HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-10-20, Page 1tfi
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•442 •
Seventy-third Year
'Vilhole Number 3436 •
Citizens of Seaforth Extend Welcome to Their
Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Bessborough.
Large Crowd Assembled At
Station As Vice -Regal
Party Arrives.
Stopping in Seaforth for a short
time on Wednesday afternoon, the
Earl and Countess of Bessborough•
were greeted by a large throng of
citizens of Seafbrth and neighboring ,
municipalities. The occasion was the
first since 1896 that a governor-gen-
eral of Canada has visited Seaforth.
• 'Scheduled to arrive here at 5.04
p.m., the special train, however, did
not reach Seaforth until about 5.25
Their Excellencies, accompanied by
anembers of their staff, left the train
where they were met by Mayor Suth-
erland, Reeve Archibald„ Tucker -
smith; ReeveEckert, McKillbp, and
Reeve Leiper, Hullett.
;Mayor Sutherland in presenting an
address of welcome, declared how
happy the people of this district were
'to welcome them.
The Mayor's address is as follows:
Seaforth, Ont., Oct. 18. 1933.
To Their Excellencies, The Governor-
General and Lady Bessborough.
Your Excellencies:
We, the MaYor, Councillors and cit.-
izens of the Town of Seaforth and
surrounding country, beg to express
to you our sincere appreciation of the.
fact that in spite of the many and
important duties of your exalted post,
you have so graciously found time to'
honor us by your presence ad brief
visit to our town. We greatly re-
• joice and consider ourselves very
fortunate indeed that. 'during this
time of 'perplexities and& difficulties,
you, Sir, and . your esteemed wife,
Lady Bessborough, are with us in this
Dominion of•Canada, in the hbtriffrable
position that you are both ffilitig so
well and nobly.
For by your wise statesmanship,
studied counsel, calm, quiet courage
under •difficulties, confidence in British
institutions have strengthened the
bonds of Empire, encouraged the pep-
., ple of this Dominion and won our
affection and respect. •
Your gracious presence and influ-
ente have made for • the good welfare
of the •people.
'May your term of office in Canada
be a Tvery happy and prosperous per-
iod of •your lives .and your present
journey to the several parts of On-
tario crowned with all the success
and happiness you may desire. We
beg to assure you of our . devotion
and loyalty to His Gracious Majesty,
the King; to British Institutions, the
Welfare of the Empire and, particu-
larly at`this time, of our esteem and
best wishes to your Excellencies.
'Signed on behalf df the people, A.
D. Sutherland, Mayor.
Doris Ferguson,little daughter of
Couneillor G. D. Ferguson and Mrs.
Ferguson, was presented to their Ex-
cellencies and handed them a bouquet
of roses.
The Governor-general., in replying
to the Mayor, said how pleased he
and 'Lady IBessborough w e r e
with the splendid welcome they had
been given. "I shall without fail re-
port to His Majesty the King the
feeling of loyalty to his Throne and
b0 his person which is felt by the
people of Seaforth and the whole of
•Ihis district in., an enthusiastic a
manner as is felt, I am sure, in any
part of this great Dominion," said
His Excelency.
• He was especially pleased
with the many children who were
present, and he asked that they be
given a holiday gn October 27th, the
day of his birthday. The children
received the announcement with
The Earl and Countess of Bess -
borough were introduced to town and
township offieials and Mayor Suther-
land reiterated the wish that they
anight again visit Seaforth during
their residence in Canada. The Mayoi
then called for cheers, which were
enthusiastically given.
Their Excellencies stood _on the
rear of the train as the train pulled
out and were heartily cheered. The
vice -regal party is travelling on a
special train of eight cars and pro-
ceeded from here to Clinton. • On
Thursday they will visit Goderich
miembers of the Huron militia
will form a guard of honour.
In 1896 the Earl and Countess of
Aberdeen visited Seaforth at the time
the Earl a Aberdeen was Governor-
General. W. M. Gray was Mayor of
Seaforth at that time.
Splendid Year of Activities
Is Completed byS.C.I.Alumni,
Annual Reports Indicate
Can You
Pass a
Mrs. Armistrong, of' Paris, is visit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Genunell.
Mrs. George 'Bell, Mrs. A. J. Hous-
ton and Mr. William Bell were called
to Detroit on Friday to see 'Miss Mar-
garet Bell, (Who is critically 111 in the
hospital there. Mrs. Bell remained
(with her. ,
These are some of the cases
that the Seaforth Lions Club
have in hand now and for which
they ask your support. Do not
fail these children.
Case No. 17 months of
age, walked about a month ago. Seems
to turn his left leg. The feet are of
the soft flat footed variety. The
weakness in the left ankle is due to
foot weakness and not to bow leg.
The attention in this case is to be
paid to the shoes. The usual wedg-
ing and Thomas heel should be ap-
plied to these shoes.
Case No. 2.—This child, was treat-
ed in the War Memorial Children's
Hospital, London, in July for moder-
ate degree bow legs. The outline
now is considerably corrected and the
splints need only be worn for half
days for the next two months. Case
will possibly be corrected by that
time and the splints will be discard-
ed altogether.
'Case No. 3.—Boy of 11 years lost.
his leg in an accident a few years
ago. The stump has grown since
then and will require reamputation.
A peg will then be necessary until
such time as griiwth has been reach-
ed and a permanent artificial limb
can be used.
Case No. 4.—This child was treat-
ed three years ago in the Children's
1-1ospital, London, and splintage pro-
vided her, the Child'So.condition being
the result of infantile paralysis. She
was a helpless' cripple at that time.
The present condition shows prac-
tically normal development in thigh
and kg, the reflexes being normal
throughout. The left leg is still ap-
proximately 11/2 inches shorter than
the right and the tendency will be for
greater shorWing of this leg. This
child will ev€ntually require a Hoke
operation to stabilize the left foot.
In the meantime and until she reach-
es 11 years of age, her shoes will have
to be watched, so that the deformity
will mot be aggravated, and she will
always require a one-eighth inch
wedge in the outer side of the sole
and possibly a •metatartfal bar. From
the foregoing case it will be seen the
length of, time required to' correct
some of the club'S cases. The neces-
Sity of having a steady flow of hinds
in cases such as these is all too ap-
parent. This child lives very close
to Seaforth and furnishes an excel-
lent example of the work being done
(Continued an page 4)
Annual Meeting of Associa-
tion Held Wednesday Ev-
ening is Well Attended by
Ex -students Memorial
Scholarship Fund Still
Illopes that the Alumni Memorial
Scholarship Fund wmild soon be corn-
plete, were expressed at the annual
meeting of the Seaforth Collegiate
Institute fAlumni Association in the
Thorn as McMillan Young Liberal
Club rooms on Wednesday evening,
by the president, Miss Mabel E. Turn-
Their Excellencies, the Earl and Countess of Bessborough, who on Wed-
nesday ,paid their first visit to Seaforth and- district since coming to
Canada in the spring of 1931. They were received by Mayor Sutherland,
• of Seaforth; Reeve J. A. Eckert, of McKillop; Reeve William Archibald,
'Tuckersmith, and Reeve James Leiper, Hullett.
A large number of ex -students at-
tended the meeting and enjoyed the
social program that followed the busi-
'Miss Turnbull presided. Business
included the adoption of the auditors'
report, the scholarship committee's
report and the election of officers.
The auditors' report showed that
total receipts in the general account
amounted to $547.67. A balance of
$22.65 is wried over.
"Climiline Roses" 'produlad last
winter and spring 'by members of
the Association, made $195.13 less
$32.46 for scenery, or a net of $162.67.
This amount was applied to the schol-
arship fund.
IThe Scholarship Fund has a bal-
ance of $421.70. It requires about
$250 to complete.
The Association has twientylour
life members.
In reviewing the activities of the
past year, Miss Turnbull mentioned
the Christmas reunion dance, which
had been a great success, the bridge
and dance, the treasure hunt and the
play, "Climbing Roses," all of which
had been very popular.
"These entertainments mean a
great deal of work for the execu-
tive," said Miss Turnbull, "but they
also are the source of much enter-
tainment for the offieers and I, per-
sonally, regret that you who are not
members of the executime, are miss-
ing this fun."
General meetings wili be resumed
this year and M. S. Savauge, "John
R. Frost and Margaret Grieve were
appointed a committee to arrange for
the November meeting.
'Officers were elected as follows:
Honorary president), Charles Stew-
art; president, Mabel E. Turnbull;
lst vice-president, A. W. Sillery; 2nd
vice-president, Mary Bell; secretary -
treasurer, A. Y. McLean; executive
committee, M. Grieve, M, L. Hays,
John C. Crich, J. A. Stewart and John
.R. Frost. •
(Following the business, two excel-
lent solos were sung by Mrs. J. A.
'Stewart and tiss Helen Lane. Lunch
was served.
.8. •
• •
J. M. McMillan Elected
President and Hall
That Badminton will be a popular
game in Seaforth this fall and win-
ter was evidenced by the large turn-
out at the annual meeting of the
club on 'Monday es -ening in the Town
Dr. W. C. Sproat, president, was in
the chair. He reviewed 'briefly the
activities of the past year as did the
secretary -treasurer,. John 'IVI.e.lienzie. •
Arrangements have been completed
to again rent the auditorium of the
town hall and this will be available
for play throughout the week. Fees
this year will be $3.00 for gentlemen
and $2.00 -for ladies.
The election of officers resulted as
'President, J. M. McMillan; vice-
president, A. Y. McLean; secretary -
treasurer, R. A. Walter; chairman
tournament committee, E. T. Taman;
chairman property committee, 'J. A.
MeKeneie; chairman social commit-
tee, .M1ss Janet Cluff; chairman mem-
bership and publicity committee, Dr.
W. C. Sproat.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Stapleton and fam-
ily, of Collingwood, spent the week
end with Mrs. M. E Stapleton.
riVrr. and Mrs. Fred Sadler and son,
Billie, of London, called on friends
in the village during the week:
1Mr. and Mrs. L. Beale, "Lionel and
Kingsley, of Stratford, visited With
Mrs. E. Beale.
The first social evening of the sea-
son was held in St. Patrick's parish
hall on Tuesday evening, with twenty
tables engaged in progressive euchre.
Prizes were won by Mrs, T. J. Moly-
aux and Patrick„Feeney. A dainty
lunch was served by the ladies. Har-
rison's orchestra supplied music for
old and new time dances:"
The Best
and Hottest
Badminton Club Arranges:
For Playing. ..•
Mayor Sutherland presided at the
regular monthly meeting of the coun-
cil on 'Monday evening.
'Reeve Smith and Councillors Fee-
guson,Aroat and Beattie were pres-
ent. - ....
Council received a deputation from
the Badmintop •Club with reference
to the leasing of the auditori'im for.,
club room purposes. Dr. W. C:
Sproat spoke on •behalf of the club
and asked that a lease for the. play-
ing season be given. Mayor Suther-
land promised every consideration.
After discussion, Councillor Fer-
guson moved, seconded by .Councillor
Sproat, "that the auditorium be leas -
ad to the Badminton Club at $60,.00
for playing season. The season tk,
start part of October and be com-
pleted by June 1, 1934, and that the
tow ri decorate the walls and ceiling
with muresco provided the club sup-
ply material; and that they will not
play badminton on any occasion that
the 'Mayor may request them not tc
do so."' The motion carried.
'The Mayor will place a wreath on
the Soldiers' memorial on Rerneme
lbrance Day. A motion by Councillor
Sproat and Ferguson authorized the
purchase of a wreath from the Can-
adian Legion at a cost -not to exceed
A motion by Councillor Beattie,
seconded by Councillor Sproat, euth-
orized the treasurer to invest $2,000
of the sinking fund in Hyclro bonds
from the Public Utility Commission,
interest to be $100.
'T'he financial report was presented
by Reeve Smith in the absence of the
finance committee chairman. JTlie
motion for its adoption was malle by
Councillor Sproat and secondd, by
Reeve Smith. The report TC m' -
mended paynient of the following sal-
aries and accounts:
James V. Ryan, salary, $60; .Tohn
A. Wilson, salary, $70; H. Snell, sal-
ary. $60; Thomas Storey, salary, 860;
E. L, •Box, coal, $591.54; Thos. Dick-
son, account, $5.00; Bell Telephone
Coe account, $421; Thomipson's Book
Store, $4.50; P. U. Commission, light.
$18.22; John Stewart, account, $57.03;
E. Parkin, account, $3; Canadian Na-
tional Railway, crossing protection,
$2.74; Municipal World, account, 31c;
William: Smith, wages, $6; William
Kerr, wages, streets, 84; Jos. Hut -
ley, wages, streets, 50c; Watson &
Reid, insurance. $16.20; Wnr. Hartry,
assessor, $100, postage, $1.73; James
Rankin, police, $20; HighlanPlers
Band, $109; Agricultural Society,
860; Seaforth News, account:" 859.22;
Wilson Hawkins, account, 834.22; J.
W. Beattie, motor, $35.
'Mayor Sutherland. relief officer,
presented his report for ,Septernbee.
Total relief during the month
amounted to $58.911i, af which the
town pays one-third or $19.64. The
'total amount was •divided as follows:
Food, $35.150; shoes, $3.90; medical
Arrangements Well
Way for Annual LionsFt
At Rink on Hallowe'en Nit
Plans For Annual Drive For
Funds Fir Ciippled Chil-
dren and Community Wel-
fare Work Discussed . At
Club Meeting.
The regular semi-monthly meeting
or the Seaforth Lions Club was held
in 'the Commercial Betel on Monday
evening with Lion J. W. Beattie in
the chair. A large number of Lions
were present.
!Lion J. M. MdMillare chairman of
the Hallowe'en frolic cogemittee, out-
lined plans for the big night and said
that arrangements were well ender
way. Chairmen of sub -committees
have been, appointed and are working
on special plans which promise to
make the evening an outstanding suc-
cess. •
Lion E. C. Boswell was the spetker
of the' eveningand his subject was
Egypt—a country with which he was
intimately acquainted, having served
there for two years during the war.
Lion Boswell discussed the geographi-
cal aliel social features of the coun-
try in an interesting and instructive
•Lion Dr. W. C. Sproat, who this
year is in -charge of the sale of
tickets, spoke and urged the members
to sell as many tickets as possible:
"You can't turn in unsold books," he
warned the club. Lions were appoint-
ed to 'canvass neighboring eomee,
Annual Public School Con-
cert Set For Friday,'
October 27.
Do you remen-uber the old stanzas
containing the line, "Make me a child
again just for to -night;" and how
you, many times since, have longed
for the privilege of having that made
Come to the public school concert
and that dream will be aim -lest re-
alized when you see the two operettas,
"Little Red Riding Hood" and "Un-
der the Sugar Plum Tree," with their
beautifully costumed fairies, squid-
gicurn squees, sailors' and nursery
rhyme characters, "Miss murret;
"Bo Peep," "Jack and Jill," "Little
Orphan Annie" and others. Won-
derful drills, solos and dances by
these characters ase -well as equally
good "health songs" by the primary
room, and a couple of games by the
ever favorite wee tots frori the kin-
dergarten, complete a program that
you must see and hear to fully ap-
preciate. Remember, October 27th at
8 p.m.
Mr, Harold Cowden spent the week
end in town.
Mr. Ronald Cowley, or. Hamilton,
spent the weekend with mj,,,,fa Mr.
T. Fells. 1
Miss Dell Walker, who is attending
,Stratford Normal School, visited her
Mr. Norman Muir spent a few days
with Mee and Mrs. Thomas Wallace.
Mrs( William Haugh visited last
week"with Mr. and Mrs. John •Adaie,
attendance and supplqe, $15.50; light
and watee, $4.00.
!Relief accounts included the 1'6Nw-
ing: Reynolds' Dairy. 87.20; Goudie's
Dairy. $1.68; Barnett's Dire, $1.20;
(hristie's. $1.37; Beattie, 58c: R. J.
Sproat, $1.46; W. Arnold, 63c; Mrs.
Clark, 81.40; A. Carter, $2.03; W. R.
Smith, $2.14; ,Jas. Cleary. $2.21; Miss
PrYce. $1.03; J. M. Cardno, $5.38; T.
R. Andenson. $3.28; W. A. Crich,
$2.96; Wm. Hartry, 95c; W. G. Wil-
lis. $3.90; C. Aberhart, 82.65; Dr,
Sproat, $12.85; P0'hlic Utility Com-
mission, $4. Total, $58.90.
• • • • • •:
• Thanks
27 Cockspur Street,
Londem, S. W. L, Eng.
The Editor, Huron Expositor:
Dear Sir: Attached hereto is my
cheque for $4.00 in payment of my
subscription to your newspaper for
another two years. I hope this
reaches you ibefore my present sub-
scription expires, as I do not wish
you to discontinue sending it to me.
Every week end I look forward to
receiving my copy for it always gives
a splenoid report on the news of
Seaforth and vicinity.
May -your publication continue to
Yours very truly,
A.eR. Turnbull.
in.' London.)
• * • „.• • • •
Goderich Students Capture
McMillan Cup For
Highest Score.
Splendid -weather favored the an-
nual field and track meet of the Hur-
on Amateur Aathleeic Associatlion,
representing the Collegiates of Sea -
forth, Clinton, Goderich, Mitchell,Ex-
eter, Hensall,.. at Mitchell on Friday.
'Seaforth Collegiate had a full list
of competitors in each event, but
.were unable to raise enough points
to capture the McMillan Cup, emblem-
atic of the school championship.'
Leola Nott won the junior -girls'
championship, which was the only
group honour to come to Seaforth;
The following were the executive
in charge: Hon. President, T. S.
Ford; -president, W. I. Carroll, Mit-
chell; vice-president, A. Smith, God-
erich;. secretaryetreesurer, Miss tv,
Hodgins, Mitchell.
Cups and Awards.
(McMillan Oup for school winning
most points, Goderich, 129 points;
Medd Cup for school winning second
most points, Exeter, 90 points; Mit-
chell High School Board cup award-
ed to senior girls, D. Ruston, Mit-
chell, 21 points. Savage Cup award-
ed to the school whose girls won the
greatest nuniiber of points, Mitchell
girls, 51 points. H. T. Rance
awarded for the most points in in-
termediate boys' events, Exeter, 36
0i/10. The Solway 'Mills Co., Ltd.,
Shield awarded to the Senior H. A.
A. A. boy champion. Ross. Clinton,
23 points. The Purity Flour Co.,
shield awarded .to the junior H. A.
A. A. girl champion, L. Nott, Sea -
forth, 18 points. The H. A, A. A.
presents suitable medals to group
Boys' Events.
;Junior -100 yd. dash, Penhale. Exe-
ier; Dinney, Exeter; Manns, Frensall;
220 yard dash—Penhale, F:xeter;
Kidd. Exeter; Manus, Hensel]; 880
yard dash -e -Howey, 'Exeter; Kidd,
Exeter; Fell. Goderich; running broad
junip--iflowey, Exeter; Sills, Sea -
forth; Thompson, Clintcn. High jump
_Hewer, Exeter; Barton, Gerleriehe
Middleton, Clinton. Hop, stop and
junip—Howey, Exeter; Manns, Hen-
eall; Pinney, Exeter. Pole vault—
Cheoroe, Seaforth; Rutledge, Mit-
chell; Middleton, Clinton. Shot put
—Howey, Exeter; Biggart, Clinton;
Cheoros,e Seaforth. 880 yards relay
--Exeter, Seaforth, Goderich.
intermediate -100 yard dash, Pass-
more, Exeter; Grieve. Seaforth; Kroy-
ne, Exeter. 220 yard dash—O'Brien,
Goderich; Grieve, Seaforth; Pass-
more, .Exeter. 440 yard dash—
Grieve, Seaforth; McDonald), Gode-
rich; Lads, Clinton. 880 yard dash
—Passmore. Exeter; Sills, Seaforth;
Pithlado, Goderich. One mile—Sills,
Seaforth; Harper, Mitchell; Pibblado,
•Goderich. Running broad jump—
(Continued on page 5)
Eyes Right! Come to the Seaforth Public School
Concert, on
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 1933, at 8 p.m.
(One night only)
Two Operettas --"Little Red Riding Hood". and
"Under the Sugar Plum Tree"
With Songs, Dances. Drills and Games. Come early. Don't
miss the Kindergarten games and Primary "Health Songs.'
Reserved seats, 10e extra. On sale at Aberhart's Drug Store,
Tuesday, October 24th.
Admission, 25c. Children, 1.0c.