HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-09-15, Page 1it.ititeete.•
iliefilentystthird Year •
Whole Number 31431
Softball Team W ins Zone
Championship and Advances
• To The Ontario Play-offs
London Falls Before Local
Onslaught and Seaforth
Takes Series in Exciting
Gane Wednesday.
..Seaforth brought home the Zone 1
softball championship from. London
on Wednesday after defeating the
Boy' Shop team of that' city, 18-11.
The game was practically a reverse
of the one played last Saturday at
Byron Sanitarium„ when the Boys'
Shop tied the series by a 15-5' score.
iSeaforth.wil1 now meet Owen Sound
in the playdow-ns for the t ehamipion-
ship of Ontario. 'Should the.-.loeals
win from Owen Sound they will g�
into. the semi-finals for the O.A.S.A.
Play is Fast.
With every man up on his toe's and.
hitting every .time up to bat, the
Seaforth •teem outplayed the Boys'
Shop completely. Evan Rennie was
the only 'batter to strike out en the
.Seaforth team, but redeeaned himself
by hitting two home runs and a two -
base hit. One of his home runs came
with three men on bases and was a
long hard drive to centre field that
the fielder had no chance of retriev-
ing. 'cord. Rennie also came through
with a homer with three on bases.
'Iwo base hats were made by Chris-
tie, Wright, E. Rennie and G. Ren-
Summary of Batting
G. Rennie scored two runs, was.
thrown out at first base three times
and was caught out by eight fielder
on a long high fly.
G. Muir scored thrruns, was left
on third base .once, and was put out
at first twice on throws by short-
Taman scored three times,- was
put out twice at first base, ar.d left
on third once.
E. Rennie scored four runs, struck
out once and was thrown out once at
first' (base.
•- .'J. Wright hit two 'two -base hits but
was left stranded; was caught out
three times on high flies and once on
a pop fly to third base.
IR. Burgess knocked a sacrifice hit
to bring G. Rennie 'home for, the first
runof the game; was left on 'base
twice; put out once -en a high fly to
sight field, and also- on a fly to sec-
ond baseman, and was put out run-
ning to first base once.
R. '11'lcGregor scored two runs, left
on second base once, and thrown out
at' first -three tines.
13. Christie scored twice after hit-
ting two doubles; popped a fly to
third baseman and put out at first
base three tidies.
G. Bucknam scored twice, left at
first base once, and put out twice run-
ning to forst 'base„•, (Continued on page 4)
Warden's Committee Makes
Settlement With Bond-
ing Company.
'County financial affairs continue to
occupy the line -light. Auditors are
still at work and now have found
shortages exceeding $10,000 in the
past three and a half years, accord-
ing to a report submitted Friday to
the Warden's Committee by Auditor
1F. P. Gibbs, of 'Stratford.
;Another adjournment was made
for a week when Gordon Young,
'former county treasurer, facing three
serious charges, following investiga-
tions by Mr. Gibers, appeared before
(Magistrate C. A. Reid in police court,
Goderich, Saturday. It was expect-
ed that the case would proceed, but
Frank Donnelly, counsel for the ac-
cused, Moved for another adjourn-
ment, in of the fact that he had
just received a copy of the auditor's
report. Mr. Young was remanded to
jail until next Seturcllay, 'being unable
to ..secure the required $10,000 bail.
He is charged with theft, mutilation
of records and failure to account for
eiounty funds,
Make Settlement.
The Warden's Committee Settled:
'with, the bonding company for $7;700
sifter considerable discussion at a
special meeting of the Committee on
Friday afternoon. The committee de -
Aided to carry the investigation into
$onddtions in 1927 and 1928.
R, C. Hays, Jr,, solicitor for the
County of Huron,, has caused a writ
to be issued in surpreme court for
$6,104.37 against Gordon Young.
An injunction is also askef to
prevent Mr. Young from disposing
of his real estate and chattels. The
injunction has been agreed to.
''the al'd time shot who put nitches
in his gun handle is srteceeded by a
grandam w'ho,cottnrte the data in Iris
fender ,5'ariiit Rai,,
• • • ...• • . •
The Seaforth softball team, by
virtue of their win over London
on Wednesday, are now cham-
pions of Zone 1 in the O.A:S.A.
The next game will be with the
winner of Dunnville and Owen
Sound, who are playing home and
home games The O.A.S. A, ex-
ecutive will meet in Guelph Sat-
urday night when final play-off
dates will be announfed. •
• • • •• •
Mr. G. F. Rogers To Speak
At Public Meeting
Here Tuesday.
iMrs. Charles' Holmes was re-elect-
ed president of the Home and School
Club at the club's annual meeting in
the public school on Monday after-
iAnnauncement was made that G.
F. Rogers, a former principal of the
Seaforth 'Collegiate Institute, and now
director of education in the Province
of Ontario, 'would speak at a public
meeting of the Club on Tuesday ev-
ening of next week. The meeting
will be held in the Carnegie Library
and will commence at 8.30 p:m.
In her report, the treasurer, Mrs.
.T. A. Munn, showed a balance on
Shand of $66.15. The secretary re-
ported a membership. of twenty-six.
'Qfljcers elected included the fol-
lowing Past president, Mr•;s. R. E.
Bright; president, Mrs. Chas. Holmes;
1st• vice-president, Mrs. I. tH, Weed -
mark; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. J. F.
Bechely; 3rd vice-president, Mrs.
Moffat; recording secretary, Mrs. W.
E. ,Southgate; corresponding secre-
tary, Miss 5. L 'McLean; treasurer,
Mrs. J, Ai•'Munn; convenor of Welfare
'Com.m•ittee, 'Miss M. Hartry;. Member-
ship,Mrs. M. McKellar:. .Social, Mrs
Moore; Ways and Means, Mrs. E.
Bell; pianist, 'Mrs. J. E. Keating.
Judge J. A. Jackson Speaks
At Lions Meeting in
Judge J. A. Jackson, Lethbridge,
well 'known old boy of Egntiondville,
and a stalwart on many•famous Sea -
forth teams of the old days, spoke to
the Hamilton Lions Club recently:
Judge Jackson, who 'was the guest
of his sister, Miss Jackson, in Eg-
mon'dville for a few days recently, is
a former, president of the Amateur
Aathletic 'Union of Canada.
The Hamilton Spectator reported
the meeting as follows: '
4'If my interest in athletics, ex-
tending over a period of some forty
,odd years, was confined entirely to
the muscular development, I doubt
that I would have ever become in-
terested,”' declared Judge J. A.
.Tackson, past president of the' Am-
ateur Athletic Union of Canada, as
one of the pertinent and timely ob-
servations of his • address to the
Lions Club of this city during the'
weekly meeting • at the Royal Con-
naught hotel yesterday at noon.
Judge Jackson, presiding judge
of Lethbridge, Alta., and district;
was one of many notables at the
meeting, the Lions being very for-
tunate in obtaining the learned
,judiciary as guest speaker, and his
diAcour'se .on amateurism and sports
in general proved most inirpressive.
Introduced, by W. A. Fry, of Dunn-
ville vice-president of the A. A. U.
of C'., and reputed holder of more
titles in amateur official circles than
any other Canadian, Judge Jackson
was preceded by Sam R. Manson. W.
H. Crocker, president of the A.A.U.
of C; W. A. Hewitt, Toronto, secre-
tary of the O.RA., and P. T. Mul
queen, chairman of the Canad an
Olympic committee, were unable to
be present.
"Hamilton," observed the s•pealcer,
in 'his opening remarks, "is one' of
the places that keeps Canada on the
lap. 'I have the greittest respect
for 'Hamilton as an .athletic center
and for my confrere here (Mr. Fry),
who Will shortly be president of the
A,A.U,, I predict great things., par-
ticularly for the next Canadian
Oiyrpic team he will head."
Other Qualities. -
T'hei4 the speaker; deelared that
interest only' in the muscular de-
velopment of the athlete was not
suffic1tnt. It is to the mental and
moral end of things that , one roust
look. Gilviing various reasons for in-
terest in atthletires, which. are be-
coming more and more important,
the judge stated that the, secret of
ie. et
TOWN $401:81 NET
Statement .to Date Present-
ed By Relief Officer
To Council.
`(Seaforth Town 'Council held its
September meeting., on !Monday even-
ing with 'Mayor Sutherland, Reeve
Smith, Councillors Beattie, Scott,
Ferguson and 'S'avauge present. The
Mayor occupied the chair.
The Finance Committee's report
was- the only business before council
and it was adopted on motion of
Reeve Smith and Councillor Fergu-
Accounts included in the report
awere as follows:
James V. Ryan, salary,. $60: John
A. Wilson, salary, $70; T1:. .Snell, sal-
ary, $60; Thomlas Storey, salary, $60;
Public School..Board, $100; Separate
School 'Board, $525; Superior Manu-
facturing Co., invoice, $4.13; Canad-
ian National Railways, crossing pro-
tection, $3.80; Bela, E. & T. Co., acct.,
$3.90; Geo. A. S►'.1-.s,' & Sons, account,
$12.215; ''Dominion Bank, account, $6;
John 'Gallop, account; $20.80; Bell
Telephone Co., account, $4.90; W. T3.
Elliott, account, B. of H., $1.50; Me -
Lean Bros:,- account, $19.55; William
•Reid, wages, $1; George Reeves, wag-
es, $2; Thomas Klein, wages, $2.00;
John Lumaning, police, $28.00.
Also included in the report was the
relief officers statement for August
and a summary for the year to
Septemiber 1st.
August relief cost $53.46, of which
the town pays $17.82.
'Since January 1st, relief, includ-
ing transients, in Seaforth, has
'am'ounted to $1,593.47, of ,which the
town pays one-third, or 031.16. Of
this $531.16,one,-third, or•$129.35, was
worked out by the=recipients, leaving
a net cost to the teiwn of $401.81,
'Relief accounts recommended were
as follows:
James Cleary, $1.29; W. Arnold,
$2.16; R. J. Sproat, $2.29; Miss N:
Pryce, $3.83; Hutchison Estate,
$3.82; Angus Carter, $2.59; W. R.
Smith, 73c; Mrs. 'Clark, $2.50; J. M.
Cardin*, $7.10; W. A. Crich, $4.64; T.
R. Anderson, $3.44; Reynolds' Dairy,
$101.818; J. W. ,.Beattie, $c:21; B.
Christie, ,$1.98; -Public Utilities Com-
mission, $4.00.
Paint—One 25e brush .and one 30e can of
Utdhtc, both ,for 25c this week, at Graves'
Wall Paper Store, Seaforth,
Rev. Chandler, of Kippen, will be
in charge of the service Sunday in
the absence of Rev. Gardiner, who
Will- preach at Moncrieff for Rev.
Cumrmi ng.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Snell, Mr. and
Mrs. George Wheatley, Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Stephenson and Mr. B. B. Steph-
ensonetpent Wednesday at the West-
ern Fair.
'Miss Verne Adams, Welland, is
spending •her holidays at the home.°of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.- Miller
IMr. and Mrs. Miller Adams and
Miss Verne Adams were in Stratford
on Sunday calling on Mrs—Charles
Parsons, who is in Stratford Gen-
eral Hospital. Mrs. Parsons is not
doing as well as ,her friends would
like to see.
rMr. and .Mrs. E. Adams and Miss
Donelda were in Stratford Thursday
to call on Mr. Adam's sister.
mankind's mental h ell•fbeindg 'cane
from the days of the ancient Ro-
mans, who believed in giving the
populace bread and game's to keep
them content.
Judge Jackson observed that the
clime wave which reached its
height four or five years ago, could
be traced to early war days when
the Louth of from thirteen, to 18
years was neglected during the stress
of difficult times.' With no older com-
panions to show them the way, he
said, the youngsters drifted into bad
cdmpany. As the older boy leads, he
declared, the younger boy will fol-
low, and he then charged those just
'graduated from the 'teen age to show
the way that their younger compan-
ions. might place their feet in the
proper steps. The older hey of to-
day is the ruler of to -morrow, he
said, and in ending the big trouble
to fill a bay's day, he said healthy
and Ihenefie'ial sport must be brought
into play.
Play is Ml'ital.
"All 'work and no play makes
Jack a dull boy," he stated, quite
pertinently, "but no work and no
play makes Jack a criminal. We
mruat cllirect burr pleaisure-nvinded
lives along the proper channels that
the youngsters will follow and oh-
tain benefit. The best way to han-
dle " idle hours is in clean and
wholesome sport. Tf there is no
,'work let's give them bread and
games and we'll find that the gen-
eral improvement that has 'been
reached during the past fifteen
years will continue, 'and that ama-
teur .ports of all kinds will hnlrl a
major part in the lives. and well-
being. hf, : the community."
!The speaker, a cousin of the
president, Dr. E. 0: Jackson, who
occupied the chair, Vetoed his pleas-
ure in being 'able to propound a sub-
ject near anlhdear to'lhfm, and he
referred jocurly of 'his introducers,
Messrs. Fry and Manson."
ytti'>t&'• a SrhliA
Governor General and Party
To Make Tour Of
Western Ontario.
.Announcement (that their Excel-
lencies, Lord and Lady Bessborou'gh,
will • pay an official visit to' Stratford
on Wednesday, October 18th, and to
'Goderich, Thursday, October 19th,
was made this week.
Mayor Sutherland is endeavoring
to learn whether or not it will.be
possible to have the Governor -Gen-
eral's party stop in •Seaforth un the
way through. It is expected that
the .,Mayor will issue an official invi-
tation. s
an the case ,that their Excellencies
find it possible to include Seafcrth in
their trip, the stop here will likely
be made ' late Wednesday afternoon
or early Thursday morning.
Brucefield, Sept. 11, 1933:
To the Editor, Huron Expositor:
'Dear Sir: 'I gladly accept the
challenge of your eorressppoondent of
last week, who signs hirriself "Inter-
ested One," when he expresses the
hope in the last sentence of his let-
ter "that some minister, who is' a
memlber of • the London Conference,
would publicly justify the Conference
in endorsing this man."
J take up the challenge; although,
lacking the courage of his convic-
tions, he has failed to gn his name,
and, by so failing,. hal forfeited his
right to have his communication tak-
en seriously.
In taking up his challenge I do so
on behalf of the London Conference
and as well on behalf of those or-
ganizations whose interests may
'have been brought into jeopardy by
the, untimely appearance of your cor-
respondent's letter.
It is a long time, Mr. Editor, since
the fact was established that there
are two ways of hearing the same
voice. If your correspondent reads
his New Testament, he will find that
on one occasion "there carne a voice
from heaven . . . and the people
that stood by and heard' it; paid that
it thundered;d others said that an
angel spoke to Him" Your corres-
pondent fell into the old mistake of
placing the wrong interpretation .up-
on the 'voice he heard, especially so,
when he makes reference to the
"medium of a Victrola and record,"
To hundreds whose ears have been
reached by the voice of Stephen A.
Haboush there has come help and in-
spiration and a better understanding
of the New Testament sones he so
well describes.
i One a: -:-snot but wonder at the as-
surance with which "Interested One"
places his unsupported opinion at
variance with the endorsation of the
400 or more delegates who attended
the last meeting of the London Con-
ference. The Conference heard Mr.
Haboush and judged him on his mer-
its. The Conference endorsed him in
good faith, and, save for your cor-
respondent, no one has risen to ques-
tion the wisdom of the action taken.
.1 also accept his challenge on my
own account. I, too, attended the
meeting in Hensall United Churth on
the -Friday evening in question, but I
did not go, as your correspondent
admits he went, "out of curiosity."
I went to receive information and I
was not disappointed. I went that I
might better understand Eastern
manners and customs and I was
amply rewarded. .I went that 1 might
more intelliger tly announc,' to. my
people the opportunity they might
have of hearing Mr. Haim -h in some
of the surrounding churche•. This I
did in gond faith, and wed(' do so
again, being even more emphatic in
my endorsation. I still thins: that'all
who can hear Mr. Haboush should do
In the matter of the leg's' liability
of your correspondent, ily reason of
his many unfounded stair stents, I
shall leave it to Mr. Habou- i to take
what action he desires. I','. however,
I might offer a suggestion : t the one
uipon whom the attack has 1, -en made,
it would he that he follow the ex-
ample of another Galilean, "Who,
when He was reviled, reviled not
again." -
Thanking you for your valuable
space, I ant.
Yours •sin•cer:el •
W. A. B RFf�?ti F, IZ
Minister, Brucefield United Church.
If at first
pou don't
Try, try to pay as a
little on your subscrip-
tion, if it is in arrears.
The Huron Expositor
�ata; u'M”�vitdh'�'siih�a�w'{fa'iS$m6Gl..n�'ffit�:a`,.tiH;;,x,:i.,u.4x�w'11zaiid
Committee Chairmen Nam-
ed At Club's \Regular
J. M. •McMillan was again elected
chairman for the. Lions Frolic this
year at the first of the regular meet-
ings of the Club since the spring.
Lion 'McMillan was in the chair in
the absence of Lioe, Chief Dr. F. J.
Burrows,. The meting was well at-
Matters of business occupied the
members in lieu of a program. Cpm-
mittee chairmen were named to carry
Qn the various activities of the Club,
as follows:
IFrolie•--J. ,M. 11c Millan.
Crippled Children—Dr, F. J. Bech-
Lions Park—J. W. Beattie.
.Memlbershi,p=John.. Beattie.
.Christmas Tree—C, A. Barber.
'Christmas Cheer—J. W. Duncan.
Blinder -Dr. H. H. Ross.
Public Entertainments .H. G. Meir.
IPu'blicity—A. Y. McLean.
The Club decided against holding
a raffle in connection with the Frolic
this year and all efforts will be di-
rected towards a real big time even-
ing on Hallowe'en night.
'Lion. Dr. F. J. Bechely, chairman
of the crippled children's committee,
gave a ' xleport of the committee's
work. He called the members' at-
tention-, to the annual .clinic, which is
being 'held in Scott ` Memorial Hos-
pital on 'Wednesday next, and said
that a large nu'miber of cases are as-
sured for the clinic.
Huron Old Boys' Associa-
tion of Toronto Gather
For Presentation.
Officers and members of the Huron
Old Boys' Association gathered at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. 'Root.
Holmes, 472 Palmerston Bld., Toron-
to, on Thursday evening. to do honor
to Mr. Holmes on the occasion of hi$
80th birthday. •
A splendid representation from the
executive and others Were present.
Mr. Holmes was presented with a
cane and Mrs. Holmes,' a bouquet.
The address, wh'ic'h accompanied the
gift, is as follows!
Dear •Mr, 'Holmes: We, the of-
ficers and members of the Huron Old
Boy Association, Toronto. beg to
tender our sincere congratulations on
having attained your 80th birthday,
and hope that you and your goedil
lady- will be spared for .years to come
to enjoy good health and continued
.We are cognizant of the fact that
for mans- years you were an out-
standing figure in the business life
of your old home ;"own, Clinton, hav-
ing 'been eltcted to the highest posi-
tion in the gift nt the town, that of
Chief Magistrate.
In later years you were hc'.nored
with the highest position in the gift
of the elector's of the constituency of
West Huron, when you were elected
a -member of the House of Commons.
Later you we re removed to this city
and appointed to the second highest
nncitiot' in the Toronto Custom •
House. 'which position you contrtltued,
to fill wish credit and honour to your-
self until you reached the stag? for
Pu pera'tnuatinn.
Jtnd st„II later you were honored
with the presidency of' this great as-
sociation, which you filled •tvith dis-
tinction and dignity.
Tn conncction.with the business af-
fairs of nor association we have also
appreciat d very- much your wise
counsel and advice
'We, therefore, deem it fitting that
the should recognize in some tangible
manner your many services to the
association, and we ask you to kindly
accept this walking cane as a small
token of our appreciation and hope
that you will continuously use it in
your daily- rambles.
'Signed 'no behalf frf---th-e .\s'0cia-
tion—•Loran .NT. Pringle. President; E.
Flondy, Sooretary,
Dir. Lance Noris. of the Western
Hospital, Toronto, was a guest at
the home of Mr. and ITrs. Thomas
Laing; Mrs. McDonald. Motherwell,
at the home of Miss Corrie; Mr. and
Mrs. .Tames Barr and little son and
M's, John Barr. Stratford. at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Me-
The Cromarty V.M.C. had a very
interesting meeting' Thursday. Mrs.
Fuller, Mrs. ' i'-amerot and Miss An-
derson, of Mitchell, were visitors and
took part in the proceedings.,
I c. ,Mr. Kennedy, of high River,
nen Calgary, occupied the pulpit on
S'uurtrday, giving a wonderful address.
In the evening 'he spoke on his work
in the Western charge, to the young
'Miss Glpdy. Hamilton', of Toronto,
is holidaying at her• home.
Huron Presbyterl1,. of
Of Presbyterian :Chex
Hold Rally in GodEric`
• • • •
Manager J. M. Govenlock, of
the County House of Refuge,
makes money in hogs, even
though prices are none too good.
He presented a report to the
House of Refuge Committee re-
cently, showing a net profit of
$700.00 on hogs for 1932. Ac-
curate account was kept of all
items except labor. In 1928-29
the Home made `some $5,000.00 on
the same animals.
• • • • 0 •
Winnie Savauge and Har-
vey Hillen Head S.C.I.
Organizations. -
Annual Collegiate Athletic Assoc-
iation elections were held in the
school on Wednesday afterpoen. Miss
Winnie Savauge heads th"e girls' as-
sociation, and Harvey HiIlen, the
' No date has been set for the an-
nual field day until the meeting of
the Huron Athletic Association,
which takes 'place at the Collegiate
Thursday afternoon. The county
meet is scheduled for Mitchell this
year and will probably be on October
6th. In this ease the local meet will
be on September 20th.
Other officers elected included, in
the Girls' Association: President, Win-
Savauge; vice-president, Helen,.
Britton; secretary -treasurer, Grace
Krauter; Representatives: Form 5,
AliceDelvereaux; Form 4, Isabel Jam-
ieson; Form .3, Lulu Hart; Form 2,
Mary Holmes; Form 1, Merle Keat-
iIn the' Boys' Association- the, of-
ficers are: President, Harvey Killen;
vice-president, Sam M/Spad'den; sec-
retary, Frank Sills; treasurer, Stan
porrance; form representatives .to be
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wadehouse and
family, of Hamilton, 'visited at- the
hone of Mr. 'and 'Mrs. G. N, Under-
This community was gr'eviously°
shocked when word was received on
Monday afternoon that Geo. Walker
had passed away in Arthur Hospital.
Ort Friday evening he was motoring
with Clayton Fryfogle and about four
miles south of Arthur the car collided
with a steam roller. Mr. Walker •
was taken to Arthur Hospital aal,d„
,was apparently making satisfactory
progress until he developed pneu-
monia. .
While motoring in London last
Friday afternoon three former
Wingham ladies and Miss .Margaret
:McLean, of town, had thr, misfor-
tune -to have the car in tvhiuh they
were rirling.hit by a truck.
'Mr. Uriah Sherk, of Brantford,
,was a•t'isitor in town last week.
'Miss Isabelle Roc•, h'as' returned
front a vacation at Sault Ste. Marie.
Messrs. Jack Mat-Kihhen, Charlie
Macf+;ihhcn, R. S, firtherington and
V. Me1 adzean attended the heat rac-
es between Miss Britain II; and
Miss America X.
Paint.—Oro h nn•1 one 11' con of
1'"ilae. hot for ^_-or thi- a•,.'k• nt Gr: '
1A'n11 Papor SI +t',- Sen forth.
The Women's institute will sleet
en Wednesday afternoon, September
2tlth. • The. grandmothers will have
charge of kw program. There is to
he a display of flowers from the
spring exchange. also bring a hook
for tho circulating library,
Miss Mary Drown. of Byron. spent
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mfrs, Thomas Drown.
IMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Drake are
spending two tt-t,rks in New York.
Mr. and Mr., W. Stone and Mr.
and Mrs. Ct ,f, Stewart, of Exeter,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G.
G. Wilson.
Mr, and Mirs. Stewart Robinson and
tw'n children, of Atwood, visited Mr.
and MTs. George Butson on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Vennor, Stratford,
visited the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Miller on Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Turner delivered a splen-
did address on Sunday morning and
also sang a very fine solo,
Mr. and Mri. 0. W. Reed spent
the weer: end With Mr. and '.Mrs. Fd.
Sadler in Hamilton.
The fall and winter series of month-
ly meetings of $taffa .Junior Farmers
and .Tunior Women's Institute will
begin next Wednesday evening, Sept.
20bh. It is particularly, requested
that alt last y'+ear's ttje'mlhers and
regular attendants be present and
get their copy of the programs. The
girls will ans'wi,r the roll Bail this
month with a pickle recipe. An in-
teresting joint m'eetin'g and social
evening has been ,planned to lyegint
Oh i *aka: ..'4
Miss Jeckell, -Exeter, Pres-
byterial President, and
Mrs. McLennan, Toronto,
Provincial Prescient; Are
The annual Rally of the- Huron
Presbyterial of the Women's ..'Mis-
sionary Society of the _Presbyterian
Church in Canada, was held in Knox
Presbyterian Church, Goderich, on
Tuesday, September 12th, 1933,
On 'entering: the church one felt
the warmth of the atmosphere, which
was very comforting after the chilly
outdoors, then one's eye caught sight
of 'the pretty "flowers that .decorated
the auditorium. At noon a very ap-
petizing dinner was served in the
simply decorated, but very attractive
lecture room.
The devotional exercises of the
morning session were conducted by
the Auburn Auxiliary and were fol-
lowed by words of welcome from Mrs.
D. J. Lane, Goderich.
'Miss Jeckell, of Exeter, president,
on giving her address, spoke of the
membership campaign and request-
ed each member to make a personal
effort to secure one new member and
thus help herr keep the pledge she
took for Huron Presbyterial at the
provincial meeting in Stratford. Miss
Jeckell then spoke on Christian Ser-
"Is not the unrest of to -day due tofi
selfishness hness of nations and of individu-
als, the seeking after power, position,
wealth, etc., and forgetting service
for others? Service comes from lov-
irig, it is love's expression.. Christ
is our great example of ,service. In
visiting the different Prestbyterials,
Mrs. MacKay, of Formosa; was;
greatly impressed by • the • faithful
bands of women serving in small
places, serving unknown. We have'
different means of service, that of
prayer, of tine, and of talents.. We
can all •giv+e without loving, but we
cannot love without gijving," saidl
Miss Jeckel.
In closing, Miss Jeckell isnrrplored
the Presbyterial to make the mission-
ary cause a loving, 'vital thing that
arouses interest in others and assur-
ed the audience that the Sweetest,
holiest joy is found in loving and
serving others in the name of Christ.
Remarks from the different secre-
taries testified to the interest taken
throughout the Presbyterial in the
different phases of the work.
The treasurer's statement compar-
ed favorably with last years at this
time. Mrs. T. S. Smith, the treas-
urere, asked that the giving be in
proportion to what is spent on other
things and thus raise the Presbyter-•
ial share in this work.
Greetings from the Presbytery
were conveyed by Rev. Mr. Young,
of Hensall, who also gave the clos-
ing prayer.
In the afternoon session the devo-
tional service was conducted by the
Barbara Kirkman -S.'. W. Auxiliary of
(Continued on page 4)
Albert Meyers Instantly
Killed Near Brod-
hagen. /
When' he fold from the roof of a.
t,ew steel barn being erected in Mc-
Killop, near flrodhagen, for Mr. F,tl.
Rowe, Albert Meyers, 29, was in-
stantly killed. The accident occurred
about 3 p.m. Wednesday afternoon.
' ,Meyers, whose home is at St.
Clemens, was an employee of the
Eastern Steel Products Co.. of Pres-
ton. He was engaged in fitting a
ventilator to the roof peak when' in
some manner he lost his balance and
`i'ilnter Rose. sot of the owner of
the farm, was the first to reach hint
after the fall. Ile was badly injur-
ed, his skull having been crushed as
he bit a scantling. Death was in-
stantaneous, ' t.
A sad feature was the fact that
Meyers was working on the last.vent-
ilato'. In an hour the job would
have been completed. A dance was
scheduled for Thursday night, which
was immediately cancelled when word
of the accident was received.
Miss Ella Clark, of Allendale, spent
a few days with her sister, Mrs. Joe
IMr. E. 3. Molyiieaux, of, Cleveland,
and D. Mnlyneaux, of Chicago, are
visiting their mother, Mrs. Catharine
Mf. and Mrs. P. Looby, of Detroit,
and Mr. E. Looby, of Saginaw,are
guests at the home of Mr, anMea.
L. J. Looby.
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