HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-09-22, Page 8il; it ?ra :s+ Tin For 75c 30c 15c 25c • (SOPA Ala' SICIUITS 2 pawl for NEW CCiHE]ES'E war pound or 2 pounds far . EACLE BRAND MILK per tin GiRIEA.T SIT:S.R 'FLOUR—Our (best' seller at per dart. D -B KLDENLTP SOAP—Nothing bet- ter for cleaning. Regular 25c, now PALMOLIVE SOAP 4 for CASTILE BARS (Regular 1(k; now CASTTLE CAKES (Regular 5c; now _ for SIX 'CAKE'S OF SOAP and 25c 1 shaving Soap, all fail, .... 20c $2.5® 15c 25c 5c 5c SNAP HAND C'LHANER Regular 23c, now Butter, Eggs and. Cream taken as cash. Cream taken for thc Seaforth Cream- ery at •the "sante price as paid at the Creamery. - 1Oc AaC.ROUTLEDGE PHONE 166 HAZARDS NEVER TAKE .A }OLIDAR Are You Protected? Our protection covers Fire, Life, Automobile, Burglary, Windstorm, Accident • and Sickness, and all other lines. Watson & Reid Phone 214 : Seaforth Specialists in All Lines of Insurance 00000.0.00000 O S. T� Holmes & Son O ' FUNERAL SERVICE 0 Main Street., Seaforth O O • S. T. Hoinves' residence, 0 O Goderich Street, West; phone 0 O No. 119W. Charles Holmes' 0 0 residence, Ooderich Street, 0 0 East; phone No. 308. 0 O Ambulance Service 0 0 Night calls, Phone 308. 0 0 Day calls, Phone 119 J, 0 O Charges moderate. O O • O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 O O Stomach Sufferers Marvel at New 3 -Minute Relief People who have suffered for years from stomach agonies are marvelling at the quick relief of Bis,nla-Rex, a new, de- licious tasting antacid powder, and its comfort is lasting too, It acts four ways: Neutra- lizes excess acid; relieves stomach of gas; soothes mem- branes, and aids digestion. Get Bisma Rex To -day. A LARGE BOTTLE FOR 75c —AT— Keating's Pharmacy The Resell Drug Store PHONE, 28 SEAFORTH NEWS OF THE TOWN >rTr li rr I.I t1 pp . u M"r:,:v7.111 'w�Rdi tl NI K�� r 4 .v; r"P�.'teat9 tf 1 1 e I • THE III3 i(N.E 'OSITOR. "• ed flowers from Palestine to Miss Nellie Pryce and $1r•s. Bechely. sae Go To Exeter. --A party of Re- ibeecas and their husbands drove to Exeter on Tuesday evening and were the guests of 'Mrs. C. W. Kestle, Noble ,Grand. Cards were enjoyed, the prizes (being won by the follow- ing: Mrs, IM. McKellar, ladies' first; Sydney Pullman, gentleman's first; Mrs. J. J. Sclater and E. B. Goudie, consolation. 'Dancing followed with music by Harry 'Stewart, of E!gniond- ville. Will Hold Special 'Meeting. — A special meeting of the Hospital ,Aid Association will b.,> held in Carnegie Library Hall on Monday afternoon, September 25th, at 3 p.nl. Dates Are Set.—The date of the S. C. I. sports day this year will likely be Friday, September 29th. The Huron Amateur Athletic Association Meet will he held in Mitchell this year on Friday, •October 13th. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O H. C. BOX O O FUNERAL SERVICE O Licensed ,Embalmer Ambulance Service O 0 O 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 O 'Phone 175 Phone 43 0 O -0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 O.0 0 0 0 Scholarship is Increased. — Miss Alice Devereaux. who, it was recent- ly announced, was awarded a resi- dence scholarship in Brescia Hall in the sum of $150, has received word that the amount has been increased to $200. Miss Devereaux will enter Brescia this 1ti s fail term: Gas Station is Completed. •- The fine new Shell Oil Company service station on Goderich Street West, on which work has been proceeding for some time, has now been completed. The 'building' is of galvanized lap sid- ing and is nvod i -n• in every respect. P. J. Do'rse}- had the contract for the plumbing, while Thomas John- ston did the painting.Other work was done by outside firms. • 0 0 'O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • WALKER'S ,. 0 0 FUNERAL SERVICE O O W. J. WALKER and 0 0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 0 Licensed Embalmers and 0 O Funeral Directors. 0 O Day or Night Calls promptly . O O attended. 0 O PHONE 07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. For Sale.—Dark for 10 -pound paid Laing, Seaforth. amber honey, ad 30 cents hi your own pail. J. C. 3432-1 Apartment to Rent.—Seven roomed apart- ment, all an,odern conveniences and heated. Apply to A. A. McLennan, Seaforth. . 3430-tf For Sale or Rent.—Frame house on John Strept.; just overhauled and decorated. All modern conveniences. W011 sacri'fiee for quick sale. Rent' reasonable. One year lease if rented. A,pp1y R. L. Thomson, John Street. Seaforth. 3426-tf For Sale or Rent.—Cement block house on Codeh Stre'et, East, for wale or rent. All mode conveniences. New garage. Posse ;- s,ikm October 1st. Apply to Andrew Archi- bald, Box 232, or phone 44-W, Seaforth. 3432-tf Potatoes w641 be $2.00 shortly, but we will sell a limited quantity for the p+'eient as f.>11'nvs: Extra N. 1 Dooley, 31,:10 per bag Regular No. 1 Dooley. 31.32 per bat . field un, 31.23 per 'bac% This ad twill stand good for one week c u1y, so order now for int, mn•1tiate delivery at above rate:. Phone 34 on 613. CI•inton, or call at Hu:ill's Dairy and .P,tastu Fa,ms• three miles west of Sea.fnr;h nn HIghw'ay. 3432-3 CRESS CORN SALVE--1-just rub on. No need to bathe or bind. At Beat- ing's Drug Store. Doctor is Lucky.—Friday's daily 'papers contained the announcement that Dr. R. P. I. Dougal, of Petrolia, held a lucky ticket in the Army and Navy- Sweepstakes, which entitled him to S2,70.0. Dr. Dougal is "a bro- ther of Mas.M. R. Rennie, town, and is a.former medical practitioner of Hensall. Dr. Dougal purchased the ticket while a delegate to the Legion Convention in Windsor. OFFICERS: Geo. R. McCartney, Seaforth - Pres. Jalnites Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. Merton A. Ried, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: W. E. Hinchley. Seaforth ; John Murray, R. I1,7", Seaforth; E.. R. G. Jarrnouth, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine. DIRECTORS: William Knox, Londesboro; George Leonihart, Brod'hagen ; .James Con- nolly, God.erieh; Alex. Broadfoot, No. '3, Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Blyth ; George McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth; John Pepper, Brucetfield; James Shol- dice, Walton; Thomas Moylan, No.- 5, Seaforth. A BARGAIN FOR SALE. -Five acres, one mile from Setaforth; modern house with grimace, bath and toilet; small barn; good orchard. Taxes, $15. 'Splendid ebane'e to, start chicken, farm, bees; Apply to -.._._.... R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. X89-rttf THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan. Otic >T] Student is ,. Injured. — Robertson Hamilton, 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hamilton, Walton, was serious- ly injured on Friday last when he was -run over by a horse. He is in Scott :Memorial 'Hospital, Seaforth, where he was operated upon on Wednesday. Young Hamilton is a pupil of the Seaforth Collegiate In- stitute and when in town lied at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sant Car- ter. Secures License. — Mr. Gordon Roll -Ai has received word that he ha.s successfully passed -his projectionist examinations and has been granted a motion picture operator's license. He has 'ween assistant operator at .the Regent Theatre for some time. Bowling Tournament is Postponed. -tW ednecday's 'rain caused the post- ponement of the Autumn Doubles 'Tournament of the Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club until Wednesday of next week. A. large entry were on hand for 'play, but the rain necessi- tated:•a halt. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. —First Presbyterian Church.—Morn- ing, Annual Rally Day service; theme, "Loyalty" evening. "Where Religion Spoils Morality."—Rv, I. B. Kaine, Minister. Northside 'United Church - The morning and evening service' Will be conducted by Rev. A. W.*Gardiner, of Londes,horo,—Rev. W, P. • Lane, Minister. ' St. Thoma Church—Annual Har- vest Thanksgiving Services, Sunday. Sept. 2-lth: Holy Communion, ; a.m.; Sunday School, 10 a.m.; Thanksgi',- inn Service. 11 a.m.; sermon topic. "A Journey Through the Wheat Fields"; e'. ening Thankserivin,g ser- vice. -7 o'clock; sermon topic. "Th„ Four. Spiritual Reasons for Thanks- giving"; -tpeci.al hymns. anthems 'andl solos_ Al! welcome.—Canon Apple-- yard. Preacher. Tournament Postponed Until Sat- urday'.---,Seafnl'th's softoall team was idle during the past week.' 0 -wen Sound and Dunnville haven't declar- ed a winner yet and the exhibition game he'wc•en Preston and Seaforth, •'cheduled for last Saturday, wa:, can- celled because the former team 'fail- ed to show up. The Huron League tournameni. for the Sills' Cup schr- riuierl row Wednesday afternoon, was postponed until Saturday due to the wet weather. Dublin and Mitchell were slated to play at 2 o'clock with Grand Bend and Seaforth at 2,30. The winners were to meet in a third game at 5.20. J-iowever, weather permitting, the, tournament will come off on Saturday when the winner of the Silk' Cup will he decided.. Travelogue Talk Much Enjoyed.— A. real treat was enjoyed by alf those who were fortunate enough to hear Mr. S'teph'n Ha,boush, the only Gal- ilean speaker in the world, last Thursday evening -in Northside Unit- ed Church. Mr. Ilaboush presented a travelogue, "The Seven Wonders of Jelvsalcm ,and Galilee," and delight- ed his large audience with colored pictures of the Holy Land. His de- scriptions of the life and customs of the ,people of Palestine were most interesting and instructive to Bible students. An interesting feature of the programme was Mr, Haboush's interpretation of the parable of tlhe lost coin. Madame Ha/boush furnish- ed the oriental mus' which accom- panied ccom-panied the travelogue. At the close of the meeting Mr. Haboush present- ed souvenirs to several members of the IMaeGil1vray Auxiliary under whose auspices he had' come to town. Mother-of-pearl necklaces were given to Mrs. F. J. Bechely, Mrs. W. P. Lane and Miss Nellie Pryce; sea shells from) the Sea of Galilee to 111Zrs. H. Snell, Mrs. J. H. Rid, Mrs. E. IC. Chamberlain. and Misses Atm 11Vfeblay and i 'th'e1 Beattie, and press- RILVER DEP(JS1T WARE Somethug new and exception- ally/ pretty is our new show- ing of Silver Deposit Ware. This is new, novel and very pleasing. Is a quality product and will grace any home. It is artistically beautiful and makes an irriptable appeal. Either in pure. crystal,... or jet black ,with silver deposit dec- orations. PRICED $2.00 to $2.75 SHOP AT !1 A TSA UGE' IT PAYS Jeweler - Optometrist. Gift Goods PHONE 194 RES. 10 to- which were attached tiny rose buds. While Miss Violet Tyndall played the bridal chorus from Lohen- grin, the bride, who was unattended, entered the drawing room and took her place under an arch of maple leaves, pink and -white asters and white daisies, where the ceremony was performed by Rev. W. P. Lane, Of Northside United Church. Follow- ing the ceremony a dainty luncheon was served to the immediate rela- tives of the bride and groom and among the honored .guests were 'Mrs. Anna Hudson, grandmother of the bride, who "is in her 93rd year; Mrs. Hay, grandbiother of the groom who is in her 84th year,.and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Hudson and son, .Jack, of \Vindsor. The luncheon table which was centered with the bride's cake, was `prettily decorated in pink and white and covered with baskets of beautiful roses. Later Mr. and Mrs. Correction.—The Huron Expositor in its last issue, erroneously referred to Major S. W. Archibald as Capt. Alchihald. The publishers regret any inconvenience caused Mayor Archibald through this error- Major Archibald has recently been appoint- ed representative Zone IfI at Lon- don., by the Canadian Legion. Betty Southa'ate Elected President. —The A. Y: P. A. of St. Thomas' Church bean the fall meetings on Tuesday evening in the school room of the church. Officers were elected as follows: Canon Appleyard, Pat- ron: Betty Southgate, President; Bob Archibald. Vice -President; Mary Holmes,. Secretary; Dorothy Parke, Treasurer; Josephine Edge,Pianist. On Exhibition. A very interesting crayon 'drawing of Chief of Police .Janes V. Ryan. of town, is on exhibi- tion in the hall at the the Fall Fair this year. It is the work of George Daly. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daly and is one of a nuhrfoer of excellent drawings which Mr. Daly has on dis- play. The picture is an excellent likeness of the Chief and is particu- larly well done. Are Attending 'Stratford Normal.— District students who are attending Stratford 'Normal School this year are as follows: Second Year Stud- ents—Jean Alexander, 'Walton; Bes- sie M. Hillen, Walton: Jean E. Mc- Kenzie, Kippen; W -in. G. McNay, Sea forth; Wm,. H. Pollard, Seaforth; Jean T. Ritchie, Walton; Sarah Storey; Seaforth; Mabel R. J. Webster, Sea - forth. First' Year Students—Bridget M. C.. Delaney, St. Coluniban; Doro- thy M. Driscoll, Walton; Elsie M. Drov- er, Seaforth; Nora M. McGrath, Dublin, Mary- Reid, Seaforth; Pauline L. Rob- inson, Blyth; Mary Elizabeth Car- lin, Seaforth; Helen Somerville, Wal- ton. llacGillvray Auxiliary Meet—The regular monthly meeting of thc Mac- Gi11viay Auxiliary of Northside Unit- ed - ed Church was held on Monday ev- ening, Sopteiii,ber 18th. The presi- dent conducted the business and it was decided to hold a tea and bazaar Saturday, October•. 28th. Mrs. Chap- man, Captain of Circle 4. then took charge of the meeting and a hymn was sung. Mrs. Lane gave the Bible reading and the Lord's Prayer was ,repeated by all in unison. :Mrs. F. J. Bechely rendered a delightful solo and .Mfrs. Ross Savauge read chapter en•e of the most interesting 'book, "Stewardship in the Life of Women." The meeting was brought to a close by repeating the Mizpah Benediction. Is Honoured.—On ?Ton day, evening the Egmondvillc Young People spent a very- enjoyable evening in the ,ehoolrooni of the Church •vht•n they entertained Miss Betty .\Taicolm prior to her departure for £orunto Uni- versity. The programme con.,isted c,f a well rendered solo, "Danny Boy" by Mr. Harry McLeod, accompanied on the piano by Miss Jeanette- Finni- gan. Miss Vera (Judson favored with one of her readings, and Mr. George Blake played a number of selections on the mouth organ. Af- ter the programme a number of games -were played which everyone enjoyed very much. Miss Vera Hud- son then read the address and Miss Margaret Smith pitesented Betty •with a lovely manicure set. Betty thank- ed all her friends for remembering her 'so kindly. The girls then served a daintyrlunch and the evening came to a close: Coleman-Hudson.—At high noon on Saturday, September 16th, a quiet hut very pretty wedding was solemn- ized at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hudson, High Street, Seaforth, when their elder 'daolghter, Anna Dorene, became the bride of Mr, Wil- fred Hay Coleman, son of Mrs. Sam- uel `Coleman and the late Mr. Cole- man, of ;Seaforth. ,The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was (beautifully and becomingly gowned in. wfiite chiffon organdy with white lace mitts and white shoes. She wore a wreath of orange blip§- sorlris and carried a white Bible with . a, , ,f I , ise x n ^'h, 1 c,P„ 11 K!4 Coleman left by motor on a' honey- moon trip to Muskoka, the bride travelling in a wine knitted suit with beige accessories. On their return they will reside on the groom's beau- tiful farm in Tuckersmith,, where the best ;wislhes of a host of friends will follow them. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr re- turned home Thursday last from To- ronto and Oshawa. • Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen and. Mrs. J. C. Greig have returned from a motor trip to Cornwall. • Dr. Fred Clarkson ' and , Miss Doris Clarkson, of Toronto, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and (Mrs. G. D. Ferguson. • Mrs. Perley Banbury; who .has been spendfing,soveral weeks with her father, Dr, F. J. Burrows, will return to her home in Winnipeg on Satur- day. • 'Mrs. T. G: Scott and grandson, Billy, left on Thursday for Chicago, • Mrs. E. A. Cruickshank, of Ot- tawa, was a wguest last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. M. White. • Mrs. Jack Porter, Jr., of Leth- bridge, is a guest at the hone of her mother, Mrs, V. Patterson. •••• IMr. and Mrs. Charles Summers and sons, Kenneth and Charles, and Mrs. A. McTaggart, of Hamilton Road, London, were guests on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gladstone Mills, at the 'Broadfoot hone, Jarvis Street. Glad 'lt 1H SERE EE 22, 193$ Early Fall Millinery ALL OUR HATS ARE AT t<. POPULAR PRICES and Dresses In Smart and Distinguished Styles " • Mrs. H. G. Meir and children, with her sister, Mrs. Baker, are vis- iting her, smother in Windsor this week. . • Cavan Church, Winthrop, will hold their anniversary services on Sunday, October 29th, and on the following (Monday evening a fowl sup -per will be held. • Messrs. William and Ross Sproat have retuned from a trip to Tern,- agami and Kirkland Lake. • Canon and Mrs. Appleyard have - returned from a short visit at the home of their son, Charles and Mrs. Appleyard, at Galt. Mr. Appleyard S. in charge of the Technical Depart- ment of the Galt Collegiate, the old Tassie School. • Mrs. William Sclater and Mrs. ohn Finlayson and the Misses Hel- n and Marion `Sclater spent tlii'e NI • end. in Adburn. • ;Mr. and Mrs. Angus Carter pent Sunday with friends in Lon - on. • Mrs. R. H. Sproat has returned ronl a visit with friends in Preston, Fergus and Toronto, • ;Mrs. Reg. Sykes laves this week for Detroit, before returning to her home in Shelton, Washington. • The Misses Donna and Vera Mole have returned from London, where they spent the past week with riends. • 'Miss Hazel Dixon, nurse in train - Hospital, at Ontario ospital, London, is so pending her holidays at the home f her parents. • (Miss E'linore Burrows returns to Toronto on Friday to resume her studies at the University. • Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson and family and the Misses Mole at- endedtStratford Fair on Wednesday. • Mrs. Roy Williaiins. and son, Jim- mie, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Dixon. • Miss Annie Simpson, of Walton, spent the week end with Seaforth I • Mr. Harry Stewart was in To- ronto this week on (business. • Mr. Charles Ross, of Toronto, is visiting his mother, Mrs. David Ross. • Mr. and, Mrs. M. A. Reid have re- turned from holiday trip to Mani- toulin, Sault. Ste. 'Marie and Chicago World's Fair. THE NEW SENSATION i ...Waffled afled J e Steaks s d You Taste Their Extra Good- f ness in Every Bite! DELICIOUS MORE JUICY •,.1: TENDER. 'Waffled Steaks are scientifical-1 ly processed. The naturaPflav- ,f ors and juices are brought to the surface where.- you taste i . their quality. IMPORTANT In cooking, have skillet or grille sizzling hot. Then cook • --one minute to a side. They Melt in Your Mouth Christie's Meat Market PHONE 58". : SEAFORTH o- Wallpaper The New Basket Weave and Plasters Make Beautiful Back- grounds. S N\ORCHY—�° inchesches wide; per roll. ' 35c -, Graves' Wallpaper Store SEAFORTH Huron Soft Ball League Tournament for the ill Trophys Recreation Park, Seaforth SATURDAY, SEPT: 23 First Draw 2 p.m. DUBLIN vs. MITCHELL Second Draw 3.30 GRAND BEND vs. SEAFORTH Finals 5 p.m. WINNERS OF 1st and 2nd DRAWS THREE RED HOT GAMES .Admission -25c; Ladies 10c; Kids Free HURON SOFTBALL T'.EAGUB A. D. Sutherland, Russ J. Burgess, Pres. Sec.-Treas. A Thanksgiving Supper Under the auspices of tj'ie Ladies' Guild of St:; Thomas' Church, on 'Tuesday. gent. 26th. 1933 Supper served from 5-7 p.m. ADMISSION: 'white satin ribbons hanging from it, ADULTS 356, Children 25c. t,r r• Ahlt (. " tiir;• rihr g <It MANLEY Paris and New York in Everything but Price (Much sympathy is felt by the whole.comlmunity for the parents and friends of Mr. Meyers, who lost his life while finishing the roof of Mr. Ed. Rose's barn, No one was an eye witness to the tragedy until he' hal passed 'beyond the reach of rescue, and no one will ever know what hap - pent d to cause the fall, as he was an active worker. Quite a number from here attend- ed the Eucharistic Congress in Gode- rich last Tuesday. Threshing operations are in full shay and the returns are better than expected. WINTHROP In Our First Showing of New Hats and Dresses are embodied ALL THE SMARTNESS ALL THE COVETED- AIR OF PARIS ALL THE CHARM, BEAUTY AND BECOMINGNESS OF THE IMPORTED MODELS "OUR" PRICE HATS MUST BE WORN WITH THE PROPER TILT Felt Comes Int® Its Owit Again and BLAPK. - is "IT" MacTAVISH'S noon, Septe;eber 6th. Mrs. Patrick presided and opened the meeting with prayer. The roll call was answered by a verse of Scripture 'containing the word "harvest." A reading was given by Miss Irene Bolton, also an impressive reading by Mrs. W. J. Boyd. Circle No. 1 took charge of the meeting. 'Mrs. Allan Ross pre- sided. Voluntary prayer was offer- ed by Mr's. R. McFarlane. The Scrip• Winthrop football team held a suc- cessful banquet in the hall last Fri- day night, about 120 being. present. Mr, Leo Stephenson presented the Stephenson Cup to the captain, Mr. Donald Dale. Toasts were proposed by Percy Little, chairman, J. Buell:. anan, Walton; John Souter, Clinton, and Jack Holland, of St, Colum!ban. Mr. Jack Robinson favored with a couple of songs. Ferg. Bu11a'rd, man- ager of the teams, also gave a short speech. The lunch committee was Mrs. Hugh Alexander, Mrs. Charles Dolmag'e,, Mt's. Bullard, Mrs. Eaton and Mrs. Little.. The rest of the ev- ening was spent in dancing. Winthrop played football in Hol- stein an Monday night. The score was 2-1 in favor of Holstein. Hol- stein will play in Winthrop on Sat- urday afternoon, Septeni'ber 23rd, at - 3.30 sharp. .Mr. and Mrs, Gleorge Eaton and, family spent Sunday with friends, in Arva. Mr. and Mxs. Sol. 'Shannon .dpent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Albert IIlludson, of Egnvonclville. Mr. Melvin 'Merriam, of London, spent a few clays this week with Mr. Tim Eaton. Social Evening.—A good repres- entation of the members and adher- ents, of Cavan, Bethel end Dd4 is Churches gathered at Winthrop on Tuesday evening to spend a "social time with the new minister, Rev. G. E. Morrow and his bride. Rev. W. P. Lane, of Seaforth, was the cap- able chairiiian over a short program. Followingthis /Rev. Morrow and Mrs, M'o'rrow were fnla'de the recipients of • purse of,.4noney, -Lunch was serv- ed. 'Ladie'e' Aid 'Mee'ting.--The Ladies' Aid and Wom'en's Missionary Society of Cavan Chtrr+eh 'met at the henna of Mrs. J. tofyd, on Weditesdiii,y after- ,_aLlxi °tt ture lesson was given by Mrs. Hil- len. The topic was on Missions and was taken in three parts by Mrs. D. McFarlane, telling the story of Dr.; Margaret Strang; Miss Bessie 'Hillert on the life of Dr. Hunter, 'ancd Miss Bessie Blanchard on Kang -Dorcas. A vocal duet was rendered by Mrs. Boyd and Mrs. IH,illen. The meeting closed with 'Mrs. Elliott and Mrs, Boyd giving sentence prayers. raimnrowimi nnouncing � - Dominion Festival Series of Entertainments • ON OCT )BER 3rd*, will be presented two particularly /pleasing programmes of very high artistic order. In the afternoon Jessie Rae Taylor ' the only woman member of the Famous Wig and Grease Paint Club of America, will be the feature artist. With the supporting artist, this makes .up a delightful programme. In the evening, Howard Tooley's recent phenomenal success,, "BUCK NUMBER" will be presented by an all star cast. This is.a play of unusual merit and you .will enjoy every minute of it. The Second Series of Programmes will be given OCTOBER 17th. Admission regularly 7,Sc and $1.00 to each, but by the season ticket,^, now on sale, the price is only 25 Cents per Concert. Fair Night, Friday,- 8.15 IN CARDNO'S HALL, UNDER AUSPICES OF SEAFORTH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY "The Path Across the Hill" Presented by Blyth Talent, with the following cast: Samuel Crawford. --Grandpa..'.....,.....! ...Rev. Is. V. Pocock Robert Post—The Visitor Mr.' E. Rose Walter Conrad—Ruth's Brother., Mr. H. Gibbons Dr. Jimmie Reed, with amlbition Mr. E. Spafford 'Salamander Alexander John Henry Jones•—Zuzu's ' Choice (-Mr. G. McNall Mrs. Dalvtis—Grandma . ,Miss Gladys Fawcett Ruth Conrad—Nicknamed "Bobbie" ... : Miss Marjorie Edgar 'Flo Gray --Ruth's Cousin Miss Isabel Cumming ILutie—A Neighbor 'Miss Rheta Bowes Zuzu—The Cook ' Mrs. L. V. Pocock ancin g The play will be followed by a Dance with musicby Murdock's Orchestra. Don't miss it. Admission to Play and Dance: Adults 25c, Children rbc. ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES Saturday, Sept, 30 To WINDSOR $3.20 , DETROIT $3.45 Children 5 years and under 12, half fare. Tickets "good in coaches only. 14o harrage checked. Tickets to Detroit sold subject to paasenglira"lneeting immigration require- ments of U. S. A. Lv. Ar. Ar. GOING ... (Standard Time) RETURNING SEAFORTR 7.22r�A.M. 1.10 P.M. For Tickets valid to return up WINDSOR 2.30 P.M. 8.36 P.M. Iirformaition, to and including following DETROIT 3.10 P.M. 9.20 P.M. • '(Picket's Monday. 1 amply to 14EAFORTU, ONT. — Depot Ticket Agent. CANADIAN NA'TION'AL (T-200