The Huron Expositor, 1933-08-25, Page 8els l.. ;e. wr" jr ;nigher AL HAVE A RED SALMON -WAND' dor. . '.00(WeA '. SALMON :,J wiw I t'lza , , N ,ST•AIRCH '4-volintl for el%.0 !SAW PUZZLES .ala FLY' SPRAYER - Regular • 25c, now 10.c -15c CLOVER LEAF CUPS AND elc S AIUICEIRS 1 for L eIC CLOVER LEY CEREAL 10C BOWLS at 25c 1Oc 23c 5c BERRY SETS Regular $2.25 at WATER GLASSES regular 10c, now BUTTER DISHES regular 35e, »ore FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS --Reg. 30e, now FANCY PLATES, regular $1.25, now We are selling out our entire stock of Dishes by September 1st. Butter, Eggs and Feathers taken as cash. Cream taken for Seaforth Creamery at same price as paid at Creamery. $1 5c 15c 15c 25c Hutchison's PHONE 166 Windstorm Insurance Are you insured against the danger of wind that may strike your buildings at any time? Rates have kept pace with the times. Rates gladly quoted. Best 'Canadian Companies. Watson & Reid Phone 214 . Seaforth Specialists in All Lines of Insurance 0000000000 0 0 O 0 o' 4' S. T. Holmes & Son O FUNERAL SERVICE Main Street, Seaf ' 0 O O 0 S. T. Holmes' residence, 0 O Goderich Street, West; phone 0 0 No. 119W. Charles Holmes' 0 0 residence, Goderich Street, "e> O East; phone No. 308. O O Ambulance Service O 0 Night calls, Phone 308. 0 0 Day calls, • Phone 119J. • O O Charges moderate. 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 'O O O 00 0 0 0 0 0....0-..0 0 O O O O d H. C. BOX 0 . O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O Licensed Embalmer - O Ambulance Service 0 Night Calls O Phone 175 Phone*43 O O 00000000 00 O Day Calls 0 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o• WALKER'S , 0 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O W. J. WALKER and 0 ' 0 JOHN It, WALKER, Jr. O 0 Licensed Eimbalneers and 0 O Funeral Directors. O 0 Day or Night ('all's promptly;:, :,,Q 0 attended. O 0 PHONE 67 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 •v THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Geo. R. McCartney, Seaforth - Pres. James Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. Marton A. Rieci, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: W. ' E. I•Iinchley, Seaforth ; John Murray, R. R. :l, Seaforth; E. R. G. Jaaenouth., Brocihag+en; James Watt, Blyth; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine. DIRECTORS: William Knox, Loneles'boro; George Leoi hart, Brodhagen ; James Con- nolly; Godoriah; Alex. Broadfoot, No. 0, Seaforth; Robert Perris, Blyth ; George McCartney, No. 3, S'eafortlh; 31ollm Pepper, Brucefield; James Sh'ol- 4kse Walton; Thomas Moylan, No. 5, Orth. A .I1ARGAIN FOR SALE. -Five acres,• one mile from Seafoarih; modern house with ifornace, bath, and toilet; small barn; good ((mmbara. Taxes, $16. Splendid 'harn>c'e to start chicken farm, bees, tete, tAply to It. w, BA '$ Seaforth, opt: 0114 as: a -'df Stomach Sufferers Marvel at New 3 -Minute Relief. People who have suffered for yeah frown, stomach agonies are marvelling at the quick relief of Bisnla-Rex, a new, die- licious tasting antacid powder, i and its comfort is lasting too.' It acts four ways: Neutra- lizes excess acid; relieves stomach of gas; soothes mem- branes, and aids digestion. Get Bisma Rex To -day. A LARGE BOTTLE FOR 75c -,AT- Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Drug Store PHONE 28 : SEAFORTH -''Cut Flowers, Wreaths' and Floral Pieces supplied for all occasions. NEWS OF THE Dixonvill , AJbe The offering was received Eby Miss'. Melmid. , The 'S'cripture lesson was taken by( Mrs. William Drover, Mrs. John E. Daley sang a beautiful' sole 'entitled, "Do Something For Somebody," accom- panied by Mrs. M. R. Rennie at the organ. Mrs, Jghn 'Cluff gave the topic on "Chinese inCanada," and Mrs. James Kerr conducted a geogra- phy lesson on "Rivers," stating that the larger rivers were the W. M. S. workers and the junior societies were the smaller rivers and creek .-) This was eery interesting to all Present. .3a3.-4. Thomas Bickell read the Glad Tidings Prayer and a hymn was sung. The meeting closed with repeating Hymn 812 in. unison. Wanted. -Ladles, High School g'iru: eem- Conbaible rooms. Write Box 71, 8428x1 Lest -A, Ford spare tire, tube and rim, Any information leading sr the reco:ery of it or finder, please leave "at The. Expositor Once. 3428x1 For Sale. -192$ Ford Sport Coupe, in good running order;',four new 'tires. Apply to Frank Lamont ", 3425.1 Exhibition Vi ilurs-S sop at the Boulevard $ day Hotel, Toronto, corner Queen -Jarvis Queen oar's stop near door. 84261c4 To Rent-Furni:'hed or unfurnished 6 room modern house: bath room hardwood floors, furnace, garage. Apply to Mrs. A. ill. Bar- ton, Sea.foruic a 34228-1 For Sale. -.Blotch Collie pups, six weeks old; two Shorthorn Lull calves, 12 rn nths old. Quick sale at bargain prices. Apply to George Beatty, Sr., Varna. 3427x2 For Sale. -rhe 51aillantibnnk Cemetery have on vale on the cemetery grounds, TOWN Jl,; ul Fi,wet. Hoicks, which are nominals,ailabJe at the price of _7 cents earn.. •Thi, 4 in. the Only type of flower holder which is C penmissable for use in the cemetery. The • • Want Papers of June 30th. -This office requires copies of The Huron Expositor for June 30th and wishes to purchase any copies that sub- scribers may have. 0 Announeement.--'Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Anderson announce the engage- ment of their second daughter, Elva Florence, to Mr. Alexander Dencar, eels son of Mr. and 'Mrs. John A. Mc Cregee, of Tuckersmith, the weddi.lg to tale place soon, Will Play For Cups. -The annual cup competitions are 'being held at the Seaforth Golf and Country Club this Thursday with a large entry in each event. There are three' cups for competition: The •Cresswell Cap, men's championship; Savau.ge Cup, ladies' champienship; Southgate' Cup, mixed ,championship. Exhibits; At Exhibition.-Seaforth will be represented in the competitive classes of Handicrafts at the Can- adian National Exhibition -this year. Mr. Jack Scriver has made his entry which. will 'be displayed in the Wo- men's Building between August 25th and September 9th. Mr.' Sciiver's entry- consists of. exceptionally well made and realistic crepe paper flowers. Hydro Fails. -During the storm of ursday afternoon last a large limb fell from a tree 'in front of Scott Memorial Hospital, breaking . Ydown true hydro lines running on James Street. Power was off for the.bet- ter part of an hour and as a result The Huron Expositor was somewhat later than usual. Superintendent E. Mole 'and 12r. Sylvester Allen soon had the break repaired. Suffer Accidents. -As a result of .a.. fall from the verandah of her brother's home on Friday last, Miss Ellin McLennan suffered a b'rokeh shoulder and 'leg. She was removed to Scott Memorial Hospital, where she is doing as well as can be ex- pected. Mrs: John Nott, Egmond- ville, broke a leg and an arm when she fell a short distance at her hone on Sunday. - Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. First Presbyterian Church -Morn-, ing, "The Child and the Serpent"; evening, "Crown the Hidden Work- ers." Rev. C. C. Kaine will he tlii: preacher for the day. - Rev. •f, B. Kaine, Minister, Egmondville United Church -Morn- ing service withdrawn in co-operation with Northside and McKillop;,..,even- lng, Rev. G. E. Morrow, B.A.-Rev. C. A. Malcolm, Minister. St. Thomas' Anglican Church - Morning: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; subject.. "Help From the Unseen"; evening. "The Day Spring:,Yrom on High." -Canon Appleyar• {Rector. Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meet. -On Tuesday evening, August 22nd, the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Church met on the lawn at the home of Mrs. .1. C. Laidlaw at 11.30, where the members enjoyed a lovely supper. Two little girls, ha'bell MeK' liar and Laura Black, contributed two folk dances to the program. Following the social heal. the regular meeting was held in tine spacious home where fifty or n•,nrc enjoyed the splendid meeting Mrs. Reg. Kersiak.e presided and op- ener' the meeting with a hymn. Mrs .;nlrn McTavish led in prayer. The• Se enure Its•von was read"by Mrs. W. I'i, Plant" Mrs. Earl Bell read a very appropriate, paper entitled, "Ie a Garden," whirl, 'vas much enjoyed. Miss Margaret McDonald read the Glad Tidings Prayer. The business was taken by the president, Mrs. J. .J. Selater. Mrs. M. McKellar sang a very fine solo, and Mrs. H. J. Gib- son gave an interesting talk on "The Customs and Mannerisms of the Chin- ese People in Canada." A very hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw and the Misses Laidlaw for the use of their hone. The meeting closed with a hymn and repeating the Lord's Prer in uni- son. Women's Missionary Societe( Meet. I'he Women's Missionary Society of First Presbyterian ' Church held their regular m'eating on Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock. The meet- ing was presided over by Mrs. James Kerr, who opened the meeting with a hymn, The roll call was,•,answered by a`verse of Scripture. The minutes of last meeting were read and ap- preyed.. The treasurer also gave her report. Mrs. 'Thomas Biekle was ap- pointed as Glad Tidings Secretary, whenMrs. J. M. Govenlock resigned. Mrs •Robert Eberhart gave a few in- teresting notes on a ,talk given, by Dr. Margaret Strang recently while on furlough. Mrs'. James Kerr of- fered prayer for her in her work at 1lrtit1andbank Cemetery, 3428-2 - For 'Sale or Rent. -France house on Joh't Street; just overhauled and decorated. All modern conveniences. WiJl sacrifice for quick sale. Rent reasonable. One year --lease If rented, Apply R. L. Thomson, John Street, Seaforth. 3426-t8 • House and Lot and Seven Acnes of Land for sale. The property on North Main Street, Seaforth, known as Stewart's Gas Station, Apply to Jaihn' A. Chdmure, R,. R. No. 2. Clinton, or phone 3 on 610, Clinton, 3425x4 House and Lola For Sale. -Comfortable 9 roomed house and six lots, opposite the Col. legiate Institute, Seaforth. for vale. This property must be sold to close up the estate of the late Charles Hohlbein, For par' reitta,s apply on the premises or to John H. neat. Seaforth. • _ 3427x0 -Honey.-One week more we will have clover honey in bulk, after whish will be in 5 and 10 pound pails. Golden or amber honey stow ready cit S cents per pound. Dark or buckwheat' migrate, 3 cents ,per pound. Find your containers. Wm. Hartry, Setiforth. 342Sx1 Announcement. - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hellyer, Waterford, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Gladys Marie, to Dr. Clif- ford Tisdale Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mason, of Simcoe, the wedding to take place quietly early in September. Purchases Truck. -The Public Util- ity Commission at a recent meeting, authorized' the purchase of a new truck from A. W. Dunlop. It will 'be a rebuilt Buick. and the price the Commission will pay for the com- pleted job is $175.00. - Fresh Air Bazaar. -Miss Isabella McKellar, of town, and Miss Laura Black, of Toronto, are holding a fresh air bazaar in the vacant store in the Theatre Block on Saturday afternoon, August 26th. The. object is to raise funds 'which will be used to give the poor children of Toronto a holiday in the fresh- air of the country, $3 providing a week's poli-• day for each child. Last year 'Mass Black raised $20 for this cause. The merchants of town have generously donated a number of articles which will be offered for sale and contri- butions of home made candy and any other articles will be welcomed. LOCAL BRIEFS • Judge J. A. Jackson and Mrs. Jackson, of Lethbridge, are ggests at the Jaokson "home in 'Egmondville. • Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chesney, of Toronto, were guests this week at the home of Mrs. J. R. Habkirk, • Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McIntosh of Detroit, are , visiting at tlih home of 'Mr. lelcIntosh's mother, Mrs. Jas. McIntosh. • 'Messrs. Scott and Jas. McKinley, of Winnipeg, who have been spend- ing their holiday:, at Thornton Hall, the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A, D. Scott, returned to their Western home on Saturday. Mrs. Scott accompanied them as far as 'Toronto. ""-.... ' • Mrs. A. E. McLean, son and daughter, of Regina, who have been guests at the home of their aunts, the • Misses Brine,;, left on Saturday for Toronto. • Mr. Ross McKay, of Tucker - smith, lift Saturday on a short holi- day to Regina. • 'Mrs. T. Mulligan left Thursday for Toronto, where she will spend a few day's. Dr. Mulligan left on Tuesday for Chicago, where he will spend a few days at the World's Fair before returning to his home in Grand Forks, North Dakota, • Mrs. J. E. Keating and family are spending a few weeks 'at Mrs. Keating's , home in Toronto. • Mrs. R. J. Webb and Mrs. T. Free 'and family, of Hamilton, re- turned to their homes on Wednesday after spending two weeks with the former's 'brother, Mr. W. P. Thomtp- son, • Misses Agnes and Janet Patrick, of Staffa,' were week end guests with Miss Jean Smith. • Miss Katherine Lockhardt of. New •H'am'burg, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, George Seip. • Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompson and family, of Toronto, were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. • Mrs. D. McLellan, of Mitchell, visited this week with Mrs. Oliver, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eberhart. • Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen, of Detroit, spent Wednesday with Mr. and 'Mrs•, Tyerman. • Miss Phyllis Manning of Londes- horo, is visiting at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Chesney in Tucker - smith. • Miss 'Clorie Cole, of Mitchell,Miss Annie Munroe, Wroxeter, . and Miss Vera Piercey, of London, were weekend guests of Miss Dorothy Hutchison: File Mfgs. and General`Contractors • Mrrl. F. D. Hutchison spent the week end in Aylmer. Phone 18 3 ,- FREE We are giving absolute- ly tree, .a Solid Gold . Wedding Ring with each purchase of • a: Diamond Ring. There are no conditions • at- tached to this offer. whatever. It is ' our Free Gift to you. SHOP AT SA VAUGE'S IT PAYS • , ' Jeweler - Optometrist Gift Goods PHONE 194 • RES. 10 • 'Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Reid, of Hamilton, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Reid. - 0 Rev. A. W. Barker and 'Mrs.. Barker, of Windsor, and Mr: and Mrs. Thomas Pollock, of Kincardine, spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tyerman, • Miss Adeline Tyerman arid 'Miss Mjna Melville are spending a couple of weeks at Point Clark. • Mr. and Mrs, Robert Eberhart have returned from a two weeks' motor 'trip to Meaford and points north. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Fallis, of On- tario, California, and Miss Fallis, of Sarnia, visited this week at the home of Mrs. G. T. Turnbull. - • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hastings and' 'Mr. and Mrs., Lewis 'Hastings, of Po1't Arthur, Texas, and Miss Ruth Graham of 'Williamsville. N.Y., spent the -week end at the home of the form- er's uncle, Mr. A. L. Porteous. ' • IMr. N. Bohannan, •of 'London, is a guest at the house of 'Mrs. J. Pat- terson. • Miss Helen Beattie returned to Toronto on Saturday after spending a few holidays at the home of her brother; Me'. J,. , W. Beattie. • Miss Margaret Crich and 'Miss Evelyn Golding are spending a week camping at Grand Bend. • Miss Anna Mackay, of Brank- som Hall, is a guest at the home of Dr. Charles 'Mackay. •' Miss Weymouth, of Clinton, is a guest -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wright. • Mr'. and Mrs. 'Murray Smillie, of • $10 Reward . . will be paid for information leading to the conviction of the person or persons who cut the wire fence at the north side of the Maitlandbank • Cemetery. • - THE)I'AITLANDBANK CEMETERY BOARD . • Seaforth. • 3428-2 SCHOOL . OF . COMMERCE CLINTON, ONT. Fall Term Opens Sept. 5th COURSES: Stenographic, Commercial, Secre- tarial, Special Courses arranged, Cor- -respondence Courses to those who cannot attend school. ' . Write or Phone 198. B. F. WARD, B.A., - Principal. M. 'A. STONE - Com. Specialist ' Vice-Prin. 3426-5 e. LAST • Old Time Dane ' OF THE SEASON JOR'ETT'S PAVILION BAYFIELD ' TUESDAY,, AUGUST 29th t t 'Prizes for best waltzes and t best fox trots, ' Murdock's Variety Orchestra ( ADMIS'S'ION, 25 CENTS i WARNING. i I ' to of of 1 and I that I as v hole I be e ac- v 1. h I Any person or persons trespassing an the 1laitlandbanli Cemetery prop- erty will he prosecuted according law. This notice is the direct result the cutting of the wire fence south the swimming hole in the 'river, fathers particularly, are warned the' use of the cemetery property i thoroughfare to the swimming :onstitutes a• trespass, and will net with summary prosecution :ording to law. 3428-2 Be r >'�areu p fl r t y s' o' C1 by ,t le fl S' ni ...-).---e..... )on't take' chances on poor chimneys. Have. them. repaired now • reliable mechanics. >EE US. FOR ESTIMATES Z. FROST & SON v a 1L: • Seaforth • I" Ptl Toronto, were :v'isi'ting' with Seaforth friend's this week.,, R Mr. and' Ma's.. J. X. Ainslie, of Leamington, are guests of their niece, Mrs. J. B. Tyerman. • 'Mise Mabel Turnbull is visiting in Huntsville: • 'Mists nes Govenlock, `Ottawa, and 'Mrs. George Barr, of 'Toronto,, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs', Jas. Kerr. • ' • 'Miss Celina and Miss Blanche Reid, of Holstein., are spending their holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Reid, • Mr. and , IVIrs, James Hatt, of Cleveland, were the guests of 'Mrs Robert 'Winter` -this week. • Mr. and 'Mrs. Garfield 'Hoott" and son, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stone, of Port Peary, and' Mr. A. El- liott, of Hamilton, spent Sunday with their cousins, Mr. and 'Mrs. A. L. Porteous. 11.11r. and Mrs, W. Hiles, of Clin- ton; Mr. and Mrs. James Exley and Tarnblyn, of Londesboro, (were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tyerman on Thursday. • Mr. G. 'Hays, Detroit, (who brought over the Union Trust Company soft- ball team, spent the week end at- the home of his 'parents, Col. and Mrs. R. ,5., Hays. • Mr. and 'Mrs. P. C. Calder, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stewart, Mr. and' Mrs. Cleo Colbert, Miss Fergus Mc- Kay, !Miss My'y Hays and Mr. R. A. Walter are spending a few days at Aberhart's cottage in Bayfield. • Miss K: Snider has resumed her duties at -Scott Memorial Hospital af- ter spending her holidays in 'Musko- ka. ' •. Rev. I. B. Kaine supplied' the pulpits of ,Bensall and Exeter church- es last Sunday, returning with ,Mrs. keine and baby, Doris, • and Miss Luella Kaine to Rondeau Park for a couple of weeks. • IMir. and 'Mrs. William 'Mason and daughters spent the week end with friends at'Bruce Beach: ' • Miss Winnie Kruse, .Mr. Ray- mond Nott, Mr. John Nott and Mr: S. Cole, of" Stratford, left Monday morning on a motor trip to Manitoul- in Island' and Sault Ste. 'Marie. • Mr. Robert Hoggarth, Treasur- er of Perth County, was."• a welcome caller at The Expositor office this week.. • Miss S. I. McLean returned on Tuesday from Ottawa. • Mrs. E. C. McClelland and fam- ily, who have been spending several weeks. at the home of her parents, Col. and Mrs. R. S. Hays, have re- turned to Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Geo. •Coates, of New York, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. 'William Clark, at Constance. • (Mr. and 'Mrs. J. McTavish and family spent the week end at Bruce Beach. • Mr. -S. Brownell, of Winhi'peg, spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Jacobs. • 'Mr. H. M. Jackson, of Toronto, spent Tuesday at his home in Eg- mond'ville. • Councillor W. .'Crozier, who un- derwent a serious operation in Vic- toria 'Hospital, London, on Tuesday, is making a very satisfactory recov- ery. Miss G. Cardno, R.N., is nurs- ing him. ' • Mr. and Mrs. T. Black and son, Frank, were week end guests at the home of "Mr. and Mrs. 'M. 'McKellar. •• Miss Shields, of Brantford, was the guest of 'Mrs. W. E. Southgate, Jr., this week. • The Misses '.Watson spent the week end in Toronto. • 'Mr. and Mrs. (Harry Stewart, Miss Mary and .Miss Nora Stewart have returned from, a trip to New York. • Rev. C. C. Kaine conducted the services of the United Church, Clif-' ford circuit, last Sunday. Mrs: Kaine accompanied him. • Miss 'Beth Govenlock, of Detroit, is spendingher holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Govenlock. • Mr. Alvin W. Sillery returned to town on Wednesday after spend- ing a few days visiting friends in Toronto and Kingston., WALTON A happy event of interest to Wal- ton residents took place in Fraser lills, British Columbia, on July2'5th, when Mr. and '.Mrs. Roderick McLeod ele'brated their fiftieth wedding an- niversaey. Mr. and Mrs. ;McLeod were esidents of Walton for over forty ears but about nine years ago m'ov- :d to Fraser Mills, where they have since resided, In Walton on July 2.5, 1883, Rev. Alexander McNaughton, t -ho was ;pastor of Duff's Presbyter - an Church from 1877 to 1883, per - boned the ceremony uniting in m'ar- iage at 7 p.m. Roderich McLeod and Miss 'Margaret McDougal, second el - lest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald 4lcDougal. • To them were 'born a wilily 'of nine children: i(MyrtZe') Mrs, George McCutcheon, of Grey, ask:; Reta, .of Regina; (Lill-) Mrs. , Finlayson, of Detroit; (Ethel) Vire. Frank 'Dolby, of Toronto; (Ida) VIrs. John Riddell, of Toronto; (Mar- aret) Mrs. John Mitchell, of New V'lestnii'nster, B. C.; (Aileen) MTs.. rank 'Wright, of New Westminster; earl and Bert, of'Fraser Mills. Alex.' as killed in the Great War in 1917. 'ollo'win.g their, marriage they resid- d for some yers in the "old mane" -here Mr. John Hislop now resides, ater they moved to the old McLeod ome which is now owned by Mr. Cobert Reid. Ahouty 45 guests were resent at the happy gathering. The ouse was tastefully decorated with owers and ferns, many being the ifts of friend's. A cloth of Edine urgh lace cdvered the long table a- aun•d which all sat for dinner. The able was beautifully decorated with ellow candles placed in silver can- IesticJks and yellow carnations in Liver vases were placed at intervals n the table. A three-story wedding eke, which was decorated with gold saves, yellow candles and yellow rose ed!s, was placed on the buffet em- edded in yellow tulle. 'The bride of fty years ago was charming in a own . of grey georgette with puff eeves, embroidered in rose and 'auve with a necklace to match and caring a. corsage of yellow rose Adis and maiden hair fern. Many beautiful gifts were received,' ainiong them( • (being a purge of gold' from the family and a hand carved Chinese White rDrlll� and Duck Skirts o' Clear at 59c Each You Can Get Any Hat in, Stock At Half Price Some Are Less. AU 'IST 25, 1 33. OUR THOUGHTS FOCUS ON AUGIdS SPECIAL'S GREATEST PROMINENCE' is given to A REMARKABLE SHOWING —of -- STYLISH DRESSES which we have 'appreciably reduced • in price for immediate • selling. RACK NO. 1—Includes an assort. ment of Dresses. Values to $1.50. 98c EACH RACK NO. 2—Here are Dresses • ' most stylish for present wear, Values' to $3,00. $1.99' RACK NO. 3—These have some of our smartest suits up to $7.50. $4,95 SPECIAL PRICE REDUCTIONS; ON ALL DRESSES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Ma.cTavish's brass table. Telegrams and congrat ulations were received from Toront Detroit, Regina, New Westm'inste./ Vancoulver, Grey, Sask.; Port Dove Walton, Seaforth and Cranbroo Among the 'guests ..pr:g sent were M and Mrs. Steve Godkifi, Mr. and 'Mr George Hamilton, 'Mr. and Mrs. Ne son Taylor and son.,,all former res dents of Huron County. Survivin guests who attended the wedding 5 years ago from this village are: Mx' Joseph Bennett, 'Messrs, Duna. Johnston and' John Lamb. Friends ; o Mr. and Mrs. M'clLeod will be please to know that they are both enjoyin good health at present, Sunday, August 20th, was an ide day for 'Duff's United Church ann versary. A 'perfect morning invite worshippers to the House of ' God Such a goodly number responded tha chairs were necessary to accommo date the congregations at both se vices. Rev. R. W. Ross, M -A., D.D associate pastor of St. Andrew' church, London, was the specie preacher at the morning service. Hi message was based on the 12th vers of the 1st chapter of John's Gospel "But as many as received Him, t them gave He power to become th Sons of God." ' Dr. Ross out of hi tong experience in the gospel min istry, speaks with quiet confidence t the hearts of his hearers. His me sage .was simple, sweet and refresh ing. The guest speaker .at the even Ing service was Rev. A. M. Gran M.A., B.D„ of Belgrave, who is' on of the younger ministers , of ou church. His message on "A Pionee Congregation," was carefully though out and quite fitting to the presen days of reconstruction. The choir under the leadership of Miss Bessi Davidson made a splendid con.ri'bu tion to 'the days services. The choic of anthems 'indicated that a powe above the human was guiding the de tails of the anhiversary services. Me L. Eckmier, of Brussels, added to th services of the day by 'his solos con taining central gospel themes. H endeared himself to the hearts o Duff's congregation. A warm welcom• awaits his return. The floral decora tions were rich and tastefully ar ranged. Many were the comments' o appreciation. The hearts of the' Man aging Board were greatly encourag ed. The Board requested that an of Tering of $300 'be made. The reques was fully met. •- • The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed in Duff's United Church on Sunday morning,' Septem her 3rd. The second game of the semi -Cin als 'between Brussels and Walton was played at Brussels 'on -Thursday even- ing following a heavy downpour of rain.' With goals to count ii* the round, Brussels won a .2-0 . victory over Walton., By winning this game the Brussels team tied up the play- off gam -es with three goals for each team, Walton having won the first round by a 3-1 score on Monday ev- ening at Walton. The date and place of the third game,, which will be played on neutral grounds, has. not been arranged, The teams were: Brus- sels -Goal, Win, Henderson; backs, B. McIntyre, Chas. Haist; halves, J. Bowman, Shearev, J. McCall; for- wards, D. Miller, D: Warwick, H. Stretton, W. Bell, 3. Turnbull; sub., A. Ballantyne. Walton -Goal, K. Rutledge; backs, W. Dennis and M. Hlolland; halves, • T. Rowland, • Den- ni's Farquharson; forwards, Steiss, R. Holland', R. GarterJ. Johnston, G. Love; sub.? G. M1cGa'vin. Referee -F. Kemp, of Listowel. • 'The 1nany friends of Bill Dennis, .son of Mr. John Dennis, of McKillop, will regret to learn' that he received' a fractured leg on Friday afternoon when he was thrown from a motor- c(,"cle which he was riding. He was removed to •Scott Memdrial Hospital, Seaforth, immediately 'but was able to return to his home on Saturday afternoon. Bill is' captain of the Wal- ton football team' and this unfortun- ate accident will keep him from the line-up for the balance of the season, 'The -service in St. 'George's An- glican 'C'hurch was conducted by Rev. F.. V. Pocock, of Blyth, owing to the absence of the,rector, Rev. F. G. Rickard. Miss Jean Drager is relieving her sister; Dorothy, in the store and i►ost office. Recent visitors in the 'village: Mr. and Mrs. M. La Combe, of Detroit, with the' latter's mother, 'Mfrs, 'Ohaa. Drager;. Mrs. Chas. Reilly', of Hitt - burn, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Woods; lirs•. Kin. Britton, of 1.•{4�,)r4 1;•., .A'.'r+ears rli lad r, r:YIf Kinburn, with her sister-in-law, Mrs.. Edward Britton, on the 16th ceinces- dion of Grey; Dr. and Mrs. 'H. Kirk- by, of Belgrave, at the home of the former's 'brother and 'sister-in,'law, Mr. and Nrs. Herbert ''irk'by. 'Mr. and 'Mrs. John Fingland, of 'Londesboro, with their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and 'Mrs. Colin Fing- lant; Miss Annie Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Plank and Mr. and Mrs. D. eM'oore, of Stratford, with Mrs., Wilson's and Mrs. Plank's brother= in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ennis; 'Miss Shirley Murray, of /Woodham, . at the home' 'of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Young; Mrs. A. Sohier and son, Kenneth, with. the former's brother and sister-in-law, 'Mr.. and Mrs. Wesley Clark; Miss Lois Hen- derson, of Seaforth, is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leve and her aunt and uncle„ Mr. and • Mrs. Wm.. Farquharson. 'Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Humphrey and sons, Stewart and Billie, were week end visitors at the home of the form- er's. 'brother and sister-in-law, Mr., and Mrs. James Humphrey, Wind- sor. Miss Dorothy Drager is holidaying with her 'brother and sister-in-law, Ma,, and Mrs. R. Drager at Preston .Mrs. Peter Kerr, Of Toronto, has returned home after spending a week with her sisters, 'Miss Annie Johnstene and 'Mrs. Geo. 'McTaggart. (Miss Ruby Young motored to Rus- seldale on Tuesday and was accom- panied 'by her father, who purposes &pending a week or two with his son, M. Milton Young. Mr. arid Mrs. Russell Marks and family were Stratford visitors on Saturday. IMrs. Thos. • Watson, of London, is spen't;ing a week with her brother, W. C. Bennett, Miss Letitia Campbell, of Seaforth, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Robt, Reid'. 'Miss McLaughlin, of Glencoe,. is - 'visiting with Miss Jean Turnbull ore the 16th concession of Grey. . IRev, and 'Mrs. Charles Cumming and daughter, 'Margaret, have return- ed home after holidaying in North- ern Ontario. Misses Mary Humphrey and Beth Shannon have returned home after spend'ing a 111ew weeks with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James. Humphrey at Windsor. 'Miss Elizabeth 'Mills, A,T.C.M., is taking a summer course at Toronto' Conservatc''y. 'Mr. and:Mrs. Werre 'Hoy and family of Port Albert, were guests at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. H'oy on Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sholdiee, of St. Catharines, are visiting with the form's father, Wm. Sholdice, and other relatives in the (vicinity. (Miss Adeline Cardiff, of Br•usseIs, is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and 'Mrs, Andrew Bruce, on the 18th con., Grey. 'Mr. and Mrs. Luke S'peiran, Miss Laura Patterson and Clifford Mach- an, of Moncrieff, were guests at the home of -Mr. and 'Mrs. Nelson Reid on/ Sunday. Mr. and- Mrs. George Watt and , .family, of Hullett, visited at the home of 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Elmer Hackwell, McKillop. A home-made baking sale .and sup- per will be held on 'Mr. Win. Humph- rey's•lawn on Saturday afternoon. The death of Rev. R. A. Lundy, a. former pastor , of 'Dulff's United Church, occurred at his home in Streetsville on Tuesday, August 22. The funeral service will be held from his late residence on Friday at 2.30 p.m., daylight saving time,•inte seen'( to be made in Streetsville cemetery. . Cooking Schools With a view to assisting rural' home -makers in the choice of pro- per foods and their ' 'preparation, the Department has conducted four cooking school's. The first was held in Aylmer on August 14th and 15th, the second' in Strat'hroy on' August 17 •and 18, in Exeter on August 21 and 22, -and in St. Mary's on August 24 and 25. The general plan of dem- onstration was based on the idea than the needs of the family can be met through the u -se of Canadian grown products. A't each session, a very carefully prepared program was car- ried out and recipe's of real,, worth 'distributed. 'Plans are 'bein'g consid- ered for holding similar d'emonstra - ti'on's in teeny parts oit the provinnue act a later date. . • r u Jr 'C •.. 6:"i�71t�,i<li�tU'm.ttx�'fa;4t cmr r ..l.�.kr:Mrwaihlrr^;tdl•. �duifF�Ft�a,•tua.;:r,:,..,•. _, . A