HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-11-17, Page 4RierekreMI'ffir7MRWV NITANFMIPMPWV7FingSFRANIF
te.44/1. ed 1860
gitAVILean, Editor.
tUbliithed at .§earth, Ontario, ev-
*Ty Thursday afternoon by McLean
s. )
_4Subseription rate, $1.50 a year in
edwance; foreign, $2.00 a year. Single
COP*.s, 4 cents each.
et4vertisieg rates on application.
Members of the Canadian Weekly
Newspaper Association, Class A
Weeklies of Canada, and the Huron
County Press Association.
tSEAFORTH, Friday, November 17.
Mr. Hepburn Was Right
Most reasonable people, regardless
of their political leanings, will agree
that Mr. Hepburn was right in re-
fusing an acclamation seat in East
Mr. Hepburn is not a resident of
the 'Kent riding, nor is he., a rate-
payer. Nee have we ever heard that
he has been invited by the electors of
that riding to contest the seat in the
interests of any party.
INoeloubt, under -the circumstances,
he might easily be looked upon as an
acceptable candidate and again he
might not.
If the people of East 'Kent are like
the electors in most other ridings in
Ontario, it is only •reasoneble to sup-
pose that they. would prefer t.o have
one of their own citizens represent
• them in the Legislature. That they
• might, in fact, resent the ,implication
that they lacked the ability for self -
representation. '
-4'he issue, of course, primarily con.
earns the people of East Kent. But
even if theywere unanimous in the
Uoice of Mr. 'Hepburn, his acceptance
of the nomination would not be look-
ed upon with favor by a large sec-
tion of the rest of Ontario, particu,-
larly at this time and under present
The people of Ontario. are more in-
terested in government at this time
than, perhaps, they have ever been.
An interest. .that has been forced up -
them by the excessive and ever
increasing taxation.
They want a public discussion of
public affairs and an acclamation ac-
corded Mr. Hepburn would he like
slipping him into the Legislature by
the side door.
'It was a gracious. even a generous
jesture on the part of Premier Henry
to offer Mr. Hepburn the seat With-
out opposition, but it is easy to be
either gracious or generous with
other people's property, and we nee-
er knew that the riding of East Kent
belonged to Mr. Henry, the Conserva-
tive party, or anyone else but the
electors of Kent themselves.
If the-i-OVainement policy of Mr.
Henry has been the wonderful thing
for the people of Ontario that he and
his ministers claim for it. he should
have no trouble in either securing or
electing a candidate from his own
party in Kent.
That, however, is the rub. The
-People Jo not see eye to eye with
Mr.*Henry, he ministers and 'his
policy and the gap is widening every
Under these (circumstances is it'
any wonder that the Premier would
like to get over a by-election with as
little fuss and as ereach silence at.4
But it won't go down. The people
have become inquisitive. They want
to know things, as for instance! Why
has the public debt of Ontario been
doubled in the past tenyearn and
what became of the money?
Are We in for an Old Time
Winter ?
One really can't do meth about the
weather. Of course we have our
Weather man, our Indians, our old
timers, OUT aetranom;ers, and even a
few just plain liars 'who would like
one to believe that they know all
about it, and foretell what is to
be with uncanny certainty.
But can they? Take this year for
instance. Early this fall the wise -
men told us that because of the lack
of water. the lack of beech nuts, the
-lack of this and the abun.dartee of
that, that we were going to have a
mild, open winter, warm weather and
no snow. They were quite positive
of that.
And then came the snow. It is
still earning. In fact we have so
much that the government plows have
bad to mime out ,and clear the high-
ways, and the concession roads are
filling fast.
All this by the middle of Noverne
bens It looks like an old-fashioned
wieder, deestet it? Are old fashions
in Winters, like old fashions in hats,
coming into style again?
If they are they will bring many
of what are now looked upon as old
fashioned things along in their train.
'he old fashioned horse and cutter;
the sleigh box with boards across for
eeats and their loads of imuflited pas-
Far Mats, fur hats and fur mitts
wilt be !gem again. AM woollen
Maniere, Watrilen stocke and woollen
niedarelieltlite Will be in &match
te. •
is GO ifilitg since we have had a
real old tante- winker that the older
people will have to readjust thein -
selves and the younger ones Will have
to learn many rew things.
The school eitls will have to wear
clothes and the boys learn to wear
more of the same, and 'both may have
to learn to furnish their own arouse-
ment and most of that art home.
'And people will -become better ac-
quainted with their meighbors, be-
cause the field of travel will be lim-
ited; very limited indeed. The near-
est city may be only twenty or thirty
miles away, but that is a long way
with a horse and cutter. There and
No more running into town or out
of town to see what is going on; to
walk about or window shop. When
one moves about in an eId-time win-
ter, one moves with e purpose.
The purpose to buy or the purpose
to sell. Both would be good for busi-
riess and business needs a lot of en-
couragement these days. That is
with apologies to the gas business, of
In fact, an old-time winter might
help lift the depression. Who can
tell? At any rate it may have the
opportunity of trying, because at the
present thine it looks very much as
if we were in for a real old-fashioned
(Continued from page 1)
The rightehend drive is quite easy
once you get onto it, though Mary
always reaches for the window crank
instead of the gears,
Following the Great North Road,
we came first to Carrubridge„. the seat
of the famous University with the
famous "backs" on the Cahn River.
King's College Chapel was a beauti-
ful place with unusually fine stained-
glass windows. and a fan-eaulted cell-
ang. The repeated Tudor emblem,
the rose, reminds us of its origin;
the chapel was built out- ef the priv-
ate funds of Henry VII. Not far
from 'Cambridge is Grouchester, Im-
mortalized by Rupert Brooke. Then
On to Ey where we had two rather
unique experiences. First, we felt
the wrath of "Lily"; then while wait-
ing repairs, from. the garret of 'a
sort of antique shop, we had a most
wonderful view of the twin towers
of Ely _Cathedral. Lovely! With
the evening still young, on we 'went
to Peterborough, where we spent the
night at "The Angel Hotel." What's
in a name. eh, what? Petorborough
also has ,its cathedral, a very im-
posin,g structure. but 'massive, not
finely chiselled like Ely.
About eleven o'clock we were in
Lincoln and were overjoyed to reach
the -Cathedral in time for' part of
the service. As it Was Sunday and
we had been driving through such
charming little English towns and
villages, I think the spirit of the
cathedral caught us. The flat, level
fenlends are like an avenue leading
to the city, proudly athwart a hill.
remember the hill eerywell, for
we had to clirdb it, up and up, lin.
order to reach the cathedral. You
Must understand that hill climbing
is not one of "Lily's" long suits, so
that we west humour her and speak
sweet nothings. It. really was only.
twenty-four hours since we left Lon-
don. but it seemed infinitely remote.
That's the beauty of. Eng•land. Is it
a dream? I'd lov'e' to live in -a real
cathedral city, I &Wen wonder if
people who do dwell under its .sha-
dows are always aware of its pres-
ence or if they, toe are caught up in
the'great bustle of life and:forget.
Sunday afternooh I think I walked
just a few irches off the common clod
into York, the Queen of English cit-
ies. Last summer I was hitterls; data
anpointed at not being able to reach
York, for it is a place one longs to,
vidt. T knew I would find York-
rninster. 'perhaps a few old 'Roma
relics, but beyond that I didn't know
what to expect. It was such a chaem-
ing old historic place. Ca'sar himself
might have appeared" and have been
right at home. For a long time we
had been looking for the great North-
ern Wall, so we call every stone fence
now "a Raman wall." Mr. Morton
says the glory of York Minster is
the, glore of its glass. Standing be-
fore the "Five Sisters' Window" you
would think its tender mellow light
would shine over the world. There
were three other memories of York
Minster that will always go with me,
the two magnificent towers where
"Great Peter" booms out the passing
qf the hours, the. exquisitely fine
choir screen, and the Lady .Cha-pel.
Tt was Evensong and I thought of
the poet's linen:
"The music in my heart 'I bore,
Long after it was heard no mere."
For supper 'we were in a quaint
English garden, just now ablaze with
col•our. But thetwas not the end of
a. ,perfect day!
'As the evenings are so long. we
'decided to drive until it was dark.
Foolish virgins! On we went, past
Durham., the hoene, of the Cathedral
and the Castle, past Stockton. where
we discovered the rernainrs of that
once famous railway engine, past
Newcastle, a dirty, smelly, musty
place, which is welcome to its coal
and its shipyards. Here we did have
a unique experience. The half dezen
neaps we had didn't seem adequate,
so we inquired of the keeper af the
toll gate over the Tyne; "which way."
For the space of seven minutes he
rtandertooketo explain to five straying
women "which way," with a proces-
sion of tram cars and meters piling
up ,behterel US, all ringing and honk-
ing in wild confusion. Before we
had gone three miles we were hoPe-
lessly fumbling around for a place
called "Ponteeland" On we drove,.
and Still on into this marvellous twi-
light, until we realized with awful
suddenness that we were going over
-moorland country, up dreadful hills
and into remote valleys, with no town
or hamlet 4o greet us for 40 „miles.
it looked like the fields for us that
night and we began to take stork of
'the amenable beddiree. Ultimately
we reached "The Percy Arms Ho -
tell" at Otterburn, close to the„Scot-
tish 'border at 12.45 a.rn. A vision
NOVEMBER 17, 1933.
. t
t)dienry commending his stand against
the sale of beer and 'wine by the
glass. ' Mrs. T. Chaprean, leader of
(Group No. 10, presided over the pro-
grama Splendid reports of 'the Sec-
tional meeting held at IMoncrieff,
were given by Mrs. Jemes Thorntson
and Mrs, Hugh Aikenhead, Mrs.
Tough gave the Temperance reading,
"Liquors' Bid far Business," while
'Mrs. Arthur McQueen read a story
on "Indian Work in Canada." Mrs.
Hazelwood read a leaflet, "Thoughts
ort Prayer," showing the great bene-
fits to be derived from the Quiet
'Hour, and !Mrs. Chapman read, "A
Niokel for the Lord." The meeting
was closed with prayer by Mrs. Jas,
IV& Queen.
tJudging from appearances, all we
need to make Snow mountain." is a
wee bit .breeze.
Miss Annie Keys is visiting with
her niece, Mrs. Oudlmore. in Usborne.
Mrs, E. Epps ' has returned from a
visit with her son, Ellwood and Mrs.
Epps, Owen Sound.
Miss Watson is the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Mossop.
Several from, this community at-
tended the fowl supper held in Bay-
field under the auspices of Trinity
Church, on 'Friday night, and report
a good supper and a good program.
Mr. Wm. Beatty, of 'Mount Beydgee
called on friends in and around the
A large number from this district
attended the reception in Brumfield
tendered Mr. and Mrs. Orne Dow -
son. We wish the young eouple bon
voyage through life.
We are pleased to hear that Mrs.
S. A. Miller, who was quite ill, is
able to be around again.
The Lathes' Aid met last week at
the home of Mrs. Andrew McLachlin
with a good attendance. Plans were
made to hold a sale -of aprons and
Christmas gifts in the basement of
the church.
Mr. 'Sandy McKellar and Mr. Rus-
sell Scott made a business trip to
London one day last week. •
Mrs. John Stacey is improving
slowly after her recent illness.
Miss 'Olive ,Speere has added to the
appearance of her property by erect-
ing a fine new poultry house.
A play entitled, "Only a Step -
Child," will be presented in Staffa
Town Hall by the young people of
Roy's Church, on Wednesday even-
ing next.
Mr. Roy McCulloch is sporting a
new snewen.obile.
Rev. Mr. Gale and choir, of Bay-
field, and Rev. W. A. Bremner and
choir, of Brueefield, will .exchange
duties next Sunday for -the evening
Mrs. (Rev.) W. A. Bremner, who
has mot been enjoying good health;
returned to iher,home last week after
spending nearly two weeks at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. West, of
St, Thomas.
'Mr. and "Mrs. W. C. Landsborough,
of Port Credit, fretuamed. leo ;their
'home this week after spending the
past week at the •hone of their sis-
ter, 'Mrs. James McQueen, and re-
newing old acquaintances with their
friends and relatives.
,WIrs. Jamieson visited frierds
Toronto last week.
Mrs, Thornpeone-ef Kipper), is now
at the home of her daughter. Mrs.
James Moodie, where she intends
spending the winter.
Mrs, McDorland, of Lender!, who
has been spending the past few weeks
at the. home of her sister, Mrs. R.
McKenzie, returned home this week.
During the last. few cold nights
the garage .of Cornish & Dalrym.ple
has been crowded to its capacity.
(Miss Margaret Watson was home
for the 'week end from London.
The regular meeting of the Young,
People's Society of Brucefield, United
Church, was held on, Monday ,even-
ing, November 13th, with to Rev.
Mr. W. Bremner in the chair. The
meeting opened by singing a hymn,
followed by prayer given by Mr. Wm.
McLaughlin. Scripture reading was
then given, followed by a hymn. Af-
ter the topic had been 'taken the
president, Mr. T. McLeod, took the
chair for any business that was nee-
ry. The minutes of the last meet-
ing were read by Miss Audrey Swan
and, adopted. The meeting came to
a close by singing a hymn after .
which all joined in the benediction.
The re.g-ular meeting of the W. M.
S. was held recently in the scare:as
room with the vice-president. Mrs.
James Thomsen, in the chair. After
singing a hymn, the responsive
Scripture reading was taken from
Psalm 115 and prayer was offered by
Mrs. Dow. Arrangements wereemade
far our Thankoffering meeting to be
held the latter part of Noise -mbar.
A resolution was sent to Premier
Mrs. Janes G. Chesney celebrated
her 8.3rd birthday on Wednesday -of
this week. The Expositor join's her
many friends in Kipp -en and vicinity
in extending heartiest congratulations
on this oecasion.
Miss Lois Rathwell, of Stanley,
spent the week end with her chums,
the Missies Mildred and Kathleen
I King Winter has arrived in this
locality and is ruling quite sternly.
We hope for some of the mild wea-
ther foretold by the prophets,
Miss E. McBride, of Blake, is
'spending a few days with her bro-
ther, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. MdBride, of
the village.
IMiss Halcyon Chandler, of West-
ern .University, Lcm.don, spert the
week end with her parents. Rev. and
Mrs. E. F. Chandler and family at
the Manse.
The Y. P. S. held their regular
meeting on Sunday evening laat at
7.30 in the Sunday school auditor-
ium. Rev. E. F. Chandler presided
land the topic was eery ably taken
by Norman Alexander, after which
a discussion was held. Next Sunday
evening, Miss Jean Bell is to pre -
aide and 'Mr. W. Thems•on will have
I charge of the topic. The Executive
of the Y.P.S. met en Wednesday
Pevening of last week at the .Manse
!and prepared a very interesting pee-
' gram for the -winter months.
(Quite a number of cars had dif-
ficulty getting through the heavy
roads last week end. It is to be
hoped that we will again enjoy. some
milder weather 'before long.
.Rey. E. F. Chandler .delivered a
very earnest and. inspiring message
in St. Andrew's United 'Church on
-Sunday morning last. An anthem,
"Let Me Live in a House by the Side
of the Road„" that famous poem writ-
ten be Walter Foss and set to music
by Carrie B. Adams, was very beau-
tifully rendered by the choir.
• Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dayrean, of the
village, have received' a letter of
grateful appreciation froni one who
.helped to distribute the contents of
'the car of provisions sent from the
sin -rounding locality to Houton, Sas-
katchewan. Everything arrived in
very good condition and was capably
disposed ofteand. gratefully received
by those families in 'straitened ch.-
cumetances 'and dire need.
Miss Dorothy Thomson, who is
attending We -stern Unieersity. Lon -
den, spent the week end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Thom -
Next Sunday the local Lutheran
I congregation will celebrate the 75th
annieersary by special services. It
lie expected that Rev. Reble, of Ham-
ilton, president of the Canada Synod,
Ree. Bauttan. ef Milvertoneand Rev,
Frederickson, of Logan, will be pres-
ent to take part in the services. The
choir from the Logan church will
' assist in the song teervicies. Pre-
parations are being mode for a large
attendance at the services,
' The anneal meeting of the local
branch of the Bible Society was hell
in the Town Hall last Thursday ev-
ening. Rev. D. Bright gave an in-
eeresting address on the work of the
society. The election of officers re-
sulted as follows: PresidenteeDavid
,Gingertica; secretary-treasu, Mrs.
L. A. Prang; executive committee,
of loveliness leaned out of an upper
window and presently we were ad-
mitted. One bed short, we were ev-
en thankful at that. In the morning
we 'were delighted to find a very
quaint little village and the hotel it-
pessessinte some 'valuable old
prints and antique furniture.
Before long we were bound for
Seotland, through the land of en-
chantment into Sir Walter :Scott's
country. My !Scotch 'blood fairly
boils now, and my shoe Iaces tie in-
to automatic knots. Melrose, Df y -
burgh and Abbotsford, 'I found as
lovely as ever. A troop of enthusi-
astic Boy Scouts had taken posses-
sion of 'Melrose Albbey and would
spout from every nook and corner.
Such a lovely day, bright and clear,
with the green hills sloping down to
the Tweed, and the little 'villages
emrug in the valleys. Down side -
roads and lanes we scuttled to find
Carlops, some 12 miles out of Edin-
burgh. That was a delightful ex-
perience. Mr. and Mrs. Craig, friends
of Helen's, have the loveliest old
home there, "New Hall," where we
stayed to tea and dinner. 'Muriel
and Helen are remaining a few days,
but Roxy and Jean and I pushed en
to Edinburgh, back to dear old tes-
ter House. T was thrilled to he able
to direct Roxy onto Princes -s Street,
long after it was dark and pouring
rain at that. Everything just as I
left it, the Mound, Stolid Old Castle,
the city of - romaneel This is just
Tuesday morning and we are going
nut to meet Alistair for -coffee at
Gibson's. Tt will be a jolly reunion,
but I must go now and no doubt
shall have plenty to tel you next
time when ere will be well into the
Highlands. As ever --.Marion.
Mrs. J. Hey, Jr., elfra:I.E. F. Klopp.
and Mrs. C. L. Sarah; auditors,
Messrs. J. E. Gascho and C. L. Smith.
A new industry has been started
'here which, when in fuel operation,
should be a boon to the farmers and
inoreaee the production of mak great-
ly in this section. Mr. Rudolph Thiel,
of Denbigh, a native of Germany, has
commenced making ctheesse on the
farm of Mr. C. Schrag. Mw. Thiel is
an expert cheese maker and it is
expected when the product is ready
for market a ready sale will be
found. This section has many good
dairy , her* and a 'cheese faetdry
should do well as no similar factory
is located within miles of Zurich.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Edward Thiel have
moved onto the farm on the 14th
concession owned by Mr. G. Eisen -
Mr. and -Mrs. Henry Pfaff and
family, of the ,Goseren Line, Stanley,
have moved onto the farm on the 9th
conee.seion, Steehen, which Mr. Pfaff
recently purchased from Mr. Jacpb
Mr. John Jaeob, manager of the
County (Home at Clinton, was a busi-
ness Ivieitor in town on 'Monday.
ale. David Bernie, civil engineer,
will spend the winter months in town.
He wee for eight years engineer for
the city of St. 'Catharines.
The council, no doubt, feeling that
transients, if applying for meals from
thern would feel Much mere independ-
ent in giving returns 'in some kind of
teeevice, have had some cordwood laid
in .store which the wawing Of will ap-
ply 'on meal or meals give% and saw-
ing before partaking of mieels will
serve to sharpen the appetite for the
enjoyment of ftiod.
The congregation of Carmel Pres-
byterian chureh very considerately
did not want their pastor, Rev. W. A.
Young, to,take two services or. Sun-
day lase following so closely after his
operatioreand so the evening service
was cancelled.'
Our onion dealers are from time to
time receiving car- loads- of onions
fermi the West, which they are clean-
ing' storing and 'making ready for
shipment in the spring. •
Mr. and Mrs. David W. -Fees in.-
ten.d shortly going to Toronto to
spend the winter months with their
daughter, Florence, 'Mrs. Stewart, of
that city.
Mrs. James Sparks also intends
spen-ding the winter with her daugh-
ters in Brantford and Detroit and ex-
pects to leave here with her daugh-
ter, Mabel. Mrs. G. E. McIntyre, who
hats been keiepin•g her company at her
home here for a number of weeks.
Shipping is quite brisk at the rail-
way station and our millers and
grain buyers are kept busy as grain
is being freely marketd.
'Mrs. Pope left here this week to
spend the winter months with her
daughters in London and Toronto.
The present cold stormy weather
is good for our merchants dealing in
clothing, boots and shoes, also for
coal dealers and farmers and others
having wood to sell.
.W.e hope to see the council looking
well after the welfare of our rate.
payers in the way of keeping the
streets and sidewalks in good eondi-
ticen following heavy falls of snow
that !block them up, Making walking
very difficult.
On Sunday, NoVember 26th, Rev.
De. Langford, of Toronto, will preach
anniversary services for _the Young
Peoplb's' League of the United church,
,Car is Appreciated.—Rev. A. Sin-
clair has received the following let-
ter from Saskatchewan, than'kin'g the
people of Hensall district for their
kindness in filling a car of goods:—
"Houghton, Sask., Nov. 7, 1933. Rev.
A. Sinclair, Hensel -1. • Rev. and Dear
Sir: I am writing to thank you and
your people for the splendid car of
fruit, vegetabiee, beans and clothing
received by us from the Saskatche-
wan Relief Commission last week and
which you so kindly shipped. You
will be interested to knew that this
car arrived here on the last day of
October, was unloaded on Noverieber I
Wand distributed on November 2, 3
an ' 4 by the local Rural Relief Cern-
miitee some 290 families in this
"cipalite and the villages ,of
Hughtoi and Elrose. We hope and
trust that our people have received
in the same spirit that retied be prev-
alent in your conerramity to load and
ship such a 'bountiful supply from
farm and garden when we realize
that the depression extends to Old
Ontario as well. Many thanks. Yours
mery. truly, Roy S. Wells, Sec.-Treas.
Rural Municipality of 'Monet, No. 257.
The following will be of interest to
the relatives of the deceased in this
vicinity„ among whom are the Misses
Mary and Emtme Johnston, of our
village: One of Windsors most pop-
ular teachers, 'Mrs. Erma Lorraine
Shortt Foerster, teacher of English
and Literature at Prince Edward
public sch.00l, passed away at 10.30
Sunday night, October 29th, at the
home of her. mother, 'Mrs. Jane E.
Shortt, Dougall Avenue. She was the
daughter of the late James B. Shona
and Mrs. ,Shortt. In 1926 Miss Shortt
was married to Arthur J. Foerster,
teacher of Mathematics at Patterson
Collegiate Tristitutet Windsor. Mr.
Foerster died a year later. 1VIrs.
Foerster was very active in worhen's
affairs and was regent of Mary
Gooclerhani Chapter, I.O.D.E., in 1931,
and was honorary regent at the time
of her death. She was a member of
the Music, Literature and ArteOlub
and an alumnae of the 'Chaffee Noble
School of Elocution in Detroit Mrs.
Foerster continued teaching until last
June when she 'became too ill to con-
tinue. ;Surviving ine.mbers of the
family besides her mother are two
brothers, M. J. and E. B. Shortt, of
Toronto; 'sters, Mrs.,Alleert W.
Peck, of erne* St., 'Sandwich, ansl
Evelyn.. at , e. She was well known
in Hensall as Miss Shortt before mar-
riage, often having visited her aunts,
the Misses Mary and Emma Johnston,
her Mother before marriage living at
Willow Hall Farm, near Hensel'.
Saturday last. November 11th, Re-
membrance Day, was observed in the
village for, the greater part of the
day and particularly so in the after-
noon when memorial services were
held under the auspices of Exeter
Branch No. 167 of the Canadian.
Legion, B. E. S. ,L., in the United
Church here and was very largely
attended. All attending the meet-
ing at the memorial marched in pro-
cessioneheaded by the Citizens Brass
Band of Zurich with the Reeve, Mr.
William Consitt, and Councillor a.
C. Petty leading in the procession to
the church where the service was
held and addressed by the three resi-
dent ministers of the village. A large
union choir under the leadership ef
Mr. W. O. Goodwin and Mr. William
MaoLaren, with Miss Fisher presid-
ing at the pipe organ, added much to
the interest of the occasion with fine
appropriate selections. The follow-
ing was the ceder Of service: Invoca-
tion, Rev. W. A. Young; hymn, "On-
ward Christian Soldiers"; lesson, Rev.
M. B. Parker; mixed quartette. Mrs.
T. Sherritt, Mrs. J. Paterson, Mr. T.
:Sherritt, Mr. J. Bengough; prayer,
Rev. M. B. Parker; hym.n, "0 God
Our Help in Ages Past"; anthem,
"Kipling's 'Recessional"; address,
Rev. A. ISinelair; hymn. "God iBe
With You nu We Met Again";
benediction, Rev. W. A. Young. Or-
der of service at monument; Ad-
dress, Ilev. J. H. Stainton; Last Post;
two mieute's' silence; Re'v'eille; plac-
ing of Canadian Legion wreath; "God
Save the King"; Benediction. In ad-
dition to the stated services the fol-
lowing took part at the monument
service following that in the church,
where Mr. Pryde presided very nice-
ly over the meeting and in which re-
turned soldiers, Mr. Sydney McAr-
thur and Fred Beer also took a part.
The address by Rev. Mr. Stainton, a
returned soldier, was an ideal one
for the occasion and was listened to
with great interest as were also the
addresses in the church by the resi-
dent ministers. A pleasing- feature
in the procession, was the presence
ef the public sch6o1 scholars headed
by their teachers and also present in.
the line-up were the pupils of the
Continuation school and their teach-
ers. Memlbers of the Legion were
greatly pleased with the good at-
tendance despite the very unfavor-
,erieeereteree titeettaaele
able state of the weather and the
reverential manner in which all tak-
ing part acquitted themselves and the
fine eonduce and order witic'h pre-.
afiss Minnie Reid left an Wednes-
.day for Winnipeg to visit friends be-
fore going to Vancouver for the win-
(Miss Hannah Craig is and has for
the past week or so been visiting
relatives and friends in Toronto.
The snow stern). of Tuesday ight
ana Wednetsday morning Wale one of
the old-fashioned blizzarde, lacking
only the -severe frost and the roads
in many places are blocked to traf-
fic, but the Toronto and Leaden daily
papers reached here pretty nearly on
time Wednesday morning, the snow.
not being heavy, enabling the trucks
to ,push through.
The play entitled, "The Path Across
the Hill." to be given under the aus-
pices of the League of the United
Church on Friday evening, Nov. 24,
in the Town Hall, is being looked for-
ward to with gaeat interest and
promises to he well worth attend-
ing and in addition to the play it-
self, there will be Ane musical and
other numbers.
Mr. Alexander &Mine and 'Mrs.
Smillie, of Toronto, spent the past
week or so here with their son, Dr.
iMis.s Jennie Murray, of Exeter,
event the week end here with her
sister, Mrs. Alexander (Smelt° and
Mr. John Bean, of the village, was
happily married on 'Saturday last to
Miss Hunkin, whose home was at
Thames Road, but has for some Vine
been Ming in 'London previous to her
marriage. The. many relatives and
friends of the young couple wish
themi all happiness in their new home
in the village.
The services in the churches on
Sunday last ,were all taken by tl'e
local pastors and good sermons and
good music by the choirs character-
ized the services.
On the coming Sunday eveniege
the Rev. H. Taelor, of Thames Road,
lately inducted 'minister. will, conduct
services in the United Church, preach-
ing specially for the W. M. S. The
reverend gentleman was an esteem-
ed missionary in past years.
The fowl supper held by Carmel
Presbyterian church Thursday even-
ing was a great success. Despite the
very unfavorable weather and roads
the church was filled to capacity. The
many waiters at thg long tables were
kept busily engaged in serving right
up to nine o'clock, when the e-nter-
tainment took place in the auditor-
ium of the church with the pastor.
Rev. W. A, Young, presiding. The
large choir of New St. James' Pres-
byterian church, London, under the
leed.ership of Jack McDermid, gave
the full program of the evening con-
sisting of solos and educationnum-
bers together with very fine selec-
tions front the choir as a whole. The .
program was 'characterized through -
eat by .most veonderrful talent in song
and elocution, delighttingthe large
Rev. Mr. Parker, of St. iesiel's Ae-
glican church, expressed his pleasure
at being present. The leader of the
choir ,in response to the waft words
of appreciation by the chairman on
behalf of the congregation, express-
ed the pleasure it had afforded the
choir in -being present. The proceeds
were most gratifying. Theladies of
the congregation more than sustain-
ed their enviable/ reputation of being
most excellent cooks and liberal pro-
Postponed,—The curio tea and sale
of work, which was to have been held
in St. Paul's Church, Hensall, on Sat-
urday afternoon of this week, has
been postponed until further notice,
owing to the illness •of the leader of
the Young Girls' Guild. •
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Robertson,
of Atwood, visited' last Sunday et the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jinks.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Jr., are mov-
ing into the home recently vacated by
Mr. 'Sundercoek on the London Road.
Mrs. James .McMartin, of Barrie,
is visiting her 'mother, 'Mrs. Roheri
Bonthron, coming to see herr sister,
Mrs. T. C. Joynt, who is very ill in
,Clinton Hospital.
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