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and remier Sp�rtsrnan
(Oondelrsed from The Strand Magazine, in 'Magazine Digest)
(With the exception of the King
hentself, the Earl of hionsdale is, with-
out a doubt, the most popular sports-
man in England. At almost every
kind of sporting. function the Yel-
low Marl—yellow has been the Lons-
dale family color for generations—is
inevitably to be found. At race -
meetings, at horse shows, at boxing
contests, at circuses and Coster turn-
outs, the most noticeable figure, and
one that en admdring public loves to
itatiuce, is that of Colonel Hugh Cecil
Lowther;' K.G., fifth Earl of Lonsdale,
Hereditary Admiral of the Coasts of
Cumberland and Westmoreland, and
Lord Warden of the West 'Marshes,
Chevalier of the Legion of Honor,
Colonel or honorary Colonel of sev-
eweral regiments, and prince of sports-
The last title just grew around him
slowly tie i•th the years, a tribute to
the unique combination of splendid
a d enduring physical and moral
qualities, which have made him the
incarnate spirit of British sport and
sportsmanship.. Probably his eegret
. is that in an age when standards are
changing and in some instances slip-
ping, he sets an inflexible standard
of honor, duty, endeavor and human
'His long flee might stand ae that
of the architype of the English sport-
ing aris•tocrate. Every point is rer-
fect- -the long eye set under its tuft-
ed, tilted eyebrow at a slight angle,
like a bull -terrier's, the mouth broad
and humorous, the nose and chin long
arid strong, the whole face compact,
firnile modelled, patient, calm and
He gets his unfailing' huinor from
the Irish strain on his mother's side.
and his zest of life, passion for sport,
and love of animals from a father
who disdained perambulators and had
his sons as babies carried about in
panniers on a pony's. back.
Had he been born in different cir-
cumstances he would probably have
achieved fame as a great athlete. As
it is, many of his most memorable
feats were the result of private wag-
ers and whims, and were known at
the time only to his own circle. He
fought- John L. Sullivan five rounds
under an assumed name, and beat
him. Far another wager he walked
a hundred miles in about twenty
hours when Weston, the great Arner-
ican walker, startled sporting Eng-
land with his walking feats in 1878.
.. Mounted on The Quirk, he rode in
' the longest horse race ever run in
England, a six-mile.yace over jumps
modelled on those of the Grand Na-
tional at Aintree, and won it. He
really is a famous rider, and has
the advantage. over the ordinary
gentlenvan rider because he lone
worked in a circus and learnt how
the circus men handle and train an-
imals, and especially horses. He ran
away when he was 17 and worked
. with a circus in Switzerland for 18
Now each year he has Bertram
Mills and the big international cir-
cus which comes to Olympia every
Christmas ;up at his castle in the
north. He still' amuses himself teach-
ing his• animals to perform and be-
have. You may dine with him at
Lowther Castle or in :Oarlton house
Terrace, and never know there is a
dog in the big room until you get
up and the host calls them. Then
they emerge from the shadowy cor-
ners where they have been lying, mo-
tionless but watchful. Each deg has
his own corner and stays there until
laic is called.
)e,ord Lonsdale's power over anim-
als is uncanny. There seems to be a
mysterious communion between man.
and animal: 'Hie is; in fact, one of
those rare men who are not only in-
terested in animals, but who really
love them. To see him talking to his
parrot, Polly, you would think he
had a private understanding with the
quaint. bird. He is never casual with
it, and when the Royal Family dined
at Carlton -house Terrace on the oc-
casion of his golden wedding he had
Polly brought in in hrr giant cage
and placed -„behind his chair, so that
she also would enjoy the party.
He hes been married for fifty-three
years—his wife is a daughter of the
tenth alarciuess of Huntley—and he
and Lady Lonsdale have seen a lot of
the world and grown' old gracefully
together. Their golden wedding was
attended by demonstrations of regard
and affection such as few couples,
however highly placed, ' have ever
knqwn. An enormous shower . of
gifts descended upon them. The day
previous, at the International Horse
Show, the Prince of Wales presented
Lord L'onsciale with a golden casket
-in recognition of all he had done for
British sport, Subscriptions had been
invited in sporting circles to cover
the cost of this gift. No one thought
there would be an embarrassingly
large difference between the fine and
the hill fpr the casket. When sub-
scriptions carne to be added up, how-
ever, .it was found that.a huge sum
remained after. the great golden bowl
had been paid for. The Earl handed
it over to trustees Ito found a con-
valescent home for sportsmen in
need, •
At ..eeventy-three he still retains
his lean fieeere and agile 'step. When
he .presents the bouquets to the girls
at the Olynvpia Circus he does not
hand them over the barrier, bet -
springs lightly to the top and down
on to the tan.
Lord Lonsdale used to hose 150
horses in his stables at Barley
Thorpe Hall, his Elizabethan hunting -
box' at bakham. It was quite a cere-
mona going , round with, him, ,while
he fed them freshly cut carrots. •The
Lonsdale stables have -been cut down
considerably since their owner retir-
ed from: the hunting field. As. an M.
F. He he spared neither time nor
'money in the hunt interests. He al-
lowed no slackness, no slovenliness,
no transgressionsr.'There was no re-
garding the hunt as an exercise for a
show jumper, or . an opportunity to
ride how you like, where you -Tike,
and when, you like..
bt was Lord Lonsdale who put the
caster night on the neap of the Horse
Show. He wanted the casters to
treat their makes better, ard. his
method of achieving this object, to.
take a personal interest in both and
give a cup for the best turn -out, has
been wonderfully successful.
The Earl was a useful man with
his fists in his own younger days.
Boxing owes more to him than to
any other man living. He was invar-
iably 'present on Monday nights when
the National Sporting Club had its
home in Covent Gerd'ere But he al-
ways came” alone—he. doesn't 'take
parties to fights --and he always came
in tails and 'white tie. Still, when
the men interest hinge, he often goes
to each of their corners in turn to
eye them with that shrewd measur-
ing eye trained to spot the good and
bad points of every animal, including
horn sapiens. Back in his seat, he
will take careful notes all through
the fight. He did this one particular
night at the Liverpool Stadium when
the crowd disagreed with the referee's
decision of a draw in the Cuthbert -
Carleton fight. Lord Lonsdale's notes
made him agree with the crowd, but
to restore' order he climbed into the
ring. In the midst of the hullaboo
he could reit make himself heard. It
was the first time he had ever been
refused a hearing: BIe"remained, how-
ever, genial and self-possessed, and
when someone near the ring yelled
"Shut up!" he quickly retorted with
a. slight broadening of his indestruct-
ible smile, "Same to you!"
His authority in, sporting matters
derives from something more than
integrity and ate unswerving code. He
is 'seldom a mere spectator. He
knows thoroughly any sport in which
he is interested from the point of
the participant. He used to sail a
great deal, but he is seldom in blue
serge now, although in his earlier
days he won as many as 21 flags
with Deirdre in 35 starts in eayear.
He used to travel a good deal and
shoot big game in India and Africa.
In fact, he and Lady Lonsdale have
seen a large part of the world to-
Nave he is seldom abroad. He di-
vides his tine between town and his
great .place in the North, shoots,
rides, goes racing, occasionally sits
on his red bench in the House of
Lords, attends to a hundred -and -one
duties. Ascot and Nevernarket and
Goodwood would not be the same
without the Lonsdale yellow.
More ammonium phosphate was
sold in the Prairie Provinces than in
any other part of Canada last year,
in fact, the records show more of
this material sold to thle Prairies
than any other fertilizer, no doubt
on account of its concentrated fertil-
izing properties.
The seed of carrots, due to the
fact that the individual seedeclusters
do not ripen at the same time, can-
not be harvested in the same manner
as mange's and Swedes. The indi-
vidual seed -clusters must be picked
by hand when they become brown and
several pickings are necessary to
harvest the crop in best condition.
AUG. 25 to SEPT. 9 Inclusive
0 The national; yet universal, influence of Canada's
National Exhibition, its unique displays from home and
foreign lands and the international aspect and diversifi-
cation of its multifarious attractions, brings to Canadians
an inconceivable wealth of education and recreation.
For the world's professional championship. An outstanding sport-
ing event of international importance. The Champion, Ted Phelps
of England vs. Bob Pearce of Australia. Fri., Sept. lst.
This famous band from Britain will thrill music lovers twice
daily, afternoon and evening, in open-air concerts. Thirty other
bands in attendance.
'Thrilling spectacular drama depicting the conquest of old Mexico
•by the Spanish. Nightly—Aug. 28 to Sept. 9. 1500 costumed
characters on the world's largest stage.
Magnificent displays of Manufactured and natural products from
Canada, Great Britain, Bermuda, Trinidad, Federated Malay States,
New Zealand, Africa, United States and elsewhere.
The outstanding agricultural display on the continent, $125,000,
prize list. Canada's Premier Horse Show, International Dog
and Cat Shows.
Downtown official free information bureau. List of approved
private homes available to out-of-town visitors. 46 Yonge Et.,
'Phone EL. 7816
■ ■ 11
Be sure to make early reservations for the grandstand
pageant "Montezuma." Reserved seats' 50c., 75c., and
$1.00. Box seats $1.50 (5 chairs in a box). Mail cheque
to Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto.
Low rates on all transportation lines — special excursion
days arranged — consult local agents.
President. General Manager.
55 TH
(By R. Thevenin, condensed from Sciences et Voyages, Paris, in Magazine
All known substances are contain-
ed in seawater, either ip solution or
as microscopic elements. When the
world evolved frim a mass of gas
and fused matter into a liquid, boiling
sphere, this universal ocean *bee
ed all the ,subbstances that were not
as yet combined or solidified. When
the earth cooled off and the rocky
crust was formed, most of its com-
ponents left traces be the waters in
which they originated. ' '
At first Mght it would appear that
this'theory is easily proved by chem-
ical analysis. Yet, in spite of our
highly perfected 'methods this is not
always passible, because some ele-
rnents are found in the oceans in
such infinitesimal quantities, that
tons and tons of water would con-
tain only about a, fraction of one -
thousandth of a grapy, Therefore, to
solve our problem we must enlist the
assistance of far more skilled chem-
ists, than we are ourselves.
We .know, for , example, that sew.
water contains copper but we cannot
isolate it because there is too little
of i.t Yet it is constantly being dis-
covered, isolated, assimilated and ut-
ilized by somebody else—namely the
majority of sea -invertebrates.
It is a fact that Nature's , best
chemists are not men but animals
and plants. We ignore the marvel-
ous and,inimitable processes which
these organisms sueced in distinguish-
ing and capturing in the abysmal
depths, the molecules escaping our
attention, which they so cleverly a-
dapt to their own needs. Each of
these creatures carries withie . itself
a complete laboratory far research,
analysis and synthesis, compared with
which our laboratories are but rudi-
mentary workshops, insufficiently
equipped with primitive apparatus.
Returning to our infinitesimal frag-
ment of copper which we failed to
locate in the' water, we find it in' the
blood of the mollusc, that is ready
to reveal its secret. The . bldod of
the mollusc coagulates in blue clots
and if we analyze -it we find that this
coloring is due to the presence of
salts of copper. We call this sub-
stance '•hemlocyanin."
Our ingenious mollusc is by no
means an exception. It has innum-
erable imitators no less adroit than
itself. All molluscs and crustaceans
manufacture the hemocyanin they re-
quire. We find it even in the cal-
careous skeleton of the coral and in
the tissues of sea -weeds. The oceans
house millions of billions of these
creatures and each of them picks up
its little share of copper and does
something with it which we find im-
possible to edo.
Let us see whether we cannot per-
haps find ;some other substances that
are more easily discernible. Hy-
gienists praise the virtues of sea -air
and of many other 'things which con-
tain iodine. The. seawater is full of
iodine, it is saturated with it, but we
cannot extract it directly because
this is .done by the seaweeds. From
the amicroscopic species to the larg-
est varieties, all sea -weeds are gorg-
ed with iodine, even the sim'j 1e grass
wrack. 'To convince ourselves, we
have only to burn a quantity of sea-
weed, collect the ashes, wash and
sift them and isolate the soda. The
pure residue will consist of iodine.
How th.e weeds do it is, of .course, a
mystery to us.
Not only the inhabitants of the
deep sea but all nature in general is
a chemical laboratory: The fruits
and vegetables that we eat are cruc-
ibles in which precious substances,
carefully dosed, are mixed and fused.
These substance -__ are necessary not
only to the plants that manufacture
them, but to us, for we cannot obtain
them anywhere else in this correct
dosage and preparation. Without the
chemistry of the vegetable kingdom,
no animal, whether herbivorous or
carnivorous, could live, for even the
carnivorous animal, by eating • the
meat of the herbivorous One, absorbs
the life-giving vegetable' substances
incorporated in it.. If we depended
only upon our own methods for ob-
taining the iron, lime and other sub-
stances of which our bodies are built
up, we would` soon die of starvation,
because our organisms would refuse
to assimilate the rich crops.
The microbes of the earth are ev-
en more skilled chemists than the
plants, because they accomplish the
far more difficult task of working up
organic waste -materials and convert-
ing them into new minerals, which al-
low the plants to restart the circle
of their lives. Those operations,
however, are far more difficult to ob-
serve and study than the processes
that are constantly going on in the
seawater, especially as, in the latter
are contained all . known elements.
'If we look for sillver we find it stor-
ed by the corals and by a certain
species of brown weeds (Feces),
which also offer . us borax • and zine.
Zinc is contained even in sea -grass,
whicb also supplies manganese. De-
posits of rubidium are stored by oys-
ters in their shells, fluor -spar` by cor-
als, strontium by certain sea -plants
specialized in this industry, while
phosphorus and arsenic are to be
found in almost any creature of the
Certain substances are, of course,
found in such considerable quantities
in seawater that no special art is
needed to isolate them. 'There is, in
the first place, lime which abounds in
seawater and is largely used by the
marine fauna for the manufacture of
their shells, carapaces, and bones.
The lime is washed away from the
continents by the rivers which cor-
rode the calcareous rock. They carry
it to the Seas. If we take a test
sample of seawater we can easily iso-
late in the test tube a considerable
quantity of lime in form of a sul-
However, if we go about isolating
this sulphate of lime from the es-
sentially calcareous carapace of the
lobster, we And not sulphate of lime
but carbonate of calcium. The .same
is true of oyster shells, corals, etc.
In the seawater itself this substance
is contained only in infinitesimal
qu nrtities.
Once more we are baffled by a
enysteriours and highly compl'icaated
chemical operation. If it were per-
missilble to use the word /miracle in
connection with science, we could ask
ourselves by what miracle the body
eells of the creature, soaked with wa-
ter at moulting -time, succeed in a
few hours in absorbing the calcium
sulphate frons the blood, treating it
with their own supply of ammonia,
manufacturing ammonium sulphate
(later rejected as useless) and car-
bonic acid and olbtaining by means
of the latter the necessary quantity
of calcium .carbonate, for the manu-
facture of a new and more resistant
'Another great chemist is the cuttle-
fish. This creature finds itself with
a surplus of the product of putrefac-
tion that it distills like all other an-
imals: tyrosin. Prolmlptly it gpes a-
bout manufacturing fromthis sub-
stance an oxidizing ferment and with
it its precious ink, the poison gas
with which the cuttlefish attacks its
'Sulphuric acid', that is vitriol in
practically pure form, is manufac-
tured by a large ,Mediterranean mol-
lusc of the gasteropod family: The
purpose of this 'chemical process is
not to facilitate digestion, for the
acid -(building glands do not even com-
municate with the stomach of the
creature. The vitriol is •used ex-
clusively as an offensive weapon, to
destroy the solid, calcareous and very
prickly carapace of the sea -Urchin
which is the gasteropod's favorite
delicacy. Under the action of . the
sulp'httieie 'acid the hard calcium car-
bonate is converted into the easily
breakable sulphate of, lime and no
longer constitutes a protection from
enemy attacks.
We ,could go on ,indefinitely quot-
ing examples of the marvelous chem
istry of these' apparently inferior
beings. But their doings remain a
sealed mystery to us—a mystery as
great as that of the methon, by
which the aiboee-mentioned gastero-
pod prevents its vitriol, from corrod-
ing its own glands.
Village Of Old Folk
,Whiterey village in Surrey has
been called the happiest community
of old people in England:
It is a beautifully wooded estate of
225 acres, about two mile. froom Wal-
ton -on -Thames and Weybridge. There
are wide lime avenues like boulevards
winding rhododendron walks through
shady woods, an ornamental pond,
playing fields, tennis courts, bowling
In the heart of this Elysium are
256 cottages, with their trim gardens
bordering quiet roads, the majority
one -floor 'bungalows. In these live
gentle old women and peaceful old
men. A writer in London Tit -Bits
tells the story 'of, this interesting
'When William Whiteley, founder of
a big store, died in 1907, he left a
n -inion pounes for the purpose of
providing homes for men over sixty-
five and women over sixtyyveterans
of industry who had worked all their
lines and wanted to be , quiet and
happy for the rest of. their days.
Owing to the conditions of the
bequest, the scheme was a long time
getting under way. Burhill, as the
estate is called, was not . acquired
until 1911. By August, 1914, only, a
few cottages and staff buildings had
been erected. Then the war held up
feether building, rt was late in 1917
before the first elected villager, a
woman, took up residence,
To -day the trust not only pays its
way out of interest, but has increas-
ed its investments and land holdings
to one and a half millions.
The trustees have 'been able to
settle, 107 men and 232 women, in-
cluding forteesix emlarried couples,
The eottages are spaced out on an
octagonal site. Each has a sitting
room with recessed sleeping apart-
ments; bath and kitchen, those for
married couples being on the same
lines, but Iarger.
A staff cottage is attached to each
of the eight groups. Bell pushes are
provided in both living rooms and
bathroom so that a cottager can
summon assistance whenever he or
she needs it, and the staff cottage
is in telephonic communication with
administrative headquarters.
It has a post -office where old age
pensions can beallrawn; a large hall
for plays, concerts and lectures; a
well -stocked library, a grist house
where villagers' friends can ..mak@a
short stay; a workshop for tse
with constructional hobbies; a com-
munal kitchen; a general store for
the purchase of foodstuffs and other
necessities; a Motor bus service for
outside shopping and occasional
pleasure rides.
'Each inmate must have a mere -
mum assured income of £10 lOs per
annum, a. maximum of £60 in the
case of single persons and £75 in the
case of married couples. This is for
food and incidentals. The trustees
provide the house and most of the
furnishings, electric light and fuel,
with certain restrictions and', where
necessary, a cash allowance up to
5s a week.wiith le 6d meal allowance.
according to the villagers' income.
Altogether, each villager is assured
of an incolnile of at least 12s 6d a
week, exclusive of meal allowance,
so long as the funds of the trust per-
The staff includes a medical officer
and qualified nurse, a dentist and a
chiropodist. The villagers thus get
welfare services and medicine free.
Architecturally, the village is as
beautiful as modern ideas can make
it. It is 'built of a softetaned red
brick. When you enter by the main
gateway, y'ou encounrbet a sylvan
Utopia. The estate itself is as lovely
as any English shire, a sort of man-
orial parkland embowered deep in
shady woods; the village, a garden
suburb iz which the aged haiee learn-
ed the art of growing old graoefuily
fi isiiisutte from Worry and care.
(Condensed from Popular Mechanics
(Magazin, in leragazine Digest),
In an electrically operated hot-
house, on the roof of the General
Electric Research Laboratory ac
Schenectady, scientific "farmers" are
growing crops which would make the
real farmer stare in incredulous am-
For instance there was a grape-
fruit plant six weeks old, two inches)
tall and in full flower --as remarkable
a belly grapefruit as a boy in romp'.
ers with a full beard, for under nor-
mal conditions this plant does net
flower until it is from five to ten
years old.
Sugar cane, cotton, tomatoes, Cali-
fornia redwood -tree seedlings,- lemon
plants, are growing side by side in
this roof -tap greenhouse, at first
,glance one big and happy family of
plants from every clime. 'A closer in-
spection, however, reveals that these
flowers, fruits and vegetables are
radically different from those in
field and garden. Some of them even
-show abnormalities.
One wonders whether they are a
promising crop until one learns that
these plants are not meant to pro-
duce a crop at all. Instead some of
them niay be the great -great-grand-
fathers of our plants in the future.
For in this labor 'tory* two experi-
menteds, C. P. Haskins and C. N.
:Moore, are subjecting seeds, • plants,
bulbs, and flowers` to the energy of
x-rays in an effort to realize the
dream of the• experimental biologist
—that of changing the hereditary
characteristics of plants and animals,
to create new species at will in less
time than Mother Nature which takes
thousands of years to bring about
the.,evolution of species.
In his attempt to outwit nature
man has subjected living matter to
the action of heat and 'cold, chemi-
cals and ,electric current"s, and_ al-
ways normal reproduction has fol-
lowed. As a result, the farmer has
been depending on hybridization,
cleverely using chance variations to
perpetuate such improvements as
might oe ur at random.
Only in the last few years has sci-
ence realized the tremendous poten-
tialities of X-rays in the alteration
of heredity and the production of
new animal and vegetable species.
The work is as yet in its initial stage
but the practical results already ob-
tained in improving varieties of
plants are most encouraging to in-
vestigators. 'In California, for `in-
stance, two improved variants of cot-
ton were produced, one. promising an
increased yield of cotton -seed 'meal,
and the other with seeds free and un-
attached to the fiber, which may
greatly simplify the costly ginning
Other experimenters have produc-
ed barley growing on vines, instead
of stalks, potatoes with more arid
larger tubers, and several new varie-
ties of tobacco. These were literally
blasted into existence along with a
number of others discarded because
deformed or abnormal.
The -mechanism• of these changesis
only partly understood at present,
but it is in some way tied, up with
modification of the chromosomes,
that is, the determiners of the here-
dity which lie at the centers of the
cell nuclei. These heredity units are
directly affected by the X-rays and
new patterns of life are thus being
formed. by a cofmlbination of chance
and choice, for the same'X-ray, used
under identical conditions, may cre-
ate life, deform, destroy it slowly or
To -day it is mostly a. matter of
aiming the invisible rays at , an in-
RatSingle Si50 to 53.00
Double 53.0.0 to $ .00
E. a POWELL. Nei.
Spading Avenue and College .Street
1 4wuie Ter Fokkr 11.
visible object, trusting to chance, for,
to produce a hereditary mutation the
rays must affect the germinal• cell
rather than the body cells of the or-
This hothouse itself is a marvel of
'precision" farmdnlg, 'Where tempera-
tures are maintained constant .by
means of ingenious )electric -heated,
thermostat -controlled elements a n d
where every slightest change in tem-
perature is carefully recorded.
Fruit flies, small fish and caterpil-
lars have also been studied to a lim-
ited .extent. Caterpillars which dif-
fered 'materially from their ancestors
were produced by subjecting cocoons,
moths and eggs to dosages of X-rays.
He who cares to speculate, might
well vision the day when ma nwiil
be independent of 'nature in the de-
velepment of new forms of plant and
animal life adapted to his particular
needs. Perhaps tropical fruit will be
made to grow in northern ltitudes.
The inborn caution of allexperi-
menters ,does not keep them from
sounding a note of hopefulness about
future .possibilities which, according
to Mr. Haskins, are nearly endless.
A cold -resisting orange type might
well extend the citrus fruit orchards.
far to the north, with enormous re-
duction of expenses in transportation,
handling and ground hire. New.veg-
etables and new flowers might be
evolved, and the general life -level of
humanity raised at the same time.
In all this future application the
electrical industry will play an im-
portant part. It may also be able to
make a spbbstantial contribution to-
ward the solution of the problem of
the .present day X-ray geneticist, for,
that is the ultimate goal of these sci-
entific farmers. If it -is attained,
these men, shooting their invisible
light at the very foundations of life,
will offer the electrical industry's.
own particular gift to the , farmer,
the florist and, perhaps,the animal
breeder—i'he power to create plant
and animal varieties at will.
• (Despite the heavy export during
the past crop year of Canada's grain,.
the Dominion enters the new crop
year with a carry-over of 212,000,000
bushels of wheat, or over one-third
more than was on hand on August 1
last year. The carry -aver of other
grains will exceed, 60,000,000 bush-
The temperatures in North and
Central China are similar to those in
Canada, 'while South . China is sube
tropical, similar to the British West
Indies and 'Canrtrel America. The
seasons in China are similar to those,
inCanada, although in •Central and
Southern China intense "Treat with
high humidity is experienced from
June to Septelmber, the winters being
raw and rainy during the months of
January, February and March.
General Fall Work.
Fall can be a fairly busy season
in the garden, Next to Spring this is
the period when Nature is most ac-
tive, There are certain vital opera-
tions, such as preparing plants and
beds for winter conditions, planting
bulbs for Spring blooming and har-
vesting, Then again there are alter-
native or voluntary jobs which can
be carried out in the Autumn, or if
preferred left until Spring. In the
latter category, comes tree planting
and the setting out of roses, and
other shrubs. In very rmiJd sections
of the country such as the 'British
Calumlbia coast, 'certain seeds, where
a very early start is wanted, may be
sown before the Winter sets in. Early
Fall is just as good a time as spring
in which to sow grass seed and move
most of the perennial flowers and
has the added advantage of giving
these things a much earlier start
than would be the case where Moving
or sowing was put off until six or
seven months hence. ,
Winter Preparations.
Even in the far north it is a bit
too early to begin active preparations.
for Winter but it is not too soon any-
w'here to keep the approaching sea-
son in mind when working in the
garden. Cultivation . and watering
which are 'growth stimulants should
be used sparingly as late growth on
such things as trees, ..shrurbs, climbers
and any other wooden plant which are
perennials, will be too tender to sur-
vive ordinary winter conditions. It
is a good thing to Barden Miele plants
a month or two before the hard frosts
set in. In the conemercial fruit or-
chards, quickly growing cover, crops
of )buckwheat, oats, or clover are
sown about the first 'of July and all
cultivation stappe'd4 These cover
crops use up surplus 'moisture and
tend to harden new growth arid put
it in shape to survive the Winter, in
addition, of course, to help ripen
and color the fruit. With roses., flow-
ering shrubs, currents, re pberries,
climbers and other ornamental and
useful plants it is advisable to strop
nearby cultivation before fall' and
sometimesto use up surplus cultiva-
tion by having annual plants set near
Spring k'lowering Bulbs.
(September is the ideal month to
plant tulips, hyacinths, daffodils and
other bulbs which will fill the garden
with (vivid and generous bloom from
the time the last snows -depart until
well into June. It is true, that in
the warmer districts of Canada, these
spring flowering bulbs can be set out-
side almost up to December, and in
such districts actual planting is best
delayed until late ISeptem'ber and Oc-
tober, but in any case . purchases
should be made early in the season
while the seed stores have the finest
and most ample collection. Natur-
ally as this phase of gardening be -
canes more popular there is a great-
er run on the newest and best varie-
ties and earl comers here, as in most
other thing are the least apt to be
disappoint Too much emphasis
cannot be lai on quality. There is
a vast difference in bulbs just as there
is sometimes quite a difference in
price. For the big, full sized blooms
only No. 1 bulbs should be consider-
ed. Such are heavy, free from all
mildew and other defects and run at
least twice the size of the cheapest
stock. The tulip, daffodil and hya-
cinth, come along so • early in the
spring that the flower must depend
almost entirely on the food stored up
in the fall planted bulb, hence the
size of that flower is absolutely de-
termined by the size and quality of
the bulb. Practically any color can
be obtained in these bulbs and by
the use of the early tulips and the
later Darwin and Breeders, for in-
stance, the season of bloom may be
extended up to the time the first of
the regular gardlen flowers are ready.
All. these bulbs in addition to the
beautiful Narcissus, can also be
planted in pots for indoor bloom and
by successional planting at ten day
intervals from now on, it will be
possible to have flowers from Christ-
mas until (Spring.