HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-12-15, Page 5• ■ ley st- o." n11 ce- ay. er- of hie ith l tFs/ ice '50 )15 nc1. i0 0 5 DEC. 1 13I4 45, 13.33, The Regent Theatre Ad- vek t!sement Will° b e found on page 8. It has been necessary to omit "Your Radio" col- umn this week because of overcrowded col- umns. It will, however, be included next week. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. William 'Pybus, of near Clhiselhurst, visited at the home .of Mr. William Johns last Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harris and ch fighters, Misses Pearl and Bernice Harris, of Chiselhurst., visited' at Mr, John Headman's recently. M1'. Kenneth Johns visited in To- s'onto a few days last week. •Mr. and 'Mrs. Lloyd Johns visited in St. 'Marys last Friday. 'Miss Catherine Peters, of London, spen't the week end at her home here. ISICgENCE HtAS DISCOVERED new relief for Rheumatism. Backache, Lumbago — 14SE RU.MACAPS.— lieaiting's Drug Store. DEATHS 4.^olding. Tn Seaforth, on Sunday, December 10th, Henry Golding, aged 93 years. Weber. --kin Senlforth, on Saturday, December 9th, Susanna Adam, relict of the late Jacob Weber. in her 74t.h year, Gibbinys,—In Kindersley Hospital, on Dec. 9, Fletcher 13. Gitlbin.ga, youngest sun of Mr. Robert Gibbingie Toronto, and brother of �141r, R .W. Gibbings, Clinton, aged 33 years and 4 _days. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. W. A. Ross and family; desire to ex - Dress •their sincere thanks to Rev. Mr. Brem- ner and to all friends and neighbors who so generously offered ,their help, sympathy and sconsolatiuns during their recent bereavement, 3444x1 CARD OF THANKS We wish to sincerely thank the friends, neighbors and everyone, who were so kind ;and thoughtful. by word and deed. during our )recent sail bereavement. --.Mrs. William Mc- Donald and Daughters. 3444x1 CARD OF THANKS The immediate relatives of the .late Miss Martha Gibson wish to express their apprecia- tion of the many act; of kindness shown during her extended illness and at the time of cher death. 3444x1 CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Herulr Golding gratefully acknowledge the many acts of kindness of friends and neighbors during the sickness and death of their father: also for the beautiful floral tributes and generous offer �nf 'cars. 34.44-1 IN MEMORIAM In loving rnernory of James: A. Thomson, who passed away December 17, '1930. Art thou weary; art thou languid? .Art thou Gore distressed? Come to 11e, saith One, and coming Be at rest. —Ever rrvnemberaxl by Sisters, Wife and -Son. NOMINATION NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH The annual meeting of the Electors of the Township of Tucker;mith, for the nomination .of candidates for the•ol%ce of Reeve and Councillors• for the year 1934, will be held at Wlalker's Hall, Bruceficld, OM Friday, Decem- ber 22nd, at 1 p.m. If a poll he necessary, .such poll shall be opened: on Monday, Janu- ary 1, 1934, at the' following places and by the following officer; : No, 1—W. C. Goven- lock's house: W. C. Govenlock, D.R.O., Harry Ste$ ant, P.C.; No. 2. School No. 8: James Hay, D.R.O., J. A. McLaren, P.C.; No. 3, &chool House No. 4: Sim Whitmore, D.R.O., Fred Pepper, P.C. No. 4, School House No. 2: Thomas Chapman, D.R.O., J. W. McIn- tosh, P.C.: No, 1, School House No. 1, R. D. Bell, D.R.O., Melvyl Traquair, P.C.; No. e, School House No. 9: William Sinclair, ID.RO., Alexander Sinclair, P.C. Poll open from 9 a.mm. to 5 p.m. D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk. 3444-1 Nomination Meeting, The annual meeting of the Eleotons of the Township of McKillop will he held at Win- tt cop Hall on Friday. December 22, 1933. at one o'olock p.m., for the purpose of nominat- ing a Reeve and four Counc.iliors for the Municipality of the Township of McKillop for the year 1934. ;Should more persons be nominated than are required to fill the several offices, an elec- tion will he held on Monday, the first day of January, 1934. Polls will be open from 9 .a.m. till 5 p.m. at the following places: Poll No. 1 --Janes Carlin's house, Lot 10, Concession 5: James Nolan, D.R.O.; William 'Maloney, P.C. (Poll No. 2—Joseph Hogg's house, Lot 25, Coneessfot 4 --Jamas 13. Hogg, D.R.O., Mrs. :George Eaton, P.C. Poll No. 3–Jo:'seph Smith's house, Lot 10, Concession .,;1,2 -John R. Leems!ing, D.R.O.; Henry BenneWies, P.C. Lot 28, Conu�- Poll No.'4--School Np. 7, ,alon 12—:V0'4ll1am Somerville, DJI.O. ; Willis 33urldas, P.C, JOHN McNAY. Returning 'Officer. 8444-1' NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of 'MARGARET JACOBI, late of •'fire Village of Henault, In the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the Eighteenth clay of November,' A. D. 1923, are required ' to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Twenty -Sixth day of December,, A. D. 1923. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then she'll have notice. Darted at Exeter. Ont., this 5th day of lbecember, A. D. 1938. GLADMAN & S'IlANBUR.Y, Exeter and Hensslll, Executor's Solicitors. 8443-3 GIVES QUICK RELIEF - ECZEMA "The Wonder Heal- ing Seal" heads Peoria sis, Impetigo, Itch, Erythema, Pemtphigus, Ringworm and other skim ailments whale you work. The old, reliable, genuine article is !spelled K -L -E -E -'R• 1l -X.. 500c; '$1,00; $2.00; '$4.50 lb.. Ask your Drug- gist or 'write Kleerex Mfg. Co., 1380 Y'onge St., Toronto, Ontario. KLEEREX i1 D • Tag EXPOSITOR • .•mo i•41. RYONE IMPORTANT Every Gift beautifully boxed and contains a pretty Good Wishes card, without any extra -charge. HIS has always been a great Christrhas Store. Because we carry the largest stock, and only the highest 'grade merchandise. You can buy for man, woman or child, new, sensible, useful, highly acceptable gifts that will re- flect the good taste of the giver. Your Christmas money will go farther here. Come in and let us settle your Christmas problems. You will save time, worry and money. arc SHOP EARLY While Stocks are '"Com- plete and you are assur- ed of the best service. "JUST LOVELY" Ties FOR MEN When in Doubt Give Sox - The newest silks, bright, snappy color- ings and designs. Built to keep their shape. Sure to please; no trouble to select. In a fancy box. 25c 50c • 75c $1.00 MEN'S CHRISTMAS Braces, Garters,Armbands All in Fancy Boxes Braces, new patterns 50c to $1 Ga''ters, Paris Brand 25c to 75c Armbands 25c t6 50c Brace and Garter Sets... 85c to $1,50 Armband and Garter Sets.. 50c to $1 YOUNG MEN WILL LIKE THESE To a Man , The new winter sox are so much better in quality; so much more attractive in color de- sign and the most ac- ceptable of all gifts. Fancy boxes. 25c, 35c, 50c,-75, $1.00 DAINTY NEW LINGERIE Super Values SILK CREPE Dance Sets; $1.75 to $2.25 Step-ins .. $1 to $1.501 Gowns, lace trim,. $3 Slips .. $1.69, to $3.00 CREPE RAYON Bloomers and Panties .•.49c to 79c Gowns, $1.00 to $2.00 Dance Sets $1 to $1.50 Pyjamas $1.95 Women's Handkerchiefs' THE PERSONAL USEFUL GIFT It is no exaggeration when we tell you that' beauti- ful quality Handkerchiefs never were sold at lower prices and tI attractive boxes add so much to the appearance of your gift. Be sure to include then, Hankys in your list. Quality Handkerchiefs, beau- tifully boxed 25c, 39c, 50c, 75e Fancyembroidered linen and opal in plain or fan- cy embroidered ; splendid quality 5c t� 50c e Always Popular GLOVES For Women Slip-on Kid, all - shades $1.59 to $1.95 Wool or fur lined Gloves, $1.25 to $4 Chamoisette 59c to -$1 Child's Gloves, lined ; or unlined, 75c to $1 Christmas Novelties FOR WOMEN Clever little inexpensive Christmas re- membrances that will surely be apprec- iated. . Sewing Sets . 50c to 75c Bridge Pencils 50c to 60c Set of six velvet covered dress hangers assorted colors • 65c Dozens of other novelties, 25c to $1,50 Ken ood Blankets The Gift of Years of Comfort Rose, Blue, Mauve, Green, Gold, Lavender, Yellow, Tan. Satin bound $6,50 to $9,00 WOOL BLANKETS Imported Scotch Blankets, Lammermoore Brand Domestic Wool Blankets, large size, extra quality Flannelette Blankets, Ibex, 72x84 $9,75 Pair $5,95 Pair $2,39 Pair Women's Hose Super Christman ,Values Penmans, Kayser, Orient and Weldrest Brands ' Pure Silk, full fashioned . , . .75c, $1.00, $1.25 Chiffon Hose 75c to $1.00 Cashmere ° 50c to $1.00 Silk and Wool 50c to $1.00 SPECIAL—High quality crepe chiffon to ,top reinforced at all points of wear $1,25 Men's NewChristmas pyjamas Just the Nicest We Have Ever Shown BROADCLOTH Fancy color combinations in new designs, made by Tooke or For- syth. Price $1,50 to $2,50 FLANNELETTE Good warm, roomy pyjamas with attractive color stripe. 51.50 to S2.50 _t Men's Lounging Robes AND SMOKING JACKETS Specially designed for Christmas sell- ing. A gift that will be a pleasant re- membrance for years to come. Plain or fancy colors with harmonizing cord trimmings. All sizes Lounging Gown Smoking Jackets $3,75 to $7,50 $5,50 to $10 Women's Christmas Kimonas Nothing you could give could be more acceptable or useful. You will be sur- prised what a lovely kimona you can buy at very little money. Every new wanted color and style is here. Made of Fancy Eiderdown, plain or striped flannels or quilted or fancy silk Price $2,75 to $6,25 Fancy Towels in Big Variety and Style Bath Towels, fancy col- or borders, 20 by 40 50c Solid colors, heavily covered, 22x45. 88c Heavy weight, fancy de- sign, 22x45 75c Pure linen, finest Huck towels, newest pat- terns. $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $2.25 Women'sGowns and Pyjamas GOWNS Flannelette, 79c to $1.50 Swiss Cambric $1 to $2,95 Cotton Crepe $1,19 to $1,50 PYJAMAS Crepe (men's) $150 Lisle (women's) $2,55 Crepe, girls' $1.19-$1.50 New Scarfs For Women New in style and color- ings, whether it is the full length or the shorter graduating shape, single or double or lined. You will see a pleasing assort- ment. 79c to $2,25 Men's Shirts The kind he would buy himself In a special Christmas box Forsyth and -Tooke shirts`are the standard of quality. You will. be surprised how good they are and how reasonably priced we have them. Collar attached or tvdo separate collars. Swell patterns to choose from $1 to $2,90 Christmas Suggestions for boys of all ages Ties, four-in-hand or bows : 25c to 50c Mufflers, fancy, boxed Handkerchiefs, single or boxed Golf Hose, fancy or plain 39c to 59c Play Mitts 25c to 50c Aviator Caps 59c to 95c ••50cto95c 1Oc to 50c Hand Bags A very acceptable Christmas gift, particularly these new bags just out. Colors: Black, Brown, Navy, Green, Red; beautiful new effects in hack straps or strap handles; equip- ped complete ; some zippers. 98c to $4,00 asiimmilussonole STEWART xt nuV'tC;idt BPOS. Seaf rt is t