HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-11-10, Page 8} fillets of Haddi 2 pounds for 25c BROKEN BISCUITS 3 pounds for BROKEN 'WIALNUTS per pound CORN STARCH 3 pounds for BAKING POWDER 1 -pound tin LEXIA RA,IS'INS 2 pounds fur CURRANTS 2 pounds for GREAT STAR FLOUR Xrl 0.n Our best seller; per cwt. %P aU LF1C11R1IC LIGHT BULBS 2,Oc guaranteed for 1000 hours, at U or 5 for 90c 25c 45c 23c 19c 25c 25c SULPHUR 6 pounds for EPSOM SALTS 6 pounds for GLAUBER SALTS 6 pounds for StARIM1ILL CONCENTRATE e3 One of the best; per cwt. �D Butter, Eggs and Cream taken as cash. Cream taken for the Seaforth Cream- ery at' the same price as paid at ,the Creamery. 25c 25c 25c A. C. Routledge PHONE 166 HAZARDS NEVER TAKE A HOLIDAY Are You Protected? Our protection covers Fire, Life, Automobile, Burglary, Windstorm, Accident and Sickness, and all other lines. Watson 8 Reid Phone 214 : Seaforth Specialists in All Lines of Insurance ,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q O . S. T. Holmes & Son O O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Main Street, Seaforth O O O O S. T. Holmes' residence, O O Goderich Street, West; phone 0 O No. 119 W. Charles Holmen' 0 O residence, Goderich Street, 0 0 East; phone No. 308. O O Ambulance Service O 0 Night calls, Phone 308. 0 O ,Day calls, Phone 119 J. 0 O Charges moderate. <i O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H. C. BOX O FUNERAL SERVICE O Licensed Embalmer O Ambulance Service O 0 .Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Christmas Cards NEW STOCK NOW ON DISPLAY Choose your Greet- ing Cards early and avoid disap- pointment. AT Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Drug Store PHONE 28 SEAFORTH O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O WALKER'S O FUNERAL SERVICE O O W. J. WALKER and (_' O JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. O O 0 Licensed Embalmers and , O O Funeral Directors, O 0 Day, or Night Calls promptly 0 O attended. ' O PHONE 67 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FOR SALE SEVERAL DWELLINGS in Seaforth and Egmondville Own your own home. This is the time to buy and prices are low. A. D. Sutherland THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. READ OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Geo. R. McCartney, Seaforth - Pres. James 'Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. Oerton A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. • AGENTS: W. E. IKinchley, (Seaforth ; John Moray, R. R. 3, 'Seaforth; E. R. G. Aarmouth, Prodllagen; James Watt, P31yt'h; C. E. Hewitt, Kincardine. DU EGTQRS: (William Knox, Londesboro; George Leonhart, Brodhagen; James Con- Goderich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. B 'Seaforth • Robert Ferris', Blyth ; George McCartney, No. a, Seaforth; itohit Pepper, Brueefleid; James Sllot- dice, Walton; Thomas !Vfoyhm, No. 5, Seaforth, NEWS OF THE TOWN -Hospital Aid Will Not Meet This :Month.—The meeting of the Hospital Aid will not be held this n1'on'th. The next meeting will be held on the first Thursday of December. • THE HURON EKE-OSITO' and [Margaret Allen, and an inter- esting reading by Mrs. 'Hlarold Kers- lake, while Seaforth contributed a solo 'by Miss Ethel Jackson and a reading by Mrs. Wilfred Coleman. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. The Institute wish to thank all who contributed to the suncess of the evening. Grows Fine Vegetables.—Mr. John Murray, Egmondville, 'brought into this office this week a number of pictures of vegetables grown by his son, Walter Murray., of„ Dryden, Northern Ontario. The pictures, which include citrons weighing 21 pounds, and watermelons weighing 15 pounds, show a fine selection of vegetables grown in the northern country. Some seed potatoes, which Mr, Murray sent his son, when grown, captured fir prize at Dry- den Fair, Hold .Remembrance Services.— Pupils of the Seaforth Collegiate In- stitute gathered in the assembly room on Thursday morning when a special IRememibrance Day program was carried out. Canon V E. Apple - yard and Rev. Father T. P. Hussey were the guest speakers. Annual Dance On November 24th. —The annual dance of the Seaforth Golf and 'Ctluntry Club will this year he held. on Friday evening, Novunh- ber 24th- in the G.\\.V.A. Hall. • As Keep December 1st open for the has been the eti'ao'1 in the past, the Commencement in Cardno's Hall. Cups which were won during the past season, will be' presented to the successful players at the dance. For Sale.—One steel tired top buggy in good repair. Apply to W. E. Butt, Kippen. Phone 41 on 91, Hensolll. 3139-2 Lost, -0n Tuesday, October 31st, between Dublin and Beec.th d, by way of St. Cadutnbau, a sum of money. Finder please leave nit The "Expositor Ottice and receive re- word, 3439x1 Cirrum;tance; compel the disposal of my Heintzman•Piano. Cash or term,. If un- able to sell will *to 'e with respon.;it' e p,+tty. Write to I3ox 157„ care thio paper. 3139-2 Man Wanted At Once.—An experienced man t , dd.. farm work ; must be relial>tle. Steady. v. ,rk to right mean. Apply to Mrs 'L. J. Doig, Flippen. Phone 4-93. Heruall Central. 3439x1 Just Received, Car Flour ---Golden Leaf flour. bread ; Harvest Queen, bread t Swansdown Na+try, moor : idive Roso,, 'pastry and bread-. Cardno's Fur Flour. 3139-2 House For Sale.—Five-roomed frame house on Centre Street, Seaforth, in good repair, tsnvn water and electric tights, good cistern. If not sold will be rented. Apply to John' IVfeNay. R. R. 2, Seaforth, or. phone 236 r 25. 3137-3 For Sale or Rent.—Cement block house o'rr Goderich Street, East, for sale or rent. All modern conveniences. New garage. Posses- sioit October 1st. Apply to Andrew Archi- bald, Box 282, or phone 44-W, Seaforth. 3132-tf COMING EVENTS Are Repeating Euchre and Dance. —The Thomas McMillan Young Lib- eral Club will repeat the big euchre' and dance, which vas 'so successful last winter. The date .is Friday, No- vember 17th. and already a large number 'of tickets have been sold. Prizes for euchre and music for danc- ing will be good, and tho lunch will be plentiful. Is To Speak Here.—Much interest is being shown in the coming visit here of Dr. 0. C. J. \Withro'ty, who will speak in Cardno's Hall on Fri- day, November 24th. Dr. Withrow comnnnanded national attention this summner through his series of art- icles on Canadian Penitentiaries,' which appeared in a Toronto paper: This same matter will be the subject.' of his address here. ' Home ,and School Association To Meet At Collegiate.—The November meeting of the Home and School As- sociation will be held in the assembly room of the Collegiate Institute on Monday evening next at 8 o'clock. Canon Appleyard will give the ad- dress, for the evening and there will also be a debate from some of the Collegiate pupils .and several musical numbers. - Arrangements Begun Far Alumni Reunion.—Arrangements for the an- nual reunion dance of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute Alumni, Assn' ia- tion, which this year will be h2111 on Monday, December 25th, in Cardno's Hall, were begun this week. when the executive of the association arpnint- ed committees to be in charge. The dance, which has grown increasingly popular with ex -students, both in town and away from town, will this year be better than ever, .An ex- cellent o.rchestra•is being secured and as usual the program and de.nra- tions will be particularly interesting, Junior Institute Meet. --Tho month- ly meeting of the Junior Institute nine on Wednesday, November 8th. in the Carnegie Library with Miss Gertrud:' Webster in the chair. The nre•etir,i,• was opened with the Olde anyl the Lord's Prayer. The roil call was an- swered by repeating the names of our school trustees, Miss Elizabeth Taylor gave the topic on ''Legisla- tion." Miss May Wallace gave a paper on "Aims of Clothing Pr,,- ject." Miss .Josephine Edge deligh- ed the audience with a piano solo; Miss Helen Mcliercher gave a paper on "Good Posture." Mrs. Goudie moved the meeting adjourned. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. ---First Presbyterian Church—Morn- ing, "The Kingdom of God"; e: en- ing, "The First Christian." Both ser- vices will he taken by Rev. G. Taylor, Munro. --Rev. I. B. Kaine, Minister. Northside United 'Church --Morn- ing, "Are You Making Regular De- posits in the Bank of Heaven?"; ev- ening service withdrawn for First 'Presbyterian Church anniversary ser- vices.—Rev. W. P. Lane, Minister. E.gmondville United Church — 10 a.m., "Paul in Macedonia"; 11 a.m., "The Kingdom of God as Christ Thought Of It"; 7 p.m., service with- drawn for First Presbyterian Church anniversary services.—Rev. C. Mal- colm, B.A., Minister. ,St. Thomas' Church — Sunday 'Sc'hool at 10 a,m.; morning service, 11 a.m., "Three Burden Bearers"; ev- ening service, "The Voyage of Ad- venture."—'Canon E. Appleyard, Rec- tor. Hold Masquerade —A very enjoy- able evening was spent on Friday, November 5th, when the Junior Wo- men's 'Institu'te of ISeafor<th enter- tained the ,Junior Women's Institute of Staffs. and the Junior Farmers of rSt'affa and Seaforth at a masquerade held at the Red Tavern School. The costumes were judged 'lsy the three trustees and their wiive4, Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin, 'Mr. and Mrs. Broad - foot and 'Mr, and Mrs. Hay. Miss Violet Tyndall was awarded first for the 'ladies and Mr. Jim Howe for the gentlemen, The best couple, Mr. and Mrs.. Harold J'ac'kson. The Staffs Institute assisted with the program with a very pleasing duet by Vera S. C. I. 3139-2 REMEMBRANCE DAY Deeply appreciating and grate- fully remembering the great sacrifice of Canada's Sons, this store will be closed all day Saturday, November 11th. In order that our many friends may conveniently do their week end shopping, we will remain open till 11.30 p.m. Friday, November 10th. SHOP AT A VA UGE' IT PAYS Jeweler - Optometrist Gift Goods PHONE 194 RES. 10 • Mr. and Mrs.. G. S. McIntosh, of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mrs. Jas. McIntosh, John Street. • Miss 'Ida. M. 'Cooper, Toronto, is spending a week at her home on John Street. • 'Mr. and Mrs, G. 'W. Geddes, Lon- don, and daughters, Mary and Jean, and son, Jack, were visitors on Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Geddes. • Miss Anna Edmonds, nurse -in - training at Woodstock, was a week end visitor at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. G. Edmonds. • Mr. Hugh Welsh, of Hamilton, is__visiting at the home of Mrs. F. J. Welsh. • .Mrs. William Sclater ,spent the week end in Galt. • Mrs. J.' Patterson visited with. friends in 'McKillop last week. • Miss Elizabeth I. ifcLean, of London, was a visitor at the home-of- her one •ofher parents for the week end, • Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Armstrong, who recently purchased „ the Me - Michael home on James Street, are having a number of changes and inl- p, I)r�ii!1 p AF,,i >>y ,.h �; i prove+In,ents made preparatory to mowing in. • Mrs. J. J. Sclater and daughter, Marion, spent the week end in To- ronto. • Mrs. Monica Desboro, R,N., has returned to resume her duties at the Northville, Mich., Sanatorium. She has 'been nursing 'her mother, Mrs. C. Eckert, who is convalescing nicely after her recent serious illness. • IMr. and IMrs. John Edmonds, of Mitchell, were 'Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Edmonds' mother, Mrs, W. G. Edmonds. • IMr. and Mrs. Jack Heath and daughter, Stella, Listowel, were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Free. • Mr, and Mrs. George Schofield and daughter, Detroit, were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Case. • 'Miss Jean Scott and Mrs. Helen McMillan are visiting in Toronto. • Mrs. Forbes Godfrey, Mimic"), widow of the late Dr. Forbes God- frey, form1ter Provincial 'Linisiar of Health, and Miss Kelly, of Winni-• peg, were 'visitors at the home of Col. and Mrs. R. S. Hays on Satur- day. Alumni Will Hold Social Meeting. —Arrangements have been ci'mplet- ed for the first of the series of Altinlni social meetings, which will c held during the fall and ',;-inter. 'fru November meeting will be held en Wednesday evening next in the Dung ;-ibera] Club rooms ovt•,' J. W. i;eattie's store. A fine program has been prepared, which includes bridge, l .tu1r'.t • will he served. it is honed that ell S. C. I. old boys and girls will attend the meeting. Dies in Tuckersmith.—After an iilnes.; of two weeks' duration,, the death occurred early Friday- morn ing of John Edwin Sproat, in his 42nd year, second son of William Charters Sproat and the late Janet Geritnell; Sproat. •Mr. Sproat contracted al severe cold which later developed in- to pneumonia. A private'service was held at the family residence at 1.30 Sunday conducted by Rev. E. F. Chandler, of St. Andrews Church. Kippen, and interment took place in Rodgerville cemetery, Hensall. Sur- viving are his widow, Mary Yudell, one daughter, Jeanette. his father, two brothers, James Earl and Dr. William Charters Sproat, and one sister. Mrs. John Andrew- Allen, of North Bay. Hold Enjoyable Stag.—The stag euchre held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening last by the Soft- ball Club. in honour of the deficit, was poorly attended but everybody enjoyed themselves. First prize went to Charles Stewart and T. A. Beat- tie after an extra game against Bev- erly ani -l• Glendon Christie. Joseph Purcell won the lone harids prize. A pleasant. feature was the presenta- tion ^nf a pair of hook ends to Bev- erly Christie, -who was recently mar-' vied. Mayor Sutherland made the presentation and Mr. Christie replied. thanking the Club for the good ',vis -h- es. Y. P. L. Meet.—The regular meet- ing of the Young People's Society of Northside United Church -was held on Tuesday- evening, November 7th, with Mr. Sam Scott in the chair. The meeting was in charge of Miss \Win- nie Savauge, conver.or of the social department. C'omm.unity singing op- ened the program, after which the Lord's Prayer was repeated .10 uni- son. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read by the secretary, Miss Vera Mole., and adopted. The Scrip- ture reading was taken he Mr, Jack' Stevens, and the remainder of the evening was spent in games. Fol- lowing a social half hour, the sing- ing of God Save the King brought an enjoyable. meeting to a close. The meeting next week will be in charge of Mr. Keith Webster, convenor of the devotional department. To Prevent Imposition. — Mayor Sutherland. relief officer, of'Seafor'.:h, again advises citizens not to feed transients. Hee-says; "The Relief Committee, in order to prevent im- position, again request the citizens to direct all transients to the Town Hall, where they be given 'hu- mane treatment, food and lodging af- ter they have operated on the pile of rails with a bucksaw. The hunch of five a few days ago, who refused to cut a stick, were well fed by some of the citizens who will, no doubt, come plain of the annoyance in a short time, for it does not take long for a transient to giw'e a pal the direction to the houses where the easy marks live. The 'Committee have places for articles of clothing, floor covering, etc., and will call for any article at any time, if advised." LOCAL ERIEFS • 'Miss Marion Bulloch, of Tbronto, was a week end visitor of the Misses Brine, Goderich 'Street. Miss Bulloch who was recently called to the Bar, was horn in Seaforth and is a grand- daughter of the, late A. G. McDougall. • Mr. --John Watson, of Stn Pahl, Minn., is t9ie guest at the home of his (brother, 'Mr. James Watson. • Mrs. George A. Stewart and son, of Midland, are visiting Mrs. Stew -- art's mojher,,•Mrs. J. B. Thomlpson. • lMiss (Mosta SIBS is visiting in Windsor and Detroit. f ,'1,,..M".. M1°,>~�v,I'�y,.k«y1t �viftna.t�,3i;rt+ti�+tl'. Counter Check Books ARE REDUCED AS MUCH AS 50% from regular prices. Phone us for price list and samples. Act now. These Prices cannot last. The Huron Expositor McLean Bros., Publishers PHONE 41 SEAFORTH LECTURE y V y DR. O. C. J. WITHROW whose articles appeared re- cently in the Globe, will lecture, at Cardno,s Hall. November 24th, 8 p. in. ADMISSION 25c FOWL SUPPER The Ladies of Duff's Church, McKillop will serve a Hot Fowl Supper in the Church, on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 15th 6 to 8 p.m. Admission - 25 Cents FOLLOWED BY AN EXCELLENT PROGRAM. DANCE Walker's Hall, Brucefield --on- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13 MAPLE LEAF ORCHESTRA Admission - - 25c and 10e. FREE One chance on Candy House in our window with -every 25 cents purchase of Candies in our store TO BE DRAWN ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER19th Oyhnpia Restaurant CONSTANCE L.17. NOVEMBER 10, ' 1933. i n r u :niyi Mrs. Ben Snell entertain'ed the Golden Links Mission Band on Sat- urday with about twenty present. There was a splendid program, after which games were played, Lunch was served. The monthly meeting of the Golden Links Mission Band will meet in the school roam of the church on Friday. evening, Nov. 17. Each member is to bring a gift to be sent as Christmas cheer to needy children Lunch will be served. All are cord - invited to attend. :Mrs. George Wlheatley went to To- ronto and spent the week end with' her daughter. Elva. [Mrs. Wm. Moore and Mrs. Nichol- son went to Toronto on Saturday Mrs. Nicholson returning on Monday and Mrs, Moore will spend the winter with her son and daughter. Miss Viola Morrison and Mr. Bert Hemingway, of McKillop, spent Sun- day evening at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs, William Britton.. Mrs. an Mr. Adams and D '4lr.and311...E da s elda went to Stratford on Monday to visit Mrs. Charles Parsons, who has been seriously .ill. The W.M.S. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter on Thursday of this week, when the election -9f officers will take place. An old landmark disappeared this week when the barn on Leo Steph enson's property was torn down. He intends to rebuild. WALTON The November meeting of the Ladies' Guild and Women's Auxiliary of St. George's Anglican Church was held at the home of 'Mrs._ Peter Mc Taggart on Wednesday afternoon 'with about twenty-fi've ladies in at- tendance. The opening exercises we ,,,_.,,in charge of the rector, Rev F. G. Rickard. The president, Mrs ,Peter 'McTaggart, presided over the business period. Plans were made to send a bale of clothing to the needy area of Saskatchewan on Saturday November llth. D'onations are to 'be left at the P'u'blic Library. Ar- rangements were 'rade for the an- nual bazaar, which will be held in the A.O,U.W. Hall on December 2nd The meeting closed with prayer, of ter which refreshments were served and a social half hour spent. 'The Young People's meeting was held in the 'basement of Duff's Unit ed Church on Sunday evening with Stewart Bryans, the convenor of the Christian Fellowship Committee, in charge. The opening hymn was fol- lowed with a psalm read responsive- ly. The roll call and the minutes of the previous meeting were followed with a splendid discourse on "Jesus the Caepenter" by Mr, Colin Fing land. The Young' People's' Pledge was repeated in,unison after which the pastor, Rev. Charles 'Cumming, gave an interesting talk on "Enric'h- n:)ent Through Bible Study." The meeting closed with "I Hear Thy \Welcomie Voice," after which the Mizpah Benediction 'was repeated in unison. The meeting next Sunday evening will be in charge of Miss Dorothy Drager, the convenor of the Missionary Gr•oup.- (Recent visitors in the vicinity: Mr. and Mrs. E. Howe, Misses Evelyn and Edna, Morley and Lloyd Howe and Miss Margaret Hall, of Strathrby, at the •home of. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Young; Mr. and Mrs, Ivy ,Henderson and family, of Se'afo'rth, with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Love; Mr, and Mrs. Neil Marple, of St. Thomas, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan; Mr. and Mrs, Frank Haokwell, of Ethel, with the former's 'brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardiner; George Kirkby, of Grand Bend, with his par- ents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkby; Mir. and Mrs. Cecil Gowland and fam- ily, of Fergus, with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samruel Forbes; Mr. and Mrs. Bazil Wilson and son, Donald, of London, with the latter's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. R. W. Hoy; Miss :Hielen Steiss is holidaying with her parents, ‘Mr. and Mrs. D. Steiss; 'Mrs. Henry Last, of Windsor, with her sister, Mrs. R. W. Hoy. McKILLOP A highly respected resident of Mc- Killop, in the person of Jane Bol- ton, widow of the late William; El- liott, passed away on November 2nd, at Lot 17, 'Concession 6, McKillop. Death followed as a result of an ac- cident on September 4th of this year when she fell, breaking her shoulder. The deceased was born in McKillop seventy-five years ago and in 1885 became the bride of (William Elliott. She leaves to Motfher loss, five sons, Lorne, William and Wilfred, of McKillop, and James and Oliver, of Atwood; and four brothers and two sisters, Isaac, William, Thomas, Scott and Mrs. ,Robert Campbell, Sr., of McKillop, and Mrs. Same Gliddon, Clinton. [Mrs. 'Elliott was a life long member of Duff's 'Church. The fun- eral which was largely attended was held from her late residence and was 1 • I1933� SANCTUARY WOOD YPRES FESTUBERT G1VENCHY ST. ELOI HOOGE SOMME COURCELETTE MOUQUET FARM REGINA TRENCH "YIMY RIDGE 1 ARLEUX FRESNOY LENS HILL 70 PASSOHIENDAELE AMIENS ARRAS BOURLON WOODS CAMBRAI DENAIN VALENCIENNES MONS TII1E GLORIOUS DEAD "Lest We Forget." • 'On Armistice Day may we one and all spend at least some minutes in solemn thought; give meditation to Canada's war iminiiortals. May their spirit, the spirit of devotion to duty, of love of Canada and of horree, that illuminated their lives and made glorious their death, live on. May it live in you and in me and in those who follow our footpath. Saturday, Nov. llth, is a Dap of Memory THIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY MacTavish's STORE OPEN THIS FRIDAY NIGHT conducted by her pastor, Rev. G. W. Morrow, with interment in Maitland - bank cemetery. The pallbearers were six nephews: Russel, Louis Sam and Leslie Bolton, Robert Campbell and Carmen 'Gliddon. Flower bearers were Gordon Elliott and Earl Bol- ton. Friends attending from a dist- ance were: Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex. Mc- Kay and Mr, Don '.McKay, Atwood; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher, Atwood; Mrs. S. Gliddon, Mr. Bert Gliddon, Mr. Carmen 'Gliddon, Mr. and Mrs. H, Managhan and 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glazier, all of 'Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McKnight, Brucefield; Mr. and Mrs. William Humphrey, Walton; Mr. and Mrs. R, McKay, Jamestown, and Mrs. Walker, Alliston. The following is the report of S. S. No.' 4, McKillop, for September and October. Those marked with an asterisk have missed one or more ex- aminations: 'Sr. 'IV --George Mc- Clure 84t,, Arthur Henderson 80, Ross Gordon 67 Jr IV—Alma Lawr- ence 80. Jr. III—Lois Henderson 71, James Nash 51, II Class—Maxine Lawrence 53. Sr. I --John Hender- son 67, *Dorothy Huisser 64, *Clay- ton Huisser 52. Prilmer—iBeth Camp- Cardno's Hall Seaforth Tue., Nov.14 The Douglas Players Canada's Premier Dramatic Co. The Well Known Comedy Drama "The Only Wap" The Biggest"Laugh Show on Earth Special Scenery and Lighting Effects Vaudeville Between Acts Singers Dancers Musicians EVERBODY 25c bell, Good.—+M. Wheatley, Teacher. The following is the report of S. S. No. 6: McKillop, for September and October: Sr. IV—Leslie Pryce 78x% Gerald O'Haeva 75. Jr. IV—Rita Duffy 75, Beatrice Pryce 73, Mary Pryce 70, Hazel Sparling 68, Marie Hoegy • 66, Everett Beuermann 63, Wilbur Hoegy 61. Sr. III — Irene 'Connelly 67, Louis' Hoegy 66, Bob Duffl 63,Arvin Pryce 60,Bil]v Little 58, ;Hlector Lamont 51. Sr. II ----Jean Pryce 80, Rita Sloan 58. I—Rita Connelly 78, Margaret Lamont 76, Mervin Beuer•nrann 70, Roy Elliott 68, Leotta Hoegy 62, Celia Steven- son 50. lPriMer—Ssahelle Purcell,, Alvin Pryce, Grace Connelly. Best spellers in each class: Leslie Pryce, Rita Duffy, Louis Hoegy, Jean Pryce, Rita Connelly. — R. Anona Dale,. Teacher. EGMONDVILLE (Mrs, L. Robbins, of Rochester, vis- ited at Ruscoe Farm last week and Miss Bertha Chesney returned with her and will also accompany Mrs. Robbins to St. Petersburg, Florida. Rev. C. A..Malcolm, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. W. F. McMillan and Mrs. John Love were eek end guests with friends in Toronto. 'Mr.' and Mrs. Dave ,'McLean have returned from a ten days' visit with friends in Erie, Pa. Misses Violet Tyndall and AIice Thompson attended the Junior Insti- tute convention in London. Miss S .McCloy visited last week with Toronto friends. 'Mrs, Thomas Grieve is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grieve, in Windsor. 'Mr. James "Chesney is visiting with Hamilton and Toronto friends. Rev, 'W. D. McDonald, Agincourt, called 'on friends in the village this- week. hinweek. IMrs. Ross Chapman and Jimmie, of Brucefield, were week end guests' with Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Coleman. The annual autumn thankoffering. of the Neil Shaw Mission Circle was held in the basement of •the church on Monday evening, with the presi- dent in charge. After the business was discussed, the devotional exer- cises were conducted and Mrs. Cos - ens, of Clinton, as guest speakell, gave a very interesting and helpful address on "A'nswered Prayer." Miss- es Alice Thompson and Gladys Cole- man assisted with the devotional ex- ercises, During the literaryz•! period Miss Mary Stewart sang a solo; 1Miss Violet Tyndall;'played • an instrumen- tal and Miss Margaret Broadfoot gave a reading, after which Miss Alice Thompson sponsored several contests and refreshments were serv- ed, by the Social 'Committee. The Mission Circle members were very pleased to have the McGillvary Aux- iliary from Northside United Church, with them in this their annual aut- umn thankoffering. The evening was 'brought to a close with the singing: of the National Anthelrnl and all re- . peating the Mizpah Benediction. AGAIN - The Thomas McMillan Young Liberal Club have acceded to the public demand and will repeat the big•' EUCHRE & DANCE In Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, on Friday, November 17 at 8.00 p.m. isinomam • Excellent prizes for euchre • A luscious lunch • • • the best of music for Old and New -Time Dancing • • • The last was good—this will be b' tter. ADMISSION: 35c Each. Tickets at the door or from any member. • • A 4 A