HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-08-04, Page 811 1•' ' EGIAIL-We airw'a'ys buy the t•Vdetegar and we have yet to thin any oompladnnts about it. t'1 . Q with cake of :Sap-S'plen- Mud far all cleaning. + aekage 15c [Ip 'ED OLIVES -.32 -oz. 33c Jar. Per jar ........ 1 NIS MUiSTAIR;D-Coags GA tibia TKEEN'S'MUIi$TARD-�Sma11 tin, 250 atin $1.00 WINE PINTS per dozen SNE QUARTS • Per dozen marrix 'OAPS per pound PLUM JAM pee jar IDEAL CATSUP Iper bottle FANCY •BISCUITS 2 •,pountds far • Butter, Eggs and Feathers taken as cash, Cream taken for Seaforth Creamery at same price as pair at Creamery. $1.10 25c 27c 1Oc 25c Hutchison's PHONE 166 Windstorm Insurance Are you insured against the danger of wind that may strike your buildings at any time? Rates have kept pace with. the times. Rates gladly quoted. Best Canadian Companies Watson &- Reid Phone 214 : , .Seaforth Specialists in All Lines of Insurante 000000.000000 0 • S. T. Holmes & Son 0 O FUNERAL SERVICE 0• 0 Main Street, Seaforth _ O O . O O S. T. Holmes' residence, 0 O Goderich Street, .West; phone 0 0 No. 119W. Charles Holmes' 0 0 residence, G.oderich Street, 0 0 East; phoneNo. 308. 0 O Ambulance Service O 0 Wight calls, Phone 308. 0 0 Day calls, Phone 119J. 0 O Charges moderate. O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - H. C. BOX. O 0 Funeral Director and 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 0 Best M1otrie and Horse-drawn 0 O ettuipmeait.- 0 O Clharges moderate. 0 O Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. 0 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0 O 0.00000000000 000000000000 O WALKER'S 0 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 W. J. WALKER and 0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 Incensed Em'bal'mers and 0 Funeral Directors. O Day or Night Calls promptly O attended. O PHONE 67 • 0 O 00000000000 THE McKILLQP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT OFFICERS: Geo. R. McCartney; •Seaforth - Pres. J'o'ins Connolly, Go'derich - Vice -Pres. Merton A. Ried, Seaforth - Sec. -Trees, AGENTS: W. E. Hdnlchley. Seaforth ; John ''Murray, R. R. '3, ."�eaforth; E. R. �. Jermicmlh, Brodhaglen'; James Watt, Myth; 0. F. Hewitt, Kincardine, DIRECTORS: • 'Oind1>isum Ken , Lende 'lei `o; George 'i.eoi>(hartt, Brodha'gen ; James Con- nolly, Goderioh; Alex. Broadfoot, No. R, Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Blyth ; George McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth Mho Pepper, Bruce16ek1; James Shor ,lineae, Walton; Thomas 'Moylan, No. 5, Seefarth. A BARGAIN SAtE.,---t ive .acres, one mile ftmtx -SealOtI914 m'od'ern houlse, with futhace, lr(dj, anti toilet; mall beim •' 1�1 b' orrehaxs Tales, a 411. S Splendid e e'hi'oe1n farfn, frees, Seafoitth, Dint. 31189 of sl 4,0 Outstanding Specials FOR THIS WEEK END FREE ---,A 55e jar Jonteel Van- ishing or Jonteel Cold Cream with the purchase O? o 55c Box of Jonteel Face P der. •50c Bottle Almond Creeun', 3 special at 473c 35c Bottle •Lavender 2'9c 'Wave Set at i7 54c Duska or Lavender $3c Brilliantine at 50c Lorie Liquid Bril- 33c lian'tine at 2.5e Stork Baby Powder 19C at �7 -.25 & 50e Jonteel 19c 39c Tal•cum.P•ower & Vinolia Castile, special, 25c 10 cakes LJ DEVELOPING, "PRINTING and ENLARGING -:AT- , Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Drug Store PHONE 28 SEAFORTH Cut Flowers, Wreaths and Floral Pieces supplied for all occasions. NEWS OF THE TOWN AMMUMWAre Successful. -Miss Mary Stew- art and Miss Margaret Armstrong were successful in securing their school assistants certificates, • recent, results of the Ontario College of Ed- ucation show. 1. ,U fi Mt✓ "` bit ; • a h� to THE AGN EXPOS tended the groom and Ithle ushers where Mr. Barb Johnson and Mr. Bill Bapskill. During the signing of the register Mr. R. Forrest rendered a solo. Fallowing the ceremony a re- ception( was held at the Grant Hall, when the parents of the bride and groom received with the wedding party. 4The alttxactii!vlely lalppointled tea table was centred by a three-tier wedding calve on a fashioned mirror and deepest with tulle. Mrs. Am Broadfoot presided over the tea table and Miss Frances Coons, Miss Mildred Clark and Miss Elsie Lnviing+ston as - dieted. • The bride and 'groom left on a (motor trip to Yellowstone National Park, the bride travelling in a soft green 'coat over"a •cresaln and brown lace dress with 'brown accessories. On their return they will reside in Mildale, Sask. Camp At Bayfield. -Messrs. Geo. Hays, W. E. Southgate, Jr., Stanley Hays, Frank Sills, Tom Sills, Garnet Free and Jack Holmes left this week to• camp in Bayfield. They will re- main two weeks. 0 Appointed Chaplain. - Canon. E. 4•pp1eyard has been . appointed a Grand .Chaplairrelt the Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. 'M. of 'Canada. The ap- pointment was made and announced by W. M. Grand Master Frank Copus, of Stratford. ' Play in London. -Dr. Wnn. Aber - hart, Mitchell, and Dr. Carl Aberhart, Seaforth, were in London Wednesday. praying in the Academy of Medicine golf tournament. Dr. Wm. Aberhart won first prize .in the -.fi'r'st nine. Wanted. -Woman to do general housework. Apply to Mrs. Epps, Varna. 3425x1 House and Lot and Seven Acres of Land Por sale. The property an North Maim Street, Seaforth, known tri Stewart's Gas Station. 'Apply to John A. Oud'mare, R. R. No, 2. Clinton, or phone 3 on 610, alizarin, 3325x4 , Agents Wanted. -Make, money selling our fruit trees, smell -fruit bushes, shrubs, ever- greens, hedge.;. noses. Outfit furnished, Cash commission paid wekly. Write to -day. Maple Grove Nurseries, Winona, Ont, 3423-3 Extra Optical Offer. -,High grade, stylish and most up-to-date glasses, rimmed or rim- less. Your choose in ashen, white or pink gold-filled. with lenses d,mp'lete, only 36.50. invisible bifocals with choice of frame cora- nate, catty' $12.00. '!"hese prices include a thorough exaaminattan of our eyes by our well known and pa:ins',aki'ng specialist, Mr. Hughson, over 20 years corning to Seaforth. The .'hest optical work to be obtained and we wave you money. Tuesday and Wednesday, August Sth 'and 9th. Close Wednesday at 12, noon. Come .,early. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth. 3424.2 Announcement. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Clement Cha ]eau Ont., p n announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Elizabeth, to •fir. John Craig Archibald, New York,_ son of Mr. and Mrs. Williain R. Archibald, Seaforth, Ont., the marriage to take place in Toronto the middle of August. ' Members' of Church Army • Here. - On a seven hundred mile tour, six members of the Church Army stop- ped in Seaforth Wedn'esd'ay evening and held services of witness in St. Thomas' Church. A service was al- so held in the church on Thursday morning prior to the party leaving for Hensel]. Women's Institute. -The tiegular meeting of the Junior Women's Insti' tute will be held ' on Wednesday, August 9th. at the homtt of Mrs. Alex. Broadfoot, Mill Road. The topic will be on "Planning Summer Meals." •The roll call will be answered by a suggestion for Sunday night sup- per.A table setting g denonsti `i al will die given. also a talk an vita- nidns, what they are and where th:y came from. Everybody is invited to attend. r � Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. -Egmondville United Church -Morn- ing, Service by Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A.; evening:' Service withdrawn in co- operation with Northside and Mc- Killep.-Rev. C. A. Malcolm, Minis- ter. Northside United Church --Morn- ing. In• Egmondville Church. subject, "Personaliz, cl Conscientences"; ev- ening, in Northside United Church. subject, "Unfinished Tasks." Rev. W. P. Lane will preach at 'both churches. First Preshyteria,i Church -Morn- ing, "A Quest For Souls"; evening, "Unemployed Till the Eleventh Hour." -Rev. T. B. Koine, Minister. St. Thomas' Anglican Church-'Con- fimation Class and Sunday'Schnol, 10 a.m.; linty- C'rimn-.union, 11 a.m.: ser- mon by the Rector, Canon E. Apple - yard, who desires the presence of as• many of the congregation as possible in order to consider a natter of in- terest to the con•e•regation at the close• of the service. All menilhers are re- quested to be press nt.-Canon E. Ap- pleyard, Rector; Webster-Broadfoot-=A pretty wed- ding was solemnized recently in St. Andrew's United Church, Moose Jaw, when Florence Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Broadfoot. be- came' the hri•de of Paul Ervin Web- ster, son of Mr, and Mrs. J. Webster, Estlin, Seek. Rev. J. McLachlan of- ficiated and Mr. G. Veary presided at the organ. The church was decorat- ed with oleanders, ferns and cut flowers. The bride, who was giver. in' marriage by her uncle, Mr. A. Broadfoot, looked charming in a graceful gown of white bridal satin fashioned on princess lines, over which she wore a lace -on -net jacket. Her juliet cap of the same material was trimmed with seed pearls and caught at the..side with orange bins- s'oms. She carried a Coloniaii bou- qu!et of Oplielia roses, lily of the val- ley and sweet peas.- She - was at- tended by her lli.ater, Mrs•. • W. Mac- Dougall, as matron orf honor, attired in pale blue corded organdie with hat to match. Her shoes andlov g es were of pale pink, and she carried a bouquet of roses, sweet peas and lily of` the valley. Mite Kather•irue Bread - feat attended as bridesmaid, daintily dressed in plink dotted reet.with small velvet turban and bide a eessaries. She'carried• a nee m'ttfC censored with a nooeg.&•y. (M•+r. S, Reid, Regina, at - Asked To Play in Grimsby. - The Seaforth Highlanders Band have re- ceived an invitation to play in Grims- by on August 16th, the occasion of a community 'picnic there. The Band, however, decided not to nilake the trip. Break Into Mill. -Persons, suppos- ed to be boys, broke into McKenzie's mill Wednesday night and did dam- age to windows, etc. It is thought that the ,'pigeon's which inhabit the elevator, .were the object of the marauders. Chief of Police James V. Ryan is investigating. "Win At Tournament. -Messrs. J. C. Greig, G. D. Ferguson; E. C. Bos- well, J. E. Keating, J. A. Stewart, J. M. Hinchley, W. E. Southgate and K. I. McLean, w°ere"in Hayfield on Wed- nesday afternoon taking part in, the annual tournament of the Bayfield Golf and Country Club. Mr. Greig won first in Flow net for the.: first nine, while Mr, 'McLean won first in the low groes for 18 holes. LOCAL BRIEFS 4.4 rc IES For August 3, 4, . 5 • Mr. Frank Fowler and daughter, Miss Frances. Fowler, of Winnipeg, and Mr. R: E. Cresswell, of Denver, are guests this week at the home of the Misses Cress'well. • Mrs. Gerald Case, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mrs. L. C. Jackson. • Mr. James 'SIeet.h, of Detroit, is visiting with relatives here. • • Mrs. Q. T. Thompson and chil- dren, of Detroit, are visiting at the hone of her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. A. Forsythe, in Tuckersmsth. 'Miss Mildred Turnbull; of To- ronto, is spending the holiday:, at the home of her mother, .Mrs. G. T. Turn- bull. • • Messrs. Scott and Jim McKinley, of Winnipeg. are spending theit holi- days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott, Thornton Hall, • Miss Edith Davidson has re- turned to her home from Tillsonburg. • Mr. and Mrs. Wil. Bristow, of Sarnia, spent this week with Seaforth friends. • Mrs. James McIntosh has return- ed to her home after spending a couple of weeks with her son at In- gersoll. • Miss Jean Getty and Miss Bessie Boyce, of Moose Jaw, are guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. Camp• hell. • Miss Gladys Thomson is visit- ing her sister. Mrs. Gorge Stewart. at 3lidland. • Mr, and Mrs. George Hiile, Miss Ria Hills and Miss .Jean Smith are An a motr trip to Erie-, Pennsylvania. • Mrs. Deshorough, of Northville, Michigan, who spent a week here nursing her mother, •pros. C. Eckert, has retuened to .her home. • Mrs. Albert Mer) and two chil- dren returner' to their home in Gode- rich on Sunday after spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mero. • Mr. Charles' Heys,. of Walker - rifle is visiting at the home of his parents, Col, and .Mrs. R. S. Hays. • l'Trs. James Beattie has returned from a very pl'e'asant• visit with her .on, Mr. Fred S. Beattie, Ottawa, and daughter, Mrs. J. A. •Smitih; of Peter - bore. • Mr. C, Eckert has returnd from a week's holidays with friends in Winrleor and Detroit. • The Misses Appleyard, of New York, are the guests of Canoti Apple - yard and Mrs. Appleyard at the Rec- tory. • Mr. George F,herhart of the sec- ond concession of McKillop, finished harvesting and threshing on July 31. That is pretty nearly a record for this district. • Mass Julian Kenny, of London, is visiting her sister, Mrs, C. Eckert. • Mr. Gordon Hayes, of .Detroit, spent the week end with relatives here. He was accompanied beck by Mrs. Hays, who spent the past three weeks with friends 'here. • Mr. J. IVIeKenzie is vi'si'ting his brother in Orillia. • Mies ,Minnie Habkirk has return- ed from a two weeks' holiday with friends in Trenton. • Mrs. Edward Shaw, of Chicago, is at present visiting her sister, IMrs. William Pearson, who is s'e'riously ill in Scott Memorial Hospital. .. • Mr. and (Mrs. W, A. Wright and family quote taken, a cottage at Hay- field for August. • Mie. Wren Eyre and daughter, of Sarnia, are. visiting friends in Seaforth and n�icin'ity. • Afro, Oooinbe, • of Toronto, is the gite b of Mrs. E. McMurray, at the �1. We are offering. Use NEW PARAMOUNT PERMANENT WAVE' Regular $15, for $10.00 .Positively needs no finger waving. OTHER PERMANENTS, $3.50 up 'Why not treat,your hair to a course of Hot il or Violet Ray treatments? All Lines of Beauty Culture at .Moderate Prices. We solicit your tpatronage and ask you toirmeen a your appoint- . Bert Williams' BARBER SHOP SEAFORTH, ONT. • ri ed from ni a month's vacation. • 1Mr, Charles Layton, of ,Hamil- ton, a fernier. well ''known resid'e'nt, was vdisiting friend's le this week. •'• IMiss (Mary Reynolds and Ibro- ther, 'Mr. 'Pat Reynolds, of T.orontbd, are guests at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Sills. • Dr. 'Frank Neal, of iPleteiboro, and his mother, lMi+s: W. Vial,. of Walton, were week' end guests at the home of the Misses Ferguson. - • • :Mr, J. 3. Mero spent last week with Goderieh friends. • Me. and Mrs. Ray 'Hiolnlles and little daughter.' are 'visiting with friends in iS'imcoe. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudimore, of /Toronto,' spent the week end with relatives in town. • • Rely. IMr. 'Morrow, of Duff% Church, 1MeKi1loip, is ,spending his holidays in Delaware. • • Mr: 'McLeodAlex. 'cLeod and daugh- ter, of Detroit, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G.: Doherty, in E'gronds ill'e. -- • Miss Dorothy 'Wdld'ern, of St. Catharines, was the guest of Mrs. J. A. Mune. ', • • Dr. Aubrey Crich; Mrs. Crich, Dr, J. A. Muni. and 'Mrs. IMunm leave Sa'turd'ay on a motor trip to Chicago. • The family of Mr. I. Hudson is camping at Bayfield. • • Dr. H. IH. Ross and daughter, Miss (Margaret and Mies Helen Ham- ilton are 'apiending a month in Bay- field. ' Royal Apartments. • •Mrs. Theisen, of Detroit, is vis- iting her mother, 'Mrs. Carbert. • Mrs. 'Southgate and Miss Betty Southgate hay e returned from New York. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart and family are spending a month at Bayfield. • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Somlerville, of Edmonton, are guests at the home of Mrs. A. •Somerville. • Mr. Albert Mero and Ex -Mayor.. McEwen, of •G'oderich, were Sunday gue's'ts at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Mero. ' • Miss Wilson, Matron of ' the Scott Memorial Hospital, has return- GODERICH ACES AT AGRICULTURAL PARK. CIVIC HOLIDAY Monday, August 7 at 1.3o O'clock SUNSET STAKE Three-year-old Trot WHITELY STAKE $500 Three-year-old Pace BLUE WATER STAKE $5010 Free -For -All' ��DD litJ 'AT GOLDEN n O GATE STAKE $5'04J 2.17 Trot or Pace �iJ GODERICH STAKE 2.22 Trot or Pace �P New Covered Grandstand GOOD TRACK Betting Privilege's • Allowed $500 GENERAL ADMISSION - (Tax Extra) J. B. WHITELY, M.D. - E. R. WIGLE - - W. F. CLARK, V.S. - 00 50 cents Pre ent Treasurer Secretary Week -End SPECIALS BEEF 1. Shoulder Roast pound, 2, Neck Boil pound 3. Rib' Roast pound LAJIB 1, 90 12c Leg of •Laub ~ 20c pound 2. Roll of Lamb 20c po'und Fillet of Veal 16c pound VEAL 1, I'(1,RK I. Pork Sausage home made CURED MEATS 1. %Sweet Pickle Cottage 13e Roll 2. Smoked Picnic Jam, 13c short shank 3. Peameal Cottage 13c Roll 12c J. W. BEATTIE PHONE -96 COMING TO SEAFORTH' GEORGE BOYD Chiropodist and Foot Specialist - Graduate of Chicago and licensed by the Board of Regents, Province of Ontario, will be at Commercial Hotel all day, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5th, removing corns, bunions, ingrown nails, adjusting boneseaf fallen . arch- es (without pain) and treating all foot ailments. Examination Free. You are invited -Come early. We are ,paying for Standard Wheat 74c Wolverton .Flour Maisel Phone ,5I ELIMVILLE Rev. and M'rs. )Clysdale, who are holidaying at Grand Bend, were vis- itors with the latter's niece, Mrs. John Brock, last Thursday. Miss' Helen Dyson, of London, vis- ited at Mrs. Sherwood Hunter's' on Sunday last, - Mr. and Mrs. W. Reeve,. of Ilder- ton; 'Mrs. Langford, of L�udan,' and Mr. Chester Reeve and daughter, Miss Norma, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns,'one day last week. Mrs. Charles Johns, Mr. • Walter Johns, Mrs. Rich: Johins, Master Phil - Hp and Miss B,essie'Johns were in St. Marys on 'Saturd . ay. Mrs. rs. Charles Johns .visited her brother-in-law, Mr. S. Wlhaley, who is indisposed at pres- ent. Two little,•fres'h air girls from To- ronto, who have spent two weeks with Mrs. R. Johns, have returned home, taking the train at St. Marys. ST. COLUMBAN The football team'{ ..is..sti11. uphold- ing their high reputation of which they are well deserving, and let us hope they will continue the good work right to a finish. They defeat- ed Woodstock locally on Friday even- ing of last week, the score being 2-1 for .'St. .Colum'ban.' They have tied Ethel and ,play the contesting game •du'n'g this 'week. eek end !visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Dan "Williams and family, Chicago; Miss Margaret Williams, Detroit; Mrs. F..MeQuaid, Stratford, with her son, James McQuaid; Miss Evelyn McGrath, Buffalo,. at her home; Mr. and Mrs. Louis ;Stapleton and family, of Collingwood, with relatives; Miss Ella Dorsey, Detroit, with her bro- thers and sisters. • iMiss Agnes McGrath has, returned home after spending a week in De- troit. STANLEY Rev. E. A. and Mrs. Poulter and son, George Poulter, of Varna, left on Monday to spend' their vacation at Ron'deau Park. Mr. Mervyn Keys, 'Miss Margaret Lamont and Mies Grace Robinson in- tend spending this week with the Poulter family at the Park. Prof. J. J. Keys, of Nashville, Tenn., who with his wife is canmpilig at Bayfield, Will take the service at Goshen Church next Sunday, August 6th, at 10.30 a.m. Mr. Ben Keys and family spent the week end with friends in Michi- gan. .Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin Keys visited over the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys. WINTHROP IMr, and IVjrs. ,Samuel Somers and Audrey, of 'Detroit, called on Mr. John Bullard on Saturday. Mr. Will Chapnllan, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewartha. Mr. and Mrs. William Webster, of St. Johns, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. George Eaton. Mrs. John Armstrong, of London, and, Mrs. Dee 'Herring, of .Buffalo, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ftergus Bullaird. The farmers are busy harvesting the ats this week.' R _Edwin 'Morrow, of• -.Cavan Ch , is spending his holidays in D.elawar'e. (Mr.. and Mrs. Adam Dodds," of Lis- towel, spent the week end with rela- tives here. VARNA 'The' Hillsboro (N. D.) Banner, of recent issue, refemms• to the death of Mrs. 'D. (McFarlane, a resident of Gremlin, N.D., and formerly of Var- na: The paper says, ih part: "The serious illness. of• Mrs, D. McFarlane waft chronicled in these colurims some time ages -but this week woe have the sad announcement to make that death occurred Tuesday at 12 o'clock. Her death is a peculiarly sad affliction. On March 26thi she had a stroke and fell, breaking her hip. She was tak- en to Fargo and entered a hospital (March 31st on her 81st birthday with the most skilful doctors and nnrrses caring for her. Her condition be- cam'e sonmewhat improved and she was brought home April 15th, but on Tuesday', July 4th, came the last 'struggle for existence -and she sank peacefully- into eternal rest. Kind, loving and gen'e'rous are weak tern's to use,in an attempt to &Scribe her wnian r Vietties and trine Christian oharattfier. Ito hospitality f heir' '?Y rl Jlly.••a DRESSES 'COATS BLOUSES HATS HOSIERY - GLOVES 'CORSETS - NECKWEAR CURTAINS DRAPERIES LINOLEUMS CONGOLEUMS COTTONS - BEDDING TABLINGS TOWELS re • AUGUST 4, 7,!93n. a -operative SaIeDays THIS STORE ENTERS INTO THE SPIRIT OF THIS SALE -TIME WITH A VIGOROUS OUTGOING OF TIMELY MERCHANDISE, AT PRICES MARKED DOWN TO ENLIVEN THE INTEREST OF THE KEENEST BARGAIN SEEKERS. The wheels of business should be turning speed- ily to -day and Saturday. THE WINDOW SPECIALS ARE ONLY SAMPLES • OF THE ,BARGAINS IN THE STORE MacTavish'si home and the many oasts of charity and kindness which those in need in f the pioneer days sa' often received are well remembered by a.• large cir- cle sof sorrowing friends. Isabella Lyon, daughter of David:.end Isabel- la Lyon, was born 'in Dundee, Scot- land, March 3.1, 1852, making her age at the time of her death,81 years, three' months and four dys. Coming ,to Ontario, Canada, with her parents when three years of age, phis was married January. 18th, 1871, to Duncan McFarlane. Mrs. McFarlane moved to Grandin in 1880, locating on the present farm and pioneering with her husband and four children. Eight chilth-en' are left to mourn her loss: Mrs. Andrew 'MeSparron, Gran - din; David, Pitt Meadows, B. C.; Harry, Portland, Ore.• William Win- throp, throp, Wash.; James, Billings, Mont; John D., Valparaiso, Ind.; Bella and Neil at hclme. The funeral was held from the 'Presbyterian Church of which she was a charter member and was conducted by Rev-. John McDon- ald, pastor, who spoke eloquently and comfortingly." HILLSGREEN Mrs. Lorne Eiler spent a few days last 'week in Chicago attending the World's Fair and also called on her sister, Mrs. Robert Hopkins. Mr. Story, a missionary from South America, gave a splendid address at the service on Sunday afternoon in the Hillsgreen church, Rev, E. F. Chandler taking part of the service as usual. Lantern slides were given in the Kippen Chureh,on Tuesday 'ev- ening by Mr. Story. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Reichert, Mr. Clarence.' Brenner and Mrs. C.aSeimon spent a day in London. Visitors during the week 'in this vicinity were: Friends from, Michi- gan visiting with Mr. 'and tMrs. R. McAllister; Mrs. Nellie Granville and daughter, 'Mergaret, with Mrs. W. Reichert; Mrs. --R. Bonthron and Miss Gibbs, of Hensall; Mrs. Belle Ross, of Kitchener, with •''Miss Annie Jar- rott; Miss Mildred Workman with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Work- man, Kippen; Mr. and Mrs. G. Love and family, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Moir, of Usborne; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Consitt, of Hensel', with Mr. and Mi s, R. Consitt and Mr. and Mrs. R. McAllister; Mrs. L. Troyer with Mr. and Mrs. G. Johnston, Varna; Miss Glkdys Jarrot-t• with her cousin, Miss Audrey Cochrane. Threshing machines are in full swing among the farmers in. 'this Tieinity. Reports of a good yield are giVen in most t os hreshin'gs . this sea- son. The W. M. S. will be held at the home of Miss Annie Jarrott on Wed nesday afternoon, August 12th. TUCKERSMITH The regular Monthly meeting of the Tuokiersmith Ladies' Club was held, at the home=''of .Mrs. 3. E Bair Wednesday afternoon with a, good attendance. The president, Mrs. R.- Fear, _Fear-, presided. The roll'eall was"an- .swered by "a Scotch story." It be- ing Children's Day they had charge of the , 'program.. Readings were given by Misses S. Whitmore, 11 - Ashton, M. Crich, F. Whitmore and 13. Walters. Mis's Margaret. Cricht and Miss Florence Whitmore favored! with ,•a duet. A photo contest was conducted by Mrs. R. Fear, which was very amusing. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in games which the c'hil'dren enjoyed very, much. The roll call for the Septem- ber meeting is to be answered by' "Helpful hints' for style or beauty.' (Mrs -"John Markham and Miss Nora Stewart, of London, and Mrs. Mat- thews and daughter, Edna, of Toron- to, who ,have +been the •guests of Mr_ .and Mrs. J. D. Stewart and 1Vlisn Winnie, have returned hone after en-• joying a lovely visit in the country.. 'Mr. arid Mrs. Jonah Green ,"have rented the house latelyoccupied by' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caldwell and in- tend taking possession soon. • e Careful Don't take chances on poor chimneys. Have them repaired now by reliable mechanics. SEE US FOR ESTIMATE' R. FROST & SON Tile Mfgs. and General Contractors 'Phone 183 . Seaforth EASY MONEY Usually, only once in a decade does a situation litre the present arise. Every class of luerchandise is advancing in price. Hours of labair are being shortened; wages are increasing. Advanced costs are here now and will continue. Notwithstanding this, our Cao-oiieratee Sale offers you eruerchandise at the old low price, le's's a liberal discount of 20 per cent, and upwards. Then •by buying now you escape the advance in prices of 20 per cent. or more, making a t'o'tal 'saving of easily 40 per cent. on your purchases. It is only through bhe co=operation of Seaforth Merchants that such a money -saving event is possible for you. Read carefully the large bill sent to you to see the Savings' you will make on Auguet 3rd, 4th an'de5th. It means real money to you. , • SHOP AT „NA VA UGIi'1� IT PAYS ILII u T'ha'i' 1 • 'to Collegiate Pupils NOTICE All pupilsits intendi ng to register ater in Form I of the Seaforth 7, Collegiate for the term 1933-34, which opens September 5th, 'are requested to do so not later than August 12th. Either mail a card to the Principal, or register int person at the Collegiate on .August 5th or August 12th, between the hours 10 a.rnl and 12,. noon.. 1 r 4 t. e r r