HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-08-04, Page 4I . .1-1.11 - 1 R , , . ... � IN 0 .. I ,,, , , 1. �� T'n .1 ��I.i , I I g,� , ip"Ar- E,iy, - , Farm crops, which proinii-sed abunt 1* � ant yields early in the summer, haN " 011" It "'i .:, t.. �, " The effects of the dry, hot weathc 'i , """ of July can be .seen n every fieli � I . r�' poorly headed. Barley is the samo t� it, and' thei;ve' will 'be few loads to th ;I, I . . I �, . . k I V I . if �_,- ,., "I -1-1...-.,.. __ _____ ........... . � I . I'll, , I ",,,""I'll ��� 11 I ..... . . . . . . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . I . I � : . . I lk , � - ' I � .. I—. 4; 1903. I ,___ """ . I _. ''i ; I . � . . I ;��"' ,�_,, .I--- . ­ 4...." - 11 1. " �:::::: !! - __ 11. - � , � I -1 -1 I - - 4 - I, I ;�!­,­­ '­­­­­ - 4 , � 41.1� .M, . , F I- 4", . .. ,9Aq,; '. M . , ,q, � i ,� I . 7 RIM � I I 1. ,-, I � t' " ' "UN" AXPORT, OR, Would fora Moment dream of putting I I I � f " , , I'M* . , W" reim Q� g9,vftum%ft1h the hands . "W"'it '�' I . . 1 / - Fl� W � 11 � Q�i 9 � �!,;,. I I I � la Im "W 41111111 lowrft , I _".,A�...,,. F I . - F, I .f , j:, fl�­ ,r ,;6bL=d,ipF;WWQeeMy" - *( tle Vloods*oorthigrouv. . , , % .... �. .� �.', .. *1 id and N 0. � " � �;_".�.�.�!'. ,--,,, Y, W - ,,�. ,-, - 11t, VAght 'be argued that stai , 'IT . - i .1, , '57.1.1 " .4 . U E , ""'K0 . I I ` N t ik N � .� -Wphail MdAWA jpd#9r. COUMNatilm Old England, deeply at- 0 LO" u"KIING "V D� �TRICT I R., . V " � ,4 �­­,ii � ­ A - -1., �­ 011 " ,�-`4':�,, ,,, -F-F I 1,10.1 �,_ .� v. ", �V " , taiOhed to the traditiops of the X),pling _ ­ � I I 11 , ' . :rr, �, ' ; I t ,L.:.t" � �.90%1"t*w at seafoirtit, �n ev- class, VMwed,with alaprp.,,the advent . I - - -1 � . I 11 . I I . . I -"* I , I . 4, I " , . byjVLO t�, 'j � �,� . ar ,,of -at, Labor G4vernmelit?, yet nothing of a, greater yield,, and believing that the opportunity of ,vi,ewing the love. *-holidaY,s vAth hef '� - I 1 11,.&7,� ,�'j . -Au . . � �� t,,,��,:,�­ ,jfflt&,31 � mday attteMoou, . � , , . . . . . )) 11 ll,i_. V:', �, . I � � 1, J., ,,f�,�� I ]� I reaRY VAM'se''happened. The cases prices will remain at their pmoint ly contlenits of her most elaborate iltw. , son; VULAU HUM- Of S' lovely mid-sumnlor weddiirg-,., vtt Wle Statham,,_1�11, st, ----'--.. - . - . I ,�". . - .1 I Ad 1 Asev'en o'clock on -$atufrday mor-fiing, ' _.: � , 0'.,,T�.,,i'.,� , are Inot eien reWotely parallel. Ram- level. - I eon of Wk. and Mrs. Wliam . 4 . , ,P green trLmk.11 . .. � ' RUSS- I. Cha - 1 , 'as Ida Elva Bolton, daughter sm,,6f Londbu, in -St. Axidmes Breno. . A �J,"L �. "'� , Adler 'has been vis g en Mi . .�, ,,,;t,�" �� : jj$�Jptjon� rate, .r in say MoDoniald and his associates did Tomatoes have suffered to some ex -v- Master Gordon MpestlAke, of the friemidi a th, wb " _ 111.1 , , $1.60 a yea with , t Fordwich. . of Mr. and iMrs. Gordon Boliton, of orial House, Saturday. Dr. J. V, ' A ) ..� �""",­c� I O& not propose a reve4ution, and when tent with lateral blooms not setting Bluewater Highway, is visiting Mas- 'The Rev. Mir. Story, returned mis- He 'Th 1, _ , reigno,,.$2.00 a year. Single I a 0 1 , W100- fo ", . .1". . ..'"p- 4 cents each. they won power they did nothing re. .90 well. Stakedtanjutoes have givei? ter Ri - . un -11, became the bride of Dr. J. Munro offliciated. v bilridio wow a -W111 leap _ chard Stanbury. sionary from.South Mnerica, gave a Alexis Spellman, son, of Mrs. A. French ,suit of navy blue preope trilul- I 0 � ��`, 1� , . volutionary. It was no -pait of their best results in fruit sets. - ,Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, of Ann Ar- very interesting message t0'th0 06n- Spellhmn, of Kitchener, and the late n*d with ibluie fox, bluefielt,4t, bb" �.$;z .; � Policy' to socialize banking, utilities, Meet and carrot crops��are fair end bor, Michigan, havebeen vial ' 11 1� I Advertising rates gn application, I 4 � 11 ltit4,` I transportation, the distribution - tin'S the Creg-atilqxii Of St, Andwewl'lsi Ux9ted Mr. A. B. 'Spellman. Rov. Father ,shoes, and gray beigefgjpve�4. Ekev ii--t��,,:, . - I Of heavy ,plantings for lat.- crops have latter's Mete* Mrs. Howe and Miss 0hijiWoe ISunday last. , - , , , 'lk, bread and gazoliae, and been made. of shiau rWes The I I :":. Members of the Canadian We�kly coal, niii L. M. Jeckell_. ' His Ia;4,em. Waechter officiated. Me bridal party corsage was Tali � , . , , destroy capitalism ,ro,ot and t,raAvh. ' 11 I ... �..'. � views on, Tuesday evening were also took their places before the flower brideismaid, Miss Misie, Webb, wao in , ��ct."_ Newispiaper Associafbion, 'Class A Peas, botheanning and market, are Messrs. J. M. -Southootit and W. M. most interesting and. insitmeAve. decked altar to the strains of the an ensemble of printed ch V, mey did t uade-rtake to pay the ft,nislfed. iffon, iq I . ,i 1,41 , Weeklies of Canada, and the Huron nO Beer are taking in the *Wbrld's Fair iWe are sorry to report tW Mr. E. wedding Music played' by Professor Autumn tintp, bedge hat, §hoes wo I I'. .. Couo,ty Press Association. , I Gebts of farmiers ,nor to make laboT . Cabbage crops have I . ,��;t I been . good, at Chicago. . Forsythe is undeT the nurse's'eare. Zollner, the organist of the church. gloves to Watch. She also -wore a I . . .. !�,,, the master of all industries. They with lairge .ii;66plies still availa@e. Mr. Georg,6'A. HawkiniN bar, divid- His. many frj�nds TAsh � -him, a mTdd 'The bride -was attended by her sis- corsage bouquet of 'Butterfly rows. . It.— I , Jid not promise to do a -way 'with Late plantings in cabbage ..and ed his hardware store, leasing one- recovery. :ter, Miss Victoria Bolton, of Toronto, Mr. Harold Skinner was groonasman. I . . .. .1 SEAFORTH, Friday, August 4, 1933. taxation, and to equalize all incomes. cauliflower are large. half of it to. the Rabathge Jewelry Mrs. Thomson Scott and family . I ,�f A thinly-niusked Communism was ., of 4 0.'� I - . and giving the exterior a coAt of fresh Detroit, are visiting with . I the bridesmaid, and the bridegroom After the ceremony the wedding 4 A '. . t�ut offered. Mrs. Scott 9 was assisted by his bro Mr Wim art W?;? � . jni�fi­l 41". ,k-- 'A 14-;, P I �, . �:. Crops and Prices.'are Low , I I g,� , ip"Ar- E,iy, - , Farm crops, which proinii-sed abunt 1* � ant yields early in the summer, haN " 011" not fulfilled their promise. t.. �, " The effects of the dry, hot weathc 'i , """ of July can be .seen n every fieli !11,11 Oats are very -short in sbraw an r�' poorly headed. Barley is the samo t� it, and' thei;ve' will 'be few loads to th pd�... I. acre. �11­11 F . -Root crops are fair and corn i , proinising;- Potatoes, howlever, ar i , said to ,b'e a very poor crop. ,� .. ..... .. , In fact bay , and ,wheat are th [� only crops wWch the fqmi,�r wi - ,�� -ear, pr( 'I bave an abundance of thi,sO�\ ��, , vided of course, that 'the farme �.,� .� . -grows whea't. - �11 . And the pric�-s to date . are as'shoi " , -1 ".. 1. as the cro-ps. Pork climbs slowiy an ": L, beef refuses to clin-ub at all. t�, . [", , . Unless the crop shortage has th 11 effect of materially raisiag prickp, F_ , ", this fall and win -ter, the averag, " l�'I farmer is not going to have a gre� �,.,,�� I ole -al of ironey to spend. �(. . There Seems to be Plentp 1�1; �' .­ - I t .. �fbnep r , F, , , Judging by the response to � - I V.I. Canadian' loan floated in Great I � � . � . tain this week, one would, say t '.� there was no shortage of money , 1. . � I . ;� I that country. � I . I �. 'The loan was for 3�15,000,00, . I I , I _ I proximp!&ely $75,000,000, and the s . E . _. scription was closed on the sanie i �..- , . �.. . on which it was opened. In fact ,, . . . ii said the -loan was Over subscri � I. . . I 2n the first mail.of.the day. I , . , , , , , , , , ` , , , , IE , - I , - � , I t , I , I � , * , ... �` . . . This- is the first loan Canada , , , �.; I. -floated 'in the mother I-ountry in o I.- �': , .". . -twenty years. and carrie.�s an iritel 11 I ;� . I r,ate of f our per cent. . . � Considering the interest with t . ; � I I offeredby both the Ontario anol C �[� . , . I '. � adian, Governments in recent lo: . k . , floated in this country, the rate ii "I . I � � ,very mo&rate one-indeded. , , '. , British Governments, howeveX, � I 1� I 11 rot,as free spenders as our Cant I . i � . ian Gnes� To the British inv-e,3tbr I � � Government loan carrying fGr.r ) - I pent. interest is a prime investme I . .. , �., gence the scramble to take ad-va �_ . :, age of it. . % . . � �. I I . - I , . . ,, .. - I—- - I I I � � There is Something,Serjou t, . I � . � . 1,v Wrong � . �. I I t 1 Evidellice which is coining to lig : � .f in the . triali . of the convicts for rii � . . - , �ng ablKingston Penitentiary does r ' ,. ': i, � milake, or shouad not make, ve ., -g for .any Canadi 1� . Pleasant Teadin I , , . pitizen. � . 1�� Tenitentiaries, we know, are plac , I.- - I., . of correction, Their inni(ates are � pE . . . poM who havelroken the laws of t .. country to a greater or less exte I ,� � " and atonement should b,)a xnade' f , ,, � " �he crimes committed. , , NO one expects that an inmate Of , itentiary should be treated in t] " perm 11 . � �;ams manner as a free man. FL. I : �. from,it. . . ,,, . I I �But a convict is a hum -an being ai r shblild be treated as such, even in �', . eintiary. I pewt I � 'If. the evidence produced at thei 1. . . recent trials is true-, or even if a fra .., , - ,� I ,tion of it is true, it points clearly 1 : jhe fact that humanity plays no pai � �. 1� 'Ail the tiiiatment of the itimates I , ,; I at least ,one o -T our government it �, . atitutions. . . Z, , 'It points clearly to the 'fact,. too .. � , I I 1"at an investigation of the manag( t - ifilent of these institutions is Ion - . 11 1,� overduei 0 4, Twenty yeara, solitary conifineriien, � I bmt,Al beatings .and abuse, have bee �, . . � Charged IbY inmates and, to date n .. i official, denial of such conduct on th � '. . 1 part a guards or those responsibl . .1.... ; for ,disleipline has beem made. L . � ,� 1. � 'Something is seriously wrong an, ,�� the people of Canada want to Imm I ), . � I what steps, if any, are being ta.kei . � to ren*dy the trouble. The 001VIeT11 I , , . utimt has 5een silent too long. , 11 . "I -11". 1, . :� � ,. "... I - 1� . I . I . ., I . , Do We Want Revolution ? � . , I , 11 L!, � I (ftatMord Bxpodtor) I . I I - - . ,,,� A, Uhleas fbe, petople, -of Canada dd. , I . ly�- , . � �sive a r6volution of sweeping aiu' , �. , Utherfo utiftleaTill of proporWorl-s the3 W ..... I 1 - 44 � I . *01 not give, setious. hered to the pol- 1, ," I "eialth party� �', ,1 I ,. ,, *y of the ill�w 106mhwnw- " L `4 r . Imtre are some, of ,douirsiv, who would ­ '' �,­,,,._- ` like; tb see ot4�y thing torn up by . , j��� alid a -man � 1, I �, Ifter r000tg , n4w &der & hu INS, 11- wo I I ,lations ,W666h,b , in- but against :,�.�,.��, � . A - �'hto, i� avoyM 4 rauch 'larger body I "� '' I , I ... 11 ��Y,�,�'.: , " � Aa 1, # . 00 ; W., d "o sokdow'thiti.kino . �,Z�,. �. -1 ____ it�,�'fi-cltllll*�ra6ii1o"""ih,6."�isio,iI to .."', ,� , "quawds of . , .1� �fhoso, who � ,g 'fidt eohli� J, " , K,V, . - J.� , . . i�14,�..''-'.��,,!,,.�, . '. " ., -� / .,� ,,, i .�. I .� ".. , I ' `i� I ­! , 11'.' M1 I , .`.�­dj' 1 " � . 1, I paint. I . . r i . . parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Forsyth. A. Spellman. The bride chiose, for and. Mrs. J. G. Elder, of Oshawa, � . -a.- Improving Alfalfa Yip.lds The little ,son,, Ian, and ,small heir, costume a white angelskin lace where a wedding luncheon was sevv- '_ '' I daughters, ,Dorothy and Rom4 bf gown- fashioned on Imedil-wal, -lines ed. 'Mr, and' Mps. Statham -left laber . . Reports from most of the 24 farm ZURICH . Reir. and 'Mrs. E. F. Chian4ler, had' with long train and with it sh-6 wore (,n a - I thel. moto,r trip to the Gaspe Pen - U. F. Y. P. 0. HOLD PICNIC demonstration experi�-gents conduct- ___ — tonsdIg removed One -day last a picture bat and caiTied a prayer insula. On their return tive,y will re- A 4 ed in' 22 counties by the Deppi-tillent Decoration. day will be observed at wieek qrld are again feeling very fit. book with white streamers caught. gdL, in, St.' Thomas. I I . 4 , The U. F, Y. P. O., organized in of Chermistry, O.A,C., are in. The the Lutheran cemetery ne.4 Sunday Mr.. and ,Mrs. Joe Da�imond and with clusters of lillies of the valley. Lower Sch-ool Report 9f Hensall Huron Ckititity, held -a union picnic figures -bring out some interesting afterno6n. A special proogram. for family spent a day in London recent- The bridesmaid wore a dainty pale Continuation Sebool.—Honoum: 1, 75 " at Jowett's Grove, Bayfiellij on Tues- fac,ts. 1933 growing -season has been the occasion ,Is' being arranged. ly. , green triple chiffon gown in Princess 0 day of lasts week. The' Club'si TePT,-s- Miss Marian Scarlett, of,S(eaf style with b . . J�Yer­6eht. or oveT;�11, 66 to 75 per 1. fairly faivDrable in many sections, An interesting lecture illustrated I orth, eige- hat and accessories, . ented, with their oresidents . c(.nt; 111, 60 to 66 per cent; C, 50 to . o I " were: but severe d-Totights have reduced with lantern slides, was'given on the who has been teaching in' Port Wil- and carried a bouquet of Johanna 60 per,ment, Subjects in which papflsl* Tuckeramith Agg;re`ssiv,es,. pres,ident, �ioeds to a considera-bre eil,ent.. Nev- lawn- at the Evdftelical Church on' liam, spent the week end with Mr. Hill roses. During the, signing of the fuiled are -in brackets after ffietr I I Wahace I -Laugh. Stan,10y Night ertheless, results of great interest Monday evening. and Mrs. J. W -McLean, , register, Mrs. Henry Krug, accom- names. Form I.—Bell, S$ewait--Bot. . Hawks, president, John H�N'41E; Welsf- remain. An applilation of Tertilizers Mr. Milton Oeselh has ,,mov'ed his panied by Miss Clara M4�§'el at the 1, Alg, 1, Geog. 1, Br. H'st. I, t. Lit.� a Quite a number from these parts I . ern Stanley, -president, Miss Ann Me- of 375 lbs. tper acre in early spring barbpe,r -shop to t1he prem4es next to spent Sunday at ,one of the, many organ, sang in beautiful voice, "O III, E. Corap. C, Art ill. Bonthron, ... Naughton; Dashwood An.ti.-Can'ts, resulted this year in an average in- the, sb6d store of Mr. C. Fritz. The slimmer lake Tes-orts, to seek xeliid 'promise Me." Mrs.. Krug al,j5o sang Harold --Bot. C, Goedg, C, Art C, Br. I ,, president, Kenaierh Wein, r s. green alfalfa per intorior has been neN�,ly decorated ' from the intense heat. charmingly during the offertory, 110 IIist-C, E. Lit. C, E. Comp. C; (Alg, I " During the -afternoon. an interevt- acre, This was 31.2 per cent. greater Ainong the week e.Fr.d visitors''Were . . . The intense heat of the past week is Sa,lutaxius" (Wiegan ), and at thli. Lat, FT.). Brock, Olive---�Bot. C; Alg� Ing prok�rain of sports was run off, yield than that obtained from anfeT- the. following: Mr. 0, H. Ehne,s, of ripening in the oats'and the oat,.har- conateration,"Ave MaIiall (,Schubert). . . I-e-$1.11ting as follows: -,ilized alfalfa, The highest yielding Detroit, with the Williams fai-nilv;, vest will soon -be Past. The hdrvest Aft ' . C; Ge6g. 11; Art, 111; E. Comp. C; I .. . , . er the wedding a reception was (Br., Hist., Lat., E. Lit.). Carlile, ? 'Young ,vvoineen's race—Aii(h,ey Mur- fertilizer was again 0-12-15, which -Mr. and, Mrs. 'W. Braun, of Forest, is altogether almost two weeks. in arranged at the Ome of the' bride- Annie—Bot.11; Mg. .1; Geog. 11: Art `� . l h I doch, Reta HayteT. * th, s year R -ave an average increase with -Mr. William Lamont; Mr: and advance of past summere. groom's. ,mother, MrsI A. Spellm�an, 11; B. Hist.' Il- Eng Lit. III; . E. , Youn.9 iiiien's raee—Fugene Tic- .of 31,6.,)pe� cent. over unfertilized. Mrs, J. Hasenplug and Mr. and Mrs. . after which a wedding brteakfi&t was Comi ,11; Lat. , 1; Fr' 1. Colertnaft, I I . ' Man, Elgin Merner. The average yield fof'the 221 farm H. Zinkem, of Kitch-ener, with Mr. . served at iOhicopee Ted"Tooms. Im- Mary--­iBot. II; Alg. I; Art- If!; B. Pig race Gertrude Hofflnian, Al- fertilizer experiments on alfalfa con- H.'KruegeT; Miss -Joan WaIpeT, Of HENSALL " -..0 m,ediately afterwards Dr. Spellman Hist. II; E, Lit. 1; E. Comp. II; Lat� � I . beit Goetz; Reta Hayter, Eagene ducted over the. province during the. Windsor, with mr. C. Walper; 'Mr. miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and Mrs. Spellman left on a1ion;i-ey- 1, Fr 1; (Geog.). Davidson, Alien— neman. . I past four years shows an a,�erage in- and Mrs. John NValpeT, of Woodstock I n � . I . i .. -Mrs. NV� 0. Goodwin and birs. moo tIj-P to Sioux Lookout, tr'av�l_ �ot. ; AIg. C; Geog. 11; Art'111; Clothespin race — Reta Haytei", ci-cas-e for fertilizers of 4,033 pounds with relatives; Mr. and 'Mrs. M-erner Maulkitison. were recently eamping ling by boat from Sarnia to Fort C;,B,' Hist. 11; . Eugena Tieuitelp- Gertrude Hoffirtian, or 29.2 per cent, and in addition valu- I Eilber, of Detroit, with Dr. and Mrs. with Mrs. J. W: Peck at yfield. William, .Mrs. E. Lit. C; E. Camp. . I A . A&rt Goetz. ' .1 - Ba Spellman donned for (FT., Lat.. -Dick, ,J,es'sje--4Boj. C; .. Graceful . able residual gain. . J. Routledge; -Mr. J.. Dedels 4nd 'The rain we )lid on Tuesday af- travelling a costumie, of Frenqh blue AIg. C; Geog. Co, Ant 1,11; B. Iliat. � . . walking—Ati-drey Mur- Three coninton analysis tested in daughter, of Kitchener, with MT. E. o heavy one doch, Clarence Holiner, B. Dayman, all four years have given the follow- Datars, Sr. . ­� . il , bucle cloth with felt hat and-dacces- C; E. Co.m,p* C; Fli.-JU; (E. Lit., Harvey Hubner. . , . was much ,welcomed, and freshened sO'rie% to match. On tibeir return Lat.). Dr;�,k`44e, KatHii4m_'Bot. 11; . ;ng results: 0-12-5. 23.7 per c-ent, in- Mr. H. G. I-Wss spent a few &ys up &11 regetat�on which was suffer- they will take up reside"n''o's'""in Kit-, Alg.,II; Geog. III; Art III; Dr. Hist. I I Necktie ra'ce—Edith Web-er, Elgin creases; 2-12-6, 29.7 per cent, in- last week at London 4mdrNlagara ing. I . Merner, M-arg. McKenzie, B. Dunn. . .. ebener. Guests froni out of town for C; E. Lit.'Ill; Eng, Comp,, -111; Lat. . . . 4 creases; 0-12-15, 0.5 per cent. in- Falls. - Rev. Da,vid, Moir, of Presitiop, will the wedding were the bride's; parents, 11, Fr. 1. Dinnin, Harry--4Bot. 111; . I Thread and ne.-dle race — Edith creases. The cost of 375 pourds of Rev. and Mrs. s. Gordon B61-toi g. C; Geog. ,CF -t Art7 CI Br. Hist. , . . - the fertilizers used ranges from $5.25 two qhl]dTen, of- Elmira,: are spendini- con-ang ,Sunday,' Airgust 6th, sa Wel>er and Elgin .Verner; Reta Hay L. Kalbfleisch and preach in the United Church on -the Mr. and Mr' ri, of Hen- Af ter and Eugene Tiernan, in the s, the -Misses Doris III; E. Li�... In- E. Com�p. III; Lat. . I I ,_t. to $7.50 per acre. their, vacation with relatives here. ' interests of Prohibition. and Nornia Bolton, of London, and C; Fr;- IC: tfj�i, Xenneth­iBot. Ili, Men's, peanut race . Bert Pudner, 'The 1,033 figures again confli-in tbe Mr. L.'L. Molt,' Dr. A. R.. Campbell is making im- Miss Victoria Bolton, 0 Toronto-, Mr. Al.g. 1; Geeog II; Art II; B. Hist. 11; A.ndrew',McKenzle. teller at the local . . findi I ngs of the Previous three years; hank, is spendinehis holidays camp- pToivftlents to his dwelling property and ,Mrs. Laird Mickle, of Hetisall, E. Lit. III; E. Convip. III; Lat. 11; 'Women's peanut -race — Audrey high potash fertilizers pay best on ing at -Grand Bend, in way of,enlargi and Miss Katoe. PeaTson, of Stayner. Fr. 1 Filsbie, Alexan&r—Bot. 1; �.. I �, Milrdocli, Reta Hayter. . - ng his kitchen part, . 4 I alfalfa, Alfalfa being a� legume, has Mrs. F.'Thiel and, children spent a Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin and' - Mis. The bride, Miss Elva Bolton,, was a Alg. 1; 'Geog. I; Art'll; B. Hist. 1; . ,Coat- raice--Audrey .Murdoch and the power to extract nitrogen from few days-�this week -with relatives at Mau-1kinson have b, n 'camiping with very popular girl in Hens�all and dis- E. Lit. I; E. Comip. 11; Lat. I-- Fr. I, ­­.- . I I I 10 Howard Hyde; Reta Hayter a'nd the air and fix it in the soil by vir- Kitcheffier.- ' Professor. 'Arderto.e,e of Clinton, -at triet, having taught school -near Hen- Arith. III, Glenn, William Bot. 11; I I . Eugene Tieman�, .. ture of the structure of its'roots. It' Goderich. Band - ill give an open his summer cottage, at Kintail. . sall for a few years before going to Alg. II; Gec,g. 11; Art 111; B. Hist. 11; . ,Chum race — Reta Hayter and is logical, th,4refore, to interpret the air concert . in , the V� village on Satur- 'Miss Thelma ,Hudson, of London, 'Kitchener, where spi-:t ,held a very E, Li:t. H; E. Coinp. '111; Lat. . C; Fr* ' ' , ' ' ' , Eugene. Tienian; Audrey 'Murdoch figures given to mean that, wben the day evening of this week, weather is this week visiting her parents, Ux. good position a& teacher in the ,pub- C, Hoggarth, Ross --Wt, It; Mg. ' .. . I and Jim Souter. . alfalfa crop is established, it can sup- permitting. ., and Mrs. Colin S. iludson. I . lie schodl therle. She was also super- C- Geog. 1; Art III;. Br. Hist. C; E. Slipper race — Gertrude. Hoffnian, ply its own nitrogen, but that it ben- Mr. Samson Celo8ky, of Dashwood We are pleased to report that 'Mr. visor of the publ�c play 'grounds at Lit. c; I'. loomp. 114 (Lat., Fir.). . Audrey Murdoch. efits materially from the addition of I 1. ' is -visiting roelativle� here this week: A. L. Case, -C. N. R. -agent, who has ..Ktt,cfienei and the -report of her wed- . Manns, Kennetb—Bot. 111; Alg. C; I Boot race — Hubert Reste,ineyeT, phosphate, and espFeially potash, Mr. Gilbert Fr ,, been. so very Poorly for a number of ding will be read with ni�uch interest GEog. C; Art 111; Br. Hist. II; Eng. . I - Clarence Holiner. , I . eckletpn, of Lucan . Mim;'ter race 'Aarg, I visited friends here and at Blake on weeks, is at date ,of wri1jng consid- here. . - � — - McKenzie, Lit. 1.1; Fmg. Comp. 111; Fr. C; (Lat.). , Reta Hayter. ' � Wednesday. � .erably betterr and has been Able t�p Rev. T. Wardlaw Taylor, �M.A. Clerk McQueen, Dorothy—Bot. 11; Alg- 1; I I . . ­ After suppe,r two ball games� were MCKILLOP I 'Death of 'Mrs. Charrett,A well take some car rides� of the General Assembly of the Prds- Geog: 11; Art II; - Br. Hist. .. played. - In the first' . I known and respected resid-ent'of -this Ar. William Fee accompanied by 'byterian Qhure . r 11; Eng- '_ ". I I the Dashwood 1. h in Canada, will 'b -e Lit. IIII; Emg. 0. 0; Lat. C; Fr. C. . Anti-Can'ts beat t�e Tuck,ers,mith A Good Young Buill.—Mir. Willia dlsti�ict -Passed away on Tuesday, his sisterg, 'the Misses Sarah and the preacher At Garm-el Church for Pearce, George—Bot. 1; Alg. 1; Geog. I 111 -5, and Beattie bas ptirchamd from Mr. R. . . Aggressives, with a score of 7 in August Ist, -when Mrs. Matilda Char- Mary and friends, enjoyed a motor the monith off -August. Servie,es duT- C;, Art II; BT. Hist. ,I; Eng. Lit. 1; 1- m in the' second game, ' rett died at 'her home- on, the Blue trip to Tobermlor I Wassago Beach ing the month will be held at 11 a.m. Eng, C. 11.1; Lat 1, Fr. 1. Pfaff, Raby I the Stanley V1. Peck, of Stanley, a 13 mon . . . ., ihs b -Id . y �. Night Raw"- were defeated. 1-5-6 b' Grade 2 D rham 'bull and received Water 'Highway, after a long illness. and other POInt4 .And report, a very Only. The Sabbath school will meet —AIg. C; Geog. C- Art C- Eng. C. P I I -Anti-Catilts.. ., y delivery lag�lr%ai Mrs. Charrett, whose maiden name- pleasant trip. On their way -,home at 10 o'clock. Dr. Taylor will preach C; Lat, 0, Fr. C; (Bot., Br. Hist, I I the Dashwood ' t. ek. MT. Peek is one ' - I Dancing completed a most ,enjoy- of the foremost breeders of Short- was, Matilda Demomme, was born in they called -at Milverton and�found at Cavan Chtli-ch, Ey,eteT, every Sun, Eng. Lit.). Smale, IroeneL­4&t. .1C v, . able picnic day. . horns.'In the county and this young Hay Township seventy-fiv,e years ago Mr. Charles ,.,,A- , Redmond, who to. day eretuing. He is one of the best Alg. C; Geog:'III- Art 1111; Br. Hist. 0 I . , animal -is Ong of the best. and al Iher life. had been spent in getlier with Mrs. Redincond, are vlm't. known ministers in, Canadian church C. ErIg. C. Ill; Lat. C; Fr. 111-(Emg� I I __ . . . this district, �Slie is survived by a ing with their son-in-law anddaugh- circles, and we are fortunatet in this Lit.). Traquair, John­-�Geog. C; Art __1o11o10000000000000000000000000000" grown ulp family. Wh r n com Ti . FARM NOTES ' . ,The funeral was ter, 'Mr. and Mrs.. , itjey, co sj&T_ i ,unity to have an Opportunity 11; Eng. Comp. C; (11�ot., B, Hist., E. held froW the Romaw Catholic ably Improved in, healtht although of'hearing him foT'four Sabbaths. Lit., Latin. Fr.). . I " __ WINGHAM I ' i - Walker, Helen� ' . Drys&le, ,on Thursday n-torning when still very POOTIV. Services: in the United Church were Alg. II; Geog. -,C,, Aort ,Cj Eng. Lit. . I New Cold gtorage� Plants """""" the Requle:m Mass was sung by Rev_ Wedding bells weale. ringing the .very well attended Sumdak despiteIIII; Eng� ,C.. IN; Fr. C, (Bot., Br. . . " , .. a . Miss Anna Forgie.is spending her Father 'M,rch,nd. Internitent was first of this- webk for a Hensall young the intienst- heat. Rev. Mr. Bremner, Hist, Lat.) � . I � ;vacation at Kincardine. ' , � . I Two new cold storage -ware'lious-'es. made in the Cathbaic cemetery, Drys- lad3r, but who is not bieing married 'of Brucefield, conducted the morning Form ... . erection 'Jr. . are in course of in fruit- .. and Mrs. Dan Callahan and dale. . here and of which marriage -a fur- service, while Mrs. Geo ' .� ..... IL­X,oles, Ruth ---- aot. 1; � I I . . son, Joe, of Detroit, visited' with . rge Hess con- Phys� II; Arith. 11; Geom. II- Gram. , . , growing districts , of Ontario.. The friends in Wilighani. Kunitz-Rose. — A 'Pretty wedding �hvr report will be given in another tributed a pleasing solo. The even- IH ; E. Lit. I - E. C61nip. II; Lat. -19; . . . Oxford Fruit Co-operatiove has be- was solemnized in the Lutheran issue. service was in charge of Rev. Fr. II. Druimmoo�d, Dorothy — Bot-, I . I . gun work ' Mr. OTville. Logan, of London, is Church, Zurich, on-We&es,day, Aug. Dr. and 'Mrs. Collyer were -visited R ,Chandler, cf Xippen, and a duet, 11; Phys. III; Arith. 10; Geom. 11; . . o on a two-st6rey concrete visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fied Log4n. 2nd viihen Lylyan Rose, daughter of by London relatives ,during the past "God's Way is the Best Way" wts Gram. II; E. Lit. MI; E. Comp. H- . and brick cold ,storage warehouse Miss Dorothy Wells, 'of Guelph, .Mr*sl. & Rose and the late A. Rowe, week. I enjoyed by Mrs. -P at Woodstock, which vill cost $30,. visited friends in Teeswater. 'eod 000. It—will have . M. G. ,Drysdale and Lat. 11; Fr. N. Follick, miX — � I . . a 10,000 barnel ,Miss K is s'�endjno of Zurich, was united in tnarriagoe to jMr. F,d: Sheffer returning recently Mr. W. 0, Goodwin. Dr., Ivan Smil. Bot. I; Phys. rl; ATitb. '10; Gecm. 11; capacity and will be a,thleen Thom Mir. -Carl Jacob Kuntz, of Windsor', from a visit at ,Marlette, Michilgan be presided at the oTgam. - ready for th'O he, imcaftion in -Detroit, I Gram. 111; Eng., Lit.- 1; E.ng. Comp. . I fall pack of apples. The Lambton son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kuntz, of reports the crops n-yu,cJi better in this -Rev. W. A. Young, minister of 11; Lat. II; Fr. 1. I bbons and Exeter. The aererritorly was pierforna- sefiction than any he Saw while tray. Carmel Church, left � e T 0 Ation. E , , . - family have returned from a motor by a n ot. I; Phys. LI- Arith. 11- Geom. G; I . C,61d Storage Company is also erect ,Mr. and Mrs. Patrick ,Gi Farquhar, John— Ing a two-storey building, which will &,d by Rev. E. Tuerkbeim- The bride elli through Michigan State. day mforning for a Lmont�ls Vacation Gram. IC. Fils,Me, IanL�Phys. I; is a well -known and popular young 0! Joe Hagan returned last week with relatives and friends at West- ATith. 1; Geom. I; Gra= 11; Fr. 11; . . - turnipg via New, York and Lack&- resident of Zurich and for tbe ,past from a six weeks' trip in. -the , e t. r I near Ottawa. Mr. Y ung will Forrest, Edison—Dot.i 1; phys. ill; have a�capacity of 5,00 barrels stor trip to Sainte Anne de Beaupre, re - age with a large packing roona in wanw;, - ­ . I 1. year had been. Principal of Zurich He visited a large number W ts b,O 0 o . . of rela- also join 'his iivffe and 'little daugh- Arith. I; Geom. 1; Grain". 11; Eng. . addition. It is located at Forest and Mr. and Mrs. A. Ci Anderson have public school. MT. and Mrs, Kuntz tives ,and friends and -had' a very en- ter, R't'h, who left a month ago for Lit. 1; . . .. will prove a boon ta the fruit gTow- left for their cottage at SilveT Lake. Ebg. Comp. 1; Lat. 111; Fr. . ers of that district. The cost is plac- Mr. Murra will reside in Windsor. , joyable tihIia, and reports crops not a vacation, �. . . ed at,$15,000. y Rae and Rae Th-omp- - RoweX.reiger. — On Wednesday, very good 'on the whole, they having Rieteeption.—About fifty -of the rel- III. Higgins,, Harold��Boot. TII; Mg. - I son are -camoing for a few weeki; at August 2nd, a pretty wedding was met with many drawbacks. -suich as atives of Mr. and "Mrs. Glen, Broad- I; Geog. C,; Arith. C; Eng. Lit. C; I # . Kincardine. . Eong. C01hp. C; (Gram.). Huiser, . ' � — — siolemnize,d at the homie of the ,bri,d,e,s drought, wind ,and -hail storms and foot assembled at their home east of Annie t. C; tWom. 0; Gram ;C; . I I "Rust" Disease moother, 'Whien Dulooine, Rennie Geiger, ravages Of gra,,Ah1bpP;i;_ the villado on .Monday evening last Eng. Lit. C; Eng. Comp. C- (Phys., I Geiger, of ' ' . a .. . daughter of ,Mrs. Lydj -Service will -be held a ng couple , Arith., L,L, Fr.). Koehler, hirley— . , "The 'rost' disease that: attaecks EXETER. I ZuTich, was uhited in marriage to United, i0huroh, icomme-neinig � with hearty welcome into this community Bort. 1, Phys. C; Arith. Il- Geom. C; I )utdoor flowers such as Snapr1rag- A,o,ii,,o,,i,,ii,i,l,,i,,,,il Mir. Albeit - Percival Rowe, -son of Sunday, Augus,t'6th; at the old time ,and to become acquainted with the Gram, III; Eng. Lit. JI; i�mg. �C. III; . A )n and Hjollyhocl�,11 said J. F. Clark, Death of William Russell—One. O., Mr. Thomas Rowe, Of Little Current, namely, 11 O'clocl�, in the, morning. bride, who was a teacher on the staf! Lat. ,C; Fr. III 'cZ . C� A - Jeanettet � - A. -he cerorrbny being perf,rM,q The evening sevvice,during bhd.s intintli of one of Reginals public schools. ---qBot. T; Phys. ,s,- Vi iorticultural fieldman, Agricultural the oldest and most respected rL . Oiit., t , ii , th. 1; Geom. A I 3ocieties Branch, "can be controlled dents of Exeter by Re,�� E. Burn. The bride is well will continue at 7,301, A conspicuous feature Of this happy Ia; Grant. III; Eng. Lit. C; Eng. passed away on known a'ad popuiar iiinetnbe,r of the 'Mrs. H. Jacobi is spiending 4 couple event was the number 3y keeping the plants thoroughly Thursday last at .the home, Of ,his s .. of talented ComP. III; Lat.'Il; Fr, II. MOKenZIE-, . I l'u9ted with sulphur. The spores of younger set of -the 'village and the of weeks with her son on the home- 'mu IcIans -Present In- the course of AndremA­Bot. ,1; Pbys. NI; Arith, 1; son, Milton, in -Hay'Township, in the - stead farm near Cbiselhurst. the evening"o Programme the youn Geom. 1-1; Gram. It . . illiam. Russell, in his 84th I 9 II; Eng. Lit. 11; . I :he fungi, which cause this disease, person' of W groam, has for the past iwo years � I " ire killed wh?n they cor6e into con. year. The deceased came to Canada been principal of thia iContinuation Mr. and Mrs. W. R. -Davidson and couple werie ,Presented. with a purse En.g. Qomp. 11; Lat., 11; Fr. III. Sant- . act with sulphur on'the plants, thus wh.c,n he was only a' lad, his parents cla�3ses in Zurich school. Mr. and son attended red-_nbby a large 're- of money, accompanied b'v a flatter- ster,Minn1&­-Bot. II; Phys. C; Geom. I >reventing inifection. Sulphur I.Tnay Mrs Rowe will make their home in union picnic at Stratford. Park, which Lig address read by Mrs.' R. J. Tat C;,Gram. II; Eng. Lit. 111- Eng. C , " - e of ,or erson, while Miss Eminia oks, n 111- Lat. 111; FT. II; (ATith). Sin- . 11 settling in Hay Township, just north i�ittle Current. , is 'becoming a very favored resort I I ,omp. dso be used -as a treatment for th Exeter. ,Some twenty years ago . I I � , J. Di o I � .., I ,ontrol of black spot and mildew on he moved into town and about three, I such iovents. Trade the presentation. 'Mr. and'Mrs. clait, Norm-alil—Bot. I; Phys. 1; Arith. ZOS." years, ago m4oved back to = Fruits and vegetables *are 'being Brosdfo6t iboth replied in a few well 1; Ge6m. I; Gram. 1; Lat. 1; Fr. -1. 4 1 "The tarnhified plant bug is fre- - the old freely marketed) and are 4f glood chosen woids, thanking their rnhny Smale, IsoVel"_.dBot. iCi phys. C; I , homestead occupied by his son. In KIPPEN 1. I I ju,ently destructive to the bud"; of the early years Mr. . Rus.sell was, quality. relatives for 'bh�,Eir kindness and in- Gram. G; Arith. C. Wright, Lauralbet . i; ahlias and' zinniials togethLer *ith - ,Mr. and Mrs. C. Towle and daugh- viting them to visit thelm in their ­4G-ranio. C; Fr. C; Lat. IN; Geom. L I j I known not only for his industry as a The Busy Bees Wisision 'Circle en- ters, Violet 4� ther flowering' plant,s. and FAhel of Thames- 'home As opportunity would presem. I Dust Tn,ix- farmiET, but also for his ability as a tertained the W. .M."S., Of St- An- ford, and MTt..AIbe.rt '%Il and son itself. A delicious lunch, consisting I I I ures applied -by means of a hand- framer, and At every baTn. raising in drew's United, Church on tbe'."Ty Harold, of Exeter, spent Sunday Iasi of slandwitlides, cake, ice cream and . I ,lower are of value. especially tobac,- tho,se dayq his was the, directing and flne lawn on Fridh.y lasit at 2.30 p.m. with. ,Mr. and � Tr served, aft�T -, .& . j I 0 their bonics 11cial." he died there is on the'lawn a mighty mission ,Circle, c -Mrs. John Consitt, of --Seaforth is feeling that they ,had spent a very T " I , � � n is proving bene ere 'Miss M.- Thomaon, predsid;ent of the daughters. which all repadred t o dust, Hydrated 'lime when dusted enthusing spirit. On the fa:rm w,h Mxs- Wm.' Hyde and lenionade,was � the ' . elm, towering a hundred feet high. It mleeting opened by singing A hymn, visiting with her mother and, sislter, enjoysuble evminig. I . - , istill retains, the m!axk of Willijum after which the president led in Mrs. Ann Hudsm and Mrs. Logan. fmTs. R. J. Paterson, acempanied A . Potato Yields Decreases, Prices ' Ru-ss0l's axe made many years ago, prayer. Miss Dora -Dalrymple took Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green and by her mother, Mrs , ' Horton,, who '. 0 ' . . I Reasonably Firm. when he was preparing logs for the the iScripture reading add Olga Bell daughters, Wilma and Lois, of Lon- IWTe on a visit from the We -A, left I . ".. construction of his flTst house. After took the -devotional, "The, .'Wb=n of don, spent, Sunday with their uncle tHs week to ta)ke in the World"s Fair , Unlike Other yearg, says C. 'W', staTting to cut it down Mr. Russell Quiet," after which Annie Jarrott led and auint, Mr. .and 'Mrs. Wilson Car- at ,Chicago. . ,. ­ e r aueT, of the Ontario Growers, � i's Don'tm I Mar- decided it was two sniall for his purr- in prayer. The topic, ',The Valley of hsle. ' Miss Irene Douglas -is attending a � 4 As ,Council, first plantings of pota- Pose and .so the farmi came to be Baca," was taken ,by M. Thomision. "Misses Muriel and Martha Carlislcf school of instruction at Montreal and Des halve already been hary cited, known as "Tthe Lone Blini Farm" Mrs. W. -W. Coolly e nd supplies are now comang'? etr, ipeoe�idenit of the who w re spending their iscatipn. at .takin�, a ,course in French. , - , , from The deoceased was a Presb7terrian and W,M.,S., moved a vote a eir hoome here, have returned to 'Miss Annie ,Oomsitt is isna*Oying'a -plant- a Conservative. His funeral on Sat- ,the interesting amd,profitablee meot- London. ' I I tter districts and seconr,�ftrly . of thank for th trip up the lake% and vinted qt dg- The Sale- . 1, i-gs, which rn-atErially reduces avail- urday'was� largely attlended and the ing and after the roll call, minutes '. Miss Minnie Gibb and friend., of f"Ont points ineludkV Kingstdn and 13-18 !9UPPliles. Yleldls hive. varied service was in charg�e of Rev. W. A. and buqiness and a, by=. was sung Toronto who have ,been spending Aulterville, the latter place, the home a 11 . � ty to fifty bags' per acre Young, ,of Carmel Presbyteirian the �Ieeitin-g closed with the Mizpah their vacation at the home 'f Mrs. of Mr.'and Mrs. ,S. L. Peppoler, $Drrn- I :om t*en I ' 0 4 against sixtY to seventy -Ave bags Cbuirch, Hensall, -and Rev. M. A. Hulit benediietion. � I Dunng August year ago. Even though the Y.obeirt Bonthiron, has, returned home, erly of our village. . yield of Trivitt memorial . . I I light, the sample is exceptionally Chuirch, Exeter. There was a very -intAeresting.meet- M-45. W. H. Reid, of Port Rowan� Mrs. Ifienry 111orton, W116 has been I . 4 � I The approaching marriage,of Miss ing of the Bab Band),and W. M. S. who has :been, spending the ph -at week quite poorly for several weeks, , isi , . )od. Madeline Dearing, dtaughtiWr of Mr. to which all The 16mbers of the with her mother, Mrs. E. Sh4ffer, re- now improving niic#ly. AT . . � A Unless growers becitype, nerVous, the and Mrs. W. H. Dearing, to MT. R. Busy Bees, ,miss, .n' ,Circle and C. G. turned to her hom-6 on fttulrdhy. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Anderson; ojl � 1. I to � Id, as to available . . ice sbould rema:W *fba,son,aibly firm Witmer was the occasion on Thurs- 1. T. girls were invited on Wednes- Mr. Clare Vanhorne and friend of Chathaml, -called ,on -their frelatfvps So i v supplies, it is day evening lastt of a gay gaAherirg day �d this week. Wra, a F, Cbdnd- Lendon, spent Sunday at the holine here, 'G. - J. SutheTlanod and sister, I oubtful if there are .more than suf- of young people at the home of Miss ler was the spediga ,speaker. of Mr. and Mrs. George Rudson and Miss "Hattie, on Tuesday last. Mr. ' I . !ient to carry the demand until the Dearing's ,parents. Till�f Program Arldersion is . , I . � -g. took the form of a moc% wts-dding with for fall planting. Anyone . Ing I division fredgif,t agletit I be crop is ready for harvestih Now,t is the time to, Order yKydr bulbs fa 17 ily. Miss Adieline h' to Mr. P,d, Shieffer returfied home on for the. Pere 'Marquette Railwo. . y Stone, and Miss, Viola do so, send iti your order 7mrs. J. Saturday 9,fter spending a Weey Mth Miss' Louise Drummiond, a,%istan,u, . . HOdgigon citirstu.-mied asb,ride ana groom Henderson, .., I I bk brotheir, Charles, In, WHette,� at the Bell Telephone oftie, is'away . I I Vegetable Crops respectively, and Miss, Helen Salter miss Dorothy Elgie, of Toronto is Yilcb.,. bis brother 'being in very poor "JOYing a couple of weeks' ho'Lidays. .. I S S as officiating clergyman. The Ishower, spending a flew w*eks with her �iou- health. . ,Her placle is ,being ta;ken -by Mrs, I Ditculasing vegsitalble conditions brought Many useful giftep for the $in, Mists Margaret VAgle, of Tuokeir- ., Dr. and Mrs. G. R. Collyer weire. Lloyd Hudson. - 'r- , Ontario, Georger Rush, ,4getable bride-to-be. On Friday evening the sii�&th. visit.ed over the wftk end by- thei I r Mllss-Edith Cameron bus 1*turned - - , , edililf9t, HOrti,12111111TRI Braneb, .said former fellow -employees of Miss Miss Audrey CocbTave, of Stanley, ri,lative% and friends from London.' to WMbeebureh after a pleamnt visit � ' I at the yield Of early Potatoes is Dearing in 'Steel Wares, Ltd,, Lorn- visited recently with ber comIn', Miss Mim Mikpgaret Johnston, who has with Mr. and Mrs, .tr, 61 in on VARNA �. � nside,rabiy below that of last year, d0n, entertained in her h6dot at Lor- Gjad'ys Jan,ott, of .jftuy. , been in very poor bealth, for the pAst and fanAly. I r , Dru- in d. I I 1 4 d that fair prices have caused many don am,d made �het a vabAAble pres,en- ;-Miss Margarelt Jobw9on, 'Of Lorl. number of weeks, is improving niee_ ,Stathw�w-'Elider. — Miss Ma,rg,�� I � Dwerg to wndrltiet. their 6rop "Tly. tation, On. Tuesday of th is week at -Jon� is holidaying at thied horoe, of ho -r ly. . � ea certain ,percentage of growers a d,elightful trousseati tea b " a.0 , er 111anY ,Parents, Mr., and mrs, Jim Johntsolh, ' NOV&,Ivre 4Toldint 13stak hi the hojZ lady friOnds-it Emeteor were affloidisd Mrs. j. '8Pe1lm&nl­4Bok0ni----4St. Markle; It. d B. Mcl&M, ., -at a few p. Ohuroh,AUtehetter, was th-o mme of�jjj AAA'_ I t . . .1 I . I . ; ,a 1. . I "'., spe '011'' 11 I . . � !.­ v . .. . .1 1. . . I I .. I. . . ,, . *"., - ' ' . " ,. I I I _ I . I I ... 1 4 . I I "i'."., .11 , i. - . I . . -1 I . I . . I � I *' . A', 1. . -, . t, 1: . , . ; "'i �, I I I ... 1. , I " . � . ....111.V4:1i.,.1. .� � , , . ", 1, . ,11�, - �' , &A , I .. . . � . . 1, " . I I ? - I I, I , ��4, � 'j. , , 11 ,ell . "', � 11 .-, I �. ­ I , V ,31 Af.4. '. - . I . I W " — %­.' - -IN I , ­ r " , ". " i; ". �_ " I .". 't"', . , , 'i.,!, 6':, V. 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