HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-11-17, Page 8FRIDAY NIGHT NOVEMBER 17. EUCHRE and DANCE under the auspices of the Thomas McMillan Young Liberal Club,. Seaforth Cardno's Hall, Seaforth You are guaranteed a good time. The program includes Euchre, Lunch and Dancing. This is the best en- tertainment value in Seaforth this Fall. Don't miss it. 1 1 TICKETS including anyclub tax member �Oc 4 v. GE EIGHT t r e r.. e r If �+m Wyv. ,>i nl5, bF. If i atm ; 1 tq n ti1P OUR OWN Baking Powder 1 Pound Tin with 1 Bottle of 25c Vanilla; reg. 35c; for one week.. Liz 3MLLION'AIRE1S SOUPS Assorted; 4 for VilA.S.HhING TOX Regular 15c, now DE LUXE JELLY POWDiEIR 6 for BROKEN BISCUITS 13 pounds for PREPARED MUSTARD per jar OAK LEAF SOCKEYE SALMON—Halves at MCL -BEN'S INVINCIBLE ��� OLIVE'S--32-oz. jar for J GdGO BAKING POWDER -13c, 21c and 34c . per tin. FILLETS OF HADDIE 2 pounds for FLAKED WHEAT BERRIES. I51i% pounds for MACARONI 5 pounds for MARMtILL LAYING M•k,SH $2 30 per cwt. C Cream taken for the Seaforth Cream- ery at the same price as paid at the Creamery. 25c 5c 25c 25c 10c 18c 25c 25c 25c Aa C. Routledge PHONE 166 HAZARDS NEVER TAKE A HOLIDAY Are You Protected? Our protection covers Fire Life, Automobile, Burglary Windstorm, Accident and Sickness, and all other lines Watson & Reid Phone 214 : Seaforth Specialists in All Lines of Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O S. T. Holmes & Son 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 Main Street, Seaforth O 0 S. T. Holmes' residence, O Goderich Street, West; phone 0 No, 119W. Char1e3 Holmes' 0 residence, Goderich Street, O East; phone No. 308. O Ambulance Service 0 Night calks, Phone 308. O 0 Day calls, Phone 119J. 0 O Charges moderate. <> O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 O H. C. BOX • O FUNERAL SERVICE O Licensed Embalmer o Ambulance Service 0 Night Calls Day Calls O Phone 175 Phone 43 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O <' WALKER'S „ O O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 OW. J. WALKER. and O 0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 O Licensed Embalmers and 0 O Funeral Directors. O 0 Day or Night Calls promptly O O attended. O O PHONE 67 O 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FOR SALE SEVERAL DWELLINGS in Seaforth and Egmondville Own your own home. This is the time to buy and prices are low. A. D. Sutherland THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE- CO'Y. BEAD O1 FICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Geo, R. McCartney, Seaforth - Pres. domes Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - See,-Treas. AGENTS: W. E. Hinehley, (Seaforth ; John Murray, R. R. 3, 'Seaforth; E. R. G. Jarreouth, Erodhagell• James Watt, ;myth; C. E. Hewitt, 'Kincardine. DIRECTORS: William Knox Londesboro; George L' onhart, Brod'.hagren; James Con- fno11 , G4oderfeh; Alex. Broadfoot, No. es/forth; Holbert Perris, Blyth ; +intotwq likeArtfhey, No. 8, Seaforth; "ti1tfx P011lper, Bi~ticefleld; Sanwa Shol- ,, Volton•, Thomas 14teyian, N. 5, Christmas Cards NEW STOCK NOW' ON DISPLAY Choose your Greet- ing Cards early - and avoid disap- pointment. AT Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Drug Store PHONE 28 : SEAFORTH NEWS OF THE TOWN Kerr-Ross.—At First Preslbyterian Manse, in Seaforth, on November 7, Miss Ethel M. Ross and Graham J. Kerr were united in marriage by Rev. I. B. Kaine. Bowling Begins. --.Play commenced this week for the fine Cups which are up for competition in Williams' Bowl- ing Alley. Four teams are entered and four games will be played week- ly until the schedule ,is completed. Announcement.—Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Matthews, of .Seaforth, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Mary Teresa, to Mr. -William Morri- son Hart, son of Mrs. Jean Hart, of Seaforth, the marriage to take place the latter part of this month: Residence Completed. — Mr. John Cooper is now occupying his new residence which has been built on the same site as the one destroyed by fire' last winter. The carpentry work was done by Messrs. W. Pear- son and W. Stoddart. 'and the cement work was in charge of Win. Venus Dies in Waterford.—Word ha:; been received of the death in Waterford on Monday of Mrs. Clarence H.ellyer after a week's illness. Her daugh- ter, Mrs. C,• T.. Mason, nee Glaclyt, Hellyea•, was a teacher on the staff of the local Collegiate for a number of years; Tuckersmith Aggressive Club To Meet.—The Tuckerslnnth Aggressive Club will hold the regular meeting on Tuesday evening .November 21st at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jame: McIntosh. Jr., on the 2nd concession of Tuckersrnith. The roll call will be "S•onvething to be thankful for," and the election of officers will take place. Firemen Have Run.—An alarm turned in Monday afternoon brought out the firemen and truck. but the fire was out when they arrived. Mechanics had been washing an en- gine of a car in Dunlop's Garage with gasoline. which caught fire and spread on the oily floor. Prompt work extinguished' • the flames . and saved' serious damage. Regina Huron Old Boys Meet.— Regina eet—Regina Huron Old Boys held their annual reunion in the King's ITotel. Regina: on Thursday evening. The Program included the election of of- ficers. cards. dancing. short speech- es, stunts and lunch. The event proved a wonderful opportunity to meet old friends. Sam J. Latta i:, president of the association, and A E. Hodgert is secretary. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday —,St. Thomas' Anglican- Church---23r•r. Sunday after Trinity: 10 a.m., Sun- da7.- school and Bible Class; 11 a.m. "The Respohsihility of Example"; -7 n.m., ".Abraham's Example."—Canon E. Appleyard, Rector. Egmondville Church — 10 a.m Church School, "Paul At Ath- ens"; 11 a.m., "Social Individuals"• 7 p.m.. Service withdrawn for Norih- ,ide United Chnlr•ch anniversary.— Rev. Cha., Malcolm, Minister, First Presbyterian Church --Morn- ing, "A Christian Ideal." F.vening service withdrawn for Northside United Church anniversary.—Rev. I. B. Kaine, Minister. Alumni }(olds Pleasant Meeting.— Inclement 'weather spoiled the at- tendance somewhat at the November S. C. 1, Alumni meeting in the Thomas McMillan Young Liberal Club Rooms, hurt the members who were present had a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Following the business. bridge was played, the winners, heing: Ladies' first, Mics Mabel Turnbull and gentlemen's first, A. Y. McLean. Lunch was served. The Association plan to make these social meetings monthly affairs, the next taking place in January. Home and School Association Meets. ---,The meeting of the Home and School Association on Monday even- ing at the Collegiate Institute, was an exceedingly interesting one and merited a much larger audience than was present. Canon. Appleyard's ad- dress was full of timely counsel to parents and students. The debate by students of the Collegiate Institute was much enjoyed. The subject, "Re- solved that the N. R. A. would he beneficial to Canada," was taken in the affirmative by .Tames Scott, H'e'l- en Britton and Ted Southgate„ and in the negative by Gladys Coleman, Mary Holmes and Frank Archibald. While both snores were worthy of con- gratulation, the affirmative was the winner. Prof, E. J. Pratt, crf Vic- toria University, Toronto, will be the guest speaker at the December meet- ing of the A:asociabio'n. Hold Monthly Meeting. — The monthly meeting of the Women's !Missionary Society of •Northsiede United 'Ohurch Was 'held last Thurs- day. The president, 'Mrs. W. P. Lane, was in the chair. ,Mrs. J. Finlayson, a/gm-gm-sr. eal'leeed the roll and forty IiPA r t n � 5 4 � t'v lilt If ex t "N. ,sla�rlh I��j' F.eri?fif, I4,t<,r• d• • THE HURON EXPOSITOR • meaxdbers r•espionded. 'This was fol- lowed by the report of the sappily secretary. 'Mars. R. Frost had sent five bales of clothing valued at 15168. Mrs. Rintoul and Mrs. A. McQueai'g gave very interesting reports of the Sectional meeting held at Moncrieff. A reading, "Wby World Peace" by Mrs. J. C. Laing. Is it wise to talk peace when the papers talk war? World peace can only be founded by righteousness. (Mrs. Isswac Hudson took the chair for the devotional per- iod. Mrs. G. Dale gave the 'Scripture lesson. Mrs. Jos. Scott read bhe de- votional leaflet. Mrs. Hudson intro- duced a chapter from the study book, which was continued by Mrs. W. Webster, Miss S. Govenlock, Miss M. .Somerville and Mrs. Twins. Mrs. Hamilton, of 'Goderich, closed the meeting with prayer. Wanted.—A farm hand, year round employ- ment for right man. Apply to Jame. i•'. Scott, on Highway, two 'tiles west of Sea - forth. 3440-1 For Sale.—One steed tired top buggy in good repair Apply to W. E. Butt, Kippen. Phone 41 on 91, Hensalll. 3439-2 Circumstances compel the disposal of my Hein•tzma.n Piano. Cash or terms. If un able to sell wil'1 store with responsit•'e perty. Write to Box 157, acre this paper. 3439.2 Just Received, Car Flour --Golden Leaf dour, broad; Harve•.t Queen, bread; Swansdown Flintily, pmhry; Rive Rosa;, pastry land bread. Cardno's For Flour. 3439-2 House For Sale,—,Five-roomed frame house on Centre Street, Seofor.th, in good repair, town water and electnic lighla, good cistern. If not sold' will be "rented. o Apply to John McNay, R. R. 2, Seaforth, or phone 236 r 25. 3437-3 For Sale or Rent.—Cement block house on Goderich Street, East, for sale or rent All modern conveniences. New garage. Posses- sion October 1st. Apply to Andrew Archi- bald, Box 282, or phone 44-W, Seaforth. 3432-bf COMING EVENTS Keep December 1st open for bhe S. C. I. Commencement in Cardnv's Hall. ' 3439-2 Young Liberals Euchre and Dance This 'Week.—The euchre and dance on Friday evening sponsored by the Thomas McMillan '4'ouna'Liberal'Club promises to'be a very enjoyable af- fair. Already a large number of tickets have been sold. The program includes euchre with fine prizes, lunch and old and new time dancing'. Apartment is Entered.—When Miss Gertrude Crich returned to 1101 apartment, Toronto, on Friday aft.er- nodin, preparatory to coming to Sea- l forth for the week end, she, found' that thieves had made an entrance and ransacked •the rooms. Miss C. rich's loss will be considerable. Return From Old Country —Coen- c•illor J:` H. Scott and son, Wilfred returned from England on `Vedn.escla,r evening after an excellent trip. Mr James Allen, returned Thursday and the_,,other members, Messrs, R. S. McKercher, Roy Buffin and Alfred Morgan. :are expected shortly. The party left town six weeks ago and ac-' cotnpanied a shipment of cattle. Lions Meet.—The regular monthly meeting of the Seaforth Lions Club wa;s held on Monday- evening with Lion G. D. Ferguson presiding: Lion W. J. Duncan acted as assistant Business of the evening included re- ports on the recent Lions Frolic which realized a net profit of $800.:54 for crippled children and con'mrunity •wel- fare work. A -talk on leather, which was to have been given by Lion Duncan, was postponed until next meeting because of lack of time. Lior James A. Stewart acted as accom- nanist. Y. P. L. Meet.-1Mr, Keith Web- ster. convenor of the Devotional De- partment. had charge of the Young People's League of Northside United Church held on Tuesday evening last. The meeting' opened with community singing after which a hymn wai sung. A solo, "Lift Up the .Jubilant Strain," was beautifully rendered by the Devotional Group accompanied on the piano by Miss Helen Lane. The Scripture reading, Luke 4:16-22, was taken by Miss Verna Storey. Mr. Keith Webster took the topic for the evining, "Enrichment Through the Lible," and provers- very instructive and inspiring. After singing a hymn and repeating the Mizpah benedic- tion, an exciting game closed the :meeting. Miss Ruth Thompson, Mis- eiona.ry Convenor, •will have charge of the meeting next week. Hold Anniversary Services. — An- niversary services in First Presby- terian Church on Sunday last were very successful. The special preach- er-, Rev. G. Taylor Munro, Kitchener, delivered excellent sermlons before large congregations. Special music by the choir included, in the morning: Anthem, "All the Works of the Lord are Good." soloists, Miss H. Murray, Mrs. J. E. Daley; trio, "Behold, the Eye of the Lord," Mrs. J. A. Munn, Mrs. W. A. Wright, Mr. J. T. Scott; anthem, "The God of Israel," soloist, Mr. Gordon C: Rennie; solo, "The Lord is King," M•r, Dalton L. Reid; and in the evening: Anthem, "Praise Ye the Lord," soloist, Mrs. J. A. Munn; male quartette'. "Christ Still- ing the Tempest," Messrs. J .T. Scott, R. A. Walter, M. R. Rennie, D. L. Reid; anthem, "I Will'" Lay Me Down in Peace"; solo, "Lord, Gad of Love," Mr. James T. Scott. LOCAL BRIEFS • lVfr, and 'Mrs, Mallah, Toronto, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .J. G. Mullen. • Mrs. M. H. McKenzie, Oshawa, 'w'as the guest of her mother, Mrs. Mae Dorrance, over the week end. Mr, Jack Dorranlce returned with her. • Mi.sa Catherine Flannery has re- turned from London. • Mr. and Mrs. Norman Habkirk, Treetion, 'Mich., were guests at the home of Mr. and !Mrs. Harold Dale. • !Mr. Finlay Ross and Mr. Chas. Rei4S, of Toronto, are visiting at the (ho'mie of their mother, Mrs. David Rages, who is seriously • Mr. CTaytbon Martin. Englehart, was a visitor in town 'this week. :��±ildv.Pls,H ui..01.4N A lfristmas Cards Are now on view at this store in greater variety than ever (before. We have no hesita-. tion in saying that this year's Christmas Cards are very much nicer from the artistic standpoint and also that they are much better value than in previous years. We base 'our opinion on kindly remarks of customers and increased sales of cards. A splendid assortment of Gift ;Calendars are also on d'isplay and you will be delighted with them, we know. �1r SHOP AT !1r A VA UGE' :IT PAYS Jeweler - Optometrist Gift Goods PHONE 194 RES. 10 • Mr. W. J. 'Faulkner, Brantford, was a visitor at the home of his mother, Mrs. F. Faulkner, over the week end. • Miss Gertrude Crich and Miss Jean Brown. of Toronto, were week end visitors at the 'home of -Mr. and 'Mrs. W. A. Crich. • Mrs. 'W. N. Knechtel is spending a week with her daughters, .Miss Alice, of Kitchener, and Mrs. W. P. Martin, of Middle -port. • Mr. and Mrs. Pollard, Calumet, Mich., were visitors at. the home of Mrs. R. L. Clark this week. • The Ladies' Aid of First :Pres- byterian Church are holding a chick- en supper on Tuesday, December 5th. Further notice will be given later. • Mrs. W. E. Southgate left Tues- day for Hamilton, where she will spend the winter. • vfiss •Elizabeth I. McLean and Miss Nora Addison, of the Univers- ity •orf Western Ontario, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. McLean. • • 'Mrs. T. 'M. Grieve has returned to her hone in Egmondville after Visiting her son, in Windsor. • Mr. and 'AICs. George Love. of Toronto, spent the week end with Mrs. Love's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie- Scott, Thornton Hall. • Miss Margaret .Finkbeiner, nurse in training at St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, is spending a few days this week at the home of her par- ents. • • Mrs. Minuet, Toronto, is visiting her mother; Mrs. W. T. Box, who is seriously ill. • Mrs. George Weir left Saturday . Anderson, South Carolina, `where she will spend the winter with her daughter. • 'Mrs. William Gillespie is visit- ing in Barrie. • Miss tonna Welsh, of Clinton, spent the past week with her grand- parents, Ma'. and Airs. C. H. Holland. o ,Miss Cannon and Miss Matthews, of the Scott Memorial Hospital, left this week for the Brantford General Hospital, where they will complete their training, • Mr. and Mrs, Will Clarke, of Windsor,; were the guests over the wee•k...e.nd -of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hol- land. • Mr. and 1Mrs. J. A. Brodie, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mrs. :Brodie's parents, '_Vir, and Ml's. R. J. Beattie, Egmondville. • (Miss !Margaret Ross, University of Toronto, spent the week end with her father, Dr, H. H. Ross. • Arthur A. Burrows, University of Western Ontario, spent the week end with his father, Dr. F. J. Bur- rows. • Mr. Charles Dickson, London, spent the week end at his home here. • Miss Marjorie Bickel), Tcronto, spent the week end with her parents. • Miss Ria Hill, Toronto, was 11 guest at her home here over Sunday. • Mr, Ronald McKay, Toronto, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Hugh .McKay. e Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid, of Heanlilton, were visitors over the week end at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. William Reid. • Mr. Francis Devereaux and Miss Alice Devereaux, University of West- ern Ontario, spent •the week end with their mother. Mrs, Frank Devereaux. STANLEY ,Mr. Henry Pfaff and family, who have been living on Mr. Henry Mc- Linchey's farm. on the Goshen Line, are moving this week to a farm near Crediton. 'Miss Margaret chutes-; of Varna, spent the week end with her friend, Miss Margaret Robinson. IMrs. Nelson Keys spent the past week visiting her son, Ruskin Keys SEE THE NEW ROGERS MODELS Now on Display All superb performers from the.. smallest model to the tamest, ranging in price from TABLE MODEL at $46.50 to an ALL -WAVE $149,50 MACHINE, at BUY NOW—Prices Are Going h p. Specials : A number of Battery operated machines for sale at extraordin- ary low prices, (Prices quoted on application. TUBES AND AQCESSORIEiS W. C. BARBER rMe �1n plata. ,s6� S1>lRsMSasE+ai"�aV�awTiPo- •.r"�aha5,�..dEW'Ar`vu„a,�,ea fit and wife at East Windsor. IMr. 'Mervyn Key's, of London, spent the week end at his home ort the Babylon Line. Mr. and 'Mrs. Artie Keys and 11VIr. and Mrs. Beal Keys visited' their cous- ins, .Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Keys at Ool- ,borne recently. 'Kr. James 'Stephenson and Mb'. Charles Stephenson visited their bro- ther, 'Mir. Geo. H. Stepihenson, oil Marlette, IMiCh., who has Ibeem, lin poor health for some time, but we are glad to know that he is 'much im- proved. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Henry Mc - Gavin. of Tu'ckersmlith, last week. Mr, and Mrs, IMeGavin were for many years residents of Stanley. STAFFA Mr. and Mrs. Capel Tenplemian and ,daughter, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mr's. H. Tem- pleman. 'Mr. Clarence Norris, of Toronto, visited his parents, IMr. and Mrs. A. W; Norris, over the week end. Ma.. and Mrs, Oscar Reed visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reed, Fuller- ton, en Sunday. (Mrs. F. 'Hairrlbiey and family spent Sunday with Miss Cooper, 'Seaforth. IMr. and Mrs. Walter O'Brien have returned to their home in Flint after •spending a month with friends here. • 'Miss I. Cooper, Toronto. is spend- ing this week ivisitinlg her 'sister, 'Mrs. Ham'bley. WALTON The comedy drama, "Wild Ginger" was presented in the A.O.U.W. Hall on Friday evening, November 10th, under the auspices of the Young Peo- ple's Society of Duff's United Church, Each and everyone of the cast played his or her part to perfection and at the conclusion' of the play theme were a great many favorable comments made about it. The members of the Young People's Society are to be congratulated on the success and con- gratulations are to be extended to Miss Edna Reid, who so ably direct ed it. The play opens in the suburb- an . grocery, store of Mr. Peterson (Stewart Bryans) in Greenboro,. Miss Stanley (Dorothy Drager) a health nurse, is given permission to place the. poster, "Hep Kill the Flies," in the shore. Weuzy Walker (Willie Far- quharson). a comedy character, on learning the meaning of, the poster, begins at once to swat flies in order that he might win the $5 prize of- fered :by Miss Stanley. He is 'a would be chinolpract.or and practises on his mother. Miz Walker (Ruby Young) •who is inclined to be stout. Mar- wood (Kenneth Rutledge) and Bonita, Lakes (Vera Gardiner), children of wealthy parents, who are inclined to he snobbish next enter the store and aro continually being ridiculed by Wuzy Walker. Virgins Tallman (Gladys Smalldon), nicknamed "Wild Ginger," is a lovable heart -hungry little girl, who immediately wins hen way to the hearts of her audience Jake Tallman (Frank Kirkby), Gin- ger's father whose wife has left him with a small baby is a miserly old pinch -penny and is finally made to realize through his slaughter, that money alone does nut 'bring. happi- ness. Geoffrey Freeman (Jim Mur- ray) an admirer of •Ginger, is de- spised by .,Jake until Ginger. Shows him his mistake. Sanford Lakey (Fred Rutledge) ;Marwood's and Bon- ita's father, is a man of extravagant habits and owns a large milk can- ning factory in Greensboro. Miss Rachel Lee (Anna Ennis), Jake Tall - man's wife, who is Ginger's best friend, disguises herself throughout the play. • Owing to the inclement weather the attendance was not as large as was anticipated, . but it is hoped that the play will be repeatec some time in the future. The pas- tor, Ray. Charles Cumming, acted as chairman. Before the play and be- tween acts an orchestra composed of Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert Watt and Miss L. Herrington, of Blyth, and Mr. H. Kirkby, of Walton, delighted the aud- ience with splendid musical selec- tions. A number of Scotch songs by .Jack Bryans and Walter Bewley re- ceived great applause. The proceeds /amounted to $22.55. The November meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary • Society and Wo- n -ten's Association of Duff's United church.. was held in the 'basement of the church on Wednesday afternoon, Noveniber -8th. The president, Mrs. (Rev.) Charles Cumming, was in charge of missionary meeting. The opening exercises were followed with the Bible lesson by Mrs. Arthur Mc- Call. Splendid rerports were given by Mrs. John McDonald and Mrs. Gor- don McGavin on the W. M. S. Con- ference which was held at Moncrieff recently. Arrangements were made for the Jubilee Singers who will give an entertainment in the church on Decehntber 13. The roll call was re- sponded to with a verse of Thanks- giving. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. John. 'McDonald. The topic, "Ed- ucating the Fifth of the World" was merry 'ably given by Miss Edna Reid from the new study book. The meet- ing closed with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Edward Bryans. The presi- dent,. Mr's. George McTaggart, was in charge of the Women's Auxiliary Meeting. Following the opening ex- ercises and a short business session, the minutes of *Jhe previous meeting were read by Mise Edna Reid owing to the absence of the secretary, Mrs. P. Gardiner. The meeting was clos- ed with a hymn arud prayer by Mrs. D. 'McCallum. 1The reguular weekly Jme'eting of the Young People's Society of Duff's United 'Church was held in the base- ment on Sunday evening with Miss Dorothy Drager. the 2nd vice-presi- dent, in charge. The opening hymn was followed with a psalm' read re- sponsively. The Scripture lesson and eamlrnlenta were taken. by Kenneth Rutledge, after which a prayer was offered by Anna Ennis. The topic, "'Would Christ Rewake the Great 'Oonnlmission," was very ably taken by Jack Drager. During the'offering a piano ssoilo eras played by the pian- ist, 'Miss Vera 'Gardiner. The roll call was responded to with a Scrip- ture verse containing the word "(be- lieve." The •minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, t�',At,� ,lifa;�i�lilna 1x31,. t�kallctna:,th°t1la7P��iw a p • NOVEMBER 17, 1933. CORTICELL4I THISTLdE BLOOM YARN -10 oz. Balls 15e HUNDREDS OF GIFT HANDKER- CHIEFS, Boxed, specials 150 -and 25c BEAUTIFUL NECK SCARFS, Just Received 59c to 31.50 NEW CASHMERE HOSIERY Pair rioc RAYON SILK HOSIERY, pr....59c KNITTED BLOOMERS — Real spe-. Dial at 39c Now Showing SMARTEST DRESSES OF THE SEASON AT POPULAR PRICES FROM $4.95 to $13.95 SEE THE NEW SHADES CHINESE RED, GREEN AND BLUE This Store Is Seaf orth's Shopping Centre For Seasonable Gift Things Silkalo Bed Spreads LARZE SIZE 50" x 100' GUARANTEED FAST COLORS GREEN, CREAM, GOLD, MAUVE, BLUE, ROSE. $2.95 to $6.95 FIGURED PURE LINEN TOWELS 24" x 36". Special 33c each BATH TOWELS, Celephane Wrap- ped; colors sunfast 39c to $1.00 0.. V. PURE WOOL BLANKETS— See our special at $4.50 HEAVY COTTON BED QUILTS— New designs, Gold and Blue...$1.49 YARD WIDE FLANNELETTE— Good heavy texture 18c Yard \;y MacTAVISH'S 'Miss -Edna Reid. The pastor, Rev. C. Cumming, gave a splendid address on the topic. The closing hymn, "Sun of My 'Soul" was followed with the Mizpah Benediction repeated in uni- son. The meeting next Sunday ev- ening will be in. charge of the Cit- izenship Group. The topic, "What are Poverty and 'Wealth?" will be taken by Mrs. (Rev.) Cunintiing. Recent visitors in the village: Mr. and Mrs. M'. La (Combe and Miss Jean Drager, of Detroit, at the hom4 of ':Mrs. Charles (Drager; Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Naylor and daughter, Lois, of Rochester, N.Y., with Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan and Mr. and Mrs, Peter Gardiner; Miss Edith En- nis, of Kitchener, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ennis ; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kerr and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gillespie, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. George .McTaggart and other relatives; Mm. and Mrs. Milton Young and family, Woo'dlham, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young. of Rus-- seldale, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Young; Mrs. Fred Kerley and daughter, Margaret Ann, of Toron- to, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Love; Miss Isobel Ritchie, of Stratford Normal, with her parents„ Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie; Mr. and Mrs.' (Russel Marks, Clarence St.eiss and Albert Lydiatt have a'etuvtned from the northern hunting grounds. - All were fortunate in bringing home a deer. The first c.ominiunity dance will he held in the A.O.U.W. Hall on Friday evening. 'Owing to the good sleighing at present there will no doubt be ss large number of logs hauled to the ,saw' mill for custom sawing in the spring. The November meeting of the Gleaner Mission • Band was held irl the school room of the church oaa Sunday morning last. The Canada Life Assurance Co. Established 1840 Announces the appointment of MR. J. G. MULLEN as its District Representative for Seajorth and Vicinitp Wre 3,000 comas.. .. . New New Christmas 12 in each box for �C Going on Sale Saturday, Nov. 18th Each year this is one of our early "Sold Out" items SEE OUR SPECIAL DISPLAY Beattie's SPECIAL PRICE STORE Phone Orders Taken. • Our No. -129 15 { ,4 tir ,fit., 11 .�SSitao�.Y ,cfla?iiiJ1,f#iG�ait.7G�ilta•.l?iG,vtl 4•1