HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-10-20, Page 3•
1 Seen in.,._t
ounty Papers
IA catch of over 600 pounds of perish
qs repeeted by one of oter commercial
ileheramen who, •strangely enough, had
difficulty' in finelilug as market 'for these^
tlelieious fish. After ,some negotiating
a buyer was,,finally located at Wind.
.taxa'.-4Goderieh Star.
. . Passes 70th Milestone.
'Last Friday Mr. George Williams,
retired (hamster and es'teem'ed Owns-
-man, observed the 70th anniversary
of his birth. Here for the occasion
were his three sons, G. M. Williams,\. )president of the Marmon Motor Oar
'Company, Indianapolis;' Clifford, of
General Motors, Detroit, and Harold,
who resides in 'Goderich. They with
Mirs. Williams, recovered from' a
lenghty illness, and Miss Edith, made
the happy family ^itircle. —Goderich
Died Suddenly 'From Heart Attack
Mr. John Anderson, who lived at
the corner. of Josephine Street, and
the B. Line, passed away suddenly
Wednesday morning, October lth,
from: a heart attack. He was in his
17th year. About 9 o'clock he went
tip a ladder and proceeded to cut
some limbs off a tree that were lean-
ing on the roof. He worked for a
short time as Mrs. Anderson, who
-was in the house, could hear him
sawing. For a short time she did not
gear him vt''orking aid on going out
to see how he was getting along,
.found( him lying on the ground dead.
He had apparently got, down off the
:ladder and was trying to get to the
doorwhen he was stricken and pass
ed away at once.—Wingham Advance -
Brought .Service Station
The Abell Service Station on the
iiagonal Road was auctioned off on
Saturday afternoon. Ed. Nash was
the successful bidder. — Advande-
Times,. Wingham.
The Late Mrs. J. T. Coultes
When the sad news was passed
around Tuesday morning that Mrs.
.3. T. Coultes had passed away, a feel-
ing of secines's filled the thoughts of
her many friends. The deceased had
teen ailing for some time, but the
end was rather unexpected. The de-
ceased was 'born in Cartwright Tp.;
(Durham County, in 1862, and with
ler parents came to East Wawanosh
in 1873, -anti as a young girl under-
-'went all the hardships subject to
pioneer life. In 1889 she was united
en'Imareiage to Mr, J. T. Coultes, mak-
ing her home on lot 39, concession 6,
East Wawanosh, residing there until
t91er death. She leaves to mourn ler
loss, beside her 'bereft husband, one
sister, Mrs. George Irwin, of East
Wawanosh, and .one brother, James,
.of Eeeeter. Mrs. Coultes always took
mn aeti,vle interest in church work, be-
ing a meMber of Belgrave United
-Church, where she -will be greatly
)missed. The funeral took plate from
the family residence on Thursday at.
2 pan., with Rev. Grant taking the
service. Interment took place in the
Union Cemetery, Blyth.—Blyth Stan-
Death of George Rice
The death occurred in Toronto on
'Thursday last 'of a former Clinton
resident in the person of Mr. George
Rice, who was in" his seventhy-third
year. •Mr. Rice lived •here for some
years and 'wil'1' be remeirs1l eyed by a
eprnlber of citizens 'ante wife passed
away a few years ago. The funeral
.took place from: I,Is. late residence,
769 Markham Street, Toronto, on, Sat-
urday afternoon to Park Lawn eemee
tery.--Clinton News-ieord,
Flowers in Police Court
It is very' iield'orn that the. Police
Court is not )brightened by a few
flowers thoughtfully brought by 'one
or another `of the court officials, all
of whom are ardent horticulturists,
and on Wednesday the room was.
graced iby a .singularly large and
beautifully formed dahlia from the
garden of, :Grown Attorney Holmes,.
Tlhe bloom, which is a rich orange
coldr tinged with red, is fully ten
inches in diameter, and is a truly re
markable specimen.— Goderich Sig-
A New Firm
Mr. George Williams this week an-
nounces that he has taken into part-
nership with hem, in his (bond and in-
surance business, his son, Mr. Har-
old C. Williams, constituting the firm
of George Williams & Son. Mr. Wil-
liars is well known and universally
esteemed in town and throughout the
district as a (business man of valuable
experience and of the finest integri-
ty, and he will continue to direct the
)business to which his son and part-
ner will bring youthful every. The
Signal wishes for the new film a suc-
cessful and useful career. — Goderich
On Monday evening while Mr. C.
Howard was returning to Lucan with
his motor bus he was sideswiped by
an auto driven by Wm. Kennedy, of
Clinton. The latter was not serious-
ly injured. The car and the motor
bus were both damaged. Another ac-
cident took place near Devon corners
Tuesday night when a car driven by
Mr. John Spaeck collided with a car
driven by Mr. J. A. -Wilson of Lon-
don. The former was confused !by the
lights of two cars parked on the side
of the road, one undergoing repairs.
Both drivers.,eseaped unhurt but both
cars were badly damaged. -- Exeter
Young Man Killed
Joseph ISchevilk, a Czechoslovakin,
who has been employed in the sugar
1>t fields in this vicinity, was in-
stantly killed'' Sunday evening while
walking on No. 4 highway near De-
von corners. The ; young mean, wlio
was 34 years of age, was returning
to hie home a short distance south.
of Exeter with a friend. They had
bicycles with them and were proceed-
ing north on the right side of the
road. John Mutat, of Detroit, was
on his way to visit his father in Clin-
ton and 'while meeting a .south bound
car he failed• to see the two until
close upon them. :lie swung his car
but the fenders struck Sehevik, the
l;d:ler's head striking the windshield
and hf was killed almost instantly':'
The ;windshield glass was shattered
The remains were brought to Exeter.
Provincial Constable Foxton, of Mit-
chell, Traffic Officer Norman Lever
and Constable Norry investigated and
after making a statement Mutch was;
net detained, but will appear at the
inquest which will be held it the
town hall on Tuesday, October 17th,
at 10 a.m. Coroner Dr. W. E. Weekes
QQ�te 4�" 0 ��,�g 0
Mrs. T. P. ROSS, Judge
and Lecturer for our Coun-
ty Baking Championship,
will be in Tweed on Oa.
31st; in Bancroft on Nov.
1st; and in Bloomfield on
Nov. Std.
Get ready for the
Ask your gr'o'cer for full details, if you haven't already got them.
We're out to find the best bread -maker and the best cake -maker
in each of 27 Ontario counties, and the Grand Champions of the
whole area.
Any woman who lives in any one of the counties listed below may
enter this contest. Bake for the honor of your county. Try your
hand at making bread and cake with FIVE ROSES FLOUR, and
enter a loaf of bread, or a cake, or both, in the exhibition nearest
to your home. -
RIBBONS and 8 PRIZES to the winners in each judging centre! SILVER
DISHES to each county winner! STERLING SILVER TEA SET and $50
to Grand Champions of the whole area; STERLING SILVER BOWL and
$25 to sake and bread makers in second place in the finals.
Begin practising now -- and watch
this paper for announcement of the
dates and judging centres in the fol-
lowing counties:
FIVE' ROSES FLOUR is excellent
e for cakes, pastry; biscuits, bread,
rolls. It makes products that are
noticeably better. People talk about
their • flavor and lightness. Used
throughout' Canada for ' altkiost half
a -century. e
TEA SET AND $50 to the,
bread and cake Grand Cham-
pions of the whole contest area.
• a
S`➢ ,tlly. r�
'A.(�V114?pi !uEf iMt'1fi nlstUiii1" if
Sci Oddi,il%, t Itr.4wrm5:Xleditt':('tiSS`,ant'/.
pct at o oCTest Ie.
'here s clo39e*
1,00 aste�attec.
You dies.
every tea . t
was called. A jury was summered to
review the remains. The victim of
the accident was unmarried. 'Arrange-
nientsc have Been made to hold the
funeral at St. 'Pete'r's Church, Bid-
bulph, Thueeday'• morning at nine
o'clock.---tExeter Times -Advocate.
r ,
Intended for last week.
A number from the village attend-
ed the funeral of the 'late George
Fulton, who passed away in Victoria
Hospital, London on Thursday, Oct.
5th, in his 77th year. The funeral
service was held at . Stteplhenson's
funeral parlor, Ailsa Craig, on Sat-
urday afternoon. Internvent was
'Made in Ivan cemetery. The late
George Fulton was a brother of Miss
Jean 'Fulton, who resides at the
home of 'Mr. and Mrs. George Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davidson and
son, 'Murray, of London, were week
end guests at the home of the Tat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dennison, Mrs.
Jim Dennison and daughter, Doris,
of '•Preston were recent visitors at
the home of Mrs. William Neal.
Mr. and Mrs. Saniluel Forbes are
visiting at the home of their son-in-
law and daughter, QVIr. and Mrs. Cecil
Gawland, Fergus.
Mr. and )Mrs. Wesley Clark' and
son, Bobbie, were Thanksgiving visi-
tors if the home of the formier's bro-
ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
George 'Clark, Listowel.
Art Pullman spent the week end
with his mother, Mrs: G. Pullman,
Mr. and Mrs. George Watt attend-
ed the Plowing Match at Owen Sound
on Wednesday.
(Anniversary services were held in
Bethel United Church on Sunday
morning and evening. The guest
speaker was Rev. Mr. MoorEhouse,
of Brussels.
A tea meeting was held in Bethel
Church on 'Monday evening, October
16th. .
..(The ctober meeting of the Wo-
men's ionary .Society • and Wo-
rruen's Association of Duff's United
Church was held in' the basement of
the.• church on: Wednesday afternoon
with twenty -Eve ladies in attendance.
Mrs. Gordon iMcGavin presided over
the meeting which opened with the
hymn, "0 Spirit of the Living God,"
after which Mrs. Edward Bryans led
-in prayer. The Bible study on "Sar-
ah" was taken 'by Mrs. Edward Brit-
ton. The minutes of the' previous
meeting were read by the secretary,
Mrs. John ;McDonald, Following the
hymn, "Oh, Master of the Waking
World," the secretary called the roll,
which was answered with a Scripture
verse containing the word "joy." Dur-
ing 'the busin=ss._.period Mrs.. Jahn
McDonald and Mrs. Gordon Me avdn
,were appointed as delegates to the
sectional meeting at 'Moncrieff on
October 23rd. It was announced that
the subscriptions to the Missionary
Monthly were due. and that all .re-
newals . and. new subscriptions were
to be handed in as soon as possible.
The following nominating committee
was appointed to choose officers for
the year 1934: Mrs. Edward) Bryans,
Mrs. Robert Reicj,, •Mrs. John McDon-
ald and Miss J. Simpson. Mrs. Gor-
don ilVIcG'avin read a letter which was
an appeal for clothing for the needy
families of Northern Ontario and
Western Canada. Arrangements were
made to, have a bale -sent as soon as
possible, the clothing to be brought
to the church on Friday, October 20.
The following committee' was ap-
pointed to take charge of the bale:
Mrs: W. • E. Radford, Miss J Simp-
son and Miss Edna Reid. It was de-
cided that 'the -Society be divided in-
to groups" and each group be given
$1 with .which to raise money for
the 'Maintenance and Extension Fund
of the church. The following ,ituem-
'leers were appointed to take charge
of the groups: Walton, Mrs. George
McTaggart. and Mrs. Colin Fingland;
17th Con'. �ilf Grey, ^Mrs. P. Shaw and
Mrs. R. Bennett; west of the village,
Mrs. Herbert Manning and Mrs. Geo.
MloArthur; McKillop, Mfrs. Leonard
Lemming, )Mrs, 'Gordon 'McGavin and
Mrs. Andrew Coutts; 16th 'con. of
Grey, Mrs. Edward Britton and Miss
Knox; Morris, Mrs. Kearney and Mrs.
Ediward Bryans. The tre'asurer's re-
port was 'green by Mrs. Walter Dav-
idson. An interesting topic from the
first chapter' of the new study book
entitled, "Living Issules in China,"
was 'given by Mrs,. Colin Finland.
The meeting closed with "Lift Up
Your Head's, Ye Gates of Erase," af-
ter which the Lord's Prayer was re-
peated in unison.
The W. A. meeting 'was in charge
of the president, Mrs. George Me-
Taggar't. The opening hymn, "Ap-
proach Mn- Soul the Mercy Seat," was
f'dllowed with the Scripture reading
from John 4. • A prayer was' offered
by Mrs. (Rev.) C. •Cumming after
which a few items of 'busin'ess were
discussed. Plans were made for a
social to he held in the basement of
church on Fri -day evening, Oct.
27, 'Mrd. W. F. iladford, Mrs. C.
Flingland, Mrs. G. McGavin and Mrs:
W. Turnbull were appointed to ,titke
charge of, the program. The meeting
closed with, "Lead On, 0 King Etern-
al, " after which Mrs. D. McCallitln
Ted itbrayer.
The home -of Mr, and Mra. James
PAU% ' nla oAV31 =h a wtag j?be
wane 44 a 'err; wetklittg • ea
Wednesday, Qetolber 1,lietWhieta at high
noon their +eldest• daughter, 401ee
Myrtle, became ..the ;bride of Mr'.' B.
A. Fennof-the 14111h cep., Grey. The
officiating minister 'w^ae Rea', 'Ohaa.
Qunvrrliing, of ' Wailtten, The wedding
m!usiic was played by Miss Maud Fer-
guson, of 'Seaforbh, and doming the
signing of the register )Miss Lead'
Cardiff of Brussels sang, "I Love You
Truly." The bride was *harming in
a gown of white satin. ;Her -bridal
veil of white en broidked tulle- was
fastened with,- clusters of orange
'bles'sorms. She wore white shoes and
gloves and carried) a )bouquet of pink
rases and fern. 'Following the cere-
mony a wedding dinner wee • served
in the dining rooms which was ef-
fec'tiviely decorated with streamers
and autumn leaves and flowers. Mr.
and 'Mrs. Ferg left by raptor for
Owen 'Sound' and other northern
points. For travelling the bride wore
a costume of mulberry crepe with
brown ooab, hat 'and other accessor-
ies. The bride received many beauti-
ful gifts., On their return they will
reside on the groom's farm in Grey
rFhe (spirit of the Good Samaritan
posseesed the community of Walton
on Tuesday and Wednesday of last
-week, when about twenty-seven men
with )their teams turned out and com-
pleted the falleplawing for Mrs. Wm.
Gordon MoGavin is attending the
Provincial Plowing Match at Owen
Sound this week. It will be .remem-
bered that Mr. 'McGavint has won
many prizes at• former competitions.
Weekly Crop Report
Recent .showers have 'brou'ght re-
sults over most of Ontario,' accord-
ing to reportsof A
presentatives. .griculturaRe-
presentatives.4 -This is particularly
true in Eastern Ontario, where pas-.
tures are reported good and live stock
in a much improved condition. Addi-
tional moisture is needed in some
sections of Western -and Central On-
tario, where fall wheat is reported
patchy' and parstulrels short. Fall
wheat acreages in many counties is
reported at from 25 pert, cenrt. to 60
per .cent above that sown in 1932.
The apple crop generally is reported
heavy, with fruit well colored end of
good quality. Splendid progress is
being made 'with fall work, fall plow-
ing and after -harvest cultivation be-
ing well advanced.
Sore Back Made
It Agony to Turn
Mrs. A. Ivens Has Used Dodd's
Kidney Pills For Twenty Years.
Williamstown, Ont., Oct. 19 (Sp4-
tial): "I have been using Dod'i's
Kidpey Pills for 'twenty years," writes
Mrs. A. Ivens, a well, known and re-
spected resident of this place. "At
that 'time I was sick in bed 'with a
sore back and one of Do.dd's Alman-
acs came through the mail and I
read it to see if anyone else had my
complaint. I got my husband to get
me a box of Dodds Kidney Pills and
said I would try them. I was glad
I did. Before I got through the first
box I was able to sift up. Before it
was agony, to turn around in oed. I
kept right on taking Dodd's. Kidney
Pills until I was completely wail. We
all use them and always have a 'box'
in the house. I cannot write enough
praise about; Dodd's Kidney Pills, for
when I am tired or run down I take
my Dodd's Kidney Pills and am soon
myself again."
•'Profit by the experience of others,
take Dodd's Kidney Pills to -day.
Tonsils and Adenoids
At the back of the mouth, on either
side of the palate, are the tonsils;
above and at the back of the nose,
the adenoids are placed. The tonsils
and adenoids are alike in that they
are 'lyrephatic glands, and all lym-
phatie glands are a first line of de-
fence or barrier against germ's which
attehvpt to gain entrance into the
Enlargement of the tonsils and
adenoids shows that germs have in-
vaded these glands. and that, as a
,result, the glands have become en-
larged in their effort to deal with the
invaders. If the gland's succeed in
this, then they return to their nor-
mal size and state. If, however, they
are not wihoily successful, the gland
remains enlarged, and, instead of be-
ing a barrier to germs, it becomes a
focus of germ life, and there is a
po'ssi'bility that the infection will
spread to the surrounding parts.
Enlarged tonsils and adenoids may
do harm simply through mechanical
obstruction and pressure. The en-
trance of the tube draining the mid-
dle ear into the -throat may be block-
ed and 'so cause deafness. Mouth -
breathing ;occurs when adenoids block
the normal airway of the nose, and
the condition may lead to deformity
of the teeth, mouth and -nose. If the
tonsils also are greatly enlarged,
breathing may be so difficult as to
'produ'ce deformity of the' chest.
Much more serious are the ill ef-
fects of inflected tonsils and adenoids.
Middle ear disease, sinus disease,
chronllc colds, sore throats, may fol-
low 'the spread of the infection to
"Z -will not be responsible fol
any mombor of my family
who takes stomach tonics, in-
digestion remedies, soda, calo-
mel, salts, 'laxative pills, etc.
to try to get rid of indigos -
thin, constipation, bloating,
sour stomach, bad breath or
headaches, I have told them
all to use Sargon Soft Mass
Pine the nom liver medicine
makes the liver get
busy and furnish enough bile
to digest their food and stop
constipation. Everybody ought
to take Sargon Soft Mnsa
P1115 two or three times a
month if they want to feel
good. All good druggists
have . them,"
That many merchants who preach
"Buy in Seaforth," who kick when
somebody goes to Stratford to buy
something, are the very ones who
buy all their ledger sheets, counter
check books, gummed tape, letter-
heads, envelopes andstatements
from the first city traveller ' that
comes along ?
The Huron Expositor
McLean Bros., Publishers.
Established 1860. Seaforth, Ontario.
the adjacent parts, and these in turn
may proceed to mastoid disease and
meningitis. Such foci of infection as
diseased tonsils and adenoids injure
the general health; the child may fail
tp.....grow normally, and he may be
underweight, pale, listless and easily
The decision as to whether or riot
tonsils and adenoids are so enlarged
or diseased as to require to be re-
nnomed should be made by the doctor
who examines the child and studies
his history. There is no doubt 'that
diseased tonsils should be removed,
and this before they have d'or,e any
There are few things -w'hich are
more bent>ficial to a child's health than
the removal of tonsils and adenoids,
When their removal is indicated. Not
only does this procedure .correct
many cases of mouth -breathing, di•s-
chalgin.g ears, deafness, Core throats
and coughs, but it is a real preventive
measure for rheumatic fever if re-
moval is carried out before the first
attack. This last also means the
prevention of heart disease which
commonly follows on rheumatic fev-
Questions concerning health, ad-
dressed to the Canadian Medical As-
sociation, 184 College Street, Toron-
to, will be answered personally by
The Electric Eye
At a Thousand Jobs
(Condensed' from Popular Science
Monthly in Reader's Digest.)
In an eastern factory a giant press
towers 25 feet in the air, its inassivc-
,jaws crunching steel plates as though
they were made of paper. If the op-
erator's hands move into the danger
zone of the crushing jaws, instantly,
the mechanical monster stops, upper
Jews poised in midair. An unseen eye
--an eye made of glass coated Nltri
a rpi a earth metal, guards the work..
man. Focused upon this photo -electric
cell, a. team' of light marks the clan-
ger line. When a hand crosses this
line, it intercepts the beam, cutting
off the light that reaches the cell and'
stopping, with the speed of electric-
ity. the operation of the machine.
'This is 'hut one of a thousand am-
azing tasks now performed by these
"tubes that think." The commonest
type looks like a small radic tube
and costs from $7.50 to $20. Rangirtig
fromi the size of a peanut to the size
of a pumpkin, the modern photo -elec-
tric cell has found a host of uses. It
is sorting (beans and buttons, turning
on lights and opening doors, calling
the fire department and timing races.
In a Pennsylvania coal mine, heavy
doors swing open at the approach of
a chump ear and close again behind
it, operated by a beam of light. in a
western elevator. wheat is weighed by
an automatic device in which the arm
of the scales intercepts a ray of light
at a desired point and shuts off the
flow of grain. In an Ohio steel mill,
ten -ton ingots rush hack and forth
through huge rolls, reversed -by their.
Ships at sea are safeguarded a-
gainst fires by a robot smoke watch-
man. In the hold, teams of light are
trained upon photo -electric cells
which sound sirens if smoke begins
to dim the light that reaches them -
Such alarms have also been installed
in homes and warehouses to give
warning of fire. •
A special meter which uses an el-
ectric eye to determine the density.
of smoke in.a chimney has been de-
vised for giving a check upon com-
bustion and the efficiency of a heat-
ing • plant. -
In New York City recently an, in-
ventor demonstrated the manner in
which a 'battery of robots, under the
command of a magic lamp, would at-
tack a burglar. attempting to crack
a safe. In the wink of an eye, after
a beam of invisible ultra -violet light
in front of the safe is intercepted,
the robots 'go into action. A burg-
lar alarm wails. A flashlight flares.
A camera snaps a photograph of the
intruder, while a fourth device vol-
leys out tear gas which leaves the
thug struggling around helpless un-
til the police arrive.
'In Detroit, automobile factories
are installing automatic "electric eye
forges." When a bar of steel..in these
electric heating chambers reaches the
desired temperature, its color, always
the same at that point, affects a
photo -electric cell and the bar is au-
tomatically removed.
A rule in factories where high-
priced cigars are made is that the
top layer of every box must contain
cigars of a uniform hue. Tobacco of
the same color is now picked out for
cigars by photo -electric cells which
work faster and more efficiently than
human eyes.
Matching- delicate shades of cloth
and dyes is also ,accomplished in the
same manner. A colorimeter- picks
out variations in hues imperceptible
to the most highly trained human
eye. Another application of the abil-
ity of the electric eye to distinguish
shades of color is' a remarkable de-
vice invented by a London doctor. It
separates the hue of a dye or paint
into its thrtem primary ,.colors and
gives the exact proportion of each.
Thus, the identical shade of an un-
known dye or paint can be reproduc-
ed at any time without costly experi-
menting. Again, the amount of
haemeglohin, or red coloring matter,
in the blood is r neatured in hospitals
by means of a magic eye.
IIn one newspaper pliant, presses
are equipped with an automatic de-
vice that stops them instantly if the
paper breaks. Light, directed up-
ward from beneath the paper feed-
ing into the press, strikes a photo-
electric cell if the ribbon breaks.
A few months ago, in the Texas
oil fields, another problem was solv-
ed by an electric eye. In the treat-
ing process in refining gasoline, af-
ter the cracking is over, it is import-
ant to have all the fuel of uniform
color. Fuel darker then standard con-
tains too m`tich carbon. Special
watchmen were', placed in one plant
'before glass tubes through which the
gasoline ran. But human eyes tire
easily and color changes frequently
went unnoticed. So the job has been
turned over to mechanical eyes that
never tire. Rays of light pass
photo -electric
through the tubes ''to pho -ectric e
cells. The slightest color variation in
the fuel causes a change in the
amount of light reaching the cells
and sounds an alarm,.
Over an Ohio airport, one night a
feety weeks ago, a hire airplane wheel-
ed in pitch darkness. Suddenly a
slender white finger of light shot
downward from a small searchlight
nnounted• on the fuselage of the air-
craft. It probed back and forth over
the veld until its beam struck a photo-
electric cell near the hangars.
Instantly, the floodlights flared- on,
illuminating the fre•ld for a landing.
An automatic 'apparatus, by means
of which a pilot can turn on the lights
of a field from the air, had proved
a success. A similar device has been)
worked out to enable a flyer to switch
off the lights after a takeoff as he
flies away.
.All day long a photo -electric ro-
bot counts 'people entering the New
York Public Library. Others count
automobiles crossing the' Ainlbassa-
dor Bridge between Detroit and
Windsor. '
At the 'intersection of Trenton
Avenue and the Lincoln )Hiighway, in
Wilkinhurg, Pa., the light is always
green for traffic on the highway ex-
t whena scar approaches the
corner of the side street, which has
cont raratively little traffic. Then the
light changes to red until the car has •
passed, and then switches to green.
'again. Photo -electric cells and beams
of light stretching across the side
street automatically- change the lights
when a car approaches.
Iv.r} time a playea` steps over the
foul line in a Schenectady, N. Y.,
howling alley, a red light flashes on.
He has stepped on a beano of light
trained across the alley on an elec-
tric eye. The decision of' this auto-
matic umpire •is infallible and is ac-
e pted by contestants without ques-
1 ion.
Turning on the fountain as you
fiend over for a drink; swinging op-
en the garage doors as you drive up
with your headlights on; cutting off
hot steel rods at exactly the same
length as they rush at 15 miles an
hour from the rolls; picking out rust
spots, holes, and thin places in sheet
metal; shunting mailbags ' and ma-
terial on conveyor belts to the right
destination, and sorting and filing
cards in different compartments ac-
cording to do'mlbinations of stencils
cut in the pasteboard, are other as-
tonishing feats of the photo -electric
cell, which has become the wonder
tool of industry.
Acids In Stomach
Cause Indigestion
Create Sourness, Gas and Pain.
How to Treat.
Medical' authorities state that
nearly nine -tenths of the cases of
stomach trouble, indigestion, sour-
ness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea,
etc.. are dile to an excess of hydro-
chloric acid in the stomach. The
delicate stomach lining is Irritated,
digestion is delayed and fend sours,
causing the disagreeable symptoms
which every stomach sufferer knows
BO well.
A-rtifirtal digestants are not need-
ed in snrh rases and may do 'real
harm. Try laying aside An digestive
aids and instead get from Any drug-
gist some Blsurated Magnesia and
take a teaspoonful In water right
after eating. This sweetens the
etnmach, prevents the formation of
excess acid and there is no sourness,
gas or pain, Blsilratcd Mfarnesta
(in powder form—never iiquid or
milk) is harmless, inexpensive, and
is a fine remedy for acid stomach.
It is used by thousands of people
who enjoy their nieals with no fear
of Indigestion,