HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-12-22, Page 84 "1. Ii. it ie jR) HURON EXPOSITOR • r. 1; Wishing you good health great happiness a Merry Christmas and good fortune in the New Y ear A. C. Routledge PHONE 16& WE WISH OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS Watson & Reid Phone 214 : Seaforth Specialists in All Lines of Insurance Greeting WISHING YOU A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS For your Last Minute Gifts, See Our Stock of: TOILET GOODS -A wonderful display of Gift Sets. FANCY STATIONERY and Playing Cards. CHOCOLATES and CANDY - Such as Smiles 'n' Chuckles and Neilson's in attractive boxes and packages. CIGARS, Tobbacas„ Cigarettes and Pipes -Easy to choose for a smoker. SHAVING SETS -Rolls Raz- ors, Brushes. BILLFOLDS -Men's Cases. KODAKS AND BROWNIES. A Store Full of Gifts at Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Drug Store PHONE 28 SEAFORTH Skating If Weather Favourable. - There will be skating at the Palace Rink on Friday night and on Christ- mas night to music by the Staforth Highlanders Band, and on Christmas afternoon, if weather permits. . e Death of James Porterfield. -From Winghain Advane e-Tin;t's: Word was received' recently oi;. the death, . due to heart trouble, of James Porterfield, aged 68 years,' in the General Hos- pital, Calgary, Alta., on December 3. The deceased was a son of the late: Peter Porterfield, of East Wawan ash, and has been a resident of the West since young manhood. For many years and up to the time of hi death he has been employed by the National Elevator Company at Gran- um, Alta. He is survived by one son, James L., two brothers and ,two sis- O O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q O S. T. Holmes & Son o 0 FUNERAL SERVICE O 0 Main Street, Seaforth O O o 0 S. T. Holmes' residence, 0 0' Goderich Street, West; phone O O No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' O O residence, Goderich Street, O O East; phone No. 308. O O Ambulance Service O O - Night calls, Phone 308. 0 0 Day calls, Phone 119 ,1. 0 0' Charges moderate. O e O OO OOOOOOoO'go y;04, .,,4i K•.ii 0, ;0,4; i 4' s'- 4i ;r ; i i u.• I e , lw11 p4) -, ....s, .., -, -4. .., ,c, •. -,, .. ARGAI NUTS, Mixed, 2 pounds 35c CHOCOLATES AND CREAMS., per lb29c SATIN, Mixed, per pound 15c CUT ROCK, per pound 15c CREAMS; per pound 19c NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES, Boxes, -}per pound 50c ICE CREAM, Special Christmas bricks, each 30c -Potted Flowers each 25c to $2.50 el Choose your Plant now while there is a complete stock to select from. • x'T T.nf-.,., ni r ..nr, .n`1 c,,rit < Fr 1 rr1 rr451 ri ,,55 ell r4' ✓ 4, .p u 1 u4' ti w I ✓ d' ; i uli w) eco•) er• i ,Je7 ; S Mil GREETINGS Greetings to .our Friends and Customers in Seaforth and district. Our hope is that both you and yours will enjoy a Very Merry Yuletide: Carter's Cash Grocery -P O E. 42 SEAFORTH Pk;r "r1'e t'k 3"'P t :P'1P Pr •P P.'T P"' P Pr• %r^ If ters, William, of Calgary; Alex. E., of East Wawanosh; Mrs. J. Fergu- son, Bayfield, and Mrs. E.' Geddes, of Seaforth. Interment took place in Calgary on December 'ith. Firemen Have Run.-JWhen gaso,, line caught fire from a blow torch in the E'gmondville garage on Tuesday afternoon, Seaforth firemen i, were called and soon had the flanges ex- tingi ished, Some damage was done to floors, partitions and to a oar which was over the pit at the time the fire broke out, Chemicals were used and the firemen soon bad the fire under control. Raise Over Two Hundred Dollars. -Fort Erie Lions Club sponsored a 'minstrel show a week or so ago and raised over two hundred dollars. Dr. G. K. Chapman, son of Wm. Chap- man, of town, is president 'of the club, and was also •one of the end - men. The program, which was pres- ented in the auditorium of the Fort Erie High School, attracted large audiences both evenings it was pres- ented, Dr. George McMann Dies in De- troit. -Many friends in Seaforth and vicinity will sincerely regret to learn of the death of Dr. George McMann, which occurred in Detroit on .Tues- day, December 19th, following a pro- tracted illness. Dr. McMann was a son of the late John McMann and was born in Egntondville. After graduating from the Seaforth Col- legiate Institute, he studied dentist y and for a number of years had been a successful practitioner in Detroit. He is survived by his wife, who was formerly Miss Olive Willson, of Sea - forth. The remains were intert'd in Detroit on Thursday. Year Book is in Demand. -The S. C. I. Alumni year book, which went on sale on Friday last, has met with a ready demand. Alumni, old and young, delight in reading the articles 'and `stories by Judge Jackson, Mayor Sutherland, Sir John Aird, Professor W. B. Kerr, Dr. G. F. Rogers, Robert Willis and others, and enjoy learning of the Alumni activities. The Col- legiate section, prepared entirely by S. C. I. pupils, is proving very popu- lar with students. Many Seaforth citizens are finding the Yea 'Book, a very acceptable Christmas gift for out of town ex -students. .. v McKillop Branch Meet. -The Mc- Killop Branch of the W. M. S. 'of First Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Thomas Dickson last Thursday afternoon, The president. Candy For Christmas WE OFFER THE BEST AND THE FRESHEST MADE! Christmas Mixture 2 pounds for Satin Mixed per pound !Home-made French Creams per pound Humfbugs 2 poun.ds'for Candy Canes 2 for 5c and up Chocolate Carmels and . 25c Creams L Chocolate and Caramels pound 20c 23c 25c 15c 23c 25c French Creams pound Assorted -lb. Boxes 5e each 2 L Moir's Special 1 -lb. Boxes 50c •each it Come and See Our Candies Before You Buy. The Olympia Restaurant Remember your - o l d schoolmate with an S.C.I. Alumni )ear Book - . • Every page will be of interest to any former resident. Send them for Christmas Presents. FOR, SALE AT: STEWART BROS. SAVAUGE'S CRICH'S RESTAURANT KEATING'S PHARMACY W ESTCOTT'S CLEARY'S GROCERY HURON EXPOSITOR THOMPSON'S BOOKSTORE 25c Each Mrs. J. L. Bell presided and opened the meeting with a. hymn. The scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. J, L. Bell who also gave a short talk about Peace, Good -will and Charity 'Mrs. William Drover read the Glad Tidings Prayer. "Happiness' was the title of a reading given by 'Mrs. William Hogg. A description of the work done by' the Scott Institute, To- ronto, was read by Mrs. Helen Mc- Millan. The ladies present received a pleasant surprise when a lette'rfrom Mrs. F. H. Larkin, Toronto, was read. Lts message of inspiring thought and 'good wishes to the So- ciety will not be soon forgotten, Dur- ing the 'business period all the of- ficers for the past year were re- elected for the coming year. The .treasurer, .Mrs. 'William Drover, gave her report which showed an increase in the offerings over last year. Af- $' 50. All the fea- Liutures of Con- • soles that sold last year for $125.00. 'Truly a "New Deal" radio is the Rogers Model 910-a new, conveni- ent and beautifully compact 5 -tube 'Mantel Radio. New exclusive Rog- ers. Full Spray, Seal -Shielded 7 -point Fully Guaranteed Tubes. Superhet- erodyne Circuit -image Suppression -Tone Control ---Advanced Automa- tic Volume Control, Compact and distinctive 'Cabinet. Price (complete with tubes) $49.StD iD 'Dimension: Height 81/2"; Width 1.2", Depth 51". OTHER MODELS UP TO $149.50 A Rogers Radio is on display in Crich's Restaurant., TUBES AND ACCESSORIES Guaranteed repairing at lowest cost to you. Ask for an estimate. W. C. BARBER PHONE 80 SEAFORTH UST 2 DAYS then Christmas and we suggest that you do your shopping early, and to help you, we offer the following suggestions from our large and variedstock: FOR HER: Diamond Ring $25.00 Diamond Wedding Ring $20.00 Beautiful Necklets ... $-2.50 Marcasite and gold, Friendship Ring ...,$2.50 Hand Bag $1 25 Compacts $1 00 Toilet Sets $2.50 Manicure Rolls $3.00 Wrist Watch $10.00 Boudoir Clocks $2.00 FOR HIM: up 'Wrist Watch $3.50' up Pocket Watch $1.25 up Travelling Sets, leather $5.00 up Waterman Pen and Pencil Sets $3.75 up 'Cigarette Cases $1;00 up Signet Ring $5.00 up Initial Ring $2.50 up up up up up up up up • FOR THE HOME: Mantel Clock $10.00 1 doz. Knives and Forks, !Silver handle, stainless steel $4.95 32 -Piece English Dinner (Sets $4.95 up up Silver Tea Service, 3 pieces $9.95.. 26 -Piece Community Silver in Paquette Roll ....$29.751 Wall Clocks $10.00 94 -piece English Dinner Sets $19.75 up • Christmas Cards and Gift Calendars in great variety Wedding Ring Fr&e with every Diamond Ring Purchased. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS SHOP •AT ovi SAVAU'GE"S IT PAYS Phone 194,• . Residence 10 121 S1r1, Iter the singing of another hymn, the meeting closed with all repeat- ing the Lord's 'Prayer in unison. For Sale. -Lady's Hudson Seal fur coat, worn only few times; boys' skates and shoes. size 2; girls' skates and shoes, size 4, and set used tire chains. Apply at The Exposi- tor Office. 8445.1 Notice. -All books must 'be returned to the Pubic Library on or before Saturday, Decem- ber 23rd. Greta Thon>psom, Librarian. 3444-2 Goforth Mission Band Thankoffer- ing.-The annual Thankoffering of the Goforth Mission Band was held on Monday afternoon last at 4 p.m. with Donald MacTavish presiding. Lois Wright gave a recitation, "Our Work as Mission Band Members." The Lard's Prayer was sung 'by Jean 'Mills` and Margaret McLeod. The Scripture lesson was read by David Grieve and Bruce Wright gave the thankoffering prayer. David Grieve and ,Donald Scott gave a violin duet. A play entitled, "Missionary Messen- gers" was given by Alma Elliott, Margaret 'MioLeod, Jean Mills, Ruth IMcNairn, Clare Kellar, Ruth Joynt as light 'bearers, who lighted the candles of Theliiha Dolm'age, repres- enting India; Isabelle McKellar, China; Lois 'Wright,' Japan; Jean 'Might, Korea; Lillian Southgate, South America; Marian Sclater, Sy- ria. Mrs. James Kerr brought greet- ings from the W. M. S. compliment- ing the Band on the work of the year as did Mrs. J. J. Sclater from the Bar- bara Kinw•knuan. Miss S. I. McLean told a lovely story entitled, "Why the Chimes Rang."' When the offering was taken, Isabelle McKellar gave a recitation on "Giving." This was fol- lowed by a chorus, "Dropping Pen- nies," while the 'members dropped their mite 'boxes into a .white gift basket held by Aileen Andersod'and Gordon Wilson, It amounted to $9 and was dedicated in prayer by Mrs. T!,A, Reid. The receipts for the year were $73.5,6, including nine Jun- ior Life Members and one Gold Seal. Mrs. 'Brodie is giving up the Mission Band to do Trail Ranger work; also Mrs. John Stewart on account of ill health. These positions will be cap- ably filled by Mrs. D. H. Wilson and Miss Janet Cluff. Hold Christmas Tree and Supper. -St. Thomas' Church Sunday school held a very- successful Christmas tree and entertainment in the schoolroom on Wednesday evening. The evening opened with supper for the teachers and children and was followed by an excellent program, which included the presentation of a prize to Ruth Fraises for the highest number of merit marks. Other numbers includ- ed; Chorus by the school, "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing"; play, "Jean's Christmas"; duet, John Old- field and A. Archibald; recitations by Ruth Fraiser, Margaret Barlow and Barbara Best; duet, Shirley Oldfield and A. Archibald; duet, Yvonne Moore and K. Holmes; recitation, Gladys Earle; song, Joyce "W'ilbee; song, Donald Thorne and Bobby Humlbee; recitations, Marion McGav- in, Audrey 'Mc'Ga'vin and Jack Frais- es; reading, 'Barbara Best; musical selections, Jack !Moore; song, Louise Case; recitation, Isarbel Case; d?,'Ace, Jean Dungey and Carolyn Holmes ; song, Shirley Oldfield; recitations, Jim Brown, 'Barbara Best, Doris Hoff; song by Miss Edge's Class; recita- tions, Dorms Barlow, Louise Case; piano duet, John and !Shirley Old- field; duet, Lillian Southgate and A McGavin; song, Robert Stead; song, Shirley Oldfield and Arnold Archi- bald; duet,- Misses Freeman and Edge; piano duet, Misses Edge and Kruse -$.-Danny and John 'Grum•mett, Gordon Liessemer. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -First Pres'by'terian. Church -Morn- ing, "Christmas 'Giving"; evening, The Cantata, "The Light Eternal," by the choir, -Rev. I. B: Kahle, Min- ister. Northside United Church -Morn- ing, Christmas 'Service; evening, Services of Christmas songs and car- ols, the choir giving five numbers. - Rev. W. P. Lane, Minister. • (Continued on page ,5) Community Dance Walker's Hall, Brucefield TUESDAY, DEC. 26th Good Music Gents, 25c. Ladies with Lunch, Free. The Dry Goods and Clothing Stores o f Seaforth have ar- ranged to remain op- Thurs., Fri. Sat. Evenings December 21, 22, 23 MACTAVISH'S S. •SHINAN STEWART BROS. 7, )ry } rb l ` I u.0 t1' er^li rli r �.,�..Y .. K .t.. .. ... n -6.. Y. �. Season's Greetings We take this (*g'or- r tunity-. of extending t000ur customers and general public A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR W. E. Kerslake ' w It l, - 'rrwr ,r 1744' lPs* r f 1Y. »dr ECEMBE)t. 22, 1933',. 1"HINKING OF YOU No Need To Fret and Fume an) Worry Over Final Christmas Shopping 101 d Come Direct To This Store Now 'And. Enjoy. Making Your Selections Store Open Evenings This Thurs., Fri. and Sat.. In the way of HANDKERCHIEFS 3 in box 15c, 25c, 35c to 75c Individual 5c to 50c HOSIERY 59c, 75c, '$1.00, $1.50 SCARFS ' 25c to $1.50 DRESSING GOWNS $2.50 to $6.00 UMBRELLAS $1.75 to $3.95 FANCY BATH TOWELS AND MATS .. 25c to $1.50 BED QUILTS, THROWS and BLANKETS $1.50 to $7.75 GIFTS FOR MEN: • Ties .... 50c• to Scarfs Braces Handkerchiefs Socks $1.00, Boxed 50c to $1.50 50c to 75c ...10c to 50c 25c to 85c Suggestion GLOVES -Cape, Kid or Fabric, ..75c to $2.50 LINGERIE - Vests, Bloomers, P a n ties, Gowns, Slips and Sets 39c to $3.50 MADERIA LINEN 25c to $2.50 PLAUEN LACE 75c to $2.50` DRESSES -For all oc- casions $3.95 to $13.9 GIFTS FOR BABY Knitted Coats, Caps, Bonnets, Mittens, Boot - tees, Shoes; also Bunt- ings, Silk and Woof Carriage's Robes a n d Crib Covers. 25c to $2.75, Christmas Cards, Seals, . Tags, Wrapping, Etc. MacTAVISH'S I CARDNO'S XMAS' New Sunkist Oranges 20, 25, 30, 390: New Mixed Nuts, per pound ° 19c. Cenuine French Creams, per pound Christmas Mixed Candy, 2 pounds Table Raisins, per package McLaren's Sweet Gherkins, 14 -oz. jar Fresh Roasted Peanuts, pound TABLE FIGS package OUR SPECIAL COFFEE pound • • ,. RI'DEAU HALL COFFEE pound WALNUTS AND ALMONDS shelled pound MARASICHIINO 'OHEIRRIES 5-ounee jar . , ' TRY OUR SHORTBREAD dozen SEE OUR 'CHIRI'STMA'S CAKES per pound LUSIH.US 'GELATINE 3 •for GREEN GIANT PEA'S tin CHOICE MINCE MEAT '2 pounds TRY OUR 'OLD CHEESE "per pound , 23c 25c 35c 23c 10c 10c 39c 43c, 50c. 20c 15c 25c 25c 18c 25c 20c Everything for your Christmas Cake in cellophane packages. See our Display. Christmas buying will fill your card for the Dinner Set. gave you seen it yet? WE WISH TO ONE AND ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS' AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Cardno's'' Grocery Phone 82 Seaforth