HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-09-22, Page 6y�lt� ,; • 1 THE .11.1RQN EXPOSITOR • 'va 1( ,. t, l9 ,,I S!. i EMpER 22,- i$33. Your Own Business ,i,sed from A!nie'rican Hebrew, New York, in Magazine Digest) • During the past thrtee Years I have had occasion to examine hun- *reds of financial statements of those who have consulted me in con - election with the work to which I have devoted considerable time,— that ime,that of acting as ,business counsel and giving, to those who seek it, such advice as thirty-seven years of di- Iversifred !business experience qualifies one to offer. Most business organizations and individuals who came to me were in some sort of trouble. But it did not take a very close scrutiny of the fin- ancial statement to find out that, in the main, the trouble was due to a weakening of the capital structure through losses in the stock market. !Successful organizations that had operated for years, .and had always been in "the black,” had been bitten by the stock market 'bug. While, at first, many of them made consider- able scams of Money—in some cases the profits made in the market' were even greater than the profits of a legitir+:te business—the crash found them pyramided to such an extent that, when the call came for further margin from their brokers, they tried to move heaven and earth to protect their stork holdings. The result was that, when the smoke of the financial earthquake cleared. many concerns found themselves with a business but no capital to operate with. Not only had the it operations in the stock market reduced their cash position to nil, but they also imperiled their business structure. For watch- ing the ticker and hanging around a brokerage office does not permit strict attention._ to business, which is re- quired in any business that aims to be successful. During the days of big stock mar- ket operation, I happened to be ins the office of the head of a large cor- poration and, in the course of the 'hour or more than I spent with hint, the' -four or five telephones on his desk—two c which were directly con- nected with the office of his brokers —kent ringing incessantly. I asked my friend: "How is it ;.ossible for you to at- tend to your business (which; by the way, was of a national character) and still give so much of your day to the buying and selling of speculative securities ?" He threw back his head. indulged in a hearty laugh, and said: "Don't be silly, Brown. I have made -fore money in the p.ast eighteen months on the market than I have in this business in the past eighteen years. This country is just coming into its own. We haven't begun to touch the high spots yet .and I am cashing in while' the cashing is good.. Leave it to me to be smart enough to get out if the market turns sour," Well, the market did turn sour and he was • no smarter than anybody else. For he not only lost ail the money he had madeein the eighteen or more months of his operation, but all the money he had accumulated in the past eighteen years. When he came to rave, as he finally did, his business picture looked as though it had been struck by a cyclone. To save it from being a complete wash- out he did what so many smart men tried to do, and that is to make still greater sacrifices. So when his fin- ancial atmosphere was clear, he found himself with a very small busi- ness—about where it had been when he had started eighteen years before, This case is only one of thousands of similar cases throughout the eoun•' try. For nobody was quite ;smart enough—not even those big banking" organizations equipped with a staff of statisticians, institutions that had on their pay roll, and at their beck and call, the foremost economists in the country. Conducting the average business successfully requires the full time and attention of all the ex- ecutives at least during the working day. You just cannot have your mind on the ticker tape and on your busi- ness at the same time. Some of the cases that were brought to me were so far gone that nobody could save them. They were like .patients who come to the doctor with he, rooted cancerous growths and he, recognizing the fatal symp- toms, can only shake his head. There were many tragedies involr- ed in the cases I contracted with, as well -as the many that became com- mon gossip. The events that follow- ed made there good newspaper copy. And here we are again in a boom market, which can he traced directly to the aggressive action of President Roosevelt and his A.cLministration, comieined with a return of confidence on the part of the people which na- turally arouses a demand for those things that people have been with- out for nearly four years. Business is again coming into its oe$n. Those most likely to succeed and cash in, on the spirel upward, are those who will mind their own business. The temptation to play the market. to recoup some losses, is strong. But the average business man, if he is to get anything while the getting is good, will have to cry out: "Get thee (behind me, Satan!" There is suf- ficient of the gamlbling element in (business generally to satisfy the speculative urge that neore • er less possesses all ,of us. There is plenty PERSONAL "I afll not be responsible fol any member of my family who takes stomach tonics, in- digestion remedies, soda, calo- mel, salts, !illative pills, eto, to try to get rid of indiges- tion, constipation bloating, sour stomach, bad breath or headaches. I have told them all to nice Barton Soft lass Pills the new liver medicine rot� eb makes the liver get Uskaid rt tsk eftcugb,,iztlo ._...._ ib df a be ifr-fbad and step Otero, ev Tritely etreht • Ob s .00 04 0 Sett Mites fft titre Oil three tifees a sa breSs 1111kairt to feel OW All . geld d soften ,bdira theme• of speculation in knowing when to buy and how to sell within one's own business, to require all the research and study that one can spare the time for, if one is to be up to the (minute on rapidly changing condi- tions confronting all manner of busi- ness during this period -70f transition through which we are passing. The Administration in Washington is using all its power to make avail- able credit for business. This credit will come to business -and industry through the usual channels of bank- ers and banking groups. The banks themselves all over this country., have passed through an experience which they will long remember. Frozen loans and bad credits are now, in the light of hindsight, called bad bank- ing. The hanker With money -merchan- dise on his shelves, encouraged and helped by the Government, will want to nes,pose of this merchandise, but only if the same factors of safety' are present that the merchant who has been stung with bad credits is demanding at the present time. The banker knows from bitter experience that the, business man who plays the stock market with his cash resources is a dangerous risk and, therefore, will have none of him. Your balance sheet will be closely scrutinized—more so than ever be- fore. But, regardless of how good a balance sheet you present, the fact that the money of the corporation, and the thought and time of its ex- ecutive officers,. are being used to° play the market will mean "thumbs down" as far as banking credit is -concerned. The history of previous depres- sions should be of interest to those who have suffered through this one.... If it is true that history repeats it- self, we are about to enter an era of business such as has never been known before in this country. Op- portunities, are presented to -day sim- ilar to those at the end of previous depression periods. But Opportunity 'is a jealous mistress and requires that strict attention, that, singleness of purpose, that stick -to -it -i: eness, whics alone an result in an outpour- ing of its blessing to you. No one has had mere faith in the future of this country than I. • For, even during the 'darkest days of the depression, when all around us was black, I sounded the note of optim- ism, in all I said and wrote. I be- lieved in the possibilities then, and I believe in the possibilities to -day. as well as the possibilities for to -mor- row, But I say to the business men of this country: Unless you mind your ow -n business, and keep your mind on your, business, the better times that are here and the better tinges that are just in the offing, will not be for you. If 'you want to play the market, make that your business. • But if bus- iness is to be your business, forget the market. I Was Eaten Alive by a Lion I met Dick Burton . on le Bula- wayo—Cape Town mailtrain, where introductions and exchanges of cards and pedigrees are not necessary pre- liminaries to con"rersation. 'Soon we were deep in the topics of common interest to all those, familiar With Rhodesia. •From his remarks on the game of the country .and some terrible scars on his left shoulder and arrn, it was evident that Dick Burton was a hunter of the old type who knew his veld well. He gave me an account of "a little affair he had had with a lion." Early in the nineties, he and two p'rd'cpeetor-friends were trekking from Fort Victoria to Bulawayo by ox -wagon. One morning, while Bur- ton was getting something "for the pot," accompanied by two native boys he wounded a hush -buck and' foolish- ly followed up its spoor through the dense, high grass. . Suddenly his eye caught a rapid movement in the grasp a few yards away. Up went his rifle but a tenth of a second too late. • When some of his serves returned, h2 was on his back, a lion standing beside him, eci near• that the yellow whiskers actually touched his face. There was a little blood on the sleeve of his shirt and the lion started lick- ing it. Soon ,the sleeve disappeared in .rags and the lion was licking the shoulder. An attempt to get to his feet brought a gentle pat with the paw that broke two of his ribs. "For the next few years," Burton continued, "I was floating on a calm sea, gently rocked by. the waves. I opened my eyes. The native boys had disappeared and I was being half - carried half -dragged, by the lion, Soon I was floating on the calm sea again. After several more years my eyes opened again. This time I was on the ground, the lion crouching beside me, licking my shoulder. It seemed to me that he had always been doing that and would go on for- ever. I can hardly explain the feel- ing, but there seemed to be no past and no future, only an everlatting present. "When next I awakened the lion was slowly walking away, Perhaps he had found me too tough. I did not care. Everything seemed black silence again. 'When after a mom- ent which was actually three days— I opened my eyes, a doctor and a nurse were at my bedside. My friends had found me just !before sunset and brought me to the hospital. During the next few weeks I mere than once caught myself wishing that the lion'e appetite had been better." The eeonomiy and thoroughness of the raising of dairy -(bred calves de- pends to a large extent on the meth- ods of feeding. IMange1s, sugar maangels and sugar beets excel in •prOirid'in'g succulence for all classes of swine, both, young and mature -breeding' stock, and grow- inp 'pigs foo" Winter feeding. WOMEN WILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO ENTER BIG CONTEST Seaforth One of the Four Centres At Which Judg- ing Will be Done. A home -baking contest and a lec- ture -tour of unusual interest to the women of 27 Ontario counties has just been announced Ihy the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, to dis- cover the best hone -bakers of each county and the champions of the en - tine area. . Every woman who lives in any one of the 27 counties is eligible to enter either bread or cake, or both, in the contest and try for the valuable rpruz- es that are offered. Local judging is to be done by a travelling Judge Who is an expert deititian and lecturer, and who will visit 43 different towns, under the auspices of various women's societies, to deliver public lectures on home - baking and to judge entries to the contest. She will begin her tour on October 31st and complete it about Fehruage 16th. The Counties of Huron and Perth are among those listed for this Coun- ty Baking Championship Contest and it is likely that the judging eentres here will be Exeter, 'Seaforth, St. Marrs and ListoweI. In every centre eight local prizes will be given. These will include badges, sillier bonbon disi es and breadknives; and as• soon' as all cen- trec ina county have been judged, the county champion for bread and the county champion for cake will each receive a silver cake or sand- w-ich plate. After the judge has finished her tour, all the prize -winners will be eligible to.' try for the Grand Cham- pionships. Prizes for these will con- sist of a Sterling •Silver Tea Set of pieces ane a cheque for fifty dollars, for the Grand Champion• Bread -maker and for the Grand Champion Cake ;Maker. Those who stand second in this final content in the, bread and cake section will each receive a • Sterling Silver Bowl and cheque for 5525. For local judging, contestants will be required to bring their entries to a .iudging centre in the 'county in which they live. Only the leaders in the local contests will be allowed to enter the grand championship con- te , which will be judged at Mardon- a'l�dd Institute, Guelph. For this final Championship Con- test, the Lake of the Woods Com- pany is undertaking to supply the 344 people, who will be eligible to enter, with containlers in which to pack their bread or cake for mailing. Eve, err entry for this must be mailed on February 127th.The judging will take place in Guelph on March lst, and results will be announced as soon after as possible, The only condi- tion attached to the local and cham- pionship contests is that all entries rust be made with Five 'Roses Flour. Full details of the judging dates for this county and of the women's organizations that will sponsor local judging will be announced shortly. Time, For bulbs ' Few phases of gardening are as simple and satisfactory as the cul- ture of spring flowering bulbs. No matter what difficulties have bean ex- perienced in growing other flowers *here should be no trouble in secur- ing striking results with tulips, hya- cinths, daffodils or any of the small- er types. There is no cultivation, no spraying and no transplanting. This is the ideal tine to plant these bulbs in most parts of Canada. In the warmer districts, the job may. be put off until late October and there are records of actual •planting in De• cemlber, when the ground has not been frozen, and good hlootning tul- ips resulted. But from the middle to the end. •of September is generally conceded •the proper period. As a general rule most gardeners wait un- til the regular growth has been cut down by the first frost as they do not wish to disturb • the present bloom. Winter Blooming Flowers. These bulbs can also be grown just as easily indoors. By planting a few every two weeks from now until Christmas a succession of bloom will be obtained throughout most of the winter. They are usually planted in fancy bowls or painted tins and the real secret of success lies in getting them properly started. The most satisfactory planting material is spe- cial fibre, obtainable at all seed stores. This is clean, moisture ab- sot'bin.g and very cheap, as it can be used over and over again. With it no drainage will be required. One hyacinth will make a fair show in a bowl but it is best to plant at least gyp' 111111 111111 • rim 11ui111pf T. 1.11N 1 !1111111(11 ,11111,1 01 1 Illuuj�111111111111�1u1 110 mnnmm I1 Mother of Nine Can Do Day's Work Mr. Lee Suffered With In- flammation of the Bladder But Now Well Thanks to Dodd's Kidney Pills. Caledonia, Ont., 'Sept. elst—(Spe- cial)•—."Dodd's Kidney 'Pills are good Pills. I used them when I was in Nova Scotia but stoprpedgidor awhile," writes Mrs. Thomas C. Lee, 'a well known and respected resident of this place. +1I suffered from inflammation of the bladder, and when I felt it coming on I took Dodd's Kidney Pills, and can safely say they did me a lot of good. I have been using Dodd's Kidney Pills for six years and I am still using them. I am sixty years of age, • and am married, with nine children, all living, and can still do a good day's work." •Dodd's Kidney Pills put the kidneys in good working order and all the im- purities and poisons, are strained out of the (blood. The result is that new strength is carried to every part of the body. That's why so many suf- ferers, relieved by Dodds: Kidney Pills sum up their condition, "I feel like a new person." three tulips, and up to a dozen or fifteen narcissus are often put in the ordinary bowl. The fibre is pressed firmly about the bulbs, and the lat- ter are only planted deep enough to cover all but the tips. The pot•, is then well watered and stored in some cold, dark place. This start is es- sential with all but the narcissus which can be grown in the open win- dow. A temperature of around 50 degrees is about right though it will not matter if it goes lower. A tem- perature of around 50 degrees is about right though it will not matter if it goes lower. The pots should not be allowed to dry out. Tulips, daffodils and hyacinths ar'e left in this cold' dark place until the pots are filled' with roots and the stems have started to grow. Some varie- ties will 'take longer than others, and thus by selecting the most advanced bulbs and bringing out a few pots at a time, a log 'blooming period can be obtained. From the cellar the pots are brought into full light and a normal room temperature. They are watered liberally and soon reach the blooming stage. • Once the flow- ers are open.keep as cool as possible, especially at night in, order to pre- vent wilting. This rule applies to all indoor blooms and cut flowers. Moving Time. Early Spring is the betime to move most perennial flowers, shrubs and young 'trees, though if necessary a good deal of this work may also be carried out in the Fall. at is well to get it over in ISeptember so that some growth can be made this Fall and it is essential that the plant be well watered both before lifting and after arrival in its new quarters. A full pair of water is not too much for the ordinary plant. Of the peren- nials, iris, •peony, delphiniums, phlox and others are divided with a sharp spade and moved at this time. Shal- low planting is advisable with the first two. FARM NOTES Eggs for market should never be exposed to direct sunlight, rain, of to extreme heat. IIt is a good plan always to keep the eggs • covered with a cloth or other means to pre- vent fading or evaporation. In mar- keting, or at any other time, eggs shofild not be placed near kerosene, onions, fish or other strong smelling substances, because the eggs readily absorb odours. Richest Farm Manure Poultry manure is undoubtedly the richest produced on the farm. Poul- trmanure, however, ever, ferments. very quickly, losing if left exposed, a large proportion of its nitrogen as am- monia. This fact emphasizes the"'de- sirability of :systematically and fre- quently cleaning off the boards be- areath the roosts, a ,plan that also conduces to the general good health and thrift of the fowl. In summer the manure, previously mixed with loam to destroy stieidness and facili- tate distribution, may be applied di- rectly to the land and worked rvvith the surface soil—its best preserva- tive. In winter (and at other sea- sons when the manure cannot be us- ed directly) it should be mixed with a fair proportion of loam; dried peat, muck ,sawdust, together with a little land plaster • o.r superphosphate to fix the nitrogen. It should then be pack- ed tightly in barrels or boxes and stored protected from rain until re- quired in the spring. Lime and wood ashes Should not be used for this pur- pose as they set free nitrogen. Poul- try manure being essentially nitro- genous is particularly valuable for garden and leafy crops generally, and the majority of poultry keepers will no doubt do well to reserve it for this use. However, if the amount available permits, it can be profitably employed for the -cereals, grasses, roots and corn. Gangsterisrn and Kidnapping Condensed from Das Magazine, Berlin, in Magazine Digest) him to a degree sufficient to destroy him for ever. ''Both had miscalculat- ed. -(Confident of his power, Capone be- gan by pretending that he had no money. He had an answer 'ready to every question. When the judge ask- ed him to explain how a poor anan could afford to' wear shirts at $25 a rpi'eoe, Capone said they were a gift from Mayor Thompson. His sumptu- ous automplbiles were the• -property of his wife and she paid the rent ofshis palatial villa at Miami. Capone dominated the proceedings in the beginning, there was no doubt, But he suddenly changed strategy Thereby contlmitting the second great mistake of his life. He compromised and offered to pay a fine of $250,000, 'May be his nerves, gave, way. At any rate he took the Court by surprise, at the same time giving the prosecu- tor an opportunity of in$uencing public opinion against him. Followed a eer es of iberroristIre acts staged to discredit the gang- sters. Gangsters were supposed to have fired at a perambulator behind which a rival gangster was allegedly hiding. Incidents happened which any expert would have immediately classified( as frame-ups and falters. The most spectacular and monstrous of these bluffs was the "mysterious" kidnapping of the Lindergh baby. No professional gangster is a kid- napper. No ordinary criminal would have dared kidnap the most popular baby in the country for lblaekmailing nurposes,; for he would have had at his heels not only the entire police force of the United States but all or- ganized gangsters Only a very powerful organi,ation could afford the luxury of such an outrage a- gainst the popular idol, and only mien acting in the interest of that organ- ization could be the material execu- tors of such a devilish plan. Anyone who knows the situation, is aware that the Lindbergh kidnap- ping was born in the atmosphere of the anti -gangster campaign. It was not for the rest the first time that the police had resorted to frame-ups. Nothing could be more clumsy and ridiculous than the' attitude of the police. 'Within a radius of seven miles from Hope•weIl they searched the territory minutely with every a- vailable technical ;means. But the only natural method was not resorted to: namely, police dogs, which -would have found the scent immediately. One of Capone's men got in touch with the authorities demanding that dogs be put on the trail. Needless to ,say, this was never done, and probably only Al pone himself knows the reason why. (Capone knew what was going. on, and his knowledge as well as the prestige of the gangsters induced him at the time to offer his services for the recoeery of the .baby, and not, as was said, the hope to thus regain his freedom. He did not have to do it, for the whole affair lay entirely outside of his sphere of interest. !It. is a fact that Capone's men were tracking the kidnappers and the po- lice and that the tracks took them 'to New York. The two kidnappers were only a few hours ahea-d of them. One of therm, Louis Ortata, was well known in gangster circles as a stooi- pigeon.• : He fell into the hands of his pursuers and was questioned af- ter gangster fashion. He soon con- fessed and Wet --with his fate at the. hands of a gangster secret tri- bunal. There was,no sense in de- livering him to jstice because his confession would have been of no value before' a regular court. His body was later fished from the Hud- son. In the meantime the other man got frightened. He was sure that the revenge of the gangsters awaited. , him also. Therefore, he murdered the baby. But he too got what he deserved and it must have been his body that was found, riddled with bullets, in a field a few hundred miles from Hopewell, shortly after the dis- covery of the dead baby. Most peculiar was the 'part played by the shipowner Curtiss. He is a rich man -the alleged money trou- bles were invented later to save ap- pearances—and he did not mix with the affair for money. But he con- tinued to supply money to non -exist - ant kidnapping gangs. His boundless ambition was responsible for his mad behavior. He hoped to become Am- erica's national hero. When the death of .the baby and the kidnappers was confirmed, the police dropped him and instituted proeedings against hint. There is no doubt that the Lind- bergh kidnapping case was the last great drive against Capone and ,gang'sterisml in general. They had hoped, that in the course of the trial enough evidence of murder would be fortheomin'g against Capone to send him to the electric chair. They were disappointed and somlething else had to be done. Prosecution and defence put their heads together and deliberated tie- hind closed doors. The result was:. eleven years in prison. Capone's, transfer to the peniten- tiary was a 'theatrical masterpiece. The display of armed force and nt1a- 1 chine guns was overwhelmitl . Mo- tion picture companies sent operators to the station to fix on the film the Memorable scene, so that it might not be lost to future generations. All cameras were pointed at Capone, as he was being pushed into the prison coach. But nobody was allowed to shoot the scene of his getting' out from the opposite side and boarding a drawing room compartment. Pathetic pictures of his life in pris- on have been published by the news- papers. Perhaps it is best that peo- ple should believe them. Like any capitalist enterprise, gangsterism stands.. and falls with, prosperity. Th1e sante phenomenon —the amalgamation into big trusts --determined its rise, and the same circunrlstances caused its collapse. The stock .exchange crash and re- sulting crisis produced a spectacular slump in the bootlegging business, by greatly diminishing the purchasing capacity of private clients and speak- easies. On the other hand the mar- ket soon (became flooded with an army of Manipulators of adulterated alcohol, the sale of which was the only means of gaining a Hying for thousands of unemployed. The government then decided to de - ,vise a new strategy in the struggle against the gangsters. Four thou- sand gangsters had defied the coun- try. What would happen if the .ranks of the underworld arnsy swelled with scores of thousands of unemployed? (The blow that the government was preparing to strike was aimed at one man—Al Capone, whom they feared more than anybody else. Four at- tempts were staged at his life but were frustrated by his bodyguard.' After, the fourth attempt, howev- er, I got worried and decided that something had to be done about it. I had a talk with Al and tried to per- suade him to leave America. We all had money enough to retire from business. But he got furious and called me a quitter. He was too young and acti'v'e, he said, to give up fighting. • The depression would soon •be over and, besides, nobody- would dare do anything to him. All my efforts to persuade him to accompany me to Europe failed. But my forebodings were to come true only too soon. All other methods having failed, the government insti- tuted proceedings against Al Capone for tax evasion. The trial ended with an eleven years' prison sentence. Its motivation was typical. The public prosecutor failed to obtain any other evidence against him, while. Capone had in hand piles of incrimlinating ev- idence against every member cy the Court. • 'Both parties had speculated bad- ly. (Capone knew that the atmos- phere was hostile to him owing to the general situation, and he was not averse to the idea of being sentenced to a y -ear in jail, so as to leave done with it once for alb His adversaries hoped to arouse public opinion against akers of FIVE ROSES Flour announce A COUNTY BAKING CHAMPIONSHIP Who's the best 'liome baker in your County? Who's the best .in 27 Ontario Counties P PHOLD the cooking reputation of your County. Try your hand at !making bread and cake with FIVE ROSES FLOUR, and help u?; find the champion bread and cakemakers of 27 Onsario Counties! Here is the plan! Beginning on October 31st, in 43 different towns in succes- sion, in 27 Ontario Counties, bread and cake made with FIVE ROSES FLOUR will be judged. Then, on March 1st, in Guelph, will take place the final judging that will decide the CHAMPIONS. $1,000.00 WORTH OF PRIZES a LOCAL PRIZE WINNERS The Fite Roses Judge begins her tour on Oct. 31st nest, and will judge, under the auspices of various women's societies, in a selected list of towns. Full details and dates will be an- nounced. later. Rules listed here must be followed. All local prizewinners are allowed to compete for the Championship Prizes nest Feb. 27th. COUNTY PRIZE WINNERS As soon as the FIVE ROSES travelling judge has finished judging in each county, she will award two SILVER DISHES- one to the best bread -maker in the County, and one to the best cake -maker. CHAMPIONS Then, when judging has been completed in all the counties listed, a final com- petition will be held to find the CHAMPIONS of the whole area. Every local prize-winner will be eligible to try for the final CHAMPIONSHIP PRIZES, on February 27th, 1934. Each' will be told later exactly what to do. Judging of this final con- test will be clone with the assistance of the Home Economics Department, MacDonald Institute, Guelph, Ont. on March 1st. JUDGING will take place in 43, towns in the following Ontario counties: BRANT A NORFOLK BRUCE NORTHUMBERLAND DUFFERIN . ONTARIO DURHAM OXFORD PARRY SOUND PERTH PETERBOROUGH PRINCE EDWARD SIMCOE VICTORIA WATERLOO WELLAND WELLINGTON ELGIN ESSEX GREY HASTINGS HURON KENT LAMBTON LINCOLN MIDDLESEX MUSKOKA Watch local and ,.farm papers for announcement of "the nearest judg- ing centre to your home, and of the judging date. 'CHAMPIONSHIP PRIZES The Champion Bread -Maker and the Champion Cake -Maker of the final con- test, each get A STERLING SILVER TEA SET - and A CHEQUE for $50 I The Bread -Maker and Cake -Maker in second place, in the final contest, each get A STERLING SILVER BOWL and A CHEQUE for $25 ! RULES 1. Contestants must reside is one of the counties listed above. 2. Entries must be made with FIVE ROSES FLOUR. Each contestant may enter both bread and cake in the contest or only one . . . white bread, or a plain layer cake. 3. Ent•Aes must be brought for judging to any one of . the centres listed in contestant's County, and must be accompanied by a grocer's sales slip showing purchase of Five Roses Flour, as a guarantee that this flour has been used. Notification of the places and dates for judging will be given later. BEGIN PRACTISING . NOW I 54 COUNTY PRIZES — silver cake and sandwich plates in different designs -- one to the best bread -maker and one to the best cake -maker in each county! 344 LOCAL PRIZES Eight prizes will be given in every centre in which judging takes place —four to the best bread -makes and four to the best rake -makers! FIVE RO!E5FL.0 Milled 64 LAKE OF THE WOODS MILLING COMPANY, Limited Offices •ritToronto, Ottawa, London, Hamilton, Brantford, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; and Montreal, P.Q. ix�w>f { rs e 6.1 •',1));i'Ih it 1,;V: F td Sea il. Minimum Car Weights Canadian Railways have recently lowered the minimum car weight from 80,000 to 50,000 pounds for diy beans in bags, canned goods and powderetl'milk "Products. The reduc- tion will be of benefit in prreinoting increased exports in 'these lines. is