HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-08-11, Page 8410
OMR .-
LST 3 1933.;
'farare and
CROCKS 15c, 20c and 25c
'pare gallon
BlIlLOXe-,The speed soap
2 packages
6 -pound box Stilt;
3 pounds J
-10-pound pail
EltilliliCTRIC LIGHT $1 00
tBUirBIS—e9c; or 5 for , . • . 'DD '
our best seller
.1 -pound tin
$with premiums
+per tin
Butter, Eggs and Feathers taken as
Cream taken, for Seaforth Creamery
at same price as paid at Creamery.
Windstorm Insurance
Are you insured against the
danger " of wind that may
strike your buildings at any
Rates have kept pace with
the times.
Rates gladly quoted.
Best ' Canadian Companies.
Watson & Reid
Phone 214 Seaforth
Specialists in All Lines of
4 0 0 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0
S. T. Holmes & Son
O Main Street, Seaforth
0 S. T. Holmes' residence,
O Goderich Street, West; phone
0 No: ' 119W; Charles Holmes'
O residence, Goderich Street,
0 East; phone No. 308.
Ambulance Service
0 Night calls, Phone 308. - 0
0 Day calls, Phone 119 J. 0
O Charges moderate.
O 0
0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0
0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
'0 H. C. BOX 0
O Funeral Director and 0
Licensed Embalmer 0
0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn 0
0 equipment, 0
0 •' . Charges moderate. 0
0 Flowers furnished on short O
0 Irotice. 0
0 Night Calls Day Calls 0
0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0
000 0 0 0 0)). 0 0.0 0
O W. J. WALKER and •O
0 Licensed Embalmers ana
0 Funeral Direotors. • O
O ,Dray or Night Calls promptly 0
O attended. 0
0 PHONE 67 tiO
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Outstanding Specials
FREE—A 55c jar Jonteel Van-
ishing or Jonteel Cold Cream
with the purchase of one 55c
Box of Jonteel Face Powder.
50c Bottle Almond Cream, 33e
• special at ......4.,
35c Bottle Lavender e
Wave Set at G7 29
50c Duska or Lavie•nder 33c
Brilliantine at
50e Lorie Liquid Bril- 33c
liantine at
25c Stork Baby Powder 19c
• at
25 & 50e Jonteel 19c39c
Talcum Power d4a 9
Vinolia 'Castile, special, 25c
10 cakes LJ
Keating's Pharmacy
The Rexall Drug Stare
Cut Flowers, Wreaths end
Floral Pieces supplied for all
Geo. R. McCartney, Seaforth - Pres.
J+almies Cantn011y, Goderich - Vice -Pres.
0+fezibon A. (tied, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas,
AGENTS: • ' •'
W. E. Hi'nchley, 'Seaforth ; John
45/Inm-ray, R. R. 3, Seaforth; E. R. G.
Xerrnu utth, Brodhagten; James Watt,
P1yttt; 0. F. HewittKincardine.
Start Work on Gas Station.—Work
has started this week on the gaso-
line service station that is being er-
ected by ,the Shell Gasoline Company
;n the old fair 'grounds property on
Goderich Street, apposite Adam St.
The building will be rushed through
to early completion.
William Knox, Londesboro; George
Leonhart, Brodhagen ; James Con-
nolly, Goderich; Alex. Broadfoot, No.
2, Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Blyth ;
George McCartney, No. 3, Seafe'rbh;
loran PgpPe'r, Brnceifielrci; James Shol-
dfree, Wlalton; Thomas 'Moylan, No. 5,
'GR S1li E.--Piv'e acres, one mile
%n ,iSerafeiidh; ifiedkyrri house. with
fnf'nrazhe, bath and toilet; small barn;
l5. S lendid
r ��
p e!ttart althea farm, bees,
*forth, Ort.
Residence Sold.—Mrs, J. D. O'Con-
nell, of Windsor, has sold the large
frame residence on John Street, one
and a half blocks from Main Street.
to Mr. M. O'Loughlin, Dublin, who in-
tends to occupy It. 'Mrs. O'Connell
has had the property leased for some
Receives Scholarship.• —''Fred' R.
Archibald, son of Mr. and Mis,'An-
d'rew' Archibald, who graduated from
Queen's University last spring with
the Medal in Chemistry, -has been
awarded a $400.00 Arts Research
Scholarship from that University. He
will resume his studies there in the
blue silk net with pink sash. 'The
'bodice was finely tucked and the
skirt was of tiny 'pleated frills. She
were a small blue hat and 'pint[ lace
mittens, and carried Btttterfly roses
and lily of the valley. Mise Elva
Wheatley*, sister of the bride, played
the wedding' music and wa,s beco+m-
ingly gowned' in yellow ohiffon with
brown accessories and a large yellow
mohair hat. She wore a oohsage of
Talisman roses and. lily of the valley.
Durirg the •signing of the register,
Mr. Jack 'Heal - sang, "'I Love You
Truly." Following the ceremony, a
reception was held at Gray Gables,
Avenue Road. Later the •bride and
groom left on a motor trip to Mon-
treal and Quebec, the bride travelling
in a smart frock of crane grey crepe
with hat and accessories in match-
ing shades.
Must Have Name.—The editor is
in receipt of a letter signed "Farmer
Subscriber," with the request that it
be published. • It will be necessary
for the writer to forward his name
to this office, not neces's'arily for pub-
lication, but as an evidence of good
faith. On receipt of his we will be
pleased to publish the letter.
Wins Team Prize.—Mr. John M.
Hinchley, of 'Seaforth, and"Dr. Wan.
Aberhart, Mitchell+. were in Owen
Sound Monday playing in the -invita-
tion tournament of the Owen Sound
Golf and Country Club. Together
with two CoIlingwooci Hien they cap-
tured the team prize for best gross.
Mx. .lIinchley cls won low gross on
third nine, and Dr. Aberhart low
gross on fourth nine.
Exhibition. Visitors --•stop at the Boulevard
$ day Hotel, Toronto, corner Queen -Jarvis
Queen oars stop near door. 3426x4
Notice.—The P,ub1'ie Library will he closed
from August 14th to August 28th. Greta
Thompson, Librarian. 3426-2
Apartment To Rent. -Seven -roomed apart-
ment. A'11 modern a nv lienees and heated.
Apply to A. A. McLennan, 5eefonah.
For Sale.--'Pour-wheeled re'a'ler in good
condition, with a nine -foot white ash rack.
Apply to Loads Devereaux,. Seaforth, Phone
144-35, Huron Road Bast. •. 3426-t,f
Agents Wanted. -Make money selling our
fruit trees, smeill-fruit bushes, shrubs, ever-
t;reens, hedges, roses. Outfit furnished, Cash
.cummi3sion paid wekly. Write to -day. Maple
Grove Nurseries, Winona, Ont. 34'33-3
For Sale or Rent.—Frame house on Joh't
Street; just overheated and decorated. All
modern conveniences. Wtl•1 sacrifice for quick
sale. Rent reasonable. One year lease if
rented. Apply R. L. 'Thomson, John Street,
Seasforrdt. 3426=tf
House and Lot and Seven Acres of Land
Ler sale. The property on North Main Street,
Seaforth, known as . Stewart's. Gas Station.
Apply to Jahn A. Cuclrnore, R. R. No. 2.
Clitatton, or p'hune 3 on. 610, Clinton,
Brodie -Beatty. — A quiet wedding
vas solemnized in Hart House Chap-
el, Toronto. on Friday. afternoon,
when Bertha , Irene, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert J. Beatty, of Sea -
forth, was ,married to John Arthur
Brodie, son of iMr. and Mrs. George
A. Brodie, of Langstaff, formerly of
Toronto. The ceremony was perform-
ed by the Rev. D, W. Terry, uncle of
the groom.. 'Mr. and Mrs. Brodie will
reside at 237t Chaplin Crescent, To-
Died in Port Arthur.—The many
friends in Seaforth and vicinity will
read with surprise of the tragic
death in Port Arthur 'on August 1st
of Frances Eleanor Flook, in her
ninth year, elder daughter of Alder-
man S. E. Flook. B.Sc., and Mrs.
Flock (•Jeesie B. Rdbbr, granddaugh-
ter of Mrs. Robb, now of Vancouver,
and the late' .John Robb. France,
failed to rally following an emerg-
ency operation for appendicitis caus-
ed by an acute infection. her heart
having he•en weakonerf'as a result of
an op" ration for mastoid five years
ago. She teak an active part in the
junior organization of Trinity Unit-
ed Church- and as a student she had
headed her class in Central School
for three years. There i' left to
mourn her las,, beside her pari?nts,
grandmethc-:r• and aunts, a brother,
.John, and a 'baby sister, Sheila.
Sermon Subjects For Sunday next.
—Union holiday sen -vices: itic'lning
service at 11 o'clock in Egrnonrlville
United Clued; Dr. J. Melvin Keys,
minister of First Presbyterian Church,,
Oakdale, Pennsylvania; subject, "The
Pre-eminent Chest"; evening service
in Northside United Church. Rev.
W. P. Lane will preach on the sub-
ject, "The Power of the Past."
Egmondville United Church—Morns
ing, Rev, W. P. ,Lane, B.A.; evening:
Service withdrae-n 'in co-operation
with Northside and McKillop church-
es.—Rev. C. A. Malcolm, Minister.
First Presbyterian Church--Norn-
ing, "The Victory of God in the
I)is.asters of Life"; evening, "Taking
Ton Low a View of Ourselveas."—Rev.
1. B. Kaine, Minister.
St. Themes' Anglican. Church—
S•alhhath School at 10 a.m..; s'ervice
11 a.m., "Life's Supreme Question";
evening, "The Gift of ,Wonder."—
Canon Aptpleyard, Rector.
Leslie -Wheatley. ---Emmanuel 'Col-
lege, Toronto, was the scene of a
quiet wedding fon Saturday at three
o'elock whenn 'Miss Blanche Wheatley,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Gorge W.
Wheatley, Seaforth; Ont„ became the
bride oaf 'Rev. Charles W. Leslie, son
of Mr. and Mrs. George I. Lesltie,
Ingersoll, Ont. The ceremony w'as
conducted by Rev. Prof. K. H. Oous-
laitd, MA. The bride, who was giv-
4•r3 in Marriage by her father, looked
lovely in her wedding gotten of paie
Is Acting As Manager.—Mr. Russel
A. Walter is acting as manager of
the local •branch of the Canadian Bank
of ,Commerce. clueing the absence of
Mr, J. G. .Mills, the manager. iMr.
Milts is on holidays.
Trucked From Quebec —Mr. W. E.'
Chapman last -week received direct to
his shop a shipment of .three granite
tomb stones from Beebe; Quebec. The
stones were brought fronn the com-
pany's quarries and mill in Quebec
by a ten -ton truck, and were part of
a shipment consigned to different
points in Ontario. That is modern
freight transportation.
Win World Title.—The 0. A. C.
grain judging team w`on the world's
grain judging title at the World's
Grain Show, Regina, on Thursday. of
last week, it has been announced. The
team of which W. A. Archibald, son
of Reeve Wm. Archibald and. Mrs.
Archibald, of Tueieersmith', is a mean=
ber, scored 4,639 points. In addition.
to first placing ,and scholarships the
winning Ontario team secures a to-
tal of $270 in individual cash alwards.
Brough-McCowan.—A quiet wed-
ding was solemnized at the 'Manse by
Rev. I. B. Keine, on Wednesday,
August 9th, at high noon, of Beatrice
Florence, daughter of Mr. Duncan
McCowan, of Seaforth, to Mr. John
Constantine Brough, son of Mr. W.
C. Brough, of Goderich. The bride
looked charming in mosaic blue crepe
suit with hat to match and beige ac-
etssories, carrying sweetheart roses
and' lily of the valley. After the.
ceremony the happy couple left by
motor for Cleveland and other points,
They will reside in Toronto. The
many friends of the couple wish
them a happy married life.
Here is That
You promised your
boy for passing his
exams. Why not give
it to hien now?. He
'will appreciate your
PRICES: $2.75 to $10.00
Jeweler - Optometrist
Gift Good's
PHONE 194 RES. 10
twenty-five years before retiring' to
Egmondville twelve years ago, Mr.-
r.Atkinson was a successful farmer
and an authority on the breeding
and feeding of Durham cattle. He is
survived by three sons; SHIon- William$
Atkinon, of Victoria, B. C., who un-
til hiis resignation a few weeks ago,
was 'Minister of Agriculture in the
British Columbia, Government; Mr.
James Atkinson,,.of Los Angeles,. and
Mr. Alfred Atkinson, President of
Montana State Agricultural College
at Bozsnan, 'Montana, The funeral
Will take place from his late resi-
dence on Friday afternoon at two
o'clock. Interment will be made in
Maitlandbank cemetery.
Hits and Runs.—A car tra9ellingl
at a high rate of speed west on
Goderich Street, crashed into a light
coupe owned .and driven by William
Landsborougly, Tuckersmith, smash-
ing a wheel and fender on Saturday
evening. The accident occurred at
the intersection of Main and Goderich
Streets about 9.:30 in the evening.
The offending car was evidently not
injured and kept on its way. • Chief
of Police James V. Ryan phoned Clin-
ton to be on the lko•kout but with-,
out success. The accident attracted
a large crowd, which was only pre-
vented from completely blockirg the
intersection by the good work Of
Chief Ryan and Constable' Snell.
Hold Splendid Picnic.—The choir of
Northside United Church held its an-
nual picnic to Bayfield on Wednesday
afternoon and were favored with ex-
cellent weather. The program includ-
ed sports which were wen as follows:
Wheelbarrow race; Mr. and Mrs, W.
C. Bather; bean relay race, Miss
Doreen Hudson's team; kicking clip-
per. men, S. Scott; ladies, Mrs. F. J.
Beehely; biscuit race, W. McNay. Fol
lowing a delicious supper, a game of
-oftihall was played between teams
captained by A. W. Sillery and A. A.
Burrows, the latter winning by e
large margin. Dr, F. .J. Burrows is
president of the choir, while Miss
Doreen Hudson was in charge of the
lunch and Miss Margaret Crich in
charge of the sports program.
Sudden Death of Mr. Joseph Atkin-
son.—The very sudden and totally un-
expected death of Mr. Joseph Atkin-
son, at his home in Egrnon'dville early
Wednesday afternoon, came with a
great sense of shock 'to his wide cir-
cle of friends in town and country.
Mr. Atkinson.,..in spite of his great
age, was unusually active and had
enjoyed excellent health.. In the
morning he had been .about the house
and grounds as usual, and in the af-
ternoon, about two o'clock was sit-
ting on the verandah talking to Mies
MteCloy, who had been his house-
keeper for a number of years, and,
Mr. John McLellan, of Seaforth, who
was spending the day with him, when
he suddenly fell book in •hi•s chair
and passed away ahnosteimmnediate-
ly. The dece'ase'd was " born near
Whitby 89 years ago ; this August.
As a young man he came to Tucker -
smith township and also rekded in
Hamilton. Fume forty yearsago he
eame to ,Seaforth to manage the pure
breed Shorthorn stook farm of the
late D. 11 Wilson, on the farm now
owned by Mr. J, R. Scott and filled,
that position for some year,'., Later
he parer oltasnd the Chesney' farm en
the &ria lithe, 'where' ha fanned for
Serious Accident. — The many
friends in town and country of Mrs.
Thomas McQuaid, will deeply regret
to learn that she met with a serious
accident on Sunday morning last. She
had driven to church and while alight-
ing from the car slipped and fell,
fracturing her hip. She is in Scott
Memorial Hospital and at present is
doing as well as could 'be expected,
but at her advanced age the accident
is a serious one. '
• Mr. and Mrs. Archie Currie and
son, Paul, of Toronto, were week end
guests at the home of 1111r, and Mrs.
John Currie. •
• Mr. •and Mrs Gerald McIntosh
and family, of D'gtreit, •spent the week
end at'the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
J, Huggard.
• ' Miss Fergus SMeKay is spending
the,; holiday's at Maple Grove.
• Mr. and Mfrs. George +Illutehieson,
of ;Loddon, spent the week end with
his mother, Mrs. F. D: 'Hutchison.
• Mr. G. A., Jackson and sister,
Miss Jackson, of ''F gmondville, . have
returned from an extended trip to.
the coast.
• Mr, and Mrs. R. Reid, of Hamil-
ton, spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. William Reid.
Miss Wilma lRoweliffe, of Clin-
tons was a 'gues't this week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs: W. G. Wright.
`• Mr. r and .Mrs. Arohie Dickson
and Miss Betty, of Toronto, are
guests at the home of Mrs, Adam
• 'Misses Belle and Anse, Grant and
Miss Ellen Laidlaw, of Wolesley
Sask., .ho were on , a trip to the
Chicago 'World'''s Fair, • are visiting
with relatives and friends in this dis-
• Miss Ann Gordon, of Cleveland,
is the guest of "Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
• !Messrs. Robert and Franklin
Hawthorne, who have been spending
two, weeks' holidays with their grand-
mother, Mrs. Robert Hawthorne, re-
turned to their hamie int Goderich on
• Mrs. Coppin, of Detroit, is the
guest of her mother, .Mrs. F. G. Liv-
• Miss Katherine Harrigan has're-
turne'd to her home in .'Stratlford af-
ter a pleasant .visit with Mr. and Mrs.
D. S'hann'ahan.
• 'Miss 'Frances 'Fortune is spend-
ing the week in Bayfield.
' • Mr. and Mrs,' E. 'W. Edge, of
Toronto; 'spent the. 'week end' with
Mr, Henry Edge and 'Miss Josephine
• Mr. Russel Israel, of Windsor,
arrived by aeroplane on Monday
morning to visit his sister, Mrs. Wim.
• Miss Roulston, R.N. of the staff.
of Scott Memorial iH,ospit>al, is spend-
ing her vacation in Muskoka.
• Mr. and•; Mrs. C. R. Hunter and
little daughteer; Joan, of Toronto,
spent the• holiday with Mrs'. Hunter's
mother, Mrs. John L. Smith.
• iMr. and Mrs. D. Shannahan at-
tended the races in 'Goderich on Mon-
• .Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Collins, of
Buffalo, spent the week end with 'Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Fortune. •
• Mr. and Mrs. J. 'P. Daly were in
Fergus on Monday attending the
Centennial being held there: Fergus
was Mrs. Daly's home before her
• Miss Kathryn Crowley, R.N., of
Kitchener, Mr. Eugene Crowley and
lir. Walsh, • of Toronto, •spent the
Week end with Mr. and Mrs. •M. J.
'Crowley. '
• 'Mis's Mae Haley, of Goderich, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Thos. Storey.
• Mrs. L. G. Kruse and Me'. and
Mins. 'Glenn- 'Broadfoot, of Hensall,
were week end guests at the home of
Mrs. William Sclater.
• Mr. John McLeod, of Detroit, a
former well known tSeaforth. old boy,
-Spent a few_ days this week with
friends in town.
• Mr. George Daly is visiting
friends in Caledonia.
• Mis's Evelyn Israel, of Walker-
ville, is a guest an the home of Mr.
and Mrs, William Cudmore.
• Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clark, of
Windsor, were the guests of his cous-
in, Mr. C. H. Holland, over the week
• Mr. and 'Mrs. H. G. Meir and
fancily are leaving . Saturday for a
short vacation at Lake of Bays, Mus-
• Mrs. A. E. McLean and two chil-
dren were guests this week at the
home of .Mr. and 'Mrs. F. Burchill, •at
• Dr, and --Mrs.. Harvey Burrows,
of St. Catharines, spent the week end
and the holiday,at the home of Dr. F.
.J. Burrows.
• Mr. Briggs, of. Cleveland, is a
guest at the home of his uncle, Mr.
Melcolm McDiarmid in Hallett.
• 'Mr. Tom 'Govenioclx is visiting
Dr. McPherson, at Springfield, Massa.
• Mr, and Mrs. R. Wanless and
daughter, of Toronto, and Mr. and
Mrse Thomas Wanless, of Milverton,
were week end guests of 'Mrs. G. T.
• Mr. Gordon Dick spent the week
end at Point Clark.
• Dr. and Mrs. Yale and son, of
Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, are
guests at the home of Mr's. H. R.
• Mis's Hazel Thompson, of To-
ronto, is visiting twith Seaforth
• Mr. Dawson Reid, of Guelph,
spent the we'e'k end with his mother,
Mrs. J. F. Reid.
• Mr. and Mrs. T. McRae, of De-
troit, 'were The week end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Reid.
• Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Calder, of
St, •Catharines, spent the week end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Hays, '
• Mr. Craig 'Bu'ck and Miss Claire'
Buck, -of Windsor, are guests at the
home .of Mr. and Mrs. W ,R. Plant.
• +Mass Justin Arnold, of Smote,
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. B.
• Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Kerslake
spent the week end at Point Clark.
• iMr. and Mrs. J. Dugan and Mr.
and Mrs. P. Dugan and daughter,
Phyllis, of +Columibus, O+hieb,, entre a;•
few d+ays with 'Mr, and Mrre L. Bold?
ton and Mt. W.. Onager'.
• +Mr, azrd Mrs J. E. Phelan, of
Guelph, visited Mr. and Mrs, J. F.
Daly this week.
• Mr. and Mrs', Harold Stark, of
Weal'and, spent the week end with
Mrs 'Stark's another, Mrs. A, Stark.
• Mrs. ,Mvl.ligetin, of Grand Forks,
is bete (Swing to the serious accident
of her mother, M.rs.•Thomas McQuaid,
Dr. 1VLvaligan is also expected on
Thursday evening.
• The many friend of Miss Kath-
erine Collins, of Buffalo, who recent-
ly underwent an Operation for ap!pen,
dieitirs in ''Scott Meteteriel Ifosspitel,
Sleek* Will be Pleifteed, tri learn that
Adds To Equipment.—Mr. He C.
Box, this week, had delivered a 'hew
funeral and ambulance coach, which
will add greatly to ,his already fine
equipmiient. The combined body is
placed 'on a modern eight cylinder
Buick chassis purchased from A. N.
Dunlop., local dealer, and was 'built.
by Canada Carriage & Body Co., Ltd.
of Brantford. • The funeral coach em-
bodies all the latest improvements,
Caskets nvay be serviced from either
side or rear. Interior equipment in-
cludes casket table that is divided and
may be readily hinged up against
sides when required for service pur-
poses, and also removable flower
trays. The interior is finished in
blue mohair plush and is lit by a
dome light and corner lights. Win-
dows are of heavy plate glass and
those behind the driver carry a beau-
tiful frosted horder design. The am-
bulance equipment includes Bom-
gardner all . aluminum stretches cot
that may be adjusted to' any posi-
tion, two attendants folding chairs,
red cross signs and arn,bulance plate.
The body is of excellent design and
the coach as a whole is finished in
black ducco. With this fine equip-
ment, Mr. Box is now in a position
to do amibulance work as well as
funeral directing.
Fall Term Opens Sept. 5th
Special 'Courses- Arranged
Correspondence Courses to
those who cannot attend
Write or Phone 198.
B. F. WARD, B.A., - Prjncipal.
M. A. STONE - Com. Specialist
Be Careful
Don't take chances on poor
chimneys. -
Have than repaired now by
reliable mechanics.
Tile Mfgs. and General Contractors
Phone 183 : " Seaforth
We are ' paying for
Standard' Wheat
Phone 51„
We believe that hundreds of persons
benlefitted by jSeaforth's Co -Opera-
tive Stale, held by the merchants last
We considered it a' successful Sale
from every viewpoint, and we want
to thank • the people for their liberal
We endeavored to make the values
s+0 •go 4 that no matter what you
bought the 'saving would be. an ap-
preciable amount.
Naturally we have a heavy stock
still, and so during August will have
outstanding price reductions on
many items throughout the store.
■ '
TI'1',RO1i GH-
,.U. RR.1234.
she .is able to be about again.
• Mr. and Mrs. Joe ''Eckert, of
Stayner, spent a few days visiting
friends in thief vicinity.
• Miss Effie Smith, of London, is
visiting at the home of Mrs'. G. T.
• 'Mr. R. eE- Cresswell returned to
Denver' on Tuesday.
• +Miss Patricia Southgate and Miss
Lillian Southgate are spending a
ntonth in Manitoulin.
• Mx. Hugh Ross, of Guelph, is
the ,guest of +Mr. and ('.Mrs. K. M. Mc-
• Mrs. 'McNaughton, of Hamilton,
is visiting at the home of Mr. and'
Mrs. Robert Govenlock in' 'MicKil'lop.
• Miss ,Marion Scarlett spent the
week end at Port Dover and Simcoe.
••••• • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grieve and
son, of Windsor, were week and
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
T. ,M. Grieve, in Egm'ond+ville.
• Miss Lulm.sden, of Dublin, , Ire-
land, is the guest of Miss Jackson in
• Mr. R. A. Walter, accountant in
the Bank of Commerce, is spending
his holidays at his home in Jarvis.
• Mr. and Mrs. Bleck, Bert, Frank
and Laura Black, of Toronto, were
week end guests at the home of Mr.
and 'Mrs. M. McKellar. They were
accompanied by Miss Isabel McKellar
who has. been , spending the past
month in. Toronto.
• Guests at the home of Mr. Dun-
can McCowan during the .past week'
were: Mrs. T. V. Nimmo and son,'
Duncan, of Toronto; Mrs. R. C. Gotch
and daughter,. Dorothy, .-of New Or=
leans,.. and Mr. W. C. • Brough, ' of
• Mr. Wlm. Muldrew, of Hamilton,
is a guest at the home of Mr. Robert
• Mr. and 'Mrs. S. L. Wright and
son, 'Mr. Jack Wright, and Miss Marie
Farrand, of Toronto, were week end
guests at the home of rMrs. R. M.
• Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart,
Miss Mary Stewart and Miss Nora
Stewq.rt ° left on Thursday morning
for New York.
• .Mrs. F. S. Brugger and two sons
of Montreal, ar'e visiting at the home.
of her mother, Mrs. G. Pethick.
• Mrs. Clen Colbert and two chil-
dren, of Halmllton, are guests at the
home of Mre. A, M. Barton.
• 'Mists Mary Horton, Mr. Horace
Horton and Mr, D. McCartney, of
Toronto, were holiday guests at the
home of 'Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greig.
• Miss .Helen Ament, of Guelph,
and Mr. K. W. Arnent, of Toronto,
spent the week end with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Annelle
• Mr. 'Dick Thompson, operator at
the 'C.N.R. station, for several years,
has been transferred t'o St. Cathar-
ines. ,
•--Mrs. Phillips and children and
Mr. and 'Mrs. W. H. Tribute, -of Ham-
ilton, and ,Mr. 'and' Mrs. ,McBride, of
Toronto, were week end' guests at the
home of Mrs. L. T. DeLacey.
The August meeting of the W.M.S.
and W.A., of Duff's' United Church,
was, held at the home of. Mrs. Dan
McCallum On Wedmersd'ay afternoon.
The,rnissfonary meeting which was in
charge of the president, Mrs. (Rev.)
Charles CuSmim'ing, opened' with pray-
er and a hymtn, after which the Bible
story entitled, "Lot's Wife,", was giv •
en ''ey Mrs. Herbert Kirkby. Plans
were made for the annual thankoffer-
ing meeting which will be held in
Ooto'ber. Following a hymn and
prayer by Mrs'. Peter McArthur, a
splendid, topic was given by Mrs.
Cumminlg on o1Stewardship," in which
she stated thee a steward is a person
entaus•tea with things not his own
and stewardship includes possession,
reseponsibility and accountability. The
meeting closed with a 'hymm • and at
prayer by Mrs. Edward Bryans..
The W. A. meeting was in charge
of the president, Mrs. George Me -
Taggart. 'Following the openin,,
hymn, the Seriptere lesson was react
from Hebrew, chapter 2, after which,
a few items of business were discuss-
ed. The meeting closed with a hyena
and prayer by Mrs. Bryans,
The August meeting of the' Gleaner
Mission Band of Du'ff's United church
wiil'be held in the school room• of the
church on Sunday morning. at 11 a,m.
Mr. .Hiarvey Bryans is' attending
summier school at Toronto Univers-
Recent visitors in the 'village were;
Mrs. Robert Naylor and daughter,;
Lois, of Rochester,'with Mr. and Mrs..
Peter -Gardiner and Mr. and Mrs..
John Buchanan.; Mr. and Mfrs. Bazit
Wilson and 'son, Donald, of London,
at the home of Mos. Wilson's, par-
ents, Ms. ,arid Mrs. R. W. 'Hjoy; Mrs..
G. Welters and daughter, Dolores
Fay, and 'Lloyd. Cook, 'of 'Belga:ave,
with 'Mr. W. C. Bennett; Mr. and Mrs_
Fred Kerley and daughter, 'Margaret
Ann, of Toronto, with 'Mrs. Kerley's:
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Love;
Mr. and Mrs. F. (Martin and sons,.
Edwin and George, of Belgrave, att
the home of M:r. and Mrs. Nelson
Reid; Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr, of
Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Kerr, of Toronto, at the home of 'Mr..
and 'Mrs. 'George •McTaggart; Missee
Helen and Berea Steiss, of Seaforth,.
with their parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. D-
Ste3ss; Mrs. Clark, of Kinburn, with
Mrs. Edward +Britton on the 16th con-
cession of Grey; Mr. and Ma's. Howard!
Bolger, of St. 'Catharines, . with the
former's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Johns
'Bolger on the 18th con., Grey; 'Jim
Johnston, of Guelph, at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas John-
ston on the 16th con., Grey; the Hog-
garth•fa•mily, of London, at the home
of the Misses Simpson; Mr. and Mrs..
Donald Robertson, of Bright, at the
home of Mr. and 'Mrs. George McAr-
Mrs. Joseph Bennett and grandson,
Ronald Bennett, are holidaying with
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Davidson a1
Port Elgin.
Miss Dorothy Drager, Joseph Ben-
nett, W. C. Bennett and daughter,
Shirley, spent Sunday with relatives
at Port Elgin.
Visitors in the vicinity:, Miss'
Marie Coutts, of Mitchell, with 'her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman
Hackwell; :Mrs. J. Johnston, of Blyth,
at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Colin
Miss Helen Roberton, of 'Bright, is
visiting at the home of +Mr. and Mrs_
George 'McArthur.
Miss Gertrude Miller has returned'
home after spending a week with
relatives at !Mitchell and at Floral
Park near Washago.
+Mrs. Robert Wilson spent the week
end at her home in Brussels.
Mr. Lawrence Cummings and son,
Garret, spent Wednesday in London...
Anniversary services will he held
in Duff's United Church on eSunday,
August 20th. The morning service'
will be nconducted by Rev. R. W.
Ross, D.D., of St. AndreWs Church,
.London: Rev. W. M. Grant, of Bel -
grave, will have, charge of the even-
ing service. Special music will be
contributed by the ohoir.
The service next Sureley morning
wild be in charge of the pastor of
Duff's United Church, Rev. Charles
Curtaining. His • subject will be,
"Quench 'Not the .Spirit.""
The first game in the H.F.A. play-
offs will be played at Walton on Mon-
day evening, ,August 14th, beteveern
Brussels and Walton. The game will
be called at 5.45 sharp.
Ta Collegiate Pupils
All pupils intending to register in Form I of the Seaforth
Collegiate, for the tern 1933-"84, which ''opens Septerhber 6th,
are requested to do• so not Iater than August 12th ' 'Either;.
mail a card• to the Principal, or register in person at the ,
Collegiate on August 5th or August ,12th, between the houra
' 10 s,.rit. acid 12 uoonf".