre with her deter, tum W. J. 3'04(5$, ,, • 11 to aril ,, t'hartea C�t 'r i cel? vfff� o. .N '8G 1,54y0 ,poq. most 4144 a' fiery Happy and Prosperous New Year • Fred S. Savauge Jeweller and'' Optometrist, Phones Residence ' 194 . 10 Aylmer, spent ;Christmas with Mr. Clark's mother, Mrs. R. L. Clark. • Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Porteous spent the Christmas holidays with the Iatter's sister, Mrs. J. H. Long and Mr. Long in Brantford, • 'Mise 'Betty Sargeant, Stratfocd, is the gueet of Mrs. Lorne Dale. • Mr. W. L. Watson; of Tor eito, and Miss M. B. Watson, of New York, spent Christmas with their father, .Mr. James Watson, and aunts, the Plisses Watson. • ,Mr. and (Mrs. Gordon Willis, De- troit, Mr. an" Mrs. Harry Watson, Goderich, and Mx. R. 0. Willis, of Toronto, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Willis. The Spirit of the Season prompts us to wish you Increased Happiness and Prosperity the Cp ping Year. t J.J. CLEAR Y, Groceries SEAFORTH ai MiSh ” fiy " St '$4xt," i•o1' 'liOl tiar, dthe IsT'ora Stewart,, of Dur[- hending the holidays •with hetr uts, iN7sr. and 'Mars„ ij'arry Ate�va • 11y s ;Clayton Martin, gl7.-Einglee.. hart, is itptending the •halidaes with relatives. en_ district. • 1Mi15e,,1 ales ThQmlpsene' Mama a ra Falls, is {slp'ehnding Qhxiebtidag"With' her mother, airs. J. B,, Thompson, r• Miss Glades Me'Phee and •Miss... ;Marjorie Biokell, of Toronto.' ire spending the holidays at their hornets !here. • !Miss's Elizabeth Junes of the Con- servator of Music, Toronto, sang a well rendered solo in First Presby- terian Church on Sunday morning last. •eMiss Nettie. Pethick, of Toronto, is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. George Pethick. • !Mrs. G. T. Turnbull is spending New Years in Toronto. • Dr. Reid Edmunds, of Brantford, spent Christmas at the home of his mother. Mrs. W. G. Edmunds. • .Miss !Mildred. Johnston. of Wash - ago. and ;Miss Thelma Johnston, of Sutton, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John- ston, • 'Miss Jean Cluff, 'of 'spent Christmas with her Mr. and Mrs. A. F. 'Cluff. • Miss Jean, Brodie, of 'Stratford, and Miss Annie Brodie, of Arkona, are spending the bolid'ays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. 'Brodie. • (Miss Ruth Pinkiney, of Stratford spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Pinkney. • 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Alvin Dale, of Constance. spent Christmas at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale. • Mr. Jack Hinchley. of Coiling - wood, and Mr. Harry Hinchley, of Renfrew, spent.. Christmas with their mother, M;'s. •J. D, Hinchley. • Mr. W. H. Pollard and Mr. W. McNay, of Stratford IN,orreal, large 'spending the holidays at their homes here. • Miss -Margaret Ross, University of Toronto,- is spending the holidays with her father, Dr. H. H. Ross. • Miss Jessie Hodgert, of Exeter, and Mr, Charles !Hlodgert, of London, 'were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie. • :Miss Mildred Turnbull, of Td- ronto, spent Christmas at her home here. • Mrs. S. Phillips, of Detroit, and 'Miss Edith Govemlock, of Toronto, spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3.1M. Govenlock. • Mr. Dawson Reid, of Guelph, spent Christmas at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. F. Reid. • 'Miss 'Mary Hays and Mr. Jas. Cochrane, of Toronto, spent Christ- mas at the home of. Mr. and 'Mrs. Adam Hays. • Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hays and son, Stanley, of Windsor, were Christ- mas guests at the home of Col. R. S. Hays and Mrs. Hays. • Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Haibkirk, of 'Trenton, Michigan, spent Christmas' at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Dale. '• Miss Betty Dale, of Constance, is spending the holidays with 'Mar- garet and Lorna Dale. • Dr. R. N.- Hill, of Brooklyn, N. Y., spent Christmas with his brother, Mr. W. J. Hill and sister, Miss Hill. • Miss Merle Keating has receiv- ed the handsome leather covered copy of "Ben Hue" given by Dr. J. M. Field for the second highest standing in the Entrance examinations last sum- mer. • 'Mr, and Mrs, R. IS. Reid,' Strat- ford, spent Christmas at the home of Mrs. J. F. 'Reid of Seaforth. • Dr. and 'Mrs. Glanfield, of Wal- 1,acetown, spent •Christmlas at the home of Mrs. Glanfield's father, Mr. Wm. Elcoat. • Miss Elva Oke, 'of Hamilton, is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, IMr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Oke. • Mr. and (Mrs. George .Love, of 'Toronto, and ,Mrs. John McKinsey and son, James, of Winnipeg, spent Christmas with '•Mr, and Mrs. A. D. Scott, "at Thornton Hall. • Mr. and 'Mrs. Douglas Beattie and little' daughter spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Jphn Beattie. • Rev. W. P. Lane; 'Mrs. Lane and :Miss Helen are spending the week in Toronto. • 'Mr. Howard Hartrir and family, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Bissonette and 'two sots, of Stratford, were Christmas guests at the, home of Mr. William H)artry. • 'Mrs. Whatton and' the Misses Nellie and Ada Whatton, of Toronto, were the, Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Barber. • 'Mr. E. A. Phelan, of Hamilton, was a 'Christmlas visitor at tlhe home of Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Daly. • )Mrs. 'Margaret Ferguson, Bay- field, is a guest at the home of Mr. and rs. E. Geddes. • . 'Carl Aberhart, of Toronto,, 'spent ristmas with his parents, Mr. ,and 'M .. 'Charles A'berhart. • 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hays and son, 'Stanley', of Loeden, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Hays, o£ Detroit, spent Christmas with their parents, Col. R. S. Hays and Mrs. Hays. • !Mr. W. Bell, orflevLlle, spent Christmas with his ;motlitee Mrs. R. PJ Bell. Mr. Bell was called to Paris Tuesday morning to operate one of the large snowplows on the Paris - Hamilton highway. • )Mr. Ken Ament, of St. Cathar- ines, M. A: R. G. Areent, of Toronto, and ',Micas Helen -Ament, of Ethel, spent the Christmas holidays at their home here. • IMr, and 'Mrs. Ernest Edge, of Toronto, were the 'Chri's'tmas guests of IMr. H. Edge and Miss Josephine. • Miss Olive Laidlaw) hes returned from Toronto. • 'Mess 'Elinore Burrows, of the University of Toronto, and Mr. Ar- thur Burrows, of Western Univers- ity, London, are spending the holi- rs with their father, Dr. F. J. Bur- rows. • Mr. and Mrs. Don McKay, of Hamilton, spent Christmas with Mr. and !Mee. J. E. Willis. • 'Mr. Keith Lamont, of Detroit, spent the holiday at the home of his father, Mr. •Alex. Lamont, • 'Mi's's Anna Sutherland anid Miss 'ores, of J 'Toronto, 1�1i�a1be411r �.' , are spending the 'holiidlays With Mayor A. D. Sutherland and Mrhs. 'Strtlhei land. • lieli'ss Dorothy Kerslake and wit,. Howard 'Purdy, r, of ,Tot'onto, were Butcher SEAFORTH eels es Le- es k .#, :le, We extend to you ,our grateful apprecia- rtion and hearty good wishes for .a New Year of Prosperity. McGAVIN'S GROCERY Phone 95 - Seaforth r ,. ..r ,tri I se I ..+i I .,i- 1 ,,' AVON DAIRIES PASTEURIZED MILK FOR SALE Protect your family with SAFE Milk. ROY BUTT British American Service Station Goderich St. E. : Seaforth Our wish is that You and Yours will enjoy a year of Increasing Prosperity. • Bert Williams Barber Shop SEAFORTH 1F. Nakina, parents, �f. cirtrrnilm Yet1 lir' Ring Out 1933 teTil '\so a'r. . Y#. ee Ring, In 1934 .. t THE CANDLE OF 1933 BURNS LOW tfci+ Soon the' flame will flutter, die and be no more. We realize that another year is about to pass. —AND SO— THE SINCEREST MEANING OF THE TIME-HONOURED SAYING Happy New Year WE EXTEND TO YOU 9 We sincerely hope that all of us are ready to face with fortitude the challenge 1934 brings. Forgetting the worries of the year now end- ing, in spirit, let us all join hands and say: ;49 "Happy New Year." • May it have for us the r two much -coveted bless rugs — Happiness and Newness. PfiMacTAVISH'S Q4 4 Cihristrnlas guests at the (home of Mr. 'and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. • !Messrs. William and Geo. Black of London, and Miss Margu'erit Black of Hamilton, spent 'Christmas at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Black in Tuckersmith. • Miss Florence Laidlaw is spend- ing the holidays with 'het mother, Mrs, 3. C. Laidlaw. - • 'Mrs's Muriel Beattie and Miss 'M'argaret '•McKellar, of •theUnivers- ity of Western Ontario, London, are spending the holidays at their homes here. • 1Mlitss Margaret Thompson, of Allentown, Penn., spent Christmas at the home of her 'parents, Mr. and :Mrs. W. T. Thomipeon. • Mr. W. J. Faulkner of Brant- ford, was a holiday visitor at his home here. • Mr. 'W. W. Scott, of London, and Mr. J. Steele, of Brantford, were Christmas guests at the hone of Mr. and ;Mrs. J. J. Cluff. • !Miss Bess Grieve, of 'Clhathane is spending the holidays at her home in Egmondville. • ;Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Bristow, of Bay City, 'Michigan, 'were 'Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Seip. • Miss Verna McGregor, of To- ronto, is spending tlhe holidays with her aunt, Mrs. Ross. • IMrn, L. G. Kruse and Billy, of !Galt, and Mr. and Mrs. • E. Lawson and Miss Bernice, of Au- burn, spent Christmas with Mrs. Wm. Sclater. • •Mrs. T; H. Sandi'ck and daugh- ter, of Ingersoll, and 'Miss E. Staples of Stratford, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. MacTalv'ish. • ,Miss Alice Devereaux and Mr. Francis Devereaux, of Western Uni- versity, are 'spending )the holidays with their mother, Mrs. F. Devereux. • Mr. and Mrs. G. Schofield, of Detroit, spent Christmas with Mr. and 'Mrs. J. A. Case. • 'Mr. Melvin Clarke, whose store and residence at Winthrop were burn- ed on Sunday morning, has leased the residence on James Street, re- cently vacated 'by Mr. R. E. Jackson, and will move his family into it. TUCKERSMITH !Theaollowing is the report of S. S. No. 9, Tuckersmith, for the month of December: Sr. IV—Stewart Love 78,4'%, Kate Dalrymple 78, Glen Houston 75. ' Jr. IV—aJack MacKay 75, Billy Powell 71. Sr. III --.Frances Elgie 88, Willie Hodgert 72, Doris MacKay 66, Helen Houston 53, Don- alcl: Sundercock (not ranked). Jr, III —;Bruce 'Hodgert 67, Class II— Fran.k Ryan 75. C'l'ass I—JaeJcie Powell 74, Janet Hodgert 70. Primer —Alyn 'Ryan 80, Elinor Sumdercock (not ranked), Most Stars for - the - month --Jackie Powell. Number on roll, 16; average attendance, ,15. --- Margaret E. Grieve, Teacher. The pupils of S. S. No. 9, Tucker - .smith, held their entertainment on Thursday afternoon. After a pro- gram of choruses, drills. dialogues,. recitations and dances, Santa CIaus; distributed the gifts from the Christ - rias tree. Lunch served by the sen- ior girls completed the afternoon's+ program. The following is the report of S: S. No. 2, Tuekersmith. for the .terra lust closed. The pupils were exam- 'in'ed in Spelling. Arithmetic, ,Read- ing, Literature, Writing, Composition, Grammar„History, Geography, Art and Agriculture. The names marked with an asterisk were absent for one or more examinations: Sr. IV— Thede Watson 90, Dorothy 'Deitz 88,. Olive Smith 87, Edna Dayman 82,. Ronald MacGregor 80, Doreen :Coop- er 79, Bernard McLean 73. Jr; IV= Edison McLean 81. Sr. 'III--aKathleere MacGregor 91, , *.Blan'che Watson. 72,. Mildred Deitz 71, *Don Cooper 69, *Donald Dayman. absent !or examin- ations owing to illness. Jr. HI—Big-- lie 'Sproat 85, Esther Dayman. 80, Given "Cooper 77, Grace Schilbe 71, Ray Cooper 68, Kenneth McKenzie 66, Marjorie Smith 64, Kathleen Schit- be 63. Sr. II—+Jack 'Deitz .86, Joe McKenzie 76, Jean Schilbe 73. Jr,. II--IBuddie 'Cooper' 81, Wilmer Mrac Gregor 80, Roma Chandler 75, *Eld-; red Moffat, present for two examina- tions only, 85: I—,Ronald Caldwell 73. Primer_JDorothy Chandler 91, Johnny Smith 88, Wallace Watson 76;: Olive :Schilbe 75, Isabel 'Wtabson 74. Numiber on roll, 35; average attend- ance. 31.—H. Richardson, Teacher. The following is the report of S.• tS. No. 5, Tuckersmith, for the month of November and December: 'Sr. IV —Ethel Chesney 67%, Robert Patrick 65, Jr. IV—Warden Haney 71, Arn- old Archibald 65. Grace Wallace 58. Sr. IJJ—John Oldfield 78, Hazel Me- Nau>'hton 73, Gordon 'Macdonald 66 - Sr. II—Shirley Oldrfeld 82, Clair Haney 81, Pearson Chesney 80, Marie Williains 71, Jack Patrick 64, Murray Williams 61. Jr. II --Jack Rice 78, Harrold 'McNaughton 68, Donald Wal- lace 67, Robert Wallace 66. Primer —Eric Doig, Earl McNaughton, Lloyd) Haney, Douglas Wallace, Angus Brown. Number on roll, 23; average attendance, November and ;December,. 22.5. Highest numlber of stars in 'Spelling 'in Sr. • Id4Shirley Oldfield; in Jr. I'I—;Robert Wallace; perfect attendance for 1933, Jack Patrick; perfect attendance "since starting at Easter, Lloyd Haney First to obtain diploma for answering all the ques -tion's on New,Testament, Hazel Mc- Naughton. — Alice 1M. Archibald, A,. +!"�1 yv_ H" Ik•'IX•' 1;Y') rY')yW'I r •..,. -.», - -"II ... GREETINGS... -We desire to extend to you the Compli- ments of the Season and express our sin- cere wishes for your prosperity the com- ing year with a continuance of the cordial relations existing between us. Christie Meat Market PHONE 58 SEAFORTH 1.fi I ;Hy' I.ir 1..li �. •1' !,nv 1,fi 1;;; I.3r1.fi , Se yk F F I 1 X41 4041 JN-ir ; u, I I r, I .1, er-41 ✓!• ! W') ,lu' ..., — 'Wl '+-A -M ^1V1•W,•, Y.1,. V,A...,,71••,W.Zuw, GREETING l'!`t In bidding farewell to the Old Year and '..'f weldoming the New, we extend to all 11 four friends the wish for Happiness and Prosperity. f E . SMITTIE'S RECREATION r`^''•,� v "' .re re ers% re rr r ;r ' r r r, ' e > . ,rot,. r e, ;a ,y NA, now. fadvif nom. w ,n y rel