HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-10-13, Page 83'. lj i 15 IL 'r' utter at calb. TagIAW SOCKEYE I.i '(IjMON a/s s., tin 18c WE TOMS PANTRY SHELF or Ws, .of Sade Biscuits t(IQIRNSTARGH 3 Winds for EA1GILE BRAND MILK FOREST CITY BAKING POWDER with Sherbert Glass 2Cc ]tire L d GOLD IMIEIDAL FLOOR WAX em 1.poun'd tin LiJ 1P O•Q,'.IF'iLOOR, FLOOR WAX tin Nugget Shoe Polish ttbr WASH. BOARDS at ..40c, 50c, 75c BUTTER CROCKS at 15e, 20c, 25c CONiCtEiNTRATE LAYING '_YIASHF— To 'unix with your uw'n grain; cwt. MiARM1LL LAYING MiASH—C'w't. All Coupons given out by Hutchison's must be in by November 1st. 25c 20c with one 50c $1.40 $2.25 A.C.ROUTLEDGE PHONE 166 HAZARDS NEVER TAKE A HOLIDAY Are You Protected? Our protection covers Fire, Life, Automobile, Burglary, Windstorm, Accident and Sickness, and all other lines. Watson & Reid Phone 214 Seaforth Specialists in All Lines of Insurance - — - ro 00000000 O S. T. Holmes & Son O FUNERAL SERVICE O Main Street, Seaforth O 0 S. T. Holmes' residence, O Goderich Street, West; phone 0 No. 119 W. Charles' Holmes' 0 residence, Goderich- Street, O East;"phone No. 308. O Ambulance Service O Night calls, Phone 308. 0 Day calls, Phone 119 J. O Charges moderate. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O OO H. C. BOX v 0 FUNERAL SERVICE O Licensed Embalfner Ambulance Service O. Night Calls Day Calls 0 O O 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WALKER'S 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O W. J. WALKER and 0 O JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. O 0 Incensed Embalmers and 0 0 • Funeral Directors. 0 O Lay or Night Calls promptly 0 O attended. ', 0 O PHONE 67 O O O O O d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FOR SALE SEVERAL DWELLINGS in • Seaforth and Egmendville Own your own home. - This is the time to buy and prices are low. A. D. Sutherland Bulbs FOR OUTSIDE PLANTING OR FOR GROWING IN THE HOME A choice -selection of Hol- ' land Bulbs,' such as Hya- cinths, Tulips, Narcissus, Iris, Crocus, Etc. —AT— Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Drug Store PHONE' 28 SEAFORTH NEWS OF THE TOWN Will Be On October 27th. — The annual concert by the pupils of the Seaforth Public School will be held this year in Cardno's Hall on Friday, October 27th. Teacher is Sick.—Miss S. I. Wood, classics teacher at''the Seaforth Col- legiate Institute, was unable to teach on Wednesday of this week through illness. Miss Margaret ' Armstrong supplied in her absence. Hold Bridge.—A delightful bridge, in aid of the Home and School Club, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holmes on Thursday ev- ening last. Some twelve tables were in play and prizes were won by Mrs. R. J. Sproat and Dr. F. J. Bechely. .t. Announcement.—Misr, and Mrs. J. M. Govenlock, of Seaforth, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Elizabeth (Beth) to Mr. S. Phillips, of Detroit, the marriage to t'a'ke, place the 14th of October. Will Speak Here.—Rev. H. H. Sav- auge, well known radio preacher, will speak in First Presbyterian church on Tuesday and Wednesday evening of next week. Rev. Savauge is well and favorably known having preach- ed here on former occasions. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. READ OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: ' Geo. R. 'McCartney, Seaforth - Pres. James Connolly, 'Goderich - Vice -Pres. 1Vlierton A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec,-Treas. AGENTS: W. E. X3irtchley; \Seaforth ; John Murray, R. R. 3, 'Seaforth; E. R. G. Jarmottth, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth; C. E. Hewitt, 'Kincardine. DIRECTORS: 7'tflliam Knox, Londesboro; George J;'eonhart, Bredhagler6; James Con- nolly, ,Goderich; Alex. Brbadfoot, No. 8 Seaforth• :fto!bert Perris, Blyth ; +I twrge , Nle3artitey, No. 8, Seaforth; John Popper, Tixcefield;• James • Shol- dice; Walton; ' 1 ogias Moylan,' No. 5, iatirtd tfbi. , Announcement. -Mr. and Mrs. John A. Thompson, Moorefield, announce the engagement of their daughter, Luella, to Beverley F. Christie, Sea - forth, son of Mrs. Christie and the late Charles Christie, Moorefield, the 'marriage to take place October 17th. Second Of Series On Tuesday.— 'The second and last of the Dominion Flestival Series of concerts will be held here on Tuesday afternoon ,and evening next. The artistsswill in- clude J. Franklin Caveney, sketch,art- e tertainer, in the afternoon ist and n , and the Paul Federson Company, fea- twring musical ent.ertaintrent in the evening. Se Orth Rebekahs Visit Mitchell. -Thr carloads of Rebekahs motor- ed to itchell on Wednesday even- ing to trend the joint open installa- tion Joseph Oliver Rebekah Lodge and essel Oddfellow•s' Lodge. At the cl e an interesting programme .was gi 'en, followed by lunch and dancing. as • Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. —Egmondville United Church — 10 a.m., Church School, "Paul in Antioch"; 11 ann., "Christ or Chaos"; ,7 'p.m., The Altar Fire Stories of Is- rael, "The Kindly Driver."—Rew, C. Malcolm, Minister, IFirstt Presbyterian 'Church -11 a.m. "The Glory of• the Defeated"; 7 p.ln., "Why I Am a Presbyterian," first of a series of sermons on origins and principals of Presbyterianisns—Rev. I. B. Keine, Minister. Northside United Ghore h—li a.m., "The Crusade for a Larger F riend- ship and Fellowship";, 7 p.m., -What Are You Grrin,g to Wear?"—Rn". W. F. Lane. Minister. 'St. TTtornas' Anglican Church.— Sunday School and Bible Claes, 10 a.m.;Pra\Er, 11 a.m.• even- ing ing service, -7 p.m.; special preacher, Rev. Ernest Hayes. B,A., Rector of Wri n gh am. the piano by Miss Helen Lane. The (topic foo• the evening, "India and Her Peo'pl'es” was ably taken by (Miss Elizabeth Taylor and p'rov'ed very interesting. After singing a hymn the minutes of the last meeting were mead by the secretary, Misys Vera Mole, and adopted. During the busi- ness part •of the meeting i's' was 'de- cided that the nuefmbea•s be divided in- to four groups instead of two as in previous meetings and the big mem- benship drive is now iii force. The meeting closed with the Mizpah bene- diction. The next meeting will be held on October 24th, COMING EVENTS The. McGillivary Young Women's Auxiliary 'of Northside United Churtih, will hold a bazaar and tea on Noyember 4th in the vac- ant store next Crich's Bakery. 3435x2 Lost.—Blue and white Pouter pigeon. Any- one knowing this bird please advise The' Ex- positor Office. 3435x1 Only Cress Corn Salve fe sold with money back guarantee. At Keating's Drug Store. 8435-1 Wanted—Good size mare, sound ; aLs.q one pure bred. mare, any breed State age, weight and price. Box 157, Huron Expositor. Sea - forth. 3434x4 Special Bargain in Varnish. --.Guaranteed varnish. $1.00 per quart; also a good house paint at ,iao a quart. Craves' Wall Paper Store, Seaforth. 3435-2 For Rent. -Solid brick house with all mod- ern conveniences„ freshly decorated; garage, central locistlo.n. 1pimediate pression, Ap- ply to Miss Dolly Carlin, corner Market and High Stteen. 3435x1 Man Wanted to handle high grade line of Teas, Coffees, Spices, Extract. Toilet Pre- parations direct to established users. Open- ings in Huron and Perth Counties for man with car. Write T. H. Ward Company. John South, Hand3ton. 3433x1 The Scott Memorial Hospital Board have decided to continue the training _school for practical nurse:+. Any young ladle; desirous of qualifying as such, apply personally or by tetter to the Hospital Superintendent, Mks, Wilson. R. R. Ross, D.D.S., Secretary of Hospital Board. 8434-3 House For Sale.—Five-roomed frame house on Centre Street, Seaf•or.th, in good repair, town water and elect,ic light., good cistern. If mot sold will be rented. Apply to John SieNay, R. R. 2, Seaforth, or phone 236 r 23. 3434-3 Por Sale or Rent.—Cement block house lis Goded'ich Street, East, for sale or rent All modern conveniences. New garage, Posses- sion October let. Apply to Andrew Archi- bald, Box 282, or phone 44-W, Seaforth. 3412-tf Important Notice.—Any person having a claim against the late F. p. Hutchison Estate please present before November 1, 1933, also kindly assist Hutchison's to • olose all book ii.ceounts owing by cash or note by November let, 1533. to enable Executors to distribute assets of late 1'. D. Hutchison. Jennie B. Hutchion.. 3435-3 Free—High Class Photograph Free. — On Wednesday and Thursday, October ,.18th and l fah, we will photograph all persons 6n years of age or over Free of charge, and present each person with ONE large photograph of themselves absolutely free Remember Vou have nothing to buy to get this free photo- graph. N,,r matter where you live, come and for this (free •photoera,ph. Remember the da.j:—Ocrober 13th and .10th. Photos taken da or night. Burgess Studio, Mitchell. 3435-1 Wingham Rector Will Preach in St. Thomas' Church.—During the Dean- ery meeting held recently at Clinton, the Bishop requested that. a change of. parishes for one Sunday should be taken by all the clergy of the Angli- can Church in the Deanery of Iluro•n. A resolution to that effect was adopt- ed by those present at the meeting. and in accordance with that wish of the Bishop, the Rector of Wingraanl will 'visit St. Thomas' congregation next Sunday. A. Y. P. A. Meet.—The A. Y. P. A. of St. Thomas' Church hell their sec- ond meeting of the year in the par- ish hall on Tuesday, October Oth. The ne'etin:g opened with t hymn after which -Canon Appleyard installed the crew officers, who were: President. Betty Southgate; vice-president, Bob Archibald; secretary, Marv' Hollies; treasurer, Dorothy Parke. Next a program committee was formed Con- sisting of Margaret Leyburme, Lulu 'Hart and F. Archibald. A motion was put through that the A Y.P.A. have a social committee for every so- cial evening. A committee was then tappoitnited for the first social which is 'to be held at 'Mrs. C. Holmes' on the 23rd of October, consisting of .Josephine Ede, Agnes Case and Marion Mioorle. Admission. of five new members by Canon Appleyard followed, after which the meeting closed with the benediction prono'unc- ed by 'Canon Appleyard. Young People's League Meet. --The regular meeting of the Young Peo- ple's League of Northside Un'i'ted Church was held on Tuesday evening, October 10'th, with Micas Helen Lane in charge in the absence of the mis- •Isionmrry convenor, Miss Ruth Thomp- son. 'Community singing led by Mr. \Sarni Scott ph"ececled the nieetlinig• • 'Prayer by Rev. Mr. Lane opened the meeting. A shoat missionary story was given 'by 'Mists. Alma ,Finnigan and was much enjoyed. The Scrip- ture, ,reading was given. ,by Miss Win- mie lSavauge. -A solo "Through the Years" was beautifully remdiemed 'by Mr. Edward Bright, atccompanied on Real Estate Changes.—The resi- dence of Mrs, William, McMichael, at the corner, of Anne and James Sts.', has this week been sold' to Mr. A. D. Armstrong, who recently sold his farm In Harpurhey. Mr. P. Peterson, "Who last spring purchased the Garrow farm, has sold it to Mr. Lawrence Lafl-anier, of Stratford, who gets possession November lst. Mr. Peterson is look- ing for a farm of a 'hundred acres or more. RdGERS' S I LVERWARE AT I-IALF PRICE A most unusual money- saving opportunity of securing Genuine Rog- ers at amazingly low • prices. SHOP AT AVAUGE'.S IT PAYS Jeweler - Optometrist Gift Goods PHONE 194 RES. 10 - FOWLSUPPER BAZAAR in ST. JAMES' PARISH HALL Wednesday, October 18 from 5.30 to 7 ADMISSION 85e Under the auspices of the Catholic 'iotnen's League. neater of the League of the Sacred Heart. She was of a charming per- sonality, (very kindly and cheerful and was much loved by a large cir- cle of friends. Surviving are her husband, one daughter, Mrs. John Sorel, of Fort 'William, who was with 'her mother during the latter months of 'her 'illness, and was their only child; two 'brot7uers, John Shanahan, Hullett, and Daniel Shanahan, Sea - forth, and two grandchildren, Marg- aret and Jack Sorel. Surviving also Northsi lt• United Church W M. S: ?test.—The ',':omen's Mis' ionary Sao iety r- iety of this church hes,! the social es :'k meeting at the home of the `•'en.es t t i guson on Wsdnesday af- .clnoon of lest week. Af7er singing a hymn. Mrs. W. P. ?cote led in 1!':ayere Tile Seri 11tlire le 33, t was t,'l,en h; M'r?. W. A. Circe and was 'uli,tweil r' th a rending ov Mrs. F. L. Hutchison. A delightful solo was, .'erderecl 't Mrs. .James' Str.wart, \.rich w.;. 'r'tich anproc:ete,i. M,rs, tea •?d' l"la, in presided over a very inter^estin f program. Refl'a;hmema were ser.' • 1 ai: liar close o1 the meet - ire under the ; nvenorsh, ' of Mrs. 1•aac Hu l 'i and her group p, a • Women's Institute Meet. — The .Junior Women's Institute held their monthly meeting at the home of Miss Jean Fotheringham with a large at- tendance. a cc It opened by singing the institute Ode and repeating the Lord'.; Prayer. The roll call was, "Seine prominent person in educa- tion." The minutes were read and approved. A reading by Alice Thomp- son and community singing was en- ,ioyed by all, Vara Forsyth gave a paper on "Summer Clothing and Their Storage." Alice Thompson, the first vice-president, took the chair for the second part of the meet- ing and opened her. part 'by singing "0 Canada." Miss Keddy, district prs idelriqtt from Hurond•ale, gave a talk on the convention at London. A very pl asing solo by Ethel Jackson, accompanied by Maybelle Rands on the violin,' was enjoyed. The topic on "Education" was given by Mrs. James McIntosh and a demonstra- tion on adjusting a dress pattern was given by Miss May .Wallace. A dainty lunoh was served by the host - ease's. Sister of Mr. D. Shanahan Passes in Clinton.—After an illness of sev- eral month's duration there passed 'away cn Thursday evening' at her home, in Clinton, Margaret Shana- han, beloved wife of J. P. McIntosh. Mrs. McIntosh was born in Hullett Township in 1864 and was in her 69th year. Her tparents were the late Daniel' Shanahan and Elizabeth Scan- lon, both of Irish descent. She spent her childhood years in her native township and in 1900 married Mr. McIntosh. They farmed in Hultett. Seventeen years ago they retired from the farm and carie to Clinton where they' have since resided. The late Mrs,. Mtclntosh wars a .devout member of St. Joseph's Church, She was active in all the women's organ- izationrs of the church, was a mem- ber of the Altar Society and pro - No ASHES • • • No DIRT - • • • No MUSS • • • • The ashes and dirt of a furnace are cer- tainly not 'among the joys of the Winter sea- son.,. SILENT GLOW— the dip -to -date and eco- nomliral oil burner, can do away with these nuisances at low cost to you.,, Silent Glow The Modern Oil Burner SEE John Modeland . For information and Prices. Anniversary Services® will be held in , Constance United Church on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22nd Minister for the day ---Rev. J. But• ton, of F'ordwich. Special music by the choir. Ser' ice at 11 a,m. and 7.30 p.m. Fowl Supper TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24th Supper Served from 6 to 8 Programrhe will consist of a play "THE PATH' ACROSS the HILLS" by Blyth talent; Mrs. H. Lawson, soloist; also music by Blyth Orchestra. ADMISSION: Adults, 50c. -(Children, 25c. It's True Ec�nomy To Wear Rubbers at This Season of the Year Complete Range of the Celebrated DOMINION RUBBERS now Ready. MEN'S RUBBERS 95c pair WOMEN'S RUBBERS 75c to fit all heels iJ BOYS'ftUBB'E1RIS 65c 75c pair and MISSES' RUBBERS h5c pair O CHILDREN'S RUBBERS 00c pair BOYS' RUBBER'S 6,5 c red soles MEN'S RUBBii RS red soles are a large connection; of nephews and nieces. The funeral was held from St. Joseph's C'huach Saturday morning. Requiem 'High Maes yeas observed, Rev. Father Sullivan being assisted by Rev. Father Lowery, of Goderich, and Rev. Father Paquette of Wingham. Interm,enft was made in the R. C. cemetery in Hullett. The funeral was held from 'St. Joseph's Church 'i'mmediattely atter the arrival of the noon train, on which John Sorel, the son -hi -law' from Fort Wil- liam, arrived. A large eu nbeer of friends and neighbor's attended to pay last respects to the departed.. The .pallbearers were M. 'Morrison, M. Carbert, P. Reynolds, A. Flynn, J. Levy and J. J. McCaughey. Friends were present from 'Detroit, Goderich, Seaforth, St. Augustine, St. Coluine ban and Mr.. and 'M�s. Sorel from Fort William. $1,10 SELECT YOUR RUBBERS NOW AND.BE READY FOR THE • WET' WEATHER W. O. WILLIS NEAT To DALY'S MAG GOMM %ffi,r1 f1:xLfGAlI�_�ri�C ! Former Resident Dies in Manitoba. —IA despatch to the daily press. from Virden, Manitoba, under date of Sep- tember 26th, says: "The funeral' of James Carter 'McDougall, old time resident of this district, who died suddenly Saturday morning, was held Monday afternoon. The deceased was born at Seaforth, Ont., 56 years ago and cane west with his parents in 1882, settling on the'honeestead three miles northeast of Virden." a.. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm iVleDermid of Hullett, spent Thanksgiving with friends in Galt. • Miss Margaret Rose and Miss Betty Malcolm, of Toronto Univers- ity, spent the week end at their homes 'here. • Mx. Jack H'inohley, of Colling • wood, spent the holiday with his moth•er, Mrs. J. D. IHfinchley. •t„!Mi. and Mrs. Armstrong, • of Toronto, are guests at the home f their daughter, Mrs. W. C. Sproat. • :Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Stewart, the Misses Erie, Jean 'and 'Margaret Stewart and Mr. A. Allan, of Toron- to;, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Plant. ••• Miss Muriel Beattie, 'Miss Mar- garet McKellar and Miss Elizabeth McLean, of Western University, Lon- don, spent the week end at their homes here. • 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Watts, of Chatham, were holiday guests at the Queen's. - • iMrs. W. Dougall, of Hensall; and Miss Alice Dougall, of Toronto, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie. • Professor G. R. Anderson; Mrs. Anderson and Miss Helen Wilson,' of Toronto, were week end guests at the:, home of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Mc- Lean. • Mr. D. D. Wilson, of Toronto, spent the week end with his brother, Mr. J. A. Wilson. • Mr. A: R. G. Anent and Mr. Eric Edwards, of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ament. • lMr. and .Mrs. J. E. Willis spent Thanksgiving with friends in Hamil- ton and ,Toronto. • Mr. W. G. W. Fee, who recently underwent an operation in the Gen- eral 'Hospital, Toronto, has been able to return to his hone here and is much improved in health. - . • Miss Bell and Miss Wood, of the Collegiate staff, spent the week end at the World's Fair, Chicago. I• Miss Jean Brodie and Messrs. W. H. Pollard and W. McNay, of Stratford0 1' N rmua School spent .the holidays at their homes here. • :'Ms's Mildred Johnston, of Was - age, spent the holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston. • Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kerr, of 'Toronto, were week 'end guestst at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jane's Kerr. Mr. and IbIrs. Kerr returned to To- ronto with them. • Mrs, J. L. Grieve spent last week with relatives in Toronto, • Mr. and Mrs. Davis Moore, of Toronto, spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Isaac Moore, in Tu'ckersmith. • Miss Elin'o're 'marrows, of Toron- to University, and Mr. Arthur Bur- rows, of Western University, London, spent the holidays with their father, Dr. F. J. Burrows. • Mr. Robert Willis and Mr. S. PParks, of Toronto, were holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 'G. Willis. • Mr. R, A. Walter, of the Bank of Cominlerce, spent the holiday at his home in Jarvis. • Miss Fergus 'McKay is. visiting with London friends. • Mrs. G. D. Ferguson., Miss Doris and the Misses Watson motored to Toronto on Saturday. • Mr, and Mrs. H. Minett, of To- ronto, are 'spending this week at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box. • Mr. Angus Moore'is spending a couple of weeks visiting in Chicago. • Mr. W. L. Watson, of Toronto, spent the holiday with his father, Mr. James Watson. • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas •Marc'ella, Kathleen and Bobby, of Kitchener, and Mr. and ,Mrs. Lisley Stringer, of Detroit, agent Thanksgiving witli Mrs:• Angu's Moore. • "Mrs. Andrew Calderwood and Jean, of Hunts/ille, and Miss Anne Foote, of Woodstock, are the guests of Mrs. G. T, Turnbull. • Mr. and Mrs. John Finlayson are visiting with Detroit friends. • Mrs. E. MnMlurray is (visiting with friends in Toront& • 'Mrs. J. R. IHlillis aril family, of Toronto, are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. G. T. Turnbull. '• Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Kruse and Billy, of Galt, and Mrs. William Sclat- er, of town, spent' Thanksgiving in Auburn. • M. and Mrs. G. R, Weller, of Essex, were Thanksgiving guests at the home of Mir. and'Mrs. R. E. Mc- Kenzie, , • Mrs. F. O. Wilds, of Dashwood, is .spending this week with her sis- ter, Mrs. Angus Moore. • Mrs. J. D. Ross, of Neilburg, Sask., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex. McNab,eNorth Main Street. • Mr. Jack Archibald, of Chatham, spent the week end with. Seaforth fir'ilends. • Mr. Wilfred Smithy of Toronto, spent the week end witlh friends here, • IMis's Bess 'Grieve, of the Ohat- ham Collegiate staff, spent the holi- days,�r with her parente, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. 'Grietr'e, 1 Just What You Have Been Waiting For — A FULL VIEW OF THE NEW FALL FASHIONS — Now Showing The Reigning Modes Ladies Autumn Coats Dresses HATS. Of Course You Want To See the New Styles —To decide on which will be best for you. —And to be among thea first to wear the new things. —Now we are ready to help you do all this. —For here are choice new things in Fall ap- parel. —There's a smart win- someness about them that makes one long for brisk Autumn days. —We know that when e you see them you will want to don them at once. It will giveus pleasure t0 show them. COME I MacTavish's 1 I I • Miss Jean Smith spent the holi- day with Guelph friends. • .Miss Beatrice 'S•eip and Mr.• M. Clark, of London, were week end guests with Mr. 'and.' Mrs. ,George Seip. • Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith and family were holiday guests with Mil- verton 'friends. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank-Coates.'and family. of Linden; Mrs. E. Chitten- d'en, of Toronto, and Mrs. C. Hollin- ger, of Brussels, were guests over the week end at the home of Mrs. R. E. Coates. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Rogerson, of Constance, spent 'Friday with friends in Wingham. • Mrs. R. L. Clark and sister, Mrs. :Martha Hocking, of 'Calumet, Mich., spent the holiday in Aylmer with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark. • 1Mr. and Mrs. John Klein and family, of Pontiac, Mich., snrent i, Thanksgiving at the home, of Mrs: Klein's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Memo. • Miss Anna Sutherland and Miss Elizabeth Jones, of Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mas. A. D. Sutherland. • `Miss Clara McKinley, of 'Paren- te, was a week end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Armstrong. • Mr. and Mrsir Hughes and 'Miss Florence Laidlaw, orf Toronto, spent Thanksgiving at the hone of Mrs. J. C. idlaw I• DrLar Cron . ch, , Mrs. Crouch and three children and Miss Evely-n 'Me- Faul, of Toronto, spent the week end' at the home of Mr. an4 Mrs, J. G. Manisa. • 'Miss Edith 'Govenlock, of To- ronto, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Govenlock. • Dr. F. J. Burrows, Miss Elinore and Mr. Arthur , Burrows spent Thanksgiving in' St. Catharines. • Miss Jean Winter, of Toronto. spent the week end at the home of her g1'anrim'pther, Mrs. Robert Win- ter. • 'Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Anderson and Betty, of Hamilton, 'spent Thanks- giving at the *home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell. • Mrs, W. E. Southgate is visit- ing" with London friends. • Miss Mabel Turnbull spent the week end in Muskoka. • Dr. Reid Edmunds, of Brantford spent the week end at the home of his mother, Mrs. W. G. Edmunds. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Stark, of Welland, spent the holiday with Mr. Stark's mother, 'Mrs.• A. Stark, • Capt. H. J. Hodgins, Mrs, Hodg- ins and Mrs. Abell, of Toronto,. were• holiday guests at the home of ' Mrs.. L. T. DeLacey. • Miss. Laura McMii]lan, of Toron- to, spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McMillan • 1\ r. and Mrs. Harry Twiss',. of Barrie, were holidays guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Alex. McGav- in. • • Miss Dorothy Hutchison, of St, Catharines, spent the week end with her "mother, Mrs. F. D. :Hutchison. • Miss Ethel McKay and Mr. Ron- ald McKay, of Toronto, spent the holiday at their home here. • Miss Gladys Thompson, of Niagara Falls, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. J. B. Thomp- son, • Mrs. A. M. Barton has left for . Hamilton where she will 'spend the winter and Mr. P. B. Moffat who has leased her residence, has moved into - it. • Mrs, Lightowler and Miss Light- owler are visiting friends in London. • Mr. and Mrs. F. Spriggs, - of Toronto, were guests last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. ;M. Sproat.e. • Mr. and M1s. Nelson Govenlock and family, of 'Waterford, were guests in •Seaforth and vicinity. • Mr. Ryerson Hartry, of Welland. spent the week end at the hotne,of his father, Mr. Wm. Hartry. • Mrs. J. Porter, Jr., spent Thanks- giving with friends in London. • Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Montgomery' of Brantford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willis last week. ; Self -Setting Permanent Waves • WITH CURLY RINGLET ENDS $2.00 $3.00 $5.00 Complete At Queen's Hotel, Oct. 176 9.34) a.m. to 10 p.m. Phone your appointment to Queen's Hotel. W.' HARRY GRICE, Stratford. DOMINION FESTIVAL Concerts on Tuesday, Oct. 17th PRESENT IN CARDNO'S HALL J. FRANKLIN CAVENEY, Sketch Artist and Entertainer, with supporting staff, at 3.30 o'clock p.m. This will be amusing, clever and instructive. • THE PAUL FEDERSON COMPANY OF ARTISTS at 8.15 P.M. This will be •a musical 'evening of outstanding therit. S'eldoni is such a lnnlusieal treat pre's'ented to a. Seaforth audience and ' 'should be' ekeeptionally attractive at the NEW REDUCED PRICES Double Ticket Single Ticket Afternoon Con- Evening Concert 2 perdons with 1 person with Cert, single `eeSingle ticket Boal $1.0QI. concerbsy 5"0'c, picket, 26e: 50e. STUDENT'S TICKET . (Public or Collegiate) both concerts, 25c; or 15c either concert. K��