HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-10-27, Page 471,347MKP, 44C°•: P.- 1 • :1 HURON EXPOSITOR • "Huron's Leading Weekly" Established 18_60 Keith McPhail McLean, Editor. ,POlished-at Seaforth, Ontario, ev- ery Thursday afternoon by McLean, Bros.' 'Subscription rate, $1.50 a year in advance; foreige, $2.00 a year. Single copies, 4 cents each. Advertising rates on application. ,Members of the Canadian -Weekly Newspaper Association, Class A Weeklies of Canada, and the Huron County Press Association. SEAFORTH, Friday, October 27th. :.,":4•,,-417SIMATTY:rfs";•rirofftWo..a.,.. thing—far too much. If the weather man would just deep a little now about the middle of De- cember to heighten the Christmas cheer 'end thee withdraw it shortly after the New Year, it would just be about right. 'However, we should not complain or grumble too much. These are far worse things than snow, and the weather man has the disposal of a good many of them. But, really, six inches 'or a foot of snow in the 'middle of October is just a bit early even in Canada. • The Bpe Elections ThrerRe-elections to fill vacancies in the House of Commons were held on Monday of this week. Of these vacancies one was in NetyPrunswick; one in Quebec, and one in Saskatchewan, and 'the....orsin- ions expressed ,by' the electors in these three constituencies might fair- ly be taken as the expression of pub- lic opinion across Canada. Viewed in this light there are three things which stand out. One Is that Government as administered by Mr. Bennett is 'becoming increasingly un- popular. That the people of Canada have lost confidence 'in the present Government and in the Premier's ability.to fulfill his many promises. 'A second is that people are turn- ing to the policy of the Liberal party as the only hope they see of bringing arder out of chaos and a return of good times. Arid a third is that the new C, C. F. party, led 'by Mr. Woodsworth and Miss Agnes 1VIacpheil'is a much over rated threat t•o the two party system of government, even in the Western Province where. it was born. • Considering the ecnistituency in which the C. C. F. chose to make their first appearance and the can- didate they had at their disposition, the result was a surprising if not an amazing revelation. • The constituency of Mackenzie, in Saskatchewan, has been •Ptogressive for over ten years, and if the C. C. F. party could not win there with a candidate possessing the ability and wide advertising that Judge Stubbs has received, their chances at the next general election would .not era' "year to be very bright, to -say the least. The result of the bye elections, .while they add three new Liberal members to the House of Commens, will net,.... however, embarrass great- ly, as far as -majority goes, the Ben- nett administration, as the Govern- nsent still possess a majority of twenty-nine seats over all others. If .the Government is not satisfied with the results of the elections held this week, and wish to get an opin- ion from the electors of Ontario, the opportunity of doing so is theirs at any time, as there is a vacancy in the constituency of South Oxford. to date, however, there .is no men- tion of a day being set or an Oxford bye elecfion, and it is just possible, considering present conditions and the prevailing. direction of the 'wind by which the straws are blown, that Mr. Bennett will be quite satisfied to let his majority rest at twent:y-nine. Adnocate Changes. Hands After being in the hands of the Davis family for nearly three quar- ters of a century. the Mitchell Advo- cate, one of the brightest of the On- tario weekly papers, has passed into new hands. " The new editor is Mr. Gordon V. Mounteer, a fanner publisher of the Trenton Courier -Advocate. The Advocate was founded in Mit- chell on April 7th, 1360, by the late W. R. Davis and his brother, the late J. E. Davis, and since 1893 has been owned and edited :by W. R. Davis, and his son, Mr. H. D. Davis, who has ably edited the paper alone for the' past eleven years. The weekly press of Ontario will sincerely regret the retirement of Editor "Hal" and his genial presence will be missed from among their number at the County, Provincial and Dominion gatherings, but at the same time it will extend a cordial welcome to the Advocate's new editor, Mr. Mounteer. The Snow Fall Was Earlp The snow fall of Tuesday seems to have been fairly general over the whole of Canada, and varied from an inch or two in some districts to a foot or more in others. It was not a record, however, the weather man says, as snow falls of equal depths have :been recorded much, • earlier in October and even in Sep- tember. 'Who tares about a record anyway? The snow on Tuesday was quite early enough to suit Mr. Average Citizen, and quite too early for the majority of PeoVe- To ,he sure, snow often serves a very Usefid purpose and ,Ifis its place in Canadian history; song and Apra, bast One an Irate too much of a 'good SEEING ENGLAND (Continued from page 1) Tuesday was a marvellous day from beginning to end. The tourna- ments for deck games began .with. mush gusto, with "the immortal five" entered in everything. At night we had a gala dinner to celebrate the Shed anniversary of the Cunard Line. Wasn't it obliging of them.? The dinner dance was a huge success with hats, horns, etc., not to mention the nsenti. Later on, there was such a good dance—the "eligibles" trip the light fantastic very well. The Old Man in the Moon is the best sport; he's been beaming in full force every night. Oh, the ship romances: Wednesday morning I had to bite the dust. Roxy polished me off in deck tennis and Bobbie Stuart left me gasping after shuffle -board. There couldn't be a better crowd of people —all so interesting and friendly. I think we'll be torced to watch our Jean. She seems to be geeing French on us. Yesterday was just like a day at the seashore, it was so warm and sunny, and mid-Atlantic at that. There wasn't a ripple on the water. In the evening we played "keno" un- til we lost forty cents (big stakes) and ' decided it was a nit -wit game. The" Captain took Roxy and me on for ping-pong. Hes the worst blarney I ever met. To -day, after lunch, he visited our cabin to see that we were all comfortable and happy. Wasn't that nice? A bad fog blew up early this morning and that wailing fog horn moaned and groaned from 5 a.m. until 6.30 with- out stopping for breath. There was a delightful tea dance this afternoon, while to -night is the ship concert. Three of us have to take the collection. I'll•be continuing this epistle when the big masquerade becomes a reality. Now it's time for me to pick up the thread again. We saw. Eddy- stone •Lighthouse this morning at 7.30 and sailed into Plymouth Har- bor about eight bells. It was so rough we had to go right in past the breakwater. After waving the fond farewell to my departing friends, ..I ran back to, bed, because that's a very early rising hour fosssone of rny deli- cate constitution. Besides, I had been up until 2.30 a.m. the night be- toresalooking for the Scilly Islands, Silly 'me! The masquerade was rather damp- ened by a hefty sea. so that few could make the grade for dinner. Our table donned the officers' jackets and. hats with white skirts, and did we have fun? Eating was a rather risky business, I must admit. I told. D. M— to put cocoa and cold cream on his face and he's never quite for- given me—he went as a sheik. The sea has folded his wings and gone to bed; right now I can -just distinguish the lights of the French ?oast_ " Probablgs we shall be at Havre about nine o'clock. A big thrill this afternoon! The, Ca'Ptain took the five of us and Mrs."'Wheat !es. on a tour of inspection to the briclge.• Crazy .Jean telephoned to. the man in the Crow's Nest and ask- ed. him how he was After fingering .he charts and poking our noses into the compasses, we decided the ship a as well run. One other day we went "down below"—miles down it -seemed on such steep little ladders. Oh, Min; what heat! I'm sure it was at least 150 degrees in the Shade! Havre was the most beautiful sight with its big revolving searchlights and the myriad of little \ .lights, stretching along to the Seine River, where you could see the lights., of Deanville. The babble of foreign tongues and the general hubbub of harbor excitement soon made us re- alize that a new country was reach- ed. Three cheers for Roxy, who em- erged -victorious in the deck tennis after quite 'a serious battle. It's packirig now, so that I'll be able to enjoy the trip up the Thames o -mor- row. I do want to see the chalk cliffs of Dover. As ever, MARION. A CONSTANCE The anniversary services held here on Sunday last and conducted by Rev. J. W. Button, of Goderich, were decided success. Scarcely, if ever, since the opening of the church, was there so large an audience assembled. The whole community turned out in full force to enjoy these services and to honor the presiding minister, who was a former Constance boy. Rev. Button delivered two sermons of beau- tiful spiritual truth, veritable master- pieces of thought, versed in the sim- plest language that even the children could appreciate it., this being the attitude that makes an influential speaker. In the 'evening the dis- course was directed to the younger class. We who knew him so well from childhood days, can easily say that his life is a shining example and should be an inspiration to all young •people. The community is doubly proud of him because he 'is a self-made man. Miss Ivy Simmons has accepted an invitation to assist in the services of song in First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. ,MO.' and Mrs. Jack Buaby, of Chat - hard; spent a few days at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Robert Lawson. Mr. Bill Dale of Toronto is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dale. Mis Ferguson, teacher Of Bandon school, spent the week with her friend, Miss :Gawky, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britton. 7n, rov, • THE HURON EXPOSITOR 10" Sels-'4,1,-,,,,p,..,:sist,,-"S4,(Srli'n.ss.,.•''..s".•••,..s".•4,,,- /7.7F775,1196i8ST:l6r1r,5WliF40TriTi9nOW",WeTIMI:Frwr"---.Y.T.•45 t OCTOBER 27, 1.933. LOOKING OVER THE DISTRICT NEWS % Rev. and Mrs. Button and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter and Mr. and Mrs. G. Wheatley. aVIr. and Mrs. Justin :Sinclair visit- ed over the week end at the home of Mr. Leo Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Carless, Dorothy and Alvin and Miss Cameron, of Clinton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Britton on Sunday. Messrs. Leo Stephenson, Howard Armstrong and Mr. Woods of Londes- boro, breeders of pure bred Durham cattle, visited some of the big herds near Toronto. :Mr. Owen Flynn of the 4th con•ces- :don, died on Thursday morning. Mr. Flynn for years lived on a farm west of Kinburn. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Anderson, of Walton, were guests of Mt. and Mrs".' E. Adams on Sunday. Rev. M. Holmes and D. Fowler, of Clinton, and Mr. Adams, Kinburn, went -• on a hunting exise.diition fon Thursday last. The anniversary services 'of the 'United Church, Constance, on Sun- day, October 22nd, was condunted by Rev. J. W. Button, of Fordwich, one of our boys, of whom we are justly proud. He was born and received his early education here, afterwards entering the ministry. ,At both the morning and evening services the church was filled to capacity to hear the message and no one went away disappointed. The morning text was taken from Deut. 32-11. "As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth her wings, so the Lord alone did lead them." The evening text was from Proverbs 4-23. "Keep thy heart with all dili- gence, for out of it are the 'issues of life." The choir assisted in the ser. vices of song. The morning anthem was "We Give Thanks," and the duet "Marvellous Grace," was renderedby Mrs. P. Lindsay and Mrs. B. B. Steph- enson. There was also a sextette, "Just As I Am," by Miss I. Simmons, Mrs. Leo. Stephenson, Mrs. Simmons, Mrs.. E. Dorrance, Mrs. B. B. Steph- enson, Mrs. Wim. Britton. In the evening the choir sang two anthems, "I Lift 11p 'Mine Eyes to Thee," and "Thy-, Will be Done," with solo part by Mr. 'Anderson Scott. A quartette "One :Sweetly Solemn Thought," was sung by Miss Ivy Simmons, airs. Wm. Britton, Mr. Wm. Britton and Mr. George Wheatley. The fowl supper on Tuesday evening was very success- ful, even though the weather was not very favorable which kept a few away. The church was filled to over- flowing. The ladies served a wond- erful supper. The. Blyth orchestra played while dinner was being served. Mr. Gardiner was chairman and spoke a few well chosen words. .Mr's. Lawson, of Clinton, sang two pleasing solos and Mrs. Sinclair, of_ Brigden, delighted the. audience with two numbers on the banjo and mouth organ. A play. entitled, "Tthe Path Across the Hills." was given by Blyth talent. The programme was much appreciated by all. On Wednesday a 10 and 15 cent dinner was held and a social time spent when the follow- ing program was rendered: Instru- mental, Leo Stephenson on the. vio- lin, Mrs. Stephenson on the guitar, Mrs. Sinclair, banjo and mouth or- gan, and Mrs. Ferguson on the piano; solo. Mr. George Wheatley, accompanied by 'Mrs, ,Wheatley; read- ing by Rev, Gardiner; duet by Cleta Medd and Mrs. Ferguson; solo Mr. Britton, accompanied by Mr . Britton; three old-timers played the violin, namely: Messrs. Geo. Wheat- ley, Williams Britton and Charles Riley; recitation by Mrs. Ernest Ad- ams; This was followed, by com- munity singing. The program closed with "God Be With You Till We Meet Again," with Ella Dexter at the piano. .The proceeds amounted 'to $250.00. y ELIMVILLE Rev. J. R. Peters, Messrs Allen Johns and Squire Herdman, and the Misses Lavana Cooper and Margaret Johns attended the Y. P. 'S. conven- tion held at Auburn last Friday. 'Mr, and 'Mrs. Fred Ford, Reggie and Billie, of Eden; Mr. and Mas. P. Whitlock, of Thames Road, anclaMr. Keith' Ford, of London, were Sunday visitors with relatives here. A bale of clothing is to be packed on Friday to be sent to Regina. Food stuffs were collected and sent in the car from Exeter the first ,of the week. The W, M. S. held their monthly meeting at Mr's. Wellington Skinner's on Wednesday of last week. Eleven members were present. The ladies of the W. M. S. also the W. A. pre- sented Mrs. Ern. Foster, of Whalen, with a quilt each, as she lost a large amount of bedding when their home was demolished in June. KIPPEN Mr. James Mustard and son Janies, Jr., motored to Chicago recently, tak- ing in the Century of Progress Ex- position which they enjoyed very much. • They retulmed by way of De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Monteith are bGerianngv,isited by their friend from Granton. Quite a fine numfber of ladies of the W. 'M. S. of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church attended and took part in the W. M. S. meeting at Hensall on Thursday afternoon, where they were very hospitably entertained by the Hensall Auxiliary. IRev. Mr, 'Morrow, of Cavan Unit- ed Church, McKillop, will have charge of the services in St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church on Sunday next at eleven o'clock. Rev. E. F. Chandler will have charge of special anniversary services of that place. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fairbairn and Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross Love and daugh- ter, 'Helen, attended the funeral of the former's brother, thelate George Fairbairn, 'Reim% which was held on 'Sunday afternoon last, Mr. and MTS. Joe Daymad and family spent a lday in Loudon re-) 'Mr. W. Forrest and daughter, Miss Beth, of Clinton, visited with their cousins, Mr. and 'Mrs. James Mus- tard and family recently. The Busy Bees Mission Circle of St. Andrew's United Church, will hold their regular monthly meeting' at the home of Miss Margaret Jones on Saturday. afternoon, October 28, at 2.30 o'clock. This is a sewing !meeting so the girls are requested to please bring their needle and thimble. 'Miss Jean Bell is spending a week's vacation with relatives at Glen Al- len. 'Mrs. Walter McCullough spent Sun- day with friends. MTs. J. C. Bell spent a few days recently in Forest. The ladies of the West Branch of the W. M. S. held a very successful quilting in the Sunday school audi- torium on Friday afternoon last. On. Sunday morning last Rev. Bow- en, of the London Bible Society, brought a very interesting Message to the congregation of St. Andrew's United Church. The Misses Mary and Florence Thomson sang a duet, "I'M a Child of the King." The Y. P. S. of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church intend holding their open- ing meeting on November 5th. A 'very generous response was made on Monday last when all dona- tions were loadeds.at 'Hensall for the relief of those in the drought striken area of the Western Provinces. The committee in charge did their duties splendidly. Mr. and Mrs. E. Parker and son, Robert, of Mitchellawere visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs. G. E. Thomson and family recently. FARM NOTES Salt Costs Less in Ontario "Ontario farmers will likely use more salt in their farm operations, particularly in live stock •production in the future," Colonel Thomas L. Kennedy, Ontario Minister of Agri- culture, ,announcedi recently. "The salt companies have just announced a reduction in the cost of fine salt for fai'in purposes of about $1.57 per ton at the wells. This will narrow the discrepancy between the price salt is sold to packers and manufac- turers and that to farmers for stock, raising and other farm purposes." "Some time ago, at the request of the United Farmers' Co-operative Company, the Ontario Marketing Board made some,enquiries into the situation and urged on the salt com- panies that a larger turnover of salt on farms would prove. profitable to them provided a reduction in price was made to bring more in line the cost of salt to farmers and to pack- ers." "The reduction of approximate:IA.- 20 per cent. in the price of fine salt in bulk takes effect immediately. In view of the large volume of salt sold yearly to farmers this will mean quite considerable savings on this ac- count and doubtless will stimulate in- creased purchases of this article at the same time." BRUCEFIELD 'Mrs. Alex. Broadfoot, Mill Road, entertained alrut twenty-five young ladies on October 20th in honor Of Miss Flora Souter, • whose wedding took place on Wednesday, October 25. During the evening "Cootie" was played with Miss Mary McNaughton scoring high. A mock wedding was held when Miss Dorothy Broadfoot was the grooms Miss Anne Mc- Naughton, bride; Mist Jean Smith, minister; Lois Richardson, flower girl, and Greta Broadfoot, played the wedding march. after which the bride elect received. her gifts. Lois Rich- ardson presented the bride-to-be with a bouquet. A delicious lunch was served. Dowson-Souter. —, The marriage took place at the Manse, Brucefield, on Wednesday, October 25th. when Flora Sinclair Souter, younger daugh- ter of !Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Souter, of Brucefield, was united in marriage to Orrin E. Dowson, son of Mr. W. H. Dowson and the late Mrs. Dowson, of Varna. Rev. W. A. Bremner of- ficiated. The bride was 'becomingly attired in a brawn swagger suit of Havana brown, felt hat and other accessories to match. She 'carried a bouquet of ferns, gladioli and lily of the valley: 'She was attended by Miss Dorothy Broadfoot, who wore a wine colored gown and hat and black accessories to match. Mr. James Souter, brother of the bride'acted as groomsman. limmedtately after the ceremony the hapipy ecsaple left amid Showers of confetti and good wishes for Hamilton, Toronto, Flinton and other eastern points. Brucefield Wins.—Brucefield school team defeated Varna 2-1 in a game of football on Friday last at No. 10 school rounds. 'Brucefield had a de- cided edge on the play in the first half, scoring after two minutes of play when Wilson sifted one past the Varna goalie. In the second half Austin evened the score for Varna, but ten minutes later Ditot, beat the Varna defence and seored. Jack Aik- enhead refereed the game. In the four games Brucefield have played this season, they have 'scored eleven goals with only one scored against them. The teams: Varna --Goal, W. Smith; backs, Ken Jones, C. Pilgrim; 'halves, H. Chuter; R. Elliott,' D. Rathwell; forwards, B. Chuter, H. Reid; J. Smith, G. Horner, B. Austin. Brucefield — Goal, Cornish; backs, A. Mustard, W. Burdge; halves, J. Mustard, H. Collin's, A. Thomson; forwards, A. Ditot, G. Swan, R. Aldwinckle, G. rWlilson, H. Taylor; subs Yeoman Aldwinckle. Anniversary services will be held in the United Church text Sunday, October 29th. The preacher for the day will be Rev. MeCraik, of Gode- rich, Victoria Street Church.' Morn- ing service at 11 a.m. and evening service at 7.8() pan. Suitable music will be furnished by the choir, and a special offering is asked for. .. A Ms's. Taylor, of St. Clair, Michi, gan, returned home last wees after spending the past few weeks with her sisters, 'Mrs. Brock and Mrs. Jamieson and other friends. Nurse Hohner retuaned home last week from Exeter, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. George Hill returned to her home recently after spending the past few Months with friends in Stratford and Forest. Little Kenneth Scott, son of Mr. aad aVIrs. Ross Scott, is in Seaforth Memorial Hospital at present, where he was operated on for appendicitis last week. We hope to hear of his speedy recovery. Mrs. Walters, of ,Gisderich, and Mrs. Halpenny, of Wroxeter, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Moodie. An auto load of ladies attended the sectional meeting of the W. M. S., which was held in Moncrieff last Monday. They reported a very in- teresting and profitable meeting, The next meeting is to be held in Eg- mondville. The fifty-seventh anniversary ser- vices of Brucefield United Church will be held next Sunday, October 29th. Rev. F. W. Craik, of Goderich, will be the special speaker at both ser- vices„at 11 am. and 7.30 p.m. 'Men's Club.—At the October meet- ing of the Men's Club Dr. Lionel Stevenson, of Guelph 0. A. C., gave a very interesting and educational ad- dress on the Warble Fly and other parasites which are the cause of much' .financial loss to farmers and cattle men annually. He also spoke of the various methods of control, stressing the fact that the govern- ent supply the materials at cost and contribute their assistance in fighting these pests. On Thursday evening, November 2nd, M. Ian Mc- Leod, the Agricultural Representative for this district, will be the special speaker and it is expected that some effort will be made to organize the farmers with a 'view to controlling the parasites in this district. ZURICH A sitting, of the Tenth Division Court was held here on Tuesday with Judge T. M. Costello presiding. A number, of cases involving disputes in 'regard to accounts were disposed of. Messrs. J. G. ,Stanbury, Exeter, end F. Donnelly, Goderich, barristers, were also present.' A chicken supper, under the aus- pices of the local R. C. Church,°will be held in the town hall on Thurs- day evening of • this week. On Thursday evening of next •week the annual fowl supper of the local; EvangeNcal Church will be held in the shed. An interesting program will be given after the supper. .Mr. and Mrs. A. Dietrich, of Ay- ton, spent the week end at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ruby. - Mr. aid Mrs. J. Straus and chil- dren, of Kitchener, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Thiel on Sunday. Messrs. C. Greb, W. Dumart and J. Bean, of Kitchener, spent Monday here and enjoyed the 'day hunting rabbits. 'Mr. W. Goulding, A.T.C.:1,1, of Ex- eter, has organized a class ,in music in the village. The news of the death of Mr. Cecil Gill, aged 23 years, of near Grand Bend, which took place at a London hospital on Sunday morning aftep,,an illness of only a few days, waN a great shock to his friends in this sedlion. The late Mr. 'Gill was a fonmer resident of Hay . town- ship and was a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turnbull, of the Blue Water Highway. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre, Mr. Matthew Tinney and Homer Tinney pent Saturday at Rodney. (Rev W. A. Young, pastor of Carniel Presbyterian Church, in the early hours of Sunday last suffered a very acute attack of appendicitis and was quickly taken by one of 'our local doctors to -Scott Memorial Hos- pital at Seaforth, where an opera- tion was very 'successfully perform- ed, and he is resting nicely and do- ing as well as could be expected. That the attack came on very unex- pectedly is evidenced that Mr. Young had arranged to exchange du- ties that very morning with Rev. Dr. Black, o'f Sarnia, who was tO preach special services for the young peo- ple. 'A very .pleasant social evening was spent by the A. Y. P. A, of St. Paul's Anglican 'Church on Monday evening last, 'when an illustrated ad- dress was given by Capt. Morris, al- so musical numbers by the boys. Games, followed by refreshments, 'brought a fine social evening to a close. At the meeting of the Young Peo- ple's League in the school room of the United Church a fine social even- ing was spent. Rev, Mr. Elliott, of Main Street United :Church at -Exe- ter, gave a most interesting address on the subject of ,"Music." Dr. Ivan Smillie, as president, presided over the meeting and a fine literary and musical 'program was much enjoyed. In the school room) of Carmel Presbyterian Church the Youths' Wel- fare Club met with Miss Edna Gill presiding over the meeting, the topic being the life of John Geddy, and a pleasant social evening was spent. 'Municipal matters are already en- • gaging the attention of our ratepays ers and Much appreciation is felt that the taxes will be much lower this year than for the past, as some of the debentures have been paid off for the paving of :Main Street, and the couneil has also managed pretty economically. Members of the United rch. choir have been invited to con ute a number Of musical nurrob4T and alga literary at the fowl suppe -to beheld in the United .Church. at Centralia on Thursday evening of this week. A full earload of provisions of all kinds was Made up and sent from this station the first part of the week _for the needy ones in the Saskatchewan district, The contents of this car was made up by contributions from tat only our village, where it was loaded, but alio from the neighbor- ing villages and district, and will in- deed be a Godsend to many fine in- dustrious farmers and others in the West, who from) year to year have lost their crops and suffered other hardships. :Our local churches are looking for- ward to fowl suppers and other en- tertainment in the near future, while our local 'fraternal societies are plan- ning for interesting meetings now that the fall months are on, and to be followed by the winter ones which always insure a larger attendance. We had the early part of this week what is termed squaw 'winter and which it is hoped, will be followed by a nice stretch of Indian summer. The Young People's League of the United Church will hold a Hallowe'en social in the •basement of the church next Monday evening, October 30th. A splendid programme is being pre- pared and refreshments will be serv- ed. The death occurred last Friday evening of George ,Fairbairn, who resides on the London Road, South, a short distance front Hensel'. The deceased who was in his 68th year, was not in the best of health this past summer, 'but it was not until four weeks ago that he took very ill with pneumonia and an opetation was performed upon himsthe evening of his death about 10 o'clock by two London doctors and Or. Fletcher, of Exeter, in the hopes that it would prove beneficial to hint. He came through the operation nicely, but passed away a few hours after from shock. The furieral was 'held from his late residence on Sunday after- noon and was conducted by Rev. Ar- thur Sinclair, pastor of the United Church. Interment was made in Mc- Taggart's cemetery. Mr. Fairbairn was married twice, his first wife be- .ing Agnes Simmons, and to that un- ion three children survive: Mrs. Joe Hudson, Hensall; :William, of near Hensall, and Allie, high school teach- er, of Tillsonburg. . His second wife, formerly Mabel Simmons, survives him together with a family of five daughters and one son, namely: .Mrs. O'Brien, of Clinton; Mrs. Cliff Brint- nell, of Exeter; Agnes, Clarence, Shirley and Mabel, at home Sur- viving hint -are five sisters: Mrs. Jas. A. Bell, of 'Hensall; 'Mrs. Alex. Buch- anan, of Hensall; :Mrs. MaTaggart, of Saskatchewan; 'Mrs. Dalrymple, of Moose Jaw, Sask., and Mrs. Moir, of the West, ana four brothers, :Wal- ter Fairbairn, Hensall; John of Snow- flake, Man.; Elliott, of 'Snowflake, Man., and Bob, of the Wiest. The W.M.S. of the United Church held their monthly meeting on Thurs- day afternoon and entertaining • as their guests the W. M. S. Secietie's of Kippen and Chiselhurst. The base- ment was very nicely decorated for the occasion, and the meeting was presided over 'by Mrs. sCooper, of Kippen, president of that society, and Mrs. C. A. McDonald, of Hensall so- ciety. The opening hymn, "Breathe on Me, Breath of God," was followed by prayer and Bible lesson by Mrs. • L Mellis, of Kippen. A paper on "Our Work For Christ" was given by Mrs. Monteith. A duet, "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer" was sung by 'Mrs. M. Drysdale end Mrs. G. Hess, with Miss 'G. Laramie at the piano. A mlap talk on medical missions in Canada was given \ by Mrs. °handler, of Kippen. A duet, "God's Hand is Everywhere," wasa given by Miss Florence Thomson and .Jean 'liaison, with 'Mrs. McLean , as :accompanist. One of the pleasing features of the afternoon wag' the delightful address dealing with the work of the Missionary Society in different lands 'and was given by Mrs. Gardiner, of Londesboro. Fol- lowing the closing hymn and prayer, a dainty lunch was served with Mrs. Alex. Buchanan and Mrs. William Dougall pouring tea from a nicely decorated table. Votes of thanks were given by Mrs. Chandler, of * Kippen, and Mrs. 'Cuclin,ore, 'of Chis- elhurst. Mr. J. T. Mitchell, who had the misfortune a few years ago to in- jure his ankle, has had a reoccurrence of the trouble. Dr. Collyer had him taken to Seaforth Memorial Hospital for an X-ray and a slight operation was performed, which will, no clorebt, prove of much help to him. At pres- ent he is resting nicely at his home , here. The funeral of the late George Fairbairn ,was held on Sunday after- noon from his late fiornA and was most largely attended, y coming from a long distance last tribute of respect to one theirwhe was so well end favorably known as one of the early farmers of this dis- trict. The service was conducted by the Rev. A. Sinclair, pastor of the United Church at Hensel"; who spokess—a- most feelingly and highly of the de- ceased. The pallbearers were his four sons and two sons-in-law, their names being as follows: 'Sons; Wil- liam, Elliott, Clarence and Fred; the sons-in-law, Clifford Brintnell and Joseph Hudson. The floral tributest • were many and most beautiful. The remains were interred in the family plot at McTaggart's Cemetery. The services in Carmel Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday last were whet is 'termed Young People's service and were most largely attended both morning and evening, and were con- ducted by Rev. Dr. Black, of Sarnia, who delivered intensely interesting and profitable sermons, particularly addressed to the young people. The large choir was composed of chil- dren andthere were two anthems; a fine number of six voiOes, and a quartette. In the United Church Rev. Mr. Sinclair delivered two good discours- es and the singing by the choir was very good. In the evening an an- them was rendered, Mr. W. 0. Good- win, leader of the choir, taking very ably the solo part. 'In St. Paul's Anglican Church the services were taken by Capt. Morris 'very acceptably and• a pleasina, duet was rendered by Mrs. W. 0. Good- ' win and Miss Beryl Drummond. 'A number. of the Oddfellows from ' Hensall and district attended the late district meeting held at Bruce - field ,a couple of days ago and report a ,fine attendance and a mast inter- estingsseasion. A S1500 car' for just about half that cost. Driveit yourself—and see! Seaforth, Ont. Phone 102 TORONTO SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4th csnanagas Usual half faro.. Tickets $2.30 good in ' CO nob.* only. F r 0 Rem turoSeaforth No baggage checked. "CENT .k1' ittli-Round Trip Bargain Fare Tickets also on tiale , .„;',,';',.... • same'dete' to following stations .1.N1) ALL 'INTERMEDIATE POINTS ATTRACTION Men deissohn Choir Concert 'TBE ELIJAH" .... Toronto, Saturday, Nov. 4 GODERICH SARNIA ELORA GUELPH KITCHENER STRATFORD Tickets bit5grw PALMERSTON OWEOUND WIAR'PON SOUTHAMPTON KINCARDINE to Hamilton honored TRENTON BELLEVILLE NAPANEE KINGSTON BROCKVILLE LISTOWIEL either via direct LONDON HAMILTON NIA Gkreit FALLS OSHAWA PORT HOPE COI1OURG line or Toronto Farm 80c higher than to Toronto —EXCURSION TICKETS WILL BE HONORED -- 1, GOING• RETURNING Sat., Nov. 4—An TRAINS. 'riche& Tickets valid to return leaving destina- not good on Trains 6 or 20-553 east of tion up to ani including Toronto. MONDAY, NOV. 6th FOR SPECIFIC FARES TO ALL POINTS, TRAIN INFORMATION. Tickets not good on Train 552-37 into TICKETS Toronto nor on Train 15. See nearest G.N.R. Agent.—Wililiam• Plant, Seaforth, Phone 44. CANADIAN NATIONAL (T-221) ts - •