HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-10-13, Page 5•
�� ,r.a"�„•?' `.lite
OCTOBER 13, 1933. .
A real red-blooded entertainment.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday-Qctolier 16` 17, 18
The title means that Thursday is another' day -A sparklingly
COMEDY done drama: MEW'S REEL
Thursda;:, I''riday, Saturday -October 19, 20, 21
Charles Ruggles in "TERROR ABOARD"
A night on 'a yacht with terror aboard.
Matinees Sat. and holidays; 3 pan. Two shows nightly, 7.30 'and 9.15
The Bethel Ladies' Aid are holding
>a tea me_'tin:g in the church on Mon-
day, October 16th. A splendid pro-
gram is being .arranged.
An "social evening was held in the
basement ,of Duff's United Church
on :Monday evening under the aus-
pices of the Young Peoples Society.
Miss Ruby Young, the convenor of
the social committee, was in charge
sof the program, which opened with
she hymai, "'Comte,,• Ye Thankful Peo-
._ tele, Cone," with the pianist, Miss
'Vera Gardiner, presiding at the piano.
Splendid` musical selections were giv-
en by an orchestra composed of 'Mrs,
Cecil Lydiatt, piano; Messrs. H.
Kirkby, violin; R. Patterson, violin,
and C. Lydiatt, saxaphome. Miss Mil --
'sired Sealers delighted all present with
then solos, while a girls' quartette
composed of Misses Helen Farquhar-
son, Mary Buicharlan, Anna Enntils
and Lena Drager was 'very much
appreciated. A well rendered duet
-was sung by Jack Bryans and Ar-
thur Bewley. A splendid talk on
."Thanksgiving" was given by the
pastor, Rev. Charts Cummins;, Fol-
lowing a few ren~arks by the presi-
dent, Gertrude Miller, a report was
.given by the secretary, Miss Edna
-Reid. The following. committee was
appointed to choose the characters for`
, .a play entitled, "Wild Ginger," which
will be presented in the A. 0. U. W.
Hall early in November: Miss Edna
:Reid. Messrs. Gilbert McCallum and
.Jim Murray. Several piano solos by
11rs-, W. E. Radford re -eels -1:+d great
applause. The remainder of the ev-
ening was spent in playing games,
after which lunch was served. The
-pleasant evening was brought to a
close by, singing "God Save the
The October meeting of the Wo-
men's Association and "ome'n's Mis-
sionary Society of Cavan United
Church, Winthrop, was held at the
'home 'of Miss Jean Archibald, west
of Leadbury, on Wednesday after-
noon; October .4th, with forty-nine
ladies- in attendance. The president,
MD-ratrick, presided over the W. A.
meeting. The opening exercises were
followed with readings by Mrs. D.
McFarlane and Mrs, Patrick on "A
Perfect .Presbyterial" and "Building
a Church at Gypsemville, :Ulan." Dur-
ing the 'business period arrangemrents
were made for the annual fowl sup-
per which will be held in the base-
-srlent of the church on Monday ev-
ening, October• 3Oth.
The Missionary meeting was in
raharee of 'firs. • William Somerville,
A prayer' offered by Mrs. Hugh Alex-.
ander 'v.'as, followed with the Scrip-
ture reading by Mrs. Robert McClure.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read by the secretary, Mrs. D.
MacFarlane. An interesting reading
.,entitled, "Thanksgiving Magnifies our
Blessings" was .given by 'Mrs. Errol
Hiabkirk. Sentence :prayers were of-
fered by Mrs. 'Farniham and Mrs.
'Beattie, after which LeWill Your An-
chor Hold?" was sung as the closing
lymn and the Lord'is Prayer was
.trepeat"'d 'in unisons. Refire:shirlents
were then served and a ,social half
lhour spent.
Mr. and Mrs. McLeod Observed
Golden W'edd'ing. -In observance of
their wedding anniversary, Mr. and
Mrs. Angus McLeod, well known
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tSedro.Wboley . residents, entertained
a large number .of friends and rela-
tives at their home on East State
Street Tuesday evening between the
hours of seven and _eleven 'o'clock.
Mrs. Sadie Geer, sister-in-law, plan-
ned this delightful affair. Bouquets
of lovely fall flowers were used in
beautifying the hoanie and at ten
o'clock •d'ainty refreshments were
served. Just rbefore lunch, Donald
McDougall, nephew of Mr. and Mrs.
McLeod sang, "When Your Hair Has
Turned to Silver" and "By the Old
Mill Stream," As the guests de -
partied for their homes the record,
"The End of a Perfect Day" was
played. Mr. and 'MTs. 'MeLeod re-
ceived many beautiful gifts in re-
m'embrance of this happy occasion.
Guests present included the follow-
ing: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown
and son, 'Donald Brown; Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Dupise and Mr. anri Mrs,
Simon Anderson and children, Vir-
ginia, Jeane, -Kindel] and Shirley, all
-of Bellingham; Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Wat=
son, of Deming; Mr. •an'd- Mrs. Ab-
bey and, Miss Cres:sa - Abbey, of An.-
acartes; Mr. and Mrs. A.AHen•drick-
son and son, Ellis Henda,ickson,' of
Mount Vernon; Mr. and "Mrs. Geo.
Wilcox, Mr, and Mrs. Paul Wilcox;
`Mrs. Jane Wilcox, of Clear Lake;
.Jay Rhoden, Donald McDougall, Mrs.
Sadie L. Geer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Shannon land daughter, Maxine
Shannon, Mr. and • Mrs, George
f ochreham, 'vIrs. IHI. Stafford, M.
Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Shiek,
and daughter, Leona Shiek, Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Roberge, Mr. ands •Mrs. J.,
M, Walls, Mrs. K. Miller, Mrs.
Gladys Beach, Mr, and Mrs. L. An-
derson, IMs'. and Mrs. L. Perry, B.
Anderson, all of this city, and' Jess
\Vilcox, of -Wickersham; Mr. and
Mrs. Charmer and daughters, of
Clear Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Guffen, of
Sedn'o-Woolley. Mr. and 'Mrs. Mc-
Leod were married. in Walton on
September 266, 1883. Mrs. McLeod
hefore..her marriage was Miss Belle
McDougal, a sister of Mrs. Joseph
Love, of this village, and Mrs, J. D.
Hinchley, of Seaforth. The follow-
ing l ay they nvo•ved to Duluth, Minn.
whefe they resided until they moved
to •Wrashinsgtan about forty years
ago. They lived in Castle Rock and
Bellingham and in 1907 moved to
Skagit 'County. Mr. McLeod has
been in the shingle mill bus'iniess
since going to that State. Four
daughters and one son were horn to
this " couple: Mrs. Simon Anderson,
Bell•inghanthe only one of whom
is now living, was present for the
A dance was held in the A. 0. U.
W. Hall on Friday evening. The mus-
is wars furnished by -Harrison's':five-
piece orchestra.
The regular weekly meeting of the
Y. P. S. of Duff's United Church was
held en Sunday evening with Stew=
art Bryans, the 'first vice-president in
charge. The opening hymn, "Lord,
Speak To "le That I M'ay Speak,"
ivas followed with the Scripture read-
ing by Bill Farquharson, after which
comments were given by Jack Drag-
er. A Psalm: was read responsively
and the minutes of the previous meet-
ing were read by the ,secretary, Miss
Edna Reid. The 'roll call was re-
sponded to with a verse of Scripture
containing the word "prayer." The
topic entitled "Enrichment Through
Prayer" was given by 'Miss Ethel
Shaw, after which 'Harvey Bryans
gave a reading on "Thangsgiving."
The closing hymn. was "Jesus Mas-
ter Whose I Aim" The meeting
next Sunday evening will be in
charge of 'Miss Dorothy Drager, con-
venor of the Missionary Comenittee.
The topic 'entit'led, "Has Christ a
Missionary Purpose For Every man"
will 'be taken by George Ramsay.
The Thanksgiving- service in Duff's
United Church was emanated by
Rev. G. E. Morrow, of Cavan United
Church, Winthrop, on Sunday morn -
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We urge you to make this investment
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personally or telephone. •
Messrs. HAYS & MEIR,
llljoliday visitors: Dr. and' Mrs,
Svsase and fancily, of •l 1amilton; Miss
lltilairgaa t 'Watson and 'Mils Irene
'Snider, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Rat-
tesi'lrury and family, of Burlington;
Mr. and 1Mrs. IMontbeith and family,
of London; Miss Emma McDonald, ggf
Gloderich; Mrs. Anna 'MelDonald, 'of
Du:Wais; Mr. and 'Mrs. John Mlo7'n
tosh, of Toronto.
'The :many friends of Mrs.. Walliaan
Hill were sujeased to see her at
church last 'Sunday 'after 'herr recent
Miss (Rhea Rouatt, of London, spent
Thanksgilving with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Rouat.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Manson were
guests of • tlhe tatter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Thomispson. -
At the preparatory service which
was held in the United Church. last
Friday evening, fifteen 7nemlbers of
the 'Sunday school .united with the
church on profession of their faith in
Christ, which twat a great encourage-
ment to the minister, parents and
Suncky schgol workers.
Chose who attended the morning
.service last:Sunday 'and heard , the
interesting address d'elivere'd by Rev.
B. J3'oward, of Arcoea, S'ask., could
not fail to be impressed with •the
great need of assistance in the West.
He said there was a great number
of municipalities that had no crop
for° the past four years' sand . this
year they have had the grasshopper
plague, which left their field's as
bare as a carpet. He spoke about
the great courage of the peoples
They could not hear the thoughts of
having their church closed. A few
weeks ago an appeal was sent to the
women of the congregation and com-
munity asking for new clothing or
good second hand clothing, and there
is great need of clothing for chil-
dren. No doubt the women will re-
spond liberally, and the bale will be
sent as soon as poseible.
Mrs. Gordon Walker and Mrs.
Woods, of Bad Axe, Michigan, were
.holiday guests with Mrs.. A. Broad' -
foot, Mill Road.
A joint meeting of _the Brucefield
U,P.O. andP
U. .W.O. will be held at
the home of Mr. ,Murray Gibson, on
the evening of October 19th. The
topic of taxation will be the subject
of the evening by Miss Waldron. The
roll call will be "How to Economize."
'Miss Irene Snider and friend., Miss
Riley, of London, sped -Thanksgiv-
ing with the forener's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Snider.
trig. Appropriate music was furnish-
ed by the choir with .Miss Bessie
Davidson presiding' at the organ.
Rev. Charles Cumming conducted the
anniversary service, at Duff's United
Church, McKillop, on Sunday last.
Thanksgiving visitors in the vil-
lage and vicinity were: Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Love, 'Miss Isabel and 'Robert
Love and Mr. and 'Mrs. 'R. Rudd, of
Toronto, at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Rutledge; Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Strangway, of Sarnia; Miss B.
Ashton, of Seaforth, at the home of
Mr.nand , Mrs. W. E. Radford; ''Mr.
and M'rs. Armand Ken'nick and daug'h-
'ter, Joan, and Misses Eva and Mar-
jorie Hopkins, of Kitchener, with
Mrs. Kernick's sister and 'brother-in-
law, 'Mr. and M : Harold Sellers;
'Mass Lsabel Ritchie, of Stratford
Normal, with her parents, Mr. and
Jigs. John Ritchie; Mrs. D. Small,
Mi's's Mary and Jim Small., of Strat-
ford, with the fon-nerds mother and
brother, Mrs. Roe and Jim; Miss
liuriel•'Farquharson of .Goderich and
Miss Isabel 'Farquharson', of Sea -
forth, with their parents, 'Mr. and
Mrs. William Farquharson; Miss
Amye Love and Mr. Jack Wilson, of
Toronto; Mrs. J. D. Hinchley
Mr. Jack Hinchley," of .Seaforth,' at
the home of Mrr.. and M'rs.. Joseph
Love; 'MT. Harvey Bryans and friend
of Otterville, with the fornuer's par-
ents, Mir. and 'Mrs. Edward Bryans;
Mr. and )Mrs. Louis Wood and MT.
ansd Mrs. R. 11 -5. - Bedell and son, Reg-
inald, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil' Lydiatt and Mrs. B. Lydiatt;
Misses Helen 'Somerville and Doro-
thy Driscoll of Stratford, with their
parents, MT. and 'Mrs. William Som-
erville and Mrs. J. Driscoll; Mr. ana
Mrs. Thomas Mose and family, of
Milverton, with the latter"s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sholdrice; Geo.
Kirkby, of near Grand Bend, with
his parents, Mr. and MTs. Herbert
Kirkby; Mrs. G. Wells, son Ted and
c'au.ghter Joan, and Miss Hay, of
Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs: • William
Humphrey and :Mr..and Mrs. 'Haugh
Sharman; Mr. Kenneth Jackson•, of
the 0. A. C., Guelph, with his father,
•Mr. George Jackson; Mrs. W. J.
Zoe'ger, •Mists Laiira and Louise
Zoeger, Edward Zoeger 'and J. Mow-
at, of Toronto, and Mh. and Mrs.,
William Miller and daughter, Mar-
guerite, of Mitchell, at the homie of
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. 'Miller; Miss
Aileen Ryan, of Brantford, with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan;
Miss Iona Johnston, of Blyth, With
Mr, and Mrs. Colin .Fingland; Miss
Jean Alexander, of Stratford, with
her parents,' 'Mir. and 'Mrs. Hugh
Alexander; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Gardiner, of Farquhar, were revert'
guests at :the home 'of .Mr. and Mirs.
'Wlilliarn 'Clark and Mr. and: Mrs.
Peter Gatrdlnler.
Mrs. (Harold .Sellers has returned
home after spending a few weeks
with her sisters, Mrs. Lena McGavin
and .'Mrs. Armand Kernick, at Kit-
iisitors out of the village and
vim y were: Mr. W. C. Bennett,
Ronald 'and 1 (Shirley, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Sellers and son 'Clayton with
relatives at Kitchener and Heidle-
burg; Mr. R. W. Hoy and son' Earl,
with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoy at Port
Albert; Mr. C. IHlazelwood with his
parents at Kirkton; 'Mr. and (Mrs.
Colin Fingland with Mr. :and Mrs.
Prank Fingland, Clinton; Mr. .and
Mrs. W. E. Radford and son' Maurice
at the home of Mrs. Radford's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Ashton;
Russell Willson at his home in Brus-
sels; IMrs. Thiomes • Young at the
herne of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Young
at Russe'lldlale.
Mrs. John Harris has returned to
Kitchener .aiteir spendingsevetral
weeks at the home of Mr• . and Mrs.
Harold ;SeJllesrs.
'Mrs. J. 'F. Easslan :and son of Strat-
ford, were recent guests at the home
of, Mas. Easeon'S parents, Mr. and
,Mira. IIusgh Meander. t �_
'el/0 ^1)f 1110 "owO1
- COO #ate Aiaxuty sary, Tile
anniversary of the organization of
the senior 'branch of the St. Thomas'
Oholrah Woman's Atixillary to the
Missionary Society of the Church of
England in Canada was 'very fitting-
ly celebrated on Tuesday afternoon,
October 10th. A celebration of the
Holy Comnhntunion was held in St.
'Phomas' 'Church at 3' pan. for the
members of the W. A. and their
friends of the Missionary Societies
of the Presbyterian and United
Churches in Seaforth and Egmsonds-
vll'le. The service was fit6liy. choral,
the rection, 'Canon Appleyamd, was
the celebrant, assisted by. Canon T.
Austin Slnith. After the the ser-
vice the ladies were welcomed in
the parish hall by Mrs; Appleyard,
president of the 'W.A., where after-
noon" tea was served. The hall look-
ed very attractive with decoratioans
of autumn leaves and flowers. At
the tea table which was centred with
a three -tiered birthday cake), Mas.
Vaeilgm'ond and Mrs. Pinkney pour-
ed tea, assisted by miemibers of the
W. A. Mrs. VanEgmond, being the
oldest m'enuberpresent at the gather-
ing, cut the birthday cake, a piece
of which was enjoyed by' all present.
It is the intention of the W. A. to
send a piece of cake to former mem-
bers who are living elsewhere.
Mackay -Holmes" --A quiet wedding
was ,solerrenized at 34 Rowanwood
,Avenue, Toronto, on Saturday, Oct.
7th, at 11 o'clock a.m., when Mr,
Ross R. 'Mackay, son of Mr. J. F.
McKay, of Tuckersmith, and the
popular principal of Cromarty school,
was united in marriage to Miss Mary
Louise 'Hlolhles, only daughter of the
late Mr. and ire's: Charles Holmes, of
Marquis, Sask. The ceremony Was
performed by Rev. F: H. Larkin, D.D.
The young couple were unattended,
the bride being prettily gowned in
yellow georgette and carrying yellow
roses. Following the ceremo, Mr.
and Mrs. Mackay left for Hamilton
and Niagara Falls, returning on Mon-
day, when a reception war, held ett
the hoiiie, of rMr. J. F. Mackay.- Mr,
and 1Vlsrs. Mackay will make their
home in Hensall where the best wish-
es of a host of friends Will follow
Miss Hazel Haugh has returned to
Toronto after spending a few days
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Holiday visitors with 'Mr. and Mrs.
William Douglas were: Mr. and Mrs.
W. Troyer and three daughters,, of
Magnetawan; Mrs. James Troyer, of
Seaforth, and Miss Margaret Wright
of MitChell; , Mi'. and Mrs. W. H.
Stephenson, of Marlette, and Mr. and
Mrs. Wiley, of Detroit.
Purpose Shorthorn heifers, about one
year old. MURRAY GIBSON, Brucefield.
Shorthorns, ready for service. Real good
animals from good riilking clam,. Apply to
JAMES HILL, S'taffo, or phone, Dublin Cen-
tral. 3433-tf
day, October 14th. 1933, at Lambert and
BURDON'S Sale ,Yard, ,ct one o'clock sharp:
100 c&mice mixed cattle. 1 horses; few young
calves and pits ; few milkers and 'springers.
Cattle delivered for fifty miles.. ah the rate
of twenty-five cents per head; after this
distance. •.twentty cents per mule. Terms -
Cash. M. A. MaALPINE, Auctioneer.
AUCTION SALE. -Mr. G. H. Elliott has
been instructed to sell by public auction
on Saturday, October 14th, at 1 p.m., on the
premises, North Main Street. Seaforth, the
following: One solid 'oak davenport, one
library table, 1 wardrobe, 1 cherry drop
leaf table. 6 dining room chairs, 1 medicine
ease, wiicker chair, 1 large mirror, 1 metal
stretcher and mattress, 1 porcelain kitchen
table, 2 small stands, table, 1 three-yiece
bedroom suite with mattress and springs. 1
three-piece white bedroom suite. mattress and
springs, 1 walnut finish metal bed. mattress
and springs, 2 smell bureaus, 1 bridge lamp.
1 Quebec range. 1 electric rrangete', 1 step
ladder. 1' clotheshorse. ironing . board, lawn
mower. 75 feet hose, large table, 1 ash siflter,
1 verandah seat. kitchen linoleum and oil-
cloth, 1 clnng'oleum rug, 1 linoleum rug, one
green plush chair. dishes, gladioli bulbs. 'pot:
and pane ; 1 eight -piece mahogany dining
room suite. 1 buffet, 3 -piece bedroom suite.
springs and mattress, kitchen fable 2 kitchen
chairs, 1 living room table, 3; Being .room
chairs (rockers). 1 couch and tapestry cover,
1 double folding couch bed with mattresses,
1 oil burner, 2 wash boards. 1 wringer, one
ironing 'board, 1 elothesborse, 1 va.ccum sweep-
er, 1 tea 'kettle, 1 horn hat rack, 2 small
veranda tables, 1' oak hall seat 1 carpet
sweeper, 1 large tea caddy, parcel of window
shades, picture frames and miscellaneous art-
icles. Terms -Dash. Mrs. J. PATTERSON,
Prbrptietreas; G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Building for Sale
Tender for the purchase of the following
building will be received by the undersigned
up to and lncludina October 7, 1983:
Club House - Used as a club house by
the Seaforth Golf and Oounda-y Club. The
building is of frame c"uns'truclt&on 28f by
16%, with a 10% foot verandah on two
aides. One third of verandah is glassed in.
Thebuilding is covered with shingles and is
lined throughout with B. C. fir. It contains
a kitchen 16%' x 8r complete with built in
cupbbb.rds. The entire building Ih but re-
eentfly erected and is in excellent condition.
It would make a wonderful summer cottage.
The building is situated on the• present
property of the Seufbrth Gat and Country
Club, on the faran of Thomas Dodds, McKil-
lop. Ianmediate possession may be had.
Terms -Gash.
A. Y. McLean, Secretary. "
28 and 29, Oanems•lon 8, McKeon, con-
taining 192 acres send known as the T. E.
Hays' farm- Must be sold to close the estasbe.
If not sold 'wiili be rented. For particulars
apply tto .1. M. GOVENLOOK, Executor, Sea -
forth. 8868-13
Insurance of all kinds.
Bonds, Real Estate
Money to Loan.
Phone 91
50 Sample Dresses for
Afternoon and Sunda?'
Night. No two alike.
Women who have been looking for
something new, that is entirely did
ferent, will find the newest, smartest
dresses in this wonderful group that
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everything smart in new necklines
and fancy sleeves; crepes with a
whole style story in the weaves alone.
All in the much -in -demand Blacks,
Autumn Browns, Wines and Greens.
$5.95 t�$12.50
en's Fall
Our new Fall display
attractively. features
the new styles, the
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new colors.
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Fine. B 1 u e Serges,
English quality wor-'
steds in fancy weaves.
Wonderfully Ilin!ed ;
masterfully tailored.
Low Pries
We specially empha-
size buying that new
Suit now. Prices nev-
er will be lower.
• • •
We personally guar-
antee every Suit we
sell for quality, for
fit and for correct
I16° to $18.50
Men's Winter
at New Low Prices
This 'has always been a good under-
wear store, and it is the best place
to -day to buy your Fall and Winter
Underwear. Every nationally known
brand at the lowest possible price.
Penman's Merino 75c
Tiger Heavy Fleece 75c
Stanfield's Gold Label $1.25.
Stanfield's Red Label $1.65
Stanfield's Blue Label $1.95
Fine Cream Rib $1.25
Spring Needle -Fine Rib $2.95
Turnbull's Fine Rib $1.50
Penman's 71 , $1.75
Dodd's Mottled $1.25
Fleece_ .Combinations $1.39
Medium Weigh
Extra Values and Thrilling Styles in
Fall Millinery
The cleverest and most favoured of
the current Myles in all the new col-
ors sponsored for Fall from the rak-
ish looking, close -fitting berets to the
brimmed hats for the more conserva-
tive dressers.
dsike't ailkAitYd.'•rtlriu.4.m
134..i!vi`6S.nn$ :lit`l+bur'a'V,S. iigCe; AbJ .rak.UiyrC