HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-12-29, Page 3.4 ''/. .PW �21 TT!� � ­­ '' -t -11'...-- ­ � I � �. ...��',-'*',."�"b"�7,*,.",�o-�*t�",.'d,'.V.�'d .,�40, ; . . - , 1�� . � 1. :` ;:­ ,1�4 � , J,'x �', � . ll - I V111 11 I - .. . . . — I —1 — .�­'­ ��­. -- -11 -11. -1- . --11 I I" --�h ... ... --P, ­A -,Vg, -. X -,, I 'n , *14,41onary. Im 0*4 i ­; �,%­.. I I " .- ­­­­,F�. , ZZIT, air,m,npip I . �W,T, , , 01 11 *10 1. 6 o. . Awn, of I , K . � '9- , I ty ft- - 0110t. oudien( ,allum led in prayer after. A 10-11 ZO 4009,ned, a EM . 111teibret d ­ 7 '. "I Which the uft-utps of the , , 'William Hartman, famet, residing by the male qua*ette � . X, z , ' ..,,I,N,�,,,,,T,,,,,,-10,,RO,N'.�."TZ,IIOI., 01 ". ME,; l!91, "'.1"I ,an the Goshen Line in'ft"hen town- orl,�� and. was P , I . " 4=119 -TIPS " W11 ahip, about four -miles south of the -They al eneored ,,rj@ ' business perf6d Mrs. Nelson Paid was I I ty" ,h . ,*,j�lj,��AW.4':� I - %.city congregation. The Awociation for ,the year l9ft ,Year- of thlp iH=Va .4 Gorrie on #Ie Epwoutive '�� , .11. �'. i i" ; 14ke Road, narrowly escaped death m1orningl service and sang two spiri- appointed president of ithe Women's ,The I tWwby, . ,Ii,', *1 I aw : . 1(raft was being -hauled into the. burn in Gilead" and 1AI'm O,h IMiy Way Up secretaxids. The su a "11i M* 34%P A . , by a livbly teaw of 'horses when a T M14s Edna Reid, rep ly secretary' 4ftreatJ00 k1WL SPaldiva Cre50e*, Mr. W. J. Ta&bayn, -B.A,, is re- class anti *1 will, 9. o*:yQ,,u;,4 * =0 , t I - that three ,AVes,fty evening., Deco* I " " F11 Ml ,line snapped, causing the horses to in,& theme and added the hi-sh note balis, valued at $1.05.38, were SOAT, o'clock, with Oise, presidegt T. L. He is a Hufflett Old Boy, and is head Iny f riend, We entered, T.Aw c —11� 181wer Uany to the needy area of Saskatchewan U pringle, in the cha , , -d ..""4444—r'' ve and the large machine top- to a most impressive service. , U W, " z � IT, and a very Rise- Wltiwr, TR el, , of the Forest Boye 'School in Vale room, and found, -the pu " - -1 vied over the side of the bank; falling rd to a return en- Tr*m thas'-society during tho year. larme' attendance representing every city. mis I enjA write - A 'In." it ;­ 11L' ,on its side. )Mr. Hartnian was pin- eagerly to a story-toldby "The'.ft* GE ­ , 4,,- L .. 1;;gs`=ekit11tVo2:e singers. --Clinton BM16wing the adoption. of these re- section of th old C ut %4 I`- - allo 1, IV, ,Md underneath, with only his logs N,cws.� . le ou .y of Huron. Mr. J. If. Fisher, Seaforth Old Lady," as they called he . I.I.I.,"i, ... �,W, Record. -ports the rbll was called and re- On V*tion the m6kvtes oj .the an .' ­one,4*0-�o Awt, .11 �i @1, visi�je, and at first it wiLs feared that I sponded,to with a -prayer. The hymn, nual meeting w DePresentatIve, of the Evening guage used was 'beautiful, thedia4�qu !n I I be was dead, but after Aovelling a- Ore taken as read. . All " ,4 Telegra"4 was late in arriving -bat excelleAt.. "Vie commission of ed - . ma -way,-the snow -he was able to crawl I sung after which a splendid topic of . _ chummali he made up aimply for lost time. cation employs ithe very fifiest expo, mft . ,out from unde'r,,the machine. VARNA _ ui,, and the way result W'aa4'P . the e0mmftte8, &PPOinted to Pre- (Past -President -Harry 'Stowe was ents of the art of elocution,'-' said my whi did AQt 40, , I "F#S . p-, I He MONNNOW entitled, "Tampering With Social pare qs ta for &,history of the Coun A no;: fm;rv� ." ..'Agn " ,owes his life to,the--fact that befell tbY unavoidably absent on account of ill- friend. of two fmos of D .1 VAN �; ... I&R. E - 1. . I Into deep snow, which prementpd the Davidson from the new study book. work, buit as' the th cost Z 1- .1.1 " ,,­ ` ven by Mrs. Walter of Huroni reported pr4gress in the nes8 but Mrs. 'Stowe was on, the job A second book class was the next a ,I find'.1ife; is lwor.w. 110ft, I -, I -,ii (Intended for last Week) ' ,, Gots" was gi M'; �Aeavy weight from crushing him. Dr. lMr. George FostLar, of iWit'dsor, ' -Secretary Of the and added materiaBy to the evening's, grade we visited. The method of onneceVaigllain. I . am a clief, �%i�4., i �,"�� . A vote of appreciation was moved 00ma-Aftee had removed to Vancou- eVw.rtwnmcnL , and' ft#40'. ' ' ' ' " " ;­ ' - aving the pupils sit in a certain many friends in Toronto' N�ko., 10 """j'N"�', 111L H. Taylor, spent Me week end with his aged by Mrs. Walter David -son to the lad- ver, 'it was resolved on motion, to I Noon ot first pri ,-.­ 1,',, , . , :found that be -had suffered four fra " who is in failing health. Mrs. g - zeiin (bridge 1presciibed position had been, abon- ,,��� ii,�"."', - . i ies who entertained the Jubilee $Ing- continue the services of the commAt- gladly 'back up MY stat,Oment, I I te'-2. �i,`, ,:,�l,�,�, Mrs. M. Reid spent a few days with while Miss 'McLauchlin captured the oned. In, fact, the seats were qufte it my duty to write these few li�" ,:� I * ... -Y. " ,tured ribs. -Zurich Herald. ers. The meeting closed with "Oh tee� and Mr. B. EL hDA3reath s ap- sec, n(l friends in Goderich. . WS, 0 prize There were. four Me- different from those ivhIch I had as I , I � �,-. Spirit of the Living,God.11 point�dl as the -permanent secretary. Lauchl, Ims present, And they are good known, and seemed to be more con- poor sufferers that h ' , I "!"A A Sad Accident 19r. Clifford AV% of Bowmaniville, The W. A. meeting was in. charge The Nominatiag, C6mmttbee recom- play a, - a,M from 13 a. . 4 aive the ssAw , �,:11,, . called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. er asA russQ -du�ive to a good, natural position. idea of medicines that I had ;Wore . I, ­. I Wr, J. 111. -Smith, of Bluevale, re- Epps, last week. ' the 'Mrs. George 3k- mended that the annual at-h,Ome be Mr. D. D. Wilson, the Popular and There was also ch more freedom using DoddIs Kidney Pflls,lf '' . ':'11.,. � IMrs. A. Austin hag returned home Power of Jesus, Namatt­ was sung, Friday evening, Feb. 2nd, and thib ng treasurer for two years -past than I had known, and yet the room . I I � I celved the sad news last week of the R The hymn, "All Rail the held at Simpsoni's Arcadiau,Cburt, an untiri mu audden death of his grandson� Mayn- after a pleasant visit in Detroit. was obliged to relim,quieh the .,position. was not noisy. Each pupil knew his i.. , . , , -ard Carlisle, only son of Law after which the scripture lesson Wab place and dathe was endorsed by the o.n account ,of big Onerous duties as promotion to a higher class depended . . .1 Tecember 10th, his horse slipped on Toronto. -be ho,� in m1aintaining good order Ing about me.", ' %... N lWhile out riding on Sunday, Clark, passed away at her home in in unison and the minutes of the last reitary and treasurer r ir - I W-Nde sent him a telegrann payinr. ,,;.,, 1cota. Royal Winter as much upon the manner in which You rem,mber, Oscar, we re talk.., 'Mrs, ,Smith, of Ambrose, N6rth Da- Thomas Batten, formerly ,Srusannah 2 'The Lord' Prayer was rep4ted A resolution, commending the see- Board. . ,. ,,son and After a lingering illness' 'Mrs. read by the president from Matthew association. I�filtry Clerk at the c We ., Mrs. Batten was a native 110 the ser Mr. S. J. Hicks, the new represen- in his roorn,, as upon the assimilation ,, .,,. -the ice' and -fell on his leg, breaking of %anley. meeting were read by the secretary, vice's during the plast: year was ,uw- tatke for Ii�xet,er, is It is-�true, Jimmie, we were talkii* , a live wire and- of facts. . ; It. Being unable to free himself from I -.1. :Mrs.'POter Gardiner. Business . in ried with much erithutiasm, will do good service on the Execu- . about - y;�% but 1 was thinking .Iof "I'll 11, ,� ,I� . -the stirrup he was dragged along the � ft-.-W� ,connection with the building of a 'The secreUry'a report was read by tive. He is an Enginteer on the Can,- History By Television Forbes4Rob. il. otreet, bitting ,his bead on a tree and ELINVILLE pboard in the 'kitchen of the church Miss Sadie )Walker, assistant secre- adian -pacific Railway. erts*n, Random 'Recollections. I I 1. ,;, . Iracturing his skull from which he was discussed. -Following the clos- tary, and reltated in dietail to the ac- I 11-1 . - tivities of the associatiora during the rbic nano is -known a6 "Bil Powrt is Coolidge " a . . . . . I Ing ,'hymn, "Through All' the 'Chang U& Int. Powell, e j u From the radio at the front of the Vever regained consciousness, passing . room we heard a warning signal:- ,\ Once, when Calvin w :. "". 'Tuesday �niiorning. He was I the new treasurer and having some "The Education Commission presents member. of, the Imassachasebts le I 'I.,. .1 �away on (Intended for last week.- Ing Scenes of Life," Mrs. Gardiner year. .", :fourteen years of age. ,Syw�pathy is is closed with prayer, The treasurer's report gave in'de- Scotch In his make-up, will be sure 'the (Music Waster lin'k series for see- lature, a certain member who was �; I extended to the relatives, most of spending ,the holidays at her home The annual meeting of the Walton tail the various receipts sad expen- to loo�c after the 'Abaubees.." He is ond bOOk"ClaSSeS!" noted for his long-winded 'speeches . . ". 1". I I -whorn reside in this ,community- he're. Red, Cross Societ�',was held at' the dftres of the year. Both of these head of the Walverley Press-, Queen '4Good morning," said a cheery addressed the house -for an hour in . �v'. .1 11 1. V;Ingham Advance -Times. Mrs. WlhitefGrd�.ef Exeter, is Visit_ howe of 'Mrs. William Anderson on reports, were adlopted, St. E., this city, -.and a Seaforth Old, voice. "This morning we shall use support of a measuRq, during which ' I.. ." .12. .. . with her daugfiifei-,...... Mies. --Wes. Wednesday afternoon. The follow- The nominating comnAbbee with the Boy getting his early training in music notebook number ,two and a he used a lsVS�e�siioii' . ... ,. 1 I ��.. I Struck By Car Horne. Ing officers were re-elected for 1934: ralesident as chairmam, recommended the Huron Expositor office. sharp lead pencil. Open the book always beginningwith -it is­�, lw-, Mr. and Mrs. Well, Bell and son, President, 'Mrs. John Bolger; "secre: the following as a slate of officers IMr. A. G. 'Smith, Clhairman of the to page 46 and get your -pencil ready.' When Mr. Coolidge rose, to spedk I. I I.,., . i . While driving with his horse and of Detroit,' and, 'Miss Florence Bell, tary, ,Mrs.- ROY Bennett; treasurer, for the ensuing year. This report publicity Departramt, is a Wlinigham. For the past few weeks wehave been on the question he said, "Mr. Speak--� ..". � I ,buggy on a mail route, Eggelson Me- of Woodslee, were 'Sunday visitors Mrs. William Anderson, It was was read by MT.Pringle and was un- Old Boy ard"f6rmerly proprietori of listening to the instruments of the er, it isn't," and set down-Mvery- "..", 11 IDonald, Granton, was bit,by a car with -relatives in the village. agreed that $25.00 be donated to the aninilousily adlopted. the Wwghami Advance. orchestra, and this morning we are lbody's, Majazine. . . I I'll, 1, 4riven by L. 1C. Ball, St. Marysl Mr. A. C. Whitlock and M!isses Joy Walton Public Library Board, $50.00 List of Executive For Year 1934 . Wt. Robt. Holmes, ex-M,P., and ex- going to try to name those we hear. ­ 11'. Zaturday. IMr. McDonald was thrown and Evelyn Whitlock, of St. Thomas, to, the Seaforth Lions 'Clizb,, $26 to 'Honorary President ­,Hon. Robert editor of the -Clinton New Era, war, You will listen to number one and It was a. dinner at IMideliffe 001- I , -from the ,buggy, receiving cuts and visited in lihis vicinity last Sunday. - Christie Street Hospital, Toronto, and Wedr, Mr. Justice Garrow, Mr, T. A. presient and, in his g1lory. He says iplace a lihe under the name of the lege, at which Dean Briggs was . ... ..1,1 braises about the -head and is under 19r. and 'Mrs. Roland Williams were $26 to Westminster Hospital, Lon- Russell, Mr. J. A. XL-La.mn� Air.. A. he is not tal-ldnig politi�s at the pres- instrument you think is playifid" Are ,be one of the"speakers. There bad .. ­". -the care.. of Dr. Li,pp.--JExeteT , Times- Sunday visitors with friends near don. C. MeViear,,XT. ,L. TV1. Pringle; Hon,i ent time owing to the dePregSiOnt. , you ready? . . . " been ispecial liftarations flor 41is - . , ; 11 ,Advocate. Mitchell. The JCarolina Jubilee Singers of orary 'Vice-'Presidenrt&-JMrs. L. M. 'Dr. J.'G. Bricker ,looked after the This was only the introduction to important banquet, even the chairs ,! . I Chicagb presented a splendid enter- rilringie, ,Mrs. G. E. Ferguson, Wiva Hawick delegation and threw him_ a knowledge of the instruanents Of cbmin-9 in for a new coat of varnish. . �,. ',Two large Barns in McGillivrary Tp. tainment in the auditorium of Duff's F. Paterson, Mrs. W. A. Campbe the orchestra which was further de- Ile evening was ,hot, and. when the ,.. Burned . 11, self Tight into the euchre garne. United Church on Wednesday even- Mrsi. Jqbiillikoon, Mrs. E. Floody, Mrs. vel�oped in successi-ve grades. speakers arose to speak, they arose, ­� An exploded lantern is held re- Ing, December 13th. The programme B. H. Stowej Mrs. R. iBro,As, Mrs. president, is a Goderieli Old Boy, son ,At other periods, this grade listened with difficulty. Deun Briggs was eq- , � 11 which was - divided into three parts, J. A. McLaren, Mrs. Dr. Ferguson, of the late Hon. J. T. Garrow. to dramas which taught safety first, tial to the occasion. 1`Ladies and . � I giponsi,ble for's, fire wbich razed the Intended for last wedt- Was composed of Negro spirituals. -,Mrs. D. Robertson, Mrs. G. C. Young; courtesy, honesty, health habits. Gentlemen,!" he began, with a �side- - A� itwo large barns of Leslie Hutchinsion, Mrs. D. Thompson and, Mirs. H. B. I Vest 'McGillivray farmer, at an" , ,,early Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilson visited jubilee songs, camp meeting songs, Honorairy Advisory Conimitte-ei Slowe supervilsed the refriwliments, 'In the lassenilbly hall, ,more advane- long glance at his evening coat, 0,1 - : , I t with,Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stewart, Ex- tenor, bass, ,soprano and contralto Wm. 'McCreath, !Mrs. Jos*- B�ek, Mrs- and we all know how well the work ed classes were gathered before a -bad expected"to brink you this even. ;,", .. 'bour on Friday last. Loss is esti- eter, during the week. solas, monologues, quartettes 'and S. L. Scott, ,Mrs. R. Holmles, M . w tc--ievision screen Where -a famous epi- Ing an unvarnished ta . 12, inated 'at $4,000. A large quantity " rs as done, To Mm. Thi le, but - circum- . �1� Mitchell, visited Sunday with Mr. and cold wintry weather the crowd was Hodgins; VI'ce-Presidents, MT. Geo. E. iT.Lg held at o tume. The story had ,been dram- mv expectations." - The American. I . I J 4f feed and some impleme-iots were M !M,rs. ,Casey 'and daughte�, Reta, of piano instrumentals. -Owing. to- the Rabert Holmes; President, Dr. H. J- longs the credit of,haA. ofm'pson be- sodefrom history was being done in stances make It impossible to fulfill 11 burned. All live stock was saved. Mr. . the City Dairy Recrea- L. . ,,, 'Hql-tchinson was doing the chores with not as large as� was anticipated. Ferguson� 'Mr. W. A. Campliell, Mr. ti.on Hall. atized, and every pupil in The hall Scholar. I I ., I Miss .Mary Drown, London., is at 'The annual Christmas entertain:' Harry Martin.,Mr. Geo. R. Darte,'Mr. Secretary Floo'dy badhis o was keenly attentive. .Not a sound * * * : .1, -the aid of a lantern. He hung the ' . wn time 11 'i.: I . esent visiting her parents,,,My, was IV. A. Buchanan-., Mrs. G.M. Che�mey, with the attendance register, and could be.,,4 -the -players' 'When Carter Glass first ,began to - . 11 " v and went into an- Mrs. T. Drown. 'held in the church on Tuesd - eve13- .Mrs. B. H. 'MoCreath, -Mrs. George R lines "and an occasional explanatory make himself heard, in 1913., in,caue- d I I , and ment of Bethel United Church, . gard except . lotheri section of the (barn. W,ben be. I - notwithstanding the repeated re- .", Teturned the lantein was in flam", Mr. Chas. Yeo, Brandon, Man., is Ing. The prograim. was com. sed of Diane; 'Mrs. W. A. Buthanan, Mrs. quests, quite a nrur,rni�eT failed to reg- statement by the announcer. %, uses of his party in the Senate, he ,:.il -and fire quickly spread into some spending a few weeks with friends in choruses by the Su day so 0-1 chil- A. E. Forbes, Miss E. Bryans, Mm ister, and as a consequence their . "This is only a local -set," theprin- talked rather ponderously and frig- .: . 11 ! . and around. Staffa. dren: chairman's ad ress; citations. D. D. Wilson; Secretary, Mr. E- names will not appear on the list of cipal told me. "In a few months we idly. On one such occasion, the -sub. I 1.'1 I loose straw. Neighbors gathered at Mr. and Mrs. M. Gray and family by Ruth Dennis, Ca eeta, . eNiebol, Flpody; aesistant Secrelw I hope to have -more powerful appar- .ject. seemed to warrhi I I -the scene of the blaze on the eighth spent Sunday with Mr. and -Mrs. L. Donina Wats Y, - TV1`1 s s is - those present. atus. Then our pupils HI'm uU and soon ' .n I . oii, Grace Den s, Evelyn Walker; Financial Secretary, Mr. R. will be able he was not o - I I ,concession, but they had no chance to O'Brien, Clinton. 4, John Moon looked after the pro- . nly ernlyliatic but pug- ..... , Lj..,. pave the buildings. -Exeter Times- duets to look on the ,conteniplorsiry scene in n-acions. At this point one of his , , '.. heppard; Treasurer, Mr. William gram arrangements and did his work . I Dennis and Florence Den is; S. SL by Kathleen and Arbutu -11; Cbaplaim. Rev. R. C. MeDer- well, He refrained TTGi ng -countries, see' famous place partisans in the caucus -shouted: ". n talki Rol and observe the customs of nations "Give 'e.m bell, Cartet!" I I Grace Dennis, and Evelyn Dundas, irtid; organdst, Mrs. Harry Martin; itics the whole evening, . .. Truck Overturn.% I STAFFA ., Jessie Dennie and Wim. Boyd; solo§ auditors .Mr. H. 1. Mbrrish and Mr. all over the globe. It will revolution- (Air. Glass's reply 'has become his- . . , ,., . . .. . by Charles Boyd, Arbutus Smith a S., M. i�ickem. J. A. M,Laren won a euchre ga, iz the t aching of geography, just toxic. It was: I (I , from B. H. '31.cCreath for the first as -w,e have already revolutionized "Hell? Why use dynamite when ",�,,,- I A. truck lbblonging to the, Swift ntended for last we,ek,) Ruth Dennis, three dialogues entitled . Convenors of Committees-Reb4bip- ti -me in 20 years. Pipieri'Dain InWt the teaebing of history. Of course, insect powder will do?" - Boston Canadian Cornpany -was taking a load The Young 'People met in the "Friday .Adternoon .Com position," tian, Mrs. H. J. Hodgins; Refreah- have echoed the voisie . of this result. not "...- . ". I of poultry, eggs, crearn to the Strat- church Sunday evening with the " The Dearest Thing in Boots" and m,ent, Mrs. D. Thompson; Prograrm, I all history is taught by t6levi- Globe. - ii, - I . �411. ford plant from Exeter on Tuesday president, Russell Wor.oen, presilng. "the Billed Doux"; exercise by the Vr. John Moon; Printing, IMr. A.,G. ,Mr. R. S. Sheppard, financial sec- sion. 'YucW of it it; covered by radio * * * 11 -n-ing �,JiJ �evening and in making a turn a mile The slate of offi,cers for the coi . primary pupils, Snowflake drill and Smith; Proper,tiy. ,Mr. G. N. Newt�II; rotary, was Comptroller of Revenue alone, the scenes being dramatized -In C-hesterfielld's day the London : "; I a reading and pantomine entitled, Visiting, Mrs. H. 1. Brown. e ervening ard t1hz.,. just as you .have seen here." stre-ets were -without the pavernerits . ?2-1 And a quarter south of Exeter skid- year was brought before the P -eipbs were reported to be heavy. . 0, -Zed and upset in the, ditch. A number Soc'c' . Y, "Christmas At Grandpa's.' (Tf-to-day, and the man who "too,.k � , . anti read as follows: Honorary presi- I .1 [Snecial Re'p'i;ps-entattivesi A. Cam- rec Radio Education I - .,of live chickens were 16144;�- A small (lent Rev. T. R., Tuyn-er: pretsident, eron, Ba,,field; -ff. B. Stowe, Blub- The proceedings wound up at 12 tho wall" had the driest foGting. 1�11 , I . — Back in a third book classroom pu- re er . ay to a scoundrel," . , "I quantity of cream was sl3ilred. The Ada'Speare; vice-president, Cameron vale; W. J. Tamblyn, Blyth- T. Mus- o'clock, after dancia- had' been car- pils were being introduic 0 �i_ . A, load was transferred to one - of B. Vivian; secretary, 'Dorothy GTay; I tai -d, BrucefiQld; Dr. J. G. �er,�uson, rif-e on for an h-our"to the milgic or I- -,La n who met Lord Ches- , . Tuckey's trucks and taken to-Strat- treasurer, Alvin Worden; Fellowship ITSBORNE I l3rus,Q.,Plq; W. F. Cantelon, Olin -ton; D. Prof. Hughles' orchestra. "I�done 'y in the street, "I a]- . .1 fard.-Exeter Times -Advocate. tary way. They learned to, recognize i I convenor, Audrey..Dinnin; Missionary, q D. Wilson, Egmondvillle; S. J. Hicks, Ali] Huroiiites, should reryeir' e Fri- ways do," said 6he-�terfieqd, stepping ; the tune or theme upon which a piece . . ")" I (Intended for last week) v wi�h a bow into the road. -William. ., . Vera Harnbley: Literary, Edith Exeter: B. H. McCreath, Goderich; day evening, Feb, 2, 1934, the date of music -was buik, they also under- R. Inge, J y Thoughts of a Dean . , I I fin; Citizenship, Syllvia 'Aiffir.; Re- Council Minutes. - The municipal R. A. Greer. Gorrie; Dr. Byron Camp- of the 'big Annual At -Home. "Ood the return to'that theme after , ,i ,­-, I .1. I At a special mee`tin'k of the Blyth creation, Ru."ell Worden; Leadership council of the Township of Usborne b,eql, Hensall; R. Scott, Londesboro; - --- - - a contrasting middle section had jM, wain's . habit of swear I Ing . . , ISchool Board held in Memorial Hall, Trainin,s, Victor Dinnin. The mis- -met at Elimiville on December 15th R. -C. King, Saltford; A. E. Forbes, ' to ark T I . 8iona,y convenor then too], charge. pursuant to statute with all members Seaforth; W. H. Pearson, Wingbarn; 11 been played. They listened a was revolting to his wife, who tried . �V-1 on Monday night, -when the following A Pedagogue Peers Ahead great deal of duet music, both vocal ber-best to cure bim. of it. One day . � Address was read ,by -Chairman Ab. Cameron Vivian read the Scripture present. The,minutes of the meeting Mrs. A. Becker, Zurich.* and instrumental, as an introduction while shaving he cut himiseY. He re- J Taylor and MT. W. H. Lyon -made the lesson and Muriel DTake led in pray., of December. 2nd were -read and ap- Arriong those lyresent were the fol, (By Harry Hill. in the Toronto Star to singin i i presentation of a beautiful magazine er. The topic was given by Ella. proved on motion of Shier -Pass- lowing: Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Hodgins; . weekly) I'Music appreciation in the Inter- cited his entire vocabulary and when. .; table: "Dear Mr. 'Erskine:, qt -,Is Chap mediate -,,chool was, of course, of a ery w ., ,pel entitled,, "How Jesus Feels more. Correspondence- Letter from Mr. and .Mrs. L. M. Pringle, Mr. and be was finished, his wife repeated ev- 1i with Xegret we learn of your sever' For Us." Syhda Tuffin gave ,ar'read- Gordon ,Davis stating that the dog .Mrs. J. A. M,cLaren and Miss Mills, During the year 1953, 1 returned ord he said., Mark Twadn Stun- I Ing much more advanced nature. Not ned her by saying calmly: "You hatve I ,� ? I tax wbich he is charged on Lot 8, ,Mr. and Mrs, W. A, Campbell, Mr. 'fiiom a prolonged visit to Engla d only did"the pupils bear the work of the words, dear, ibut you lack the ,),,,,,i ,your connection with us as secre- Ing entitled, "What is Prayer?" yth 'School Board. e- S.W.B., was assessed in Biddulph; and Mirs. Geo. E. Ferguson, Mr, and and Scotland. In fact, I 11 The monthly nil eting of the Ladies' , had, been master composers, 'but they listened �: During the years you balve acted as Aid was held on Friday at the"bome Municipal World soliciting an early 'Mrs. B, H..MllcCreath, -Mr. and Mrs. anvay from ;Canada for SMO twenty to drainas dealing with events in tune." isecretary-treasurer we have spent of Lyle Worden with the president, order for dog tags. Treasurer's *re- E, Floody and Miss Floody, Miss yvars. After the-fl-rst thrill at being their lilv,,es, Choral music was also �":, ,many hours together -and we have al- ,Mss Dynily Frayne, presiding. it port: Penalties ' for 1932 taxes, Sadie Walker, Mr. and MTs.'D. D. 1.1cme again, my first though'. was to on these programs, as well as many One day a derisive editorial ap- -11". w lbeing"the end of the year, $18.41; taxes, 1933, $2,500.00. Bills Wilson, Mr.,R� S. Sheppard, MT. H. 1. visit it peared in the Now York Sun saying I ays found you willing to co-operate the elec- he seevies of -my former labors. fine art songs., In the realm of liter- t at 1", -with the Inern[bers of the board in the tion of officers rwas the chief part of paid on motion of MoiriJWestcatt: Go. Morrish and' 'Miss Morrish, Mr. and I therefore. hi,i,ted up an old friend ature, a good play, suitable for pu- . h Frank Munsey, who hadn't Yet 1. lw - - e meeting, all the officers being Treasurer, general county rates, $9,- Mrs.S. -M. Wickens, Mr. and Mrs. D. who 'was occupying a position as g.Qne in for buying newspapers, ,; 4sobarga of their duties, and i T ...... s 'th 'a pils of adolescent age, was o4 the w&�ted to 'go to the Court of St. . i Teady to supply any informal%7n re-elected. A'dainty lunch was serv- 284X5; -Co. Treasurer, county high- Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Brooks, school principal. He invited me to radio program once each month. James as American Ambassador, be- ,, I �, which we requireid, often tim4 * ut- ed and the meeting closed with a way rate, $2,932; -Co, Treasurer, pro- Mr. Robert Hlodmes,, Mr. and Mrs. J. gpi6hd- the next morning at bis .school. Much of the literature, both prose i . p, cause he thought -his legs would look . : -ting yourself to no little inconveni- prayer by.Rev. T. R. Turner. viocial highway rate, $2,443.33; .Moon, Mrs. 11 B. Stowe, Mrs, D. T was at the appointed place the and,poetry, was given from time -to . I Rnce to tender the same. While we Treasurdr, Blanshard Tp., telephone Robertson, Mr. R. C.,King, Mr. Geo. following morning, but to * well in knee breeches. Tb6 pelifiery .1 my sur- time by readers Abd'elocutionists of Mr. Munsey hit the ceiling. ,He want- ` Teg+et loosing you and your family I rates, $1,964.11; Treasurer Usborne, A. Newton, Dr. and Mrs. J. 'G. F,eTgu­ prise, Instead of the school building outstanding a:bility. 'I', . I . collector's fee Blanshard Telephone, .son., Mrs. 1. H. Brown, Mr. A. G. with which I bad :been familiar OV,Tihat adi%-antage. bas the 'radio The Sun had -better send up, one of I -ins citizens of Blyih we rejoice Jn your WALTON . ,in . ed an apology and wanted it quicL being the successful applicpm-iffor the i $3.5-5; Collector, $3.155; Clerk, $7.10; Sintith,11r. S. J. Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. mY day, I found the sichool occu�pied lesson over the ordinary lesson?" I its best men for a statement he would J, treasurer of Huron County and we T. N. Forsythe, Treasurer, Tuck - 'R. A. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ham- an entire city block. My friend ar- asked my,friend. . , (Intended for last week) - - 'smfthtelepbone rate, $382; 'Clerk Us- ilton, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. D. Sprinks rived before I bad time to look a- 44 have ready that afternoon. . . , -feel sure you will fulfill your duties It has a great advantage in this � Chester S. Lord, the managing edi- In connection with. that position as Th8i young p�66p,le's meeting on Zun- borne, collector's fee, Tuckeramith and Miss Hamilton, Ald. and 'Mrs. round. On entering the building 'he respect," was the reply. "First, the ' ' I tor, not at all intimidated, sen the 11 satisfactorily as you have with your day evening last was in charge of the telephone rate,. $3; Dr. Pletcher, pro- W. Duckworth, Mr. and 'Mrs-. George explained that the school was in point le."on or -story is presented by one laiest cub for the statement, which � , , presen��sitions in Blytb. We look president, 'Miss Gertrude ,Miller. A fessional services, hospital, Teddy Love. Mr. and Mrs.- A. Miles, Mr. of fact a little community in itself. -,vbo has specialized in this line of turned 6ut to be five typewritten pag- 1*1 . number - and Mrs. J. Perry, Dr. J. G. Brit6ker, Within the block there were not only work, and in this way the interest I' - upon bei g selected from a short song service with Miss Marg- Johns, $26,50; Treasurer Us]yorne, ex of applicants for the treagurership aret Cumiming presiding at the piano cise stamps, $12.32; John W. Stew- Mr. and Mrs. J. Lai,rd, 'MT. and Mrs. the two ,schools, one for the pupil, of tbe -Ii�il is stim,ula es in length, 'Mr. Lord read it, I tea a,nd re- chuckled, and then put the statement �., sts a recognition. of your sterling qual- I' the absence of tb6 pianist, ,Miss art, 'gravel, $21-83;, Russell Skinner� W. E. Hanna, Mr. and- Mrs. J. H. from the kindergarten to the third tained. The commission of education in the scrapbasket. The next morn- ., ities and a stelp upward on the ladder Vera Gardiner, was followed with a gravel, $236.08- Warren Brack, grav- Fisher, Mr. and, Mrs. J. Saul, Mr. and book classes, and the school for the employs only those of recognized ing's Sun contained this apology, r- , �, of fame, -and we prophecy that you Psalm read responsively. Wis. (Rev.) el, $67.61; Rflton Gregoryi, gravel, Mrs, F. F. Mai -tin, Mr. -and' Mrs. J. adolescent -pupils, -but there were al- ability and talent along each line. written by Mr. Lord: "Mr. Frank /' 1 11 iwill continue to advance toward the -C. Cumming offered a prayer after M-60; Lo�is ,Fletcher, grading, R. Ci Mrs. A. t'rolmiler, Mrs. so the 'sch'ool'g.ardens as well as a The radio lesson has algo taught the Mungey protests because the Sun �' I 4oveted top rung. We hope and trust which i6 Scripture lesson was -read $4.03; .Luthfer Reyn*ldjs, grading, J. Brogdien. Mc,M-ath, Mrs. J. 0ox, most eormm-odious, 'plkyground. As people to listen to the radio as they said he'rthou�ht his legs would lgok )�, . 1 ,yourfuture in Goderich will be pleas- h e president. $2.70; Wilbert 713atten, , grading, Mrs. D. Reid, Mrs. D. Prentice, Mrs. we still had several minutes before would to a musical instrument. Our '.1". ".i,l, I �Ant and p�,ofitablie to you and yours. 'The comments on the Scripture read- $4.73; Winii. Elford, grading, $3.15; D. W. 9afie, Mm. M. A. Smith, Mrs. orpiening time, be took me into some schools are largely responsible for 'has sent us a statemept in which !be , ". , 4 -We ask you to accept this -gift as a Ing were given byDouglas Ennis, Aillf, Brook% grading, 03.68; John M. L. Hessey, MT. W. Brine, Mr. N. of the classrooms. One entire wall the Intelligent radio public of, to -day his A ,.small token of remembrance from - as compared with that of 1930's." in knee breeches." And this -was all 11 the The roll call was responded to with Brock, grad-ing, $3.68; Geo. Harrah, Topping, My. G. Verral, 'Mr. Reg. of each room was of glass. He ex said li� ,legs would not look well ' 1) qno,mber� of Blyth School Board ----4 a Scripture verse containing the word, grading, $4.09; J. 'M. Young, grading, Williams, Mr. A. S. Tayier, Mr. L. plaim&-that the glass was of a, spe- s - . I'll -Taylor, ,Chairman; Wim. Mills, S. W, "Rejoice." The Thinutes of the pre- $60; Wm. Bradshaw, grading, 75c ; Wilson,,Mr. Jack Moon,, Mr. Ken Hoff- , variety which admitted th� ulti,a- - , - -a- * — ,the apology that the man, who later .. I . was to buy the Sun properties and 4 -6fthorpe, W. H. Lyon, Wtm. Thuell, vious imeeting were read by Miss -Geo. Ferguson, gravelling, $8.25; Jas. man, -Mr. W. H. Ferguson, Misis S. Violet rays of the sun. The light- L ,J. S. Chellew. In a ferW well chosen Edna Reid. The topic, "Is Poverty Prager, weed cutting, $3; Henry V. McLaughlin, Miss M. L. Martin, Ing for dull days was of that v�riety The Retori Courteous-( ness for good;i ever did rec-eive.- : � lnevdtall�e," was given by Alvin Me- Ford, superintendence, $22,20; Can- -Miss Edith 'McLaughlin, Misis, E. J. known in nuy,day as indirect. 'These ,One of the most charming women News -Week. ,i . -words MT. ETskinetbanked Vne Board 11 Doreld. The pastor, Rev. d: Cum. ada ,Ingot Iron Go., 2 culverts, $49.25; McLaujhlin� Mi"E. Bryans, MISS lights were turned on automatically - iety, a peeress, remarked to -60 — '� ,for their kind words and beautifu! in soc H. . , ard. ming, gave a short talk after'vhich T. Roy Patterson, County Engineer, T',amina Knox, 'Min P1, Crittenden, when the natural light diminished be� R. H. the Prince of Wales: i be read a report on the ninth annual gravel, crushing, delivering, $9158,,U; Miss, B. Stirling;l Miss M. McLauch- low a certain point. Who's Whoin the News . I FirsT'License convention of the Y. P. S. of Huron d. K Turner, Treasurer Tuckersmith, lin, Wis,s E.MdMaedh, and many others Just then the opening gong sound- should like to decorate boifses.;� Parry Jones, one of the first and 1. 11 . Presbytery which was sent by the Usborne bonfidary share, $133.95, R. whose nanies, could not The obtained. ed and Weawent,out into the hall to "By. living in them, Lady-?" as*k-- be'st known. Eml .� '10hief Stong, as -might be eximeted, slettletary-treasurer of Huron Pres0by- J.,Selves, filling washout, $3,20; Fred Notes . watch the pupils assemble. _rlish radio singers, (-- . , I d the prince. - was torpedoed in the Lusitania and is not going to get into any trouble terY.' During the business session it Kerr, tile, $10.60; J. M. Young, ad. . or. each c * , * * / 'Dr. H. J. Hod,gfns,,.fhe'new Priem- remained in the water six hours be- bi neglecting necessary legal action. was announted that a special 'Christ- Vance on contract, $195.50; Jas. Bal- dient, is a Seaforth Old Boy, and has side of the school were radio loud When cha�ffed about her colossal fore L bleing rescued, I He was the fl,rst man to purchase a mas service would be held in.the base- lantyrne, salary as (Reevv, $515,00 ; his dental laboratory at Bloor end speakers and as ,we entered the min S(lix . -admiration, Queen Marie of Ron- 1 1,904 car license from the loadl ven-: nl�ent Of, the church On, Chrilstwaa orge R. Westeott, salary as coun- Rejele 9 'a stirrihg march wasbeing play - Ge 'U., this city. ball I . dor, and this is the, second year he Eve. During the first part of the ev- cillor, $45--d (Peter Moir, salary as HLe 1.9 in charge niania, told the following story on Ernest tapointe, the Prench-Can- ' (f derntitstry witti the patients . & ed. My guide explained that from licisElf: "Once I was -saying to an ddian Lillitral, who is physically the . (has had this distinction. ---.q Clinton ening ,Christmas carols will be sung. councillor $45. Reuben Shier, salary i�%riq,tie St. H,o� *talan1d . " 8 50 to 9 a.m. marches were broad- t 4'f' i nd," slid, said, "bow remark- biggest man in either Canadian . News -Record. I Lantern slides on "The Other Mse as councillor, '$45; Percy Passmore, Hospital on Queen St. West ca*st from tbe radio station in TO- able was our congeniality, for, after House. could not speak a word of 4 Yan" (Henry Van Dyke), aecompan- �alark. as tounleillor, 4-46; Henry The O'Lty Dadi+Lv Oompany takes the ront*. all, we had practically nothing in Saturday Night's Concert led thy a lecture which wili.be given Strang, 'Clerk, $250; ,Mary Kellett, .`1 Instead of marching as in the old English when lie entered parlialmhent I . cake for splend�dr -service and unique coinnion. "-Oh, but yes we ba.ve " W ,by the pastor will be shown. Plans lshlarY a% caretaker, $12; township ente days, the pupils ca�me in each in his . ' and is now one of its ringing ora- �-$, - I ,adjourned to My - W. A Spirink.si, of *i6 Custom own way, walking rhythmically to one very important thing we have in . . I -the rarolina Juibilee, Singers paid Mife also been imade for a special postage $5.00. ,Counci mT friend. "Surely you forget tors. i 111`-� ,a visit -last week-emd to Ontario St. flatich Night'Service ,on New. Year's nileet at close of nomiffiation--411enry , the music. . .'�Aj -Church, coming under the auspices of Eve. The meeting closed, with a Strang, Clerk. Departmi(ml, won a prize in, the commo�: I think voii are worderrful, Dashiell Ham,met, the popular Am- ', 1.4 11 - a most fhvfmn an& the Wizpah Benediction �te- - -0 . bridge contest. Starting With 14"usic and you agree with Tne."--4Contact, erican author, was for eight years a % -the ,C. ,G. 1. TA and rendered . Vice-prmsidont, Geo. I rivate detective, and won his first il � excellent noincert on Saturda)f night. peated in unison. Mvery sNpRer of stock I ' ,l, rp, L" by rail is won the mleala first priYA in; euchre, My friend 'took me into a Junio in English newspaper once pri4t- Oromi for a:rrestink a man who " The Jubile6 Singers are a company The post offifM will be open Christ- protected by law through'the mant- bit of 1 . . " .. ftfld.XT. A. S. Taylor took the second classroom for th appning exercises. ed e. following g0gsil)­ had stolen a ferris wiieel. - . ... .-. l "I .1 of,aix well -experienced colored mitai., mas Day from 12 to I p.m. fest or ,hill a lading which Vile mil- . P -- Wo- pHze. After the irsual singing and opening "James V,cNeill Whistler and Oscar I �'.. -1 � eians, who give a refined and var�fft. , The December meeting of the way is required to i�gue to him. The JMm A. Brorhl,07, a lHbllett Old, prayer, the pupils seatea themselves Wilde wete seeii yesterday at Brigh;Joseph Uodgeg Choate, immense, ' I : . . I'll program of the big -heat type, The men's Missionary Soc4ety arild Wo- Marketing Board suggests shippert Girl, took *e ladlies' firit pirize in and looked with expectailon to the ton, talking -as usual 'ttbout ithem- . .. . m4in's, Association of Duff"s United to avail themselves of the same pro. e red-headed director of the US. fed- �, ... , colorful negro spirituals and south- ,uchre I 1 . ern P la�ltgtioft nielodies gu , while Mirs. Brooks captured front of the room where the, two selves." WihistleT sent the paragraph era] alcohol eonttol committee, is not- `iil I . . . �6,,, , ng, as on3y Church was beld'in the babeement of ,t�ction on truck shipments which the the, se,cond prize. blac.liboards wero. Am' interrest.ing- to Wilde with a -note saying: "I wish ed around his country hontia f6v his I . I q � iAbe 'CoTardd people can sing their na- the eb . urch on Friday afternoon. The WgWays Art nialkes possible. 131r. R. J. Greer, who represents *' lo - ---__-- -_--_ - --~- � . 8 . I I _. ^ ' -, �