HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-10-20, Page 8TOM
,tia tele
• ,. • .
sess eeeeetesS
• ' •
, I
A real Tonic to build up your
system to withstand Winter
20 -oz. BOTTLE, $1.00
Williams' Palm Soap—A real
cake of soap.
8 cakes, 25c
• Princess Soap
Large package and 2
Olive Soap; all for
SOAP CHIPS -3 pounds
•, •
2 pounds for
SELOX-2 packages
' for
Or 2 pounds for 27c
per pound
C•114EA.T STAR FLOUR—Our best
per cwt.
per package
Special. 69 cents.
Keating's Pharmacy
,12 -oz. jar
6 for
Batter, Eggs and Cream taken as
Cream taken for the Seaforth Cream-
ery at the same price as paid at
the Creamery.
All Coupons given out by Hutchison's
must be in by November 1et,.
Are 'You Protected?
Our protection covers Fire,
Life, Automobile, Burglary,
Windstorm, Accident, and
Sickness, and all other lines.
•Watson &Reid
Phone 214 : Seaforth
Specialists in All Lines of.
0 o 0 0 A o 0 0 0 0 0.
S. T. Hohnes & Son
O Main Street, Seaforth.
O S. T. Holmes' residence,
"Goderich Street, West; phone
0 No. 119W. Charles Holmes'
A residence, Goderich Street.
.0 East; phone No. 308.
Ambulance Service
0 Night calls, Phone 308.
0 Day calls, Phone 119J.
Charges moderate.
0 0 <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Licensed Embalmer
Ambulance Service
0 Night Calls Day Calls 0
A Phone 175 Phone 43 0
A 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 o o 0
• i"
O 00000000000
• 'WALKER'S <>
0 W. J. WALKER and
0 Lionised Embalmers and
Funeral Directors. .0
0 Day or Night Calls promptly 0
attended. 0
PHONE 67 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A
Geo. R. McCartney, Seaforth - Pres.
James Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres.
Mitten A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas.
W. E. Hinehley, Seaforth; John
(Wityrayi R. A: 3, 'Seaforth; E. R. G.
Jarmouth, Brodhagen; James Watt,
Blyth; C. E. Hetritt, Kincardine.
William Knox,' Londeshoro; George
lideonhart, Brodhagen; James Con-
tiolly, Alex. Btdadfoot, No.
Seaforth; Robert Perris, Myth;
rge MeCirrtney, No, 3, Sonfortil;
Fepper, Btqcefield; James ShOl.
yin; ThOtriaS 'goyim, No. 5,
The Rexall Drug Store
Hold Successful Tea.—The Barbara
Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presby-
terian Church held a very successful
tea in the school room of the church
on Thursday of last week. The pro-
ceeds amounted to $31.00.
Hold Fowl Supper.—A very suc-
cessful fowl supper and, bazaar was
held in St. James' school on Wednes-
day afternoon and evening. The af-
fair was sponsored 'by the Catholic
Women's League.
Home and School Association Will
Hold Special Meeting.—A special bus-
iness meeting of the Home and School
Association will be held in the public
school on Friday afternoon, October
20th, at four o'clock. sharp. It is re-
quested that all members be present.
Wins C. W. L. Gold Piece. — Miss
Margaret, Carroll. a pupil of St.'
James' Separate School, was success-
ful in winning the five dollar gold
piece given by the Catholic 'omen's
League to the one obtaining the high-
est marks in the recent Collegiate
Entrance examinations.
„Of.:,,,•1",..1, •
[by Rev. R. A. Facey, in the presence
of the immediate families and friends
from Detroit, Wingham, "Kitchen,
Listowel, Seaforth and Drayton. The
bride, who was given in marriage by
her father, was prettily gowned in
bridal crepe with yoke of embroider-
ed net, her bridal veil being worn in
coronet fashion, and she carried Tal-
isman roses. Little Miss Wanda
Jack acted as flower girl, while the
wedding march was played by the
bride's sister, Mrs. 'Cele' Jack, and
during the signing of the register,
Miss Mae Thompson sang, "I Love
You Truly." Following the ceremony
the Wedding dinner was served in
the dining room, which was prettily
decorated in pink and white, the
bride's friends assisting being Miss
Mary Walker, Miss Edna Lavery,
Miss Jean Smith, Miss Lillian Wright,
Miss Evelyn McKay, Misses Annie
and Jean Christie and Miss Lenore
Hammond. Later 'Mr. and Mrs.
Christie left on a honeymoon trip to
Niagara and other points and on
their return will make their home in
Seaforth. The groom's gift. to the
bride was silverware; to„ the flower
girl, signet ring; to the pianist, sil-
ser candle sticks, and the soloist,
coffee spoons.
Announcement.—Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Souter, o f Brucefield, announce
the engagement of their daughter,.
Florence Sinclair. to Orrin E. ,Dow -
son, son of Mr. William H. Dowson
and the late Mrs. Dowson, Varna, the
marriage to take place quietly in
To Hold Joint Thankoffering. — A
jdint 'meeting of the Barbara .eKirk-
man Auxiliary and the Women's Mis-
sionary Society will he held on Tues-
day, October. 24th, at 3 p.m. in First
Presbyterian Church. This will be
the annual Thankoffering and Miss
McConnell, a returned missionary
from India, 'will be the speaker. A
special invitation is extended to all'
the ladies.
Relative Dies in London.—Mr. Jos.
Heffernan and Miss Margaret Heffer-
nan received word on Monday of ,the'
death of their uncle, Mr. Clarence
Barrie, which sad event occurred that
day in St. Joseph's Hospital, London.
Mr. Barrie, who was a life long resi-
dent of NleGillivray Township, was in
his 80th year. The funeral was held
on Thursday from St. Peter's Roman
tatholic Church, McGilliV-ray, and
was attended by both Mr. and Miss
'St. James' Arts Club. — The bi-
monthly meeting of St. James' Arts
Club was held Friday last with Miss
Vera Nolan in the chair. The lead-
ing of the minutes 'by the secretary
was followed by a business discus-
sion. The president, Mr. Leo Hagan,
outlined a progressive course pf ac-
tion for the coming season and
thanked the Club for his return to
office as president. A program, in-
cluding a 'talk on "The Evolution of
the Automobile" by Mr. Arthur Dev-
ereaux; a piano solo by Miss Frances
Fortune, and a reading by Mr. Cyril
Flannery was concluded with com-
munity singing.
Phillips-Govenlock.—College Street
'United Church, Toronto, was the
scene of a pretty wedding ori Sat-
urday, October 14th, when Margaret
Elizabeth. daughter of Mr. John M.
Govenlock (exiM.P.P.) and Mrs. Gov.-
enlock, of Seafortb, became the bride
of Mr. Samuel—L. Phillips, son of
Mrs. Phillips, Forst, Ont.,' and the
late Newman A. Phillips. The cere-
meiny was performed bythe Rev. D.
Carswell. The bride was attended by
her sister, Miss Edith Govenlock and
Mr. J. Byron Brown was groomsman.
-Following the wedding luncheon at
the Royal York Hotel, Mr. and Mrs.
Phillips left for Montreal. On their
return they will reside at Polk Manor,
Detroit, Mich.
Young People Organize. The
young people of First Presihs-terian
Church met in the school room last
Monday evening and organized for
the coming year. The officers of the
organization are: President, James
Scott; vice-presid;ent, Margaret Drov-
er; .secretary, Glen 'Heys; treasurer,
Mona McGregor. The following are
convenors of consmitteele: 'Devotion-
al and Missionary, Margaret Smith;
Membership, Lorne Pinkney; Liter-
ary,. Ian Mic'Lean; Social, Mary Reid;
pianist, Kathleen Stewart; assistant
pianist, Kathleen Storey, The next
meeting will ;be held on Monday
night, October 23rd, at eight o'clock,
and will he in the form of a social
Christie-Thompson.—The home of
Mr. and Mrs.Vohn A. Thompson,
Moorefield, Ontario, was the scene of
a pretty wedding on Tuesday, October
17th, when their daughter, Luella,
became the bride, of Mr. Beverly Fos-
ter Christie, son of Mrs. C. Christie'
and of the late Charles Christie, of
IlVloorefield, and one of the prominent
young business men of Seaforth. The
teremon7 'w'as perfortned at 4 pan.
11 . •
The McGillivray, Young Women's Auxiliary
of North:side United enuren, will sem
bazaar and tea on November 4th in the vac-
ant stere next Crich' s Bakery. 3435x2
Girl wants housework. Apply at The Ex-
positor Office. 3436x1
Wanted—Good size mare, sound; also one
pure bred more, any breed. State age, weight
and price. Box 157, Huron Expositor, Sea -
forth. 3434x4
Special Bargain in Varnish.—Guaranteed
‘arnish, $1.00 per quart; also a good house
paint at 59c a quart. :Graves' 'Wall Paper
Store, Seaforth. 3455-2
Notice.—Mr. John Hart will hold a shoot-
inr match on Tuesday, October 24th, and a
public dance on Wednesday, October 95th.
Admission: 25 cents for gents ladies bring
lunc:h. Lot 27, Concession 3, McKiilup.
The Scott Memorial Hospital Board have
decided to continue the tratning school fur
practical nurses. Amy young ladies desirous
of qualifying as such, apply personally or
by letter to the Hospital Superintendent, Miss
Wilson. R. R. Ross, D.D.S., Secretary lof
Hospital Board. 3434-3
House For Sale,.'Five-roomed frame house
on Centre Street, Seaforth, in good repair,
town water and electric lights, good cistern.
If not sold will be rented. Apply to Jai:
McNay, R. R. 2, Seaforth, or phone 236 r 25.
For Sale' or Rent.—Cernent block house on
Goderich 'Street, East, for sale or rent. All
modern convenience. New garage. Posses -
slots October 1st. Apply to Andrew Archi-
bald, Box 232, or phone 44-%%, Seaforth.
For Sale or Rent. —Frame house on John
Street: just overhauled and decorated. All
modern conveniences. Will sacrifice for quick
:;ale. Rent reasonable.,One year lease if
rented. Apply R. L. Thomson, John Street,
•Seaforth. 3426-tf
Important Notice.—Any person having n
claim against the late F. D. Hutchison hstate
please present before Novembra, 1, 1933. Please
kindly assist Hutchison's....„.tcP2'Close all book
accounts owing, by gash or note, by Novembe
lst, 1033, to enable Executors to distribute
assets of late F. D. Hutchison. Jennie 13
Hutchison. 3435-3
Lady ..Bowlers Hold Bridge.—
A successful and enjoyable bridge
sponsored 'by the 'Ladies' Bowling
Club, was held at the home of Mrs
L. T. DeLacey on 'Friday -evening
last, when twenty tables were i
play. The prizes were won as fol
lows: Ladies, first, Mrs. T. S. Smith
second, Mrs. E. Bell; gentlemen's
first, C. P. Sills; second, R. JellSproat
Death of Mrs. George Gaetzmeyer.
--fiVfrs. Mary A. widow
of the late George Gaetzmeyer, of
Seaforth, passawayaway October 14th,
at the residence of her son-in-law, Dr.
J. B. Frisbee, Butte, Montana, after
a short illness. The remains arrived
in Seaforth Tuesday. October 17th,
and were taken to the residence of
Mr. Robert Devereaux, Victoria St.
The funeral took place Wednesday to
St, James' Church, where Requiem
High Mass was sung by Rev. T. P,
Hussey, interment taking place in
St. James' cemetery. The dec'ased
is survived 'by three daughters, Mrs.
J. B. Frisbee, Misses Lena and Clare
also one granddaughter, Heleil Clam
Frisbee, as well as one sister, Mrs
Robert Devereaux, town, and twc
brothers, Messrs. Peter, of St. Colum
ban, and John McGrath, of Clare
mont, Ont.
Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday
—Eemondville Church — 10 a.m.
"Paul in Asia"; 11 a.m., W. M. S
Thankoffering, Rev, Hugh Taylor, M
A., B.D.; 7 p.m., The altar fire storie
of Israel, "Exile and Oblivion." --Rev
Charles Malcolm. Minister.
'First Presbyterian Church -11 a.m.
"Lifes Bitterness"; 7 p.m., "God'
News For Bad Times." As announc
ed last week, a car of produce is be
ing loaded for those sections of th
West that need relief. We urge al
to do as much as possible in helping
those in need. --,Rev. I. B. Kaine, Min
Nerthside United Ohurch-11 a.m.
Rev, Charles Malcolm will speak; '
p.m., Annual Thankoffering of th
W. M. S. and the special speaker i
Rev. Hugh D. Taylor of Thames Road
—Rev. W. P. Labe, Minister.
'St. Thomas' Church.—October 22nd
Children's and Family Day; specie
session of the Sunday School at 1
a.m. All children expected. Morn
ing service, 11 a.m., sermen topic
"The Childhood of Christ" by th
Rector. Evening service, 7 p.m., ser
mon topic, "Seeing the Invisible," b
the. Rector. — Canon E. Appleyard
W.M.S. of No'thside United Chore
Meet.—The Society met for the de
v'otional meeting in the school roan
on Thursday of last week. Mrs. W
P. Lane presided'. After a few min
utes of silent prayer, Mrs. Lane let
in prayer. Following the various re
ports, Mrs., 13e -ft Williams gave •
paper on "Temperance" and Mrs. J.
C. Laing one on "Stewardship." Bath
papers were exceptionally good, send-
ing out a challenge to the members
for more faithful service. Mrs. Rin -
toil' and Mrs. A. McQuaig were ap-
pointed delegates to attend the centre
sectional meeting. 'Miss Agies Wal-
lace took file chair. Following a
hymn, the Scripture lesson was taken
by Mrs. A. Reid followed with prayer
by Mrs. E. H. Olose. The topic on
"China" was ably taken by Mrs. J.
MdDiarrnid, MTS. McMichael,. Mrs.
McQuaig, Mrs. William -/Black and
Miss J, AIM:0er. A beautiful solo,
- AT .
A most unusual money-
saving opportunity of
securing Genuine Rog-
ers at amazingly low
prices. •
he • Jeweler - Optometrist
Gift Goods
PHONE 194 RES. 10
. ,
"Near to the Heart of God," was ren-
dered by Miss Helen Lane, acOorn-
panied by her mother. Miss Agnes
Wallace gave a reading, "The Plant
Called Gratitude.” "Come, All Ye
Faithful People, 'Coma," was sung
and the meeting closed with the Miz-
pah Benediction.
Death of James Purce11.2—Fortified
by all the rites of the chureh, James
Purcell, a genial and highly esteemed
resident passed to his reward at his
home on George Street about mid-
night -On Saturday. He was seized
with , a stroke of paralysis about
three years ago from which he
partially recovered and was able, to
'go about. 'Tuesday he ;walked to the
post office but on Wednesday evening
became seriously ill. He was a, son
of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Pur-
cell, respected pioneers of McKillop
where he was born on the ninth con-
cession in 1861. Mr. Purcell left
home when quite young and later
settling on the Joseph Dinnen farm
of McKillop, where he was inaeried
in 1893 to Miss Sarah MeAchlan,
who died 28 years ego. (He was mar-
ried for the second time 'two years
afterward to Miss Margaret Clennan
of Seafortli. In 1916 they retired
front the farm and came to reside in
town. Mr. Purcell was a devoute
Catholic and a member of the Holy
Name Society. Surviving are his
widow, and three daughters, Mrs.
Michael Barry, Hibbert; ' Mrs. John
Coyne, Hibbert, and Mary at home;
• If you don't mind
carrying ashes, clean-
ing out your furnace,
shovelling in coal, you
should at least think of
your family. W i Or
modern oil burner, you
are assured of an even
heat with no dust and
• dirt—all at -a remarkab-
ly low first cost.
Glow .
The Modern Oil Burner
' Sr John Modeland
,, For information
• and Prices.
; Mrs. Porter (nee Irene Patter-,
• , son), has started Beauty Parlor
work in Mr. Bert Williams' Bar-
i . ----- ber Shop.
Phone 97 for Appointments.
- -Anniversary Services -
will be held in
Constance United Church
. on
i Minister for the day--(R,ev. J. But.
• ton, of Fordwich.
Special music by the choir.
Service at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.
Fowl Supper
• Supper served from 6 to 8
Programme will'con.sist of a play
. !by Blyth talent; 'Mrs. H. Lawson,
, soloist; also music ;by Blyth
1 Adults, 50'c. Children,' 25c.
• ; .,
t' 4,Aja'• 4 s.
, •
Anniversary and howl Supper
Rev. E. F. Chandler, of Kipper:,
Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m.
Concert by Lambeth Double Mix-
ed Quartette.
ADMISSION: 50c and 25c
OCTOBER 20, 1933..
also three sisters, Mrs, Theodore
Klinkhammer, Kitchener; 'Mrs. Paul
Longeway, of Guelph; AllT9. Frank
Kenny, Dublin., and few ;brothels,
Patrick, of Stratford; Edward, of
Syracuse; William, Detroit, and John
of Seaforth. The funeral took place
front St. James' 'Catholic Church,
Seaforth, Monday morning, interment
being made in 1St. Columban ceme-
tery. Solemn Requiem High Mass
was celebrated by his pastor, Rev.
Father T. P. Hussey, assisted by Rev.
Father Sullivan, of Clinton, and Rev.
Father Dantzer, of- St. Colurnban.
The pallbearers were James McClus-
key, Joseph Kale, Joseph Dorsey,
Daniel Barry, Conrad Eckert and
Thomas Purcell. Among the rela-
tives ;resent from a distance were:
Mrs. P. Longeway, Guelph; Mrs.
Theodore Klinkhammer, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Klinkhamimer, Kitchener.
Two Good Draft Teams. — Mr.
James Scott, of Cromarty, is the
proud possessor of a team of horses
that has made quite a record at the
Fairs this fall. They captured first
in the draft class at the 'Western
Fair, London; 1st at Stratford, Lis-
towel, Mitchell, St. Marys and Kirk -
ton, and second at Seaforth, They
also took first at the International
Plowing Match at Owen Sound last
week in a class of 35e One of these
horses was raised by Mr. William
Broadfoot, of Tdckersoulth. Another
outstanding draft team is that own-
ed by Mr. Ken McKellar, also of
Cromarty, which won 1st at Exeter
and Seaforth; 2nd at Mitchell, St.
Marys and Kirkton, and fifth at
Owen Sound. One of Mr. 'McKellar's
team was raised by Mr. T. McMichael
of Hullett, and the other 'by Mr.
Allen, of Tuckersmith. These teams
demonstrate the fact that the vicin-
ity of Seaforth stands second to no
ether district in the Province as a
'horse breeding centile.,
Are So
• The Misses Cresswell, who spent
the summer months at their home
here, will leave the first of the week
for Pasadena, California, where they
will spend the winter.
• Mr. and Mrs. William,Somenville
of Woodstock, spent the week end
with relatives and friends here.
'Dr. and Mrs. Eiberhart and daugh-
ter, Frances, of Meaford, spent the
week end 'with Mr.' and Mrs. -Robert
Eberhart and other friends.
• 'Miss Jennie HoggIleft 'on Tues-
day for Thedford to attend a trous-
seau tea in hpnor of Miss Margaret
Campbell, at whose wedding she will
be a bridesmaid,
• Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Secord, of
Meaford, were guests this week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. -N.
Knechtel. •
• Mr. William A. Chapman, of
North Bay, paid a short visit last
week to his father, Mr. W. E. Chap-
• Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Hooper and
son, Gladwin, of Koodham, spent
'Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tyer-
• Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard and Miss
Lucille Pollard, of Detroit, were the
guests this week of Mts. R. L. Clark.
• 'Mr. and Mrs. George Vivian and
the former's mother,' Mrs. Jackson,
of Staffa, spent Sunday with Mr. arid
Mrs. R. Eberhart and Mrs. Oliver.
• Mr. Walter Hawthorne, of Gode-
rich, was here this week visiting his
mother, Mrs. Robert Hawthorne.
• 'Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pyper, of
Hamilton, are guests at the home of
Mr. J. Wesley Beattie.
• 'Mrs. Grace Ross has leased the
residence of Mr. R. L. Thompson on
John Street.
• Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar spent
the week end with Stratford friends.
• Mr. anti Mrs. Edward Dawson,
of Los Angeles; Mrs. Snowden and
Mr. Dawson Snowden, of Bruce
Been, were guests., at the 'home of
Mr. and Mrs. Tyerman on Wednes-
• Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins, of Kin-
cardine, were week end Vests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Ament. e Mrs. Ament returned with
them and will spend two weeks in
• Mrs. W. T. Wood, of Toronto, is
the guest of Mrs. L. T. DeLacey.
• Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ament and
little daughter, of Detroit, spent the
week end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William Alnent,
• Miss Tretheve-Cyt, of Stratford,
is a guest at the home or Rev. and
Mrs. W. P. Lane.
Additional Local on Page 5.
Mrs. Klinkhammer and her son
and his, wife from Kitchener, and
Mrs. Paul Longeway, from Gli'etph,
and Mr. and 'Mrs. Pat Purcell, from
Stratford, called at the home of Mr.
Thomas Purcell on their return trip
‚from the funeral of the late James
Purcell, who was, (born in 1[161 on
the homestead, now occupied by his
nephew, and where he spent his
youthful days in our burg. The whole
community extends their' sympathy
to the surviving members of the
family in this their hour of sad af-
'Mr. Fred Eekart made a business
trip to 'Stratford last week..
Miss Viola Morrison, of McKillop,
is spending a' few days at the Mule -
of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson.
Mr, Lorne Lawsonwhohas been
visiting friends in Vancouver and
other western points, has • arrived
The McKillop Branch of the W. M.
S. of First Presbyterian Church, Sea -
forth, met at the home of Mrs. W.
F. Carnachan on Thursday of this
Miss Margaret Love, of 'Walton, is
_spending a few days at 'the home of
Mrs. Charles ;McGregor and Ross
' Mrs. Leo Stephenson spent Sunday
at the home -of 'Mr. and Mrs. William
Logan, of Blythk
Mrs. Petertiredsay sang a solo at
the Bethel anniversary services on
Sunday last.
Remember the anniversary services
in Constance Unilted Clfuroh on Sut-I
day, lOctob r 2 , vvhen Re. 3. w.1
The Newest 'of the New
A splendid array of New Hats, Coats and Dresses here
to greet you on every hand.
The very spirit of Fall is caught and held in the new
things, now shown by us for the first time.
We know that you will enjoy seeing the new things that
arrive from day to day, therefore to use an old saying of
welcome, the latch -string is out.
MacTavish's I
'Button, of . Fordwich, will preach at
11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m., also the fowl
supper on Tuesday, October 24th,
when the play, "The Path Across the
Hills" will be presented (by Blyth tal-
Mr. Lorne Lawson and Mr. Mit-
chell, of Detroit, visited at the home
of Mrs.' Henry Taylor.
Rev. Charles Cumming, pastor of
Duff's United Church, conducted the
service on Sunday morning. Mr.
Cumming chose as his subject, "The
Harvest is Past," 'basing his remarks
on Jeremiah 8:20: "The harvest is
past, the summer" is ended, and we
are not saved." An appropriate an-
them' was rendered 'by the choir em-
-der the leadership of Miss Bessie;
. The regular meeting of the Young
People's (Society was held in the
school room of the church on Sunday
evening at the usual 'hour. The meet-
ing was in charge of Miss Dorothy
Drager, thesconvenor of the Mission-
ary Group. The opening hymn, "Spir-
it of • the Living God" was followed
with Psalm 70, read; responsively.
The scripture lesson' was read ' by
Jack Bryans from; Acts 4, after which
a prayer was offered by Jack Drager.
Following a hymn, the minutes of
the previous meeting were read by
the secretary, Miss Edna Reid. The
roll call was responded 'to with a
mission, station. During the offering
a number entitled, "I Heard the
Voice of Jesus' Say" was well ren-
dered by Misses Margaret Murray,
Mary Buchanan, Lena Drager ,and
Anna Ennis with the Pianist, Miss
Vera Gardiner, presiling at the
piano/ A splendid topic entitled,
"Has Christ a 'Missionary Parpose
for Every Man?" was given by
George Ramsay. The pastor. Rev.
Cumming, also gave an interesting
talk on the same pubject During
the business period, which was in
charge of the president, Misses Ed-
na Reid and Gertrude Miller were ap-
pointed as delegates to the ninth an-
nual convention of the Huron Pres-
bytery Young People's Union, which
will be held in Auburn United Church'
on Friday, October 20th. It was al-
so announced that the fdllowing
young,, people have 'been chosen to
take part in the play entitled, "Wild
Ginger," which will be presented in
the A. 0'. U. W. Hall on Friday ev-
ening, November 10th: Frank Kirk-
by, James, Murray, Kenneth Rutledge,
Stewart 'Bryans, Reed [Rutledge. Wil-
lie Farquharson, Gladys Strialldon,
Vera Gardiner, Dorothy Drager, An-
na Ennis and Ruby Young. Follow-
ing the closing hymn,Rev. Chiming
closed the 'meeting with prayer.
The October meeting of the Gleaner
Mission Band of Duff's United church
was 'held in the school room of the
church on Sunday morning with 42
members in attendance. The presi-
deht, Jack Murray, 'presided over the
meeting, which 'opened with "Jesus
Bids Us Shine." 'Following the dis-
cussion period, quiet music was play-
ed by the pianist, Miss Margaret
Clamming. The call to worship was
responded to by All singing 'Praise
Him, Praise Him, All Ye Little Chil-
dren." ,The Lord's Prayer 'was re-
peated in unison, after which all join-
ed in -singing "Tell Me the Stories of
Jesus." The 'Scripture lesson was
read (by Miss Anna Ennis from; Mark
2:1-12. The 'birthday offering was
received and a story of ,"Four
Friends" was read. The classes
formed for the study period. The
meeting' closed with "What a Friend
We Have in Jests," after which the
Mispah 'benediction was repeated in
'A social evening will 'be' held in the
basement of Duff's United' Ohureh on
Friday evening, October 27th, under
'the auspices of the Women's Associa-
tion. 'A splendid rogram is being
prelprared 'by tile following earrentittee:
Mt*, PAZ. Radford, Mrs, Colin Ping -
‘111 i.altfAic.$0111;SeMW;1ell46fdl
land, Mrs. Nelson Reid and Mz.s. Wil-
bur Turnbull.
A dance will 'be. held in the 0. 0.,
U. W. Hall on Friday evening. The'
music will 'be furnished by Harri-
son's five -piece orchestra.
'The Young People's, meeting next
Sunday,evening will be in charge of
Jim Murray, the convenor of the Cit-
izenship Committee. The topic for
the evening will be, "When Should
We Stand Against Public Opinion?'
lAnniversary service § were observ-
ed in Bethel United Church last Sun-
day. Inspiring messages were de-
livered 'both at the morning and ev-
ening services by Rev. C. J. Moore -
housed of Brussels. The choir con-
tributed special music for the occa-
sion with Mrs. Alex. Dennis presiding`
at the organ. The church was ;beau-
tifully decorated with autumn flowers.
For a fitting close of the anniversary
occasion a tea meeting was held ont
Monday evening, Following a splen-
did program, refreshments were serv-
ed 'by the ladies of the church.
On. Thursday evening a large nurme
ber of friends and neighbors gather..'
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert 'Clark, McKi'llop, to present then
with a shower of miscellaneous gifts.
The evening was enjoyably spent is
cards and 'dancing.
'The .anairriage of Mr. and Mrs.
Clark was solemnized at Corunna
recently -when Olive Loretta, eldest
daughter .of Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas
Williamson, of near Walton, became
the bride of Albert -Clark, son of Mr,.
and Mrs, Archibald Clark, McKillop..
The officiating minister was Rev. W.
J. Moines, of Corunna United church,.
and a former pastor of Duff's Church,
Walton. The- bride was becomingly
gowned in white crepe satin with
silk lace insets with white accessor-
ies. After the ceremony Mr. andl
Mrs. Clark left for Detroit and other
cities, the bride travelling in a wine
chiffon velvet dress with black coat
and matching accessories.
The Women's Association of Duff's
United Church have requested thae all
donations of new or second hand
clothing for. the bale be, brought to
the church on Friday afternoon, Oct.
James Bishop, foreman of the rail-
way eection at Welton, since.it was
built twenty-seven years ago and
who retired on ;pension this summer,
was honored at a recent presentation
at Guelph. An address was read 'by'
the present roadmaster and the pres-
entation of a club bag was made by
the previous roadm'aster.
IA large number from the village
and vicinity attended the ploughing'
competition at Owen Sound last week.
Recent visitors in the village: Mr.
and 'Mrs. Nelson Lear and family,..of
Hullett, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George IVIeTaggart; Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Adams, of Brussels, with
the latter's' parents, 'Mr. and Mrs.
David Livingstone; Miss Ellen Kirk-
by, of 'Brussels, with 'her sister, Mrs.
Peter McArthtlr; Miss Helen Steiss,
of Seaforth, "with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. Steiss; Miss Isabel Rit-
chie, of Siratford, with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie; 'Mrs.
George Underwood, of Toronto, with
Mr. Underwood; 'Mr. James Watt, of
Toronto, at thehonne of Mr. and Mrs.
George Watt; Miss Viola Wilson, 'of
Brussels, with her mother, Mrs. R..
Wilson and Mrs. Neil.
Mr. John Smillie has returned home
after visiting with relatives at Em-
Recent rvisitors out of the vicinity:
Miss Margaret Love, R.N,, with Mrs.
'MacGregor and son Ross, at Kinburn;
'Mrs. Herbert Manning with relatives
at Palmerston; Mr. and Mrs. Saniuel
Forbes with Mr. and 'Mrs. Cecil GOw-
land, Fergus; Mrs. Thomas Young at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Young, Woodham; Ma'. and Mrs.
Lawrence Cummings and son, Jimmie,
at Kitchener; Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold
Sellers, Mr. mid Mrs. Robert Patter-
son and 'Mr. and 113..s. George Mc-
Arthur with Ur. and Mrs. 'Leslie
Johnston, Myth. ,