The Huron Expositor, 1933-10-06, Page 4'`! ' i `� ? x15 'L:eai ing Weekly"
21 „ , ` f �' , 4bl*4Wd 1.860
M;r', ' xlo eitht'h�r:ll4lgl.ean, Editor.
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Ri 1111- t „ ! k►I ah , at v gafort4, Ontario, ev-
1!v(rf''t a ,«- G ay tertxoon 1uy McLean
tt iIII ll '/.tom--- I
fsalb G anion 'rate, $1.50 a year in
� � It 4 i�dY, kk toe; foreign, $2,-00 a year. Single
, )+ N ,l+ ''' 000es, d 'cents each. '
I—: e —
" Advertising rates on application.
,I( , r
IM1', h' '
Xembers of the Canadian Weekly
Newspaper Association, Class A
il'"' :i *� eklies of Canada, and the Huron
'..V, County 'Press Association. ,
;',r '
p" -
R -11
, SFDAFORTH, Friday, October 6, 1933
tlr . ,
1 `' Turning Over a New Lea`..
„. g f
' Huron County is turning over a
f • new leaf in the conduct of its finan-
y.2,1�•- . cial affairs.
�:,. Warden $allantyn•e is the author-
ity for stating that an up-to-date
an a coon -
,,; system ofbookkeeping
,`. ing is being placed in the treasurer's
fi office and a competent bookkeeper
Y has been engaged to carry on the
ibusiness of that office until such time
as a new treasurer has been appoint-
ed. a
t That is a procedure which, had it
been followed many years ago, in all
probability would have sav'e'd the tax-
payers of the county many thousands
of dollars. .
Tlter...-1n'ove, therefore, however long
delayed, is a move in the right direc-
;1 tion and good as far as it goes.
There are, however, two other
moves in connection with its financial
,. affairs to which the county council
should give its immediate attention
beforeconfidence in county govern-
ment can again be restored in the
=, ads of the people.
ff ,One 'of these is the appointment
'i to the office of Treasurer of a moan
who possesses the, necessary qualifi-
'L" ' cations and 'business sense to fill that
The second is the payment of a
,•:I salary to that official commensurate
I with the education and 'business
1' knowledge he will have. to pgssess
and the fuBancial responsibilities he
will have to assume. - -
' IA quality product, whether in man
or materiarf is never the cheapest in
price. It ls, however, th-e cheapest
, in the end, and the experience of the
business world has proven that to •be
a fact.
In county appointments, tpo often,
-0however, price is the first considers
tion and bears a greater weight than
quality. That principal applies also
`i in many other forms of county busi-
'Considering the composition of the
'"i ,• county council • that is' an amazing
', . ' thing., The county council is barge-
ly made up of farmers. .Not one of
those farmers would hire a man to
14 work on their own farms by the
year --at any price who was not a
.'. comrpelent man or one .who knew
i nothing whatever about farming,
When it is the business of the other.
441. x people of the county, however, it is
�° a horse of 'another color. Anything
1. is good enraSu'gh for them; anything
that is cheap.
It is this narrow, selfish outlook
of personal or local gain rather than
the good of the wholecounty; this
difference in the ethics employed by
the councillors in their own business
and that employed in conducting
Icounty 'business that has, in recent
years, created a growing demand for
the abolition} of the county council as
y, a governing body.
It Will county councils come to a re-
alization 'of this truth and act upon
,{ it before it is too late? One guess
t{ is as good as another. What is
I Yours
.j Looking for Settlement
' (.StrAtford Beacon-'Hlerald)
There is a danger in the present
situation in this city of haying the
meal issues beclouded. The reason
for the -strike in the, first place was
that the furniture workers desired
better wages than 'they had been re-
ceiving. The strike at the Swift plant
, .occupied a good deal, of time, engen-
dered a great deal.of bad feeling, and
yet it was not part of the strike of
the furniture men.
As we 'see it these is need to get
back to the first principles of this
trouble. Primarily it is a plain 'busi-
ness situation from the standpoint o4
tber manufacturers and from the
standpoint of the workers.
The manufacturers are out to fnak>
furniture land sell it They have
been operating in wham is admittedly
a low market.
The workers are out to sell thein
' I.Wbor power. -for •,the ii'iost they car
. get' for it. They,also 'gave been op•
eratmg in a low marri .
I tit is welt to iemennrber that the
min now on strike, when they retu•rr
to work will .be 'working under thr
game roof as the emfployem agains
whcmri they are now striking. Thel
will have to do, so With rebore coa
deme, in h' a'.ther Itha i they havt
had in the past, for without cosi$
donee 'aBd mutual respect in industr;
there is"going 0 be snore trouble.
As this paper sees it the prolblen
of the mem is the problem of th,
mianufac i&tr^, and t* pro'bl'em o
t1w ma-ru fiactuxft is, in Wr,ny th,
�ri+aibl'enri ,of *0 -limn. ,some will elain
Out their ni ergs ,,arrer §a 'vtizdply op
thatt 4iTet a`: A6,01 -ft, E at whirl
I ., . e bout iV her r scoop
�fi �:
' il '`� .1t . •&. +l labii gttg+gtw4'#p anything
s!�'' 1', a�'te,t'�'iYn�gr/11 ..1 r,•, "1`{,,f ra�3n::.yl ro i4 x'.�t r,^y) i''°, v. ,�4.-,
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THE URO 1 E 'OSi f�
OCTOAER 6i 1933.'"
ike surrender on the part of the
nen. We desire atme .
.hem return, to work under conditions
,v'hieh will be -better
w all else han those .vhicai
axisted when they walked out of the '
Let us reason this thing for a • ,
mo'm,ent: If there are concessions ■®�+��11.1 West Huron Teachers, which is being ling, ed with him was much esteemed. Arthur appeared as a deleg'a'tion from
made, for a (better wage rate, then it I . 1- - VILLE . held this Thursday and Friday in Hay C!auncil 'Meeiting. The regi- I The graasl and flowers following the the Canadian Legion, re Rem'etmbranc�e
follows that the man'u'facturers will Goderich. la.r monthly mee'tin'g of the council fine late mains are looking better than Day obsemmnc�e, also asking for a:
have to secure business on a basis 'The 'Septeniber meeting of - the of the 'Township of Ray was held- in flor a 'long time as the long summer grana towards the cost of a btlnd to
which will make it ole to The Neil 'Shaw Mission Circle held
possi pay Busy Bees Mission Circle was held thlet Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, -drought was very hard on their-. head the Parade' on that day. Spear
that -better rate. That is something their regular meeting on Monday ev- !
ng on Saturday afternoon last at 2.30 Oct. 2nd,, with fall the mlenribers Pres- I The root crops in this section are cer and Jones: That the Reeve issuer
ening, October 2nd, at the home. of
which can be reasoned out, It is o'clock at the borne of 'Mrs. Joan •coot. The m'inlwtes of the previous ' turning out much" better khan was a proclamation urging th�/citizens to
never going to Ibe achieved' by con- Mrs. John Forrest. The meeting op: Henderson. Miss Olga Bell, vice- meeting were adopted as, read. Af- 1 anticipated a couple of months ago, observe Remembrance Day, 'Noveul-
troversy. It is essentially a business ened by singing one verse of hymn, p ng. ter disposing of the, con
'"Take Time to be Holy," after which president resided over the recti g communications but fruit is not up to 'the usual goal- ter 11th, as .,such. Petty-rSlpenoert
matter. That is why it is so iteces After the call to worship, a hymn the following -resolutions were, pass- ity, particularly so in respect to the That we grant ,seven dollars towards
sar to kee in mind the main issue Jean Smith led in prayer. Minutes g g p p , apple crop. , the cost of a 'band for Remembrance
Y p was sun and all the iris re e'ated ed: Tawnshi Roads --Mahn Oesch
and roll call were then read by the
u£ the present situation. As we see the Lords Prayer, The Scripture Road 8, $3.50; Township of Stephen, The local lodges sae looking for- Day to the Legion -•`Carried. F. G.
.ec•retary after which the girls all
it the solution will conte only through reading taken by bliss 'M. Thom- cement (tile, $2.70; Dominion 'Road ward now ,to increased attendance and Bonthron reported, re the unpaid ,
negotiation and wise counsel. Joined' in the blind 'bazaar, the pro-
son, after which Miss 0. Sell took the Machinery Co., repairs for crusher, new members. taxes of' 1932.W. J. Jones reported
Vee -ds amounting to $5.00. The third devotional, "The Woman Who Loved $18,73; E. Erb, Road 9, $62.89; N. r IMrs. H. Jacobi has been during the as to "stop signs" !being damaged by
Vice-president, Helen Thompson, then 2. past welek visiting relatives and children. Constable Hudson was in -
took charge. Th'e first verse of "Res- to Radiate Happiness." The roll call Foster, Road 6 $l 20; R. Adams,
HURON PRESBYTERIAL cue the Perishing" was sung follow- was answered 'by eleven girls, after Road 10, $18.39; 0. Koehler, Road 3,• friends in the n'orthexn- •part of the strutted to look into this matter at
was discussed
which the business 1. W Firscher, 'cad 11 178.75•
oil h • -oyer b Gertie Webster. The 8 -0" � R � $ , co•umty. once. Communi,catiorns were read as
Continued from page 1) Scripture Slesson, Matt. 25:31-46, was The girls has°e decided to prepare a G. Surerus, Road 9, $66.22; T. Dins- I The season for tourists will soon follows: 'Front the Department of
then read by .Elizabeth 13roadfoot. box of Christmas cheek• which is to more, Road 1S, $6.40, S. Martin, Road be drawing to a close and also for Agriculture and Judge T. M. Cas -
The 4lisses Goodhand and Brown Margaret Forrest gave a very pleas- be sent to a mission hospital early 6, $5; G. Armstrong, R.oadA, $1.60; summer lake resorts. tello�sam'e filed. Bills and accounts
contributed a beautiful duet entitled, next month. The topic -.vas •,very ab- R, Miller, Road 9, $3.50• , A. Mous- • As .will be sen from the re
ink• -•coding and Mt•s,l4alcolm gave � � Port were read as follows: John `Passmore,
"Thi`re's No. Friend Like. Jesus." ly taken by Miss Dora Dalrymple on !smu, Road 3, $415.76; W. Farrell, Rd. of our last council meeting, Remem- Hydro, 76c; A. Spemeer & 'Soon su
a talk on Missions in India, stressing, g, p"
hiss Mar Dow sang very acre tab- a "Thanksgiving,' after which a hymn 18, $1.85; A. Smith, Road 8, $4.40 ; rbrance, 'Day promises ,to ben well ob- lies for hall $4.85; Huron Ex si-
p the point that our allocation is not P � Po
ly-, "Face to Face." sang
Link refit- was sung and all rLpeated the Miz- Bonthron & Drysdale, acct., $3.80 ; terved The, Legion g printing,
,sum of money demanded of us by g•on takin i3 fine in- tar for b •$4; W. Brintnefll,
dtiered a solo, "The Touch of His Hand the church, but rather, a chance to pah benediction. A contest and a W. J. J.arrott, repairs, etc., $49.99; terest in it. wood for 'hall, $7.50; J. Passmore,
Mine," with good expression. Mrs.: help .with the rather,
that Christ left very dainty lunch served by the W. J. Harvey, trucking, $258.52; S. ,Our sumuner and fall public holi- supplies, $+1:4.5; H. Foster, Fire Dept.,
meeting to a
hostess, brought the 17 r timekeeper at crusher, 2'4
Powell and Mrs. Skelton, from Gen- tis to do .when He said; "Go ye into boa s, a ng eine, $ , 4 days are now nearly all 'on•er for this 80c;, C. Htfd-son, Fire .Dept., 80c; F.
tralia sari a duet, "I Came to the delightful close. - T. Welsh, -gravel, $52.16; T. Stein- year. . G. Bonthron, postage and supplies,
, g" all the ..•cold and preach the gospel Y'
Garden Alone" with fine feeling, to every people." This was followed bach, load 8, $12.05, Telephone Ac- f The sister congregation of the .$•�a55.- Total, $28.71'. Petty and
while Miss Edna Cochrane and Miss counts�Bell Telephone Go., tolls, United Church are looking paid.
by a couple o£ lively contests, after v g forward to Jones: That accounts as readbe
Jean Ivison also contributed a duet, STANLEY July to August, $283.91; Dept. Na- th'e,ir anniversary sea -vices in,the near -L-Carried. rid' Jgnes: That
which apples and candy were sero- YPettyY
"J,esus Knows and Understands," ed. A vote of thanks was moved- to ttional Revenue, ta;x on calls, $8.87; future at Chise'lhurst. :we procure, two cords of cordwood
which gave much pleasure to their Mrs. Foa•rest and the girl's for their The following is the report of No. ' IStr•oniherg=CarlsonTel. Mfg, IC ,.J 'Services in St. Paul's Anglican to be cut by transients when procur-
hearers. Miss Annie Ferguson, Pres- Hospitality, and the meeting closed 14, Stanley,, for September: ST. IV Iswpplies, $2:52; Northern Electric Co. Church on Sunday last -were con'duc't- ing meal'sr,�,.+Carried. Petty and Spen-
byterial Treasurer, reported a de- by the benediction, —'Harold Jones 73, Aubrey Farquhar 'suppliles, $111.99•; D. R. Guenther, ed by the rector, Rev. M. B, Parker, cer: That we now adjourn.
crease in the year's givings of $465 ..,r"•r„"".. -.. 62. Farquhar, IVa athle n Jones
s 65,
,Mary switching i$2.,45; Zurich
Treasurer assisted by :Captain 'Morris, and at The painting of the town hall is
but that there was an incrbase from q George the morning service Holy Communion neatly finished- and, makes a great
the Mission Bands. Clifton 64, Marian Kerslake 49. Jr. Stephen Tp., refund re tolls, $1.36; was adnministered. The church choir improvement to its appearance.
BAYFIELD III—Eric P. Mcl�saac, , salary, etc. rendered good music appropriate to 'T'hanksgiving Day will be observ-
�fSwitzer 41. Sr. II —.Lois Y, ,. 3 months,
Mrs. T. Taylor, of Thornes Road, Rathwell 71, Jean Speir 62, Don Swit $605:518; H. G. Hess, is'ala�ry; e*t,
convention speaker, spoke on "The ,Farewell Party. -Trinity Guild antd the occasion. Next Sunday Harvest ed here as a general holiday.
Challenge of the Women of China," zer 60, Willie' 'Mitcomlbe 53, 'Ernie $138. General' Accounts—`D. Geste't- Home 'Services will 'be held and the The merchants ,find business irnr
choir were ,entertained at the home Talbot absent. -w Jr. II — Mildred n•er Co., supplies, $5.72; G. McCubbin
Kenneth re drain ,awards, $69•• T Clerk re the one, of Dorchester, will be proving and the grain buyers and
She placed the responsibility of help- of Mrs. N. W. Woods on Friday ov- Rev. St
.ing the Chinese women upon the ening last, it 'bein'g a farewell party Jones 57, Kenneth ,McKenzie 33. I— , p• a preacher. millers are kept quite busy.
shoulders of Christian women at Donny .McKenzie Alvin Kerslake. drain awards, etc., $31'.50, wood for At 'Carmel Presbyterian 'Church The young people of Carmel church
for Rev, and Mrs, F, H. Paull, who Primer --June Murdoch, Betty -Switz- , town hall, $28; postage on..,tax notic- Rev. 'Mr. Miller, of 'London, occupied congregation and those of the United
home. are leaving shortly for a new parish
'She described the older women of at East Windsor. A pleasant even- er. Number on roll, 18; average at- es, $19; Zurich Agricultural Society, the pulpit 'both morning and evening Church each held opening7&iiter0a-
tenance . 16.21- — P. C. Penfold, grant, $50; Grand Ben-sSchool Fair, delivering able sermons on both oc- menbs or 'get-together meetings on
China as !being illiterate, unhealthy, in.
+'a as spent in game and music. Teacher. I grant, $5.; Welick Bros.; part pay-. casions and, at the morning service Monday e.''ening last with large at -
suffering from foot -+binding and lack An address was read 'by Mrs, 'Mc- IMr. and Mrs. Ort'°al Stephenson, of meat award dTains contract, $&5. The there was a large attendance. The ten,damce's acid good programs, in -
of hygienic k i,,owledge, moving in a Ewan and Mrs. McKay present,e'd a Marlette; 'Michigan, visited for a few council adjourned to meet again on ' church choir under the able header- eluding vocal and instrumental selec-
narrow circle knowing little of con- pair of wool ,blankets' for the Guild, days last week with their relatives in Monday, November 6th; at 1,30 --p.m• ship of 'Mr. W. A. McLaren added to tions coupled with readings, address-
ditions beyond it. They attribute the after which a linen table cloth was in the afternoon.—A. F. 'Hless Clerk.
appalling death rate of infants to the presented by Miss Floy Edwards for Stanley. the service by ,veil rendered' music' re and games, concluding with tasty
displeasure of the Gods. the choir. Mr. Paull trade a fitting Mrs. Alice Armstrong and Mrs. in the' anthems, psalms ••arid para- refreshments.
reply. A dainty lunch was servedWes. Cocherline, of Pilot Mound, phrases. The pastor, Rev. W. A. The painting of the town• hall by
a .
(Polygamy is rampant in China and Man., arrived last week from the IiENSALL Young, took charge of the services in Mr. Kenm.ings' has much improved, its
The address is as follows: Dear Mrs.
all children 'belong to the head wife. West and intend ,spending a month Coven Presbyterian Church at Ere- appearance and will also add to the
Wealthy women spend their time Paull: The Guild and, Choir have with their friends in this vicinity and 'Tied For First Prize --Allan Me- ter, (being !Moderator following the durability of the woodwork, and -now
sewing, embroidery, gamlbling, often gathered here this evening to tell in 'Michigan. • Donald, W. 0. 'Goodwin, F. G. Bon- resignation of Rev. Cecil Rhodes. . if the interior or auditorium;'hart of -
you how very sorry we are to. lase ;At the United Church Rall Da the hall was decorated would make
all day, and smoking opiurnthe use IN
r. Calvin I?ohvson, of-Sesforth, is thran' and Alfred' Clark attended the
yo'u and Mr. Paull an'd to .wish you Y Y
of which, 'banned for a time, is now spending a few days with Mr. and totuxnamie'ht in 'Woodstock on Wednes- services were 'held in the Sunda it an A-1 hall in every .respect, as
success and prosperity in the arish Y
an the increase. Many women are p P' Mrs. W. J. Dowson, at the old home. ,day lastand were tied for first place. school. and there was 'a ver large, the library and council chamber and
to which you are going. _ Wee regret Y g • Y
very religious, have private chapels very much losing ane who has been Services will be withdrawn at the !There were 80' rinks in play from the, attendance and a fine service .held. kitchen part are now in very good
fon the worship for Buddah in which Goshen and'' Blake United C'hur'ches neighboring towns and villages. They Following the service in the school order and appearance.
such an inspiration' in our society, g
they spend many hours. next Sunday owing to anniversary gave good account of themselves; room it was continued in the audi- We notice in one of the Unitecfi
also a leader , p the choir, anddiff we services ,lbein i
"The Thousand Character Plan' . fe'el that your,place will be difficult g held in the Varna Unid- winning by a draw as rain came an. torium: oaf the church in the way of a States dailiies the f'o'llowing 'head -4
makes reading easy for them. Schools 'to fill. You 'have contributed un- ed Church, whorl Rev. R. M. Galey of ;They each received a chased silver children's choir from the Sunday ing: "Dry Leader Dies, Mrs. Sarah
are not able to admit all who wish to Bayfield, will. conduct the morning dish.. Whether in horseshoe pitching, solxool 'numbering over fort coupl'eiY G. Wilson Dead.'° The foregoing re-
stintin I of your time and lobo in Y,
come and many are turned away.
stintingly service, and ;Rev. Mr.'Burn, of Zurich, `'bowling, curling or in !baseball, they with a duet b Carehelping all the activities of. he y y Joynt and Bob-Bo'b- fors to a Hensall yours lady in they.
Mrs. Taylor told of their holiday time will have charge of the evQn'ing ser- i match well with the 'best of sports- bie Hess and, both the singing by earlier part of the village life, name -
church and not only the church. but vice. The annual fowl su• er will be ,men 1 Miss; Sarah Caldwell
.where they went out visiting, of she the musical circles of the com¢txunity PP the large choir and 'by the two 'boys Y , a sister of.
herself, keeping ogee house ;when x will miss your valuable support. ,AVB held in the shed on Thursday oven-) Ms, Fred Haa+bunn arranged a was well rendered and Much enjoyed the late William and John- Calwedl,
thousand w'om'en called and were ing, October 12. dance in the town hall on Tuesday by the large con re Yrs
ask you to accept this gift from the g g gation- that filled and an aunt of Mrs. Alice Ja t, who
careful not to walk on rugs. She The eleath occurred in Goderich on ' evening last when a large number the church. The pastor, Rev. Mr. recent! left here to reside with her
Guild also this small remembrance Pa Y
spoke of the wonderful devotion of a from th;e. Choir, as tokens -of love and Thursday; September 28t'h, of Albert gathered to trip the light fantastic Sinclair, gave a•, very fine and ap- three unmx'asried sons now in the
Chinese woman of great wealth esteem) and trust that we may have Boyce, eldest son of Mrs. Hannah !toe. 'Music was supplied ,,,.'Py the propriate ,sermon for the occasion, Queen .City. Miss Caldwell was - at
whose constant them was "Christ" Boyce, acid the late Mr. James Boyce. Harburn ore'hesftra, and they report 'which bristled with ood 'tadn*ice for the time of her sudden death the
the pleasure of meeting again in the b'
and of another who had been an .op- future. That. God's richest blessing Deceased was born in Stony forty- a most enjoyable time. the !Sunday school and also for the wife of Attorney Carl M. Wilson, of
ium addict, but who had 'become a may follow }you both is the wish of ,seven ylears ago, where he continued 1 Chief ,Constable George Hfxdson is parents of the children. • Well ren- gupericr, and who has been making
Christian and had conquered the hab- Trinity ' Church Guild and Choir,— to reside till a few years ego when 1 endeavbriiig to 'keep the boys and dared musical accompaniments were her summer home at Minnesota
it and had been ordained a laywoman he and -his mother• moved to Gode- ' girls from- congregating on the given by the Misses Fisher, >
President, Flor<mce Edwards; Secre- - g y on the Point and who besides her bereaved
in a' Chinese church. -- - -rich. About three weeks ago he can- streets in their parentis and their
ta•r� , K. McEwan. pipe organ, and Miss Gretta Lam- husband 'leave's one son, Lynn C. tWi1-
The modern girl of China has un- xy, X. McEvr—About fifty friends trached `"fever which, developed into own interests. It 'is "very dangerous mie on the piano. The church was son, of ,Superior, an'd two grandehil-
bound feet, attends .-government and neighbors of Mr. A. Peck meet at pneumonia and, ended fatally. He as so many cars pass 'by and it does ,beactifully decorated with plants and dren. The article -goes on to men -
schools and the majority can read his home on Friday evening to wel- leaves is mourn his loss, his. widow- not speak well, for th,e young people flowers. At the evening service the tion that IMrs. Wilson was a great
and write. ,There are eighteen good- come and present he and 'Mrs. Peck motl# r, three 'brothers, Victor and to be on the streets gat a ]ate hour. pastor gave an able and' interesting Temperance worker, had been presi-
Williaanrr"• of . Goderich and Frank of IMr. and Mrs. H. 'GicR of Exeter; discourse while in the anthem Mrs. dent of the local Chapter of the W.
universities in one of which seventy with a, handsome mantle clack. The r ' � �'' P
girls are enialled, ten studying medi- following address was read: Mr. and' Stanley,, and, one sister, Mrs. 'W. also 'Mr. and Mses. Case Howard, of George 'Hess, and Thomas Sherritt C. T. U. for eight consecutive years.
cine. She pec Hohner. , The funeral. was held on New York spemltl !Sunday at the took s ` i y y
quoted ,one ins for as -Mrs. Peck: We, your frie'nd's and � pec al parts. At ilio Rall Da was also, am active 'Sabbath school
Sunday •to Bayfield cem'e'tery. home of Stewart. McQueen. services in the 'Sunday school alar a teacher in Hammsond Ave. Presby -
saying that girls' schools were super- neighbors, have meet here to -night to ,• , g
for to boys' schools, both in • their extend our congratulations and best 'Miss 'Helen IMcQueen spent the orchestra added much to the plea- terian Church, and at one time had ,
teachers and pupils. Bible study is .wishes to week end with hef-cousin, `Donald' ,sure and interest of the occasion, and 100 youngsters in her class. ' She'
p pi you at this Most memlor-
not in these schools; more girls than able event of your lives. To Mrs. ZURICH McArthur. the committee in charge of the rally 'died ,very suddenly during the night
boys attend. Peck .we assure you. of a most (hearty IMrs' Jack (Laura) ,,Miller, former- -day services is entitled tci much cred- from heart trouble in her 7'5'fh year,
She reminded the conVention that welcome to this comim'unity and trust IMr. A. R. G. Smith, District Weed ly Of, Hensall and now of Sandwich, it. I retiring in her usual health, and was
.. e must either "send or go" if we that you may enjoy a long, happy and Inspector from the , fDe artrrven't of had the misfortune on W16dnesda,y of 'Mission Band Rally.—The annual deserved', ver highly respected.
g> PP Pe pY Y g Y P
wish to obey our Lord's command and Prosperous life tagest$ter. We ask Agriculture of ,Ontario, • paid a visit last week to meet with a serious ac- rally of the 'Mission Bands of the I Our coal dealers acre kept busily
you to accept this oft, net n*reIy to Ha Township last Monday. MT. cident. It seems that, Mrsp Miller, Prevb to of Huron' was held in engaged
that we can hinder or help by the P g• Y p Y rY' supply-ing the needful with
lives we lead at home. One Chinese for its intrinsic value, but as a token Smith' was pleased ' with the way while in the baseniimt of her home, Cann*, 'Church, Hensall, on Satur- the ..approaching cold weather, and
had ra (large' steel fraanEd' win►dtow
Christian girl in New York said she of our esteem, hoping it will serve weed's were destroyed in the town- day afternoon, ISeptemJber 30th. More there is a good' `demand for wood
could not tell whether sere was talk- as a life-long remembrance of pleas- ,ship and .stated that Hay Township fall and 'strike her ow the head, in- than 159 boys and girls were present, which is iso much used before the
ing to a Christian or not. Mrs. Tay- ant associations.—Signed:Jim 34c- was one of the clleanest in his d'is- flicting a -,deep gash which required' representing 'the various Missic'n `really cold hard, weather sets in. ,
for spoke of how China was' exploit- Gee. Harold Scotchmer, Murray trict. Mr. E. Datars, Sr., local weed eight stitches to close. Fortunately Bands of the Presfbytery. 'Mrs. Reid Mr. Huntley is this week disposing'
ed by the West, sending bad pictures Grainger• inspector, was ,congratulated by Mr. Mrs. Millers son, Ross,, was at home of Seaforth, occupied the chair dur- of his barber shop equipment and
to the inland • cities amd thousands Mr, and Mrs. W. R.' Jowett and Smith upon his good work. at the time and heard' her scream. ing a very interesting program pro • good will to a .party from near Credi-
upon thousands of cigarettes. .Hiss Grace Jowlett who spent a few The many friends of Mrs. Edwin He rushed to the basement and found vided by the 'boys and girls from: ev- ton. Mr. and 'Mrs. Huntley have
Gascho will be leased to learn that his mother lying on the floor un- ery Band. Rev. D. J. Lane of- Knox roved good residents of the village,
'The Chinese Christian suffers more days with Mrs. R. Rath at Caledonia, P P g g
returned home on Monday. the operation for appendicitis per- conscious. At date sof writing Mas. Presbyterian Church, Goderich, gave and will ''be massed.
of his religion than the missionaries. ;Mrs. J. "Galdwaod of Otto and formed at a London. hospital on on- Miller is 'getting along nicely and I a most suitable address on the sub- The congregation of St. Panl's An -
She concluded her address by saying tilos. D. Harrison, of Godea•ich,' are day was successful and 'Mrs. Gascho will, no doubt, be freeling her usual j.ect, "Dead Things and Living g]ican Church are looking forward'
that this year had been the most tiff isiting Mrs. G. King. is getting along nicely. Miss Anna 'self soon,- - , Tbings.7 Lunch was served by the with very much interest to their ha,r-
acult for China since 1925 and ask- Harvest Thanksgiving service was Overholt is relieving at the local tele-. Anvong those who attended,, the fern- H,emsall group under the capable wE ,t -home services on the co'r:ing
ed that the missionaries might be observed in Trinity Church on Sun- ph9ne central during the illness of eral of the late Joseph Kaiser on I leadership of "Mrs. Robert Camero•h Sunday, `Oct. 8th.
upheld by our prayers, last. The church was �cely dec- Mrs. Gascho. , Saturday lasrt from a distance, we and ''Miss Ir-ene'Hoggarth. 'Captain Morris' is assisting Rev.
The Chiselhurst Auxiliary contrib- orated with flowtrs, fruits and vege- 'C'orriveau-Lapor•eeL--rA 'happy tev- learned of the following: John Kais- 'The regular meeting of the village M. B.' Parker in his church work and
uted in a marked degree to the sue- tables. A splendid sermon was giv- tent was cel'e(brated at the R. C. er, J. E, Kaiser, John Kaiser, Jr., council was held` Monday evening at Sunday school and church services.
cess- of the convention in their play, en by the Rector, Rev. F. H. Paull. church, Drysdale, by' Rev, L. March- John Kaiser, Sr., and wife, Mr. and g p.m. in the council chamfbers. All Dr. Gray, of Toronto, i`s visiting
"A Woman's Missionary Society During the offertory the choir sang '4pd on Monday, October 2nd, when he Mrs. Clemette, all 'of Detroit; Mfrs. members were 'present except Court- his, nephew and Niece, 'Mr. and Mss.
Meeting," in which a knowledge of the anthem, "As Pantss th'e Heart," solemnized the marriage of Marie, Maddau'gh, of Flint; Brigham Kais- cxllor Mickle. The minutes of the John E. Tapp, of the village.
the great work crone in foreign ]ands solo being taken by VI's. K. Moor gsughber of Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles er and daughter, Mrs. Paxman, of previous meeting were read. c Petty -Wednesday afternoon off last week
by the missionaries put to flight the house and a duet by Miss L. 'Woods Laporte and Willard Corriveau, son Clinton; Mr. and IMrs. Thos. 'Sharpe, and Jones: That the minutes as read was the last gf the village half lioli.
discouragement of almost all ,their and Mrs. Moorehouse. -of Mr. and ,Mrs. Frank Corriveau, all Seaforth. The 'pallbearers were Mr. .be adbpted.--JCarried. ' Sydney - Me- days. •
members with the result that they of Stanley. M'e
r. and Mrs. Corrivau Ryck►nan, of EIxeter; Mr. Clemette, - . •
decided that they would be having w111 live oxf'Mr. 'Gorrivelau's farm on of Detroit; Hugh 1MICGregor, Bruce- ,
s , the town line, east of Drysdale. field; Thomas Welsh, David A. Can -
Presbyterial President,,spoke the Rev. and Mrs. H. Becker alyd chil- telon and Fred Hess, the last three
closing words, "To Wath with Him The sixty-sixth anniversary of St. dren, of ,Morrisville, Ill., visited at mentioned Of Hensall. The deceased .
This Hour" .by an increased attend- Andrew's United Church will be held the home of Mans, Becker's mother, although almost a stranger in the a
ante, that OUT allocation be the mea- on Sunday, October 8th, at 11 o'clock Mrs. L. Klopp, over the eek end, village, had travelled very exterisive-
sure of our ability. She regretted a.m. and 7.30 p.m. The choir is pre- Rev. Becker went on; to Ottawa to ly in his lifetime in Africa, South
that only one-third of the church paring special music and will be as- visit his father, wlxo is seriously ill America and at the Klondike during
members of our church belonged to sisted by Miss Pearl Wood, soloist, of at a hospital in that city. the gold rush in 1898, as 'well as in
the W. M. S., the membership of Exeter, at both services. Rev. Willi- IMr, and 'Mrs. E. !Challis, of De- many other cities and places and the
which was 4,0'00 less than in 1931. inson, of St. Hie -lens, is the s-gecial troit, spent Sunday at the home of 'Western Provinces, which made him
IMrs. Christie, convener m
'ner of the guest speaker. Every effort' is be- the latter's other, 'Mss. E. Schnell. a very' interesting conversationalist. Q)
Courtesy Comttnittbe; presented a ing put forth to make this annivers- ,Building operations • are going A number of bowlers left early on
very comprehensive resolution of ary a very memorable one. briskly forward on thee) three new Wednesday morning tto attend a 1.
thanks -•in which no one was forgot- On Monday evening at 8 o'clock a structures in thle ,,Allage. The roof tournament at liVoodstt�ck.
ten. Mrs. 1Mathers presented the cantata is to be heard which is to 'be is being laid on Mr. E. Hais`t's new The council has had is number of
folloWi-ng resolutions, which were put on by ,a chorus a some thirty 'bake shop and the -cement walls for "stop signs" that required repairing,
adopted on motion': voices, under the ,very able leader- the store and dw+el>ing apartments in. attended to this week, --31r. Ed> Shef-
1. Be it resolved that the mem- ship' of Mr. William Leonard, of Rip- front of the -bake shop are going up for doing the work. o.
bers of the W. M. S. use whatever ley. The cantata entitled, "Peni'ten'ce, rapiday. Y•urngblut,& Son's new but- 'Death of Joseph Kaiser.--Irhe fun -
influence that they may have to en- Pardon and Peace," by Maunder, ober ,shop is ready for the brick eral of the late Joseph Kaiser' was '
courage the adoption inky thm
e 'Stmday comes very highly spoken of. Mr. veneer 'and the roof is being put on held from the home of his sister and, , .
schools of the Five Weeks' Temper- Leonard needs no introduction to any ,Mr, L. 'Schillbe's new store and d'wel- 'brother-in-law, -Mr. and, Mrs. .John FORD See and drive the .New
-a-nee 'Study Course, corntrnencing Kippen audience as he has been heard ' Zuefle of the village, on, Saturday of- „
October 8th. in St. Andrew's Unibed Church on ternroon last with int�ermeait in Baird's Ford V-8 before you
2. Whereas under the present several occasions as accompanist to cemetery, The deceased was in his L '
system of presenting reports so much Mr. 0. Crawford, of Ripley. 80th year and had been in failing buy a Gar. Few cars at
time is required; and whereas it is We are sorry to report the serious health for some, time from an incurVMS -1. impossible for the delegates to re- illness of Mrs. 'Robert Elgie, of the able trouble, but was quite smart any prig give you so
Put the Loan Over
fain a comzehensive idea of the 2nd concession of Tlrckersmith, who with all his faculti s right up to a-
work of eacii church *then four sep- is at present in Toronto. Her many the time of his d(eat ' 11Z wife .pre- much quality, comfort,
s arate persons give report-; at four friends - isix her a see and com- deceased him some rs ago dnd he •
p' '� �' P 41y Conversions made and sutbscrip- g
separate timles; be it resolved that. plete recovery. had 'an adopted son. , 'sr }tonne was safety and smooth per. .
tions received for the new Dominion tt
followin a slhort introduction . by IMr. and Mrs. Grant Love, of Flint, formerly in `Saskatch n,rbut had P
g Government Loan. Huron and Erie
each of the secretaries, those present- .Michigan, visited recently with. ,the Debentuures, one to five years at 5 from time to time been 'here visiting formance..
ing reports from each church snoirld lattert's father, Mr. R, J. Cooper and per cent. Auto, Fire and Windstorm hi,-; sister. The funeral which was \1
` in turn present all the reports of its family. '. P quite largely attended by rela'tiv�s
Insurance. Brick House for sale or
,%ocieties at � e time; those ;riving Mr, J. Boivey, of Exeter, was a rent; Frame House for SAW. and friends was conducted by the I
y reports hawin taken their laces to- caller in the village one day recent- Rev. M . Sinclair. The flarai tri -
f gather upon the platform,. ly, F1tEi1 G. SONTHBON 'butes w re many and most Ibecirutiful.
The convention was• closed after 'Miss P. Penfoid, of S. S, No. 14, Bonds and Insurance - Hensall The deceased w not well known Seafbrth, �ilt. Phone 102
t sitrging, "O Master, Let M -e Watk Stanley, and !Miss 1. Camlpfbell, of S. 3433-2 here as through advancing years and
; With Thee," and Prayer and 2h'e S. No; 14, Hay, as are all other failing health he did not ,go about •
benediction by the pastor of St. Ar,- teachers in this com#nnity, attend- much'. He was a member of, the I1 sIN4. i
Breve' +Church, Rev. Mx. Chandler. ing the joint canvem,tiron of East and a ,tmarsonie Order and by those acc}xla'nt-
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