The Huron Expositor, 1933-09-01, Page 8ii
, 3
• •j.
4 •
Arthur Rout ge
who takes ove our
'stock on Thursday, 31st
August, and will carry
on business at our old
Mr. Routledge has
long been well and fav-
orably known in Sea -
forth and vicinity, both
before and since becom-
ing associated with the
late Mr. Foster De -
'Courcy Hutchison, 8
years ago. Keenly re-
alizing and appreciating
his diligence, faithful
ness and ability as cal-
stantly demonstrated,
both prior and subse-
quent to our great loss -
eight months ago, we
heartily bespeak for
him the be -St of support
and co-operation such
, as has been extended to
us during the .past 12
years; and with his
authorization, we as-
sure our numerous cus-
tomers and friends that
he will continue to•keep
"VALUE" as a watch-
word at our old stand.
. Hutchison's
Opening. • •
• Keating's Pharmacy
has a complete assort-
ment of School Supplies.
• Public and High
School text books.
• Bigger and better
values in Scribblers,
Exercise a n d Note -
Keating's Pharmacy
The Renal Drug Store
Cut Flowers, Wreaths and Florol
Pieces s,upplie3. for all occasions.
„.- .
eat man. lie has always been a dean
livite.g, sober God-fearing man. lie
ihas done much for the (people of
Prince Edward County through his
newspaper; it is a clean newspaper,
line. the man himself. No sordid
scandals, ugly rumors or 4r4e llow jour-
nalism finds a place i its columns.
It is a credit to him and a blessing
to all who read the history of the
county in its columns. In addition
to conducting successfully his news-
paper he has been the patron and
benefactor to many young men who
otherwise would not have had a
chance in life. For the last fifty
years he has sent -mit into the world
at least one young man a year fully
equipped with a thorough knowledge
of the printing and, newspaper 'indus-
try to inset the trials and battles of
life and conquer them. This man is
conservative, gentle, farsighted_ and
capable of filling any editorial chair
in North 'America. Prince Edward
owes. him much that it can never re
Windstorm Insurance
Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday.
=Egm•ontiville •Chtireh—Morning, The
service will be withdrawn in co-op-
erntion with Northside and McKil-
lop; 'evening, The minister will, -be in
charge.—Rev. C. A. Malcolm, Minis-
Injures Finger.—While operating a
sausage machine in Christie's Meat
Market on Monday morning, Clen-
don Christie, in some manner, caught
a finger in the maehine. On receiv-
ing medical aid it was found the bone.
was broken and the finger badly
Are you insured against the
danger of wind that may
strike your buildings at any
Rates have kept pace with
the times.
Rates gladly Voted.
Best 'Canadian Companies.
Watson & Reid
Phone 214 : Seaforth
Specialists in All Lines of
0 0 0 .0 0 0 0000
S. T. Holmes & Son
O Main Street, Seaforth
en. S. T. Holmes' residence,
Goderich Street, West; phone
0 No. 119W. Charles Holmes'
0 residence, Goderich Street,
0 East; phone No. :308.
O Ambulance Service
0 Night calls, Phone 308.
O Day calls, Phone 119J.
O Charges moderate.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
House To Rent.- ,South half of double house
on Ord Street. Apply to, Box 156, or Phone
77. 3420 -
Boarders Wanted.—Girls` or rays. Phone
3 on 170, or see Mrs. Sam Cudniore, Gode-
rich Street West, Seaforth. 3420-9
Exhibition Visitors—Stop at the Boulevard
; day Hotel, Tioronto, corner Queen -Jarvis
Queen oars stew near door. 3426x4
House For Sale or Rent.—A solid brick
house in excellent eondttion and in good lo-
cation 'for sale or rent. Modern eunvenienoes
and garage. Apoly to Dolly Carlin, Sea -
forth. 3429:01
Christmas Cards Agents.—VVriste for infor-
mation regarding a splendid line of Ciaistmas
cards, wonderful values, good commission.
biovar Trailing Co.. 020 Richmond Street.
London. Metcalf 5170.
Far Sale.—The Maitlianlibank -.Cemetery
have von sale on the cemetery grounds.
er Hoidens, which are ai;.ailable
at the nominal price of 26 cents each, This
is She only type of Rower holder which is
permissable for use in the cemetery. The
Mattlandhank Cemetery. 3423-2
For Sale on, Rent.=Fraane house on John
Street: just therhattled and decorated. All
modern conveniences. MO' sacrifice 'fur quick
sale. Rent reasonable. One year lease if
rented. Apply It. L. Thomson, Jlohn Street,
Seaforth. 3426-tf
Rouse and lots For Sale. ---Comfortable 0
roomed 'house and six lots, opposite the Got-
legiate Institute, Salk:intik for salt:. This.
Property must be shad to cloSe up the estate
ol the late Charles HoMbein. For parttculars
apply or the premises or to John H.
Seaforth., 342.7x3,
Announcement. — Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Hudson announce the engage-
ment of their elder daughter, Anna
Dorene, .to Mr. Wilfrid Hay Coleman,
only serrnof 'Mrs. Sam Coleman and
the late -Mr. Coleman, the wedding to
take place quietly --the middle of Sep-
Hold Horseshoe Tourney.—Seaforth
horseshoe players held op -en house on
Tuesday evening when a number of
Clinton players visited here. Clin-
ton won by 'one point. - N. Nicholls
and R. Pinkney won the first of the
Gibb Trophy Challenge games on
Wednesday. evening, defeating C.
Glew and R. Frost, two put of three
Bazaar a Success.—The fresh air
bazaar organized by Miss Isabella
McKellar and Miss Laura Black and
held inethe vacant store in the
Theatre' Block on Saturday last, prov-
ed a great success. Fifteen dollars
'were raised for the Children's Fresh
Mr Fund. The young ladies wish to
/thank the merchants and ethers who
contributed so liberally and helped to
make it a succens.
Announce Annual Meeting. — The
monthly meeting Of the ,Hospital Aid
Association will be held in the
.Carnegie Library on the afternoon
of Friday, September 8th, at 3.30 p.m.
The yearly renotts of committees
Will be received, the .election 'of of-
ficers for 1933-34 will take place, and
delegates to the Provincial Aid An-
nual held in the Royal York Hotel,
Toronto, will be appointed. The
meeting will he important and it is
expected that many ladies of the
town will be present. .
Seaforth Reunion in Vancouver.—
On Thursday afternoon, August 17th,
Mrs. W. Francis, nee Alice Tyerman,
entertained in Vancouver in honour
of her guest, Mrs. George Wade, of
Stretford, nee Julia Langstroth. Af-
ternoon tea was served on the spac-
ious porch and tea was poured by
M,'°. .1. Copp. nee Hattie Love. Those
pre -Ort- were Mrs. Hugh Robb, Mrs.
William Morrison, nee Mae noole ;
Mrs. William Black, nen Mabel Cash;
Mrs. Wynne- Price, nee Alice Camp -
nen, and Mrs. F. Lawrence, nee Min-
nie Pinkney. A pleasant afternoon
was spent talking about dear old
friends and the geed o+4 town.
O H. C. 130X
Licensed Embalmer
Ambulance Service
0 Night Calle Day Calls 0
4 e•Phone 175 Phone 4:1 0
0 0
' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
We are giving absolute-
ly free, a Solid Gold ,
Wedding Ring with
each purchase of a
Diamond Ring. There
are no -conditions at-
tached to this offer
whatever. It is our
Free Gift to you.
Jeweler - Optometrist
Gift Goods •
PHONE 194 RES. 10
' 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0
o W. J. WALKER, and 0
.0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0
0 Licensed Embalmers and 0
O Funeral Directors. Ci
40 Day or Night Call's promptly 0
o PHONE 61
0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FOR SALE,—Five acres, one mile
from Seaforth; modern house with
furnace, bath and toilet; small barn
good orchard. Taxes, $15. Spleodid
chance to start chicken farm, bees,
-. Apply to
R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, 061
' Insurance of all kinds.
Bonds, Real Estate.
Money to Loan.
iktaa oge
Golfers in Stratford.—,Messrs. W.
E. Southgate and J. M. 'Hiinchley were
in Stratford on Wednesday playing
in the invitation tournament of the
Stratford Golf and Country Club, but
were not successful in winning any
prites. Mr. Southgate had a net of
73 and a gross of 87, and Mr. Hinch-
ley's net -was 69 and his gross 83.
week at the herne of Mr. an Mrs.
W. E. Kerslalte:
• Mr. and Mrs. Peter McLaughlin,
who have been guests at the home of'
Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Campbell, returned'
on Tuesday to their home in Brant-
• Misses Ida and Eva Love return-
ed last -week frolm a trip to the Brit-
ish Isles.
• Mr. and 'Mrs. JosephnJ. Collins,
of Buffalo, spent a few days tit the
'home of, MT. and Mrs. Leo Fortune.
They were 'accompanied home by ,Miss
Kanheryn Collins, who spent the past
three months, visiting her many
friends here.
• MissjDoro-thy Kerslake is spend-,
ing her venation with bee parents,
Mr. and ,Mrs. W. E. Kerslake.
• 'Miss Ettie Bannister and -Mr.
Ria 'W'hsttl'e, of Brantford, and Mr.
W. Black, of London, spent the week
end at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs.
William Black, iu Tuckersmith.
,• Mr. and, 'Mrs. Charles Clark, of
Aylmer, spent the week end at the
home of his mother, Mrs. R. L.
• Miss Sue, of Toronto,
and the Misees Gibbons', of Hensall,
spent the week end with Miss Ruth
Hugill, in Hallett.
• !Mr. and Mrs. Amos Munvrorthy
and -Master Neil, of Ste'phensville,
were guests last week at the home
of Mr. and !Mrs. James Love.
• Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson and
Bernice, of Auburn, spent the week
end with Mrs. William Sclater.
• Rev.. I. B. Keine, Mrs. Keine and
little daughter, Doris, and Miss
Luella Keine, returned on Thursday
-after spending a pleasant holiday at
their enttage at Rondeau Park.
who survives, along with one daugh-
ter, Miss Edna, Sudbury Collegiate
staff; three sons, Leslie, at home, Al-
lan, Toronto, and James, 0. A. 'C.,
Guelph. Four 'brothers, Allan, Cleve,
land; Arthur, Edmonton; Albert, Sea -
forth, and Alonzo,' of Walton,sur-
vive; also three sisters, Mrs. William
Slade, Egmondville; Mrs. Robert Har-
rison, 'Duffington, and 'Mrs. Walter
Jamieson, -Cartwright, M,an.
Presentation.—Twenty friends of
Mrs. R. L,. Thompson met at the
hpme of Mrs. John Consitt on Mon-
day evening, to spend a social time
with her before her removal to her
new home in St. Catharines. After
bridge, lunch was served and Mrs.
Thompson was .presented with a
handsome table lamp. Mrs. Thomp-
son left' for St. Catharines on, Tues-
America's Outstanding' Pupa-
lar -priced Pattern.
Unqualifiedly guaranteed per-
fect in fit.
- 15c each
To wind up the warm -weather
Hat season, we offer for the
week end, any Hat up to $4.00 ,
. 98c'''
McKillop Branch Meets.'—T•he Mc- • Mr. L,, G. Kru'se, of Galt, was a
Kill -op Branch of the W. M. S. of week end guest with Mrs. W. Sclater.
First Presbyterian Church held their Mr. Kruse and -Billy returned home
August meeting at the home of 'Mrs. with him.
John Carter last Thursday afternoon. • Mr. and Mrs. Lorre,e Webster
The afternoon was spent as usual in nave been visiting relatives fon the
sewing and quilting. The program rest three weeks in Connecticut and
was prenid.ecl over by 'Mrs. J., L. Bell. New York, and have returned with
After the opening hymn, 'Mrs. Geo. their 'guests, Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry
IL Dorra-nce re -ad the Scripture les- Baisley, of Connectinute
son.." The izell call was responded to • Miss Vera Sclater, of St. Marys
by a verse of Scripture. Prayer was and Miss McKay, of Belleville, were
offered by 'MrsnJ. L. Bell. Mrs. Wm. week 'end guests at the home of Mr.
Drover read an interesting account and 'Mrs. John Finlayson.
of Dr. Margaret Strang's work in S. 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnston and
the Peace River District, The Glad Miss Ruth -Pinkney, of 'Stratford,
Tidings Prayer was read -bt MTS.'Were guests this week at the Innen
Thomas Bickell. 'Master Kelso Aft- of Mrs. R. L. Clark.
ams, of Constance, then sang a very , • Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy .Stonehouse, of
beautiful solo, entitled, "The Old Rug- .Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. James
ged Cross;" accompanied by' Mrs. Fairservice wk'ere guests at home
-John .Ferguson, also of Constance. of 'Mr. and 'MTS. Tyerman on Sunday.
Mrs. James Kerr was present and • Mr. and 'Mrs. George • Neal, of
gave an interesting and 'helpful talk Battle 'Creek, Michigan, are the
on "Rivers," which was enjoyed by guests of their niece, Mrs. Norman'
all. The !offering was received, an- Carter. Huron Road.
other hynin sung and the, meeting • Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hall and
closed with the 'benediction. fan -idly, of Toronto, have been visit-
- ing Mrs. John Hoeati7 for the past
• 'Messrs': Harry, Keith and Gre-
gor 'McLean, „of Weirsd'ale and Clear-
water, Florida, formerly of Goderich,
were guests of Col. and Mrs. R. S.
Hays on Friday.
• 'Miss Marg. Finkbeiner, of St.
'Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, is spend-
ing her vacation at .the.• home of
her -parents.
• 'Mrs. J. H. Spence, son George,
and daughter, Helene Of Toronto;
Mrs. Harry Spence, Miss Mary
Spence and 'Miss Macklin, of Smith-
ampton, were guests on Monday at
the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. John Fin-
• Miss J. C. Horan, B.A., of Sud-
bury, who has been visiting her
mother, leaves this week end to re-
sume her duties in. the Sudbury
Technical School.
• Miss Alice • Hiles, of London,
spent Tuesday with- her cousin, Mrs.
• 'Mrs. L. Letang, of Wallaeeburg,
and her mother, Mrs. MacKinnon, of
LuCknow, were recent visitors at the'
home of Mr. and' Mrs. Hagan.
Family . Increased.—The, family ' of
goldfish that attract so much atten-
tion in Bert Williams' barber shop,
was increased the past week by 18
brand new -baby goldfish. Mr. Wil-
liams 'says it is the first time he has
actually seen the young fish born.
A bubble appears on the surface of
the water, sinks down and burst, al-
lowing the infant fish, which are
scarcely visible to the hum -an eye, to
Schoolmates Visit in Town.—Col.
R. S. Hays was pleasantly- surprised
on Friday tonhave as visitors, Harry
and Keith McLean, of W•eirsdale, and
Gregor McLean, of Clearwater, Flor-
ida. They we're schoolmates of Col.
Hays in Goderich many -years ago.
The brothers were very pleased with
Seaforth and thought it a 'beautiful
town. They told Col, Hays they
would award him the prize for hav-
ing changed the least during- the
;Jeans if they 'had not already' be-
stowed it on Thomas Gundry, of
Funeral of Oliver Siegrist. — The
funeral of Oliver Siegrist, whose
death occurred on Friday after a
lengthy Innen:, took place or. Mon-
day afternoon. The service, , urine -
the auspices of the Seaforth branch
of the Canadian Legion 'No. 156, was
held frorn his late residence with
Canon Appleyard arid Rev. Morrow
officiating. The pro -cession, led by
the Seaforth Highlanders' Band,
and followed by members.. of the
Legion, marched to Mai'tlandbank
Cemetery, where interment took
place, the last post being sounded.
by Bugler Henry Swan. The pall -
is were six of his comrades in
the Legion: C. P. Sills, R. J. Sprost,
G. D. Ferguson, WeBrine, J. M. Mc-
Millan and E. C.' Boswell.
Announce Music Results.—Results
of pupil. of A. W. Anderton at --the,
recent examinations of the Toronto
Cernervatory of Music for the year
ending June, 1933. are as follows:--
Piano—A.T.C.M.. completed examina-
tion!. teachrre; F. Mills (honors). E.
F, Ryan. Junior—P. Laweencet. Prim-
ary—D. E. Taylor (honors), G. A.
Heinen (honors I, M. Thompson, K.
Cunnin ensile, G. Harrison; Introduc-
tory—,M, Ii. Fart ill (honors). Sine-
ing—A, T. C. M., completed examine-
tion--nelo performer. M. A. Pent-
land; A.T:C.M„ Solo. ,perforiner, H.
R. f, (honors'; Junior—G. W.
Her -ninon (honors 1 Theory—A. • T.
C. M.. piano teachers—M. A. Pent-
land (honors), M. Ryan (honors), A.
d'o'ch ran e. Intermediate Har m on y—
M. A. Pentland (honors). E. E. Ry-
an. A. Cochrane. Intermediate Coun-
terpoint—H. R. Lane (honoren
weeds. Intermediate History—H, R.
Lane (honors). Intermediate Form
—'M. A. Pentland, Junior—Harmony,
V. Wheeler. C. Scott; Cnenterpoint—
V. Wheeler, C. Scott; History, V.
Wheeler; PrImary Rudiments ---M. E.
.Turnirell, let class honors; C. R. Mer-
rill, 1st class honors; M, R. Stewart,
1st class honors. Department of Ed-
ucation Middle School Examination
in Music Theory—I. Holmes, 3rd
class honors; R. Thompson.
Is Honoured At Picnic.—At a ie-
nic of -The correspondents of the Pic -
ton Times.' 'held recently' in Picton, a
speaker ref.erre,d to the editor, Wm., a former Seaforth boy and a
graduate of The Expositeer office, in
snowing terms. He said: "The edi-
tor of this paper, Willian Skeet, en-
tered the neWepaper avid printing
business some 53 years./ ago in the
little town of Seaforth, Ont. After
serving hietrpr•Oiefitleaship in the Hur-
on Expositor he catoe to The Titres
where he has been continuonsly since
that throe. William Stoat is an hon.
• Mr. and Mrs. W. H. drassie, of
Vanceuver, are paying their annual
visit to Western Ontario. They are
guests this week at The Queen's.
t• Mr. Leslie Watson, of Toronto,
is spending his holidays at the home
of his father, Mr. James Watson.
• 'Mr. John Scott, 'Mrs. J. T. Scott
and two sons, Gordon and Arnold, of
Roxboro, and Mr. John Scott, Jr., of
Windsor, spent this week at Toronto
Exhibition.. '
• 'Mr. and Mrs. J. A. ,Stewart were
in Toronto this week.
' • Mr. R. A.. Walters of the Bank
of ift ornmerce, is spending his holi-
days at his home in Jarvise,
• 'IVIrs. T. Mulligan who has been
here for senenal weeks, owing to
the death of 'her mother, the late
Mrs. T. McQuaid, left on Tuesday for
Chicago before returning to her home
in Grand Forks.
• Mrs. Hugh Sproat and children,
of Detroit, ere guests at the home
of ,Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat. '
• Mrs. E. ‘Ge,dde,s and' Miss Mary
are holidaying at Barfield.
• Messrs.. Lorne- Hutchison, of To-
ronto, and George IHlutchison, of ,neon -
don, were here this week visiting
their mother, Mrs. F. D. Hutchison.
• 'Miss 'Margaret Th-omson', who.
has been spending the -holidnys, with
her parents, Me. and .Mrs. 'W. T.
Thompson, returned on Wednesday
morning for Allentown, P•ennsylvania.
• Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Holmes
and family were in Toronto this
wick. •
• Mr. Howard Purdy returned 'to
Toronto on Sunday, having spent the
$10 Reward
Former Resident Dies in Kincar-
dine.—Ernest Alexander Sperling,
veteran garage owner, was naid to
fest 'in Kincardine cemetery Monday
afternonn. Following a private sere
vice at his late residence service was
held in Kincardin-e United Church in
which he was an Elder and faithful
worker. Rev. W. B. Craw, 'pastor of
the church, paid tribute to the ster-
ling character of the' deco -awn, mkk-
ing mention of the part be planed as
a citizen and church worker. Six
members of the seesien acted as pall-
bearers. In poor health for over a
year, deceased died Friday noon fon
l•owing a seizure. His sudden pass-
ing was a distinct shock to the com-
munity as he had been in fair health
prior to Friday. He' was in his 5,7th
year. The deceased was born near'
Seaforth, a eon of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Sparling. For some
tiime he farmed near there later con-
ducting a blacksmith Olen and gar-
age. In 1915 he came to Kincardine
to open thn first garage in the town.
For the- past two years it had been
managed by his son, F. L. Spading.
A member of the Presbyterian and
later United Church, Mr. Sparling
played an active part, while he sup-
ported worthwhile enterprises in the
corninanft. He was a member of
Sesiorth 1. 0. 0.4'. In 1905 he mar-
ried Margaret Morrison,' Seaforth,
Fancy, wide' strip Turkish
Towelling 15c
Pure Linen Towelling, wide
colored border. 14c
Bleach Sheeting,. 8-4 width ;
extra value at 4'5c
Bath Towels, 36x16, fast Sc
rainbow colors; each , in5
We are showing some very at-
tractive Gift Things:
Reaocuhnd cornered framed mir-
rors•, size 15 x 21. $1,49
New Serving Trays, Olive,
Orchid and 'Cherry frames, dif-
ferent sizes and different
Copiesofof Gallery Pictures,cto each.$2c.ttreOs, n
deep-set old gold
frames, each $1100
will be paid' for information leading
to the conviction 'of the person or
persons who cut the wire fence at
the north side of the Maitlandhank
Howard Edward Durnin, son of-
Mrs.- Durnin and the late William
Durnin, B.A., concession 7, Ashfield,
died Tuesday, August 22nd, in a hos-
pital at London following a long ill-
ness. Besides his widow, who was
formerly 'Mi'ss Fannie Gray, formerly
a missionary in China, Mr. Durnin is
'survived by four eons and two. daugh-
ters, the eldest being 14 and the
youngest only six years old. They
are Bernice, Alan, Homer, Graham,
Lorraine and Lindsay. His aged'
mother also survives, and one sister,
Mrs. 'Marie Granat, and two brothers
(tevins)nOrville, at home, and Orton,
of Winnipeg. His father, -William
Durnin, passed away in 1930, and a
brother, Earl, in 1918. The deceased
ern Canada as we'll as through West-
ern Ontario as- a teacher and lectur-
er. Since coming from the West he
-had resided in Kitchener. The fun-
,eral wa,s held from Crewe United
Church on Thursday afternoon, the
service 'being conducted by a former
pastel- of the circuit, 'Rev. C. C. Keine
now of Seaforth. Interment was in
Dungannon cemetery, with the fol-
lowing acting as pallbearers: Messrs.
Matthew Shac,kleton, William -Hasty,
John Menary, W. Arthur ,,Culbert,
Bert Treleaven and Samuel Sherwood.
.•,Mr. Alex. Bethune . and Miss
-Bethun,e have returned from Midland.
• kiss S. I. McLean spent /the
week end in Stratford.
• -Mrs. W. D. Bright and Males
Delon have returned from, Toronto.
• Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Shackleton and
family and Mre. Patterson, of To-
ronto, were guests of Mr. 'and Mrs.
Tyerman on -Saturday.
• Mr. Robert Willis, of Toronto,
is spending his holidays with his par-
ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. G. Willis.
• Mr. R. Fitzgerald, of Toronto, is
the guest of his sister, Mrs. Harry
• Mr. and 'Mrs. (Robert Bell have
retui-ned from Hamilton and Toronto.
• Mr. A. H. 'Caeter spent a few
days with/ -relatives in Leamington.
• Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bell settended
Toronto Exhibition this week.
• Mrs. Birch, of Detroit, was a
week end guest at the home of Mr. anti
Mrs. W. G. Willis.
• Mr. Louis Brall, of Detroit,
spent the week end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert and on hie
return he was accompanied by Mrs.
Brall and family and Miss H. Des -
bora, who have been spending their
holidays with relatives and friends
• 'Sister Clever, of Mercy H•ospi-
tan Toronto, he/ eetterrind to 'the
city after visiting her sisters, Mrs.
J. Nolan and Mrs. C. EAart, and her
brothers, Messrs. Frank and 'Philip
Kenney, Dublin.
• Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sclater are
in Toronto this week.
• Mr. and 'Mrs. Herbert Chamber-
lain, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
Sproat last week.
•• Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Bristow,
Of Vanderbilt, Michigan, 'are visiting
with friends 'here.
• 'Mrs. Leney, of Stratford, was a
guest last week of Miss Gretta Roes.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mole and fam-
ily' and Dr. ''and- Mrs. Har -burn at-
tended the Httron District I. 0. 0. F.
picnic last Wednesday.
Fall Term Opens Sept. 5th
Stenographic,: Commercial, Secre-
tarial, Special Courses arranged, Cor-
respondence Courses to those who
cannot attend school.
Write or Phone 198.
B. F. WARD, 13.4.., - Principal.
M. A. STONE - Corn. Specialist
Any person or persons trespassing
on the Maitlandbank Cemetery prop-
erty will be prosecuted according to
This notice is the direct result of
the cutting of the wire fence south of
the swimming hole in the '
.river and
bathers particularly, are warnedthat
the use of the cemetery property as
a thoroughfare to the swimmitiF hole
constitutes a trespass, and 'will be
met with summary prosecution ac-
cofding to law.
Schools and Education, which was
much enjoyed by all present.
'The regula- meeting of the Ladies'
Aid. was held Thursday afternoon at
the holme of 'Mrs.. ,Wm. Sadler.-
. Mrs. George' Butson, we ere sorry.
to report, is under the doctor's care -
'Misses' Jean and. Doris Sm'ale are
visiting this, 'week with cousins in
Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Sadler spent
the week end in Toronto- and while
there attended the Exhibit -ion.
'Mr. L. Morley, of Whalen; spent
the week end with -Mr. and 'Mrs. Ken
Mrs. Frank Elliott has returned to
her home after visiting her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Howard Fletcher, Lambeth.
IMrs. F. O'Brien attended the fun-
eral of Mrs. Bryan, Riclgetown, on
'Mr. and -Mrs. H. Gray have return-
ed -to their home in Toronto after
spending. i couple of months with
Mr. and Mrs. Max Gray. Mies Isa-
belle Gray accompanied them home
and while there will visit the Exhi-
The rennthly meeting of the ,Wo-
men's Institute was',held in the hall
on Wednesday evening with a real
good attendance. Reeve Joseph Nagle
gave a very interesting 'talk on
• Canon A,ppleyard; Col. R. S.
Hays and Mr. W. Brine are in Wind-
sor this week attending the Canadian
Legion cofivention..
• Miss Helen Arnent is stending a
few holidays at the home of her bro-
ther in Detroit.
• Mr. Arthur Golding has return-
ed from a 'holiday spent.- in Owen
• Mrs. C. Brodie is visiting with
Toronto friends.
• Mr. -and 'Mrs. J. G. Millen are
in Toronto tine week. •
• Mrs. G. D. Haigh and. Miss
Mary, who have been .spersdieg the
summer ;in LucktioNsr, have returned
to their rhohnie here.
Seaforth, August 30, 1n3t..
Editor, Huron Expositor,
'Seaforth, Ont. ,
Dear Sir:
In' viessreof a sale announced in
your -advertising columns of this is-
sue, and on behalf of my sons, Lorne
and George, my daughter, Dorothy,
and myself, I should like hereby to,
express thanks through you to all
those whom we have known as
friends, acquaintances and,cuetomere
in Seaforth and district. Their many
and substantial evidences, of kind-
ness and lOyalty as given during. the
past twelve years have been warmly'
appreciated and will always be re-
membered. 'We should like also ti
thank our competitors for their fair
and friendly dealings - and relation-
ships with us, and we wish to take
this opportunity of thanking the'
newspapers of the town for the, gen-
erous treatment they have, constant-
ly 'ac-ccinded us.
Upon sale of our stock -in -trade to
Mr. Arthur C. Routledge at this time,.
permit us-, 'Sir, here to give public
evidence of the debt of gratitude we
one to him. -For severe years he was•
my husleand's particularly able and
ca -pa -hid righthand man and in the
eight months that have elapsej sines.
my husband's death, he has 'been a.
veritable tower of strength; and now
that he is /to carry on business at our
old stand, we know that our friends
and customers will have with us ev-
ery- confidence that they 'will profit
by his services in the future even as
they have in the past.
'Finally, for the inform-ation 'of our
custnmers, it is here noted that ac-
counts up to and including 30th
August, may be settled either with.
Mr. Routledge or the undersigned:
Alen, as an assistance and conveni-
ence to our customers in this cennece
non, we have arranged with Mr.
Routledge that during September and
October lie will acpept eggs and
cream at trade prices on our account.
'With a renewed expression of the
thanks conveyed hereinanove.
Very sincerely yours,
- (Mrs, 'F. D. Hutchison),
Going Away?
If you will soon be leaving -town to take up
your duties as teachers or students, you
will surely wish the news of the town to
follow you.
For only $1.50 a year, The Huron Exposi-
tor will visit you every week and give you -
all the news—supplement, if you like, the
weekly letter from the family.
If John Doe's' house burns—if a brand new
citizen is born, or an old-timer . dies—if
somebody holds a dance—you will know—
The E,xpositor will tell you.. - •
NOw-Lbefore you go away.' phone us,
or tell us, you Want The Huron Expositor
—we will do t he rest.
The 'Huron, Expositor
MeLEAN BROS., Publishers, Seaforth.
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