HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-11-17, Page 5"1111111116 4 NOVEMBER 17, 1933- R4OENT THEATRE, Seaforth NOW 'LAYING CLIVE BROOK - GEO'RGE RAFT (HELEN VINSON, in. "MIDNIGHT CLUB" COMEDY CARTOON Monday, Tuesday, WednestlaY'-Novem'bei 20, 21, 4• ' George Arliss in "THE WORKING ''MAN"r Arliss at his delightfully sauve best, as a peppery old magnate who saves his dead rival's children. COMEDY NEWS REEL Thursday, Friday, Saturday -November 23, 24, 25 "SLEEPLESS NIGHTS" With an all Star Cast -A Real Fun Treat. 1COMLiDY CARTOON Matinees Sat. and holidays, 3 p.m. Two shows nightly, 7.30 and 9.15 William T. Booth (Continued from page 1) • (Witness replied that he thought Young was an honest man and had just overdrawn his salary. . The treasurer, he said, had offered to re- place the shortage and later reported he had done so. Higgins said he had suggested to Young to neglect draw- ing his salary until such time as he was square. On Wednesday Mr. Booth was ac- quitted on a charge of conspiracy when he again appeared before Judge Costello in County Criminal Court. Because of the impassable condition .of the roads, the bribery and con- .lspiracy charges against Robert Hig- gins, fellow Huron County auditor of Booth in 1932. were laid over until ebext Thursday. Ne'it'her Mr. Higgins il'or his counsel, J. G. Stanbury, Exe- ten, .were aible to be present It was agreed at the outset that evidence taken at the three-day brib- ery trial last week would apply on the conspiracy charge. Defense Counsel R. E. Hetherington argued that his client could not be convicted wice on the stame set of facts, , and Crown Attorney .Holmes quoted mutlhorities to •show that two convic- tions had been recorded on the same .evidence. His Honor, however, took ea different view, stating that, in his opinion, there was not sufficient evi- dence produced at the bribery trial to convict on a charge of conspiracy. 4'There is nothing to show that Booth ever said to Higgins, or Higgins to Booth, or either of accused to Young, the conviote•d Treasurer, that they were getting together on this thing and that Young was to pay each $50 to make a false report and conceal information of shortages." said Judge Castello, in freeing Booth. CONSTANCE Orville Dale. A splendid devotional Leaflet on "The Boyhood of Christ" was read by 'MT's. George Wheatley. A poem entitled, "Borrowed," was read by Miss Iva Simmons. A hymn was sung and prayer offered by Mrs. Rogerson. Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs, Robert Lawson. Rev. Gardiner took the chair for the election of officers for the ensuing year which resulted as follows; President, ''Mrs, William Britton; ,1st and; 2nd vice presidents, Mrs, Roy Lawson and Mrs. B. Snell; treasurer and secretary for system- atic giving, Mrs. George Wheatley; secretary, Mrs, Charles Dexter cor- responding secretary, Mrs. R. Law- son; literature secretary, Ma's. Earl Lawson; mite box secretary, Mrs. Earnest Adams; temperance secre- tary, 'Mrs. Orville Dale; leaders of Bands, Mrs, Peter Lindsay; assist- ant, Mrs. Charles Riley; organist, Ella Dexter; assistant, Mrs. Flank Riley. The group captains are Mrs. Miller Adams, Mrs. B. B. Stephensien and Miss Ivy Simmons. The pastor closed with prayer. 'Lunch was serv- ed. (Winter has set in in real earnest. There is 18 inches of snow. The Sunday school intend holding the Christmas tree and entertainment on Thursday, December 21st. WINTHROP ems Mr. and ',Mrs. Charles - Somers, of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. George Burk, Cass City, Michigan, and 'Mrs. Row - en, of Sault Ste. Marie, 'Mich.. were '•guests over the week end of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell and Mr. and 'Mrs. J. 'Hillebrecht. of the Huron Road. Mr. and Mrs, •V%fm. tHnlmphries ,of Walton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell, Sr. i••=11111.111111111111 It looks as though Old Man Winter The Women's Missionary Society met on Thursday last at the home of Mr, and • Mrs. Austin Dexter Even though the weather was disagreeable, there were thirty-five present. Mrs. William Britton opened the meeting. The organist played softly, "Peace, Perfect Peace," and Mrs. Britton led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting, were passed as read. Busi- ness was discussed. It was decided to hold the Christmas meeting in the evening when Mrs. Gardiner will speak and the Thankoffering will be received. The Scripture lesson by Mrs. Hugill from John 10-11 was followed by a reading, "Peace" giv- en by Mrs. Roy Lawson, also a read- ing on "The Early Church" by Mrs. GIVES QUICK RELIEF - ECZEMA "The Wonder Heal- ing Salve" heals Psoriasis, Impetigo,•Itch, Erythema, Pemphigus, Ringworm and other skin ailments while you work. The old; reliable, genuine article is 's'pelled K -L -E -E -R -E -X. 50e; $$1.00; $2,00; $6.50 lb., Ask your Drug- gist or write Kleerex Mfg. Co., 1380 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario. KLEEREX has ore to stay. Mic. Stanley Garnham lost a valu- able driver last week. While run- ning cut for exercise, it ran into, a gate post and broke its neck. The Young People of Cavan church met for the weekly meeting on .Tues- day evening with Marian Little pre- siding. The meeting 'openpd with quiet mnss.ic and the call to worship. The Seripture lesson was read by Mr. Stanley Hillen and the interpretation by Jack Habkirk. The minutes were read and adopted. A reading was given by Anona Dale. The topic toe "Benders of Windows" was given by. Irene Bolton. The meeting closed with a hymn. and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Contests and games fol- lowed this. HILLSGREEN Miss Edna Cochrane visited her cousins, Misses Annie and Agnes Cochrane in Clinton recently. iMr. and Mrs. W. Huxtable, of Cen- tralia. 'rtisitted the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Love. Miss Dolly Hagan is nursing Mrs. C. Joynt in Clinton Hospital, M. and Mrs. Ross Chapman and son, of Brucefield, visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Consitt, of Hen.sall, visited their son, Mr. and .Mrs. R. Consitt. NOVEMBER 24 Round Trip Bargain Fares MONTREAL and QUEBEC CITY $8.95 FROM SEAFORTH $12.20 Children usual half fare. Tickets good in coaches only. No baggage checked. GOiNG Lv. ST"A.FORTH 7,22 a. -m. 3,16 p.m. -Nov. 24 Ar. MONTREAL 1.00 a.te. 6.30 aem--Nov. 25 .Convenient connecting services between Montreal and Quebec City. FTN A L EXCURSION THIS YEAR Obtain tickets and information RETURNING Tickets gond to return from destination up to and including follow- ing Sunday (ticket' not good on No. 15 from Montreal). from Station Ticket Agent. W. R. Plant, Seaforth,, Ont. ' Phone 4-3. CANADIAN NATIONAL (T-234) 10.1 ryV , A Y r �'T 1 �p ei ten ' r .! Il 1 , 4u. • !�► . T IO U O$ OR - • NEW CANADA MENT' TCP ORGA IN DISTRICT a iw (e i...Il (�14. •.t''rt' r{, 1ni it OVB- ZE Series Of . Meetings Planned in Huron Beginning on Monday Next. During the week of November 20 a series of rallies of farm young peo- ple are being held in rural communi- ties of Huron County. These rallies are being sponsored by local Junior Farmer and U.F.Y.P.O. Clubs with the exception of a few communities where no such clubs exist in which case meetings are being called' under church or independent auspices. These meetings are being held for the pur- pose of introducing. the New Canada Movenvent to the farm young people of Huron. and will be addressed by a team of nine or .ten widely -known Young farmers rebresentative of Western and Central Ontario. For speaking• purposes this team of ten will subdivide into little teams of two, permitting four or five meetings to be addressed per evening, until the entire series has been covered within the week. The New Canada '.Movement has already assumed considerable propor- tions in that it has been widely en- dorsed by citizens of' province -wide prominence and also scores of farm- ers, clergymen, club and municipal officers of Braise county. These tes- timonials are in writing• and many have been •pufblished. They endorse the need. purpose and method of the miovemend. They emphasize, first: that the 'movement remain steadfast in its aim of banding together 100,- 000 farm young people pledged to discover and support ways of bring- ing a new and better Canada. Sec- ond; that the mic vement remain edu- cational and non-partisan. Third; that it be not a new organization, but simply a well -directed movement within existing organizations stimu- lating and co-ordimating their: ef- forte at economic study. The young men who have pledged themselves to work and speak on behalf of this crusade of rural youth include, among ethers, such well known figures as: Jim. Gibson, B.A., Caledonia (graduate of London School of Economics; ex -premier of Tuxis Boys' Parliament), Carroll Lindsay, B.S.A., Nanticoke (ex -president U. F.Y.P.O.), Alex. Sim, Holstein (pre- mier Tuxis ` Boys' Parliament) ; Earl Lautenslager, 'B.A., (President Move- ment for Christian Social Order) ; Donald 'McLean', 'Muirkirk (president U.F.Y.P.O.); Gordon Lapp, Toronto, formerly as's'istant secretary Ontario Boys' Work Board; Richard Prout, Brantford (prominent Junior Farm- er); Archie 'Service Milton, (worker in Junior Farmer, U.F.O. and 'church circles.); Roy Howe, Tiverton (presi- dent Bruce County Junior Farmers); Ralph 'Staples, Durham County; Har- old Ghent, Wellington County; Geo. Martyn, Elgin County; John 'Martin, of Lulckrdow; Gordon 'McKerracher, Kent County; Arthur Haas;, Grey County; Alan Gilmour, Oxford Co. Dates and places of meetings are as follows, all meetings at 8,30 in the evening: Tuesday, Nov. 21 -Dungannon, An- glican Parish Hall; Crediton, Town- ship Hall; Thames Road, United. Church; Carlow, Colborne Township Hall. 'Wednesday, Noivr. 22 - Brulss}sl, Town :Hall. Thursday. Nov. 23-1{olnlesville, United Church basement; Kintail, Kintail Hall; Wingham, to be an- nounced; Bluevale, Orange Hall; Hay, 5. S. No. 12 school house; Bayfield, Stanley South, School House. IWedriesday and Thursday, 22nd and 23rd -(Local announcement will give definite information) -Walton, Work- man's Hall; G'orrie, Orange Hall. Friday, Nov'. 24-Seaforth, Town Hall; Brucefield, Walker's Hall; Dashwood, Public School; Hay, S. S. No. 14, School House. CORNS, calluses and ingrown toe- nails do 'hurt. Use Cress Salve. At Keating's Drug Store. BIRTHS • Stanley, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ross, of Hillcrest♦ Farm, a son. --CARD OF THANKS Mr. Henry McGavin and family desire to thank their many friends and neigrhbtrs for the kind expreesiona of sympathy extended to them during their recent bereavement; also to thank the Quartette who sang, those who loaned cars, and those who sent bouquets. &440x1 IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SALE. --35 WELL BRED PLYMOUTH Rock pullets, Apply to MRS. BARRY TYNDALL, Phone 136 r 3, ae'alforth, 3440-1 BULLS FOR SALE -TWO DARK RED Shorthorns, ready for service. Real good anian'ale from good milking darns. Apply to JAMES HILL, Staffer, or phone Dublin Cen- tral. 3483-tf AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE. -,Harold Dale has been in- structed by the undersigned, to sell by public auction on the premises in the Village of Bayfield, on Friday, November 17, 1533, at 1.80 p.m., sharp, the following: One bureau complete, 8 chests of drawers, two washstands, 1 rocking chair, 1 sideboard. some moulding, 10 large pictures, 1 cradle, 6 cheats, 6 cane bottom chairs. 80 yards carpet, rigs, cushions- 1 centre table, 1 book rack, 1 linen chat, 1 walnut dresser. 1 dresser, 1 kitchen naive, 1 heater stove, 1 couch, 1 four -post bed. 1 comaaode, 1 single walnut bed, 1 Ottoman, 1, bedroom stand, 1 wash tub, krtohen chains, 1 garden rake, I hoe, dither, 2 robes, 1 pair sttlltvards, quan- ti.ty kitchen utensils, bed quilts, pillows, mat- trdases, feather beds, 2 lamps, I umbrella, and many other ertieles too numerous to mention, Terme-.Grafi. J. M. GOVENLOCK, Inspecto•, Huron County Home; Harold Dole, Auctioneer. 8489-2 RUMACAPS RELIEVE PAIN in 'Rheu'matism, Sciatica, Backache, while removing the cause. Keat- ing's Drug Store, FOR SALE Two story frame house, good repair; tee) fifthe acres of land with apple orchard, at Stlaffn, Ont, GLADM,AN & STANT3IJRY, Hansell n.nd Exeter, Solicitors for Eetetie, Agnea Harron, Alex. McDougall, James 11, MeDougall, Exechrtorb. 8440-4 FOCI SA •�r Valuable i;$.Nn litkoPt .k 940( 144 NTt. 18 .in the 8rd Qonaese en of the ToNintibip of. Stamey, (n .the CceultilYof lluron. Oa the exeeert' is erteete a 1r51n1 born drive ekedand two etorey drama (cooed 4n good• segs r Ont, and 4eApply ed�tuuat4be 'within 2 mike of Bruce geld/ CARVING "4 MO$.LEY, Barristers, Etc., Exeter. 8488-3 AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE. -'rhe undersigned Exam - tor od the Last Wlill and Testament of Rebecca (Davis, deceased, lass itnetrueted Harold Dale, anrctiomeea•, to offer for reale by public auction, on Sahurdaer, lath November, 1983, at 12 o'clock 'vn the 'aifteanoon, at the dwelling lately, occupied by the deceased, the following goods and chattels: Two rocking choirs, 5 common chairs, 2 small tables, 1 kitchen table, 1 ewtenefioni table, 1 davenport, 1 bed- room suite consisting of bed, springs, mat- tress, bureau, washstand, 1 sideboard, 2 cup- boards, 1" Quebec theater, 1 cook stove, 1 lawn mower, wringer, tub, wash boiler, old kitchen lounge, a few dishes, 2 -burner hot plate, a few cooking utensils consisting of frying pan, pots and pans, a few 1 quart and 1 pint g'l'ass sealers, etc. Terms of Gale --On Chat- tels, cash. And at the same times and place there will be offered for stale, Lot Number 30. in Blook "B", 'Beattie & Stark', Survery, of part of the Town of ,Seaforth, on which is erected a comfortable cottage on a cement foundation. aubjedt to a reserved bid, and further, terms whidh will be made known en the day of sale and may be had in the mean- time from the undersigned- Terms of Pay- ment--lO per cent. cast, on the day of sale and the balance, without interest, within 30 daye thereafter, Dated 9th November„ 1988. R. S. HAYS, Executor. Harold Dale, Auctioneer. 3489-2 MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers .. -of sale contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale .by public unction on the !premises, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 1933 at 2 o'clock p.m. Lot ,number 3 in the Second Concession of the Township of Tuekeraniibh, in the Coui4ty of Huron and Province of Ontario, con, taining 100 .mires more or less. On the property is as good frame house, bank barn and drive shed, in good state of repair. -TERMS OF SALE. -The property will be put up subject to a reserve bid. Ton per cent, of the .purchase money -shall be paid on day of sale and the balance within thirty days ,thereafter. For further particulars apply to CARLING & MORLEY, Solicitors for Mortgagee, Exeter, Ont. George Elliott, Esq., Auctioneer. Clinton, Ont. 3439-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all cred- itors and others having drams against the estate of JOHN BERRY, late of the Village of Honsall, in the County of Huron, Gen- tleman, who died on the Twelfth day of March, 1992, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Twentieth day of November, A. D. 1933. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after said date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 28th day of October, A. D. 1933. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Hensel) and Exeter, Executor's Solicitors. 3438-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given under the statutes in that behalf that all persons 'having any cairns against Rebecca Davis, widow, late of the Town of Sesforth, deceased, Who died on the 6th day of September, 1933, are required to send to the undersigned Executor of the last will and testament of said Rebecca Davis, deceased, full particulars in writing and verified by affidavit of their claims and nature of the securities, if any. held by them, on or before the lith day of November, 1933, after which date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims -of which he then -hall have had notice. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 8th day of November, 1033. R. S. HAYS, Executor. 3439.3 ig 41 Applications For the Posi- tions of Clerk and Treasurer Applications will be received up to and including Friday, November 30th, for the positions of Clerk of the County of Huron, and of Treasurer of the County of Huron. pplieatians must be addressee, to the County Treasurer's Office, County Building, Godericb, A Ontario, and marked "AppliclFtion for Clerk" or "Application for Treasurer," as the ease may be. (Signed) JAMES BALLANTYNE, Wardeen. Goderiich, Ont., Nov. 10, 1938., 3440-2 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Council will meet in the Council Chaanber, Court House, Goderich, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Tuesday, the 6th clary of December, 1933. All accounts, notices of deputations, or applications and other important business re- quiring attention at this meeting of Council should be in the hands of the Clerk not later than the Monday previous to the meeting of Council, Dated at Goderieh this 6th day of Novem- ber, 1988. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. • - 8439.3 FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concession 8, McKillop, con- taining 192 nacres and Icemen as the T. E. Hays' farm. Must be sold to close the estate. if not sold will be rented- For particulate apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - forth. 8858-tf .r!:dY1rtMa:a ,o dacV;n,a•SFN, et,,au r,a14A,¢,;AnwsslSst4air.S4t't THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 61.sai,v6 .1666a66 3i in PER L Over 12.50 to '!r it You would expect to pay more for these Coats. They are worth more in a regular way. We are able to quote these prices through early buying. Come in and see them. Tailored in the new clever styles, up-to-the-minute cloths, attractive • •pat- terns. Warm, comfortable and substantial- ly made. You will be pleased with the Coats and )satisfied with the price, too.' SPECIAL CLEARANCE Youths' Overcoats 8.95 Here is an unusual bargain in Over- coats for boys from ages 10 to 15 years. Good weigh, attractive cloths, coats well lined; smart looking styles that any boy would be glad to wear. Regular prices $12.00 to $15. SPECIAL TO CLEAR 8.95 STANFIELD'S RIBBED UNDERWEAR Men's pure wool ribbed shirts or drawers of fine soft, clean Nova Scotian wool ; the limit of wear and comfort for the lowest price in years.. 1.25 MEN'S WINTER EAR BAND CAPS These Caps are made from ends of high grade overcoatings. Warm, dressy, with wool or fur ear bands, in all the wanted colors. Sizes 67 to 71/x. Price $1.00 No Matter What Dress You Want You'll Find It Here 3.95 to 19.50 Afternoon Frocks, daytime, sports, Sunday night styles, or formal evening gowns. A wonderfully pleasing selection of mater- ials, including crepes, sheers, taffetas, lac- es and beautiful. velvets. All the important shades of Chinese reds, blues and greens,; also many shades of browns and black. You will be surprised 11 what a wonderful assortment there is to choose from. Va More Women's New Style COATS 7.50 to 30iiir The very last word in style, material, coloring and Luxurious fur collar and sleeve trimming. We have had a wonderful season in Women's Coats. We are sure that these stunning coats will at- tract even wider attention. They are really better coats than you would expect to find anywhere for the prices. If you contemplate buying a coat, come now STEWART BROS., SEAFORTH 11a'sdair (le s 0... ort....: a ,.,40. 11.,44 x et,us,a. 1' .1, ror,,,,.,u. s m.� ri.e, n..41 r eteee':1aliia1Y'ue 31!3;itl �ti e • Many world financial authorities and econ- omists agrec,that the . Remonetization SILVER P• MUST COME • Great Bear Lake, Canada's rich new silver field, shows promise 01 devc'oping Into one of the great silver producing areas of the world. B. E. A. R. and ELDORADO two of the outstanding developments in Great Bear Lake, which expect to he in production at an early date, stand to benefit greatly by any improvement in the price of silver. We would be.pleased to forward upon request, bulletins containinig latest information on these two interesting :oming silver producers. IL P. ItAiiiffilETT & en. •MEMBERS STANDARD STOCK AND MINING EX( RANGE Regent 6900 WA 7631 '42 James St. South't 297 Bay Street HAMILTON TORONTO NOVEMBER 24 Round Trip Bargain Fares MONTREAL and QUEBEC CITY $8.95 FROM SEAFORTH $12.20 Children usual half fare. Tickets good in coaches only. No baggage checked. GOiNG Lv. ST"A.FORTH 7,22 a. -m. 3,16 p.m. -Nov. 24 Ar. MONTREAL 1.00 a.te. 6.30 aem--Nov. 25 .Convenient connecting services between Montreal and Quebec City. FTN A L EXCURSION THIS YEAR Obtain tickets and information RETURNING Tickets gond to return from destination up to and including follow- ing Sunday (ticket' not good on No. 15 from Montreal). from Station Ticket Agent. W. R. Plant, Seaforth,, Ont. ' Phone 4-3. CANADIAN NATIONAL (T-234) 10.1 ryV , A Y r �'T 1 �p ei ten ' r .! Il 1 , 4u. • !�► . T IO U O$ OR - • NEW CANADA MENT' TCP ORGA IN DISTRICT a iw (e i...Il (�14. •.t''rt' r{, 1ni it OVB- ZE Series Of . Meetings Planned in Huron Beginning on Monday Next. During the week of November 20 a series of rallies of farm young peo- ple are being held in rural communi- ties of Huron County. These rallies are being sponsored by local Junior Farmer and U.F.Y.P.O. Clubs with the exception of a few communities where no such clubs exist in which case meetings are being called' under church or independent auspices. These meetings are being held for the pur- pose of introducing. the New Canada Movenvent to the farm young people of Huron. and will be addressed by a team of nine or .ten widely -known Young farmers rebresentative of Western and Central Ontario. For speaking• purposes this team of ten will subdivide into little teams of two, permitting four or five meetings to be addressed per evening, until the entire series has been covered within the week. The New Canada '.Movement has already assumed considerable propor- tions in that it has been widely en- dorsed by citizens of' province -wide prominence and also scores of farm- ers, clergymen, club and municipal officers of Braise county. These tes- timonials are in writing• and many have been •pufblished. They endorse the need. purpose and method of the miovemend. They emphasize, first: that the 'movement remain steadfast in its aim of banding together 100,- 000 farm young people pledged to discover and support ways of bring- ing a new and better Canada. Sec- ond; that the mic vement remain edu- cational and non-partisan. Third; that it be not a new organization, but simply a well -directed movement within existing organizations stimu- lating and co-ordimating their: ef- forte at economic study. The young men who have pledged themselves to work and speak on behalf of this crusade of rural youth include, among ethers, such well known figures as: Jim. Gibson, B.A., Caledonia (graduate of London School of Economics; ex -premier of Tuxis Boys' Parliament), Carroll Lindsay, B.S.A., Nanticoke (ex -president U. F.Y.P.O.), Alex. Sim, Holstein (pre- mier Tuxis ` Boys' Parliament) ; Earl Lautenslager, 'B.A., (President Move- ment for Christian Social Order) ; Donald 'McLean', 'Muirkirk (president U.F.Y.P.O.); Gordon Lapp, Toronto, formerly as's'istant secretary Ontario Boys' Work Board; Richard Prout, Brantford (prominent Junior Farm- er); Archie 'Service Milton, (worker in Junior Farmer, U.F.O. and 'church circles.); Roy Howe, Tiverton (presi- dent Bruce County Junior Farmers); Ralph 'Staples, Durham County; Har- old Ghent, Wellington County; Geo. Martyn, Elgin County; John 'Martin, of Lulckrdow; Gordon 'McKerracher, Kent County; Arthur Haas;, Grey County; Alan Gilmour, Oxford Co. Dates and places of meetings are as follows, all meetings at 8,30 in the evening: Tuesday, Nov. 21 -Dungannon, An- glican Parish Hall; Crediton, Town- ship Hall; Thames Road, United. Church; Carlow, Colborne Township Hall. 'Wednesday, Noivr. 22 - Brulss}sl, Town :Hall. Thursday. Nov. 23-1{olnlesville, United Church basement; Kintail, Kintail Hall; Wingham, to be an- nounced; Bluevale, Orange Hall; Hay, 5. S. No. 12 school house; Bayfield, Stanley South, School House. IWedriesday and Thursday, 22nd and 23rd -(Local announcement will give definite information) -Walton, Work- man's Hall; G'orrie, Orange Hall. Friday, Nov'. 24-Seaforth, Town Hall; Brucefield, Walker's Hall; Dashwood, Public School; Hay, S. S. No. 14, School House. CORNS, calluses and ingrown toe- nails do 'hurt. Use Cress Salve. At Keating's Drug Store. BIRTHS • Stanley, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ross, of Hillcrest♦ Farm, a son. --CARD OF THANKS Mr. Henry McGavin and family desire to thank their many friends and neigrhbtrs for the kind expreesiona of sympathy extended to them during their recent bereavement; also to thank the Quartette who sang, those who loaned cars, and those who sent bouquets. &440x1 IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SALE. --35 WELL BRED PLYMOUTH Rock pullets, Apply to MRS. BARRY TYNDALL, Phone 136 r 3, ae'alforth, 3440-1 BULLS FOR SALE -TWO DARK RED Shorthorns, ready for service. Real good anian'ale from good milking darns. Apply to JAMES HILL, Staffer, or phone Dublin Cen- tral. 3483-tf AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE. -,Harold Dale has been in- structed by the undersigned, to sell by public auction on the premises in the Village of Bayfield, on Friday, November 17, 1533, at 1.80 p.m., sharp, the following: One bureau complete, 8 chests of drawers, two washstands, 1 rocking chair, 1 sideboard. some moulding, 10 large pictures, 1 cradle, 6 cheats, 6 cane bottom chairs. 80 yards carpet, rigs, cushions- 1 centre table, 1 book rack, 1 linen chat, 1 walnut dresser. 1 dresser, 1 kitchen naive, 1 heater stove, 1 couch, 1 four -post bed. 1 comaaode, 1 single walnut bed, 1 Ottoman, 1, bedroom stand, 1 wash tub, krtohen chains, 1 garden rake, I hoe, dither, 2 robes, 1 pair sttlltvards, quan- ti.ty kitchen utensils, bed quilts, pillows, mat- trdases, feather beds, 2 lamps, I umbrella, and many other ertieles too numerous to mention, Terme-.Grafi. J. M. GOVENLOCK, Inspecto•, Huron County Home; Harold Dole, Auctioneer. 8489-2 RUMACAPS RELIEVE PAIN in 'Rheu'matism, Sciatica, Backache, while removing the cause. Keat- ing's Drug Store, FOR SALE Two story frame house, good repair; tee) fifthe acres of land with apple orchard, at Stlaffn, Ont, GLADM,AN & STANT3IJRY, Hansell n.nd Exeter, Solicitors for Eetetie, Agnea Harron, Alex. McDougall, James 11, MeDougall, Exechrtorb. 8440-4 FOCI SA •�r Valuable i;$.Nn litkoPt .k 940( 144 NTt. 18 .in the 8rd Qonaese en of the ToNintibip of. Stamey, (n .the CceultilYof lluron. Oa the exeeert' is erteete a 1r51n1 born drive ekedand two etorey drama (cooed 4n good• segs r Ont, and 4eApply ed�tuuat4be 'within 2 mike of Bruce geld/ CARVING "4 MO$.LEY, Barristers, Etc., Exeter. 8488-3 AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE. -'rhe undersigned Exam - tor od the Last Wlill and Testament of Rebecca (Davis, deceased, lass itnetrueted Harold Dale, anrctiomeea•, to offer for reale by public auction, on Sahurdaer, lath November, 1983, at 12 o'clock 'vn the 'aifteanoon, at the dwelling lately, occupied by the deceased, the following goods and chattels: Two rocking choirs, 5 common chairs, 2 small tables, 1 kitchen table, 1 ewtenefioni table, 1 davenport, 1 bed- room suite consisting of bed, springs, mat- tress, bureau, washstand, 1 sideboard, 2 cup- boards, 1" Quebec theater, 1 cook stove, 1 lawn mower, wringer, tub, wash boiler, old kitchen lounge, a few dishes, 2 -burner hot plate, a few cooking utensils consisting of frying pan, pots and pans, a few 1 quart and 1 pint g'l'ass sealers, etc. Terms of Gale --On Chat- tels, cash. And at the same times and place there will be offered for stale, Lot Number 30. in Blook "B", 'Beattie & Stark', Survery, of part of the Town of ,Seaforth, on which is erected a comfortable cottage on a cement foundation. aubjedt to a reserved bid, and further, terms whidh will be made known en the day of sale and may be had in the mean- time from the undersigned- Terms of Pay- ment--lO per cent. cast, on the day of sale and the balance, without interest, within 30 daye thereafter, Dated 9th November„ 1988. R. S. HAYS, Executor. Harold Dale, Auctioneer. 3489-2 MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers .. -of sale contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale .by public unction on the !premises, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 1933 at 2 o'clock p.m. Lot ,number 3 in the Second Concession of the Township of Tuekeraniibh, in the Coui4ty of Huron and Province of Ontario, con, taining 100 .mires more or less. On the property is as good frame house, bank barn and drive shed, in good state of repair. -TERMS OF SALE. -The property will be put up subject to a reserve bid. Ton per cent, of the .purchase money -shall be paid on day of sale and the balance within thirty days ,thereafter. For further particulars apply to CARLING & MORLEY, Solicitors for Mortgagee, Exeter, Ont. George Elliott, Esq., Auctioneer. Clinton, Ont. 3439-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all cred- itors and others having drams against the estate of JOHN BERRY, late of the Village of Honsall, in the County of Huron, Gen- tleman, who died on the Twelfth day of March, 1992, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Twentieth day of November, A. D. 1933. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after said date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 28th day of October, A. D. 1933. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Hensel) and Exeter, Executor's Solicitors. 3438-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given under the statutes in that behalf that all persons 'having any cairns against Rebecca Davis, widow, late of the Town of Sesforth, deceased, Who died on the 6th day of September, 1933, are required to send to the undersigned Executor of the last will and testament of said Rebecca Davis, deceased, full particulars in writing and verified by affidavit of their claims and nature of the securities, if any. held by them, on or before the lith day of November, 1933, after which date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims -of which he then -hall have had notice. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 8th day of November, 1033. R. S. HAYS, Executor. 3439.3 ig 41 Applications For the Posi- tions of Clerk and Treasurer Applications will be received up to and including Friday, November 30th, for the positions of Clerk of the County of Huron, and of Treasurer of the County of Huron. pplieatians must be addressee, to the County Treasurer's Office, County Building, Godericb, A Ontario, and marked "AppliclFtion for Clerk" or "Application for Treasurer," as the ease may be. (Signed) JAMES BALLANTYNE, Wardeen. Goderiich, Ont., Nov. 10, 1938., 3440-2 MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Council will meet in the Council Chaanber, Court House, Goderich, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Tuesday, the 6th clary of December, 1933. All accounts, notices of deputations, or applications and other important business re- quiring attention at this meeting of Council should be in the hands of the Clerk not later than the Monday previous to the meeting of Council, Dated at Goderieh this 6th day of Novem- ber, 1988. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. • - 8439.3 FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concession 8, McKillop, con- taining 192 nacres and Icemen as the T. E. Hays' farm. Must be sold to close the estate. if not sold will be rented- For particulate apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - forth. 8858-tf .r!:dY1rtMa:a ,o dacV;n,a•SFN, et,,au r,a14A,¢,;AnwsslSst4air.S4t't THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 61.sai,v6 .1666a66 3i in PER L Over 12.50 to '!r it You would expect to pay more for these Coats. They are worth more in a regular way. We are able to quote these prices through early buying. Come in and see them. Tailored in the new clever styles, up-to-the-minute cloths, attractive • •pat- terns. Warm, comfortable and substantial- ly made. You will be pleased with the Coats and )satisfied with the price, too.' SPECIAL CLEARANCE Youths' Overcoats 8.95 Here is an unusual bargain in Over- coats for boys from ages 10 to 15 years. Good weigh, attractive cloths, coats well lined; smart looking styles that any boy would be glad to wear. Regular prices $12.00 to $15. SPECIAL TO CLEAR 8.95 STANFIELD'S RIBBED UNDERWEAR Men's pure wool ribbed shirts or drawers of fine soft, clean Nova Scotian wool ; the limit of wear and comfort for the lowest price in years.. 1.25 MEN'S WINTER EAR BAND CAPS These Caps are made from ends of high grade overcoatings. Warm, dressy, with wool or fur ear bands, in all the wanted colors. Sizes 67 to 71/x. Price $1.00 No Matter What Dress You Want You'll Find It Here 3.95 to 19.50 Afternoon Frocks, daytime, sports, Sunday night styles, or formal evening gowns. A wonderfully pleasing selection of mater- ials, including crepes, sheers, taffetas, lac- es and beautiful. velvets. All the important shades of Chinese reds, blues and greens,; also many shades of browns and black. You will be surprised 11 what a wonderful assortment there is to choose from. Va More Women's New Style COATS 7.50 to 30iiir The very last word in style, material, coloring and Luxurious fur collar and sleeve trimming. We have had a wonderful season in Women's Coats. We are sure that these stunning coats will at- tract even wider attention. They are really better coats than you would expect to find anywhere for the prices. If you contemplate buying a coat, come now STEWART BROS., SEAFORTH 11a'sdair (le s 0... ort....: a ,.,40. 11.,44 x et,us,a. 1' .1, ror,,,,.,u. s m.� ri.e, n..41 r eteee':1aliia1Y'ue 31!3;itl �ti