HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-12-22, Page 16
Seventy-third Year
Whole Number 3445
Councillors End Year's Work
At Final Statutory Meeting
On Friday Evening Last
• • • • • •
Santa Claus
' Santa Claus will arrive in
town at 3 p.m. Friday, under the
auspices of the Lions Club. He '
will proceed to the big commun-
ity Christmas tree and will dis-
tribute stockings to boys and
girls of the town and district.
Before the distribution begins,
• school children will sing Christ-
mas carols, accompanied by the
Seaforth Highlanders Band.
• • • ®, •
Reeve Eckart Makes Pres-
entation At Last
Council Meeting.
ieC•irculm,stances alter cases," said
Chief James V. Ryan in accepting a
pipe from Reeve John A. Eckert, of
McKillop township, counciI, on Fri-
day afternoon last, in the Carnegie
• The occasion was the final meeting
of McKillop council for 1933, and
Reeve Eckert, on behalf of the town-
ship, had presented Chief Ryan with
a token of the councillors' apprecia-
tion of his good work in their behalf
.wring the past year.
"One never can tell what the fu-
ture holds," remarked the Chief, "but
if I am 'back at this job in 1934, you
can be assured of the same service
as you have experienced this year. it
is ten years since 1 first started this
job and I, can assure you that one
needs much practical experience and
work to do it successfully. I am nort
boasting when I say this."
"I thankyou for the pipe," con-
tinued the Chief, "and you may be
assured it is appreciated. I have en-
joyed doing what I :have been able
to do for you and my Huish is that
eachand everyone of you will have
much success at the polls and be here
again next year."
In closing, Chief Ryan wished one
ad all a Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year.
Friday was 'the last tax payment
day at the Carnegie Library for Mc •
Killop township residents and during
the afternoon a steady stream, of
property owners were paying money
to the collector, George McKee. The
council also met and cleaned up the
year's business.
r1Vir. and Mrs. Norman Geddes, of
Belgrave, spent Sunday with Mr.
and 'Mrs. Joseph Little.
A successful euchre and dance was
field in the hall last Friday night.
The prize winners were: Ladies'
first, 'Mrs. Hugh Alexander; ladies'
lone hands, Mrs. Archie Kerr; men's
first, Mr. Wilson Little; men's lone
hands prize, Mr. Guy Dorrance. Af-
ter luneh a few hours was spent in
• Request Dairies To ° Have
Herds Tested By Qualified
Veterinary, To G u a r d
Against Tuberculosis,
The statutory and final 'meeting of
Seaforth's town council for 1933 was
held in the Town Hall on Friday ev-
Mayor Sutherland was in the chair
and Reeve Smith, Councillors Scott,
Sproat and Savauge were present.
The question of the fitness of milk
being supplied in tile town was intro-
duced and a report from the Board
of Health received. The Board, the
week previous, on being advised that
milk from tubercular infected cows is
possibly being delivered in Seaforth,
called an emergency meeting, the re-
sult of which was a warning to citi-
zens to pasteurize all milk used.
Council .took action and as a result,
dairies supplying milk in Seaforth
are requested to have their herds
tested by a vetinary surgeon. The
notion, made by Councillor Sproat,
seconded by Reeve Smith, was as fol-
lows: Resolve in view ocf the re-
comlrnendation from the Board of
Health, that we ask all persons sup-
plying milk in our municipality to
have a test taken of their cows by
an authorized' veterinary surgeon."
(Councillor Scott moved the adop-
tion of the finance cothmittee report
which was seconded by Councillor
Savauge. The report, which was
adopted, called for payment of the
following accounts and salaries:
IM, McLeod, wages, $2; J. Bur-
rows, M.D., account, $1;J. "VM4Cillop Tp.
gravel, $213.75; Separate School
Board, $5.22.87; Public School Board,
$839:44; Collegiate 'Institute Board,
$90.34; Public Utility Com., street
lights, 81788.00.
The treasurer's preliminary report
was presented and adopted on motion
of Councillors Scott and Ferguson.
The necessary numlber of copies were
ordered printed.
'Moved by Ross J. Sproat, second-
ed by Fred S. Savauge, that Chief
Ryan Ibe paid $25 for extra services
Seeing England
Salisbury, August 9th.
Dear Jean:
?What a perfect week -end this has
been! We seem to have been in so
Many different countries in such a
short tine. That, 1 suppose, consti-
tutes the glory of England; here we
-have cone through Devon into Corn-
wall, through the South, over Dart-
moor to Salisbury, each little spot
has a characteristic and individual
beauty. We might have been in a
dozen different countries.
IIt certainly isn't long since I wrote
you that last letter, but if I remem-
ber correctly, armed with a stout
chicken dinner, we were bound for
Clovellye The drive from Braunton
in 'the late afternoon was simply
divine, in spite of the heat. Denied
the vision of Barnstaple market be -
(Continued on page 4)
May we, at the close of what
has been a difficult year for
us all, thank you sincerely
for pour much appreciated
friendship and patronage.
As iLhas been reported to the Local Board
of Health that tubercular -infected milk may
be delivered in the town, the Local Board
of Health urge that all milk for domestic use
be pasteurized until the Town Council are
able to investigate this report.
Municipality of the
Town of Seaforth
hEUnrufl Exinitnr
elitettbis ta Jts rttttng
rettatPrs, friends anti
ttauPriisers hartirif
gnnt wishes for a
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Seaforth Public S c' h o o t
Pupils Learn
The standing of pupils in the Pub-
lic School at the recent Christmas
examinations has been released by
the Principal, P. B. Moffat and will
be found below:
The names are given in order of
merit and A represents First Class
Honours; B, Second Class Honours;
C, pass standing; D, failed or below
pass standing.
Senior IV
-A---Helen Chamberlain, Donald
MacTavish, Alastair Wigg, Helen
B -Harold Free, Jean Dungev,
David Grieve, Donna Mole, James El-
liott. '
IC --Roy Oke, Ferree Dunlop and
David ticewar•t (equal), Janet Baker,
Oban MacTavish, Muriel Hudson,
Ross Rutledge, EIva Saunslercock.
D --.Leone Hotham, Jean Dale, Hel-
en Edler.
.Y inior IV
A--Cleta Dickson.
;B--.Zetta Dunlop, Clara Dolmage,
Freda' Williams, Bill Wamsley.
'C. Carolyn Holmes, Mary Howes,
Genevieve 'Hawkins, 'Marion Plvbotson,
Mae Hodgson, Helen Swan, Margaret
Fletcher, Bob Barlow, Anna Dennis,
Louise Boniface.
!D --Viola Dolmage, ArthurCamer-
on, Betty McLeod, Grace Gillespie,
Doris Hoff.—P. B. Moffat, Principal.
Senior III •
A --Ruth Joynt, Helen Moffat,
Bruce Wright, Lois McGavin, Richard
Box, Frank Golding, Sterling Hab-
kirk, Donald Scott,
fB- Allan
Dolmage, Stuart Wigg,
Charles Wood, Joe Smith, Clayton
rC---lDonen y ' 'raiser, Floyd pimrk-
ney, Alma Elliott, ylargaret Barlow,
Barbara Best, Ruth M•cNairn, Leonore.
Edler, Roy Kerr, Jack Moore, Jack
McNabb, Jack Hanley.
D—,Alex, Baker, Doris Barlow,
Marion Sclater, Earl Montgomery,
Torn Wil•bee, .Jack Cameron. — M. E.
Turnbull, Teacher. -
.Junior III
Al Lorne Tihhotson, Lois ClVright,
jean Mills, Allen Sunderceck and
Jack Elliott (equal), Mildred Swan,
Scott Kerr, Helen Fraiser. -
B--'Audr:ey IMeGavin, Margaret
Hudson, Ruth Fraiser and Kenneth
Southgate (equal), ?Reg. Dolmage,
Thelma Dotmrage.
O -Clarence Westcott and Mary
Wood (equal), Bernice Boniface, Ir-
ene 'Mowhray, Isabel McKellar and
Jim Southgate (equal).
D--IOharlie Case, Iva Allen, Doro-
thy Fletcher, 'Mary Geddes and Hel-
en Hodgson (equal), Garnet Allen,
Kenneth Reid, Kajileen •Holmes, Wyl-
akin 47
Xmas Candle
At Bethlehem a candle
Still shines throughout the night;
O'er sin and woe and sorrow,
IIt shed a glorious 'light.
'Twas lit .by angel fingers
In the dark long ago,
When Christ was born of Mary
'Within a manger low. .
Pass On Players For, the
McMillan Cup
Representatives of St. Colunvban,
Egrruondville, \'v inthrep and Tucker -
smith met at the Dick House on Sat-
urday evening and discussed the
hockey situation for the coming sea-
son. Players names .were 'brought up
and approved and a schedule drawn
A Cup will he given to the player
who most efficiently makes the hest
of his • duties while on the ice. A
dance is also planned for February
1 4th, the proceeds to. go to the
hockey league to be used in case any
accidents happen to players. Re-
ferees appointed were Joe Hart and
Gordon Muir.
A number of new players names
were added to the lists of each,tenm.
Two players or Egmondville's, last
years team will this year play for
Tuckersmith. namely, Frank Sproat
and Hugh 'McMillan.
Winthrop has strengthened its
team with Bill Draper and Ed. Boyce
(Continued on page 4)
da Ross —M• M. Hartry, Teacher.
Second Class
A—Ahy-vonne Moore, Winnifred
Russell, Fred Welford.
B --Harry Scott, Marilyn Campbell,
Lillian Southgate, Dorothy Williams,
Dorothy Howes, Margaret lethic'k,
.Jean Currie, Margaret Dale.. IC—Fergus Bell, Bell, Clayton Ritchie,
Vernon Hoff, .Jack Rutledge, Stan-
ley Hills, Minis Dunlop, Donald Wood,
Richard Eisler, Ei'mia Fietpher,, Leo
Oke, Henry Boniface, Jean Swan,
Leslie Ritchie, Clifford Ross.
tlT--4Reid Allen, Margaret Edler,
Arthur Praiser, Bert Barlow, Billie
WiThee . Ito •
(Missed Exams—Kenneth Keating,
Evelyn Venus.—IM. M. Bell, Teacliet.
Room V
A --Violet Dupee, Janie Moffat,
Ross ,Montgomery,, Dorothy Smith',
' 1 :uG l
Third Reunion on Christmas
Night To Eclipse
Other Years.
If a big demand for invitations is
any indication of attendance, the third
annual Seaforth Collegiate Institute
Alumni Association reunion dance on
Christmas night should be one of the
most successful yet held.
Special arrangements are being
made to ensure guests of a real ev-
ening's enjoyment. Excellent music
will be furnished by the Royal Col-
legians Orchestra, of London, and
the program will include special nov-
elty numlbers.
The price of admission remains the
same as last, except that the 1934
membership fee in the Association
will be included in rhe admission.
It must' be realized that no Alumni
social function does more than pay
for itself'. All 'overhead expenses
must he niet by the 25 cents nominal
memlhership fee and to save the ex-
ecutive a lot of hard, tireso'm'e work
it was thought advisable this year
to collect the fee at the dance.
(Decorations and lunch will, as in
former years. be adequate and all in
all the evening promises to he a
great success.
Imitations have been mailed all
members but additional invitations
for !Christmas guests, non-members
and Collegiate pupil; niay be obtain-
ed on application to the secretary, A.
Y. McLean,
It is also requested that guests
purchase admission tickets from the
secs"lrary prior to the dance in order
to avoid congestion and confusion at
the door.
B—Jaek Fraicer, Albert Venus,
Gordon l,icscmer.
C—Beth Wellesley, Patricia Bech-
elv, Alvin—Hoff, George Hildebrand,
Frank Mills, .Jack Eisler. Neil •4Hiop-
per, Marjory Golding.
ID--fitephen Williams, Betty Dun-
lop, Isabelle Case, Clarence Reeves.
Misses] Exams — Aubrey Baker.
Wilma Hay, Ruth Anderson.—E. H.
Elder, Tepacher.
Primary Class
A' --Jean Wright, Helena Smith,
Harriet Russell and 'Frank Boniface
(equal), 'Lorna Dale, Kenneth Mow-
B•—.Marion McGavin, Eileen Ander-
son, Kenneth Hart, Anna Woods, Dan
Grum'rF,ett, Marjorie McKenzie, .Jack
,Male in s,
IC—!Marion snakins, Wallace Hol-
lingsworth Doris Eisler, Donelda
Hawkins, Beverley Bea ton, Donald
Ross, Fraser Swan.
DI—Robby Hiumbey, Edna Fraiser.
—+R. •'S. Thompson, Teacher.
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Will Nominate Candida
for Municipal Office Friday
Annual Review Of Last
Year's Business Will Be
Presented To Citizens.
Nominations in Seaforth on Fri-
day evening will in all pro'babilfys be
much quieter than the meeting of
last year. No question of import-
ance is before the ratepayers.
The change in day from Christmas
to the Friday previous may enlarge
the attendance somewhat, but this
may be onset by the.lack of interest-
ing material for discussion.
In any case, citizens will have the
opportunity of 'hearing the Mayor,
Reeve and Council tell of their work
of the past year.
'If an election is necessary it will
be held on Monday, January let, with
polling booths and returning officers
as follows:
North Ward—Public School: Grant
Fraser, D.R.O., John Cum''m:ing, P.C.;
Earl Ross, D.R.O., Thomas Johnston,
P.C. East Ward in Clerk's Office—
J. A. Kerr, D.R.O., J. A. -Westcott,
P:C.; Alex. Muir, D.R.O., Horace Wil -
bee, P.C.
Township nominations are also
scheduled for Friday, with McKillop
citizens meeting at Winthrop and
Tuckersmith at Brucefield.
It is not known whether or not
Tuckersmith council will be opposed,
but is reported that an election will
be necessitated in McKillop.
Catholic Women's League.—The C.
W. L. have made arrangements to
hold a euchre party in the parish hall
on Tuesday evening, December 26th.
• • • • • •'
Constlitble Helmer Snell has
turned horticulturalist and is.
producing winter roses. He has
•a bush growing in his garden that
is a mass of buds and each bud,
if it is picked and brought into
e ho se'opens in a day or so
aa beautiful iful rose. And
this is December,,
• • • • • • •
Hall Redecorated and New
Lighting Installed
This Week.
Christmas week will be a week of
much activity at the Badminton Club.
Special arrangements are being made
to ensure games for visitors and fees
for the week have been set. They
are: Gentlemen 4$1.00, ladies 75c, or
visitors in town orily a day or so, 25c
a day. These fees, of course, apply
only to out of town visitors.
The hall has been completely re-
decorated and new.-l.iglrting installed.
Both features will add much to play-
ers' enjoyment.
On Wednesday, December 27th, a.
mixed tournament for members 'and
visitors will be held ,with entries clos-
ing at 4 p.m. on that day. At the
conclusion of the play, lunch will be
I pray the prayer the Easterners do,
May the peace -of Allah abide with
you, ,
Wherever you stay, wherever you go,
May the beautiful palms of Allah,
Through days of labor"and nights of
The love of good Allah make you
So I touch my heart as the Easterners
May the peace of Allah'abide with
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IWay every joy and happiness
be yours
This Christmas Season
Wm. Ament
Seaforth, Ontario.
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