HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-12-29, Page 51ECE
1't''l rlrtD f i s y;,
NT TF ATRE, Seaforth'.
"ROBBER'S ROOST" with George O'Brien
Monday,' Tuesday, Wednesday—January • 1,_•2, 8'
A Truly Grand Musical Comedy
Thursday. Friday, Saturday --January 4, 5, 6
A Gay and Giddy Musical Burlesque featuring the Queen of Comedy
"Cicely Courtneidge"-Laurel arid Hardy Comedy
Matinees Sat. and holidays, 8 p.m. Two shows nightly, 7.30 and 9.15
Mayor Sutherland Reviews
(Continued from 'page 1)
ing the relief cost to the •town by
some $72 and would have provided
work for 'town trucks.. However, the
'project did not materialize.
The largest number of families on
'relief was 27 last April and 'to -day
there are 15. Transients are requir-
ed to cut tome woad or assist in
some way. We have treated all of
-them as human -beings, as men out
Collegiate Pupils Learn
(Continued from page 1)
Form III
Highest pupilesiDorot'hy Golding;
'Passed in all subjects—D. Golding
78 (Hon.), F. ',Sills 67.
Failed in one subject --I. Betties
71, M. Leylburne 68, J. Watson 66, 0.
Moore 66, J. Cheoros 63, C. Eckert
62, M. ,Broadfoot 62, L. Wright 61,
M. 'Cudmore 60, A. Love 59, E. Mc-
-of work, and though the odd Man Gregor 60, M. Murphy 58.
gets away without doing any work,1 Failed in two subjects—J. Sher -
le is tisually an agitator and better 'wood 61, E. Duffy 60; P. Hugill 59, H.
away. We halve personally inspected McLean 58, R. Pryee 57, E. Forrest
the hones of families that are un-' 57, M. IM'ci}ver 56, D. Patrick 52, M.
Failed in three subjects -;D. Castle
55, D. Bannon 55, M. Storey 48, 0.
Aberhart 50.
Failed in four sulbjects--e. South-
gate 51, G. Carter 51, iHi. Hamilton
49,'"S: Dorrance 48, F. Fortune 47, M.
Finnigan 50. u
Failed in six subjects—M. Murray
43, I. MacKay 40, L. Hart 38, J. Dev-
ereaux 37, F. .Rutledge 37, . M. Flett
Failed in seven subjects --M. Wil-
liams 39, C. Williams 38, J. Hotham
38, C. Nolan 36, M. Case 28.
Absent for one or more, exams—D.
Drover 58, M. Johnstone 51, J. Ran-
kin 47.
Form II
fortunately compelled to ask relief
and can assure the ratepayers that
not one cent is being wasted, only
substantial food is being sent out
with no luxuries. The merchants,
however, have been most kind and
.after throw in a luxury of one kind
501. another for which no charge is
enlade. We have also endeavored to
thle 'best of our ability to distribute
dihe business anlolg the merchants as
fairly as poasi'ble and the department
.of relief is open fon inspection by
any ratepayer at any time.
Extracts from .Government Inistruc-
•tions and Regulation's, re. Direct Re-
lief. --Where an able bodied man is
given 'direct relief, he is expected to
4o an amount of work equivalent to
elle amount of (relief given. Every
effort should be made to see that
-this is of some value and useful.
There will, of course, be cases where
+ithe recipient is unable to do any son 72, H. Armstrong 72, L. Nott 71,
'work; these cases must be provided L. Box 70, V. Hugill 69, E. Shiner' 66,
for in the usual way. Paym'en'ts in
cash for work done in this way can-
not be made, only food, fuel, cloth-
ing, etc., can be given persons doing
-work. A schedule of the maxi'mium
allowances will be found on page 17
•of the report with •a list of the art-
icles of food, etc., from which selec-
Highest pupil—Alma Finnigan 78`"0
Passed in all subjects—A. Finni-
gan 78 (Hon,), S. Geddes 73, D. Law -
M. McIver 61.
'Failed in one subject—J. Eckert
70, G. Gemmell 63, E. Leitch 62, E.
Dexter 61. D. Hudson 59, J. Drager
58. M. McMichael 57.
Failed in two subjects—M. Holmes
63, R. Cleff 63, E. Drover 61, C. Dale
60, R. Allen • 59. W. Forrest 57, G.
"tion may be made and the total Ryan 57, V. Bell 56.
amount up to which. such (,•election • Failed in three subjects --V. Storey
r .a,v be made. 60, H. Nicholson 52.
• Relief orrdet s rre not tran.ferable 'Failed in four subjects--iM. Wigg
and goad only for the family or per- 7,,3, 'M. Hanley. 52. I. Chuter. 51, G.
•son for which they are drawn. 'Cer_ Pinkney 47, A, Hudson 46, A. Case
•iificates must 'be attached to -cm '45.
monthly statement of accounts sign- Failed in five subjects — N. Mac -
o'1 by the Relief Officer 'n,l the Lean 49, B. ' arlin 42. •
1.'reaserer of the municipality. • 'Failed in seven subjects --1F.
The report of Mr. Savaug'e of the 42. M. Fortune 34.
London meeting of representatives of Failed in eight subjects—D. Parke
municipalities' on the relief problem 26.
is 'well worth reading and is avail- Form I
able at any time.
Highest pupil—J. 'Mills, 86"1,.
Passed in ell' subjects—J. Mills 86
(Hon.), S. 1t-hitm,nre 25 (Hon.), E.
Smith 22 (Hon,), R, Smith 22 (Hon.),
Mr. and 'Mrs. William McMillan M. Keating 7S ((Ton.). K. Share '79
and laughter, Marian., of London, and (lion) Scott 74 (Hon.), W. Stos-
1i'Iiss Florcnce Taylor, of 'Weston, itopf 77 (Hon.). B. Driscoll 75 (Hon.).
:spent Christmas with Mrs. H. Taylor J. Drovcr 76 (Hon.), R. Duncan 75
and Harvey. (17.bn.), F. Stewart 75 (Hon.), J. Mac -
Mr. Leslie Lavppn and Mr. and Kinnon 74. E. • Wallace 74, M. Mc -
Mrs. Jack Daviddcin, of Brucefield, Tver 74. G. Free 7Z..G. Scott 71, D.
spent Christmas at the home of Mr. Gemmell 70, G. Mowbray 69, H. Jam-
ieson 67, R. Stewart 63.
Failed in one subject -.M. South-
gate 73, J. Stewart 72. J. Thompson
69, E. Plant 66, M. Moore 66, M.
Pretty 65. I. Anderson 62.
Failed in two subjects --H. Elliott
62, B. McSpadden 62, A. Wolliam.s 62,
K. Adams 61, R. 'McLachlan 61, R.
Gemmell 59.
Failed in three subjects J. Flan-
nigan 60, J. Fortune 60, M.' Murphy
54, H McKenzie 54, H. Crich 53, H.
Carroll.52, A. Dundas 51, H. Lamont
'Failed in four subjects. --N. Nesbitt
55, E. Britton 51, W. McAsh 42, J.
Clu.ff 40.
Failed in five suibj.ects—G. Holmes
and Mrs. R. Lawson. •
.Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Wheatley and
-family spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. ''George' Wheatley.
(Miss 'Mary Hall, of Toronto, visited
-with her aunt, 'Mss. Charles McGre-
gor on Sunday.
'Word was received on Saturday
morning that Mr. John M.illson, of
Clinton, had 'taken a severe stroke
and on Christmas morning he pass-
ed peacefully arway. The sympathy
of the community goes out to the
'brothers and sisters.
'Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott, of To-
ronto, visited at the home of Mr. and
'Mrs. J. Ferguson on Monday.
!Mrs. Bromley and Mr, Bill Dale, H. 'Chuter 39.
of Toronto, spent Christmas at the 47,Failed in six subjects—G. Pinder
lone of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D'a'le. 42, G. 'McKellar 34.
IMr. and 'Mrs. Jack Busby, Chatham
spent :Christ -Mad with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Lawson.
Miss Elva Wheatley, of Toronto,
•spent the holiday with her parents,
:Mr. and Mrs. George Wheatley.
Mr. James Armstrong, of Toronto,
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
;Mat. Armstrong.
(The C'hri'stmas tree and entertain-
•rmlem't held under the auspices of the
'-'Sunday •schoo'l was a decided slliccess,
'The 'public school children 'gave the
first part of the programa and were
'trained :MissbY'
John Ferguson. This consisted of
songs, duets, dialogues and, .panto -
mines. They were all well rendered
and showed oareful training. About
forty young people put on an in-
structive and inspiring cantata en-
t'itled, "The Great Deliverer." The
.co'stumes were beautiful and in keep-
ing with the Orient,
KLEVREX. "The Wonder Heal-
ing Salve,''' heals
Psoriasis, Impetigo, I't'ch, Erythema,
Pemphigus, Iti'n'gworin and ' other
skin ailments while you work. The
old, .•,aleliable, geinvine article is
spelled K -L- l E R -E -X. 50c; $1.00;
$2.00'; $6.50 lb.. Ask your Drug-
gist or write Kl'eerex iTi4lfg.•' Co,,
1380 Yonge St, Toronto, Ontario.
4No '1eCtio i1► ,ego
(Continned 'frons p 'ge 4)
'comi'c's. $ ufl. Cilisshoian, Pub*
Shieol TruAibee,g are returined by I
+?" oto nulla: St. David's, ••F. R 3Vliil'1er,
St, Patrick's, John Ciztt; St. George's
Rev, J. N. II. (Mills; St, Andrew's,
Gelorge, Sdhaefer, . • nblic Utilities.
Comlrn'ission, Dr: W. F..Gallow.
:At the stimination of .the Township
of U•shorne held 'at Elim'ville on Dee.
29nd, nominations for Reeve were:
James Ballantyne and Hugh Berry;
for Councillors—Peter (Moir, Percy
Pas'srmlore, Rueben 'Shier, Geo. West-
cott, of which all quailiiftedl except
Hugh Berry. This left the council
by .acclamation. The 'Ree'yo,,,x's:l;j,ew:-
ed the, work of the county finances
and investigation of the country which
was completed by F. P. 'Gibbs, of
Stratford, and showed (how the in-
vestigation was, so costly. The court
cillors took up the work of the town-
ship. The showing of the township
finances.is as' follows: 'Cash on hand,
$3,976.28; arrears of taxes, $6,793.31.
The township rate was 1 mill.
Stephen Township
Both H. C. Beaver and W. Switz'
ler qualified for election as reeve of
'Stephen Township, while Chester
Mawhinney was elected deputy -reeve
by acclamation. Those qualifyingfor•
council seats are Roy Riatz, Elonza
McCann, Roy Holt, Edward Nadiger,
Thos. Klumpf, and :Clayton Pfile were
elected as trustees for 'the police vil-
lage of Dashwood.
Hay Township
'Alfred 'Mellick was elected reeve
of Hay Township by, acclamation,
while nominees who qualified for el-
ection to the council are: Geo. Arm-
strong, Geo. Becker, Fred Corbett,
David Duc'harme, Jahn Geoffrey, Max
Turnbull, Edward Walper and Wim.
Colborne Township
A. J, 'Goldthorpe is elected Reeve
of Colborne Township by acclama-
tion; his opponent, Wm. L. Young,
not fling his quali'fica'tions. James
Chisholm, Jr., replaces 'Hiarry Mc-
Creath as councillor, who dropped out
on account of ill health. George C.
Feagan, John Pitblado and Melvin
Tyndall are .returned 'by acclamation.
East Wawanosh
'There will be a three cornered fight
forthe reeveship of East Wawanosh
between Peter W. Scott, Raymond
Redmond and R'obt. H. Thompson.
There will ialso 'be an election for
the 'council, the following having
qualified; George Youngblut, W.. F.
Cam'p'bell, Stewart .McBurney, Adan
Robertson, Geo. Kerr and Wilfred
J. C. Heffron will oppose...Reeve
George McNeil for the reeveship of
Blyth, both having qualified. The
council was elected by acclamation,
as follows: Edward Lundy, George
White, Jack Cook and Jas. Watt.
Hullett Township
M t hew Armstrong and Jas. Leipe
e_• will oppose each other for Hul-
lettls seat on the 'County Council
next year. The council was returned
by acclamation as follows: Herbert
:Vlogridge, James C. Forbes, ;Robert
Lawson,- Bert Allen.
Hc>vick Township
The reeve, deputy -reeve and the
co+lncil of Hswick Towns:nip were ail
returned by acclamation. They are:
Reeve, J. W. Gamble:, deputy -reeve,
L. Demerling: council—L. Bryans,
Thomas Lovell end David Weir,
Turnherry Township
Reeve Isaac Wright was returned
as reeve of Turn'nerry Township for
1034. There will be an interesting
contest for the seats on the council,
eight allowing their' names to stand,
as follows: James McTavish, Rich-
ard Wilton, Wm. Austin, C. 0. Thom -
.son, Peter MCEwan, Robt, Moffatt,
Roy Porter and Jas. Brackenlbridge.
Grey Township
4l1 offices in the municipality of
Grey Township were filled by - ac-
clamation. John'McNab was re-elect-
ed reeve, Oliver Helningway, deputy -
reeve and the council comprises of
Silas Johnston, Walter Broadfoot.
None of the n'ew men nominated
for mu-nicipal offices qualified with
the exception of W. E. Perdue for
Public Utilities Commission and con-
sequently no election will be neces-
sary, last year's mayor, reeve, coun-
cil and school trustees carrying on
for another term, . by • accla"mation.
Mayor—N. W. Trewarbh'a; Reeve, G.
H. Elliott; Councillors, W. S. R.
Holmes, Alex. 'Imkley, W. G. Gook,
'0. L. Paisley, Fred Livermore, Wm.
Walker, Public School. Trustees—W.
J. Cook, J. A. Ford, A. F. Cudmore,
George T. Jenkins. Public Utilities
com'mis'sioner, W. E. Perdue, replaces
S. J. Andrews, who did not seek re--
(Owen Geiger and William) J. Jones
will contest the reeveship of Hensall.
The four councillors were efleote'd-'`by
aeclamlatnon. They were George C.
Petty, David RJolbinson, Wm.- Sang-
ster and Wm. Shepherd. The school
'board, which also went in by acclam-
ation consists of A. L. Case, W. 0.
Goodwin, Alfred Clark, Edward Mc-
Queen, Geo. Hess.
.'ens and
Q ,
Chas. P. Moore was given an acclam-
ation as public utilities commissioner.
The township will have a conies
for both Reeve and Council. John M
Eckert and John Canipbe'll were nom+
inated for Reeve, and Hugh Alexanr
der, Russell Derrance, Ebner Hack -
well, Jas. O'Rourke and W. J. S'ha74-
on for Cou'ncil'lors.
Tuckersinith Township elelctled their
retiring :council by +acclam'ation as
follows: Reeve -W. R. Archibald;
',Councillors—Matthew Clarke, Che„s.
MacKay, John 'McGregor, S. H. Whit-
more. •
In Stanley Township a reeve and
council are elected by acclamation:
Reeve, !Mervin Hlanley; councillors,
Webster Turner, Fred W'arieionf_.,,• Roy
Lamont, John Pepper.
There will be no election in Morris
'Township this year, Reeve L. E. Car-
diff and members of the township
coUnlSil (being're'turned to• office by
adelanl'ation. Members orf the' eoun-
cil'are Ed. Bryans, Pra ilk• Duncan
Jack Brown, Findlay McCallum.
'The following is the school report
for S. S. No. 6, McKillop, for Novem-
ber and December: Sr. IV — Les,
Pryee 75, Gerald O'Hara 72. Jr. IV
—Reba Duffy 77, Beatrice Pryce 75,
Marie Hoegy 70, Mary Pryce and Haz-
el 'Sparlin'g (equal) 69, Wilbur Hoegy
65, Everett Beuelm'tan 68. Sr. III—
Louis Hoegy 73, 'Irene Connolly 70,
Hector Lamont 55, Alvin Bedernan
53, Bob Duffy 52; Billy Little 51. Sr.
11 --Jean Pryce 70, Rita Sloan 49. Jr.
II, promoted from the First --Marg-
aret Lamont 79, Rita IMeConnell 77,
Leotta IHioegy 70, Roy Elliott and
Mervin Beuermlan (equal) 68, Celia
Stephenson 61. ;Primary Glass --Isa-
bel Purcell, Grace Connolly and Al-
vin Pryce (equal). Best spellers in
each class --,Leslie Pryce, Beatrice
Pryee, Louis Hoegy, Jean Pryce, Rita
Connolly —Anna (Dale, Teacher.
The followingis the report of S.
S. No. 4, McKillop, for November and
December: 'Sr, IV—Arthur Hender-
son 72%, George McClure 67, Ross
Gordon 64. Jr. 'IV --Alma Lawrence
80. Jr. IDI—Jamies Nash 69, Lois
Henderson 65. Sr. Irl --Maxine Lawr-
ence 71. • Sr. I—John 'Henderson 81,
Dorothy Huisser 73, Clayton Huisser
46. Primer --Meth Camipibell, Very
.Good. Best attendance for the year-=
Going January 6th.—Return up tE January 8th.
Tickets andtrain information from Agents.
a,. ,.,aF:... 6zD
i1+ :21n.
The °e i li0ali'oz axil
h'el'd'the*Wilk tee00471.
,in .the aelfeel4reent Math' W.
Bremner presiding. Thu devo'tkonal
period was of a' 'C1iri$tnlas nature,
and Mrs. T. B. Baird teak the eh it
for the 'program. The 4elvotioilnal
leaflet, "The Touch of His 'Hand" was
read by (Mrs. IHI. Aikenhead and Mrs.
Alton Johnston rendered a solo which
was miu'sh appreciated. The study
subject, "Tampering With Social
Roots," third chapter of 'Living Is-
sues in China," was in charge of Mr's.
Baird and (Mrs. 1Stevens. 'Mrs. Haugh
gave the Temperance reading, "The
'Curtain is Lifted.". A pleasing fea-
ture was the presentation of life
memlbershiip certificate to Miss Jean.
M;urrdoch in appreciation of her faith-
fulness as organist, The following is
the result of the election of officers:
Honorary presidents, Mrs. J. Burdge;
Miss M. J. McCully, (Mrs. 'McGregor;
president, Mrs. W. A. 'Bremner; 1st
vice -'president, Mrs. C. Haugh; 2nd
vice president, 'Mrs. H. Aikenhead;
3rd vice-president, Mrs. J. Watson;
recording secretary,?i'Miss E. M.
Bowey; treasurer, 'Mrs' G. Brock;
corresponding secretary, Mrs. J. B.
iMustard; finance secretary, Mrs. A.
McQueen; expense fund treasurer,
,Mrs. L. 'Forrest; Strangers' Secre-
tary, 'Mrs. A. T. Scott; Supply, Miss
Helen Tough; Literature, iMrs. T. B:
Baird; !Missionary Monthly, Mrs.
Tough; Associate 'Helpers, Mrs. Jas.
'McQueen; Temperance, Miss Munro;
Mission Band Supt.. Mrs. W. Me-
Beath; assistant, Mfrs. L. 'Forrest ;
Baby Band •Supt:, Mrs. T. 'Chapman;
press secretary, Mis's M. Swan; as-
sistant press secretary, ;Mrs. W. Rat-
-tenlbury; organist, 'Miss Jean Mur-
doch; assistant organisit, Mrs. Stev-
(Men's 'alub.—The Men's Club will
meet for their January meeting on
Thursday evening, January 4th', at 8
o'clock. For this ,mieeting the of-
ficers have been fortunate to secure
for their speaker, Mr. J. H. Scott, of
Seaforth, who has been for some time
one of the leading exporters of cattle
to the Old Country from this local-
ity. His subject will be, "Canada's
Export Cattle -Trade." This is a
subject which Mr. Scott is capable of
;handling in a manner which will be
of great interest to all who care to
attend, and it is of vital interest to
those who are interested in the cattle
industry. The Toronto market is a
poor outlet for the kind of beef cattle
which Huron County can raise, so
why not come out and get an insight
into the market which the British
Empire offers?
Miss Margaret Aikenhead and Miss
Irene Snider, of London, and 'Miss
Eleanor Snider, of Kincardine, spent
Christmas at the home of their par-
'Mr. and Mrs. West and babe, of
St. Thomas, and Nurse Edna Brem-
ner of Seaforth(„ were visitors at
their home in the Manse.
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Bird, of Clin-
ton, spent Christmas at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. L. Forrest and Mr. and
Mrs. James McQueen.
Mr. and Mrs, James Walker spent
the week end at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Watts, Clinton.
Mrs. Janet Ross returned home last
week after spending the past few
weeks at the home of her daughter,
Mrs, Roy Monteith, of London, on
account of the serious illness of her
husband. Mr. Monteith's many
friends will be glad to hear that he
is now in a fair way to recovery.
Mrs. Hastings and family, of Bel -
grave, spent the week end at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Janet Ross.
Maxine..Lawrence. ••- M. Wheatley
The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of
Cavan Church will meet at the
home of Mrs. William R. Somerville
on Wednesday, January 3rd, at 2
'Store Burned.—Fire completely ,de-
stroyed the residenceand general
store of IM. E. Clarke, on Saturday
night, shortly after midnight. Mr.
and 'Mrs. Clarke had gone to Varna
and no one was in the building when
the fire broke out. When neighbors
arrived it was too far advanced to
save anything. We extend our sym-
pathy to Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarke in their
great 'loss.
Mrs. Pryce and Nellie, of Seaforth,
and Mr. Ed. ' Pryce and Miss Annie
Pryce, of Hullett, spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bolton. .
Mr. Chapman, of ISeaforth, spent
Sunday with Mr, 'and Mrs. William
, Mr. and Mrs. "Mac" 'McKenzie, of
Oshawa; Mrs. :Sam Phillips, Detroit,
and Mrs. Mae Dorrance and Mr: Les-
terGovenlock, of Toronto, called on
Ms. and Mrs. George Eaton on Sun-
We wish everyone a Happy New
Mr, and Mrs. William Trewartha
pent Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
Zack 'Mc'Spadden.
Mr, John Bullard
spent Christmas
with Mr. Harold Smalldon.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Blanchard, of
Belleville, are spending the holidays
with the former's father, ''Mr. Melvin.
Those nominated for election on
Monday, January 1, 1934, are: For
Reeve Mr. John M. Eckert and Mr.
John 'Campbelll • for Councillors --
Messrs. Elmer k'ackwell, Hugh Alex-
ander, Joseph O'Rourke, Wm. Shan-
non and Russell Dorrance.
A successful dance was held in the
hall last Friday night.
using RUIMA'CAiPS for Rheumatism,
Backache, Sciatica.—$eating's Dreg
Kylie,-- At Clinton Hospital syn Friday, Decem-
herr 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle,
Of Kipper, a son.
Lot 17, Coneeesi 1, M,eKlllop. 1n York-
ebire hoard from th herd of J. K. Feather-
FiAu, Streethvi4le. ' 31,00. JOHN NOLAN,
R. R 4, Seaforth. 3445x1
OR more than a quaiter of a Oentur
store has faithfully, and might we
in modesty, successfully served the people
Seaforth and vicinity.
In order to maintain a worthy : place ix
public service, a store must be guided by
positive business principles fair to itself and
fair to its customers.
Without these no store could weather
thestorms of business ups and downs.
. d
As we stand on the threshold ofa new
year we pledge ourselves to a continuation
of that same "Square Deal" that has always
characterized this store in past years.
1 Our customers' interest is always'our in-
2. Our customer is - usually right.
3. Not how much can we get for merchan-
dise but how low can we afford to
sell it.
4. That low prices and a quick turnover is
good business.
5. That no sale is finished until our cus-
tomer is satisfied. '''
6. That our customer should tell us if any-
thing is wrong and give us a fair
chance to make it right.
7. That every word of salesmanship either
over the counter or by written adver-
tisement must be unquestionably and
strictly ,within the truth.
8, That we owe it to our customer to offer
for sale only reliable high-grade mer-
chandise in satisfying assortments at
thew lowest possible prices.
9. Satisfaction or your money back.
Mn Laudenbach and Katie desire to ex-
press•'their appreciation to those who assisted
Katie in the Dell Contest. 34.1E-1
The brothers and sisters of the fate John
Million desire to express their appreciation
of the many kindnesses extended to them in
their recent bereavement. 3446x1
To the Ratepayers of Hullett
Ladies and Gentlemen:
At 'Che June session of the County Council
the Warden warned the Council that the
Treasurer's books were in a very unsatisfac-
tory condition and tihail a chattered account-
ant should be secured to look into the county's
Mr. Eckert .moved a motion that) charter-
ed accountant be appointed and the matter be
left with the Warden's Committee-
Leiper moved a
Asia Mr. p
motion that the two old county auditor, Mr.
Higgins and ler. Booth be appointed.
Mr. Eckert's motion carried be, twenty-two
of the Council.
At the nomination, Mr. Leiper was asked
how much the law costs in connection with
the river arou,nted 'to and who got the
money, and why was the same not printed
in the Financial Statement? Mr. Leiper
could not give this information_
Mename is before you for Reeve for 1934
and if you see fit to elect me, I will assure
you sound end ecnnomical government, both
of township and county affair.
Wishing you the compliments of the season.
Your very truly,
creditor and others having claims against
the estate of MARGARET JACOBI, late of
the .Village of Mensal], in the Ooenty of
Huron, Widow, who died en the Eighteenth
day of November, A. D. •1933, are required
to foe -weird their eleims duly proven to the
undersigned on or before the Twenty-sixth
clay of December, A. D. 1933.
after the said dnte the Executor will proceed
to distribute the estate having regard only to
the claims of which he then shall have notice.
Dated at Exeter, Ont„ this 5th day of
Decem'b'er, A. D. 1983.
Exeter and Hensen,
Executor's Solicitor.
NOTICE is hereby given under the statutes
in that behalf that all persons having any
claiins against Jane Lowrie, Spinstea•, late of
the ,Village of Constance. deceased, whit) died on
the 23rd day of November, 1933, are required
to send to the undersigned eolicitkn, for the
Executoa•, full particulars in writing and
verified_ by affidavite of their claims and the
nature of the securities, if any, held by them,
on or before the 15th day of January, 1934.
after which date the said Executor will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the said de-
ceased, having regard only to the claims of
Which he then shall have had no't,ice.
DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 21st day of
December, 1933.
Solicitor for Executor.
NOTICE is hereby given under the statutes
that behalf tteat all Persons having any
claims against Martha Gibson, Spinster, late
of the Town of Seaforth, deceased, who died
gbh day of December, 1933, 3 are re-
quired to send to the undersigned
for the Executors, full particulars in writing
and verified by affidavit of their claims and
the nature of the securities, if any,. held by
them, on or before the 15th day of January,
1934, after which date the said Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the said
deceased, having regard only to the claiens
of which they then shall have had notice.
DATED at Setefoeth, Ont„ this 21st day of
December, 1933.
Solicitor for Executors.
creditors and others having dlaims against
the estate of RTCHARD BLATCHPOILD, late
of the Village of Hensall, in the Cooney of
Huron, Gentleman, who died on the Twen'ty-
firstelsy of January, A. 0, 1933, are required
to forward their deigns duly proven to the
undersigned on or before the, Fifteenth day
of .lalruey. A. D. 1934.
Miter the said date the Executrix will pro-
ceed to distribute the estate having regard
only to the platens of• which she then shall
have notice.
Detect et Exeter, Ont., this 27th days of
'Decen :rev, A. D. 1983.
Exeter and Hensel),
Solicitor for Executrix.
The undersigned has been instmncted to sell
by public auction on the premises the resi-
dence property of the date Agnes Herron, em
-at 2 o'clock p.m.
CHATTELS ---Mohair dining room suite bed
room suite, 2 beds. 2 cupboards, 1 bureau, 1
organ, 2 small tables, roll linoleum, 7 kitchen
chairs, arm chair, 1 rocking chair, smooth-
ing irons, quantity of dishes, carpets. and
other articles,
REAL ESTATE,.- Lot Number Six (6) in
Aylsworth and Tuflins Survey of the Village
of Staffs, formerly of the Village of Hibbert,
such survey being parts of Lots .15 and 16
in the Ninth (911) Concession of the Town -
of Hiibbert.
Lois Numbers Seventy-one (71), Seventt -
two (72) and Seventy-three (73), Tuffin'e
Survey. Hibbert Township-
On *e residence property is a two storey,
frame house with one storey woodshed at-
tached. There ie a stone foundation under
the house and first class cellar with cistern.
There i also a a le orchard on the '
s goal Dp
RealEstate-10 per cent. of purchase prlee
citi the day of sale- and the balance within ,
thirty days tiherenfter.
'Reel Esthete will be sold subject to a re-
served bid.
Forfurther pertic_ulays and oondltions of
Pale apply to
Exeter and Rental',
Executor' Solicitor.
Alex. McDougall, James R. McDougall, Ez-
estators ; Oscar ,Reid, Auctioneer, 3445-2
28 and 29, C0ucer4iian 8, McMillan, cone
Mining 192 acres and known ea the T. E.
Hays' farm. Must be sold to close the estelbe.
If not sold will be renter. For earbientass
apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea -
forth.' 8868-tf
Insurance of all kinds.
Bonds, Real Estate
Money to Loan.
Phone 91
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