HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-10-13, Page 4ae - tti s1, '1 iur Esta�bl hedgl8 0 kl� �jith McPhail iMcLean, Editor. i. r ,1j ' iblished at Seafoa th,-Qntario, eve "Lj Thursday afternoon by McLean JF0141 'Subscription rate, $1.50 a year in igd'vance; foreign, $2.00 a year. Single .. eapies, 4 cents each. • Advertising rates on application, E—, Members of the Canadian Weekly 1. Newspaper Association, Class A Weeklies of Canada, and the Huron County Press Association. SE,kFORTH, Friday, October 6, 1933 It Looks Like Old Times A novel scene for these days was witnease-d at the Canadian National stock yaa,ds in Seaforth on Monday last, when seven cars of cattle were assembled here for export to Lit'er- pool, England. . It looked like old tinier in fact. Thirty years ago it was tiu" atom mon sight, 'but thirty y:,ars ii quite a space of time, and many ups and downs have been experienced in the cattle ;hipping business sin'a:e then. Thirty years ago ieevling cattle fo .. export was a thriving indus , w' district, n- rr t 'r• in this .a 'the fa i � s uL deeds of cattle were expo:•ted arrruu- ally. "Then came the opening of the American market by the raducrion of tariffs on cattle an the export trade }windled and for some years the ex- . pori s'hipm'ents have been few and far between. Now the vvhe'el is turning again Higherand ever higher tariffs have not only closed tree American niar- <kets to Canadian cattle, but every other foreign' niarket as -m -ell:• Canadian markets during' the pass three or fear years have been mable to, absuib the- surplus. Shippers tc these markets- have been receiving for their cattle little more than the • transport an4 comhiic'sioa charges, Sometimes not Even that. The improsr'ement of the ti -,nes ire Great Britain, coupled with the Im- perial preference, have, in r•ecen! months, opened up- a mark: t in the old country, and Canadian feeder; are again exporting their cattle, At best, however, the, British anar• ` tet is a g'amlL•'le. The distanc:: is sc great that ' anything -..right hipper betvve-en the loading in Canada ane . the arrival of the cattle in England And once laun'che'd there„is no turn• ing back, no holding over. 'What' was a verystrong market when the cattle were shipped, may have become a ylery weak one by the time, they are landed. That; is the gamble.. . Fortunately, however, for the Can- adian exporter the British market has been fairly .strong for some months, and with exchange where it is, 'Canadian shippers have been able to 'do much better abroad than they would be able to do at home. We hope that fortune will continue t9 favor the !bra've' and .that our Huron exporters will land. on a top- ping market. The farmer needs all the encouragement he can get these days. The Nein ,Government Loan One hundred and one million d'o1- la�ere subscribed to the new gov- ernment loan on Tuesday, the first day the subscription lists were open- ed. '• The total amount of the loan asked for is $225,000,000 and the bonds bear interest at from, three and a half to four per cent. 'The money is to be used to retire former government loans bearing a . very much higher interest, and will . effect a saving in interest charges of some two and a half million dollars a year. That .is good business. At the same time, even with the much lower interest rate, the invest- ment is a safe and sound one and the rapidity with which it is being, taken up shows that Canadfian firms and in- dividuals recognize that fact. , 1. . -- No One Wins - Since early in the month of August .there iibaye [been cowl strikes in focus counties in the State of Perim-ylvanda adjoining ,Pittsburg. Since these strikes started the miners have lost in wages $7,84.5,000 and the loss including 'that suffered b'1' business..in general is estimated at $20,000,000. Who won than strike? Gaming nearer home we have the +strike in -the City of Stratford, just i a few, miles, away. Theme, for upward's, of 'a month, the I' workmen in the principal man'ufalc- tuAnk ipliants of the city, have .been a# ion shrike, and the factories, as a consequence, have been closed. Dutting'that tk n e- the workmen have lost their wages and the factories have had their trade connections broken. iWe do i1bt • know the inns and outs of the ,contlr6versy. ° is right or who is wrong, or who is ito 'blame for the situ til that bas arlselL -' ..., Burt'we -do know tthot neither the 2hadd”, tuners' xtox the workmen will " N1. si� ' ,,,de dr•u: A,. pd �,�q�w"". `j•. -rsr^. & tti v. r 5. �- pp h t 11 , � proint by the shrike. Before the workmen can again draw wages, the factory owners will have to carvvass the tirade to secure new contracts, n That is not going to be an easy task to accomplish. Having cancel- led) provii'ous contracts because of strike conditions, 'business is not go- ing to ttuinlble over itself to fuinis'h,'' these manufacturea•s with neve ones. ,Not in these tithes at any rate, or for some time to come. ,.•""In the meantime the factories will remain closed and some eigh+ hun- dred to a thousand wor•krmen will 'be deprived of their wages and will have to live as best ,they can, No matttr what the ultimate result will be, neither side can win, and with winter coming on, the situation created by the strike will be a very serious one for the City of Stratford. Teachers' Convention (Continued from page 1) The poen., "Canadian Born,` 'b'y Pati-Pyie Johnston set to music by Mr. H. Liven,,, of Goderich, was sung by Miss Pocock, of London. The -,void, an very natriot+lc ane ether 'rendering was heartily encore.l. lrr. Gord'6n. Kidd, of Dungannon, 'rave hie vi.ws, lire and con, on the second year normal course which he h1 . taken recently. Heou 1 nc d . i the work c'overekl month by month. He was decidedly of the opinion that the �d.?.tl antag'es outnunlfiei tha advant- a;;e,. Tlie year spent r'erves as a ec`ie• herr but lie thou;;ht summer ;'ohne; should ans-wer the same pur- nor. Teachers los: the year•'i t•each- ing•, bare to meet the doable exnonso and face the., uncertainty- of securing a school' wain. Officers Elected The ekct•ion of officers in the We— Huron Section resulted as follow;, President. 26.-G. M. Keeler. Dasli- v^ ,nd; v;ce-president, Mr. G. S. Ho•,r•- t•rd, Exeter; secretary-tr•easure-r•, IT,, My �:xnehotl Go�,erich; Ctrt111ci1- !ttrs—M,ss 11. A, FIlis, Hen.,all; -)lis Philippa Penfold, Kip pen;.hiss E'lsur Blackhall, F,xetc'r•'; Lilbrarian, lir F;",v n Smith, Goderieh; Resolution Coniniittee—Mi=, M. A. Hotton, Ex- eter; Mr. C. Blower, Hensall; tins,, L• McCullcw*, Winchelsea; .hiss J. McDonald, Zurich; hiss S. Grant, Lu•cknow•; fir+, R. Kilpatrick, Port Albert; _Mr. E. C. Beacom, Goderich; miditrr,, Mr. G. Bili, Dun'g•annon., Mr, 1V. Drok: nshire, St, .Joseph; d�-i- egate to O.A.E., Mr. A. R. Dodds. The auditors' report (to uate) Ao,ved a -balance of over three hun- dred dollars. Resolution—That'an outline 'of seat ,work be authorized to accorrnpanv the present primer. ' East Huron President in Chair On Friday -morning at 9 o'clock the convention reasseinbled with the Tresiedent of the East Huron Teach- ers' Association,, Mr. Alan Finlayson, presiding. After nlorring prayers Mr. Finlayson called' on Miss Ada Webster,, ,of Luckn'ow, president of the West Huron Association, for an address. hiss Wdbster chose as her sA- ject, "Giving the Public School Child a Fair Chance."_ Teachers, our school system, our teaching methods and results, daily receive --comments fav- orable an& orth4rwlse from critics outside as well as inside the teach- . ing profession. Parents are some- tirnes claiming that there is some- thing wrong with ,public schools; that pupils skim over a mass of material ' and master nothing. Inquiring per- sons have found a c15•se relationship between the methods' of teaching em- ployed and"the` efficiency, or lack of it, of boys,•and girls during and after their school • days. The main objec- tives in our teaching should be (1) to teach the child to register each new fact clearly and accurately in his memory; (2) to insure the efficient use of the memory by assisting the child to establi7sh` th•e habit of prompt recall. (3) To develop the reasoning power by helping the child to es- tablish the habit of applying to each new situation and each new •problem the principles oflogic and (4) to en- courage in ,ever y, way possible the, exercise of that rare gift—initiative. The joint conventiori then broke into two sections for election of of- ficers. , ( Continued next week.) DUBLIN Week end and holiday visitors were: Mrs. Benninger, Sr:, Goderich and Hugh Benninger, Kitchener ; Frank Stapleton, Toronto; Gertrude Stapleton, Toronto; Veronica Mc- Connell, Galt; Florence 'Coyne, Pres- ton; Joseph 'Carpenter, Chatham; Birdie Murray, Kitchener. Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Smith and Florence and Billie visited, in Cale- donia. Mrs. M. 'Byrne, Jo'sep'h' Carpenter, Mgrs. T. J. Molyn!eaux and Angela Shea are in Chicago. )Forty Hours' Devotions closed at St. Patrick's ,Church on Sunday ev- ening. Rev. Father O''Connor, of the Paulist Order, Toronto, was the speaker for the occasion. WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs. "Mac" McKenzie, of Oshawa, and 'Mrs. Mae-D'onrance, and etMley, of Seafo!rbh, ispenft Sunday wirth 'Mr, 'and 'Mrs. George Eaton. 0vir. and Mrs. Fergus Bullard and chiid!ren ' and!' 3tr. John Armstrong spent the week end with relatives in London. - IMr. and Mrs. Adam Doddsi, of Liss towel, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ' Bax- ter, of, Benmiller, spent Sunday with M;T. and Mrs. Robert Campbell, Sr. IMr, Fid. Phy,ce atnd Miss Ammie Pryc , of Hullett and Mrs. Pryce and Nellie of Seafon{th ;pert Sunday with Mr. e�nd 'Mrs. Scott, Bolton, !Mr. Angus Moore is vdsibing rela- tives, in C'hi'cago. , W. and Mars. Robert 'Hogg and children of Eg+mlondWil'le and Mr, and Mrs. 'Foster Bemnett and Momra spent Monday with Mr. and IMrs. George hlito!n. (Mir. A. A. Cuthill and Margaret 0 . e o { k'1�"r ri Yn 9 a 'n'' x!x.3r"ir !x�• 'zra•�.�'t-n,, .,� fir ,a} . e 6 F H k o , 7 y .lL Oat • L o -. w a . a 1 ':. w "G 5. 1�t H ri �1U a y i u! ) ! k t k. h 1 1: k g' 1 IF .a� s P5{ r �'� A r k A? s i ef Jap 4 . t 1 { k d .,1, . 6. M1 '? d J , t t ' i ' T �•• 7 i A ,ni"� d tl h M tag x l t �...� i t t r A ,iL S $ w i h 4 I y i �� • F U., a• ,+'. r i, 4 �_. r ii K .Jr ` 'a" a � A v '1 i�4 a -. .. r. F ,. a ry( r 1, i ,}}.,, ...a �'� AG+F l�.Y' .r,.tx t' i V. �., Y ..... �. *Y 7, ...+' .P , ,. i.., J Ny{. ..--..�r,,t, .,..E S, .a, tl•4 AA:IY RI nitf'r Y ( �• i r 1 t ry Yi Aai`r .f L. 1. , i.. .., ,,. M.. ,h.4:;,: .AI�p1 a .1. ,.. -.. a. .. a ,. .. -.. .v lay. 4} � .,.. f.. ,.. t. w d. u �1. 'V) �i I.. ;•,, �J if C . v, h. 1 -„ c r,. t,: :'�. a. -�... e'Ai1.f G :;[;.: ' t h \, ,��q r41 -W. ii(µµ`' wuJ�... Y,,.` ,�d::. {{� 1'. r`'1. 1.`. ..rc.: I. 1� .. -.•�..M•, "Itl, '`1 i .. e. �. , �.1 .,..y ... .,: ,� :,..I,, . �. ., ., r- ,� , , .a 4 .',;. ..a .i:. :i M.. -, ..i:!i. t ,.r etc v,� ,,. 1. , n ..{ ., ., .. ,,, .-i ',. y • .... ..1 .�, � i+ J.l 1, A+Fjh1+l•.:yY .3.. IM ,i, .,/y ,Y•;y.• `1 :.., g orders; ; Miss Clarissa Mitchell has been ,,,. 4 0 WE HURON EXPOa.ITC CTORER, IS, x.93.3, • •' W ® LOOKING � I I OVERDISTRICT . . I :� - . NEWS,,,, a. I making goad recovery during the 'past couple of weeks, following an �,,�7>la��rt�$�%itisAfS�sl�I,revxk�lr�•liva�!ti;.!,ti'�sas��.Vad.ax'�:wS, k..MM.J,.. �....,. ,. tete..,, .. �'�3�.., 1. I W M. S. meeting which was held at 'Mrs. . I .. I 1, .... , ... I�m pent a few days in Toronto last E�xetter, with, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. were glad to sere theme. Mr. Wilfred Troyer, of )4agmete- England for 51 years, 'Since the Leek. Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. L. Hannon, Rev. E, F. Chandler was art ' St, warn, in the Parry 'Sound District, ac- founding of :the -Canadian Churo'h .Mr. Archie Campbell of toronto Mr. and Mrs. N. 'Bushfi,eld, of Mit- Helen's conducting airndversary sem- co!mpanied by his wife and rnemibers Army* in 1929 its, officers have been pent Thanksgiving with relatives shell, with Mr. acid Mrs. William vices in the United iChumh there on of the, famdl'y, motored here the first working in all parts of the Domin- eay. '•Stadler; Mrs. Feweett, Mrs, Vivian Sunday lash. part of this week to iilsi't their many ion. Capt. Morris himself has had;. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bart. spent and -daughter, of Mitchell, with Mr. (Miss Mary Thomson spent a few relatives and friends. Wilfred in his varied experiences and will no doubt iwnday with Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo and'Mr+s. J. M. Worden- days in Goderich last week attend- early years was a resident of the relate ,many interesting incidents of Iparling, I ing,the joint convention of East and village, a son of the lane James ,his work on the 'borders of. Algon- Miss Muriel Finnigan spent Mon- West Huron Teachers' Associatuoa, ,Troyer and `Mrs. Troyer, who is now qu'in Park and other plates. Theay KIPPEN with ":Hiss Margaret Montgom- which was he1'd` in that town a resident of Seaforth. It is twenty- publd'e are cordially Invited to attend r'y. will lee the speaker at the annivers- 'Mrs. J. Gordon, of Hensall, is at eight years 'since Wilfred left this the.meeting. 'Lunch will be 'served. ' ars° services df CJhisel'hurst ori the A heavy shower of hail passed ov- present visiting with herr daughter,. village and 'he notes many changes The ladies of the United Church melt r the burg on Sunday. Rev. J. H, G ogh'ean, 'of Luckanow, Mrs. Albert 'Ha'rvey; Mrs, Logan .is and 'many of his. friends of that time in the school room of the church on .Mr., Fear Bullard and Mr. J, M. g• visited his cousin, Mrs. Wright,also visiting there. g ' have passed) away. He is now and . Tuesday evening last'and- decided not g kkart were in Toronto on Wednes- fast week. '�w'aek Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker, of has 'been for a number of years to have a fowl s'uppe'r oar other Uay at a telephone convention. Mr. 'Laua•aibelle Wright spent th.e Toronto, spent the week end' with the carrying on 'a very successful bu$i- ,"- 'tertainment, but will make a ean- 'ercy Little was in Toronto on busi- end with 'Miss Ruth Coles in Hensall. latter's 'bro'thers, Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. ness as a general `store merchant, He vass of th'e congregation as they uess- Visitors during the week end with Ivison and Mr. IHlenry Ivison and i'made the trip here by auto taking thought "'much money could be Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daylm'ond'and faro -,.of r)1r. and Mrs. J. B. McLean included: '-VI•r•. and 'Mrs. Robert McLean eyed '.Miss Jean. • • Mr. and Mrs. Reid Torrance and 4* many cities and places of interest in a pleasure trip Of -a week or so. raised in that way as any- other taking into account the expenses 'Cihurca entertainments will soon be ELIli'IVILLE family, of'Wabaus!hene; Mr. and Mrs. family,of Porter's Hill, spent Sun- ')There were quite a number of vis- connected with other .ways of rais- ily, of Blake, and'Yr. and 'Mrs. A. liiRI'McLean'and daughter, of Haan- , ilton; Miss Dorothy McLean and day with the latter's father and sis- ter, 'Mr. Henry Ivison and 'Miss Jean. itoms in the village for Thanksgiving -holidays. ing funds to say nothing of -ripe la - bor. Visitors in this community ov.`er the lohday were: Mrs. Alice Rheim of friend, of Clinton, Mr. and'' ..Miss 'Mrs. Gibbs, of Ireland, who has Harvest Home services were held Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pearl Wood and Miss Gertie Francisbeen vi'sitin'g her daughter, MissPau- Is in St. Pas Anglican church on Sun- USBORNE yI. I Mr. Enos Herdman of Toren- of Exeter, Mrs. Anna McDonald and Minnie, in Toronto, motored here a day last when two fine discourses I. with relatives here; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Leiper, of Hensall'few days ago with her daughter and yere given by the Rev. 'Mr. stone of menvillle last week attending the fun- k. C. Whitlock and Mrs. Horton, also Mrs. F. Graham and daughter and Council ,Minurtes, — The municipal r friend and are visiting with Mrs. .Dorchester:. The • church was beau- disse•s Joy and Evelyn Whitlock of son, Miss Dowis and John, of Lon- council of the Township of Ushorne Robert Bontbron and 'Mr. and Mrs. -. ddfully decorated' wit* flowers, fruitts, t. Thomas with relatives; Dr. 0. ,,V,ilson don• we're visitors witlh Mr. arnd Mrs. ,met at Elimvville •on October 7th with T. C. Joynt. • and grain which gave it a real .bar- of Toronto and hiss Bessie J. C, Bell during the week end. all the menilbers present. The min- I1Mr, Wer•veyn Brown., 'of Toronto, vest home appearance. There was a Sell, R.N., of London with Mr. and Dr. Gilbert Jarrott, of Hamilton, u`tes..of the meeting of Sepberirber 2, spent the past week here with his good attendance and goad i itusic ap- 4Tr•.. Chas. Stephen. I spent th.e week end with, his parents, were re'a'd and approved on motion of parents, MT. and Mrs. Geo. Brown. pr•op'riate for the occasion by the Quite a number from li-re attend- I Mr. and 'Mi -s. Isaac Jaa-rott. ' Westcott-Moir.. The repres'enta'tives Mr. 'William Beaver, an old time -home church choir. C'alp4 MoTrib 'd the anniversary services at Wood- Miss Doris Graham+, of London, is of tshe General Accident 'Co, inter- resident of the village, ,but who has assisted at the services. lair last Sunday. I visitingwith friends in this vicinity. vrve!wed the council concerning a bond 'been of rate making his 'bom`e with g At Carnwl Presbyterian church the Y h a -llz•. Arad Mrs. Edward Johns ant, s, e , re pleased' to se j Her many friend. a Phis for teteCollector.,....' - Ves'tool;t-Pass daughter in Kitchener;' is here' "pastor, Rev, W. A. Young, gave I Hazel, also firs. Alice ' he'r'• more That a fidelity ' bond for $3`00 -assisting in -the preparing of onion' good suitable senn'ons for the 'occa- Rheinr of Toronto visited relatives in +'Iliss'Et.ta Jarrott, of the teaching be taken.together with a hold-up in- and bean' shipping in the spring, and sion assisted by his brother, Mal- �Iitchell on Stinday, staff, Toronto, spent the Thanksgiv- 'surance for two months from Noxe+m�- will 'be here for a, number of weeks. cohn, -who is studying fot the min - Mr. Len O'Reilly, who has been ing week -end Nvtth her parents, Mr. ,ber 15th to January 1'57th•,for $2,000, On account of anniversary' services istr•y. There was a good -attendance. _-s,•iting with relativ,s 'in Sarnia for and firs. Isaac Jarrott. the premium for 'both to the $3000. in flue sister charge of the United In addition to anthems two 'fine'gwar- i month, has returned. Miss P, Penfold, of S. S. No. 14, Shier -:Moir: That the selectors of Church at Chiselhurst on the coming tetter were rendered. At the morn - Stanley, spent trhe week end at her home near Elora. .jurors -nie-A at the clerk's office ori• Monday, October 10th, at 8 p,m, Sunday, October 15th, there will be no service in the evening in the ing service by Mrs. W. A. McLaren, .. Mrs, •Andrew 'Dougall, Robert Y. ZURICH •'lusts N. Richardson, of S. S. No. Treasurer's report: Rebate from Jno, United Church at Hensall, McLaren and W. A. McLaren, and - 1, Tuckersriii.th, and Miffs J: Camp- 'he'll, of S. S. No. 14, Hay, were',taxes, Stewart on snow work, $2.27.5; 19'32 $525.00; penalties, $13.89; leg- airs. J. ,McQo•nnel.l, nvidow of the late Rev. J. A. McConnell, pastor of at the evening service by Mrs. Jas. A, Paterson, Irene Hoggarth, R. Y.' Moinbers of the local Luther League attended the district.conven- guests at'tiheir honvis near Listowel isl'ative grant to public schools, Carmel Church here previous to the 1McLaren anti Jim Bengough. [ion held at on Monday... over the T'hanksgiv'ing holiday. $1,333.191 viz: S .S. No. 1, $118.57; S. Church Union for a number of years, -Rev. George Ohiv�er, of Blyth Unit - -Milverton Mr. J. C. Salmon has leased • the Miss Miss Helen Cliandlesr of the high S. No. -, $1-6.04; S. S. No. 3, $76.11'; is spending a -couple of weeks here' ed :Church, preached both morning lull -acre farm on the 5th concession, g staff, Blenheim, and s'chool teaching S. S. No, 4, $72,37• S. S. No. 5, with her many,friends. Mrs. Me- and evening with fine two, htful dis- g FIa} Township. '1'•rom the owner. lir. i hiss Halcyon�Charndler of Western $142.0'3; S, S. No. 6, $4'29,40; S. S. Connell is and has 'belch since ,caving courses in which he stresse(i the John hoarse, of Grand �3en'I, for a Univers ity, London, spent the week Ii o. "r, $128.01; S. S. No. 10, $109:22; Hensall a resident gf Toronto. Thanksgiving occasion, while the term of three' seal: arici takes po- end at th' ,Manse with their par- P` S. S. No:' 12 U., $131.36. Passmore - The council is •t'hiss week sending church choir rendered fine anthems at next April.' ents, Rev, and Mrs. F. Chandler. Moir: That the following 'billa 'be out tax bill's or accounts for the bath services and in addition at the .:rich G A' coating of crushed stone has "Very fine crowds attended the paid: Dr. J. G. Dunlop, medical ser- ,resent year and which show I • quite a morning service there was A trio been ,•laced on the main sty eet in , )r anniiversary s`eir•vices which vice, re Alonzo Neil, $45. 0'; Times- considerable reduction in amount ow- given very pleasingly by W. 0. Good-, he village, delivered from the town- were held in St. Andrews United c clvocate, print'in'g and stationery, ing to certain 'd'ebentures for cement 'um. Dr. Ivan' Smillie and Miss ;hili crus=her. This materiA is niost- Church on, .:unday last. Rev. Wil- 13.35; A. 'W. Etherin ton', 2 shoe g P pavement of Main Street having been Florence Welsh and at the evening ly crushed Piny= stave and should •s zzo el gave two very I,.n, .n, of St. Helen's, s, „ c 7"Y and lamb killed by dogs, $1'5; How- p aid off, which lowers the amount service Mr. Thomas Slier'ritt ver ac- y make a 'good vvl-aring surface. in'tere'sting messages.• The choir r•en- and Hunter, sheep killed -by dogs,,$8; S. J. 'P -,-m, extra co!tle'ction of 1932 that was collected for 1932. ceptably gave a solo, all the musical J=r. L. L. Eidet, teller at the local <lered very fine anthems and Moss 'taxes in arrears, $35.00; Milton Teachers and scholars of the pub= -numbers being well rendered and r- h, a.i^h" of the Bann of Mon'real • -e- nil Woods, s'oloi'st, of Exeter, de- lig•ht.ed by her fine 1h'ock, cleaning pit, $11.90; Warren lie school had- a few days' holidays � i, y d Ya much enjoyed. +1'liss Laura McConnell, Phe Ira=t two years, has been trans- all very numsbers• This is the first time Miss Woods Brock, .leaning 'pet, $10.1:5';""'^Grt'drge cunni the 5t week owin to the g 'teachers held eld+esst daughter of the lobe• Rev. J. A. 1lc- t ferred o the bailjc's branch at St. I'hom.as and left for his neve p'osi- has 'been h+card in Ki en and her p'p Harrah;' cleaning pit, $1'0.15; Alfred convention at .the county town of Goderich and then Connell and 'Mrs. McConnell, now - �i a •, on on 11ednesday, On Tuesday ev- solos were ve'r • muah enjoyed. y J y Brock, 'cleaning psit, $4.35; John Kel- lett, labor in pit, $6.90; John Hey-'• Thanksgiving holidays following gave living in Toronto,' -spent the week end a :ring• he" ,was presented with a hand- ,ome clu'i bar• and an address by his Th? cantatta, ,"Pe4itenc•e, Pardon an'd Peace, by 'Maunder, whish was .wood; ,cement mixer, $32; A. J. Clat- quite a few days. Thi painting of the exterior of the th'e guest of Miss IHiannah Craig. - She novo hold's a goad position on Friends of town. pi,it on b} a choir of thirty voices worthy, lumber for bridge, Imo town -)tail is completed and adds much the Toronto staff of teachers and 7 a, Thanksgiving Da.y; passed off very from Ripley under the leadership ofMarshall, ti Pto �br I$9.07; cement, ,,.8.., Milton Gre- • its appearance. vvas leasad to meet her friends here P ,uietIy in the village. IThe deet)) wet llr. William Leonard with Miss gory, cement grave], $8.96; Ed.. Johns, '3iunicipal'rivatters will soon' be en- where her father was pastor of Car- ,+ " tvei.-her kept many at home, Eleanor Snider, of Kirncardine, as ac- 'vv!ork on bridgte, 75e; Fired) Johns, t gaging the attention of the ra�e'pay- n,el Presbyterian Church for a num- !\Ir. Daniel' Sivith, who sent some Hamburg, conipanis't, 'an'd Mr, Neil McDonald, Kincardine, work on bridge, lyes Louis Fletcher; work on bridge. $4.0'8; Alfred' Brooks; ers and speculation is already rrif ber of 'years previous to the Union. [weeks visiting relativ1es in reader, also of was mituch by lovers of the ,work on `bridge, $1.50; Wilbert Bat- as to who will compose 'the council for airs. William Fairbairn was vis-. Kitchener and Hanvilton returned home last Saturday. ,enjoyed all music surr•oundi'ng vicinity on. Monday ev- ten, work on bells+e and dragging, 1934. We notice Etat our cement side- � ited by her father and mother a few days ago. It was her mother's first Mrs. Will Hess an -d- M c Mrs. Jac). ening last. 11r. Grab 'Crawford who � $19.2.5; Charles Stephen, gravelling, 8156.80; . � Garnet ,Wilson, gravelling, walks, while very good on the whole, trip after suffering a severe stroke Ea�en of Pontiac, lTichigan, visited at they home of 1Ia. and firs. A. F. needs no introduction to Ki`ppen awdi-require ences, ,having assisted as soloist at g $9'9.6,0; William Routley, gravelling, repairing in a number of places and new sections put in and some little time ago, and it goes without saying she received a very Hess on Friday. sseveral anniversary services, together Leonard, $4:75; 'Mac t'lornish,• gravelling, $4.50; 'Ralph C+orni,sh, gravelling, $7.50; R. nothing adds ,m'eh more to the ap- hearty welcome to her home. '-Hasse-Rau.—An interesting event withMr. as accompanist, Corrvis'h, gravelling, $6; Won. Brad- pearance' of a village as well as saf- Mr. Charles Hanson, of Stratford, �ook place at the Drysdale R. C. 'Monday took several• s'ol'o arts in his usual Pa Martin 'shaw, gravelling, $6,2'3; H. G. We'b-• ety to pedestrians as well -kept side- accompanied by a lady friend, visited 'Fairbairm Church on forenoon; October )th, when Rev. L. Marchand united' capable manner. Miss was a'l'so heard in solo pants•. The dif- ber, 'bla'cksmithi- , g, $4.10 Chas. Mon- '$7.2'0; walks. The M W. S. of .the United •church with lir. incl 'firs. Wm.' . .the 'fir'st part of this week. in marriage Florence, draughtier of ferent parts of the cantatta were teith,' work on roads, Hector Rowcl'iffe, dragging, $8.515; Henry met in the Sunda y school room on Mr. Alex. Ingram is in Detroit yfrs. Rau and the late Heng Rau, very well rendered and showed ex- Ford, superintendence, $83.65. The Thursday 1 ay art wherr..;Mrs. C. A. Mc- !visiting his 'son, Alva. • if Stanley Township, and `_1Ir. Aug- ist'Mas,se, son' of 'Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ceptional ability and training, and g sp'e'aks well for their leader and ac- council adjourned to meet on Satur- 3 Donell Presided. The 'opening Hymn was followed by the Scripture lesson' One of the bean men, was up from 'Chatham recently and expects soon Masse', of Hay Township' Mr. and co anist., as, well as their own -musi- tn'p 'day, November 4th, at 1 p.m:—Henry Stran Clerk. Strang, z,ead by Mrs,. A. McDonald. Mrs. to ,be 'busy looking after that busi- Ars. Masse will reside on the Blue cal ta'len;t. Miss E. Snider- and Mr. Wm. Dougall, !Sr., led' in prayer. The n'ess which is now such an ivnport- Water Highway, -south of St.. Joseph. W. Leonard) Na+y'e+d tr wo very fine minutes of the previous meeting were ant feature with farmers. Mr. '.Melvin Overholt, of near Drys- Piano duets, which were much apr MT. Neil McDonald, HENSALL read and approved. The roll call was -showing iMr., and !Mrs. Gordon Pybus and We. thtesher, met with a painful nreciated.•• read- read, 207 members', present. family and Mr. and Mrs. H, Ricker resident tore other day when his left er, displayed his talents of 'entertain--• The devotional leaflet was read by 'Mrs. 'spent the. w,Eek end visiting relatives ,Mr. Petty the Township Hay, nand came in contact with the blower ni+en't very capably. This cantatta of of A. Sinclair. The program was and friends in Bright and Plattsville- 'ar'n while threshing bubkw'heat. The was given' u'nd'er, the 'av�pices of .the bad the misfortune to fall from the as follows: "Living Issue of China," 'Mrs, H, F. Squires and son, Ar - q in ers were bad) bruised and cut' g' Y St. An'drew's United Church. 'barn ]floor and, injure his Mp. He 'Scott first speaker, +Mrs. L. R. Coles; sec- ' thur, and '1lis,s Orma Cl�appison', of end he, will be laid off work for some veeks. Mr. Clarence McLean, of London, 's -Dent the week end and holiday With was taken to Memorial 'Hos- jiital-w'here .an X-ray was taken. A- ond, Mrs. Anna McDonald; third, 'Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill; fourth, Mrs.• Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'his. parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, J. B. Me- Lean. I 'bout 12 years ago .Mr. Petty had the misfortune to fr'a'cture his leg. 'Mr. Archie John 'Elder; fifth, Mrs. Agnes Mc- Donald, all the ,speakers giving most Gordon Pylaus' during the past week. Considerable wood is being brought into market and meets with reg' dy VARNA Mr. D. Coobed• is in Chicago at- Hadg'elrt and family 'have' timely and well thought out remarks demand at trhis time of the, tending the Els position. g P Mr, and Mrs, !H'arry Cirsesney are moved a few miles east of the village where Mx. Hodgert its employ- on the subject. The closing hymn was followed by prayer by 'the president, year. Mr. G. L. Jinks, courier and cour- tractor of 'Hensall Route Na. 1, still Rev. F. H. Paull, who has been ap- rointed: to ,St. Ai hen •Church, ' Wind- g , being visited by the formers sister, Mrs. Oaken and family of Toronto. ed. Large g shipments, of isugar 'beets Mrs. Charles A. Mc+D,onell. ' The focal churches are alr'ead and • ,con'tinues Lite 9v Poorly but his hast friends ,or, gave his farewell service to a are con g congregation Sunday evening. W'e are pleased to report that Mr, and turnips are now the order of y P ping out 'proceedin s for fowl ,sup- S P of hope he will soon regain his accustomed health. Several from St. Jo'hn's Church at- O'Lack Petty,. -who suffered' a broken the day, from our ralfway station pe? s, enterrtainrrruents ,an'd the canvas- °"Tor Dr. B. Campbell and Mrs. Camrp- ended the Deanery meeting in Clin- collar bone and hi one da lalst P Y and is quite an asset to the farmers. r Mr. Hugh McEwen returned •sin g funds, for church schemnes bell and family spent the week end on 'last week. week, is improving. Mr. and .Mrs,. ,George 'Petty and .has from an extended' "trip to the Old ,and other obligations with the near closing of the g with their relatives, Mrs. T. Mur - Mur - Holiday visitors: Misses Beatty, sir: Laythem, Miss Chuter, of Lon- famirly, of Windsor, were holiday vis- Country and in Europe and had a year., 'On Monday, October 16th, the A. dock and daughter, 'Ethel, returning to Toronto on Monday. ion; 37:r. and Mrs. Roy Morrison, of hors with the formers parents, Mr. P and :Mrs, 0 Lock Petty, of Hay, very ,pleasant time, the weather be- in ve ing try favorable for most of his Y. P. A. of 'St. Paul's Anglican g Church, will hold their opening The merchants report trade as im- litchener; Misses Palmer, of Hamill- on. Mr. and 'Mrs. Robert 'Parsons, of P• Tile reports conditions beco'm- sheet- ing of the season in the Norm of a proving and are displaying fine stocks for the fall and trade. Miss Edith Mossop spent a few Hensall; Mr. Fred Parsons. of Lon- ing m'or•e favorable -throughout the 'distric'td social ervlening, A feature of the ev- winter Considerable rain is being brought g g ' ays with ilviends in Goderich. don, and Mr, and Mrs. Joe Fergtt- that he was in and particu- ,enring will be a 'lantern slide d'escrip- into market and meets with ready Miss McTaggart, of Clinton, was son and family and Mr. Francis larly so in Great Britain. 'The tion of the work of the Church Army demand and the best +prices going, he 'gu'est o_ Miss Frances liossop Ryckman, of Chiselburst, were guests farmers in this district are by Captain Morris, of Toronto. The there being a little upward, tendeno g p y Sunday, of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons on busily engaged in, 'securing their root ' Church Army has been established in in prices, . ,Miss Frances Mo'ssop, in company Sunday last 'The many friends of ,Mrs. Robert craps, the weather being very fav- orabl•e, but may soorti break up. ^ith NIT. A'berhart, attended the e'ach'ers' conventon in Goderich. Elgie will be pleased to know that hver- 'The ,coal dealers have been 'kept 'busy dor the past week filling . . Rev. Mr. 'Gale, of Bayfield, took harge of ,the morning anhiversary s a 1s mnrproving. 'Mrs. William Alexander and dough- ter, Miss Isobel_ in Goderich :.., g orders; ; Miss Clarissa Mitchell has been ,,,. 4 erv. in the United church, which were ...:.: ry k 'R : ,Y r8.. F. I a y v \ j"r_ y� 4� S' I. 7 l ras well attended, while the Misses 'alTner one day last week. About twenty ladies attended the making goad recovery during the 'past couple of weeks, following an �,,�7>la��rt�$�%itisAfS�sl�I,revxk�lr�•liva�!ti;.!,ti'�sas��.Vad.ax'�:wS, k..MM.J,.. �....,. ,. tete..,, .. �'�3�.., assisted very ably with the inging, which was good. W M. S. meeting which was held at 'Mrs. operation for appendicitis. James S' daughter, , the home of Wm. Workman on Wednesday last. . Miss Mildred Workman has taken ,Mrs. arks anti Mrs. George E. McIntyre, who hags 'been keeping her mother company STAF.FA i ' a position in Seaforth. Mr. Lloyd Wiorkmran, of Oshawa, for the past few Weeks, intends with the coming winter months. going to , Anniversary services were held" in ; pent the week end with his, par- Detroit, where Mrs. McTtyirYVB1s homie he United. Church on S4nnday, Oct. ents,. 'Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Workman is. " th. Rrev, -1Mr, Cumsey, of Mitchell, F,nd brother, Orval, 'Wi't'h the closing of the fine summa' fall el'ivered -two very finesermi6ns, and Mr. A. Finlay -on, of Toronto, spent neer and tri+onth;s,.our'garage men n`ere was special music by the choir. ',the Thanksgiving week end, with his find a large falling pff in bra$rc,and 'here was a large crowd at both s+er- .parents, Mr. and- Mrs'. Jas. 'Finlayson, tali for gas and' o!iC ices. Miss Jessde 'Finlayson, of Hallett, was Re-,. M. B. Parker on Sunday last The monthly meeting of the Ladies' also at home. embanged, duties with Rev. 'Mr. Stone .id was ,held at the h'onve, of Mrs. (Miss, Bernice Neeb, of Goderich, of .Dorchester. .1'bert Sma•le om Thursday. Thea, meet- has returned to her home after a 'Rev. Mr. ,Gardmter•, of Londesrb'o,ro, vg took the form of a quilting and pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. will lee the speaker at the annivers- iere were quite a number of ladies S. Thomson. ars° services df CJhisel'hurst ori the resent. Mrs. H. Itidker .and some Arthur, coming Sunday, October 15th, at the iWe are -sorry to ,report the serious1 ee•re visited iq Toronto friends last afternoon and evening 'serlvliois and Inetss of Miss IDionelds Gray end week. . will preach in 'the U'ni'ted C!huich at •i.sh herr a spoe!dy recovery. Mis's Mary Farquhar was a week Fensall at the morning service at 11 ,Mr. and ,Mrs,. F. OBriem spent the end guest with he'r friends, ,the Miss- o'clock, ,eek ,end in Torotuto with their son, ,,g Kathleen and Mildred Jones. Mr. William (Moir and a daughter Iir. and ,Mrs. Cecil O'Brien!. o 'Mr. and Mrs'. W. 'Hrarris, of Chis- from the States have been visiting Mr. and Mm. J. A. !Seidler were at ellinrsrt, )were ,Sunday visitors with with Mr. Andrew Moir andt'Mrs. Moir fiaagara Falls over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Daylm'ond'and faro -,.of the Township of Usborne, IMT. 0. W. Reed has returned' from ily. 'Cihurca entertainments will soon be btendnng the World's Fair in Chica- 'Mr. and Mrs. R. W, Brisde and fam- '1•c order with our churehes and kin- e• ily, of Blake, and'Yr. and 'Mrs. A. dred srozic+tip,'. IMrr. and- Mrs. May, Exetter, Mx, McBride were Sunday ' i'si•tors with Mrs. WL ber and Jaughtet•, also Mgr, nd Mrsc M. Greenwood and little Mr, and Mrs. Pd. M'oExide, of the ii, Doerr. Aubti)1•n, vlsif^d at the augh6er.oT 'Munro spent Sunday 'village. -of note of rlNtrs. Wm. Luker on Sun- sith ,Mr. and 'Mars. J. Leary, Mrs. 'W. Hays d. daughter, Will= ,:ay last. ' 'Suriday viAftrs .were: Mr. and m; !Mists Jean ,MdLiesn and Mrs! W. Mr's. Herb Kereher was i9n Bow - Ira. H. Hlannon and Mrs'. McVey, of McCullough, of Seaforth, attended menvillle last week attending the fun- iitehell, with Mir. and Mrs. William dbrine services lit [St. Andrew's! church Feral of her uncle, also visiting lir To- ffrey-; Mir. and Mars. Cecil Stewart, on ;Sunday ,last. TheiT many friends rrotnto, . ' 11 J i' �k .{s.•nd . w.W.,. .. ,,,. 4 F gg 1. ..If e ;f'i J kl v 9 , ,f •; •'i .'i �,y llr?4 ...:.: ry k 'R : ,Y r8.. F. I a y v \ j"r_ y� 4� S' I. 7 l j�ar f �- }, �,,�7>la��rt�$�%itisAfS�sl�I,revxk�lr�•liva�!ti;.!,ti'�sas��.Vad.ax'�:wS, k..MM.J,.. �....,. ,. tete..,, .. �'�3�..,