HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-10-20, Page 2GE 'WO 1ryEf'.;! 0' THE MTR.ON EXPOSITOR • NDAY AFTERNOON (`Hy Isabel Hamilton, Goderich, Ont.) :e my life, and let it be ecrated, Lord, Ito Thee; Make mry - mer nenta and my days; Let them flow hi ceaseless praise. Take say love; rny'" Lord; I pour tA.t Thy feet its treasure store; Take myself, and I will 'be, Ever, only, all, for Thee. F. R. Have gal. PRAYER Lord, , we would pray that Thou wwouldst prepare and send forth in ever increasing numbers men and women to spread the gospel we have known so long. Andfforgiive our sins. Amen. k S. S. LESSON FOR OCTOBER 22nd Lesson Topic—Paul in Asia Minor. Lesson Passage—Acts 13:1-5; 13- 15. 14:19-23. Golden Text—Mark 16:15. In the first nverses of to -day's lesson there is recorded the fiipt missionary ordination service. Two men had been definitely chosen of trod for foreign :mission work and their frl- low-workers Were authorized to set them apart by the laying on of hands after a searsen of felting and prayer. These two men were Bairnabas and Saul, who for a year had been active= ly engaged in the building up of the Christian Church in Antioch. Their arrangements for departure being all tirade, they set off lot" the seaport of Beleiecia and from there they sailed for the island of Cyprus of Which Barnabas was a native son. As they sat one the 'deck of the vessel they must have felt a deep emotion at the thought that now for the first time the Faith, on which depended the hopes of the world, was starting for fresh regions from its native Syria. The future was•all mercifully Bidden for otherwise, how could Paul have gone forward? His human spir- it would have shrunk from the sight but his hero's he• •t would have cried out: "I can o all things through •Christ that strehgtheneth me " They had John Mark with then for a time in the capacity of an attend- ant.. They remained in, Salamis for a season hut the only regord of their work there is found in these words: "They preached the word of God in the s agogues of the Jews." Fro Salamis the three missionar- ies t whole but res ca i the hoe 'stand not one indent of their l5 'ourne r is re- corded until they reached the town of Paphos. It was - here that the name Saul was dropped and when the jour- ney was resumed it was "Paul and his co•mpany." They sailed away from the island and landed at Perga in Pamphylia where their stay was short but marked by the separation from them of John Mark wlro return- ed to Jerusalem. From Perga they made their way inland to the large contmercial town of Antioch. of Pisidia. Here they went to the synagogue on the Sab- bath day. and were. called upon to speak. Paul at once accepted the in - :siltation and we are given the first ,sermon of St. Paul of which the re- cord has been preserved (verses 17 to 41) . Later on persecution expelled. them ,out of the country and they, shaking the dust of their • feet agaitret their foes, went into the neighboring re- gion of Iconium. But their depar- ture did not destroy the infant church which they had founded. They left behind them the inspiration of a new faith in the hearts of those. who had accepted the nieseage they delivered and which was sealed by the Holy Srpirit. In their missionary endeavours in this region they followed the injunc- tion given •hy Jesus-to'H:is twelve dis- ciples when He sent them forth as la'nilbs among wolves: ''R'-h.n they persecute you in this city. flee ye to another." At Lystra 'they were regarded as gods and t:he people. together with their priest. would have: done sacri- fice to them. Howeet'r. cerfain Jae., came from Antioch and Icnniu:'i and persuaded the people so that Paul was 'cored sumeisedly to death. Reamer- ing, e. ct-ing, he and Barnabas moot d on, reaching Deme where they ptencheil and taught many. After a time they rctr••icei: ti;r•i: st ps, "confirming rhe soul; of th'e disciples, and exhorting they to continue in the faith, and that wP menst t'breugh much trib'ila- tion enter in'o the Kingdom of God." In the course of time they re' irn- ed to Antinc•h. the piece• of their res- ignation as heralds of the cross. fh_y, on arriving gathcl•ed at the church to -1 gather and "rehearsed all that God had done with tleen, and how He had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles." WORLi) MISSIONS David Livingstone (Born one hundred and twenty years ago—died sixty years ago). Almiiost a hundred years ago, in the c.: NO MOi E SICK H ADACHE a. Fruit-a-tives stud years of pain "1 suffered exceed- ingly with indiges- tion and sick head- aches for years. 1 could hardly eat anything and was badly constipated. I realize now, of course, that I was In a very run-down condition. Fortunately for me a neighbor recommended 'Fruit -a -fives' and I began taking theft I am certainly glad I did. Tbey regulated my system and toned me up generaity so that now I am in the best of health. I would not hesitate to recommend them to apyone." Fruit -a -Noes ... all drug stores sitting room of a students' boarding .house in London, two men sat in earnest conversation. After a while the young man sat' forward on the edge of his chair, his grey eyes shin- ing above his high cheek bones. "Then you think, sir," he asked, "that Africa is the place for ree ?" Livingstone's prospects of getting to China had been damaged by the op- iunl. war; it was in these en -cum- ! etaaces that he carne into contact with Dl'. Moffat, who was then in i England. 'treating much , interest in I his South African mission. So, after jdiscussion with Dr, Moffat, Living- •stone said: "What is the use of my Iwaiting for the end of this abomin- able opium war? I will go at once to Africa," and thus Africa became his sphere, eget David :Livingstone looked into the heart' of his destiny. The smoke of a thousand villages! The adventure of it appealed to the youth of him; the magnitude of the task waked a response in the grow- ing strength within his ,breast. So David Livingstone, son of a Scotch tea merchant of Blantyre, stepped without hesitation and fear into a life strange for one of his conserva- rive lineage, a life adventurous, col- orful, rich with pageantry and 'tense with danger. but sweetened and en- nobled by his utter devotion to the cause frr which he worked. On November 20. 1840. Livingstone was ordained a miss ionar5; in Albion Chapel, London. and or the 8th •of December he embarked on board the rr shipGeot e andproceeded to the ,p Ca and' thence to Algoa Bay. Cape >�" The next year found hint in Africa, an eager, earnest young man of 28, intensely interested in the navel sights and experiences of the new country, and bursting with energy and enthusiasm for the work. While -waiting for permission to locate his own station in the region of the un- explored country„ he did everything passible to familiarize himself with the native character and language, and lived for six months with the tribe of Lepoloh, taking short jour- neys through their country, perfect- I ing his knowledge of the language. Out of his experience, two things be- came 'clear to him. He began to see that the work of the missionary was broader than he- had ever dreamed, and there grew up in his mind 'the conviction th.at'•the first fundamental of a successful evangelization of un- civilized nations is to bring them in contact with the highest type of civ= ilization and with ideals of high liv- ing which would form a 'bac'kground for the teachings of Christ. Thus, to him, exploration and the bringing of l;gjtimate• honest commerce to the natives were necessary first steps in missionary work. The second idea that took shape in his mind during this period was the certainty that the slave trade was the most power- ful and mast deadly agent that could possibly op rate against the :spread of Christianity. From that time he met his face steadily against what he termed "the open sore of the world." —The Missionary Review. Don't:- Want Fat Hogs It is particularly difficult' in„�y`hese days of lots of feed and low prices to get farmer= -to realize that the market does not want a fat hog, at 'ea;•t not a hag of the fatted type, so popular a decade or so ago. The hog that takcs the p:•: niiwn to -day ,s the select bacon type, which is, :onipera'ively speaking. a lean hog weighing ]r:n to 220 p•iund= off cars set s,nckya'rds. Such hogs have a ,jowl and shoulder light and smooth. a :,ack tram neck to ;art e;2nly flesh- ed. a side long dropping straight. franc the hack, a belly showing thick- r..ss of fleshing, a flank well let down anil firm. a ham full. and a good gen- eral finish with no excess• fat. The best way to understand • the type of hog that gets the dollar premium is to visit a stockyard or abattoir rvr grading station where hog grading; is being done and see -for yourself the type of hog that nets the dollar p9•emiom for the producer TEACHERS' CONVENTION (Continued from last week) East 1Hluron Election The lection in East Hiuron division resulted as "follows: President, II. M. Shackleton, 'Blyth; vice-president, Miiss 'Myrtle Armstrong, 'Clinton; sec- netary treasurer, Geo., H. Jefferson, Clanton; Management, Staff of Blyth Public School; Mies Sharp, Auburn; Miss Winnifred Rae, Belgrave; audi- tors, Miss Amy Parsons, Clinton; Miss Luella Johnston, Clinton; Lib- rarian, Dr. Jahn M. Field, Goderieh; delegate to 0.E.A., Aliss Helen De- laney, Dublin. 'Inspectors Dr. Reid and Beacom addressed the teachers briefly. point- ing out some changes in basis on •which grants are now paid, and of- fering suggestions that would result in more efficiency in the schools of both inspectorates. 'Mr. Roy Stoneihouse, Librarian of West Huron, reported activity in the Insstitute Library, New books have been purcased and during the year 86 books had been in circulation a- mong the teachers of the inspector- ate. , 'M'iss Dorothy Little, of Londes- hero, taught an interesting lesson in Geography with a Junior Third Class takingas her subject "The Pulp and Paper Industry." 'From a knowledge of the forest trees of Northern On- tario, the discovery of fibres - in torn paper by the use of pictures and word pictures the`chilchpen were led through the variousa process of chop- ping, rafting, cutting,.. , grinding, bleaching, bluing, spreading, drying and finished paper. This lesson was heartily applauded by the audience. A pleasing i•arioation i nt-he .pro- gram at this time was the singing of well chosen solos 'by Miss ''.eta Rowe, of E'eter. ,Miss Alice Archibald then spoke on ""Teachers' Sefl Improvement." She suggxested' that teachers take tinie for a little self-extmination to see themselves and their shortcom- ings and thus find the need for self- improvement. The means of improve- m.:rit are at hand in our choice of friends, in. logical examination of the views 'of others, in Sumner Courses by the Department, in books of bio- graphy ancient and modern, in travel and even in the radio, if careful at- tention is paid ta.,,the type of pro- gram to which we Listen. She strong- ly r ecomnren• died thatei v - e pone should develop a worth while hobby for her own improvement. Retrogression is the only alternative to improvement,, Wingham Principal Speaks. 11r. Alrid Posliff. Principal of Wingham Public. School, took as his =ubj: ct "`D'ocendo 'Discintus." From his long experience he gave to the younger teachers .his ideas of what should be the main object of the public school teachers' efrorts, and the methods' by which that result would be secured. He made a strong plea for the development of a peace complex in the youth of to -day, and stressed• the. point that citizenship should hs the -chief result of our sys- tem. • • 'Miss Mary Thompson spoke on "Household Science • in the . Public School, giving a resume of the or- ganization and carrying on of a Household Science project in her school last year. She very. ,plearly outlined the ste•p•s taken in organiza- tion of the class, the hearty support given by the parents, and; the good results that followed in health, at- tendance, school spirit; os well as in the correlaltion with compositions, arithmetic, geography, • reading and liygihne. This work is recommended and encouraged 'by both our Inspec- tors, and the .Department of Educa- tion which is 'liberal' in its grants in order that it may •be niore generally adopted as' a school subject. Mr. Brackenbury, Principal of the Wingham "High School spoke ably on ."Co-operation." Lack of co-op- eration among the nations had result- ed in failure of conferences that aim- ed to relieve the present dei ession, and for this attitude teacher. must assume at least part of the blame. Be wiled for the idevelopment of the cn-operative spirit 'between teach- er and pupil, principal and teacher", home and school; primary and sec- ondary school, and between the teacher and the community. The aims of ell are the sante and lack of co- operation is usually caused by a fail- ure to understand each other. Ad- justment, of the pr esen tangle n which the world finds itself must ^one, and will come the sooner if we as teachers can only instill this co-operative spirit into the live of these with whom we come in contact, lending the kindly hand, giving the cheery word, c ncouraging and under- standing each other and promoting sound activities. The Lower ,School Examination in Art was •discussed by Mrs. Filshie, who analysed the usual Lower School paper in Art, and the scheme used in marking. Some of the more pram - in: rat errors noted on recent examina- IF YOUR EARS RING WITH HEAD NOISES If you have roaring, buzzing noises in your ears, are. getting hard hot' hearing and fear Catarrhal Deafness, go to your druggist and get 1 'ounce of Parrrlint (double strength), and add to it Y4 pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful four times a day!. This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and the mucus stop dropping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleasant to take. Anyone who has Catarrhal trouble of the ears, is hard of hearing or has 'head noises should give thisl, prescription a trial„ 0 • • •0 • O 0 4 0 • • • 4 O 4 4 0 O O 0 O 4 •0 o O tions were pointed out and dealt 'with. Mrs. F41shie'complilnented the teach- ers of Art in the public schools on the exeeilenoe of most of the work submitted by candidates at this years examination in the district to which she; had been appointed to examine. The practical nature of this paper w*ili be of great assistance to those engaged in preparing pupils for this examination. After replying to a number of ques- tions :submitted the Huron Inspectors expressed their satisfaction with a most. successful convention and the sessiorl" was ,brought to a close.—Geo. H,. Jefferson, Secretary East Huron Teachers; Geo. S. Howard, Secretary West Huron Teachers. ladder Troubles Bother Many Past 40 Seven Out of Ten Are ,Victims But Writer Tells How "Uraabs" Bring Swift, Amazing Relief With Renewed Vital Force "No one ,knows better than( I, the horror of joyless days and sleepless nights. .There have been times when 1 felt hopeless and helpless, — and when r 3weakness taused t he most intense humiliation. Only those who have gone through such tortures can possibly realize nay great satis- faction when Dr. Sout.hworth's URA - TABS brought me quick relief. URA - TABS are truly wonderful, and I give them • full . pa -aisle." Such amaainig evidence serves as convincing proof of the power Of URATABS to relieve those distressing ailments so often a handicap to those in -middle life. Oveeworked, sluggish Kidneys and Bladder We;a:-ness, bring on so many distressing ailments which so often lead to serious diseases that every sufferer from 'Lameness, Pains in back and dawn through groins, scanty but frequent urination, "Getting -up - Nights," Nervous Irritability and Lack of Force—should try the amaz- ing value of Dr. S•authworth's TABS at at once! Any good druggist will supply you on a guarantee of satisfaction or money back. Grater Of Suicides (Condensed from Miroir Du Monde; Paris, in .Magazine Digest) ' :In the western countries suicide, which is alivaes., an act of despair, is considered cowardice, and not unjust- ly so, I.n_certain countries, England, for example,. it is punished by. the lane. Not so in Japan. In the Japanese conception suicide is a noble gesture, sanctioned by the code of honor of the ancient caste of the Samurai and ,approved by national 'tradition. Next to the classical hara-kiri, the young generations of Japan have al- ways shown a preference' for various other, more or less romantic methods, of escaping, from thisvale voe of tears. The young men and women of Japan disappointed and discouraged, unable: to cope with the ever greater dif- ficulties of modern life, seek cleath— but they want to die in beauty. There was a time •wfhen the sons of :the Rising Sun used to jump into the ocean from high rocks. But the Jap- anese are all without exceptidn excel- lent swimmers and the instinct of self-presei'vatio i often got the' upper hand and made them regain the shore. To avoid such a temptation the seekers of death then adopted the Kegon cataract, an almost vertical waterfall, about 260 feet high. In this vortex the 'bodies disarpeared forever—en im•p•ortant point with the Japanese, who' are vent' superstitious and loathe the idea 'of their bodies being mutilated or exposed to the public gaze, or worst of all, subject A.% ELBOW - GREASE' NOT NEEDED' GOODNESS, ARY — HOW CAN YOU RUB AND SCRUB BUT THERE'S NO RUB AND SCRUB TO IT, I usE GILLETT'S PURE FLAKELYf AND WASH THE DIRT AWAY. NOTHING COULD BE EASIER. BY THE WAY, MARY, I GOT A TIN OF GI LLETTS LYE AND IT'S FIRST RATE IT CERTAINLY DOES'EAT DIRT°' NO MORE RUB AND SCRUB FOR ME! rat 111111. Dirt washes off without scrubbing .. . WTH•Gi%le'1't's Pure Flake Lye you 'tan actually wash the dirt away. Use a solution of' 1 teaspoonful of Gillett's Lye dissolved in a quart of cold* water. Of coi'rhs.dtubborn spots and stains. No rubbing, #IC liertt1 bing deeded. °CyBe G'iliett's Lye whenever ' there% a ly v dilating job to do—for' Gillett's Pure Flake Lye will not harm enamel or plumbing. Use it full strength for cleansing toilet bowls.and dealing drains. It kills germs, and takers • moray odors, too. Order a tin today. At y'our,•greeer's. * Never dissolve lye in hot water. The action of the lye iteel£ heats the water. the lutehell ter, GILLETT'S LYE 1'I"rliliv itt Free Booklet The Gillett's Lye Booklet tells you how to avoid drudgery by using this Powerful cleanser end disinfectant for dozens:of heavy c1ettninglobs. Also contains full direc- tions for soap making, dis- infecting and other was 011 the farm. Mk for free copy. Standard Brands Limited, Fraser Avenue es I41,eety Street, Toronto, Ontario. EATS , Pr;I ' to autOpsy rWlheu the authorities decided that tille+,caita'raet .lnari; bac� 1�'te s'luare, they closed tole accesses wiiUh ixnpenetralble !barbed wire. And then the candidates for suicide discovered the merits of the little volcanic island of Oshinva in the Padific, just Off Yokohama,. 'Poets have stung the praise of- Oehiana's beautiful maidens, its gor- geous red camellias and .its fire -spit- ting 1V2oun!t .Mihara, eternally crown- ed with a cloud olf fire and smoke. But 'of all the beauties of the island only the mountain tempted those weary of life. In evergreater num- bers they began to flock to the is- land, in order to plunge into the crater abyss and be cremated ht the irecanidesc'estt lava. The jump of a= bout 1;650 feet implied a painless dleath and the flesh, dissolved in the flames, rose to 'heaven together with the immortal soul. •T'his poetic vision exercised. an ir- resistible attraction upon the senti- mental maidens of Japan. Mount Mihara began to :devour their bod- ies. The first butterfly- to be attract- ed by its light was :Miss Kiyoko, a beautiful young society girl from Tokio. Together with 'a friend she climbed to the edge of the crater, wrote a ,charming message of good- bye to life and took the fatal plunge. Her companion fainted and diet( shortly afterwards from nervous shock. Thus Mount Mihara, became the fashionable crematory and the heca- tomb continued. The people firmly believed in, the purifying and sancti- fying power of its flames.' Terrible scenes took place at the crater. A women jumped down with her infant in her amus. An octogenarian had himself ,carried up to the edve in or- der to end his earthly career in the abyss. Young girls eonciluded death pacts with, young students and the couples threw theimselves down to- getherth. Withe indifference typical of all Asiatics, tourists began to flock to the fatal spoi in search of 'emotions.' Special excursion steamers carried them to the island. They, climbed the slopes of the volcano, covered with azalea groves and de•serts of ash and lava, and upon reaching the edge -.of down to wait, all by the light.of the moon. 'Neither did they have to wait long. For soon a young man would emerge from the 'darkness, advance hurried- ly to the ed ,take off his Coat, wave a last salute with his hand and dis- appear. The mountain would roar ominously and a column• of smoke rise from its d'erptlhs. A soul passed. They would pick up the coat and find the name. A guard, who always ar- rived too late, would take the name down and the tourists, satisfied with having had their 'money's worth, would depart. The epidemic assumed such pro- portion's ,that the government finally decided to intervene. For no less than two hundredpersons had sought and found death in the Mihara erart- er since 'the beginning of the year. The few guards stationed in its proximity .had proved inadequate to cope with the situation. (Scientists and ,journalists offerledi their senv ces for a scientific exFplor- ation of the crater that would de- spoil it of its mystic lure. A sounding chain was lowered but it 'broke at aibout 1,600 feet from the bottom of the pit. Animals were lowered in asbestos boxes ma'nipuat- ed by" means of arimitive crane in- stalled on the rocky• edges. Bht at 1,00'0 feet they showed Unmistakable symptoms of asphyxia due to the mephitic :exhalations from the crater. air/Last May, Mr. Iwata, a Tokio news- pap.erman, decided to try the experi- ment 'upon himself. Clad in asbes- tos from head to foot, equipped with a (respirator-, he let 'himself dawn in an iron .gondola, , conilmundcating his observations by telephone to the sci- entists and volcanologists who pre- sid.ed over the experiment. Twice the poisonous fumes made . him stop. At about 1,300 feet he dis- covered bodies caught on a project- ing 'rock., At 1,500 feet the tempera- ture became unbearable and he was unable to proceed. From that day on. the crater lost t ' os ttsttr a action and no more suicides were cornnitted in it. REPORT OF HOG SHIPMENTS The following is the report of hog shipments. for month ending August 31,' 1932: Exeter—Total hogs, 37; select bacon., 14; bacon, 19; butchers, 3. tHensail—Total hogs, 275;, select bacon, 90; bacon, 148; butchers, 25; heavies, 1. Walton—'Total hogs, 179; select bacon, 61; ibacan, 106; butchers, 11; Ilea/Vies, 1.. - (Clinton—Total hogs, 622; select bacon, 216; ibacon, 322; butchers, 54; heavies, 3. - 'Huron Co, Locals—Total hogs, 2,- 739; 'select 'bacon, 815; ibacon, 1,679; butchers; 136; heavies, 21; lights and feeders, '34. Huron County—Total hog's, 6,306; select bacon, 1,921; ibaeom, 3,556; but- chers, 541; heavies, 38; extra heav- ies, 149; lights and feeders, 75. The approximate per1ieds of • incu- bation of the several spelcieis of domestic fowl are: IHen, 21 days; days; partridge, 24; guinea fowl and Pheasant, 25; duck, pea -fowl and tur- key, 28; goose, '0; and ostrich, 42 days. The native fruits of Canada, with the exception cif the iblue•berry and the cranberry, are not cultivated on a commercial scale. Amllong the in- troduced fruits, the apple holds the premier place. Informality in the White House (Condensied from ' The Literai'y Di- gest in kendier'e Digest) In taking 6mmand of tile national I;oepver;y prhgram, President Roose- velt-banks oose- velt-ba rks heavily on the personal toutelr. He appealed' to a ipior�!ebs, partiei la ely the "little f1ljp tws," to "join with Inie iia the oa't.° 11gare OCTOBER .20, 1033; UARANTEE D! a Kellogg's Corn Flakes ,must always be uniformly high in quality. They are sold with the personal guarantee of W. K. Kellogg: "If you are not more than satisfied, return the empty red -and -green package - and we will refund your money." Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. than that, he invited them to address him 'personally "at the White -House" to that end. And the plan to post the names of those "With" him was announced not as an impersonal "ad- ministration" proposal but as "my purpose." :After •his nomination, he wrote a "personal" letter to every Democratic organization worker of consequence throughout the nation, asking advice and views for the conduct of the campaign. To a man, theyrespond- ed es and -ed to the compliment—More than 100,000. of them. This 'personal emphasis •is a dis- tinguishing - characteristic of the Roosevelt Administration. The Pres- ident puts much store by it. To his 'ability to call half the mienmbers of Congress by their first •nani!es when, he arrived in 'Washingtotr, for inaug- uration he attributes no small share of his success with Congress. The use of first names and the re- legation: of .ponderous phrases -is the genteral order. It proceeds from the President down through the depart- mierts. Try, to think of the central administrative officer of the last ad- ministration saying, 'as General John- son did recently: "This thing's .gat to be done in a gold -fish bowl. The air'll be full of dead cats before long." Or of a Cabinet officer sending word to the President as Secretary Ickes did, that "I'll die for him, but I'll be damned if Pll get seasick for him!" The air is ,full of informality. The ?vlerage Congress¢nan is flattered to be called "Toni". or "Bill" by the President of the United States, es- pecially, in the presence of friends or constituents. His wife, if the Presi- dent knows hear well from the old days, is thrilled to be called "Mile dred" as she shakes his hand at the "formal" White House reception. The orthodox and reserved Senator Glass,. a Southern gentleman old !enough to be the President's father, is hailed cheerily as "Carter," and likes it. , McKenna, the White House door- keeper for every President since the first Roosevelt, nearly dropped in hos tracks to be called "Pat" -the second day he stuck his head in -the door at a Presidential summons. Er erybody in the White House is• eatIed by first name; in fact, to be greeted other- wise would seem uncomfortably stifff' to a stenographer or clerk. And the personal touch is never, more notice- able than in the President's press conference when a question from any one of the hundred or so correspond- ents who attend brings a -response prefixed by "Fred" or "Charlie'' or "Russ." However, only, • Louis McHenry Hlowe, who 'has...lined nearly half his life with the President, and a few extremel'y,?' intimiate personal friends, and of course,. relatives, Cali the President "Franklin," to his face. The dignity of the office repels such fam- iliarity if the President's awn good. n'atur'e does .not. To Mr. Roosevelt the use of first nanjes comes More naturally, per- • - haps, than to any other President irs recent times. He seems to like it as much as the .:one addressed, and his faculty for remembering a name ia• of incalcullable political !value. lit promises to •have an enduring influ-. ence upon official life in the national capital. with a oleman SUNSHINE .�� LAMP Model 141 Coleman Sunshine Lamp. Use with or without globe as illustrated. Price only $6.93;'Shnde $1,00 extra., Model 118X1 Instant. Lite. Ireautlfnl ivory aremelito shade. aciit - In Pump. Generous tool eapaoity.., Price $12.43 complete. Now it's more econom- ical to have and to enjoy good light ... the clear, steady brilliance of a Coleman... than to be without it. For small cost you can get a genuine Instant - Lighting Coleman SUNSHINE Lamp that produces 300 candle- power of soft, natural light. PAYS FOR ITSELF IN SAVINGS You can use your Coleman for a year and save frond $5.00 to $7.00 over the cost of using .an old-style coal -oil lamp. In the meantime you are protecting your eyesight and keeping young and strong the vision of your children. 5 TO 20 TIMES MORE ILIGHTI The Coleman 'gives 5 to 20 times more 1iWht than any kerosene lamp. Fuel cost is only about 10 a night for the finest light. s safe, depend- able lamp ... can't spill fuel even if tipped over . .. no "crawling" flame. It's a clean lamp ... no soot or smoke. Makes and burns its own gas from regular, untreated motor gasoline. Save money; use a Coleman. SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER —or write us THE COLEMAN LAMP er STOVE CO., Ltd. Toronto, 8, Ontario' ]LF4.pVYft' _ ;.deUX9t7.el ai+ (sL. co li r ,r 'r a�.