HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-12-22, Page 3r i•--F•qq4r,r1,:111,71 •, 0• DECEMBER 1933. / ANNONIN11111611111111111QM1111 • ME HI ON EV . 1.4114q1F.05:1(11: ...„ •14 1: ., 4 r, was born in Newfoundland, where he continued to reside until less than a dozen years ago. He spent many years as a 'Methodist minister there, his early ministry being spent as a missionary to the fishermen on the Itemi from the Labrador Coast, and came here from St. Johns for a change of climate For his health's sake. He filled a Coiinty Papers couple of charges here, thiltlast one being that of Wesley Church, vvhere he was minister at the time of Un- ion. and he retired when the Willis and Wesley congregations united.— Clinton News -Record.. S. L. Scott Passes The death occurred in Toronto on Wednesday morning of a former resi- dent of Clinton in the person of S. Lester Sc.ott, in his 89th year. Mr. Scott had been in failing health for some time'and his death was not un- expected. tHIe is survived .by his wife, Who was formerly IMiss Emilyylum- mer, of Clinton„ and two daughters, Mrs. ,Davis, of Toronto, and IVIrs. Tory of Oklahoma. The funeral took place Friday, from the') Brophey un dertaking parlors, Goderich. Inter- ment was made in the family plot in Colborne Cemetery.—Clinton News - Record. Young Lady Dies 'Interment took place in the Exeter cemetery on, Tuesday afternoon of the remains of Miss Lillian Walker, a school teacher of Burlington and a former highly esteemed resident of Exeter. 'Miss Walker died in Vic- toria 'Hospital, London, on Sunday, following an illness of about two months. The deceased was a daugh- ter of the late Willia-m and Sarah Ann Walker and was born in Exe- ter 33 years ago. She, received, her early education in the Exeter public and high school and the London Nor- mal school. For 10 year she has been a teacher at Burlington. Her mother predeceased her about one years ago. She is survived by four brothers and four sisters: W. Edin, of Exeter; Rev. John A., of West China; Dr. Jas. G., of Burlington, and M. Bruce, M.A., Ends Life With Bullet Through Head 1A. short time before he was to have sat down to a birthday dinner in honor of his son-in-law, the lifeless body of Charles Stephan, 68 year old farmer, living two and a half miles southwest of this village, was found in his workshop was a 32 -calibre re- volver, one shot.from which the vic- tim had fired through is head. Early Sunday morning Mr. Stephan had 'been attending to a sick animal in his barn and when he failed to appear at noon a search was started by mem- bers of the family. When he could not be located it was thought that he went to a neighbors. The birthday dinner had been arranged in honor of J. tHeciaman who lives With his vife at the Stephan home in Stephen Township. Coroner Dr. J. P. O'Dwyer of Zurich was called, and decided that no inquest would be held. The body was also viewed by Dr. R. H. Taylor and Provincial iCostable McCoy of Goderich. Surviviit Mr. Stephan are his widow, five sons, one daughter, Mrs. Heckman, and three 'sisters. Ill health is 'blamed for Mr. Stephan tak- ing his life. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to Exeter cemetery.—Zurich Herald. Disaster Narrowly .Averted :A quick twist of the wheel of his automobile !saved W. T. Pellow from serious injury, even possible, death, on Monday when he was driving near Loyal. ' Visibility was poor, as it was a blustery day, and wthen the large truck driven 'by Randall Marriott Foamed out of a blinding spray of snow directly in the path of Mr. Pel - low's car there was barely time to swing the car towards the ditch. The stake body of the truck struck the rear corner of the car, splintering the window, crushing the fender and the corner of the car and tearing Those the rear bumper. The car was swung around but remained upright irr4the the road and was driven back to God- erich. Neither Mr. .Pellow nor a fel- low passenger was injured. Damage to the vehicles is taken care of by insurance.—Goderich V A,t 4SM'A21241)-ek v. Y., Y. Y. Y. Y Y. Y. y. Y. Y. Y. Y.. Thanks to you and all the folks with you for the kind consideration and true friendship extended to us through- , out the year. Our sincere wish is that Christmas finds you all Well, Happy and Pros- perous. WM. WRIGHT GARAGE - Sunoco Gas and Oils - SEAFORTH •`:•., 4' ,,,.. 1, 410 • ratings... We extend the Season's Greetings and wish you and those whose happiness is yours, a full measure of Christmas JoY. Christie Meat Market PHONE 58 • SEAFORTH n•WkikaegitS'iZCrzraaarl4 ;14t41-'4"' g te-VVVCCMCV-V.-C- VVM-a,PVAVVVCRVC BEST WISHES TO ALL for A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR P. J. Dorsey 4'„ /9, 4'. ,13.1. .131. 4'. IT,T ISr 47, r .4./1' I 41' I 1 et; I.d ffr.h4 I I I I .4 .,••• .4.4. k•••••21 t BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS • t t May we express our appreciation to our Customers and Friends for their support during the past year. Accept also our sincere wishes that your Christrtias may be a Merry One. W. R. SMITH GROCER SEAFORTH Another Accredited Herd Another Government certificate of accreditation has been issued to one of our local farmers—this, one to A. T. Lamb, Aldernay Farm, Colborne township. It is necessary to have two consecutive clean tests, one year anart, before a herd is fully accre- dited (ttherdulosis free). This test is Tilde once a year in order tl,at the certificate may- be retained. Mr, `I.arnr3 has now a hard of -about fifty head of pure-brecl'Jerseys.—Goderich Signal. Lucknow Car Lands in Ditch When returning from Wingharn on Friday the sedan driven by Mrs. R. E. Smith, of Lucknow, skidded on the slippery road and catapulted into the ditch, turning over and hitting a tele- phone pole, 'which it broke off. Mrs. Claire Agnew, 'who was riding with Smith, received a severe cut on the forehead whi6 required 12 stitches to close.,$he also received other min- or cuts and bruises. The driver of the car was uninjured except for a few bruises and a sAere shaking up, which both received. The accident occurred near the edge of the swamp east of Dickie's 01. The two ladies were taken to Lucknow, where Mrs. Agnew received medical attention. The car was considerably damaged.— Wing-ham. Advance -Times. Three Score and Ten Rev. A. A. Holmes, a well-bknown and highly esteemed eitizen of Clinton, although just now in Toron- to, where he and 'Mrs. Holmes have 'been ispendling their winters the past thwo or three years, on Tuesday pass- ed his 70th milestone. Mr. Holmes ? 1 4re A4 "4, 't 1‘4a ' Elte ettfont's 6rectings • We take this opportunity of thanking our many Patrons for the generous support tendered us this year: Accept our sincere , wish that your Yuletide be a Very Happy One. J. A. Westcott JEWELLER SEAFORTH I 41 ...e.Pg,trul, RAN, 11/44r, Row. b. 4'1.111.0111''(,15'1 • The Season's Greetings and all Good Wishes For the New Year. Seaforth Bargain Store S. Shinan, Prop. Seaforth (..er .t4 1r4N-2-4k4--NW , Just anexpression of , appreciation for your business and court- esies of the past year and a sipcere wish ,for a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS J. W. Beattie Butcher SEAFORTH t;#210 of Buckingham, Que.; Miss Saddie E of Toronto; Miss Jean 1. Walker of the University of 'Western Ontario; her twin sister, !Miss Mildred Walker and Mrs, Harvey L. Stewart, all of London. The funeral 'service was held at the Oatman Funeral Chapel in London conducted by Rev. A. E. El- liott, of Main St. United Church Pc.- eter, and assisted by Dy. McIntosh, of London. The pallbearers at the grave were: Messrs. B. W. F. Beav- ers, W. C. Pearce, O. E. Tuckey, Geo. Layton, A. Campbell and H. Bierling. '01 Increased Egg Supplies; Lower Prices Prevail Receipts of fresh eggs have in- creased in volume to some extent on the Toronto and Montreal markets, resulting in a fall in .prices. An add- ed factor in this recession of prices would appear to be a slackening in consumptive demand, probably due to prices charged to consumers be- ing somewhat too high for the pres- ent low spending power of the great majority of consumers at the pres- ent time. Lack of Bill of Lading Results in Huge Losses ;Records of actual losses by live- stock shippers totallIng $28,000.00 through truckers failing. to pay for stock are in the possession of the Weekly Sun, states the Ontario Mar- keting Board. How many thousands of dollars have been lost from unre- ported cases is not known but the to- tal would be considerable. The Highways Act now enables ev- ery farmer to require a 'trucker or drover to furnish a 'bill of lading. This affords the shipper an oppor- tunity to decide to whom his live stock 'willhesold, assures him, he will get his money back, and provides that a full and correct statement of weights and prices paid by the pur- chaser will be returned to the ovrn- , er. 1,41! ',1111 ••-tAL • Yr kind Co-opera- titn has contributed to our Success and we appreciate it most cordially. Accept our Best Wishes 'for a Right Merry Christmas. Bert Williams Barber Shop SEAFORTH Pk. 4.11k P. 44-41.,V4WG-40 ,W.A1414.0•44.414(tie.4Ni-x.:itzv. 0 • • _`'t. In Grateful Apprecia- tion of your, Good- ), will and Co-operation, we wish you all the joys of the Christ- mas Season. McGavin's Grocery. r Phone 95 - Seaforth • • • To Our Customers 'and Friends, we Tender HEARTIEST CHRISTMAS GREETINGS • GEO. D. FERGUSON Hardware • I 11-4 "elk e. I r I ,,,"" 1,41 .1 " ?lb . • K. • • • 1' Kr. +St IC: +4. ' "4.. Tin It is our Pleasure at this time of the year to gratefully acknowledge.,,the favours we have received, and to ex- tend to you our Compliments and Best wishes for A MERRY CHRISTMAS Clarke Transport M. E. CLARKE, -Proprietor : Seaforth el" tpl) pp -Y. • '444 Co ripliments of the Season At his season our thoughts are turned from the daily round to that time when all Men by common consent, unite in thanks- giving and good -will., A HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL THOMAS PHILLIPS Wholesale and retail Fruits • Seaforth \‘•?' \, 4+,'e A Merry Christmas! "s1 figain....A Merry Christmas While it is only.once a year that we place our Good Wishes in print, we are always hoping that Good Fortune, Good Health, and happiness are yours. SMITTIE'S RfptEATION1 • 1 ',mit '1, 10( 4%101,4,11 .,•!h .4 PP -P1;11-'1'VAVV, 4V4ita"44-4.. vvvvvvv-ztvvrY,Iti-tanavt.tv effvfmth, f • 1 7 • r • • ...Moo / To help the last minute shopper we suggest The Huron Expositor As a Gift for pour out-of-town-/riend or relative' 7 What could be a more pleasant gift than the home town news to a former resident. Fifty-two times in 1934 they will thank you for the thought that prompted you to remember them with The Huron Expositor. For each Gift subscription we will send a Rretty card, announcing your gift. The Huron Expositor is $1.50 a year anywhere in Canada or Four Gift Subscriptions for $5. THE HURON EXPOSITOR McLean Bros., Publishers. Caft44,444 //Alta ,nateattaita ft* Ai] 11).: Established 1860 zaitaaaarautztaitatz