HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-10-13, Page 1N - � i , I 1 4 1 4 1 1 , , I V.1701 " . I., , r - � ! A "' A .%� � 01,14"i k 11 �,�" ��'1111'11`0"`:10 . . . , . . � 4 . �:' 'I,. � , 0", ,; , .. , . . 11 I . I - � , , 'r i, ,m�olm '. ile,k!w,�11,4�,4.,",-�rl�o�fi", 1�1�`­A#. r, . "'i 1- 11.1 "? - , 4t. .X � �..'�f� �.,f, . . � . . . I ­1?­­t­­[ " :;:""X!";PX­`V :,�:'14­z��. ­� , . N. - . - ,�: " .,y .--T,�,, I . ;1�1� � ,"t��. I _6 1 , , . I . , . , , . . !, I I. . ! il. � III % . � . . I I , . yyew 0 1t91;= . 8434. 0 " 01; I . I I Teachers of East and, West, I . Huron In'spectorates Hold I .. , I / JointConventi JIR at I O - I ' . . 'Addresses of Interesi 'By 0 * -_ _....* 0 0 * I I Optstanding Members of . the Profession Are Fea-tures Of Meeting Ott While refinishing an 'antique I , bureau this week, Mr. T. G. Scott . Thursday and Friday 'Of discovered written on the inside I I of the backing of the mirror-.— . Last Week. , "Rev. John Fraser, Hamilton, I I . Scotland, August, 1832." The . I bureau, which was purchased - ELECTIONS HELD IN from the estate of. ,.%p J. B. __thu J --- ' Henderson, is thus 101 years old I EACH INSPECTORATE and is in excellent condition. � . . , I The inspectorates of East and West 0 - * 0 40 0 0 Huron held a joint convention in — . MacKay . Hall- G.oderich, 6n' Thurs- I I day and Friday, October 5th and D I 66h. About 250 teachers were pres- WESTERN RELIEF .CAR ent. Westi Huron, President, Miss S I . Ada Webster, presided on, Thurs- day' while East Huron President, WILL TOP , HERE I Mr. Alan Finlayson, had charge on — Friday. . * 'The first session was, openecit by Contribution's Are Solicited . Rev, ,MT. Bunt, of Goderich. Who . based his remarks on a few verses , , For Needy Families . read from Psalm 119. 'Mayor C. C. . Lee in his address of welcome di- of the West. I rusted the visiting teachers to the . . points of interest in the town and, *. I ]hoped, that they would enjoy their A car partly filled with Produce visit to ,the County Town. for the relief of the Western Prov - i . - Xr. Roy Siton,Qhouse of Victoria inces, s expected to come down from IScilmool, gavean,the.teaching ,Clinton next.—Wednesday and an ef- I of health which was well received, fort will be made to 'complete the , il , Hie pointed to the nee filling at this centre, ing in our schools and outlined the The car will ,be in the C. N. R. . new method now being used. Sum- freig4it yards on Thurrsdlayand Fri - mer courses are now conducted and day, Octo'ber 19th and 20-th. ,graded lesson programs are avail- I .il- ,As the �coiitentis of these relief . , I able to as'si'st the teacher in the work. cars are distributed without any lis; , I Departmental s'tatisti'cs reveals the ttinction as to race qr religious 'aV . I fact that saxty per cent. of the pupils filiation, con'tribution's' are solicited . leaving ,puLdic schools have defective, from everyone havifig something to . I I permanent teeth. Through the ef_ spare. . I forts of th6 many clubs now existing iFurtheT information may be obtain - the welfare of the children is being ed later frown. iMr. Joseph Scott, Mr. , I looked after. The paper created live ,Dqmid McLean, Mr. Will Dodds, or ' interest. I . arty of the local elleTgymen. . I AI Mr. G. M. Keeler, . of Dashwood, I I gave a lengthy report of the Ontario Educational Association held in To 11 STANLEY _: I ronto last Ewill- week. Space l'I I . in,A permit a summary tof'the report. Mr. and MTs. W11ITam, HL Stophen- . A pamphlet, issued by the associa- son, Of Marlette, Mich., and MT. and . tion, is available and jives in detail Mre. Alex. Wiley,, of Detroit, are I the many papers given in the differ- visiting firifriendsin. S�tanley this week. ent sections. The anniversary, semices, hold in I I At this time Miss Margaret Pent- Varna United chuirIch lazt, Sunday land Tendered two solos entitled "The were very successful. The weather I Fairy's La;undry" and "The Silver ,being fine there. was a good atten& Iting" which merited applause. ,arse; and very fiiv& , td&d esses were I . given by Rev. R. M. Gale, of Bay- , Discusses Sports. field, in the - morning, and Rev. E. . Mr. Harry Shackleton, principal Of Burn, of Zurich, in the evening. Ex - Myth 'P. is., discussed Sport's ,and eellent music was given by the choir I fleld-day activities. -Many advantag- which ,%-as assisted by the Misses ,es of such organized play were giv- Roxie and Adelene -Palmer, of Ham - ' en. The plan he outlined is along,ilton. . I I the line taken by the High Schools. -The W. M. S. of Goshen United Prizes (1, 2, 3) of colored, ribbons, Church is holding an open, meeting I I inedals for the best competitors and in the chun•ch at eight o'clock on . twhield for the school winning the October 20th, to wlilch all tWeir highest nunvber of points.' The co- friends are invited. There will be a 11 operation of the trustee boards is miscellaneous program consisting of , I desirable. Thq co=petition, which in- pagicants, readings, solos, choruses, cludes a wide territory of schools is etc. The 'Blake�G-oshen Y. P. S. I held on Empire Day or on the 3rd of oTches,bra will contribute several num- June. . bjers. After .the program refresh- ' The -President of East Huron gafv,e ments will be served. . IIris address on the subject, "Home, '.11r. and -Mrs. Joseph Senior.spent -School and Youth." He strongly ad- the week end visiting their sons in eo-operation en the teach- Toronto. er and -parents and recommended a jMr, and Mrs. M. Greenwood, 'of I careful study of each pupil's tend- Munro, were Sunday visitors of Mr, -enicies. The paper showed careful and Mrs. J. Leary. . I drought and was well delivered. . . Luncheon was provided by the Jad- I -0 .. les of Knox Presbyterian church and - Ohe nw6ibers Of both inspectorates -Mr. Bennett's I did amt iple justice to the good things provided. A short program was giv-Speech en consisting of a• number of .vocal I. - . selections by Mr. Makins, of town, , Sealorth, Oftober 11, 1933. and' A short inisritrilng a " d ' ftess by Re" - ' Y i o the, EditoT, . ,Mr. 'Mills, Reetor of St. Georg,2"s Clhurch on Educational topics. The Huron Expositor. I * . Gives Winning Address Dear Sir: The afternoon session opened with Those who had the pleasure of listening to R. B. Bennett's speech ,the medal winning address. given by over the radio last Tuesday evening Uss Verna Anderson, of Dungan-- were led to-'ebeliewi& that wonderful I iron, who 'stoodhighest in the Rural prosperity ,is "around the cofter, be- , Sebool Fair contif.petition in 1932. Her cause of the wonderful achievements subject was "Improvnients in School of the govew,nmeht since they took Grounds." Many were the sugges- office, The first,thing they did was tions thrown out which, if followed, Ito ,cote $20-,000,000 for relief, but would make the school ground the 'they did not tell us how much it I beauty spot of the community. . cost to distribute the spoils. He al- . I . Wiss Olilvk- Anderson ,introduced' ,so said how ,much they are saving , I * "Tla Its 'by those conversion loans by lower - the vub ie t -e New Primer, , c� ing e interest, but he did, not tell __ f 4.�d th , - Aipp - 6!!h Tire She outlined - ' . ithe Prding features of the , book us how much they lost by the loan v0hidh,eenh to meet with the approv- they issued after the conversion loan I al of the teachers using it. She fol- by raising the interest, which was lows the method of illustrating,the unnecessary after the reduction on I Sentences on, the B. B. and, has Pupils the former loan. He told ,us that # draw the figures as busy work. Her ,they have met all the, obligations, method tends to the phonetic develop- that carne due; Well, that seems . ment of new word's to for"':' easy easy when those lokms were readily sentences. I made, but is the Dominion in a bet- . . Miss Margaret Douglas followN ter financial -condition when all ,those I vrit4i a paper on, the ealhe subject- loans coiiTe due? It is easy for, all' She advocates liberal use- Of the B. who do ,business if they can make I A in learning new sounds and words .loans bo, pay -the 'interest and close - I and hag "her pupils draw the Pictureg' up one thane, while other holes, are In books to be kept for'futare use. . opened, ,If any one who does busd- . The papers showed, careful thought. mess I ,s i;at Way can't !balance the, bud - A number Of teachers gave their get he is not prospeTift. We a -It methods. sincerely ,hope that prosperity is as Hear Inspector near as our Premier predicts. He I Dr. Field introduced Inspector Conn -tells us to have- faith and everything of Lambton, County Who took as his will conte all right and that he will I subject a -geography leeson from the iscrifice his life to see the depreg. I rdap of the -world,. He showed the 4�on dnd, and- that he is proud to � many thitigg that may be, taught from lchow that the Canadian people are the maps, such as climate, winds, bearing de burden so well. How- � products, rWiqalh, exports, imports ever, if it lasts much longer they ! $ - and even the characteristics of the can't bear it .as if will ta&ea long I fthabitarbs of the different zones. tilTI16 to bring back prosperity to The teaclhiika showed 'their interest those who are shipwrecked. We In the lesson and carried: away some know that there'are too marry. � 111 , -J;ideas of map study. - , Your sincerely, (Contimwd on page 4) A 12t1DAMR. I , N I I . . � � '. " ,-i".:,.'' '11". .11 .., , � , , , A/ " , . ,,, i4�MI'll,�!��.��,,,,���,�k,,,,,,. � _).LA'._�,4 Ili ., " wwwwaAmm ,K-,�;im6,��.r,;w.&,W:4*",��l�,,.,,k,I , "', N4�."! - -_ - C - _ _ — �A " V�e �� 1 E01,1 h7r;ia 1 1 1 - A I � . , I - 10 a_ I I . � - - . � , I 11, � I "t ... k1W.. ... . It 14, .Itt__ _1__ . , 11 t I AiAL *16 - *�!�Z-V�v �kV�,T5,?,1-`t;r.`, y"'R ��;`-'�� �,ilq,,.,..,!"*,:,T', . ., , '. ,- .,� " . 't, "I R"--.4.1., �4,,%"'! �', �,,)",,g , . " . , , -if ., I , . J ' ,10,1 - I I � . I . 7 , "'"A 11 I 7,-w,r,,n', . . . . 'r � , :Ogg , . , "I q �6 ,,, .. I , . , , ,qr,r�,�r, � - ,.�� '�6."' , I . �,11. i . - i� ;, � . - � ,[ � �, , , "", ', P. . . .,��,� " , I . . , tzo,", "O. ;, , " , . , 'i , ?Q � " -1 , . - , t � . o"', ,� . . , , �� ? I . at, . , I . L- * SEAFORTH,. FRIDAY; OCTOBER 13,1933. 0, ... -� . MoLean . , ow , i 11. "I'll, .i., : 110;�`:, i";NZ I .... _ . "), U I - '' , "VA, I"t . __ — � � _.- 1-1 --.1. . ?,%, . I ' .. ;�..r --- I"f'1'177 I 1. f,;* - - ' I ' ' .1 ­­ - �._ " 1'� ,�,, ,,� , ,- , ., 11-17 , T'. . V, 1" "", , , " e i� ��, I I 0 9 0 *�', 0 , * - 11.0 " V,-` `� ,,." .'I �.. . �X, 'I., . , . - , I Y, , :.., �...T;.,Yl . . � T.yp"; . . HIGHLANDERS ELECT - . . I o"'' 1 ' v% __j , ,(( 1. . ", �...! 0. " , . '. . .. ". .f� "I "'. �­- :_-?',-_.t, .t, . � 03 , , ' I � , �, - . . I I .:, 'Next •Wed ' day eu � �-'­ . CT SEVEN CARS CATTLE Huron Audft'ir ri , WM. KEN m) I Ws . , ­', 1 1 - vnESIDENT ":�. �", IrA,4��* - -W, , . r ­p" * , �4 r,":.� �'. ­'' I SHIPPED FROM LOCAL Report D% - ' ' , es ,T'r ' � "" 1,1-14 1 discloses . � ea, I wo -i' -,s:-: . I Mayor A. D. Sutherland ,has, . 1� . P I .. ,� ". . I . _r I �, 1,0% I , . ..... . ::,�:, 2 I received ,word from the Secret 80�� 9, '. �_! � i ", ��. I. ,, " � "t., � '! ' " t`:� : '', -�� .... _ �. _ �,,. AT ANNUAL MEETING t9 the Governor General that ' STATION TO ENGLAND ' Shortages Total - $11 ' � , , I .,.,,� ".1 � 1,. - their Excellencies" Lord and Lady t � , ooiro.7 . . . . . . . . . . . � "I. Bessborough, will; stop in Sea. I I . .".- ' - 0 forth on Wednesday, � , I �, .. ,..�.,�4 ' '' . 11, Presentation Made to E. H. ,ctober 18, Is Portion of 265 Head From ;,�!`.!,:, 111 '.1 " , .11, . ,�, 9 5 p.m. The letter is as fol- 0 9 e e * , 9 , $4,221.33 Taken In Cash and - .,' ,", N , — 4- , 1 114, . . Close For Perfect\ lows: This District For 1__-� , ,... .... ,F ! . "Dear Sir --I *have submitted $7,623.96 taken by Cheque I I •.'­ , ��P , I � 'M ,.,., Attendance.' to Their Eicelleficiep the Gover- Liverpool. To 1�"..,,� - . - 1�_ I �11::, nor General and Lady Bessbor- According to F. A. Gibbgl .. ,�A � '. . ,1 '1113! o;�,! I . :1� I ough your letter of September On the grounds that sentences , Report. . .... I—, . ..... 11--l.." .�', _�,, OFFICERS .ELECTED 23rd, Their Excellencies much 6 LOCAL MEN GO ALONG - of 12 months definite and six 1, .1 .. appreciate the desire of the pen- . .. ��. ,,� I ,— . . months indeterminate to run con- I '. �11 ple of Seaforth- to meet them, - currently, imposed on Gordon � . ;.,4' 'William Kerr was, re-elected PlIeSi- and ,arrangements will be made Seafarth's' shippi'ng yards on Mon- Young, former County of Huron VOLUMINOUS REPORT 11 . I - . , dent of the Seaf6rth Highlan&rs 'L for their train to halt at Sea. day were a hive of activity as seven treasurer, convicted by Magis- IS IN MANY PAGES I t, 11 1". of at the annual meeting of the forth station at about 5 P.m. on' cars of -cattle were loaded for ship- trate C. A. Reid at Goderich Of .1 I I . � , �.. , - � �111 I Band in the town hall on Tuesday Wednesday,_ October 18th. As it ment to, Liverpool, E-nglan,(F. In the charges involving theft of I , � I I -11 evemn.g. , . is essential for His Excellency to t- seven cars were 159. head. . countav's moneys, were '.wholly A ,prelinidnary report, of F. A. , I ,ILL I I i. Other officers elected were as fol- keep to his railway schedule on 'The shipment from this distriet'to- inadequate," W. B. Common, K.C. Gibbs, chartered a,ccounbant, engag- � lows: Honorary presidents, W. H. these tours, I am sure you will talled thirteen ears, or 265 head. This appearing for the Attorney -Gen- , -­e&,jn auditing Huron County's books 11. ..� Golding, !M. P., D. L. Reid; president, -understand that it will not be included four cars at Londesboitr"and eral of Ontario, was granted has been issued. The Goderich Star , .. I ';... ,- Williank Kerr -,i vice-pTesident, John ' possible •for the train to halt two ai Dublin. The shipment is the leave to appeal the sentence by . says: , .�: "M , , , Cardnq; conductor, William. Free- more than a few minutes. Yo'prs largest to the Old 'Country. from this Mr. Justice W. F. Middleton 'The total the accounts' - I at � t. .. man; secretary -treasurer, C. B. Stew- truly, N. Larkin, Secretary to the district for many years. .. Osgoode Hall on Wednesday. of Gordon Young, former county ,....�, ". art; property committee, D. Sills, E. Governor-General." ,In . charge was. John H. Scott. He Young, on trial recently, pleaded treasurer,'now serving a prison term . • .? .., Rennie, E, J. Box; auditors, E. H, Mayor Sutherland will bring will be asqister during- the passage guilty to charges of theft of for theft, conspiracy and ,destruction ., Close and M. R. Rennie,Scott, .. the matter before the Council on by- Wilfrid R.- S. McKercher, $5,000 while employed as county and mutilation ,of county records, is , . L . ,A short favorable report on the Monday night when ,arrangements Janies Allen, Roy Buffin and R. Mor- treasurer from 1928 to 1933, of $11,8415.29. Of this aanount $4,221.33 , I...; yeari-'s work was given by the pros -i- will be made' for a shortprogram. gan. Shippers from Seaforth includ- destroying and mutilating , ng books � ; ', .; dent. W. H. Golding spolue) briefly . ep ' . ly was taken in cash and $7,623.96 by • *.I . ed John H. Scott & Son, 45.head, av- and conspiracy to defraud. The cheque. The figures are contAlned % ,t`..... and the secretary -treasurer present- 0 ___ 0 - 0 , 0 � 9 * eraging 1290; W. Thompson, 7 hgad, department contends the sent- in 'tbe report of F. H. Gibbs, .C.A,; ed a financtial statemient. . D. Sills, . 1. .. uvieTaging 1360; J. Hillebrosht, 5 head, ences should have Provided for a just completed, a v�lurninous one. ,It . .1, . chairman of the property eommibtee, � — averaging 140,0; Thomas Scott, 25, penitentiary term of imprison. was filed with a statement of claim . . .. " � .. . . . I i,eported :for his comw#tee. ' head; averaging 1050; George McGee, - ment. . . with -tjio local registrar, supporting . � I I'll, At the conclusion, of the business CROMARTY � 1 15 head, aweraging 14dO; George I. &.writ issued s6ine time ago against . . .. , the mem1bers, adijourn�ed to the Olym- __ - - Lowery, I (head at 1380; Thomas Ad- 0 -, Young, which also seeks an injunc-� .�. pia Restaurant, where a ebickeD.din- - (Mi ' 0 W, � 0 0 1 1 ss 'Gladys Ham�jtoin, of Toronto, anis, 7 head averaging 14,50; James . I 0 tion to prevent, the convicted treas- 1 .! ner was, served. The toast to the visited under ,the par�nital roof. Allen, 11 head ,averaging 1400; Dav- — urer from disposing of his property. I , 11 X, . . Hing was proposed by W. H. Gold- 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Ivy A.Ilen, and fam- id McLean, 11 head averaging 1390, !Tile au,dit, a copy, of which has ::�, ing, M.P, ily, of -Mount )Pleasant, visited with and V. Jefferson, 20 head averaging been forwarded to Warden Jas. Bal- .. ,." It w�i§ at this time .that E. H. Close ' J200. 1M. Armstrong and P. Taylor BADMINTON, ALUMNI . ,w,%�award4ed a prize for peTfect at- ,.elatives in ,this vicinity. . �- lantyne, covers the year 1929-30-31-32 .. ...R Nx. and Mrs, Lloyd Miller of Strat- shippeil from Londesboro and dairies and up until Au -gust 19, 1930', the I ;1 pent -Sunday with 'Mrs, S. -A. ,Shea from Dublin, date of the Treasurer's arrest. Part . �4 . formances dor , the -past year. ' � . ... e5 TO and MEETINGS - �'�,. tendance at 'both practices and per- ford, spent . I I lGovernment Inspector Torriecheck-of IP27 and all of 1928, during Which ..: I 'The address, which Arl-lows below, Mrs. A. Allen, of Exeter, is visft. ed each animal and all passed as in ... . I the convicted man held office,, are tl'i ' ." � �. — was read by William. Kerr, and the ing with her song Mr. Ed. Allen. excellent condition., They will not be not included in the audit. . 1, - " award pm-seqted 'by Charles B., Stew- Messrs. ,Russell Scott and Ken Me- unloaded in Toronto. but will go di- Annual Meeting Badminton - Defalcations by Years I . .. I art. l I Kellar are ploughing at ,the match at rest to Montreal under a 36 -hour run The auditors' report, given in min- . : � '. . . . . . .'The address is as follows- . . Monday, and The .. I . contract and after resting Wednesday ute detail, at the outset give's a 1, Owen Sound',this Veek � I I . MT. U. H. Close, .A numlber from CTxxmrty attend'- and -part of Thursday, go on board table of -defuleations by years under I , Wednesday. - n, 1 ,��, Seaforth, Ont, ed anndversary services ifi, Staffal the Manchester n ay af- I the columns Of "Receipts," meaning . , .'a Dear Fellow -bandsman: I Uxdted Church on Sunday last. 41 . tJr mcn. I I . cash taken in and not amounted for, . , .11 11 11 . ,It -is our -pleasant duty to inform Special' services wil� be held in 'Transportation. and commissiun. will The annual meeting of the Sea- and "cheques" or money drawn from .. , ' ' ..­` . . run about $27 a head. forth Collegiate Institute Alumni A,'- the County of Huron account by , '1 Cromarty Presbyterian ,,Church on I V you that you fhave been awarded the .. Young and ... deposited in, own cur- , ,. ' Sunday, Octobev 22nd, at 11 o'clock sociatiom will be, held this, y�ar on I . prize for best attendance for past and 7.30 p.m.' Rev. Ready will con- . It. . accounts. Young I year. an your pairtliculair case it * — Wednesday evening of next Week in -rent and savings acco- . might be more ,correctly termed, a duct.both servioesL A hot fowl sup- 'TUCKERSMITH - the rooms of the Thomas McMillan alone .signed county cheques while lie 1, per will 'be served in the baseomerit . I - Young Liberal Club at 8.15 p.m. The was treasurer. The table: - . t, . perfect attendance ,prize,. because 'You of the ,church On 'Monday evening Anniversary Serviceg.—The 71st election of o%&ers will take place �_Receipts -10heques Total I j 'r 2 . have the unique distinction of not octhb, 23rd, followed,4y a good pro-' anniversary of Turner's Vnited and reports of committees and audi- 19' 9 . ... 708,68 ,1090.,00 1798.58 . �.: being absent from either a practice ,grain. -h will be held ori Sunday, Oct. . 1930 .... 1270-66 1420-00 2690.66 . , ..% or a ,concert. 10 I Church tors received- .., In congratulatinj you on this won- . I 15th, at 2 p.m. in the afternoon and A short program has been arrang- 1931 .... -1.071.58 1826.kO 2899.03 .. derful record, ,+ wish t6 extend I 7.30 in the evening.. The Rev. Mr. *ed'and lunch will be served. The J. 1932 .... 719.98 2937.46 3557.44 . � . we nd to EGMON T'10 * I -ing will close with bridge. 1933 (up to ., . . I � •i. - you our hearty and sintaere thank,,; DVIL"' HeTbert, Of Holmesville, will conduct en .C. I. old Aug- 18..,,' 450.53 450i.00 900i53 - , I, - the services and preach and the ch .. , for the exemplary way in -which you choir It is hoped that every S. Drew Double Salary I have given'your talents and time, of- 111ohday, visitors in the village were- will be assisted by Miss Jeannette boy and girl in the district -,*ill be , I 1 ten, *e know, at a sacrifice, not only Misses Ria Hills, Laura McMillan and. Finnigan, ,of Egnio,ndville, in the present. . . A detailed list of deposits made in I I the bank accounts of Gordon Young � 1 of your leisure hours, but of your the Misses Love, Toronto, at their ,service of, praise. A cordial invite- Badminton To Meet. . , I business hours as well. We are sure parental thomes; ,,Miss Dorothy, tion is extended to the friends to Arrangements -have been made to over the period is'given, with those . .. I 'I 'hold the annual meeting of the Bad traceable to county fends underscor- I that an attendance record by one who Reinke, Hamilton., with. her mother, join in, these services. - A has the knowledge of music Mrs. J. Reinke; Miss Marguerite - i -Mr. John Wilson, of )*, 'River ininton Club in the club rooms, Town ed. There is page after page of this, . I.. .­:�' that you . A ' Hall, on Monday,evening, h comments, or explanatory notes, � �y Algoma, visited at the ho Nf I admittedly. hang, should ,have a 'bene- Black, Ham-flton, Mr. George and Mr. Al 90 me MT. October 16, wit ficial effect"on ;'the future attendance W. Black, London, with Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. John, Forrest, last week. at 9 p.m, typed oppo,site, the entries which go . I W. Black; Miss Betty Malcolm, of Mr. Harvey Pettitt- and Mr. James, -Officers will be elected an, I of the entire Band. d -plans to "take up the shortage. Missing .� , We ta-ke this -opportunity of as- Toronto,- with her,parents, Rev. and XcIlivaith, of the O.A_C., Guelph, made.for the coming year. The pres- cheques are marked "X.1� . A � Malcolm; Miss Alice called at the " 'dent, Dr. W. C. Sproat, vrisbes all .i � Mrs. C. A. I home of 'Mr. and Mas. , �4, (For instance, in 1928 Young de- . . . I curing you that we appreciate menib r's' and all potential players to posited S8115,93 in his ,own bank ac- - I .. Knechtel, of Kitchener, at ,her home; John Forrest last Thursday. X. your valued assistance as a playing be present. count and in 1929 he deposited $3,- ,. .1 member, but for the generat -good and Miss Mildred 1114milton, of Wood{- Mr. James McLeod, of Winnipeg, I W 1,78. T�6 auditor comments:— . . _� welfare of our Band. ' `� stock, with Mrs. George Black, ' who is attending lion -don Unhersity, . � "Othercheaues which were not trace- "I Will you, therefore, please accept (Misses 'Margaret Patrick and Rena spent the week end at the home of — � * .1 this cheque, not in the spirit of , ret- McKenzie were week end guests with Miss Alberta Forrest. -1 able to Young's -bank account appear I � ward but rather as, a token of ap- Toronto friends. . The Tuckersnifth Aggressive . ve Club — to be dupl Youngicate salary cheques. 1" 'I 1 � - q I predation, good -will and., thanks. ' -Miss Isabel Close was a Kitchener w�ill meet at the" hom,� of Mrs. A. NO Young's salary cheques were All seen . . The People of this community 7 I and since his ,salary was the only , J11 , (Signed on behalf of the ,Seaforth v'llt�01 over the holiday. Broadfoot, Mill .,Road, on Tuesday be pleased to know the Rev. J. W. monthly payment of $137.50, these V, � A Highlanders Bard—Wm. J. Kerr Miss ,.Rosse Patrick Nvas a Ila -mil- evening, October 17th, at 8 P-111- MT- Buttonr-of Fovft,ich, has been dble parments have been taken as �x- .: _' "ton guest aver the. week end. Ian .NIcLeo,d, Agricultural Reresent-to accept the � President; aarleTB. Stewart, Secre . invitation to conduct cess salary drawn." ! tory., . : . . .ative, will eve a talk on farm man- anniversary services hei* on, October Then follows a detailed retort of I I ..s .• 1� . -,It call will be a 22nd. Mr. Button is a former Con- deposits in Yoting's saving account � 1agenilent. The ri. ' Ing his earliest re- with those nniounts traceable to the . " EXETER " , limerick and ,the prize- will b,2 given stance boy, receiN . , . I . for the most original one. All ' im- jig�iouq training in the little country county's MANLEY young , ti I -, 4 7 people are invited to attend. . 0 ntv'�, fundq underlined. . �; Caven, Presbyterian congregation - . church hev_ He is an able, and ini- Muclf­C�ft Taken + . Presentation in Tackersmith.—Mr. 1)ressive speaker and it will be to . : � I will celebrate their anniversary on The antiourt. of 8422I.P13 in cash Mr. Joe McKay, of London, is vtis- . iting with friends in our burg at Sunday, next. Rev. Dr. James D, and Mrs. Wilfred Coleman were the in�erest of all tho-se who 'po%- was taken, Rccein.tq were issued but .. pre -sent. Smart, of Ailsa C,�-aig, will be the pleasantly surprised on Friday ev- ,4ibly can to hear Ili% Button'6n that the money appropriated to the Treas- , I ;We are sorr-,. to learn that Mr. W. special preacher for th, occasion. The ening last when over two hundred date. urer'- own use. for the auditor-, were .. ; . r . . choir ME be assisted by .Tgrs. Case neighbors, and relativLs held a recep- .1lis- McEwan and her niece, Lil- untible to account for it. ; J. Walsh is not improving as ,rapid- ly as d.%pected after returning from R. 'Howard-, of New York. tion for them follovNng their recent Tian, of Toronto, spent the ' holiday The County of litiron issued its . London Hospital last Sunday even- Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ingram, of return from their honeyilloon. -Mrs. -,it the honti� Of her sister MVS. W. writ before .th�, 1bnndjn,x company. . � ing. , Detroit, visited over the week end Colen-en be-foro her marriage w -as. F. Carnochan. I i . the Canadian Socuitity Co. anPeared .. � thunder storms vhth ,the lattel-'s mother in Exeter Miss Doreen Hudson. Seaforth, aii(l Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson spent on the scene or nind'o a settlement. , One of the worst t , � of the season, accompanied by hail and' with the forin,,,r's father near the, groom is well known in locket Sunday with the forniei`� aunt, 'Mrs. Since the hording company has noir i b,nd rain, swept tbrouugh the -north- Hensall. ""CRs': Alex, Ingram returned snifth. A feature of the -athering -Nohle, of Wawanosh. . Mid the county 1�7,7,0 in full state- I ' . I - .: ern section of this section. W. Man- with' his son for a visit. was the pre>enta.tion of a fine wal- .,.Mr. ,and .11�rs. P, Lindsay vi�zit,Nl nient, it will be enjoin.d in the ac- ! ley had a narrow escape wherf the ' The entertain inients of the Domin- nut china cabinet, bronze table lampt, at the hoine of Mr. and firs. I. �Nlc_ tion. I A lig,htning struck a post between the ion Festival held last Thursday, were fountain poh. piano lamp, electric Gavin, near Walton. . . ' plate anti other gifts. The -addrc,ss Mr. and Mrs. J. Townsend and fait- � barn and house. - The -post was shat- only ,fairly well attended, although - - � 6 wai; read by Rot�ert Archibald and 1 teTed to pieces. . the.pr granirmes were excellent. t . Harvesting the root crop is the 'A distressing accident ' occurred the presentation made by Art Nichol- Cooper, 'Mr. Peter Cain,eron" lira. 11. , &oatfi -of Exeter on Sunday night son. The groom made a suitable re- order Of the day. ' pl. Forsythe, Mr. and 'Mrs. H. Jackson, "nie followiii�r teaclipr, have re- . when a young ltungarian, who , v. The evening was s -pent in cards ' ' . t watt Mr. and 2,lr,;. Cecil Pullman, Mr. and tu,med after tilt- ThanksKivinx lioli- ; .. I wAlki-nig on the pavement near his an([ clancing aiid a delicious lunch Mrs. R. McMillan, Mr. Ross McKay, day: Charles Valone. to Windsor; I , . . I . [home was killed" by an adbomobile was tz,erved by, the ladies. -The arl- I STAFFA goin1w to Clinton. dress I.; as follows: "To Mr. and Mr. Oliver 'XcKay, Mr, and ,Nli-,q. C. Mtiq/s Gertrude a�d Agm,es 'YcGratii, , .41 . Mr. and 'Mrs. John R. Hind left Ili-, Wilfred Coleman- Upon this NlcKay, Mr., and Mrs. Robt. F,Igi'e to Kitchen,m; Mi.os Rose 'NtcQuaid " , � Mr. aliq Mrs. Patterson and daugh- this week fora pleasure trip -to Chi_ m?,t happy occasion a few of your Mrs. A. Ross, Mr. and., M,rs. 'Cecil and Mar-, 'NTcGratb,'Toi,onto. Fvelyn I I ter, of Gadshill, spent Sunday with -cago. friends and neighbors have gathered hurray, Mr. and NlTs: L Forsythe, MvGrath, Buffalo, and Lucy Burke, � -v to offer you their heartiest con Mr- and Mrs. J. Elgie, Mr. and '_�IT,, T.onflnh, I . Mr. and Mn.. T. Drown. , The funeral Of Mn.�. Susanna here - " .. Mr, Charles Nerce and daughter, O'Brien, for�icrly Ko<ldup, was held gj,,�tulations. 'To you, Mrs. Coleman, 11. Chesney, Mr. Lewis Coyne M.T, 'The Softball Ass.o&iation held a . I - ' Jennie, and Mrs. McClay,, of Ford- .fToqn her ,late residence on Andrew `Q extend' a wli'ini. and sincere wol- Mervin Lane, Mr. and Mrq. ' Alex. w"cgi-vini and so6al evening on INTon- . ' . come to our mid-st and trust that you 'Sinipson, Mr. Mervin Dinney, Mi% S. clay which i,)roN-.1.d vc,i-y successful. .�. holiday with Mr. and Street on, Tues(l,aV Rft( rnoon. wo-vll, . ,Catholic Womien'� League, — A . with, spent the h . u . Mrs. George Tuffin. I 'Dr. Weekes has moved into the of- may Finil in this neighborhood many Goi Mr. and. Mrs. James Love, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sadler spent face building on Main Street recent! congenial friend" who -,,,Ill 4d(I to Mr. and Mrs. J. McLachlan, Mr. Win. card party .an4 miasquleiia,clp frolic, � the holiday with friends, in Niagara vacated b,y Mrs. E. J. Christie, n your pleasure and happiness. Degir- B61 1, - JJr. ,A n d Mrs, R. Rennedy, Mr. srx)n,Q,ore(r h.� the 0. W. L., will be . Who and llrs!'T. Hodgert, Mr. and ,Mrs. held. -in the parish hall on Friday Falls. ,'has moved into the Od'df,ellow's ing to re,inind you of our continued )Miss Donal -da Gray, Who has been block. ftiendship anti esteenT, we ask you to O'Laughlan, Mr. Joe Ullshall, Mr. and evening, October 27th. . I tl. *,.4' .� I N11-. L. Finlayson, Mr, and Mrs. D. . ':j very sick with pneumonia, we are• t - -accept these- gifts with our sincerest Votheringliam, Mr. and Mrs. William I I � , glad to report, is sornlewbat better. wish that the pleasums and succ"ses Ji'vine, Mr. and Mrs, Win. Broadifoot, Ily, of lxmd(hi, visited '.Nl,r. and Mrs. t 'Mr. and Mrs. F. O'Brien spent the of life may he given to you in liberal B. 'Nott on Sunday. , . t . Mr. IE. Walters, (,lir. Robert Dial- %: week end With Mr. and Mrs. C measure, and that you may long find Mr. and '.klr.-. Fn -d Elliott, of To- ' I in this locality those who will be to rnilple, ,.Nfr. and Mrs. R. Conisitt, M,r. ronto, and 'itis. Elliott, of Clinton, "I , , - I I O'Brien, Toronto. '' - ­` ` ROBEDALE and Hits. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. J. , Mrs. (Rev.) Turner and baby ar- I you a source of inspiration and JOY. 71 visited with Mr. and M -m- Jack Fer- , rived home Saturday from, Seaforth Signertt-Bub Archibald, Thos. Rod- 'pxhall, Mrs. S. Eyre, Mr, J. Sin- v n on Sunday. guso N Hospital. Bert, Art Nicholson. Friends and clair, ,Mr. and Mrs. A. McGregor, Mr. 'Mr. Bert Ferris, of Pro-vto'st', Alta., . Mr. and ;Mrs. Win. Butson, Munro, ATA neighlbors ,present included: Mr. and and Mrs. A. Dunlop, Mr. and Mrs. A. An,,, Mr. and Mrs. William VcMjilj,Rl-k 111.1 spent ',%n,d4,y with Mr. land Mrs. . * Mrs. IV,,m. Sproat, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lillico, Mr. and sibs. B. Rick, Mr. and and Nfary, of Londnii, %p,ern-t last Sun- 1�11 I I I Mi -s. John Forest, MT. and Mrs, A. &y at the - Geo. Butson. Doig, Mr, and Mrs. Win. Wallace, home of Mrs. Henry Tay- " , 'Mr. 0. W. Reed epert t'h,c week Mr. and Mrs. John Sholdice, Mr. and Kennedy, Mr. Win. Thompson, My. lo,. ' end, -in Chicago attending -MLs Fair. COAL. .Mrs. H. Tyndall, Mr. and Mirs. G and N[Ts. Wm. Black, Mr. and Mrs. "There will b,e a do -nee on Friday ­ .- ).1 I IMr, C'harlets Treffry, Londlov, is Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Strong: J. 'McIntoeh, Meswsrs. A. and J. Broad- nh the auspices of the For- . ,� glpnding this week with bilg brother Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Archibald, Mr. foot, -Mr. John Woods, Mr. and Mrs. rester,. �'-.' .. Canadian Fuel' and Mrs. S. Lei -bourne, Mr. and Mrs. D. McLean, Ar-,. A. Broadfoot, Mr. and sister here. I - The anniversary Constance Unit- ­ , 'Mr. Carl M -mm spent Me holiday Jim Doig, MIT. and Mrs. ,T� Riley, Mr. and .Mrs. G, Richard�on, Mr. and M' Church will be held on October 11 �, 11 . . Xrs. A. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. G. 22-nd and a fowl supper on Tuesday, - with his parents. Mined and Mrs. Alex. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. I IMT. and Mrs. C. Stewart, of Exe- • H. Ghss-ney, ,Mr. and Mrs, M Rice, XcOartney, Mrs. A, Broadfoot, -Mrs. October 24th. Rev. J. W. Button, 4 I "O'. , ter, spent -Sunlay wi,th'MT. and Mrs.. Mr. and, ,Mrs. Wni. Riley, M. r. and Jas. Mclutos,h, Mr. And Mrs. W. Keys, POVdV*h, will Preach at. 11 amn, and ,, ...r 'I, . G Wilson.. By Canadian Mrs. Hruigh Chesney, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Charters, Mr. and 730 p.m., ,with ",ecial music by th4, ;, I . t, G. Vlm, A. Nicholson, Mr. mi�a Mrs. T. 4�;,,oir. On Tuetgdgy,L�veniing the Blyth I .1 .Ti� arniversory services held in Sherwood Mr, and Mrs. T. Shilling- T , "i ", 1. the United Church Sunday last with -Workmen. law, Mrs. J. C. Reinke, Mr. and Mrs. -Lane,"Mr. and Mrs. A. Boyce, Mr. J. Orchestra will be in aftendlance, also ,�I,S_ Am Gmrge Kers", Mitchell 40- . J. McLellan, Mr-, anal Mi,'%. J. Mc_ , Souter, Mr. and Mrs. -G, MitcCartney, a play entitled., "The Path Across the. 0 9. '. 111 Vall t G,,vin, ,Mr. Jatmes !Wallace Mr. and Sr., Mr. and Mrs. J. Rintoul, Mr. J. M,11,,, will 'be given ty the young ffivering two excettlent mesmies to N. Ci. & SONSrs J. Forest. I people of Blyth. . �, I!, tvv,o large, congregations. I � Mrs. R. Wallace,WpillaceMr. .and . . 1. . ., "A I ..... ,... . ... _ . I .,�k - I - . . ... . I "i 1�`;. � . 10 ­� � ,� * , " '111 I i. I - 4 . . 11 - P I - I 11-1111, , I ... � . , . I , - w AM&Vd1,W11AWafflUAVyk1ik� �, ". 1; � � � � � � � . -e.1166" --��,12 , -.,-- �k;�.Qe,"W,gv ibai4�, A,61,,.a�,; .,.an�wo4wkj 6A fii,,� �­'�ian,,W,,, t � I '. I � 1. I "I�g,tA.&1;194ta",",�z4.,�,,ze4la,� , . i "",�`.,: P. ��Aiioadaaw '. . 1. 1, I