HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-09-22, Page 5• ' a;) SEPTEMBEW2 " 1'9333. t• 9b RE OF NT THEATRE, Seaf, rth Now Playing—"TIE GOOD COMPANIONS" A Cheerful, lilting, theatrical romance! Monday, Tuesday' and W ednesaay--Double Bill • WARNER BAXTER, JOHN BOLES and MIRIAM JORDAN V present an amazing drama of',rare quality "SIX. HOURS TO LIVE" WILL ROGERS 8 MARIAN NIXON in a humorous and lovable yarn "TOO BUSY TO WORK" Thursday, Friday and Saturday—ES"IiHfER RALSTON and CON!JRAD VEIDT in England's Ace Picture Drama "ROME EXPRESS" International crooks supply a chain of astounding adventures! • eee • COMING -Another Double Feature - "THE BLUE DANUBE'' and "MISCHIEF' Special Matinee Fair Da at 3.30 p.m. Matinee Saturday at 3 P.m. WALTON - There•passed away at her home on Turnlberry Street, Brussels, on Thurs- day, one of •the early pioneers in the person of Margaret •Mc'Arter, widow avf' the late George Kirkby, in her 94th year. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, the deceased came to Canada as a girl of fourteen. After her marriage she ;settled in Usborne township and lat- er in 1Viorris, where .she lived fol' many years before retiring to Brus- sels eleven years ago. She leaves to mourn their loss seven daughters and two sons: Mr. Kirkby passing away mine years `ago; Dr. Harry Kirkby. V.S., Belgrave; Herbert, Walton; Mrs. J. A. Castor, Cass City, Mich.; Mrs. peter McArter, Walton; Mrs. Robert Watt, Blyth; Mrs. John Shortreed, Vanderloss, B.C.; Ml's. Thos. McCall, Brussels; .Mrs. Jennie Kirby. Kit- chener, and Miss Ella;, at home, who 'has lovingly cared for her aged another through her declining years. Mrs. Kirkby, who was never too busy with her Large fancily to do a kind for neighbor•in deed athe dates of long ago when doctors and neighbors ,were few and far part. The funeral :took place frolm her late residence on Saturday. The pallbearers were six grandsons:.•Geor'ge and John Castor, John and George McArthur and Geo. and Louis Kirkby. Rev. C. J. Moore - "house officiated. Friends from a dis- tance were: •Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Arthur, of St. Marys; 'Mr. and Ml's. 'Thomas Kerwick, of Blyth; John Vin - •cent, Wawanosh; Mrs. J. Caistor and daughter, Laura, John Caister and son, George; George Caister and daughter, Esther, all of Cass City, (Milch.; 'Mr. and • Mrs. P. McMichael, .of Kinburn, and Mrs, J. D. Nelson, of Toronto. Interment was made in the family •plot in Brussels ceme- tery. Anniversary services were observ- ed in Moncrieff United Church last Sunday morning and evening: Rev. A. W. .Gardiner, pastor of Londes- boro United Church, was the special speaker at both services. The annual • Harvest Thanksgiving service was observed in St. George's Anglican . Church on Sunday after- noon. The church was beautifully -decorated with flowers, fruit and veg- etables. The special speaker was Rev. Blackwell, of Ailsa Craig. The choir from St. Thomas" Anglican Church, Brussels, rendered an an- them under .the leadership of Mr. B. Campbell. !Recent visitors out of the village: Mr. and !Mrs. Charles Sellers and son, Clayton, W. C. Bennett, Ronald and Shirley, with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Davidson and, .Mr, and Mrs. Thomas `Watson, London; Dan Steiss with Mr. and Mrs. John Benhewies,• Brodhag- en; John Smillie with relatives near Emlbro. Bert Johnston has returned from Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, following an operation for appendic- itis. The service in Duff's United church was withdrawn last Sunday., monning to enable the me.nllbers to jdinin the Moncrfeff 'anniversary services. 'Messrs. John Mowbray and Nor- man Mackey, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardiner, of London; Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Gardiner, of Londes- boro, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gardiner. Woman Makes Unique Prison Escape An attractive lady and an old col- ored man made a visit to a prison down in Missouri. The .lady supposed- ly just visit the prison and the old negro to see his son who was a'pris- orrer there. The old negro having finished his visit left the prison, stopping for, a word With the guard as he passed out; in a few moments, much to the guard's surprise, there appeared an- other old negro exactly like the one who just passed. He .was, of course, stopped• and a hurried search made for the lady, but she was not to be found. Here is what really happened: The lady being an old friend of the guard had stopped off for a visit with him and his family and during the con- versation that evening, the guard had boasted that no prisoner had ever got by him. While the statement was true, the lady was mildly amused at his boast, so the next day she went in search of an old negro whom she knew to have a son in prison. 'She offered to take him in,her car to vis- it the prison. She persuaded the old fellow to put on a suit of clothes ov- er his other ..clothes, 'He was eager to get a ride so asked no questions. When they arrived at the prison the lady stopped to talk' a. minute with her friend the guard, and mentioned the fact that she .had picked up the old negro who was visiting his son. [After entering the prison the lady talked with the inside guard, who was a son of the guard outside. Then they persuaded the old fellow to give them the outside suit. The old negro went to visit his son and the lady went with the guard, taking the suit of clothes and her makeup kit .which .she had concealed in her purse. Short- ly she returned a perfect image of the old negro and went out past her friend the guard, stopping a minute for a brief chat„ But when the old negro himself attempted to pass he was of course held.- Excitement ran high for a few minutes but when the lady again' appeared from the out- side, the guard realized just what had happened. While it was all great fun, at the 1z nvaalion lo }Ilcdorisz's Drive the New Ford V-8 before you buy any car. You'll know then why it is the greatest value ever offered in an auto- . mobile. THE CANADIAN CAR J. F. DALY Seaforth, Ontario PHONE 102,, "CENT A MILE" — FALL EXCURSIONS to WESTERN CANADA and the PACIFIC COAST From All Points in the East GOING DATES --SEPTEMBER 2040; 0.;,.Inclusive Return L' 30 Days—IltclucJng Pate of Sale Children five pears of age and under twelve, half adult fare. Children ander five years of age, free. Baggage Checked. Stop -Overs Permitted. Bertha in TOURIST SLEEPING CARS obtainable on payment of small prtttiilege charge, plus berth fare and tax. Tickets good going and returning Canadian Rail Routes only and via same route in both directions. • See nearest Agent for SPECIFIC FARES — BERTH RESERVATIONS — TICKETS ;CANADIAN NATIONAL (T-199) ir;alet !1: m ,a,iritia}il Na saute time it itrols€d the'lu,'dy to be a Perfect artist.. This lady t ;as' Je✓ lie Rae Tailor, the feature artist of the First after - Poen grq!grau; .,af :the 'DpsniuiQ11 _FOS- iruv l -es at E 1te, taannsent& , ap- pearing in 'Seaforth on October 3rd as . s r.1)er . one artist,. to ansitbe'>F.. George Arliss said: "lI was s'iiiivply astounded at your work." " - BLYTH FALL FAIR Sept. 26 - 27, 1933 • Splendid p r i zes for exhibits, Horse 'Racing and Bicycle Races. Sea - forth Collegiate Insti- tute Alumni Association presents play, "Climb Ross." Dance immedi- ately following t h e, . play. , Keep this date open for a program full of interest to all. . . BIRTHS McTavish.—In Scott, Memorial Hospital • on ,September 15th. to Mr. and Mrs. Archibald McTavish, of London, a son. Gray.—In Sentt Memorial Hospital on Sept. l8tth, to Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gray, Indianapolis, Indiiana, - a daughter, Seeley.—In Clinton Hkos,piitrad, on September_ 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Seeley, a daughter. Tooley. -1n Varna, on September 9, to Mr. and I01eo. Tooley, a daughter. M.cbermid.—In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on September 20, 'to Mr. and Mrs. J. G. •McDiarsnid (nee Evelyn Adams), London, daughter. IMPORTANT NOTICES PULLET'S FOR SALE. — ' THIRTY-FIVE April. hatched. bred -to -lay Barred Rock pullets, from good blood tested stock ; also. 25 White Leghorn pullets from Oanadian Ap- proved and blood tested stock. ready to Tay. Phone 31-241, or apply to ROY LAWSON, R. R. 1, Clinton, 3432-1 Buildings for Sale Tenders for the purchase of the buildings will be received by the undersigned up to and including October 7, 1933: IL. Chicken House- -A frame chicken house 10' by 14' 'lined with matched lumber and divided .into pens. In filet rate condition - 2. 'Shed—A frame shed 28' by 18' with plank floor. Would make tool shed or chick- en house 3. Club House—Used as a / club house' by the Seaforth Golf and Country Club. The building le of frame construction L6' by 161.6' with a 101 foot verandah on two sides, One third of verandah is glassed in. The building is covered with shingles and is fined throughout with B. C. fir. It contains a kitchen 16162' x 8' complete with built in cupboards. The entire building it but re- cently erected and is hi excellent condition. It would make a wonderful summer cottage. 4. • Shed—A frame shed 24' by 10' built 99f mmttehed lumber, in excellent condition. Suitable as a garage or implement shed. ,Numibers 3 and 4 are situated on 'the pres- ent property of the Seaforth Golf and Coun- try Club. 'Immediatte possession may be had. Numbers 1 and 'E are situated on the new golf coulee property east of Seaforth. Pos- session after November 1, 1933, Terms—Cash. THE SEAFORTH GOLF HOLDING CORPORATION, LTD. A. Y. McLean, Secretary. • 3432-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given under the statutes in that behalf that all persons having ank claims against Johannah McQuaid, late df the Town of Seaforth, deceased, who died on the 1211h day of August, 1933. are required to send to the undersigned solicitos for the -Executrix, full particulars .in writing and verilltd by affidavit 'of their claims and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, on or before the 30th dal of September, 1933, after which date the said Executrix will proceed' to distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard onlyto. the claims of which they then shall have had notice. DATED at Seafbrlth, Ont., this 9th day of September, 1933. m HAYS & MEIR, Solicitors for Executrix. 3431-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE it hereby given under the statutes in that behalf that all .persons having any claims against Sarah Jane McBride, late of the Town of Seaeforth, deceased, who died on the 10th day of July, 1933, are required to send to the undersigned soldoitora for the Administrator, full parelilcultelft in writing and verified by affidavit of their claims and the nature of the securities, at' any, held by them, on Or before the 8011 day of Septem- ber, 1933, after which date the said Ad- miinibttratbr will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, batting regard only to the dlaimm of which .they then sha'l'l have had notice. DATED -at Seaafortlh, Ont., this Oth day of Septernber, 1933. HAYS &, MSIR, Solicitors for Administrator. 34814 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others (havingclaims against the esrbate of .Tbserp'h Atkinson, late of the Vil.lagte of Egmpndvilie, in the County of Herron, Retired Farmer, deceased, who died on the 9th day of August, 1938, are required to forward their elninns duly proven to the undersigned, selioittar for the Execnitrix, an or before the Thirtieth day of September, 1983. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN -het etfgryaorr the said last mentioned date, the 'Toe. eetittr4x wall proceed to distribute the meets Of the estate having regard only to the claims got' which she then shall have notice. 'DATED at Seaftoeth, Ontario, Sib 13th day of September, 1938. Al!lNY1Nltu+re: JOHN .1. HUGGARD, Searfoiith, Ontario, Sblroitat for the Euxecutrix. ti 8481-3 ORTGAGE {' SAE OF VALUABLE; FARM P .QPlEH IN THE TOWNSHIP pp BTANL�Y ' Hinder and by xrrP•et of that suweta ran, tamed in a ereitlain miorbgege which will be Produced at the sale, there will be offered for irate bpi ,public auction oR SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1988 at 2 o'clock, p.p., aR BERRY'S GARAGE, BRUCEFIELD the farm property known as Lot Number Eleven (11) 4n the Fifth (54h) Ooaeeess0c,n of the Township of Stanley, containing 1410 acres more or lees. This promegty is convenient to both Varna and Brucefield. It is said to be fertile and we* eui'ted for faem:imgF TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent. of the purchase money 'the time of sale, and tlhe balance within days thereafter. door further particulars and conditions of sale apply to GLADMAN & STANBURY, Hensel! and Exeter, Solicitona for Mortgagee. at 3) 3432-3 AUCTION SALE OF DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT IN THE VILLAGE OF EGMONDV1LLE ' The Executnix of the Ei34ate of Joseph Atkinson, late of the Village of Egmondvtlle, in the County of Huron, Retired Farrier, de- ceased, has insinuated' G: H. Elliott, Auc- tioneer, Ito sell by public auction on Satur- day, September 23rd, 1933, at 2 pm. sharp, on the premises, the following desirable property: Village Lot Nuaaber Nineteen (19), on .the East side of Centre Street in L. 0. VoenEgmand's Survey, of pant of the V'il'lage of Egmondville, in the Courety of Huron, containing by admeasureenond one-fourth of an acre of land be the same more or less. On saki Lot is erected a 1ty storey frame clwdlili.ng with brick foundation, six rooms and woodshed, a gopd cellar, cistern and well, and in good state of repair. Teams,—Ten per cent. of purchase price on day of sale; balance within thirty days. For further particulars 'and conditions of sale, apply to JOHN J. HUGGARD, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitor for Executrix, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. DA'iuD September lath, 1933, 3431-2 AUCTION SALE OF CHATTELS Under and by virtue of the provisions com- tai,nedin a certain Chattel Mortgage which' will be' produced' -on the day of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Lot No. 1, Concession 13, Township of Tuck- ersmith, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30th, 1933 at 2 .o'clock the following chattels: • Horses -1 aged bay gelding 1 brown geld- ing 12 years old, 1 black driving mare: aged. Cattle -41 Jersey cow 4 years old, 2 aged cows, 2 three year old Daws, 1 Holstein cow 4 years old, 2 heifers, yearlings; 2 steers, Yearlings; 6 calves. Hoge—Three sows. . .Grain -160 bushels wheat, 160 bushels bar- ley, 250 bushels omits, a quantity of beans, 10 tons hay, Imiplc'merit's—Musses-Hiardis binder, Deer- ing mower, Massey -Harris.. mower; Meesey- Harris roller, set 3-sedtien harrows, walking prow, Tudhope & 'Andersen. Wagon, hay rack,- cutter, 'buggy, set dbuble harness, set single ibex -nese,' Other articles too numerous to Mention • _ TERMS OF SALE.—Cash. George Elliott. Auctioneer, Clinton, Ont. F. E. Willis, Bailiff, Exeter, Ont. CARLIN & MORLEY, Solicitors for Mortgagee, Exeter, Ont. ( 3431-3 AUCTION SALE OF CHATTELS ....Under and by virtue of 'Ere provisions con- tained in a certain .Chattel .Mortgage, which will be produced on the dry of sale, there will .be 'offered for sale by pui,lic auction on Lot No. 3 in the Second Coecession of the Tawmship of Tuckersmith (LOhdon Road Sur- vy.), in the County of Huron, on SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1933 at 2 o'clock p.m. the fallowing chattels: Horses,—•Bay Perchercn mare 8 years old, bay mare 3 years odd, aged black driver, bay mare 8 years old, bay mare 8 years old. Cattle—Klock cow 8 years old, red caw 6 years old, red cow 4 years old, black caw 4 years old blue cow 4 yeaes olid, 3 heifers 3 years old, red heifer 2 years old, red heifer 11 year old, 4 steers 1 yeti- old, 2 steers two Years old, 6 calves. Imrplemerts—Massey-I?'arris binder, Massey - Harris mower, Success manure spreader, Culla packer, Maxwell steel rake. 2 furrow aiding plow, sett .sloop sleighs, heavy wagon, light wagon. bean cultivator, set diamond harrows, cultivator, cutter, buggy, McCor- mick -Deering seed drill, 2 sets work' harness, 1 set single harness. Grain.—About 350 bushels 'tato. Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS.—Cash. George Elliott, Auctioneer, Clinton, Ont. CARLTNG & MORLEY, Solicitors for Mortgagee, Exeter, Ont. 3431-2 FARMS FOR SALE It ARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT 28 •and 29. Concession 3, McKillop, con- taining 192 acres and known as the T. E. Hays' flarm. Must be sold to close the estate. If not sold will be rented. For particulars apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - forth. 3358-11 'FARM FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE, -100 ACRES OF GRASS land, Lot 9, Concession 8, Tuckersmith, with good bank barn. frame house and back kitchen. A good supply of water. Well drained. Four miles fpm Sea.farth; three from Kimmel, one-quarter mile from school. Will Bell on easy tennis. ....Apply to MRS. D. MCLELLAND, Mitchell, Ont. 8426-8 FOR SALE SEVERAL DWELLINGS in Seaforth and Egmondville Own your own home. This is the time to buy and prices are low. A. D. Sutherland 1933 FALL FAIR DATES AtwoodSept. 22-23 Bayfield 'Sept 27-28 Blyth Sept. 29-30 Brussels Sept. 28-29 Harrigan Sept. 28-29 Kiriktan Mitchell October 3-4 Sept. 26-27 Palmerston ,,. 'Sept. 22-23 St. Marys October 6-7 SDAFOR1ITI1 Sept. 21-22 GVliZtlrmlil�ghlalml October 6-1 Sept, 215-26 Patterns and C�lors» That are .Very New You will be pleased—you'll, be satisfied—with one of these new all -wool Worsted 'Suits. New Styles, new colors, new patterns, that every well-dressed man will be delighted toT• wear: Don't let the low price be any indication of the qual- ity, Every Suit is made up to a perfect standard. Two or three button styles. Well made, properly lined. Come in and see for yourself. $16.50 Men's :Fall Hats Greys, Sand or Brown Felt Hats in the. new Fall shapes. Every good, brand is represented in our stock, and quality considered, the prices are very low. q951 $2 95 $3•95 Men's FancySox Bright new Fall colors and patterns in wool and silk and wool mixtures. Penman's, Monarch and Stewart Brands. Maximum wear at mini- mum prices. 50c and 75c EXTRA LARGE. IbexFlannelette BLANKETS The Ibex Blankets are famous for their soft texture and splendid wear- ing qualities. They are finished separately with whipped ends and have attractive colored borders of pink and blue. Special $2.39 Women's Shallow Crowned Fur Felt Sailors, Berets and Toques $1:50 to $4 - Beautiful soft materials in a fine quality not often procurable at this price. Every hat a last word; new versions of the toque; new brimmed styles; striking berets, and stunning shallow crown sailors. Come in and see them. Exact Copies of New York's Mast Popular DRESSES $5.95 to $18.75 As a result of a personal trip to the leading dress manufacturers, we have in our store a selection of the "best sellers", around each one of which a whole style story could be written. They are of rich Satin or Crepe Faile, elegant Velvet. A com- plete fashion group for formal street or. "Sunday•. Best." Black, Brown, Wince, Navy. But why try to de- scribe. Come in and see them. STEWART BROS., SEAFORTH d