HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-09-22, Page 2'4
(By Isabel ifamilton, Gederich, Ont.)
Fight thq Stx;(1 fight with all thy
(Christ is thy strength, and Christ
thy right;
Lay hold on life, and it shall be
. Thy joy and crown eternally.
John Monsell.
(Grant, Lord, that the lessons we
havie been studying may. not •pass
from our •minds with passing time.
Be ever our strength and stay, we
pray. 'Amen,
Lesson Topic -Review: Some early
leaders of Israel.
Golden Text-Ephesians 6:10.
July 2 -Joshua.
• -Joshua 1:1-9; 23:1, 2, 14.
-Joshua 1:9.
'Joshua had proven his worth as a
'soldier and a trusty servant and so
received from the hand of Moses the
task of settling the Israelites in .the
land of Canaan. Having accomplish-
ed this he divided the land among
the tribes reserving but a smell share
for himself. As the time of his death
approached he urged the elders, and
the people to clave to God and keep
His law. Joshua is a type of Jesus
the Captain of our salvation.
In the first part of to -day's lesson
we have &seines call to definite ser-
vice for God. IFor years he taught
and judged the people, bat in'bis old
age they rejected him. and sought a
'king to reign over them: In the see-
ond part of the lesson we have, his
vindication of his just rulle over
than. Hl desired to leave behind
him a good name arid a good copy
for his successor to follow.
Aug. 27 -Saul. •
I Samuel 15:13-26.
J. Samuel 15:22.
The people having demanded a king
the •praphet Samuel was guided by
God to choose, annoint and install
Saul. His advancement into the
favor of the people. was steady but
as he grew great in his own sight
and ther's he declined from the favor
of God and was at length rejected
for disobedience to the voice of God.
July 8 -Caleb.
-Joshua 11:6-14.
-Psalm 40:4. •
(Caleb throughout his whole life
manifested a strong faith in God and
so limed and worked with the hope
ever 'before him that he would enter
upon the inheritance promised him
by Moses. His patience was reward-
ed and he, though eighty-five years
of age, began to overcome the grants,
of the land and so make his inherit -
ante a safe place for his descend-
July 16 -Deborah.
-Judges 4:4-10, 13-15,1-3• .
-Psalm 46:1.
(Deborah reigned over a humble
home before she was called to be
first a rprophetess. then a queen and
'afterwards the leaderof the army
'under Barak. The enemy was slain
and the victory recorded in a song
by her who triumphed through the
power of God resting upon her.
July 23 -Isaiah Denounces Drunken-
ness and other' Sins.
• -Isaiah 5:8-12. 18-24.
• -Proverbs 14:34. '
The Bible is strong on morality.
Woes are pronounced upon those who
are covetous and grasp from the
weak ones even the necessities of
life. Woes too are pronounced .on
-those who let the animal appetite in
them aver -ride the aspirations of the
July 30 -Gideon.
-Judges 7:4-7; 16-21.
---Psalm 27:1.
Gideon was engaged in a very
humble occupation when the angel of
the Lord appeared to him and called
him to lead an army against their
enemies, the Midianites. By Obeying
the command of God and by leading
his men to follow him in every par-
ticular the mighty army .was routed
by terror and fell one upon another
helping in the destruction. -
Aug. #.-Ruth.
-'Ruth 1:6-10; 14-19.
-1 John '4:7.
Of all the representative women of
the Bible 'Ruth is the one whose
prominent characteristic is decision
and gentleness coupled with resolus
tion to see "her decision through to a
finish. She manifested a love that
involved great Sacrifice and she un-
hesitatingly made it.
Aug. 13 -Hannah.
-1 Samuel 1:9-11, 24-28; 2:1-2
-Proverbs 31:30.
(Hannah is the type of a .pious Wo-
man. Her soul was greatly distress-
ed by the pettine-S7Thf her husband's
other wife. But she was moved to
confide her troubles to her God and
He saw fit to remove the cause of
her affliction. She be -came the mother
of Samuel and, having vowed she's
consecrate him to God's service if
her prayers were answered she kept
her vow. •
Aug. 20 -Samuel.
-1 Samuel 3:1-10; 12:1-4.
-1 Samuel 12:20.
Sept. 3 -David.
-1 Samuel 16:4-13; Psalm 78:
-1 Samuel 16:7.
After the rejection of Saul as king
by the Lord, Samuel went to Bethle-
hem and there chose and anointed
David to be King "and the spirit of
the Lord came upon David from that
day forward, he fed Jacob his people,
and Israel his inheritance. So he
fed theiu according to the integrity
of his heart; and guided them ,by the
skilfulness of his hands."
Sept. 10 -Jonathan.
-1 Samuel 18:1-4; 20:35-42.
-Proverbs 17:17.
In the interview which took place
between Saul and the youth David
rhe King's son Jonathan was an ob-
servant listener. And his admira-
tion for the way •• Datid conducted
himself drew out his affection for him
-an affection which became mutual
and nevgr darie,d. Jonathan 1A'a$ true
to his twin soul in the face of his
father's bitter hatred Of David as
seen in his daring to seek him out
and warn him that- his life was in
danger ashis father was out in per-
son seeking to slay him. To -day the
love of these two men has passed
into a proverb. • .
Sept. 17. -Solomon.
-1 Kings 8:1-11.
-Psalm 100:4.
(Solomon, in Obedience to God's
corns -nand and in accordance with di-
rections given to. his father David,
built the temple making of it a rich-
ly beautiful building and then in the
presence of all, the people dedicated
it. 'After 'the ark was placed in it
God honoured the work of David and
Solomon by a cloud .filling thenhouse
of the Lord. "The glory of the Lord
had filled the house of the Lord."
When the Blind See
' A rperson who is blind. from birth
is a stranger in this world: Insur-
mountable barriers divide him from
society, into whose world he 's un-
able to gain insight, just as it is im-
possible for normal people to gain
the correct insight into the workings
of the. hlitel individual's:. mind -mad
In the sensational book Memories
of a Young Girl Born Blind, publish-
ed by Professor Dufau of Berlin,
s.oneethingis revealed to us of the
feelings of a twelve year old blind
'girl, who had not .suspected the ex-
istence of an optical sense until she
happened to put on •an old dress and
was told by her nurse that it was tee
short. 'It struck the girl that the
nurse had been able to tell that the
dress was ehort without touching it.
Upon rsflection she realized that she
was "seeing," the sense unknown to
her, a power to which she had to
submitwithout being able to exer-
cise it herself upon other. people.
If we wish to form some idea of
the reactions of blind people, we must
naturally turn for enlightenment to
subjects who experienced both condi-
tions, Suc-h an investigation was
conducted in Germany and its results
were collected and published by -M.
Senden of Kiel:, •
The first rather striking revelation
that this hook gives us is that people
who are 'blind from birth lack all
sense of sPace. They realize that
the room in "which they mere is part
of a house, but they can form no
npinion on the size of the lettere A I
blind individual's conception of space'
is. limited to the 'knowledge secured
hy his own mental, effort, coupled
with casual information from other
•i•t• •, • ,i,
Wake up your Liver Bile
-No calomel needed
When you feel blue, depressed, poem 911 this
world, that's your liver which isn't pouring its
daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels.
Digestion and elimination are being slowed
up, food is accumulating and decaying inside
you and making you feel virefehed.
Mere bowie,movers like mite, oil, mineral
wafer, laxative candy or chewing gum, or
ru7ohuagiteilliir lajarufanuth.:Carter's Little
Liver Pilis is the beat one. $
ate Purely vege-
table. Sure. Ask for them by name. Refuse
Nubstitutes. 25e. at all druggist+. 53
According to an eighteen -year old
blind girl, whp recovered her sight
aften an operation, she had no real
conception of height and distance. A
skyscraper to her was not a very
tall strueture hut something bigger
than she could reach. Riding in an
elevator did not gime her ,the consc-
iousness of height nor a railway jour-
ney the realization of horizontal
This showsithat to the blind, move-
ment is not identical with a change
of surroundings. They notice that
they .are being moved because of the
noise and the blood displacement in
the body, but they have no consciious-
nsss of the distances covered.
The conception that a 'blind indi-
vidual has of the surrounding objects
does not tally with the normal in-
dividual:1s conception of the same
things. Figure and form have a dif-
ferent meaning tp the blind who,
when given a new Object, must feel
and touch it before they realize what
it is. A blind man's impressions are
not spacial like the optical impres-
sions of .a seeing man. He may be
able to distinguish geometrical fig-
ures and even draw a square 'or a
triangle, but this does not mean that
he realizes the existence of what is
space to us. .A blind individual who
draws a figure experiences motion
and muscle sensations which are
rhythmic and limited and remain im-
pressed in his mernory, so that they
can be reproduced at will. He may
automatically repeat the motion and
draw the same figure without, howev-
er, realizing what he is drawing.
This is proved by the fact that
blind individuals who recover their
eyesight cannot at. first recognize
letters and figure S written and drawn
by themselves. Nor • do they recog-
nize objects with which they were
familiar before. For. some time they
will go on touching, feeling or even
tasting the' objects in order to recog-
nize them.
,A blind individual whose sight is
restored is like a child that must he
taught the rhea -ping of all things. A
patient successfully operated upon in-
sister on wearing a bandage over her
eyes for a long, time, because she was
.afraid of the strong light and of mov-
ing 'about her room, with which she
had been familiar for years. Like-
wise typical is the case of a blind
man who used to go about his home
city unaided and find his way per-
fectly. 'When his eyesight was re-
stored he lost his way constantly and
had to ask other people to direct him.
One of the most peculiar psycho-
logical phenomena •Obseteed • on peo-
ple who recovered • their missing eye-
sight is their indifference toward the
new world that is thus suddenly re-
vealed to them the absence of any
satisfaction or joy about it, and the
almost immediate disappearance of
the admirable cheerfulness which is
typical of people who were never able
to see. The reason of this sudden
change of mind may be found in a
certain disappointment, because there
is no doubt that in most cases the
impression which; a blind individual
has formed of a thing or a person
does not abeolutely cprrespond to se-
al i ty.
From the darkness of his world of
touch and sound the 'Mind individual
steps into the world of light with a
sense of fear and 'dismay, because
everything is new, alarming and
puzzling to Men. ,
1 1 1
Weekly Crop Report
Most live stock is reported some-
what on 'the thin side owing to gen-
eral shortage of pasture. Straw will
be at a premium this winter, says a
report from North Simcoe. In Wa-
terloo extremely dry weather has
practically ruined the turnip. crop and
turnip aphids are also doing dantiage.
FOR OVER 50 years Royal Yeast Cakes
have been the standard of quality.
Sealed in air -tight waxed paper, they keep
fresh for months. Keep a supply handy.
And send for the ROYAL YEAST BAKE
BOOK to use when you bake at home.
Address Standard Brands Ltd., Fraser Ave.
and Liberty St., Toronto, Ont,
Try this Easy -to -Make Recipe
Cream N c. sugar with N c.
butter. Add to 1 beaten egg
and beat until light. Add 1 c.
lukewarm milk. Stir well. Add
1 cup Royal Yeast Sponge*,
c. citron, 1,4 c. raisins, c.
chopped almonds, 1,4 tsp. salt,
and eneiugh flour to melte soft
dough (about 4 cups). Knead
• Seek 1 Royal Yeast cake in
5e pest lukewarm water for 15
tifteitillee 1 tbsp. sugar in
.141 pint Milk. Add to dissolved
Yeastelike. Add 1 quart bread
well. Cover rand set Aside in
warm place free from draughts
to rise until double in bulk
(about 11,i hrs.). Knead
down and place In well -
greased tube pan. Brush
top with egg and hake In
moderate oven about 45
flour. Beat thoroughly.
Cover and let rise. over-
night to double in bulk, in
warm placefreefrom draughts.
Makes 5 to 6 cups °theater.
Our free book-
tells how Royal
Yeast Cakes will
improve your
health, and sug-
gests pleasant
\ ways to take
',' •
", •
• - 1
Local canning factorieeein Brant are
buying tometoes on rade for the
first time and this appears very sat-
isfactory. The planting of fall
wheat has been held up by lack a
taiti in most districts. 'Lincoln Coun-
ty reports a tremendous wastage of
peaches from brown rot. Corn in
Middlesex is ripening rather prema-
turely on account of dry weather and
some fields have ,barer infestation.
The apple crop looks promising in
'Prince Edward, Acreage of fall
wheat there, as in other districts,
will be greatly inedeseeed over last
year, 'Optimistic reports come from
Dundas County where live stock con-
ditions hate improved with recent
rains to freshen the pastures, where
good yields of various grain crops
have been Obtained and where apples
are very promising. Rains have al-
so helped late ,potatoes, new seeding,
corn, buckwheat and pastures in Leeds
County. 'Completion of the initial T.
B. test in Leeds showed 3.92 per cent.
of reactors, a figure considered ex;
tremely low for an initial test. A"
very large acreage of fall wheat will
be sown in Lennox and Addington. A
report from TeiniskanTing states that
this has been one of the finest seasons
in A number of years for carrying on
farm operations. Potatoes will be a
very fair crop there and a consider-
able quantity of fall wheat has been
sown. ,
LOST 19 Lbs. FAT
A fat nian is commonly supposed
to be good-humoured, easy-going.
But there is many a fat man who
finds the going far from easy. The
following letter describes one typi-
cal instange:-
"I brep toput on weight this
year, and Ldeveloped stontnees in the
very ugly. I took
w in'
Kruecben Salts eh morning for a
month, and reducel my weight 13
lbs. So I kept on, nd have now re-
duced 19 lbs. altogether. Apart from
"that, it has also relieved me of head-
aches, and I feel absolutely fit each
morning, ready for a hard day's
work." -H. M.
Taken every morning, Kruschen
effects a perfectly natural clearance
of undigested feed, substances and all
excessive watery waste matter. Un-
less this wastage is regularly expell-
ed Nature will eventually store it up
out of the way in the form of ugly
fat. Once Kruschen gets into the
bided you will soon see that double
chin begin to go, and tat too prom-
inent abdomen begin: to disappear.
Life in the Year 2000 A. D.
(By Pierre. Devaux, condensed from
Gringoire, Paris, in Magazine Digest)
The conquests of sciepeete'and tech-
nique which grow more numerous ev-
ery day and so greatly contribute.,to-
ward the improvement of our Hiving
conditions, tempt us • to make conjec-
tures as to future possibilities which,
only twenty years ago, would have
surpassed man's most daring dreams.
' (Indeed, what are Jules Verne's
sensational "anticipations" compared
with the marvelous achievements in
all fields of modern science and tech-
nique? Yet they almost caused a
scandal at the tin -.e.
In the United States' an inquiry
was launched recently for the pur-
pose of obtaining the views of prom-
inent personalities in all walks of
life gn the probable aspects of the
world of the future. A perusal of
their replies induces us to board the
"time -exploring" machine for a few
moments and to pay a call on one
of the inhabitants of that strange
new world to be.
'We are in the year 2000 A. We
begin our exploration by calling at
the home of our prospective host and
guide through the new world. This
home, whether it is a private house
or a flat in a' large building, is con-
structed according to the latest Wild-
ing principles and equipped with the
newest labor-saving devices.
'The first impression does not con-
vey a sense of intimacy such as we
are 'wont to see in a home. The house
is built of thick plates of opalescent
glass and divided in the interior hy
movable partitions, sothat the se
and location of rooms may be chang-
ed at will. These 'partitions are ab•
solutely soundproof and, needless to
say, fireproof.
No less peculiar is • the material
upon which we are treading. Its
consistency resembles that of a well-
inflated tire, One walks on it silent-
ly. Any fragile object that falls to
the ground rebounds witpout break-
ing. Cushions, sofas, beds, every-
thing is pneumatic. ,Mattresses,
these nests of,,microbes, were discard-
ed long ago.
We then follow our host into the
garden -if one may apply this term
to the enormous cupola of glass un-
der which thrive. the most varied
tropical trees end flowers. Outside,
the -earth k covered with snow; in-
side, the guests are sipping tea in
the shade of blossoming trees. The
mild atmosphere is artificial; it is
washed. humidified to the correct de-
gree., ozonized, heated in winter, cool-
ed in summer, all by. means of in-
genious "climatization" machines., 4'
It is as if we were living in st fairy
tale,. Before us, doors open by them-
selves *hen they see us corning with
their invisible electriq "eyed' The
doors of the safe open onlyewhen a
complicated sign is traced in the air
wtth the hand. In the bathrooms
there are neither tubs nor, showers.
We are shown the mechanism of a pe-
culiar drvice, that is perhaps best de-
fined as a "must -hurler," which pro-
jects 90 per cent. compressed air and
10 per cent. lukewarm water, reduc-
ed to an impalpable mist. This ex-
tremely pleasant procedure of cleans-
ing the body entirely eliminates the
necessity of using soap.
The kitchen he a replier laboratory
where innumerable appliances in
nickel and porcelain are align*" rear
the electric switches. There are el-
ectric probes which deternein.e the ex-
a.et degree of ripeness ofsfruiti and
vegetables with two impeteeptible
pricks; electric egg candles; instru-
mentsfor the instantaneous analysis
HASenced sailor. He knew of as little is-
, land in tbe.'Paetfic, that had been dis-
like new
had always been in
good health until I be-
gan having trouble with
InY stomach. I couldn't,
eat unything without
discomfort and contin-
ually had heal tburn,
severe gas pains and
headaches. I can truthfully My nreitlestiees.
completely restored me to health."
Fruit-a-tives . • . all drug stores
covered a Ilew years ago and indi-
cated on the maps at "Pitcairn Is-
land." No white man had ever set
foot on the island because steep cliffs
and coral Teens made landing ex-
tremely difficult. He ,etiered the ship
in the direction of the island which
they finally reached in 17901, after a
long and adventurous voyage. Pull-
ing the ship as close to the shore as
possible, they effected a landing in
a little bay,Bay.,
knewn to this day as
A. sunersary`inspection proved that
cocoanut ,trees and various edible
plants were growing on the island.
There were also willd goa,ts. Re-
mains of primitive scoeking, uteneils
and other implements found jn the
caves of the rocks indicated that the
island enlist have been inhabited once
upon a time. However, the mutineers
found no trace of mein an they,
therefore, decided to make the island
their permarient abodie. The ship
was destroyed ; for there was to be no
gybaek for any -member of the
Years went by and the little com-
munity got on well. They built prim-
itive houses and divided the land ev-
enly among the nine white and six
colored men, each of whom married
a colored girl. At the bead of the
eomliniunity stood'. Pletcher Christian.
He taught the natives to read and
write. • Primitive musical instru-
ments were made and existence be-
came less monotonous. The children
born on the island were given a sort
of emergency 'christening.
(All went wall until the wife of
one of the white men met with an
accident and died and he demanded
for himself the wife of one of the
natives. The latter naturally protest-
ed and instigated his fellow tribes-
men to revolt. They were to kill off
all the whites, but one of their own
women, evidently preferring the Eng-
lish to their own kin, betrayed them.
The danger was averted for the time
being, but life on the island became
unbearable 'because of the quarrels
and 'violent hatred between English
and natives,
(Finally the latter revolted openly.
Fletcher Christian and four other
men were killed while working in the
fields. The remaining four whites hid
in the rave•s. But the triumph of the
'murderers was shortlived. Their
own wives joined forces with the
widows of the murdered Englishmen
.and 'killed all the six natives while
they were asleep.
The population of the island was'
now reduced to four white men, four-
teen colored women and a host ' of
children. Peace was restored and for
some time things proceeded satisfec-
torily. But one day oneo11 the men
conceived, (the funifortunate idea of
brewing a strong 'brandy from cocoa-
nuts. Soon drinking became a habit
with the islanders, inclined to be
jialaterotte. During one of their
drinking .feasts a violet quarrel
broke out between the, men and two
were killed. A third fell off the cliff
a few days later and was drowned.
'The only Surviving white Man then
decided to set up a patriarchal rule
in the coltny. He demolished the dis-
tillery, restored pewee and order, pull-
ed out the old i,ble of the "Bounty'
andstarted teething his subjects the
Gospel. It was he who started regu-
lar birth, death and marriage regis-
ters on the ,island which are con-
tinued to this day. •
In London, in the meantime, they
had heard about this strange cons-
munity and sent a frigate to inquire.
Tile ship landed at Pitcairn Island
in suntmer of 1808. John Adams,
the only survivor of the mutineers
was afraid that he would be taken to
London and made to expiate the
crime con:knitted so many years ago.
But in view of the fact that he cared
so well for the colony,, the British
government did nothing o him.
(More than a century has passed
'since then, but Pitcairn Island has
changed little. It is still cut off from
the rest of the world.
There was a time when there were
about fotir hundred people on the is-
land. But continuous inter -marriage
and lack of new blood have impover-
ished the race. Six Months ago news
reached Londem that a deadly epi-
demic of tetanus was ravaging the
island. The head of the colony,
Richard Christian, a descendant of
the founder, asked for help. 'But if
the British medical expedition does
not succeed in checking the epidemic,
the 'whole colony will soon be wiped
out. •
of milk, oil, wine, etc. A little farther
are the vegetable peeling and minc-
ing machines. The roast rotates
slowly before an electric fireplace the
heat of which subsides gradually, as
the pocking process advances. And,
of course, all dishes, as well as the
laundry, are washed and dried elec-
'Among the most 'marvelous 'things
of this home is 'the "television cham-
ber" which plays a very important
part in the private an,d"political life
of the citizens. Against the wall, a
large polished screen projects. ani-
inated scenes in relief and colors,
which are telebroadcast from innum-
erable shortwave transmitting sta-
tions all over the world.
Nov we are seated in our car and
are rolling along an auto -road, which
is both smooth and ribbed, so. as to
avoid any danger of skidding. There
is no noisy motor under the hood of
our car which glides smoothly at 150
miles an' hour, with 'perfect stability.
The energy is supplied radioelettrical-
ly, from distant stations ,activated by
solar energy. Springs 'are omitted
thanks to the colossal size of the
tires inflated at ultra-low pressure.
In front a hydraulic shock absorber
allows us to register the most violent
collisions with a smile.
(Art night the road beecrneselumin-
ous, because it is saturated with a
chemical substance ,which •stores the
rays of the sun. Also the ears are
luminous and no lightsare needed.
Now we pass a few peculiar iodis-
ing ee.hiclee; automobiles carrying,
on a tripod mast, three large folded
blades. These are autogyros return-
ing from a flight and regaining their
garages 'by road, after having folded
and pulled in their propellers. sad-
denly a colossal streak of light soars
up from the earth, at a bevel angle,
'toward the central airdrome. A few
moments later we hear the piercing
whistle of motor rockets launched at
full speed.
It is the rocket plane New York -
'Melbourne, which will fly ten hours
in the stratosphere, at an altitude
9f about fifteen miles. Pilot and pas-
,sentgers will go to bed, as steering is
radio -automatic.
lAndhere we are before one of the
strangest achievements of this
strange new world: a meet cultivation
laboratory. Cattle breeding is en-
tirely suppressed and replaced ,by the
artificial culture of grafted live flesh
in the laboratory. Kept in a luke-
warm, salted and nutritive liquid, re-
sembling a blood medium, the shoots
grow rapidly and assure a consider-
able supply of meat produced in con-
ditions that are humanitarian and ec-
onomical at the same time.
IMy host, who is piloting inc
through the enormous airy halls of
this strange farm, explains that the
absurd practice of breeding' chickens
• and then consuming only their wings
end breasts has long.ago been aban-
'In another part of th'e farm they
grow cereals at high speed, .under
frames ,of quartz illuminated by ul-
tra -violet rays.
All these foods, however, are delic-
acies for the use of epicures. The
overwherniing majority of citizens
limit their nourishment to less cost-
ly products, such as the cellulose of
tropical trees, from which the chemr
ists have learned to prepare a variety
of tasty substitutes for bread, sugar
and vegetables.
'However, more numerous and im-
portant than the electrical and me-
chanical inventions., are the inven-
tions in the medical field which have
completely revolutionized human life
and done away.with old age arid sick-
ness. Epidemics and diseases caused
by microbeare things of a long for-
gotten past, thanks to the universal
use of bacteriophagi. Even cancer
and tuberculosis are conquered. The
efforts of science are now directed
solely toward the prevention of dis-
ease. This is possible thanks to the
systematic studt of the conditions in
which diseases originate, dev'elcp and
manifest themselves. Hygienic and
sanitary conditions are therefore, ex-
cellent 'among all classes of society.
In the surgical field, the grafting
not only of glands but of limbs and
organs, such as Practicedformerly
only hy a few daring experimenters,
has become a common operation of
almost daily occurrence., One buys a
new stomach or lime, and may ex-
change it if it does not function sat-
isfactorily. Arterial surgery derived
from heart surgery is definitely mas-
tered. .
The Strange Story
Of A Dying Colony
A few menthe ago the British Gov-
ernment dispatched a ship with phys-
icians and nurses to assist the popu-
lation of a small British possession
in the Pacific. The story of the lit -
tie colony is surely one of the most
rom:antic the world has ever known:,
In 1789 a mutiny broke out on the
British sehoener "Bounty."' The of-
ficers and- part of the crew were kill-
ed and the nine surviving mutineers
landed OD a small island of the
Tahiti group, where they were vrel-
coened by friendly natilves. Their
ringleader, Fletcher Christian, decid-
ed, however, that they could not re-
main on the island where British
justiee Would sooner or later reach
them. Therefore, they victualled the
ship 'with the help of the natives,
persuaded six of them to join them,
obtained from the chief fifteen young
native 'girls 'and sailed for an un-
known destinatidn.
Fletcher Christian was an experi-
!Disarmament advocates have not
yet gone so far as to suggest Ithat
girls leave off their war paint.-Righ-
mon Register.
SEPTEMBER 22, 1933. '
Prevent This Condition With.
Kellogg's ALL -BEAN .
The first question your doctor
asks is whether you are constipated
or not. He knows that this condi-
tion may cause headaches, loss of
• appetite and energy, sleeplessness.
It is often the starting point of
serious disease.
You can prevent and relieve com-
mon constipation so easity. Just
eat a delicious cereal once a day.
Laboratory tests show that Kel-
logg's AeleBa.exe provides "bulk"
to exercise the intestines, and vita-
min B to further aid regular habits.
Am -Better is also a rich source of
blood -building iron. •
The "bulk" in ALL -BRAN is ranch
like that found in leafy vegetables..,
Within the body, it forms a soft
mass. Gently, it clears out the in-
testinal wastes.
Isn't this "cereal way" safer and
far more pleasant than taking pat-
ent medicines -so often harmful?
Two tablespoonfuls of ALL -BRAN
daily are usually sufficient. With
each meal in serious cases. If not
relieved this way, see your doctor.
Enjoy ALL-Brteie as a cereal, or
use in cooking. Get the red -and -
green package et your grocer's.
Made by Kellogg in London, Ont.
Wintering Gladiolus Corms
In the autumn when gladiolus
corms are being harvester, says Alan
G. Dustan of the Doininion Entomolo-
gical Branch, they should, be given,
special attention to safeguard these
from the invasion of thrips. The top,.e
should be cut off as near the corm.
as 'possible and •burned ,et, once, while
the Terme 's,houlci be removed irn-
emediately from the field to a place
where there is no danger of infesta-
tion. They can be dried there and
then placed in storage. If at all poe-
Ieible the corms..shoeld be stored in a.
cellar or 'building svhere the temper-
ature can be kept down as low as 41:0
degrees F. This is most important -
If the temperature is much higher,
feeding and development of the
thrips will contindrthrough the win-
ter and injury to the corms result -
The gladiolus bed should be dug u7
or ploughed in the late fall, thui ex-
posing any thrips which may be over-
wintering there.
Serving Peaches
There are countlesS ways in whistle
Canadian peaches can be served. The
simplest, and, in the opinion of many,.
the best way, is to slice them raw
and serve with cream and sugar.
Stith a dish can be prepared' in a few
minutes and for attractive appearl-
ance and universal popularity takes
second place to not even the fanciest
• dess•ert. Here are two other popu-
lar ways of preparing, peaches for-
ties, table.
Peach Bavarian Cream.
'Twe tablespoons gelatin, ti ciz7
cold water, 1 quart of sliced. fresh
peaches, 1 cup. sugar, 1/4 teaspoon
salt, 1 pint of cream, whipped. Soak
gelatin in the told water far 5 min-
utes. Mash the peaches • with the
sugar, rub through sieve and simmer
for 5 minutes. Remove from fire,
add softened gelatin and salt and
stir till gelatin is dissolved. Chill
and when mixture ,:begins to thicken,,
fold in the whipped cream. Place ire
wet mold, let stand in cold place un-
til firin and turn out on serving plat-
Peach Custard Pie.
'Line pie pan with rich pastry for
one -crust pie. For custard use two
'eggs, 4 tablespoons sugar, 14 tea-
spoon salt, 1 1-3 cups milk, ,1 teaspoon
vanilla, 1 taiblespoon flour, a few
gratings of nutmeg and 1/4 teaspoon
cinnamon. Beat' eggs slightly, -add-
sugar, .salt, spites, 'vanilla, flour and
rnulk.'IPeeirthree• peaches, cut into,
,-inch sections, arrange on unbaked
crust and pour custard over them.
Bake in hot oven for 10 minutes to,
set the Thin then reduce the heat to
320 degrees for about 30 minutes.
Enhance the joys of your
Western trip -travel via
Canadian National's train
de luxe -The Continental
Limited. This modern magic
carpet smoothly unfolds
rugged Northern Ontario
before your eyes -across the
Prairies -pilots you through
the Canadian Rockies by the
Scenic Route over the easiest
gradient and at the lowest
altitude -yet keeps you with.
in easy sight of the mightiest
and most inspiring peaks.
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1040 P.M.
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