HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-07-28, Page 8;;.,;R-4.,A�.'..,1___ � �� I -g " � . ; PP.'; . I Y & �' ?, AIN411-11P.-I "? .... .. . , �" I .k, tf, 01 1 ", Y 4rI , pk ! - Q ". i e I �. - , , 'g -40-a-, v 1, 9�, ,- !, , 'ill, 'It. 1 ­�.7 1 , Ir "I �t 16 11 , � I '" " .R I I . 7��: , ,4 '".'' ;w"l ,� qg�ygw ,,O� p , ,,, � ,r w4 G I - � �, r - :! -,r :� , � I I -, - ��; _�, . . �.. r , '. .. I'll, . 1. i; I �, ." . ;1 , I .1 I � I . 11 Y P. . , ,� ; ...... , �.. , . ­ '. . 'It., . �� , �� I . I , , . I ... , , � I i . i.Q `�31 I � ��.-­ , 11 t.T��`, I i, A . "I _.�� 1. � , , !�� , - , - , , t i !� "t 1.� 1: "I - 11 ,,,,, ; : � :. - 11-1.. . . . _ , .. I � t .., i RIF . i , ,: 'I" ; i I , I " .�, R , 'i, , .1 � . ,�111 %."� � "I'll ; ld­':�,­;%�, i kl�, ,-: t. " 1,111". ''Ill :, . , . � " ­�,, �. " , ..... � . ,. , . � " . . . '11 ,. . I I , , , �. - ,. . , . I . 3 6 , .. , ,f, I �, , ; : . . ,. 1. . , ) i � . . . . I . . �, � .. , " .,% .; , . " I I 1. . . ,.,�, , , .1 : . — :; I f. � I I 'I'll � I '. � . 1, . , I I . I . � . I I .. I I �%, � , �. . � � . I I . f . . ; 'k I I . . If 1, "IT011 - - '), . JULY'$8, 103341t r t I . __ - - P-1 ITHA 001 M-11 0114 �.,... _--1_._1....111--1 .... I .11,111,11111, '­;,"";,;i-;­;A;1.London, 11 59,1.ltu �,­ 'i , MtK i iV1`%-.W fl'12,1,�,l i �J . I . 0 t1, , ,V � ),;� " .11M, . I . ...., 7---, - .11 : : : : : : : It - "I i � I � Work," MTs. I. 8.,Kaine led, in P=Y- Sanitarium, was ihe guest � i" - . I-_ r.`-.,7;2�,�,.K� . ,.1.1 11, n Mrs. William 'Hiogg. Xlrs- John E. I .. , " I . I '0 , 1: J­'X'�, .. I .i, �� ..'. , �,. 11% - I Daley then rendered a beautiful solo, . this ,*e k -at rho scoriae of (Mr. and r I 4 , � ! Olt 11 , . I , L , I I . b A , ... .. .. .. I , t.qwtit, IkT 0 1 "Take 31 -me to Be Holy,"' aecomon- eA43. I 1. f —_ I , . . ­ . h - -, ­7��__. Rtw'.."', ,_�_ .. - . . 1. ­ ., - led ,by� M". Hele;n Mia,ei�,Ran,, �- .. _. I �A My...g,nLd .Mrs. fx. A. -Ains te, o ­ I R .1 .11�1111 . I 11FRI-ift ... te 'K';'- k - - � . r. ,� 4I " I" - '­ ".. ".,v ___ , ", ._ " .. _ 11 01MIM I , I - , I I - - 1 ft � " ^ - . this week OX We. G. F. Car4no. . . -1 1 � "I I I li '� - e -r, The intorestinz topic on China in 0, " ,�, _ . ."" ft -11� ". 4 . 11,�!, 11 I 1, � ". , I ' I thy Ilia Irl of. Brusseb, were ��e;Zs atl - , �, M ' "A"'I'H , �, I ,� ,;, ..t L. Pok '11""' ,,,: ,�:,�,, e the study book was ably given by - e Mrs., Herity Bone and Miss flora- ­ � . �H - I , Picnic5upplies stume , i 1, I I , I �! 1�*- , I — 14 t BATHING CAPS . . Janet McNaughton gave a 1 did Jewlelty Leandogton, returned to their ; I . ­_ . ", - ., I It ,. ... , -'siting at. the . . . I `­ ' ' - " I . � . , .,4� . , . . . 'ot I -t- . - I ." . , fffi - ­ . talk on the booksi of Dr. 'St= E. . (bur fiats are , " I . .1 V hLj�u;ftsday at -ter �n Always .1 .UMM MANED 'WIRE -AT Mr, -and XTs,. J."19, Tyerman. . . �... .1 I 1. 1. I , I'll � 25C THERMOS At4D VACUUM- Jones, a missionary in India. After We are now showing Costumk I SPECIAL I . � I ' 1� ,7.N , 01miffl, E ", Y2, pounds ...... the offering a hymn was sung and Jewelry in the new "Geli4the" 0 Mr. Russel It erguson� 4 Toronto, . Admired) S V .1 , 14, ,t q � 1� 1!1. . I BOTTLES the meeting closed with all repeating Ware. It is surprishigly light is the guest, of his auntig, the Misses . ' . � , , �$'. � MORM1411S ST. QHA,RUS EVAP- I Trimmed Hats I many beautifully trimmed 4ats, 4 I t I il"", -A)RAWD WLKi,--5q and 10c lin PAPERePLATES AND CUPS the Lord's Prayer in unis05, I in weight and is free from any Ferguson. ' . I . ,nq two, alike, and everyone i �1 4 %�,,�� � . I Desborough, -R.N., of , - I . , I t, i� I .1 — I dangerous celuUoid content, be- 0 'Mrs. 'M. De&boro and . �;St",": t 1, 0,16. IPA -DIS, 1-5, by , 40 - 171" . � � 25c .. KODAK FILM I ing a European product and'of Northville, Michigan., is, - 4 dividually selected. Now on sale i 1 2 for ............... A'.... new origin. It is 43urprising- , week with her ,parents, ,Mr. q,ud MTs.' Sports Hats I I at ­ ". I I " I CREAMS AND LOTIONS COMING EVENTS ly bright and clear in color, C. E,Qkart. - . . I I I - -3 Off, - .. OLD OREUSE . - • I .• . I I I ,I 20c �- . and in, fashion is of'the newest.. . e Mrs. John Finlay§on is visiting . � . 38 1-3 PER CENT. DISCOUNT , ".,� �, 1pound .................... for insect bites and sunburn. The Ladieti' Alid of First Prelilyytehian , . •I I I 1". - 1. . . , .. Church are holding a, 'Yea at the home of on the' continent. The price, at the 'home Of her sister in Galt. . I . I 1. I " . . I � I ".11 ... ,T,lWoy BI-SCUITS-15c, 240c, 25c 1b. 'GOLF AND TENNIS BALLS Mrs. Walium rent, John St�eet, or Fri- furthermore, is surprisingly 0 tMrs. James. Walker, Ainslie and � , � . ' I �.: . . I day, Jul), 21$th. Tea served fruira 3 to -7 p.m. cheap. �. Anna Joan walker, of Winnipeg, I- I � . .. . . I , PANTRY,SHELF TIN, con- . --AT— Silver collection. Every,wdy Nvaloorne. . .1 spent the -past week with their sous- I . � 1. r ., " I �. � , , .&_1_1 1,-. cream sada, 32c _ I 1 3423-2 ON VIEW IN OUR WINDOWS in Mrs 'r-erman I . - US .7 � ,..�',, ,, , �, :. . FRESH ROASTED PEA- - 10C ",',,. I I Keating s Pharmacy v 0. Lo L—SuriduY evenirw, a red rosary wit� r' SHOP AT •. * 'Mrs. Coreavan and daughter, Valeara, of Dtrysdale,'Nave returned VUTS_,Pound ............. I gold liitk--- and u purple trimmed lwnd,ker. VA UGE'S S to Goderich after spending a week's � � The Real Drug Store chief. lwtim,tvii Wra. Butt's corner, coat to A4 I -_ - - vacation with her sister, Mrs. Joseph I I'I' - . SA,LTEID PEANUTS 25c - N.rt,h Nittin,a,nd Main Streets, 'south to cor. IT PAYS Mero. t• i !z pounds . . . . . . . .. . ... . � . . . . . : pHoNR2s : sEAFoRTE, * null south, o Creamery. Finder please leave rhe E ixmitor 09'we. 8424x.1 at ., I Jeweler - Optometrist - " ' 0 Mis., :Claire. Eckiert is spending a -., � , � 11 It I TIN POWDER, Wash Cloth, 15c Cut Flowers, Wreaths and for rV16's Helen Lane w6hei t%) announce that for in- ' Gift Goods few weeks' holidays with relatives in Detroit. , I , 1. t i , . I.. Cake Soap -All for . ..... Floral Pieces supplied all she will be retkdY t.) ri,cel%c iyut.)Pli ,tructitin in piarto. voice anit ,tho,vry of n1twic, PHONE 194 RES. 10 Dr. Le Roy Hiles ,.Mrs. Hiles " . .1 . I Cream taken for the Seaforth Cream- occasions. .� . be4xinwiw 0e middle of SePtk-tnb-e,r- 3424xl . . . . � I and of London, spent Sunday at the home , 11, .. I ; ery at the same price as paid at 19 Not work Wanted.—Rvliuble ma.n waiktt�, work, -Mi of their cousins, -. and 'Mrs. J. B. . � 11 ,I �1, i , the Creamery. — farm hand. track driver gr work in ge,nerul. . Tyierman, I . 'I ­ Al Exposit,or Offlice. 6423x2 'I 9 U- W, 5e1 ter .,A —1- fl. . I I I I I - I 2..,: I 11, I , I 'Z I A I I I �11 , I , , I . --A . f. I I . I �� I I R�tter, Eggs and Feathers taken .�",._t"�' ��._.ted.-Mfjke nivney sek);w.A 1� dai.�ghter, Misis RAert Sclater, spent -_ . ... A as NEWS OF THE TO)" fruii, lrtto<, ,rna-ll-fr"it bu,hes, ,Harts, ,0':,r- ago. For some tln�d Mr, Gales I : . . I -, f . + ... 1. � ever- 11� � I i I . cash; I cent. a dozen extra ­ �r­qns, nv.ltre­. v,LQffi,' Outtit, furnished, C.wh business - the weer. end with friends n Galt, . � . I for eggs. I !, l,.,i,,n rxiid wekly. ducte'd a butchering 1busi ss in Sea - I Mr. and Rrs. H. W, Sutherland A Announcement -'Mr. and ,�Ir*, C. H. ,-ornm Write to -d -ay, �1'11' •forth but Tot- many years he had I I M . , - � I ­ h i Grv�e Nul'erlk", Wln-na, Ont. 3423 3 , . I 7 Haugh, of Brucefield, announce the lived retired, He was a in -ember of and Miss'Ellen Sutherla-0d, of Eniibq.,o . .. . I Dog Lo,t.-On Monday night a Ulack arid the hom;e' - eldest daughter, , in- the Seaforth Lodge of Oddfellows were guesTs this week at I I W ... "Hutch* ung of their white h,,und . . Nvelghing 38 pound', ,Any of Mr. and 'Mrs. K. M. 'McLean. . �, ison s ' F-0-niti. i.,n leading w i,,.,i reeo er:t, Nvill ba and Canadian Order 6f Foresters. The SPECIAL . (A Dress to Meet Your I I I PHONE 166 Antra Mae. t o M V. John 11cIntosh,! v Iliam Simithers, of Toron- . . k I . � M.A., .son of the late Jame., MeInto,4hi,uitilbly r"%iardetl. Apply at The E%poiMir funeral' was held from St. Thomas' * �Mr, 'Wi Every. Need is Likely I I -- Seaforth. the i Offiee. 8421ti Anglican Churk�h on Monday' after- to, was a guest this -Week,at the home New Diesses . \ . ' ". , ". . � and MI.,. �Iclntosh, of Seaforth, , Announcement I have tuke-n the agency I of Mr. -and IMrs, J. J. SckLter. here) . I � marriage to takte, place in August, - 1.or Raw'ejgh P,,Kluet.-, kiteb- hindled by .'tl r. noon, when the services were conduct- 0 Miss Evelyn -Grainger, of Bruce. . ,Sleeveless, 1". . . I , I'll — - I R',ygi.-:([,� f,w thv. r,rrithwv im-luding Tucker. Cd by the Rectbv, Rev.'Canon Apple- I . - ' . , , -�� � ' Is •� Awarded Contract. -Mr. Wilson I 4nflt , �. Hu�ivt�. and 110K!"op. I ea.rry at com. yar.d. . Interment was made in Mait- field is A'guest at the home of Mr. Short Sleeves . Th© lower prices 6n Drt�sses this - I . Windstorm Insurance Hawkins has been awarded the con- I plk-tr.,t.,ok Fut my home, North Ntairt Street. landbank ce.retery, the pallbearers and Mrs. W. A. Wright. -1 'seasen makes buying active. . �1.1: 11 � I Seafw,Lh. and will 6e ixle:L�ed to have you 0 Mrs. J. O'Connell and son, Mr. Long Sleeves .. This applies ,to both the low- �, �, : 1, � tract for- delivering and picking up i ,-all or ph,ne 26,,;-W when in need of s,•o. being 'Messrs. M. McKellar, :R. J. . . priced and higher priced frocks. Harburn IL.ouis O'Connell, of Windsor, are vis- and wifh - 111� � 1. . Are you insured against the freight for th,e 'C. N. R. in Steaforth.: i wili n[4o can or, ,v,,u at your h,,me. Samuel Parke, H. B. Edge, Dr. P., iting with relatives here. It will be a pleasure to show you I . I Agenrt itor Durant cars, 34-'4xl Thomas J ck.�'On and Andrew . . :� . . He has purchased a new Ford truck L Cwtor. .a Little . Jackets. . the new Drepses in -stock, I K . "' - used Offer.­Higrh •grade stylish . 0 Mrs. Downard, of Englehart,. is . . , I ; , danger of wind that may from J. F, Daly, which will be u. Extra Optical, . _ _­ I . �trtd niw�tt up-to-date vlasse.,. rimmed or rim. . . visiting at the home of her father, — ........ , ., . . . , strike your buildings at any in the work. � . items. Y,.Pur ohilve in shell. whine or pink . Mr. W. R. Smillie. . . . . , . I , N . .. - . gold-filled, %vitth lent�e� unriplete, only $6�51).. 'LOCAL. BRIEFS . & �Mr. J. 1M. Mckart has started the , . I - ;1. � Hold Picnic, 'Members of the; con- in,vi+ible trifocals with •choice of fnime com- - - - ------I A , time? ' are "tion of Norths�ide United Church P16'e- only $12.00. 1-h.., wici" include a 0 Mr. Clayton Martin', Prinbipal of shgQn's threshing. This is one of - - 1 I ihorvu­h examinaami of .�tixir ,eyes 1)y our the earliest seasons in 'many years. . � . . " - , . The Hut:,ht4i,ii. over 20 years comling tp Soaforth. .1 - I . p i.16t, . Rates have kLt,l)t pace with 'held an enjoyable picnic at Jowett's well �nvwn and painstak,ins! s eefi, Mr. Englehart public School, is sgending 6 'Mrs. F. H. Larkin of Toronto, I MacTA�TISH- 41 I .. I I . . Grove, Bayfield, on Wednes,day. his holidays at the home of his uncle, is' a'guest at the home of Mr. and I I I �, the times. .day was pleasantly' spent in S,A,inj- i The be,t (iritical work, to be obtained and Nve * F, . Mi,• John Martin, in Tuckersmith. . "' ., . . . 1 -ave you money. Tue�dsy anti Wwlnesday, ' . Mirs-.--K�- M. McLean. ... I following the - ­ . I., ming and boating ittid follow '. a IN-fessrs. E. . Daly and Clayton • ''. . r mh an,rl 9th. Clme Wednesday at 12, Paul. Freeman, of Toronto, I Rates gladly quoted. ,oft- i Augu,�t , I .6 Mr. Pa I sum-ptuous supper, a monster , mton. Come early. Betattie's Fair, Seaf6rth. -Hamilton left Friday on a two weeks . . . 11 , . , - t . . I . layed, urn iced by . .3424-2 was ivisiting with friends here this U test. Caniadian Companies. ball gaM'L-e was p - - - - � motor trip to the Sault. I eek. I I . - I I I I Dr- F, J. Burrows. ' 0 Miss' Helen Crich and Miss Dor- ' I . . 1:. - — I Parker -Wilkerson. -A wedding of othy Golding are spending their "boli .0 The many friends'of Miss Kath- Harold Prytee, Bettles: girls' Blyth, with Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- I -7 er, e Collins, who is holidaying at race, 12 --years and GordonI under, Muriel Dol- .Arthtir; Mr. and Mrs. . Frank Gill. and . I Watson & Reid Trousseau Tea. A delightful trous- interest to local friends took place days at Kitchigemi. Camp on. Lake T, I . .. .. I seau tea was held a' the home of in Victoria on July 8th la,ft, when Huron. . the home of hex cousin, Mrs. Leo -Mage, Anna Somerville; girls'• race, daughter, of London, with MTS. Gillis; I . Fortune�, will- be pleased to. learn' 16 years and 'under, Olive Pryce, parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Clark; 11�. . Phone 214 : Seaforth Mr. and Mrs. it. J - -Fcatty on Wed- I Miss Louise MbnsW became the bride 0 Mrs. E. C. M-cClelland, and fan- that she has recovered sufficiently to Bl'ailache Pethick; boys' race, 16 years Mr. Baxter McArthur, of Blyth, with I ___., . J ,of,31r. Armstrong Gray Parker, a llv* of Toronto, are t), .. _.. - iiesday, -July 92 -6th, rrior to the mar- � -guests at . e retufn from the hospital to enjoy the and under, Kenneth. Bettles, Harvey Mrs. John Sbortreed and son, Ell-�' : Specialists in All Lines Of nage of their daughter, Miss Beoha former Seaforith boy. The, Daily Col- ho',li,e of Col. and -Mrs. R. S. Hays. I I , ' I I Beatty. Mrs. Be I atty and Bertha . Te- onist' of Victoria says in part- •"St. 0 Mrs. George Mek,ay and Miss rest of her vacation, . Dolmage; gilrls,,.chu,m, race, Margaret wood; Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, of I � I Beatty. . ceived t1fe guests; Mrs. (Dr.) Coon Andrew's Presbyterian Church was Margaret McKay, of Toronto, are 0 Mrs. Albert OlRourke and two Beattie and - Blanche 'Pethick, Olive Listowel, at the home- of the form- � . . poureil tea, while :Misses Cora Sher- I thronged last night at 8.30 o'dlock guests ai the honie of 'Mr. and Mrs, .children, of Detroit, are spending Pryce and Isabel Bettles;, young lad- er's ,brother and sister-in-llaw, Mr. I i� � Munsie, W A. Wright. . I thoir holidays at the home of Mr. and -s Lois. .11 . . i­�- I for the wedding of, Louise I - � les rape', Isabel Bettles, Blanche and Mrs. Wesley Clark�. Misse I � , - wood, Gladys McPhee and Eva eel .. 1 ,5 � 11 younger daughter •of ,th6 laze MT. Mrs Johi� Pureell. Pethick; young men's. race, Rev. 'Mr. Edith and Marjorie Hacywelli of Me- 'V., _.� . served lunch. Mrs. Tolson. Jean, � Mr. James Plant, of Acton is ' 0 . 2 Smith and Rhia H" Is assisted in ,he William McGillivrary Munsie, a Vic- visiting at the home of his ' ' .�Mr. and- Mrs. C. R. Clark and Morrow, Frank Case; three "legged Killop, with their aunt; 'Miss Edri I I ts. '� s " n, Mr- Mr. -and Mrs. Roy Mabee,- Aylmer, race, Stewart Dolma e, 'El' 1. 0 'O' howing of gif ' . tor�ia pioneer, and Mr. Armstrong W. R. Plant. . .. William Dol- MT. Graham.., Ham- I . . 0 S. T. Holmes & Son '<> - a . Gray Parker, only child of Mr. and -visited *ith the forraWs mother, ni�ag6; hurdle relay race, Stewart Ilton, with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Roy; . - M i 9 31r. John Dopp, who many years Mrs, R. L. Clark, on Monday. Dolmage's team, . Thos. Blan;ch I . I '. 4:> FUNERAL SERVICE <> Car Hits kydrant.-A Stratford . -s. Edward Parker, of Toronto. ago carried on a butcher business in . - Blanchard', � Miss' Viola Wilson, of Brussels, with I I . . 0 Mr. J. A. Wilson left Tuesday team; 'clothespin race, MnMrs.. William (her mother, Mrs. R. Wilson; Miss; I . car, Bayfield bound, on Sunday after- Rev. H. P. S. Luttrell conducted the Seaforth, was calling on. old friends . y F, , P Main ain Street, Seaforth Ict, c * . J . for Quebec where he will spend his Somerville, Mrs. Roy Patrick. Start-. Edith Ennis, of ,Whalen Island, Geor- . . 0 -0 -noon last, came to grief at Main in-tpi-ssive ceremony and' Mr. J. in .town this week. Mr. Dopp is now � . <> & T. Holmes' residence, 0 Street' corner when the lady driver i Longfield presided at the organ. The living retired in 'Stratford. I holidays with his daughter, Mrs. E. er, Thomas Blanchard. Prizes were gianr Bay, with her parents,' Mr. and I I . I . e 4,> m * Xrs. A. E. McLean, s9n and Little of tb,at,city. distributled by Mr. W. Dodds.' The Mrs, Frank Ennis; Mr. Hugh Hanna, ,• 40 Goderieb Street, West; polion isjudged something or other and choir 11 was -also in attendance and 0 Little, Jack Fortune is spcnding baseball game between the married of 4 Gladstone, ,'Man., with his cousin, , . <> crashed into the w ' "Love' Divine" as the register dai]ightEx, - of Swift Current, are b. . Charles Holm' water hydrant in' ove . I -W.�M vacation with friends in Detroit.' men and single men ,resulted 'in a .Mrs. Clarence Martin; Leeland Ash - I . -0- NaNo� 149 W. was being signed." I is.ses is vac , ,�, 1� <> residemee, Goderich Stree,t, .o front of G. D. Ferguson's store. -Two guests at the home of the t�'A <> East; phone No. 308. <> children in the car were cut by glass -0 � Brine. •. , I. * 'Mr. Andrew Lane •-has returned tie, 7-7. I . 1. ton, of Gorrie, with his brother -in- I 1� quiet but to'his'home in .Fort -St. John, B. C., law and sister, Mr. and -Mrs'. W. E- ' _ '. 4 <> but the elders were uninjured. The Cudmore-Reid.-A very 4 <> Ambulance Service I * Miss Katherine Flannery,,. who after a visit , Mr. . 3 1. , a06. -o children were, attended to by Dr. mac -1 pretty wedding; was , solemnized . a' with ,his father, Radford'; Miss Lois and, Billie, Hen- / .. I -�> Night calls, Picone 9 J. o kay at Scott Memorial Hospital. The Northside Unita� Church Parsonage has been undergoing -treatment in a Thomas. Lane, Mill Road. . I dersqn, of Seaforth, with their grand- I <> 'Day 'calls, Phone 11 . ge London- hoppital, returned to her homb . WALTON I I ; <> ca Saturday morning, tbis, week.... . . I parents, Mr.""Wid' Mrs. Joseph Love; t . I <> Charges moderate. July 22nd, when Miss Martha Fisher t the week end at the home of The.funeral of the late Miss Mar- Mr. and Mrs.,M. Scarlett, of Toronto, , spen . . .0. -_ M r. C . J. Eckart is spending 4 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. =Adam with the former's brother and sister- . ". 10 I * 0 '- , I , <> <> -0 * 0 <> <> 0 * -0 <> * Barn is Blown Over. -T116 Ion Reid, younger (laughter of Mrs. Reid weak with friends in Detroit. � I tha 9millie, widely known teacher and . I F ba, 9 and the late J. 'F, Reid, of Seaforth, * . , Hays. writer of_this vicinity, who passed in --law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scarlett, ". . . .. straw barn adjoining the main .n Was U . nited in marriage to Mr. Frank . Mr. Gordon Hays, of Detro�it, a Mr.' and Mrs. S. W. Archibald away in Scott Memorial Hospital, west of Leadbury; Mr. and 'Mrs. John . ,' I . on the farm of Mr. Percy Smith, 'Me- and •Mr. and Mrs. Hectolr Hays and I r was badly damaged. - at nine o'clock Sa 0 Miss ,Mary Hay,9, of Toronto, k& . � . Allen Cudmore, of Toronto eldest - ' and little daughter, of London, were Seaforth, on Tuesday morning, July 'McKenzie and family and Mrs. Mc- I . Killop, was blown over during the son of Mr. and Mrs. Willi -;M Cud- son, 'Stanley, of Windsor, spent the week end guests at the 'home of Mr. 18th, following an illness of several Kenzie's sister, Miss Margaret Rinn, . 0 <> <> <> <0� <> <> �C, * storm of Thursday evening last.. Mr. week end at the home of their par- �,•- I I ' . I .0 .0 -0� , out 7 more, of Seaforth. The ceremony eats, CoL.. and' Mire,. R. S. Hays, and Mrs', Andrew Archibald. .1 months' duTation, was he'll from her Fosterton, Sask4 Mies Muriel and I 0 . � <> Smith was doing the milking ab ilt Mrs. James McIntosh is visiting late residence, Lot 6, Con. 18, Grey � - . I ,A, was performed by Rev, W. P. Lane. •", . Jane. Dundas, of Detroit, at th- home . . , <> o'clock when the storm .struck. b e' Wss Margaret Hislop, of Byron . I 146. I H. C. BOX The bride, who was unattended, wore at the home of her son, Mr. R. T. Township, on Friday afi�rnoon. Th Ida "M [It . . he ran to closb a door the barn- col- .. , . e of -s- Win. :Murray. '. .�, � . . . 0 Funeral Director and *, lapsed. but fortunately he was not a' white flannel swagger suit with �t — McIntosh, in Ingersoll. service was conducted by the minister Mrs. Nelson Fulton and family, of , . - .. . 4 .. . :- Licensed Embalmer,. 0 injured, other than having his clothes white hat' and shoes, and, carried 'a . . I 0 'Misses Helen and 'Mort' (fatten, of ,Duff's United atirch, .Rev. Chas. London, are guests at the home Of I ­ ,0� ' Re!st Motor and Horse-ftawn 0 -.' There ,N,a� bouquet of pink and rose colored I of Toronto,, are the guests of Miss Cam,mi.ng. The' pallbearers were six Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fulton. . � 4:> equipmEnt. <,> torn by a falling thnbei d baby's breath. Immediate- , Pei' manent. , • Eleanor Evans.' The oilin I no insu�arice. net Clifford, Ritchie, Donald . _g of -Viain Street on Sat- , . moderate.following the ceremony, Mr. and • 0 Miss Helen Glendenning, of To- urday has made it more pleasant for 3, 0 Charges modera Cr<I. a. ,Buchanan, - Harry Bolger, George I ' . , -0, Flowers furnLeffied on short 'C' ' Seaforth Bowlers Win At liensall. Mrs. Cudn'Lore left ,by motor on a ronto, is a guest at t1he home of 'Mr. Ramsay, Robert,McFadzean. and I -Da - those residing on it. - , . I , . Wave'Specials: . 1. wedding trip do,Arn the St. Lawrence and Mrs. W. E. Southgate. n , . <> notice. 0 -Five rinks of Seaforth' bowler; ' old, Sellers. Interment was mtade in . Miss -Margaret Love, R.N., is ,spend- # . 0 Franklin and Robert Hawthorne, Brussels cemetery. in � - . 1 40- 'Night Calls . Day Calls 0 were in Hen.,all on Wednesday tak- to Quebec City. Ori their return they The Paramount Vapor Oil Perman- g a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs- "111 , , . , .1. O. Phone 175 Phone 43 <> ing part in the Scotch. Dou-bles, Tourft- will reside irl Tot -onto. The groom is .Ent, introductory offer. Limited ,,num- of Goderich, are visiting at the home A large number from the village Roy Bradley, at Port Elgin. I I 0 ament of the H-�mqall Bowling Club . Regular $15.66. - . I I - a well known Seaforth,,QI4 �bov and ber. of their grandmother. Mrs. Robert and vicinity attended the annual fieI4 Recent 'visitors e villagb: - <>. usual,iucce,., *'tie one of the niO*Kt, popular Of NOW .... * ,$10 ilawthorne. day at Cr-anbrook on Thursday aftet- Mr. and .,Mr,_ .r I , . .0 <> 0 . the bride Miss Amy Love and I and had more thpn th�, u., ... ... I ......... Dr. R. 'R. Rost and Robert De -:cruor the young;r set of Seaforth, and both ' ' 0 •,Miss Elinor Burrows returned on noon. The afternoon s-porits. consisted Robert Patterson with friends at Port , , I I have a host of friehds here who will This Wave leaves your hair beautiful Friday from Winnipeg, where she of races, ball games, etc. In the eve Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ennis and , I I . I . . I were the winner-:; of the first prize extend congi-atulations, and best wish- as naturally curly hair. No fing.el'. had been spending several weeks at ing a ' �_ Mr. and Mrs Peter McTaggArt, with - .1 , with four wins and a large plus. For es for many years of happy married waving 1-equired. Entirely different the bom-e of her sister. I splendid program was present- ' : l - I relatives at Stratford;' Misis Rulbv . , -0 0 0 * 'C� <> <> 0 'C> '�> 0 <� th-2 'fourth prize three clubs were I ed by -Clayton Steeper and his Can- . - . 1, 0 tied, but on t1le play off, Alessrs, J, life. 1ro-ml all other waves. 0 Billy McLeod, of Port Huron, adian ,Cowboys, of Uhdx)n, who also Young and Miss Ruth Cummiiigs at I 1. i <> WA_KER'S, — 10 4 0 . was here on Thursday and a host- of furnished the music for (lancing. , I J. Cluff and H. •Jf-ffrcy, of Seaforth, Died in Chicago. -There pas -sed a- Oil and Steam, $3.50 Oil Wave, $5.00 friends were glad to see him again. the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Alc_ <> FUNEWAL SERVICE <> won out. The tou,mu-nent was large- .00 -Misses Margaret Love, R.N., and Laughlin, Iona; Master. Ross Bennett I way at h(,r home. Margaret Be',] An- Combination, $7.50 - 'Steam, $6 0 1Mr. and Mrs. W. Little, of Dray- Amy Love were guests at the home of with his uncle and ai�int,' Mr. anal .. 1� 0 W. -J, WALKER and 10 ly attended. -, holidays with his their afint, Mrs, J. D. Hinckley, on 11 I . . "ET -Fon, in her 7.5th year, the wife of .Marcel, .--)Oc Finger Wave, 50c ton, is s,ttending the h Mrs. Clare Long, Cranbrook. . I - father, Mr. AndTew Little. An exhibiti6h 'football game I . ­1� <> JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. <�' Confirmation at St. Thomas Church. �he late 1). R Anderson. Mrs. An- Shampoo 50c Friday. wa-IT, , I I � I 0 Licem-ed Embalmer., and 0 -At thc, morning service in St. do,snn had been a sufferer of heart - 0 Mr. -A! A. Burrows is in St. The ggtr'dens and crops arc still played on the Walton, recrcationt ' I � , JULY 27, 28, 29 , Catharines this week visiting his bro- Bufferin erin L ' 1, <> Funea-al Directors. <> Thnina.s' Church on Sunday, Hi,, Lord- t""'Uhle for many months. The de- I . .g from lack of rain as ,this grounds on Tuesday bveniiig between .. was once a resident of Sea thee, Dr. Harvey Burrows. locality was not faivored with the Harlock and Wal -ton, when the locals- I ." �� Day or Night Calls promptly 0 ship Bishop ('. A. Seager, of London, ,:e"e`l - Also on Thj�rsday, Friday and Satur- laugh- defeated the visitors hy, a score of '. forth and had taught in the public 0 Mrs. John Modeland and - heavy showers which passed ct�er the . �. 400. attended. - <> was present to conduct confirmation day of each week. _ . � I vice. Th,, Rector, Canon E. Apple- .. Seaforth before her mar- - f London, are vis- vurrounding country on Thursday ev- 3-2. 1 . chool of Iseafoi ' ter, Mr- 'Marsh, o 1 . <> PRONE 6T ,> ser riage in 1880. .Nli-s. Anders,on was Make your appointments at iting relatives here this week. . yard pre.,,mte<1 thirteen candidates, . ening and Friday morning. . The service in Duff's United Church ,!, I , <> 0 *' 0 O * 0 0 <> 4C> .C> 0 for confirmation: Arthur Stcwart, born nes), flensall and was a dough- 0 ,Mrs. Adam Dickson, Miss Helen Mr. B. Cusack, of London, is'fe- will be in charge of the pastor, Rev. I �, . / LeVbUrWIP, M -, Winnifred Thorn, t. -r of the lata William Bell and Janet Dickson and ,Mrs. Thomas Grieve, lieving at the C.' P. R. station while Charles Curntming on Sunday morry- 'I I � ) - Bert Williams' have returned from a I I.t. The aubject for his sermon will I I __ - - - , it ­ �attvr�4on Bell. The deceased had a visit to Mr. and Mrs'. Fred Rutledge- and fam- in g. I.. . — N1 .V(.Ily Tolson, Mi,'. Ruth family 0 eight children, all but one Fredonia, N. Y. ily are holidaying at Toronto and be, "A Bile of BNe Sky fora Cloudy . . .. I Sproat. Nli,tses' Freda Williams, Eva daughtQr, Mrs.. N��llie Dick, of Hen- - I Day," . I � t., THE McKILLOP MUTUAL .Moo re, 11,�,rion Moore, Mary Johnston, * . Northern Ontario. I � Hazel Farle. Leona Hotham, ('arolyn Fall, and one son. Wilferd J., at borne, SEAFORTKONT. . - Friend-, of Mr, David Watsort will Those attending the annual Huron 0 . CO Y. flolm,_q, Dorothy Frai,�er. Jear Dun- had predwecased their parents. M?s. . WINTHROP . regret to learn that he hag been con- County War Veterans' Picnic front •,, f FIRE INSURANCE Andei-on is also survivp(l by t,ro xis- . - , fined to his,bed during the past week the village and' vicinity at Bayiflelcg I � .., � . geY. - � ters, Mrs. J. R. Hahkirk, of Sea'- - I Mr. Lawrence IffuniTning has I 1, 1). - . I � I Im- on, Wednesday afternoon were: W. C. I Sormolb Subjects For Next Sunday. forth and Mrs. Alfred Taylor, of I H The • . Ladies' Aid win hold their proved the appearance of his dwel- Bennett, Mr:, and Mrs. Andrew Coutts;. I ffen�-all, and. one brother, -Jame-, k. ling place by having a verandah built. Mr. and 'Mrs. Stanley Gaviiharn, Mr- .. ,,, . HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. -Northsi(4,2, 1.,nited Chur�h--Alorn- Bell, also six grandchildren. Mrs'. 'COMING TO SEAFORT ro7iflart meeting at the home of Mrs, d Mrs. William Sholdice and laugh- - 79 . ing, S-acram,ent of the Lor(I's Supper; - ., I - " — , , � Will1afn Johnson. at 2 p.m. on the CongTatulations are ,extended to an- , N afternoon , Mr. Charles Sellers, Principal of Wal- t . � I.. An&-rson was a Presbyterian all her, ter, Elva. . evening, -Art Thou in Health, I v I oan of Wednesday, August 2-nd, , r , 1, Broth�cr?"-Rev. W. P. Lang, Mink- life. The funeral teak place Tuesday, GEORGE BOYO The mite boxes are expected to be ton public school, whose entire class 1 s -Miss Doris Porter, of Craribrook, I ", I , 'th, from her Home at 2.80 to ` ' J . OFFI,CFR,9: July 25 . ,. . ter. I return -0 at 'this. meeting. " of Entranap cundidateg were. success- . visiting with -her .mother at the � . -11 ,. Geo. R. McCartno,y, %eaforth - Pres, First Presbyterian Church -Morn- the family hurying plot at Montrose Seaforth played football here ori ful. 'Miss Mary Humphries and Jack home of 1W. C. Bennett, Cemetery. -Much syrnitpathy is g � VkT. George Underwood, who is em-, . .. � , Adftnes Connolly, Gaderi(rh - Vic,�-Pres. ing, "Speaking of Operations." Mr. given Chiropodist and Foot Specialist Tuec';day night. The score was 2-0 Murray passed with honors. while � � I � ., I .1 Tlertbon A. Ri-e-fl, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. Lorne W. Fc�meir, of Rrwselq, will g,o the son and daughter in the loss . for Winthrriop. Ferg. BuIllard and 'Miss Mary Buchanan and Dorothy ployed as forenitan on the C, P. R_ I I I . . both their parents only a few * 0'ra(Iliate of Chicago and licensed Wilson Wright s .goals. Murray obtained a pass. Others in section has moved t; the house form- . vl . . sing two sol", "Fear Not Ye, Oh Of 1) .cored the I .. . . ... AGENTS: Israel" (Dudley 44 weeks apart, Mr. Anderson having hv tli(, Board of -Regents, Province of Winthrop defeated Seaforth in Sea- the vicinity who were successful erly, ovm-ed by the late Mri. E. Clark. y Buck) and Mv P L * ' - 't weeks '-ntario, will be at Commercial' Hotel forth The farmtrs in this locality are, - . I Mother's* Prayer" (Weeden); even- passed away jus two we a,90. 0 on Saturday night 4 to I were: Jack Beyans �hon.), Jean Me-, '�''', �� i . . W. E. Himchley. FieaeoTth -, John inti, "The Physican." - Rev. 1. B, Rev. Dr. .Seldon, who has been the all day, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5th, "Scotty" Watson scored one goal and Dougald (hon.), W. Turn -bull, E. Den- busily engaged in harvesting. � �... , ., k. NAWMY, R. R. 2, Seaforth; E. R. G. Kal'ne, Minitter'. family pastor for over thirty .years, removing corns, bunions, ingrown Don Dale tfl,ree. This is the seiv- nis (hon.), 0. WdIlimnson (bon) ,and The death accurred at Winnipeg-, . i I'll, , � . I .Tar" -waft, Brod,ba0en; Jurnes, Watt, spoke words of comfort to nails, adjusting -bones of fallen arch- nteenth goal Dale has scored for A. Dundas. - I , 11 .. Egmonrlville Uited once Once again .Man., of Mrs. A.Idx. Avery, who be- V � NY"'; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine. the sorrowing family. all einthrop, this season. Bill Dennis Oro. . I ing, "As Men to M�,n"; evening, - (without pain) an+ treating Miss, Margaret Turvey, of Blue- fore "ht!r marriage, was Mis% IdI4 ", I 111. I I . . I "Gmrt,odness and Mercy." -Rev. C. A. - — foot ailments. was referee for both gami6s, ,vale, has returned home after spends David,gon, of, locality. The dt- . . . . 1.� I . I . , DIRECTORS- Death of Frederick Gales. - •-Mr. ., health to 11 "I I I . . I . � Malcolm, ,Minister. minatiotfi Free. . Xr. and Xrs. Flarry Aalmqtrori)� ing a few ,weeks with her aunt� Miss ceased had been in ill heal r a- , , . Church -Seventh I Frederick Gales, an old and much Exa and 'Shirley, of Ottawa; Mrs. John Jean )ILrcbi-bild. hout a year but her condition ap- "I'll I TOM= Knox, Lantde,oboro; George 'St. Thomds' Chui -9eve Sun- I I'll . . Con- esteemed resideitt of Seaforth, passed Armstrong and Mr.'Diek Armitrong, Garnet and Jimmie Cummings un- peared to be somewhat Improved as ... , . .... 11 ,1111 tooa%mrt, Brodbagen ; Jame-, CA- day after Trinity; 10 o'clock, y at the Scott Memorial Hospi- You are in'rited-Come early. ' 'hopes of her 1. , "I 11 animation class will meet as usual away pi of London, spent Sunday .wifh Mr. derwent operations for the removal recovery were given ' r, I., .. %. . 2*117, Ooderri,&h; Alex. Broadfoot, No. and also the Sunday school; 11 a.m.. til on Saturday, July 22nd, follow- and Mrs. Fergus Billard of their adenoids at their home on recently. The late Mr'g.-Avery, wbc, .. .1 I . .. 1, -forth; Robert Ferris, Blyth- illness of ot-,�eT two years. Two Ballard. . . f the late Mr. and, 1� 11, . t ­ I .. . 0, Seaforth; ' Morning prayer; sermion topic, "The mg an ill � Mis,s Norine Armstrong returned Saturday. was a daughter o . . . .. L I I .George McCartney, No. .11 Seaforth- years ago Mr.-Gal4s suffered a stroke .. I I . home with them aftle Mrs. Joseph Davidson ard'son, MUT- . : . �1. Sh,,,' Simplicity of Jesus' Teaching"- 7 - r spending a few Mrs. Thomas David,son, was ,born in ,• 1. - . J40 Npp.�r, PyruceifleM; Jainte - .in., Dve-ning Prayer; sermon ' by and since •.that time bad been an in- . I day,.% with her 6stel% ray, ara appriding a mbnrth at Port M.eK!ll(>p townehily 49 years ago. Foi- ­ dice, Wtalton; Thomas 7,Aoylav, No. 5, P -Can- mate of the hospital. Although he Teddy Chapman, ,ro Goderich, Elgin. . lowing her marriage at Madora, Man., I , `-, ' &61brth. - " Rector, "The QiXestion of Life."- n- made a partial' recovery, a zecond We are paying for . 1 : 11 . on L. Appleyard, Rector. 1. spent last week with, Mt. and Mrs. The services in Duffs .United to MJr. AverV who -was a C., P. R. -' � . . I ,� , . and severe at)-oke,,about three weeks 1. Trewarlblia. Church was conducted lby the 'pastor, railway agent, they 'moved to Cart- . � ; �:. - 11 I . . � . . ­ I .*- . I . ­ . . . I I . d. Mr. Gales Standard Wheat ,Cavan Church -and ,Suriday, school Rev. Charles' Cumming, on .8unday wright -and Areala, Man. Since 'Mr. , I , . McKillop Branch Meet. -The M, was born in England 81 years ago, . ' held their annual. picnic at Bayfield morning. The -subject for his discourse Avery became live stock agent ,of 1� - , illo S. of but came, to Canada as a youth. For •� was, ii. the C. N. R. of Winnipeg, they have � 4 . A 13ARGAIN Ki -p branch at the W. M. a number of years -before coining to . '74 - - on. Tu,esday. s, "One Things Fools Do." An a • 1� "' . First Presbyterian Church held their ,Miss GI-aco -Somervflle spent the them WO rendered by thitt, choir with resided in that city. Surviving are t, % .. . I .1 1% ­ .Seaforth, lie resided in Chicago and . �e week,4vid with Miss Ire -no Bolton. Xhas Isabel Rit6hie preesidhV at the hem huqfband, one son, uNelson, and 2. ? ": � I.. . Jtily.,nieeting last Thursday afternoon , � "! � . ,� , . also in 'Mexico. Forty-five years �wo Cavan- Church and Sunday,,- School organ in the sibsence 69 Visa Bes,sie two daughters, Mrs. Charles Percy !, I,., ` Von SAX191-4pliVe mres, 0116 Mile at the home of Mrs. Russel N. Dor- I _. . he was united in marriage to Miss held their annual pienic at Bayfield D'Ovi4soft. .•. and Miss Berta Avery; also two bTo- I I _ -1 Ifivni , Is f4th- rnodeTn houee with raneb, The J,gdiQs quilted during the I , I 1y . ." I th d.rJ %%t- Mftll Ux'n- ifterhooli. The pirsqi,dent, Mrs. J. E3iza,,b e Adaimis, daughter of the f on Tuesday, when the fumbers of Recent visitors in the Vicinity:- ther-4, Sarduel, of WeDonald, i Man., hdol# I � t 9 "I I .1 ..Oi I 60A .0 15. Sp'lend'id L, Bell, was in the chair late Thomas Adamis, one of the eaTly 11...i_' 'A �t n , f ,i al , , i I;! 0 ­ . 14S mir an4, op�hed , IrSE4118CO th4 church an e,Aj*yWble after. Mrs. rm ro g_0 ,C ary,,Alta., and Edward o-4. the bomesiead in Me-_ .222 .11 � . ­ . , , 'r '. I . - -1 - A 0 - Ki$l p, d , ,( . . 1�6 _ - - - "121611 In The prancers of this district, who owned 'Onfloy I 0, and three W P'L. . " "L I , fgvm, Wes,ltthe pro -gram wit a hymn. Welver ,� lad 0 noon. The followitig were the win- at the home of Mrs. Will tom Neal tbr sisters, Mrs. Al- - l i� I I race, ,Mra, G6rley, Emimer- I I . seripture lesson W" read, by Mrs, - el -man, d It4willt-on'- Ion, Saskatoon� . ri. ,��' . I . *01"' . i � the farm on which now comprises• Hers of rite, siparts. Girls, ot 7 Uri. U&N Rate , I . .,�, ., - 1. ,7. I ,Y I Mi the town site of Seaforth. . �;,'�, *djt6fjhj bfjt,, T W. Wkgillan, after which ,i 'Part ,of 3�ears,aiid under, R ri%, it, W' s0h,,,AT�tn.,'"d"Miss Bessie Davidson, - I �,K"-, -, .. I I a v, - gA .1 I ,I Mrs. Gales pTedeeeAsed him nine Years Mottle 51. nth P&CIare, Jean 'With bet tarolits, mt. And"Im � . , I , �; z ; Aw. r -, - I ,Clinic.. J U 0611 mad a T40k On ';6 M-Wi Pryvd; b6-yw raeo.�, 1, y,&TA and, ,under Abs- Wit. 41id Mri. t#611b Jb6lton, �j id 'PaKinop. ; , 4 I ,! , . . K, , ,,� - , � . " 1. � , . , � . I i , . .. 898 . i . I .. � I r I . . I . I . ., "', '" .4 k . 1,t I I ,:.. , 1, . �,) I I I . I . I . . d � �� . I.. ­­ , 1 , il, ". I . , . I I . . " .. . . � ., i ,, , ..y, ; . I . I . . I . I . "*I'-- . I . I �, . . i e . I - -.1 .. " , . .. I � . �, . I 'I. , . , , , . , " . .. . I . . . I I ." 11.S4 . � , Ott , . , . . . . . .. . ,� i I 1. ,�, � 4 " , . "t, 1, , I " , I I , ,, I . 1. .1 1. . " '. , '. . I ­, , �* , W e", , �'1111, ,I � , li, ." "�11,1 ed 1 " ,; ,,. " &j .0 0,t`.,�",­,.­. 't ­ 6'u'..FI.,1 "o". d.., I—_ ,�,�,, , - . . , I . IS , � it, I !­ ,,, ". 4, 'It It ,.1 . , I %. � �rlA14ib • . . I