HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-08-18, Page 85. f s z e k ,y ` 'F a .z' tw . � M1` ZI 9 �f fie. ''t! J ' M � � fl,' >r'Ff '..r i N M1':..�1 A'._r^y. .I • i',; s e,rl ,,• 4 A )' .. r {r w, r , • ,� , Yo .Buy t r a�'t 1 � f., a +t I. it,H, ria 4 t ar {,ine r Qr tax , , , 9 �, a '"+ ". IT PAYS TO BUY "rHE BEST-.-'1'VE ! t't 'il HAVE IT il I'll,tl#' 9 ' atG tfli a regular ,price �1 C C t ,K .. fit er gallon ................ 't5/ %t' ' lStllllNlTe7RiA VITAMIN CERFDAL 25-c {5 tt reg-dat 25c; now 2 for ..... L:/ Il r'.,' ' . K . . QUAKER C'R ,CKELS Z'5G `F a 'plackagles for .....,...... C itti 4 f0ORN -STAR Z C rt' I 2 rpoun,ds for ....... . ..... . #?, i•*. >BIROmO+MIS-25c, 39c, 50c, 76c, 90c t °8' °1`hetse are special values. c;' DE LUXE JELLY POWDER +1[C ", S for ................. • .... L JJ ANGULAR SALMON 1AC 4 -pound tin ................ i8 ," •il'IiSWIS-:We' are selling out- stock 1 • tat !half price. Come in- and see for� i • • Wurself. % . , , u. CORN BEEF C `' 6 -pound t•in at .............. 75c � Butter, E �q ,; gam. and Feathers taken as r ':. . cash. Cream taken for Seaforth Creamery .11 ' ' at same price as paid at Creamery. ' Hutchison's y PHONE 166 f �.. , i. , , " Windstorm Insurance Are you insured against the danger of win that may strike your buildings at any time? Rates have kept pace witY the times. 5' Rates gladly quoted. Best 'Canadian Companies. Watson & Reid `Phone 214 Seaford Specialists in All Lines of Insurance' OOOOOO,OOOOOC O C .. 1 O S. T. Holmes & Son C ` O FUNERAL SERVICE C 1. O Main Street, Seaforth C O C O , 'S. T., Holmes' residence, C O Goderich Street,' West; phone C O No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' C O residence, Goderich Street, C O East; phone' No. 308. C O Aimbulance Service C O Night calls, -Phone 308. C O ,Day calls, Phane 119J. C O Charges moderate. C O C ss 400000000.00C i 00'000OOOOOOC I I- O el O H. C. BOX C I.' j . � I O FUNERAL SERVICE C Oa C 1. Licensed E rob Inch I O Ambulance Service 1 O Night Calls Day Calls C 117 -O Phone 175 Phone 43 C O C `.: 1 o0000000000c i 191O O O O O O O O O O O C . WALKER'S C nJO FUNERAL SERV ICE 'c O W..I-•WALKER and C O JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. C O Licensed Embalmers and, C O Funeral Directors. C '' O Day or Night Calls promptly C O atterrsled. C O PTI -ONE 67 C O O O O O O O O O O O C THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COW 113EAD OFFICE-SEAFORTA, ONT Is, taco. R. McCartney, Snafrntlt - Pres Jralmes 'Connolly, Gaderirh - Vic? -Pres Miextan A. Ried, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas AGENTS: W. E. Hr rchl•ey, 9,eafmth ; Johr gray, R. R. .1, SeY�p4h ; F. R. G Xormt outh, ilr•odhaglen; ,Tam" Watt 'Blyth; 0. F. Hewitt, ltincardine. DIRiECTOR'S: William, Knox, Londes'horo; George Leoxtlhart, Brodha,geen ; James Con, nallg, Gaderi'oh; Alex. Broadfoot, No 8, Seaforth; Robert Ferri:.s, Blyth George McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth;. JW11n Pepperv, Brucelfielid; Jil S'hol• tr;_ ce, Walton; ThoMas Moylan, No. 5. Seaforth. ` I A BARGAIN Palk SiA,LE LPive swres, one mile h m, sludortli. vilodert hoarse with AfttlQ,e;e, bath and' tdilot; stintall, bamrrl•r; e'a'd Bolydbmd. Tax4s, $48. Splemdid ��aW1iM,�J�,�' tb jotart cltir)reFm ft'",ft'",bees, t.Aly do 'I$.- } . 80891* A ," > 'r 1. 1K jY i. YI r k t , ni;.sr ir�ytha to wi.4 V {� moi; I, Jr S. M I { , k ' '. . , y n t t�, ` r ,,. �a . e. n4` 4 ,J n ti�. , C�i^, l r, rl Q� r 'Mrl � err 11 Stomach Sufferers Marvel at New , 34oute Relief. People who -have suffered for years from, stomach agoniels are marvelling' at the qudek relied of Bisma-Rex, a new, de- lirious tasting antacid powder, and its comfort is lasting too. It acts four ways: Neutra- lizes excess acid • relieves W D. C. Herrn also ,gave splendid papers emphasizing the fact that Christian people acre forever facing problems. One of the most vital of these 1prdb- lems is the irilgih't of the individual to consume alcoholic 'beverages. Mrs. R. Archibald then paetsented the, bud- get of the W. C• T. U. The, W. C. T. U. Inas at present three field wo- men. Temperance education was gbv- en to 50.0,00 of the youths of aur province. The purpose and aim of the organization is for the elimina- tionof manufacture as well at the sale and importation of alcoholic bev- erages. Mrs. Archibald closed with prayer - ' stomach Of gad; soothes mem- Accommodation for High School puluils, tgtpmers or boarders; every ounve,nience. Ap- br,anes, and aids digestion. ply at The Exuwitor office, t•,-1.17-1 , Get. Bisma Rex To -day. Exhibition, visitors Sloop at the Boulevard $ day Hotel, Toronto, corner' Queen -Jarvis A LARGE BOTTLE FOR 75c Queen oars stop near (huor. 84.26x4 Wanted. -steady %vork for •u,uuan young to tape •N41 charge of house work in a f;im- --AT—' Iily oaf mow, Ayplyl at The Exposlmtt)r Office. • Keatmg's Pharmacy 8427-1 1bale. -Strh 1;Collie pupa, six w" -kb old;; two Shorthorn bu'l'l cah•e,;, 1.3 m.-,nths The Rexall Drug store old• Quick selie ,art bar};a6'n pr,ir:ies. Apply W George Beatty, Sr., Varna. 34-9-..", ' PHANE ZS SEAFOR`rH ' Notice.—The Public Library will hu closed from August 14th to August :.'lath, Greta icut Flowers, Wreaths and '1%—Pson, Librarian. 3420 Christmas Cards Agents.—Write for infur• Floral Pieces supplied for all MaGon•ret;areting a e0endld.line of Cl,rktmas occasiouL "'rds, wonderful values, good commission. Novar 'Trading Coo., 620 'Richmond Street, Londin. Metcalf 5i70. • Awirtment To Rent­aven-roomed apdrt. meant. All modern mnvenietwes and hearted, NEWS OF THE. TOWN Ap�pJy to A. A. ]irclLanlna.n, Seaforth. 3426 For Sale or Rent.—Pr4nio house on Joh•; • Strwt; ju,At overhauled and desecrated. All Lights Go Out, -Hydro was off foe modern conveniences. W111! vacrifice for creno ,ale_ Rent rea.,anable. One year lease ii about five minutes late Saturday ev- ren,ted. Apply R. L. Thoanson, Jahn Street, ening tit the height of the rain Stol•7r1. beafort)h• 34-96-tt Service was.soon r•esuured and little House and Lot and Severn Acts of Telmer inconvenience was caused shoppiers f"r :,ale. The prtrpeirty on North Main. Street, Seaforth, known as 'Ste,want's GasStat on• and theatre goers. to AptNly to John A. Ctidmors, R. R. No., 2, —--�----- Ulittt ,n or phone 3 on 610, Olintonn Prize List• Correction. -In the prize 3423x4 rth ' list of rhe SeafoA,gt'iCllltLrl'al Sp- House and Lots For Sale. --Comfortable 1 r"onred house and aix lo:, upposite the tCot cil.ty, a mi.stilke has been njade on lefriare rn.•t•itute, seafor:,h, for sate. trhs: C _ page 17, ..action M, Class 9. COT 5 ,,. �. . pre i Ynust be • sol 1 a' •-1,u t a t e up,,tlhe e,tate ,< reefed the. item should read: Sec. 9- of the late Charle- Hahlbein. For rrnt"iculars Ih•essed chicken, 1st, $1.50; 2nd, 50c." Upply on the inuniiies or to John H. neat Seaforth.342^,x,1 don The door of the prizes in this class "' is Isaac Hudson,. +a Ship Boilersi.-The Robert Bell Fan- Con gratulations.--Con•gra*ulations gine 8; Thresher Co., Ltd., ship'pe'd• are extended to 'Mr, and Mrs, T. G on Wednesday, two large heating Scott, who on Wednesday celobratec boilers for the- 'Taylor Forbes Co,• the .10th anniversary of their wedding which will be used in Natia Scotia, day at their home in Seaforth. Each weighed 17,500 pounds and -,yas 6o inches outside dimension. They Is Remodelling House. - Mr. H were made under the direction of R• Edge has the contract for remodel• G..Parke, foreman of the boiler shop, ling the Campbell house rot the Ntortl 1 and took about a month to complete. Road which will be occupied b Mr p y . The boilers are a special heating type and Mrs. R. E. Jackson. Mr. Hugl . and carry 100 pounds of -steam. The Wright and son, Jack, who have beer company also shipped a tractor and occupying the house have moved tc i'Drs. separator to Thomas Murray,Echo NVoods' house on Side Street, •. __ 13ay, Algoma, on Wednesday. .�, Win in Walkerton. -:Messrs, J. E Sermon Subjects for Next Sunday. Keating and J. M. Hinckley, of Bea- '-Northsidg Urrited' Church -Rey. G. forth. and John Jowett and D. Hig• ' E. Morrow, of Cavan Church, Win- 'gms, Bayfield, were in Walkerton or ' throp. will preach ai Egnrondyille in 11e'dr-esday, playing in the annua: , the morning and at Northside in the invitation golf tournament of the , evening -Rev. W. P. Lane. Rinistei. Walkerton Club. They were success• , First Preslbyterian Church `- Rea• firl in winning' first team prize fol , 77ardlaw Taylor, of Goderich, will low net and Mr. Hinchley won first ,'preach at both services,=•Rev. I. B. low gross on the first' nine, . Koine,. 'Minister. Egm,on'dville United Church -Morn- Archibald -Clement. - Large ,bou• , in, Rev. G, E. Morrow, B,A., will quets of garden floiw'ers d'ecoratec , preach; evening services withdxanva Westminster Central United Churcl , in co-operation with•, Northside and , W ednesd•ay morning for the wed - >'McKillop. -Rev. C. A, Malcolm, Min- ding of Helen Elizabeth, daughter o: > ister. Mr. and :Mrs. Frank Clement, Chap > 'St. Thomas' Church -Sunday school leau„ to .John Craig Archibald., Nev 10 a.m.; morning prayer, 12 a.m. ' by Mire Rector. Evening'' York. son of Reeve William: Arebi' bald and Mrs. W. R. Archibald of , ,.sermon Special •nreacher, Rev. 'Maxwell Seaforth: The ceremony was con. Parker, '13.A., IR�ector. of Hen•sall. (Weted by. Rev: Dr. J. 13ruce !Hunter - of London. Mr. C. Franklin Legge Ayers-WilcockS.-St. Paul's Cath- played the wedding music. The bride • edt•al was thronged with young 'I,on- given in maiTiage 'by her father, wore , loners at high noon Saturday, when a lovely gown of beige peau d'an'gc lace, fashioned on princess lines, witl Rhea - Agne's, only daughter of Mr. ' and J. Wilcocks, of on Ion, was long tight sleeves and insets of biege , married to Rev. James F. Ayers, B.A" chiffon at the neckline. Her, picture hat was of was biege chiffon L.Th„ con of Mrs. M'yers and the tate . .T. E..Nlyers, The groom is assistant .,vi- stitched crown, and she carriee curate at Sat) Paul's, geld for a time' Talsiman and Joanna Hill roses .,vitt , :vas Rector of St. Thomas' Anglican 'I'uc.ker baby's breath, Miss Alice Barker as bridesmaid. .,Cas becomingly gown' Church h Y . re. Veer• •Rev. Dean cern , officiated_ with Rev. R. W. Sirrou,e ed in Alice blue chiffon with 'pini+ • w."isting, and Right Rev. C'ltaric•, .A• velvsash. Her turban .was of matching h atching• material, and her glo ' Seager.- Bishop of Huron. actin;; ,t�: c6ebrant at the nuptial Comrnunmr.. prrrk Inc—• She carried pink roses es, Tne hride was attended by 11i,,q �Ir. tV: L. 1ICCutcheon acted at ovo Clarke. i.leanm� Clarke, and the gmoam •r,y g•roomsnian, and the ushers were Mr Bruce Clement and ,Mi,. 'Chane= Sher. )I r. as: T. nlpsnn,,, the ushr,rs ping >Ir• Ceritl I•y •rs, of Windsr,r, :vood. .Mrs. Clerne was gowned it ; wid Mr. DTonal':. el:,on, of Gueip; hlack and white, with matching hal . and accessories. She wore a corsag.' . Takes So t f hall , , eriou • -C ' 5 51 hrck Y •bids •� of..orc he n• mm's � T o mother, .Ir. g r Archiltalc.l, Chase an.,en-emble of mid• Appel, writing int1Le :Stratford P,eac- night blue, with a con=age of pial on-IDerald Thursday says: "S.'afor:h roses, Following tho cergmony the • certainly takps th, ir• snftlrall ger•iou, - wedding breakfast was servc-d at tiv ly, much like most of the othor small- Royal York Hotel. Later the bride • er centres. 'but that does not moan and groom left , for :MLt'ckoka, the t'nat they do not hZve the every best ' hri'le travelling in a dark 'brown anr. brand dished up to them: As hn in- bm beige ense'hle of triple sheer. wit! t'lrire the'Seafor•th Chi'ti ig b,•inging matching French hat and dark browr, the l;ni6n rrli liar Trust C'nn:pally arcs-:=�jories• On their r'etur'n an: , '1111 of D r-troit to their to.,rn on Sat- ,lir•. }Trs, Archibald will live in New Ynrk urday evening for a game. The vi;- itorq are 1Parlerg of thn Downtown Death of Virg. Thomas :McQuaid.- , League in Detroit., and Seaforth an- Ona of t -be, nutgtand:in'g• pioneer resi• nex,xd the cha:ttrpinnship of the TDn- rient: of the Seaforth district pa -ed on League on Tuesday ,vening w•h'n -ay in S•cnt.t STemorial ITospital on they- defeated the itVparw•rll llosiery catril lay morning. Aug -list 12th, in Nine of Clinton, in the third game anfl• dpeiding The the 'person of Johannah 0°Rourke, gatme. game on Saturday evening• is slated to get un- widow of the lata Thomas McQuaid. On the previnus Sunday rtiorning Mi-, der way at 6 o'clock chirp." `�"- McQuaid suffered a fractured hip Junior Women's Institute '.Meet.- v:hile alighting from a car at St. Jame,- ('hurch, and the shock proved The regular meeting of the Junior Wrnnsn's Institute was held the too much for hie��• system to ,•urm'ount at home' of 'Mrs. Alcex. Rroadfoot on at bar arlvanceil age. Born in Wrx- ford County, Ireland, R5 years ago, August 3'th.. The mieetimg nonmed , 'r.,1TCQuairl cam's t•n Canada with with the.Orle and repeating the Lord's her parents when a child, the family Prayer in unison. A 'five mnnute speech on vitamins was very ably settling in Rlyth, Ontario, where her life given )M Miss Jean Webster. liisg early was spent, and where atip .,vas rr.ari+Irl to the late Thomas Mv- Sarah Whitmore cTelighte' tike ladies ' Quai•rd. .After her marrifige sine re - with a piano solo entided', "The Burn- ing oi' Ronne" by F. T. PapIl, The pa- sided on t}re m )n the second con: per on "Planning S irriTi mPr Beals," cegsinn of , Tllop, whish during the life of 1Tr, 1•lecamee one of xQuairl , wag read ,bv FTora' Soarteel•, We the fihe'st. farm homes in the t wr= le'armad frori it that su,mTner meals ,hip.Following the death of her hus- neeed as march planning a,,; winter band and later thf death of her only oneetx. A veru educational and prac- son, the late .Tame- McQuaid, Mm, tical delthionstration on table Setting ;McQuaid dimosed of thr farm and and manners was given by T" - Mc-' purchrased the pretty home on Gode- Lraughian and Theim'a Elgie. After rich Street, West, Se,afortlt. where a• •fertv songs frorh the son'%' sheet, she has made her home for tlin past lunich eras served by the hostess. �` 19 years. She is survived' by one - • daughter, 'Mrs, Thomas Mulligan, of Weal' Temperance Talk. -The wo- Grand Forks, Vor•th Dakota, who men's; Misgronary; Society of North- since her marriage to Dr. 'Mulli.ga-6, side- United Ohmch met Thurwd,av of Ila(] come over several timeseach last week irr the school room:. krs. year to xpenad a week or. two 'wit'h Barbor read the Scripture lesson, h•em mother. W.rw. ' Quaid was a ulhirb wag followed witlh prayer ,by wnmian of urrvsual streng• h •of. char. 'Mrs, R. Archibald. The study topic after and winning personality Al- ivas "Tetmlperamee Ednrcatiom,." Mira. Ways witt:,v�, kindly and howpiitabile, rilays�in agave fn an dnteretating man- Ae was a friend to everyone, anal er a 1> en "'Okir Prolbletm, in Can. L, 'C7C7allrn#bell ,her Passing iw a smatter of deep re- to the, +peerple this atT," alnd Mrs. G. gret of cortirhx%n- '{. 1. 1.<I ' r t Y kl. 0.N, f k•1' d �'.•VJ' t## n, 7 1d1 •,r� � �.,.< rl �{` anti^ a .µ t r irr'rr. A>K .5`e .! ,'h•t ,,{,�,� t' t�� tx rr �•r �� � �"r, � ,� ,y, u�(�,,';^gy��,� a��*,^�+s i<7Gi''$w:�::w�a ..a., r.n..'•u rv. ..u,�n,s,�NnM�,.',',t'3'4kiza-vffidAuis `„�paak.•nw''.•,hvi A th ��� . aq ����. � � r c1�, <1., MON O" Here is That Waterman 's You promised your boy for passing his exams. • Why not give it to him now?. He.. will appreciate your thoughtfulness. PRICES: $2.76 to $10.00 SHOP AT SA VAUGE'lS IT PAYS Jeweler - Optometrist Gift Goods PHONE 194 RES. 10 it -y. The funeral wa's held on 'Mon- day m,oi•nin;g from St. James' Church where Rev. Father :Bussey was cele- brant; Rev. Father Flannagan, o Lansing,, Michigan, Deacon, a11d Eev Father Dantzer, St. Caiumban, .I,Su Deacon, unci when an eloquent 'and outstanding sermon was delivered' b Rev. Father J. 'M. Eckart, of Haw theme, N. Y. A men-wrial service was held oil the same dray in St Mary's Church, 'Grand Forks, N: D. by the friends'of Dr, and Mrs. Mulli- gan. ulli gan. Interment was made in St, James' cemetery. Ammlong those fro, a •di,stance who attended the funeral were: ,Mrs. Katherine ,WC'onnell and son, George, Buffalo, N. Y.; Mr. - an Mrs. J. J. Clerrnan, Sr.; ,Mr. and Mrs J. J. Clennan', Jr.; Mrs. Elizabet Burke and son, Harry, and Mr. IM -McQuaid, Detroit; 'Mr. and, Mrs. J W. Hleinise and family, Mr.. -Norma Faulkner, Mr: W. J. 'Faulkner, Mr and •Mrs. Charles McNeil, Toronto Mr, and 'Mrs. James Trainor and son Edgar, 'Schomberg, Ontario; Mrs, Anna Moore;